HomeMy WebLinkAbout1050 AUTO CENTER CT; ; CB901844; PermitBUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CB901844 Project No: A9002102 11/21/90 10:45 Page 1 of 1 Development No: Job Address: 1050 AUTO CENTER CT Permit Type: SIGN Parcel No: 211-080-01-00 Valuation: Construction Type: NEW Occupancy Group: Description: DEALER SERVICE CENTER Str : F1: Ste: Y4R5 ll,CI'!%> $1'02. 31 ,?I: 1. i::: --".ur .I I. I. 1,600 &c. 7434. Class Code: Status: ISSUED Applied: 11/21/90 Apr/Issue: 11/21/90 Validated By: DC Appl/Ownr : MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEMS 619 474-8246 823 W. 23RD STREET NATIONAL CITY, CA CONTRACTOR : MOTIVATIONA 823 W. 23RD NATIONAL Fees Required ___________-___--_- Fees : Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description __________-___--__ Building Permit Plan Check * BUILDING TOTAL 619-474-8246 Credits '* * * .00 .OO 61.00 Ext fee Data 37.00 24.00 61.00 : 1 I I CrrY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 I6191 438-1161 1. PERMIT TYPE A - OCMERCIAL UNEU UlENANl IMPROVEMENT ~ B . 0 INDUSTRIAL ONEU OlENANl IMPROVEMENT C . ORESIDEHTIAL OAPARlMENT OCDNDD OSINGLE FANlLI DUELLING ~ADDlllON~ALlERAllON ODUPLEX ODfMOllllDN ORELOCATION OMOBILE HCUE OELEClRlCAL OPLUnSlVG EST. VAL /6 O+ PUN CK DEPmll VALID. 81 I I DATE OMfCHANICAL OPWL OSPA ORElAlNlNG WALL OSDLAR OOlHER , FOR OFFICF USF ONLY - Building or Sufe YO. 8 8 2. rers /lO#&n3 Cf47FwC CWA7 Nealest Cross Street6 &&- m+ LEGAL DfSUIIPllOY Lot NO. SuMivision UawlNunber Unit No. Phese YO. CHECK BELW IF SUB*ITTED: EXISTING USE PRWOSED USE X OF STORIES 3. CONTACT PERSON NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CCOE DAY TELfPHONf SIGNATME OColllRAClOR OAGLNT FOR CONTRACTOR OWNER n1GFNl FOR OWNER ADDRESS 4. APPLICANT NAME CIlY STATE ZIP CWE DAY TELEPHONE WLIER OLESSEE OTEYANT YERTY CH&LP7 OWNEl AODRLSS CITY STATE ZIP CCOE Dl'i TELEPHONE .94S7m5* ADDRESS %2'3 u' ;LJpcl sLcct STATE c/4 ZIP CWE 92050 DAY TELEPHOWE 474-wcL6 flA4'6 LicEnsE CLASS ClTl BUSINESS LIC. X SIGNATURE TITLE CP . DATE ///A//po DESIGNER NUlE ADDRESS I I I CIlI STATE ZIP CCOE DAY TELEPHONE STATE LIE. X 7. WORKERS' COMPENSATION Workers' Cnpnratlon Dcclaratton: I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self-inswe issued by the Director of In*lbtrisl Rr1ation.i. or a certificate of Workers' C-nrsfim InsYrancc by an Aniffed ioBuPcr. er an exact c- or dqlicafc thereof certified by the Director Of the ~~SYPCI thereof filed with the Building lnrpcfion Departrent (Section 3800. Lab. C). INSURANCE COnPANI POLlCl YO. EXPIRATION DATE Certificate Of Exenpfion: so a* to kanr subject to the Yorkcrsl Ccnpensafion LSYI of California. I certify that in the performwe of the work for which this permit IB issued, I shall l~lf -1oy my person in any mmr SIGNATURE DATE 8. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Omer-BYlldel Declaration: I hereby affirm that I em ex-! fran the Contractor's Llcense Lax for the fallouing reason: 0 I as wner of the property or my enployeer rich wages as the?? sole conpennation, 1111 do the work and the sfru~fure is not intended or offered far sale (See. ?044, BveineQs end Plofesrione Code: does such work himelf or through his om enployeer, provided that rmh inprow-nfr are not intended or offered for sale. If, however. the building or inpPOvmenf is sold wifhin one year of conpietion, the ounevbuilder will have the burden of proving fhaf he did not build 01 lnprove for the plrposc of sale.). 