HomeMy WebLinkAbout1050 AUTO CENTER CT; ; CB891539; PermitBUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CB891539 10/12/89 08:38 Project No: A8902659 Page 1 of 1 Development No: Job Address: 1050 AUTO CENTER CT Str : F1: Ste: Permit Type: ELECTRICAL a550 1c1/1.2.sy G(!::1 01. c>: i i " 00 Parcel No: 211-080-01-00 .., I\::; . ., Valuation: 0 Construction Type: NEW Occupancy Group: Class Code: Status: ISSUED Description: TEMP POWER POLE Applied : 10/12/89 Apr/Issue : 10/12/89 Validated By: JPY :-. ..F':"-. CONTRACTOR : COLLINS GENERAL CONST , . , Lic. C 393683 11 7 5 0 SORRENTO VAI+EY< SAN DIEGO CA 9212i'.".';- _:/. *** Fees Required *** "' di* ~ ** lected & Credits *** ., . --L ---_------_-_____ .oo 15.00 Fees : 16.00 Adjustments: . 00 Total Fees: 15, b0 .oo Fee description Ext fee Data ____________________-----_-------- -________________ ,' ~~ .. . ;*~* . *~ ,' 5.00 Y 10.00 Y 15.00 Enter "Y" for Electric Iswe Fee > Enter "Y" for Temporary Service > * ELECTRICAL TOTAL '( 61D;MPnimwn) ,. ., .. .', ClTy OF CARLSBALl 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438 1161 . 1. PERMIT TYPE A OCOHHERCIII UNEU OMECHANICAL OPmL OSPA OPElAlNlNG UALL OSOLAR ODlHER en 4T-A 2. PROJECT INFORMATION PLAN CHECK N EST. VAL PLAY CK DEPOSIT V1110. BY DATE FOR OFFICF USF ON1 Y CHECK BELW IF SUMITTEO: n7 E~~~~~ caicr 2 Soils Reprf nl Addressed Envelope RSSESSOP'S PARCEL EXISTING USE PROPOSED "6F STATE ZIP CmE DAY TELEPHONE I 7. Cll" SIGNATURE TllLE DATE DESIGNER NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP COOS 01" TELEPHONE STATE LIC. X - 7. WORKERS' COMPENSATION Yorkerr' Cnpenrafion Deciarafloo: I hereby afflrm that 1 have a certificate of consent to self-insure lsrved by the Director of lndusfrial Relations. or a certificate of Yorkerr' C-nsafion Insurance bv an adnltled insurer. or an exmf copy or duplicate thereof cerllfled by the Direcfol of the insurer thereof fiied with the Buildin0 Insaction Oemrtinenf (Section 3800. Lab. Cl. .. ~~ R 60 /Ju/hl, - POLICY NO. C ~L~-./~~E~P~RAT%~~ATE *L/O # /-/-40 IYSURAYCE COWPAN" Certificate of Exenption: 1 certify that in the performance of the work for which thls permit IS Issued. I shall not employ any perron /n any manner so as to becm subject to the Workersm C-nsafion Lars of California. SIGNATURE DATE 8. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Owner-Builder Oeclararlon: 1 hereby affirm that I am Exempt from the Contractor's Llcense Ley for the folloulng reason: 0 I as owner of the properly or my ewpioyees with wages ai Ihelr soLe compensation, w//l do the work and the structure IS not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7OL1, Business and Prolerrlons Cde: rhe Contractor's Lliense Law does no( apply tu 617 mncr of property rho bullds or >wroves thereon.. and rho doer such work himself or through hlr own employees. provided that such ~nprouements are not lnlended or offered for sale. If, however, the bulldlng or lrnprwemenf 1s sold within me year of complet!on. the owner-bullder w11I have the burden of proving that he did not bulld or inprove for the purpose of sale.). 