HomeMy WebLinkAbout1060 AUTO CENTER CT; ; CB891694; Permit- BUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CB891694 12/01/89 09:50 Project No: A8902873 Page 1 of 1 Development No: Permit Type: COMMERCIAL BUILDING Parcel No: 211-080-02-00 Valuation: 644,007 Construction Type: NEW Occupancy Group: BI VNS Class Code: Status: ISSUED Description: AUTO SERVICE SHELL BLDG A Applied : 10/27/89 : PLANCK 890202 TI REQ FOR OCCUPANCY Apr/Issue : 10/27/89 ' Job Address: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT Str : F1: Ste: 173s ~~/'>~,;'fl~ ::(;$:, ;)I, i'- >&..2d , : , ,_..? .;.. .i/ .-'-3.'m "7 i < ~ ,. C.A@ 2.837 Validated By: CD OWNER *** : CARLTAS COMPANY 619 9444090 4402 MANCHESTER AV. .2 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 ., Fees Required **R ected & Credits *** -;-------i---------i--ii_-_____________------_ . . '. . -, I, ., ---------_-____-_-_____T____ Fees : 38,351-.OO . ,I . Adjustments: .QO .oo Total Fees: 38,351.00 1,990.00 36,361.00 Fee description Ext fee Data _________________ ,, , . 2475.00 1609.00 97.00 22540.00 Y I, 1577.00 9010.00 37308.00 Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee , : Enter 'Y' to AutocalC B.'F.F. > .' I. Traffic Impact Fee > 1577.40 '. Enter Number of EDU's > ; €3.. 26 ' ' .oo MFF > 90 10 . 0 0 ~.".:: .' . ' '. .. , . ,a 1. ,, . , ,' . I ,. i.,. ". *. ", . , .. '. ' ~, ,, 7.50 Y .,, . ,, * BUILDING TOTAL Enter "Y" for Plumbing Xssu(, Fee > Other i * PLUMBING TOTAL ", _, 30.00 OIL & SUM1 38.00 .. '30'. 00 '. ., .. .Y .. ,. . , Enter "Y" for Electric Issue 'F*e, , i Ij .j 5.00 Y Three Phase Per AMP ',>, : ~_i$oo:oo 1000.00 * ELECTRICAL TOTAL ($10 Minimum) 1005.00 .50 A CrrY OF CAFILSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT 4803 02/15/09 ooO1 01 05 Misc 1990.00 VALIDATION AREA ESTMATED VALUATION PLAN CHECK FEE oo1B10wwg*21 IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES WILL BE FORFEITED. I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY I APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE Whlte - File Yellow - Appllcant Pink. Finance Gold . Assessor FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION 6-25-90 DATE: 890202 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: PRQJECT NAME ADDRESS PROJECT NO.: TYPE OF UNIT CONTACT PERSON: CONTACT TELEPHONE: 431-8917 *- 1060 Auto Crliter Gt UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: NUMBER OF UNITS 8916911 :dew Coomrcidl idJbt?rK kit departt-wits / APPROVED - J DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE JUL 1 3 1990 BY INSPECTED INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ COMMENTS: (61 9) 438-3367 Rev. 1/88 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water Dlslrlct GREEN: Englneerlng CANARY Ulllllles PINK Planning GOLD: Fire FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION 6-25-90 DATE: 030202 PLAN CHECK NUMBER PROJECT NAME 1060 Auto Ceritw Ct ADDRESS: UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: 891594 PROJECT NO.: NUMBER OF UNITS: "ew Comicorcia1 TYPE OF UNIT Nobw-t CONTACT PERSON: CONTACT TELEPHONE 431-8917 AI I mpa rtmertts DATE INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED __ INSPECTED BY INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED APPROVED - DISAPPROVED __ Rev. 1188 WHITE Suspenw BLUE: Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY Ulllltles PINK: Planning GOLD Flre *~rn.'~,,:.**A.. .. ...- ~I FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION ~),'," 6-25-90 DATE , ., . ,, . 890202 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: ,,*.a. PROJECT NAME ADDRESS: PROJECT NO.: TYPE OF UNIT: CONTACT PERSON: CONTACT TELEPHONE 1060 Auto Center Ct UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: NUMBER OF UNITS: 891694 New Cominerclal ilobart 431-a917 All Departments INSPECTED DATE -tu 6% BY INSPECTED 7- 2-50 APPROVED DISAPPROVED ___ INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED: APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED - COMMENTS: ,/ Rw. 1188 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Fire .-- FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION PROJECT NAME: . ___ ~- 1060 Auto Center Ct ADDRESS UNIT NUMBER: PHASE NO.: NUMBER OF UNITS a91694 PROJECT NO.: TYPE OF UNIT :Jew Cuc;~rierdtrl itobert CONTACT PERSON: w-a917 CONTACT TELEPHONE: fo APPROVED & DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED: INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED APPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ COMMENTS Rw. 1188 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water District GREEN: Engineering CANARY Utilities PINK Planning GOLD Flre FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION 6-?5-95 DATE: 890202 PLAN CHECK NUMBER PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS PROJECT NO.: TYPE OF UNI7 CONTACT PERSON: 1360 Auto Gcritw Ct PHASE NO.: UNIT NUMBER: B916SI) '4ew Cuiziwrcidl ilobert NUMBER OF UNITS 431-8917 CONTACT TELEPHONE: DISAPPROVED ~ INSPECTED L'& DATE ?bfi,& 6 BY INSPECTED INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY INSPECTED APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - COMMENTS _\ . Rev. 1186 WHITE Suspense BLUE Water Dlstrlcl GREEN: Enplneerlng CANARY: Utllltles PINK Planning GOLD Fire 07/31/90 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891694 DATE 07/31/90 07/17/90 07/17/90 07/17/90 07/17/90 07/05/90 07/05/9 0 07/02/90 06/2 9/90 06/2 9/90 06/2 7/90 06/2 7/90 06/2 5/9 0 06/2 5/9 0 0 6/ 08/9 0 0 6/ 08/9 0 06/ 08/9 0 INSPECTION TYPE Final Combo Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Final Combo Final Combo Final Plumbing Final Plumbing Final Electrical ACT AP RI AP RI AP RI AP RI RI NS RI NR RI co RI NR RI HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... 07/31/90 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891694 DATE 06/ 08/90 0 5/ 2 3/ 9 0 05/2 3/9 0 05/ 17/9 0 05/17/90 05/17/90 05/17/9 0 05/11/9 0 05/ 11/9 0 04/27/90 04/27/90 04/2 5/9 0 04/2 5/9 0 04/24/90 04/24/90 04/23/90 04/23/90 INSPECTION TYPE ACT Final Electrical Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Roof/Reroof Roo f/Reroo f Interior Lath/Drywall Interior Lath/Drywall Roo€/Reroo f Interior Lath/Drywall Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Grout Grout Roo f/Reroo f Roo €/Reroof Roo €/Reroof Grout NR RI co RI AP RI AP RI RI RI AP RI CA RI PA NR RI HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... 07/31/90 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891694 DATE INSPECTION TYPE ACT 04/23/90 Grout AP 04/16/90 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI 04/16/90 Ftg/Foundation/Piers NR 04/16/90 Underground/Under Floor RI 04/16/90 Underground/Under Floor PA 04/16/90 Grout RI 04/16/90 Grout AP COMMENTS NO TENANT METERS W/O TI PERMIT T3/MH/434-7658 T3/MH/434-7658 ONE SIDE T3/CMW/ROBERT/991-8018 RES/MH/ T2/MH RESCHEDULE FOUR 7-2-90 T3/MH/ROBERT/991-8018 Tl/CMW/ROBERT/ 4 3 1-8 9 17 MINOR CORR TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 COMMENTS NO PER PLAN T2/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 BACK TO PLAN CHECK TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 ROOF SHEATHING TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 DRYWALL ON ELEC ROOM TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 T2/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 Tl/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 SLAB T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 CHECKED 4-24-90 TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 H TO D.2 T3/RS/ROBERT/431-8987 COMMENTS T2/MH/ROBERT/43 1-8917 TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 START GAS TEST T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 D.2 TO E 04/09,(90 Grout 04/09/90 Grout 04/03/90 Roof/Reroof 04/03/90 Roof/Reroof 04/03/90 Grout 04/03/90 Grout AP LINE D TO D. 1 1ST LIFUT AP LINE D.l TO 3 1ST LIFT RI Tl/MH/ROBERT/4 3 1-89 17 AP ROOF NAILING OK RI Tl/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 AP LINE-B- 3-4 HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... 07/31/90 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891694 DATE 03/29/90 03/29/90 03/28/90 03/28/90 03/23/90 03/23/90 03/23/90 03/2 1/9 0 03/2 1/9 0 03/2 1/9 0 03/19/90 03/19/90 03/ 16/90 03/16/90 03/16/90 03/ 16/9 0 03/ 16/9 0 INSPECTION TYPE ACT Grout Grout Footing Footing Grout Grout Grout Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Grout Grout Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Grout RI PA RI NR RI AP AP RI AP PA RI PA RI NR RI PA RI HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... 07/31/90 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891694 DATE 03/ 16/9 0 03/14/90 03/14/90 03/14/90 03/14/90 03/12/90 03/12/90 03/08/90 03/ 08/9 0 03/08/90 03/02/90 03/02/90 02/28/90 02/27/90 02/27/90 02/27/90 02/2 6/90 INSPECTION TYPE ACT Grout Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Grout Grout Grout Grout Grout Grout Grout Footing Footing Grout Grout Grout Grout Grout NR RI AP RI AP RI NR RI AP AP RI NR RI RI AP AP RI COMMENTS T3/MH/ROBERT/43 1-89 17 W/SPEC INSPECTION T2/MH/ROBERT/4 3 1-8917 RAINED TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 LINE A 5-3.2/LINE C 1ST 6 FT SHEAR WALL LINE 3.2 TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 REMAINING @ BLDG A PARTIAL SLAB & DECK T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 ON GROUT-2ND LIFT @ N.E. BLDG T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 TROUGH DRAINS T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 COMMENTS T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 TROUGH DRAINS A T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 1ST LIFT LINE A 5-4 T2/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 T2/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 2ND LIFT & TOPOUT H-D.2 1ST LIFT D.2-MATCH LINE TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 T2/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 D.2-H 1ST 8' 1ST LIFT LOWER RET WALL T2/MH/ROBERT/431-8197 HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... 07/31/90 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891694 DATE INSPECTION TYPE ACT COMMENTS 02/26/90 Grout NR 02/21/90 02J2 1/9 0 02/15/90 02/ 15/9 0 02/ 09/9 0 02/09/90 02/02/90 02/02/90 02/02/90 02/01/90 02/01/9 0 01/3 0/9 0 Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Grout Grout Sewer/Water Service Sewer/Water Service Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Under Floor Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI NR RI AP RI AP RI AP AP RI AP RI HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... 07/3 1/9 0 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891694 DATE INSPECTION TYPE ACT 01/3 0/90 01/ 3 0/90 0 1/ 3 0/90 01/29/90 01/2 9/9 0 01/2 6/9 0 0 1/ 2 6/9 0 01/2 6/9 0 0 1/ 2 6/9 0 01/2 6/90 01/2 5/90 01/2 5/90 01/2 4/90 0 1/2 4/90 01/24/90 0 1/2 3/90 01/23/90 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Sewer/Water Service Sewer/Water service Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Sewer/Water service Sewer/Water Service Sewer/Water service Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Under Floor Sewer/Water Service Sewer/Water Service Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers PA RI PA RI AP RI AP RI RI NR RI PA RI RI AP RI PA HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... 07/3 1/9 0 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERMIT# CB891694 DATE INSPECTION TYPE ACT 01/23/90 Steel/Bond Beam 01/23/90 Steel/Bond Beam 01/23/90 Sewer/Water service RI PA RI TZ/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 BASEMENT BUILDING A TZ/MH/TROY/444-2151 SEWER CONNECTION T2/MH/ROBERT/43 1-8917 BASEMENT FOOTINGS SEWER PRESSURE TEST T2/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 3.2 TO C.9 T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 COMMENTS BUILDING A Tl/MH/TROY/444-2151 SUBFEEDS TO B FROM A T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 5.2-3.2 T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8197 5-D. 2 T3/MH/TROY T3/MH/TROY 1 PM IF POSSIBLE T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 D.6-D.2 BURANG A T3/RS/TROY/444-2151 T3/RS/TROY/444-2151 OUTSIDE BUILDING (NEED TEST) T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 BUILDING A COMMENTS T3/MH/ROBERT/431-8917 BUILDING A T2/MH/TROY/444-2151 HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB891045 PROJECT NAME: SFD 4808 SF LIVING 786 SF GAR PERMIT#: CB891045 478 SF DECK CORRECT ADDR IS 2902 DATE: 07/24/90 PERMIT TYPE: SFD ADDRESS: 2902 MANAGUA PL CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: TEL/MH/TOM/757-5858 SEWER DIST: LC WATER DIST: CA .................................................... ........................ INSPECTED DATE BY : INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY : INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - BY: INSPECTED: -- CONEER ENGlNfER1NC STRUCTURAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7709 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921 11. TELEPHONE (7141 278-3292 Action (AI Direction (Dl Required: Information (I1 ~~ FIELD REPORT Project: Car C&ry Pla7a Job I 88-715 Site Visit Date: 51?4/90 Report Date:5/30/90 Report I 2 Resent: Kan Rnp. haer Fnginwnnn. ... <- Winklm Dave Tavlor: Tri - Souare Framina Obrervationr and mmmnts Pw1of3 Report by: Reviewed progress of roof framing. been picked-up yet. Not all items from previous report had Specific new items as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wood ledger support for 4 x 12 header at grid F was not installed using 4 x 4 per my phone conversation with Robert Rowe. condition with 3 x 8 and 3 - 3/4" dia. anchor bolts. The detail works as I saw it. Framer asked for detail for drag strut on line E from 1.5 to 3. See Drawing 9. Framer said that due to incorrect masonry wall heights a 4 x wood plate was not used on line E per plan. Framer pointed out that masonry wall on line D was stopped too low and that 4 x 4 struts were not in place. Responding to call from Architect, 1 have reviewed contractor's concern about parapet on line D and propose the solution shown \on Drawing 12. The construction of the eaves of the building were not aone according to detail 1/57. to incorrect elevations, two plywood plates were used to shim up to the correct height along grids 1 & 3. I reviewed existing See Drawing 10 for solution. He asked for a solution. See Drawing 11. 1 A35N clips were not installed at 16" O.C. but at'4p O.C. Also due See Drawings 13 & 14. CONEER ENGINfERlNG STRUCTURAL AN0 CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7709 CONVOY COURT, SAN OIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921 11. TELEPHONE (714) 270-3292 FIELD REPORT Reject: Car Country Plaza (continued) Job I Report Data: Repon I 2 Site Visit Date: 2d 2 Observations and carnrnentr he 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The holdown connection from the drag strut to the masonry wall at grid D & 2 is embeded too low into the wall, so a wood spacer was added. The framer asked if the connection was acceptable. The drag connection holdown at grid C.9 and 3 was installed crooked. The framer agreed to reinstall properly. The framer questioned whether the revised truss plate connection at girder truss CJ3 near grid C-3 was adequate with double truss vs triple - shown on struct. drawing 7B/S8. See Drawing 16. The framer questioned whether connection of drag strut to nailer PL at 4-8 is adequate. Per plan S5. The detail is adequate as constructed. The framer constructed detail 16A/S7 differently than shown, using a 2 x and plwd. spacer to make up differnece between 4 x and 6 x members. See Drawing 17. for bolting required. The framer said that Drawing 5 from previous report could not be built as shown due to interfernece with truss webs. See Drawing 15. The nailer plate was not lapped 12' into the roof structure See revised Drawing 5. I Action (AI I Report by: Required: Information (11 I Direction (Dl I Kenneth A. Boe WYMAN TESTING LAB0 RAT0 R I E S March 22, 1990 'arltas Development Zompany 4401 Manchester Avenue, Suite 2Vb Encinitas, 3alifornia 92k324 Testing Inspection Quality Control WTL 89-201 Report No. 3 SUBJE-T: Footing Excavation Observation, 3ar 3ountry Plaza, 1850 Auto :enter :ourt, Zarlsbad, Zalifornia. Permit # lthbd-89, Plan File # 105k4-89 HEFEHEN3E: "Report of Observations and Testing Regarding Lots 2.3 and 10, 3ar 3ountry Zarlsbad Expansion," Prepared by Kleinfelder and Associates, dated August 4, 1988. Gentlemen: This letter has been prepared to confirm that we have observed tne continuous footing excavations bounded by the building lines intersections E-1.5, F-1.5, F-3 and E-3. Our observation indicated that: a) The soil conditions exposed in the footing excavations do not differ from the conditions anticipated in the prepartion of the reEerenced report prepared for the subject development. b) The depth and width of the footing excavations were found to comply with the recommendations presented in the referenced report and the structural plans for the subject development. All footings will be founded on a suitable bearing stratum. 13230 Evening Creek Dr. S.. Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 (619) 486-0354 WTL 89-201 March 22, 1990 Page 2 C) All footing excavations are into the existing compacted fill material as anticipated in the referenced report. d) The foundation recommendations presented in the referenced report have been complied with. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, Wyman Testing Laboratory Ronald S. Halbeit, K.3.E. #42204 RSH:’jly cc: (4) Submitted (2) 3ollins General :ontractor (2) Zity of 3arlsbad, Building Inspection WYMAN TESTING LAB0 RAT0 R I E S March 22, 1998 3arltas Development :ompany 4401 Manchester Avenue, Suite 2i46 Encinitas, 3alifornia 92824 Testing Inspection Quolity Control WTL 89-201 Report No. 3 SUBJE3T : Footing Excavation Observation, 3ar Zountry Plaza, l(650 Auto :enter Zourt, Zarlsbad, 3alifornia. Permit I llabd-89, Plan File # 185k4-89 KEPEHEN3E: "Report of Observations and Testing Regarding Lots 2,3 and 18, 3ar Zountry 3arlsbad Expansion," Prepared by Kleinfelder and Associates, dated August 4, 1988. Gentlemen : This letter has been prepared to confirm that we have observed tne continuous footing excavations bounded by the building lines intersections E-1.5, P-1.5, F-3 and E-3. Our observation indicated that: a) The soil conditions exposed in the footing excavations do not diEfer from the conditions anticipated in the prepartion of the referenced report prepared for the subject development. b) The depth and width of the footing excavations were found to comply with the recommendations presented in the referenced report and the structural plans for the subject development. All footings will be founded on a suitable bearing stratum. 13230 Evening Creek Dr. S.. Suite 218 San Diego. California 92128 (619) 486-0354 WTL 89-201 March 22, 1990 Page 2 C) All footiny excavations are into the existing compacted €ill material as anticipated in the referenced report. d) ?'he foundation recommendations presented in the referenced report have been complied with. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, Wyman Testing Laboratory Ronald S. Halbekt, R.Z.E. H42204 RSH: j ly cc: (4) Submitted (2) Zollins General :ontractor (2) 3ity of Zarlsbad, Building Inspection Laboratories (61 9) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFOHMEO OREINFORCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOVIREO APPROVAL BY UPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCE0 GYPSUM flGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DHIVING OOTHER I’OII WLfK JOB AOORESS I* 90 16150 Auto center ct. Car Is bad No. 89-201 EMUINC 6-8 SLUG. PElllnlT NO. PLAfI FILE NO, OWNER OR PROJECT NAMCI Car Country Plaza Built Up Roofing Krommenhoek McKeown CONSTR. MAT’L ITYPE.GRA,DL.€TC.) ARCHITECT DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. ENGINE Er< DESCRIBE MAT’L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-8AR GRAOE & LIFGR.1 Coneer Engineering Cof’llns General Cont. GENER FONTRACTOn CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING R TEFTING CONSTR. MAT’L SAMPLES Wyman Testing Labs I ROOFING INSPECTION 6-7 Crew: 3 Roof Mechanics Weather: Sunny Kettle 500° Observed application of base, 2-ply, capsheet in southwest mechanical well. ~ ~~~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I IHEREDY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REI’OHTED WORK. UNLESS OTHEIiWISE NOTEL‘) I IIAVE FOUND TI-IIS 91GNATUIIE Or ItCGilSTCIIEO IN~PCCTO” ~ WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& AI’PLICABLE SECTIONS OF WE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF REPORT REGISTEII NUMBER I:I%:$o EveiiiIig Cheek Drive Smith Suite '218 W yman Testing !Sari Diuyo, Califorriiii 92128 Laboratories (619) 4RE-03f54 IU I'rTnU 15 COVERING WORK PERFORMED UHEINFOHCEO CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMSLY 100 AODRCBS 1050 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad 601, WEtH No. 89-201 ENYING 6-8 1. 91 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car countrv Plaza LAB RECEIVItIG LL TESTING CO 5TR. MI'T'L SAMPLES Wyman Testing Labs BLOT. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO, ROOFING INSPECTION 6-6 Crew: 3 Roof Mechanics Weather: Sunny Kettle 508O - EONSTR. AT'L JTYPE.GI 4OE.ETC.J Bulrt Up Rooting 3E51GN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. -E MhT'L. (MIX DESIGN, RE.BAR GRAOE & MFGR.1 Observed appl.ication of base, 2-ply, capsheet in east mechanical well. I ARCHITECT Krommenhoek ElcKeown Coneer Engineering Cof'kins General Cont. ENGINEER GENER FONTRACTOR CONTR. 001NG REPDPTEO WORK - .,- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE --> ,, REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I I-IAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. & SIGNATURE OF REGISTERE0 INSPECTOR APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO HUILDING LAWS. DATE OF REPOllT I1EGlSTEtI NUyDEn i:v:ii) Everiicq Creek Urivc Soiill~ San Diego, Caliloiiiiii !)I! 121; Wyman Suite 212) Testing Labora,tories (6 ICJ) 486-O:I!vl COVERING WORK PERFOHMED OHEINFOF~CED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY UPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCE0 GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICA~IO~ THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF UREINFOHCEO MASONRY OPILE DRIVING UOTHER IOU AODHESS Car lsbad 1050 Auto Center Ct. FOH WEEK 10 90 No. 89-201 ENUING 6-8 - Crew: 3 Roof Mechanics Weather: Sunny Kettle 500O tar Country Pllaza Observed application of base, 2-ply, capsheet in west mechanical wall. - - :o STR h AT. (r PC.G AOE ETC.) >ESIGN STRENGTH SOURCC~ri%-<Gn. ,ESCRIDE MAT'L. IMlX DESIGN. AE-BAR GHAOE L* hlFGR.1 %uilt &p 'kooPind .. . . .-. .- - . z ,jf,,,.,' ~ I -/ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I IIAVE INSPECTED AILL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND TI-IIS -51 G N li TU 84 C 0 F ;,.E(. I STE H E n I r15PL CTO H WOOK TO COMPLY WITH THE AI'PROVEO PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, S d. ' ; c/ <' AI'PLICADLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO IHUILDING LAWS. UATK 05' REPOIIT IICGl5TCII PII~I1.IUEA I AR IIITCCT fromnienhoek McKeown eoneer Engineering - EN INEET, CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK L RECElVl G lk TESTIN E NST$?.MAT'L SAMPLES 'Vyman Yesting Ea%s Wyman Test in g Laboratories 100 AOORESS 7188 Avenida Encinas Car lsbad Poinsettia ViZlage - Phase 11 2000 psi I Cabat Design Mix # C564EWP7-7 OK Mortar Type 's' Hollow Load Bearing CMU ASTM C90 Reinf. Bars ASTM A615 Gr. 60 3WNERPR PROIEFT NAY >€SIGN STRENG,T'H SOYRC OR MFGR. 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 San Diego, California 92128 (619) 486-0354 FO,, WLEH No. 90-074 ENUING 4-27 1s 90 BLDG. PEnMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-855 E GIN E Eurte'tt & Wong McCar thyhac i? ic Crest Ozark Co. wymari Testing ~a's GENERAL CONT ACTq CONTR. DOING REPORTEO WORK LAB RECEIVING R TESTING ONSTn. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 4-27 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper low-lift installation Inspected the laying-up of CMU block at Buildings H & 1 wall Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel €OK size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected the pl.acement and consolidation of 5 cubic yards of grout, mix design # C564EWP7-70R in the following locations: wall line 4 (A to I) grout pour to top of wall. masonry as outlined below. procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. line 4 (A to I) final lay-up up to top of wall. One set of 4 grout samples taken from wall line 4 (D to E). Grout supplied by CalMat. Ticket I 69832, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans. truck # 4977. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE ,/I//// //. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE XM&7+ REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS . , SlGNAhUTig bF REGISTZTRED~NSPECTOR I* G I <T E I1 N UhlO C n WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& - J7- qtf APPLICAOLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS. 'DATE OF BlEPOnT .- 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92120 Laboratories (619) 406-0354 COVERING WORK PEHFORMED OI~EINFOHCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMULY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY flPHE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM flGLUE-LAM.FA8HICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OHEINFORCED MASONRY flPlLE DRIVING 1050 & 1060 Avto renter Ct., Car- )WNER OR PROJECT NAME NG nEPOrlTEO WOIIR C476 Grout 2.000 Rsi/Mix 665 Wvman Testinq Labs A615 RPinfnrcinn Steel Grade hll R1 do R Pnrini t 1050/89-1693 MASONRY INSPECTION 4-26 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel €OK size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediate1.y prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 11 cubic yards of grout, mix design #665 in the Eoll-owing locations: Upper retaining wall at lunch area. One set of 4 grout samples taken from l0ft.back from south side of stair's. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 343656, truck #290. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. Mote: All masonry inspection is comple.ted. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE &-/ 62 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 (/2.=5+ REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS HE9 REGISTEnED INSPECTOR ~4?~AI,'C. a xi' APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF nEPonT II EG 15TEll t4 U1.IOEII 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 Si-in Diego, California 921% OLIIE.LAM.FABHICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF MASONRY INSPECTION 4-26 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high liFt procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of I1 cubic yards of grout, mix design #665 in the following locations: Upper retaining wall at lunch area. One set of 4 grout samples taken from lOft,back from south side of stair’s. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 343656, truck 11290. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. Note: All masonry inspection is completed. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 6) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTEO ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. .T/& 7- “€9 REGISTERED INSPECTOR ( ~,/.&J,’L~. XZ? I1 EG 15T C n N Uhl 0 E n I OATE OF REPORT Wyman Testing Laboratories 108 ADORES5 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct., Carlsbad Car Country Plaza :ONST&. M T'L ITYPE.GRADE.ETC.I Reinforced Masonry f'm 1,500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gra86 N-?_ 8x4~16, & 12x4~16 Slump, C270 Type 'S' Mortar/800 psi C476 Grout 2,000 psi/Mix 665 A615 Reinforcing Steel Grade 60 DWNER OR PROIECT NAME 3ESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. >ESCRIOE MAT'L. MIX DE51 N RE-0 R GRAOE R MFGR.1 _- 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 San Diego, California 92128 (6 19) 486-0354 FO" WEE,' No. 89-201 ~ENU~NG 4-27 10 90 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG. PERMIT NO 1060/89-1694 'A'I Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Co?lfins Wit%sosgy Masonry Wynian Testing Lags Bldg B Permit 1050/89-1693 AncnirrcT ENGilNCER OEN R CCONTRACTOR COWS . DOlN nEPORTED WORI< LAO AECElVlNG R TESTING C NSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 4-25 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high li€t retaininq wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up oE C90 Grade N-1 H.L.R. 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block. Lunch area upper retaining waLl is full height. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specification per UBC. ~~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE '-7 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS, A&+ A:E/--- "EGISTERED INSPECTOR e: */L( .I ,A?*' .::;,&. syuy .. . 3- 2 ') DATE Or REl'OnT It EG 15TEll UP.! BE 61 1:j230 Eveniiig Greek Drive Soulli Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92120 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PEHFOHMEO OREINFOHCEO CONCRETE . USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMtlLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPHE.STHESSEU CONCRETE UHEINFOHCEO L~YPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABHICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCEO MASONRY OPILE OAIVING 17 OTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 4-24 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift grouted CMU slump block wall's procedures and techniques as noted on approved draw ings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Grade N-1H.L.R 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at building 'A' and lunch area retaining wall north side OF stair's 1st 5th lift, and site screen wall north side of building 'A'. Inspected mortar €or proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samplestaken from north wall at stair's going up 1st 4 ft. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 9 l/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design #665 in the Following locations: Building 'A' last grout lift D3 thru F3, F3 thru E1.5, D.2 at 1 thru D.4 at 1. This makes building 'A' completed. One set of 4 grout samples taken from building A at line D.3 1/2 at 3 last lift. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket #1255770, truck #514. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I IMAVE FOUND T1-115 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & -* DATE. OF "EP0"T If EGISTEII ~IUMOE n ~~ 71 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing Sari h3JCJ, California 92128 $J.& Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE , OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF flRElNFORCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING UCITHER WHICH REOUIRED'APPROVAL BY OPRE.STHESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION 0" ADDI1LTSS I Wyman Testinq Labs MASONRY INSPECTION 4-23 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed €or proper highliFt CMU slump block wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Grade N-1, H.L.E. 8~4x16, 12x4~16 slump block at Building A and site retaining wall at lunch area. Wall south of stairs completed and started 1st 4th lift on north side of stairs. Inspected mortar &or proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I IIAVE FOUNDTHIS SIC. TUR F REGISTERED INSPECTOR APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TlHE CITY OF SAN OlEGO UUlLDlNG LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. 8 3- .&/ c*?.L*:. s r2 DATE OF RCPOnT I+ EG I STE n 14 u hi0 E n Wyman Testing Laboratories JOU AODRLS5 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 I-1.L.B. Gr. Nl 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 SlumD C270 Tvne 's' Mortar 1800 usi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME CONST,R. MAT'L (TYPE.GRADE.ETC.) DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. DESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE (L MFGR.1 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 San Diego, Califoi.iiia 02120 (619) 486-0354 EO,, WEEH '*90 NO. 89-201 ENOING 4-20 89-1693/1694 Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Enqineering Collins Gener . Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs BLOC. PERMIT NO. PLAN FlLE NO. ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTEO WORH LAB RECEIVING R TESTING CONSTR. MAT*L SAMPLES COVERING WORK PERFORMED ~HElNFORCED CONCRETE OSTHUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH RECIUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM nGLUE.LAM.FAaRI~~TInN MASONRY INSPECTION 4-20 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU slump block wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, D3 thru F & G3, G15 thru F3 and continued on lunch area retaining wall from stairs south and site screen wall. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from last lift line 3 at E. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. - CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I IIAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. 13230 Evening Creek Drive Soulti Suite 218 Siin Diego, Calilornia 92 128 Wyman Testing Laboratories (619) 4a6-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY JOO ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8~4x16 & 12~4x16 slump C270 Tvpe 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME COHSTR. MAT'L (TYPE.GRADE,ETC.I z DESIGN STRENGTH DESCRIBE MAT'L. lMlX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE .% MFGR.1 WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY ~PHE~STRESSED CONCRETE UREINFORCEU GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FAERICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF flRElNFCIliCE0 MASONRY mILE DHlVlNG flOTilEn , UII WLLK Is90 No' 89-201 ENVINC. 4-20 BLDG. PERMIT NO. 89-1693/1694 K roinnien hoe k/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener . Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs PLAN FlLE NO. ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING &TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 4-19 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU slump walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. . Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 A.L.B. 8x4x7.6 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, D.2 thru 0.4 at 1, upper retaining wall at lunch area, site screen wall north end of site. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications. ~- CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVEO PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. JOB AOORESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza Reinforced Elasonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12~4x16 Slump C270 Type Is' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME CONST?. MAT'L lTYPE.GRA0E.ETC.J DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. OESCRIOE MAT'L. lMlX OESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE lli MFGR.1 MASONRY INSPECTION 4-18 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU slump block wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, and site retaining at lunch area; also, looked at site screen wall north side of Building A. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from 1st 8"of wall at end of stairs south retaining wall. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 17 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, 1st grout lift on line D3 thru F3, 2nd grout lift 1 & 2 at D1 thru 1 thru 1.5 at E. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A, 1st grout lift at 6 ft. of 10 ft. lift line 3 at D.3. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 205881, truck # 524. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and project specifications. FOH WEEK N0'89-201 ENOONG 4-20 1.90 89-1693/1694 Krommen hoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener. Cont. Withosky Masonry LAO RECEIVING e TESTING CONSTR. I.IAT.L SAMPLES Wyman Testing Labs BLDG. PERMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTH. DOING "EPDLlTCD WOnK CERTlFlCATlON OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTllERWlSE NOTE[> I IIAVE FOUNO TI115 wow TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, t~ APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, llCG15TE,, ,,"hlDE" JOB ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza - Reinforced Masonry - f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix 665 Reinf. Steel AST~I A615 Gr. 60 OWNER OR PROJECT NAME CONSTq. MAT'L [TYPE.GnADE.ETt.] DESIGN STnENGTH SOUllCE On MTGn. DESCRIBE MAT'L. IMlX DESIGN. RE-OAR GT1ADE LL MFGR.1 4-n FOR WEEK -a6 'B 9 No. 89-201 ENDING 89-1693/1694 Krommenhoek/McKeown Confer Engineering Collins General Cont. CONTR. oiric IIEPORTEO wonv Witgosky Masonry Wyman TestLng Lags PLAN FILE NO. SLOG. PEllMlT NO. - ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENEIIAL CONTRACTOR -- LAB IIECEIVtPiG .% 1.E.STING CO Gn. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CHU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 lILB 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, started 2nd lift on lines D.3 at 1 thru El, El thru E1.5, laid out line F3 thru D at 3. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, 2nd lift at 6.5 ft. of line El thru E1.2. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE 3EPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTkIIS VORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& .PPLICAOLESEC'rIONS CJF TI-IE CITY OF SAN DIEGO IlUlLDlNG LAWS, IIEGISTEn NUMOEn DATE OF RLPOllT I estrng San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 406-0354 j$jJf.$jJf.f -1. ' COVERINO WORK PEHFORMED DHElNFOtiCEO CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY JOB AOORESS 1050 & 1868 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car country Plaza CONSTR. MAT'L ITVPE.GRADE.ETC.1 DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Reinforced Masonry f'm 15610 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12~4x16 5 l,umu C27n Tvpe 's' ort tar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 DESCRIBE MAT'L. lMlX DESIGN, RE-BAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY [IIl'RE.STRESSED CONCRETE UREINFORCEO GYPSUM 00LUE.LAM.FAORICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFOHCEO MASONRY OPILE DRIVING 13nTtIER FDN WEEK N0.89-201 ENDlNG 1.90 *LOG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO, 89-1693/1694 ARCHlTECT Krommenhoek/Mctieown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener. Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyrnaii Testing Labs ENGINEER GENERALCONTRACTOn CONTR. DOING ~EPORT~~ wonH LAB RECEIVING &TESTING CONSTR. MAT',. SAMPLES UNSCHEDULED CANCELLATION 4-17 Reported to project site for scheduled masonry inspection. Due to conditions outside our control, inclement weather conditions (rain), scheduled work was cancelled without notice. NO inspections were performed. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& --%u APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN I>ltGO UUlLDlNG LAWS, IIEGISTCII NUhlDEn 13:W Evenirig Creek Drive Soulh Suite 2.18 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 (61 9) 486-0354 Laboratories COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE . [7STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY JOB ADORESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Car Country plaza OWNER OR PROJECT NAME coNSTW. M T*L (TYPE GRADE.ETC.I DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Re 1 n <or ced ha son r y WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM nGLUE.LAM.FABRlCA~iON THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY UPILE DRIVING UOTHER Prow WEEN N0'83-201 ~ENo~NG 4-20 '090 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG. PERMlT NO. Fl9-1fi91/1 fi94 Krommenhoek/McKeown AASHITECT cur. I m F c Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 Psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 -. . - . . . - -. . I Coneer Engineering '-FU~~~~ CONTRACTOR llins Gener. Cont. re. DOING REPORTEO WORM cut. Nitliosky Masonrv Wyman Testing Labs LAB RECEIVING e TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 I MASONRY INSPECTION 4-16 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU slump block wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. . Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on line F at 1.5 thru G & F at 3, D3 thru F3 and D.2 thru D.4 at 1, started upper retaining wall at lunch area south end of wall in line with D.4 - Building A. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. specifications. ~ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE A/ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHEHWISE NO1 ED I HAVE FOUND THIS APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH l-HE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. (L FM- DATE OF REPOnT IT E G ISTE R NU r.1 B E I3 Laboratories (619) 406-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE, OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH RECIUIRED APPROVAL BY nPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE nRElNFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY UPILE DRIVING OOTHER JOB AODRESS Fan WEEK OWNER on PROJECT NAME - Reinforced Masonr - 1050 L 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad No. 89-201 IENDIN~ - I* BLOC. PERMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. Car Country Plaza 89-1693/1694 CONSTR, MAT'L lTVPE.GIIADE.ETC.l ARCHITECT DESlGN STRENGTH SOURCE on MFGR. ENSlNEER -- Krommenhoek/McKeown f'm 1500 Hazard Block --__ Coneer Enqineerinq C90 H.L.B. GK. N-1 8~4x16 L 12x4~16 C27cI Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi Withoskv Plasonrv C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix 665 Wyman Testing Labs Reinf. Steel A615 Gr. 60 DESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE MFGR.1 GENERALCONTRACTOR Collins General Cont. CONTR. DOING "EPORTEO wonH LAB RECEIVING (L TESTING CONSTA. MAT'L SAMPLES __ __ MASONRY INSPECTION 4-13 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 GK. N1 HLB 8~4x16 L 12~4x16 slump block at Building A, El thru F at 1.5, F at 1.5 thru F L G at 3. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per UBC. I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICARLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS. eNAIAa33 UATE OF riCPOllT I1 E G I STE I1 NU hl 0 E II 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED ORElNFORCtD CONCRETE USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY UPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE UREINFDRCEO GYPSUM flGLUE.LAM.FABRICATioN THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING UOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 4-11 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 HLB 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, laid lines D at 1 thru El, El thru F at 1.5. Inspected mortar Eor proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, at D.4 at Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and 1 at lintel. and clearance. cleanouts Eor clean-up and clearances. specifications per UBc. 4-12 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masbnry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 HLR 8x4~16 & 12x4~15 slump block at Building A, continued on lines D at 1 thru E at 1, El thru F at 1.5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifiations per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE -sf& I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & DATE OF REPORT WEGISTER NUMBER , . ,...., ._.. .. , .. ,. 13X10 Evening Crnek Drive Suitth Wymari Suile 210 Testing Sat1 Diego, California 92.120 Laboratories (619) 4nFi-0:354 CUVEnlNG WOnK PEnFOnMEU ~InEINFOrICEU CONCnETE [IS'rnUCT. SlEEl. ASSEMBLY WIIICII nEOUlREU APl'nOVAL BY ~~h'nE~STnESSEI3 CONCllEl E UnElNFOnCED GYPSUM OGLIIE.LAM.FAR~IC~\T~ON TtiE SPECIAL iNsrEc.ron OF ~.lnEINFl.lllCEU MASONIIY ClPlLE DnlVlNti ClorllEn 1.050 & 1~760 Autn renter rt. OWNER OR PnOJECT NAME -Ilnneer-€np n@Pr i n: OENERALCONTRA TOR r9a H.T& cr.. N - 1 8xAriK & 19xd~lK rnll ins c~n~ral rnnt Wvman Test ina J,abs MASONRY INSPECTION 4-10 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 HLB 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on line D3-F3 and veneer Building 8, 1.2 thru 1.7 B line. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 25 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, last grout lift on lines 84 thru 83, B3 thru C2, C2 thru D1 & 2, c.9 at 3 thru 3.5 at C.9 and last lift 3 ft. line 4.3 thru 4.7 at A. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A, at approximately 12th floor level B at 2.5. One set of 4 prism samples taken from 12th floor level, B at 2.5 line. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 671365, truck # 499. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE H 6-7 I IIEREBY CERTIFY THAT I IIAVE INSPECTEO AIL OF .TlIE ABOVE REPORlED WORK. UNLESS OTIIERWISE NO-IEU I IIAVE FOUND TIllS APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH TINE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & C+udPe& I1 E G I ST C n N IJ MO E n JOB *DDnssS OWNE~ on P~OJECT NAME Car Country Plaza CONSTR. MAT'L ITVPE.GRADE.ETC.) Reinforced Masonry DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE on MFG~. f'm 1500 Hazard Block DESCRIBE MAT'L. [MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE II MFGI?.I C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2080 psi Mix 665 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Reinf. Steel A615 Gr. 60 roll WEE,' 89-201 EPIDINC. 4-13 1s 9 OLDG I.EIIMiT NO. PLAN riLE NO. 89-1693/1694 Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING nEPORTEO WORN LAB nECElVlNG (L TESTING CONSTA. MAT.L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 4-9 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-liEt CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. NI HLB 8x4~16 L 1.2~4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on line F & G at 1.5, F & G at 3, F3 thru D3, started veneer on Building B, line B1.2 thru 1.7. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 9 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, 1st grout lift on line F L G 3 thru El, El thru D.3. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A at 7 ft. level line F & G 1.5. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 205516, truck # 528. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved drawings and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TtIE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, INSPECTOR d-d.,+s- IIEGISTEII NUMDEn 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY nPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 4-6 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU .procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on lines 3 at B thru C at 2 over lintels. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 234 I-’- 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& /@ M v/- -- APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATILQLE&! PORT REGISTLR NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 California 92128 MASONRY INSPECTION 4-5 Inspected the laying-up of reinEorced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift (CMU) procedures a.nd techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C9Q Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on 4th lift 3 thru 3.4 at c.9 line and 1st lift over lintels, 3 at B thru C at 2. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE clSTRUCT'. STEEL ASSEMBLY JOB ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Dr. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza DWNER OR PROJECT NAME CONSTR,, MAT'L ITYPE.GRADE.ETC.1 3ESlGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 €i 12x4~16 Slum C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout.2000 psi Mix Design # 665 >ESCRIBE MAT'L. [MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE k MFGR.1 ~ wnicn REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCEI) GYPSUM ~GLIJE.LAM.FAB~~CAT~O~ THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF aRElNFONCED MASONRY OPlLE DlllVlNG L1OTtIEn FO,, WEEN No' 89-201 I-JUING 4-6 '' 90 BLOC. PERMIT NO, PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/1694 AACHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering ! Collins CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs LAB RECEIVING k TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES A615 Reinf. steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 4-3 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, 3rd lift on lines C at 2 thru D at 1 & 2, D 1 thru D.2 at I, 4th lift 1.ine 3 thru 3.4 at c.9, 3 at B thru C at 2. Inspected mor'tar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, last Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and lift of Dl thru 0.2 at 1. and clearance. specifications per UBC. UNSCHEDULED CANCELLATION 4-4 Reported to project site for scheduled masonry inspection. Due to conditions outside our control, weather conditions (rained out), scheduled work was cancelled without notice. NO inspections were performed. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE / I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE @/ REPORTEO WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS SIGNATURE OFAEC'ISTEREO INSI)ECTDII ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ d22&?L3 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. OAT- EPORT REGISTER NUMBER WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (61 9) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY 108 ADDRESS 1050 1060 Aut0 Center Dr. Carlsbad Car Country plaza :ONSTR. MAT'L (TYPE.GiADC.ETC.l Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 Slumr C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout.2000 psi Mix Design # 665 A615 Reinf. Steel Gr. 60 >WNER OR PROJECT NAME ILSIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. IESCRlBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE MFGR.) FOR WEEK No. 89-201 ENDING 4-6 1' 90 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG. PERMIT NO. 89-1693/1694 Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs AncnuTEcT ENGINEER GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 4-2 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued lines El at 3 thru B at 4, 4.3 thru 4.7 at A line, F at 1.S thru 3 & G & F, 1st lift, 3rd lift over lintels C at 2 thru 1 & 2 at D, 0.2 at 1 thru D1. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 7 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, 1st grout lift on C.5 at 2, D at 1 thru D.2 at 1. One set of 4 grout samples taken from 1st lift at 6 to 7 ft., line D at 1. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1252813, truck # 174. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. Gz%/---/2? CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS GISTEREO INSPECTOR APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. OATk OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER 1 WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE uRElNFORCEU GYPSUM nGLUE.LAM.FABRICATIDN 1 THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF nRElNPDltCED MASONRY LIPILE Dl~llVlNli ClDTtlER Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N-1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on lines 3 at B thru 4 at B, G at 2 thru F at 3 laid out, started 4th lift at Mechanical Room, 3 at C.9 thru 3.4 at C.9. I I Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, 4 ft. above lintel B at 3 thru B at 4. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts €or clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation 0€19 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A on lines 5.3 at C.5 thru 5.5 at D, C.5 and C.9 at 4 thru 3 at C.9, line 3 at C.5 thru D, 3 at B thru C.5 at 2. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A at line 3.2 at C.9. One set of 4 prism samples taken (12 x 16 x 8) at line 3.2 at C.9. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1252585, truck # 541. work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. - ~~ CERTlFlCATlON OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& API’LICAOLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO LlUlLDlNG LAWS. Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED UHEINFOHCEO CONCRETE . C]STRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF nREINFOIICED MASONRY flPlLE DRIVING DOTHER WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY 0PRE.sTfIESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCEI) GYPSUM nGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION FOIl WEEK JOY ADOllEES 90 1050 & 1860 Auto Center Carlsbad No. 89-201 ENDING 3-30 Car Country Plaza 89-1693/94 ReinZTorced Masonry Krommenhoek/McY ,eown f'm 1500 Hazard Block Coneer Engineering Cb0 H.L.B. Gr. kl 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 Slum.> Collins General Cont. C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi Withosky Masonry C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix Design # 665 Wyman Testina Labs OWNER Oh1 PI(0JEET NAMC OLOG. PEllMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. CON TR M 'LITYF .GRADE.ETC.) A\RCIIITECT 3CSICIN STIIENGTII SOURCE Or8 MFC.12. ENGlNESR IESCR UE MAT'L. IM~X DESIGN IIE.DAH GRIDE LL hnPGn.i GENEIIAL CONTnACTOR CONTR. DOING ItEPOHTEO WORK LAB IIECEIVING R TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES - A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 I I 3-29 MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up Of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on lines 3 at c.9 thru 4 at C.9; 3 at B thru 4 at A & B; completed line 5.3 at C.5 thru 5.5 at D and 3.4 at C.9 thru 4 at C.9 & c,5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Inspected grout space immediately prior t.o closing of Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPOHlEO WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I l.lAVE FOUND TI-IIS AI'I'LICALILESEC'TIONS OF TIHE CITY OF SAN UlEGO UOILOING LAWS. .* - rl;.ncz ),+- ;7, 2 WORK TO COMI~Y WITH 'rbie APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. I3 EG IST E fl ti UhtO E t1 1:XHj livening Creek Drive Soulti Suite 218 Wyman Testing !hii Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE . USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMULY IOU ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Carlsbad Car Country Plaza 3WNER OR PROJECT NAME IONSTR. h9AT.L ITYPE.GRADE.ETc.] ~ Reinforced Masonry -NGTU I-OURCE OR MFCY ~ WHICH AEOUIAED APPROVAL BY UPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~~GLUE.LAM.FAERICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFOHCEO MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING OOTHER rOrl WEEN No. 89-201 EN""G 3-30 '9 90 OLOC. PEIZMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/94 ARCbllTCCT Krommenhoek/McKeown ENGINEER f'm 1500 Hazard Block I Coneer Engineering -F..rl.. _^.I__ 'YN I I,. "UlN Wihtosl I. ._ .~-~. - Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi __ -. cy Masonry LnY MLCCIVING lk TFSTtNt CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES C476 GKOUt 2000 psi Mix Design # 665 I Wyman Testing Labs A615 Rein€. Steel Gr. 60 1 - 3-28 MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift cMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawing's. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A on lines 5th lift C.5 at 5.3 thru 5.5 at D, last lift C.5 & C.9 at 4 line. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, and clearance. cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. specifications and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE .# cj I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I IiAVE INSPECTED ALL 01: THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTkD I I-IAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. 1L APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. 