0 I, as wner Of the property, am excluIiVely con<raCting with licensed COncm~fors Io consfruCt the project (Sec. 7014. Business and PlOfeSIions Code: The Crnfra~tor's License Law does not apply to an wner of property Mho builds or inpiover thereon. and confracfs for sw'h projects with Contra~T~r(I) licensed plrsuanf to the Contractor's license LBII. The Confracior'r License Law doer not apply to an owner of property rho builds or inprovea thereon.. and 0 I am exmpt under Section Business and PrOfCsSions Code for chi$ reason: (Sec. 1031.5 Business and Praferrionr code: Any City 01 County which requires a permit to CO~B~~YC~. alter. iwrovc. denalirh, or repair am/ Itlu~fule, prior to its issuame, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed rfafmnr that he is licensed plrsuanf to the provision^ of fhc Confrecfor'~ License Law (Chapter 9, cmncing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of fhe Business and PrOfesSionE Code) or that he is cxmpf fherefrm. and the basis for the alleged cxenption. Any violafion of Section 7031.5 by my applicant for a permit wbject6 the applicant to 8 civil penally of not mre than five hundred dollars lf5001). SIGNATURE DATE CCUPLETE THIS SECllOn FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant 01 future building =cupant rewired to rubnit a hsiness Plan. acutely hazardous mferials iegisfrafion form or risk mnagmenf and prevention program under SCcfion~ 25505. 25533 or 25531 of the Presley-lamer Hal@ldoys Substance Account Act? DYES 0 NO lo the applicant or future building mcupanf required to obtain a permit Iran the air pollution control district 01 air qualify mnagmenf diofrict? OYES 0 NO 19 the facility to be Construcfed rlfhin 1,000 feet of the outer Mary of 8 school site? 0 YES Om IF u* OF 1E URERS ME lES, I FIUL CERlIFIUlE DF OEORUO MI MOl BE IS- AFap 1111 1. ?W WLESS IWE APPLIWl IUS El 01 IS IEElIW. 1E IfUJIRRUlS OF 1HE DFFICE DF EMERGEICI IERVICES UD 1HE AIR POLLUlIOY mlROL DlSlRICT. 9. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm the( there is a ~onsfruction lending agency for the performnee of the work for rhlch this permit is issued (Sec 3097(i) Civil CCdC). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS 10. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE I certify that I have read The application and state that the abve information IS correcf. I agree fo c-ly with all City ordlnancer and State laus reletin9 fa buiiding conrfrucllon. I ALSD AGREE TO SAVE IMDEWIFY Am KEEP HIWLESS THE CITY 06 URLSBlD AWlYSl All LIABILITlEB. JuDMEMlI. m571 LNV EXPEYSES WlCn UI IY ANT YAY ACLPUE AGAINST SAID CIlI 1Y CZUSEDVEYCE OF THE WlIYt OF THIS PERMIT. I hereby aufhorlze repreienfativer af the City of Carlrbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection pirWaSe5. Expiration. Every permlf issued by the Building Official under the provision3 of this Code rhail erplre by Ilmifsfian and becm null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not cmnced uifhin 160 days frm the date af such permit or If Yhe bullding Or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at an" <!me after the work is cmnced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Unlform Building Codel. 0 WWER BCONTRACTOR 087 PHONE APPROYEQ B'i; DATE: WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance c * CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB901844 FOR 12/05/90 INSPECTOR AREA PK DESCRIPTION: DEALER SERVICE CENTER PLANCKX CB901844 TYPE: SIGN CONSTR. TYPE NEW JOB ADDRESS: 1050 AUTO CENTER CT STR: FL: STE : APPLICANT: MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEMS PHONE: 619 474-8246 CONTRACTOR: MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEMS PHONE : 619-474fi4 6 OCC GRP OWNER: REMARKS: MH/MR. SHORT SPECIAL INSTRUCT: PHONE : /// INSPECTOR 10’ TOTAL TIME: CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 38 EL Signs -@ 38 EL Signs - - -- - -- - -- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS \ . .. .. 1 .- . .~ .. . . ........I. ., . ,.... , I - ..._-. .- .,. . . . - __i j 1