0 I, as wner of the p~~perfy, m exclusively cancracflng ulih llcensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044. Business and Plofesslonr Code: The Contracfor,~ Lliense Law does not apply to an owner of property who bulldr or ~mprover thereon, and contracts for such projects with ConfracCorts) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License tau). I am e"enQf under Sectlo" (Sec. 7031.5 Businerr and Professions Cde: IWrOve. denallrh. Or repair any SfrYCfUre. prior 10 its iss~ance. also requires the applicsnf far such permit to file a signed statement that he 3s llcensed pursuant to the pmY!lionr of the Confra~for,~ License Law (Chapter 9. cmencing wIlh Section 7000 of Divirlon 3 of the Burlness and Profesrlonr Codel or that he 16 exenpt fherefrm, and the basis for the alleged exenpflon. Any vlolallon of Section 7031.5 by any aml~canf for 8 prmil Subjects the applicanf to a civ1I pnalty of not _re than flve hundred dollars II5001). Business and Praferrlani Code for thls reason: Any City or County which vequlres a perm>< fo canrtiucf. alter. SIGNATURE DATE COllPLEiE THIS SECTION FOR MOM-RLIIDENTIAL BUILDING PEPHITS 01111: 10 the appllCBnl or future building occupant required to submit a burinerr plan. acutely hazardous maferlals regisfration farm 07 risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505. 75533 or 75534 of rhe Prerley~lanner Hazardous Substance Account Act, YES NO Is the applicant or future bulldine occupanf rewired CO abtaln e permit frm the air pLLufion conll~l disfrlct 07 ~lr qualify management d<sfrict? Ow 0 NO OYES 0 YO Is the facllity to be con~trucfed rirhln 1,000 feel of the outer boundary of a school sitel IF AMI OF THE U-RS ARE YES. A FINAL C€PTIFIUlE OF OCOPAYCI U1 NOT BE lSaf0 AFTER JULY 1. 1989 ULESS THE WPLIWMT HAS IET CS IS EETIffi lllt REWIREWUlS OF THE OFFICE OF EIIEC=YCI SERVICES AY) rnE AIR ~LUTIOI my~m DIswcr. 9. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there /s a conPtrucfion lending agency for the performance of the work for xhlch this prmit is Issued (Sec 30P7(il Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS 10. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE I certify thaf I have read the appll~ali~n and state that the above inforrnatlon IS correct. to buildlng Consfrucl~~n. ClTl IY CCUEEglLYCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. Erplrafxon. Every perm,( issued by the Bullding Official under rhe provir~oni of fhlr Code shall elplrc by Ilmltrtion and become null and void if the buliding or work authorized by such prmr 1s not cmmenced within 180 days trm the date of such perrn~f or If the buiLdlng or Ybri eufhorlzed by such pcrmlt Is ruspnded or abandoned ar any time after the work IS romnced for a period of 180 days (section 305161 Uniform Bulldlnri Codel. I agree to comply ulfh all Clfy ordlnaocer and State law3 relafins I LLSO I hereby aufhorlze repierentatlvei of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the ?bow menllancd propcrly for inspection W'poses. AGREE TO SAVE IMDEWW AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITI OF URLSBU) (LWLIYST ALL LIABILITIES, JWWEYTI. cmrs AND EXPENSES WCH IUI IY ANY YM LCCRUE AwlusT SAID APPROMO BY i DATE: 0 OVIIER OI;OMTRACTOR OBI PHONE WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: GITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB891539 FOR 10/20/89 INSPECTOR AREA PK DESCRIPTION: TEMP POWER POLE PLAElCKd CB891539 OCC GRP CONSTR. TYPE NEW JOB ADDRESS: 1050 AUTO CENTER CT STR: FL: STE : CONTRACTOR: COLLINS GENERAL CONST PHONE : OWNER : PHONE : APPLICANT: COLLINS GENERAL CONT. PHONE: 481-7700 REMARKS: Tl/RS/POLE @ 5334 PAS DL NORTE INSPECTOR SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ~~~ TOTAL TIME: &- CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 32 EL Const. Service/Agricultural /r/op,G a LL J - -- - -- -- - ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS