HomeMy WebLinkAbout1048 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; 72-1204; PermitPermit No \ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only PhOHG 729-1181 DADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR D MOVE8 Classofwork 9 Describe work 10 Change of use from Change of use TO Fire Sprinklers Required Qves jCoveted *~~—.^" J uncovered NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL. BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION Special Approvals ZONING HEALTH DEPT FIRE DEPT SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify) Required Received Not Required SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED UN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK M O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH INSPECTOR .**/ AT t>o.. (>" ^^ ' ' ™ U* J- **- " .A , PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION pprm.tNn l-J ~~ /3 / $ City of CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA Applicant to complete numbered spaces only •* JOB ADDR ESS *~ , — ~ / f} £.** A "-— — « _,*-<'J--JI,^-J\M — ^•"1/>-~V LOT NO BLK TRACT 1 DESCR Osec *TT*CHED SHEET] OWNER • J MAIL ADDRESS C* T*^'-"^-^ "v"7"^- j^ *-^,^ AA^-^s--*^^ /<^" HP . \PHONE CONTRACTOR / j A MAIL ADDRE3S ""- ~— ' PHONE / f* LICENSE NO 4 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO *"••> 5 _-_--_ -1TENDEH MAIL ADDRESS f 1 BRANCH '""TZ'jGx~. ,,-f^ 76& Mfr)tJ£#£~. fiueM/t feuk 8 Class of work Q,WEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR C^^J^- 9 Describe work i / i / ^ / 50 SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLICATION ACCEPTEp 6Y PLANS CHECKED BV APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE 8V NOTICE ^ THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FORA PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION " * r ***~y t "•••- 7^ , J\ y~^f*--:&*^,Ji^J/ t V j /V/^w^rf^^^^1— SIONATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (DATE) SIGNATURE OF OWNER (If OWNEH BlitLOEB) (OATE) c n a r ^^ ^ ^ — Ji -65 o OJ S D U F1In "**^LS- Q PERMIT FEES No /„ * y -?'/ «2- ^-r ^Irt / I J ^ Type of Fixture or Item WATER CLOSET (TOILET) BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK & DISP DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER r URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR—SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS NO OUTLETS <j~ WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER CESSPOOL - SEPTIC TANK & PIT PERMIT $ TOTAL FEE S Fee S/> / /J ft t ~^? ^^-*-• C?£ / / * /T s> 0 ',5 fit S)f. C"X £f*/* -^ t— • Sf'. f*y> (# ^\~f ^ -o/O ,— ^ _^l ^ WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK M O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Permit No City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only PhORG 7 29-1181 Sfl JOB A DOR CSS MAI L ADDRESS CONTRACTOR / vXAAWCHlTtCT OH DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS EHC1KEEH MAIL ADDRESS MAIL ADDRESS USE Or BUILDING 8 Classofwork D ADDITION DALTERATtON D REPAIR 9 Describe work SPECIAL CONDITIONS PERMIT FEES ISSUANCE OF EACH PERMIT APPLICATION ACCEPTED By&L PLANS CHECKED BY NEW CONSTRUCTION, FOR EACH AMPERES OF MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE OR BREAKER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEDI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECTALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG FOR EA AMPERE OF INCREASE IN MAIN SERVICED SWITCH, FUSE OR BREAKER REMODEL, ALTERATION, NO CHANGE IN SERVICE, FOR EA AMPERE OF INCREASE TEMP SERVICE UP TO AND INCLUD- ING 200 AMP TEMP SERVICE OVER 200 AMP PER 100 3IONATURS OF CONTRACTOR OB AUTHORIZED ACEMT PERMIT FEE SICHATURE OF OWNER (IF OWN EH BUILOEH) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK MO CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH INSPECTOR MECHANICAL PERi /7$'-''^ SH City of CARLSBAD> ( Applicant to complete numbered spaces only PnOHG 7 MIT APPLK ;ALIFORNIA 92 29-1181 JOB ADDRESS ^, ,„ t '» ' i* j /\San Diego" Freeway & Elm, Carlsbad, Califoraia | () LOT NO ' BLK TRfiCT 1 DESCR j * j v OWNES * MAIL ADDRESS ZIP 2 *'•Sandy's $362, San Dieao Fwy.s- Elmr Carlsbad,, r»_ CONTRACTOR i MAIL ADDRESS PHONE t 3BX£VSH'&. SI'S H.Cttrus Aire. .Hollywood r Ca. 90018, 2i: :ATION 008 * "~ ~ i f * &~l 1 J/T ^r^ 1 n/i l>fc PHONE „ * , /f LICENSE NO , >f - C""2U 3*2jl£f ftff*t/r^ *3AT*Oft<*-, 4n I —9 R To < *sO /*Ri;r ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO ,. _, . -»> Dennv*s. Arch. Servlcef 7051 Mamma .ftaen* P»rkfra. 714-ft21-7Ana ENGINEER i MAIL ADDRESS PHONE L , 'T*.C. MaroKo & A38SOC. f8201 B«verly Rl.rT*nsi ftncjAlea r(V« LENDER MAIL ADDHEs"S " 6 LICENSE NO BRANCH USE OF BUILDING ' Restaurant 8 Classofwork WJEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR Install Heating, Air Conditioning and V«ntj r SPECIAL CONDITIONS , \,**-"f ' • • APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BV APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY /O 7/rf ^ . J/> A - /?* ^ * ' NOTICE ' THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION'AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, "THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION Xl 7""****^ * j^' * j*-X-^**J^ f* f ^ *•*- f -fr'fyf**r*t **"•"»•.? ' ^ j^***- ~^f"v-^"*\ f"_ .^^f^-*H^^^-&**f^'^u.u--i. * C?y^ *-J~f f if "tr**"* SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (DATE) SIGNATI BE OF OWNER (IF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) Type of Fuel Oil D No 7 4 1 ^2 7. Ll»tirm i 0 K* z 0 mB x > l" '• i*R J oa"U > * S3 m * *w a* , irjf 1 , *v.S. r* 3-"h '^ r n J, !*• tfc Nat Gas D LPG Q PERMIT FEES ' . Type of Equipment AirCond Units-HP Ea f9\1fi 4, / T \ K; Refrigeration Umts-H P Ea Boilers-H P Ea Gas Fired AC Units-Tonnage Ea Forced Air Systems— B T U M Ea Gravity Systems-B T U M Ea *£j£5f Furnaces— B Wall Heateri-BT Unit Heaters-B T TU ™e,- ^nr> M U M U M Evaporative Coolers Clothes Dryers Ventilation Fan , Range Hood Air Handling Unit C F M Incinerator Pj»ng*» Hrtorf T?x>i . Fans * f -i _ ' - PERMIT S TOTAL FEE $ Fee S77 •>o •5 10 6 A — ^&K ^0v , J no * Oft ftO 01 . nfi f * -N* "• t\t\ ^e\ V V ' t ~n 3 o -if- •n "^ vf~ -*. V* "-*« WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK M O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK M O CASH \ '*& ^, \ ~ f ~ , . i INSPECTOR urn PLAN RECEIVED riY BUILDING ADDRESS Ot'UER CONTRACTOR RECEIVED 2 G197Z CITY OF CARLSBAD., 'Building Department UNITS PROVIDED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED SETBACKS ^^ ___ fl S-^~_^>j^fLffh _ r ,' *P r - - ALLOWED REQUIRED PROTRUSCONS IN SIDE YARDS VK ISSUE PERMIT DATE M^^ ENGINEERING DEPT. R. 0. W. IMPROVEMENTS INDUSTRIAL WASTE_ &SEWER DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS EASEMENTS 00 DRAINAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION \. —T ' DATE S ~ -g - FIRE DEPT.efotTaitarsBssawaafta SPRINKLING SYSTEM FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT^ EXITS l<~(FIRE ALARMS FIRE HYDRANTS (location) * i / ^7 c o ISSUE PERMIT,'DATE 1 CCUPANCY WATER DEPT. COMMENTS ISSUE PERMIT DATE OCCUPANCY VIU1 RECJJIVIJO u/ JHKLD1NG ADDRESS CONTRACTOR Depasiincnt PIUTS PROVIDED _-—zZZk. SPACES PROVIDED ALLOWED t^*~REQUIRED SKTBACK;_PROTRUSIONS IN SJDEYARDS __Z A;? J^J-r/ ._.5; ;_. 9 ? ^ ISSUE DATE ')DATEj- 2.9 OR. 0. W. IMPROVEf4ENTS_ DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS_^_ K AS El IE NTS WAST LEGAL DESCRIPTION & - 3 -1 Z OCCUPANCY ^^^V/ ff DATE A DRPT, SPRINKLING SYSTEM FIRK PROTECTION EQUIPMENT CiA, EXITS L HYDRANTS (location) j c* / /^"* -> ^ AD CJ ,/i^^ ISSUE PERMIT co DATE 1 ^ IV 1 >QQCCUPANCYCi' <^A. CDAT-: / DIJPT. COMMENT rx ,2 1 ORDINANCE NO. 9245 2 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, ADOPTING SPECIFIC PLANS' SUBJECT 3 TO ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY TO THE CIT/ OF CARLSBAD;, ON-7F-FEE-PARCELS-OF- LAND ON THE 4 NORTHWEST, SOUTHWEST, AND SOUTHEAST QUADRANTS OF INTERSTATE ?5 AND POIMSETTIA LANE. 5 6 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, DOES 7 ORDAIN that a Specific Plan for the hereinafter described real pro- 8 perty be adocted in the following particulars: 9 SECTION 1. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. Those portions of Section 10 28 and Fractional Section 29, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, in 11 the County of San Diego, State of California, being Portions of 12 Parcels 24 and 30, Book 214, Page 170; and Parcel 5, Book 214, 13 Page 150 of the Assessor's Map of San Diego County. 14 SECTION 2. GENERAL CONDITIONS. The Specific Plans, marked 15 ~A-1, A-2, A-3 and A-4, attached hereto, entitled "Specific Plars 16 for H,B. Development Comcany, are subject to the following condi- 17 tions and restrictions: 18 A. The development of the property described in Section 1 19 hereof shall be subject to the restrictions and 1imi tat ions set 20 forth herein which are in addition to all of the requirements, 21 limitations and restrictions of all municipal ordinances and 22 State and Federal statutes now in force, or which hereafter may 23 be in force for the purpose of preserving the residential character- 24 istics of adjacent properties. 25 B. All public improvements shall be made in conformity with 26 the Subdivision Ordinance and other City standards to the satisfec- 27 tion of the City Engineer, without cost to the City of Carlsbad, 28 and free of all liens and encumbrances. 29 C. All land and/or easements required by this ordinance shall 30 be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City and / 31 free of all liens and encumbrances. 32 XX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 lis 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 3; XX SECTION 3. PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS. The following conditions shall apply with respect to those areas reclassified to C-2 (General Commercial) and shall be developed in conformance with their respective Specific Plans, as follows: A. That details of all work in the public right-of-way, including but not limited to driveway locations, shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer; B. All areas shown as GREEN areas on the Specific Plans shall i be landscaped in conformance with City Ordinance No. 9181, and shall be the responsibility of the applicant to assure maintenance of said areas; C. Offstreet parking shall be in conformance with Ordinance No. 9060, Article 15, Section 1511, designating numbers of parki ng spaces ; D. Six-foot (6 ft.) high, masonry walls shall be required on i the North boundary line of Specific Plan £-3 and on the South line of Specific Plan A-2; E. Signing shall be in conformance with the City of Carlsbad Sign Ordinance No. 9224, with the following interpretation pertaining to Specific Plans A-l and A-2. "Since said cluster utilizes the concepts of both a free- way service facility and general commercial zone, one (1 ) pole sign shall be permitted for each use and one (1) freeway sign shall be permitted, provided it is utilized only for those uses normally recognized as being a part of a freeway service facility." * F. That development plans be subject to review by the Planning Department, prior to issuance of any building perm it, to insure conformance with the Specific Plans A-1 , A-2, A-3, and A-4. XX -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 That a concept of architecture be adopted for the project and that all elevations for the project be subject to re- vie v/ and approval by the Planning Department, That a Record of Survey be filed, covering the entire area to be annexed, prior to issuance of any permits for grading or building, That all street improvements be completed adjacent to im- proved property prior to the Building Department's issu- ance of an authorization to occupy said improved property except that, Poinsettia Lane Westerly of Avem'da Encinas may be deferred until the Planned Community Zoning West of the railroad is developed or until, in the opinion of the City Engineer, traffic warrants construction. That all improvements be constructed as required by the Subdivision Ordinance and the City Engineer; That vehicular access rights to Poinsettia Lane be dedi- cated to the City, except at street intersections and at driveways, shown on Specific Plans A-l and A-2 (ingress to property only); That prior to issuance of permits for grading or building a report prepared by a consulting traffic engineer and show ing projected ultimate traffic volumes on streets within the annexed areas, shall be submitted to the City; That seuer service be provided by the City of Carlsbad and that all trunk lines be constructed to ultimate size by the developer ; That the City and the developer shall enter into a Reim- bursement Agreement, covering construction of the trunk line from the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility to Poinsettia Lane, The developer shall be reimbursed as follows* XX -3- 7 & > 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 XX a. Water Pollution Control Facility to Northerly boundary -- 100 percent; b. Northerly boundary to Poinsettia Lane -- Difference between cost and cost to construct a line of suffici- ent size to serve the total development (based on City Engineer's estimate.) That the developer be relieved on any requirement to con- struct the sewer trunk line between Poinsettia Lane and the Southerly boundary and, that the developer's total reimbursement be reduced by the estimated cost to construu an eight-inch (8 in.) sewer line in that area; That water service ^s hall be provided by the Carlsbad Muni cipal Water District; That all streets shown on the Project Site Plan be dedi- cated to the City, according to a schedule approved by the City Engineer; That details concerning responsibility for construction of a grade separation across the A.T. & S.F. railroad at Poinsettia Lane, be arrived at between the developer and the City staff, for approval by the City Council, prior to annexation. That the developer fund 25 percent (equivalent to one leg) of the cost of a traffic signal on Poinsettia Lane at Carlsbad Boulevard; construction to take place at such time as traffic warrants: Fire hydrants and water mains to supply them shall be constructed as follows and any deviation therefrom shall \ be approved by the Fire Chief and City Engineer: (1) The standard minimum size of mains used for hydrant supply • XX -4- 7-i- 2I \2*t ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 32 XX a. For residential districts (the mobile home park to be considered as a high density, residential district) - 3 - inch; 6-inch to be used only where it completes a good gridiron and in no case in blocks 600 feet or more in length; b. For mercantile districts, 8-inch and 12-inch; the former to be used only in sections where it completes a good gridiron, and the latter for long lines not cross-connected, (2) Hydrants - as per specifications on file with City Engineer and the '-'ater Department: a. Residential area, one to each 120,000 square feet, not to exceed 450 feet apart; b. Mercantile areas, one to each 80,000 square feet not to exceed 350 feet apart; c. On-site as we 11 as off-site hydrants within the annexed area, will be required. The location of all hydrants shall be approved by the Fire De- partment . Road widths for those areas zoned Planned Community, shall be considered at the time their respective Specific Plan V and Tentative Flaps are reviewed. Street widths for those other streets are as follows: a. Poinsettia Lane, from Carlsbad Boulevard to Batiquitos Road, will be a major arterial highway, 102 feet wide, with an 18-foot wide median divider; b. Avenida Encinas, from the North boundary to the South boundary, will be a modified collector street, 100 feet wide, with a minimum 16--foot median divider through a majori ty of the property; XX V/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11: 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 29 30 31 32 c. The median dividers on both streets shall be land- scaped by the developer in conformance with a plan approved by the City Planning and Engineering De- partments . SECTION 4. REQUIRED PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS BEFORE ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT. The following shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad before any building perm it will be issued for the develop- ment of the property described in Section 1 hereof: A. All street improvements including water, sewer, under- ground power and telephone, street tree planting, street light, storm drain and any other improvements deemed necessary by the City Engineer shall be/installed in conformance with City Standards and indicated on an approved improvement plan prior to the issuance & « - 2-1-*'- - ' /^of a building permit. [o S— ^ —y-—- •> >-- - "/TV--"/ /., •-" ]f B. All lands necessary for street widening shall be dedicated to the City of Carlsbad prior to approval of said improvement plan. l^ C. A grading plan shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit. SECTION 5_^ ADMINISTRATION AiJD ENFORCEMENT. The Building Department shall not approve any building for occupancy until the Planning Director has certified that all the conditions of this ordinance have been satisfied. The Planning Director of the City of Carlsbad is designated as the enforcing officer of this Specific Plan. His decision shall be final as to whether the subject property has been property de- veloped and improved- However, the owners of the subject property rrfay appeal to the City Council any decision of the Planning Direc- tor relative to this Specific Plan. Such appeal shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk within 10 days following the receipt of the decision of the Planning Director. The City Council's decision shall be final. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be effective 30 days after its adoption. The City Clerk of the City of Carlsbad shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen (15) days after i ts adoption . INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 16th day of December, 1969, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular0 tli January 7j meeting of said City Council on the , day of , 19 by the follovn ng vote, to wit: Cojiicil'-ea ')ur,ue, ll-jivwd^r and McCoys AYES- 3 o n e NOES: CounciV'en JarUInc an\l Cestro ABSENT: D. M. DUNNE, Mayor of the City of Carlsbad Carlsbad , California ATTEST: _ MARGARE/T E. ADAMS, City Clerk (SEAL) -7- COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY C J HOUSON Director Department of Sanitation & Flood Control P- T County Operations Center, 5555 Overland Avenue, San Diego, California 92123 . Telephone 278-9200 31 January 1973 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Mr. Hunter Cook, City Engineer SUBJECT: Carlsbad Industrial Waste (Project LT 4020) Sandy's Restaurant In response to your letter of 8 January 1973 we have investi- gated the application by Sandy's Restaurant for an Industrial Waste Discharge Permit. As a consequence of that investigation, we find that a permit may be issued provided the specific requirements that follow are incorporated into the permit: The grease interceptor shall be regularly cleaned and maintained to prevent an overflow of grease to the sewer system. Please send us a copy of the permit and special requirements when issued. V , /C^J. HOUSON > * JEF'HJS:cef MICHAEL C. MAROKO & ASSOCIATES AIR CONDITIONING HEATING VENTILATING T T i n-7iApril 1, 1972 82O1 BEVERLY BOULEVARD Los ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 9OO48 651-OO2O REFRIGERATION PLUMBING FIRE PROTECTION flPRl 01972 S8SS& City of Carlsbad Building Department 2960 Pio Pico Drive Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Chief Plumbing Inspector Re: Sandy's Restaurant #362 Carlsbad, California Dear Sir: We would appreciate obtaining the following information: 1. What plumbing code is followed in your city? 2. a. Is a grease trap required for restaurants of 162 seating capacity? b. If required, what fixtures are required to drain through the grease trap? c. Are there any restrictions as to the location of the grease trap? If so, what are they? d. Please send typical detail of approved type, if any. 3. Do you accept indirect waste from under counter and small counter type sinks? 4. a. May floor sinks and floor drains be installed on a combination waste and vent system? b. Are there any restrictions? If so, what are they? 5. a. Is flat venting permitted under slab on grade? b. Give any restrictions. c. Is a cleanout required where vent rises from below the floor? 6. What is the design rain fall in your area? In inches per hour. 7. a. Is it permitted to connect a kitchen sink located in an island counter with an island vent connection (foot vent) ? b. Are there any restrictions? If so, what are they? Page 2 Building Department Re: Sandy's Restaurant #362 April 1, 1972 8. Is it required to have a single full size vent through the roof if the cross-sectional area of all the vents through to the roof exceeds the area of the required house sewer? 9. Does a waste branch from a single floor drain or a floor sink require a cleanout or can the full line size opening through the trap serve as the cleanout? 10. a. Can water piping be installed below a slab on grade? b. Any restrictions as to materials or fittings? If so, what are they? 11. Are complete plumbing plans required to be submitted? 12. Are isometric plumbing drawings required? If required, must they be submitted prior to obtaining a permit? If you have any questions please contact our office. We would appreciate your earliest consideration of this matter. Very truly yours, MICHAEL C. MAROKO & ASSOCIATES Maki H. Miyahara Project Engineer MHM:ab SHEET NO ..J...., OF JOB NO „ .. ItitLOla • m VIA] 535-273! r2.AF-rea.-3 & EA m s M/SC '—— OEAC? LOAD LiW£ L<i>AD /. 5 2.0 2.0 fO.O /,5 23.0 20,0 TOTAL Lo/\o » 4-"3-OvWyo* <g> N orex? 2700 O <^ F" J2e^TAW/ZaM.te. ... SHEET NO ..."3r... OF tuJEsrr... • JOB NO ... WOHARD T. SHiHlfM STRUCTURAL HNGOTER , W, lincofn -:-. *nahehn ) 535 ?731 /6>'-9/'1 USe ~2.* /OQ-2.4' <£ & U 4' 525 *// ' S a -£-=•—* ™ r.—X f . 2. x f2.cS /G" "A ^n 5 4ZO _ J /5oo x I- 2 - •^ x 4-*a » 5 k o "*// 14 Setecr JSOOxl.-7.5i 4-x/Z. - 6>'-2r U CO ^ /ii.S+^.S ) 4-5 - 6,45 // A -xi S SPAN /. s 04- X /,2. / 6s> |7-0n (70 OX /.Z$ ... ELT3 DATE..?/?>BY ... JL<_J. U DATE.,.7:/—^ *• SUBJECT. CHKD BY. ... DATE RICHARD T. SHUiRMAN STRUCTURAL $3b 'A' Lincoln .7, y 6 Set ISOO X /.' (0 X '14'FIW- CA 7 x 3.Sx 9. * 4-v 4, s _ 477SQ x I Z• — — -* -- ^~ 4,750 P-* 4150+ ^x CO -^ 4-3 x \\ ~ 6 5 as 4.150 5 SHEET NO .-3., OF .6?... A- 6x14 SSL'. A* >- ,<ISoo x ,-57 iw BY. CHKD BY. . DATE . DATE SUBJECY ,Uf^_ .. . SHEET NO ...4r~- ' OF,__<J3. JOB NO.. «^,^%Z*^ USA 9V-4." D.L '+LL -f 15x414- -ZOO s o ^/TDP S+ D. 41 = s-o 4-- "2.0 X 4,1 4- iLxlO -f-^00 .-'II to 2«- BY.. CHKD BY C/™ ^ f m *3^2 ^DATE. .«/.73r sujjecT.OAhlOy.S...J^a5LTAWJaA.N.TJS... SHEET NO ..£..__ OF JOB NO ,.DATE. 8ICHAI® I -SHUIRMA 4 t;i-i> 535-2731 />/» ,'» 1,460 * * 1 -UM—iTfij^^li*^._-i*i-"'"*™-^ ii>^T ' IP \£5P<12£2£.^ ' "> T '.*-', . X 4r - P a'-lf-2.2.x BY ..... U# CHKD BY E DATE SUBJECT L 3 ' /,/y D)AM/ • u:A ^ j j N ^s «. j KV. . <-4H %.,_- r , . >*>i ! Z. t_(_ £0-tU' 'C fi- X crv —-;^M I I-*- ^v ', SHEET NO JOB NO /- L/Cs. r/Or.2 , Z ^ < i -T-* -.-_ - * t i•L/,' r - / -* u> 7 / 6=0. '/ 4 or 2. B r L o A u - "A" E" ST>2oT x 3o7o~r XoSQfcfc *, ./*' /<£ V£ C-j K ~7 C jo -7 Q ~ •5s x / /--,^_ N '.1 ^| ij^T" fi _vr~ ^ yU> I *r -^ V" /< 7 // //, ^^" c? 7 • —7 * ~f -s .< £>gr * < 2 < r Jy /7-7 - •'£• •J 37 ty f no . <-6 r "u^ r/? / v ^ / 2 /£.9£ <rx."• SEP 1 3 1972 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SANDY'S RESTAURANT §362 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA JUNE 20, 1972 SOILS REPORT (Boring Logs Not Included) Not Part of Specifications SOILS JWESTTG^TION AA'D PAVEffSiVT DESIGN AT Southwest Corner- Grand Avonuc and tne San Dae£o Freeway Carlsbad, Cal;; f ornn a P01? Mr. J o hri G r an t ^056 Skyline Road Carlsbad, Calirornia In CoopcT*at3on Vith DKNWY'S ARCHITECTURAL SJSRVJCDS 705- (Monroe Avenue Buena Park, Californj.a LISA KNTSRPR1SBS, J 786 V/e ..t l/J-Jic oJn Avenue Suite- "Kr- AnaJioim, Cala-T Triia 9^-801 jje,'comber J Job Number LJ SA EK'TEPPHJSES, INC. GEO-EAFVA LABORATORIES JOB NUMBER. PR Scojpq This report presents the results of our Poundatjon Soils Investi- gation of the site of the proposed Sandy ' s Restaurant $362 to be located at the Southwest Corner o^ Grand Avenue a_nd the San Diego Freeway, Carlsbad, C;?.lj fornxa. The physical J o cat a on and dimen- sions of the site are shown on the at cached Plot Plan, Plate "A" . Investigation was authorized to determine the existing soil condi- tions at the site and to provide data and specific recommendations relative to the foundation design for the proposed structure and for the construction of the parking aroa. Pr oj3 QJ3 e d ,_Ccm st_ru . cj-i o ri The proposed structure is to be ei single story steel fr^unc and masonry restaurant of about forty seven hundred (^-,^00) square feet. Xt is surrounded by parking and planter areas. Maximum wall and column loads of two thousand (2,OOO) pounds per Ijncar foot arid thirty two (32) kips respec ti vely are proposed for this structui^c . Site Cond it ion The site of the proposed construction JLS an irregular shaped parcel located on the Southwest corner of Grand Avenue arid the San Die^o Freeway in the Cit-y of Carlsbad , Ca3 if orriia. It xs bounded on the North by Grand Avonus, on the South by an existing service station, on the West by residential buildings, and on the East by the Son Dic^o Freeway. J.TSA LNTFRPPCSES, INC. GtfO-KXKTA LAiiQPATOR I£S JOB NUMBER: Sit c _Condi t Ion _fCon t _^c? ) Tho site IG level with the streets and adjacent property to tne Ea&t, West , arid North. It ranges from six (6) inches to three (3) feet loiter than the property to the South. Tho entire site slopes to the West at a rate of approximately trfo (2) pez cent . Drainage is by sheet flow to the Vest. Located on the Northeast corner of the property is an existing1 res identical building of wood frame construction. This area is also covered with c; large number of trees and large shrubs. The balance of the site ^s covered with a light to Moderate growth of grass ^nd weeds and a number of trees ranging in size from four (k) inches to ten (10) inches in trunk diameter. _ora^t 10 n The suosurfaco was explored by drilling four (^) six (6) inch diameter borings to depths of fifteen (15) to twenty (2O_) feet below the existing ground surface. The borings were placed in strategic locations where the major building is to be constructed, in a manner to determine the overall subsurface conditions. Loca- I tions o± the borings are shown on the attached Plot Plan, Plate "A" All of the borings were logged by our f i eld engineer and both undisturbed and disturbed samples of the soils encountered were obtained for laboratory testing and inspection. Lofjs of the borings are shown on Plates "D" through "£" . The soils are I,XSA EJVTK GI50-J5XE7VI JOB Exploration fCo_nt; 'jj) classified nn accordance v/i.th the Unified Soil Class ifi cation System described on an attached Plate. Also attached 10 a Plate shoeing the type of sampler used an obtaining uiidis turbed samples. A sample of the typical surface soil was acquired for use in detormo.nj.ng1 the resistance value of the subgrade soil. Laboratory The field moisture content and dry densities of the soils en- countered were determined by performing tests on the undisturbed samples. The results of these tests aro shown on the Logs of Borings, Plates "B" through "E" . Density and field moisture information as useful as indicators of the nature and quality of tho material, Direct shear tests were performed on selected, undisturbed samples of the soils in order to determine the strengths and supporting capacities of the soils. The method of performing these tests is to extrude the sample into the test apparatus, to apply the normal load, and to then allow sufficient time to elapse to dissi- pate a.ny excess hydrostatic pressure* The sample is then subjected to a strain-controlled single plane shear test. The method of applying the normal and shearing loact is such as to allow the ,',amplo to change in volume without producing an associated change LISA RHTJCRPRJSES, INC GEO-EXBTA lABORA JOtt DUMBER: FF-«14 Laboratory Testing (Cont'd) in the normal stress , The shearing stress is measured at a constant rate of strain of approximately O.O1 inches per minute. Selected samples of soil were tested at confj.ii2.ng pressures szmalar to those of the materials in sJLf u. Addit:! onal speci- mens from the sarao samples were also tested at increased normal. pressures in order to determine the increase in shear strong the associated with increased intorgranular pressure. The test results are plotted graphically on Plato "F(t . The resulting value is as follows : Angle of Internal Cohesion Soil Type Frict Lori (Decrees) (p . G . f . ) Clayey Sand 33 50 Cont.olT.dat 3 on testa were performed on saturated specimens of the typical foundation soils. Consolidomstors are designed to receive che undisturbed soil samples and brass rings in the fi&ld condition. Porous stones placed at the top and bottom of each specimen permit free flow of water into or from the specimen during the test . Successive load increments wore applied to the top of the specimen and progressive arid final settlements under each increment were recorded to a_u .iccuracy of O.O001 inch. The final settlements so obtained are plot, ted to determine curves shown on PJ ate.o "F" ^u-.d "G" LJSA ICNTEKPK J OES , Tj-.rC . GEO-EXFTA LABORATORIES JOB NUMBER; FR-8l'*-71 LaboraLnry Testing (Cont' d) The sample of the surface soil was tested using' the Hveem stabilomoter. Tho resistaiico ("R") value obtained is seventy five (75). Co n c 1 u sj-on s a? id Re c oirini en d a tiojn s S o i j.^ ^ Condi t_i o ri The site is made up of a deposit of clayey sand that extends to the depth of the exploration twenty (2O) feet. The sur- face soil appears to be reasonably loose, however, the underlying soil becomes more firm quite quickly. A color change from reddish brown to brown occurs at a level seven (7) to eaght (8) foot below the surface. This has no sig- nificance in itself, A-L about sixteen (16) feet an borings one (l) and three (3) a second color change was noted. The so^J is new a grey clayey sand. Since the water table v/as noted at fifteen (15) feet, the groy clayey sand was very moist. It also appeared to be a finer textured soil. All of tnc on-sj te material possesses #ood streng-fh factors, No man naclo fill was noted. Wo significant exnansive char- act erJstICG are present 0 LI SA E^JTEPPRTSES , INC . GFO-EXETA LABORATOR IES JOB NUMBER jFn-8l4-'/JL Design Continuous footings , j solated pad lootings or a combina- tion of both may be utilised foz" tno design of the founda- tion to support the proposed structure. All footings may be designed using- a safe bearing value of twenty seven hundred (2, 700) pounda per square foot for • footings that are a minimum of twelve (12) inches wide and that are embedded at least twelve (12) inchec. below the lowest adjacent finished grade 0 Continuous footings may rest on undisturbed natural ground or properly compacted imported or on- site fill soil. Isolated pad footings should rose on a pad of properly compacted soi.1 that is at least three (j) feet thick and that extends for two (2) feet beyond the edges uf the loot- ing en all four sides, The compacted soil may be the on- si to material that been compact cd or it may be import ooil that has been placed in accordance wi th the following grading cm t^ria. Settlement following the above procedures should not oxcoi'd one ha] f (l/2) inch with about ha3 f occuring during the construction period. Differential settlement is expected to be LISA ENTERPRISES, INC. GEO-KA'JETA LABORATORIES JOB NUMBER: (Cone ' d) Lateral loads wilJ be resn &ted by tho friction between the floor slabs and the subgrade arid by tho passive resistance of the soils against footings. A coefficient of friction of five tenths (Oa 5) may bo used between slabs and foo tings and subgrade. The passive resistance of the soJ3 may be taken to be three hundred forty (3^0) pounds per square foot per foot of depth to a maximum of three thousand (3 , OOO) pounds per square f oot , Active lateral soil pressure may be taken to be thirty (30) pounds per square foot per foot of death. Design For parking areas, a traffic index of five (5) is assumed. The on-site soil has an "R" value of seventy five (75}j. A recommended minimum of two (?) inches of asphalt concrete may be placed over Lhe properly compacted in situ soil, i i Demolition Special note shouJ d be taKen during the demolition of the i existing structure and the tree romova Is so as to 3 ocatet any underground lines or other obstacles such as -septic tanks and seepage pits. t LI SA EWTERPJU SE S , INC GEO-EXBTA LABOHATOR J H' JOB NUMBER: FE-ai4-? Demo 1 3. 1 ion fCont ' d) Any underground otructuros may either be removed fron the site or they may be loft in place, providing the f oJ lowing steps aro taken „ Any septic tanJf found ohall be pumped dry and filled with clean sand. Tne top and sides shall be broken anci removed if they are within fjve (5) foot of finished grade. Any water woll shall be cut off and capped, five (5) feet below finished grade , Any tree roots with a diameter greater than one (l) inch shall be excavated and cleared from the site. Any vitn- £ 3 ed clay leaching J ines or irrigation lines may be broken in place. All cavities shall be "Veed" so that compaction equipment will not bra age during grading conducted in the manner noi ed below. Prior to the general grading operations, the site should ibe stripped of all vegetation and demolition debris and other deleterious material and the strippings hauled from the site. -8- I,ISA ENTERPRISES, INC, GEO-EXETA LABORATORIES JOB NUMBER- PR-Si4-71 Grading (Conf d) Some grading as anticipated -in the development oJ! this site; and it is recommended that all surfaces that will support floor slabs or asphalt" concrete pavdng1 or that will receive fill, be scarified to a depth of eight (8) inches, watered or dried to near optimum mo mture content and rccompacted to a minimum of 90% compaction. Should fill be required, it should be placed in a maximum of eight (8) ^inch loose layers and each layer compacted, at near optimum moisture content, to at least- ?Q$ compac- tion. Clean on-site soils may be utilised as fill material* Imported fill soil should be predominately granuJar and non- Gxpans-ive. If the general site grading will not provide the required thickness of compacted soil for under the isolated footings, special note should be made and those areas over excavated at the start of the grading. For the purposes of computing the t]u clmens of the compacted pad, 31 iia proper to consider the eight (8) inch '-.carifymg and recompact ion as furnishing one (l) foot of compacted soil. Compaction Standard: A0S.T0M0 D 1557-70, modified to three (j) layers in lieu of five (5). LISA ENTERPRISES, INC. GJLO-EXKTA LABORATORYES JOB NUMBER: FR-SlV-?! Gr.ndmg (Corit' d) All grading operations should bo performed under tno super- vision of Geo-FxeLa Laboratories or other approved soil engineers. > If conditions are encountered during design, approval by the gov- erning agencies, and/or the construction period, that appear to bo contrary to the findings of this report, this office should be notified so that proper modifications may be made. Dale E. Goss, P. K. , C-12G37 Executive Vice President Respectfully sub^J ttod, ^^ A. Aubrey President PLOT PLAN LISA ENTERPRISES, JUG, GEO-EXKTA LABORATORIES JOB NUMBER: F BORING ONE LISA ENTERPRISES, INC. G£0 -EXIST A LABOfl/7OKIES JOB NUMBER: FR-8l4-71 PERCENT DRY MOISTURE DENSITY .15 SC Reddash brown clayey sand, medium mojst, mcd-ium SG Brown clayey sand, medium moist, medium farm SC Grey clayey sand Depth of bag sample Depth of undisturbed sample Ground Water VERTICAL SCALE J " = ^4f 6.8 101. 17. 7.1 104,6 Pl-ite "JB" o r BORING TWO CI ass gfj.cat3.oji SC Reddish brown clayoy sand, medauin mo-Lst, medium firm LISA ENTERPRISES, 1WC . GEO-EXETA LABORATORIES JOB NUMBER: PERCENT DRY MOISTURE DENSITY SC Brown clayey sand, medium moi&t, medium firm 15 Depth of bag sample Depth of undisturbed sample Ground Water VERTICAL SCALE 1" ~ V 8.6 l600 103-5 Plato "C" BORING ThTiEE LISA ENTERPRISES, 1NC0 GEO-EXCTA LABORATORIES JOB NUMBER; PR-S"?4-77. O Clan^ificatjon SC Redci-tsn brown clayey sand, med-ium moist, medium firm SC Brov/n clayey sand, medium moist, medium firm 20 L SC Grey clayey sand, very moi&t, med-Lum firm PERCENT DRY MOISTURE DENSITY 7.1 8.6 16.0 107.0 ©Depth of bag sample Depth of undisturbed sample Ground Water VERTICAL SCALE 1" = Plate »D" C l BOHXWG FOUR on SC Reddish brown clayey sard; medium moist, medium firm SC Brown clayey sand, medium moist, medium ifirm LISA KOTEJ GEO-KXETA LABORATORIES JOB NUMBER: PR-8l/f-7J Depth of bag samplo Depth of undisturbed sample Ground Water i VFRTJCAJ. SCALK 1" ~ ^' PEKCLN1' M01STURK DPY lO'l.O 17 .ate " OO- IT-XLTj A LABOR STORIES JOB NUMBER: FR-8l4-71 DIRECT SH£?/R 13ST ."Dcvto cu 0 o H 3QUAPK FOOT Plato (fF" JOB NUMBER: BORING OWE AT ONE AttD OWE HALF FEET xuz uia. UJ 2 2 o o o oooor 015C6 . 0750 CONSOLIDATION ^EST DATA LOAD, K1PC PER SQUfcRF FOOT Plate "G" Xu a. IM X U Zo t—<a^3O(/I Z Ou LTSA EWTEPP^TSES, INC. CEO-EXETA LABORATORIES JOB NUMBER: FR-83^-71 BORING FOUR AT THREE FEET OOO PS AT 004 oos O12 D0l6 020 \ \ \ \ WATER ADDED \ ro o o o q o -~ « ** «o LOAD, KIPC, PLR bQUARF TOOT PZate f'H" ^gnctan 60IL CLA 66!FI<:ATI O D1VI6IOKI6 RAPU LET7CR, 60IL6 THAN UfcSEIL THAK! TUAM 50'/ ANP 60IL5 50*/o M WELL GUP£.P cS^AVEU 4NIE7 6AMP GP GKAVEL5 WITH P1NE6 6IL1Y GRAVELS GC <:UEAN WELL NO = POORLY MO PIMES 6AMP WITH FSME6 6M 6iLTY FINE TMAW SIEVE 6ILT6 L L. AMP LE-Si 50 ^^L 6ILT6 6!U6 L. U. AWE7 <Sf.EATE^ THAW 50 0 L AAU 61LT6 PT PEM MUMU6 £btt ™-^-* uJ _J Cu —1 0 VO Dz vZ 0 it DLNNY'S RESTAURANT FOR:' HAKOLD BUTLCR ENTERPRISES, INC. 14256 Hast Firestone Boulevard La Mirnda, Califonira , 714 521-4152' DENNY ' S ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Richard N. Picrron, Architect 7051 Monroe Avenue, Buena Park, California...,. , , 714 821-7000 RICHARD T. SIIUIRMAN Structural Engineer 538 West Lincoln Anaheim, California * 714 535-2731 MAROKO £ ASSOCIATES Mechanical Engineers 8201 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, California 213 651-0020' Artwork By: GORDON DESIGN, INC. 250 Fischer Avenue Costa Mesa, California „...., ,714- 540.—28,60' Signs By: HEATH & COMPANY 3225 Lacy Street Los Angeles , California . ...,.,213. 223-4141 Food Service Equipment By: SILVA RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT COMPANY 1000 East Olympic Boulevard Los Angeles , California 2-13 624-7613, II,V.A.C. Balancing & Maintenance By: f ELSTBR'S AJR CONDITIONING COMPANY 935 North Citrus Hollywood, California 213 461-9876 Den JOG SANDY ' I, llHSTMJrA-MT INSTRUCTJONS TO BIDDERS KOPJ1 OR PROPOSAL GENERAL CONDITIONS (General Conditions of the Contract for Construction 7JA Document A201) DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUTPO^-'NTS SECTION 3 A - Suiiimary of the Work IB - Schedules and Reports 1C - Samples and Shop Drawings i ID - Tenporary Facilities, IE - Cleaning up IF - Project Closer-Out 1G - Alternates DIVISION 2,, ~ SITG WORK _ ~ SECTION ^A - Excavation ana trading 2B - Asphaltic Concrete DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 3A CONCRETE DIVISION 4 - 15ASOHRY SECTION 4A UNIT I DIVISION 5 - I1ETALS SECTION 5A STRUCTURAL DIVISION G - CARPENTRY SECTION 6A CARPENTRY 6B CALINRT WORK DIVISION i - noir/njR1: PROTECTION SECTION 7A ROOFING 7C SEALANTS u SEALING COHPOUND DIVISION 8 - DOCKS, larDOUS & CU'vSS SECTl'OH 8A HOLLO*.-; nEVAL DGOK3 & FKAHES 8U WOOD DO')l:5ac sTG;u:i':yA-,jT SYSTK?I 8D GL/x^S t GLAZIZJG 8K FINISH ;IAHD:JA?,E DIVISION 9 - FINISHES SECTION 9A LATHING & PLASTERING 9B Cr.RAIIIC TJLC 9C GYPSU:: WALL BOAKD 9D PAINTING 9E ACOUSTIC TILE 9F FLOOPx COVERING DIVISION 30 - SPECIALTIES SECTION 10A COPP^n TlUvY AND LINK MAT 10B BULLETIN BOARDS IOC TOILET rAIlTlTIO^S & ACCESSOniES 10D PAIuT STLIIUNG & BUIIPE11S DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT SECTION 11A FOOD SERVICE EQUIP.'ffiNT DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS SECTION 12 - FURNISHINGS DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION (HOITE IN PROJECT) DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS (NONE IN PROJECT) DIVISION 15 - I1LCHANICAL SECTION ISA MECHANICAL (n.v, & A,C..) 15B PLUliBIUG/ DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16A ELECTRICAL 1SB COIl COLOR SCHEDULE The Knd INSTRUCTION^ TO JOB:SANDY'S RESTAURANT #362 Carlsbad, California DUE DATE: DELIVER TO: DENNY'S ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Mailed Bids must be sent by registered mail. i BID FORM: Bid must be submitted in. duplicate on the enclosed "Form of Proposal," delivered in a sealed envelope to the above on or beiore.the due date. This is the only acceptable means of submitting bids. The, third copy is for your files. All spaces on form must be fully filled out and basic ar.ount nust be in words as well as figures. All work indicated in the iol?owing documents a & to be included in the Bid Form. The Bid Korrr. \?x!3 not bo. altered or amended. PLANS AND SIECIFICATIONS Architectural Structural Mechanical Plumbing Electrical Food Service Specifications - and Color Schedule Sheet 1 through A-13 Sheet S-l through S-5 Sheet l/i-1 Sheet P—1 tnrough P~3 Sheet E-l through E-5 Sheet K--1 through K-6 Division 1 through 16'+ CS Addenda, as issued, will become part of the Contract Documents. The specified products have been used in preparing the Drawings and Specifications, and thus established the minimum qualities any product must piect to be considered acceptable. The burden of proof of equality rests with the Bidder; adequate supporting 3nforiuatj.cn must accompany the Proposal if substitution is necessary. SR INST (1) (3"The sura for each proposed substitution shall include a!)J costs required to incorporate the substitute into the project, includ- ing the Architects and Engineers cost of evaluating the substitute, revising Drawings, and or any other related vork. Later requests, after bidding, for additional monies for substitute will nor-be considered. PERMITS The Architect will process the general building permit. The Contractor shall obtain arid pay for the general building permit. All other permits required to carry on the work shall be, taken out and paid for by the various contractors requiring same'. The General Contractor shall reimburse the Architect for the plan check fee. ADDENDA Addenda to bidders are to be incorporated in the Bid Proposal Form and will become a part of the Contract Documents. CONTINUOUS INSPECTION When continuous inspection, other than that specified in the- Contract Documents, by a registered deputy building- inspector is required by public authorities or is ordered' by the. Engineer, it shall be paid for by the Owner, unless specifically called for in the plans. OPENING OF BIDS The right is reserved by the Architect and Owner- to. open the bids privately and unannounced to reject any and all bids without ex- planation. QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS In selecting the General Contractor, type or work completed, experience and financial status of Bidders will be considered, as well as the proposal submitted. SR TNST. (2) LIABILITY AND CaiPKK^ATTPN INf Ul''\NCE rlhe General Contractor ,incl cacn Contractor shall take out and maintain at all ti^o<= Cull, co^Ute and comprehensive corrnc,n- sation aiv.ur.inrc, in accordance \iith the \tato Lav. The General Contractor and each Contractor rl-.il 1 carry complete and com- prt:hcns3vc property dn^vre, public continent; liability in^vnvnce in amounts ^ati.sf actory to, end \,ath companies approved by the Owner, FIRE INSURANCE The Owner will obtain and maintain fire insurance upon the entire structure on which the work of all contracts is to be done and upon all materials a ad equipment in or adjacent there- to and intended for use thereon. It is understood that such insurance policy or policies shall be for the benefit of the parties in interests as their respective interests may appear. DISCREPANCIES The Bidder shall figure the work complete and to the full extent of the intent of the plans and specifications. In case any Bidder finds discrepancies or omissions in, or is in doubt as to the exact meaning of the Plans arid Specifications , he sh^ll at once notify the Architect, and tne Architect uill send written addenduvs to all B3 ciders. The Architect and Bidders will nor be responsible for any oral instructions, RESULTS OF BlimXG Each Bidder shall receive a list of the final bids as received by the Architect. Th^'-e vill be sent; by the Architect after bids have been opened* If there is a public opening, the results v?ill not be mailed. J013 SUPEUVISIOX The successful General Contractor shall provide a fn.ll tipe, qualified job superintendent to coordinate the construction, JOD CHANGES After the Orncr-Contractor Agreement has been executed, the procedure lor changes shaJl be as CoLlown: 14 The Architect V3 11 i^sue two copies ol Job Change Request describe n^ the c iian^e, the Contractor shall return one cony with the cost for oacii iten placed in the designated bKnk. lie shall also subrat labor and material breakdowns for each item exceeding a value of $100.00 and for all plumbing and electrical work ^eai dicss OL co(3t. 2. The Architect wil ] evaluate the submitted costs and prepare a Change Order for all accepted work. INf/f. f'O 3. The Change Order will be sj qnocl by the Supervising Architect (and the Building Owner) and the Cnange Order wiJl be forwarded to the Contractor. It shall be his authorisation to proceed with the Change. DEPOSIT FOR PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Deposits for p]ans used for bidding purposes must be received prior to obtaining documents. PROJECT COMPLETION TIME The Contractor shall complete the construction of said improve- ments and deliver same ro the Owner in a turnkey condition in not to exceed ninety (90) working days from the date of the commencement of construction. "Working Days" is herein defined to mean actual calendar days. Exception only (1) Saturdays/ (2) Sundays, (3) New Year's Day, (4) Memorial Day, (5) Independ- ence Day, (6) Labor Day, (7) Thanksgiving Day, (8) Christmas Day, (9) any day or portion thereof/ in which inclement weather pre- vents work. Excepi'ion (9) will be permitted only upon receipt by the Architect of a claim supported by a clipping from a news- paper of general circulation in the area of the construction supporting the claim of inclement weather. If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the work by any act of neglect of the Owner or the Arcnitect, or by any employee of either, or by any separate contractor employed by the Owner, or by changes ordered in the work, or by labor disputes, fire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or any causes beyond the Contractor's control, or by delay authorized by the Owner pending arbitration, or by any cause which the Architect determines may justify the delay, then the Contract time shall be extendaa by Change Order for such reasonable time as the Architect shall determine. (See further the General Conditions of the Contract, AIA Form A201, Article 8) SR INST. M) The End " i BID PROPOSAL FORM FOR: TO: Harold Butler Enterprises, Inc. c/o Denny's Architectural Services 7051 Monroe Avenue Buena Park, California 90620 A. STIPULATED SUM: Having carefully examined" the Contract:Documents, including Addenda numbered through , the undersigned proposes to complete the work for the STIPULATED SUM of Dollars, B. ISOLATED COSTS: Isolated costs listed below will, be included in the STIPULATED SUM. 1. The costs for preparing; this- building pad. from existing grade to that shown on the grading plan, including the Engineersls Compaction Report. 2. Charges for all utility connections: and/or_construction beyond limits of. lease line. 3. Cost for required 100% performance-, labor - and;: material bond. TOTAL for Items 1, 2: & 3 $~ Unit price for furnishing and installation of-fire:dampers in air conditioning system. Fire dampers~ shall be furnished and installed in duct work and louvers* where.required,by local codes and ordinances. All fire dampers shall be constructed in ac- cordance with the National Board of. Fire.Underwriter's require- ments. Provide access openings with metal screwed cover plates adjacent to each fire damper for servicing-, where required, Price per damper $ . Bid Proposal Form Page:1:of '2 Notice^to start construction must be issued within 25 days of the date ol this Bid Proposal and construction must be started within 30 days of the date of this Bid Proposal. If construction is not started as stated above, the Bid Sum is subject to negotiation of cancellation. Company- Signed Address City & State Telephone Date Witness Bid Proposal Form Page 2 Of 2 THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS »\w4,-jVv ' „> ' l'-> General AIA Document A207 of the Contract >r Construction TABLE OF ARTICLES 1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2. ARCHITECT 3. OWNER 4. CONTRACTOR 5. SUBCONTRACTORS 6. SEPARATE CONTRACTS 7. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 8. TIME 9. PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 10. PROTECTION! OF PERSONS^AND PROPERTY 11. INSURANCE 12. CHANGES IN THh WORK 13. UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK 14. TERMINATION OF THE, CONTRACT O Copyright 1911, 1915, 191B, "135 1937, 1951 1038 1961 1963 1906 © 1967 by The American Institute of Architects, 1735New York Avenue, N W , Wurungton, U C ^O-'CG Ri production OT t'lc maicriai hi.ri.ir> or suosiannal quotation 01 1(5 provi- vulhoul pcfmisijon o/ Jht. AlA vioIJies .he cop>' j,ri! la^s of [lie Umied iutes and v.i!l be subjceC 10 legal pioiecution AfA DOCUMINT A 501 * t.tNtRAL CONDIllONS OI UlE COiNl R^CT StPT I9o7 (5 1%7 Til' AMLMC N iNir.TuTC Of ArCi'!r''CT:, T7-'5 VO" ' crvNin FDI1ION • AlA <K) ViV/ WA^HlfJGTOW DC JOOOG INDEX c Acceptance of Defective or Non-conformmg Work 133 Access to Work . . . - . - 2.2 3 Accident Prevention , 2.24,10 Additional Costs or Time, Claims for . ... 12 2.1 Additional Work 12 Administration of the Contract . . . 2.2 Agreement, Extent of 1.1/ 1-2 Allowances, Cash . . . 4 8.1 Applications for Payment 2 2 5, 9 2 T, 9 3 1, 9 3 3; 9 4 1, 9.4 2,, 9 51, 961, 972 Arbitration, Owner Contractor Claims and Disputes. . . . 226 through 2212, 7.10 ARCHITECT . . ... . . 2 Architect, Definition of 2.1 Architect's Access to the Work 223 Architect's Authority 222, 2212, 2214, 2.217, 4.17, 1212 Architect's Authority to Reject Work . 22.12 Architect's Authority to Stop the Work . 2 2 12 Arcbited's Decisions 2 2,6 through 2212 Architect's Interpretations 125, 226 through 2.211; 12 1 & Architect's Full-time Project Representative . 22.16 Architect's Status . 22 Architect's Visits to Site 2.2.3, 2 2.4, 2.2 15, 7 8, 9 7 Bonds, Contract {Performance, Labor and Material Payment) Builder's Risk Insurance (See Property insurance) 7.5 113 4.81Cash Allowances Certificates for Payment 2 2 5, 2 2 15, S.4'2, 9 4; 9 5.1, 9 6.1, 972 CHANGES IN THE WORK 12 Changes, Minor .... . 2.2.14, 12.3 Change Orders - . 2,2.14,48.1,121 Change Orders, Definition of . 12.12 Claims and Disputes Between the Contractor and the Owner 226 through 2.2.12, 710 Claims for Additional Cost or Time 832, 63.3, 12.1 6, 121 7, 122 Claims for Damages .... , . .7.4, 83 5,3 1 4 , . . 4.1G, 6 4 47.2, 1022 751, 61 2 22.2, 324, 49.1, 4.17 9 2.2.15, 813, 97 1.1 2 Claims of the Subcontractor Cleaning up . . Codes . . . Commencement of the Work Communications COMPLETION, PAYMENTS AND Completion, Substantial Contract, Definition of Contract Bonds .... 7.5 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . ... 1 Contract Documents, Copies Furnished and Ownership of 1.3 Contract Documents, Definition of . . 1.11 Contract Documents, Execution, Correlation Intent and Interpretations 1 2 Contract Modifications .'1.1.1, 1.25, 12 Contract Sum, Changes of .... 121, 122 Contract Sum, Definition of ... .911 Contract Termination by Contractor ... 141 Contract Termination by Owner 142 Contract Time . . .... 81.1 Contracts, Separate CONlRACfOU . . Contractor, Definition of . . Contractor, Stopping the Work by the Contractor, Termination of the Contract by the Contractor's liability Insurance Contractor's Relations with Subcontractors Contractor's Responsibility for Protection and Safety Contractor's Responsibility for Those Performing the Work Contractor's Review of Contract Documents Contractor's Superintendent Contractor's Supervision and Construction Procedures Contractors, Mutual Responsibility of Copies Furnished of Drawings and Specifications Correction of Work Cutting and Patching of Work Cutting and Patching Under Separate Contracts 12 101 12 49.1, Damages, Claims for Damages for Delay . Debris Removal Deductions for Uncorrecled Work Defective or Non Conforming Work, Acceptance ot Delays and Extension^ of Time Documents, F^ecuSion or the Contract Drawings and Snecniouions at the Site Drawings and Speculations, Ownership of Drawings, Arrangement ot Drawings as Written Interpretations Easements ... ... Emergencies Execution, Correlation, Intent and Interpretations of the Contract Documents . . Extensions of Time Extras . 61 4 41 961 I- 1 11 I 4, 53 , 102 410 1025 43 G _ 1 3 1 132 . . 7 4, 8 3 , 834 416, 64 7.61, 1311 133 B.3, 12 1, 12 4 1 25 322 103 1 2 12Z Failure of Payment . . F<e!d Orders 1.25, Final Payment Fire, Extended Coverage, Vandalism and Malicious Mischief Insurance 96 123, 12 i 97 11 31 Guarantee Bonds . . .... Guarantee ' ... 933, 1322, Indemnification . . . . Information and Services Requued of the Owner Inspections . , . 2.2.15, 7 Instructions to the Contractor . 2.2 2, INSURANCE insurance, Builders Risk (See Property insurance) . . . Insurance, Contractor's Liability Insurance, Fire, Extended Coverage, Vandalism, and Malicious Mischief Insurance, Loss of Use . ... Insurance, Owner's Liability 13 2 A 1 11 11 3 . 11 11 3 11 A1A DOCUMENT A 2ui SLIT i jo/ £1 l}67 Tilt D'^'ON* F 1HL CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION - ILWENT1I EDITION • At 1711 NFW YORK AVLNUC N W , vwwiu.xCTO11, rl r -vsj o Insurance, Property . 11.3 Insurance, Special Hazards , , , , . , 11,35 Insurance, Steam Boiler and Machinery 1132 Interest . . 7.9.1 Interpretations and Decisions of the Architect 2*2.6 through 2.2 12 Interpretations, Wrmen . . . 1.1.1, 1.2.5, 12 3, 124 Labor and Materials Labor and Material Payment Bond law of the Place Laws Liens ... ... Loss of Use Insurance . . . . . . _4 4, 4 5 75 . . 7.1 46, 4.7, 7.1, 102 . . 9.7.3, 975 . ... 1141 Materials, Labor and Minor Changes )n The Work MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Modifications to tiie Contract Mutual Responsibility of Contractors Non Conforming Work, Acceptance of Defective or Notice of Testing and Inspections Notice to proceed Notices, Permits, Fees and . . . , . 4 4, 4 5 . 1.11, 12 3, 12 4 . . 7 . . 1.1.1, 12 ... 6.2 13.3.1 78 8.1-2 . 4.7 OWNER . Owner, Definition of . . ... Owner, Termination ot the Contract by the . . Owner's Information and Services ... Owner's liability Insurance . ... Owner's Right to Carry Out the Work Owner's Right to Clean Up . . . .. Owner's Right to Award Separate Contracts . Ownership of Drawings and Speculations . Patching of Work . . . . Patching of Work Under Separate Contracts . Patents, Royalties and . . PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION Payment, Applications tor 225, 921, 931, 9.4.2, 951, Payment, Certtftcates for 2 2 5, 2 2 15, 5 4 2, 9 4, 9 5 1, Payment, Failure of Payment, final . . ...... Payments, Progress . ..... Payments to Subcontractors . .... Payments Withheld Performance Bond Permits, Fees and Notices PfRSONS AND PROPER! V, PROTECTION OF Progress and Completion ... Progress Payment Progress Schedule . ... Project, Definition of . .... Project Loss or Damage Insurance Pfo;ccl Representatives, fun-time . , . 3 . . 31 142 . 32 . It 2 76 4.1G.2, G 4 6.1 .1,32 4.15 63 7.7,1 9 933, 941, 961, 972 961, 97.2 . 96 22'10, 97 . .93, 94 54 . . . 9.5 . . . 7.5 47 10 82 . 9 3, 9 4 . .411 . 1.14 113 . 2216 Property Insurance . . . . . 11 3 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY . . 10 Regulations 472,102.2 Rcjoclion of Work ... .. 2212, 132 Releases of Waivers and Liens . . 9 7 3, 9 7 5 Responsibility for Those Performing the Work 410, 971 Retamagc . 542, 973, 974 Review of Contract Documents by the Contractoi 122, 42 Royalties and Patents ... , , 7.7 Safety of Persons and Property .... 102 Safety Precautions and Programs . . . .2 2 4, 10 1 Samples, Shop Drawings and . . 22.13, 413 Schedule of Values 92 Schedule, Progress . . ... . 4.11 SEPARATE CONTRACTS . . . 6 Separate Contacts, Owner's Right to Award . . 61 Shop Drawings and Samples . . . 22.13,413 Site, Use of 4.141 Special Hazards Insurance . , , . 11.35 Specifications, Organization of , . . . 124 Ste?m Boiler anc Machinery Insurance 11 32 Stoppmq the Work . . 2212 SUBCONTRACTORS .... .5 Subcontractor, Oatms or . 5 3 1«? Subcontractor, Dctmttion ot . . .511 Subcontracts, Auard of . 124,52 Subcontracts! Relations . 53 Substantial Completion and Final Payment 2215, 97 Substantial Completion, Date ot . . 2215, 813 Sub-subcontractor, Definition ot 512 Subsurface Conditions . . . . 1216 Successors and Assigns . .72 Supervision and Construction Procedures 43.1 Superintendent, Contractor's . ... 49.1,1025 Surveys . .321 Taxes Termination by the Contractor . Termination by the Owner . TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT . Tests ... . TIME Time, Definition of . Time, DeUiys and Extensions ot . Title of Work ... UNCOVERING AND CORRECTION OF WORK Uncovering of Work , Unit Prices Use of Site . , 4.6 .141 . .142 .14 2212, 78 8 , 81 83, 121, 122 . . .9.33 13 12.1 3, 12 1 5 414 Values, Schedule of Waiver of Claims by the Contractor Waiver of Claims by (he Owner Warranty Words, Rccogni7cd Meanings of Work, Definition of Written Notice . . . 92 . 976 .975 4,5, 933 1 23 .1.13 . . 7.3 SLPT 1967 fe) 1967 THL AML^ICAN INSTITUTE. Of ARCH lit CIS T roc- rnNVi RUCTION • fllVINTM EDITION • AIA f«) NLW YOik AVI-NUL, NW, WASHINGTON, O C :0006 c'Vv; GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THil CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION o ARTICLE 1i CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.1 DEFINITIONS 1.1.1 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents consist of the Agreement, the Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), the Drawings, the Specifications, ali Addenda issued prior to execution of the Agreement, and all Modifications thereto A Moditication 15 (1) a written amendment *to the Contract signed by both parties, (2) a Change Order, (3) a written interpretation issued by the Architect pursuant to Suhnaragraph 1 2 5, or (4) a written order for a minor charge in the Work issued by the Architect pursuant to Paragraph 12 3 A Modification may be made only after execution of the Contract 1.1.2 THE CONTRACT The Contract Documents form the Contract The Contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parlies hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements either written or oral, including the bidding documents The Contract may be amended or modified only by a Modification as denned in Subparagraph 1 1 1 1.1.3 THE WORK The term Work includes all labor necessary to produce the constructor) required bv the Contract Documents, and at! materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in such construction. 1.1.4 THE PROJECT The Project is the lotaf construction designed by the Architect of which the Work pertormed under the Con- tract Documents may be the whole or a part 1.2 EXECUTION, CORRELATION, INTENT AND INTERPRETATIONS 1.2.1 The Contract Documents shall be signed in not (ess than triplicate by the Owner and Contractor Ir either the Owner or the Contractor or both do not sign the Condi- tions of the Contract, Drawings, Specifications, or anv of the other Contract Documents, the Architect shall identify them 1.2.2 By executing the Contract, the Contractor represents that he has visited the sue, familiarized himsefj with the local conditions under which the Work is to be per- formed, and correlated his observations with the require- ments of the Contract Documents 1.2.3 The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by any one shall be as binding as if required by ail The intention of the Documents is to include all labor, materials, equipment and other as provided in Subparagi.Tph 441 necessary for the proper execution and completion of (he Work it is not intended that Work not covered under any heading section, branch, class or trade of the Specifications shall be supplied unless it is required elsewhere tp the Contract Documents or is reasonably inferable iherefiom as being necessary to pro- duce the intended results Words which have well-known technical Or Irade nifvntn^s are used herein in accordance with sucli rccogni/ed meanings 1.24 The organization of thc-Spccifications into divi- sions, sections and articles, and the arrangement of Draw- ings shall not control the- Contractor m dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in-establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade "1.2.5 Written interpretations necessary for the proper execution or progress of the Work, in the form of draw- ings or otherwise, will be issued.with reasonable prompt- ness by the Architect and in accordance with rn/ schedule agreed upon Such interpretations shall be consistent with and reasonably mierable from the Contract Documents, and may be effected by Fieid Order 1.3 COPIES FURNISHED" AND 'OWNERSHIP 1.3 1 Unless otherwise provided in the Contract Docu- ments, the Contractor will be furnished tree ot charge all copies ot Drawings arid Specifications reasonably nec- essary for the execution or the Work 1.3.2 All Drawings, Specifications and cop-es thereof furnished by the Architect ure and shall remain his prop- erty They are not to be used on any other pro]ect and with the exception ol one contract set for each party to the Contract, are to be_rcturned to the Architect on re- quest at the complelion-of the Work ARTICLE 2 ARCHITECT 2.7 DtflKlTlON 2.1.1 The Architect is the person or organization identi- iied as such in the Agreement and is referred to through- out the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender The term Architect means the Arch1- tect or his authorized representative 2.1.2 Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall crcale any contractual relationship between 'he Architect and the Contractor 2.2 ADMINISTRATION OF THr CONTRACT 2.2.1 The Architect will provide genera! Administration of the Construction Contract, including performance ot the functions hereinafter described 2.2.2 The Architect will be the Owner's representative during construction and until final pavnx'fit The Architect will have authority to act on behalf 01 the Owner to the AIA. DOCUMLNT A 0,110"$ Or ~"'r uiL or IOR CONSHUCMON » UIVEN1H IPIUON • AIA <•!