HomeMy WebLinkAbout1044 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; 83-285; PermitDECLARATIONS LENDER WORKER S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTORl r Hit Ills i -il »iSS ;-SS:STRUCTION WHETHER SPECIRED HEREIN OR NOT 1 ALSO AGREEKEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIESEXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITYGRANTING OF THIS PERMITTO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND, JUDGMENTS, COSTS, ANDIN CONSEQUENCE OF THEAPPLICANT S SIGNATURE * OWNER D CONTRACTOR,^/// l\ S- y t " *. L -. -f- BY PHONE a(^/'/\&CL&^&& f &£t ,D f -co ^t ^§S>E CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETEfFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THATARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT ANDID TO COMPLY WITH ALL CiTY COUNTY5 -n > w 33 !"" ~aC/JH-T3 >rn -n o TION AND PERMITRMATION HEREONCERTIFY AND AGRLAWS GOVERNINz m ^ 3: z w m -<Expiration Every permit issued byCode shaH expire by hmitalion andauthorized by such permit 13 no! ccrrpermit or rl the building or workc 3 « <n till ing Otilctal under trtenull and void It thewithin 180 days fromted by such permitirovisionsof thisjuildmg ar workthe date of suctis suspended or* *3foSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER5 0 DEEP AND OEMOLfTION Ofl CONSTRUCTION OfSTRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES fN MEtGMT—io m 33 n $ o o 33 O mmCO r~m •^ ?7 I tR$? < /^\ <c TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS)-*• ^- 1 o m 3J oo in > ^TEMPPOLE 200 AMPSREMOOEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT \£\\ TJ 3: 0 en fl) o ono o to I i tn p (O o 00o o to EXIST SLOG EA AMP/SWT/6KRROCK STORAGECDO IS)o (O T3 I STORAGE TANKSo <uCL CDO O in NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/BKRoo o o (/I t/)o oo -nm Oi—I o-H OH ELECTRICAL PERMIT ISSUE^OH SOLARU)encm CD 33 O CTm Tl m PUBLIC FAC— ( THm CO ao oo COto TOTAL PLUMBING$ \TOTAL MECHANICAL\ \ -n 33m on 33 m33C/l o ao oo COr-o i STRONG MOTION 8092330519\s S O 3]OO o33 C/l C/l O 1— 31 O OO Oo CD Jl WATER SOFTNERRELOCATI3N OF EA FURNACE/HEATERMOBILEHOME PARK INSPEACH VACUUM BREAKERMECH EXHAUST - HOOD/DUCTSo CD O m o oo oC3 EACHINSTAL ALTER REPAIR WATER PIPEm —\ -n z to Z CT a o—i MEGHANo oo oo CO \EACHGASSYSTEM50R MOREMETAL FIREPLACEm —i3J O O O Oco Ol *!i }EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 T04 OUTLETS-BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HP—lO-H TI C CD O OO CD CD i 1 \ Tl OX mre Tl •Hm 3 O 31 Z. -A T -^BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HPf oa:m o aooo COCDoCT) ^ \EACH BUILDING SEWER•N ^ o m 3> i=>o o o CDHC SIGN PERM-H O OOoo d>ro \ SJ EACH FIXTURE TRAP^-1 \ \INSTALLFURN DUCTS OP TO 100 000 BTUBUILDING PERMo oooo COINJroo \ -^ fc L. 0 *3 "0f~cs CD O -amID H <J> Cm s! O-i MECHANICAL PERMIT ISSUEr SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER ^» V v \CENSUS TRACTO r Z O Cw PARKING SPACERES UNITSO D NG PERMIT ISSUEDY Q N L~JREDEVELOPMENTAREAYO NDTYPECONSTOCC LOAD< Ia s a I 11 * «* «; p ^ 6 mrm NOSTORIESOno •o moc &V Is $ ^C 0 3•>-*'\ •^ ^ Dmen ri >T r DESIGNER S ADDRESSJUlX JteWAJ/XfejZA.1 £ Si 0*\ t ] DESIGNER S PNONE* IO3 cr i CD 0* til S c-3) V3 3 ' Jln f O [ BLOCKSUBDIVISIONASSESSOR PARCEL NOO S-^. D !' r V£ n <Mm ft STANDARD PLAN #<O COo s om O Sz"^a m 0 I o^c "?