HomeMy WebLinkAbout1031 PALM AVE; ; CB984204; PermitB U I L D I N G P E R M I T Pe~mlt No: CB9842l4 ProJect Nu: A9~05453 DPVelor r1e lt N{_ ; 12/03/98 11:04 Page 1 of 1 Job Address : 1031 PALM AV Permit Type : MISCELLANEOUS Parcel No : 205-191-01-00 Valuation : 2,912 Suite: Lot#: 4018 12/03/98 0001 01 02 C-PRMT Construction Type: NEW 87-00 Occupancy Group: Reference#: Status: ISSUED 12/03/98 12/03/98 JM Description : ROOF 2800 SF COMPOSITION Appl ied : Appl/Ownr : SCHOTT ROOFING 225 E CARMEL STREET SAN MARCOS CA 92069 Fees Required Fees: Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description Miscellaneous Fee A MISCELLANEOUS T 760 Apr/Issue : Entered By: 744-6460 .00 .OU 87.00 *** Ext fee Data I . ~RMIT 87.UO PERMIT F 87.00 , ,, ,. ;.~DANCE Wini U.B.C. DATE__,....,_......,.......,_:,,..;NATURE (6fv FINAL APPROVAL INSP. ____ DATE ____ _ CLEA1~4.NCE _______ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY >E RMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 PLAN CHECK NO. 9/!L/ld( EST. VAL. 2:t( 2« Plan Ck. Deposit--------,-- Validated By (7},~ :§ Li Date JJ/~ t. PROJECT INF~ 1031 ~ Pr11-e. Address (include Bhig/Suite I) • Business Nama (at this address) Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number Unit No. Phase No. Total I of units Proposed Use lot Stories I of Bedrooms 1 ·01 Bathrooms Name State/Zip Telephone I Fex II (Sec. 7031.5 Bualneaa end Profenlona Code: Any City « County which requlr .. a permit to c:onatruct, altar, Improve, demoHlh or repair any structure, prior to Its issuance, also requires the applicant for auc:h permit to file e signed statement that he la licensed pursuant to the provialona of the Contr■ct«'a Uc:_. Lew (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of .Division 3 of the Business and Profeuiona Coda) Of that he la exempt therefrom, and the basis for tha ■Ueged exemption. Any violation S■c:tion 7031.5 by any applicant for• PJ.rmit aubj■c:ta the• plic■nt o • · ii penalty of not more than five hundred doll•!~}•pOOI S 1:i . -s t \.0..V • Z.Ob 1<.f'-t•fo ~' Nam■ Address City State/Zip Taleption. I State Uc:enae I 3j() ! Z.5 Uc:enH Class C. :S j City Bulin ... Ucenae I ______ _ Designer Name Addreu City State/Zip Telephone State Lic:enH I ________ _ 6. WORKERS' .COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Oec:laration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following dec:l■retlona: 0 I have end will maintain a c:ertifiut■ of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation H provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, f« the perf«mance of the w«k for which this permit la Issued. '[)' I have and will maintain workers' compensation, ■s required by Section 3700 of the Labor Cod■, for the performance of the work for which this permit la ie\cied. My w«ker's compenHtion insurance c:arriat and icy number are: Insurance Company S , Policy No. ::Z'& S • qg 00:0 7 2 S Expiretion Date I • I ' Cj 0 (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLET IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS (UOOI OR LESS) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I c:attify that In th■ performance of the work for which thia permit la Issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so aa 10 b■com■ subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: F ' compenaatlon cov■rage la unlawful, and lhall aubjac:t an employ■, to crimln■I penaltlea and clvU fine■ up to -lu'lclred thouHnd to the co•t of compenaatlon, cl■magu u provided for In Sec:tJon 3~:eT:f 12:t: °'j•~ and ■ttomay'a fw. ILDER DECLARATION'~,-':.._r, ,, , : -~·y: .:..,.; .... , ·i.:·~"':~f'~· ~.