> NTW YOKL AVINUI NW WAbnisr,ioN, uc :uC06 •V.y extent provided in thc'Contract Documents, unlry> other- Wise modified by wntlrn instrument which will be shown to the Contractor The Architect will advise and consult with the Owner, and all of the Owner's instructions to the Conlractor,$hall be issued through the Architect 2.2.3 The Architect shall at all ttmcs have access to the XVork wherever it is in preparation and progress The Contractor shall provide facilities for such access so the Architect may perform his functions under the Contract Documents. 2.2.4 The Architect will make periodic visits to the site to familiarize himself generally with the progress and quality of the Work and to determine in general if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents On the basis of his on-site observations as an architect, he will keep the Owner informed of the progress of the Work, and will endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work of the Contractor The Architect will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work The Architect wul not be responsible for construction means, methods, techn'ques, sequences or procedures, or foi safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work and he will not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents 2.2.5 Based on such observations and the Contractor's Applications for Payment, the Architect will determine the amounts owing to the Contractor and «vili issue Certificates for Payment in such amounts, as provided in Paragraph 9.4 2.2.6 The Architect will be, in the first instance, the interpreter of the requirements ot the Contract Docu- ments and the judge ot the performance thereunner bv both the Owner and Contractor The Architect will, within a reasonable time render such interpretations as he may deem necessary for the proper execution or prog- ress of the Work 2.2.7 Claims, disputes and other matters in question between the Contractor and tho Owner relating to the execution or progress of the Work or the interrelation of the Contract Documents shaft be referred initially to the Architect for decision which he will render in writing within a reasonable timei 2.2.8 All interpretations and decisions of the Architect shall be consistent with the intent 01 the Contract Docu- ments In his capacity as interpreter and jud^e, he will exercise Ins best eftorts to insure raithtul performance by both the Owner and the Contractor and will not show partiality to either 2.2.9 The Architect's decisions in matters relating to artistic effect will be final if consistent with the intent of the Contract Documents 2.2.10 Any claim, dispute or other matter that has been referred to the Architect, except those relating to artistic effect as provided in Subp^raqraph 2 2 9 and except any which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided in Subparagraphs 975 and 976, shall be subject to arbitration upon the written demand of cither party However, no demand for arbitra- tion of any such claim, dispute or other matter may be made until the earlier of .1 the date on which ihe'Architect has rendered his decision, or .2 the tenth day after the parties have presented their evidence to the Architect or have been given a reasonable opportunity to do so if the Architect has not rendered Jus ivnlien tieasion by that date 2.2.11 If a decision of the Architect >•> made in writing and states that it is final but subject to appeal, no demand for arbitration of a claim, dispute or other matter covered by such decision may be made blerjlhan thirty da\s after the date on which the party making jthe demand receded the decision The failure to demand arbitration within said thirty days' period will result in the Architect's deci- sion becoming tmal and binding upon the Owner and the Contractor If the Architect rcndersjivdecision alter arbi- tration proceedings have been initiated, such decision mav be entered as evidence but will not supersede any arbitration proceedings e-cept where the decision is ac- ceptable to tho parties concerned I 2.2.12 The Architect will have authority to reicct Work which docs not conform to the Contract Documents Whenever, m his reasonable opinion, he considers it necessary or advisable to insure the proper implementa- tion ot the 'ntent of the Contract Documents, he will have authority to require the Contractor (o stop the Work or any portion thereof, or to renuire:special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in Subparagrap ',782 whether or not such Work be then fabricated, installed or completed Hov.ever, neither the Architect's mihoniv to act under this Subparagrapn 2212, nor any osciSion made bv him in good faith eitherlto exercise or not to exercise such authority, shall give rise to any ciutv1 or responsibility oi the Architect to the Contractor, any Sub- contractor, any of their agents or employees, or anv other person performing any or the Work 2.2.13 The Architect will review1 Shop Drawings and Samples as provided in Subparagraphs 4131 through 4138 inclusive 2.214 The Architect will prepareJChange Orders in ac- cordance with Article 12, and will have authority to order minor changes in the Work as provided in Subparagraph 1231 | 2.2.15 The Architect will conduct inspections to deter- mine the dates of Substantial Completion and unal com- pletion, will receive written guarantees and related docu- ments required by the Contract and assembled cw the Contractor, and will issue a final Certificate for Pavment 2216 If the Owner and Architect agree, the Architect w.!l provide one or more full-timefProject ReptesenLit.vcs to assist the Architect in carryingjout his responsibilities at the site The duties, responsibilities and lirnit.itions or authority of any such Project Representative shall bo as set forth m an exhibit to be incorporated in the Contract Documents 2217 Ihe duties, responsibilities and' limitations of authority of the Architect as thejOvvner's representative during construction as set forth in Articles 1 through 14 inclusive of these General Conditions will not be modi- AIA DOCUM1N1 A ^1 * CErsLR/w CC.V-.7IONS Or V'E CO-^ACT mR CONSTRUCTION SEPT 1%7 O 1%7 1HC AMUICAN INSIllUH OI AKCIiltLCtS, 1/J5 Ml w lO-r, AVt M,f, , O p\^ fied or extended \vithout \vnltcn corrcnt of the Owner and the AK!H{CC( which will be shown to the Contractor 2.2.18 The Architect will not be responsible for the acts or omissions of the Contractor, any Subcontractors, or any of (heir agents or empfavecb, or any other persons per- forming any of the Work 2.2.19 In case of the termination of the employment of the Architect, the Owner shall appoint an architect against whom the Contractor makes no reasonable objec- tion, whose status under the Contract Documents shall be that of the former architect Any dispute in connec- tion with such appointment shall be subject to arbitration ARTICLC 3 OWNER 3.1 DEFINITION 3.1.1 The Owner is the person or organization identified as such in the Agreement and is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular m number and masculine m gender The term Owner means the Owner or hts authorized representative 3.2 INFORMATION AND SERVICES REQUIRED OF THE OWNER 3.2.1 The Owner shall furnish a!! surveys describing the physical characteristics, legal limits and utility locations for the si!e of the Project 3.2.2 The Owner s-hall secure and pay for easements for permanent stiuctures or permanent changes in existing facilities 3.2.3 Informptjon or services under the Owner's control shall be furnished by the Owner with reasonable prompt- ness (o avoid delay in the orderly progress ot the Work 3.2.4 The Owner shall issue all instructions to the Con- tractor through the Architect 3.2.5 The foregoing are in addition to other duties and responsibilities of the Owner enumerated herein and especially those m respect to Payment and Insurance in Articles 9 and 11 respectively ARTICIT 4 o CONTRACTOR 4.1 DEFINITION 4.1.1 The Contractor is the person or organization identi- fied as such in the Agreement and is referred to through- out (he Contract Documents as it singular in number and masculine in gender The term Contractor means the Contractor or his authorised representative 4.2 REVIEW OI^ CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 4.2.1 The Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Agreement, Conditions ot the Contract, Diawmgs, Specifications, Addenda and Modification1; and shall at once report to the Architect any error, inconsistency or omission he may discover, but the Contractor shall not be liable to the Owner or tne Architect for any damage re- sulting from any such errors, inconsistencies or omissions The Contracloi shall do no Work without Drawings, Speci- fications or interpretations 4.3 SUPERVISION AND CONSTRUCTION PROC1 DURES 4^1 The Contractor shall supervise and direct the Work, using his best -skill and attention He shall br solely re- sponsible for ail construction means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for coordinating all por- tions of the Work under the Contract 4 4 LABOR AMD MATERIALS 441 Unless otherwise specifically noted, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, cauipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, water, heat, utilities, transportation, and other facilities and services necessary for ihe'proper execution and comple- tion of the Work 4.4,2 The Contractor shall at alt times enforce strict dis- cipline and good order among his employees and shall not emplov on the Work any unfit person oi anyone no., skilled in the task assigned,to him 4.5 WARRANTY 4.5.1 The Contractor warrants to the Owner and the Architect that all materials and equipment furnished un- der this Contract will be new unless otherwise specified, and that all Work will be of good quality, l'ree from faults and defects and in conformance with the Contract Docu- ments Ail Work not so coniormmp, to these standards may be considered defective If required by the Archi- tect, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of matenals and equipment 4.5.2 The warranty pmvided in this Paragraph 45 shall be in addition to and not in limitation of any other war- ranty or remedy required by law or by the Contract Documents 4.6 TAXES 4,6.1 The Contractor shall pay all sales, consumer, use and other similar taxes required by law. 4.7 PERMITS, TECS A\'D 'NOTICES 4.7.1 The Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, governmental fees and licenses necessary Tor the proper execution and completion or the Work 4.7.2 The Contractor shall give ail notices and comply with al! laws, ordinances, luies, regulations <~>nd orders of any public authont/ bearing on the performance or the Work If the Contractor observes th?t anv oi the Contract Documents are at variance therewith in anv respect, he shall promptly notity the Architect in writing and any necessary changes shall be adjusted bv aoproon- ate Modification [f the Contractor pcnorms anv Work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the Architect, he shall assume full responsibility there!or and shall beat all costs attnbutaole thereto 4 8 CASH AUOWANCrS 40.1 The Contractor shall include in the Contract Sun all allowances Mated in the Contract Documents Ihcs. AIA nOCUMFNT A 201 * GfNFRAL CONDITIONS OF HIT CONTRACT COR CONSTPUCTION *.rPT 1%7 (o !%/ 1Mb AMERICAN INSinUU O! M'CHtHClb 1/Jj ritu iORK ^vn-wL, " 1 allowances shall cover the net cost of the mafemls and equipment delivered and unloaded a! ihe siu-, and -oil applicable taxes The* Contractor's handling costs on the silo, labor, installation costs, o\erhc;id, protit and other expenses contemplated for the ongiml allowance shall be included tn (ho Coniract Sum and not in the allow- ance "llic Contractor sh.ill cause the \Vork ancrcd by those allowances to be performed for such amounts and by such persons as the Aichitcct m,w direct, but ho will not be required lo employ persons against whom he makes a reasonable objection if the cost, when deter- mined, is more than or less than the allowance, the Con- tract Sum shall be adjusted accordingly bv Change Order which will include additional handling costs on the site, labor, installation costs, overhead, profit and other ex- penses resulting to the Contractor from any increase over the original allowance 4.9 SUPERINTENDENT 4.9.1 The Contractor shall employ a competent super- intendent and necessary assistants who shall be in at- tendance at (he Project Mle during the progress of the Work. The superintendent shall be satisfactory to the Architect, and shall not be changed e>cept with the con- sent of the Architect, unless the superintendent proves to be unsatisfactory to (he Contractor and ceases to be in his employ The superintendent shall represent the Contractor and all communications given to the superin- tendent shall be as binding as it given to the Contractor Important communications will be coniirmed in wiitiny Other communications will be so coniirmed on written request in each case 4.10 KFSPONiStiMLlTY TOR THOSE PtRFORMlNC Till WOltK 4.10.1 The Contractor shall be responsible to the Owner for the acts and omissions of all his employees and all Subcontractors, their agents and employees, and all other persons performing any of the Work under a contract With the Contractor 4.11 PROGRESS SCHEDULE 4.11.1 The Contractor, immediately after being awarded the Contract, shall prepare and submit for the Architect's approval an estimated progress schedule for the Work The progress schedule shall be rebted lo the entire Proj- ect to the extent required bv the Contract Documents This schedule shall indicate the dates for the starting and completion of the various stages or construction and shall be revtsed as required by the conditions or the Work, subject lo the Architect's approval 4.12 DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS AT THE SITE 4.12.1 The Contractor shall maintain at the site for the Owner one copy of all Drawings Speculations, Addenda, approved Shop Drawings, Change Orders and other Mod- ifications, m good order ond marked to record all changes made during construction These shall be available to the Architect 1 he Drawings, marked lo record aM changes made during construction chnll be delivered to him for the Owner upon completion oi the Work 4.13 SHOP DRAWINGS AND SAMPLES 4.13."l Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustra- tions, schedules, performance charts, brochures and other da in which are prepared by ihe Coniractor or any Sub- contractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor, and which illustrate some portion 01 the Work 4132 Samples arc physical examples furnished by the Contractor to illustrate materials, equipment or work- manship, and to establish standards by which the Work will be judged 4.133 The Contractor shall review, stamp with his ap- proval and submit, with reasonable promptness and in orderly sequence so as lo cause no delay in the Work or in the work of any other contractor, all Shop Draw- ings and Samples required by the Contract Documents or subsequently by the Architect as covered by Modifica- tions Shop Drawings and Samples shall be properly identified as specified, or as thc~Architect may require At the time of submission the Contractor shall mtorm the Architect in writing of any deviation in the Shop Draw- ings or Samples from the requirements of the Contract Documents 4134 By approving and submitting Shop Drawings and Samples, the Contractor thereby represents that be has determined and venticd all field measurements, held con- struction criteria, materials, catalog numbers and similar data, or will do so, and {hat he,has checked and coordi- nated each Shop Drawing and Sample \vilh the require- ments ol the Work and of the Contract Documents 4.13.5 The Architect will review and approve Shop Drawings and Samples \\ith reasonable piomptness so as to cause no delay, but only lor contormance wifh ti,e de- sign concept of ihe Project and with the iniurmation given in the Contract Documents The Architect's approv- al of a separate item shad not indicate appioval ot an assembly in which the item functions 4.13.6 The Contractor shall make any corrections re- quired by the Architect and shall resubmit ihe required numbei of corrected copies ot Shop Diawings or new Samples until approved TheXontractor shall direct spe- cific attention in writing or on resubmitted Shop Oraw- mgs to revisions other than the corrections requested by the Architect on previous submissions 4.13.7 The Architect's approval of Shop Drawings or Samples shall not relieve the .Contractor ot responsibility for any deviation from the requirements ot the Contract Documents unless the Contractor nas tnformed the Archi- tect in writing of such deviation at the time ot ^omis- sion and (he Architect has given written approval to the specific deviation, nor shall the Architect's approval re- lieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in the Shop Drawings or Samples 4.13.0 No portion of the Work requiring a Shop Drawing or Sample submission shall be ' commenced until the submission has been approved by the Architect All such portions of the Work shall be in accordance with ap- proved Shop Drawings and Samples 4 14 usi or Sire 4.14.1 "Ihe Contractor shall confine operations at the site to areas permitted by law, ordinances, permits and the Contract Documents and shall not unreasonably en- cumber the site with any materials or equipment AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GLNLK/a 5£PT -"rf,? £) 1%7 IHt AM) RlfAN i -iS Cr 1Mr COMPACT rOR CONSTkUrilO.-J « Hi VI NTH ! DIT1ON = AIA <?) (T" AKfHJIFCIS 1/3r> NfW X)RK /Wl NUL, NW, WASHINC.1ON, PL -Juuro O 4.15 CUTTING AND PATCHING OF WOIIK 4.15.1 The Contractor shall do all culling, fitting or patching of his VVoik that may be required to make its several parts fit together properly, and shall not endanger any Work Joy cutting, excavating or otherwise altering (lie Work or any part of it 4.16 CLEANING UP 4.16.1 The Contractor at all times shall keep the prom- ises fiee from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish caused by his operations At the completion of the Work he shall remove all bis waste materials and rubbish from and about the Project as well as all hi:, tools, construc- tion equipment, machinery and surplus materials, and shall clean all glass surfaces and leave the Work "broom- clean" or its equivalent, except as otherwise specified 4.16.2 If the Contractor fails to clean up, the Owner may do so and the cost thereof shail be charged to the Contractor as provided in Paragraph 76 4.17 COMMUNICATIONS 4.17.1 The Contractor shall forward all communications to the Owner through the Architect 4.18 INDEMNIFICATION 4.18.1 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner and the Architect and their agents and em- ployees fro.n rnd ag?mst all claims damages, losses and expenses including attorneys' fees ans.ng out ot or re- sulting from the pertormancc ot the Work provided that any such c'aim, damage, loss or expense (a) \> at'nbulabie to bodily injury, S'ckress disease or death or to iniury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting there- from, and (Ij) is caused in whole or in part bv ?nv negli- gent act or omission of the Contractor, anv Subcontrac- tor, anyone directly or indirectly emploved bv any ot them or anyone for whose acts any of them mav be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder 4.18.2 In any and all claims against the Owner or the Architect or any of their agents or emoloyces by anv em- ployee of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anvone di- rectly or indirectly employed by anv ot them 01 anvone for whose acts anv ot thorn mav be liable, the indemnifi- cation obligation under this Paragraph 418 shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits pivable by or for the Contractor or any Subcontractor under work- men's compensation acts, disability bcncht acts or other employee benefit acts 4.18.3 The obligations of the Contractor under this Para- graph A 18 sin 11 not extend to the liability of the Archi- tect, his agents or employees arising our of (1) llio prepa- ration or approval of maps, drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, Change Orders, designs or specmcati-ons, or (2) the giving of or the failure to give directions or instruc- tions by the Architect, his agents or employees provided such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the injury or damage ARTICLE 5 SUBCONTRACTORS 5.1 DEFINITION 5.1.1 A Subcontractor is a person or organization who has a direct contract with the Conlractoi to perform any of the Work at the site The term Subcontractor is re- ferred to throughout the Contract Documents as it singu- lar in number and masculine m gendoi ant! means a Subcontractor or his authorized representative 5 1 2 A Sub-subcontractor is a person or organization who has a direct or indirect contract with a Subcontractor to pertorm any ot the Work at the site The term Sub- subconliactor is referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender and moans a Sub-subcontractor or an authorized representative thereof 5.1.3 Nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual relation between the Owner or the Architect and any Subcontractor or Sub-subcon- tractor 5.2 AWARD OF SURCONTPACTS AND OTHER CONTRACTS FOR PORTIONS Or THfc WORK 5.2.1 As soon as practicable after bids are received and prior to the award of the Contract, the successtul bidder shall furnish to the Architect in writing for acceptance by the Owner and the Architect a list of the names or the subcontractors or other persons or organizations (includ- ing those who are to furnish materials or ccuinment fabricated to a special design) prooosed tor such portions of the Work as may be designated in the bidd-n^ require- menis, or, it none is so designated, the names or the Subcontractors proposed tor the principal portions or ine Work Prior to the award of the Contract, the Architect shail notifv the successtul bidder in writing it cither the Owner or the Architect, alter due investigation, has reasonable objection to anv person or organization on such list Failure of the Owner or Architect to make an objection to any person or organization on the list prior to the award shail constitute acceptance of such person or organization 5.2.2 If, prior to the award of the Contract, the Owner or Architect has a reasonable and substantial objection to any person or organization on such list, and refuses in writing to accept such person or organization the success- !u! bidder mav, prior to the award withdraw hps ticf without lorteiture of bid security If the successtul bidder submits an acceptable substitute with an increase in ms bid price to cover the difference in cost occasioned bv such substitution, the Owner mav, at his discretion, accept the increased bid price or he mav disnurhiv the -bid If, after the award, the Owner or Architect rotuses to accept anv person or organization on such list, the Contractor sbjll submit an acceptable substitute and the Contract Sum shall be increased or decreased by the difference in cost occasioned by <;uch substitution and an appropriate Change Order shall oe issued, however, no increase in the Contract Sum shall bo allowed tor any such substitution unless the Contractor has acted promptly and rcsponsively in submitting a name with respect thereto prior to the award AIA DOCUMENT T"T V>f " 1') A 201 IMF GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOP CONSTRUCTION - EUVLNfM EDITION • AIA ® Cf 5.2.3 The Contractor shall not contract with any Sub- contractor or any person or organization proposed for portions of the Work designated in the biddm<; require- ments or, if none is so designated, with an/ Subcontractor proposed foi tjic principal portions ol the Work who has not been accepted by ihc Oune. and iho Architect The Contractor ui!l not be required lo contract with any sub- contractor or person or organization against whom he has a reasonable objection 5.2.4 If Ifie Owner or the Architect requires a change of any proposed Subcontractor or person or organization previously accepted by them, the Contract Sum shall be increased or decreased by (he difference in cost occa- sioned by such change and an appropriate Change Order shall be issued 5.2.5 The Contractor shall not m^ke any substitution for any Subcontractor or person or orgam/atron wiio has been accepted by the Owner and the Architect, unless the substitution is acceptable to the Owner and the Architect. 5.3 SUE CONTRACTUAL RELATIONS 5.3.1 Afl work performed for the Contractor by a Sub- contractor shall be pursuant to an appropriate agree- ment between the Contractor and the Subcontractor (and where appropriate between Subcontractors and Sub- subcontractors) which shall contain provisions that .1 preserve and piotoct the rights of the Owner and the Architect under the Contract with resnect to the Work to be performed under iho subcontract so that the subcontracting thereof will not preju- dice such ngnls, .2 require that such Work be performed in accord- ance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, .3 require submission (o the Contractor of applica- tions for payment under each subcontract to which the Contractor is a party, in reasonable time lo enable the Contractor to apply ror pay- ment in accordance vith Article 9, .4 require that all claims for addit'onal costs, exten- sions of time, damages for delays or otherwise with respect to subcontracted portions of the Worl shall be submitted to the Contractor (via any Subcontractor or Sub-subcontractor where appropriate) in the manner provided in the Con- tract Documents for like claims bv the Contrac- tor upon the Owner, .3 waive all rights the contracting parlies may have against one another for damages caused by fire or other perils covered by the property insurance described in Paragraph 11 "?, except such rights as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance held by the Owner as trustee under Paragraph 11 3, and .6 obligate each Subcontractor specifically to con- sent to the provistons of this Paragraph 5 3 5.4 PAYMENTS TO SUBCONTRACTORS 5.4.1 The Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor upon receipt of payment from the Owner, an amount equal to the percentage of completion allowed lo the Contractor on account of such Subcontractor's Work The Contrac- tor shall also require each Subcontractor'to make similar payments to his subcontractors 5 4 2 If (he Architect fails to issue a Certificate for Pay- ment for any cause which is the fault of the Contractor and not the fault of a particular Subcontractor, the Con- tractor shall pav that Subcontractor on'demand made at any lime after the Certificate for Payment should other- wise have been issued, for his Work to the extent com- pleted, less the retained percentage 5.4.3 The Contractor shall pay each Subcontractor a just share ot any insurance moneys received by the Contractor under Article 11, a/id he siul) require each Subcontractor to make similar payments to his subcontractor^ 5.4.4 The Architect may, on request and.at his discretion, furnish to anv Subcontractor, if practicable, information regarding percentages of completion certified to tPe Con- tractor on account of Work done by such Subcontractors 5.4.5 Neither the Owner nor the Architect shall h?ve any obligation (o pay or (o see to the,payment of any moneys to any Subcontractor except as may otherwise be required by faw ARTICLE 6 SEPARATE CONTRACTS< 6.1 OWNER'S RIGHT TO AWARD 'SEPARATE CONTRACTS 6.1.1 The Owner reserves the right to fward other con- tracts in connection with other port'ons ot the Project under these or simitar Conditions of the Contract 6.1 2 When separate contracts are awarded for different portions of the Project, "the Contractor" in the contract documents in each case shall be the contractor wno signs each separate contract 6.2 MUTUAL RLSPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS 6.21 The Contractor shall afford other contractors rea- sonable opportunity for the introduction and storage ot their materials and equipment and,the execution ol their work, and shall properly connect and coordinate his Work with iheirs 6.2.2 If any part ot the Contractor's Work depends for proper execution or results upon the work or cnv other separate contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the Architect any apparent cmcvepan- cies or defects in such work that render it unsuitable tor such proper execution and results Failure of the Con- tractor so to inspect ana report shall constitute an accept- ance of the other contractor's work as fit and proper to receive bis Work, except as to detects which rruv dcve'op sn the other separate contractor's work after the execution of the Contractor's Work 6.2.3 Should the Contractor cause damage to the work or property of any separate contractor on the Project, the Contractor shall, upon due notice, settle with such other conlracto- by agf cement or-arbitration, if he will so sctllc If such separate contractor sues the Owner on account of any damage alleged to have been so sustained, the Owner shall notify the Contractor who sh.M! dclend AIA oocuM(.r. SFPT IV 7 «D I Mir AMmr\M T PACT TOR 171-; M^V vru't rtrvr^T'i ro/Ticw • AIA & , N W , WASHINGTON, DC 20030 J such proceedings at the Owner's expense, and if any judgmcMit against the Ovuicr arises therefrom lh" Con- tractor shall pay or satisfy it and shall reimburse the Owner for alt attorneys' fees and court costs which the Owner has incurred 6.3 CUTTING AND PATCHING UNDLR StPAKAH CONTRACTS 6.3.1 The Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting or patching of his Work that may be required to fit it to re- ceive or be received by the work of other contractors shown in the Contract Documents The Contractor shall not endanger any work of any other contractors bv cut- ting, excavating or otherwise altering any work and shall not cut or alter the work of any other contractor except With the written consent of the Architect 6.3.2 Any costs caused by defective or ill-timed work shaH be borne by the party responsible therefor. 