*• o Va «<- s^^/ m t v <"•JJ if r V^ H D O **. m F LICENSE NO2'7^4'33-11r- Z a * 09ra Ulm oOD O Szm 3) Oil L. "•Si z C» a o m 1^ O Z-t*• 31 2>O O O 1 31 CONTRACTORS/HONE «^3-f^-i3a?1m om OO in O •f r J r) -i __ oC^ f yib !?0 C wSoz CD \ 1 4 trt\A I ^ ^^V m V > ^ o><h3 z ^r\ ! rSOs>m JJ LSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PEPm, Carlsbad California 92008 1989 (619)438-5525White - Inspector Green - (1) Finance (2) Data Process, Yellow — Assessor jjnko,- Applicant Gold — Temporary File />m 33 T)O ar z o=r -< 00 •V •ntoCrt XJ»3D O >TJ TJr- O> Z-t-1o2; r—r- z z•nO DD !o2 S 3 2 C/3XcncI3 P 3 1 ( 1r<1 Cn o B*fti CALL FOR FINAL INSPECITEMS ABOVEi. p CQ 5; §3 v 1> O 5 Gm Ul en TJ £7)BGH £ C. Z 00 OT o o CD DO o BGo H H X OC ^/r :s ^> O TP00 m to O 33 C M 0 -n "O 01 O TP O O O o m m 00 m TIO O en GRADING#CUBIC YARDS RIMIER NOTIFIED INIERDEPARTMENrAL INFORMATION .SHFFJ BUILDING ADDRESS A.P.N DATE:3 0 1231wJJ C.I . PLANNING DEPARTMENT ZONE' ENCINI1AS SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO_ CARLSBAD SAN MARCOS -UNITS REQ'D:PROVIDED: COVERAGE ALLOWED: PARKING SPACES REQ'D, _ PROVIDED: PROVIDED: BUILDING HEIGHT REQ'D: FRONT SETBACK ALLOWED' PROVIDED: SIDE SETBACK REAR SETBACK PROVIDED: INTRUSIONS: RE-DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL LANDSCAPE 6 IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: OK TO ISSUE:DATE.OK TO FINAL:DATE: ENGINEERING DEPAR1HENT R.O.W: IMPROVEMENTS. PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE:SEWER CONNECTION IHi^^^^^^Vij DRIVnVAY LOCAflOM(S). GRADING PERMIT: ASEMENTS EGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS DRAINAGE: *ClirCK IF LNGl.NEERINf, INSPECTION REQ'D. 0\T FINAL. OK TO ISSUE: DA'lE PWI: OK TO MNAL: DATE: 30: A II- 'HITS IT1M IS NOT CIILCKLU, IMIILUfN FINAL INSPECTION'. County of San Diego R J Sommerville Air Pollution Control Officer September 14, 1983 ocririca: OF CARLSB/ Department Chevron U.S.A., Inc. p R. E. Dixon, Engr. Supv. ^ P.O. Box 2833 La Habra, CA 90631 Dear Mr. Dixon: After examination of your Applications Nos. 30332 and 30539 for an Air Pollu- tion Control District Authority to Construct and Permit to Operate a gasoline dispensing facility (SS #2321) located at 1044 Elm Street, Carlsbad, CA, the District has decided on the following action pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 41960, and Rule 20 of the Air Pollution Control District Rules and Regulations: Authority to Construct is granted to add six nozzles at the above specified facility having an estimated maximum monthly throughput of 88,000 gallons. The basic gasoline storage and dispensing equipment, including gasoline vapor control system, is to consist of: One (1) 9,562 gallon storage tank (existing) for Premium gasoline with five (5) dispensing nozzles, One (1) 9,562 gallon storage tank (existing) for Regular gasoline with five (5) dispensing nozzles, and One (1) 5,160 gallon storage tank (existing) for Unleaded gasoline with five (5) dispensing nozzles. Parker Coaxial Phase I gasoline vaoor control system, and Chevron Balance Phase II gasoline vapor control system. This Authority to Construct is issued subject to the following conditions: 1. A copy of this Authority to Construct letter shall be posted or kept readily available at the above specified facility until the District issues the Permit to Operate. 2. The permit applicant shall notify the District (Walt Geudtner, 565-5419) within ten working days following the vapor recovery installation that construction has been completed. Failure to notify the District automat- ically cancels the temporary authorization to operate that is incorporated into this Authority to Construct letter. Continued operation after can- cellation is a violation of District Rule 10(b) and can result in civil and criminal penalties. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 9150 Chesapeake Drive. San Diego, California 92123 (619) 565-5901 Chevron U.S.A., Inc. September 14, 1983 Application No. 30332 3. The modification to the existing gasoline vapor control systems shall con- sist of the addition of six (6) gasoline dispensing nozzles with island vapor piping modi ficatilons and reconnections and shall be constructed and installed in accordance with ARB Executive Order G-70-53-AA. A high hose arrangement installed in accordance with E.G. G-70-52-AB is required for each new nozzle installation. All existing dispensers at this site not having the high hose arrangement may be converted to this configuration without additional fees if done at the same time as the installation of the additional nozzles. The high hose arrangment for existing dispensers will be mandatory by July 26, 1986. 4. The modifications as described in Condition No. 3 above shall be imple- mented as shown in the Chevron sketch received by the District on Septem- ber S, 1983, as nodifltfd -by-condfr/ions "herein, wo dispenser pi ping 'detail was submitted. 5. The vapor hoses shall nave a swivel at each end. The nozzle-end swivel shall be Pomeco Mcdel 7 or Husky I-VI or an OPW 43. The District recom- mends a hose-end fitting swivel in addition to the latter two. The island-end swivel s^.all be a Wedgon 45 degree pin-stop or a Gilbarco RI5085 with Pomeco 5S-3 swivel stop. The District recommends a hose-end fitting swivel in eadj'ion to each of these island swivels. 6. The product hoses snail have a swivel 5t the nozzle end the same as for the vapor hoses. It is recommended thott a swivel be installed at the island end of the hoses to prevent hose damage or undue wear. 7. An emco Wheaton A-10 fuel flow rate limiter (10 gpm maximum) shall be installed for each gasoline dispensing no7zle. 8. Upon request of the District the permittee shall provide access, facili- ties, utilities, and any necessary safety equipment, for vapor control system testing and inspection. 9. The permit applicant shall have the following tests performed in accor- t "wT"cTi rfccommenaea District ~proc*e<suTes"and provide this "of lice -with" the results: a. a pressure decay/leak cest of the entire vapor control system including nozzles and underground tanks. b. a liquid blockage test of all vapor piping to the outside of each dispenser to ensure adequate line slope and liquid drainage. It shall be verified by listening or other means that the test liquid returns to the correct product tank. c. a pressure drop vs. fleetest from the farthest added nozzle to the associated underground .tank for each product grade. This test is to include nozzle, hose, trap., associated fittings, piping and storage tanks and shall be performed with the same product's tank vapor drybreak valve open and all vent pipes temporarily closed during the test* Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. 1 September 14, 1983 Application No. 30332 i , .' -3- | Contact the District by telephone (Walt Geudtner, 565-5419) prior to conducting these tests so that they may be witnessed by a District representative. Documentation of prior tests of this type may be submitted for reveiw and approval to satisfy these test requirements. This Authority to Construct does not relieve the holder from obtaining permits or authorizations which may be required by other governmental agencies. Con- tact the appropriate building inspection department (city or county) and fire district prior to installation of the vapor control equipment, for permit and/or inspection requirements. Within ten days after receipt of this Authority to Construct, the applicant may petition the Hearing Board, in accordance with Rule 25, for a hearing on any conditions imposed herein. This is not a Permit to Operate. Operation of this equipment without written authority I District Permit to Operate, Startup Authorization or Hearing Board Variance, etc.) will be in violation of Rule 10(b) and will be subject to civil and criminal penalties. This Authority to Construct authorizes temporary operation of the above facil- ity, to commence upon receipt by the District of written notification of com- pletion of construction. This authorization will be in effect, unless can- celled, until the above facility is inspected by the District. If, during a Permit to Operate inspection, there are obvious deficiencies such as torn nozzle bellows, flattened vapor return hoses, etc., the District may deny your Permit to Operate or, depending on the extent of the deficiencies, require you to make repairs within a specified period of time. In the latter case, you will be charged a fee to pay for the reinspection. If the repairs are not made by the date of the reinspection, your Permit to Operate may be denied. This temporary authorization may be cancelled if documentation of successful completion of all required installation tests is not received within thirty (30) days after the completion cf construction. This Authority to Construct is nontransferable and will expire one year from date of issuance"~™ " — If you have any questions regarding this action, please contact me at (619) 565-3924. Sincerely, C. McCAFFERTY Associate Air Pollution Control Engineer JCM:sh cc: Building Dept. Fire District V Jl 'u 1 Vjo J R- J- Sommerville County of San Diego Air Pollution Control Officer CITY OF CARLSBAD u u 01 moo * Building DepartmentMarch 31, 1983 Supervising Engineer • CHEVRON USA, Incorporated t ... Post Office Box 2833 >„ - - ,, " La Ha bra, CA 90031 ^ ^ \ , - „ \, ' . ~ «>i - ,**_•> Dear Mr. Dixon: , ;f >, After examination of your Application Nos. 30144-6 and 30148-50 for Air Pollution Control District Authorities to Construct and Permits to Operate gasoline dispensing facilities located as specified in Attachment I, the District has decided on the following action pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 41960, and Rule 20 of the Air Pollution Control District Rules and Regulations: Authorities to Construct are granted to install overhead hose retractor mechanisms (Twin Hose Side Mount High-Retractor Configuration) at the above specified facilities. Estimated maximum monthly throughputs and basic gaso- line storage and dispensing equipment are specified in Attachment I. These Authorities to Construct are issued subject to the following condi- tions: 1. A copy of this Authority to Construct letter shall be posted or kept .readily available at each of the above specified facilities until the District issues Permits to Operate. 2. The modification to each existing gasoline vapor control system shall only consist of installation of the Twin Hose Side Mount High-Retractor - Configuration and shall be constructed and installed in accordance with ARB Executive Order G-70-52-AA. 3. Upon request of the District the permittee shall provide access, facili- ties, utilities, and any necessary safety equipment, for vapor control system testing and inspection. 4. The permittee shall have a pressure drop vs. flow test (Test Procedure TP-79-3) performed on each nozzle in accordance with recommended District procedures and provide this office with the results. 