1:j2:$fl Evening Creek Drive Souili Suite 218 Sal1 Uiego, California 92128 (6 19) 486-0354 10" AOOHESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Carlsbad )WNER OR PROJECT NAME C.ar Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8~4x16 & 12x4~16 Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 GrOut.2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinf. Steel Gr. 60 :ONSTR. MAT'L ITVP6.GRAOE.ETC.J IES1GN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFXR. IESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE LL MFGR.I COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DHIVING OOTHER wtiicti RECIUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSEO CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FAORICATION #'OM WEEK UNOING - IO NO. - BLOC. PEr(MIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/94 Krommenhoek/Mc&own Coneer Enqineerina Collins General Cont. Wi thosky Masonry Myman Testing Labs ARCHITECT ENGINECII GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOlND @?EPORTEO WORK LAO RECEIVING e TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 3-27 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N-1 H.L.B. block at 8x4~16 & 12x4~ 16 slump block at Building A, laid on lines E at 1 thru 1.5, 1.5 at E thru E.5, 1st lift; 3rd lift starting at lintels 3 at C.9 thru 4 at C.9 & C.5, 3 at B thru 4 at A & B line, 2nd lift on columns line D.l & D.2 at line 1. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from at lintel height on Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and 3.4 at C.9. and clearance. specifications and the UBC. ~ - CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREUY CEITTIFY THAT I HAVE INSI'ECTEO ALL 01: THE AQOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTIiERWiSE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS APPLICAQLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO HUILOING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& fl&%4l&- z33 I1C G 16TErl Id Uhl Il En Wyman Testing Laboratories l3XN Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 :;<in Dieyo, California 92128 (619) 486-03!;4 COVElllNG WOHI< PEHPORMEO ~HEINFCJIICED CONCRETE USTnUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY’ WHICH REOVIREO APPROVAL BY flPHE6THESSED CONCRETE flHElNFORCED GYPSUM flGLUE-LAM.FAORICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 3-26 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. 1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued on lines 3 at B thru C.5 at 2; C.9 at 2 thru D1-D.2 at 1, 2nd lift; D at 3-3 at C.5, 3rd lift; D.4 at 1 thru E at 1, 1st lift. Inspected mortar €or proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE H /-A/ I IIEREBY CERTIFY THAT I tlAVE INSI’ECTED ALL 01: THE AQOVE HEt‘OR.TE0 WOHK, UNLESS OTliEflWlSE NOTED I IIAVE FOUND THIS WOFIK TO COMPLY WITH WE APPROVE0 PLANS SI’ECIFICATIONS,& AI’I’I.ICAELESECIIONS OF Tl.lE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. r:=z&pc. 3.v. IIEGISTER NUMDEF, IO0 AOOllE55 1050 Carlsbad & 1060 Au to Center Ct. Car Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. GK. N1 8~4x16 & 12~4x16 slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout. 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 3WNER OR PROJECT NAME :ONSTR. MAT'L (TYPE.GRAOE.ETC.1 >ESIGN STRENGTH SOURCC OR MFGR. IESCRIDE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. HE-LIAR GRADE & MFGR.~ MASONRY INSPECTION 3-23 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N-1 I1.L.B 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, on lines D at 5.5 thru C.5 at Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU 5.2, Started line D.4 t 1 thru E at 1, 2.5 at B thru 2 at B.8, 3rd lift. Inspected mortar €OK proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, line E at 1 at F.F. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 17 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, lines c.5 at 3 thru D.3; C.9 at 3 thru C.9 at 4; 3.2 at B thru 4 at B; 6.3 at B, 5 A & B. One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A, 1st grout lift at 7 ft. line 3.5 at B. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 342568, truck # 487. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, project specifications and .the UBC. FOH WEEH No. 89-201 3-23 10 90 BLOG. PEllMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1 693/1694 Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener . cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Lags ARCHITECT EN G a N E Ell GENEHILCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING llEPOrlTL0 WORK LAO RECEIVING OI TESTING C NSTR. MA7.L SAMPLE5 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHENWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH 'THE API'ROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & API'LICAULESECTIONS OF TIIE CITY OF SAN OIEGO UUlLOlNG LAWS, Wyman Testing Laboratories IOD ADORC8S OWNER OR PRDIECT NAME 1050 Auto Center Ct. Car lsbad Car Country Plaza Deck Service Basement f'c 3000 Nelson L Sloan Mix Design # 6552 CONSTU. MAT'L ITY'P~.GAADE.cTC.l 3ESIC.N STRENGTH SOURCC OR MFDR. >ESCRIDE MAT'L. MIX OESlGN. HE OAR GRADE e. MFGR.1 13230 Evening Creek Ddve South Suite 210 SiIn Diego, California 92120 (619) 486-0354 . FOR WEEK PEIIMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-201 eNO"G 3-23 '9 90 NO. 89-1693 Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener . Cont. Hubbard Wyman Testing Labs ARCIiITCCT ENG, NEE)? C E N E HA L co N T n ACTOR CONTR. DOING llCPOIlTC0 WORK LAO AECCIVING oi TESTING CONSTR. MAT.L SAMPLES CONCRETE INSPECTION 3-23 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for deck lines El-3, G1-3 per details noted on approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 35 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the following locations: lines E.1, E.2, E.3, D.l, D.2, D.3, D.4. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from upper deck service basemen slump test results 4". Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 282824, truck # 359. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans. Note - a total of 140 cubic yards were poured 350 cubic yards of 3Q00 psi and 105 cubic yards of 2800 psi. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE /-----3 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTIiEHWlSE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH TI-iE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, e, _-- , -, APPLlCAULESEC.rlONS OF TllE CITY OF SAN DIEGO IIUILOING LAWS. UATt: m-wnr OI7T IIEG 1s~ en II UMOE 13 . . .-. 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 San Diego, California 92128 Wyman Testing Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . -..-..-.E OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED C~.'PR=T THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE6TRESSED CONCRETE INSPECTION 3-22 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footing, Building A per details noted on sheets l/Sl, 2/52, 4/s2, 2/56, 5/S6 of approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. Verified dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 27 1/2 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the following locations: Building A, on lines D.l at 3 thru D.4 at 3, E3 thru F3, F3 thru G2 thru G.5, G2 thru F1.5, F1.5 thru E1.5. slump test results 4 1/2". truck # 323. project specifications and the UBC. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from footing G at 2. Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # Ht394899, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS, JOB AOORESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12~4x16 CONSTR. MAT*L (TYPE.GRA0E.ETC.J DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. OESCRIOE MAT'L. [MIX DESIGN. RE-OAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 Slump C270 TVW 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 FOR WEE* N0.89-201 IEN-ING 3-23 8. 90 BLOC. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/1694 K rommen hoe k/PlcKeown Coneer Engineering Collins Gener . Cont. ARCHITECT ENClNEER GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAO RECEIVI?JG LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs truck # 184. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU wall Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N-1 H.L.B. 8x4~16, masonry as outlined below. procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. I project specifications per UBC requirements. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE XI n I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WCNATURE dF R~G~STE~E~ INSPE~T~~ I ~~~ ~ ~ .~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ __ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~~ WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& -3-.&2-* M/L? APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OFi7EFDRT REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92120 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFOHCED CONCRETE , OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE~TRESSED CONCRETE UREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECT011 OF OREINFOHCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING C~OTHER C'ar countrv Plaza Coneer Enqineerinq 0 EN e H A L CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING nEP0RTED WORK MASONRY INSPECTION 3-21 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CNU wall .procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr.N-1 H.L.B. 8x4~16 L 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, continued lines 3.4 thru 3.2 at B to lintel height and 1st lift lines 3B thru 2C, C2 thru 0 1 L 2, lines D1 thru D.2 at 1. Inspected mortar €OK proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, and clearance. project specifications and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego. California 92128 Laboratories COVERING WORK PERFORMEC (619) 486-0354 . I ORE!NFORCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY oPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 3-19 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N-1 1I.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, completed lines 5.5 at C.5 thru 4 at C.5; B6 thru 5A & B lines; SA thru 4.7 at A; C.5 at 4 thru C.5 at 5.3 lines and started 4.7 at A thru 4 A & B. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per UBC. 3-28 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N-1 1I.L.B. 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, completed 4 A & B thru 4.3 at A, 3rd lift 4.3 at A thru 4.7 over big arch - 2nd lift on column 3.4 thru 4 at B to lintel height, laid out 1st course lines 38 thru 2 at C to D1 & 2. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, line 3.4 Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and at B, 6th level. and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& 3t -z/3 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUlLOlNG LAWS. DATE- nEGtsren NUMBER 100 AoDRess 1050 & l(660 Auto :enter 3ourt 3ar 3ountry Plaza Reinforced hasonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block 390 H.L.4. Gr. N-1, 8X4~16,12X4X16 Slump 3270 Type 'IS" Mortar 1800 psi 3476 Grout 2000 psi/mix A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 3WNER OR PROJECT NAME ZONSTB. MAT'L (TYPE GRADE.ETC.1 >ESlGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. )ESCRIUE MAT'L. MIX OESlGN. RE-BAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 MASONRY INSPE3TION 3-16 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift :MU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of 390 Gr. N-1 H.L.B 8x4~16, 12x4~16 s.lump block at bldg. "A" completed line's E36 thru 5 at A and B, 5.5 at D.2 thru 3.9 at 5.5 and D.2 at 5.5 thru 6 rake at top of wall 3.5 and 3.9 at 4 started line's 5.5 at 3.5 thru 4 at 3.5 and 3.9, B6 thru 5 A and B 3rd lift and 3.9 at 4 thru 3 at 3.9 up to lintel height. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. spec. per UB3. Fob, WEEN 3arlst~ad~~~89-201 ENDING 3-16 is 90 PLAN FILE NO. BLOC. PE MIT NO. 106 0r8 9 - 16 9 4 "At'] Krommenhoek/McKeown -oneer engineer -0lllns Withsosky Masonry wyma n 1lest 1 ng %a%o r a to r 1 es ARCHITECT EZGINEER G~NERALCONTRACTOR CDVTR. DOING "EPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING TEST1 6 ONSTR MAT:L SAMPLES CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OrIIERWISE NOTED I IIAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, 13230 Evening Creek Drive Soulh Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFOHCEO CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY L - - . . . -, . FOH WEEM JOB AODRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto :enter 3OUrt 3arlsbad 89-201 fNDiNc 3-16 10 90 OLOG. PE ZM T NO PLAN FILE NO, OWNER OH PROJECT NAME 3ar 3ountry Plaza Reinforced Masonry Krommen hoe k/McKeown f'm 15160 Hazard Block -0neer Engineer 390 H.L.B. Gr. N-1, 8x4~16~12~4~16 SlumF -olfins COYTR. DOIN nEpocmEo WORH _. - 70 Type "S" Mortar 1800 psi Wi thsosky Masonry LAB RECEIVING TESTING c NSTR MAT:L SAMPLES 3476 Grout ,2000 psi Wyman Teszing Lagoratories A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 10 6 0/8 4 - 16 9 4 "A" I CONPTR. MAT.L ITVPE.GHADL.ETC.J AnCHlTECT 3 DESIGN STRENGTH EqG I N E ER GE_NER LCONTRACTOR 'DESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE (L MFGR.I ~~ WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STNESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRIC/\T~ON I THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING nnTHFR MASONRY INSPE3TION 3-15 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high lift :MU wall masonry as outlined below. procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" 3rd lift completed on line D.2 at 7 thru B.8 at 7, 8.8 at 7 thru 6.3 at B up to 16 Ft. and started line's 86 thru 5 at A and 8, 5.5 at D.2 thru 3.9 at 5.5 and ~.2 at 5.5 thKU 6 rake on top of wall 3.5 and 3.9 at 4. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 13 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: 1st lift 9 Ft. bldg. 6 "A" on line's 5 A thru 4 at A and B, last 3 Ft. of arch D.6 at 8 thru D.7 at 8 and pop out on basement wall line D.~-E on line 1. One set of 4 grout samples taken froln bldg. "A" at line 4.7 Inspected the laying-up Of 390 Gr. N-1 H.L.B., 3MU 8X4X16, at A, 6 Ft. level of 9 Ft. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 204674. Truck # 524. 4.7 at A line. one set of 4 prisim 8x16~12 or 12x16~8 samples taken from Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket 11204674. Truck #524. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and - spec. per UB3. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNOTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO UUlLDlNG LAWS, Laboratories JOB ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto :enter :ourt 3arlsbad OWyER OR PROJECT NAME CONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRAOe.ETC.) DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. -ar 'ountry Plaza Water Proofing Tremco TKem Proof 60 Roll On Type Bldg. "B" Permit 1050/89-1693 "B" >ESCRIOE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-OAR GRADE (L MFGR.1 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 San Diego, California 92128 (619) 486-0354 FOR WEFH No.89-201 ENOING 3-16 ID 90 SLOG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FlLE NO. 1 !d 60 / 8 9- 169 4 "A" ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown 3oneer Engineer :ollins Western States 3aullting Wyman Testing Laboratories ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING (L TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES WATERPROOFING 1NSPE:TION 3-15 Verified the materials to be used are as noted in applicable approved drawings, and project specifications. Visually inspected the retaining wall and fountain surface for loose debris and cleanliness. Protection board was installed per project specifications in the following locations retaining wall west side of site, lower wall's 1st 4 Ft. of 6 Ft. wall. Inspected the placing of the 1st coat of specified water- proofing for proper thickness, Tremco trem proff 60 roll on and side lap. Job and Manufactures specifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUNOTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF 1tIE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. /h7,/2/+= 7z3 OATE OF HECORT HEGil5TEn NUMBER COVElllNG WORK PEHFOItMED OREINFOACED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE6TRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FAERICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING 0 OTHER io0 ADomess 1050 & 1060 Auto :enter :ourt 3arlsbad 3ar 3ountry Plaza Reinforced hasonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block 398 H.L.B(. Gr. N-1, 8x4x16,12x4x16 slump 3270 Type"S" Mortar 1800 psi 3476 Grout 2000 psi/mix 665 DWNER OR CROJECT NAME EONSTP. MAT'L (TYPE GRADE.ETC.1 3ESlGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFDR. ZESCRIOE MAT'L. MIX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE MFGR I ~~ iTnhoek/McKeown ~ FDll WEEH N0.89-201 ENRING 3-16 is 90 PLAN FILE NO. OLDG. PEllMlT NO 10 60/ 8 9- 16'9 4 "A" I ?e romm -0neer Engineer 3or?ins Withsosrcy Masonry Wvman Testinq %a%oratories CHITE< ErG I N E ER GEN kL. CONTRACTOR COEITR. 001 G REPORTED WORK LAD RECEIVING TEST1 G ONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES - I- - ing Steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPE3TION 3-13 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift :MU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. ~nspected the laying-up of 390 Gr. ~-1 H.L.B. :MU 8~4x16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" 3rd lift on line D.2 at 7. thru B.8 at 7, B.8 at 7 thru 6.3 at B, 9 FT. to 12 Ft. over lintel. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan & spec. per UB~. 3-14 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift :MU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of 390 Gr. N-1 H.L.B. :MU 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" continued on lines 0.2 at 7 thru B.8 at 7 and B.8 at 7 thru 6.3 at B from 12 Ft. to 16 FT. 4" top of wall. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from bldg."A" at line 6.3 at B. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. ~nspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and spec. per UB3. (NOTE): 1 (4) sika gr0u.t 212 non shrink. For column base's in basement bldg. "A" and 9 bars of no. 4 vert's in :MU column line 2.5 at B.l, that was out of the wall they were drilled 16" by 2 1/2" per engineer. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE /%=/ - I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSI'ECTEO ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS YJ!&7 SIGNATUP~EAF RE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& DATE 01' HEPORT I3 E G 1ST ER N UMB E R APPLICAOLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, !:I230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Sail Diego, Califorriia 92 128 (6191 486-0354 , JOY *OOll€SS OWNER OR PROIECTNAME COII.-Tn. hl T'I. lTYPE.GRA0E.ETC.l "ESlGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad Car Country Plaza heintorced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C-90 H.LI.B. Gr. N-l,8~4~16,12X~X16 slump C-270 Type"S" Motar 1800 psi C-476 Grout 2000 psi/mix DCscntuC MAT'L. MIX DESIGN. WE-OAR GRADE t. MFGR PO,' WEEK ts 90 NO. 89-201 ENUINC. 3-12 Ak%Tifh&nhoek/McKeown "'PCnYgr, Eng . o'f'&6p&y#bTJy6g4 nAn PLAN FILE NO. GENE 1 LCONTnACTOn COiflnS Wi thsosxy Masonry Wyman Testinq tagoratories CONTR naiN I~EPORTLD WORI( LAO RECEIVING lk TESTIN C NSTR. hIAT'L SII.IPI.Es - . 1 B-Ldcj. IIU" Permit 1!458/89-1693 .-__ .~. A-615 Reinforcin Steel Gr. 60 __ MASONRY INSPECTION 3-12 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high lift procedures and Inspected the laying-up of C-90, grade N-1, H.L.B. CMU, Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from line #1, 1st lift, Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, work inspected is in accordance with the approved drawings masonry as outlined below. techniques as noted on approved drawings. 8x4~16, 12X4x16 Slump block at line 1 to.2 from B to B.9. 3rd course. and clearance. and U.B.C. 1988. CEIITIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE t IIEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 IIAVE INSPECTED AI.1. OF THE AROVE REI'OI?TECI WOIIK, UNLESS OTHEI3WISE NOTED I IlAVE FOUND TI-IIS APPLICAULESECTIONS OF 1I.IE CITY OF SAN DIEGO MUlLDlNG LAWS, SlGN,- UllE OF FIEGISTEIIEO INsI.EcTo[# - ... .3 <i' / WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & \ .$ .- - rJl, DATE OF nEPOnT RE 0 I STE R N LI !,I 0 E $1 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 218 Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories ._ (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE4TRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABR~CATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING DOTHER - Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 6G) 1 Bldq. "B" Permit 1050/89-1693 MASONRY INSPECTION 3-9 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift grouted masonry procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C-90 Gr. N-1 H.L.B., 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" laid line 4.7 at A thru A at 3, and C.9 at 4 thru 3 at C.9. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of Inspected the placement and consolidation of 47.5 cubic and clearance. cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Bldg. "A" 1st grout lift C.5 at 4-5.5 at C.5 and C.5 thru D.2 at 5.5, D.2 thru B at 7 thru 5 at A and B 2nd grout lift ~.2 at 5.5 thru H 5.5-H at 7 and Hi' tnru D.2 at 7 and 8. One set of 4 grout samples taken from line D.3 at 55 2nd lift. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 341991, Truck # 464. One set of 4 Prism 12x16~8 saynples taken from line D.3 at 55 2nd lift. Grout supplied by EsCondido Ready Mix. Ticket #341991. Truck #464. One set of 4 grout samples taken from line ~.2 at 7 and 8, 2nd grout lift. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket t342010. Truck #289. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and spec. per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 0 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS ~ . . . - . . - - . . . -. - - , - . . P-dmaw WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Dlego, California 921 28 Wyman Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFOHCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY (619) 486-0354 ! WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSEO CONCRETE OREINFORCED OYPSUM O~LUE.LAM.FAERICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER 3-8 Verified the materials to be used are as noted in applicable approved drawings, and.project specifications. Visually inspected the bldg. "A" basement walls surface for loose debris and cleanliness. Protection board was installed per project specifications in the following locations primer coat and vertical application of sheet membrane, 2 1/2" side lap and 12" corner stripes. Periodically thru out the day was flood tested for leaks to insure proper drainage. Per grace spec. and approved plan a.nd spec. per UBC. 3-9 Verified the materials to be used are as noted in applicable approved drawings and project specifications. Visually inspected the basement wall surface for loose debris and cleanliness. Protection board was installed per project specifications in the following locations primer coat and vertical application of sheet membrane, 2 1/2" side lap and 12" corner stripes. Inspected the placing of the 1st 4 Ft. coat of specified waterproofing for proper thickness 4 basement wall's (and side lap). Periodically thru out the day was flood tested for leaks to insure proper drainage. Per grage spec. and approved plan and spec per UBC. I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS F REWERE0 INSPECTOR -33.5- HEGISTEn NUMBER WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & J-/& 70Y Crr;rt& APPLICAULESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OtEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF IREPORT ~ Wyman Testing 100 ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad Car Country Plaza Rein?orcea Mason'ry f'm 1500 Hazard Block OWNER OR PROJECT NAME C0rlsT.n AT'L (T PE.GI?ADL ETC.) >€SIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. 3ESCRIOE MAT'L. MIX OESIGN RE-UAR GRAOE & MFG C-90 H.L.b. Gr. k-l,8x4x16,12x%'~16 Slump C-270 Type"S" Mortar 1800 psi C-476 Grout 2000 psi/mix 665 A-615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 13230 Evening Creek Drlve South Suite 218 San Diego, California 921 28 (6191 486-0354 . FOR WEEM N0.89-201 ENDING 3-9 180 QLOG. PEHMIT NO PLAN FILE NO. 1060/89-1694 "A"' I Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer, Eng. Withsosty ffasonry Wyman Testing Eagoratories BLdg. "B" Permit 1050/89-1693 ARCHITECT ENGINEEn E E dLCONTRACTOR ?o?fins CO.NTR. 001 G R ORTED WORI< LAO RECEIVING &.TEST1 G ONST MAT'LSAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 3-8 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C-90 Gr. N-1 H.L.B 8x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" laid line's 4.3 thru 5.8 at A and B 2nd lift and C.5 at 3 thru D at 3, C.9 at 3 thru 3.2 at C.9. Completed last lift D.2 at 5.5 thru H at 5.5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from bldg. "A" 7 Ft. level Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans's at 4.3 at A line. and clearance. and spec. per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& APPLICAULESECTIONS OF TllE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS, ERE0 INSPECTOR es/&de&Lszz ItEGISTLn NUMDErl -z-2%°F7 3 OATC OF IlCPOnT 1323U Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 921 28 Wyman Testing Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PEHFOHMED OREINFOHCEDCONCRETE US1 RUCT. STEtL ASSEMBLY 10" AoORESS 1850 & 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad WHICH REOVIREO AWROVAL UY UPHE.STRESSEO CONCRETE OREINFORCEU OYVSUM ~OLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF flRElNFORCEO MASONRY OPlLE DRlVlNO OOTHER FOR WEE6 N04?9-201 LNOlNG 3-9 180 - nciii LC k?romhe&hoek/McKeown E"o"TeEr?, Eng . FoYFins :O!dSTU AT'L T PE.GIIADE.ETC.I Fieli WeiJing >ESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE on MFGR. L e ALCONTRACTOR >BSCAIOE MAT'L. lMlX DESIGN. RE.0A.R ORADE LL MFGR.1 SYF$bOOING REPORTED WORK ~~mR~~E'?(~N~t4ihE4TI~~~8~@~T~AMPLES Bldg. "B" Permit 1850/89-1693 "B" WELDING INSPECTION 3-7 connections in the following locations: 4 full penatration welds of L 3x3x1/4 angle to beam at line 1, middle of basement at 1 Ft. by 18" opening in deck and what 1/2" puddle weld's on deck and button punched had to be done. Certified welders were observed for proper, welding procedures and techniques. ' Completed welds were inspected for size, length, location, and unless otherwise noted are free of visible defects and in accordance with the approved plan and spec. per UBC, A.W.S. Visually inspected the full penat.ration welding of moment CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE a-,n I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 APPLICAULESECTIONS OF 1HE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS, cm&es* DATE OP REPORT neo ISTLII NUM OEn VY ItFJ- JOB ADDRESS 1050 & 1860 Auto Center Court Carlsbad Caz Country Plaza Fie18 Weid’in’g OWNER OR PROJECT NAME corisri. AT‘L r PEGRADE.ETC.I DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE On MFGR. 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 - ‘ IIH -~- \*‘yrnan l!k.$l-& Testing San Dlego, California 92128 (619) 486-0354 : Laboratories .. COVERING WORK PEHPORMEO OREINFOHCEO CONCRETE , USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY FOR WEE” N089-201 ENDING 3-9 180 f’o”6”er7#$”$112%4 “A” I frommenhoek/McKeown E oneer. Enq. PLAN FILE NO. RClllTCCT NGINESR I WELDING INSPECTION 3-6 Visually inspected the full penatration welding of Nelson Ft. off center of all beam‘s over basement service pit 130 stud’s. Certified welders were observed for proper welding procedures and techniques. Completed welds were inspected for size, length, location, and unless otherwise noted are free of visible defects and in accordance with the approved plan’s and spec. per UBC, A.W.S. studs 3/4x4“ connections in the following locations: Bldg. “A“ 2 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNOTIHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAOLESECTIONS OF TllE CITY OF SAN OlEGO UUlLOlNG LAWS. As. EGISTERED INSPECTOR I3 EG ISTE R N UM 0 c n DATU Of RCPDRT 13200 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCEO CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY ton *OORESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad .~ ~- .~ ~- WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY nPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FAERICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING nllTHFR FOR WEEK No. 89-201 ENDIN= 3-9 19 90 - :ONSTW. M T'L (TY E GRAOE.ETC.1 >LSIGN STRPNGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Reinforced basonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C-90 H.L!B. Gr. N-1, 8~~~16,1f~4x16 SlmF >ESCRIBE MAT*L. MIX DESIGN. RE.8AR R OE h MFG . C-270 Type "S" Mortar 180U psi C-476 Grout 2000 osihix 665 I A CHITECT !?rommenhoek/McKeown toneer, Eng. E GlNEER CEN'p L CONTRACTOR 0 fins T .DOIN REP RTEDWORH 'Vi t!sosEy flasonry LAB RECEIV 10 TEITlN c R M T!LSAM?LES wvman 4'esPino EaBWato'ties -, I* - A-615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 dldg. "B" Permit 1850/8 9- 169 3 MASONRY INSPECTION 3-6 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift CMU procedures, techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C-90 Gr.N-1 HLB 8x4~1'6 12x4~16 slump block at bldy. "A" 3rd lift 5.5 thru 5.8 at D.2 and continued on line's E thru D.6 and start 3rd lift D.6 thru D.2 at 7 and 8, 2nd lift C.9 thru C.5 at 4. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and spec. per UBC. 3-7 Inspected the laying up of reinforced grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper hiyh lift CMU procedures and tecnniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C-90 Gr. N-1 HLB 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump block at bldg. "A" , completed line D.6 thru D.2 at 7 and 8. Continued over big arch at D.6, D.7 at 8. Started last lift on line D.2-H at 5.5 and 3rd lift up to lintel on line C.9-C.5 at 4 thru C.5 at 5.5. I Inspected mortar for proper mixi'ng and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved UBCplans. and clearance. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& C3?z%G??3 APPLICAELESECTIONS OF TME CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, DAVE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South San Diego, California 921 20 Wyman Suite 218 Testing Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY i JOO ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Court Carlsbad - I WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING DOTHER FOR WEEK "O.89-201 ENDING 3-9 ,1Q0 CONSTR. MAT'L lTYPE.Gl?ADE.ETC.1 Reinforced Masonry MASONRY INSPECTION 3-5 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C-90 Gr. N-1 block HLB 8x4~16, 12x4~16 slump BLK at Bldg. "A" continued 1st lift on line 4.3-4 at A and B line at 84-3.4 at B, 3rd lift line's 7,8 at E.8, E.8 thru D.6 at 8. Basement column line D.4 at 1 thru El. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from bldg "A" line 7,8 at Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and ~.8, 14 Ft. level. and clearance. spec per UBC. ARCHITECT Drommenhoek/McKeown CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE H/7 DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. f'm 1500 Hazard Block I HEREUY CERTIFY THAI' I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUNOTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAIILESECTI~JNS OF TI-IE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, l3ECISTEA NUMOCR ENGINEER Coneer, Eng. UESCRIUE MAT'L. MIX DESIGN. RE.OAR GRADE MPGR C90 H.L.B! Gr. N-l,8X4X16 & 12xdx16 GENEReL CONTAACTOR Collins 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing Sm Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFOACED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE aREINFORCE0 GYPSUM aGLUE.LAM.FABRlCATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCE0 MASONRY UPlLE DRIVING OOTHER ~615 a Steel Gr. 60 I MASONRY INSPECTION 3-2 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. MaSOnS were observed for proper high lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. slump block 8 x 4 x 16 E, 12 x 4 x 16 block, continued on site retaining wall, last lift over steps up the hill; Building A, continued on 3rd & last lift on lines 5.5 at H thru 1 at H and 7 at H thru 7 & 8 at E.8; continued on 1st lift on line 4 thru 5 at A line. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. one set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, at corner Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, line 7 at H at 14 ft. and clearance. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUNOTHIS SIGNA URE OF R GISTERED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& 3-/&4 cIc3 lL7 APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF RE- REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 . OB AOORZSS 1060 Auto Center Ct. Car 1 sbad Car Country Plaza )WNER OR PROJECT NAME :ONSTR. MAT'L (TYPE.GRADE.ETC.1 BESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Structural Steel Assembly f'y 60,000 Misc. Steel ASTM A36 Electrode E71T-11 L E7018 IESCRIDE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE LL MPGR.1 FOR WEEK - ENOING 1-3 l.qn NO. BLDG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1694 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Enqineerinq Collins General Cont. Speed Steel Wyman Testing Labs ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LAB RECEIVING &TESTING CONSTR.MAT'L SAMPLES WELDING INSPECTION 3-1 Visually inspected the full penetration welding of support angle to beam connections in the following locations: line 2.7 east bays and lines 1.3 west bays. Visually inspected the fillet welding of beam to bearing plate connections in the following locations: line 3 beams. ' Certified welders were observed for proper welding procedures and techniques. Completed welds were inspected for size, length, location, and unless otherwise noted are free of visible defects and in accordance with the approved drawings and the AWS D1.l. 3-2 Visually inspected the full penetration welding of support angle to beam connections in the following locations: line 2.4, east bays. Visually inspected the arc spot welding of decking to beams connections in the following locations: perimeter of lube pit area decking. Certified welders were observed for proper welding procedures and techniques. Completed welds were inspected;for size, length, location, and unless otherwise noted are free of visible defects and in accordance with the approved drawings and the AWS D1.l. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF REPORT 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 218 Testing Siin Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 466-0354 COVERING WORK PERFOHMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE , USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY UPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE 0 REINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FAERICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER JOB AOORESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Cd.r Country Plaza CONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRAOE.ETC.) OZSIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8X4X16 & 12X4X16 Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout ,2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinf. Steel Grade 60 DESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.DAR GRADE MFGR.1 FOR WEEK No. 8 9-2 0 1 ENOING 3-2 is90 DLOG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/1694 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ENGINEER GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LA8 RECEIVING h TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 3-1 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 Gr. N1 H.L.B. slump block 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 block at Building A, continued on line B.8 thru B.6, 2nd lift and 1st lift on 5.8 at B thru 4.7 at A; site retaining wall continued 2nd lift of lower walls. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 9 1/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: high lift grout Building A on lines D.4 at 8 thru D.2 at 8 and 5.5 at D.2 thru 5.5 at H, 1st 12 ft. One set of 4 grout samples taken from middle of wall at D.6 of 12 ft. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1248376, truck # 514. Work inspected is in accordance'with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. I I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS SlGNA#URE OF RSGlSTEREO INSPECTOR d/L3 REGISTEA NUMOER WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& 3-/WW APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILDING LAWS, OATE OF 8- /--A- 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 Wyman ~.. Test in g .. Laboratories (619) 486-0354 & COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE , OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY JOO ADORES5 1858 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza OWNER OR PROJECT NAME CONSTR. MAT'L 1TYPE.GRADE.ETC.J DESOGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. DESCRlOE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.DAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 A36 Reinf. Steel E70 series Electrode WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FAERICATION THE SPEClhL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER FOR WEEK No. 89-201 ]ENDING 3-2 1. 98 BLOC. PERMlT NO. PLAN PILE NO. 89-1693 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Saafco Wyman Testing Labs ENGINEER GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORH LAB RECEIVING LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES UNSCHEDULED CANCELLATION 2-28 Reported to project site for scheduled welding inspection. Due to conditions outside our Control, Contractor not ready to weld, scheduled work was cancelled without notice. NO inspections were perf orrned. WELDING INSPECTION 3-1 Visually inspected the fillet welding of beam to imbed plate connections in the following locations: line 1 at D.~-E (4). Visually inspected the full penetration with backing welding beam to beam connections in the following locations: between D.4-D.G at 1.25 (2 beams). Visually inspected the fillet welding of angle to beam and angle to angle connections in the following locations: F at 3 per sheet 5-2. Certified welders were observed for proper welding procedures and techniques. Completed welds were inspected,for size, length, location, and unless otherwise noted are free of visible defects and in accordance with the approved plans. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TklE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. :IGNATUITE OF RT€ I DATe OF REPORT 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REDUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRESTRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~QLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING ODTHER f. Steel cr 6Cl I MASONRY INSPECTION 2-28 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift grouted CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B Gr. N1 slump block 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 block at Building A, 2nd lift on lines c7 thru B6; site retaining wall, layed upper north and south ends at parking set back. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. InsQected the placement and consolidation of 25 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: 1st lift of 5 ft. on lower site retaining wall; completed last grout lift on pop out Building B, A1-B2; Building A, high-lift grout line 5.5 at H thru 7 at H; 7 at H thru E.8 at 7 & 8; E.8 thru D.4. One set of 4 grout samples taken from lower retaining wall in line with Building A, line C.5. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 204088, truck # 491. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. I CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNOTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, t3 APPLIcABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. d1STEAED INSPECTOR )/2x DATE OI'rrnTORT REGlSTEn rlmnbEn 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 218 Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCE0 CONCRETE USTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY COVERING WORK PERFORMED UHtlN~UHctUtiUNcRtIe USlHULl.alttL IUStMULY WHICH REOUIRED APPnOVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCEO GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATiON THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING OOTHER 2-27 MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B Gr. N-1 slump block, 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 block at Building A, 2nd lift on line C.5 at 4 thru 5.5 at D; D.2-C.2 at 7, layed out lines 4.7 at A- 3.5 at B; site retaining wall continued on south end laying 1st grout lift to 5 ft. 4 in. and started up the steps north and south ends. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Q?/ I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUNDTHIS NATUffE F REGISTERED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & 3?( c 4 w I;t=l ORT REGISTER NUMBER APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE- 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing Srin Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (61 9) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH AEOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING OOTHER 108 ADORCSS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad Cdr Country Plaza :ONSTR. MAT'L 1TYPE.GRADE.ETC.) >*SIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. 3WNER OR PROJECT NAME Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C90 H.L.B Gr. N-1 8X4X16 & 12X4X16 Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout.2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Rebar. Steel Gr. 60 lESCRlOE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-8AR GRADE I* MFGR.1 FOR WEEN '* 90 No' 8 9 - 2 0 1 kNDING 3-2 BLDG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 89-1693/94-90 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ENGINEER GENERAL CONTR ACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LA8 RECEIVING (L TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES 2-26 MASONRY INSPECTION Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. . Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B slump block 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 block at Building B, completed lay of Building B and layed out line 85.8 thru A & B5, A5-A4.7; site retaining wall, continued on put 1st lift up to 5'4" north of stars, layed out South end up to 40" 12 x 4 x 16. on pop out Al-B2; Bullding A, Continued on B6-B5.8, 1st lift Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from 50 ft. back of north Inspected reinforcing steel €or size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and end of retaining wall at 4'8". and clearance. specifications. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE 0- n I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I IHAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF TI-IE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 Wyman 'est in g 108 ADDRESS 1050 & 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza CO STR. AT'L (T PE.GRA0E.ETC.) 3LSION STRENGTH fie 1 n?or ce8 Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block SOURCE OR MFOR. BE MAT'L. MIX DESIGN RE. AR GR "??"d H.L.B'. Gr. N1 Slump C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix # 665 A615 Reinforcing Steel Gr. 60 WHICH REDUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE-LAM.FABRICATIDN THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER FOR WEEK N0.89-201 ENDING 2-23 1.90 nLoc PERMI PLAN FILE NO. ARCHITECT 8 9-i6 9 3/'i'Ss 4 KrOmmenhoek/McKeown Yoneer Engineering F&'f!l Ins Zener. cont . Wyman Vesting ta6s GINEER ALCON RACTOR WlNtrfiOsDky 0 ING gas8npy PO TE WORK RECEI ING LLJESTI G 0NSTR.MAT.L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 2-23 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift (grouted masonry) procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. slump block 8 x 4 xi6 & 12 x 4 x 16 block at Building A, continued lines B.8 - B at 6.3, 1st lift column at B at 5.8, B6 and site retaining wall; starting in line with Building A A & C thru D.1 3'4" and D.2 - D.3 - 4 ft. lift. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 241/2 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building n, last lift from 12 ft. to 15'4 lines ~1, ~l, ~2, 82, B1 pop out line A1-B2 still has 3 feet more to top. One set of 5 grout samples taken from Building B, at 16 ft. line B 1.6. Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 203891, truck # 282. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. I inspected by City of Carlsbad. They grouted it before City Inspector showed up. Was advised not to grout wall by myself and General for Collins General Contractors. NOTE: A1-Bl north wall from 12 ft. to 15'4" was not CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, Wyman Testing Laboratories 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 (619) 486-0354 - ~~ COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCEO CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE-LAM.FABRICATION I THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER I -- I A615 Reinforcinq Steel GK. 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 2-21 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8 x.4 xi6 & 12 x 4 x 16 slump block at Building B, completed Al-B1, 3rd grout lift on Bl-B2; Building A, 1st lift on lines C at 9 at 4 thru c at 9 at 3, 2nd lift at lines E at 8 - D.2 at 8. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, column Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plan and line D.5 at 8, 2nd lift. and clearance. specifications per UBC. 2-22 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masoils were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building B$'last lift on line AI-91; Building A, 1st lift line 3 at C.5 thru 3 at D.2 and line 7 at D.2; 2nd lift at 5.5 at D.2-6 at D.2 continued on lines D.6 at 8 thru D.2 at 8, 2nd lift; continued on line 5.5 at H thru 5.5 at D.2 - 5.8 at D.2 to lintel height, 1st lift C.3, 8.5, B at 7 & B7 - 86.3; site retaining wall laid 1st course. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locat'ion, Work inspected 1s in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. uprcrLrLaLL"rls p-& u . CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE . _. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS SI NATURE ff APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. KG~STCRED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. & 2- ea& c+c3/w DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 218 Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCE0 GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FABRICATION MASONRY INSPECTION 2-20 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high lift (grout CMU) procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. ' Inspected the laying-up Of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A B. Building B, 3rd lift on line 82-81, also A1-B2 last lift. Building A, 1st lift on line c.9 thru c.5 at 4 thru c.5 at 5.8, 2nd lift at line 5.8 - 5.5 at D.2 thru H at 5.5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 24 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: Building A, basement wall 12 x 8 x 16 on line D.4 at 1 thru E at I, E at One set of 4 grout samples taken from Building A, on line E Grout supplied by Escondido Ready'Mix. Ticket # 1246989, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and 1 - E at 3, D.'4 at 1 - E at 3. at 1 basement walls. truck # 447. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE 0- T REGISTER NUmR 13230 Evening Creek Drive Soulh Suite 218 Wyman Testing Sari Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 M h 1oficI d aoR PROJECT NA- Car Countrv P laza Reinforced Mas :ONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRAOE.ETC.1 BESlGN STRLNOTH oL1rvlSOUREE OR MFGR. __ COVERING WORK PERFORMEO OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE STAESSED CONCRETE O~~EINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING r3OTliEfl OY AOOIIBZS I Irnn WCE" - ENDING 3-16 I* NO. BLOC. PERMIT NO. PLAN FlLE NO. - 89-1693/16 94 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown ENGINEER I Hazard Block f'm 1500 (d.B. G I . N-1 8X4X16 & 12 xx 4 16 c9 C270 Tvwe tS' r+ 1800 o si IESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE.~AR GRADE e MFGR.~ 42476 Grout 2000 psi Mix A615 Reinf. Coneer Ensineerinq GENERALCONTRACTOR Collins General Cont. CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK Withosky Masonry LAB RECEIVING tL TESTING CONSTR. MAT% SAMPLES Wyman Testing Labs Steel Gr. 60 MASONRY INSPECTION 2-15 masonry as outlined below. techniques as noted on approved drawings. 12x4~16 slump block at Building B, completed line A2-B2 from 12 ft. to 15 ft. t.0.w. started line 8-1 - B-2. Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and Inspected the laying-up Of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8x4~16 & Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building B at B1.5 at Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and 11 ft. level. and clearance. specifications per uBC. 2-16 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 8x4~16 & Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and masonry as outlined below. techniques as noted on approved drawings. 12x4~16 slump block at Building B, still lay lines B1 thru 82. and clearance. specifications per UBC. .. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & c REG I STE 12 NU hl 0 E R DATE OF REPDnT 132JO Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 218 Testing Sar) Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WOdK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. STEEL A5SEMBLY I WHICH REoUIREO APPROVAL BY DPRE.STRESSED CONCRETE DREINFDRCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF flRElNFORCED MASONRY OPlLE DRIVING OOTHER I CONCRETE INSPECTION 2-14 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for retaining wall footing per details S1, 54, Al, A2 on 1-3/A1, J/A?, 20-22/A2 of approved drawinys. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. Verified dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 85 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 1 in the following locations: west side of Building A, for retaining wall footing. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from footing at stairs south side in line with Building A, line U.2 (at 36 c.Y.). Slump test results 5". Concrete supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1246262, truck # 139. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from footing at south end of wall, 1st step down in footing from top footing in line Building A, line E. slump test results 4 1/2". Concrete supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 1246295, truck # 139. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. I 7 ..~ .',.- -.J ,,. .*V;-' .. , f.. , &:_ e.''?, ,'.' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS .. I' ._. ' SIGNATVIIE .-, ,,< OF *€GlSTEnED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& (.7-3" <<,? i'. .3";i!."c-, 1 7,- APPLICAOLESECTIONS OF 1HE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF nEronT IWEGISTEn NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive Soulh Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 I COVERING wow PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE O~TRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY Joe AOORESS 1D50 & 1860 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad I WIiICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRE5SED CONCRETE OREINFORCEU GYPSUM OGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORGED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING 0 OTHER FOR WEEK '"O.89-201 ENDING 2-16 1. 9 _. CONSTB MAT'L ITY E GRA0E.ETC.J Reinforced hasonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C9(d H.L.B. GZ. N-1 8X4X16 & 12X4X16 C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2800 psi Mix 665 A615 Reinf. Steel Gr. 60 1 DESIGN STRENGTH DESCRIOE MAT'L. IMlX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE & MFGR.1 ARCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ENGlNEER GENERAL,CONTRACTOn C0NT.n. DOING REPORTEO WORK LAB RECEIVING I* TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECT ION 2-13 Inspected the 1.ayiny-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and techniyues as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. Gr. N-1 12x8~16 reg., 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, basement walls D.4 at I 3. - E at 3; E at 1 - E at 3, last lift; 1st lift ~uilding A, ~~~~~ __ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE -&/ /" /7 ,:,' ,. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAl I IlAVE INSI'ECTEU ALL OF TI-lE ABOVE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& /;<<.-. L,*&*i*- ..- REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEI? I IlAVE FOUND THIS YlGNATU 2c. r OrPbGlSTERCO i.., INSPECTOR ..L .> -'79 9J -5:. - ,,.. ,,,eL- > : i APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF REPORT REGISTEn NUMOER 13200 Evening Creek Drive Soulh Suite 218 Wyman Testing S<III Diego, Calilorrita 92128 Labora toties (61 9) 486-0354 COVEAING WOfm PERFORMED ~RElNFOllLED CONCRETE OSTRUCT. S1 EEL ASSEMBLY 1058 h 1060 Auto Center Ct. Carlsbad lWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza :ONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRA0E.ETC.I 3ES1GPI STRENGTH SOURCE 0" MFGR. Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block CY0 1I.L.H. Gr. N-1 8~4x16 & 12~4x16 C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2008 psi Mix 665 A61.5 3EsCRlBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-OAR GRADE & MFGR.1 WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL UY ClPRE.STllESSED CONCIIETE ClRElNFORCELl UYI'SCJM ~~GLUE.LAhl.FAORlCATlON TtlE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF ITlrieiNrimcEo MASONRY l3)PiLE DriiviNi; I70TlrEll . -. . . . - - . . ENDING 2- 1- PLArbFLE NO. No' 89-20 1 BLDG. PEWMIT NO. 89-1693/1694 AnCHITECT Krommenhoek/McKeown ENGINEER ~- Coneer Engineering - GENERALCONTRACTOR Collins General Cont. Withosk Wyrnan 'I - .. -. ~ CONTR. DOING HEPORTED WORK LA8 IlECElVll :ya so n r y IPS t i inq Labs .IC TESTING CONSrll. MAT'L SAMPLES ~ ~~ ~~ Reinf. Steel Gr. 60 __- __ ~ MASONRY INSPECTION 2-12 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined be.low. Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and techniques as noted nn approved drawings. Inspected the ILaylil~~-up oC C90 lI.L.B. CMU Gr. N-:L 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 block at Bu.ildiny A, basement walls last lift on .Line D.4 at 1 thru E at 1 and D.4 a.t 1 thru D.4 at 2.2. Inspected mortar for proper mixinci and handlinq. Insiected reinforcing- steel for size, grade, Tap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 23 cubic yards of grout, mix design # 665 in the following locations: BuiLdiny One set of 5 grout samples taken from Building B, line 1.5 One set of 4 prism samples taken froin Building R, tine 1.5 Grout supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 203484, Work inspected j.s in accordance with the approved plans an13 B, 1st 10 ft. lift at Al-A2; A2-B2; B2-Al; Bl-Al. at B, line top half oE llil ft. grout lift. at B, top half OE column, 12 x 16 x 8 or 8 x 16 x 12. truck # 531. speci E ica t ions and the UAC. .I' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE ./> , - ... ! /.. . I I .. .. . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE .- -. ._. REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEU I I-IAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. & APPLICAOLE SECTIONS OF 1HE CITY OF SAN DIEGU UUILDING LAWS, SIGNATURE OFREGISTERED INSPECTOR ",. L, : . - ;; . , , - .L ,.~ -f r' . OWrE OF RCI'O1,T I1EG ISTEll 1,UMOE n 100 AOORESS 10516 & 1U60 Auto Center Dr. Carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 Hazard Block C91d HLB Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12X4X16 Sluillp C270 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix A615 Rebar Gr. 60 CONSTR. MAT'L 1TYPE.G nA0E.ETC.J DESIGN STRENCTN SOURCE OR MFGR. OESCRIOE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-OAR GRADE LL MPGR.1 2-9 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were Observed for proper hiyh-lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 HLB 12x8~16 reg. block and 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 slump block at Building A, 2nd lift starting A + 5'4" to 10 ft. on lines 5.5 at H thru 7 at H. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, 2nd lift from 5'4" to 10 ft. from footing on line 5.5 at H at 6 ft. level. Inspected reinforciny steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. Inspected grout space immediately prior to closing of cleanouts for clean-up and clearances. Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE /e/ /A FOR WEEK '090 N0.89-201 ENOING 2-9 OLOG. PEnMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO, 09-1693/94 KromIenhoek/McKeown Coneering Engineering Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ARCHITECT ENGINEEn GENE II A CCO N TR A c TO R CONTR. OOING llEPORTE0 WORll LAO nECElVlNG LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES I HEREOY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND TI-IIS -SlGNATurrCoFhEG&T'F RCO ,U+IIFTT"D .~ ~~ ~~ ~. ~~ ,?-/&# H G S9A-i- WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF REPORT IlEGISTEn NUMOER l:i:!Xi livening Creek Ilrive Soi.illi Siiile 2Itl !;~III Diego, California 92 120 Wyman Laboratories (61 9) 4 116-0354 COVERING WORK PEHFOHMEO ~HEINFORCEO CONCRETE , OSrItUCT. SI'EEL ASSEMBLY JOU AoonEss 1165U Auto Center Ct. Carlsoad Car Country Carlsbad OWhER OR PROlECT NAME CONSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRAOE.ETC.1 Footincl Soils __ DE81GN STUCNGTI4 SOUIICE 01, MFGR. OESCnlUC MIT'L. (MIX DESIGN. IlE.OAI1 GIIADC (L MFGll.1 I'O,, WCL,' 89-201 t"UlhG - ID 90 NO. OLDG. I'EIIMIT NO. PLAN FlLE ,do, - 89-1693 AIICI(ITCCT K raininenhoe k/McKeown 2~nge.r. Enqineer inq E NG In c LIT GENERAI. CDNTRhCTOI) CQ.Li.lns-Gerlera 1 cont . CONTR. DOING I(CPORTE0 WORH LAU IlECElVlNG LL TESTING CONSTR. L3AT.l. SAMPLES _Collins-.&nPral Cont wyman Testing Labs FOOTING SOILS INSPECTION 2-7 Inspected the footing excavations for retaining walls at the west side of the site. Checked footing dimensions. Footings were probed and found to have high resitance. All footing excavations were found to bear on firm Eormational materials that are in conformance with those outlined in the preliminary soils inves tiqation. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE </ cv A I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE ?&- cd, [ REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I I-IAVE FOUND TUlS SIGNATURE OF REGISTERED INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, II 2-9 - 40 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF 1HE CITY OF SAN DIEGO tIUILOING LAWS, DATE OF REPORT REGISTER NUMOER COVEHING WORK PERFORMED C]HEINFOHCED CDNCRETE C]S-rrtUCr. SlEEL ASSEMBLY IOD ADO~CSS 5Ln li 1Gihll Ant-n renter rt Carl NO. FOH WEE,, IiNOICIG - ISq MASONRY INSPECTION 2-6 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and masonry as outlined below. techniques as noted on approved drawinys. block at Building B, 2nd lift on lines A1 thru l31 and A1 thru A2, started 2nd 1.ift A2 thru 82. Inspected the layiny-up Of C90 MLB Gr. N1 8X4X16 & 12X4X16 Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. 2-7 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below, Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawinys. Inspected the laying-up of C90 HLB Gr. N 12x8~16, reg. 8x4~16 slump block at Building B, 2nd lift A2 thru B2 up to 10 ft. - Building A, basement wall 12x8~16, 1st lift 4'8" on lines D.4 at 1 thKU E at 1 and E at 1 thru E at 3. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 5 mortar samples taken from Building A, basement Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and wall Line 0.4 at 1 thru E at 1, last 2 ft. OE 4'8" lift. and clearance. specifications. Car Country PLaza f'm 15c1Ln :ONSTR. MAT'L ITY E.GRADE.ETC.1 CP~ M-rv SOURCE On MFGR. IESCRIDE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-0- C9Ln HT.H Gr. N1 8~4x16 ,G l7x4xlfi Clump 237a 'PY."' Iql ,w - nsj Gr- m C476 Grout 2000 psi Mix CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I IHAVE FOUNOTHIS EGISTERED 1NSPEETOn WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, 5 CAf&~2 APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF WE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUlLOlNG LAWS, DATE OF REPORT I7EGlSTER NUMOER PLAN FILE NO. - 4/94 AncnirCcr Kr- ENGINEER 0 rnllin.; Gpnprill rw CONTR. DOING nEPORTEO WOnU UithnAypadwrv 1.110 IIECEIY G LL TESTIN~CONST~. MAT^ SAMPLES Wvman Testinq Labs i,'j:':$li Evening Creek Drive Smith Suite 2.18 sit11 Diego, Calllotilia 92128 Wyman Laboratories (619) 48ti-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OHeINFOHCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. SI EEL ASSEMtlLY WtllCtI REOUIHEO APPROVAL BY cll'Ht.Sl RESStD CONCREl E I-~FtElNFOHCEll bYl'SUM flGLUE LAM.FAURICA~ION THE SPECIAL IhSPECTOR OF nRtlNFOHCEL) MASONRY []PILE UIIIVINli flOTlIE4 Car Counuv P laza :ONSTR. MAT'L 1TYPE.GnADE.ETC.I ENGINECR Coneer En q i neer i nq Lx!.u-. GENERALCONTRACTOR CDNTII. YDlNG llEPORTED WORN Wyman Testing Labs MASONRY INSPECTION 2-5 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the Layiny-up of CY(d Gr. N1 8x4~16 & 12x4~16 block at Building B, 2nd Lift on corner A1 - Building A lay out 1st course line 5.5 at E.8 - 5.5 at C.5 at 5, laid lines 5.5 - 5.8 at 13.2 thru 5.5 at E.8 1st 3 ft. of 5'4" lift. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building A, line 5.5 Inspected reinforciny steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and at D.6, 1st goot.. and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I IHAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS.& APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO BUILDING LAWS. DAVE OF RCPDnT REGISTEll NUMBER 100 *OOREES 1051d & 1060 Car Country Ct. Carlsbad 3WNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza :oNSTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRA0E.ETC.l He i n forced Concrete Fodnsl S Nelson & Sloan f'c 3800 C94 Keadv Mix Concrete M ix # 6557 >ESIGN STIVENGTH SOURCE on MFGR. IESCRIDE MAT'L. IMlX DESIGN. RE.OI\R GRADE R MPGR.1 Bdls Rei- I TOR WEEN ENDlNG 2-2 "90 PLAN FILE NO, No% 9- 20 I OLDG. PEllldlT NO. 89-1693/1694 ARC1IITCCT ___- Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Enq i neer i nq Collins General Cont. E NG IN C E 63 GENERAL. CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING IIEPORTED WORK dubbard LAO RECEIVING LL TESTING CONSTR. MAT'l. SAMPLES Wyman Testing Labs CONCRETE INSPECTION 2-2 basement pit per details S1, S2, S6A, 56, 2, 3, 4/S6A, ll/S6A. and clearance. Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footing Inspected reinforcing steel €or size, grade, lap, Locations, Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. Verified dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 40 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the Eo1.Lowiny locations: basement Eooti.ng on Lines El thru E3 and 11.8 at 1 thru 3. One set of 4 test cylinders taken Croon Uujlding A, basement Eooting on lines El at north corner. Slump test results 4 1/2" . Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 275145, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, truck # 323. specifications and the UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE /57? I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I IIAVE INSPECTEG ALL OF THE ABOVE HEPORlEO WORK, UNLESS OTHEHWISE NOTED I IlAVE FOUNO TI-IIS WORK TO COMPLY w1.w 'we APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, IL APPLICAELESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF RCPonT REGISTER NUMBER COVEliINti WOHIC PEIIFOHMfD nMEINFOliCEO CLlNCRETE ~lS’lllU[X. 51 bel. ASSEMtlLY WlllCll 1lElIUIHEO AI’I’HOVAL BY CIPl+f.STWESSED CONCRETE ~~IHEINFOHCIiO CIVI’SUM ~GLUE-I.AM.FABRICAT~ON TliE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF nHEINFOHCEU MASONHY [TIPILE DIiIVIN(1 c1 On I f H 10” IDDnL55 1115(6 & 1060 Car Country Ct. Carlsbad OWNER On P11016CT NAME Car Countrv Plaza CONSTR. MAT’L ITYPE.GiRAOE.ETC.1 Reinforced Masonry €‘m Hazard Block C90 H.L.R G r. N1 8 ~4x16 =l2x4xl6 S lump Block C 77@ Croiit - si M ix A61 5 Reinforcing Steel Grade 611 DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. DESCRIOE1M5A!!. [MITOEStGN, HE.OAR GRADE B MF(iR.1 ,.on WEE,‘ 2-2 ‘@90 ENDING No. 8 9 - 2 (6 1 OLDG. PUllMlT NO. PLAN FlLC NO. 89-1693/1694 ARCHITECT - Krofflmenhoek/McKeown - Coneer E rimer i nq GENERA,. CONT~ACTOR Collins General Cont. cornn. DOING ~EPDRTEO WORN W i tho s&J a s o n rv Wyman ‘Testing Labs ENGINE C LAO nECCIVING Or TESTING CONSTn. MAT.,. SAMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 2-1, Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as out:lined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 slump block at Building B, 2nd .lift on line B1 thru B2. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from Building B at 1.5 at Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, B, 6 ft. level. and clearance. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I IlAVE FOUNDTIiIS SIGN1T 7E OF n STEnED INSPECTOR wor3i( ‘ro COMPLY WITI-I ~IE APPROVED PLANS sPEciFicAi-ioNs, HC 2-&Y# /H&/&U API’LICAULESEC.rIONS OF lllf CITY OF SAN DI€GO MUILUING LAWS. DhTE OF RCPOnT IICGISTER NUMDER i.\:':!o I:vtmiiig (;reel, I)rive Sotilli Siiile 2 It1 :~II I.)iego. (.;iililoiiiiti 92 128 Wynian Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVEHING WORU PERFORMED nIIEINFClHCED CONCRETE nSTlIUCT. S7EEL ASSEMBLY WlllCH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY nPRE6THESSED CONCRETE OlIElNFORCED GYPSUM ~~GI.UE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF nRElNFORCEU MASONRY flPlLE DI3IVING OOTHEA 100 ADDRESS arlsbad 18516 & 1060 C ar Countrv C t. c Car Countrv Plaza JWNER OR PROJECT NAME EONSTR. MAT'L ITVPE.GI1ADE.ETC.I FOR WEEK ENDING 3-3 "90 No.89-2.113 OLOC. PEIaMBT NO. 89-1693/1694 PLAN FILE NO. ARCIIITCCT Reinforced Concre te. Foot i nq f'c 3000 Nelson & Sloan C94 Readv Mix Concrete Mix # 6552 Stpel Gr. 60 >E51ON STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. >ESCRIDE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRAOE LL MFGR.1 CONCRETE INSPECTION 2-1 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footing and grade beams per details S1 thru S6 on sheet 1/S6, 6/56, 8,9, 18, 13/S6, 2/56 of approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel €or size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. Verified dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 20 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the following locations: Building A, footings and grade beams on lines 1.2 at D, D1 thru D.8 at 1. One set of 4 test cylinders taken €ram Building A, at line Slump test results 4". Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 274865, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans, D.3 at 1. truck # 360. specif,ications and the UBC. K r 0 mmen h 0 e k /M c Keo w n Coneer Enqineerinq Collins .General Cont. _tl ubba rd LAB rtCcEiviriG .%TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L S.LMPLES Wyman Testing Labs ENGINEER GENERALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DDlNG llEPORTED WORK CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE , REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND TI-IIS E,sy6TEnEn INSPECTOR WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, LL -- APPLICAULESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. DATE OF REPOnT I1E G ISTER li I> M B E n Wyman ilkL Testing L~IJ~z Laboratories IOU ADORE55 105U & 1060 Car Country Ct. Carlsbad 3WNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza :oNsTR. MAT'L iTYPE.CRAOE.ETC.1 >€SIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. Reinforced Masonry f'm 1500 C90 H.L.B Gr. N1 8~4xl6=12x4x16 Slump Block C270 GrO ut 7c180 D si Mix A615 Reinforcing .Steel Grade 60 Hazard Block >> I'D,, wee,< ENOlNG No' 8 9 -2 0 1 2-2 l.90 PLAN FlLE NO. BLOC. PEWMI7 NO. 89-1693/1694 ARCHITCCT Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. Withosky Masonry Wyman Testing Labs ENGINES" GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOlNG REPORTED WORK LAD RECEIVING 4 TESTING CONSTR. MAT']. SIMPLES I MASONRY INSPECTION 1-31 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU walls procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.B. 8 x 4 x 16 & 12 x 4 x 16 slump block at Building A, laid out lines D.2 at 7; B at 7-8 at 5, 1st lift on column line D.2 at 7 & 8; D at 7, C.2 at 7. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I IiAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE AI'PHOVED PLANS SI'ECIFICATIONS, IL STEREO INSPECTOR AI'PLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO UUILDING LAWS. DATE OF RCPOnT I WHICH AEOUIHED APPROVAL BY nPtlE.STHESSE0 CONCRETE r~l1EINFOHL:EI) GYPSUM flOl.UE.LAM.FABRlcA~(~~ THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF CIREINFOliCEl) MASONHY []PILE C)IIIVINCi I~OTIIE R ,OD AOORESS 111511 & 1860 Car Country Ct. Carlsbad Car Country Plaza OWNER OR PROJECT NAME D.zSlGN STRENGTI, €IC 3000 Nelson & Sloan C94 Ready Mix Concrete Mix # 6552 A6L5 Reinforcinq Steel Gr. 60 DESERIOE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE LL MFGR.1 SO" WCEY 89-281. ENUINT. 2-2 'e98 NO. JJLDG. PEllMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO, 89-1693/1694 IRC,IITUCT ENciNEcn K rorninenhoek/McKeown - Coneer Enqineerinq GENERAL CONTRACTOR Collins General Cont. CONTII. OObNG llCPORTED WDRH ILAU IIECEIVIFIG Lb TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES &ubbard Wyman Testing Labs CONCRETE INSPBCTION 1-30 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footing & grade beam per details S/1 thru 54, S6 on sheets 1/56, 8/56, 6/56, 13/56, 9 & 18/56, 2/56 of approved drawinqs. __ - Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Verified member dimensions with inplace formwork. Verified dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 187 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the following locations: Building A, footings and grade beams D.2 at 7 thru B.8 at 7 - B at 6 thru 5 at A & 0 - A at 5 thru A at 4.7 - A at 4 thru B at 4 - B at 3.2 thru B at 2 - C.5 at 2. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from Building A, at line A at 4.7. Slump test results 4 1/2". Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 274335, truck # 365. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN fllEGO BUILDING LAWS, WONK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVEU I'LANS SPECIFICATIONS, & d/nd!C&5=3 It E G ISTER ti UM D Ek i:v:jo Evening Creek Drive Soi.ilh Suile 2'111 Wyman Testing LIII Diego, California 92133 Labor at or ie s (619) 486-0354 COVERING WOHK PEHFORMED uHElNFOHCEDCONCHETE . OSTHUCT. STEEL ASSEMULY WIIICJI REOUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE-STHESSED CONCRETE OHEINFOHCEU GYPSUM flGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF UREINFORCED MASONRY E~PILE DHIVING OOTHER ,OD AOORESS 1050/60 Aut 0 ctr. Ct. Carlsbad DWNER OR PROJECT NAME Car Country Plaza CONITR. MAT'L 1TVPE.GRADE.ETC.J 3ESlGN STRENGTH ISOURCE OR MFGR. Reinforced Masonry Ton WEEH "O.89-201 ENDlNG 2-2 1.90 IlLDG. PERMIT NO. FILE NO. (B) 89-1693 (A) 89j-YSh ARCHITECT K r omme n hoe k/Mc k eo w n li .Ar. I u F c c. f'm 15ofl 0 si I Hazard Block C9U H.L. El. Grade N.l >ESCRIOE MIT'L. IMIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE L* MFGR.1 x16 s lmp Block c270 Type s Mortar 1800 psi I Reinforcing Steel Grade 60 - c476 Grout 2000 psi A615 - . . - . . . - -. . Coneer Enginearing Collins General Contractors co!rrR. DDINc. nrPowEo WORK Withsosky Masonry Wyman Testing LaSDoratories GENE R I\L CONTRA CTO R LAO RECEYING & TESTING ONSTR MAT:LSIIMPLES MASONRY INSPECTION 1-29 Inspected the laying-up OE reinEorced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed €or proper high-li€t CMU wall procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 H.L.R. 8x4~16" and 12x4~16" slump block at building A laid out line 8, 1st lift of CMU 5'4" line 7 and 8 at E.8 - D.6 at 8. Inspected mortar €or proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steeL for size, grade, lap, location, and clearance. MASONRY INSPECTION 1-30 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU wall Inspected the laying-up of 8x4~16" and 12x4~16" slump block Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken .from building A at lines Inspected reinforcing steeL €or size, grade, lap, location, masonry as outlined below. procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. at building A, 1st .lift on lines D.6 at 8 thru D.2 at 8. D.4 at 8, 1st lift. and clearance. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPOHl ED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND TNIS APPLICAULESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUILOING LAWS. d-.=f&pc2-22 WORK TO COMPLY WITH 'we APPAOVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, IL DATE OF RCPOnT 11 I: G 16~~ n Nu t.1 o c n /-l-. 132~) Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Sa11 Diego, California 92128 $& w;::;ng Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WOHU PERFORMED OREINFORCE0 CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM OGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER JOO ADDRESS FOR WEEK Ctr. rt . rnrlshnd 1-76 le NO. ENDING - OWNER OR PROJECT NAME I BLDG. PERMIT NO, f'm >ESCRlBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-DAR GRAOE h MFGR.1 C9U CrildP N - 1 MASONRY INSPECTION 1-26 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed €or proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of high-lift CMU block at C90 8x4~16 and 12x4~16 slump block building A 1st lift 5'4" on lines 5.5 thru 8 at H. Inspected mortar €or proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from building A middle of Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and wall at 5.5 thru 8 at H. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE /4-2=- K/.' /.r I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& c/2>4 a z REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUND THIS ISTERED INSPECTOR f%+fiJN,??2.3' APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS. REGISTER NUMBER .I3230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFOHCED CONCRETE . OSTRUCT. S.rEEL ASSEMBLY ,om Aooness 1850/1868 Aut o ctr. Ct., c ar lsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME Carltas Development Co. CONSTR. MITL (TVPE.GRAOE.ETC.I Rei 11 Eo cced Concrete Foot ins f'C 3888 DS i Nelson & Sloan c94 RPndv - ~ix -ret- Mix # 6552 DESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. DESCRIBE MAT'L. wrx DESIGN. RE.BAR GRADE e MFGR.I Step1 CdP 68 WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY UPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE OREINFORCEU GYPSUM OGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF nRElNFORCED MASONRY nPlLE DRIVING OOTH E R roR WLLH 89-2111 ENDING 1-26 1. 9c NO. BLOC. PEnMlT NO. PLAN FILE NO. 1858/89-164 & 1 50/89-163 AmcniTecT K r 0 mme n hoe k /M c k e o w n Coneer Enqineerinq Collins General Contractors Ha bba rd Wyman Testing Laboratories ENGlNEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING REPORTED WORK LA0 RECEIVING &TESTING CONSTR. MAT'L SAMPLES CONCRETE INSPECTION 1-26 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footings building A per details 51-54, 56 on sheets l/S6, 8/56, 13/S6, 2/56 and tables of approved drawings. Inspected reinEorcing steel €OK size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. Veri€ied inember dimensions with inplace formwork. Veri€ied dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 80 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the EoLlowing locations: building A footings on lines D.6-D.2 at 8, D.2 to 5.5, D.6-C.2 at 5.5, c.5 at 4-c.5 at 5.5, c.9 at 4-C.9 at 3.3, and 2 outside column footings between B at 6.3-B.8 at 7. One set oE 4 test cylinders taken from building A line D.2 at 8. Slump test results 4.5". Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 273569, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and truck # 354. speciEications per UBC. J CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& (JK/<( .>/e..73> DATC OF REPORT REGISTER NUMDER .i:K!3) Evening Creek Drive South Wyman Suite 218 **- Testing Sari Diego, California 92128 it:i$E ! Laboratories (619) 486-0354 COVERING WORK PEHFOHMED UREINFORCED CONCRETE . OSTIIUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH RECIUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE-STRESSED CONCRETE ~REINFORCEL? GYPSUM OGLUE-LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY OPILE DRIVING OOTHER Carl.tas Development Co. Reinforced Masonrv Krommenhoek/Mckeown f 'm C90 Gde N - 1 8~4xfi/l2~4x16 Slum0 Rlo CONBTR. MAT'L ITYPE.GRADE.ETC.1 3ESIGN STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR. ENGINEER >ESCRIBE MAT'L. (MIX DESIGN. RE-BAR GRADE Q MFGR.1 ins General Contractors OlNG NEPORTEO WORK ('77(;1 Mortar Tmp S 1RflCI psi Mortar Mix MASONRY INSPECTION 1-25 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 8x4~16 and 12x4~16 slump block at building B 1st lift 5'4" on line A thru B at 1 and started lead for 2nd lift corner at line i3 at 2. Started laying out at building A on lines 5.5 thru 8 at H and H thru E.8 at 8. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel €or size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved pla..ns and and clearance. specifications per UBC. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE M 61 - 7,'b+.W - . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHEHWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & ~GISTERED INSPECTOR /-/8/&%733 APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DlEGO BUILDING LAWS, DATE OF REPb'RT REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 San Diego, California 92128 Wyman (619) 486-0354 Testing Laboratories I C~VE~ING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE . OsmucT. STEEL ASSEMBLY WHICH REOUIRED APPROVAL BY 0PRE.STRESSEO CONCRETE flRElNFORCED GYPSUM ~GLUE.LAM.FAERICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCED MASONRY DPILE DRIVING nOTUER ,"" .."",ILD= ll35Wm Auto Ctr. Ct..carlsbad OWNER OR PROJECT NAME MASONRY INSPECT ION 1-24 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper tiiyh-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up OE C90 8x4~16 and 12x4~16 slump block at building B 1st liEt of CMU to 5'4" on lines A at 1 thru 2 and B at 1 thru 2, also first 2' of A1 thru B1. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from middle of north wall Inspected reinforcing steel €or size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and at A1.5 line. and clearance. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTE0 I HAVE FOUND THIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS. E APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS. Nvman 13230 Evening Creek Drive South >OB ADDRESS lGi5Gi/1860 Au to ctr. Ct., Carlsbad Carltas Development Co. Reinf 0 rced Concrete Foot i nu OWNER OR PROJECT NAME co NSTR. M AT'L ITYPE.~ RADE,ETC.) Suite 218 .# - .. Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 UVC~~NU wwnn rCnrUnMCU uneiNrURCE0 CONCRETE OSTHUCT. STEtL ASSEMnLY IHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY nPRE.STRESSE0 CONCRETE OREINFORCED GYPSUM DGLUE.LAM.FABRICAT,~N - SONRY OPlLE DRIVING OOTHEFI FOR WELH No. 89-201 ENDONG 1-26 le 90 BLDG. PE MIT NO 10 5878 9 - 164 & 1 45v?8F4%%? Kroinm ARCHITEC _~. - _. T enhoek/Mckeown 3000 psi I Nelson & sloan MAT'L. (MIX OESlGN. RE.mAR GRADE Lt MFGR.1 Ready Mix Concrete Mix nesiqn 6552 A615 Reinforcing Steel Grade 60 1- ONT ACTOR s tenera1 Contractors CONTR 001 G REPORTED WORK LAB Wvman RECEIVING Testinq LL TESTIN EaC;oE%.tM6TY85MpLEs C NS Habbarr CONCRETE INSPECTION 1-24 Inspected the reinforcing steel installation for footings building A per details S1 thru S4 and 56 on sheets 1/S6, 8/56, 13/56, 2/56 and tables of approved drawings. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, locations, and clearance. VeriEied member dimensions with inplace formwork. verified dimensions of excavated locations. Checked locations of embedded items and sleeves. Inspected the placement and consolidation of 40 cub'ic yards of concrete, mix design # 6552 in the following locations: footings building A on lines 5.5 - 8 at H thru 5.5 - 8 at D.6. One set of 4 test cylinders taken from building A line 6.3 at H. slump test results 4". Concrete supplied by Nelson & Sloan. Ticket # 273022, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and truck # 360. specifications per UBC. ++ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OlEGO OUlLOlNG LAWS, , -Ad49 E OF HISTEREO INSPECTOR C%,N,a?Jfe2U DATE 6f REPORT REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 CONCRETE INS PEC'FI ON 1-23 Inspected the placement and consolidation of 1.5 cubic yards of concrete, mix design # 560-C3250 in the following locations: type 1 catch basin €or site 2 on northeast side of property 1 on corner. One set of 4 test cylinders taken froin north side middle of both catch basins. Slump test results 4". Concrete supplied by Escondido Ready Mix. Ticket # 202821, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and truck # 121. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNDTHIS WORK TO COMPLY WITH 'THE APPROVE0 PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN DIEGO BUILDING LAWS, (?,,9&W@73 DATE OF hFPOSlT AEGISTLR NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 218 Wyman Testing San Diego, California 92128 Laboratories (619) 486-0354 I COVERING WORK PERFORMED OREINFORCED CONCRETE oSTRUCT. STEEL ASSEMBLY I WHICH REOUIREO APPROVAL BY OPRE.STRESSEO CONCRETE OREINFOWED GYPSUM DGLUE.LAM.FABRICATION THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF OREINFORCEO MASONRY DPILE DRIVING OOTHER MASONRY INSPECTION 1-23 Inspected the laying-up of reinforced, grouted structural masonry as outlined below. Masons were observed for proper high-lift CMU procedures and techniques as noted on approved drawings. Inspected the laying-up of C90 8x4~16 and 12x4~16 slump block at building B 1st lift of CMU to 5'4" on line 2 at on line 2 at A thru B and column on south wall 1.4 and 1.5. Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. One set of 4 mortar samples taken from middle of column 1.4 Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved plans and building B. and clearance. specifications per UBC. -x7, &. TERED -- INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTEO ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I HAVE FOUNOTHIS APPLICABLESECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN OIEGO BUlLOlNG LAWS, .-a33 WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS,& /2& REGISTER NUMBER 13230 Evening Creek Drive South Suite 210 GLUE-LAM.FABflICATION MASONRY INSPECTION 1-22 masonry as outlined below. techniques as noted on approved drawings. east and south wall. Inspected the layiny-up of reinforced, grouted structural Masons were observed for proper low-lift procedures and Inspected the laying-up of 8" x 12" block at base course Inspected mortar for proper mixing and handling. Inspected reinforcing steel for size, grade, lap, location, Work inspected is in accordance with the approved drawings and clearance. and UBC. . c CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPEClED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEU I IHAVE FOUND 1kllS WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS SPECIFICATIONS, II ,," , , . --.:, .- SIGNI\TURE.OF nEC2lSTEnkO INSPECTOR I ,/. //; (,*,'> ');I, ) .. APPLICARLESECTIONS OF TI-IE CITY OF SAN LNEGO BUlLUlNG LAWS, DATE 0,' REPOIIT I1 C 0 ISTE" N V hl ll En 10" AOOnKSS 1050 Auto Center Dr. Car lsbad Car Country Plaza :ONSTR. MAT*L 1TYPE.GRAOE.ETC.I OWNER on PROJECT NAME ~ESIGN SrnEriorn aouncL on MFGn. >ESCRIBE MAT'L. lMlX DESIGN. RE-BAn GRA.O,E LL MFGn.1 Type 's' Mortar 1800 psi MASONRY INSPECTION 1-22 Built leads at 4 corners of Building B, 1st lift. One set of 3 mortar samples taken from Building B, at l(A), ist lift. POI, WECI, No* 89-201 ENOING 1-25 IS90 OLDC. PEllMlT NO, PLAN FILE NO. lRCHlTECT ENGlNEEn 89-1693 Krommenhoek/McKeown Coneer Engineering Collins General Cont. GENCRALCONTRACTOR CONTR. DOING nEPORTED WORM LAD IIECEIVING 01 TESTING CONSTA. hIAT'L SAMPLES Wyman Testing Labs CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE INSPECTED ALL OF THE ABOVE REPORTED WORK. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED I I-IAVE FOUND TI415 WORK TO COMPLY WITH THE APPROVE0 PLAN5 SPECIFICATIONS, & APPLICAULE SECTIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN UIkGO I3UILDING LAWS, DATE or 1lEPOIIT R E G IS T E I1 N UM B E n __- 13230 Evening Creek Dr Suite 218 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES San Dieyo, CA 92120 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO 09-201 PROJECT - PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CEWER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLINS KRO~~~~~lTIIIOCK/McK~~l CA[ILTAS DEVCLOPMEfJT CO. ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER __ TO BE BILLED __ BLDG PERMIT NO. BLOG A-#iOGO, B-Ill050 PLAN FILE NO BLDG A-889-1694, B-#09-169 3 SAMPLE DATA 7 CCP 225 2a CCP 226 28 CCP 227 REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-26-90 MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPECEMENT - UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 6.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 343656 . 665 TIME IN MIXER 80 MIN 9 - 1 /2 " ADMIXTURE N /A I1 AIR CONTENT N/A N/A 2500 DESIGN STRENGTH l0FT PROM SOUTH SIDE OF STAIRS 05-03-$0 3 X 3 9.763 * 31,000 3180 05-24-$0 3 X 3 9.709 * 33,000 3490 05-24-?0 3 X 3 9.708 * 41,000 4220 I SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 28 PSI AT ___ DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 2000 REQUIRED STRENGTH (t'c) - SAMPLES MADE BY I_ - 04727-90 ED IIOLLOVW~ I I I I LABORATORY DATA REMARKS __ * ACTUAL MEASUl7L';U AHEA __. __- DISTRIBUTION ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS (XI-OD, C39-80. C70-75. CG17-7G REVIEWED BY: 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES San Diecjo, CA 92128 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAI7 COUMl'RY 1'1 ,A%A PROJECT NO 09-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO cEwm COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR corArAms KRObOE11~lfSTIIIOEK /IlcKl?OWM CARLTAS DEVl?LOPMI?P.IT CO. ARCHITECT~ENGINEER 10 BE BILLED -_I_-- BLDG. PERMIT NO. - ULCG A-IlOGO, B-11050 PLAN FILE NO. BLli A-1189-1 6 94, B-11 0 9-1 69 3 ~ ~ - SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR W GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER ~ ESCONDIDO READY MIX DATE 04-24-90 MIX DESCRIPTION G.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 1255770 MIX NUMBER - _______. ADMIXTURE __ SLUMP AIR CONTENT TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ____ G65 TIME IN MIXER - 1 IlR 24 M1N 10 " I1 N/A 2500 N/A BLDG A r,AmON LINE 11.3 1/2 @ 3 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS z8- ED IIrnLOWAY 04-26-90 PSI AT __ DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB ---y--TWE---- - REQUIRED STRENGTH (f C) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA -~- 9.617 DISTRIBUTION DATE .5r-?.x-f.' ALL SAMPLlNG AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69, C39-00, C70-75. C617-76 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Iliego, CA 92120 (619) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLIPlS .~ ~ - KI1OE11.IEtll IOEK / Mcl( I3OlrlM CARLTAS DEVEIBOPMECSI’ CO. ARCIHITECTIENGINEER __ TO BE BILLED - _-___ BLDG. PERMIT NO. DLDG A-1189-1694, R-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. DLE A-#1060, B-111050 SAMPLE DATA Rwonr OF CONCRETE D MORTAR GROUT o OTHER 04-24-90 PLACEMENT DATE __ - PRE MIXED SUPPLIER -. MIX DESCRIPTION 1 -SACK TICKET NUMBER - N/A N/A 4 MIN 1IME IN MIXER TYPE S I1 MIX NUMBER __ SLUMP TYPE CEMENT __-__ _.__ UNIT WEIGHT N /A DESIGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT _- N/A ADMIXTURE - N/A AIR CONTENT -_ 1800 NORTH SlDE OF STAIRS GOING UP THE STAIRS SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 17 LD REQUIRED STRENGTH (Vc) ~~ PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY -.-___ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 04-26-90 LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES sa INCHES POUNDS PSI I 7 I CCP 251 1 05-01-40 2 X 4 I 3.14 I 7,200 I 2290 1 LABORATORY DATA REMARKS - DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: la@--- ALL SAMPLING AND -rrsriNG CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASrM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69, C39-flfl. C70-75. C617-76 DATE =$?~~~o WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 132 30 Evening Creek Dr Suite 218 Sari Diego, CA 92128 (G19) 40G-0354 REPORT OF COMPHESSION TESTS .- CAR COtINPltY I'LAZA . PROJECT NO. 09-201 PROJELl __--- ~ PROJECT ADDRESS -___~ 1050 AIJ'l'O CEEITIH COURT, CAIiLSDAD - CONTRACTOR coLmis ________.__~ - KIIO~II~lLSEJIIOCK/IlCI(~~~~l CARL'I'AS DEVE:IX)PMELJ'l' CO. B-#I050 __~_ ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ___- TO BE BILLED ... -~ BLDG. PERMIT NO. RLW A-iIlOGO, - DLUG A-#OY-1694, R-il09-1G93 PLAN FILE NO. - _. - SAMPLE DATA - REPOftT OF U CONCRETE U MORTAR U til7OUT 0 OTHER __.. ........... SUPPLIER _--_______ I SACK N/A MIX DESC,RlP-rION I ....... ....... TICKET NCIMHEn TY 1' I.< s MIX NUMREli ................. .... I. M/A . ADMIXTURE N/A .,LUMP ... ..... .- ........ I .t AIRCONTENT . N/A TYPE CEMENT DESIGN STRENGTH N/A IJNIT WEIGIHT ____ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT __ - 04-20-90 .... PLACEMENT DAlE PRE-MIX ___ 4 MIN TIME IN MlXEll 1.000 LAST LTFT LIflE: 3 @ E -.-_____ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCl-ION OR REMARKS .__________ 76----- DAYS 7800 ______ REOUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) PSI AT SAMPLES MADE BY ~ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB I3 1) WARD I1 01, LOWAY 04-20-90 LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE MAX ILOAD STRENGTH FIELD CONTnOL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA POUNDS __ LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION - REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WIT11 DATE ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS cai-on, can-nn, c7n-7s. 1x17-70 13230 IWening Creek Dr. Suihe 210 San Diego, CA 92120 (G19) 406-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 COI,I.#:I.NS ~ ~ ~ Ki~o~it~iiit moix /rwi( I~WN PROJECT -. ~ __ Pf3OJEC.r A13Db7ESS 1050 ~ AU'l'O __ CXPJ'l'l?lI COUIIT, CARLSBAD CoN~rnAcroti - _~__._I .. . ARCI-II~'ECT/ENGINEER - . .. - ur.w A-II NGO, n-itioT;o -ro BE UILLED ~~ CAI&'l'AS ~ lll~VI?IUPMl~~.I'.l' CO. .. PLAN FILE NO. 131 IK; .- A-1/09-1694, 13-HOY-1693 OLUG. PEflMIT NO. ~~ SAMPLE DATA f?EPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR GI3OUT 17 OTHER siir'PLiEn ~.-~-.-~ PLACEMENT rJA.1 E ~- MIX DESCFlIPTION ~e5 ~~ TICKET NUMUEll - MIX NUMBER SLUMP _I_-._- ==..-- ADMIXTURE TYPE CEMENT AIR CONTENT _ UNIT WEIGHT __ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT r;scorqti:ri)o RI.XIIY MIX 04-18-90 SAC I( 205001 00 MIN __ TIME IN MIXED N/A N/A 2500 ~-.I,z,,~-~ .-.. ~ ... . - UU1- D.!f8'%sT%E~?T@ 3 LINE 1 5m SPECIAL 1 EST INSTRlJCTlON Ofl REMARKS mg-- 28 _-___ 04-20-90 REQUIRED STRENGTH (It) TITnlffs%owAy- PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY DATE RECEtVEU 1N LAB LABORATORY UATA REMARKS - ____ fl. Rm,, DISTRIBUTION _______ __ __ L@fi ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONUUC-TED IN ACCORDANCE WlTl~l ASTM STANDARU DESIGNATIONS C31-69, C.39-flO. C70-75, Cli17-76 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 Sim Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUNrPRY I'IAZA PROJECT NO. 1050 AU'l'0 Cl?N'J'l3[< COURT, CAliLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS _____ RI7OFlE.IE~JI IOEK/llcCIOWM CARL"^ DmmcmiEcu co. CONTRACTOR COLLINS - - ARCI-II7ECT/ENC;INEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. _- ~- - ~. D1;I.X A-111060, B-#lO'50 PLAN FILE NO. RLIX A-#89-1694, - R-lt89-169 3 _- SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF U CONCRETE MORTAR U GROUT 0 OTHER _ SUPPLIER __~ PLACEMENT DATE PRL? MlXL.:II FIOIITAR E4IX 04-18-90 N/A ___ 1 SACK TYPE s 5 MIN MIX DESCRIPTION ~ ~ 1 ..~. ~~ . ~ ~ l-ICKET NUMBER MIX NUMBER 1~IME IN MIXER SLUMP .~ ~ .- TYPE CEMENT AIR CONTENT UNIT WEIGHT _.I_ N/n DESIGN STRENG-IH LOCATION OF. PLACEMENT N/A N/A %I N /A 18Bfl ADMIXTURE - 1.ST 8" A STAIRS SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS __ -.TBEv--.- 2 u-- ~! . . PSI AT DAYS TD7mT.xowm- 04-20-9B :,, REQUIRED STRENGTI-1 (f'c) - SAMPLES MADE BY - ~__ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTAOI. DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH 3.14 - 7,150 2275 3.14 10,406 3310 10,9QW 3470 3.14 IDENTITY NUMBER .TESTED INCHES SQ INCHES POUNDS PSI __ .- .. LABORATORY IIATA REMARKS FIELD CONTAOI. DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH 3.14 - 7,150 2275 3.14 10,406 3310 10,9QW 3470 3.14 IDENTITY NUMBER .TESTED INCHES SQ INCHES POUNDS PSI __ .- DISTRIBUTION __ __ ___ REVIEWED BY: . DATE 5Z/8?&? a./ &@--- ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-09, C39-8fl, C78-75. CC17-76 -cL .- . 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 k (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLINS KR~lME~lllOEK/MCK~l CARL'PAS DEVELOPMEMT CO. ARCHlTECTlENGl NEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLCG A-111060, B-#l050 PLAN FILE NO BLCG A-#89-1694, 0-#89-1693 7 CCP 231 20 CCP 232 28 CCP 233 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE C MORTAR =GROUT C OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5 SKCK TICKET NUMBER MIX NUMBER SLUMP ESCONIJIDO RI?ADY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-10-90 671365 665 TIME IN MIXER 85 MIN 10" ADMIXTURE N/A I1 N/A ^_I_ AIR CONTENT TYPE CEMENT ~. 04-17-$IQ 3 X 3 9.548 * 31,000 3250 05-00-90 3 X 3 9.766 * 40,000 4100 05-00-$0 3 X 3 9.379 * 35,500 3790 LZlL9U DESIGN STRENGTH N/A UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" LINE 2.5 AT B ABOUT 12.5 FT SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS Lm 28 PSI AT DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 04-12-90 -lTnrmmWRp--- REOUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH I I I I I I I x ACTU AL MEASUR ED AREA I LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ~ R VIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING &A CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-811. C78-75, CG17-76 DATE 5-/0 -90 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 7 28 28 - 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 CCP 223 04-18-90 2 X 4 3.14 4,200 1335 CCP 224 05-09- 0 2 X 4 3.14 7,050 2240 CCP 225 05-09-90 2 X 4 3.14 6,850 2180 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR CWRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 10.50 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLINS ARCHITECT/ENGINEER KROM~tIHOEK/McK~WN CARL'I'AS DEVELOPMENT CO. TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-111060, B-#1050 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER PRE MIXED MORTAR NIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-11-90 SUPPLIER ~. N/A 5 MIN TICKET NUMBER TIME IN MIXER ADMIXTURE 1 SACK MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPECEMENT __ TYPE s N/A N/A N/A I1 AIR CONTENT . ^^^ ._ - lUVU DE IG STRENGTH N/A UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" AT LINE 0.3 1 LINTEL SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ltlWTd ZU D HOLLOWAY DAYS 04-12-90 REOUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) PSI AT SAMPLES MADE BY DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA I LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION A ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-G9, C39-80, C70-75. CG17-76 -- 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 9.465 * 9.753 * 9.610 * REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COWPRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUM CEWI'ER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLIMS KROMMEHLIOEK /McKlDWN ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER TO BE BILLED BLDG PERMIT NO. CARLTAS DEVl3:U)PMEt.R' CO. BLDG A-t1060, B-t1050 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 30,000 3170 40,5110 4150 40,000 4160 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF CONCRETE 0 MORTAR E GROUT OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-09-90 6.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 205516 665 TIME IN MIXER 75 MIN 9 - 1 / 2 " N/A 2500 ADMIXTURE 11 AIR CONTENT N/A N/A DESIGN STRENGTH F & G 1.5, 1ST GROUT LIFT 7 FT SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 2000 28 AY PSI AT DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 04-10-90 REQUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 9 30 30 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 CCP 215 04-16-$0 2 X 4 3.14 8,950 2850 CCP 216 05-07-40 2 X 4 3.14 14,050 4470 CCP 217 05-07-90 2 X 4 3.14 14,800 4710 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAK COUN117Y PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AU'lO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLINS KR~WlE~7HOEK/blCK~~l CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. ARCHITECTENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#1050 PLAN NO, BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 ~~~ ~ SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE I MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER --__ MIX DESCRIPTION -- 1 SACK TICKET NUMBER N/A MIX NUMBER SLUMP N/A ADMIXTURE N/A 04-07-90 PRE MIXEII MOR'PAR MIX PLACEMENT DATE TYPE S 4 MIN TIME IN MIXER TYPE CEMENT I1 AIR CONTENT N/A 1800 DESIGN STRENGTH N/A UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" AT 6. 5 FT OF El-El.. 2 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS REQUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY ED FIOIJI,OWAY 84-09-90 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA I I LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION -_ REVIEWED BY /?3b--- ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DATE 5-6' 90 ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-BO, C78-75. CG17-76 mllll - 13230 Evenins Creek I: WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES - Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 406-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 CONTRACTOR coLrms __ __ PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CI?NTER - COURT, CARLSBAD KROMM~~~IOCR/~~CK~W~I TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BIX - CARLTAS DEVELOPMEt?" CO. A-IlOGO, 8-111050 PLAN FILE NO. - BLDG A-#89-1694, 13-1189-1693 SAMPLE DATA PRISMS REPORT of [II CONCRETE MORTAR o GROUT a OTHER LOCATION IN STRUCTURE .. -. Buildinq A line 2.5 @ B at about 12.5 ft. - 11 CEMENT: AOMIXTURE: SAND: Escondido Ready Mix ROCK: Escondi do Ready Mix MIX NO. OR PROPORTIONS: 665 TIMEIN MIXER.MINUTES: 1 hr. 25 min. SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: TRUCKNO: 449 10 ED Tested by: FM LABORATORY NO: MARK: OATE MADE: OATE UECEIVEO: OATE TESTEO: DIP ME TE U, INC HE5 : AREA. 50. INCHES: MAXIMUM LOAD. LBS. ' COMPUESSIVE STR. PSI AGE TESTED. OAYS: REO'O PSI AT 28 OPYS UNIT WT/CU FT IPLASTICI: CCP227 CCP228 4-10-90 4-13-90 4-17-90 5-08-90 80.20 80.71 162,000 218,500 2,060 2,750 7 28 1,500 5-08-90 81.22 201,500 2,520 28 TICKET NO: 671368 8182 CCP229 I (3) Wyman Testing DISTRIBUTION: *Corrected strength per ASTM E447-80 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTINl3, INC. REVIEWED BY: Michael B. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 13230 Evening Creek Dr. suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS - 09-201 - PrIUJEL .. 1 . CAI< CUIJNl'I<Y ~ ~ 1'1AZA .. .- PROJECT NO. 1050 AU'l'O CI::N!l'II:I< COURT, CARLSBAI) PI7OJEC-I AUILIRESS ..- ..~... COLLINS CONTRACTOR __- ARCHITECT/ENGINEER __- CARLTAS DEVELOPMEW CO. TO BE BILLED ____ __~ BLDG. PERMIT NO. BL?K A-flUG0, B-fl050 Ki~o~i~,ir:rI[iO~~/~c~WWI.i BLEG A-f89-1694, B-t89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. ~.___~__ ____ CCP 2111 __.- 114-10-18 ZTT 3.14 7 4,950 CCP 21% 05-631- 0 2 x 4 3.14 9,900 3.14 9,500 ~ -~ - ___ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF U COFICRE-IE I MORTAl7 U GROUT 0 OTHER PRL? MTXKI) SLJPPLIER ~ ~~ 1. SACI: 'IIY I.' 1.: :; N/4 I ~t N/A N/A 04-03-90 N /A 5 M1N LIME PLACEMENT DATE . . ~. __.. I ICKET NIJMBER .. MIX Iwzscnir~iioN . .... :.-: . ~ ~~ .~ TIME IN MIXER MIX NUMBER SLUMP 'TYPE CEMEN-T -~ ~~ ~ AIR CONTENT uf.ll.l- WEIGl-1.r __ - ~__~ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ~ ADMIXTURE 1800 ,~-~~,,..---__ DESIGN STRENGTH BL~c 11 AT LINES UI-D. 2 AT 1, 'TOP 1 pow OF WALL - SPECIAL TEST INS7nUCTlON OR REMARKS 1'80 M _- 2% PSI AT DAYS TnUGGOWA7 04-05-90 OATE RECEIVED IN LAB REOUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY 1500 3150 3020 DISTRIBUTION 17 ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C30-80, C70-75. CG17-7C REVIEWED BY . .- 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CR 92128 (619) 486-0354 9.618 * 9.740 * 9.418 * WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 26,500 2760 38,500 3950 36,000 3820 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS * AL'Tmmm CAR COUNTRY PLnzn PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARCSBAD AKEA CONTRACTOR COLLIEIS KRO~~ME~lllO~K/MCK~~~l CARCI'AS DEVEIXPMENT CO . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED ___ __.- BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLUG A-#lOGO, B-#1050 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA Rwom OF o CONCRETE MORTAR GROUT o OTHER SUPPLIER ESCONI~IDO RCADY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 04-02-90 MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER - SLUMP 1252813 105 MIN TICKET NUMBER TIME IN MIXER 6.5 SACK 665 9 -i7Z " ADMIXTURE N/A I1 N/A TYPE CEMENT .. , - AIR CONTENT ,...-.. N/ A L>!dU ESlGN STRE GTH -- T ? FOOT D @ 1 UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS - MWW LM REOUIRED STRENQTH (t'c) , PSI AT DAYS tlULLUWHI[ SAMPLES MADE BY ~ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 04-03-90 LABORATORY DATA ++i i' ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNAllONS C31-69. C39-0(1, C70-75. CG17-7G REVIEWED BY: Mlz%&%- DATE Y'-30-?0 - .,.. , WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 3.14 3.14 3.14 ._ 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Dieyo, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 6,800 2160 12,600 4010 10,900 3470 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNI'SL'RY PLAzn PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AUTO CEWI'ER COURT, CARLSBAD cor,LirE __ KI~OOEZF1~IIIIOEK/McK~~~~~l cnRLTns DEVELLIPME~CC co. PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS __ CONTRACTOR ARCHITECTENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLCk A-t1060, B-tl050 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-#89-1694, B-t89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF U CONCRETE I MORTAR U GROUT OTHER PIIT. MlXl~:l) MOI:'I'AR MIX PLACEMENT DATE 03-30-90 SUPPLIER 1 SACK MIX UESCRIPTION 'PY115 ;; 10 MIN MIX NUMBER .. TIME IN MIXER - N/A SLUMP I1 TYPE CEMENT ~. N/A N/A N/A TICKET NUMBER ADMIXTURE AIR CONTENT 1800 DESIGN STRENGTH DLUG "Kn 4F'I' ADOVE LENTEL R3-4 N/A UNIT WEIGHT ___ ___ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS lUUW LU PSI AT DAYS TD-HUI;I;UWAY 04-02-90 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA LABORATORY DATA FiEMARKS DISTRIBUTION - ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DATE ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-00. C70-75. CG17-7G . .. .-. 13230 Evening Creek Dr. suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUMI'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR -~ ARCIiITECTIENGINEEn TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. io50 Auio CE~S~EII COURT, CARLSBAD COLLIEIS __ K~IOM~,I~~~I.~OE.K/M~K ~WM CARLY'AS I?I3"J3Wl'MENT CO. BLDG A-Il10G0, B-#1050 PLAN FILENO, BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 03-30-90 MIX DESCRIPTION G 5 SACY 2- TICKET NUMBER 12 5 2 5 8 5 MIX NUMDER 665 __ TIME IN MIXER 00 MIN SLUMP - 10" ADMIXTURE N/A TYPE CEMENT I :I AIR CONTENT N /A N/A DESIGN STRENGTH 2500 UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLIIG t~~" AT LINE 3.2 @ C.9 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT '' DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 20w0 REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) SAMPLES MADE BY 04-02-90 ED HOLLOWAY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMEEn 'I ESTEU INCHES 9.492 4000 I I li+- I I __ DISTRIBUTION ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITt-I ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-GS. C39-OD. C7A-75, CG17-76 I 13230 Eveninq Cred Suite 218 San Ilieqo, CA 9212 (613) 406-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO 09-201 PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUlW CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLINS ,,RCHITECT/ENGINEER KROMI,1~nlOEK/ElCK~~~l TO BE BILLED CARLTAS DEVELQPMENT - CO. BLDG. PERMIT NO. ULIX A-#1060, B-111050 PLAN FILE NO BLUG A-1189-1694, B-t89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR 0 GROUT H OTHER PRISMS LOCATION IN STRUCTURE Wall @ line L @ 1 ine 52 second 1 ift CEMENT I1 AOMIX TURE Pozz & Sika Grout Aid SANO Sorrento ROCK Sorrento MIX NO OR PROPORTIONS TIME IN MIXER MINUTES 90 SLUMP INCHES 10 FABRICATE0 BY Bill Cooley TRUCKNO 112 TICKET NO 51678 Tested by: FM 7775 FED 25 LABORATORY NO: MARK: OATE MADE 3-30-90 DATE RECEIVEO: 4-02-90 OATE TESTED: 4-07-90 DIAMETER. INCHES: AREA. SO. INCHES 58.27 MAXIMUM LOAO. L~S. 124,000 *COMPRESSIVE STR. PSI: 2,130 8 1,500 AGE TESTED. OAYS. REO’O PSI AT 28 DAYS : UNIT WT/CU FT IPLASTICI: I (3) Wyman Testing OISTRIBU+ION : * Corrected strength per ASTM E447-80 7776 FED 26 4-27-90 58.21 172,250 2,990 28 FED 27 4-27-90 58.21 129,750 3,120 28 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL ANC) TESTING. INC. REVIEWED BY: Michael 8. Wheeler, R.C.E. #45358 ... 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUMl'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 ALI'IY) CENTER COUI7'l', CARLSBAD PROJECT I___-- PROJECT ADDRESS CONlnACTOn COLL;l . . PJs . . .. .. .. .~~. . ... . -- .. Kitow:rii iommcKmvt.i CARLTAS mvIsu3Pmm co . ARCHITECTIENGlNEEn ~ - TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#lo50 BLCG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF CONCRETE a MORTAR GROUT o OTHER SUPPLIER PRE MIXED iVOIITAR MIX pLACE~ENT 03-27-90 1 SACK TICKET NUMBER N/A SLUMP N/A ADMIXTURE N/A TYPE CEMENT I1 AIR CONTENT N /A MIX DESCRIPTION __-__ MIX NUMBER wm s TIME IN MIXER 4 MIN N/A DESIGN STRENGTH 1800 UNIT WEIGHT - LOCATION OF PLACEMENT HLDG "A" LINTEL A2' 3.4 @ C. 9 CCP 191 04-83-90 2 X 4 CCP 192 04-24- 0 2 X 4 CCP 193 04-24-,0 2 X 4 ~ SPECIAL TEST INSTnUC !'ION On nEMAnKS PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB -700 0 REQUIRED STRENGTH (I c) SAMPLES MADE BY ED MOLLOWAY 03-29-90 3.14 6,600 2100 3.14 11,600 3690 3.14 10,650 3390 LABORATOllY DATA REMARKS L ALL SAMPLING ANU TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCOnDANCE WKrH DATE E2fi0 ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-80, C70-75. C617-7G - 132 30 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUWI'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO 89-201 1050 AU'IY) CI<EITI<I< COUIU', CARLSBAD PROJECl - - . __ PROJECl ADDRESS ___ _-- CONTnACTOn COLLlEJS .. ~ . .! ~ - KIIONI.1 li'L I1 IOKK / I'lcl<lDWM CARL'I'AS DLWELOPMECJ'P CO. ' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ~_..1_._ TO BE BILLEU ~ ~~~.~ BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLUG A-#1060, B-#1050 PLAN FILE No, BLDG A-#89-1694, 0-689-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR GROUT OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 342568 MIX NUMBER 665 TIME IN MIXER 90 bUN ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE -- SLUMP 10" ADMIXTURE N/A TYPE CEMENT __ I1 AIR CONTENT N/A UNIT WEIGHT trl/A DESIGN STRENGTH 2500 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" 1ST GROUT LIFT AT 7FT LINE 3.5 @ U SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 2000 REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) SAMPLES MADE BY ED rior,r,ownY LABORATORY DATA IDENTITY NUMBEn TESTED __- INCHES sa INCHES POUNDS PSI [---?-ICCP 179 ]113-30-9173 X 3 [--9.116 * I 25,000 I 27417 I ____ I- * ACTIJAI. MEASURED AREA LABORATORYDATAREMARKS 31, 1192 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Iiiego, CR 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES. REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS - CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT ____ PROJECT ADDRESS COLLINS CONTRACTOR . __- KHO~11.1~~PnlOER/McKEOWM CARL'I'AS DEVELOPMEtTl' CO. 1050 Au'm CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD ' ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER TO BE BILLED __- BLOG. PERMIT NO. BLX A-lllO60, B-ll05U PLAN NO, BLDG A-t89-1694, B-t89-1693 7 28 28 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF CONCRETE 0 MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION __ MIX NUMBER SLUMP ADMIXTURE ~ TYPE CEMENT -~ 03-23-90 282824 45 ElIN POZZ 161 N/A PLACEMENT DATE TICKET NUMBER TIME IN MIXER NELSON & SLOAN 5.5 SACK 6552 4 11-- I1 __ AIR CONTENT CCP 187 03-30-90 6 X 12 28.27 75,000 2650 CCP 188 04-20-90 6 X 12 28.27 122,500 4330 CCP 109 04-20-90 6 X 12 28.27 133,000 4700 3000 DESIGN STRENGTH N/A UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT DEKRVICE PIT LINE fl.5 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 3w!dw REQUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) ~~ PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY I DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LAB0 RAT0 RY DATA LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUC'TED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS DATE L&k%o ai-69. c39-m. 1278-75, ~617-76 =cb- 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 && (619) 406-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAI< COUNl'RY 1'J.AZA 09-201 p~0~~c.l ~ ~- . .~ ~. ~~ ~ PROJECT NO. PROJECr ADDflESS 1050 . AUW cr::N'iw couii3iiI',__cA[xs~~~ CONTRAC'IOR COLILIEIS . ' AACHlTECTlENGlNEEfl KIiOMt4E:t 11 1OCK / I ICl<w\VN - CARLTAS DEVELOPMIDTI' CO. TO BE BILLED __ BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLUG A-#1060, B-81050 PLAN NO, BLDG A-H09-1694, B-4/89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER PRE MIXED MORTAR MIX PLACEMENT DATE 03-23-90 MIX DESCRIPTION 1 SACK TICKET NUMBER N/A TYPE s N/A- I1 AIR CONTENT N /A 4 ElIN WATER 19% TIME IN MIXER ADMIXTURE MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGIHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT. - 1800 . DESIGN STRENGTH N7A BLDG irg LINE AT F:-1 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 3.14 3.14 20 2x4 3.14 lUWW 48 PSI AT DAYS I, - nm REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) .- SAMPLES MAUE BY ~. ___ __ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA 8,650 2750 12,100 3050 11,650 371 0 LABORATORY DATA REMARKS ~ DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: , ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-AO. C7A-75. '317-76 DATE m0 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES .. 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 ~ ~~ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COWRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLlNS KROE~~~E~~IIOCR/~~CK~~~ ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. CARLTAS DEVELOPM?Z CO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#1050 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPoRr OF CONCRETE m MORTAR GROUT D OTHER SUPPLIER PRE MIXED PLACEMENT DATE 03-20-90 MIX DESCRIPTION 1 SACK TICKET NUMBER N/A 4 MIN WRC 494 N /A TIME IN MIXER ADMIXTURE AIR CONTENT TYPE S MIX NUMBER SLUMP N/A TYPE CEMENT ._ . TI N/A 1800 UNIT WEIGHT DESIGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" 3.4 @ B 6' LEVEL SPECIAL TEST (NSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 28 DAYS 1800 REOUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) PSI AT SAMPLES MADE BY ED HOLLOWAY 03-22-90 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES sa INCHES POUNDS PSI LABORATORYDATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69, C39-80, C70-75. C617-76 DATE mo 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES San Diego, CA 92128 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT - PROJECT ADDRESS ___ io50 AUIW cmmn COURT, CAIUSBAD KROEIME"OEK/MCKMXJM CONTRACTOR COLLINS ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. CARLTAS DEVELOPMEEJT CO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#lO50 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 03-22-90 MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 342468 665 TIME IN MIXER 80 MIN SLUMP 9-1/2" ADMIXTURE N/A MIX NUMBER TYPECEMENT - I1 AIR CONTENT N/A 2500 DESIGN STRENGTH WA UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" LAST LIFT C.5 @ 5 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 2000 REQUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) __ SAMPLES MADE BY 03-23-90 ED HOLLOWAY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD C 0 N T R 0 L DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTE0 INCHES sa INCHES POUNDS PSI * ACTUAL MEASURED AREA LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DlSTRl8UTlON REVIEWED BY: 5%u//&f+-- .- ALL SAMPLING AN0 TESTING CONOUCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WITli DATE ver9-?0 ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-80, C78-75. CG17-76 ._ 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 7 - CCP 175 28 CCP 176 28 CCP 177 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS - (d3-29-SB 6 X 12 28.27 85,500 3020 04-19-5.0 6 X 12 28.27 132,000 4670 04-19-50 6 X 12 28.27 131,500 4650 89-201 CAR COUPSI'RY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS COLLINS KROE1E.I~IIIOCK/E1CK~~~~l CARLTAS DEVELXIPMENT CO . CONTRACTOR ' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG PERMIT NO. BLDG - A-#1060, B-#1050 BLDG A-#89-1694, B-1189-1693 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF m CONCRETE MORTAR U GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER NELSON & SLOAN PLACEMENT DATE 03-22-98 MIX DESCRIPTION 5.5 - SACK TICKET NUMBER 4094899 MIX NUMBER 6552 - 1IME IN MIXER 35 MIN SLUMP 4-l72l# ADMIXTURE N/A 11 AIR CONTENT N /A TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGIHT NL- . UESlGN STRENG I H kl LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FOOTING BLDG "A" LINE G @ 2 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 3000 REQUIRED STRENQTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY HERB SLOCUM WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 132 30 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 ::an Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 0!1-201 _____ PROJECT NO. CAR COUN!L'I<Y l?l,AZA 1050 AU'l'O CEM'1:R COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT __ ......... PROJECT AUURESS __- ...~_....____.. CONTRACTOR COLLIllS .............. ARCHITECTIENGINEER KROiV1.IEtlllOCK ......... / I!lcKISOWN - -ro BE BILLED CARL'I'AS DEVELQPMEXJT ..... CO. . .. ELK A-llU60, B-#1050 BLOG A-W89-1694, B--#09-1693 BLDG. PERMIT NO. PLAN FILE NO. ... SAMPLE DATA NEPOlIT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAn I GnOUT U 0.11-IER __-- ESCONDIDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE 0 3- 15-90 SUPPLIER __ _____ 6.5 SACK MIX DESCRIPTION _________ 665 75 MIN MIX NUMBER . .. .. TIME IN MlXEll - I1 N/A _ - 204674 TICKET NUMBEn __ SLUMP . 9 -1 /2 " N/A ........ ADMIXTURE .... . I~YPE CEMENT ................. ............ AIR CON1EN.I- .. ........... - ... IJESIGN STf7ENG.rl4 IJNlT WEICil IT ........... .. ... .. .............. .... LOCArlON OF PLACEMENT __~~ ~- 2500 N/A - 1ST GROUT LIFT sLDG "A" __ SPECIAL TEST lNSTRUC.rlON OR REMARKS .. .- '--Zf3--- .208'8 REOUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) .................. ___ PSI AT ~- DAYS SAMPLES MADE UY .~ UATE RECEIVED IN LAB ED HOLLOWAY 03-16-90 LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CON rnoL DAlE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTE0 INCl IES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI I~~... .... --.J... *ACTUAL MEASURED AREA ~. LABORATO~Y DATA REMARKS . __~ .... . __ ___ ....... DlSl nlBu~rlON __ ......... ~ ..... ___ ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING .& ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS CDI-fiB. CW-Ofl. C70-75. CG17-76 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES CCP 155 pgr6 ____- __- .. CCP 157 - ~- __ - 1 32 10 IwcninrJ CI-eck Ilr. SuiIre %IO Sail I)iego, CA 92128 (G19) 486-0354 03-21-90---2 X 4 22,800 . 7260 25,500 8120 ,.04-11-90~~-~_ 04-11!r1 . :::: 3.14 - - 26,000 8280 -- -__ .. . - ~ ~~___ REPOR'f OF COMPRESSION 'IESTS 89-201 IpROJEC:f' __ ~ ~ ~ __ PROJECT NO. CAR COUN'l'I7Y PLAZA -- PflOJEC r ADDRESS _~___ ~ow AU~W curmx COURT, CARLSUAI) _-- COLLINS ~~~~ CONTRACTOR kRCHITECTIENGIf4EER TO BE BILLED OILDO. PERMIT NO. KROE11~IIiTIIIOL'K /McKlKXJPI CARLTAS IXVI3SLOPMECSP CO. LILLX; A-111060, B-#1050 PLAN FILE NO, ULIX A-#89-1694, -. B-tO9-16Y 3 __ SAMPLE DATA nEPOflT OF U CONCRETE MORTAFI GrlOUT OTIIER .~ ~ - SUPPLIEll .. ~ ~- .. . ~~ PLACEb1EN.r DATE -.-83-14419@.--- MIX DESCRIPTION N/k--.._._..~~--- TICKET NUMBEfl ---NLA___-.-- MIX NUMBER .- .. NON ~ SHRINK .... ~~ . ~ . 1IME IN MIXER N?I.A- SIKA GROUT 212 NON SHRINK __ .. . . .. , ... - ... .. . . . SLUMI' . . . N/A ~ . .~ . AUMIXTUFIE . .. we.- . . . ryrvi CEMEN.~ ..... ~~~~ .~ 11 . ~. . . . AIR CON.IEN1. .. . ~ N /A . 2.5 @ 8.1 BUILDING A UNIT WEIGIHT __ N /A ___ ~ DESIGN STRENGTH N/A LOCATION OF PLACEMENT - __ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUClION OR REMARKS . .... ~~ ... ...~ ~ . - __ . .. - 28 PSI AT DAYS 3000 IIIICIUII'IEU S'TI1ENG.I'I-I (I'a) ... SAMPLES MADE BY __ -~ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 03-15-90 ED IIOLLOWAY ~ . ..... DISTHIUUTION ___ . .~,. REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONUUCTED IN ACCORDANCE Wl-rl I ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS CD1-69, CD9-OD. C70-75, CG17-76 (L NO. 042204 -, DATE -%:?!?-Tu .- 13210 Evening Creek Dr Suite 218 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 4- 12-90 78.91 207,000 2,670 28 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AUTO CENIER COURT, CARLSBAD KR~~IE"OEK/McK~~~l CARLTAS D!3VEWPMEt?l' CO. PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLINS ' ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BCOG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#1050 PLAN FILE NO. BLDG A-IQ9-1694, B-#Q9-1693 4-12-90 79.80 186,000 2,370 28 k/ . ~...~ .. . .~ SAMPLE. .~ DATA ..... ., I L°CAT'oN'NSTR~CTURE: Building "A" 1st grout lift @ 4.7 A A 6' of 9' lift I1 CEMENT AOMIXTURE : Escondido Ready Mix ROCK Escondido Ready Mix 665 SANO MIX NO OR PROPORTIONS. TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES 7E I< TRUCK NO: 524 9-1/2 SLUMP, INCHES: FABRICATED BY: Ed - Tested by: FM LA eORATDRY NO: MARK: CCP163 DATE MaOE ~ DATE CIECEIVED. DATE TESTED; OoAMETER. INCHES: AREA. SO. INCHES: MAXIMUM LOAD. L8S. *COMPRESSIVE STR. PSI : AGE TESTEO. OAYS: REQ'O PSI AT 28 DAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT LPLASTlCl: 3- 15 -90 3-20-90 3-22-90 77.20 152,000 2,010 7 1,500 TICKET NO 204674 I I (3) Wyman Testing DISTRIBUTION. * Corrected strength per ASTM E447-80, EJOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIE WED BY: I co!L.+ Oliverson, P. E. =- WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 13230 Eveniny Creek Ilr. Suite 210 Snii Diego, CA 92120 (619) 486-0.354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUN'l"! .. __ PLAZA - PROJECT NO. 1050 AUM CEWl3R COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS _- KR0~~~lEflllOCR/~~~t~~~l CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. CONTRACTOR - COLLEL. -ro BE BILLED ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER CILDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-bl060, B-#1050 BLDG A-#89-1694, B-#09-1693 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA REPOIIT OF 0 CONCRETE H MORTAn 0 Gl7OUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER __ P RE MIm.. . I$Xl'BR_L?1uL PLACEMENT UArE MIX DESCRIPTION 1dc.K-.-- TICKET NUMBER N/! MIX NUMBER ___--.-TYPE& ~~ . TIME IN MIXER ._--J-"-. - SLLJMP N/&-_-_..... ... ~ ADMIXTURE - TYPE CEMENT I1 . - AIR CONTENT .. N/n UNIT WEIGHT __-. N/A . -. UESIGN STRENCiTIi -1.8.k!! LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 31Kl LIF'T *'I' 6.3 @ B ~~~~ ~~ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS .- 28 PSI AT --DAYS 1800 REQUlnED STRENGTH (r'c) __ SAMPLES MADE BY ED HOLLOWAY .- DATE RECEIVEI) IN LAB 0 3 -1 5-90- LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI CCP 151 03-21-$g2X 4 1 3.14 -1- 1780 1 3.14 . -1 3 ' 14 7,900 -_ 28 28 ~- LABORATORY UATA flEMARKS REVIEWED BY: DATE ..!dZ//2° DISTRIBUTION ~ . - ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING GONUUCTEU IN ACCORDANCE WITH AS1 M STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C11 .fin, (7:19-80. C7R-75. CGl7-76 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES .- ... 1. -y:;::-:z]l:1: .' ......... . ........ ..... ...... , ......... - ....... . ... ......... ... .. . ... ......... ............. _- REPOI'IT -~ OF COMPRESSION TESTS - __ U!~-Z01 ........ .... PROJECT NO. ___ CAR COUM.l'RY I'LAZA PROJECT I'ROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO ......... Cl<P4'l'l:X __ COURT, CARLSDAD-- ~ CONTRACTOR COlLICJS ................. ..... BLClG. PERMIT NO. BLM; A-1kl.060, B-fll050 '. PLAN FILE NO. - _____- KROMMEIRIOEK I rmwmwi ARCHITECT/ENGINEER . 1.0 BE BILLED __ CARLTAS T)r~Vl.<LOL'MEt?'P .CO. ....... ... . - ...... ULDG A-1189-1694, D-#U9--1G9 3 .. _- SAMPLE DATA - ffE1'017r OF 0 CONCRETE iY MORTAR Gr1OCIT 0 OTbiER ~ .... ..... ........... SUPPLIER EsCoNDB.0.~~ J<&!lplg&- IPLACEMENl- UA-I'E ---Q..kl39=..9 G-._~ ............. MIX DESCRIPTION 6 * 5 SACK TICKET NUMBER 3QU32.. MIX NUMBER ___ 665 -. . TIME IN MIXER .--8.5?I.N. ....... . . ..... . ADMIXTURE NlA~~ ............ ., ..... SLlJ M 1.' .. 1Q" UNIl WEIGHT - N/A __ ............. DESIGN STnENli II I 2500 ............ .......... .. ...... ..... .......... -- .... , ........ ___ AIR CONTEN'l N/(A-. -. .rYw CEMENT I1 LOCA'~ION OF PLACEMENT 5 * 5 ...... @ D- 3 LAST LIFT ~___ BLDG "A" .... .. ............. . __ ....... .... SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS .... ......... ... __ ~___. ..... ... 28 . PSI AT ____ DAYS 2000 REQlJlRED STRENGTH (f'o) -___ .... -_ ED HOLLOWAY SAMPLES MADE BY .... 03-12-98 DATE RECEIVEI) IN LAB __ LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCIiES SQ INCHES POUNOS PSI ....... 9.909 57,500 CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-G9. C39-80. C70-75. C617-76 13% 10 Evenj.ng Creek Dr S1J:i.h 218 $;an Diego, CA 92128 (619 1 486-0 354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS - - 89-201 PROJECT NO. _____..- CAR COUN'I'IIY IP.,A%A PROJECT . ~~ 1050 ____. AUTO CI!~N'I'l!~I< ..... COURT, CARLSBAD PROJEC-I' ADDRESS - CowriAcron ......... ...... KROE1MEClI 1OCK / I'ICK IDW[.I AnCI-lll-CCT/ENGINEER _- CARJ;'l'AS l>l;:Vl2 OIJMI~~H'I! CO. TO LIE DILLED ____ BLOC;. PERMIT NO. -~ ~___ ---- CoLLIrls . ........ ... .......... . ... . ..... ................... ., BLDG A-#1060, D-#I.O'iO PLAN FILE NO. 1311X -!.- A-#83-1G94, l3-~#09-1693 SAMPLE DATA - nwonr OF CONCRETE MORTAR GROUT OTHER __ .. ...... ESCoNDIDo PLACEMENT DAlE -Q?LO.k?.k!___ SUPPLIER - MIX DESCRIPTION 6.5 SACK TICKET NUMQEH _-__.-.___I 342010 .. 80 MIN ........ TIME IN MIXER MIX NUMBER SLUMP ...._I 665 0-1/2" I1 .. ...... N/A ........... ......... ..... . ADMIXTURE ....... . ... N /A ..... TYPE CEMENT . ............. AIR CONTENl 2500 ~. DESIGN STRENG.It-I ____~ UNIT WEIGHT ... LOCATlON OF PLACEMENT .. ~~ N/A ____ BLDG "A" D.2 AT 7 THROUGH 8 LAST LIFT ~~ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARI<S - .......... - 28 ...... ~ 20-----. REOUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) -H-~~-~OWA~ PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY . DATE RECEIVE11 IN LAB ... 6.13-12-90 _-__ LABORATORY DATA _- LA0 COMPHESSIVE ~~ ~~ ~~~ FIELD CONTROL DATE IIIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH 9.828 34,000 ... ... 3460 9.921 * 43,000 9.881 * I 37,000 IDENTITY NUMBER TESSED INCHES SQ INCHES , PO U N LIS PSI ..... .___ ................. .. ...... ... ..... ~__ .... ......... ......... ~--..-____ - ~. __ *ACTU~AL-MmR%D AREA ............ LABORATORYDATAREMARKS - - - ...... _____ ..... 'DISTRIUUTION - __ ......... -. Etp. fki, 31. 1192 DATE ..... (/4- 90 ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS CJ I-K, cm-on. c7n-75, ~617-76 I ]23n i%veni.ii<j Creek lw. !.;ii.i.l:c 211) C;aii Iliego, CA !)23.20 [ G'IO) 406-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES .... . __ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 0!+%01 PROJECT CAR coum<y . PJLAZA __ PROJECT NO. . PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO Cl.<NJ!J!U COURT, CARLSBAD -.- CONlRACTOR COLLINS ......... __.___.- . ... .. ._ -_ KROEII.IErn-lO-IOF:C / Mcl<lfiWM CARLTAS LX:VI::WI'MI?:NT CO. ARCHll-ECTIENGINEER .... .... .ro OE BILLED .- .... - OLDG. PERMIT NO. _ - BLDG A-#1060, B-tI050 '. ' PLAN FILE NO. - BLDG A-#89-1694, - B-#O9-lG9? - - SAMPLE DATA _- r4EPoar OF CONCRETE MORTAR n GROUT OTHER -- SUPPLlEfl JOB MIX PLACEMENT DATE -o3&-%7- .. MIX DESCRIPTION N/A __ ... ___. TICKET NUMBEFI .-N/_A - . ....... .... .... ........... MIX NUMBER - TYPE s - .... TIME IN MIXER N/A -. .... ... - AIR CONTENT __N./& TYPE CEMENT I1 LOCATIONOFPLACEMENT CMU WALL ...... .- LINE "B" TO "c" FRQM #2 TO #3 .~ SIWIAL xsr INSTRUCTION OR REMAIIKS . ._ ...... .......... .......... SLUMP N/A ADMIXTURE - L.IME ........ .__ . UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH 1800 .. ....... ....... -- .~ ... ... .. ...... ........ ....... .......... .... ... ...__ . ............ 2a REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) _____.. .... PSI AT IJAYS SAMPLES MADE BY -. ..... DATE RECEIVEI) IN LAB __ 1000 TERRY HALL LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SQ INCHES POUNDS PSI CCP 149 04-09-90 2 X 4 -. .__- _. - .. ..... . .... ... __ __._ ..__ -. ........ __ __- . .. __ .......... ... -. ..... -. .- .. .- . _^._. ..... ......... .... ..... __ .......... ..... .. ....... .- LABORATORY DATA REMARKS ___. -. .... DISTRIBUTION .. - ..... ..-- .... . .... ~ - - REVI1:WED BY: ._ ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITI-I ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. '230-80, C78-75. C617-76 DATE .f7.?IIe0_ WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES ,.. . 13230 Evening Creek Dr, Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA - PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLIPE KROMM~JHOEK/McKEOWM ' ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER CARLTAS DEVELOPMEPT CO. TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO, BLE A-#i060 r B-#1050 BLOG A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO. . SAMPLE DATA . ... . . Building "A" last lift line 5.5 @ D.3 Type I1 LOCATION IN STRUCTURE : CEMENT. AOMlX TUR E : Escondido Ready Mix Escondido Ready Mix 665/6.5 sack 1 hr. 25 min. SAND ROCK MIX NO OR PROPORTIONS TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES SLUMP INCHES Tested by: FM FABRICATED BY: LA BORDTORY NO: MARK: DATE MADE DATE aEcEivEo: OATE TESTED: DIAMETER, INCHES; AREA. SO. INCHES' MAXbMUM LOAO. LBS.: k COMPRESSIVE STR., PSI : AGE TESTEO. OATS' REO'O PSI AT 28 DAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT IPLASTICI: TICKET NO: 464 TRUCK NO: 156,000 169,000 167,750 2,020 2,250 2,180 7 29 29 2,000 341991 (3) Wyman Testing, Inc. OlSTRleUTlON : * Corrected strength per ASTM €447-80 'SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWED ey James E. Oliverson, P. E. 1 1% 10 13vcn.i.n<j C.i-cek Or. -.- Iki.i.1.o 2111 !:;;in Iliecjo, CA 921.211 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS _. CAR COCTNTRY ITAZA PROJECT NU. .._____~ 8')-%03 .. PROJECT ...... 1050 AUTO CL5ELI'I~?I< COURT, CARLSBRD . .................... PRO.IECT ADDRESS ........ ._____.- __ . CONTRACTOR COLLIE .... .... .. .-_..., . .... .......... . . . . ~~ . DEVI71 OOPMJ?tST :CO. .. .. -. SAMPLE DATA REPO~~ OF CONCRETE rn MORTAR 1.1 (inow OTHER . ............ SUPPLIEI1 PRE MLX_&D. ~lOI?T.'AR...flLx-_. PLACEMENT T)A.I'C --.---f!?Y.k!8.-9 @ .... ..... MIX NUMBER TYPE s .......... TIME IN MIXER .. MIU. ... ~ ........... .- ......... MIX DESCRIPTION 1 SACK .................. ~ TICKET NUMBEn ____??/!A ............ .... .. SLUMP .- N/A .... . ADMlXTUnE .. 4.93 WR..---. .... TYPE CEMENT ____ . UNIT WEIGHT N/A ____ DESIGN STRENGrI4 __ -. ~ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" LINE 4.3 @ A ........... I1 AIR CONTENl .... N/A.. ...... ..... .. . 1800 ... ____ ~__ . .. . .- -. __ __ .. SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAnKS ... . _. .. ~ - ... ~ .- .......... ~. ........ PSI AT 28 DAYS 1800 REQUIRED STRENGTH (r'c) ~ SAMPLES MADE BY .. ~.~_____ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB ED MOLLOWAY 03-09-90 ___ _- LABORATORY DATA -- FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI -__._ . IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED CCP 131 03-15- 890 1350 __ 3.14 3.14 .......... .... __ ~ 28 ........ ... ..... .. I I I /I::: -~IIII&--l. ___ ...___ L- I I I.. I- .._L..-I LABORATORY DAFA REMARKS ___ OlSTRfBUTlON ......... ___ -- ..~ .~ *VISIBLE CAP FAILURE ........ ......... REVIEWED BY: -.--.6?zka.L&.<- ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS I-Wl C39-00. C70-75. CG17-76 DATE .y-&&?- ........... - ......... __ .. Sr'EClAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ..... . ~-~ - . . ........ 28 .--._-_I. PSI AT IJAYS 1000 IILOIJl!lEI> STRENGTH (I'c) SAMI'I~LES MADE UY ....... DATE RECEIVEIj IN LAB .. .. ....... ED IIOI,%.OWAY n3-8 G-9 w LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH SQ INCHES POUNnS PSI . ........ ......... irxwi1-Y NUMBER TESTED INCI-IES ..... .. 2x4 ..... 23.90 . . 3.14 3150 ........ .... 28 3.14 _- 11,400 3630 __ =ch. 13210 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 $;an Diego, CA 92128 (619) 406-0 354 k - WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES __ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 IPIIOJECT CAR COUWRY ~ PLAZA ____ PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS __- lOS0 AUlYJ CL:PSl'lil< COURT, CARLSBAD - CONTHACTOR COLLIEIS _- -~~___- KROMI.IEE.IIIOCK/~lCI(EOWM CAIIL'I'AS DEV I.:U)PMECdT CO . ARCIHITECT/ENGINEER .- TO BE [JILLED ____- OLUG. PERMIT NO. __ BLDC A-#1060, B-#lO50 PLAN FILE NO. _- BLDC A-1189-1694, B-tQ9-lG9 3 ~~ SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 C.ONCRETE U MORTAR LiBXiROUT 0 OTHER ~ ______ ____ SUPPLIER -Q..~REAR- PLACEMENT DATE ---=96 _. MIX DESCRIPTION a TICKET NUMBER -----KhAERIL6. MIX NUMBER 665 - - TIME IN MIXER ALN.- SLUMP 9 " ~____ ADMIXTURE N/A TYPE CEMENT I1 AIR CONTENT N/n UNIT WEIGHT N/A . __ DESIGN STRENGTH -.- _____ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG %:-l_rrIcH LIFT 5.5 @ D. 6JLwLL 17 ' PQUL- __ ___.....___._. .. - SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OH REMAI?I<S . .. .~ . r1EOUlnED STRENGTH (f'c) 2000 - PSIAT 28 DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY ED uoLLownY - DATE RECEIVEU IN LAB 03-05-90 LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE MAX LOAD STRENGTH FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI II " LABORATORY DATA REMARKS __ * ACTUAL MEASURED AREA _. ~ .~ DISlI1IBlJTION ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C:Il-GC). C39-00, C70-75. CG17-76 DATE -373!?!0 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES -~ - ixmmi' OF . COMPRESSION ixs-rs ._ __ CAI< CO(JN'l'I<Y 1'1 ,AM fJ9-201 PIIOJIXI ...... ... __ ............ rwoJEcr NO. __ ........ PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 __-_ AU'I'O CI%LI'I.:l< .. .~ COU17'1', CARLSBAD .__ CONTRACTOR COLLINS - TO BE DILLED CARLTAS DEVEIBI'MEtJ'l' ... - CO. . -__ - KRO~,~E:~~IOCK/~ICI~~~~~ ARCI-IITECTIENGINEER _- .- BLIX A-I1060 B-lll.050 .. PLAN FILE NO. I3I.IlG. PERMIT NO. . 2 .... .... ___ SAMPLE DATA .. ___ mPonr OF u CONCRETE u ORT TAR 12 GI:OUT OTHER .... ... _~___ PLACEMENT DATE 02-26-90 SUPPLIER 1 SACK N /A MIX DESCRIPTION .. TICKET NUMBEII - ......... TYPE S 5 MIN MIX NUMBER ...... TIME IN MIXER .. ....... ... SLLJMP . ___ . ........... ... ADMIXTURE ......... .. ............... .. N/n''.' ........... -' .............. C 494 WA'TRR Rl3DUCI:H N/A Nn---. ioa0 . . ... .. ... AIR CONlEN-I 11 -rwE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT __ ....... -____ DESIGN STI1ENG.i'-I LOCATION OF PLACEMENT .... NORTH IEND OF RE'TAINING WALr, 561' BACK - __ ..~ _..__ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAnKS ..... ......... . .... ..... .. ............... . -'-28 -_ 1-880 .- REOUIRED STRENGTH (rc) .. PSI AT UAYS SAMPLES MADE DY - ... DATE RECEIVEI) IN LAD ED LABORATORY DATA _. FIELD 7 28 28 iDriru-rY ........ .... .......... LAB COMPRESSIVE CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH CCP 115 03-05-40 CCP 116 03-26-'0 2 X 4 NUMBER TESTED - INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI .. ~ _~ 2420 CCP 117 03-26-110 2 X 4 9,200 2930 __-__ - . .. . ___ ............. ~ .... . __ ........ . ~. ..... ~ .... __. .. - ........... .~~ - LABORATORY DATA REMARKS __.. .......... _________ ...... DI s.1-ri ILIUTI ON ~ ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WIT1 I ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C3 I-ii9. CXt-flfl. C711-75. CO17-76 ..... ...... - 13210 l3vening Creek Dr :;u.i.i:e 218 (GI91 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES lliego, CA 92120 , _. - REPONT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 _.___ PROJECT NO. ~-__- CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT --_. PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO C3fTl'L'R COURT, - CARLSUAD .... ....... . . . CONTRACTOR COLLIE-~. . .. . ... - KRObIMELII IOM /I IclW0\4M CARL'I'AS I~LVI~I~)lJMl~tJ'I' CO. ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER - ..... .- . ... TO BE HILLED __ .. _. ..__ ... BLDG. PERMIT NO, ULX A-iIlOGU, U-It105O ............... .. ........ PLAN NO, -!W,iX; A-UUY-1694, __ 13-tW-lG9 3 -- ~~ ~~ SAMPLE DATA _- REPoiqT OF u CONCRETE MORTAR r3aou.r u OTHER ... .. ..... ...... SUPPLIER ES30NDIDO READY MIX IDLACEMENT DAI'E 02-23-90 -_ SLUMP .. - 9-1/22-. . ADMIXTURE N/A . ... . TYPE CEMENT I1 . . AIR CONTENT N/A ... ... ___ 6.5 SA2K TICKET NUMBER -__~~~&?! ... MIX DESCRIPTION ...... MIX NUMBER 665 - .TIME IN MIXEF1 80 . MIN ~ N/A . -~ UESlQN STRENGTH ~ 2500 . ____.____ UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT __ ... .. . -- BLDG " 13'' AT 16 FEET ON LINE H1.6 .......... ........... __. .... ..... ........ ........ ~- . SPECIAL .TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAIIK:; ... ~ ............ ......... ..... ........ . ... ........... . ..... 2000 28 REOUIHED STRENGTH (f'c) ..... PSI AT ___ DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY __ . ~- DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 02-26-90 ED HOLLOWAY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIE1.I) CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENU'II-I INCI-IES sa INCHES POUNUS I'Sl ___-. lDENTl.TY NUMBER TESTED .... .... 3x3 9.795 * -~ .... 9.719 * 4010 33P 112 03-23-!M 3 X 3 9.041 * 33P 113 03-23-LU .. 3 X 3 9.866 * 4260 -~ ~ ~ __ . _____ . .- __ - ........ ........ - ...... __ LABORATORY DATA REMARKS ~ * ... ____ ,UISlnllJU'rION ___- ... ALI. SAMPLING AND TESTING L'ONINC~EI? IN ACCORDANCE WI'W ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C3I-Wl C3B-RO. C70-75, CG17-76 .... ~.. . 3TUAL MEASURED AREA ..... WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES ____ . 2481) _- 1.12 30 Evening Creek Di-. suite 218 !;an Diego, CA 921213 (G19) 486-0354 - REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 __ CAR COUVYRY PLAZA 1050 AUW CENTISI< COUI?T, CARLSBAD KROMMI3 I1 IOEK/ McKEDWM CARL'I'AS lX?Vl?~!?ME~~l' CO. .... ... ... __. PROJECT NO. PR0JEC.r ----- PnOJECT ADDRESS ___..__ __ CONTRACTOR - .......... ARCI-IITECTIENGINEER -. .............. COL,LIEIS ....... __ - TO BE DILLED . . _..______ DLDG. PEl7MIT NO, ULOG A-#l060, 13-#1050 I3LJX A-#89-lG94, U-tD9-lG9 3 ...... .......______ PLAN FILE NO. -- SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE O%ORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER - SUPPLIER - . PLACEMENT DATE _~____.~__ 02-21-90 PIIN MIXE!) MIX DESCRIPTION 1 SA3K ...... TICKET NUMBER __ N/A 'rYt'E s TIME IN MIXER .... 5 MIN MIX NUMBER - ... N/A SLUMP WATER REDLI3EK 3494 .......... ADMIXTURE -. ~~. TYPECEMENT - I1 . AIR CONTENT ~.~ N/A -__ DESIGN STRENGTH ~_ 1800 UNIT WEIGHT N/A ~- _ ON LINE 2NU LIFT 0.5 @ 8 - B L DG " A " LOCATION OF PLACEMENT -. . SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 1800 28 Ii REauinED STRENQTH (I'c) __ ~.______ PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY _- . . - .. __ UATE RECEIVED IN LAB ____ ___ _____ ____- - . __-. 02-22-90 ED HOLLOWAY LABORATORY DATA __ LABORATOFIY DATA REMARKS ___ .. - .-. ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONI)UCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DAl'E .3.ZZ&?? ASTM WANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. 039-813, C70-75. CG17-76 I 1% 10 Eveniiiq (:reek lh-. !;ii.i.te 2111 si113 nieqo, cA '327.20 (Gl'3) 486-0154 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPOHT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR CCIIJMJ'IIY I'IAXA 119-201 PRO J Ecr ...... PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AU'PO CENI'IX COURT, CARLSBAD __ - CONTRACTOR COLLINS - __ - __---- KROE~lI.:HIIO~~/f~lC~r~~~~l CARLTAS DEVELQI'MENP CO. ARCHITECT~ENGINEER TO BE BILLED .... BLDG. PERMIT NO. ~~__ PLAN FILE NO. __~ ~__- RLM; A-HlOGO, B-Q:1050 ULIX; A-#89-1G94, B-tOY-lG93 .- SAMPLE DATA nEponT OF CONCRETE &on rAii IIJ mouT OTI-IER __ .................... ....... ~. ..... _- __ @'" 'IoK''?! . PLACEMEN~Ir LJAIli .-.--.@2~Y.:L?:?.0~ SUPPL.IER ~. . MIX IIESCl7lPTION __ ...... ." 1 SACK ........ __ l-ICKET NUMOlill .......... N/A .____ MIX NlJMUlin .... ... . '~IME IN MIXEII ........ 5. ... M1.N .~.__ wi'E s ....... .. ADMIXTUIIF ......... WR c4') 4 .. .... ................................ N/A I1 SLIJMI' .I'YI'E CEMENT UNIT W El GHT ___ .............. LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ~ .. ........... AIR CONTENT ..... N/A ........ N/A DESIGN STRENGl 1-1 lSd0 ~ ~. . .-__ - BLDG "H" I3 1.2 . - - __.__ . ..._____~_ .......... .- SPECIAL l-EST INSTRUCTION OR TIEMAIIKS ... ...__ .... __ ... . ___ ...... -. .... ... __ 1800 28 REQUIRED STRENGTH (r'c) ...... __ PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY 02-16-90 DATE RECEIVEU IN LAB - ED HOLLOWAY ILABORATORY DATA - LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE IJIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IS SAMPLE DATA nwmr OF CONCRETE o MORTAR r3knou.r o owER SlJPPLlEn __ ... PLACEMENT DATE ~_..-~2~-2.(4-?cI.__._ MIX NUMMER .. 665 ............. 'TIME IN MIXER ..... .............. N/A .... ESCONU.[I)O LIEAIIY MIX .... MIX OESCRIPTION 6.5 SACK ...... ....... llCKET NlJMIIIiI3 . .~~.-.1.?46.9.!? . ...... SLIJMI' . ...... ...... ADMIXTUnE .. N!(? .......... ..... 9 " N/A TYPE CEMENI I1 ....... AIRCONTENT N/A ........ . IIESIGN STRENG1 IH 2500 ._ ........ IIN I T W El GI-l.1. ... . ... .... i3rm "A" BASEMENT' WALIaS I?, @ I LINE L.U(;A I ICJN 01- I'LAGEMCN'I- ......... ... . ... ........... ............... . .... ~ .... ......... SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OH REMARKS .- -__ ..... .. ____ ............. ... 2580 20 REQUIRED STRENOTH (l'c) ............... PSI AT DAYS ....... ~ DATE RECEIVE11 IN LAO SAMPLES MAUE BY ~ ED iiorALownY ... 02-21-98 - - LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE OIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX ILOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTEU INCFIES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI ... ........... ..... 3550 ......... 4638 ........ .... __ 9.702 ...... 48,008 . -~ 4120 -- ..... .... .. 9.94u ..... . . 3 x 3 ....... ~___ . ___ ____ ___ . -__ ___-~ ..~ __ .~.. ... ..~..~ ...... ...... .... ... , .................... ~ i~_._ LABORATOnY DATA REMARKS __ __ ~.~. ............. ...... IJISl'IIII~IIITION ........................... ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITI-I ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS (::ii-m cx-on. c70-75. ~617-76 . - ...... .___. . ~ ................. .. h I 1% \I) l<vri~ii.iii,{ Ci-cnl: UI-. !;ui I:<: 2111 ?;a11 l>.i.egr), CA 9%:L%I1 (ril'l) 9UG-0 3'j4 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES ~ I, ~ - REPOITI' OF COMPRESSION TESTS __.__ CAR COUNTItY 1'1 8AZA U!J--%Ol PROJEC I ......... PROJEW NU. PROJECl ADrJHESS _______...........-..I_- io1io Auiw ciwm COURT, CARLSBALI-~ . cowms . --- COWTRACTOR . _____ ..... ..... __ ..... I<ROMMEt:CIIIOEIC /I ICK Ii'OWl AnGI-IITECTIENGINEER ............. .... CARL'J'AS l?I~:VI~~L~J'Ml?tSP CO. 10 UE OILLEU . __ .......... . ..... - ...................... ULX A-#lU60, n-t:I.U50 PIAN FILE NO. _--F DLW A-fU9-16Y4, . BLUG. PEFlMIl. NO. - . _ __ ........ U-.PU9-169 3 -~__ ____ SAMPLE DATA REPOflIT Of Tl%ONCRETE U MORTAR (:I .now u (~VI IER .. siir-'r'i.im ......... mCONUIUO ....... R12AI)Y P'lJ.5~ PLACEMENT 1)~-1~ ~~ ~M?,-~l.4-'JkJ ,~ ~. . .. MIX I~ES(~HIP1IWN ......... -2 ....... ..... ~I'ICRET NUMI3I:Il ......... 2? G ? 6% ....... 5 5ACK 'L SLUMP ~- ~ .. ADMIXTURE N/A __ 5" I1 AIR CONTENT N/A __ .__- ......... ............... 5W MIN ~l IME IN MIXEIl MIX NlJMUER . ~_-: ........... .... . ................ ............ ...... TYPE CEMENT ____ .... 200(6 . .. DESIGN STRENGTH __ N/A ...... UNIT WEIGHT __ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT -. .... . ______. ... ......... - RETAINING WfiLL POOTING WES'P SIDE IN LINE WITll llLlJG .......... .. ~~ ...... ~__.____ ~ ..... ... . ~~~~ LINE U (3 2 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAIIKS . ~- . __ . . .... __-.. __ - ~ 28 FlEOUlFlED STRENGTH (I'c) .. PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY 2080 1) 2 - L 5 - 9 0 - ED HOL~OWAY OAT€ RECEIVEO IN LAB LAB COMPRESSIVE F1EI.I) CONTtlOL [>ATE IJIMENSII~INS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGlIi ..... ........ ........... .... 28.27 37, 00M 1311) POUNDS psi .-__.-.___._ ~ IUEbITI~I~Y NUMRER 1-ESTED INCIHES SO INCHES .......... .. . . ....... ...... 28.27 . 62,5130 .......... 2218 .. 28.27 61,50M 2181) ................ .......... . .......... ....... ___ ... . ~ ... . __ . -~ __._ - __ ...... ..... ................ I.AIJOIlA~lClI~IY DATA REMARKS ...... .... - . ......... 1Il:i~lll I IIU~IION ... A1.I. SAMPLING AND TESTING CCJIJ~>IJCTEO IN ACCORDANCE WI-rl-l ASTM S~l~ANDARll DESIGNATIONS C:Ji-G4, C3%flfl, C7R-75. CG17-76 . .. .......... - ................. CAR COIJNL'IIY I'l:A%A 11 9-20 1 ........................... .. PRO.IEC~I NO .............. 1050 AU!W L'l~:PJl~El< COIII3'1'. CAI<I&UAII ... ... ....... ....... COLLItIS ... - .. ................... c~~qrri~c~r~ri .... ~ . ........... . PRO J ECI~ 1WL)JIZCI AUUHESS ........... ~- ... KRCJ~Uvll3 ll.lOCK ......... / I lC!l<l~~W . -~ CARLTAS I)I~V~.:IDL~~IIS~.I'I' CO. ~- __.. ..... __ ........ ~~ ....... ARCI-IITECTIENGII.IEER ~ 70 BE BILLED ....... .... DLIX A-ilO60, D-ill.OT,O 131,ix A-iiin-i.69/1, i~tn+:ic!i 3 BLUG;. PERMIT NO. .... PLAN FILE NO. . ~ - ............ __ .......... .... - SAMPLE ... DATA .. R.EPOF1'T OF OkONCRETE 0 MOR-rAFl LI GnOtJ'r 0 O.II-IER __- ....... -~ ....................... ~ ............. ESCoNDIIJO RKAI~Y 14<Z..~~ PLACEMEN.( uArE ..M~x14-9~1 ..... ................. SUI~PLIE~~ ..... ~ ~- . ... . .- S SACK I ICKEr NIIMI3ErI ... L246295 . . ~. MI x 11 1:r;c:n I P-ri ON ...... ..... IlME IN MIXEIi . 53 MIN-~ .. . ........ SLUMP .......... 4 - 1/ 2 ..... " ...... AIIMIXTURE N/!~.. ..... ..... 1 MIX NUMBER ........... ............. .. .... ....... ... ........ All1 CON-1rEN.I .~ N/& ........... II 'I YPE (lEMEN.1 UESIGN STRENGTH UNIl~ WEIGHT . .. . ....... ...... . RETAIN LNG WAi,[. FOO'L'ING IN LINE WITH ULUG "A" . Ll N . !A 1': .. LOCATION OF PLACEMENT __ ........... ~. .... 28klGI N/A ..... ~~ _.__ __ .......... .. ........ . - ...................... SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS . . _ .......... .. . ..... ~. 28 I:I EOV I n EU s.r R EN G'r 1.1 (I'c) ... .... I'SI AT IIAYS SAMPLES MAUE UY ....... UAlE RECEIVEI> IN LAB :-...:..~. ... 200@ Ell IIDLI.OVIAY a>-15-90 LABORATORY DATA ILAB COMPRESSIVE FIEI.0 CONTROL DATE UIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD SrRENGlH PSI .. -____. POUNDS - IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED I NC k IES sa INCHES ..... LX.. .L- ~____ 28.27 .... 37 580 ... .----13-3-Q-- I 28.27 . 65. 5GI0 ...... iu2.a 28 27 __ 65 BBW . _ 230W ~ ....... ... ~- --_ ........ __ .... . . . ... ...... .. ........ ~. .... ____ ... ..... ~__ ............. ..... __ ........ ........ ___. ..... . .. . LAuunA-ronY DATA REMARKS ...... .. ~__ .... ~~ ___ ... .... ~ .. I)ISlRIf3Ul~ION . ~- ............. ALl. SAMPLING AND TESTING CONUIICTEO IN ACCORDANCE WII" A!;'l M :: TANLJAIlD DESIGNATIONS (:o i-iiq, ~.;:wMI, c7n-75. CGI~-'IG - ______--. SAMPLE DATA __- nwwr OF o CONCRETE MORTA~ r+tinou.r TJ OTHER ~ SIJIJPI.IEH _ __ E " ~... ' I I'o . I' ':A I' y.-MJL.. PLACEMENT DAlE _.__g?il.? -.!! w ~ ~ MIX UESCI~IIIVIUN . . TICKET NUMUEll .~ ZM3>.u~4 ~~ ~_ MIX NUMBER . .~ TIME IN MIXER ..-.--1i&-fll!i.. SLUMP - 6.5 SACK 665 10'' N/A .~ ADMIXTURE ___ N/A __ .- ~~~ OESlGN STRENGlIi 25WM ~ _._____- - TYPE CEMENT I1 ~~~ AIR CONTENT lN/A UNII' WEIGHT - LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLIJti "I)" IIJtiHlLIE"1' '1'0 10' AT I,[NE 1.5 V 11 . . . . ____ __-_ SPECIAL TEST INSlRUCTION OR REMARKS .- __ ~~ __ 20RCJ 28 nEOUlIlEO STRENGTH (I'c) ~ __. PSI AT I3AYS SAMPLES MADE BY ~ DATE RECEIVEU IN LAB El) 1i01;ILOWAY ~ L.AB0RATORY DATA -. __. ~ ~. .. WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES I) REPOKr OF COMPRESSION TESTS ___ CAR COlJNL'llY I'LAZA 09-201 PROJECT - ~~ PROJECT NO. .__-I_ _. - PROJECT AUDRESS _. 1050 AU'IYJ - Cl,t?l'JZ . . - COURT, CARLSBAD __ KROMI4l3lllOGI< /IlClU'O'OWEI ARCHITECTIENGINEER -. . TO BE BILLED ~ ___- CARLTAS __-.. I~I~Vl~I.UI?MENT ..~ CO. ~~ BLK, A-#lUGO, U-IIlO5cl PLAN FILE NO. 131. IX; A-#09-:LO!l4, 13-ltU9-IG9 3 BLOC;. PERMIT NO. SAMPLE DATA REPOI4 r OF U CONCREl E UkORlAR 1J UIIOIJ'I~ U 0.1 I IER ... .... SUPPLIER P'RE MIXED M~Ql~'~l< PLACEMEN-r UA'IE ---v. %z&'-%:'LW __ MIX DESCRIPTION _ SACK TICKET NUMBER MIX NUMBER '1- Y P E s ~ -. TIME IN MIXER 4~k!l.b-~ I I ;'I< SLUMP . . N/A ~~ ~~. ADMIXl~IJRE . .~. ~ ?.-&/_?. .GAb...d-AA.!! ~ ~ UNIT WE I Cii-rr ._ N/A ~~ .~ ~~.~ .. UESIGN SlUIEN(;'lI-I LlJlrllJ ~ ~ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT """ %NIJ LIFT AT G' LINK .~ 5.5 II CEMENT - 11 ~ AIR CONTENT .. N/A ..~ ~ - . SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMA17KS ~ ~ ~- - .~. ~ 28 ....... _ PSI AT OAYS 180M REQUIREU STRENGTH (I'c) SAMPLES MADE BY ~~~ __- OATE RECEIVEU IN LAB - ED tmi,r,owAY MZ-.I%-YM LABORATORY DATA LABOAA rOflY DATA REMARKS . -. DISTI7IUUTION At L SAMPLING ANV TESTING CONII~JCTED IN ACCORDANCE WI rl-I AS rM STANDAnD TIESIGNATIONS rcn i-w, cw no, ~711.75, C617-7G __ . _____ . 1 0, . - __ .......... .. .. ..... REPOI{-I' OF COMPFIESSION TESTS .- ._-__ __ - CAR COUNll'l<Y l'J,A%A U'J.->Ol . .......... ....... ............ I>I~~JJ~~I . -~ ~ .... ~ ~- PRVJECI NU. 1050 AUTO CI'N'I'I~~I~ COUII'I', CARLSUAI) -- ... ..... . .......... pl7uJECI' AUDRESS ...... COLL#IEIS ... ~__.. ... ........ CorunAc7~vn ~. .. Y lI~1EmIII101 ;I< / I 'ICK I.?OWl /\~CI~IIIEC;~~/EN(~INEER __\_--~-._~ ..... ... ..... ......... .. 1.0 BE I3IL.LED . CARLTAS IIIXIi~.OPM~t~I' .. CO. _. . -. .... ..... - ._ BLUG A-fllOGO, B-il1050 UrLK A-%U9-1G94, 13-~ilt39-1G!l 3 DL.UG. PERMIT NO. . PLAN FILE NO, . . .. . __- SAMF'LE DATA ~ . -. ~. /f/~/'~A1l~ OF III CONCRE'IE $MOlWAIl ILI GIlI>IJ~I' U 01'1 IER . . .... . ................... iiuiwiiiri ... -. . ['RE MIX& .. , , ... . I'LACEMENT UA-l E 16~%d3.=911.. ...... ...... ........................ ....... MI x I m~; 11 I vr IO N ...... I.._S_ACK .... I'ICKET NUMBER ~~~N/A~ MIX I.IIIMlllil'l .~ . ....... I IME IN MlXlill .3 MIN ~;I.liMl' ~~ . N/n ....... AIJMIX I UllE ...... wA 'I' 1): I< I< 1,: C : I I. 1.) k; I< .C.4 9 4 '1.' y p E s ................ I yiv LI~MENI' ........ - .. .... ~. AIR CON'1TEN.I ....... N/h lJNl 1~ WCIGI 1.1- .. ......... N/A ... ... IJESIGN S'IIIENGII~I .&ubr'J 11 .. ~. I1I.UG "I>" I.I.NI*: AJ-Az A'r L2-1/2 I!'r LEVI$l, ............. LOCA'IIUN OF PLACEMENT -I ................. ......... ....................... . ....... . .~____.. . . .... ~ ................... ~. SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAJIKS ........ .. _. .. ........... ... ........ __.._ ...... ..... .. ........... 28 I'SI A~r LmYs 18QM-- . . ... FIEOIJIIIEO STRENGTH (I'C) ... ED HOLIAOWAY SAMPLES MAOE BY . ....... 1,)Al.E RECEIVEIJ IN LAB ... .... ......... _- - ILABORATOHY DATA .~.. [LAB F I El. I> CON1nI)L DATE O I M EN SIC NS IIIEN 1.1 1Y NClMOEll TESTED I NL 1.1 ES ...... .. .... -. ..... ~. . .. ~__ ....... . ... ........ ____ ..... ..... -. ... ..... .. ~ ..... ....... ..... .. .... ......... .... . . ~~. . 'I ZU 2 tl .. ~ ___ ~_ .~ ~ LAllORA~I(Jl7Y L)A'lA llEMARKS .... ........... ..... LJIS lllllJlJ~IlON . ... .... TEST AREA SO INCIHES . 3-14 3.14 ._____. .- . . -~ .......... . ._ 4 c3@@ ...... 7,3ww ~~ .. .. 7,5@bI ...... ....... ...... ..... .... ................. ....... .... ~- COMPRESSIVE s1n E 1\1 cill-l 1'31 ............ ...... 1. !j 3 M . _.?. j-Z2@. .- ........ 2 3 9 . ......... ........................ . -. ............. .................... WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 210 San Dieqo, CA 92128 lG19) 486-0354 I REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 09-201 CAR COUNTRY _- PLAZA 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT NO PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLINS KROMI~lIS~~lOCK/~lcI(~~~l ARCHITECT/ENGINEER _. CARLTAS DEVELOPMEI?T - _._ CO. -~ TO BE BILLED BLOG PERMIT NO BLCG A-#1060, B-81050 BLDG n-#w-i694, B-#89-1693 PLAN FILE NO SAMPLE DATA Pp LOCATION IN STRUCTURE: CEMENT POMIXTURE Type I1 Escondido Ready Mix Escondido Ready Mix 665/6.5 sack 2 hr. 10 SAND ROCK MIX NO OR PROPORTIONS TIME IN MIXER. MINUTES SLUMP, INCHES TRUCKNO 531 FABRICATED BY Client Tested by: FM I LABORATORY No: MARK' 6096 I CCP77 1 OATE MADE DATE RECEIVE0 OATE TESTEO: DIAMETER, INCHES: AREA. SO. INCUES. MAXlMUM LOAO, LBS COMPRESSIVE STR., PSI : AGE TESTED. OAYS. REO'O PSI AT *e OAYS: UNIT WT/CU FT IPLASTIcl: 2-12-90 2-14-90 2-20-90 77.49 124,750 1,650 8 1,500 6098 CCP78 6097 I CCP79 3-12-90 3-12-90 78.53 78.46 214,250 196,000 2,790 2,570 28 28 (3) Wyman Testing DISTRlBuTlON: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. REVIEWEO SY , / 4 He- Oliverson, P. €. ~ ~~ ~ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ~ __ REOUI~ED STRENQTH (POI -_ PSI AT 28 DAYS 18"" ... ~ . SAMPLES MAVE BY E:r> HO I> LOWA Y DATE RECEIVEV IN LAB ___~____ 112-ldu-90 LABORATORY DATA LAB IOENTITY NUMBER 7ESTED FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS ~~~ ~~~~~ 2x4 2x4 2x4 I -I 1-1 COMPnESSlVE TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENG rti SO INCHES POUNIJS 7,050 .. -_ 3.14 3.14 3.14 13230 Evening Creek Dr. suite 218 San IX.cyo, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS cnR COUM~IY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CEMl'ER COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLIPB BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#1050 PLAN FILE NO. --- KROMMEHIDEK /McKEOWl'l CARLTAS DEVEMPMENT CO . ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLLX A-#89-1694, B-#89-1693 SAMPLE DATA .14 :.14 3.14 REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE mORTAl7 0 GflOUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER PRE MIXED MOJCFAR PLACEMENT DATE -- MIX DESCRIPTION --LSACK TICKET NUMBER _bl/A MIX NUMBER TYPE s TIME IN MIXER AN SLUMP N/A ADMIXTURE GAL PER RAG 94$ - TYPE CEMENT I1 __ AIR CONTENT N /A UNI r WEIGHT N/A __ DESIGN STRENGTH l8cl0 LOCATIONOF PLACEMENT BLDG "A" LST LIFT AT 1' LINE: S.5 Cd 0.6 5 950 171 1890 SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT 28 DAYS 1800 REQUIRED STRENQTH (f'c) SAMPLES MADE BY ED HOLLOWAY DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 02-06-90 LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE - - . . . . . . -_ -. . - FIELD C 0 N T R 0 L DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SO INCHES POUNDS PSI 1 I I __ LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69, C39-00. C70-75. C617-76 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 7 CCP G0 28 CCP G1 28 CCP 62 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 210 San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 486-0354 ______ - 02-09-9J 6 X 12 28.27 78,500 2788 03-02-91 G X 12 28.27 132,008 4670 4850 03-02-9V - 6 X 12 28.27 - 137,008 - __ - . -.__- . REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUWRY PLAZA - PROJECT NO. PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENTE17 COURT, CARLSBAD COLLINS KROMM~lI1OEK~lCI<EO~~l CARLTAS DEVEUJPMEtJl' CO. CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. BLDG A-#1060, B-#T%O BLLG A-f89-1694, U-l189-169 3 PLAN FILE NO. SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF CkONCRETE 0 MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER MIX DESCRIPTION 5.5 SACK ___ - TICKET NUMBER 275145 MIX NUMBER 6552 TIME IN MIXER 60 MIN TYPE CEMENT 11 __ AIR CONTENT N/A SUPPLIER NELSON __ & S&OAN- PLACEMENT DATE -02-02-90 - SLUMP 4 - 1/ 2 " ADMIXTURE P 161 UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH 3800 BLDG "A" BASEMENT PIT FOOTING ON LINE ~-i NORTH CORNEK LOCATION OF PLACEMENT SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS . PSIAT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 3000 REQUIRED STRENGTH (r'c) SAMPLES MADE BY - 0 2- 0 5 - 9 I) ED HOLLOK LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: /,ab-- - ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CXp. 1k1. 31. 1I'Jz CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE wiw ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-GS. C39-fl0, C70-75. CG17-7G DATE -z.r-sd5!- 132 30 Evening Creek 111-. !;an Diego, CA 92120 (Gl9) 406-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNI'IIY PLAZA 1050 AUTO CEN'YBH COURT, CARLSBAU .___ PROJECT NO. __-. 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ARCHITECTIENGINEER ___ ....... TO BE BILLED ~ __ _..- _________ COL.Ll.flS ... .- KRO~~~EtlllOCK/llcI( KWEI CARLl'AS DEVI3L~PME:LJT CO. 131 IX' A-1189-1.694, 13-1109-169 3 ULUG. PERMIT NO. DLIX; A-tl060, D-111050 ~ ,, PLAN FILE NO. _____ SAMPLE DATA SUPPLIER - -~N&LsL&'LLSLUAN--p PLACEMEN~IV 1IA.I E 02.=-ldl-Y..(b __ .... .- MIX DESCRIPTION 5 ,I...K._ ... TICKET NUMBER _._~--274fLGL.- MIX NUMBER __ 6552 ._ TIME IN MIXER 4.3-MIN- _ SLUMP ___ 4 " - ADMIXTURE -.-PI61 - R€PORT OF UZONCRETE 0 MOIiTAfl U ti!lOUT 0 OTHER .~ . .. ____~ .. TYPE CEMENT I I ....... .- .. AIR CONTENT .... N.h ~ UNIT WEIGHT K!L DESIGN STRENQTIi L@.uB LOCA.rlON OF PLACEMEN.r ___ I3LlIG "A" 1:'OO'PlNGS 11.3 @ 1 ___. ____ ~ ._ - ____ SPECIAL. l-EST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS . ....... .. _________~~ 3WWM 28 r1EI)UIIIEU STRENKrt-I (Vc) ........ _____ .... PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY ~ _____.._ ~~. I 10 I, I-, 0 W A Y _______ DATE RECEIVE11 IN LAB u2-0k9L LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE SIrR E N G TI-l FI CI. I> CON'rlIOI. 1.'l A T I? IJIMf~NSIONS TEST AREA MAX ILOAD ........ .. II>ENTI'IY NUMBER TESI'ED INCtIES SO INClHfS I 'OU N [.IS r's I LABORATORY DATA REMARKS .... __________.~__. .~. -. ....... .... DISTFIIOUTION __ ............... ALL SAMPI.ING ANI1 1.ES.rING CONOUCTEI> IN ACCORDANCE WlTtl ASTM STANDARD I3ESIGNA.rIONS C3I-(i9, C.39-fl0, C711-75, C.617-76 -==- WYMAN TESTING LABOI?A'rORIEZ; SAMPLE DATA .. REPOflT OF U CONCRETE U'hORTAn III GrlOUT 0 OTIiER SUI'PLIER -. - Pl<g MIXblIJ CC)NCII&'P15 PLACEMENT DATE __ c?2-01-90 __ L SACK .... TICKET NUMBER N/A MIX DESCRIPTION wPE s 4 MIN MIX NUMBER ~-N.~k ............ TIME IN MIXER 2-1./2 GALLON WATER PUR BAl SLUMP ........ ADMIXTURE TYPE CEMENT __-.. ...... __ AIR C0NTEN.r IC N/A 1800 DESIGN ,STRENGTH __ N/A UNIT WEIGHT _______--- LOCATION OF PLACEMENT - __ 13LI)(; ,,--I- -- I3 2ND LIP'P A'P 6 ON LINK 1.5 @ 0 .~_____ ........ -____ SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 20 PSI AT - DAYS lBlilB--. - TFT€UGG(TWT-Y 02-82-9 0 REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) , SAMPLES MADE BY __~~ DATE RECEIVE[) IN LAB __ __ ... LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIEILD CON.lROL DATE FJIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STAENG.rt-1 TESTED INCtlES SQ INCt-IES POUNDS __ __ IO EN.[ I-IKY NLJMDER 7 , 2 5 I' 7, I.MR 231~ 22GM -- __ . .___ . ... 2x4 3.14 3 . I~ 4 __ ___ .__ __ _. -. LABORA~I~OIIY DATA REMARKS .......... ~- ___- ........ . ............... DlSTRlUUllON - ..... ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITI-I ASlM STANDAnD DESIGNATIONS [:'ll~6!1, C.3~l-fl~l. C7A-75. fX17-76 DAlE .33I-?..%' WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 13230 Evening Creek Dr Suite 218 Sa11 Ilieqn, CA 92120 (619) 486-0354 ~~ ~~ ~ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS cnii COUWRY Imzn PROJECT NO. 09-201 COLLINS - PROJECT 1050 AU'IW CEI.I'PIZR COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER 1.0 BE BILLED. BLDG. PERMIT NO. KROM[~l~E)l~lO~K/MCI~~~~~l CARL'l'AS IlEVEILlPMEtTl' CO. ULUG A-tI1060, B-IIlU50 PLAN FILE NO. DLIX A-109-1694, U-PU9-1.69 3 SAMPLE DATA nwonr OF U~ONCRETE MORTAR u GROUT OTHER SUPPLIER NELSON & SLQAN PLACEMENT DATE -- MIX DESCRIPTION WA TICKET NUMBER 374315 MIX NUMBER 6552 TIME IN MIXER 45 MTN SLUMP ADMIXTURE ---Pk:- - 1 " TYPE CEMENT 11 .. AIR CONTENT .--Nf-A-- __ UNIT WEIGHT N/A - DESIGN STRENGTH 3008 LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BLDG 'IA'' AT LINE A 4.7 GRADE BEAM SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS _- - __ ___-.. PSI AT DAYS 3kJkJkJ REQUIRED STRENGTH (f'C) SAMPLES MADE BY ED HOLLOWAY - DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 01-03-9cI LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH I I I I-- I I I- I--- I -I I -1 LAOOnATORY DATA IlEMARKS ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITI-I ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. cwno. cia-75. ~617-7~ WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 13230 Evenincj Creek Dr. suite 218 Sa11 I)iego, CA 92121i (619) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUN'l'RY PIJAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AU'l'O CEWl.'l<ll COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT __ PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLINS DLDG. PERMIT NO. L3LKG _- A-lI1060, B-Illi% KlIOMMEt~llOCK/ElCI~~~~l CARLl'AS 1X;VELOPMEWI' CO. ARCIiITECT/ENGINEER - TO BE BILLED __ . PLAN FILE NO. ~~ UILG A-Il89-11594 I i3-1189-169 1 - SAMPLE DATA i?EPOnr OF 0 CONCRETE &MORTAR U GROUT 0 OTHER - MIX DESCRIPTION 1 SACK TICKET NUMBER N/A SUPPLIER PRN MlXEU ____- PLACEMENT DATE L-3u-90 'ww s TIME IN MIXER 3 MIN MIX NUMBER SLUMP N/A ADMIXTURE 2-1/3 GALLON WATER I1 AIR CONTENT N/A TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT ~ LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ~ 1800 DESIGN STRENGl IH ____ N/A BLUG "A" 1ST LIF'P D.4 I? 8 LINE SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 1880 28 PSI AT ___ DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 01-31-90 REQUIRED STRENGTH (r'c) SAMPLES MADE BY ED HOLLO-WRY LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE UIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SQ INCHES POUNDS 82-27-YIJ -_ - 2x4 3.14 .- ____ -- LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE UIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SQ INCHES POUNDS 82-27-YIJ -_ - 2x4 3.14 .- ____ -- LABORATORY DATA REMARKS DISl RlBUTlON RFVIEWEU BY ALL SAMPLING AND rESTlNG @-L&&e- CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-69. C39-80, C7fl-75. CG17-7G DATE .iI &7L9* WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 132 30 Rvening Creek IW. Suite 218 :;fin Diego, CA 92120 (G19) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 09-201 CAR ___.__ COUNl'RY PLAZA 1050 AUTO CICNl'I<l< COURT, CARLSBAI) PROJECT NO. PnOJECT PROJECT ADDRESS COLLIPIS - KI<OMMBBIOT:K /!!IC% 130WEI CARLTAS IIEVlXDl'MEtTl' CO. CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ... TO BE BILLED __ BLDG. PERMIT NO. -. I31,W; A-tlOG0, B-1IJO50 PLAN FILE NO. - BI,K A-QO9-1694, - B-189-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORTOF OCONCnETE ld4OflTAn UGnOUT OOTHER __ . -_ SUPPLlEn e.8.c ..... MI x.Bl) pI<OL)UCTS PLACEMEN-r IJA.I'E ....... 0.1.-26.-9.Q..-- .. ... MIX DESCRIPTION -_-SACK TICKET NUMBER MIX NUMBER - 'I'YPE S ....... TIME IN MtXER -.-...A- SLUMP . N/A .. ADMIXTURE ........ ..-.2dL%-~Le~~.%4.# TYPE CEMENT 11 AIR CONTENT - NiA UNIT WEIGHT ___ NZ __ DESIGN STRENGTH 1800 LOCATION 01: PLACEMENT BLIIG "A" 5.5 - 8 @ H MIDDLE _- OF WALL SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT 28 DAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 1 8 0 Q--- ED HOLLOWAY REQlJlRED STRENGTH (I'c) __ SAMPLES MADE BY __ 01-29-90 LABORATORY DATA L.AR COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONTROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SQ INCHES POUNDS PSI r-1Y-r- 112-02-9 .... - ---4_1A.@!a-. .-~LxL0 CCP 37 02-23-94$!____?_)( 4 3.14-- 8,050 7- CCP 38- 02-23- g--2 X 4 __ 7 850 _. 2500 LABORATORY DATA REMAflKS ....... ........ - DISTRIBUTION ___ .- 2- Lb-90 CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DATE .... ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING ASTM STANOARII DESIGNATIONS CRI-Rn. CW-flfl. C7fl-7.5, CG17-76 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES -___ 7 28 28 132 IO Eveninq Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92120 (619) 406-0354 47216 CCP 40 02-02-96 6 X 12 28.27 71,5016 CCP 41 02-23-96 6 x 12 28.27 133,5016 CCP 42-- 02-23-38 6 X 12 28.27 129,5@0 - - REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY I'lAZA 1050 AUTO CENPER COUII'I', CARLSBAU COLLIPB __ PROJECT NO. __ 89-201 PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ARCIiITECT/ENGINEER ___ I(ROEWII3JIM3L~K /14cI<ILWM - BLOG. PERMIT NO. 13LK A-tI1060, D-tt1050 - PLAN NO, -13LlX; A-#L!Y-lG94, U-#OS-169 3 - ~. . . - __ CAI<LTAS ~Jk:VI~:I~X)I'Ml~t4'1' CO. TO BE BILLED SAMPLE DATA mPom OF AONCRETE o MORTAR GROUT o OTHER - SUPPLIER ___ PLACEMENT DATE ___ 01-26-90 - NELSON & SLOAN 5.5 SACK __ TICKET NUMBER ____ 273569 MIX DESCRIPTION ~ .. 6552 TIME IN MIXER 70 MIN MIX NUMBER ___ 4 - 1 / 2 " SLUMP ADMIXTURE . IS P 161 -__- TYPE CEMENT - AIR CONTENT - N/A _____ ~~ , 3000 - DESIGN STRENG7 t I N/A B I, 11~ -0i-Ap - UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT -- LINE D.2 CJ 8 FOOTINGS SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS FTm- __ 28 REQlJll?ED STRENGTH (f'c) PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY __- cll-29-98 DATE RECEIVE[> IN LAB m GLO W n Y LABORATOnYDATAREMARKS -- ~ DISlRIBUTION ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS mi-lj~. cw-m. C~R-75. ~~17-7~ I. 32 10 Izveiiing Creek Dr. SuiLe 218 !%in Ilkgo, CA 92120 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 89-201 cnii COWNIPRY _-- m,Azn PROJECT NO. PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AU'l'U Ck:NTI<R COURT, CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLlEJS ARCHITECT/ENGINEER ___ ............ 1~170~1~~1~~~l~10~~K/~1Cl~~OWEI TO BE BILLED ___ CARUPAS nrmiat7~m~i.~ __ CO. ..... - mix A-11060, B-~IIOT~O PLAN FILE NO. -~ RIJX; A-1/89-1694, __ B--ll89-16'3 3 BLDG. PERMIT NO. . ........ -_ ..... ...... CCP 32 (61-31- M 6 X 12 79; 000 138,00cf 134,508 -__ __ __ ~.~ ___ ____ __~ 'CCP 33 i(62-21-1 G X 12 __ i:::; 28.27 , _______~ 1 1 1 . CCP 34 02-21-CR 6 X 12 ____ . ... - ..~ __ .__ __~ ._ - ____ ......... - - __ ~- SAMPLE DATA 2790 4880 476cI -- -. ~ - NFPOllr OF U'bNC17ETE 0 MOnl'All II GnOilT 0 011-IER .............. .. .. NELSON & SLOAN SUPPLIEl7 -~ . ......... -. .... PLACEMEN'I' IJA'IE ........ fllZ.&&-s).@ MIX I)E.SCFIIP~lION ....... 5.5 ......... SACK ....... TICKET NlIML3EII ... .??3cg_?2..-~ MIX NIJMHER ...... ... SLUMP ........ ........ 6!i52 ... TIME IN MlXEll .... '13 MIN .. 4 " 7YPE CEMENT I[ AIR CONTEN.1 N/A N/A ... UNII' WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT . AOMIXTUHE ........ 1' . 16 1. .... .... ....... .... . ..... 3000 __ UESIGN STRENG.1I.I lr'00TI"G BLDG "A" LINE 6.3 cd W - - SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMAnKS - . PSI AT DAYS 3000 REQUIRED STRENGTH (t'c) SAMPLES MADE DY .. DATE RECEIVED IN LAB ED HOLLOWAY 01-25-90 LABORATORY DATA DISTRIBUTION >..-.. -=:( "->- 1. 37. IO ISveniiig Ci-eek Dr. Suite 218 :;an Diecp, CA 32120 (619) 406-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES rd[@ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS - CAR CO[JN'I'IIY PIAZA PROJECT NO. 09-201 PROJECl- - ~ ~ ~ 1050 AU'lU CEN'l'I!:It COURT', CAI<ISDAU PR0JEC.r ADDnESS COLLIHS . . ... ~ CONTRACTOR KROMI.I~HIIO~C/I1~I~I~O~~~l ARCIiITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG. PERMIT NO. .____ CARL,TAS mvi':rmMmn .. co. ____ ULIX A-lllO60, B-It1050 PLAN FILE NO. -2-5- UI Ix' A-t09-1694, B-.Il09-169 __ 3 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCREIE U~OR'lAil C1 GROUT U 01.1-IER ~~ __ SUPPLIER -_ PB.LklIXED_. .PROIlUCT.S_ PLACEMENT DA-IE .-.--3.L24.- 3 CI ~ MIX IIESCnlPTION .____.-l .._~ TICKET NUMUEll N& MIX NUMOEIi -... ~ --'~~.P.~...~~ .. 'TIME IN MlXEll . .. SLUMP . .. . ~ .... .NL& ...~ . ~ ADMIXTURE . . ....... ~.~~ 2 I.L.~2_~h~~~~~-~~!~!~:tl- ~. TYPE CEMENT AIR CON.TENT NL!n---..-- UNIT WEIGHT ~ N/A DESIGN STRENGTI-I -! LOCATION OF PLACEMENT BL''G "u" FIHST LIF'P ON LINLDIS'I'WEISN I. & 2 L 3n SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS REOUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) . PSI AT 20 DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY ED tioi,mwAY DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 01-25-3c 18kJ)H WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 132 30 IWenincJ Creek Dr- REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAI< COIJN%'I<Y 1'1 ,AXA PROJECT NO. 09-201 PROJECT ~~~~ ~ . ~ . PROJECT AUURESS 1050 AU'l'O CI~NL'I~:I< COUI<T, CARLSUAD - . ....__._ COLLLItJS CONTflACTOR __ . . ARCI-IITECT/ENGINEER ~ ..... . ... . TO BE BILLED .. ELDG. PERMIT NO. I(l~~~ll~1I~;~llluI:l~ /HI :I< IWMC1 CAIW'AS l>l.?Vl~:l~i~Ml~:~~l' CO. 13LIX; A-flOY-lG94, B-iluY-lG9'1 PLAN FILE NO. __.__ DLDG A-01060, U-iI1050 - SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE U%ORTAR U GROUT 0 OTHER PRE: M1XE;iI SUPPLIER N/A 1 SACK MIX DESCnlPTlON ___ '1' Y P E s 4 M1N MIX NUMEER ~ .... __- TIME IN MIXER N/A NA SLUMP 11 N/A TYPE CEMENT AIR CONTENT _.___ 1800 NJA 01-23-90 TICKET NUMBER ~ ___.- _ . PLACEMENT DAlE - __ - AUMIXlURE _. .~._ ... - DESIGN STRENGTIH LJNIT WEIGHT - -BT2-D G--,, ,p - LINm.4 COLUMN LOCATION OF PLACEMENT - __- - ~ - _____. ..... - SPECIAL TEST INSTnUCTlON OR REMARKS -. ~ LUWW AEOUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) *-OGGow7pT PSI AT DAYS SAMPLES MADE BY ~ . __ DATE RECEIVEU IN LAB LABORATORY DATA - . .. - . . . . . - - . . . _. . I . , , IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCI-IES sa INCI-IES POUNUS PSI 3.14 9,000 28G0 LABORATORY DATA REMARKS ___ .... - DISTRIBUTION - __ DATE ~Zz!.-Z~ ALL SAMPI..INO AND TESTING CONDUCTEI> IN ACCOflOANCE WI-II-l ASTM STANI>AI11) DESIGNATIONS C.3l-GR. c:ln-fln, c7n-75. cnI7-76 13230 Evening Creek Ur Suik 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES -~ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 lOS0 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT _- PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLIMS KRO~DIIDJHOEK/~.ICKEDW~~ cnRLms nEvEWPMEm co. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED ~.. . BLDG. PERMI-r NO. BLUG A-111060, B-II1050 PLAN FILE NO. BLrx n-118s-1694, B-~m-1693 ~ SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF UECNCRETE MORTAR u SROUT OTHER SUPPLIER NELSON & SLOAN PLACEMENT DATE .- 01-19-90 MIX DESCRIPTION 5.5 SACK - TICKET NUMBER - 272238 6552 TIME IN MIXER 45 MIN MIX NUMBER __- SLUMP 4-1/2" ADMIXTURE e 161 I1 AIR CONTENT NA TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT N/A DESIGN STRENGTH f3000' LOCATION OF PLACEMENT GRADE BEAM LINE B @ 1 + 26' SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS PSI AT 2a VAYS DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 3008- REQUIRED STRENGTH (l'c) SAMPLES MADE BY 01-22-90 JOHN POWELL LABORATORY DATA LAB COMPRESSIVE FIELD CONiROL DATE DIMENSIONS TEST AREA MAX LOAD STRENGTH IDENTITY NUMBER TESTED INCHES SQ INCHES POUNDS 87,808 3080 - 126,0=1 28.27 28.27 28.27 130,500 -1 I I I I I 13210 Evening Creek 13r. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES cce 9 CCP 10 cce 11 -___ ~~~ ~ ~~ REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 1050 AUTO CENTER COURT, CARLSBAD PROJECT PROJECT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR COLLIMS KROC~l~nlOER/I~CK~~~l CARLTAS DEVEK3PMEVr . . CO. ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER TO BE BILLED __ BLDG. PERMIT NO. ULffi A-R1060, B-Ql050 PLAN NO, ULLX; A-i/89-1694, 13-109-1693 01-26-J0 6 X 12 28.27 98,500 3480 0 2 - 16 - s-0- 6 X 12 28.27 104,500 (3700 3 ___ __ 02-16-90 6 X 12 28.27 134,000 $Lq0 __.__ SAMPLE DATA x REPORT OF CONCRETE 0 MORTAR GnOUT D OTHER ESCONDIUO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE SUPPLIER - 6 SACK MIX DESCRIPTION 83-146 MIX NUMBER TIME IN MIXER 3" SLUMP ADMIXTURE I1 TYPE CEMENT AIR CONTENT N/ A UNIT WEIGHT ~-~~~- DESIGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 01-19-90 1242837 175 MIN TICKET NUMBER N/A N/A - (3250) , SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS ^^ LO DAYS 01-22-90 REQUIRED STRENGTH (I'c) --B8wEL-, PSI AT SAMPLES MADE BY DATE RECEIVED IN LAB ~~ ~ LABORATORYDATAREMARKS- ~~ DISTRIBUTION REVIEWED BY: ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS (31-69. COO-flfl, C7fl-75. Cfi17-76 DATE .&&:.& 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 7 CCP 25 01-29-9a .~ 2x4 3.14 4,500 1430 1990 - 28 CCP 26 02-19-93 2x4 3.14 6,250 ____ .___ 28 CCP 27 02-19-9B 2x4 3.14 6,358 2020 - - .- REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT ._ - PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CENTER COURIL', CARLSBAD CONTRACTOR COLLINS KROEIMEtIIIOOCK /IkKID\VM CARLTAS DEVEMPME" CO. ARCHlTECTlENGlNEER TO BE BILLED BLDG PERMIT NO. BLDC A-tl060, 8-61050 PLAN Fl~E NO BLX A-#89-1694, B-M9-169 3 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF o CONCRETE &ORTAR o GROUT OTHER MIX DESCRlPrlON ___ N/A - TICKET NUMBER - N/A MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT AIR CONTENT UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT SUPPLIER BATCH MORTAR - __ ._ - PLACEMENT DATE .--01-22-90 4 MIN LlME TIME IN MIXER ADMIXTURE TYPE S N/A I1 N/A N/A - la00 DESIGN STRENGTH BLDG "8" id 1-A 1ST LIFT SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS 1800 PSI AT 28 DAYS JFFF-FALKERsoN 01-24-90 DATE RECEIVED IN LAB REOUIRED STRENGTH (r'c) SAMPLES MADE BY LABORATORY DATA LABORATORY DATA flEMARKS ._ fl DISTRIBUTION -- MmA F ALL SAMPLING AND TESTING CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DATE z-zo-?D ASTM STANDARD DESIGNATIONS C31-TrS. C3R-Rfl. C7n-75. (7317-76 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 San Diego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 7 ccr 5 28.27 28.27 28 CCP 7 28.27 28 CCP 6 _. WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES 55,500 1960 122,000 4310 114, 5(60 4050 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS A 89-201 PROJECT CAR COUNTRY PLAZA PROJECT NO. __ PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUTO CEJNl'ER COURT, /b ARLSBAD KRO~1I~lEtlIlOCK/l~lCK~~~l ARcHITECT~ENGINEER ___~ ......... - CARL'L'AS I>I?VL':LOPMREIT CO. TO BE BILLED .... BLDG. PERMIT NO. CONTRACTOR COLLINS __._. ......... /J/ - ULDG A-1/1060, U-#l050 PLAN NO, BLUC A-R89-1694, U-ftUY-1693 SAMPLE DATA REPORT OF O~ONCRETE MORTAR o GROUT o OTHER ESCONUIDC READY MIX PLACEMENT OATE -21-12-90 N/A TICKET NUMBER __ 202604 83-146 TIME IN MIXER 85 MIN I1 N/A SUPPLIER -- MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT LOCATION OF PLACEMENT 4-1/2" ADMIXTURE - N/A N/A AIR CONTENT DESIGN STRENGTH - 3250 MANHOLES & COVEKS STOKM DRAIN 83 Noit'rtjwEs'r COHNEHS OF eAv - SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS rn 28 SLCJFOM PSI AT __ DAYS REQUIRED STRENQTH ((10) SAMPLES MADE BY __ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB 13230 Evening Creek Dr. Suite 218 WYMAN TESTING LABORATORIES San Uiego, CA 92128 (619) 486-0354 REPORT OF COMPR,E'$SION TESTS PROJECT CAR COUNTRY PLAZA // PROJECT NO. 89-201 PROJECT ADDRESS 1050 AUlY) CJWl'ER COURl', /kAd D COLLINS KR~lEtlllOCK/McKM~l I -' ' CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT/ENGINEER TO BE BILLED BLDG, PERMIT NO, BLK A-#1060, 8-1110'50 CARLTAS DEVELOPMEEJT CO. PLAN FILE NO. ALDG A-H89-1694, B-f89-1693 7 cce 1 28 CCF 2 CCP 3 28 - SAMPLE DATA 01-17-90 6 x 12 28.27 86,080 3040 28.27 118,@00 4170 28.27 1113,500 3660 - 339923 65 MIN TICKET NUMBER - TIME IN MIXER A REPORT OF 0 CONCRETE 0 MORTAR 0 GROUT 0 OTHER SUPPLIER MIX DESCRIPTION MIX NUMBER SLUMP TYPE CEMENT UNIT WEIGHT OESfGN STRENGTH LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ESCONDJDO READY MIX PLACEMENT DATE Q1-18-38 N/A 83-146 4 - 1/2 Ir N/A I1 AIR CONTENT N/A N/A 3250 ADMIXTURE S'm DRAIN MA N HOLES SPECIAL TEST INSTRUCTION OR REMARKS JLdV LO REOUIRED STRENGTH (f'c) PSI AT DAYS r5 SLULUP1. SAMPLES MADE BY DATE RECEIVED IN LAB LABORATORY DATA ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (610) 5601468 DATE : JURISDICTION: 2 0 .F fARLS BAD - FILE COPY PLAN CHECK NO: f?? 0 202 SET: OUPS 0 DESIGNER PROJECT AD'DRESS : IOSO- (060 AT6 ~FrrrEie CQU PROJECT NAME: CA R cot I NTR Y PLA 2A The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's buildinq codes when minor deficien- - cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies .' and resubmitted for a complete recheck. 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. r opy of the check list has been sent to: Qcc-csff3~ EA. Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # 0 REMARKS : By: DAVID YAD Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 7/,7 UGA OAA Ovw ODM ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (610) 5W1468 DATE : 7 18 I PLAN CHECK NO: sq 020 2 SET: OUPS JURISDICTION: CITY OF CAKL S BAD PLAN CHECK - OFILE COPY ODES IGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: IOSO- /06 0 AUTO CWEe COURT PROJECT NAME: CAR COUd TRY PLAZA The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies .. and resubmitted for a complete recheck. 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected be IPU The check list transmitted h is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: 8RSRUcE 7, oMAS / Lpeann w 00 +on I5/S MORFdA &LVD SD 92llP Esgil staff did not advise the applicant plan check has been completed. contact person that 0 Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: By: YAV Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 7/13 OGA OAA Ovw P~DM ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE : 6 / 30 /8? JURISDICTION: ClTY OF CARLS BAD PLAN CHECK NO: 890 70 2. SET: OUPS OFILE COPY UDESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: IO SO- IO 60 AUTO CNTER COURT PROJECT NAME: CY3 K CCUf-JTRY PLAZA The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. identified on che enclosed check list and should be corrected 0 The.applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: MUCE ThoUA s f LEEAI\IM WOOTTON 15-15 MDRENA BLV D SD 92 )IO Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # REMARKS: ,. By: -mv ID YAO Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 6/~> ~* OGA .OAA Uvw BDM .. .. FORELJCRD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform riechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state la-s regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departmenta. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 503 (E), OF the Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. PLASS 9 make all cor:cctions on the original tracings and submit t*o new sets or prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: k;s6fj,L To facilitate rcchccking, ~IEBSC idcntiry. next to each clrclcd itcrn, the ahcet of the Plan= upon ahich cach correction on thk 3hect ha. bcm made and return thls check ahcct hith tho revised plans. 3 3 The following items have not been resolved from previous pl-n reviews. The criginal correction number has been given for your reference. me if You have any questions regarding these items. Please contact __I_-- i - ~ ~ Date plan? recelved by plan checker 6/r L 17 d Date plan check completed 6/30 I I are no r*<er,Ic & CP c If +rp a suw t BY nA \f In YA 0 1.r not p('& ndeptc ,to+al Tix?) I ~zp~v~ en ;oeer pkase doable check it. d- I .r/lr,u7 - I .. I ~ I ESGIL CORPORATION I 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 CITY OF CARLS BA D . w Rev SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: I 060 AUTO R COLIKT . ~DESIGNER PROJECT NAME: <A(? CO~MTTRY p LAZA FUR CARCTA 5 DEV€L~~M,CNT The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for <he 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be correcte6 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. 0 The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff - did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone C 0 REMARKS: By: >A VIP YAO Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 6/, CIGA OAA Ovw DDM Dater 6h Jurisdiction CARL 5 E4 D Prepared bvi 0 Bldg. Dept. - Air Conditionine Commercial , Residential Res. or Corn. Fire Sprinklers Total Value - A0 VALUATTON AND PLAN CHECK FEE MVlD Y ~ @ @ @ 09 240- Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. a?-f69d RPV BUILDING ADDRESS 060 Mro C.HrR CdLI+?!T APPLICANT/CONTACT k rla A ( .&€AN&') PHONE NO. 3 71- 743 0 BUILDING OCCUPANCY B-Z DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V-HC gP IC) CONTRACTOR PHONE I .- . .. I I Building Permit Fee S- m Plan Check Fee $ 240- %.& J i- s 300- 04 COMMENTS; :. ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE VU.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92 I23 (619) 5601468 ON JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARLSm D ER DATE : 3/8 / 87 PLAN CHECK NO: RQ 0 202 SET: I OUPS 9DES IGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: /05- 0-/060 AUTO CErJTZU ab,KT PROJECT NAME: PAR ram TR )r AZA The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor def icien- 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's . cies idenfified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies and resubmitted for a complete recheck. 0 identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: 'BRuc.= THOMAS / ,L?sLANM l~oorgd 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. /s/r Moa_rNA %LVD SD 92 /lo @ Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that 0 Esgil staff - did advise applicant that the plan check has plan check has been completed. been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # REMARKS : By: nN\{ I 13 Y9 (3 Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 2/16 RUI CaEanO. 890202 AMarw@n arm - 7/ls JORISDICIIOII: CAal S HAD Date plans received by jurisdiction: Date plans received by Esgil Corp.: 44 m: BRUCF THOMAS f &=Ar/h/ Iv'oopdN SALIlOagRT: Ye 5 Date initial plan check completed: Applicant contact person: 'BRUCE ?kfOPfAS / LFchhlf4 WL%FJ;.I~ Tel . 271 - 77 fo PLtasXm Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Hecbnical Code, National Electrical code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. me plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departmants. Present California law mandates that construction comply with Title 24 and the applicable model code editions adopted, with or without changes, by the various state agencies authorized to propose building regulations for enforcement at the local level. Code sections cited are bared on the 1985 UBC. Ihe circled items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans vi11 be in confomce with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), 1985 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed UD the recheck process. note on this list addressed. i.e.. ~lan sheet. mecification. etc. pe awe to enclose the mrkA M 1 ist hen wy mtmit the revise3 plans. lor a CODY) where ea ch correction item hac be* A. Please &e all corrections on the original tracings and subit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208. San Dieno. California 92123. t P- + p. B. -. (619) 56011468. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been retuned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Ihe jurisdiction's building department. Provide the site address and a vicinity sketch on the Title Sheet. Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the owner and the responsible design professionals on the Title Sheet. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. Provide a note with the building data legend stating that yards used for area increaser shall be permanently maintained. Provide a note on the plans indicating if any hazardous materials will be stored andlor used within the building which exceed the quantities listed in UBC Table 9-A. c. SWKM . Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show north arrow, property lines, easmts, streets, existing and proposed buildings and stmctures. Provide a statement on the site plan stating: "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan". Clearly designate on the site plan existing buildings to remain, existing buildings to be demolished, buildings to be constructed under this permit and any proposed future buildings. @ Clearly designate any side yards used to justify increases in allowable area based on Section 506. . Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences. Specify their heights on the plans. Provide construction details if a part of this permit. P @ lI! P @ Indicate on the Title Sheet whether or not a d. Clearly dimension buildim setbacks from / DroDeStv lines. street cenferlines. and from grading permit is required for this project. Show on the Title Sheet all buildings, structures, walls, etc. included under this application. Any ortion of the pro'ect shown on the site plan ,fat is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included" on the site plan or Title Sheet. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information for each building proposed: Occupancy Group Description of Use Type of Construction Sprinklers: Yes or No Stories Height Floor kea Justification to exceed allowable area in Table 5-C. (if applicable) Justification to exceed allowable height or stories in Table 5-D. (if applicable) hll'adjicent Gildings and struct&es on~the site plan. . Show and dimension on the site plan all building projections including eaves, balconies, cornices and similar appendages extending beyond the exterior walls. Show on the site plan, or provide the grading f. plans, showing finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to buildings, drainage patterns and locations and gradients of cut or fill slopes. Show dimensioned parking layout including any required disabled access spaces. 9. Show the location of any designated flwd plains, open space easements, or other development restricted areas on the site plan. 1. Provide a reference on the site plan to any details or specifications for required site improvements to comply with the Title 21r disabled access requirements. 7/29/87 D. P- lOcAnDllm mom When two or more buildings are on the same property, the buildings shall have an assumed property line between then for the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection and roof cover requirements. per Section 50b (c). An exception is provided if the combined area of the buildings is within the limits specified in Section 505 for a single building. If this acception is used, show how same property as an existing building, the location of the assumed property line with relation to the existing building shall be such that the exterior wall and opening protection of the exisiting building meet the criteria of Table 5-A and Part IV. Buildings over one story and containing courts shall have an assumed property line forthe purpose of determining required wall and opening protection of court walls, per Section 504 (c). See possible exception. Please show how the court walls will be made to comply with Section 504 (c). me exterior walls less than =feet to a property 1' e or an assumed property line, shall be Afire-rated construction. Section Exterior walls shall have a 30 inch parapet vhen less than lo feet to a property line or an assumed property line. me uppermost 18" of such parapets shall be noncombustible. (see exception, Section 1709.) The exterior wall shall have protected openings (3/4 hour) vhen closer than 10 feet to a property line or an assumed property line. Section - 03. me exterior walls shall have no openings when closer than 5 feet to a property line or an assumed Drooertv line. ODeninns include Section 504 (c). 03. .- - - windows, doors, scuppers, vents, etc. Section 03. Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30 inches from side and ra property lines. Section 504 (a). Combustible projections located vhere openings are required to be protected shall be heavy timber or one-hour construction. Section 1710. Proiections mav not extend more than 12 inches int; areas &ere openings are not allowed. Section 1710. P i Projections over public property ut coaply with Chpter 45. Projections may not extend more than one-third the distance from the exterior wall to the property line or one-third the distance from an assumed vertical plane located vhere fire- resistive protection of openings is first required, vhichever is loast restrictive. Section 504 (b). Fire-resistive exterior wall construction shall be maintained through attic areas. Section 4304 (c). When openings are required to be protected due to location on property, the sum of openings shall not exceed 50 percent of the total area of the wall in each story. A covered pedetrian wallnay must comply with the requirements in Section 509. Exterior exit balconies cannot be located in an area vhere openings arc required to be protected. Section 3305 (i). Exteror stairvays shall not project into yards here protection of openings is required. Section 3306 (n). Yards or courts serving as required exits for 10 or more occupants must be at least 10 feet vide or have walls of one-hour construction for a height of 10 feet above the court or yard grade. openings shall be protected by fire-assemblies having a rating of not less than three-fourths-hour. Section 3301 (b) definition and Section 3311 (d). Structural elements exposed in walls required to be fire-resistive construction due to location on property mt have the same fire- resistive rated protection as the wall, or as required for the structural frame for the type of construction, whichever is greater. Table 17-A footnote 1, and Section 1702. openings for scuppers, mechanical equipment vents, foundation vents and similar openings have to be protected vhere openings are required to be protected. Table 5-A, Section - 03. Section 504 (b). When a building has more than one occupancy, the area shall be such that the sm of the ratios of the actual ared divided by the allowable area for each occupancy shall not exceed one. Section 503 (a). As shovn, the building(s) islare over area for the Type of Construction shovn. Table 5-C. . Provide a note on the plans or on the finish schedule, ”Wall and ceiling materials shall not exceed the flame spread classifications in UBC Table 42-B.” clearly specify miniuum thickness of valls and slabs to provide .__ -hour fire-resistive rating per Table 43-B and C. Clearly specify minimum cover for bonded reinforcing at- /$. P- ~ fire-rated floors. fire rated t-endons per Sectii Detail all plmbing and electrical penetrations at occupancy, area, corridor or other fire separation walls as specified in Section 4304 (e). Detail all furred ceilings as required in Section 4203. show fire-retardant treated wood vhere necessary. . Clearly label and identify on the plans the fire-resistive corridors, area separation walls, shafts, occupancy separation valls and floors, exit courts less than 10 feet vide and exit enclosures, along vith their hourly ratings. Section 302 (a). P I. mI5soRwAllD(3m916FIllI SI + finish except as provided in Section 1712. . Foam plastics shall not be used as interior . . when walls and ceiling are required to be fire- resistive or noncombustible, the finish material shall be applied directly against such fire-resistive or noncombustible construction or to furring strips not exceeding 1-314 inches. The furred space shall be filled with inorganic or Class I material or fire stopped not to exceed 8 feet in any direction. Section 4203, 1. f . when finish materials are set out or dropped more than 1-314 inches from fire-rated walls or ceilings the finish material shall be Class I or sprinklered on both sides or attached to noncombustible backing or furring strips. Section 4203, 2. . Hangers and assembly members of dropped ceilings belov a one-hour ceiling assembly shall be noncombustible materials except in Types XI1 and V construction, vhere fire- rewdant treated vood may be used. Section 4203, 2. All interior wall or ceiling finishes less than 114 inch thick shall be applied directly against a noncombustible backing unless it is in accordance vith an approved tested assembly. Section 4203. 4. + 6. -hour occupancy separation is required between occupancy and the occupancy. Table 5-8. Section 503 ms 43-A, B, C and Chapter 43. (See exceptions in Section 503) . Administrative and clerical offices and similar rooms need not be separated from other occupancies provided they are less than 750 sq. ft.. less than 25 percent of the floor area of the major use and not related to M H- 1 or H-2 occupancy. +. Pmvide - -hour fire-resistive door P A 8” f Section 503 (a). assemblies in the --hour OCCUpMCY separation. Section 503 (c). A B-1 occupancy in the basement or first story of a building housing a group B, Division 2 occupancy may be classed as a separate building. Tne building above may also be considered a separate and distinct building for the purpose of area limitation, limitation of number of stories and type of Construction ONLY if the conditions of Section 702 are met: B-1 is Type I construction. B-1/B-2 is separated by a three-hour occupancy separation. C. B-1 is restricted to passenger vehicle storage, laundry rooms and mechanical equipment rooms (no storage, recreation room, etc.). Tne maximum building height does not exceed the limits in Table 5-D for the least type of construction. . a. b. d. . Ihe Type I construction is required to have protected openings vhen located within 20 feet from a property line or centerline of a public way. Section 1803 (a). . In Type I construction. no openings are permitted in exterior walls less than 5 feet from a property line. . All openings in floors forming a three-hour separation shall be protected by vertical enclosures above and belov the opening. The walls of such enclosures shall be not less than tvo-hour fire-resistive construction, and openings therein shall be protected by a one and one-half-hour assembly. Section 503 (c) 2. Tables 43-A, B, C and Chapter 43. P Section 1803 (b). 74 . structural mberr supporting an occupancy Separation mst have the same fire-resistive rating as the separation. . No openings are allowed in a four-hour fire- resistive occupancy separation wall. Section 503 (c). . Openings in a three-hour fire-resistive separation shall be protected by a three-hour assembly, and openings may not exceed 25 percent of the length of wall in the story and no single opening Shall exceed 120 sq. ft. Section 503 (b). ? 1p I+. lb. $3. +. Section 503 (c). A two-hour fire-resistive separation shall be not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction. Openings shall be protected by a one and one-half-hour assembly. Section SO3 (c). A one-hour fire-resistive Separation shall be not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Openings shall be protected by a one-hour assembly. Section 503 (c). Occupancy separation wall penetrations must be either ferrous or copper and fire-stopped. Steel electrical outlet boxes, not exceeding 16 sq. inches and not exceeding 100 square inches per 100 square feet of wall may be installed and shall be SeDarated bv a horizontal distance of 24 inches w<en on opposite sides of Section 43W (e). a wall. Fire-resistive floors used for occupancy separation shall have openings for mechanical and electrical equipment enclosed in shafts per Section 1106. Clarify that wiring within concealed spaces complies with the Mechanical Code and UBC Section 4305 (e). hcts penetrating one or two-hour occupancy separation walls rrmst have fire dampers. A fire door is required for three-hour separations. Section 4306 (j). Usable space under the first story shall be enclosed and shall be separated from the non- usable space as required for one-hour fire- resistive construction and the door to the usable space shall be self-closing, of noncombustible construction or solid wood core, not less than 1-314 inches in thickness. Section 1103. Show the basis for the rating of the OCCU~MCY separation you propose, i.e., Item number in Table U-A, B, C; Gypsum Fire-Resistive Design planual; U.L., etc. 16. Unless the entire tuilding is sprinklered, storage areas in excess of loo0 sq. ft. (3000 sq. ft. if storage area is sprinklered Md not otherwise required to be) in connection with sales occupancies shall be separated from public areas by a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation. Section 102 (b). P 11. In all occupancies, floors above the first shall have story having 10 or more occupants, not less than two exits. Section 3303 (a). P . In areas where the occupant load exceeds -, two exits are required. See . Table 33-A. . Exits should have a minimum separation of one- half the mimum overall diagonal dimmion of the building or area served. Section 3303 (c). 1)b. Zbe maximum number of required exits and their reauired seDaration mubt be maintained until e&ss is pirovided from the stmcture. Section 3303 (a). l{l. Where a required exit enters a yard or court the minimum width of the yard or court shall lead to a public way. Section 3301 (b). I#. Where required exits enter an exit court (see definition, Section 404 and 3301), the exit court mst discharge into a public way or exit p-sageway. The exits from the exit court shall comply with Section 3311 (d) requirmts for width, number, and protection of walls and Openings when the occupant load exceeds 9. . Change in width in a exit court shall be effected gradually by a guardrail at ledst 36 inches hi& and makine an ale of not more be 44” and the yard mubt be unobstructed and Section 3311 (b), than 30 degrees with &e axis & the court. Section 3311 (b). 4. Walls of exit passageways shall be without openings except exits and shall have walls, floors and ceilings of the same fire- resismce required for the building, with a minimum one-hour fire-resistive construction. Exit openings in the walls shall be protected by a three-fourths-hour assembly. Section 3312 (a). @ hamonts require two exits. -The -tx-;t mtc:+ Section 3303 (a). ~~ 7/29/87 1 1 6. Total vidth of exits in feet shall be not less than total occupant load served divided by 50. Tributary occupant load from basements and stories above shall be per Section 3303 (b) and the maximum vidth required for any story shall be maintained. 1 7. No point in the building shall be more than 150 feet (200 if sprinklered) from an exterior exit, horizontal exit, enclosed stairway or exit passageway, measured along the path of travel. Tnis may be increased 100 feet if last 150 feet is in a corridor. Section 3303 (d) (See exceptions). 18. Double acting doors are not alloved vhen serving a tributary occupant load of more than 100, or vhen part of a fire assembly, or part of smoke and draft control assemblies or vhen equipped vith pdnic hardware. Section 3304 1 9. Exit doors should wing in the direction of f egrees (b). vhen serving an occupant load of 50 or J f / mre or vhen serving any -dous area. Section 3304 (b). See doors 1 0. Exit doors should be openable from the inside vithout the use of a key, special knowledge, or effort. Section 3304(c) [Note that exit doors serving 10 or less occupants may have a night latch, dead bolt, or security chain per Title 24 2-3304 (c).] from assembly rooms with 50 or more occupants shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. Section 3318. 1 2. All doors and gates, vithin the exit path from an assembly room to a public way, shall not be provided vith latches or locks unless they are equipped with panic hardware. . Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3 feet bv 6 feet 8 inches with a minimum door wim of f l+ i . Exit doors Section 3318. I 96 degrees. mimum 1ec.f width is -4-fLt. Section 3304 (e). 4. The net dimension (clear vidth) at doorvays should be used in determining exit Widths required by Section 3303 (b). Section 3304 (e). In consideration of door thicknesses, panic hardware, door sving, etc., the required exit widths have not been furnished. See door 5. Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1 inch (112-inch if disabled access is required) below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door. Section 3304 (h). 1 6. When a door landing serves M occupant load of 50 or more, doors in any position shall not reduce the landing dimension to less than one half its required width. Section 3304 (i). i I 7. Door landings shall have a length measured in the direction of travel of not less than 44 inches. Section 3304 (i). . Doors should not project more than 7 inches into the required corridor width vhen fully opened, nor more than one-half of the required corridor width when in any position. Section 3305 (d). doors are not permitted as exit doors if the occupant load exceeds 9 or the exit door serves a hazardour area. Section 3304 (g). by Table 33-A shall not exceed 1:12j other exit ramps 1:8. Ramps steeper tban 1:15 shall have handrails as required for stairways. Ninh size landings and landing claances nust be provided. Revolving, sliding and overhead IO. Ramps required Section 3307. 1. slmxims . Stairway vidth must be at least 44 inches vhen serving 50 or more occupants; 36 inches when less than 50. Section 3306 (b). Seventy eight inch minimum headroom clearance for stairways should be indicated on the plana. Section 3306 (p). Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosing. 3. Stairway handrails should not project more than 3-112 inches into the required width. Trim and stringers may not project more than 1-112 inches. Section 3306 (b). A Enclosed usable space under interior or exterior staiways should be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire- resistive constmction. Shov 2 x @ 16" O.C. nailers. Section 3306 (m) (n). pf opyl:r,b/e lh. -dings should not be reduced in vidth more than 7 inches by a door vhen fully open. Section 3304 (i). Stairways from upper levels vhich extend below the level from vhich egress from the building is provided, shall have an approved barrier to preclude exiting into such lower levels. Section 3306 (h) h 3309 (e). 7. Vertical distances betveen stairway landings are limited to 12 feet. Section 3306 (i). E/ 15/88 8 All interior stairways and ramps shall be enclosed. In other than H-6 and I occupancies M enclosure is not required if serving only one adjacent floor and not connected to Stairs or corridors serving other floors. Section 3309 (a). inches m8xim.m and miniscum run shall be 11 inches. Section 3306 (e). See the exception for private stairways serving less than 10 occupants. Stairway riser mist be 4 inches minimum and 7 . Winding and spiral stairnays are permitted only in residential occupancies. Section 3306 (d). Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3309: a. Two-hour fire-resistive walls are required in buildings of rype I and 11-F.R. construction, Md in all buildings over four stories, and one-hour elsewhere. b. Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures. C. Doors should be labeled one and one-half- hours or one-hour fire assemblies. d. Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the round floor extending to the exterior ?see exception). Fire-resistive construction should be as required for the exit enclosure, including protected openings. Only exit doors are permitted to open into the corridor. e. An approved barrier is required at the ground floor to prevent people from accidentally continuing to the lower level. f. Usable space is not allowed under the 1 2. Occupied floors more than 75 feet above the highest grade should have all exits from the building in smoke-proof enclosures. Section 3310 (b). stairs. J In buildings four or more stories, one stairway ut extend to the roof. Section 3306 (0). It must be in a smoke-proof enclosure in buildings over 75 feet in height. A first story as allowed by Section 702 shall be included in determining the number of stories when determining if a stairway to the roof is required. Section 3306 (0). . HMdrails: LV! Handrails are required on each side of / stairways. Stairways less than w1" wide or stairways serving one dwelling unit my have one handrail (if not open on both sides). Private stairways (1 tenant) need only " have a handrail on one side if 30" or less in height. Stairnays with less than four risers that f* serve one individual dwelling unit need not have handrails. ,$. Handrails shall be 30" to 34" above nosing of treads and be continuous. Except for private stairnays, at least one f rail shall extend 6" beyond top and bottom risers. k. All stairs shall have handrails tiAimts in a newel or safety post. Section 3306(j). Note: Title 2& requires handrails on both sides to extend 12 inches beyond the top nosing Md 12 inches plus the tread width beyond the bottom nosing where disabled access is required. 5. Ihe handgrip portion of all handrails shall be not less than l-llk inches nor more than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension. HMdrails projecting from walls shall have at lesst 1-112 inches between the wall and the handrail. Section 3306 (j). 1 6. Openings in the exterior wall below or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior exit stainray in buildings over two stories shall be protected by a self-closing assembly having a three-fourths-hour rating, unless two separate exterior stailways serve an exterior exit balcony. Section 3306 (1). within 10 feet, measured horizontally, of an exterior stair shall be protected by self-closing fire assemblies having a three-fourths-hour fire protection rating when the stair serves a floor level having openings in two or more floors below it. See exception above. Section 3306 (1). . Buildings four or more stories in height ahall have a stairway numbering systemcomplying with Section 3306 (q). t I 1 7. Openings in exterior walls below or 8/15/88 9 n. oapm)(16 . Corridors and exterior exit balC011ieS Serving IO or more occupants mt be a minimum inches vide and 7 feet high to the lovest projection. Section 3305 (b). When a corridor or exterior exit balcony is accessible to the handicapped, changes in elevation shall be made by means of a ramp. Section 3305 (f). 1 1. Corridors serving 30 or more occupants shall have valls and ceilings of one-hour construction except: a. Corridors greater than 30 feet vide vhen the occupants have an exit independent from the corridor. b. Exterior sides of exterior exit balconies. C. Corridor valls and ceilings need not be of fire-resistive construction vithin office spaces having an occupant load of 100 or less when the entire story in which the space is located is equipped vith an automatic sprinkler system throughout and smoke detectors are installed within the corridor in accordance vith their listing. Section 3305 (g). 1 2. he-hour fire-rated corridors shall have door openings protected by tight-fitting smoke and draft control assemblies rated 20 minutes, except openings in interior valls of exterior exit balconies. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or be automatic-closing by action of a smoke detector per Section 4306 (b). Doors shall be gasketed to provide a smoke and draft seal where the door meets the stop on sides and top. 1 3. Total area of all openings, except doors, in any portion of an interior corridor, shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of the corridor Val1 of the room vhich it is separating from the corridor. Such openings shall be protected by fixed, approved 114 inch thick wired glass installed in steel frames. 4. Elevators serving more than two stories shall not open into required one-hour exit corridors unless protected by an approved smokeldraft control door system. In high rise buildings refer to Section 1807 (h). Section 3305. 1 5. Duct penetrations of fire-rated corridor valls and ceilings shall have fire dampers per Section 4306 (j). / / Section 3305 (h). / + f Section 3305 (h). . One-hour corridor6 shall not be used as M integral part of a duct systea. mi. includes the spacn above a dropped ceiling within the one-hour corridor. 7. Provide a complete architectural section of the corridor, and exterior exit balcony, shoving all fire-resirtivn materials and details of construction for all floor, walls, roof and all penetrations. 18. Ceilings of combustible materials cannot be suspended below the one-hour corridor ceiling. In types 111 or V construction fire retardant treated wood may bn used. 19. Corridor valls may terminate at the ceiling only if the ceiling is an element of A one- hour fire-resistive floor or roof system. Section 3305 (g). 0. When tvo exits arn required, dead end corridors and exit balconies are limited to 20 feet. Section 3305 (e). UHC Section 706 (b). d Ip i d Section 3305 (g). Section 3305 (g). B. 61. Exit signs are required for exits serving an Shov all required occupant load exceeding 49. exit sign locations. Section 3314 (a). Q 2. Shov that exits are lighted vith at least one f foot candle at floor level. Section 3313 (a). illumination and exit signs is provided by two separate circuits. (Occupant load exceeds 50 in I occupancies, 100 in H occupancies and 300 in all others). 64. Shov separate sources of pover for exit illumination and exit signs. (Occupant load exceeds 999 in A-1, 500 b A-212.1, 750 in churches, 100 in 1's and 500 in B-2 occupancies used for retail sales or offices). Section 3313 (b) 2. adequate. 0. mxv Alms Show that the pover supply for exit Section 3313 (b) 1. 0 . Ihe exit sign locations as shown are not Elevators shall be enclosed in a one-hour shaft except in Type I and Type I1 P.R. construction where the elevator shall be in a tvo hour shaft. Elevators in other than Group I occupancies need not be in a rated enclosure if serving only one adjacent floor. Section 1706. 8/15/88 10 1 7. Every opening into an elevator shaft enclosure shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a one-hour fire rating in one- hour shafts and one and one-half hours in two f hour shafts. Section 1706. Elevator shafts extending through more than tvo floor levels shall be vented to the outside. me area of vent shall be not less than 3 112% of the Wt area and a minb of 3 square feet per elevator. Section 5104. Elevators in high rise buildings shall comply vith Section 1807(b). Every elevator lobby or entrance area shall be provided vith an approved smoke detector as required by Section 5103(b). Doors other than the hoisthay door and the elevator car door are prohibited at the point of access to elevator car. Section 5106. Revise the number of elevator cars per hoistvay enclosure to comply vith Section 5103(a). Provide notes, detsils or specifications to shov the elevator will comply vith UBC Sections 5102-5106 and Title 24 Section 2-5102 through 2-5105. Provide clear inside elevator car dimensions as required by U.B.C. Section 5103(d) 6 and Title 24 2-5103(m). a. One elevator in buildings more than three stories or buildings where disabled access is required to upper level(s): 6'4' by 4'-3" with a minimum clear opening vidth of b. Elevators other than in (a) above serving an occupant load over 50 shall have a minimum inside platform of 5 feet 8 inches wide by 4 feet 6 inches deep. lhe minimum clear door width shall be 36 inches. c. Elevators other than in (a) above serving less than 50 occupants shall have a minimum inside platform of 4 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches and a minh clear door width of 2 feet 8 inches. 42". Specify on the vindov schedule the glass type and thickness to shov compliance with Table 54- A and B. 1 6. Glazing, in the same vall plane as a door, must be safety glaring if within 12" of the door and less than 60" above the valking surface, unless the glazing is leaded or faceted glass. Section 5406 (d) 6. t 7. Glass in excesm of 9 aq. ft. vith the lowest edge less the 18 inches abopa a valking surface shall b safety glaring or shall hav. a horizontal number not less than 1-112 inches in vidth and located betvem 2& and 36 inches above the walking surface. Section 5406 (d) 7. 9- . A fire-retardant roof covering is required. See exceptions under Section 3202 (b). 179 Specify roof pitch. 0 ,@. Roof ,p!tch is not adequate for roof covering speclfied. Specify mmmm pitch of fi. Specify roof material and application. 182 Specify ICBO, LK or other recognized listing 0 approval yx fo;g$f materials not covered in UBC. Specify roof slope for drainage or design to support accumulated vater. Shov roof drains and overflovs. Size drains per Appendix D of UPC. Shov the legal basis to allov roof drainage to flov onto the adjacent property. Draft stop rooflceiling area, attics, mansards, overhangs, false fronts and similar to limit area to 3,000 sq. ft. or 60 LF (9,000 sq. ft and 100 LF, if sprinklered). Section 2516 (f). B-2 and B-4 occupancies with over 50,000 sq. ft. of undivided area and E occupancies over 15,000 sq. ft. of single floor area shall have smoke and heat vents per Section 3206. Provide skylight details to shov compliance with Chapter 34 and Section 5207 or provide IC30 or other recognized approval listing. Provide plastic roof panel details to shw compliance with Section 5206 or provide ICBO or other recognized approval listing. Shov attic ventilation. blink vent area is 11150 of attic area or 11300 of attic area if at least 50 percent of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave or cornice vents. Section 3205 (c). Provide a minimum 22" x 30" attic access opening (or 30" x 30" if equipment is in attic). Section 3205 (c). Section 3207 (a). Section 3207 (a). 8/15/88 11 1. Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or 7""" civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommcndationr based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section 2905. 2. Specify on the foundation plan or structural specifications sheet the soil classification, the soils expansion indez and the design bearing capacity of the foundation. 3. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (when required by the soil report). . llae foundation plan does not comply with the following soil report recommendation(s) for f ;d 7 this project 2 5. Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils report recommndations for foundation slab and building pad preparation. 6. Note on the foundation plan that: "Prior to the contractor requesting e Building Depsrtment foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: P lia. Fire sprinklers are required for any story or basement when the floor area exceeds 1,500 sq. ft. and there is not provided at least 20 sq. ft. of opening entirely above the adjoining ground in each 50 lineal feet or fraction thereof of exterior wall on at least one side, or when openings are provided on only one side and ths opposite side is more than 75 feet away. Section 3802 (a). 1 3. Fire sprinklers are required in a basement if 75 feet any portion of a basement is more than from openings in an exterior wall. 3802 (b). Section P + + p' Ipl ld 0 4. Fire sprinklers are required at the top of rubbish and linen chutes and in their terminal room. Chutes extending through three or more floor shall have additional sprinkler heads installed within such chutes at alternate floors. Sprinkler heads shall be accessible for servicing. Section 3802 (a). . Fire sprinklers are required in retail sales rooms where the floor area exceeds 12,000 sq. ft. on any floor or 24,000 sq. ft. on all floors or in B-2 retail sales occupancies more than three stories in height. Section 3802. 1 6. Fire sprinklers are required in H occupancies when exceeding the areas in Section 3802 (f). drinking and dining establirhmnts when the total area of unseparated rooms exceeds 5000 square feet. Section 3802 (c). 1 8. Provide fire sprinklers . Provide fire sprinklers in Section 506, 507, 508 or 3802. See also jurisdiction ordinance. 199 When serving more than 100 sprinkler heads, autometic sprinkler systems shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or ramote, station service, or shall be provided with a local alarm vfiicb vi11 give an audible signal at a constantly attended location. Section 3803. Provide class - standpipes per Section 3807. A first story as allowed by Section 702 shall be included in determining the number of stories when determining if standpipes are required. Section 3806. a. b. C. the building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report; the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and; the foundation excavations, forming and reinforcement comply with the soils report and approved plan". 2 7. Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 psf soil bearing or per bearing value as detexmined by an engineer or architect. Chapter 29. Chapter d 2 8. Show height of all foundation walls. / 23. Show height of retained earth on all Show distance from foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show slop and heights of cuts and fills. Chapter 29. the plans that wood shall be 6 inches above finish grade. '+. foundation walls. Chapter 23. 1. Note on Section 2516 (c) 7. 212 Note on plans that surface water will drain away from tuilding and show drainage pattern and key elevations. Section 2905 (f). 0 Dimension foundations per Table 29-A. 2 4. Note on the plans: “On graded rites, the top of any exterior foundation Eball extend above the elevations of the street gutter at point of discharge or the inlet of M approved drainage device a minimum of 12 inches ~lus 2 Dercent.“ f Provide elevations on the site pl& to show compliance. Section 2907 (d) 5. 5. Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, P or equal. Section 2516 (c) 3. 2 6. Show foundation bolt size and spacing. Foundation bolt size and spacing for shesr walls mst be clearly shown on the foundation plan. Section 2907 (e). power driven pins. Show ed e and end distance and spacing. Section 306 (ff. J Specify size, ICBO number and manufacturer of 2 8. Show size, embedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Section 2303 (b) / 4. 2 9. Note on the plans that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. 226. Show adequate footings under all bearing walls / and shear walls. Section 2907 (d). J 2)”. Show stepped footings for slopes steeper than 1:lO. Section 2907 (c). 2 2. Show minimum 18 inch clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12 inch clearance to bottom of girders. Section 2516 f sire, spacing and depth into under floor access of 18 inches by undisturbed soil. Table 29-A. 24 inches. Section 2516 (c) 2. Show minimu0 under floor ventilation e ual to a 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. 08 under floor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as practicable and shall provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Specify that posts embedded in concrete shall ba pressure treated per UBC Standard NO. 25- 12. Section 2516 (c) 1. Section 2516 (c) 6. Show veneer support and connections in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, comply with Section 3002, 4, 5, 6 and Section 2515 (a) regarding tier and t9 wire in horizontal joints. Show height and construction details of all masonry walls. Chapter 24. Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Cross grain tension or banding in wood ledgers is not permitted. Section 2312 (j) 3. A. Provide details for damp proofing the foundation walls, below finish grade, where usable space exists on the interior side of the walls. Section 1707 (d). Show a minimum 2“ air space and flashing between planter and building walls. Section 2516 (c) 7. Provide complete structural details on the plans with cross referencing as needed to show the structural framing will comply with the design calculations and building code requirements. Provide minimum structural specifications on the plans to show that all structural materials will comply with the design calculations and buildzng code requirements. Provide a special inspection section on the plans listing all stmctural elemants requiring special inspection y U B C S ct’ n Show wdl bracirrp. em exterior wood stud 306 mnSen7 c fi6.4) -i!?*k ;;I8 82h &w* batt(g3q-f) wall and main crks psrtiiion shall be braced at each end and at least every 25 feet of length with 1 x 4 diagonal let-in braces or equivalent. Section 2517 (9) 3. Nota cross bridging or blocking. Floor joists and rafters 12” or more in depth shall be supported laterally by bridging at intervals not exceeding 8 feet, unless both edges are held in line. Section 2506 (h). Show blocking at end and at supports of floor joists, and for rafters at exterior walls. Section 2517 (d) 3. . Shov solid blocking at ridge line and at exterior walls on trussed roofs. Section 2506 (h), Section 2517 (h). . Shov double joists. Floor joists shall be '? doubled under baaring partitions running parallel with the joists. 2 0. Bearing partitions, perpendicular to joists, shall not be offset from supporting girders, beams, walls or partitions, mare than the depth of the joists. 2 1. Shov rafter ties. Rafter ties shall be spaced not mora tban 4 feet on center and be just above the ceiling joists, vhere rafters and ceiling joists ara not parallel. Section 2517 (h) 4- 2 2. Shov rafter purlin braces to be not less than J 45 degrees to the horizontal.' Section 2517 (h) Section 2517 (d) 5. Section 2517 (d) 5. J 1/2" minimum clearance between top plate of interior partitions and bottom chord of eWS.36. (To ensure loading will be as Shov stud sire and spat . I(sxlat. allouable +* stud heights; bearing vs: 2 x 4 and 2 x 6 mx. 10'; non-bearing: 2 x I max. 14', 2 x 6 mx. 20'. Table 25-R;3. . Studs supporting two flwn, a roof and ceiling mst be 3 x 4 or 2 x 6 at 16" ox. Table 25-R-3. 2 9. Note an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Compliance for glued laminated wood members shall be given to the building inspector prior to installation. Section 306 (f). connections and reference the detail to the plan. Section 2516 (m). . Detail shear ~Msfer connections, including ? roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls. 2 2. Specify Mi1 size and spacing for all shear walls, floor and roof diaphr-. Indicate required blocking. Maintain mayhum diaphragm dimension ratios. (Tables 25 I, J, K) and Section 4713 (a). Show 3" x 4'' or 2" x 6" of three story building. J f Detail all post to beam and post to footing Section 2513. studs in first story Table 25-R-3. @ +. 9. Provide tmss details and twn calculations for this project. &&fv on the ~1- the truss identification numben. designed). Show double top plate with minimum 48" lap splice. Section 2517 (9) 2. . Provide roof framing plan and floor framing plan. Section 302 (a) 7. Shov miling will be in compliance with Table 25-9. locations per Section 2516 (f): Show or note fire stops at the following Provide framing sections through a. b. C. d. in concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, at the ceiling and flocr levels and at 10 foot intervals along the length of the wall. at all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such (LS occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilhs; in Concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run and between studs along and in line with the run of stairs if the walls under the stairs are unfinished; and in openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimeys, fireplaces and similar openings which afford a wsapo for fire at ceilinn - and floor le&ls, with noncombustibl; materials. Section 302 (a) 7. Specify all header sizes for opening over 4' wide. Section 2517 (g) 5. provide calculations for main vertical and horizontal framing mmbers and post footings. Section 302 (a) 7. p.dE of Cd(Cs % wrlpd *Dam/ no oint hd r unlibrh hd sbooL cnt. Provide cadklations tor lateral loads, shear& ~. panels, shear trnnsfer and related. Section p-- 302 (a) 7. *&;. c ?J . Colmms and posts located on concrete or maronry floors or desks exposed to the weather or to water splash or in basements and which support permanent structures shall be supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting above floors unless approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treat wood is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. 2 2. Individual concrete or masonry piers shall project at least 8 inches above exposed ground unless the columns or posts which they support are of approved wood of Mtural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516 3. Specify plywood grade and panel identification . when roof pitch is less than 3:12, design ridge 2 5. If foundation cripple wall studs are less than 14" framing shall be solid blocking. Section 2517 (9) 4. 6. Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in height shall be 3 inch by 4 inchor2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. Section 2517 t t6 # P 4 f (c) 4- index. Table 25-N. as a beam. Section 2517 (h). 7. Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, or exterior glue." Plywood used for exterior wall covering shall be the exterior type. Section 2516 (g)3, ZSl6(i). 8. slow a veep screed at the foundation plate line on all exterior stud walls to be stuccoed. Section 4706 (e). 9. Ridges. hips, and valleys shall be at least one size larger than supported rafters. Section 2517 (h) 3. 0. In open beam construction, provide strap ties Section + other (g) 4- weather exposed areas, is "bonded with P across the beams at the ridge support. 2501 (a). v. nIIs(aLwIBms 2 1. Parking garages shall have an unobstructed headroom clearance of not less than 7'-0" above the finish floor to any ceiling, beam. pipe or similar constluction. Section 702 (b). Show lieht and ventilation. for areas / cubtomariiy used by people, will comply with / Section 605. 3. Provide details of restrmnts to show compliance with Section 510 (b), regarding floors, walls and showers. 274 Rovide restrooms for each sex if the number of employees exceeds 4 and both es are employed. Section 705 (B occupancy).'efbnd W/ -f?wd;cap acCcxable> J 0 2 5. Shov unenclosed floor and roof openings, open and glared sides of landings and ramp., balconies or porches more than 30" above grade or floor, and roofs used for other than service to the building have 42" minh height guardrail, through which a 6" sphere cannot pass, and designed for 20 lbs. per lin. ft. applied horizontally at top rail (50 lbs. for exit facilities serving more than 50). Section 1711. Table 23-6. 6. Provide platform and stage construction, including occupancy separations and roof vents, as per Chapter 39. 2 7 Pedestrian walkway shall comply with Section I 509. . Provide at least one drinLing fountain for each floor level in Group A occupancies. Section 605. / ld . Show that aisles and seats comply with Sections 3315 and 3316. Buildings housing Group A Occupancies rhall front directly upon or have access to a public street not less than 20 feet in width. The access to the public street shall be a minima 20-foot-wide right-of-way. unobstructed and maintained only as access to the public street. The main entrance to the building shall be located on a public street or on the access way. Section 603. details on the plans to show the enclosed Handicapped Access check List. Handicapped access requirements may be more restrictive than the UBC . . Provide mechanical plans, plan details, calculations and completed forms to show compliance with state regulations for energy conservation. 2 5. Provide electrical plans, plan details, calculations and the completed Form 5 or CF-5 to show compliance with state regulations for energy conservation. . Incorporate in the plans or specifications the @ attached "Title 24 Mandatory Requirements" and the "Title 24 Construction Compliance StatemMt Requirements". I / Submit ccmplete electrical plans and specifications. Submit plan showing location of all services. submit complete one-line diagram of service and feeders. Indicate the grounding system to ba installed for building service. Indicate ampere interrupting capacities (AIC) of service and subservice equipment. NE 230-651110-9. Indicate sizes of fuses andlor circuit breakers. Indicate fuse symbols to show fault currents are limited to 10,000 amps on branch circuits. 1.e. JJN, m. If fuses are not used to limit fault currents on branch circuits to 10,000 amps, specify method to be used. Submit plan showing location of all switchboards. Indicate d-ion of switchbcards and control panels rated 1200 amperes or more. NEC llO-lS(c). Submit plan showing location of all transformers. Indicate the grounding system to be installed for transformers. NEC 250- 26(c). #- Provide overcurrent protection on the NEC 240- secondary side of transformers. 211384-16(d). ,'. Submit plan showing location )d. Submit panel- schedules. #. Specify conduit and wire sizes. of all panels. Specify aluminum or copper conductors and type of insulation. ''Ejt~;~a' a6 ?-5o-Z+ Submit electrical load calculations. Indicate existing service size. Indicate existing building load. Indicate new additional lMaS. Indicate wiring method. show exit signs on the electrical lighting plan. Note: Power for exit lights and emergency lighting ut confom to the 1985 UBC Sections 3313 and 3314. Provide receptacle(€.) within 25' of the roof mounted AIC units. WC Section 509. Provide mltiple switch lighting controls per CAC, Title 24, 2-5319. . TITLE 24 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS (To be noted on plans or specifications) WAC Controls Sec. 2-5315. (a) Each HVAC svstem shall: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Be equipped with at least one automaticdevice for reducing HVAC energy use during periods of nonuse or alternate uses of the building spaces or zones served by the system; Be able to maintain space temperature set points from 55'F to 85OF. Two or more replaceable fixed set-point devices shall be permitted if installed so as to maintain space temperature set points in the zone that they control; Be able to provide sequential temperature control of heating and cooling capacity in each zone, if both heating and cooling are provided; Provide a range of temperatures up to 10°F in which no heating or cooling is provided to the space, if the HVAC system has both heating and cooling capability; Be able to terminate all heating at 7OoF or less; and Be able to terminate all cooling at 78OF or more. EXCEPTION: Multiple zone HVAC sytems requiring concurrent operation of independent heating and cooling systems need not comply with Section 2-5315(a) 4, 2-5315 (a)5, and 2-5315(a)6. (b) Zoning. Each zone shall be provided with at least one of the devices specified in subsection (a) to control the HVAC system which serves the zone. Each floor of a building with conditioned space shall contain at least one zone. Ventilation Systems Sec. 2-5316. On mechanical ventilation supply and exhaust systems capable of moving more than 5,000 cfm of air, auto- matic dampers interlocked and closed on fan shut- down shall be provided. On gravity ventilating systems, either automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside, other than combustion air openings, shall be provided. Doors and Windows Section 2-5317. (a) Doors and windows between conditioned and uncon- ditioned spaces, such as garages and closets for central forced air gas furnaces using outside air for combustion, shall be designed to limit air leakage into or from the building envelope. Control Devices for Indoor Lighting Sec. 2-5319. Controls for lighting loads within the building envelope shall meet each of the following re- quirements. Each area enclosed by ceiling-height partitions shall have independent control of the lighting within that area. Each area enclosed by ceiling-height partitions shall have at least one readily accessible manually operated switching device to control lighting within the area. For lighting controls, "readily accessible" means located so that a person using the device can see the controlled lights or the area being lit. Switching devices in addition to, but not instead of, the required readily accessible manually operated switching devices shall also be permitted. The general lighting of any area 100 square feet or larger in which the connected lighting load equals or exceeds 1.0 watt per square foot throughout the entire area shall be controlled so that the load may be reduced by at least one-half while maintain- ing a reasonably uniform level of illmination throughout the area. Readily accessible switches, that control each luminaire in a space with more than one luminaire, orthat control each lamp in a space independently meet the requirements of this section. In all areas where effective use may be made of natural light, lighting circuiting shall be arranged so that units, in all portions of the area where natural light is available at the same time, are switched independently of the remainder of the area. Occupant Operating and Maintenance Information to be Provided by Builder The builder shall provide the building owner, manager, and the original occupants a list of the heating, cooling, water heating, and lighting systems and features, materials, components, and mechanical devices conservation or solar devices installed in the building, and instructions on how to use them efficiently. The instructions shall be con- sistent with specifications set forth by the Executive Director. Water heaters, showerheads, lavatory faucets and sink faucets must be certified by the California Energy Commission (Excluding: waterheaters of the non-storage electric type and lavatories in public facilities having devices that limit the flow of hot water or have self-closing faucets or having devices that limit the outlet temperature to amaximum of LlO'F) Section 2-5314, Table 2-536. Water Heaters and Plumbing Fixtures TITLE 24 HANDICAPPED ACCESS CORnECTION LIST SITE DEVELOPMENT /. HANDICAPPED PARKISC SPACES ,/ See Approved Parking Plan for laput. (Fig. 2.71-1) f'. The maximum cross dope shall not umd %- per foot. (2-3325.4 p! Gratings are not allowed whenever possible. (2.3325b) /d. Provide handicapped spaces. (2.7lOSa) f. At cnch gate or door 8 60"x W" level area is required when the gate swings toward the walk. (2.3325~) A 24' clear iprce h required at strike side of gate or dour. e. Spncc shall besolocated that handicapped persons are not mm. plled to wh-l or walk behind pirkd cars othu than their own. (2.7102~) (2,3325~. Fig. 2-33-2) /. Parkingspace shall be a minimum of 9 It. I I8 it. with 8diacent 5 ft. loading zone. Double space shnll be 7.3 It. wide. (2-il02b. Fig. 2-71-1) . 4. A 46" x 44- dccplnd area h requird when the gntcwinp away from the walk. (2.3325~) @ PEDESTRIAN FiAMPS If G.V1' 'd'e Maximum slope olprrkingrurfacc in any direction shnU not u- a. A oath of trrvd with a slow rrciter than I in 20 shdl be eon. sidered a ramp. (2-3305.)- - b. The maximum ,lope shall be 1 in 12. (2.3307~) . Parkingspace(s) shall be identified with the International Sym- bo1 of Accessibility on rcflectorired sign affixed to pod or wall. and also duplicatedon parkingsurface (Jyrnbol to be 36-rW). (2.7102e). e. The width shall be 48- minimum. (2-330ib-3) . Entrance to parking facility or structure shall ah have durable metal sign stating that unauthorized vchicle(s) parking in hrn- dinpped space(s) may be subject to 1ow.away. (27102e) Enrrm.x to and vertical clearam within acemible level or park- mg structure shall bc 8 it. 2 in. to any structural member. duct or pipe. (P-il02f) CURB RAMPS 1. Curb ramis shall be located wherever pedestrian path eroyc~ curb. (Z-iIOJa) Curb ramp shall be Wmin. width (2-il03b) with maximum P A level 49" min. depth landing b required at top of curb ramp f over entire curb ramp width. (2-710Jd) #. XI no Innding is providd. the slope of flared side shall not ex. ceed I in 12. (Z-iIOJd) #. Surface is to bi slip resistant. (2-iI030 p! Bordcrm.r~n~shallbcI~-widcof %-x %-pva. %-apart. located at top and rids (I-il03h) n WALKS Site development - to primary cntranca and art- to normal paths oI travel and where nmurry to provide aces shall incorporate pedestrian ramps. curb rarnpr. etc. (2.7101a) requiremeits of =et. 2-3307. (2-3325+ 0 Walk width shdl be 48- minimim. (2.5325.) b. W.llusl~ping~oterth~nSl. (1 in20) murteomplywithramp d. A bo- intermediate hndinr is rmuired at marimum elevation chanpe of30" and 72-Iand7ng at &ch change or direction (wer W). (2-330id.l) e. I. Laodinp arc required at top and bottom of ramps. (?.soid-1) Bottom landingshd be minimum of i.2- in the direction of travel. (Fig. 2;U-iIA) g. Top landing shall be €0" x SO" minimum. (2-33Oid-2) h. Whcn doar wings onto top landing, minmum depth of landing required is door width plur 42: (Fig. 2-33-1lA) Top landing shall haye €0' min. width when door wings onto the landing, with 24" on strike side of door at exterior ramp. or Ik at interior ramp. (2.330534) Ramp hmdrab arc requid on each side of ramp, when slope urrcdr 1 in 15. (2.33Oic) Ramp handraib shall be mntinuolu. located 3W-34" in height above ramp Grfact. with 12- utcnrionr beyond top and bot- tom. and the ends returned. (2-33Oic) i. j . k. . I. Handrails shall be I-%- to 9- UCOI seetion. spaced mi". of I-%- from wdi. (2.3307~) m. A 2- high curb or wheel guide rail centered 3" plusiminus 1- above ramp surface is required on both sides where not other. wise bounded by walls when the ramp exceeds 10 feet in length. (23)Oih) SPECIAL ACCESS LIFTS 8. Lifu m8y be prwidsd between levels. In lieu of clewor. when the vertical duta- between Iandinp. drvcturd elevator. SIIUC. turd deign and rnfeparb arc LI allowed by the State of Califor. nia. De@. 01 Indwtrial Relations. Dir. d Ormpationrl Salcty tnd Health. (9.5108.) DA 2/4/00 4. HAZAflDS I a. Provide 80" headroom lrom wv.1kw.y surface to anyovethanp Ing obstru+n. (2.3526b) b. Hcadioom of 80- minimum shall be maintained for walb, cor. ridon. rides. etc. (2.5221.2) Piotrudingobirru with Icadingcdgerbetwrrn 1T'sndBO" mhse finished floor shall not protrude more than 4- into wdk. cor. ridow. ctc. (2.5221-I. Fig. 2.5-i) d. Objects with protruding edges below 17" hove Iinishcd floor m*y protrude my mount. (1.5221.1) e. Free standing objmts mounted on posts between 27" and SO" above the floor may project a maximum of 1"". (2-5221.1) Abrupt changes in level =weeding 4"adjarent to walk. crrrpl between walk and adjacent streets or driva. shall be identified by 6" high warning curbs above walk surface. (2.3326a) c. f. ErvmANCES AND CIRCULATION @ ENTRANCES. DOORS, VESTIDULES AND CORRIDORS /. FLOORS 8. Floors 01 I given story shall bc 8 common level throughout 0, shall beconnected bypdutrian ramp. paucngcr dcvator~, or rpd.1 lifts. (2-522e) /. STAIRWAYS 8 . Ired shall hare smooth. rounded upowd edga and be slip tnnt. (2-3306s.l) f All primary entrances to buildings shall be acceuible to the han- dicapped. (1-33011) . All required uit doon shall have 32- cltrr opening SI 80. (36- At least one of 8 pair of doon shall meet the min. 32"&ar en- tran~~ width rquircment. (2-3304~-3) Threrhold shall be no higher than !4- above the flwr. Edge to ' be beveled with aslope no greater than 1 in 2. if more than %'. (2.33Mh-1. Fig. 2.33-5) Exterior level Innding may dope up to '/.'per foot in any diru- tion for surface drainage. (2.413) /. Door hardwarcshrll be of the lever or push type. mounted 30- to 44" above the floor and be operable with I ma=. effort of 8.5 Ibr. for exterior dwn and 5 Ibs. for interior dwn. (2-33044 f door). (2-3304c-I) . 2-334.2) Thc lower IO" of the door shall bc of smooth. plane surface (no recar or trap) except at automatie and sliding dwn. (2-3304m) . entrance(s] shall be identified by sign with the Intcr- Symbol of Amcuibilily. Show l~ntion on the plan. f (2.522b-7) The symbol shall be a white figure on blue backpound. (2-522b.2) 32'clerr width opening, There shall be J clear area on each side of dwr. €0- deep in direc- tion of dwr swing and 44- deep in oppositc direction of door P- wing. (2-3304h.2) Width of clear are. an the swing side ot the door shall utcnd 14- put strike jamb for exterior dwn and 16- put strike iamb for interior doors. (2.5304h-2) The space between two mnsecutivc doon (vestibule) shall pro- vide a mm. of 48- clear depth betwrrn the open door and ax- eDnd dosed door. (2-3304h-2D. Fig. 2-335A) Doon in a series st a vatibulc 8.11 swing in the same direction. or away from the space between them. (25304 h-20) /. . . . Conldon hall be 44'mlnlmum in width or u required by oc- cupant load. (2.J305bl) For corridors over 200 feet long. YC special requiremenu of See. . f 1XMSb.2. (Fig. 2.33-Q b. Nosing shall not project more than IYs" part facc of the riser below. (2.3306s-2) c. d . Rirs shall be sufliciently sololid. (2-3306s.3) The upper approach and lower tread of cach flight of stain shall be marked with a mntruting mlored strip 2' In width. (23306r) e. On utcrior stairs. each tread shall be marked a noted above. (2.3306r) f. Handrails we required on each side of stairway. (2.3306i.~) g. Handrails Jidl be located 30" to 34'&o~e noring. utend 12" beyond tbp riser and IZ-plu~ trcid width beyond bottom nos. iny and returned to wdl/newel port. (2-3306i-2) h . Handrail shdl be I %- to 2" in gripping crow section and I !+- elcar of wall. (2.3306j-2) I a. See Chaptcr 51 of UBC lor car size. b . P-ngcr elmton in building 0th- than thm listed in chaptLT 51 ol UBC servinuym omupant load of more than 50 shd have a car size 68- wide by 51" deep with J min. cluar opening width of 36". (2-5lO3rn-ZBl) Pmngcr dmaton in buildinpother than thwe list& in Chnptcr 51 of UBC semine an occupnnt load of SO or less shall have a carsizeot5i-wide by3"deepwitha minimum clearopening width uf 32-. (l-SIOJm.?D?. 3) Raised Braille marking and Arabic numeral, am required on mn. lrol buttons and door jambs. (2-5lOJm) c. d . SANITARY FACILITIES flJ kp~ht~~\ ShbcJn ' TOILET FACILITIES ACCESS . When located on amm'bie flmn. sinitor). facilities shall be ma& acmiible to physically handicapped. (2.51 Ia.3) b. Dwrwqi shall have 32- minimum dear width. (2-511a.5~) e. Thcrcshrll be a level area with SO'cicar depth in the direction of the door swing. and a level area with 44" clear depth in op porite direction of door wing. (2511a-SB) . MULTIPLE ACCOIIODATION TOILET FACILITIES 8 . Provide clear area 60- diamclcr I 2i" high . or clear spare 56- x 6J" I 5" high. (2-51ia.6A) b. Doors (other than handicap compartment) arc not to cncroaeh more than 12- into iborc mentioned elcar space. (2.511a.6~) Provide 2.9" clear spse between water closet and fixture or 32" c1c.r space behwrrn wsttr dowl and wall. (1.51 1a.68) d . A 48 long clear space u required in front of water dora. A 60- dear spncc b rquired when the toilet mmpmrtrncnt hu a side door. (2411a-68) Water closet comp~rtncnl door to proride 32- clear width for end entry and +- dear width lor side entry. Daor to be wlf. dosing and wing out. (Z.Slla.&C) e. e. DA 2/4/00 1b. SINCLE ACCOhlOOATlON TOILET FACILITIES b. Minimum clear Sp8Cc in front of water closrl shall be 48". (2.511a.7. Fig. 2.5.1A) In an uisting building. a single accommodation toilct facility may haw a space 36' vide I 48" long in front of water closet. (251 la.?. Fig. 2-SIC) e. : CRAB BARS AT WATER CLOSET a. One at side 12- long cztrnding 24" In front of rater closet: one st rear 36- long entered on writer clout: both mounted 33- nh'e floor. (2.511a-8A) Ban shall be 1 %^ 10 1 !4- in diamctcr with 1 !4- clearance to wall. (24lla.8B) Bar fastcncrs and mounting support shall bc able to withstand 250 IbsJft. In bending. shear and tension. (2511dC) b. e. . WATER CLOSET a. Heightdwatcrdosctmtshdbe lrto19-mboveflmr. (5.lXn) b. The force tquird ti activate the flush valveshall be5 Ibs. ma.- hum. (5-1502) f 11. URIXALS a. Where urinals are provided. the rim of at least one shall project 14' from the wall and be located 17" maximum above floor. (5-1503a) b. The force required to =&vale the flush valve shall be 5 Ibs. max- hum and located 44- maximum above floor. (5-1503b) e. Provide 30" z 48" dear flmr spa? lor fonvud approach. (251lb-4) 3p. LAVATORES a. Provide 30- I 48- clear floor space for forward approach. Said clear floor space may include knee and toe spa= under lavatory dscribed below. (2-51 Ib-IA) Provide clear space beneath Invztorics 29- high by 30- wide by 8- deep (knee space) and 9' hish from the flmr by 30- wide by 17 deep from Iron1 01 lavatory (toe space). (5.1504a) b. c. Hot water and drain pip under Iavutorier shall be insulated. (5.1SMb) d. Faucet montrnls and operating mechanism (operable with one hand) shall bcof the type "01 requiring tight g'Yping. pinching or twisting of the wrist and an operating for- not erccnling 5 Ibs. (5-1.504~) Mf-diaingvalva to wmh opn for at least IOwrcondr. (Sljo4u) e. If. TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES a. hfirror bottom (2.51 lb-18) edge shall be IocJted 40- maximum above floor. b. Toilet tissue dispcnrnshall h mnuntud within I2 frnm the front edge of toilet sedt. (2-511b-3. Fig. 5-5-1.4) Optating parts of dispensing snd dispaJl ruturcr (towels. wac. coin dots. cte.) shnll k within 10- of flmr. (2-Sllb-2) e. SAXITARY FACILITIES IOENTII~ICATION a. OnJoorw~~.rIcrdin):toranlt~pf~ciliti~~thr~~mbolstobcpra vidcd are 12- Equilateral Triangle for men. IT' Oiamrter Cir. clc lor womcn. and '4" thick. centered on door. M)" high mn. trrrting mlor. (2.511a.SC) . BATHINC FACILITIES m. Onc such facility shall comply whvn provided for the public. clients or cmployccs. (2.511a.9) Shower mmp;lrtniml shall be 4V wide. 48" drcp. with s 36- wide entrance. (2.51 Ia.9Al) Note on the PlaN that the hmdicappped bathing fvcililicrshall mnform to rquiremcnts of Sea. 2.51 la-9.5-1505-8 and 5.1506. f b. e. CLVERAL REQUIRM€%TS . DRINKINC FOUNTAIN a. The almrc in which the water fountain Ir located shall be not lar than 32- wide by 18- deep. (2~5llc. Fag. 2-53) b. Note on the pla~ that drinking fountain shall mnform to g. quirements of SCC. 2.511~ and $1501. P . PUBLIC TELEPHONE P a. Provide space 30- I 48- for forward or parallel approach to tdephonc. (2.511d2) .. b. Note on the plrru that public lelcphono shall mnform to IC quiremenu of SCC. 4-511d. @LEmRicAL REQUiREStENTS 15, 20 and 30 amp. receptacle outlets than 12" above floor. (3.210.50e) shall be installed not 1- Center of wild shall be located not leu than 36- nor mom than 48" 8bor.c the floor. (3.3804~) CROUP A OCCUPASCY REQUIRMEVTS f . AUDITORIUMS. ASSEMBLY HALLS. THEATERS. ETC. r a. Seating and toilet faciliticr for the hmdicappcd shall be .-ai. blc from the main lobby nr primary entrmce. (Z-SlIb-1) b. This structure rquiro wheelchair seating spes. (2.61 Ib-1Al) C. d. Each whcclchrirspaceshall a Wx30~nndIwel. (2-611b-1M) When the seating capacity exceeds 300. the wheelchair rpaes shall be in more thsn one location. (2.611b-IA2) sons. Clear leg space shall be at lerct 24'. (2.611b-18) ShgCS. enclosed snd unenclosed plntforms. orchestra pits, ticket booths. and rrhnhrncnt til^ facilities shall bc made rcceuible. (2-61 1b.S. 3) e. This stmct"re rquirs xaLI for mi-ambulnnt pr. I. DA 2/4/88 PAR/, &40 - Date8 '/E Jurisdiction Prepared by8 0 Bldg. Dept. mvto Y 0 Esgil AD VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO. 89 0202 - A APPLICANT/CONTACT &Ucs ~H~MAS PHONE NO. -2 76 - 7 710 BUILDING OCCUPANCY - TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION v-d CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING ADDRESS - Id -1060 AOTo cH.liw? c, 3LIK-i- DESIGNER PHONE .cu Building Permit Fee S S 24 74- Plan Check Fee $ s COHHENTS; SHEETLOF 2- ., . 12/87 :. VALUATION - MULTY PLIER -23 Datec h’!! Jurisdiction PARIS Prepared by: J2wcL&) PLAN CHECK NO. r?9 OZUL 6 BUILDING ADDRESS /0&3-&$@ ALVO m7w2 PA OR?- APPLICANT/CONTACT BRUciz 7H OMAS PHONE NO. 2 76 - 7 7/0 BUILDING OCCUPANCY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Q Bldg. Dept. VALUATXON AND PLAN CHECK FEE 0 Esgil 4 DESIGNER PHONE CONTRACTOR PHONE VALUE I / 1,36F BUILDING PORTION warp h QUse BUILDING AREA 4Q4 L .. .. . t Residential I Res. or Corn. Fire Sprinklers 4842 I Air Conditionina I I I Commercial . I la I @ @ 1- l.. , ‘7263 I 1 1 Total Value 0” . Building Permit Fee $ s 706 - Plan Check Fee S s &J.-/3f COHHENlS; SHEET~OF 2,. 12/81 PLANN I NC CHECK L1 ST Plan Check No. Eb3020R Address /om #/GO &.&rcic T Type of Project and Use Zone C-2-0 Use Allowed? YES b( NO Aura dtw~~e - -~m Setback: Front Side __ Rear k222 Facilities Management Zone 3 - #** - Encinitas - School District: San Dieguito - [;arkbad _nL San Marcos Discretionary Action Required YES b( NO - Type m-3 Landscape Plan Required YES & NO - NWnuE a%q&Tl* An &n c] Environmental Required YES NO - '&Su&?O B/!!/8S Comments @U 0 Coastal Permit Required OK TO ISSUE DATE OeIGLAJkk CklEcl<LlSr Lss7 r3\l pLAddlAJ6 m BUILDING PLANCHECK f ENGINEERING CHECKLIST DATE: /6 /LG /89 ITEM COMPLETE PLANCHECK NO. 390202 ITEM INCOMPLETE - NEEDS YOUR ACTION 9 1 2 3 /os'O-/O40 Cmre fT; SNR LITEM SELECTED T D D 2 &h.c @LOC5, C C C PROJECT ID: cm cw+JrRy lEM&..lSI..U HHH E E E LEGAL REOUIREMENTS ccc K K K Site Plan 000 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: north arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of- way width and dimensioned setbacks. 000 2. Show on site plan: Finish floor elevations, pad elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway with percent (%) grade and drainage patterns. 000 3. Provide legal description and Assessors Parcel Number. Discretionarv Aooroval ComDliance 4. 5. Project complies with all Engineering Conditions of Approval 6. Project does not comply with the following Engineering No Discretionary approvals were required. for Project No. Conditions of Approval for Project No. Conditions complied with by: Date: ' Field Review 7. Field review completed. No issues raised. 8. Field Review completed. The following issues or discrepancies with the site plan were found: A. E. Site lacks adequate public improvements. Existing drainage improvements not shown or in conflict with site plan. Site is served by overhead power lines. Grading is required to access site, create pad or provide for ultimate street improvement. C. D. FRM0010.DH 08/29/89 FRM0010.DH E. Site access visibility problems exist. Provide onsite turnaround or engineered solution to problem. - F. Other: Dedi cation Reou i rernent s 9. No dedication required. 10. Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 84" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report and the required processing fee. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. The description of the dedication is as follows: Dedication completed, Date: By : ImDrovement Reauirements 11. No public improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaaed or defective imDrovements found adjacent to buildina site must be reoaired to the satisfaction of the Citv insDector Drior to occuoancv. 12. Public improvements required. This project requires construction of public improvements pursuant to Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit. for separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of permit. The required improvements are: __ ~ ~ ~~ Improvement plans signed, Date: By : 13. Improvements are required. Construction of the pub1 ic improvements may be deferred in accordance with Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please submit a letter requesting deferral of the required improvements together with a recent title report on the property and the appropriate processing fee so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. The Future Improvement Agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Future Improvement Agreement completed, Date By : Gradina Reouirernents 13a. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Please provide more detailed proposed and existing elevations and contours. Include accurate estimates of the grading quantities (cut, fill, import, export). -14. -15. No grading required as determined by the information provided on the site plan. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted for separate plan check and approval through the Engineering Department. NOTE: The Gradina Permit -must be issued -and sradinq substantiallv comolete and found acceptable to the CitK Insoector prior to issuance of Buildina Permits. Grading Inspector sign off. Date: By : cell IS Permits -16. Right-of-way Permit not required. -17. Right-of-way Permit required. A separate Right-of-way Permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: -18. Sewer Permit is not required. -19. Sewer Permit is required. A Sewer Permit is required concurrent with Building Permit issuance. The fee required is noted below in the fees section. Industrial Waste Permit is not required. - 20. FRMOOIO. OH 08/ 29/89 - 21. Industrial Waste Permit is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Applicantion Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of Building Permits. Permits must be issued prior to occupancy. Industrial Waste Permit accepted - Date: By : Fees Reaui red 422. &23. Traffic Impact Fee &24. Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Park- i n- Lieu Fee Quadrant:- Fee per Unit: Total Fee: - f Total Fee: /36 7 - Fee Per Unit: Total Fee: + Fee per Unit: - x25. Public Facilities Fee required. *6. Facilities Management Fee Zone: Fee: - 227. Sewer Fees Permit No. EDU's 6-13 Fee: Sewer Lateral required: *" Fee: * Lr% ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE PERMIT FRMOOl 0. DH 08/29/89 do0 do 0 do do 0 do 0 do 0 do 0 dn a do 0 don don do 0 dn 0 ENGINEERING CHECKLIST Date: 3 hi3 /R9 Project Address: /&O//~ &,m &me & Project Name: &m~ A U7b CfiNzG? /I* Plan Check No. BPOZO~ Field Check Date: By: 7 tem Complete 0 tem Incomplete - Needs Your Action Number in circle indicates p la nc hec k number that deficiency was identified 1.2,3 LEGAL REQUIREMENTS Site Plan 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets. existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. 2. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway and percent ($1 grade and drainage patterns. Provide legal description of property. 3. 4. Provide assessor's parcel number. PERMITS REQUIRED Grading 5. Grading permit required. (Separate submittal to Engineering 6. 7. Need the following completed prior to building permit issuance: Department required for Grading Permit). Grading plans in plan check PE A. Grading plans signed. B. Grading permit issued. C. Grading completed. D. E. Grading inspected and permit signed off by City Inspector. Certification letter and compaction reports submitted. 8. Right-of-way Permit required for work in public right-of-way (e.g., driveway approach, sidewalk, connection to water main, etc). 9. Industrial Waste Permit application required. To be filled out completely and returned to Development Processing. FEES REQUIRED 10. Park-in-Lieu fees required. , Total Fee: - - Quadrant: - , Fee Per Unit: &5 Fee Per Unit: , Total Fee:&/867 . 11. Traffic impact fee required. 12. Bridge and Thoroughfare fee required. Fee Per Unit: - , Total Fee: - . (917 0 13. Public facilities fee required. 14. Facilities management fee required. Fee:+..i: -e A U 15. Additional EDU's req red: 6.23 (97 +sa) da 0 @om do 0 Sewer connection fee. % 778S.m Sewer permit no. , 285-2. 16. Sewer lateral required: REMARKS: a€ 4'5 4 ~lh--rt<W CHr) NBE 00 Cf87-3 ch 2&=24 XbWH#,e nrLoas aa IJ&C fQ6tzEGw 64 fcmo.37). @NE-& m @%.€ss A07 ('~d6oLroMlon) f~DT~TyI( L5n17 &-I f&z brs z t.3 (coda +/cl).@&imL L;)ZC- cw. 4 ).@ REClPRerpa, US& kQZ~id7 08 6VL%W-r OF kJS6nE-JT rXQ *.%q&3 &AI<.& ccwo. 4. IbQ.tA E&lle60 ( - ac7mmmY rnchE&& OF FeF-aT FOR Or21 dEwv 3-a Lr)n 1 62 w bw4w - O.K. to issue: Date: If you have any questions about any of the above items identified on this plan check, please call the Development Processing Department at 1138-1161. 2560 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE (619) 931.2121 (Ititp of Carle'bab FIRE DEPARTMENT PLAN CHECK REPORT 1 -G.,JJ ,r' LM DISAPPROVED PLAN CHECK# El APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS Provide one copy of: floor plan@); site plan; sheets Provide two site plans showing the location of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project. Permits are required for the installation of all fire protection systemsdsprinkier?: stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, The business owner shall complete a building information letter and return it to the fire department. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT - 1. - 2. 3. Provide specifications for the following: ~/L,,,L 3 .O,UC~S &.,L &kC HV,J/C?bZ5 -. ~. 4. - 5. COI, alarms, hydrants). Plan must be approved by the~departmen~,,w1-16 installation. ~ 8. -+ B. - 10. -11. -13. The following flre protection systems are required: Automatic fire sprinklers(Des1gn Criteria: ??77. @Fi?A ) Dry Chemical, Halon, COa (Location: 1 0 Stand Pipes (Type: ) 0 Fire Alarm (TypelLocatIon: ) Fire Extlnaulsher Reauirements: One 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each y?::!irgu:?hsr mt !c numed 75 !e*! of travel. sq. ft. or portion thereof with a travel distance to the nearest U An extinguisher with a minimum rating of to be located: YOther: f7C &Q QL*Rt?fI e./ 22% 11, VI IJL, -I C. 7Ead,,qqr-5 I Additional flre hydrant@) shaii be provided EXITS Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. A sign stating, " This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above the main exit and EXIT signs (6" x 'A'' letters) shall be placed over all required exits and directional signs located as necessary to doors Lo+~'~w Qr1L.i z1ut3 I&./ OP 6ryl7PTf~2w&~.477AlL- rrp,G- d.3772 /? nc.7 -< clearly indicate the location of exit doors. GENERAL Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids. flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code. Building(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock. Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or In racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. If high stock pil- ing is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81. -15. Comply wI r.. Plan Examiner Dale 3.L / -P ) - Report mailed to architect -Met with ~ -Attach to Plans June 20, 1989 Leeann Wootton KM&A PO Box 82208 San Diego, Calif 92138 Your File 5.08, PROJ 88 520A OUR PC 89-202 This responds to your letter of June 6, 1989, and the items listed. A. We approve. B. Even though the occupancy load is less than 10, we feel the stairway in a commercial building should not be treated as a "private" stairway. C, D, E. These Items are approved after you have noted on the title sheet of the plans: "These are shell buildings and cannot be occupied until tenant improvements are approved by the City of Carl sbad". The rise should be 7" maximum and 11" minimum. F. We did not receive the revised drawings you mention. However, if the distance between the stairways closest points is at least half the diagonal distance of the basement, this item is approved. A cd c: David Yao - - 2075 Las -Palmas Drive- Carlsbad. California 92009-4859*(6~19) 438-1 161 6/20 MartY: Carter 89- 202 89-202 1050 Auto Center Ct Please discuss this letter h..-.. Kurt and let me have your L I can present them to Marty. Thanx, L-- Carter ews so m JUNE 6, 1989 KROMMENHOEK ASSOCIATES MCKEOWN m&A ~__ - ~~ ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING WILLIAM C. KRCMMENHCEK. A.l,A. JOHN M. MCKEOWN, JR., A.I.A. PROJECT: 88-520A FILE: 5.08 TONY MATA CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92009 AS DISCUSSED IN MY MEETING WITH YOU, I FORMERLY REQUEST YOUR REVIEW AND APPROVAL IN REGARDS TO THE FOLLOWING: A. B. C. D. E. THE ELIMINATION OF THE NEED FOR A ONE HOUR WALL AT BUILDING 'B', DUE TO IT'S PROXIMITY TO BUILDING 'A', BASED ON THE EXCEPTION IN SECTION 504 (C) OF THE UBC: COMBINED SQUARE FOOTAGE OF A L B - 31,128 S.F., ALLOWABLE FOR TYPE V FULLY SPRINKLERED WITH FOUR YARDS IN EXCESS OF 20 FEET EQUALS 48,000 S.F. THE USE OF 7.5" RISERS AND 10" TREADS UNDER THE EXCEPTION OF SECTION 3306 (C); BASEMENT STAIRS FOR PRIVATE USE ONLY, NOT ACCESSIBLE TO PUBLIC. BASEMENT - 1,350 S.F. DIVIDED BY 300 S.F. (STORAGE) EQUALS 4.5 OCCUPANTS. THE EXCLUSION OF RESTROOMS BASED ON THE BUILDING BEING A SHELL ONLY. FUTURE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS TO PROVIDE REQUIRED TOILET FACILITIES AS REQUIRED BY CODE BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CAN BE ISSUED. THE EXCLUSION OF EXIT SIGNS BASED ON THE BUILDING BEING A SHELL ONLY. FUTURE TENANT IMPROVEMENTS TO PROVIDE EXIT SIGNS AS REQUIRED BY CODE BASED ON THEIR OCCUPANCY LOAD. DISCUSSED WITH JIM HARRIS OF CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT WHO AGREED THAT IT CAN BE A REQUIREMENT OF THE TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS, AS NOTED ON THE TITLE SHEET. THE EXCLUSION OF PROVIDING MECHANICAL PLANS SHOWING EXHAUST FOR B-1 AREAS PER UBC SECTION 705. EXHAUST WILL BE PART OF THE TENANT IMPROVEMENT PLANS. THIS IS A SHELL BUILDING ONLY, NO MECHANICAL UNITS ARE BEING INSTALLED. SENIOR ASSOCIATES: Thomas B Awbrey, A I A rn Dale Drexler I Jon Lee Ebert Timothy J. Rubesh, A.l A. ASSOCIATES. Robert E Brotherton, A 1.A rn Robert B Smith. A 1 A =Richard J. Stickler, A LA Bruce C Thomas, A I A Post Office Eox82208, San Diego. California 92138 rn 1515 Mareria Boulevard, San Diego. California 92110 m (619) 276-7710 I FAX (619) 276~7715 TONY MATA JUNE 6, 1989 PAGE TWO F. REVERSED DIRECTION OF STAIRWAY FROM BASEMENT AND ADDED A MANDOOR AS EXIT MEANS FROM SERVICE BAY AREA, AS INDICATED ON SHEET A-3 OF THE REVISED DRAWINGS (ENCLOSED). PLEASE CONTACT ME AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE REGARDING ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE. VERY TRULY YOURS. T LEEA" WOOTTON CC: JOHN WHITE DAVID YAO BRUCE THOMAS JACK MC KEOWN LW/MG KROMMENHOEK ASSOCIATES MCKEOWN m&A ~ ~~ ARCHITECTURE. ENGINEERING. FtANNlNG \ 1 i i i J I I .. CON8.R RNOINRRRINO Structural and Civil Engineers 7709 COWOT COURT SAN MtGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 1714) 178-3292 . r k STRUCTURAL CALCULATION6 - - CONCER RNQINLERINO Structural and Civil Engineers 7709 CONVOY COURT SAN DIECO. CALIFORNIA 92111 17141 278-3292 i . r r. , ,- 1 f- i -. i .- .. r' I L4 .' I .. ,. . .. .. .. . , , .. .. , . . ,. . . -. . .. . . . ,I ... -. . ., , .. .. .. I .. -- .. . L LB. .. .. ... , .. .- -. f r , /- '\, / i. r'' - ', 1 . h b. ? 'r" ? i -; ..J 055 ,315 .21 f'- 30.3 = 15.2 I,<O 1.5-3 J- - Ll2.l - \. _.: L14 i L . = 1835 -'. i . WALL L, 4' RF % V b.JE c.7 Q \@ I 3.21 $22 .Ob0 3.8 2 .o .7 r ,194 12.2 2.0 .71 , 144 12.2 = .Ob1 c .36q = ,43G R,+l+&" - I = 2.2q 43b _VL - .- -. \ i 1.22 8 b.1 -) i 4'-s' PIGR i" F! L E X ' ru ,R E .. 7.3.2 - .. FLEXURE 7.3.2-Design moment strength (PM, for beam sections 10 in. wide Reference: ACI 318-77, Sections 7.12, 8.4.1, 8.4.3, 9.3.2(a). 10.2, 10.3.1-10.3.3, 10.5.1, and 10.5.3. and Commentary Sections 10.3.I(A)( I) and 10.3.2 8 .C 7.0 6.0 .. C .- 5 2 s, z- 5.0 a a a . c - 4.0 , . ,.. (.. ... .. ..., .. 3.0 2.0 ,I 0.: fc'= 3000 psi fv=60.000 psi I # MnS 4504d-5.29 As2, kip-ft - d, in. , , . .. . ., I , , , , . .. .. For use of this Deaign Aid, ire Flexure Exampler 1. 2. 7. 10. and 14. 468 . 0 0 3 f THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR HALL PRO6RAN (SHYALL) HAS WRITTEN i AS PART OF THE TCCHAR MASONRY RESEARCH PRffiRM AND HAS FUNDED i BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRY f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK MAS CONDUCTED f AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (€HI& AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND * ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND YAS WRITTEN BY i f THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AN0 HART, INC. i + SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE MTIOIIAL EARTHBUAKE f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRPI AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i RESEARCH AID AND OES16N AID FOR UII(CPETE MASONRY SHEAR WALLS. NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FWIIOATION, THE CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA MR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, f INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIEILITV FOR ANV ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR f MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. SHYALL IS PROVIDE0 IN AN 'AS IS' COIIDITION. NO YARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND I MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. * THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM HAY BE OBTAINED FRffl : CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION i OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA * 6060 SMRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 i CITRUS HEIGHTS, CII 95610 f TEL: (916) 722-1700 I f * f f ii*ifffff+~iifii*f**f*ffff*fffffffffff*f*f+*fffffff+*ffff*ffffff+f JOE I I 88-239 OATE : 2-89 SHEET : Top TITLE I: PIER I1 TITLE 2: LINE 5.5 VJ --- 2-%)9 30 A' 1. NOHINAL DESIGN LOADS ,-- DEAD LOAD........... ....................... LIVE LOAD.. ................................ LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs)..... .............. HOHENT(Hs). ................................ 2. HALL PROPERTIES NOHINAl BLDEK THICKNESS. (t) ................ LENGTH OF YALL.(Lu).. ..................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... MODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... MAXIHUH USABLE MlSONRY COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR 'U : 1.4 D t 1.7 L U : 1.4 0 t 1.4 L t 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 0 + 1.7 L......... ............... - 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 ftmLut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... 29.1 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 4.6 KIPS 49.1 K-FT 8.0 IN. 4.7 FT 1.5 KS1 1.2 f1a*0.5 0.003 -I- 2 41 KIPS 544 KIPS 354 KIPS Pu = 7 I OF NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) O.K. Pu 3 12 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) O.K. 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDING MMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH.....,............. 60.0 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... 6.9 IN. VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = AS2 = AS3 = AS4 = AS5 = AS6 2 AS7 = Asa a AS9 AS10 a AS11 = AS12 : AS13 = As14 : AS15 = AS16 = 0.40 IN"2 Dl = 4.00 IN. 0.40 IN"2 D2 : 20.00 IN. 0.40 IN"2 D3 36.00 IN. 0.00 IN*2 04 a 58.00 IN. 0.00 INA2 D5 : 59.00 IN. 0.00 IN*2 06 : 75.00 IN. 0.00 INA2 07 * 91.00 IN. 0.00 1NA2 08 107.00 IN. 0.00 11'2 D9 2 123.00 IN. 0.00 INA2 010: 139.00 IN. 0.00 IN"2 Dll. -67.00 IN. 0.00 1NA2 012: -51.00 IN. 0.00 IN*2 D13: -35.00 IN. 0.00 INA2 014: -19.00 IN. 0.00 IN"2 01.5: -3.00 IN. 0.00 IN*2 016. 13.00 IN. AS17 : 0.00 IN2 017. 29.00 IN. AS18 0.00 INA2 018: 37.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 INA2 019: 44.00 IN. AS20 = 0.40 IN2 020: 52.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 1.6 IN2 SUI OF TENSION AND COIPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS HUST BE O.K. ........... WEN NEUTRAL AXIS LOUITION..... ............. 6.90 IN., WMlIML PURE BENDING MOMENT (Mon) .......... 197 K-FT 8. FACTORED REWIRED HOIIENT nu . 1.4 ns ................................ 69 K-FT 9. HOIINAL CRACKING MOIENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (IItr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOIINAL CRACKING HOHENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION HODULUS... ................... 3985 IW3 nowius OF RUPTURE ......................... 46 PSI NDHIHAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITY......... .. 38 K-FT CRACKING NOMEN1 CALCULATION? (YES:l,NO:O). I IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY HEIIBER) - COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'a ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMTED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 22.70 IN. Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 1.. ...................... 41 KIPS WHATION OF TENSION AN0 COIPRESSION FORCES 41 KIPS 0.K. HOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 143 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE W.A. nus1 BE O.K ...................... ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 19.80 IN. Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 26 KIPS SUMIATION OF TENSION AND COIPRESSION FORCES 26 KIPS O.K. WHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 143 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEIENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE D.K. ..................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).... ............. 30.78 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 261 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu:0.65 Pbn).. 169 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD _- Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L ........................ 41 KIPS Pu : 16 2 OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 24 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR........... ............. 0.72 ,-- Pu . 0.9 D.......... ....................... 26 KIPS Pu : 10 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 15 1 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.77 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT CAPACITY (Hbu) NOMINAL BALANCED HONENT (Hbn). ............. I24 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HDHENT (Nbu : 0.65 Hbn).. 276 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING IWHEWT CAPACITY (Nou) NOHINAL PURE BENDING BNENT(Hon). .......... DESIGN PURE BENDING MHENT (Hou:O.85 Hon) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pou) NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (t'on) .............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou 0.65 Pon).. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Paax4.80 Pou).. 16. DESIGN MHENT CAPACITY (H) n6 : 1.4 HS. m.,. I I -, , . smq I m m s,. - * e - - *. DESIGN HONENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 0 + 1.4 ......................... HlHtr.... ............................. 0.9 D.... ............................. HlHtr.. ............................... 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... IE SHEAR CAPACITY IIAXIHUN NONINAL SHEAR STREWGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE RE610N ENTER I OTHERWISE Z... Vn . Cd Ag SQRT(f'r) TABLE 24-L............ Av :O.ll 1HA2 S . 24.0 IN........... .... vs ........................................ Vn =VI + Vs................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu)............... SHEAR PHI FACTOR. .......................... Vu (t( 0.60 Vn . 9 KIPS O.K. ...... 197 K-FT 168 K-FT 638 KIPS 415 KIPS 332 KIPS 69 K-FT 178 K-FT O.K. 4.7 I74 K-FT O.K. 4.6 6 KIPS 23 KIPS 66 KIPS 1 0 KIPS 15 KIPS IS KIPS 0.67 0.60 fffffffffifttftfffffffffiffffff f CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR-WALL fifffffffffffffftffffffftftfttt ffffffffffffffffffftfifffffffttfffffftftftffftfftftfffffffftftffff f f f THIS CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRM (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN t f AS PART OF THE TCCNAR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAII AND WAS FUNDED f f BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRY * f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK WAS CONOUCTED AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT f RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWING AND ASSOCIAIES, KARIOTIS AND * f ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART 1NC.I AN0 WAS WRITTEN BY f f t f SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHWAKE f f HAZARD REOUCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A f f RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALLS. f f t f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE MSONRY * f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA m)R ENGLEKIRK AND HART, f f INC. ASSUNES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, HISTAKES, OR * f MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT HAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. t f SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF f f ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR t f IHPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f i MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f f f f THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f i- f f f f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAH HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : f CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION f * OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f t 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 I CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f f TEL: (916) 722-1700 t f f ffftfifffiffffffffffffffffffffffffffftffffftfffff~fffffffffffff**f JOB t : 98-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 12 TITLE 2: LINE 5.5 1. NOHlNAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.................. ................ 32.9 KIPS LIVE LOAD.. ................................ 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs). .................. 8.4 KIPS HOHENT(Hs)... .............................. 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOHINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t).... ............ LENGTH OF WALL. (tu),. ..................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH............. MODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... HAXIHUH USABLE HIONRY COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D t 1.7 I U : 1.4 D t 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E - 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 L........................ 5. NOIIINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 f'ntut).... 6. DESIBN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pori)....... Pu = 7 Z OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pan) Pu : 10 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NOHINAL PURE BENDIM MOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRE~TH.............. ..... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LDCATlON AS1 : 0.40 INA2 DI : AS2 * 0.40 INa2 02 : AS3 : 0.40 INA2 D3 = AS4 = 0.40 INA2 04 ASS : 0.00 IN^2 D5 : 93.4 K-FT 8.0 IN. 6.0 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'rA0.5 0.003 -1- 2 46 KIPS 700 KIPS 455 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 9.2 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 36.00 IN. 52.00 IN. 74.00 IN. AS6 : 0.00 IN? AS7 : 0.00 INA2 AS8 a 0.00 INA2 AS9 0.00 INn2 AS10 : 0.00 1NA2 AS11 = 0.00 IN2 AS12 2 0.00 1NA2 AS13 : 0.00 INA2 AS14 a 0.00 IN*2 AS15 : 0.00 IN*? D6 : 90.00 IN. D7 : 106.00 IN. 08 : 122.00 IN. D9 : 138.00 IN. D10: 154.00 IN. Dll; -67.00 IN. DI2: -51.00 IN. 013: -35.00 IN. D14: -19.00 IN. DIS: -3.00 IN. AS17 = 0.00 1w2 017; 29.00 IN. As18 = 0.00 IF2 018: 37.00 IN. As19,' 0.00 1w2 D19: 60.00 IN. Aslo : 0.40 1NA2 020: 68.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 2.0 IF2 sum OF TD(SIOW ws m~ssion mm...... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS GUST BE O.K. ........... MEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOUIFIMI.. ................ 9.20 IN. NOMIML PURE OEMIN6 llD"T (iton).......... 321 K-FT c 8. FACTORED REQUIRED lMlENT Mu . 1.4 Ik ................................ 131 K-FT 9. NOMINAL CRACKIW llonulT CAPACIPI OF SECTION (Mtr) DO YOU WIT TO IELUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKINS )#)IIEwl ULCULAIION? (YES:I,ffl:O). 1 PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LIMD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLAlE NMIIML CRACKIN6 I(MIEN1.. ....... 100 Z GROSS SECTION I(wuLUS. ..................... 6588 IN"3 MODULUS OF RUPIURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKINE WENT CAPACITY. .......... 58 K-F7 IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERiICM STEEL CONFINEMENT (BWWDARY MEMBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'D ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 27.80 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L..... ................... 46 KIPS MOMENT MRRESPONDINE TO STRESS 0.4 f'h.. 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K.... .................. ESTIMTED NEUTRM AXIS LOCATIOW............ 24.70 IN. Pu . 0.9 0 ................................. 30 KIPS SUMHATlON OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 30 KIPS 0.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS )Io1 NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE 0.K ...................... sunnAiIan OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 46 KIPS O.K. 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbd BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb)... .............. 40.24 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAO (Pbn) .......... 344 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu-0.65 Pbn).. 223 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAO Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 1.. ...................... 46 KIPS Pu : 13 Z OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 21 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. ra rwtun OUI urim ........ 0.74 Pu . 0.9 D..... ............................ 30 KIPS Pu : 9 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 13 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.78 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MOHENT CAPACITY (Mbu) NOMINAL BALANCED MOHEHT (Mbn) .............. 689 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT (Hbu : 0.65 Hbn).. 448 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HOMENT CAPACITY (Itas) NOMINAL PURE BENDING )IOMENT(Hon). .......... DESIGN PURE BENDIN6 lMHENT (Hau20.85 HQn) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pou) NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan). ............. DESIGN WVRE AXIAL LOAD (Pou = 0.65 Pon).. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (P~tr:0.80 Pou).. - 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (I) Mu . 1.4 Ik................................ DESIW MOMENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDIN6 TO 1.4 D + 1.4 I........................ M/Mtr..... ............................ 0.9 D....... .......................... UHrr............ ..................... I7 SHEAR DENMD Vu . 1.4 Us .............................. REOUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdr)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY .- HAXIHUH NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... VI . Cd Ag SQRT(f'm) TABLE 24-1 ............ Av . 0.2 INA2 S . 24.0 IN............... vs ........................................ Vn :VI 4 Vs ................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlUdu) ............... SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu (<( 0.80 Un . 29 KIPS D.K. ...... 321 K-FT 273 K-FT 817 KIPS 531 KIPS 425 KIPS 131 K-FT 286 K-FT O.K. 4.9 zei K-FT O.K. 4.8 12 KIPS 35 KlPS 85 KIPS 1 0 KIPS 36 KIPS 36 KIPS 1.04 0.80 YC 4-5 7 30 a3 INiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i COWCRETE MSONRY SHEAR-HALL iiiiiiiiiiiiifiitiiiiiiiiiiiiii tttiiiiiittitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti 4 4 i THIS CONCRETE HASOWRY SHEAR HALL PROGRAH (SHYALL) HAS YRITTEN i i AS PART OF THE TCCMR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRM AND HAS FUNDED i t BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNOATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRY t i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK WAS CONDUCTED t AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WDRK UNDER THE JOINT t RESEARCH EFFORlS OF EKEH (EWING AN0 ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND * i ASSOCIATES, ANP ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND HAS WRITTEN BY t f 4 f THE STAFF OF EWGLEXIRK AND HART, INC. i - i i 4 i SHYALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHWAKE 4 HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRM (NEW) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A t t RESEARCH AI0 AHD DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALLS. i t NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FWNDATION, lHE CONCRETE WASOW t i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AN0 NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, i i INC. ASSURES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, HlSTAKES, OR i i HISREPRESENTATIONS MAT HAY RESULT FROR THE USE OF SHYALL. i i SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO YARRANTIES OF i 1 ANY KINO, WHETHER STATUTORY, YAITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i t IHPLIEO (INCLUDING HARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND i t HERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. i i i € i t i THE COPY OF THIS PROGRIH HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : t CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION i i OF CALIFORNIA 4x0 nEvm i i 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 i i CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 i t TEL: (916) 722-1700 4 i i t€ttii€iiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiitiii+iiititiiiiititiit JOB # : 88-235 DATE : 2-E9 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER 13 TITLE 2: LINE 5.5 I. NONINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.. ................................ 30.7 KIPS LIVE LOAD....... ........................... 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs). .................. 8.4 KIPS - iiOHENT(lk) ................................. 93.4 K-FT 2. HALL PROPERTIES )wIIINAL BLDCK THICKNESS. (t). ............... 8.0 IN. 1E)IGTHOF HALL.(Lv).. ..................... 6.0 FT SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH............. 1.5 KSI HODULUS OF RUPTURE......................... 1.2 ftr*0.5 HAXIHUH USABLE NASONRV COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -1- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR UAC LOAD FACTOR U = 1.4 D * 1.7 L U = 1.4 D t 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 2 7 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D t 1.7 L........................ 13 KIPS 5. NOMINAL AXIAL SIRENGTH (Pon = 0.65 Vdwt).,.. 700 KIPS 6. DESI6N AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... 455 KIPS Pu 6 2 OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) O.K. Pu 9 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) O.K. 7. NMlINAl WRE BENDIWG MNENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRWTH ................... 60.0 KSI ESTIHATEO NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... 9.2 IN. VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 IN*2 DI = 4.00 IN. AS2 = 0.40 IN*2 D2 : 20.00 IN. AS3 : 0.40 lN.2 03 : 36.00 IN. AS4 2 0.40 IN*2 04 : 52.00 IN. AS5 : 0.00 1NA2 D5 = 74.00 IN. AS6 : 0.00 IW2 06 = 90.00 IN. AS7 = 0.00 IN*2 07 = 106.00 IN. AS8 = 0.00 W2 D8 : 122.00 IN. AS9 : 0.00 INA2 D9 * 138.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 INA2 DIO: 154.00 IN. ASll = 0.00 INA2 DII: -67.00 IN. AS12 : 0.00 IN'2 012. -51.00 IN. AS13 : 0.00 INA2 013: -35.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 INA2 DI4: -19.00 IN. .^._ A 1.1.- ".e- " A* .., . ........ ..- &a"." AS17 : 0.00 IN"2 017: AS18 : 0.00 INA2 1118: AS19 0.00 IN"2 D19: AS20 0.40 IN*2 020: AREA OF STEEL 2.0 IN"2 sun OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE O.K. ........... NU NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. NOHINAL PURE BENDING NDHENT (Hon).......... ..... 29.00 37.00 60.00 68-00 0 9.20 321 ... IN. IN. IN. IN. KIPS O.K. IN. K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED HOHENT nu . 1.4 HS ................................ 131 K-FT 9. NOHINAL CRACKIN6 HOlENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Htr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING NOMEN1 CALCULATION? (VES:l,NO4). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING IIOHENT.. ....... 100 1 GRDSS SECTION HODULUS.... .................. 6588 IP3 MDULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENl CAPACITY. .......... 56 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY NEHBER) COHPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'm ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 27.20 IN. PY . 1.4 D + 1.4 L........................ 43 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 43 KIPS O.K. HOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BDUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K...... ................ ESTIHATEO NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION., .......... 24.40 IN. Pu . 0.9 0.. ............................... 28 KIPS SUHMATION OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES. 28 KIPS 0.K. HOtlENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE LA. HUST BE O.K....... ............... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb) ................. 40.24 IN. NOHINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOA0 (Pbn).......... 344 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AWlAL LOAD (Pbu=0.65 Pbn).. 223 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L................... ..... 43 KIPS Pu : 13 1 OF NOnlNAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 19 1 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. - _- ~ .... Pu . 