·~-J:;•;. .. ~-~;.:-~·~..:rll•~~;:-,;..,. ~-':'."',r,~.:i;_"u.;;r.H· :.,-:r-:•::~~~--~"':---i;'r""~:.:~~-:~-~~.r~:fly,:'.i·;-~t-fiJ\~;,':'~r, ~f?7;:; . ,.! I hereby affirm that I am ■x■mpt from the C a tor'a Lic:■na■ law for the following reason: · 0 I, as owner of the property or my amploy■ea with wagu as their sole comp■na■tion, will do the work and the structure la not intended or off■red fOf ule (Sec. 7044, Buaineu and Profuaiona Coda: The Contr■c:tor'a Uc:ana■ Lew do■s not apply to an own■r of property who builds or lmprovu thereon, and who do■a such work himself or through his own employHa, provided that such improv•m•n~ are not Intended or offered for 111■. If, however, tha building or Improvement la sold within one year of completion, the ownar-buildar wut hav■ the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpoa■ of Hie). 0 I, as ownar of the property, ■m exclusively c:ontrac:ting with Ucana■d contractors to c:onatNCt the project (Sac. 7044, Bualneu and Prof■ulona Coda: The Contractor's Lie-■ Lew does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improve• thereon, and contracts for auc:h projects with contr■c:tor(sl lic:-ed pwauant to the Contractor's UcenH Lewi. 0 I am exempt under Section ______ BusinHS and Professions Code for this re11on: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and matatials for construction of the propoHd property improvement. 0 YES ONO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for • building permit for the proposed work. 3. I hav■ contracted with the following person (firm) to provide th■ proposed c:onatruction (include nam■ / address / phone numba, / contr■ctora lie:-■ number): 4. I plan to provide portiona of the WOfk, but I have hired the following P.8flon to coordinate, aupen,lae end provide the majOf work (include name / addr■aa / phone number/ contractOfa lie:-■ number): ____________________________________________ _ 5. I wut provide aome of tlle work, but I have contracted lhlredl the following persona to provide the WOfk Indicated (include name / addr-/ phone number/ type of work): ______________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE________________________ DATE _________ _ 'COMPLETE THIS SECTioN FOR NON,RES'IDBmAi.'aOllblNo P£i1Mri'J~0NLYAW.Rrf"i:'.tl'tl~l':,';";.~i~l:!!'-'J.1"!'~~J1ffl.!~~]~!.!':':.;~~~·~,..,.!:!'~ .. m::w· Is the applicant or futur■ building occupant required to aubmlt • ~ plan, acutely h■zardoua materials registration form or riak management and prevention program under S■ctiona 25505, 25533 Of 25534 of the Pr■aley-Tann■r Hazardous Substance Account Ac:t7 0 YES O NO Is lhe •ppllcant or future bulding occupant required to obtain • permit from tha air pollution control district or air quallty management district? 0 YES O NO Is the facility to be conatruc:ted within 1,000 f■et of the outer boundary of a ■chool alt■? 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT IE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFACE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there ia ■ construction lending ■g■ncy for the parformanc:■ of the work for which this permit ii Issued (Sac:. 3097111 Civil Coda). LENDER'S NAME _____________ _ LENDER'S ADDRESS ______________________ _ :9. · •.. APPUCANl' CERTIFICA tibNZ'iW-IT.ft"l'P.'l<1;'q;;:~;5i•rc:\ ;s;-r~-i~<J1m~~-~~?l--l'i'/;!t"-'';1l:.;?~.9.i~..;ip;~~~~~~~.~'Fiil:,-.:ir ~·~J>:.-;::r-i;J: ·-:.,~ .... _, I certify that I hav■ read Iha application and atat■ that the above Information ii c:orr■c:t and that th■ infOfmation on the plane la acc:urat■. I agr■e to comply with aU City «dln■nc:u and State lawa r■leting to building construcdon. I hereby authorize r■pr■s■nt■tiv• of th■ Cltt of Carlabad to enter upon th■ above mentioned p,operty for inapec:tlon purpoau, I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY ANO KEEi' HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARlSIAD AGAINST AU. UA8IUTIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit Is required for excav■tiona ov■r 5•0• deep and demolition or c:onatruc:tion of struc:turu over 3 atoriH In height. EXPIRATION: Ev■ry permit laauad by the fflclal und■r th■ provlalona of this Coda shall expire by limitation and b■coma null and void if th■ building « work authorized by ■uc:h permit la ithin 385 days from the data of auc:h permit or if the building or work authorized by auc:h permit is suspended or abandoned at any time aft■, d for od of 180 days (S■ction 108.4.4 Uniform Building Code). A, • J • /J ~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE --j~~ ... r--z:.._,:::;..._111.:::::~--------------DATE _/ __ C, ____ "7 __ # _____ _ •• ,u,,.c-. e:,... v ~•' l"\\H . /\---,:-a.... DIMV• S:ir,,.,, .... PERMIT# CB984204 DESCRIPTION: ROOF 2800 SF TYPE: MISC CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST FOR 12/14/98 COMPOSITION AV STE: INSPECTOR AREA PD PLANCK# CB984204 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW LOT: JOB ADDRESS: 1031 PALM APPLICANT: SCHOTT ROOFING CONTRACTOR: PHONE: 760 744-6460 OWNER: REMARKS: C/PHOL/744-6450 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: CD LVL DESCRIPTION PHONE: PHONE: dL INSPECTOR~L~~~-~· ~~~:::::::::=. ACT COMMENTS _1s __ sT_R_oo_f_l_R_e_r_o_o_f ________ 1f z.H&Wdh ------------------------------------ ***** INSPECTION HISTORY***** DATE DESCRIPTION 120498 Roof/Reroof ACT INSP AP PD COMMENTS ..... ~ ~· ....,, ........ ~~-~ ..... v ~ 1 1 v, v, nu,,....,..,,,., .,....,, u,·-;;'-, 1111 1,v, '"'l'vvvvv-,: I IV'-a • CITY OF CARLSBAD 1. 2. 3. 4. s. *6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. SUPPLEMENTAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REROOFING JOB ADDRESS IOo I 3'.e! ryt A-,/e_ · TYPE OF BUILDING: RESIDENTIAL X COMMERCIAL __ ROOF SLOPE: RISE 4 inches in 12 inches °""'-d /2-/12.. · , TYPE. OF EXISTING ROOF COVERING '5 SHEATHING :,/up NUMBER OF EXISTING ROOF COVERINGS (circle one) · 2 . 3 NEW ROOF MATERIAL~ &D&◄tfkn ~CLASS J.\. WEIGHT PER SQUARE NUMBER Of SQUARES _2--=8_7J" __ _ 820' TRADE NAME \ VY-. h9 :\-~ HAHUFACTURER_41\:.....,"'"F _____ _ . ~Sn-rl ROOF SYSTEM APPROVAL UL No. ____ ~ 0 .3%1... lS THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN SUFFICIENT TO SUSTAIN THE WEIGHT OF THE PROPOSED ROOF YES X NO ---If the answer is no, a roof plan must be provided with this application. Fire rating of roof: Class A..Y Class B. __ I understand the following inspections are required; l, Tear Off/Pre-inspection prior to installing new roof covering. 2. Final Inspection I agree to provide a ladder extending at least 2 rungs above the roof for inspection~ ., --l~I.X..~~~~------....!../!:..2:....:· 3~•-=-'l~g,_· --- SIN DATE Contractor _ _,_X_;__ Owner __ _ Contractor Name :5dttJ'!I ~ 1:J T IIC • *6 -Rolled Roofing, Tile, Shake, Shingle, Asphalt/Comp Fiberglass, Built up.