1 Contact the District by telephone (Joe Yager, 565-3923) prior to conduct- ing these tests so that they may be witnessed by a District representative AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 9150 Chesapeake Drive. San Diego, California 92123 CHEVRON USA, Incorporated page 2 March 31, 1983 This Authority to Construct does not relieve the holder from obtaining per- mits or authorizations which may be required by other governmental agencies. Contact the appropriate building inspection department (city or county) and fire district prior to installation of the vapor control equipment, for per- mit and/or inspection requirements. Within ten days after receipt of "this Authority to Construct the applicant may petition the Hearing Board, in accordance with Rule 25, for a hearing on any conditions imposed herein. , '. ~ j This is not a Permit to Operate. Operation of the above specified equipment without written authority (District Permit to Operate, Startup Authorization or Hearing Board variance)- wfll be in violation of Rule 10(b) and will be subject to civil and criminal penalties.i ' i i This Authority to Construct authorizes temporary operation of the specified facilities to commence upon receipt by the District of written notification of completion of construction. Tins authorization will be in effect, unless canceled, until the above facility is inspected by the District. This temporary authorization may be canceled if documentation of successful completion of all required installation tests is not received within thirty (30) days after the completion of construction. The Permittee shall notify the District by telephone (J. Yager, 565-3923) at the time of completion of construction and in writing within ten working days of the completion of construction. This Authority to Construct is non- transferable and will expire one year from date of issuance. If you have any questions regarding this action, please contact me at 565-3923 Sincerely, distant Air Pollution Control Engineer JY:de Enclosures: Attachment I ARB Executive Order G-70-52-AA Test Procedure TP-79-3 Q_ f- t~t OZD ZDo-o LU O C£CD a.~zi ~~^ 1— 4 CO to LUiz: — iLU r-Ja. hv]to O »-• :ZIQi f LU CD^L t~ i • — J 0 CD 21 CO— -f*^L. CD f-^:j— LU CJ2: ZDa. CD. 1~H O ZD CC O-Cu LU \ LULU r--j CC t~t <£ CO £Xo ^h~ ^: CO <C1—1 1 1LJ-J 2: LU1-1 CD~-l <Co orto o •cC h- CD to =*= • -~JCX Q_<c =$fc *o -I—) in MQJ S- T3 T=J=*J= «=£ • Q) CO -M• -r- CO CO -a E *- OJZ3 <d X)*r— i — ro E =3 QJQJ CHr—S_ QJ C 0. C£ ^D 1*>v. "*^. ^"^ro co ro IDE s- a>:3 ra -a*<~ i — > roS rj QJQJ CTlr— t. QJ Cex ct: ZD """"^ — » " — -«. . l j T L ro ro roen en en Cvl CM OUD to totn in r-^ en en in ^J-*4- Ir—oro COro led- ^S-1CD, *»— -M CM COro fv CM E XJ ,en r- ro f LU lQ=tt= |cnf- ^J-'r-/ CO *3*J S-• o| ro ito r- o'i •aE s- cur) ro ti ••- r- fde 3 QJ QJ Cnr—S- QJ c:Cu CC ^D•v^ -^^ *~^^ oj to «=t- -ae s- QJ=3 ro -a<- i — roE rs aiQJ en,—s- cu Ca. cz. ZD"%*- **-• ""*»•^ ro ro roen en en 0 0 O CD CD CD CD CD CD LO CD O • CO*3- o CO CD CD CO CM1 Cu *'en -fjin to.— oCD - enen CD QJ— i — =tfc O • OJco OJ c: • r— fd CO t— CO -aE s- QJn ro ID •r- i— rOE Z5 QJO) en, — S- QJ c: CX C£ ZD «d- -^j- ^t TD E S- QJ:3 ra ~o•f- i— roE n QJOJ en,—s_ QJ c:ex a; =D"~*~. ""--^ *v-^_ x ro ro roen en en CD O CO CD CD CD O CD CD CM «d- CTv i — CD LO, — O CO «3-cn•3-'=s-i CD* •o C£ C/J QJ C •r— O- r- >> OJ QJ CO S-co £- rocr> o i — • h- r-=«= o• ^J- 0 to CD• CM ro to CM _1 •aE t- QJr3 ro "o•>- r~ rd E- =5 CU Q> C«r-i j» cu c;ex c; ZD OJ OJ CM • -oe s- QJ 3 ft! TD•f— i — ro E 3 cuQJ en,—s_ cu c:ex a: ID^--. 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