6.4 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CLFAN UP 6.4.1 If a dispute arises between the separate contractors as to their responsibility for cleaning up as required by Paragraph A 16, the Owner mav clean up and charge the cost thereof to the several contractors as the Architect shall determine to be just ARTICLE 7 7.5 PERFORMANCE BOND AND LABOR AND MAI TRIAL PAYMINT'BOND • ~\ MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 7.1 i AW or IHC PLACE 7.1.1 The Contract shall be governed by the law of the p!?ce where the Project is located 7.2 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGN'S 7.2.1 The Owner and the Contractor each binds him- self, his partners, successors, assigns and legal represen- tatives to the other party hereto and to the partners, suc- cessors, assigns and legal reorcsentati^es of such other party in respect to all covenants, agreements and obliga- tions contained in the Contract Documents Neither parly to the Contract shall assign the Contract or sublet it as a whole without the written consent or the other, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to become due lo him hcreunder, without the previous written con- sent of the Owner 7.3 WRITTEN NOTICE 7.3.1 Written notice shall be deemed to have been dulv served if delivered in person to the individual or member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it W2S intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail to the; last business address known to him who gives the notice 7.4 CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES 7.4.1 Should either party to the Contract suffer injury or damage to person or propertv because of any act or omission of the other partv or of any of his-employees, agents or oihrrs for whose acts he is legally liable, claim shall be made in writing io such other partv within a reasonable time after the first observance of such injury or damage 7.5.1 The Owner shall have the right, prior to sign- ing the Contract, to require tiie Contractor to furnish bonds covering the faithful performance of (he Contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder m such form and amount as the Owner may prescribe and with such sureties as may be agreeable to the parties If such bonds are stipulated in the bidding requirements, the premiums shall be paid by the Contractor, if required subsequent to the submission of quotations or bids, the cost shall be reimbursed by the Owner The Contrac- tor shall deliver the required bonds to the Owner not later than the date of execution of the Contract, or if the Work is commenced prior thereto in response *o a notice to proceed, the Contractor shall, prior to commencement of the Work, submit evidence satisfactory to the Owner that such bonds will be issued 7.6 OWNER'S RIGHT TO CARRY OUT ThE WORK 761 If the Contractor defaults or neglects to carry out the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents or fails to perform anv provision of the Contract, the Owner may, alter seven days' written notice to the Con- tractor and without prejudice to any other remedy he mav have, m?kc good such deliciencies In such c.^se ?n ap- propriate Change Order shall be issued deducting trom the payments then or thereafter due the Contractor the cost of correcting such deficiencies, including the cost ot the Architect's additional services made necessary bv such default, neglect or failure The Architect must appro"e both such action and the amount charged to the Con- tractor Jf the payments then or thereafter due the Con- tractor are not sufficient to cover such amount, the Con- tractor shall p?y the ditierence to the Owner 7.7 ROYALTIES AND PATENTS' 77.1 The Contractor shall pay all royalties and license fees He shall deiend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent rights and shall save the Owner harmless from loss on account thereof, except that the Ouner shall be responsible for all such loss when a particula' de- sign, process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers is specified, but it the Contractor hab reason to believe that the design, process or product specified is an infringement of a patent, he shall be re- sponsible for such loss unless fhe promptly gives such in- formation to the Architect ' 7.8 TESTS 7 8,1 If the Contract Documents, laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority h?vng juris- diction require any Work to be inspected, tested or ap- proved, (he Contractor shall give the Architect timeK no- tice of its readiness and of the date arranged so the Architect may observe such inspection, testing or ap- proval The Contractor shall bear nil costs ot such inspec- tions, tests and approvals unless otherwise provided 7.0.2 If after the commencement of lh« Work the Architect determines that any Work icquiros special in- spection, testing or approv.il whit-h Subparagrapn 781 does not include, he wi'l, upon written authorization 10 AIA. DOCUMFST A 301 • CENCKAL CONDIT'QNS OF Tilt CONIRAC1 TOR CONSfRUCflON ••LLCVfNTM EDITION • AIA <*> SL"T ^y^ *D 1%7 T't AWtfirAN INSTITUTE OI ARCHKUiS 17(5 NIW \Of-K AVfcNUC, NW, WASHINGTON, UC ?UyG6 from the Owner, instruct Ihc Contractor to order such spcci.il inspection, testing or approval, and the Con- tractor shall };i\c notice as in Subpar igraph 701 If such special inspection or testing reveals a failure of the Work to comply (1) will) the. requirement of the Contract Documents or*{2), with respect to the porformancc ot the Work, \vilh laws, ordinances rules regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction, the Contractor shall bear a If cosfs thereof, including (he Architect's addi- tional services made necessary by such Jailure, otherwise the Owner shall bear such costs, and an appropnate Change Order shall be issued 7.83 Required certificates of inspection, testing or ap- proval shall be secured b\ the Contractor and promptly delivered by him to the Architect 7,8 4 If the Architect wishes to observe the inspections, tests or approvals required by this Paragraph 73, ho will do so promptly and, where practicable, at the source of supply 7.8 5 Neither the observations of (he Arc-utect in his Administration of the Construction Contract, nor inspec- tions, tests or approvals by persons other than the Con- tractor shall relieve the Contractor from his obligations to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents 7.9 INTEREST 7.9.1 Any moneys not paid when due to either party under this Contract shall bear interest at the tegrl rate in force at the place of the Project 7.10 ARBITRATION 7.10.1 All rlaims, disputes and other matters in question arising our of, or relating to, this Contract or the breach thereof, except as set forth in Subparagraph 229 with respect to the Architect's decisi jns on matters relating to artistic eftect, and except for claims which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment as provided by Subparagraphs 975 and 976, shall be de- cided by arbitration in accordance with the Construction Industry Arbitration Rules ot the American Arbitration Association then obtaining unless the parlies mutually agree otherwise This agreement so to arbitrate shall be specifically enforceable under the prevailing arbitration law The award rendered bv the arbitrators shall be final, and judgment may be entered upon tt in accordance wtlh applicable law in any court having jurisdiction thereof 7.10.2 Notice of the demand for arbitration shall be Mod in writing with the other p?rtv to the Contract and with the American Arbitration Association, and a cony shall be filed with the Architect The demand for arbitration shall be made within the tvme limits specified in Sub- paragraphs 2210 and 2211 where applicable, and in all other cases within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute or other matter in quusuon ha* amen, and in no event shall it be made af(er rnsfft</f/on of 'ega! or equi- table proceedings based on such claim, dispute or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations 7.10.3 Fho Contractor shall carry on the Work and main- tain the- progress schedule during any arbitration pro- ceedings, unless otherwise agreed by him and the Owner in writing ARTICLE 8 TIME 8.1 DrnwmoN's 8.1.1 The Contract Ttme is the period of time allotted in the Contract Documents for completion of the Work 8.1.2 "Ihc date of commencement of the Work is the date established in a notice to proceed If there is no notice to proceed, it shall be the date of the Agreement or such other date as may be established therein 8.1.3 The Date of Substantial Completion of the Work or designated portion thereof is the Date certified by the Architect when construction is sufiiciently complete, in accordance with the Contract Documents, so the Owner may occupy the Work or designated portion thereof tor the use for which ft is intended' 8.2 PROGRESS AND COMPLETION 8.2.1 All time limits stated in the'Contract Documents are of the essence of the Contract 8.2.2 The Contractor shall begin the Work on the date of commencement as defined in Suboaragraph 312 He shall cany the Work torward expeditiouslv \\tth adequate forces and shall complete it within the Contract Time 8.3 DFEAYS AND EXTENSIONS OF TIME, 8.3.1 If the Contractor is delayed at any time in the progress of the Work by any act or neglect of the Owner or the Architect, or by any employee ot either, or bv anv separate contractor employed by the Owner, or ftv changes ordered in the Work or by labor disputes lire, unusual delay in transportation, unavoidable casualties or any causes beyond the Contractor's control, or bv delay authorized by the O.vner pending arbitration or by anv cause which the Architect determines mav justirv the delay, then the Contract Time shall bo extended by Change Order for such reasonable time as the Architect may determine 8 3.2 All claims for extension of time shall be made in writing to the Architect no more than tuteen days arter the occurrence of the delay, otherwise they shall be waived In the case of a continuing cause of de'ay only one claim is necessary 8.3 3 If no schedule or agreement is made stating the dates upon which written interpretations as set forth m Subparagraph 125 shall be furnished, then no claim tor delay shall be allowed on account of failure to furnish such interpretations until tiftcon days alter demand is made (01 them, and not then unless sucii claim is reasonable fi 3.4 This Paragraph 0 3 does not exclude the recovery of damages for delay by cither party under other pro- visions of the Contract Documents AiA DOCv^.S'.C'.T A ;S' - Cfl"rpAi CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOK CONSTRUCTION * ILrVFNTH EDITION "ALA © SEPT 196? (Tj> 1%7 7HE AMLi'lCAH INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, V35 N£W VOKK AVLNUL, N Vv , vww/ii»C7G<-., DC 20CO6 11 ARTICLC 9 PAYMENTS AND COMPLETION 9.1 CONTRACT SUM 9.1.1 The Contract Sum i<; staled in the Agreement and is the tot.il amount payable by the Owner to the Con- tractor for the performance of the Work under the Contract Documents 9.2 scurpuir OF VALUES 9.2,1 Before the first Application for Payment, the Con- tractor shall submit to the Architect a schedule of values of the various portions of the Work, including quantities if required by the Architect, aggregating the total Con- tract Sum, divided so as to facilitate payments to Sub- contractors in accordance \vjlh Paragraph 5 4, prepared in such form as specified or as the Architect and the Con- tractor may agree upon, and supported by such data to substantiate its correctness as the Architect may require Each item in the schedule of values shall .ncludc its proper share of overhead and proht This schedule, when approved by the Architect, shall be used onlv as a basis for the Contractor's Applications for Payment 9.3 PROGRESS PAYMENTS 9.3.1 At least ten days before each progress payment falls due, the Contractor shall submit to the Architect an itemi?ed Application for Payment, supported by such data substantiating the Contractor's right to payment as the Owner or the Architect may require 9.3.2 If payments arc to be made on iccount of mate- rials or equipment not incorporated m the VVorl but de- livered and suitably stored at the site, or at some other location agreed upon in wntmg, such pa\ments shall be conditioned upon submission bv the Contractor of bills of sale or such other procedures satisiactory to the Owner to establish the Owner's title to such materials or equipment or otherwise protec' the Owner's interest in- cluding applicable insurance and transportation to the site. 9.3.3 The Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials and equipment co\crcd by an Application tor Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to the Owner uoon the receipt of such payment bv the Contractor free and clear of all liens, Claims, security interests or encumbrances, here- inafter referred to in this Article 9 as "liens", and that no Work, materials or equipment covered by an Application for Payment will have been acquired bv the Contractor, or by any other person performing the Work at the sue or furmsh'ng materials and equipment lor the Project, Subject to an agreement under which an interest therein or an encumbrance thereon is retained by the seller or otherwise imposed by the Contractor or such other person 9.4 CERTIHCATK TOR PAYMENT 9.4.1 U the Contractor has made Application for Pay- ment as above, the Architect will, with reasonable promptness but not more than seven days after the re- ceipt of the Application, issue a Certificate for Payment to the Owner, with a copy to the Contractor, for such amount as he determines to be properly due, or state; m writing his icasons for withholding a Certificate as pro- vided in Subparagraph 951 9.4.2 The issuance of a Certificate for Payment will con- stitut" a representation by the Architect to the Owner, based on his observations at the site as provided m Sub- paragraph 2 2'1 and the data comprising the Applica- tion for Payment, that the Work has progicssjd to the point indicated, that, to the best ot his knowledge, in- formation and belief, the quality of the Woik is in ac- cordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an eva'uation of the Work as a functioning whole upon Substantial Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests required by the Contract Documents, to minor devi- ations from the Contract Documents correctable prior to completion, and !o any specific qualifications stated in his Certificate), and that the Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount certified In addition, the Archi- tect's final Certificate for Pavment will constitute a further representation that the conditions precedent to the Con- tractor's being entitled to final payment as set forth in Suboaragraph 972 have been fulfilled However, by is- suing a Certificate for Payment, the Architect shall not thereby be deemed to represent that he has made ex- haustive or continuous on-silc inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work or that he hns reviewed the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or that he has made any examination to ascertain how or for what purpose the Contractor h?s used the moneys previously paid on account of the Con- tract Sum 9.4.3 After the Architect has issued^a Certificate for Pav- ment, the Owner shall make,payment m the manner pro- vided in the Agreement 944 No Certificate for a progress payment, nor any progress payment, nor any partial or entire use or oc- cupancy of the Pro]ect by the Owner, shall constitute an acceptance of .my Work not in accordance with the Con- tract Documents 9.5 PAYMENTS WITHHELD ' 9.5.1 The Architect may decline to approve an Applica- tion for Payment and may withhold his Certificate in whole or in part if in his opinion he is unable to make representations to the Owner as provided in Subpara- graph 942 The Architect mav also decline to aporove anv Aopiicalions for Payment or because of wbs^quent- ly discovered evidence or subsequent inspections he may nullify the whole or any part of any Certificate for Pay- ment previously issued to such extent as mav be neces- sary in his opinion to protect the Owner from loss be- cause of .1 defective work not remedied, .2 claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims, .3 failuie- of the Contractor to make payments prop- erly to Subcontractor or for labor, materials or equipment, .4 reasonable doubt that the Work can be com- pleted for the unpaid balance of the Contract Sum, 12 A1A OOCUMINT A ?01 1- O .5 damage to another contractor, .6 reasonable indication that (he Work will not bo completed wiihm the Contract Time, or .7 unsatisfactory prosecution of the Work by the -- Contractor 9.5.2 When the above grounds in Subparagraph 951 are removed, payment shall be made for amounts with- hold because of them 9.6 FAliURE OF PAYMENT 9,6.1 If the Architect should fail to issue any Certificate for Payment, through no fault 01 the Contractor, within seven days after receipt of the Contractor's Application for Payment, or if the Owner should fan to pay the Con- tractor wilhm seven days afier the date of payment es- tablished m the Agreement any amount certified by the Architect or awarded by arbitration, then the Contrac- tor may, upon seven additional days' written notice to the Owner and the Architect, stop the Work until pay- ment of the amount owing has been received 9.7 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION AND FINAL PAYMENT 9.7.1 When the Contractor determines that the Work or a designated portion thereof acceptable to the Owner is substantially complete, the Contiactor shall prepare for submission to the Architect a list of items to be com- pleted or corrected The tailuro to include any items on such fist does not alter the responsibility of the Con- tractor to complete al! Work in accordance with the Contract Documents When the Architect on the basis of an inspection determines that the Woik is substantially complete, he will then prepare a Cerlincate ot Substantial Completion which shall establish the Date ot Substantial Completion, shall state the responsibilities of the Owner and the Contractor tor maintenance heat, utilities, and insurance, and shall fix the time within which the Con- tractor shall complete the items listed therein, said time to be within the Contract Time unless extended pursuant to Paragraph 83 The Certificate of Substantial Comple- tion sh;?f1 be submitted to the Owner and the Contractor for their \\ritten acceptance of the responsibilities as- signed lo (hem in such Certificate 9.7.2 Upon receipt of written notice that the Work is ready for final inspection and acceptance and upon re- ceipt of a final Application lor Payment, the Architect will promptly make such inspection and, when he tinds the Work acceptable under the Contract Documents and the Contract fully performed, he will promptly issue a final Certificate for Payment sitting that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief and on ihe basis of his observations and inspection^ the Work has been completed m accordance with the terms at.d conditions of the Contract Documents and that the entire balance found lo be duo the Contractor, and noted in said final Certificate., is due and payable; 97.3 Neither the final p.iymrnt nor the remaining re- tained percentage shall become due until the Contractor submits to the Architect UJ an Affidavit tfnt all payrolls, bills for materials and equipment, and other indebtedness connected with the Work tor which the Owner or Ins property might m any way be responsible, hav'c been paid or otherwise satisfied, (7) consent of surety, if any, to final payment ancf (3), if required hy (he Owner, other data est.tblishmj; payment or satisfaction of all such ob- ligations, such as receipts, releases and waivers of liens arising out of the Contract, to the extent and in sucn form as may be designated by the Owner If any Subcontiac- tor refuses to furnish a release or waiver required by the Owner, the Contractor may furnish a bond satisfactory to the Owner to indemnify him against any such hen If any such hen remains unsatisfied after all payments are made, the Contractor shall refund to the Owner all moneys that the latter may be compelled to pay in dis- charging such hen, mcludmg,aH costs and reasonable at- torneys' fees 9.7.4 ff after Substantial Completion of the XYork final completion thereof is materially delayed through no fault of the Contractor, and the Architect so confirms, the Owner shall, upon certification by the Architect, and with- out terminating the Contract, make pavment of the bal- ance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted If the remaining balance for Work not iLilly completed or corrected is less than the rotamape stipu- lated in the Agreement, and if bonds have been furnished as required in Subparagiaph 75-1, the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully comoleled and accepted shall be submitted by the Contractor to the Architect prior to certification of such payment Such p?>ment shall be made under the terms and conditions governing nnal pavment, except that il shall not constitute a vwiver of claims 9.7.5 The making' of final payment shall constitute a waiver ot all claims by the Owner, except those arising from ,1 unsettled liens, .2 faulty or defective Work appearing after Substan- tial Completion, .3 failure of the Work to comply with the require- ments of the,Contract Documents, or ,4 terms of any special guarantees required by the Contract Documents , 9.7.6 The acceptance of final jpavment shall constitute a vvdiver of all claims by !he Contractor except those pre- viouslv rrade in writing and still unsettled ARTICLE 10 PROTECTION OF"PERSONS AND PROPERTY 10.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS 101.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for initiating maintaining and supervising all bdtoly precautions and programs in connection with the Work 10.2 SAFLTY Ol PIRSONS AND PROPERTY 10.2 1 The Contractor shall take all icasonable prc- AIA DOCUMENT A 201 • GENEPAl CONDITIONS Of IMF CONI^CI fiJh, i &IC* 1M,/ © t%7 lift AMtR.O,* .v,7.7v7t Of AKCl'MECTS, ^ "L'" V '(f t cautions for the safety of, arid shall provide nil reason- able protection lo prevent damage, mjuiy or loss to .1 all employees on Ihe Wo'k and all other per- sons who may be affeclcd (hereby, .2 all, Ihc Work and all materials and equipment 1(5 be mcorporaled therein, whether in storage on or off the site, under the care, custody or control of the Contractor or any of his Sub- contractors or Sub-subcontractors, and -3 other properly at the site or adjacent thereto, — — including trees, shrubs lawns, walks, pavements, „ « "roadways, structures and utilities not designated for remov.il, relocation or replacement in the course of construction 10.2.2 The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and orders of any public authority having jurisdiction for the safety of per- sons or property or to protect them from damage, injury or loss He shall erect and maintain, ?s required by exist- ing conditions and progress ot the Work, all reasonable safeguards for safety and protection, including posting danger signs and other warnings against hazards, promul- gating safety regulations ana notifying owners and users of adjacent utilities 10.2.3 When the use or storage of explosives or other hazardous materials or equipment is necessarv for the execution of the Work, the Contiactor shall exercise the utmost care and shall carry on such activities under the supervision of properly qualmed personnel 10.2.4 All damage or loss to any property referred to in Clauses 10212 and 10213 causcrl m whole or in oart by the; Contractor, any Subcontractor any Sub-subcon- tractor, or anyone directly or ndirectly employed by any of them, or by amone for whose acts any ot them may be liable, shall be remedied bv the Contiactor, except damage or loss attnbutab'e to t,= jltv Drawings or Specifi- cations or to the acts or omissions ot the Owner or Archi- tect or anyone employed by e'ther of them or ror whose acts either of them mav be liable, and not attributable to the fault or negligence of the Contractor 10.2.5 The Contractor shall designate a responsible member of his organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents This person shall be the Contractor's superintendent unless otherwise designated in wntmg by the Contractor to the Owner and the Architect 10.2.G The Contractor shall not load or permit any part of the Work to be loaded so as to endanger its safety 10.3 EMERGENCIES 10.3.1 In any emergency affecting the safety of persons or properly, the Contractor shall act, at bis discretion, to prevent threatened damage, injurv or loss Any addi- tional compensation or extension of time claimed by the Contractor on account of emergency work shall be de- termined as provided in Article 12 for Changes in the Work 11 INSURANCE 11,1 CONTRACTOR"; LIAF.ILITY INSURANCE 11.1 1 The Contiactor shall purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect him from claims set forth below which nuiy arise out of or 'result from the Contractor's operations under the Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by any Subcontractor or by an\one di- rectly or indirectly employed by any of them, or bv any- one for whose acts any of them may be liable .1 claims under workmen's compensation, dis- ability benefit and other similar employee bene- fit acts, .2 claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of his employees, and claims insured by usual personal injury liability coverage, .3 claims for damages because of bodilv injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than his employees, and claims insured by usual personal injury liability coverage, and .4 claims for damages because of injury to or de- struction of tangible property, including loss of use resulting therefrom 11.1 2 The insurance required by Subparac;raph 1111 shall be written tor not less than any limits ot liability specified in the Contract Documents, or required by law, whichever is greater, and shall include contractual liability insurance as applicable to the Contractor's obligations under Paragraph 418 11.1 3 Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be tiled with the Owner prior to commencement of the Work These Certificates shall contain a pro/ision that coverages afforded under the policies will net be can ceiled until at least fifteen davs' prior written notice has been given to the Owner 11.2 OWNER'S" LIABILITY INSURANCE 11.2.1 The Owner shall be responsible for purchasing and maintaining his own liability insurance and, at his option, may purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect h;m against claims which may arise trom opera- tions under the Contract 11.3 PROPERTY INSURANCE 11.3.1 Unless otherwise provided, the Owner shall pur- chase and maintain property insurance upon the entire Work at the site to the full insurablc value thereof This insurance shall include the interests ot the Owneo the Contractor, Subcontractors and Sub-subcontractors in the* Work and shall insure against the perils of Tire, fxtended Coverage, Vandalism and Malicious Mischief 11.3 2 The Owner shall purchase and maintain such steam boiler and machmeiy insurance as may be required by (fie Conlract Documents or bv law This insurance shall include the interests of the Ovvner, the Contractor, Subcontractors and.Sub-subcontractors in the Work 14 AIA DOCUMrNT A 201 . CLNCRAL CONDITIONS Ol THT COMRACT TOR CONSTRUCTION * Ui.Vl.NHt LO!t"ION iLI'l I'Jt,/ ^) W07 1ML AM LK I CAN IISMLIUIL OT AKCHIlLCib, I/J3 fSLW lwr>K AVLNUL, NW, VWiSr iii>C7Gli H A!A 11.3.3 Any insured loss is to bo adjusted with the Owner and made payable to the Owner as trustee for the m- sureds, as their interests m.iy appear, subject lo the rc- quiremcnls of ^ny applicable mortgagee clause and of Subparagraph 1138 11.3.4 The Owner shall file a copy of all policies with the Contractor before an exposure to loss may occur If the Owner does not intend to purchase such insunnce, he shall inform the Cuntr.ictor m wnimg prior (o com- mencement of ihe Work Thf Contractor may then eiiccl insurance which will protect the interests oi himself, his Subcontractors and the Sub-subcontractors in the Work, and by appropriate Change Order the cost thereof shall be charged lo the Owner it the Contractor is damaged by failure of (he Owner to purchase or maintain sucn insur- ance and so lo notify Ihe Contractor, then ihe Owner shall bear all reasonable costs properly attributable thereto. 11.3.5 If the Contractor requests in writing that other special insurance be included in the property insurance policy, the Owner shall, if possible, include such insur- ance, and the cost thereof shall be charged to the Con- tractor by appropriate Change Order 11.3.6 The Owner and Contractor waive all rights against each other for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by insurance provided under this Para- graph 11 3, except such rich's as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance held bv the Owner as trustee The Contractor shall require similar waivers by Subcon- tractors and Sub-subcontractors in accordance with Clause an Sub-subcontractors 315 : O 11.3.7 !f required m writing by any party in interest, the Owner as trustee shall, upon (lie occurrence of an insured loss, give bond for the proper pertormancc of his duties He shall deposit in a separate account any money so re- ceived, and he shali distribute it ,1 accordance with such agreement as the parties in interest may reach or in ac- cordance with an award bv arbitration in which case the procedure shall be as proudod in Paragraph 710 If after such loss no other special agreement is made, replace- ment of damaged work shall be covered by an appro- priate Change Order 11.3.8 The Owner as trustee shall have power to adjust and scllle any loss with the insurers unless one or the parties in interest shall ob]ect in wnt'ng within five days after the occurrence of loss to the Owner's exercise of this power, and if such objection he made , arbitrators shall be chosen as provided in Paragraph 7 10 The Owner as trustee shall, m that case, make settlement with the insurers in accordance with ihc directions oi such arbi- trators If distribution ot the insurance proceeds by arbitration is required, the arbitrators will direct such distribution 11.4 LOSS Of USE INSURANCE 11.4,1 The Owner, at his option, may purchase and mainUin such insurance as wilt insure him against loss of use of his properly due to fire or other ha/ards, however caused ARTICLE 12 CHANGES IN THE WORK 12.1 QMN'GL ORDERS 12.1.1 "I ho Owner, without invalidating the Contract, may order Changes in the Work within the general scope of the Confrac t consisting of additions, deletions or other revisions, the Contract Sum and the Contract lime be'nq adjusted accordingly All such Changes in the Work shall bo authorized by Change Older, and shall be executed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Docu- ments 121 2 A Change Order is a written order to the Con- tractor signed by the Owner and the Aichitcct, issued after the execution of the Contract, authorizing a Change in the Work or an adjustment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time Alternatively, the Change Ordei may be signed by the Aich'tect alone, provided he has written authority from the Owner for such procedure and that a copy of such written authority is tumished to the Con- tractor upon request The Contract Sum and the Contract Time may be changed only by Change Order 12.1.3 The cost or credit lo the Owner resulting from a Change m the Work shall be determined in one or more of the following ways .1 by mutual acceptance of a lump sum properly itemized, .2 by unit prices stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon, or .3 by cost and a'mutually acceptable fixed or per- centage fee 12.1.4 If none of the methods set forth in Subpar?graph 12 1 3 is agreed upon, the Contractor, provided he re- ceives 3 Change Order, shall promptly proceed with the Work involved The cost of such Work shall then be de- termined by the Architect on the basis of the Contractor's reasonable expenditures and savings, including, in the case ot an increase in the Contract Sum, a reasonable allowance for overhead and proiit In such case, and also under Clause 12133 above, the Contractor shall keep and present, in such form as the Architect mav prescribe, an itemized accounting together with appropriate sup- porting data Pending final determination of cost lo (he Owner, payments on account shall be made on the Architect's Certificate for Payment The amount ot credit to be allowed by the Contractor to the Owner lor anv deletion or change which results in a net decrease in cost will be the amount ot the actual net decrease as con- tirmed DV the Architect When both additions and credits are involved m any one change, the allowance tor over- head and profit shall be figured on the basis of net in- crease, if any 12.1.5 If unit prices are staled m tfie> Contract Docu- ments or subsequently agreed upon, and if the quantities ongin.illy conlempbted are so changed in a proposed Change Order that application of the agreed unit puces to the quantities of Work proposed will create a haul- ship on the Ov.ncr or the Contracloi, the applicable unit prices shall be equitably adjusted to prevent such hard- ship /I A DC O'"F NT A ->ni . C'MRA! CONDITIONS O! Till- CONTRACT fOH CONSTRUCTION • UrVfNTII tDlllON • AIA («) SCIT t%7 © 1%7 THf AMI MOW I ,'MI/UN Of AkCMIffCfS, I/i5 NUV !Of.k AVLMJi., ,\> W , WASHINGTON', DC 12.1 6 Should concealed conditions encountered in (he perfoim.incc of ihe Work below the surface of the {'.round be at variance wilh the conditions indicated by the C on- tract Documents or should unknown phy.ic.il conditions below ihe surface of the ground of an unusual natuie, differing materially from [hose ordmanlv encounlercd and generally if/cdgni/cd as inherent in uork of the chaiacfcr provided foi m tins Conliacl, be encountered, the Con- tract Sum shall bo equitably adjusted by Change Order upon claim by either pasty made \\nlim a reasonable lime after the first observance of the conditions 12.1.7 If the Contractor claims that additional cost or time is involved because of (1) nnv written interpretation issued pursuant to Subparagraph 125, (2) any order by llie Architect to slop the Work pursuant to Subpara- graph 2212 where flic Contractor was not at fault, or (3) any written order for a minor change in the Work issued pursuant to Paragraph 123, the Contractor shall make such claim as provided in Paragraph 122 12.2 CLAIMS FOR ADDITIONAL COST OR TIME 12.2.1 If the Contractor wishes to make a claim for an increase in the Contract Sum or an extension m the Con- tract Time, he shall give the Architect written notice thereof within a reasonable lime after the occurrence of the event giving rise to such claim This notice shall be given by the Contractor before proceeding to execute the Work, except m an emergency endangering life or prop- erty in which case the Contractor shall proceed in accord- ance with Subparagraph 1031 No such claim shall be valid unless so made It the Owner and the Contractor cannot agree on the amount of the adjustment in the Contract Sum or the Contract Time rt shall be deter- mined by the Architect Any change m the Contract Sum or Contract Time resulting irom iiich claim shall be authorized by Change Order 12.3 MINOR CIIANCLS IN THE WORK 12.3.1 The Architect shall have authontv to order minor changes m the Work not mvolvi.ig an adjustment in the Contract Sum or an extension ot the Contract lime and not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract Docu- ments Such change1; mav be eficcted by Held Order or by other written order Such changes shall be binding on the Owner and the Contractor 12.4 HELD ORDERS 12.4.1 The Architect may issue written field Orders which interpret the Contract Documents m accordance with Subparagraph 1 2 "5 or \\hich order minor changes in the Work in accordance with Paragraph "12 3 without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time The. Contractor shall carry out such field Orders promptly ARTICLE 13 UNCOVERING AND COURF.CTION Of WORK 13.1 UNCOVIRING OF WORK 13.1.1 If any Work should be covered contrary to the re- quest of the Architect, it must, if required by the Archi- tect, be uncovered for his observation and replaced, at the Contractors expense 13 1.? If any other Work has been covered which the Architect has not specifically requested to observe pnor to being covered, the Architect mav request to see si'ch Work and it shall be uncovered by the Contractor If ^uch Work be found in accordance with the Contract Docu- ments, the cost of unanenng and replacement shall, b\ appropriate Change Order, be charged to the O\ nor If such Work be found not in accordance with the Con- tract Documents, the Contractor shall pay such cno<; unless it be found that this condition was caused bv a separate contractor employed as provided in Article 5, and in that event the Owner shall be responsible for the payment of such costs 13.2 CORRECTION OP WORK 13.2.1 The Contractor shall promptly correct ail Work rejected by the Architect as defective or as failing to con- form to the Contract Documents whether observed before or after Substantial Completion and whether or not fabricated, installed or completed The Contractor shall boar all costs of correcting such rejected Work, in- cluding the cost of the Architect's addition?! services thereby made necessary 13.2 2 If, within one year after the Date of Substantial Completion or within such longer period of time rs mav be prescribed by law or by the terms of any apphcab'e special guarantee required bv the Contract Document anv ol the Work is found to be dciecti\o or not m ac- cordance v-ilh the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall correct it nromotly ?tter receipt or a \\nticn notice from the Owner to do so unless the Owner his ore- viously given the Contractor ? written acceptance 01 ^'jci condition The Owner shall give such notice prornntlv after discovery of the condition 13.2.3 All such defective or non-conforming Work under Subparagraphs 1321 and 1322 shall be rcrro\ed from the site where necessarv, and the Work shall be corrected to comply with the Contract Documents with- out cost to the Owner 1324 The Contractor shall bear- the cost of making good all uork of separate contractors deslroved or clam- aged by such removal or correction 13 2 5 If the Contractor does not remove such detective or non-contorming Work within a reasonable time i\ed by written notice from the Architect, the O\\ner mav remove it and may store the materials or equipment at the expense of the Contractor If the Contractor does not pay the co^t of such removal and storage within ten davs thereafter, the Owner mav upon ten additio i^l d.ns' written notice sell such Work at auction or at private sale and shall account for the net proceeds thereof, alter deducting all the costs that should have been borne hv the Contractor including compensation for additional architectural services if such proceeds ot sale do pot covei all costs which the Contractor should ha^e borne, the difference shall be charged to the Contiactor and an appropriate Change Order shall bo issued If the pay- ments then or thereafter due the Contractor aie not suf- 16 AlA DOCUMtNT A 301 • GENERAL CONDI1IONS OT HIE CONTACT (Of CONST MJCTION * H1VFN7K [DIIIOs1 - AlA SEf'T 1067 O 13G7 HIE nMiKICAN INSTITUIC OI AF'CII'TECTS 1735 NLW YOK' AVLNUi!, NW, WASHINGTON, DT ficiont to cover such amount, ihe Contractoi shall pay the difference to the Owner 13.2 6 If the Contractor fails to correct such (infective or non-conforming Work, the Owner may correct it in accordance with Paragraph 7 6 13 2 7 The obligations ot the Contractor under this Para- graph 13 2 shall be in addition to and not in limitation of any obligations imposed upon him bv special guarantees required by the Contract Documents or otherwise pre- scribed by law 13.3 ACCEPTANCE or DIEECTIVE OR NONCONIOKMING WORK 13.3.1 If the Owner prefers to accept defective or non- conforming Work, he may do so instead of requiring its removal and correction, in which case a Change Order will be issued to reflect an appropriate reduction in the Contract Sum, or, if the amount is determined after final payment, it shall be paid by the Contractor ARTICLE 14 TCRMIN'ATION OF THE CONTRACT 14.1 TERMINATION BY THE CONTRACTOR 14.1.1 If the Work is stopped for a period of thirty days under an order of any court or other public authority hav- ing jurisdiction, through no act or fault of the Contractor or a Subconlnttor oi their agents or empfovccs or any other persons pci terming any of the Work under a con- tract wlh the Contactor, or u the Work should be stopped for a period oi thirlv days by the Contractor for the Architect's failure to issue a Certificate for Payment as provided in P?ragraph 9 6 or lor the Owner's failure to make payment thereon as provided in Paragraph 9 6, then tho Contractor may, upon seven days' written notice to the Owner and tho Architect, terminate, the Contract and recover from me Owner payment for all Work ex- ecuted and for any proven loss sustained upon any ma- terials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, including reasonable profit and damages 142 TERMINATION RY THI OWNER 14 2.1 If the Contractor is adjudged a bankrupt, or if he makes a general assignment lor the beneiit of his credi- tors, or if a receiver is appointed on account of his in- solvency, or if he persistently or repeatedly refuses or fails, except in cases for which extension of time is pro- vided, to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or if he fails to make prompt payment to Subcontractors or for materials or labor, or persistently disregards laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or orders of any public authority having jurisdiction, or otherwise is guilty of a substantial violation ot a provision of the Contract Documents, then the Owner, upon certification by the Architect that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may, without prejudice to any right or remedy and after giving the Contractor and his surety, it any, seven days' written notice, terminate the employment of the Contractor and take possession of the site and of all materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery thereon owned by the Contractoi and may finish the Work by whatever method he may deem ex- pedient [n such case the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is tmishcd /4 2 2 If (he unpaid balance of the Contract Sum ex- ceeds the costs or t-nishm™ tho Work, including com- pensation for tnc Architect's add'tionai services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor li such costs ex- ceed such unpaid balance, the,Contractor shaM pay the difference to the Owner The costs incurred by the Owner as herein provided shall be certified by the Architect AIA DOCUMFNT A 201 • CENLPAI CONU'TIOMS Of THE CONTACT TOR CONSTRUCTION • EILVLMTM FDITION *-A1A © SEPT 1967 © VJG7 Ilir AMLkiCAN JNSHKJU OF AKCMITTCTS, 17j3 NIAV VOKK AVLNUl, N W WASMIM_,K)N, DC 7CXXX,17 l.A SUMMARY OF THE WORK* A. The work encompassed on this project is the building of a restaurant structure and equipment and related site work for parking and landscaping. JB.- Separate Contracts: 1. Landscaping and Sprinklers 2. Carpeting and Pad 3. Furnishings, etc. ^ 4. Signs C. Furnished by ^gj? 433 and installed under other sections of the Contract: 1. Artwork Items 2. Water Softener 3. Cash Deposit Box, Index File, Safe 4. Floor Cans and Table Brackets for-Seating and Boothwork 5. Connection and hook-up of Food Service Equipment D. Items furnished but not installed will be, indicated in each section. E. The work of this project wi31 be completed under one Contract. F. Refer to General Conditions Section 1.2.4 l.B SCHEDULES AND REPORTS A. The following is a list of applicable building standards and organizations that can be used as references in this specifi cations ; AASHO American Association of State Highway Officials AID (NBFU) American Insurance Association ACI American Concrete Institute AGA American Gas Association AISC American Institute of Steel Construction AISI American Iron and Steel Institute AMA Acoustical Materials Association AITC American Institute of Timber Construction AS1IRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials APA (DPPA) American PJywood Association AWS American Welding Society 1A-1 CKSI , Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute CS Commercial Standard FS Federal Spec Liication NAAMM National Association of Arelu tectural Metal Manufacturers *NBS National Bureau of Standards NEC National Electrica] Code NKMA. National Electrical Manufacturers Association NFPA National Fire Protection Association PCA Portland Cement Association TCA Tile Council of America UBC Uniform Building Code UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. WCLIB West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau VIC Woodwork Institute of California AIEE American Institute of Electrical Engineers ICBO International Conference of'Building Officials B. Required Inspections: 1. Masonry (when required by building officials) 2. Field Welding (when required by_ building officials) 3- Inspections - The General Contractor shall Keep the /architect advised as to" the progress of the work and shall notify the Architect a week prior to reaching the following stages in the construction,so that inspection trips may be scheduled: a. When footings have been poured and building is being framed, but prj.or to pouring of slab (tor checking of framing, underground utility, stxib- outs,otc) Contractor shall also notify Equipment Contractor to check and accept utility stub-outs. b. Before wrapping and lathing is in place (for checking of above-ground utility stubs, placement of insulation, air conditioning ducts, etc) c. One week, or less: before completion and opening... preferably af ter power is, connected (for checking of finish work) d. Day of the opening (for checking of operating equipment and final details . Any ittcslf unctj ons of food service equipment, will be reported at this time on Architect's punch list) e. When punch 1 ist items are corrected - (so -chat final payment may be released). Required on or before this inspection are: (1) Certificates or statements (on all mechanical equipment, roofing installation, plumbing and electrical installation, paving and all otlrsr items indicated in specifications. I A -2 (2) As built drawings (plumbing, electrical, air conditioni ng) (3) Operating instructions on mechanical (air conditioning and plumbing) equipment - 4. Fooci Service Equipment Installation - General Contractor shall not request delivery and/or installation of food service equipment until the floors are finished, in addition to the ceiling being completed and all walls and ceiling- being painted in the areas adjacent to food service equipment, and building is completely enclosed after delivery. for a Equipment completed, Contractor. cosus are incorrect responsible at least In the event the General Contractor arranges specjfic delivery date with the Food Service source and finds that the above will not be then full responsibility rests upon General In the event excess delivery or installation encountered by the Equipment Source, dae to scheduling/ the General Contractor shall be unless a revised schedule has been provided one week in advance, C. Required Tests: 1. Soil Compaction Testing and Report 2. Certifications of Tield Welding 3. Concrete Laboratory Test (when required by Section 3A) D. Required Reports and Documents: 1. Copy of Labor, Material and Completion Bond (within 7 days after sa gm ng contract) 2. Pro}ect Tine Schedule or CraticaT_Path Schedule 3. Job Site Telephone Number and Address 4. Copy of Signed Contract E Glossary of Abbreviateons: See Drawings l.C. SAMPLES AND SHOP DRAWINGS A. When samples are called for in the specification, submit two f?) each to the Architect,, B. When shop drawings or fixture cuts are indicated to be submitted in the specifications, submit 5 copies to the Architect. C. Samples and shop drawings shall be forwarded to the Architect. Allow two weeks for the return of copies. These shop drawings shall be submitted on prints the same size as drawings or specifications. 1.D TEMPORARY FACIL1TIKS A. Construction fences and/or barricades and warning devices; "Furnish when required by Code or Building Officials and comply with same with no increase in Contract amount. B. Services: ^^ Water, Gas and Electricity: 1. All water, gas and electricity used, and all temporary piping and wiring required to carry on the work will be furnished, paid for and maintained by the Contractor and removed upon completion of the work. 2. Sub-contractors will arrange for services from General Contractor, C. Telephone at Job Site; Provide a temporary telephone at the job site during the construction. The number will be forwarded to the Architect at start of construction. D. Toilet Facilities and Storage Room: Provide temporary lockable storage room and toilet facilities on the job sate. E. Scaffolding: Each trade will provide all necessary scaffolding, staging and similar items, as required for proper execution of the work. Scaffolding will be erected so as not to interfere with the work of other contractors. I.E. CLEANING UP; General Conditions; Section 4.16' and 6.4 l.F, PROJECT CLOSEOUT A. Deliver to the Architect: 1. Guarantees and bonds required to be more than one year 2. As-built drawings-complete, 3- All operating instructions, manuals and manufacturers literature regarding installation and/or operating instructi as required by specifications, including: a. Plumbing b. Heating and Ventilating and Air Conditioning c. Electrical d. Communications i SR - 1A-4 SECTION ?A - EXCAVATION AND GRADING General Conditions and SpocDal Conditions are a part of' this Section.* 1. FILL AND COMPACTION A. Fill Material: Free from perishable material, not to contain rocks or lumps over 4" in character. ,*-"" """B. Place fill material in 8" layers or less, loose thickness. Houston or dry as. necessary to obtain proper moisture content. Compact with equipment to obtain dry densities equal to at least 90o of the maximum density determined" by ASTJ1 C 3557-58-T method (C) Compaction Procedure. C. Qualified Soils Engineer shall perform Field Density Tests on each layer of fill to determine the degree of Compaction attained. Where the Field Density Tests v indicate that the required compaction has not been obtained, the area shall be reconditioned as necessary and re-compacted to the required density prior to placing any additional material. D. After completion of compaction, file with the Architect two (2) copies of the Soil Engineer's report. The report and tests will be paid for by the General Contractor 2. EXCAVATION: Clean-cut vertical trenches may be used in 3ieu of form boards below grade. Bottom of footing trenches must be cut level and in undisturbed earth. 3. FILLING AND BACKFILLING: Backfill and fills under concrete shall be thoroughly tamped an 8" maximum layers. No adobe is to be xised near or in building areas or under slab, 4. FINISH GRADING: Leave all yards, smoothly graded, correctly related to elevations shown on drawings. 5. SURPLUS EARTH: Any earth not required for fill or to meet grades on Drawings shall be removed from site. Earth required for fill shall be provided. 6. TOPSOIL IN PLANTING AREAS: A. Shall be furnished by otners . ~~"•* i B. Planters sha]1 be excavated to a depth of 12" below the finisn grades shown on the drawing. Topsoil for planters shall be furnisned under separate contract. The 32nd. SR „ 2A-3 SECTION ?D , . . . . ASP1IALTTC CONCUCTE PART 1 ................................................ GENERAL A. Establish grades for sub-base course, base course and surface course. ,- B. Install sub-base, base course and surface course. C. Sterilisation of soils and base. - ..--. 1.2 WORK PROVIDED BY OTHER SECTIONS" A. Parking Bumpers and guards , B. Parking lot striping, C. Surface and sub-surface drainage systems. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. Weight tickets for asphaltic concrete delivered , collected by Superintendent for inspection. B. Guarantee for two (2) years for soils sterilization against weed growth. C. Guarantee for two (2)years against defects in materials and workmanship on paving and base. PART 2. . <.„.... ..,...« PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Soils poisoning materials: 1. "Noxveed" or equal or 2. Chloradanc ~ 1 percent soOution or 3. Dicldrin - 0.5 percent solution B. Aspbaltic concrete surface course to bo as j'oJ 1 owe: Materials composing the dry mix shall bo combined aja follows:' Sieve SJ 20 Percentage Passing 1/2 inch 3001 3/0 90-H001 no. 4 65-78o no. 8 50-60* no. 30 , 25-37% no. 200 3-83, ---"To the dry mixture shall be added paving asphalt 40/50 penetration in hot climates, 60.70 penetra- tion in moderate climateb and 85/300 penetration in cool climates in the amount of" b% to 8«. This contractor shall decide which asphalt-of the above is best suited for the installation. PART 3 , . . . , . EXECUTION 3.1 EXECUTION A. Areas under asphaltic paving shall be scarf ec3 to a minimum depth of 8 inches in conformance with the soils report prepared by Lisa Enterprises,, Inc. B. Weed Killer: Shall be sprayed upon the base over the entire area to be paved, in the amount of 6 gallons for every 150 sq. ft. C. Base material is to be placed true to grade, uni- form and smooth and compacted with a minimum of an 8 ton roller. C. Spreading and compaction of surface course: 1. Any method of spreading asphalt base and surface courses which produces segregation or non-uniform- ity of texture of the surface shall not be used. SK Paving mixture shall be spiead on the base to a uniform depth even Iy and unifornily distributed and struck olf ->o the surface after rolling will be of uniform texture and appearance. Rolling -nth a ni-inimum 0 ton tandem steel wheel roller shall start as soon as the hot mix material can be compacted with-out displacement. Kollinq shall continue until thoroughly compacted and all roll or marks have disappeared. In areas too small for the 8 ton roller a smaller roller, a vibrating plate compactor or hand tamper !shall be used to achieve thorought compaction. Finished pavement elevations shall not vary more than 1/4 inch from finish design elevations and the surface of the completed pavingf when tested with a ten (10) foot straightedge, shall not contain irregular- ities in excess of 1/4 inch. The finished pavement shall have a minimum uniform thickness of 2 inches.unless otherwise noted on the plans. The End SECTION 3A - CONCRETE Genera] Conditions and Special Conditions are a part of this section. t 1. Materials: A. Portland Cement: ASTM C-150 Type I or.-II __B. Aggregate: ASTM C-33 C. Reinforcing Steel Bars: ASTM A-15 intermediate grade. Bars other than 1/4" and 5/16" to be deformed. D. Wire Fabric: ASTM A-135, 6" x 6", #10 - #10 electrically welded wire mesh. E. Concrete Sealer: "Master Seal" by Master Builders \ F. Sand: ASTM C-144 G. Roclc Fill: 1/2" to 1" maximum diameter, H. Vapor Barrier: 6 mil "Visqueen" or"approved equal I. Concrete Color and Hardener: by "Master Builders" J. Control Joints: "Quick Joint" plastic:-"T"V, f *• K. Curing Compound: "Kurowax," same color.as Hardener L. Water: from potable source 2. Mixes: ( A. Grout Mix: mix to produce minimum comp_ressive strength of 2000 psi @ 28 days. B. Concrete Mix: 1. Mix to produce a mimimum corapressive strength of 2000 psi (3 28 days, 3" maximum slump 2. Transit Mix: ASTM C-94, place in final position within 1-1/2 hours after water is first added. 3. Placing Concrete: A. Forms: conform to shape, lines and dimensions of Drawings. Properly brace or tie to maintain position. B. Placing Reinforcing: accurately pJace in accordance w-tth Drawings. Secure in position by con- crete or metal chairs or spacers. 'J T\ _ "t SR *"* ~ C. Construction Joints: place as indicated on Drawings, 12' O/C maximum at exterior slabs and walkr. or curb and gutters D. Anchors and Miscellaneous Steel: Furnish and accurately set required anchors, bolts, dowels, etc. where they * occur, including dowels out or the foundation for masonry work. E. Interior Slabs: 4" minimum thickness. Place over 2" sand bed, vapor barrier, and 4" rock fill base. Install ^ wire fabric throughout all slabs. Do not pour -""•""" slabs until elevation of all plumbing floor drains are verified to insure proper drainage. F. Inspection: The Contractor shall notify the Architect for inspection of all rough-ins ^ust prior to pouring floor slabs. 4. Finishes: A. Concrete Floor and Base Hardener: for-areas as designated on the finish schedule, the floor hardener shall be Silica aggre- gate tan "Colorcron," as manufactured by the Master Builders Co., applied at the rate of 1.0 jib. per square foot in accord- ance with the manufacturer's directions. As soon after final troweling as possible, slab and coves shall be cured with Kurowax of the same color as the hardener, applied at the rate of 1.0 Ib. per 100 scaare feet. B. Sealing oE non-colored concrete: all- exposed interior con- crete slabs not receiving other finishes shall have one (1) coat of sealer. Concrete surfaces shall be clean and free of oil, grease, paint, dirt and other, foreign matter before application. Follow manufacturer specifications for appli- . cation of sealer. Notify manufacturer-seventy-two (72) hours in advance of date of application,, C. Finishing: All slabs to be smooth and level, steel troweled finished, swirl patterns where exposed. Exterior slabs to slo; as noted or at a minimum of 1/8" per foot for drainage. Scorir shall be as shown. Expansion joints and 1-1/4" deep weakened plane points to have tooled edges. 5. Cleaning: Upon completion of all other work in building, cement floors shall be swept clean; plaster, paint and oil removed; washed with soap and water and mopped dry. Clean thoroughly. 6. Miscellaneous Concrete Work: A. Splash Blocks - Provide and install 12" x 18" splash blocks under babbs and downspouts, unless otherwise shown. SK B All wn33;s sloping roie than 1 foot J.n 15 tect to have medium broom finish. 7. Protection of Conciete (While placing and after completion) IIt>t-wcatber requi rements: A. In hot weather, suitable precautions shall be taken to avoid drying of the concrete prior to finishing oper- ations. Use of windbreaks, sunshades, fog sprays, or __^- other devices shaJ1 be provided. B. Concrete deposited in hot weather shall not have a placing temperature that will cause difficulty from loss of slump, flash sets, or cold joints. Concrete temperature shall be less than 90 degrees F. The End SR SECTION .4A UNIT MASONRY Genera] Conditions and Specjal Conditions are part of this Section: 1. Uork installed under this Section, but furnished under other Sections. ~" A. Miscellaneous metal, anchors, etc., required by other -*""'""" Trades including necessary rrasonry openings. 2. Work specified under other Sections: A. Foundation and masonry dowels set in foundation: furnished and installed under Section 3A Concrete. B. Paint and Sealer: furnished and appJicd under Section 9D Painting. 3. Material A. Concrete "-^scnry Units: Ho 13 cw, heavyweiqht units, confer- to A.S.T.M. C-90 ana" "Q" B3ocL standards 8" x 6" x 16" slumped units where indicated. smooth face units at other Jccatxcns. 8" x 8" x 16" anit<3 may be used wnere rail is plastered botn sides or at vails above cejling line. B. Plastic Cc.-'cnt: A.S.T.M. C-150. C. Sand and J.qqrcaate tor Mortar* A.S.T.M. C-144 . D. Admixture: Succnem "Red Laljel" by Super Concrete Emulsions, Ltu. E. Sand for Grout; A.S.T.M. C-404 F. Pea Gravel: 100% passing 3/8" sieve, not more thar 5% passing No. 8 sieve. G, Water; From potable source. IK Reinforcino Steel Bars: A.S.T.M. A-15, intermediate grade. Bars other"than 1/4" and 5/16" to be deferred. Mixes: A . Mortar : A. S . T ."M . C-27 0 B. Grout: Kinvmm conpressive strength of 2000 psi ia ]8 days. SR - 4A - 1 V C. Add mixtures lor Mortar and Grout: Add 3. pint Soconem "Rod Label'' or 3 quart "Anti-Hydro" per sack of cement. 5. Grouting: reinforcing stco) shall be in place and Inspected , before qrouti ng. C lean out nil debris find pro jccting IMC ctar before grouping. Crc ut lifts not to exceed i) 1 cot. StO'j pour 1 ] /2" below tou of the course to form a Ley at pour 101 m:s Grouting of beams .sLall be done i n a continuous operation. Solid grout cellsr where indicated. - 6. Laying Fasonry Units: Lay units in Running Bond, produce L/8" raked joints at sluroped units. Conform to local codes and ordinances, 7. Placing Rcinforciny Steel: Furnish and set masonry reinforcing. Thoroughly secure against displacement and support, as reaujred. Uo not place par ail lei bars closer jn the clear than 1 1/2 tar'es the dianeter of rouid bars. Tie every crossing . Lap bars 40 diameters at splices. 8. Cleaning: Clean a]1 exposed nasonry work of mortar and grout runs irmediately. Leave work clean rind ready lor paint, sealer, and plaster. 9. Samples: Submit for color and texture spproval, See Color Schedule. Materials used shall patch approved samples. The End GR 4A fXCTJOK 5A IILTAL^: [ t racturnl r.nci Misc. General CondiUons and cpecial Conditions arc a part of this r ection, 1. Furnish structural '"feel and vi ^cc-llauoous metal itcrns not; furnished under other °ectioiv>. Coordinate work to be in- stalled une'Cr rections 3A, 4A, & 6A. 2. Work specified under other cections, A. Concrete Reinforcing: Section 3A Concrete B. Masonry Reinforcing: °cction AA Masonry I C. ^heot Metal: Section 7i j D. MetaJ Door^ , Frames & Louvers : Sect] on 8 j E. Metal cpecialtxes; ^ectLon 10 3. j Materials; * j A. Structural Steel: A.^.T.H. A-36 1 H. Pipe- or tube columns: A,r»T.:i. A-53, Grade «i i C. Miscellaneous Metal i Kcfer to details or notes on Dravi n^s 4. Thop Drawing'' - Fabricnt-ions : Provide Qhop Drawings for all fabricated work for Architect' approval . Fabricate work in accordance vxth anprovcd °hop Drawings in a licenced ^hop by certified welders1. 3. Field Welding;<^j Performed by a licenced voider or a velder anprovcd by the Local Uuilding Authors ty with continuous inspection by fhis Authority or 'icstin^ Laboratory. Verify. 6. Painting: *Ihorou;hly clean of loose scale, ru^t and foreign matter, and shop paint with one coat of red lead paint all work undor This °cction, except work to be imbedded in concrete ox" masonry. The Kn SECTION 6A - CARPENTRY jGeneral Conditions and Special Conditions are a part of this section. 1. Work installed under this section furnished under other sections A. Miscellaneous Metal (for framing):• Section 5A B. Cabinet Work: Section 6B C. Doors: Section 8A and 8B D. Finish Hardware: Section 8E E. Specialties: Division 10 i- F. Equipment: Division 11 ! G. Furnishings: Division 12 2. Work specified under other sections: A. Concrete forms: Section 3A 3. MATERIALS A. Rough carpentry and rough hardware: refer to Structural General Notes, Sheet S-l. Provide all required Rough Hardware as detailed or necessary. B. Finish Carpentry: 1. Members over 3/4" thick: "C" oi"Btr. V.G.D.F., unless otherwise indicated. 2. Finish trim: "C" and Btr. V.G.D.F. or "C" Select Ponderosa Pine, All material kiln dried. 3. Exposed wood members, at windows, doors, jambs, sills, Bullions, and decorative beams: "C" or Btr., flat grain, Douglas Fir, saw textured surfaces, select for appear- ance. 4. Siding: Resawn (or rough sawn) Douglas Fir Plywood - - shall meet American Plywood 7s.ssociation 303 Specialty Siding Specifications and the requirements of the latest edition of US Product Standard PS 1--GG. Siding shall have the following characteristics: A minimum Grade "B" face which eliminates knotholes but pernu ts patching 3/8" thick 53 ding nailed to studs spaced 36" 0/C maxirnam, extern or typo lor exterior use and interior type for inter use. SR ' CA-1 Naxl i_ng shall be Cd, G" 0/C at panel edges and 8" 0/C at intermediate supports. Use tfd where siding is v bad ed up by gypsum walJboard, in which case siding shall be secured to framing by fastening Lhrough the gypsuin wallboard. Place nails at 3/8" or more from panel edges and shall be of non-corrosive type. 5. Wood Batts and ledgers at> wood siding: "C" or Btr., flat cjrain or vertical grain, Douglas Fir. 6. Door and Window Frames: milled details properly braced at mill for delivery. 7. Batt Insulation: 4" thick, foil covered paper on one side w±th nail flanges. Conforming to F.S, HH-1-52C, type Class "C11 for moisture repellent, vermin and decay resistant, meeting fire resistant requirements. Use Owens-Corning Fiberglass Co, products or equal. 8. Screen wall at Bar: Shall be fabricated from "Ventwood" #488V panels as manufactured by Howard Manufacturing Co. 4. WORKMANSHIP Conduct all work under the direction of a capable, experienced Foreman, FinJsh Carpentry to be performed by skilled Finish Carpenters only. Properly fabricate finish trim. Do not splice wood members unless approved by the Architect. Tool marks; dis- co lor at ions , or other defects of workmanship or materials wo.] 1 result in work being removed and replaced. Woodwork is to be properly applied, butted, coped, nitered, houses, tenoned, keyed, glued, nailed, or screwed as necessary. Drive finish nax3sp in (set) about 1/8" bolow finish surface. Sand paper finish sur- faces to be painted and leave ready for painting. 5. INSTALLATION A. Rough Hardware, Structural and Miscellaneous Metal; Install work as specified, noted and detailed. B. Cabinet Work: Install work as specifxed, noted and detailed. Coordinate delivery, storage, and cooperate with Cabinet Supplier in establishing and maintaining field dimensions. C. Doors: Install work furnished under Sections 8A and 8B. D. Finish Hardware: Install work furnished under Division 8, according to manufacturer instruction, neatly and accurately fitted. After fitting, remove (except butts) and carefully replace in labeled boxes. After painting and finishing work ib completed, install permanently. Cover and protect from damage prior to and until job is completed. • E. Install work furnished under Section 3E and 13A per manufact- urer instiuctionb and or as directed by tnc Architect. F. Install artwork furnished vmder SecLion 12A per supplier directions . G. Backing and Blocking: provide and ins ball as required. H. Install Training Tie Straps anchored w] Lh 4-3/8" lag screws at any poi nt where wall plates or frarru ng has been seriously weakened by notching, I. Duct or Equipment Openings: Frame openings through walls, attic space and roofs as required for Plumbing/ Mechanical, Electrical, "Food Service Equipment and Equipment Work. Refer to respective Specifications and Drawings. J. Double roof framing members under roof equipment. STORAGE OF MATERIALS Protect all materials from damage and weather at al1 times. Receive and store into a lockable room Finish Hardware, Specialty Equipment and Art Work and issue a receipt for such items. Keep all items classified and sorted. The End SU 6A-3 'LCTIOA1 OB - CAftlMJ WORK General Conditions and rpfccial Conditions arc a part of 'ihis rcction . 1. FUKNt0:) AND DliVP'J-R: All Wood nut1. I,,^imalet5 Plastic Cabinet Work to be installed under cectxon 6A . 2. Work Specified Under Other Sections; A. Finish Carnontry - ccction 6A B. Doors - rection SB C. Finish Hardware „ cection 8E" D. Toilet Partition - cection 10 C. 3. QUALI'IY °TAKOAKD':: Conform to the quality ^landards of the "Architectural >\'ooch ork In^ trtviLo" , Chc^tx-r field ll-ni^e °uite *\} 5053 coath Chesterfield ^oad, Arlj-iT^ton, Vir/,inia 22206S vhich ^hall apply by rcferc-nce and arc made a part o£ Tl^xs cection. 4. MATERIAL1: AND WORKMANrHIP: A. i-'or Paint Fiiixc>h: Confor"1 to "Custom" or uic A^/I Q.i^l) t f tnndard^ 9 ^ ect] on 40') . ^pecie1- of wood, and ^radc1- of plywood or particJ e board -nay bo as ollo\jcc' for this grade. B. Lananated Plastic Fimsb; Conforn to "Cu^o-n11 ^rado AWI Quality ctandardsf cect;ion 400 y and l^XA cpccj.fi- cations and rtandardc", Ao^ly to 3/4" hi^h Density Particle 3oard. Refer to Color Schedul c for selection ot material nattern and color. Cut holes in counter tops for plumbing fixtures* C. For Closet and ^tora^o che]vin^: "Custovn" grade A.-JI Quality <:tandards, coction 600 ". Use 1" Particle "o?rd for shelving. Furnish shelving loose for job as^or'blv.^i> v i -J "* 5. ^HO? UUAWINGC; Provide 5 sets as specified by AUI and General Conditions Article 4-1 3. 6. HAKIKARM: Furnish and install metal she] f standards, brackets and other conceal ed hardware. All other hard- ware furnished under rection Qli. and installed under coction 6A by Finish Carpenter. 7. C/U5i:vI/r f/rVLE: Fl-ush or Flush Overlay. The End SECTION 7A - ROOFING x General Conditions and Special Conditions are a part of this suction. 1. INSTALL SHEET METAL WORK FURNISHED under Section 7B. Conform to John s-Manvi lie Flashing I. instructions for cants, roof edging, curbs, parapets and vents. 2. MANUFACTURER AND MATERIALS A. Roofing Felts: Johns-Manvj.He 15-lb felt and Planet Base felt B. Roofing Asphalt: J-M 190 and J-M 220 asphalt 1 C. Flashing Felt: J-M 45-Ib asbestos- base sheet. D. Plashing: E. Cant Strip: from rigid insulation board. F. Roofing Nails: Galvanized roofing nails 1" diameter heads or large head roofing nails with time caps, 1" in diameter G. Gravel: Brubaker-Mann, 30984 Soap Mine Road, Barstow, Calif- ornia 92311 ~ Phone 714/256-2520. (Gradcd-Wash), White 402 - 2", 302 - 1,", 30% - 1/2" to 1/4". H. Rigid Insulation Board: 1" thick Owen-Corning Fiberglas 3. STORAGE AND HANDLING OF MATERIALS Refer to manufacturer published instructions 4. APPLICATION A. Materials to be Built-in: Materials" installed under this section which are to be furnished by other trades shall be delivered to the site in time to avoid delays to construction progress. B. Accessories: All accessories or other items essential to the completeness of the sheet-metal installation/ though not specifically shown or specified, shall be provided. A13 such items unless otherwise shown- on the Drawings or specified, shall be of the same kind of materjaJ as the item to which applied. Nails, screws and bolts shall be of the types best suited for the purpose intended and shall be of a composition that is compatible with the metal to which it will contact. C. Acceptance of Roof Deck: Before roofing application is begun, the Roofing Contractor Miall inspect the roof deck carefully. It shall bo firm, dry, free of foreign material which would terfere wjth roofing anp3icntion, and be reasonably smooth. Report cracks, breaks, holts, or other irregularitics in the r-o to the Genera 1 Contractor lor remedy before work isj i RR ! 7A--J started. Any disr'grcemenl; on the decks conebtion shaJ I be referred to the Architect. D. Low-pitch roof: Roofing and Flashing materials shall be applied in accordance with Johns-Manvjlie specification J-M Spec. No. 426 FS-P for use ovor Insulation, consisting ol the following matericils per 100 square jzcet of roof area. Felts: 1 layer J-M No. 45 Planet Base Felt 43 3bs Bitumen: J-M 190 Asphalt 20 Ibs Felt: 1 layer J-M Asphalt Saturated Felt (Perforated)-15 Ibs Bitumen: J-M No. 190 asphalt 20 Ibs Surface: J-M No. BO Flexstone Mineral Surface Cap Sheet 77 Ibs Total•— * 175 Ibs E. High Pitched Roof: Roofing and Flashing materials shall be applied in accordance with Johns-Manville specifications J-M K7o. 3002P for use over NaiJable Decks or incline of 3" per foot consisting of the following materials per 100 square feet of roof area: , Bitumen: J-M 190 Asphalt 30 Ibs Felt: 1 layer J-M No. 15 Gold Line'Asbestos 15 Ibs Bitumen: J-M 190 Asphalt 20 Ibs Felt: 1 layer J-M No. 15 Cold Line:Asbestos-- 15 Ibs Bitumen: J-K No, 190 Asphalt 60 Ibs Surfacing of Gravel 400 Ibs 6. CONTRACTOR GUARANTEE: This Roofing Contractor is to give the Owner a guarantee to keep all new roofing and flashing in a watertight condition for two (2) years, as a concb tion for payment,. Deliver document to Architect as concU tion of payment. The End QrCi'lOH 7li - °H:.ET METAL GP.II oral Condition? and '"pccial Conditions are .1 part of 'Jhi<= c cction. 3. WO:iK INCLUDE0: sheet metal ria;-hino, Countcrf laMn.n~ , DivcrterF , e"cuppcrr , Roof Ed >cc , Gravel '""tons , BuilL- in Gutters , Lender1 , Dowas pouts , Louvre d Roof Vents , hc;uip- mont Platform Cover'-, and other fhect rictal U'ork not .secified under other 2. FURNICH r:;EET METAL uTOKK to be install ed under rection 7 A - Roofing. Coordinate delivery of this ',,'ork . 3. SHEET KETAL WORK fPUCIFIED UKDUR OTHER °LCTIC;\T: 'A, Metals: Section 5A D. Mechanical: factions ISA &. 133 C. Painting 6 Primn^: °ection 9D D. Plastering: Section 9A 4. MATERTAI/ : Unless otherw.re noted use ?6 f.-a . ra^vanired sheet ^Le(;al. Conform to '^>rchi trccLural 'host fetal i'anual" by "P'V.CKA". 5. FAG<,TCATIO.\ A;\D I^rV-\LLATTO^ ; conform to "Architectural Sheet KctaL Kanual" by MrMMCivTAn. He-rf nil exposed ed-^ec. Joints to be weather ti<;ht by fA.-catui^ vith -.olders , locked scams wherever practical. Uherevcr rvins are such that ex- pansion and contraction vj.ll be excessive, fasten metal joints -with metal ^ crews of the satto material a° sheet metal. 3)o not Ian joints at gravel stoo^ and other sii^ilar pieces, use "underlay" ali^ucr, same section except smaller to fit within. "Underlay" rpay be uced as expansion joint (72" o.c, ma::.), otherwise all joints to be soldered. In- stall roof flashings v.ith one layer of 15;'/ roofing felt under. SR SECTION 7C CAULKING & SEALANT PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE A. Caulk all exposed expansion joints above grade and all those interior and exterior joints concealed by other building materials, cabinets, flashings, etc., with caulking material at exposed areas in color as near as possible to match abutting natural or painted finishes. 1.2 WORK BY OTHERS A. Caulking in conjunction with glass, glazing and storefront work shall be f urni shed and installed by glazing contractor. PART 2 , , ,.......' PRODUCTS 2,1 MATERIALS A. Polysulfides (1 or 2 part): 1. Prestite 117: by Interchemical Corp. 2. Weatherban 101:^By 3M Co. 3. Hornf.Lex LP-32:' A.C. Horn Co. B. Silicone: 1* 780 Silicone Rubber: Dow Corning Corp. 2. Silicone Construction Sealant: General Electric C. Acrylic: Mono-Lasto-Meric, Tremco Manufacturing Co. D. Provide backing rods of size 15% greater than joints, install backing and caulking in strict conformance to manufacturer's specifications and recommendation. PART 3 * EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. All caulking and sealants to be the proper material for the situation as determined by Manufacturer's suggested appli- cations. B. Caulk all joints or connections between concrete block and dissimilar materials, expension joints, and sheet metal areas, etc. to make builduig watertight. C. Apply in strict accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. D. Prune coat all joints as per*manufacturer's recommendations. SR 7C-1 SUCTION 8A » HOLLOW lu.T-\L DOOX1' ..NO FUM.ii1', General Conditions and Special Condition' arc a part of Tins J ccLion. il^K XCTnL FR\--;r/; to be installed under feotion 4A a 6A. 2. FURNISH ;iUTAL DOCOV" to be installed under Section 6A. 3. WORK SPECIFIED Ui:1)!^ OTKl'-K ('UCTIO^C; Finish ^.ardware ; see. Section 8E Painting; Section 9D 4. FRAME0: ^tcelcraft Manufacturing Co., 16 ^air\o cold rolled prime finality stccj. Xiter corners, arc welded and ^rind f-mooth. Mortise and reinforce vil'h 3/16" steo,i for r^arc'v.-ire, Obtain te^latc^ fro 11 v.jrd\iare ^upplj.er . Plaster- Grout guards \,ielded in place. Furni^b c>uxt..ble rncborf as required for type of wall construction, onniwi of 6 ja.nb anchor*- ai»d 2 base anchors per fra^e. 5. DOOPx0 : °-teelcraft Manufactuiinj Co., 3 section type, con- sisting of loclc Inn :<? strilc and center r>ancl, uj th ti^nc raechanical interlocking joints. '"-not weld "\ h jyui^e coo and Dotton re^niorcinj channel vitbin lh: door. Center* panel 13 ^aujc, cold roiled prmo <nia'aLy <~t';*tl. ( tiffc^ and round deaden i'jU*n lira ft iionoyconb ia^injtod to insj.'s center rvr.el. >'ortibe and rtsnforcc for bin "- s and lot^s, and other hardware. Install ton cap a L- Gut -v-in^x extcrj or Doorr to i-cal out vcather. Install M /'' type bar Metal Louvers \;hcrc required. 6. SHOP FI^ITii: Doors and Frames bonder ize and coated with one coat of baked on prime paint. 7. ^rO? DRAWING0: provide 5 sets as specified in General Conditions Article 4 . 1 3 8. GrJ/U1A:;rr.}:; Provide Owner with 2 year guarantee for material and fabrication. SR SECTION 813 - WOOD DOORS General Conditions and Special Conditions arc a part of this Section. 1. FURNISH TvOOD DOORS: to bo installed under Section 6A. 2. WORK SPECIFIED UNDER O^IIER S^CTIO^S: A. Frames: Section 6A B. Finish Hard\7are: Section eg C. Paintinc: Section 9D 3. QUALITY STANDARDS; '^bc Quality Standards of the Architectural Woodwork Industry snail apply and by reference are made a p?rt of this Section. 4. Door Types - Material and Construction: Refer to Drawings "Door Schedule" for Door Types. A. Exterior Doors; Custc^i Grade AV7I Standards, Section 1300. Type "B": AT'"I Tyoe UA( solia core, \n tn applied siding and Batts as detailed. To be stained. • B. Interior Doors: Custom Grade, An Standards, Section 1300. \_Typ_e ^p_ll: Avfl T>pe ''A." Solid corcfw/applied aiding and bat as detailed. TO be stained TYPE "E': A;;i Tyre "A" scl^-.L cere, la^ar-aLe ',V^-tic face K(5. Refer to Color Schedule for GCJ or rnd pattern. ' TYPE "Fff; AVTT Type "J" hoi lev- core, or Type "A1' solid core, see schedule. Face ft4 to be.pointed. C. Folding Wood Accordion Door: TYPE "G": "Pancliold" Scale/4" by Panolfold Doors, Inc. Unfinished ash to be stained on the job. Provide Haroware. 5. CUAPJ\MTEE: Provide Owner with one year, guarantee for nateraal and fabrication. General Condition** and °Pccinl Conditions arc a part of This 5-t'ctj.oii. 1. FIJU;;/.' H AND Tr^TAI.L ^Unnjun ntorr front system as fncturcd by iJorthrope Arcl/i tocturrl cy^tcns. (hY, Refer Lo ArchitecCuivl H.0oor ^ - 2. MATKUIAL^ AKTD WOJUO, \N°KIP: Conform to M.A.°. Specific for rtorcfront Cyr;ton6 <ind Entrance Doors, rystcm 22-250 1 3/4" 2c 4" fraT.in^ sections and narrow stile door. l.G / A. Ml alternates proposed by the Architect wiJ 1 be listed on the Bid Proposal Form stating the amount to be added to or deducted the Contract amount, B. Any alternates proposed by the General Contractor shall be introduced to the Architect in writing, complete with details also stating the amount to be added to or deducted from the contract amount. The End General Conditions and '"pecia! CondiLioiv. arc a part of This Section, 1. FtHNini AND It\lcTALL: ;>,lass ,MV! ^la^xn^ for all u j rv(- storefront door1', and Mirrors as specified 2. WOIuK rPECTFI-D Ui^U 01 HER rECTIO;'°: Bath Accessories; rcctxon 3E, Mirror "H" storefront: °ection 8C Clean un^; Section 9DL' 3. ETAND^r.D* OF GLAZING: A. por qiacs in \7ood ^topg bed in mastic putty ^ "glazier points at. 8" o.c., glass with aluminuin sections use vinyl sections.B. Ceiore st^iniu;: or p<Tjntln^ replace broken or glasft and replace defective or d.u.ia^cd putty. 4. G, Replace all breakage caused In execafcin^ Che t,'or!^ o<~" by faulty ins tall ati on without cost to Ov;ncr. Inpio- perl}- set fla* (; or "Oa^;1 not i^cotin;; uhn ro.^uirt-rcnt'j of li:^ (-;rade n.Ll not be accepted. Ue^l pcc.-ncnf rcti,ircd at no co,-t to O,*ner. D. Labc] m'>: Leave labels on each pieco of ;,lass until final clcerna^. Labels na^t shov both brand naTie, grade and thickness. H. Install fixed ^laFS at storefront and Doors i-7 and -'t 8 per namifacturors instructions. Adjust hardware aftnr A. Cl ear Glass ; "Pittsburgh11 , or eciual , of size required. l;(f polished plate unle1--.^ otnervisc noteci. B. Mirrors; ree Interior Elevations. Use theft^roof fastenin^^ , "1 ^l^/in^ qunlity \'ith felt and plywood back 1 1\~ /' Ft am ] ess steel f r anc . Ct Glass at Office to be 3/16" crystal ^lasp. 1). Te.fincr^d plafe ^lass; Li bby«t>,;en^»Ford or PittE.bur,': Plato Glass Co 'ipnm , V polished tempered j] ass . CAULKING: A. Caulking for glass and storefront work shaJ 1 be in- stalled by this contractor to the requirements of Section The linti M:CTIO;; PR - Fi.-n'-:! i-;Mu\JAiu: General Conditions and °pccj,aj Conditions arc a part of This .Section.>, 1. FU'w^/!^ <\ND D;:i,IVLf< complete Finish Hardware required Cor Project to be l-If 'VALUvJ under rccu on 6A, including I -,n- plaLes and schedules to be furnished to mpnaf acturers of Folio1.' ^tecL Doors and Francs, and other such Work to enable the -Ttanuf acturcrcs to inoke propcj" provisions in Thicr >.~ork. 2. wore-: ^KCIFIKD UVDJ:?, OTH/;R SECTION": A. Storefront and Entry Hardware: Section 8C B. Toilet Partitions Hardware; ccctlon IOC 3. DlDDliR ' ° QUALT FICAT ION1C= : Bidder ^hall bavo in his employ onn or nore nuali f icd hardware coir oltants , ^:ho .sb.a]l bo responsible for the coi^nlete hardware contracts, and who shall be available as follows ; A. To as si st the General Contractor in checking harcv.:are delivered to the Job f;itt. B. He available \-hrn nccer.^ary to ^i vc instruction^ Lo installers ol hart'uare 1.0 insure proper installation. G. lo nake periodic vif.its to the Job r-ite t-hcn requested to do so by General Contractor or by Architect. 4. GE>T-r\L PROVI^IC:^: rhorou-;hly check Ora^in^^ and'cnecj- fications and furnish Ml obviously reouired material whether specifically mentioned or rot. ^o. claims for extras ^til be allowed for any services or n\nter>als which, in the OTLHJ on of tho Owner1 c rcsprestmtative, could have been or snould have been foreseen by the Contractor and included m his approval . A. Compliance WD th codes ; Exit doors and doors ] eadin^, to exits, hall, etc., shall be provided with hnrch arc in full compliance \;ith anplicabla state and local codes B. Materials : Hardware shall be of the best grade, entj rely free f ro.'i imp erf ecticnr- in manufacturing and finish . Qualities vci^Us, and s] ^cs speei.fied herein are the minimum that wtl 1 be accepted. C. ca^.-)les: If required by Axchitcctj a naople of each i te a of hard\'a re tnis 11 n ten al supplier proposes to furrn °h sliall be subuiittcd for approval not lal er thrin ten days after reqac1- tc,d, D, P,'ck.Mvv and !'.P-';UI~: i rovVdc ^ U required screws-, hoi'. n rml C^lcron^s mv-os^iry i'o1 proper i n<, toilet1 oa vrjppcd in o.incr and packed in L 1 c sa.ic n.ic\,'jc as the hardware. fcach ^aclov o shall bn le;ibly labojcrl ir- cHcMt-in^ that portion" of the work for uhici\ it if jn~ tended. 5. KAnD^AUK cCI! The hardvorc niaterial^ supplier sbaLl submit to the General Contractor £ or /n-cl.itccL ' s approval M:: copies of a cooolote h.-u^^^are schedule vatinn ten clays after the a\\'ircl of the Con tract. 6. FlXIf^:i; U.f,. 26D or as specified in the Kartlwarc sets, 7. LOCV.r AKO CYLI^Ui:1^: Yale rnd To^ne ccries, design and fiuash. Jjr-M'J/ 'UK Icnob uath Xayfair RORC. A. Heavy duty cylindrical locVcts, 5^00-5500 ^erie^ \-ith various funrtions. For door': 3-3/3 to 2-3/i/i Inches, Backsets- re ,t;lar 2-3/4" 'prcial ?-l/^ inchc^. Lock front 1-1/r/x 2-] /^i beveled ] /3 in. 7. Litch bolt regular l/?l! throw dcadloc'.in^ or pl-iio °pecial 5/o and 3/4" thro". Cylinders to be rci-ovecl vithoat rc-« rpov3 n^ the loc^s from the door, by the change koyc supp J led \'ith the locks , B. ^t-andard "Xiiry Cylindrical Lock^el;^ 0?00 x r*\\> '-cries *-;ith vfiioa-" f^nctjous. For door I-?/? to l-0/^ inche Jachset 2-2/A" x fpec;al drjd laich unj t x de-d lfj:c- ~ in;, belt 1/2" throw. Loch troni 1-1/G x ?-l/^. C. ^tandard Duty Cylindrical Lock^ets , 5300 r erie^.. For dooo 1-3/8 to l»'j/^ incne.s. //ackrct regular 2-3/0". Lock front 1 x 2-3 /4. Latch bolt 3/3" throw. 1 . Lockr. and latches to- have bo>r n trikc.s , curved lip[. of sufficient length to protect mm and fhall noc extend ^^ore than 1/3" beyond t:-"1 -. '\t nnir^ of doors, li :>s not to extend marc than 1/3" beyond face of door0- , 2. °t-rikc<; for locks m metal frames shall be of standard ArA a& in Yale 3, Locks and tri^; to be of the sane nmnuf acturcr . 8. I,OCKrE'Ic ; master keyed each ^rouo, eacli rroun keyed C\L££ crcntly ; each lock in a ^roup Kc'3'ed the ^a^e. noon HINGIS; Called out: v* Lhc harduarc set-,, It shall be hardware sur.plic} ' s re- pon- i bj. IT ty to establish n ni h to be used on .ilu^inuin Hoor*> mid coordinate e> posed hard- ware to 'natch. JTJ' PIMGHS: Door butts-hall hearing (liJ1.) on every door that is instal I ed with a clo':er0 Other cJoors-plo: n bonri r. \. Hinges ; standard wei ^bt ^la ;rd me, brass or bronze base metal for exterior ooLSwin>in^ door'; x M^P vith c^ct screw m barrr-3 „ Interior doors;unless otherwise not'od, steel ba^e metal plated. finish Ut S\ 26;;, unless otherwise noted. Series J3I51279 a s j.-januf aetured by Ka^er or approved equal. Folio-/ins table shall be adhered to in co'rpiling the hardware schedule; Doors to 60 inches hi^h ---« , «._-«»2 butt binges Doors 61 inches to 90"inches hi^h--- ~--3 butt hinges Doors 91 inches to 120 inches hi^b 4 butt hinges All door leafs - 1-3/4 thickness 41,' x 4^ 180 swin^ t\\ x 4 90 swin- 1-3/8 thickness 3:; x 31; 1-1/4 tl'.ickness 2V x 2^; plain bearing NOTE; For extraordinary conditions, furnish type and size as rcco-rroended by manufacturer. 11. PUVr1 PLATEQ A\D OOOTl P:JLLC I>I LD^'IC>: ANO UTILITY *:£>\: Push Plates: "hall be Quality 40 A x 16 Doors Pulls: U:all be Quality 400 4x16 a. Push PI atos « Pull Plates in other locations-areas Push Plates -- Quality, size and design as selected by Architect Door Pulls » Quality, as selected by Architect b. Kick Plates: Kick plates shall be ]6^a. Stainless Steel netal x 2" less door t-idth, beveled on three .sides, Uherc n door ] onvcr is user's kick p] a tcs to be of Appropriate height to cJ ear sn-ie. All kick plates shall be vith sheet 'netal scre\s. 12. CLO^SRS: Shall be Yale and Towne -erjes 40. General requ3 regents to anply to all series. All out^\'i nein;> exterior door cu^f^ce closers shall be installed with parallel amis and the hardware supplier slvll furnish closer one MXC larger than rc^olar ns listen' in table, All closers -njst i^e on sot aycd liui;-hed to patch adjacent liarch'-arc. Where necess.jry to ^eei rnecu-ied detai] o'i ir\*\ furnisi"1 proper b^aclcets, corner flai:, etc. T^^ hardware supplier will f urpi sh ejoser si^es ds r*.con Bended by the j t.-iblc htcrcin. 19. CAi'Ai o.',1 CUT:-: Two (?) catalog cuts of every item th.'t has been user! jn co;!1';] lin", the tiniMi harevore sehcdulo shall be. oncJoraa wltb 1 ha hardware scbc,flul'*s th,)l; Jro ^ubvLLL'cJ to Mic Architoct for .i-orrov,;] , 'Ibe cnlr.ilo^; cut', rill be clearly markcitl ^nd 3 tlcntx "j ed« 1C Lbjs n\occc'uro j s r»ot adbfrctl Lo by the h.'fcN.ue cupola or, bartl'Javc schcckil os will be returned to vu a hard\jarc supplier for resub.nxttal. BI\ fir; _ A. Yale 40 cor \.f :- ivryu' pi o ice*: tor- f u !.l rack and ni in rn cor'- truoti ons viih ?°1 a^d ?r'2 brackets, For .stamMr'j conditions, or ,is indicated. c C o e 44 13. OViZRllliAD DOOR HOLDILP, AND SHOC1C ABf-ORB^RS; Ynle .surface, concealed, hold open friction s crier, as selected v/12 series or £7 11 scries. l^U DOOR STOPS AND BlJ^lPKRS; Whenever \;all and door coi^d\£iom- per pi t^ \.all stops shall be used i.n preference to flooj* stops. Quality 30 2T or 33U'.C- 15. . r.UTKS; Th: cc door inuv'-c^ shall be furnished for single doore;. Quality 1037 16. irricsroLDS: Shall be as listed, or as detailed. 17. SCHEDULE OF I'AHS'.JARE BY TYPZ: Numbers and symbol s in the folio, 'in;; schediOc ^;cre La'^en fron, catalogues o£ the following manufacturer^. i ed L H Hager Stanley , McKinnen, Larrenoe Y Yale Schlnge "D" 6 "A", Sargent 3 & 6 Q Quality 13JV«7, Tr LP^.CO P Pe-nl'o BBW, Quality DO Dor-o -mntic Rixfion , Bomner }'>&'*! Du^lders Brass Works 18. SAMPLE HEADING: HARDWARE SET N0._ ___ ltnrar_,i/'l.u\'or ^' -C/'^'ll r...^* 1 tn tor1 nl - .r]ni/h H Jiuffft Btf 5X*19 H Q QY Q^ 0 Y H Q Q Y QtQ' Q ron*-^ Q Q Q V DO Q Q H Y Q Butts Pu^h Plate Pull Plate Clo<-er lOxk Plate StopiDeadlock HARDWARE Butts Push Plate Pull Plate Closer Kick Plate Stop Sion 100 YP HARDWARE Floor Ttn^e Pupn Plare Kick Plate D^or Kd°inn; Stop Deadlock HARDWARE Floor Push Stop HARDWARE Butts Lock Stop 60 6x16 60 J 6 x 1 6 6"x2" les', Door width 331LS 3261, (Door 10 only) SET KO. 7 60 6(l x 16" 603 6" x 16" 10" x 2" less Door \adth Men/Women SET NO. 8 ro3 60 6" x 1" less L\ior Kldth #14 x Door Icn^ch 324V SET KO. 8 A Hinge 303 40 - SET KO. 9 J3R 5305 x 2-3/6 2.=: (Door 1 3 3 3 S B 3 ?6D PL 32D 32D SB 32D - 3 3 3 32D 3 3 28 32D 26D 26D 5)260 \BR 5306 x 2-3/4 BS-/Door 17>6D IR YP P P Dutts lock Closer Pa Tare shold Sol- 1,'eatherstrip Stoo 17!>A x ?10A Head (S. Jc YDS 31 CA 3 18KS PL 26!) C -it- b AL M, SET NO. 2 H Y P Y Butts Lock Threshold Overhead Stop BK5j'j5"x 2-3/4 BG 175\ x 210A A144 ]] PL 2 60 260 KO. 3 H Y P F Y Butts Lock Threshold -S c t , /cr. f h t r G t r Overhead ^to'j BR5305 x 2-3/4 BS 175A x 21OA Kcad vi la^bs 31 6A al44 i! PL 260 AL AL 20J H Y Y P P Butts Alar'Ti Lock Closer Pa Threshold Set Weathe PL MOD 11 x 1152 or 1109 261) Sb 175A x 210A AL j tr> Head & Jonbs 31 6A AL CY i:\rIT" - Cfrilu\; Mounted HARDWARE SET KO. 5" Cylinders 1152 x 1-1/3 x 1161L Balance of Hard\7are by Door Supplier HARDWARE SKT RO. 5A - Door 8 All Hardware iiy Door Su SK Ctf K SLT wo. 10 Y 0 H H Y Y H Y H Y H BBW Butts Privacy Stop Hinges Hasp Padlock Cane Bolt Butts Lock Butts Lock 5302 x 2-3/4 BS HARDWARE SET NO. 11 --GATES 1970-3/4 x 10 WJ 1941 x 4-1/2 840 18" LIIR Leaf* HARDWARE SET NO. 12 324 HARDWARE SET NO. 13 ER 5305 2GD 26D CAD CAD CAD 26D 26D Hinges Cupboard Turn HARDWARE SET NO". 34- (INTERIOR ATTIC ACCESS) AL1822 EW 314 HARDWARE SET NO. 15 Bath Accessories: Provide where shown on plans: Numbers refer to "Bobrick Co." A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Recessed towel dispense-r and receptacle Recessed Soap D.i spenser Surface TP Dispenser Toilet Scat Cover Dispenser/Napkin Disposal None Ash Tray None Mirror Mirror (suoplied undor Section 8d) T Seat Dispenser To\;e3 Dispenser Surface - mounted Soap Dispenser Surface - mounted T Seat Dispenser MOD Holder B-3.944 B - ^ 0 5 B-?6b B-356 B-27B B-301 B-3629 B-12CP B-221 B-215 The End SECTION 9A - LAIHIN'G Ai!!; r:/-°.TbRll-'G General Conditions and Special Conditions ore a part of This Section, 1. WORK SPECIFIC UNDKK OTHER Gypsum '.Jallboard: Soctjon 9C Fra^Ln^ and Furring: Section 6A 2. INSTALL stainless stocl radius corner beads FUKNISKLD by Food Service Contractor. 3. FUri:i?H & INSTALL metal lathe and scratch eoat required for Cersnic file including metal screeds. 4. CODE REQUIREMENTS: comply uith U.B.C. Sections 304, 4300 & 4700, 5. MATERIALS; A. Wire Lath; Paper backed ua re fabric No. 16 r^auje \;xrc, 2" x 2ff mesh, \jitl. stiffnor. "K-LatlV type CX-2^ lor vertical surfaces. -f3. 4 3/8" rib jalvanized moral lath for horizontal surface's, B. Tic Wire; 16 or ]S ^au^e jalvontzod, annealed tie \n re C. Wire mesh for reinCorcjn^ interior ^yj^rui. lath ceilin 1 inch 20 :;au -e ^alvjnxztd poultry nctfin^ to bo ured for spans over 10 feet. D. Corner Beads; No, 1 expansion corner bend 26 3<3u?e galvanized. E. Casino Beads; ^hort flange., 26 "aur>e ^alvani^cd or' -- ' *^J f .-J XJ ^_'as detailed on plans. F. Gypsum Lath: 3/8 y 16 x AS xncbes, perforated, conforn to "Standard Specifications for G/psu-n Lath," A^IVt C-37 Pabco "Grinlsth" or other brand approved by Architects. G. Sand; Clean, washed nlastcruip sand. For finish coat, graded silica sand passinr; No . 30 mesh sxeve. Sana to conform to " Standard ^pccif icata ons for Sand for U^e In Plaster," AS'fM C-35. II, Gypcu'n Planter; Comply wi.th "Standard Specifications for Gypcun Pl.ni-cr," ASfM C-2o. For ^cratch and brovn coat^y piaster snail contain clean fiber, vhorf aic'c^l lath is ui-cd. - I. Lime Putty; Co-np3y vlth "Standard Spec'' fication^ lor QuicUliMC- for Structural Purposes,'1 ASTM C-^B Process liirc to be "i'liraclc" Lime, or approved equal, SR J. Smooth Finish: ">-j ivclo" Mo. 1A or approved equal. K. Cement; MancUrd Hr-nd, cornly with "^L^nd^rd ^'pccifa - cataons for Portland Cement," ASTJi C-350 Type I or II. L. Water: Obtain from a domestic supply, unpolluted at ti>-ac of use. M. Roof" Access: Inland steel "liLlcor" 24" x 30" type "L". 6. SURFAC1:: PREPARATION, MIMUG AND APPLICATION: iUx, install - and or apply materials and accessories in strict accordance with rumuf ncturc-s current printed instruction, and specifi- cation, Cor.iply with applicable rrovT sions of local CCK'-JG. Comply with manufacture.s ai'd lathnv; and nlasterin^ industries, specifJ cation £or heating, vental.itin^, curing, drying, and other job conditions to assure a completely satisfactory installation. 7. WIRfl LATHING APPLICATION; A. Apply \:ire lath vith long dimensions of sheets at rir;ht an^le to supports, secure vith i°o. 18 W & M ^a^^G op-i" vaniscd, self furring nails spaced not ii.orc than 6" along supports. Lnds of sheets at bearings. B. T.pr, lath not less than 1" at erd.s and 1/2" at cd^,es. .Secure! y } ace latli roAether \:L{ r. tie wire. Tic lath together orce bt-t\'ocn each pair of supports. Apply lath straa-ht without buckles, C. Conforp to current requirements of metal lath manufactures association, 3. GYPSUM LAXHIKG APPLICATION: A. Apply lath vxth lon^ dimension at right angles to support- ing members. Joints buttcdj broken in each course, and sta32erec^ hetreen ^ide walls and ceiling so that vertical joints do rot intersect horizontal joints, nails spaced ci^ht inches apart. B. Corners of openings reinforced vith 6 inch wire nctal 1 a th strip, 16 inches Ion 3, pi a eed d i a ^on a 1 ly f rora each corner. 9. EXPANSION SCREEDS, BULL NOSE CORNER BODS Al^D SPF.CIAL ITEIIS; A. General; Corner beads and screeds nailed throu^li both Willis 12" o, c. and neatly mitcred, close] y fi tteO and erected true to line. Splices of corner beads shall be filled with piece of No. 12 wire extetidm^ 2 inches into each piece. B. Expansion screeds to be Milcor //35, 96 g.iu^c or eoual. Bull nose corner beads to bo MJ I cor itJ or equal. C. -Special Trim: Ml] cor or equal, as detailed on plan;.. 10. PREPARATIONS FOR PLANTER: A. Gen or,-) 3 : Measure ingredient's in calibrated boxes «ond thoroughly mix tofctn^r. Mix no iroro <-jt anytjne than can bo u~c>d latbin one-half hour aftc-." mixing. No material allored to rc.ruin i_n i-'u.xcr 01 mixing boxes overnight. Keep mixers and boxes thoroughly clean. B. Cement: Plaster Base Coats; (1) Scratch coat over wire lath 1 part cement 3-1/2 parts sand (2) Rrovn coat I part cement 4-1/2 parts sand C. Ccnent Piaster Finish Coats (1) Sand Kini sh 1 part cc'vent 2 parts sand 10% lip.e nutty D. Gypsum Plaster Base Coat (1) Scratch and brown coats over gypsum board lath 1 part gypsum plaster 3 parts sand E. Gyp sum Pla s t er Fxni sh Co at s / (1) Putty- co at (smooth finish) "Miracle" LA finish, mixed as per manufacturer's specifications. (2) Keenc1 s Cement Finish 3 parts Keenc' s cement 1 part line putty 11. APPLICVnOH OF PL'^l^K; A. Tntr-rxor S cm ten Coat t Completely fill lath and crn^s scratch before a'rtain \.r.r£ iiiitinl '.ot. To be in pla^e a r.ilnxmu.n of t'.'Cuiy- f our (24) hours before second coat applied, -*» 11. Cogent Plaster; Apply : crotch and keep moist at itv^t 43 h:'!irr before <*:>o lyin^; brown coal:. Apply brov-n coat: and lujei-> noist at least ^l\ hours before appl^jn^ finish coat. Anniy f:.no.:,h coat not sooner th*:n / days after brovn coat and preferably longer if wrvthcr and job con- ditions pr.j;mi t. To ta 1 tb icknc> s s: / /S" ninir.iurr. C. On Gyi>Su,i Lath: -cratch, brown and finish coats of 1/2 inch total tlij.eknoss from face ot lath to face of plaster. Scratch and bro\/n coats doubted up. D» . Extcnor Pias-tcr: 7/B" stucco applied with £ina machine spray finish. TO nr * Q'l*-17ri T ^T' ' ir\ ^!'\T,^ V Q'.l T n .Jiic , i L- .o il^ivii\u .vUt'.Ki .I'uv.jnX * . A. J'rovide protection under mixing boxes and wherever mor- tar is piled on floor, consjstin^ of three thickness of tarred felt, extending six inches beyond outer cd^es of boxes or pies of mortar. B. Plastering shall be done in n workmanlike manner with corners nr>d angles true, plumb and K-vc-1. PKnie £u-"- faces shall contacu a 10 foot straight ed^e with not more than a 1/8" variation either v?ay. C. Install plaster screed? on surfaces rhrrc grounds do net occur xn order to rod broi-n co,it to reqm re d uriifor 13. SPKClAt CONDI flON0.: A. Currln^ o£ Portland Cement - Proviso for proper moist curing of exterior Portland Ccr.ent planter including \Teekend& ard holidays. B. jCasino; Beads - Install whorevcr planter termi nates or a butts a dissimilar nateraal. C. Provide °ortland Ccnent plaste^ fire proof: n;; on steel colu-pns as shovn on Pravin^s as required by applicable ir.^ code. D. Install metal frame openings for recessed Li -b fixtures, dif fusex panels 9 ^ound syste-it equipment located in plaster ccilin^^. The Plastcrin0 l-ubcon- tractor is responsible for coordinating ceiling layout and correct locations of openings in ceil^n^s. E. Lathing shall not be done until plumbin ; pipes, elec- trical condui t. and ouhev ncciianLcal servi cos are in place nnd have been inspected and approved, F. Report to tlic General Con i;r, so tor fox corrections ,ipy J conditions unsuitab] c to receive J ath a,nci: plaster. SCAFrOLDTIIG: Pro\ J de Mid m,nnta:n scaf folding, tri'st pl'in'^'^'j fee. in accord,TH re witli ,tppl i c.'tblo Ijws and 15. P^OiT.CriOXS; Protect v.ork of ofhor trndes from drnvn^o do- to UiLliii-n, and plaster] n£. Clt an pi .-stcr i ivied] ate], / f: Q- aluTan ni, iiiasonry, concictc and rood. Faxlure to protect vork of otl-^rs shal 1 result in General Cont ractor back chnr^mi; tbc- cost of cleaaj-n^ or rcplaco^u.-nt; of dcnia^ed vork of others. 16. l INSPECTION & TESTS; Comply w\th U0B.C. Section 304. SECTION 9B - CERAMIC TTJJJ General Conditions and Snccial Conditj onr; arc a parL of thi scctaon. i. WORK spncirrr,D UNDHK OTHER SECTIONS : A. Lathing and Scratch Coat: Section 9A. 2. I5ATERIALS* A. Standards: Tile to co'ir^ly with U.S. Do^artnent of Cornier cc, National Bureau of Standards S.P.R. ~ RGl and F.S. SS-T-308. B. Wall tile \Till be glared ceramic tile with integral covers and bullnoses. C. Floor tile: Ungla^od c^ranio mosaic tile. See Color Srnedule, D. Cement: Portland Cenent, ASTH C-l'SO, TYPE I. E. AcjgregBto: Sand, clean and qraded ASTM C-144. F. Line: Hydrat-ci, ASTr: C-20G or C-207, Tync S. G. Wator; Po'cablo. 3. KOHTAR AND MIXES: A. Setting bed irn x for walls: 1 nart Portland Cenent, 7 narts damn sand, 1/2 to 1 oart hydratcd line. B. Sctt'-na hod mix for floor: 1 nart Portland Cenontf 6 parts daT3 nand, 1/10 r>c?rt hydrated lixno, 4. COLOR ST^IPLHS: Submit samlet for ra^terialr; Materials- Jnstal ] ed shall natch approved sannies . 5. DELIVERY AND STORAGE: A. Deliver, ^tore and handle materials to prevent i of foreign natter and/or water and to nrevont damage. B. Deliver and store ^ackaqed mnterxals in oricvnal con- tainers xvith seals unbro]:on and labels intact until tino 01 913 6. INSPECTION A"D PRHPA^AT tOW A. Examine ^urfaces to receive tile, including jnsorts and accessories . B. Surfaces shall be dry, cOoin, free of oily or waxy filnib, f inn, 3 evcJ ^nd pj ur>b. C. Sub-floov surfc.cos will not bo considered Acceptable \.l~cn the pie no varies more than I/"? " in ton feet from the required elevation . D. Wall surfaces will not be considered acceptable when the plane varies more than 1/4" an eight feet from the required E. Report to the Architects in writing all _cuch defects- Do not proceed ur.t-ii satisfactory provisions have X>ecn nade. F. Do not start vork until henacrs, racks, electrical and ircchar.iccl \ ork uiiich are uo be in or benind tij e has Xiec-n installed . G . Do not proceed until sa~c:i s factory protection of adjoin- in work has r^een provided. I- 7;rcas in- which tile is being sol shall be closed to traffic ana other v.o^r. Keen closed until tjle is firmly set. Protect from damage un~c3 1 acceptance. J. Teinp&rature: Do not apr>ly Portland Cenent mortar co surfaces tna'c contain fropt. Do not instalJ tile an areas wnore tno temperature is belov 50QF. If heacing is noccs&ciry / nhis Controc tor shall provide <-uoh scrvict Maintain tcrp^aturc above freezing until ^crrar and gr our hav^ cured . K. Humidity: Prevent rapid evaporation of ir.oasture from tne mortjr bed. Do net lav t,;e mortar sort j no bed too far in advrnce of actual, sectinq of r.jle, and an no case set on a dry DCU . L. Do not \T0rk or wall' on nc\?3y tiled floors without using kneeling boards . M. Cure txle jjistallations by keening daiap at least throe days durjng w.iich time aJl tr.aifjc is ,~ept off. 9B -2 SR 7. WO^'.AKf-JfUP AKD APPLIC V^'ION: CV>r>nLy wj Lh Arurican r>l-an<u-iid Spoci f iCc'iTiiGj- A-103, alia "Mamie,' 1 ol 7ile L>.*1 t.i.na ,STICC LJ"I- Cdtions" hy Pacific ConoL Asr.ociacjon of Tile Mdnal,* c turtr 8. CLKANTWG: A. Do rob \ ac^d solul ion on c]ascd t3lo work. aatic c'icaa cinc _ c3 can \;cit.cr . Project f anis:icu harch^ar e and other metaJ ?. with Vaseline in cases where acid solution is required . GUARANTEE: Provide Owner with one year guarantee for material and wor End, SR SECTION 9C - GYPSUM U'-vLLBOARD General Condjtions and Special Conditnono arc a part of Thj s Section. | 1. WORK SPECIFIED UNDER OTIJER SECTIONS; Wood fraim na; Sect j on 6/i Lathing and plastering: Section CJA 2. CODE rJ^OUlREHKNT: Comply with U.B.C. Sections 304, 4300 B. 4700. ( 3. MATERIALS: A. Gypsum wall board: ASTM C~36, 5/8" type "X", lengths as long as practical, tapered edae. U . S.G. "Fircode", or equalf and ASTM C-79-67 Gypsum Sheathing Boai~d. B. Corner Reinforcing: U.S.G. "Dur-A-Bend" type no. 105, or equal. ; t ( C. Naj}«5: Cooler nails; sixe as requjred. \ D. Joint conpouud t* Lape- U. S .G. "PcrC- A-Tapn" , or ec«ual. i 4 . APPLICATION: appl y base ply, lone d j iMcncjoii perperdieuiar tc fraping, 173 tl^ 7d nailn (? 16" o/c. AprJy t ace ply, either direction urith Sci nails @ 7" o/c for horizontal plane, ci.-"d 8" o/c for vertjcle plane. Tnci -]o tnts to occur on tranu ng members. End joxncs of adjciccnc courses shall not cecar over same framinq members. Compourd-Tape all tace p3y joints in ace or da nc wj th raonuf octurers spccil \ cat ion . In cold \;eather, bujldjr.g shaJl be heated and ventilated durang application. Rsinforce all external corners with "Dur-A-noad".* 5. IKSPHCT1ONS & TCSTS: Comply with U.B.C. Section 304, do not cover or finish wallboard uncil it has been jnspectcd. The r.ncl SECTION 9D - VA^Tm* irGeneral Condi l-jons and special Conditions arc a part of This Section. J 1. WORK SPKCJFITD UNDhH OTHER ShCTTOU. w- • PAIKTINC STRUCTURAL £ MISCELLANEOUS METAL: Section 5A. 2. MATERIALS AKD GVXURAL REQUIREMENTS: \ i A. Paints: Use Ancritono, Sinclair, i>ralt & Lambert, or" erru&l quality paints approv-d by the Arcr itc-ct. A LI jr.acena i s shall cene bo the 30^ in tnear cr jr j nal sealed pack acres and be applied according to ruir.uf eiCturtr ' F dircctj ons . See Color Schedule for colors required. When i,hinning of painL is re cuircd, use manuf 3C Lurcr ' s recor.nit;r.dai.ions . B. Stains: Refer to Color Schedule. ' + - : 3. V70^KMAi:SHIP: ; A. Before cor^sncincT, carefully examine all surface^. Ttar-, of rc3intircr i r, considered acce^-ancc oc \:or> of cli'.crs as satisf actoj: y, and the correctness "of tne --hole rc:r.r- ing f in 3 sh uhen becomes the res pone i.o.il icy or i-h1 r Sub- contractoi. B. work s al 1 he exec uLecl by s"ville<3 , cxpcn^ •'-ceo -jo'orncy- men in their trade, ana v'cil supervised by cue1 lif i-a foremen. i C. VJorJ' shall be done under favorable w'-anher conditions for the production of first-class \:or^r. D. Enamel<-, varnishes and sanding seolers: Sand lightly and durb clean between coats. 4. SURFACE PREPARATIONS: ^ A. WorJ- frames: Prime all surfaces be^o^e setting. Bac). pri"ic all ocher trim a:,d rocd\/o^"<: abutting pic? s tor snd masonry. Primed tor> and bottom c 'C doors, as veil as the dcors area. B. Metal surfaces: Thoroughly clean free of all dirt, dust, oil cind. ochcr foreign matter. C. Plaster: Clean of dust, dirt, excess mortar and other f orcj gr- ire J: trr Cracks, r.o J os , r~> t s ?r d other imperfec- tions s/all be fmisheo l]u'-h and smooth. D. Gypsum board: Dry dust to remove all dust, dirt and fore i en ria uter . or PROTECTION: A. Protect £ J 1 -surfaces ar.d oJjj^-ts, insic.fc pnd cut-si,. e rigpuist d ,r:ac;c B. Provide and 1 ay drop c3 cths and other pro tcctions nec cj sary to prevent cuv-'a^e from ]v;j,r.ting, 6. PRECAUTIONARY ;h';^SU~lES : Finis1- "orl. shall be uniforn tnrcug' out and xn strict c.ccorcxanee - ic\ dpx;rov"o color car pics . S JjQu 1 d pa 3 r. 1 30 r-ur f ac e s he f our d d ef cc t j_ve > n any respect,, pain Ercr shall « ~ ccr rrop'_r prewar a cicn appl y sue if aodii-ionai cor.ns dfc, nu'y he necessary to give surfaces a satic^ac i_ory f inisJi. 7. B. 1st Ccat: Pratt & Larbert Penetrating Rustic Stain 2nd Cot t: Clear sauin sealer. C. Soitv/ood: Columns, mullions, sills, /crin at exterior walls. ,___ 2-Coats i - Pratt and Lambert "Solid Hide Rustic Stain" Do not wipe. D., Planter Gypsum ^aJJ beard ard Acoustic Tile vhcrc .u;di< 1st Coax;: ^mcritone vl I piqivcnted r_cs lor . 2nd Coa:; ^rar-r itonc synthetjc enairel - finish per finish schedule. EXTERIOR FINISH REQUIREMENTS ; A. Planter: 1st Coat: Aii^.'ri tone !!7C25 van^j oond base tinted to fpccj^icd color reduce ner manufsecurer T s snr-cif j cation, SR 9D - 2 2nd Coa 1:: Ainora t one jl /O/'l; vi ryl bond base tinted co r,rtccj,i i CM c olor . B. Softwoorl - wood facias, columns, wjndo" sills anci trim 2 Coairs " Pratt 6 Lambert "Solid Hide Rustic Stain" C. Doors •- to receive paint. lct Coat. Anerjtonc #55e"tericr DrJmer - tinted. 2nd Coat. An>er j to^e ;'990C exterior trim enanel. 9. INTEJUOH & KXTEJU03 FINISH REQUIREMENTS: ,, A. Ferrous Metals. 1st Coat: Rou J ead rrimer (unless shop pruned} . 2nd Coat: Aneritcnc -^9900 exterior trim enairel. 3rd Coat: Amerii,onc r9900 extecior trim er.amel. (Lig>~rc poles &. luroujaires 2 coat^ flat eijdjoel.) B. Galvanized ;ietal. 1st Coat: Zinc chrc^ate etcninq pran.er. 2nd Coat: Amcm Lone i'f 9900 exterior tr; P enamel. 3rd Coat: AnerjLone ^9900 exterior trin enamel. C. Doors and Siding/Patts to receive staan. 1st Ccai: Pratt fc Lcnrbert "PenclrratLng KustLc Stain" 2nd Coat. Clear sa^in serler. V/ipe stain sj iqhtly. D. Hegjsters anci Grilles - Spray paint to match adjacent painted, stained or wall papered v,a!2s and ceilirc.s. E. Laght fixtures mm for recessed lights: to natcn paint on adjacent surfaces. P. Prefinish woods where called for on drawings. G. Steel flood light polr-:s - See Color Schedule. H. omitted. . . _ - -- - I. Exterior roof lights: Paint to maten color of roof. 10. VINYL. WALL COVmTNG: A. Provide laoor and materials to arstall v^ryl v/all ce^ macGrietl as indicacad on the finish sc'icdule, on -he drav.ungs. B. Color and pattern: refer to the Color .Schedule. shall 13. Samples: Submit (on 8 l/2'! x 11" maLcrial'l Paint colors, stains/ and Vir.yl \;all covering, The End* SECTION OH - ACOUSTIC TILE General Conditions and Specj a} Conditions arc a part of this sccta on. 1. WORK SPECIFIED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS: i .Painting: AC Tile-Section 9D 2. MATERIAL -ACOUSTIC TILE: ii A. Armstrong "Fireguard" fissured, square edges, T & G, 12" x 12" x 5/8" with factory finish. B. Armstrong "Fireguard" Classic, beveled edges, T £ G, 12" x 12" x 5/8" w/vinyl plastic acrylic fanasn. This material must be ordered sa xty (60) days prior to installation time. 3. INSTALLATION: A. Job Conditions: Install work under conditions as outlined in current bulletin of the Acoustical Material Association - Section "Job Conditions." t B. Preparation of Work: Examine building before beginning work. Building to be properly enclosed and structure in proper condition to receive work. Notify General Contractor by let-ca- lf there is ^Tork to be corrected. Start of work' shall indica-i; acceptance of structure. C. Tile Installation: Furnish tile and zee suspension system attached to 1-1/2" carrying channels. Install in accordance vi- manuf acturers; instructions and specifications. CoordJ nate ceiling layout of electrical and mechanical fixture: Pattern as shown on drawings. * > 4. CLEANING: ,'; A. Following installations, clean soiled or discolored surfaces. B. Remove and replace tiles which are damaged or improperly in- stalled. The End SK ' 9V1-1 SECTION '9P - ri.QOR General Conditions ard Special Coi.aitioi^ are a part of This Section. 1. MATERIALS: !i A. SHCrT VINYL: Armstrong Vinyl corlon "Hydrocord Back, .090 gauge, 61 vide. B. TOP SUP COVE B'vSE: Armstrong Vinyl cove base 4", roll lengths. * C. TOP SET BUTT TYPE BASE: Armstrong Vinyl 4", roll lengths, D. COLOR & PATTERNS: Refer: to Color Schedule. E. ADHESIVE: As recommended by manufacture for concrete slabs on grade. ' F. EDGES: Taper strip as detailed. 2. INSTALI/iTIOK: Install materials in accordance v;ith manu- f actur-er ' s SsC-if ications . Vorl. to have a mnamun o£ Eca^iS . 4. CLEANUP AND POLISHING: Perform in accordance with ipanu::ac turcr ' s rec cinder da L ions . Provide Ov^ner sri~ch t\-c copies of rianuf acturer ' s pub] j shed ipainrenancc instructions . 5. GAURANTEE: Provide O*ner vith manufacturer's rooistcrc-d gaurantc e covering installation and ma Aerials/ and "Scan- dard Forrri of Gaurantee" for one full year. The End tOA - COPPER TRAY General Conditions and Special Conditions are part of this section. 1 . *1ATHRIAL \ 24~oz copper: exposed copper shall have a "burnished copper" finish. 2. INSTALLATION ' Construct and install as shown on working drawings 3. SHOP DRAWINGS Submit a sample of a finished copper treatment to the Architect for approval . LTOK MAT AT _ FRONT ENTRANCE 1. Manufacture: Cactus Mat Company, El Monte, California 2. Material: Color to be light greon and border color of terra co'tt Mat to have an aluminum frame for recessod installable Mat size shall be as indicated on drawings. 3. Installation: Provide and install as required to provide a complete job. The F,nd „_oK SECTION 3 OB - UULLF.TIN UOAUDG General Conditions and Specual.Conditions arc a part of this section. 1. MATERIALS -1/4" thick natural cork glued to 3/4" exterior grade A-C plywood w/aluminum channel frame 2. INSTALLATION Mount with concealed fasteners 3. Bulletin boards may be a standard manufactured item of equivalent sizes to those shown. Manufacturers catalogs must be submitted for approval. ' The End GR 10R-1 - nATjiPo0M PARTITIONS General Conditions and Special Cor.dal.icnr-. are a part of This Section .* i. WORK spccirir.o UTioii?, o'iin.n SECTIONS. WOOD HACKING- Section 6A . 2. MATERIALS: A. Dec-oqn: "Sana dor Scries 400" floor mounted, overhead braced par t i tions . B. Fahcicatxcn: 1/1G" hich pressure laminated board. Color and pattern: refer to Color Schedule. C. Acco'-scnes: Satan finisn, narutactures standard sur Cace type . t 3 . INST7iLLn7IOi\: Install per ivar.uCac turer s instructions. Coordj.iic-x.c Hoeaticn of vocd bacvirg required £or vail brac^cc-s ^ir.,i u-ork installed under Sectici 6A. SHOP D^i/JNGS: Provrdc 5 sets as specified in General Conditions ^rciclc 4 .13 . The End. QR 10C " 3' SECTION 10-D PAINT STRIPING AilD BUMVUKS: General Conditions and Special Conditions arc a part of ThJs Section. 1. Paint Strioeo: 4" wjdo sincrjc stripe between each car stall, as shown on the plot plan, at lengths as shown on -I he Plot Plan, _.._ Uso regulation tratfic paint, 2 coats, Baurer , Pratt & Lambert, or equal. 2. Buinncrs: Use reinforced concrete wheel b tops a<5 &hown on plot plan and as manufactured by B.R. Schafer or equal. THE END 10-D-l General Condi tionr, and Fpccl.tl Conch cions are a part ol Thi s Section, i .* Ftr,;> SV;;VIGU: IQIIT'^T.NT j..-. n-Kia^jiio and irfnLLi:o imc^cr aSK:\V;ATL CO:\VI;ACT. pcic-r to CLNI:. :L COI;D]'J ioN'7, AiiricL;. 6, 2. Work Specified Under Other Section*: A. Concrete Work: inst.illcd under Section OA. B. Table Brackets; installed under Section GA C. Wood Blocking .S Backing; Section 6A. D. MecbanicaI ;?ork: Section 1 5A. E. Plu-nhing Work; Section ]5B, F. El ectrical VJork: Sect3 on 16. 3. General Con tractor shall coorcliiuitc all work required by other t "-"-^drs for ^roner \nsi;,illati or oC Fnn-1 °crvice oovn.n- ment, anclud.lng the elcccrical and plumbing connections required to provide for operation oi" equipment. C T3 The lind 11A 'Trv,! i 2.A - FURNISHINGSf\ Gene' al Condxi '• ons and Special Conditions are 3 part of this Section. 1. Furnishings and Artwork are a separate contract Refer to General Conditions/ Article 6. ' 2. Artwork 5 nstalled under Section 6A 3. General Contractor shal] coordinate all work required by other trades to install furnishings in the proper manner The End SP 12A-1 SECTION 15A - MECHANICAL (Heating Ventalatiug and Air Conditioning) General Conditions and Special Conditions are a part of this Section. 1. WORK SPECIFIED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS. A- CONCRETE WORK: Section 3A , Bl CARPENTRY, cutting and patching, openings, blocking, roof curbs, etc.: Section GA C. SHEET METAL WORK, Louvres, Screens, Vents, Platform Covers: Section 7B D. FIELDJPATNTIMG; Section 9D E- CEILING LAYOUT: Section 9E F' FOOD _P_RCPARkTTON EXHAUST HOOD: Section HA G' PLUMBING SYSTEMS & COTINECTIONS: Section 15B H. ELECTRICAL T'TORK, Wiring to Motors, Magnetic Starters, Disconnect Switches and Conduit for Low Voltage Wiring: Section: 16 2. MATERIALS AND INSTALLATION A- STANDARDS: Conform to applicable Federal, NBFU, ASA, ASME, ASTM, IIEMA, ASHRAE, and AGA specifications unless indicated otherwise. B. MANUFACTURERS STANDARDS: Comply with manufacturers regui rements unless indicated otherwise. *-•• FOREMAN: Furnisn the services of an experienced foreman who shall constantly be in charge of the erection of the systems, together with all necessary mechanics and laborers to properly operate and test the systems. He shall give full instructions to the owner's representative as to design, operation and maintenance of all machinery, apparatus and other work installed under his supervision. D. PROTECTION: Protect all materials and equipment fiom damag* "Provide adequate and proper storage facilities. "Replace all damaged and defective v/ork or material prior to filing application for final acceptance. "Cover all equipment and machinery to prevent adhesion or plaster, concrete or paint. "Adequately protect workmen and the public from harm and conform to requirements of the board of fire underwriters and the industrial accident commission. E. OPENINGS: 1. Wo holes for piping or ducts will be allowed in any structural members (except where noted on plans) withou consent of the architect. Should any additional holes be required through structural members, or where notching, boring or cutting of structure is necessary, woik shalJ be done as directed. Openings have been indicated on the architectural and structural plans, and these openings are specified under other sectior 15A-1 SR 2. At a time in advance of the work, verify the openings for furnish now instructions as to requirements for these openings. Should the furnishing of this information be neglected, delayed or incorrect, and additional cutting if found to be required, the cost of same shall be charged to the contractor under this section. LOCATIONS: Exact locations as required for proper installation in available space. Avoid interference with architectural and structural features and work of other trades, preserving head room and keeping openings and passageways clear. Any work installed to the contrary, in the opinion of the -Architect, shall be relocated holding owner free of any additional expense. EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS -1. As listed on drawings, new and in perfect condition,- material for similar use to be of same type and manufacture. 2. Condensate drain piping: Type DWV Copper with soldered joints. Provided under Section 15B 3. Sheet Metal Work: a- SHEET METAL: Prime steel sheets, hot-dipped galvanized of the following gauges: 1) Up to 12" wide or diameter, #26. 2) 13" to 30" wide or diameter, #24. 3) 31'1 to 60" wide or diamter , #22 4) 61" to 90" wide or diameter, #20. 5) Partitions forming plenum or suction chambers #18 gauge with l-l/?" x 1-1/2' x 3/1617 galvanized iron angle and rivets for seam connections and stiffening. b. DUCT CONSTRUCTION: 1) Longitudinal Joints: Pittsburgh corner seams. 2) Transverse Joints: Government locks riveted at corners, constructed of metal one gauge heavier than that joining duct sections. Ducts under 20" may be Coined with transverse cap-strips. 3) Supports: Except as otherwise specified, all duct hangers shall be constructed of 3/4" No. 16 galvanized strap, spaced at not to exceed 9 ft. intervals. Where duct nangers exceed 6 ft. in length, provde adequate sway bracing. All vertical ducts shall be supported on angle iron brackets. 4) Elbows: Made for an easy flow of air tor minimum friction; inside radius equa3 to width of duct. Provide elbows with aporoved duct turns where indicated on plans or where space does not permit required radius. 5) All Ducts: passing through floors outside of shatts shall be caulked or be provided with Asbestos gaskets at the floor line. All sheer metal connections to coiL^*, furnaces 15A-2 SR etc., shall be made up air tight. 6) Generally: Construct and design in accordance with latest edition of the A.S.H.R.A.E. guide. 4. FLEXfBLE JOINTS: At all duct to fan connections,, provide "VENTFAB'T flexible duct material securely attached with clamping straps. 5. ACCESS DOORS: For access to equipment enclosed with sheet metal casings, constructed of #18 gauge metal, sturdily reinforced, made airtight with felt or cork strips and provided with latch operable from both sides. 6- BALANCING DAMPSRS: Provide adjustable volume dampers back of each outlet and register, and where required to completely balance and otherwise adjust the air quantities to all supply outlets, branch ducts and exhaust grilles. Dampers shall be 16 gauge sheet metal and where dimension of ducts exceeds 14" dampers shall be multi-blade type with blades not over 8" wide* Furnish and install these dampers with adjustable and locking quadrants. After the system is finally adjusted, quadrants shall be locked and clearly narked, showing the damper position. 7- FIRE DAMPERS: Furnished and installed in ductwork and louvers where required by local codes and ordinances. Fire dampers shall be constructed in accordance witn the National Bosrd of Fire Underwriters; requirements. Provide access openings with metal screwed cover plates adjacent to each fire damper for servicing. 8, WEATHER HOODS: At all exhaust or intake vents on roof, constructed of not less than #20 gauge galvanized sheet steel, adequately reinforced and substantially constructed, with openings covered with 16 mesh galvanized screen wire set in removable frames for rewiring. 9- PAINTING: Paint insides of all ductwork bach of grilles and outlets r extending as far as visible with flat Black paint, 10. SHEET METAL INSULATION: a. SUPPLY AND RETURN DUCTS - CONCEALED: Cover all Sides with 1", 1-1/2 lb. density fiberglass insulation, applied with 2" Lapped joints, securely and neatly wired and fastened to duct. b• EVAPORATIVE COOLER SUPPLY DUCTS - HXPOSKD ON ROOF: Cover aJ 1 S3_des wltn 1", 1-1/2 'ib. density fiberglass insulation and wrap neatly with 8 02. SR 15A- canvas. Si^o for finish painting with Arabol #GO~89--05 lagging adhesive and weatherproof paint. c. PLENUM AND SUCTION CHAM3E RS: Cover inside with 1~" thick rigid acoustic board insulation, neatly applied with taped joints. Apply to metal with suitable mastic compound and metal screws. d* DUCT LINER: All suoply and return ductwork and plenum downstream from air conditioning units exposed on roof and where shown on the drawings, shall be lined in the interior with 1", 31b. density fiberglass insulation with vinyl spray coating/ installed as per Manufacturers in- structions. Ducts shall be increased in size to accomodate lining, without loss of area. e. RETURN AIR REGISTERS: Kruger Model S80H, with opposed blade damper unit. Primer coat finish 11. BELT GUARDS: A. REQUIRED: On all exposed motor driven drives. B. CONSTRUCTION: Expanded metal and angle iron frame 12. VIBRATION AND NOISE: All vibration and noise from the operation of fans, motors, and equipment must be eliminated to the extent that they will not be heard outside of the room in which installed. Adjustments and changes to product satisfactory quietness to be made without expense to owner. j i 13. ELECTRIC MOTORS, STARTERS, WIRING: A. MOTORS : 1) Motors for fans and compressors, shall be of proper power and speed to suit specified makes of equipment. Motors shall be 40°C. Rise type, drip-proof, built toj NEMA standards. Motor H.P. and shall be as indicated on the drawings. Check for electrical characteristics before ordering equipment. . 2) All belt connected motors shall, be adjustable bases with set screws to maintain proper belt tension, and be provided with belt guardsi B. STARTERS AND DISCONNECTS will be furnished and installed by the electrical contractor, SR except for special equipment as specified with the equipment. 14. TEMPERATURE CONTROL SYSTEM As shown on the Drawings 15. MISCELLANEOUS Instruments, equipment, supports, tags and marking and all accessories and items required for a complete installation. 16. DUCTWORK Ductwork shall include complebe low velocity systems. Systems shall be complete with damp- ers, registers, grilles, diffusers and all required accessories. 17. GRILLES, REGISTERS AND CEILING DIFFUSERS a. Sizes: as required. b. Performance: provide required air throw and speard with no apparent drafts or excess- ive air movement within spac^ served. Air distribution accessories required to effect these conditions to be provided by Contractor c> ?upply Pi f f u & e r s (square): Kruger Model SH, with opposed blade damper unit. Primer coat finish. For evaporat ivo cooler supply diffusers shall be all aluminum construction. 3. TESTING AND ADJUSTING A. Required: all instruments and testing apparatus. B. Adjust: air distribution installations and air condition- ing system to meet requ3.rements of plans, specifications, and conditions. This work shall be done by an approved independent air balancing company. Submit name of balancing company to Architect for approval. C. Set: all stats, dampers and other equipment to produce required temperatures, as directed by the Architect. 4. OPERATING INSTRUMENTS A. Provide: Instruction,by. a qualified engineer,to Owner's Representative. B. Instructions: prepare report covering operation and mainten- ance of all equipment. Furnish Owner and Architect with two (2) copies each. 5. SUBMITTA1 DATA AND SHOP DRAWINGS (Refer to General Conditions Article 4,13 sr A- SUBMITTAL DATA: Within fifteen (15) days after award of contract, the contractor shall submit to the Architect for approval, five (5) complete brochures giving names or other identification of each item to be furnished under this contract. The assembled brochures shall show cuts and full detailed description of all Manufactured items furnished. B- FOR ITOIS which are not manufactured and which have to be specifically fabricated, including drawings of typical duct construction and complicated portions of ductwork, five (5) copies of shop drawings and detail description shall be submitted. Shop drawings shall be submitted with such promptness as to allow ample time for examination and any required corrections and approval will in no way relieve the contractor of the sole responsibility for the correctness of any work. c- AMY ITEM disapproved by the Architect as not conforming to specifications, or not of proper quality or grade, shall be deleted and substitutions in lieu thereof shall be provided as designated by the Architect. Approved submittal data shall be used for procurement without deviation, unless otherwise authorized by the Architect. 6. PERMITS AUD FEES: Obtain and pay for required perraits. Furnisn signed certified and acceptable copies to Architect. 7. GLEAM-UP: After completion of work and prior to final acceptance, thoroughly clean all parts o!: the work. Leave installation in perfect condition, ready for use. 8. GUARANTEE: Furnish owner a written guarantee, against defective workmanship, materials and operating equ Lpment. Further, guarantee to rebalance and adjust entire system, or any part therof, as required, for perfect operation for a period of at least one (1) year after acceptance. Repair, replace and made satisfactorily operative any and all defective items and work holing owner free from any cost and liability in connection thereof for the terra of guarantee. ,-' . , - , ^ The End, 15A-6 SR SECTION 1SB PLUMBING General Conditions and Special Conditions are a part of This Section. 1. WORK SPECIFIED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS: A. SITE WORK: Section 2A, 2B and 2C B. CONCRETE: Section 3A C. MASONRY OPENINGS, lintels, etc.: Section 4A D. MISCELLANEOUS STEEL AND METAL: Section 5A E. CARPENTRY, Cutting Openings, Lintels, supports and backing: Section 6A F. VENTS THRU ROOF: Section 7A G. FIELD PAINTING: Section 9D II. INSTALLING PLUMBING ACCESSORIES MOUNTED IN CERAMIC TILE WALLS: Section 9B. I. BATHROOM ACCESSORIES: See Section 8E J. KITCHEN-FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT supplied and installed under Section llA. K. MECHANICAL - AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT furnished and installed under Section 15A L. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION: Section 16 2. WATER SOFTENERS: Rental by lessee, rough-in required plumbing and connecting. 3. HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT: Furnish labor and materials to make connections to equipment, cold water make-up to evaporator coolers on roof f and gas connection to heating units. Furnish all condensate drains. 4. KITCHEN-FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT: Rough-in plumbing and make all required plumbing connections as indicated, or as re- quired by codes. Equip each supply line to fixtures with stop valve located in accessible space. 5. MATERIALS: A. STANDARDS: Unless specified otherwise in Pipe Schedule, conform to applicable ASTM, ASHE, or ASA Specifications. 15B-1 B. MANUFACTURERS STANDARDS: Comply with manufacturers re- quirements unless indicated otherwise. C. PIPE SCHEDULE: 1. Soil, waste and vent lines: Below floor to 5'-0" outside building: standard weight cast iron pipe fittings. For yard piping: extra strength vitrified clay pipe and fittings. No-hub fjttings may be used if permitted by local authorities. 2. Soil, waste and vent piping - 3" and larger installed above ground; standard weight cast iron pipe and fittings. No-hub fittings may be_used if permitted by local authorities. 3. Waste and vent piping - 2 1/2" and smaller installed above ground; standard weight galvanized steel pipe with Durham fittings for waste lines, standard black cast iron fittings for vent lines. 4- Hot and cold water piping: Above the floor: Type "L" copper with sweat soldered fittings. Under building slabs: Type "K" soft drawn copper tubing without joints. No joints permitted under building slab. 5- Gas Lines: Standard weight black iron pipe with malleable black iron fittings. 6. Water Heater Flue Piping: Johns-Manville Transite including fittings, adapters, couplings and Johns- Manville fitting cement for points, or equal. 7. Indirect Drain Lines: Copper Type.- "L" with sweat solder 3oint fittings. 8. Down Spout and Storm Drain Lines: Above ground; schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe with standard malleable iron galvanized screwed fittings, below ground; underslab; the same as for, sanitary piprng. Rectangular cast iron pipe: Alhambra Foundry Co. D. CAST IRON SOIL PIPE AND FITTINGS: Standard weight cast iron, ASTM A72-66 CS188-66 wjth preformed Neoprene gasket of compression type, as manufactured by Rich. E. FITTINGS: (for use with copper tubing) - Wrought Copper solder type similar and equal to Crane Co. fittings. Tubing to iron pipe adaptors, used where pipe threaded items are used. F. ISOLATION FITTINGS: Vallett Co. V line insulating coupling or approved equal, isolation fittings. Isolation fittings; installed at all points where copper or brass pipe or tubing 3Oins ferrous pipe, fittings or equipment, G. SOLDER: Lead - Tin 50-50 solder ASTM B-32 with Copperjzedfjex as manufactured by NIBCO. IBB-2 H. GALVANIZED OR BLACK IRON PIPE: Standard weight pipe ASTM A-120-68 (a) . v I. FITTINGS: Standard weight galvanized iron malleable fittings. J. GALVANIZED WASTE, VENT, ROOF DRAINS or other drainage lines; standard weight cast iron drainage type fittings. K. UNIONS: Connections in iron pipe lines 2" and smaller; around joint brass to iron unions. Uions 2 1/2"; flanged with Granite Barlock or equal gasket. L. HANGERS AND SUPPORTS: 1. Soil waste and storm drain piping: On horizontal lines; Fee and Mason t215 adjustable ring hangers, spaced not more than 5 feet apart. 2. Water and Gas piping: Fee and Mason #212 split ring hangers, with supporting rods, space no more than 10 feet apart. 3. Water Piping Isolators Hangers for water piping pro- vide with Semco Trisolators, No., 100 for iron pipe, No. 500 for copper pipe. M, ACCESS PLATES: 1. Plaster Walls: J. R. Smith 4762 AKL" hinged prime coated steel tnrnless access panel with plaster ground. Allen key locking device on removable, doors. 2. Tile and Dry Walls; J. R. Smith 4762 AKL hinged stain- less steel flanged access panel with bright finish for walls AKL prime coated steel for painted walls. Allen key locking device on removable doors. 3. Plaster Ceilings: J. R. Smith 4765 hinged prime coated steel trimless access panel with plaster ground. Allen key locking device on removable door provided with two anti-sag flush head screws. N. CLEANOUTS: !• Finished Room Floors: J. R. Smith 4043 cast iron ad- justable floor level cleanout with square non-skid nickel-bronze top with gasketed watertight cover secure independently of plug. 2- VJ-nyl Tile Floor_s_: J. R. Smith 4143 cast iron ad- justable floor level cleanout with round nickel bronze top with gasketed watertight cover. Adjustable to any thickness floor covering. Depressed floor level cavity to be fitted with surrounding floor cover, pattern matched and bonded with proper adhesive. Cover secure in("1i"i"'~i*"i<';''~»"i"'~~l^ o "f" Vs! "| TI rfJ-11^-11—J.-'^-"-1-"--L'v-1-J *- — £ LI - 15B-3 3. Unfinished Room Floors: J. R. Smith 4223 extra heavy duty all cast iron floor level cleanout with round gasketed watertight cover secure independently of plug. 4. Walls: J. R. Smith 4530 cast iron>cleanout tee with bronze countersunk slotted plug and chrome plated cover. 5. Above ground: Cast iron lines, J". R. Smith 4420 X.H. cast iron body with extra heavy bronze countersunk slotted ' plug. 6. Yard and Parking Lot: J. R. Smith 4253 cast iron surface level. 6. FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT A. GENERAL: Provide suitable built-in compressor stops (loose key or screw drive type shield valve) in addition to faucets. Exposed metal parts of plumbing to be chromium plated. Install separate valve at every fixture and piece of equipment requiring the various services. In general, these valves are specified with the fixture, but where not called for in the fixture specifications, this Contractor shall provide suitable built-in compressor stops (loose key or sere drive'type shield valve in addi- tion to the faucets) . B. WATER CLOSET (Mark WC-1): American Standard No. F2222.016, Crane Wo. 3-300 or Kohler No. K-4262 white vLtreous china, elongated, Olsonite #95 or Beneke, #527 white open front no cover seat, Sloan Royal #110YO flush valve and vacuum breakers. C. WATER CLOSET (Mark WC-2) : Same as- Ltem P-l except with Sloan #F-72-A2 trap primer. D. URINAL (Mark U-l): American Standard No. 6500.011, Crane No. 7-187 or Kohler No. K-4981 vitreous china white urinal with Sloan Royal #180YVQ flush valve, top spud and hangers. E. LAVATORY (Mark P-5): American Standard No. 0475,020, Crane No. 1-283-S or Kohler No. K-2196-F counter type self rimming lavatory with American Standaid 2248.011, Crane 8-2079A or Kohler K-7436 modified with drain with integral perforated grid strainer supply set with aerators-American Standard 2302. 063, Kohler K-7601 or Crane 85003 supplies and with loose key stops "P" trap and stainless steel hudee ring. G. CAN WASH FAUCET (Mark F-l): Shall be American Standard 8344.111, Kohler K-8904 or Crane 8H2 770 H. FLOOR DRAINS (Toilet Rooms) (Mark F.D.-l): J. R. Smith No. 2010 A 5" Josam 300A or Zurn Z-415 nickel bronze strainer with trap primer connection. 15B-4 I. FLOOR* DRAIN (Kitchen (Mark FD~2) : J. R. Smith 2220, Josam 5430 or Zurn 2-540 with nickel bronze strainer. J. FLOOR DRAINS (Trash) (Mark FD-3): J. R. Smith 2230, Josam 5440 or Zurn z-541 galvanized cast iron drain. K. MOP SERVICE SINK. (Mark MS-1): American Standard 7692.023 Kohler K-6718 or Crane 7569 with rim guard faucet. Shall be same as Can Wash Faucet with 3" "P" trap standard. L. FLOOR SINKS (Mark FS-1): Shall be Commercial Enameling Co., 12" x 12" x 10" with enameled dome strainer or approved equal, with top cover as shown on kitchen drawings. M. HOSE BIBB (Mark HB-1): Acorn #8130 rough brass 3/4" size with wheel handle. N. HOSE BIBB (Mark HB-2): Acorn 18120 rough nickel, 3/4" size with loose key. In finished areas hose bibbs sha-1 be chrome plate. Where outdoor temperatures drop to freezing condition sill cock shall be of the non-freezing type. J, R. Smith 5610, Zurn Z-1395 or Josam 1400M O. ROOF DRAIN: J. R. Smith #1310, Josam 460 or Zurn Z-121 with underdeck clamps. P. OVERFLOW ROOF DRAIN: J. R. Smith #-1620, Josam 4810-B or Zurn Z-180 mounted horizontally 2" above roof. Q. WATER HEATER (Mark WH-1): Size, capacity and manufacturers as indicated on the drawings. R. GAS FIRED BOOSTER (Mark BII-1): Size, capacity and manufac- turers as indicated on the drawings. S. GREASE TRAPS: Where shown on the Drawings as manufactured by J. R. Smith, Josam Zurn or Nottingham. This - Contractor shall be responsible for investigating local, requirements and submitting his bid per his findings. T. PRESSURE REGULATOR: Set for 20# required at' dishwasher. U. FAUCETS for Food Service Equipment: Pot Sink (Mark 10) and Prep Sink (Mark 53_ shall be Chicago 540-LD-RT-LIZ swing spout with screw driver stops. Bar., sink shall be Chicago No. 772E-DJ10. Check local codes-foe anti-hose spout requirements. V. CATCH BASIN: See Architectural Sheet #1A. W. ROOF DRAIN overflow (not numbered) J. R. Smith #10iO-C I X. ROOF OVERFLOW DRAIN (not numbered) J. R, Smith #1620. 15B-5 7. VALVES:\ A. UNION: Crane #1280 B. GLOBE VALVES: Crane #7 C.'GATE VALVES: 2 1/2" and smaller, Crane 1438, 3" and larger, Crane #461 D. CHECK VALVES: 2" and smaller, Crane #34, 2.1/2" and larger Crane #373 E. COCKS: Crane #252 F. AIR VENTS: Hoffman #79 8. INSTALLATION: A. GENERAL: Run piping concealed except where shown other- wise. Place exposed piping in unimportant, out-of-the- way places as approved by the Architect. Do no cutting of beams or structural parts. B. TRENCH, excavate, and backfill as required. Backfill to be compacted. C. SANITARY SYSTEM: 1. Connect to ^ewer main service. 2. Connect fixtures and equipment. 3. Install traps, clean-outs and other.apparatus in easily accessible location. 4. Install soil, waste, vent offsets*, and house drains with a minimum iniform slope of 1/4" fall per foot, unless indicated otherwise. 5. Install clean-outs at changes of directions, upper terminals (not over 50' apart in any run), and where required by Local Plumbing Ordinances. 6. Site Storm Water Drainage: Provide and lastall VCP or asbestos cement piping of size and material as indicated, connections and accessories necessary to*connect roof drains indicated on drawings. D. HOT AND COLD WATER SYSTEM: 1. Water Meter: Furnished and a nstalled by Water Company. 2* Install all plumbing work indicated and required, comply with plumbing codes and water company requirements. 3, Connect fixtures and equipment to sy_stem, complete with controls. 15B-6 4. Insulate hot water piping supply and return piping with Guston Bacon Snap-On Pipe , 1/2" thick insulation and interior locations. 5. Insulate hot water supply, return, and cold water piping exposed on roof, in attic, and in exterior walls with Guston Bacon - Snap-On 1" thick insulation with vapor barrier for cold water piping only. Cover pipe insulation with Childres type aluminum weather proof packet having a vapor barrier lining. Lap in- sulation jacket 2" at joints and longitudinal seam. Secure insulation jacket with 3/4" wide x 0.032" thick aluminum straps spaced at 9" or. center. 6. Air chambers: Furnish and install 18" lengths of pipe, same size as fixture supply pipe on all fixtures. 7. Steel piping underground and or in concrete: Dip in asphalt, spirally wrap with two layers of 15 Ib. asphalt saturated paper. Fully bed in asphalt and paint with full coverage of asphalt paint. Treat fitting and other points in a similar manner. 8. Pipe Clearance; 1/2" minimum between pipes. Isolate from building structure or other piping with 1/2" thick waffle pattern hair felt. Maintain 6" minimum clearance between parallel Hot water pipes and Cold water pipes. E. GAS SYSTEM: 1. Gas Meter: Furnished and installed by Gas Company. 2. Install gas lines indicated and required. Comply with plumbing codes and requirements of gas company. 3. Connect fixtures and equipment to system. F. ROOF FLASHINGS: Furnish and install on each pipe passing roof a 26 gage, galvanized sheet metal flashing assembly (unless indicated otherwise) complete with cast iron counter' flashing sleeve and Perrnaseal Waterproof ing Compound, Terminate pipes a minimum of 7" above roof, or higher if required by local code. G. FIXTURES: Secure to supporting surfaces as indicated or required. Install plumb and level. Coordinate required wood blocking with work specified under Section 6A. H. ACCESS PANELS: Install over all equipment built into walls, floors, or ceilings, such as valves, clean-outs, etc. Size suitable service intended. 9. PROTECTION AND STORAGE: Arrange with General Contractor for proper storage space location. 10. RECORD DRAWING: Furnish the Architect with Record Drawings showing the runs of aJ1 pipe work and outlet sizes. 15B-7 11. TESTS: Make tests in strict accordance with all applicable ordinances or as outlined below. If the requirements of the ordinances are more severe, they shall be followed. Notify Architect in advance of the time schedu]ed for all tests. Make tests in the presence of and to the satisfaction of _the Architect and Owner. A. The entire soil, waste and storm drainage system shall be tested under water pressure. B. Test water piping under a hydrostatic pressure of 125 PSI. C. Furnish power, water and all instruments.required and necessary labor. D. Test gas piping under air pressure of 10 PSI, held for 4 hours without a drop in pressure. E. Before final acceptance of the work, furnish Owner "Certificates of Inspection" stating that work has been inspected and approved by the Building Department. 12. ADJUSTING: Upon completion of and after cleaning of system and apparatus, automatic parts of plumbing system, carefully ad3Ust systems for normal operation. Flush valves (check) for proper operation and make final adjustments where re- 'quired. Inspect and clean Vacuum breakers on water supply to fixtures of any foreign material that.would hinder their proper functioning. 13. DISPOSITION OF UTILITIES: A. Observe all rules and regulations governing the respective utilities in executing all work. B. Adequately protect active utilities from damage, and remove and/or relocate only as indi-ated, specified or directed. C. Inactive and/or abandoned utilities: Remove, plug or cap in absence of specific requirements, or as specified by the local regulations. D. Costs incurred for utility work: Any cost, incurred by the protection, alteration, removal nad/or relocation of any utility item as indicated on the-p]ans shall be paid for without additional expense to the Owner. 14. ASSESSMENTS: Unless assessments are brought to the atten- tion of Owner in writing, they shall become part of this contract. 15. FEES AND PERMITS: Obtain and pay for all required permits Pay for all connection fees unless specified otherwise. >, 16. GUARANGEE: Adjust valves controls, vacuum breaKers and in- 15B-8 cxdental items and leave system in perfect operating condition Regulate, repair and replace at own expense any defective workmanship, materials and equipment which may become apparent within one year after date of final acceptance of the work. Owner's decision shall be final jn respect to imprefections. Furnish Owner manufacturer's written guarantees of materials "and equipment. 17. SUBSTITUTIONS: "Approved equal" refers to materials which in the judgement and written opinion of the architect are similar and equal in all respects to the materials or method indicated on the drawings or as specified. Requests for substitution shall be submitted by the contractor in writing to the Architect in advance, before bid date, containing any and allevidence supporting his contention that the substitute materials are equal. Requests for substitutions after bid date will not be accepted. The architect's decision shall be final and conclusive. Should unapproved material be used, this contractor will be held liable for all costs and damages in connect!on with the corrections needed. 18. SUBMITTAL DATA AND SHOP DRAWINGS: A. Submit data within fifteen (15) days after the award of contract, the contractor shall submit to the Architect for approval, five (5) complete brochures giving names or other identification of each item to be furnished under this contract. The assembled brochures shall show cuts and full detailed description of; all.manufactured items furnished. B. Shop drawings shall be submitted with such promptness as to allow ample time for examination and any required corrections and approval will in no way relieve the contractor of the sole responsibility^ for the correctness of any work 15B-9 DIVISION. -. ELECTRICAL SECTION ELECTRICAL * PART 1 « ..GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: A. Includes all materials, equipment, appliances, trans- portation and labor required to furnish and install the Electrical Work, complete with all miscellaneous items of related work as shown on the drawings and herein specified and except as otherwise distinctly specified herein, all systems shall be complete, tested- and ready for use. B. Work provided by others: 1. Main power service: Power Company 2. Telephone equipment and wiring: Telephone Company. C. Equipment provided under other sections but connected under this section: 1. Mechanical: Section 15 2. Food Service Equipment 3. Landscaping: Sprinkler Controller 1.2 REQUIREMENTS OF REGULATORY AGENCIES: A. Comply with latest applicable editions of.: National Electrical Code State/ County or City Electrical Code ' Rules and Regulations of the State Fire- Marshall Safety Orders of the Division of Industrial Safety B. Where conflicts arise the more restrictive: shall apply. 1.3 SUBMITTALS: (Refer to General Conditions - Articles 4.12 and 4.13), A. Submit for approval within 30 days after award of contract: (Refer to Section 1A Para. 1C) 1. Shop drawings of main switchboard and panelboards. 2. Manufacturer's cuts of light fixtures. B. "As Built" Drawings'-(Refer to Section 1A Para-IF) Sandy's 16 A-3 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 Manufacturers and/or brands specified establish minimum quality. Bids must be based on same but substitutions, with supporting information, will be considered if ' submitted prior to bid date. List substitution of Bid Form indicating additional costs or credits. Requests for substitutions after bidding will not bo considered. 2.2 MATERIALS; New, bearing "Underwriter1s Label" conforming to applicable ASASI, AIEE, and MEMA standards. A. Conduit: 1. Rigid, threaded: "National Electric" Sheraduct. 2. EMT: Galvanized, 3. Flexible Steel. 4. Liquid-tight flexible steel: "Sealtite" type.U.A. 5. Rigid, Nonmetallic: a. PVC - Virgin, Schedule 40. b. Transite - Type II. B, Fittings: 1. Rigid/ threaded pipe size: "National Electric" Sheraduct. 2. Cast: "Grouse-Hinds" condulet series with galvanized steel cover. 3. EMT: Steel, compression type. 4. Flexible steel and liquid tight flexible,steel: Liquid tight connectors. 5. Rigid, Nonmetallic: a. Underground: PVC or Transite b. Risers: Rigid threaded Note: For refrigerant CO2 and syrup lines use only PVC or\ Transite fittings. Elbo/JS to be 24" minimum radius, 6. Supports: Perforated straps not permitted. I C. Outlet, Junction and Pull Boxes: 1. 4" x 4" x 1-1/2" minimum, 17 guage, zinc plated, one piece steel 2. Octagon Boxes: Light fixtures only. 3. Support: Bar hangers with fixture studs. 4. Covers (blank and device): 14 guage, zinc plated, one piece steel. D. Wire: Copper 1. Type TW: Gener-al Ijght and power. 2. Type T11W: Main secondary feeders, sub feeders from mam switchboard to panel boards. 3. Type TIIIIN. In exposed exterior conduit; Continuous mounted fluorescent fixtures: and in conduit installed in air handling ceiling. Sandy's 4, Joints; a. #4 and'Smaller: "Ware Nuts". b, #6 and larger. "1LSCO" ASTM 6061-TG aluminum screw pressure 3ugs. 5, Pulling Compound: Yellow #77. * E. Magnetic Motor Starters: "ALLEN BRADLEY" Bulletin 709 or "Westinghousc" Calss A200. 1. In Switchboard: Separate enclosure 'with door. 2. Remote Mounting: NEMA 1 or NEMA 3 enclosure. F. Disconnect Switch, Externally Operated: "Westinghouse" Type RHP or RHU. G. Manual Motor Starters: "Westinghouse" 1. Interior: NEMA 1 enclosure. 2. Exterior; NEMA 3 enclosures. H. Remote Control Sx;itches, Contactors, Relays: "ASCO". I. Time Switches: "Tork". J. Receptacles and Wall Switches: Refer to Symbol List- on Drawings. 1. Receptacles - Hubbell, Inc. (straight blade,series), 2. Wall Switches - Hubbell, Inc. (intermediate: grade) . K, Wall Plates: Stainless Steel, satin finish, with stainless steel screws. L. Light Fixtures: Refer to Fixture Schedule-on* Drawings. M. Ballasts: "Advance" advan-guard Class P. N. Fly Fan "ILG" Model UA-206 O. Main Service Section: "Westinghouse" Type BSE" 1. Breaker: "Westinghouse": 800 amp frame: Type "MA" (42,000 amp I'.C.) trip size as shown on drawings. Oa.Main Distribution: "Westinghouse" Type FDP with switch units 1. Fuses: Bussman Manufacturing Co, Type 'Km' and 'Lpn1 P. Panelboards: A, B, Cff & D: "Westinghouse'' Type NQB (5,000 amp I.e.) 1. Breakers: "Westinghouse" Type AB Quicklag QB (5,000 amp l.C.) Sandy's 1GA-3 PART 3 . . v INSTALLATION 3.1 COORDINATE AS REQUIRED WITH:' A. Power Company: Trenching; main feeders & conduit; concrete encasement or capping; transformer and pad.or . _ vault. All trenching backfill to,be compacted to 90% density. B. Telephone Company: Main Service C. Food Service Equipment Manufacture: All Connections 3.2 EXTERIOR, EXPOSED EQUIPMENT: Weatherproof 3.3 GROUNDING: Effective, permanent, maintaining contin- uity throughout entire system with 5 ohm maximum resistance at any one point. A. Motors, Parking Lot Lights: Bonded ground jumpers, from feeder conduit to unit. B. Nonmetalic Conduit with Steel Risers: Copper wire, bonded to riser at each end of run. 3.4 LIGHT FIXTURES; Provide all metal channel supports' and hardware, 3.5 CONDUIT: A. Provide 112 galvanised pull wire in all conduit only (C.O.) B. Use of EMT, flexible steel, PVC and Transite in lieu of rigid, steel conduit restricted - refer to, code'require- ments where applicable. C. All final connections to motors and mechanical equipment shall be liquid-tight flexible steel. oD. For refrigerant, CO and syrup use ONLY PVC or. Transite conduit and fittings, E. Risers - Rigid steel for nonmetalldc underground conduit, except as noted in paragraph D above. P, 6" minimum from hot water piping and equipment, heating and ventilating ducts, G, Provide 2x4 redwood blocking for couduit running on roof surface. H. Support at maximum 30' 0" intervals and within 3' of each cabinet, fitting or junction box. andys 36A-4 3.6 WIRE:- A. No points or splices permitted Jn conduit. B. 'Connections - 8" Pigtails. C. Tag all circuits. ___3.7 RECEPTACLES: Mount with long axis horizontal. 3.8 WALL PLATES: (All outlets) A. Stainless Stell: Exposed, finished areas., B. Galvanised steel: Unfinished areas, equipment room, covered by food service equipment. 3.9 OUTLET BOXES: V?here food service fixture comes equipped with outlet boxes and flexible conduit only for ease of installation, the Electrical Contractor shall reimburse the Food Service Equipment Installer an equal amount of. flexible conduit. 3.10 CORDS AND CAPS A. Shorten cords on portable food service: equipment as required ie: Toasters. Sandy's 16A-5 SECTION 16B COMMUNICATION PART 1. j .' GENERAL 1.1 Systems indicated will be obtained from manufacturers specified only. A. Waitress Call Light System: 1. Orb Electronics 3962 Landmark Street Culver City, California Telephone: (213) 839-0624 2. Material: 2 - ISICR - 106 Panels 1 - #10H (Vertical) Number Panel 1 - #5V (Horizontal) Nmuber Panel 2 - #1000-C Chines 40 Ft. - #10A Cable 80 Ft. - Chime Cable 3. Cost $340.00 F.O.B. Culver City, California B. Restroom Notifier Syster 1. Orb Electronics 3962 Landmark Street Culver City, California Telephone: (213) 839-0624 2. Material: 1-LR 11A Terminal and transformer assemblies- 1-LR 11B Light Panel 2-LR lie Switch and light assemblies (one red and one green! 150 Ft. - LR11 4/c cable 3. Cost: $60.00 F.O.B. Culver City, California C. Sound System: 1. Douglas Roesch Communications/ Inc. 2727 San Fernando Road Los Angeles, California 90068 Telephone: (213) 222-0286 2. Material: 4 DRC-3106CP Flush Mount Ceiling Speakers 1 Lot Type."A: Cable 150' 1 Volumn Control Assembly 3. Cost: #115.00 F.O.B. job site. Sandy's 16B-1 SECTION CS GROUP ONE - - COLOR SCHEDULE EXTERIOR COLORS SCHEDULE NO.PRODUCT MANUFACTURE/NO COLOR/PATTERN 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Roof Rock Stain Stain Paint Paint Paint Paint Traffic-Paint Paint Paint Paint See Section 7A P & L 1269 P & L 1115 Ameritone/24 3A P & L 5501 Ameritone/24 2A Ameritone/242E As selected Ameritone/242C As selected P & L 6112 White Dark Grey Black-Brown Othello-Black-Brown Spanish White Stratus Scroll/Off White White Sandstone Automotive-Heat Resistant-Engine Paint-White Hemp EXTERIOR COLOR SCHEDULE NO.ITEM - SURFACE - MATERIAL 101 103 107 110 104 105 103 104 111 106 102 103 111 104 104 102 Roof Rock Roof Wood Parapet Screen and Batts Roof Vents and exposed flashing Rock Roof Roof Vent from Gas Water Heater Roof Sheet Metal, G.S., Plaster Fascia (return to Vent Strip) Wood Mullions, Sills, stops", etc. Down spouts and trim Slumped concrete block "Oreo Block" Light Grey Doors and Jambs 1,2,3,4. Doors 5 & 6 Door Jambs 5,6. Door 7 Pipe guards Light note standards Siding/Batts GROUP TWO INTERIOR COLORS SCHEDULE NO. PRODUCT MATERIAL MANUFACTURE/NO.COLOR/PATTERN 201 202 203 204 Carpet Fir-Sheet Vinyl Fir-Sheet Vinyl Fir-Sheet Vinyl As selected Arms trong/8 708] Armstrong/86703 Armstrong/86/Ob Brown-Rust Arlmont-Brown Off-White Teak-BlacK SR CS -1 SCHED NO.MATERIAL MANUFACTURER/NO COLOR/PATTERN Arms trong/101 Armstrong/101 Mosaic/213 Mosaic/220 Mosaic/5007" Mosaic/708 Mosaic/860 3A 206 Base Carpet Type 207 Base Cove Type 208 Base Velvetex Ceramic Tile 209 Fir Velvetex Ceramic Tile 210 Wall DeLuxe Ceramic Tile 211 Wall Crescendo Ceramic Tile 212 Wall DeLuxe Ceramic Tile 213 Flr-Conc. Color 214 Vinyl Wall Covering 215 Lara-Plastic 216 Lam-Plastic 217 Lam-Plastic 218 Acoustic Tile 219 Stain 220 Stain 221 See Schedule 222 Paint 223 Paint 224 Paint 225 Paint 226 Paint 227 Paint 228 Paint 229 Paint 231 Base DeLuxe Ceramic Tile SCHED. NO. _ GENERAL - ALL AREAS 224 Ceiling recessed fixtures, trim grills and registers 224 Wall access panels and electrical power box 221 Stainless steel trim and equipment, 221 Restroom accessories As spec. Sectn Vicrtex VEF Formica/501 (64) Formica/77-113 Formica/77-180 Armstrong P & L/1269 P & L/1115 Amen tone/2 4 3 A Ameritone/242F Ameritone as- req Ameritone/242A Ameritone/242E Ameritone/242C Ameritone Amen tone/2 3 8 - 1A Mosaic/6121 Burnt Umber Burnt Umber Med. Parchment Beige Pattern 3000 Golden Olive Pattern 3000 4-1/4" sq. Eggshell Everglaze 4--1/4" sq. Chamois 4-1/4" sq. Oatmeal Silica Aggregate Tan Montage Natural 1209 Royal Walnut Brown Leather Gceen Leather Finish-White-fissured/ factory Dark Grey Black-Brown- factory f3 nish Othello-B]ack-Brown Spanish White To match adjacent surfat Stratus-Dark Tan Scroll-Off White Sandstone Light Tan Black Thatch Brown Avocado S-3619T Base Ti SR CS-2 SCHEDULE NO. ITEM - 221 224 228 SURFACE -MATERIAL Electrical switch plates Exposed Inside pipes , c ducts/See onduit , Section and not ISA outlets chromed INTERIOR COLOR SCHEDULE SCHEDULE HO. ITEH - SURFACE - MATERIAL VESTIBULE #1 202 Floor 219 Sxding/Batts 220 Wood trim/Door and windows 221 Aluminum doors and trim COFFEE SHOP - WAITING - CASHIER 201 Carpet Floor 202 Vinyl Floor and Ease 206 Base and Carpet -213 -Siding/Battsv^: 220 Wood trim and Windows 220 Decorative Beans 219 Ceiling .Trim lr — 229 Paint/High clg. and Fascia only 218 Ceiling material/High and Low and Fascia "215 Counter top and cabinet face 226 Inside cabinets. WAITRESS AISLE AND FOUNTAIN STATION 202 Floor and Base 214 Vinyl Wallcovering 221 Masonry Island 218 Ceiling Material 219 Celling Trim j^i_; ', i«. 215 Door 227 Door Frame 219 Wood trim 215 Counter top, splash, cabinet face 226 Inside cabinets PREPARATION 213 Floor and "Base 226 Walls 223 Ceiling 22] Hood and Sheet lletnl 221 Cooking Counter " SR CS-3 SCHEDULE NO.SURFACE - MATERIAL 221 221 226 DINING Set-Up counter and pass through Door 14, both sides Door 13 Door Jamb 13 AND ni^iKG #2 201 206 221 219 214 218 229 219 219 215 226 219 219 220 220 COCKTAIL LOUNGE AND 3A Flaor/Carpet Base Masonry Wood siding and trim Vinyl Wall covering Ceiling material High ceiling and Fascia Paint Decorative Beams Wood - -' ceil ing trim Cabinet tops, splash, counter face Inside Cabinet Door 5,10,11 and 26 Jambs @ Door 10,11, and 26 Jambs - @ Door 5 Wood Mullions, Sills, @ Ext wall 201 206 204 219 218 - 229 219 219 215 227 219 219 VESTIBULE #2 Floor/Carpet Base - @ Carpet Floor and Base Wood siding Bar ^ Ceiling material Ceiling paint, high and low Decorative Beams Trim @ ceiling Bar, Counter Top, Inside Cabinets Door 10 and 11 Door Jambs 10 & 11 and Cabinet faces 204 219 218 229 219 219 HALL 201 206 221 214 218 Base 4 Floor Wood siding and trim Ceiling material Ceiling paint Door 6 Door Jamb 6 Floor/carpet Base Masonry vinyl vail covering Ceiling material SR SCHEDULE NO.' ITEM - SURFACE - MATERIAL 219 -Wood --• trim & ceiling 215 Telephone Cabinet Face Surfaces 227 Door 21, 23, 25 227 Door Jambs 21, 23, 25 PAPER STORAGE 201 Floor Carpet 206 Base 226 Walls and Shelves 227 Door 25 227 Door Jamb 25 226 Ceiling llEN's VESTIBULE 204 Floor and Base 214 Walls 226 Celling 227 Doors 21,23 227 Door Jambs 21,23 JEN'S RESTROOM 204 Floor and Base 212 Walls 226 Ceiling - Soffit and Soffit Fascia 217 Counter top and Splash, Apron 227 Door 22 227 Door Jamb 22 209 Floor and Base 212 Walls 227 Ceiling 217 Toilet Partitions WOMEN'S RESTROOM 203 Floor and Base 211 Walls 226 Ceiling, Soffit and Soffit Fascia 21G Counter Top, Splash, Apron 227 Door 23 and 24 227 Door Jamb 23 and 24 WOMEN'S TOILET 208 Floor and Base 211 Walls 226 Ceiling SR CS-5 SCHEDULE NO.' 236 227 227 ITEM - SURFACE Toilet Partitions Door 24 Door Jamb 24 EMPLOYEE DINING, DRY STORAGE H, DRY STORAGE $2 r LIQUOR STORAGE, HALL #1, D?:FTIMG ROOM, JANITOP AND TOILET 226 ;221 221 226 223 215 227 226 221 221 227 OFFICE 203 226 226 227 227 226 221 MECHANICAL BaseFloor Walls Masonry Pre fab freezer and refrigerator walls and Base Wood Sills. Shelves, trim etc. Ceiling Door 12 and 13 Door 15, 17, 18, 19 Door jambs 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19 Cash Deposit box, Ticket files time clock Dressing Room Wood Cabinets and Shelve: Floor and Base Walls Celling Cabinets - Inside and out Door 17 Door Jamb, Sills Wood trim Cash Deposit Box ELECTRICAL STORAGE Natural Floor and Base 226 Walls/Plaster 221 Masonry 225 Doors and Door Jambs SCULLERY 213 Floor 231 Base 210 Walls 226 Walls 233 Ceiling The End.SR CS™6