0.9 D.................. ............... 28 KIPS Pu : 8 Z OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 12 Z OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR ........................ 0.78 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT CAPACITY (Mbu) r NMllNAL BALANCED lOMENT (Ilbn).............. 689 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MOHENT (nbu J 0.65 Mbn).. 448 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DES16N PURE BENDING MOMENT CAPACITY (NOU) NOHINAL PURE BENDING tiOlENT(Hon). .......... DESIGN PURE BENDIN6 MOlENT (llou4.85 Nan) CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (POU) 15. NOlINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan). ............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Par : 0.65 Pon).. rnAXitun USABLE AXIAL LOAD (PIrx:o.ao POUI.. 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (M) MU 1.4 MS. - s s - * a - * e 8 m. rn a m - rn - * --***-*I a - DESIGN llOMENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D t 1.4 L.......... .............. M/Htr.. ................................ 0.9 D......... ........................ M/Iltr................................. I7 SHEAR DEllAND Vu . 1.4 VI .............................. REWIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY IAXIlUIl NOllNAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERYISE 2... VI . Cd Ag SORT(f'd TABLE 24-L....... ..... Av . 0.2 INA2 v5 ........................................ Vn :VI + Vs.... ............................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu). .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR........................... VU ((( 0.80 Vn . 29 KIPS D.K. ...... S . 24.0 IN............... 321 K-FT 213 K-FT 817 KIPS 531 KIPS 425 KIPS 131 K-FT 285 K-FT 0.1. 5. I 281 K-FT 0.K. 5.0 I2 KIPS 34 KIPS as KIPS 1 0 KIPS 36 KIPS 36 KIPS 1.05 0.80 ifffffffffffiHiffffffffifffiiiHfffff~ftff~iffffftiiiififff~4if f I THIS CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR MLL PROGRM (SHYALL) MS WRIllEN f i AS PART OF THE TccnAR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRM AMI WAS FUNDED t * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUMDATION AYD THE CONCRETE RASONRY f f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT * RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND * i ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AWD HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY THE WORK HAS CONWCTED f f i t THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AN0 HART, IN. f r f f f SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A f . f RESEARCH AID AN0 OESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE RASONRY SHEAR MLLS. f f f * NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FWIIDATION, THE CONCRETE HASOWRY f f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENBLEKIRK AND HART, f f INC. ASSUHES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR Awy ERRORS, RISTAKES, OR i * HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT RAY RESULT FROH THE USE OF SHHALL. f i SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN #AS IS* cowomw. NO WARRANTIES OF t * ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR f f IHPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f * HERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. t f i f THE COPY OF THIS PRDGRAH HAY BE OBTAINED FROH : f CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION i * OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 4 f CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 I * TEL: (916) 722-1700 f f f iifffffififfffff~ifffffffff~ffiffffi€€ffifffffffffff~~ffffff~ffif~ JOB + : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER I4 TITLE 2: LINE 5.5 1. NORINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.. ................................ LIVE LOAD.. ................................. LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (W.. ................. NOllENT(Ns). ................................ rc 2. WALL PROPERTIES NORINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (t). ............... LENGTH OF WALL. (tu) ....................... SPECIFIED CORPRESSIVE STRENGTH ............. RDDULUS OF RUPTURE.. ........................ IIAXIMUM USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 11.8 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 4.6 KIPS 49.1 K-FT 8.0 IN. 4.7 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'~~0.5 0.003 -I- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U = 1.4 D t 1.7 L U = 1.4 D * 1.4 L + 1.4 E U = 0.9 D - 1.4 E - 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pa: 1.4 D 4 1.7 L........................ 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 f'mlut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pod....... Pu : 3 Z OF NORINAL AXIAL STRENGTH Won) Pu : 5 Z OF DESIGII AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDING RDMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH. .................. ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATIOW ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 f 0.40 INY? DI : AS2 0.40 IN*2 D2 : AS3 : 0.40 IN"2 D3 : AS4 : 0.00 IN*2 04 : AS5 : 0.00 INA2 05 : AS6 : 0.00 INA2 AS7 0.00 1NA2 AS8 2 0.00 IN*2 AS9 : 0.00 IN"2 AS10 2 0.00 INA2 AS11 2 0.00 IN"2 AS12 : 0.00 IN62 AS13 :: 0.00 INA2 AS14 : 0.00 11'2 .-.e . n AA ..I*.* 2 I7 KIPS 544 KIPS 354 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 6.9 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 36.00 IN. 59.00 IN. 74.00 IN. 90.00 IN, 106.00 IN. 122.00 IN. 138.00 IN. 154.00 IN. -67.00 IN. -51.00 IN. -35.00 IN. -19.00 IN. -3 nn 1" AS17 : 0.00 IN"2 017: AS18 = 0.00 IN2 018: AS19 = 0.00 IN"2 D19: AS20 : 0.40 IN"2 020: AREA OF STEEL : 1.6 IN? SUN OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE 0.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. NOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hod .......... 8. FACTORED REOUIRED MMENT Mu . 1.4 N5 ................................ 29.00 IN. 37.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 52.00 IN. 0 KIPS O.K. 6.90 IN. 197 K-FT 69 K-FT 9. NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Nu) DO YOU YANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MOHENT CALCULATION? (YES4 ,NO:O) I I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOMINAL CRACKING MOWENT.. ....... 100 2 GROSS SECTION MODULUS.. .................... 3985 IN*3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 16 PSI NOHINAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITY., ......... 25 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL COWFINEHENT (BOUNDARY NEHBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'r ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 18.30 IN. Pu : 1.4 D + 1.4 1.. ...................... 17 KIPS SUIIMATIM( OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 17 KIPS O.K. MHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 ftD... 144 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE W.A. HUST BE O.K..... ................. ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 17.30 IN. Pu : 0.9 D ................................. I1 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES II KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPMIDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 145 K-FT MEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K............... ....... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb)... .............. 30.78 IN. NOHINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 261 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu:0.65 Pbn).. 169 KIPS 12. COMPARE ULTIHATE AIIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOA0 Pu = 1.4 D t 1.1 L............... ......... 17 KIPS Pu = 6 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 10 Z OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. CI cwmi OUT camno .... 0.80 Pu . 0.9 D............ ..................... 11 KIPS Pu 4 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu 2 6 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.92 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED HONENT CAPACITY (tlbu) - NOHINAL BALANCED HOHENT (Hbn). ............. 424 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT (Hbu = 0.65 Hbn).. 276 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE 8ENDING mlllENT CAPACITY (Nou) I#uIIML PURE BENDING NWNT(lkn)........... 197 K-FT DESIGN PURE BENDING HONENT (Hou:O.RS Hon) 168 K-FT 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pod NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pon). ............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou : 0.65 Pon).. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (P@rX;0.80 POU).. - 16. DESIGN MOHENT CAPACITY (I) Nu . 1.4 Ns.............. .................. DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 0 * 1.4 L.................... .... Hlllrr....... .......................... 0.9 D..... ............................ Hllrr ................................. 17 SHEAR DmAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdr). ..... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIHUH NOHINAL SHEAR STRESTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERWISE 2... Vm . Cd Ag SBRT(f'@) TABLE 24-1.. .......... Av -0.11 IN^2 vs ........................................ Vn 'V@ * vs.......,........................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu)........ ....... SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.60 Vn . 9 KIPS O.K. ...... S . 24.0 IN .... ....,....... 638 KIPS 415 KIPS 332 KIPS 69 K-FT 172 K-FT 0.K. 7.0 170 K-FT O.K. 6.9 6 KIPS 20 KIPS 66 KIPS I 0 KIPS 15 KIPS 15 KIPS 0.77 0.60 i SHUALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEMBER, 1387 ifttitttftttttt*t*Xitfttttttt~tt€*€~t~ttttttitf~~tt~~tit?*~t~t~~tt * f t TNS CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALL PROERAM (SHUALI) WAS !JRITTEN + * AS PART OF THE TCCHAR MASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAH AND MAS FUNDED f + BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE EASOHRY 6 t ASSOCIAT!ON OF CALIFORF!IA AND NEVADA, THE YOHl VAS CONDUCTED ? AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE :O!W i 1ESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND + ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.! AND llAS URITTEN 9Y € THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f f t t SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS k PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAKE t .( YAZARO REDUCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP! AND IS INTENDED TO !E BOTH A t * RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FO2 CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR MALLS. f t t * NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE HASONRY * * ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * t INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR i * MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT 8AY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHWALL. t i SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF t t ANY KIND, UHETHER STATUTORY, URITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR f INPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND * * MERCHANTABILITY! SHALL APPLY. f f t * - i i t t THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAII MAY BE OBTAINED FROM : € CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION t t OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA t t 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1975 t € CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 t t TEL: (316) 722-1700 t i t ft€t€€++*iitt+tttti~i€i€€ii€~ti€fiti€ifi~ft*€ttit€~€€fft~€i*~~ttt€ JOB # : 88-23 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : 3 I b. TITLE !: PIEE 81 TITLE 2: LINE 3 .- e 1. IiOi7INAL DESIGN LOAOS DEAD LOAD. ................................. LIVE !OM. ................................. LATERAL %EAR FORCE (Vs) ................... !iO!iENT(fis)... .............................. 2. WGLL PROPERTIES NORINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (tl. ............... !ENGTI! GF NkLL.(Lw).. ..................... SPEC!F!EB COt!PRESS!VE STRENGTW, ............ MODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... YAI!;1UY USABLE HASOEIRY CORPRESSIVE STRAIN.. ?. !3AO FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR 0 : 1.4 0 t 1.7 ! U !.4 D t 1.4 L + 1.4 E U = 0.9 0 . 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD i!;D LIVE LUAD Pa: 1.4 D t 1.7 L. ....................... 5. NOflINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon : 0.85 t'nlut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pan) ....... Pu -- 3 I OF HOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) Pu = 5 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Puu) 7. NOnINAL PURE BENDING ROHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH.... ............... ESTMATED NEUTRAL AX!S LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 INA? Dl : 5'3.5 KIPS 0.0 Y!PS 32.4 YIPS 360.6 K-FT a.o IN. 23.3 FT 1.5 KS1 1.2 f'mA0.5 b.003 -/- > . 33 <IPS 2722 KIPS 1769 KIPS 0. X. O.K. 60.0 KSI 37.3 IN. 4.00 IN. AS? 2 0.40 INA2 02 : 20.00 IN. AS3 = 0.40 INA? D3 : 36.00 IN. AS4 : 0.40 INY D4 f 52.00 IN. AS5 = 0.40 lNA2 D5 : 68.00 IN. A56 0.40 1NA2 06 : 34.00 IN. A57 0.40 INA? 07 : 100.00 IN. A3 : 0.40 IN"? 09 : 116.90 IN. AS9 = 0.40 INA? D9 : 132.00 IN. AS10 : 0.40 IN"? DlO: 14?.00 %. AS11 = 0.40 IN*: Dll: 164.00 IN. AS12 : 0.40 IN"? 012: 180.00 IN. AS13 = 0.40 IN*? D13: 196.1:0 IN. AS14 : 0.40 INA2 Dl4: 21:.O!l IN. AS15 = 0.40 INA2 D15= 228.00 IN. AS16 = 0.40 !Y2 D16: 244.00 IN. .- AS17 : 0.40 INA: 017. 260.09 IN. AS13 : 0.00 IN-2 D13: 264.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN? 013. 268.00 IN. AS?O : 0.40 IN*: 020: ?76.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 7.2 INA? SUN OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE O.K. ........... NEY NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION .................. 37.30 IN. NOIINAL PURE BENDING ;IOMENT #Ion! .......... 4430 K-FT 3. FACTOREO REQUIRED MONENT NII : 1.4 M5 ................................ 505 K-FT '3. NOMINAL CRACKING NOt4ENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Nu! DO YOU WANi TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MOltENT CALCULATION? (YES=[, N0:U). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO aE USED TO CALCUTLATE NONINAL CRACUNG MOflENT ......... 100 1 GROSS SECTION MODULUS ...................... 93633 IN"3 flOOUtUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING MONENT CAPACITY. .......... 617 K-FT 10. E?'ALUAiE NECESSITY OF 'VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEIENT (BOUNDARY HEIBER) ,-- COHPRESSI~lE STRESS AT 0.4 f'a ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. .......... 99.70 IN. Pu . 1.4 0 4 1.4 L..... ................... 83 KIPS SUINATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 83 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'n.. . 3213 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEYENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N,A, NUST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIMATEO NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION......... ... 83.60 IN. Pu = 0.3 0 ................................. 54 KIPS SUNNATION OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES 54 KIPS O.K. HONENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 3186 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELENENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE 0.K ...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN 8ALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) 2ALANCE2 WEUTRAL AXIS (Cb) ................. 163.35 IN. DESIGN RALANCED AXIAL LOA0 (Pbuc0.65 Pbn!.. 323 9!PS NONIIIAL BALANCE0 AXIAL LOAD (Pbn) .......... 1420 KIPS !2, COWARE 'ILTIMATE MIX LOAD A'ID ?A!A!lCEC AXIX !?A? h=1.4Dt 1.41 ........................ 83 KIPS Pu = 6 Z OF IICMl!lAL BALANCEO LOAD (Pbn:). Pu : 9 Z OF JESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu!.. FLEXIJAAL w FACTOR ........................ o.au _- p!! . ?,9 D. ................................ 54 X!PS Pi : 4 1 OF NOMINAL 2ALANCID LOAD (?bs'I. Pu : 6 Z OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD fPbul.. FLEIURAL PHI FACTOR. ....................... Q.3: 13, CALCULATE DESIGN SALANCED MOEENT CAPACITY !Mbu) NOHlNAL BALANCED HDHENT (Hbn).. ............ 1936 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT (Mbu = 0.65 Nbn).. 6458 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHENT CAPACITY (Moul NOMINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT(Mon) ........... DESIGN PURE BENDING MOMENT (Hou=0.35 Hon) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY !Pou) NOFllNAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pod .............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou = 0.65 Pan).. MXIMUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pnar=0.80 Pou).. 16. DESIGN IOMENT CAPACITY (1) Mu . 1.4 ....................... ........... DESIGN MORENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 0 t 1.4 1. ....................... NMcr ................................. 0.9 D ................................. n/ncr ................................. 17 SHEAR DEHANO Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REOUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu) ...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY MAXIMUH NOMINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERIIISE ?. .. VI . Cd Ag SQRT(f'm) TABLE 24-1 ............ Av: OIN*2 5.24.0IN ............... '15 ........................................ Vn :Va t V5 ................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO !Vn/Vdu). .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu (<< 0.60 Vn . 201 KIPS @.E. ...... 4430 K-FT 3765 X-FT 3145 KIPS 2044 KIPS 1635 KIPS 505 K-FT 3858 K-FT D.K. 6.2 3825 K-FT O.K. 6.2 45 KIPS 434 KIPS 446 KIPS 2 335 KIPS 0 KIPS 335 KIPS 0.71 0.60 SHWALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEtlBER, 1987 ________--_____----_____ tt*i*ttft*i~tt(l*t*t**f~t*~t****tt********t*~~*t*~**?********t**€* i t TUIS CONCRETE HASQNRY SHEAR MALL PROGRAB !SHWAL!) WAS MITTEN X I AS PAR! OF T!iE TCCXAR MSONRY 3ESEARCII PROGRAM AND MAS FUNDED f * BY THE NATIP4AL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AF!D THE CONCRETE 8ASObIAY + t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFOBNIA AH0 NEVADA. T9E WORE VAS CONDUCTED * AS TAfiT OF THE CATESORY 2 KESEARCH MURK UNDER !HE 3i):NT t R;SEAP.CH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EW!!IG AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AHD f f ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AHD HART INC.) AND JAS YRIT:E!I BY * ,--- t t SHWAL! IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE 4 f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (HEHAP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A * f RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALLS. * 1 f f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND HEVEBA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * t INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR t t SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION, NO WARRANTIES OF f * ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR * t IRPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND t f RERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f t t t THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. * f * MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. * t t t t THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM HAY BE OBTAINED FRO! : f CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION t f OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA t 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 t f CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 t * TEL: ('316) 722-1760 t + i l~*ttt*t*f~tfi1~~t*tttf€ttttf*tf**~~~**tt*~t?**~*1t*f~It~*f****~*f gc - 2 3' 2-87 3ta JOB il : 98-35 @ATE : 2-99 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER 12 TIT!E 2: LINE 3 1. NOMINAL UESIC-H LOADS L DEAD LOAD. ................................. 29.2 KIPS LIVE LOAD... ............................... 0.0 KIPS !4TERAL SHEAR FORCE iVs) ................... 1.9 K:PS MOMENT(Ms) ................................. 2. #ALL PROPERTIES HOtiINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t).... ............ !ENGTH OF HALL. (tu).. ..................... SPECIFIED COMPAESSIVE ETRENGTH.. ........... iiODIJLUS OF AIJPTURE.. ....................... MAXIflUM USABLE HASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3, LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOB ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR 11 : 1.4 D + I.! L !I : 1.4 I + 1.4 L + 1.4 E !J= O.'!D- 1.4E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu; 1.4 D + 1.7 L ........................ 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pan : 0.85 f'nlut).... 6. UESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon) ....... Pu = 8 I OF NONINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pan) Pu : 12 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NONINAL PURE BENDING IiORENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH ................... ESTINATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 INA? 31 = AS? : 0.40 ric 02 : AS3 2 0.40 INY 5\? z AS4 2 0.W I!iY UI = A55 : 0.00 INA? 05 = 27.6 K-FT 3.0 IN. 4$? FT 1.5 XSI . !*2 f'ru^0.5 0,003 -I- 41 KIPS 544 KIPS 354 KIPS O.K. 0.f. 50.0 KSI 6.9 IN. 4.00 IN. 36:':) :!!. 62, $0 :;t. 68.00 IN. 84.00 IN. 100.C? !!I. lI<.'!!J !?I. 132.00 IN. !4Y.0'! IN. 164.00 IN. 180.00 IN. !I;.".? :N. :!:.no IN. x.oo IN. h.," <.h ,,, AS17- n.oo !:<A2 D17= 260.00 !N, AS13: 0.00 IN"? DIB: ?64.00 IN. AS13 0.00 IN"? 019: 44.00 IN. AS20 = 0.40 IN? 020; 52-00 IN. AREA OF STEEL : 1.6 !8"2 SUM OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS KIST BE O.K. ........... NEW IIEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION .................. 6.10 IN. NORINAL PURE BENDiNG MOHENT (Hod .......... 197 K-FT 3. FACTOBEO REWIRED ilOllENT flu i 1.4 ns. ............................... 31 K-FT 1. NOMINAL CRACKING NOIENT CAPACITY OF SECTION Mtr) 00 YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING NOBENT CALCULATION? (YES:I,NO:O). 1 PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING NOMENT.. ....... 100 2 GROSS SECTION MODULUS.. .................... 3985 INA3 IODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NONINAL CRACKING MOHENT CAPACiTY ........... 38 K-FT IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINENENT (BOUNDARY NEMBER) COHPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'a ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.... ........ 22.60 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L. ....................... 41 YIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 41 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 143 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIMATED NEIJTRAL AXIS LOCATION ............ 13.70 IN. Pu = 0.9 0 ................................. 26 KIPS SUNHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 26 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 143 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELElENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE 0.K ...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN SAL'HCED AXIAL LOAD i%u! BA!II#CEO !IE!JTRAL AXIS iCbi ................. 30.79 IN, HOHlNAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD !?bo) .......... 261 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD !Pbu4.65 Phil.. !E3 KIPS 12. COH?AAE ULTlHAlE AXIAL LOAD AN0 %LA#CE!! AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t i.4 L ........................ 41 KIPS Pa : 16 ! OF NOHINAL 3ALAMYD LOAD !?:n!. Pu = 24 : OF OES16:t BALAHCED LOAD iFb'!:'.. .. _ ....... _.,. -,"--" :: 7, 3B- 235 2-37 31 R'r ?2 . 6.9 D ................................. 26 XlPf Pu IO 1 OF NOMINAL BALAtJCED LOAD !Phnl. Pu : 16 I OF DESIEN BALANCED LOAD !PSu).. FLEXUilAL PHI FACTOR. ....................... 9,?? 13. CALCULATE UESIGN BALANCED MOMENT CAPACITY Mbu, NDHIHAL BALANCED HONENT (EM. ............. 424 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED NOHENT (Mbu = 0.65 Hbn).. 276 K-FT !i. CkLCVLATE DESIG?I PURE SEHDING NONENT CAPACIV! (IOU) >!CuII!AL WE BENDING FDICENT(6nnl. .......... DESIGN PUllE SENDING MOMENT !H0~:0.35 Run) !5. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pnul NOH INAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pod.. ............ DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (?oil 0.65 Pon).. HAXIMUM USABLE AXIAL LOAD !Paar:O.BO Poul.. 16. DESIGN RUIENT CAPACITY !tl! Hu . 1.4 Ms ................................ DESIGN HOIENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 1. ....................... R/Ntr.. ............................... 0.1 D..... ............................ M/kr ................................. 17 SHEAR DENAND Vu : 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu). ..... I6 SHEAR CAPACITY ilAXIflUH NDHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGIDN EN13 I OTIIERWISE !... Vm = Cd Ag SQRT(f’mj TABLE 244 ............ Av 4.11 INA? S . 3.0 IN ............... Vs = ....................................... Vn :Vn t Vs ................................ DUCTILE SHEAR ?ATID IVnlVdu’. .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR ........................... Vu *:<< 0.60 Vn . 9 KIPS D.K. ...... !?? X-FT 169 K-FT 39 K-FT 178 K-FT D.K. 4.7 174 K-FT O.K. 4.6 3 KIPS 16 KIPS 56 KIPS 1 0 KIPS 1: VI?! 1: KIPS 0.96 0.60 SHHALL VERSION (1.W SEPTENRER, 1987 f?tttXfttf~*t*titf*~*~*ff~f*tfttft*+~ft~tfftftfttt*t€ftf~~~t~t**tf f I t THIS CONCRETE XASONRY SHEAR #ALL PROGRAM iSHWALL! WAS WRITTEN t t AS PART OF THE TCCilAR EASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAH AND WAS FUNDED + f BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION 3ID THE CONCRETE MASONRY * i ASSXIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE YOR): MAS CONDUCTED + AS PAR? OF THE CATEGORY 2 ESEARCH UORI UNDER THE JOINT t RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKH (EKING AND ASSOCIATES, XARIOTiS ANU + ASSOCIATES, AND ENG!KER!K 4ND HART INC.! hND !{AS !YRITTE\I BY f t + f i THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AN0 HART, INC. f t SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAKE f t HAZARD RECLICTICN P40GRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A t f ESEARCH AI0 AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR MALLS. t NEITHER THE NAT!O?IAL SCIENCE FOUNOATIOII, THE CONCRETE MASOfIRY 5 t + f t t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * t INC. ASSUflES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ESRORS, HISTAKES, OR f t flISREPRESENTATIONS THAT RAY RESULT FRON THE USE OF SHWALL. + t SHWALL !S PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANT!ES OF + t ANY KINO, UHETHEII STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPCESSED, OR * I INPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f f RERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. + t ? t i THE COPY OF THIS PROSRAH HAY BE OBTAINED FRUH : t CONCRETE RASONRY ASSOC!AT!ON € * OF CALIFORNIA AN0 NEVADA f * 6060 SUN91SE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 t t CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 956!0 i f TEL: !916) 722-1709 I t i tftf(fflttiffi(lXfftt~~~~+l+€tttft+*ft~tfff+~~tf~tff~X~f+~f~f~~~+~ JOB t : 88-23 DATE : 2-83 SHEET : TITLE 2: LINE 3 TITLE I: PIER ~3 I, !!lOil!ll4! DESIGN 10kE DEAD !OAD.. ................................ 30.6 KIPS LIVE LOAD .................................. ?.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs)... ................ 2.7 KIPS MDIlENT(Ms1.. ............................... 3‘3.6 X-FT 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOIIINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t) ................ 8.0 IN. LENGTH OF WALL. ild. ...................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... :IOOlJLUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 3AXIMUM USABLE NASOEiRY CONPRESSIVE STRAI!!. . 3. LOAC FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR U = 1.1 D t 1.7 L U i 1.4 D t 1.4 L t 1.4 E U = 0.1 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D t 1.7 L....,................... 5. NORINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon = 0.85 f’mLut)..a. 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (POU . 0.65 Psinj.. ..... Pu = 6 Z OF NOMNAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pool Pu : 1 Z OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDING nOMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH. .................. ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 IN”? DI = AS2 : 0.40 INA: 02 A53 0.40 INA? D3 : AS4 : 0.40 IV? D4 : $5: : O.N! I?*? E5 : 6.0 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f’n”0.: 0.003 -1- 1 43 KIPS 700 KIPS 455 KIPS 0.1. O.K. 60.0 XSI 9.2 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. Gt.’.!!! XI. s:.”” S(1.00 IN. 84.00 IN. ~. .. AS6 : 0.00 IN“? 06 = AS7 = 0.00 IN”? Di: 100.CN !N. AS8 : 0.00 IN? D8: 1!5.!>!? !W. ASS : !9.00 !W 0’3 = I:?.”? !N. ASIO: 0.00 IN”? DID: 148.00 IN. AS11 = 0.40 IN’? Dil: 154.00 IN. AS12 = 0.00 INA? DI?: 13O.ti0 I!!. AS13 q.00 IN”? 013- 136.00 !N. AS14 : lO.00 INA2 014: 212.00 IN. ASIE,: <!.fin 1y: !I!:: y.’:!’’ !I!, ASl! = 0.00 I#"; 5:;: ;50,00 1p1, AS13 : 0.00 INA? 013: 264.00 IN, AS19 = 0.00 INA2 91'3: 90.00 IN. AS20 = 0.40 :NA2 020= 69.90 IN. ARE4 OF STEEL = 2.0 IN*? SUM OF TENSION AND CCMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS IUST BE 0.K. ........... rlEU NEUTRAL AIlS LOCATION. ................. 9.20 III. ?rCll!?lAL PgRE BENUINS flOMENT (Ron). ......... 2.21 9. FACTORED 9EW!RCD MOMENT Mu . 1.4 lis ................................ 55 K-FT '3. !IO?IIIAL CRACKING MOMENT CAPACITY :F CECYIflN !rtrj DO YOU NAYT Tg INC!UUE AX!I;L LOAD !Pi PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOIINAL CRACKING HORENT......... 100 2 GROSS SECTION HDDULUS.. .................... 6588 INA3 BOOULUS OF RUPTURE., ....................... 46 PSI NDHINAL CRACKING HOIENT CAPACITY ........... 56 K-FT CRACKING IOMEEIT CALCULATION'? (YES:l,NO:0!. 1 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF 'IERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT (BOUNDARY HEiIBER) COHPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'm ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIIATED NEUTRAL AlIS LDCATION.. .......... 27.20 IN. Pu i 1.4 D + 1.4 L......... ............... 43 KIPS SUflftATklN OF TENSION AND COWRESSION FORCES 43 KIPS U.K, MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm.., 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. BUST BE O.K.... .................. ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATIDN............ 24.40 IN. Pu : 0.9 D ................................. 28 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSIDN FORCES 28 KIPS O.K. HOIIENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 231 K-FT THEREFORE : ROUHUARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE 0.K ...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN PALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbul EALAKED NEUTRAL AXIS 'Ct) ................. JO.24 IN. NONINAL BALANCE? AXIAL LOAO (Pbnj .......... 344 YIPS UESIGH BALANCED AXIAL LOAD iPbu=O.;5 Pbn!.. 213 KIPS 12, COHPAAE ULTIIIATE AXIAL LOAO AND RALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L ........................ 43 KIPS Ps : 12 I OF NOBINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 19 1 OF DESIGN RALANCEU LOAD 'P~u).. c1 Wl@ll P"! .:rTn?,, ...................... .\, 7: 1' .-.-* Fu . 03 a... .............................. L" !%IF> Pu = 9 I, OF NUflIEIAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbnj, Pu 12 f OF DESIGN EALANCED LOAD (Phul,, FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.79 13. CALCULATE DEFIGN 3ALilNCED YCiMEIlT CAPACITY iSha) P NONINAL SALANCCP IlOiiElT !%n! .............. 639 Y-FT DES!GFI ?A!A?iCED YOMC?!T (lbu 0.65 Mh).. 448 K-FT 14, CALCULATE DESIGN PllRE BENOING HOWENT CAPACITY (nol!) f!O;1IblAL PURE RE!iDING flO;lE!T!Ynn!. .......... 221 !:-FT DESIGN PURE BENDIMS 803ENT (Nou4.95 il,?.n) "73 -. K-FT 15. CALCLI!ATE DES!GH PCIE A:IAL LOAD CAPACITY (POI?! NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD !Pun! .............. 317 KIPS OES!EN ?URE ilXIAL LO% !Pcu : 0.65 ?on),. 531 KIP5 NAXINCM USABLE AXIAL LOAD (P?ls:(=0.80 Poui,. 425 KIPS 7 16. DESIGN #MEN1 CAPACITY (H) Mu i 1.4 MS. ............................... 55 K-FT DESIGN NOMEN1 CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4Dt 1.41 ........................ 285 K-F1O.K. M/Mcr. ................................ 5.1 0.9 D............. .................... 281 K-FT O.K. MlMcr............ ..................... 5.0 17 SHEAR DEMAND '!u : 1.4 '15 .............................. 4 KIPS REOUIAED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu).. .... 26 KIPS 18 SHEAR CAPACITY RAXIflUH NOMIHAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K., B5 KIPS PLASTIC hI?IGE 'iEGIW ENTER I OTHEWISE ?. , , ! '!m . ,? Ag !G!T(!'z't TARE Y-L ............ 9 YIPS Av ~0.11 I!!*? S . >>.? !:! ............... vi ........................................ 20 KIPS ................................ 70 :!pS '!n =t!m + '!5 -. DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VniVdu! ............... 0.76 SHEAR PHI F,4CTOR. .......................... 0.60 'lu <i,<< 0.60 Vn = 12 KIPS O.K. .,.. SHWAL! 'IEXSIOEI (1.6t) SEPTEMBER, 1387 t€**€**i*tttf*t~~****~t€€t*~~t~*fttt**€~*fff*ft*€t~t*~*i€*ftt*tftt f THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR HALL PROGRAM (SHWALL) WRS YRITTEN t t AS PART OF THE TCCNAR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAH AND UAS FUNDED * I t * BY THE NATIONAL SCIEXCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. AS ?ART OF THE CATEGORY ? RESEARCH !OB< UNDE4 THE JOINT RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOT!? AND 4SSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.1 AND WAS WRITTEN BY f THE WOH WAS CONDUCTED * + t .- t t t SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAKE t 1 HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS IVENDED TO BE BOTH A * t RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AIC FOR CONCRETE NASONRY SHEAR UALLS. 6 t liEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE NASONRY I t INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, HISTAKES, OR * + SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONOITION. NO UARRANTIES OF * * ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTCRY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR * t !MP!IED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNEES AND i * IIERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. t * 'i t 'i t TiiE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. i i t f. ASSOCIATION OF CIIL!FORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, f € NISREPRESENTATIONS THAT IRY RESULT FROR THE USE OF SHWALL. f t t + i THE COPY OF THIS PRDGRAN NAY BE OBTAINED FROM : * CONCRETE NASONRY ASSOCIATION t * OF CALIFORNIA AND NE'!ADA i t 6066 SUNRISE 'JISTA OR. SUITE 1875 € + CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 35610 t , t TEL: (9!6' 72?-1!60 i t t +tttttt€*it~trf~ttt*t~fttitt~tt€tf~+€ttt€€*€ft*~f*~ti*~*?i€t~€ftft JOB 4 : W?25 0A:E : 2-53 SHEET : TITLE !: PIER ?! TITLE 2: LINE 3 1. NBilIfiAL IIESICN LOAOS DEAD LOAD .................................. 13.5 KIPS LIVE LOAD .................................. ?,0 KIPS LAiE2AL SHEM FORCE (V'sl, .................. 1.5 V!PS MO3ENT(MsI "9 .: f-'I ................................. L, ... 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS, (tl. ............... 8.0 IY. LENGTH OF #ALL.(LsI.. ..................... 5.0 FT SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRE\IEiA.. ........... 1.5 !SI NODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 1.2 f'eA0.5 MXIMUM USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -/- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR ? FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D + 1.7 L U 1.4 D + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U = 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D t 1.7 L ........................ 5. NOilINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon : 0.85 f'alut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Ponl....... Pu 5 I OF :iOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod Pu : 7 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NOtlINAL PURE BENDING KOMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH.. ................. ESTIilATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 i 0.40 IN': D1 = AS? : 0.40 INT 02 A53 : 0.40 INA? D3 = AS4 : 0.40 INA: @4 = AS5 0.00 IN'? 95 : 2 27. KIPS 583 KIPS 379 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 YSI 9.2 IN. 4-00 iri. ?0.00 IN. !6.0? IN. 48.00 111. 30.:1 IN. f- 6. FACTORZO RE9UIREE #OW3 r, = 1.4 fl5 ................................ 10 R-FT '9. ::OYIRAL CRACKlNG !OXNT CAPAC:TY OF SECTION (Nu! DO YOU !MNT TO IE!CLUDE AXIAL !OM IN CtACXIMG ;IOllENT CALCULATION? iYES=I,NO-O!. 1 PEPCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD 70 BE USED TO CALCUTLATE :IFNI#AL CRACKING HONENT.. ....... 100 ! GROSS SECTION MODULUS. ..................... 4575 I11^3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI ::O)I!NAL CRACKING ROnENT CAPACITV.. ......... 34 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINENENT (BOUNDARY HEMBEA) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'n ........... 0.60 KS1 ESTIHATE@ NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION., .......... 22.80 IN. Pu = 1.1 D + 1.4 L ........................ 21 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COflPRECSION FORCES 27 KIPS O.K. NO;lENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'n... 178 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY E!EKENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. YUST 9E 0.K ...................... ESTIKATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ............ Y,40 IN. Pu = 0.9 0 ................................. 18 RIPS SUBHATION OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FFRCES 18 KIPS 0.K. tlOttENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 181 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT HEEOED THE N.A. MUST RE 0.K ...................... 11. CALCVATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAO !Pbul PALANCED NEUTSA1 AI!; (Chi ................. 3.14 IN. N0MII:AL ?AL.\NCC@ AXIAL LOAD (Phn) .......... 263 R!PS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbur0.65 Pbn).. 175 KIPS 12, COMPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOA@ Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L ........................ 27 KIPS Pu : 10 1 OF NOIINAL BALAMD LOAO (Pbn). Pu = !6 I OF DESIGN SALAIICED LOAD !Pbu:l.. . -- Pu . 0.3 D ................................. 18 KIPS Pu : 7 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn!. Pu : 70 I OF DESISN BALANCED LOAD (Pbul.. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 4.80 - !3. CALC'JLATE DESiGN BALANCED NOMENT CAPACITY !!lhu) NOMINAL BALANCED ROMFNT (Mho!, ............. 504 K-Fl DESIGN BALANCED NOMENT (Hbu 2 4.65 ;Ibn),. 327 K-Fi !1. C.\LC'JLATE IESIGN PURE BENDING MOnENT CAPACITY (Muu) NOMINAL PURE BENDING MOliENT(Mon). .......... 33 R-FT DESlIjN PURE BENDING MOVENT (f!oo=0.85 Moo) ?45 X-FT 15, CAlCULAiE IESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY 'Pou! NONINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Port). ............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL !DAU (POU = 0.65 Ptnl.. I~ATIW~ USABLE AXIAL !Paax:0.80 POU).. 16. DESIGN NOHENT CAPACITY (I!) L Nu . 1.4 H5 ................................ DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 1 ........................ M:lltr ................................. 0.1 0 ................................. Il/Ncr., ............................... 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu: 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu) ...... 13 SHEAR CAPACITY llA!iKUM NONI?IAL SHEAR STRENGTH TAB!E 24-II.. ?LAsT:C UINGE m:m EX9 1 OTUCWlSE 2,. , !!o . Cd Ag 3RXf'n) TABLE 24-1 ............ ,A,', :!>.I; !#A2 s : ',, -7,. li ' ill 'In :!In t V; ................................ XTI!E ELIEM MT!0 UD!~!~~IJ.. ............. $!EA:! P4! FACTOR ........................... '!u :X 2.60 'In = 10 YIPS 0.:. ...... ............... ,,- '2 ........................................ 701 KIPS 155 KIPS 254 X!PS 40 K-FT 244 K-FT O.K. 1.2 244 Y-FT 0.Y. 7.2 3 KIPS ?! KIPS 71 KIPS I 0 I:!PS 17 K!PS !7 KIPS 9.79 1:. EC , .. .- - . f*f*fiif****ffif*f*f*****ifffff f CONCRETE MSONRY SHEAR-WALL * ffffffff*f*fffff****ffffffff*ff SHWALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEHBER, 1987 __._________--___------- ff*fiff*fiff**ff***f*ff*f**f*ff*f**tff***f**fi*fffffffffffff**ffff * f f THIS CONCRETP MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAH (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN * f AS PART OF THE TCCRAR NASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAH AND WAS FUNDED f * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY ). 5 ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE UORK HAS CONDUCTED * AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH YORK UNDER THE JOINT f RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND * f ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS YRITTEW BY * * * * SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE f f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A * i RESEARMI AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALLS. * f f f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONMETE HAWIRY * f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, f f 1NC. ASSWIES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR * f MSREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROH THE USE OF SHWALL. * * SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN ’AS IS’ CONDITION. NCI YARRMTIES OF * f ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, YRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR f f IHPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND I f RERCHANTABILITVI SHALL APPLY. f * f f THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AN0 HART, INC. * - f f * f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAH MAY BE OBTAINED FROM : f CONCRETE HASONRY ASUlEIATION f f OF CALIFORNIA AN0 NEVADA i f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 * * CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f f TEL: (916) 722-1700 * f i f**ffff**ff***fffffff*f*ff*f*ff**ffff*ffff*~fff*ffff*i***ftfff***f JOB # : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER #I TITLE 2: LINE A 6106 B 1. NOIINAL DESIGN LOADS /- DEAD LOAD.. ................................ LIVE LOAD....... ........................... LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs) ................... Ilonmr(ns). ................................ 2. MALL PROPERTIES NOHINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t)............... LENHH OF YALL.(Lu).. ..................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... NODULUS OF RUPTURE. ........................ HAXIlUI USABLE HASONRV COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D + 1.7 1 U = 1.4 0 + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 L................ ........ 5. WJHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon 0.85 f'elut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Por . 0.65 Pori)....... Pu 3 2 OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH Won) Pu : 5 1 OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) - . 7. NDIIINAL PURE BENDING IOIENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH.. ................. ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 IW2 D1 = AS2 = 0.40 INA2 D2 = AS3 = 0.40 IN9 03 : AS4 ' 0.00 IW2 04 a AS5 : 0.00 IN"2 DS = AS6 : 0.00 IN? D6 : AS7 : 0.00 IN9 D7 = 11.9 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 5.1 KIPS 55.2 K-FT 8.0 IN. 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'0*0.5 0.003 -I- 4.7 Fr 2 17 KIPS 544 KIPS 354 KIPS 0. K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 6.9 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 36.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. 76.00 IN. AS8 : 0.00 IN? 08 : 92.00 IN. AS9 : 0.00 IN"2 09 : 108.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 IN? 010: 124.00 IN. AS11 : 0.00 1NA2 Dll: -66.00 IN. AS12 0.00 IN9 012: -50.00 IN. AS13 : 0.00 1NA2 D13: -34.00 IN. AS15 : 0.00 INA2 015: -2.00 IN. AS16 : 0.00 INA2 016: 14.00 IN. AS14 0.00 IN*2 DI~: -1e.oo IN. ?-- AS17 = 0.00 IN*2 D17. 30.00 IN. AS18 2 0.00 IN"2 D18: 38.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN*2 019: 44.00 IN. AS20 = 0.40 IN"2 020. 52.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL : 1.6 IN"2 SUM OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS HUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. 6.90 IN. NOMINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT (Mon).......... 197 K-FT 8. FACTORED REWIRED MOMENT nu . 1.4 ns.. .............................. 77 K-FT 9. NaiiwAt CRACKING HOMENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (ntr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING HOHENT CALCULATION? (YES-I,NO=O). 1 PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOnINAL CRACKING AOHENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION HODULUS.. .................... 3985 IW3 MODULUS OF RUPTURE....... .................. 46 PSI NOHINAL CRACKING AOHENT CAPACITY....... .... 25 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL WNFINEMENT (BOUNDARY AEMBER) - COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'n ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMTED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 18.20 IN. Pa = 1.4 D t 1.4 L.................. ...... 17 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 17 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'n... 144 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDEO THE N.A. MUST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIAATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 17.30 IN, Pu : 0.9 D ................................. 11 KIPS suMMArmN OF TENSIQH AND COMPRESSION FORCES I1 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'n... 145 1-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHEWT IS NOT NEEDEP THE N.A. MUST BE O.K.. .................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).. ............... NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 261 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu:0.65 Pbn).. 169 KIPS 30.78 . IN. 12. COMPARE ULTIAATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu = 1.4 D t 1.4 L... ..................... 17 KIPS Pu : 6 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 10 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.80 31.43 Pu . 0.9 D... ..... ...~.... .................. 11 KIPS Pa : 4 1 OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 6 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.82 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED NOMENT CAPbClTY (Mbu) NOMINAL BALANCED MIEN7 (Mbn) .............. 424 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT (Mbu : 0.65 Mbn).. 276 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDINS HOMENT CAPACITY (IloU) NOMINAL PURE BENDING HOMENT(Man). .......... DESIEN PURE BENDING HOMENT (Hou=O.85 Man) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pou) NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pam = 0.65 Port).. HAXIMUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pnrx4.80 Pau).. 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (It) MU . 1.4 ns.......... ...................... DESIGN MMENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 L........................ HlMrr.. ............................... 0.9 0.. ............................... n/ntr....... .......................... 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. RERUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... IB SHEAR CAPbCITV HAXIllUM NOMINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HIWE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERWISE 2... VI . Cd Ag SRRT(f'n) TABLE 24-L..... ....... Ar 4.11 IN"2 S . 24.0 IN............... v5 ........................................ Vn =VI * Vs................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu). .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.60 Vn . 9 KIPS D.K. ...... 197 K-FT 168 K-FT 638 KIPS 415 KIPS 332 KIPS 77 K-FT 172 K-FT D.K, 7.0 170 K-FT D.K. 6.9 7 KIPS 20 KIPS 66 KIPS I 0 KIPS 15 KIPS IS KIPS 0.77 0.60 ffffffiffffffffffffffffffffffff CM(CRETE MASONRY SHEAR-NALL 4 ffffiffffffffifffiffffffiiiffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffiififffifffiffffffffffffffiffffffffff 4 f f THIS CONCRETE MSDNRY SHEAR WALl PROGRAM (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN * f AS PART OF THE TCCMAR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AN0 MAS FUNDED * i BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRV * * ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE YORK HAS CONDUCTED f AS PART OF THE CATEGDRY 2 RESEARCH ODRK UNDER THE JOINT 4 RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AN0 HART INC.) AND MAS WRITTEN BY + f f THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f - f f f SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAKE f f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A f 4 RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALLS. f f 4 f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE HASONRY f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NilR ENGLEKIRK MD HART, f * INC. ASSUHES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, HISTAKES, OR 4 i HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT HAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. f i SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN ‘AS IS’ CONDITION. NO YARRANTIES OF 4 * ANY KINO, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR f * IMPLIED (INCLUDING YARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f 4 MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f f f * f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM MAY BE OBTAINm FROM : CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION f * OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f 4 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 f f CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f f TEL: (916) 722-1700 f f f ffffffffffffffiffffi~fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftfififffffiifff JOB # : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 12 TITLE 2: LINE A BLDG B 1. NOMINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD...... ............................ 30.6 KIPS LIVE LOAO.. ................................ 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (V5) ................... 9.4 KIPS NMIENT(Ms). ................................ 105.6 K-FT 2. HALL PROPERTIES NOMIML BLOCK THICKNESS. (t). ............... 8.0 IM. LENGTH OF WALL.(Lu).. ..................... 6.0 FT SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... 1.5 KSI NODULUS OF RUPTURE... ...................... 1.2 f'nA0.5 MAXIMUM USABLE MASONRY COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -1- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 0 + 1.7 L U : 1.4 D + 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 2 - 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 L........................ 43 KIPS 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 flaLut).... 700 KIPS 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... 455 KIPS Pu = 6 2 OF NOlllNAL AXIAL STRENTH (Pon) 0. K. Pt a 9 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) O.K. 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDIN6 MMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH. .................. 60.0 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... 9.2 IN. VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 INA2 Dl = 4.00 IN. AS2 : 0.40 INA2 02 : 20.00 IN. AS3 : 0.40 INA2 03 = 36.00 IN. AS4 = 0.40 INn2 04 : 52.00 IN. AS5 : 0.00 INA2 05 = 79.00 IN. AS6 = 0.00 IN*2 06 : 95.00 IN. AS7 : 0.00 1NA2 07 = 111.00 IN. AS8 = 0.00 IN"2 DE : 127.00 IN. AS9 : 0.00 INA2 D9 : 143.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 IN"2 DIO. 159.00 IN. AS11 = 0.00 IMA2 Dll: -66.00 IN. AS12 : 0.00 IN*2 012: -50.00 IN. AS13 = 0.00 INA2 D13: -34.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 INA2 Dl4: -18.00 IN. ........ II A,. 11, ........ AS17 = 0.00 INA2 D17r 30.00 IN. AS18 = 0.00 IN*2 D18~ 38.00 IN. AS19 : 0.00 IN? D19= 60.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 IN"2 020. 68.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 2.0 IN"2 SUM OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.X. NEUTRAL AXIS NUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. 9.20 IN. NOtlINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT (Mon).......... 321 K-FT .- a. FACTORED REQUIRED MCIHENT mu . 1.4 tis.. .............................. 148 K-FT 9. Nonw CRACKING HOMENT CAPACITY aF SECTION (nu) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MOMENT CALCULATION? (YES-1,NO-0) I 1 PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING WNENT.. ....... 100 1 GROSS SECTION MDULUS.. .................... 6588 IN*3 tlODULUS OF RUPTURE. ........................ 46 PSI NOtlINAL CRACKING MMENT CAPACITY........... 56 K-FT IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT (BOUNDARY MEMBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 1'1 ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATIOII............ 27.20 IN. Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L... ..................... 43 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 43 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. nusi BE o.K............. ......... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 24.40 IN. Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 28 KIPS SUMHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 28 KIPS O.K. WHEN1 CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm.., 231 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K....... ............... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb)................. 40.24 IN. NOHlNAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbnf.......... 344 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu'0.65 Pbn).. 223 KIPS - 12. COHPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu = 1.4 D + 1.4 1.. ...................... 43 KIPS Pu : I2 2 OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 19 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. --.. 0.75 CI CYlldll a", C*,-l"O PU . 0.9 D. ................................ 28 KIPS Pr : 8 I OF NOHINAL BALAllCED LMD (Pbn). Pu = 12 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LMD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.78 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCE0 MOMENT CAPACITY (Mbu) NOHINAL BALANCED NOHENT (Hbn).. ............ 689 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MOHENT (Hbr 0.65 Hbn).. 448 K-FT 14, CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BEND1116 @RENT CAPACITY (Hau) NOMINAL PURE BENDIN6 "ENT(bn)........... DESIGN PURE BENDIN6 HOllENT (lkr.O.85 bn) CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOM CAPACITY (Pot!) 15. NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou f 0.65 Pon).. HAXIHUM USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pfldx:0.80 Pad.. F 16. DESIGN HOMENT CAPACITY (1) nu . 1.4 ~k........................... ..... DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY WRRESWWDIw6 TO 1.4 0 t 1.4 I......... ............... HlHcr ................................. 0.9 D........... ...................... n/ncr...... ........................... 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu: 1.4 Vs .............................. REWIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXlMH NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERWISE 2... VI = Cd Ag SORT(f'n) TABLE 244.. .......... Av . 0.2 INA2 S . 24.0 IN............... vs ........................................ Vn :VI t vs................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdE).. ............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu <(( 0.80 Vn : 29 KIPS O.K. ...... 321 K-FT 273 K-FT 817 KIPS 531 KIPS 425 KIPS 148 K-FT 285 K-FT O.K. 5.1 281 K-FT O.K. 5.0 13 KIPS 34 KIPS 85 KIPS 1 0 KIPS 36 KIPS 36 KIPS 1.06 0.80 2-, - 1-95 33 A iiiiiifffiiiffffi~itffifffffffffffffffffffffftffffffffffffffffffff f i i THIS CONCRETE ItASONRY SHEAR HALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) HAS YRITTEN 4 t BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY f t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AN0 NEVADA. THE YORK MAS CONDUCTED t AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH YORK UNDER THE JOINT f RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWING AN0 ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND 6 f ASSOCIATES, AN0 ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY i AS PART OF THE TccnAR MASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AND nAs FUNDED i t f f THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f * SHWALL IS YRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHWAKE f * HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAB (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i f RESEARCH AI0 AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALLS. 8 i 4 f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FWIIOATIDN, THE CONCRETE RASONRY f f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORMIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, f f INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR f i MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. i f SHYALL IS PROVIDEO IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO YARRANTIES OF * i ANY KIND, WETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i t IHPLIEO (INCLUDIM YARRANlIES OF ANY FITNESS AND I * MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f i I I f f f I THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : i CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION f f OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA i i 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 f f CITRUS WEIGHTS, CA 95610 i t TEL: (916) 722-1700 i i f f~it~iiii~tiifffffifffffffftffffiffffffffffffffffffff~fffffffftfff JOB 1 : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER I1 TITLE 2: LINE B 8LD6 B 1. NOHINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.... .............................. LIVE LOAD.. ................................ LATERAL SHEAR FDRCE (V5) ................... m)IIENT(IIs). ................................ 2. HALL PROPERTIES WOHINAL BLOCK THICKIIESS.(t)........... ..... LENGTH OF YALL.(Lv).. ..................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... RODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... nixinun USABLE MASONRY COIIPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 0 + 1.7 L U : 1.4 D + 1.4 1 + 1.4 E U : 0.9 0 - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu* 1.4 0 + 1.7 L........................ 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STUEIIGTH (Pon 10.85 VmLvt).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRE" (Pou . 0.65 Pori)....... Pu : 2 Z OF WDNIML AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) Pu : 4 I OF DESI6N MAL STRENGTH (Pou) 7. NOIIINAL PURE BENDINS NOHEN1 CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELO STRENGTH., ................. ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATIOn AS1 * 0.M INA2 AS2 : 0.00 INA2 AS3 : 0.00 IN"2 Is4 = 0.00 IN9 ASS 0.00 IN"2 AS6 a 0.00 1NA2 AS7 : 0.00 IN9 AS8 3 0.00 1WA2 AS9 = 0.00 IN? AS10 : 0.00 INA2 AS11 : 0.00 1NA2 AS13 : 0.00 1NA2 AS14 : 0.00 IN9 AS15 = 0.00 INA? AS16 : 0.00 INA2 ~~12 : 0.00 In-2 DI = 6.8 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 7.7 KIPS 88.0 K-FT 8.0 IN. 3.3 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 t'P0.5 0.003 -/- 2 10 KIPS 389 KIPS 253 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 4.8 IN. 4.00 IN. 02 = 12.00 IN. 03 = 20.00 IN. 04 : 28.00 IN. D5 : 44.00 IN. 06 = 60.00 IN. 07 = 76.00 IN. D8 : 92.00 IN. D9 : 108.00 IN. DIO: 124.00 IN. D11: -84.00 IN. 012: 68.00 IN. 013: -52.00 IN. DI4: -36.00 IN. 015: -20.00 IN. 016. -4.00 IN. ,-- AS17 = 0.00 IN^2 017: 12.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN"2 DIE: 20.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 INA2 D19= 28.00 IN. AS20 2 0.88 INA2 020: 36.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 1.8 IN"2 SIJH OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS HUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. 4.80 IN. NOHINAL PURE BENDING MMENT (Hon).......... 147 K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED HOHENT Mu . 1.4 Hs ................................ 123 K-F1 9. NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (nu) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACK IN6 HOHENT CALCULATION? (YES a I, NO 4). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING MHENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION HODULUS., .................... 2033 1NA3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY........... 12 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT (BWNDARY HR18ER) P COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'i ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. .......... 13.90 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L........................ 10 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 9 KIPS O.K. HOllENT CORRESPONDING ESS 0.4 f'i... 119 K-FT THEREFORE : DARY ELEHENT IS NEED* *y, Q*8. c, THE N.A. HUST BE O.K.............. ........ ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 13.50 IN. Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 6 KIPS SUMMATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 6 KIPS O.K. HOIENT CORRESPONDING THEREFORE : THE N.A. HUST BE 0.1. ..................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).. ............... 21.31 IN. NOHINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 176 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu4.65 Pbn).. 114 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 1 ........................ 10 KIPS Pu : 5 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 8 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR,, ...................... 0.81 ,-- Pu . 0.9 0 ................................. 6 KIPS Pu : 3 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 5 1 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR........,............... 0.82 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT CAPACITY (Nbu) NOMINAL BALANCED MOMENT (Mbn).............. 301 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT (Mbu : 0.65 Mbn).. 196 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN WRE BENDING MOMENT CAPACITY (Mod NOMINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT(Mon). .......... OESIGN PURE BENDING MOMENT (Mou4.85 #on) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pod NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pon).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou = 0.65 Pon).. MAXIMUM USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pirx:O.80 Pou).. 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (I) Mu . 1.4 Ms................................ DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY CORRESPDWDIWG TO 1.4 0 t 1.4 L.............. .......... VMtr. ................................ 0.9 I)...... ........................... H/Mcr....... .......................... 17 SHEAR DENAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REOUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu). ..... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY MAXIMUM NOMINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2.. . Vi . Cd Ag SnRT(f'i) TABLE 24-1 ............ Av . 0.2 IN-2 vs ........................................ Vn =Vi t Vs................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu)............... SHEAR PHI FACTOR.... ....................... Vu (<( 0.80 Vn . 16 KIPS O.K. ...... S . 24.0 IN............... 147 K-FT 125 K-FT 492 KIPS 320 KIPS 256 KIPS 123 K-FT 127 K-Fl O.K. 10.9 127 K-FT O.K. 10.9 I1 KIPS I4 KIPS 47 KIPS I 0 KIPS 20 KIPS 20 KIPS 1.45 0.80 tttttttfitttttHttifttttttfttit t CONCRETE llASMlRY SHEAR-WALL t ttttitttttttttttttttttttttttttt .- WLL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEMBER, 1987 tttfttttttttttttititfftfftttttttftftttittttttftttttttttttttitttttt t t t THIS CONCRETE MWRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN i t AS PART OF THE TCCMR NASONRY RESEARCH PROGRIN AND WAS FUNDED * i BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE NASONRY t i ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK HAS CONDUCTED * AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT f RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EXEH (EMIN6 AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND t t ASSOCIATES, AN0 ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY t t t t SHWALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTMUAKE t t HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A .) t RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALLS. t 4 t i NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FWNDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY * t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA MID NEVEDA NOR ENUEKIRK AND HART, i I INC. ASSUNES MY RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY ERRORS, HISTAKES, OR * t MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHWALL. t SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. No WARRANTIES OF t ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, YRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR * i IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND t * MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. t f f * THE STAFF OF ENREKIRK AND HART, INC. t c t i t t THE COPY OF THIS PRO6RAM MAY BE OBTAINED FROM : 5 CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOEIATION t t OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA t f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 I f CITRUS HEI6HTS, CA 95610 t € TEL: (916) 722-1700 t t f ~ti~tff~fitttf*4t*tttfiitttittttftttit~tt+t~titf*t~ttttttf~€tt+tf? JOB I : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 12 TITLE 2: LINE B BLD6 B I. NOMINAL DEBI~N LOADS DEAD LOAD................. ................. 14.5 KIPS LIVE LOAD ................................... 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (V5). .................. 7.7 KIPS HOMENT(Ms).. ............................... 2. HALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t)........... ..... LENGTH OF MALL. (tu) ....................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... IIAXIHUM USABLE MASONRY COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR U = 1.4 D t 1.7 L U 1.4 D + 1.4 L t 1.4 E U 3 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pus 1.4 D t 1.7 L........................ 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH Won : 0.85 f'atvt).,.. 6. DESIGN AYIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu = 5 I OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH Won) Pu : 8 I OF DESI6N AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 7. NMINAL PURE BENDIN6 IIOLNT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH.. ................. ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.88 IN"2 D1 = AS2 = 0.00 INA2 D2 : AS3 : 0.00 IF2 03 = AS4 = 0.00 1NA2 D4 = AS5 = 0.00 1NA2 D5 = AS6 : 0.00 INA2 06 : AS7 : 0.00 INA2 D7 : AS8 : 0.00 IN*2 D8 : 88.0 K-FT 8.0 IN. 3.3 FT 1.5 KSI 0.003 -I- 1.2 f'B*o.s 2 20 KIPS 389 KIPS 253 KIP9 O.K. O.K. 60,O KSI 4.0 IN. 4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. 76.00 IN. 92.00 IN. AS9 = 0.00 INA2 D9 = 108.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 IN9 DIO: 124.00 IN. AS11 : 0.00 1NA2 011: -84.00 IN. AS12 0.00 lNA2 012: -68.00 IN. AS13 = 0.00 lN"2 013: -52.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 INA2 Dl4: -36.00 IN. ACI~ = n nn IVY ni5: -20.00 IN. AS17 = 0.00 INA2 D17= 12.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN*2 DIE: 20.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN"2 019: 28.00 IN. AS20 : 0.88 IN^2 020: 36.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 1.8 IH"2 ,-- SUM OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE D.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION., ................ 4.80 IN. NOMINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT (Ron). ......... 147 K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED MOMENT Mu . 1.4 Ms........... ..................... 123 K-FT 9. NOMINAL CRACKING lWWENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mtr) DO YOU YANT TO 1NCLUI)E AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING MOMENT CALCULATION? (YES:I,NO:O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOMINAL CRACKING MOMENT. ........ 100 I GROSS SECTION, MODULUS... ................... 2033 INA3 HODULUS OF RUPIIIRE. ........................ 46 PSI HDMINAL CRACKIN6 HOMENT CAPCCITV.... ....... 16 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT (BOUNDARY MEMBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'n ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION......,..... 15.40 IN. Pa . 1.4 D t 1.4 L........ ................ 20 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AN0 COMPRESSION FORCES 20 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPDNDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'h.. 114 K-FT THEREFORE : THE N.A. MUST BE O.K... ................... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 14.40 IN. Pu . 0.9 D .................................. 13 KIPS SUMATION OF TENSION AM CUIIPRESSION FORCES 13 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 117 K-FT THEREFORE : THE N.A. HUST BE O.K................. ..... BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NEEDED BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NEEDED 11. CALCULATE OESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb)...., ............ 21.31 IN. NOHIWAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 176 KIPS - BESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu.0.65 Pbnf.. 114 KIPS 12. COMPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu = 1.4 0 + 1.4 L........................ 20 KIPS Pu : 12 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 18 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FI FXIIRAL PHI FACTOR,, ...................... 0.76 Pu . 0.9 D......... ........................ 13 KIPS Pa 7 I OF NOHINAL BALANCE0 LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 11 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.79 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT CAPACITY (Hbu) NOMINAL BALANCED MOMENT (Hbn).............. 301 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT (Hbu i 0.65 Hbn).. 196 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHENT CAPACITY (Hou) NOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT(~n)........... BES16n PURE BENDING HOHENT (Hou4.85 Hon) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pou) NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pon)...........,.. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou : 0.65 Pon).. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (PmaxaO.80 Pou).. - 16. DESIM MMENT CAPACITY (I) HI . 1.4 Ms................................ DESIGW MOMENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D t 1.4 L........................ Uiltr........... ...................... 0.9 D., ............................... H/Hcr.. ............................... I7 SHEAR DEMAND Vu . 1.4 v5 .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL OUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... I8 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIHUH NOMINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERYISE 2... VI . Cd A9 SoRT(f'D) TABLE 24-L............ Av . 0.2 IN*? S . 24.0 IN.......... ..... vs %........*.. ........................... Vn =vm + vs ................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu)............... SHEAR PHI FACTOR., ......................... Vu <<< 0.80 Vn = 16 KIPS O.K. ...... 147 K-FT 125 K-FT 492 KIPS 320 KIPS 256 KIPS 123 K-FT I29 K-FT 0.1. E. 1 128 K-FT O.K. 8.0 I1 KIPS 15 KIPS 41 KIPS 1 0 KIPS 20 KIPS 20 KIPS 1.34 0.80 .- ffffffffffffffffitffff~fff~ffff f CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR-HALL fffftftffffffffffffffffffffffft SHYALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEMBER, 1987 _________-__------__---. fftffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftftffffftfffffffffff f f * THlS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN t f AS PART OF THE TCCMAR NASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AND HAS FUNDED * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE NASONRY f ASSOClATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE WORK WAS CONDUCTED * AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT f RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND f ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY f f f f f f THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f 3 SHW IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE Nmmt EARTHOUAWE f * HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A * i RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR HALLS. * f f f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY * f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, 6 * INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR * * #ISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. f f SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO YARRANTIES OF * ANY KIND, YHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i * IMPLIED (INCLUOING YARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f * RERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f 7 f f * f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM MAY BE OBTAINED FROM : * CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION f .) OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f 3 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 197s f * CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f * TEL: (916) 722-1700 f f f fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff~ffffffffffffffffffffffff JOB 1 : aa-2~ DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TtTLE 1: PIER 11 TITLE 2: LINE 2 BLDG B .- ,- 1. NOMINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD. ................................. LIVE LOAD.......... ........................ LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs) ................... HOMENT(Ms)................................. 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (t). ............... LENGTH OF MALL. (tu).. ..................... SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... MXINUB USABLE MSONRY CMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. nawius OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D + 1.7 L U = 1.4 D t 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pr- 1.4 D t 1.7 L........................ 5. NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pan 0.85 f'atut)..,. 6. DESIM AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... PIJ = 1 I OF NOMNAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pan) Pa * 2 I OF DESIM AXIAL STREWGTH (Paul 7. NOHINIL PURE BENDIN6 MOMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH............. ...... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 "2 D1 = As2 ' 0.00 1P2 02 = AS3 = 0.00 IN'2 03 = As4 = 0.00 IN"2 D4 : AS5 a 0.00 IN"2 D5 : AS6 a 0.00 IN"2 D6 : AS7 : 0.00 IN"2 AS8 : 0.00 lNA2 AS9 : 0.00 1NA2 AS10 : 0.00 1NA2 AS11 = 0.00 IN*2 AS12 : 0.00 IN"2 AS13 : 0.00 INA2 AS14 : 0.00 IN"2 AS15 : 0.00 INA2 AS16 : 0.00 1NA2 9.6 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 8.2 KIPS 94.0 K-FT 8.0 IN. 8.7 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'l"O.5 0.003 -I- 2 13 KIPS loll KIPS 657 KIPS 0.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 3.5 IN. 4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. 07 : 76.00 IN. D8 : 92.00 IN. D9 : 108.00 IN. 010: 124.00 IN. DI1. -20.00 IN. 012: -4.00 IN. 013s 12.00 IN. 014: 28.00 IN. D15: 44.00 IN. 816: 60.00 IN. ,- AS17 = 0.00 IW2 017: 76.00 IN. Asia : 0.00 IN*^ DIE= 84.00 IN. AS19 E 0.00 IW2 D19= 92.00 IN. AS20 = 0.40 IN9 D20: 106.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL = 0.8 INA2 Sun OF TEIIGIDW AND MI(PRES5IDW FORCES., , . , . NEUTRAL AXIS WST BE D.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOUITION., ................ 3.50 IN. MMIIIAL PURE BENDING IIDHENT (Hon).......... 198 K-FT 0 KIPS O.X. 8. FACTORED REWIRED WENT Mu . 1.4 Ih ................................ 132 K-FT 9. HOMINAL CRACKIN6 ll0llENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mu) DO VW NAN1 TO INCLUDE AXIAL LDAD IN CRACXIWG II)I(ENT CALCULATION? (YES:l,HO=O). I PERCENTAH OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TD CALCUTLATE NOHIMIL CRACKING MOMENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION HOWLUS.. .................... 13745 IN"3 MODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOIIINAL CRACKIW MMENT CAPACITY........... 67 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT (BOUNDARY MEMBER) CMPKESSIVE STRESS hr 0.4 111 ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMATED NNTRAL AIlS LOCATION............ 12.80 IN. Pu . 1.4 D 4 1.4 L........................ 13 KIPS SUMIMTIOII OF TENSION An0 COMPRESSION FORCES 13 KIPS O.K. MEN1 CORRESwWbING TO STRESS 0,4 f'n... 244 K-FT THE 1.1. MUST BE D.K........ .............. ESTllUlED IIEIJTIAL MIS LOCATION............ I1.M IN. Pu . 0.9 D.. ............................... 9 KIPS SumUTIoW OF TENSION AND CMIPRESSIDN FORCES 9 KIPS 0.1. MOHENT CORRESPONDIN6 TO STRESS 0.4 f'n... 227 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. WT BE D.K..... ................. THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELuEnr is NOT NEEDED 11. CALCULATE DESiSn BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb). ................ 59.18 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 489 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOA0 (Pbuz0.65 Pbn).. 318 KIPS 12. COMPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L........................ 13 KIPS PU : 3 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 4 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LDAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR.. ...................... 0.83 ,-- e NOHINAL PURE BENDING IIOHENTOHon)......... .. DESIGN PURE BENDIN6 MOMENT (Hou=0.85 Hod IS. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Poul NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pod.............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou i 0.65 Pon).. HAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Pwx:0.80 Pou).. 16. DESIGN NOHENT CAPACITY (H) Hu . I .4 Hs.. .............................. DESIGN HDHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1,4 D 4 1.4 L........................ HlRtr.. ............................... 0.9 D..... ............................ H/Hcr.. ............................... 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL WCTILE SHEAR (Vdu) ...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAIIHUH NONINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... b . Cd Ag SQRTtf'd TABLE 24-1.. .......... Ai 30.11 IN*2 S . 24.0 IN............... vs ........................................ Vn :VI 4 Vs................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu)... ............ SHEAR PHI FACTOR........... ................ Vu ((( 0.80 Vn . 23 KIPS D.K. ...... 198 K-FT 168 K-FT 1059 KIPS 688 KIPS 550 KIPS 132 K-FT 194 K-FT O.K. 2.9 185 K-FT O.K. 2.8 I1 KIPS 20 KIPS 123 KIPS I 0 KIPS 29 KIPS 29 KIPS 1.40 o.aa Pu . 0.9 D.. ............................... 9 KIPS Pu : 2 I OF NONINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 3 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR ........................ 0.84 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED HDHENT CAPACITY (Hbu) NOHINAL BALANCED HOHENT (Ilbn) .............. 1286 K-FT DESIGN BILANCED MHENT (Hbu = 0.65 Hbn).. 836 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING IIOHENT CAPACITY (Ilou) SHYALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEHBER, 1987 iiiii~iffi4iffifffiifffffffffffffffffffftff~fffffffffftfffffffffff I i i THIS CONCRETE HASONRV SHEAR HALL PROGRAM (SHWALL) HAS YRITTEN t AS PART OF THE TCCHAR ItASONRV RESEARCH PROGRAH AND HAS FUNDED * i BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE HASONRV * ASSOCIAIIOn OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT f RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND t f ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY f i i SHMLL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHWAKE f f HAZARD REWCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A i I' RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR HALLS. * t i f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE HASONRV i f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, + f INC. ASSUHES MV RESWNSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR * i HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT HAY RESULT FROH THE USE OF SHYALL. * f SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO YARRANTIES OF * f IHPLIED (INCLUDING MRRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f (. HERCHANTABILITV) SHALL APPLY. f THE YORK WAS CONDUCTED t i f f THE STAFF OF EWGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. t ,-- i ANY KIND, WETHER sTATumnv, HRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR i f I i f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAH HAY BE OBTAINED FROH : f CONCRETE MSONRV ASSOCtATlON I f OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f i 6060 WRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 i f CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 i f TEL: (916) 722-1700 f f f ftiitfftffiiiffiiff~f4fffttfffffftffff~fffttftffffttfftffffffftttf JOB t : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 12 TITLE 2: LINE 2 BLDG B 1. NOIIINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.... .............................. 10.3 KIPS LIVE LOAD .................................. 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (W.... ............... 9.6 KIPS tiOHENT(Hs). ................................ 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOHINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t)...... .......... LENGTH OF HALL. (tu). ...................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... HODULUS OF RUPTURE. ........................ HAXIHUH USABLE MASONRY COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D t 1.7 L U : 1.4 D t 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD PIS 1.4 D t 1.7 1.. ...................... 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 f'atut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRUIGTH (Por . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu = 1 Z OF NOMINAL AXIAL STRENBTH (Pod Pu : 2 Z OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 7. WOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH............ ....... ESTINATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATIDN AS1 : 0.40 IN"2 Dl = AS2 a 0.00 INA2 D2 : AS3 = 0.00 INY D3 = AS4 = 0.00 1NA2 04 = AS5 : 0.00 IN"2 us = AS6 = 0.00 IN*2 06 : AS7 : 0.00 IN*2 07 : Asa s 0.00 AS9 i 0.00 AS10 ' 0.00 AS11 3 0.00 AS12 2 0.00 AS13 = 0.00 AS14 : 0.00 ."a= - n An INA2 1NA2 INA2 I NA2 IN"2 IN*2 INA2 ILIA9 103.5 K-FT 8.0 IN. 9.3 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 f'r*0.5 0.003 -I- 2 14 KIPS 1089 KIPS 708 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 3.5 IN. 4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. 76.00 IN. 92.00 IN. 108.00 IN. 124.00 IN. -12.00 IN. 4.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 36.00 IN. 29 00 IN. ....... AS17 : 0.00 INA2 017: 84.00 IN. AS18 2 0.00 IN*2 018: 92.00 IN. AS19 a 0.00 INA2 D19: 100.00 IN. AS20 = 0.40 IN"2 020: 108.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL i: 0.8 1NA2 SUI OF TENSION AND CMPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS nusr BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. ................ 3.50 IN. NOIINAL PURE BENDIN6 HOHENT (Hen). ......... 214 K-FT 8. FACTORED REQUIRED MENT nu . 1.4 Hs..... ........................... 145 K-FT 9. NOIINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Itr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING HOHENT CALCULATION? (YES:I,NO:O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING HOHENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION HODULUS ...................... 15941 IN"3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE. ........................ 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY. .......... 70 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT (BOUNDARY HEHBER) COHPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 1'1 ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 13.00 IN. Pu . 1.4 0 t 1.4 1.. ...................... 14 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND CMPRESSION FORCES I4 KIPS O.K. HOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a,.. 267 K-FT THE N.A. MUST BE O.K. ..................... ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 11.10 IN. Pu . 0.9 D...................... ........... 9 KIPS SUHHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 9 KIPS O.K. HOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 fla... 247 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K...................... THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS Nor NEEDED It. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).. ............... 63.92 IN. NOHINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 528 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbuz0.65 Pbn).. 343 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L................ ........ 14 KIPS Pu : 3 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 4 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. ............. n 117 ~ Pu . 0.9 D... .............................. 9 KIPS Pu : 2 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 3 I OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. .. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR., ...................... 0.84 .- 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED NOHENT CAPACITY (Hbu) NOHINAL BALANCED HOHENT IHbn). ............. 1477 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HMENT (Hbu : 0.65 Hbn).. 960 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHENT CAPACITY (Hou) NOHINAL PURE BENDING HOHENT(Hon)........... DESIGN PURE BENDING HOHII(ENT (Hou:O.85 bn) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Paul NONINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pau = 0.65 Pon).. NAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Piax:0.80 Pou).. - 16. DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY (HI nu . 1.4 Hs................................ DESIGW NOMEN1 CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 L........................ H/Hcr.. ............................... 0.9 D.. ............................... H/Hcr...... ........................... 17 SHEAR DEHAND Vu . 1.4 V5 .............................. REOUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdr)...... I8 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIHUH NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-I.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER 1 OTHERYISE 2... Va . Cd Ag SORT(f’d TABLE 24-L.... ........ Av :0.11 IN*2 S . 24.0 IN............... v5 ........................................ Vn :Va + Vs..... ........................... DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu).. ............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR., ......................... I Vu ((( 0.80 Vn : 25 KIPS 0.1. ...... 214 K-FT 182 K-FT 1136 KIPS 738 KIPS 591 KIPS 145 K-FT 212 K-FT O.K. 2.7 201 K-FT 0.K. 2.6 13 KIPS 24 KIPS 132 KIPS I 0 KIPS 31 KIPS 31 KIPS 1.30 0.80 fiffifftftfffffftftfff~ffffffff I CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR-NAIL * 4fffffffififffHtfif~fffftfffff ifffiftiffff4fffffffffffiifffff4ffi~4ffffff4fff4f~fff4fffffifiiii i f f THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALL PRffiRAH (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN i f AS PART OF THE TCCHAR MASONRY RESEARCH PRO6RM AND MAS FUNDED * f BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FWWDATIDN AND THE CONCRETE MSDNRY I f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA MD NEVADA. THE WORK WAS CONDUCTED f AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT f RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EN1116 AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND * f ASSOCIATES, AND EWKERIK AND HART IN.) AND UAS WRITTEN BY * f i SHYALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAKE f HAZARD REDUCTION PRDGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A * f RESEARCH AID AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MSOnRY SHEAR WALLS. fi f f f NEITHER THE NATIOWIL SCIENCE FWNDATIDN, THE CDNCRETE HASONRV * f ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, f f INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPOllSIBILITV FOR ANY ERRORS, HISTAKES, OR f f HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT MY RESULT FROll THE USE OF SHYALL. f f SHYALL IS PROVIDED IN AN ‘AS IS’ CONDITION. 110 WARRANTIES OF * f ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR f f IHPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND I * HERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. 4 f f f THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, IK. f /-. i f f f f f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAH MAY BE OBTAINED FROH : * CONCRETE HASONRV ASSOCIATION f f OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA DR. SUITE 1875 t f CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f 6 TEL: (916) 722-1700 f 4 4 fffffifffttt**ffff~fffffffffffifif44ffffftfff4fiffffffftffffff*fff ,--- JOB # : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER 11 TITLE 2: LINE 1 BLDG B 1. NOMINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.. ................................ 9.6 KIPS LIVE LOAD.... .............................. 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vd ................... 7.7 KIPS HOHENT(tts).... ............................. 82.0 K-FT 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKWESS.(t)................ 8.0 IN. LENGTH OF WALL. (tu),, ..................... 8.7 FT SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH. ............ 1.5 KSI MODULUS OF RUPTURE......................... 1.2 f'aAO.S HAXIHUH USABLE MASONRY COHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -I- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 0 t 1.7 L U : 1.4 D t 1.4 L t 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E - 4, FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 0 + 1.7 L........................ 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon . 0.85 f'mLbW.... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Por . 0.65 Pori).....,. Pu = I Z OF NOMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod Pu : 2 2 OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 7. NOlllNbL PURE BENDING MHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH.. ................. ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 IN"2 01 = AS2 : 0.00 INA2 02 : AS3 : 0.00 INA2 03 = AS4 : 0.00 IN"2 04 : AS5 : 0.00 1NA2 D5 : AS6 : 0.00 IN"2 06 : AS7 : 0.00 1NA2 D7 : 2 13 KIPS 1011 KIPS 657 KIPS O.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 3.5 IN. 4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. 76.00 IN. AS8 0.00 INA2 08 : 92.00 IN. AS9 0.00 INA2 D9 : 108.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 IN*2 DIO: 124.00 IN. AS11 : 0.00 IN^2 Dll: -20.00 IN. AS12 : 0.00 INA2 012: -4.00 IN. AS13 : 0.00 1NA2 D13: 12.00 IN. AS14 : 0.00 IN*2 0142 28.00 IN. AS15 : 0.00 IN*2 D15: 44.00 IN. 56- 235 2-84 -5461 ,-- AS17 = 0.00 INA2 017: 76.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN*2 018: 84.00 IN. AS19 * 0.00 IN"2 D19: 92.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 IN*2 D20~ 100.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL 2 0.8 IN"2 SUM OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES. ..... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS nusi BE O.K. ........... WEN NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. 3.50 IN. NOMINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT (Man).......... 198 K-FT 8. FACTORED REWIRED MOMENT Mu . 1.4 Ils.. .............................. 115 K-FT 9. WINAL CRACKIM MOMENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Htr) DO YOU NAN1 TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING NOHEN1 CALCULATION? (YES4,NO-0) I I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKING MOMENT.. ....... 100 2 GROSS SECTION MODULUS.. .................... 13745 IN"3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOHIML CRMKIH MOMENT CAPACITY.. ......... 67 K-R 10. EVACUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT (BOUNDARY HEMBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'm ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. .......... 12.80 IN. Pr = 1.4 D t 1.4 I.... .................... 13 KIPS SUilHATION OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 13 KIPS O.K. MOHENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 flm... 244 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K...................... ESTIMTED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. .......... 11.10 IN. Pu * 0.9 D. ................................ 9 KIPS SUI(MATI0N OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 9 KIPS O.K. MOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 flm... 228 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELENENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. NUST BE 0.K ...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb)................. 59.18 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn)...,...... 489 KIPS DES16N BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu=0.65 Pbn).. 318 KIPS 12. CONPARE ULTIMATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L........................ 13 KIPS Pu : 3 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 4 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. CI CWC,A& OUI cdrrnn ................. 0.83 Pu = 0.9 0. ................................ 9 KIPS Pu : 2 Z OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 3 Z DF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR........................ 0.81 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT CAPACITY (Hbu) F NOHINAL BALANCED HOHENl (Ilbn).............. 1286 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED HOHENT (Mbu = 0.65 Hbn).. 836 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING MIMEN1 CAPACITY (Mou) NOMINAL PURE BENDING HUHENT(Mon). .......... 19B K-FT DESIGN PURE BENDIN6 MMRIT (Hou:0.85 Mon) 168 K-FT 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pou) NOHINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou : 0.65 Pod.. HAXlNUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Paax:0.80 Pod.. 16. DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY (HI Hu . 1.4 Hs............ .................... DESIGN HDMENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 L........................ HlHrr......... ........................ 0.9 D ................................. HlHcr......... ........................ I7 SHEAR DEMAND Vu = 1.4 Vs .............................. REBUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIHUH NOMINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENlER I OTHERYISE 2... VI i Cd Ag SORT(f'd TABLE 24-L... ......... Av :0.11 IN*2 S . 24.0 IN............... vs ........................................ Vn :VI i Vs., .............................. DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu).. ............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn . 23 KIPS O.K. ...... 1058 KIPS 688 KIPS 550 KIPS 115 K-FT 194 K-FT O.K. 2.9 185 K-FT O.K. 2.8 11 KIPS 22 KIPS 123 KIPS I 0 KIPS 29 KIPS 29 KIPS 1.30 0.80 ffftfffffffffffffffftfffffftfft f CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR-HALL f fffft€fffff€ftfffffffffft€tffft SHUALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEMBER, 1987 88-235 2-$5 340 ffftfffffffftfHftfftff~ffffftffffffftfffffifffffffftfffffftffffff f t * THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHWALL) WAS WRITTEN 5 AS PART OF THE TCCNAR HASONRY RESEARCH PR06RAM AND MAS FUNDED * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE MASONRY * * ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA. THE UORK WAS CONDUCTED t AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH YORK UNDER THE JOINT f RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EWIN6 AND ASSOCIATES, KARlOTlS AN0 * ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND WAS WRITTEN BY * f * f THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f - f f SHWALL IS YRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE f f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAM (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A t € RESEARCH AI0 AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALLS. € f i * NEITHER ?HE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNOATION, THE CONCRETE NASONRY 6 * ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENGLEKIRK AND HART, * f INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, NISTAKES, OR * f MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT HAY RESULT FROH THE USE OF SHWALL. € € SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS IS' CONDITION. NO WARRANTIES OF f t ANY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, HRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR f * IMPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f f MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. f f 4 t * € THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAM MAY BE OBTAINED FROM : f CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION t € OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA f f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 f ,t CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 f f TEL: (916) 722-1700 t f f €€f*fft€tf€t€t€f€ftftff€fff€€€~€tfffffff€fffffffftffftfftffftfftff JOB # : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER #2 TITLE 2: LINE 1 BLDG B 1. NORlNAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD............. ..................... 10.3 KIPS LIVE LOAD.. ................................ 0.0 KIPS LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (V5) ................... 3.5 KIPS HONENT(Ns). ................................ 103.0 K-FT 2. WALL PROPERTIES NOMINAL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t).... ............ 8.0 IN. LENGTH OF UALL.(Lu).. ..................... 9.3 FT SPECIFIED COMPRESSIVE STRE)IGTH............. 1.5 KSI MODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... I .2 f 'a"0.5 MAxinun USABLE nAsow COMPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 0.003 -I- 3. LOAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.8.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 0 t 1.7 1 U : 1.4 D + 1.4 L t 1.4 E 2 U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E ,- 4, FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D t 1.7 ......................... 5. NOllNAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon = 0.85 f'mLut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pon)....... Pu = 1 I OF fflllNAL AXIAL STRENGTH Won) Pu : 2 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod 7. NOMINAL PURE BENDING ROMENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH., ................. ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 : 0.40 1NA2 AS2 = 0.00 INA2 AS3 : 0.00 IN*2 AS4 : 0.00 IN'2 AS5 0.00 INA2 AS6 = 0.00 INA2 AS7 = 0.00 IN*2 AS8 : 0.00 IN"2 AS9 0.00 lP2 AS10 : 0.00 IN? AS11 : 0.00 IN2 AS12 : 0.00 IN? AS13 : 0.00 IN*2 AS14 : 0.00 IN*2 - I" ..,.* I4 KIPS 1089 KIPS 708 KIPS 0.K. O.K. 60.0 KSI 3.5 IN. 4.00 IN. 12.00 IN. 20.00 IN. 28.00 IN. 44.00 IN. 60.00 IN. 76.00 IN. 92.00 IN. D9 = 108.00 IN. 010: 124.00 IN. Dll. -12.00 IN. . 012: 4.00 IN. 013; 20.00 IN. DI4: 36.00 IN. "*=- 21 nn ru -. ...... ...... I,"." AS17 = 0.00 IN*2 017: 84.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN"2 D18: 92.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IV2 D19= 100.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 IN*2 0203 108.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL : 0.8 IV2 SUH OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS NUST BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............. ..... 3.50 IN. NOHINAL PURE BENDING MHENT (Ilon)..,....... 214 K-FT 8. FACTORED REOUIRED MEN1 nu . 1.4 h........ ........................ 144 K-FT 9. NONINAL CRACKING HOHENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Htr) W YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CRACKING HONENT CALCULATIOII? (YES*I,NO4). I CALCUTLATE NOHINAL CRACKINS nanmr......... loo I GROSS SECTION IMDULUS. ..................... 15941 INA3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOHINAL CRACKING HOllENT CAPACITY.. ......... 78 K-FT 10. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL MNFINEHENT (BOUNDARY NEHBER) CONPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 f'n ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 13.00 IN. Pu = 1.4 D t 1.1 L........................ 14 KIPS sunwIow OF TENSION AND MHPRESSIOII FORCES 14 KIPS O.K. HMENT CORRESWNDINB TO STRESS 0.4 VL.. 267 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K............. ......... ESTINATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.. .......... 11.10 IN. Pu = 0.9 0. ................................ 9 KIPS SUHMTlMl OF TENSION AND COHPRESSION FORCES 9 KIPS O.K. HOIIENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'a... 247 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEHENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. HUST BE O.K...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb)................. 63.92 IN. NONINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 528 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu4.65 Pbn).. 343 KIPS 12. COHPARE ULTIHATE AXIAL LOAD AND 8ALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu = 1.4 D + 1.4 L ........................ I4 KIPS Pu : 3 I OF NOHINAL BALMED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 4 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. * A" Pu . 0.9 D................. ................ 9 KIPS Pu 2 I OF NOHINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu = 3 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR. ....................... 0.84 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED WOnENT CAPACITY (Ilbu) NOMINAL BALANCED MOHENT (Mbn). ............. 1477 K-FT OESI6N BALANCE0 MOOBENT (Hbu = 0.65 flbn).. 960 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDIN6 MHENl CAPACITY Mou) NOMINAL PURE BENDINB rmHENT(Mon)........... 214 K-FT OESIGN PURE BENDING HOflENT (Hou=0.83 Ron) 182 K-FT 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (POU) NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LMU (Pori)..........,... 1136 KIPS DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pau : 0.65 Pon).. 738 KIPS MAXIHUH USABLE AXIAL LOAD (PDdX:0.80 POU).. 591 KIPS 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (MI Mu . 1.4 Is.. .............................. DESIGN HOHENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 L......................,. Mlntr...... ........................... 6.9 o....... .......................... fl/Hcr... .............................. 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu : 1.4 Vs .............................. REWIRED FLEXURAL UUCTILE SHEAR (Vdo).. .... 16 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIMUM NOHINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... VI f Cd Ag SRRT(f'r) TABLE 24-L............ Av -0.11 IN? S . 24.0 IN............... Va = ....................................... Vn 'V1 +YE, ............................... DUCTILE SHEAR RATID (VnlVdu) ............... SHEAR PHI FACTOR.... ....................... Vu <(( 0.80 Vn . 25 KIPS O.K. ...... 144 K-FT 212 K-FT O.K. 2.1 201 K-FT ILK. 2.6 13 KIPS 24 KIPS 132 KIPS I 0 KIPS 31 KIPS 31 KIPS 1.30 0.80 tttttitltttt4ttiiittitttitittft t CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR-YALL € tittttitfitttttfiftiiitititftt? SHWALL VERSION (1.01) SEPTEHBER, 1987 863-235 2-57 34 6 i t t t t i t 4 t t i t t i THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAM (SHYALL) WAS WRITTEN AS PART OF THE TCCNAR HASONRY RESEARCH PROGRAM AND WAS FUNDED * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CONCRETE IIASONRV i AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNOER THE JOiNT RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AN0 ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AN0 t ASSOCIATES, AN0 ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AN0 WAS YRITTEN BY 4 i t t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVAOA. THE WORK nAs CONOUCTEO t 4 THE STAFF OF ENGLEKIRK AN0 HART, INC. SHYALL IS WRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHOUAKE HAZARD REOUCTION PROGRAII (NEHRP) AN0 IS INTENDEO TO BE BOTH A RESEARCH AI0 AND DESIGN AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALLS. 4 i t t NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNOATION, THE CONCRETE MASONRY * t ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA NOR ENSLEKIRK AND HART, * f INC. ASSUMES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, HISTAKES, OR 4 i MISREPRESENTATIONS THAT HAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF SHYALL. i i SHWALL IS PROVIDED IN AN 'AS tS' CONOITION. I(0 WARRANTIES OF * t ANY KINO, WHETHER STATUTORY, WRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSED, OR 4 i IHPLIED (INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AN0 t i MERCHANTABILITY) SHALL APPLY. i i i i i THE COPY OF THIS PRDGRAII HAY BE OBTAINED FROM : + CONCRETE IIASONRY ASSOCIATION t I OF CALIFORNIA AN0 NEVADA t i 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 187s i t CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 4 f TEL: (916) 722-1700 t t i f€tt*titi€iiittiiififi~titttiiiiiiiftt+ttiiitifftt€tttiiiifi€titii JOB I : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE 1: PIER 13 TITLE 2: LINE I BLDG B Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 4 KIPS Pu : 2 2 OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOA0 (Pbn). Pu : 4 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR., ...................... 0.83 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT CAPACITY (Hbu) - NOMINAL BALANCED MOHENT (Mbn) .............. 225 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT (Hbu = 0.65 Mbn).. 146 K-FT 14. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE BENDING HOMENT CAPACITY (HOU) NOMINAL PURE BEWDING MOMNT(l(on)........... 70 K-FT DESIGN PURE BENDING MOHENT (Hou:O.85 Ilon) 60 K-FT 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pod NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pan). ............. 436 KIPS DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pau : 0.65 Pon).. 283 KIPS HAXIHUM USABLE AXIAL LOAD (Piax4.80 Pou).. 227 KIPS 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (M) Mu . 1.4 Ms ................................ 35 K-FT DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 L........................ AlNtr.. ............................... 0.9 D ................................. M/Mtr.. ............................... 17 SHEAR DEMAND VU i 1.4 VS .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (VdU)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY MAXIMUM NOMINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... VI . Cd AO SQRT(t'I) TABLE 24-1. ........... 63 K-FT O.K. 6.1 62 K-FT O.K. 6.0 9 KIPS 20 KIPS 47 KIPS I 0 KIPS Av . 0.2 iN"2 vs =................................. ...... 20 KIPS Vn :VI + Vs ................................ 20 KIPS DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (Vn/Vdu). .............. SHEAR PHI FACTOR., ......................... 0.60 Vu ((( 0.60 Vn . 12 KIPS O.K. ...... S . 24.0 IN ............... 0.98 $9- z3A- 2 -3F 34&3 /-- ffNHff*f*tff***ffftfff*fffff*fffffffffffffff****fffftff****fff*f f * * THIS CONCRETE MASONRY SHEAR WALL PROGRAI! (SHYALL) YAS YRITTEN f 5 AS PART OF THE TCCHAR HASOWRY RESEARCH PROGRM AND HAS FUNDED f * BY THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND THE CMCRETE RASONRY f * AssoCIAlIffl OF CALIFORNIA MID NEVADA. THE WORK MAS CONOUCTED * t AS PART OF THE CATEGORY 2 RESEARCH WORK UNDER THE JOINT * RESEARCH EFFORTS OF EKEH (EYING AND ASSOCIATES, KARIOTIS AND f f ASSOCIATES, AND ENGLKERIK AND HART INC.) AND YAS WRITTEN BY f * THE STAFF OF EKLEKIRK AND HART, INC. f f f f * f SHYALL IS YRITTEN AS A PART OF THE NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE f HAZARD REDUCTION PROGRAH (NEHRP) AND IS INTENDED TO BE BOTH A f * RESEARCH AID AND DESIW AID FOR CONCRETE HASONRY SHEAR WALLS. f * f f NEITHER THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION, THE CONCRETE HASONRY * f ASSOCIATIOU OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVEDA )(OR ENMEKIRK AND HART, * f INC. ASSUNES ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY ERRORS, IISTAKES, OR * * HISREPRESENTATIONS THAT HlY RESULT FROH THE USE OF SHYALL. f F- f SMALL IS PROVIDED IN AN *AS IS' CONDITION. NU YARRMTIES OF * f MY KIND, WHETHER STATUTORY, YRITTEN, ORAL, EXPRESSEO, OR f * IHPLIED (INCLUDING YARRANTIES OF ANY FITNESS AND f + HERCHAWTABILITV) SHALL APPLY. f * * f f THE COPY OF THIS PROGRAN HAY BE OBTAINED FROH : f CONCRETE HASONRY ASSOCIATION f f OF CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA * f 6060 SUNRISE VISTA OR. SUITE 1875 * f CITRUS HEIGHTS, CA 95610 * f TEL: (916) 722-1700 f f f **f*ff*ffffffff**fff**f*fft**f**f*fffff*f*ff*f****tfffff*f**f**fff JOB # : 88-235 DATE : 2-89 SHEET : TITLE I: PIER 14 TITLE 2: LINE I BL06 B 1. NDHINAL DESIGN LOADS DEAD LOAD.. ................................ LIVE LDAD.. ................................ LATERAL SHEAR FORCE LVs1. .................. NOHENT(Hsl. ................................ ,--- 2. HALL PROPERTIES NOHlNbL BLOCK THICKNESS.(t)....... ......... LENGTH OF WALL. (lul,. ..................... SPECIFIED MHPRESSIVE STRENGTH.. ........... HDDULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... nAXinun USABLE MASONRY CDHPRESSIVE STRAIN.. 3. LDAD FACTORS ENTER I FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD FACTOR U : 1.4 D t 1.7 1 U = 1.4 D t 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 D - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 L........................ 5. NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon = 0.85 f'atut).... 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou . 0.65 Pod....... 3.0 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 2.2 KIPS 8.7 K-FT 8.0 IN. 2.0 FT 1.5 (SI 1.2 f'r*0.5 0.003 -I- 2 4 KIPS 233 KIPS 152 KIPS Pu 2 I OF NlllINAL MIA1 STRENGTH (son) 0. K. Pu a 3 2 OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pod D.K. 7. NOHIMAL PURE BENDING HDHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIED YIELD STRENGTH ................... 60.0 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LDCITION ........... 3.5 IN. VERTICAL STEEL LOCATlDN AS1 i 0.40 lNA2 Dl : 4.00 IN. AS2 : 0.00 INA2 D2 : 12.00 IN. AS3 = 0.00 IN*2 03 : 20.00 IN. AS4 : 0.00 INA2 D4 = 28.00 IN. AS5 : 0.00 IN*2 D5 = 44.00 IN. AS6 : 0.00 IN"2 D6 : 60.00 IN. A57 = 0.00 INA2 D7 = 76.00 IN. AS8 : 0.00 INA2 08 : 92.00 IN. AS9 : 0.00 INA2 . 09 : 108.00 IN. AS10 : 0.00 IN"2 DIO: 124.00 IN. AS11 = 0.00 INA2 D11. -100.00 IN. AS12 : 0.00 INn2 012: -84.00 IN. AS13 : 0.00 INA2 D13: -68.00 IN. AS14 = 0.00 IN"2 DI4: -52.00 IN. ....... ^ "a=. *r nn I" 1. NONINAL DESIGN LDAOS DEAD LOAD. ................................. LIVE LOAD.. ................................ LATERAL SHEAR FORCE (Vs). .................. HONENT(lls). ................................ 2. w PROPERTIES NOHINAL BLOCK THICKNESS. (t). ............... LENGTH OF YALL.(Lv).. ..................... SPECIFIED COHPRESSIVE STRENGTH. ............ HODULUS OF RUPTURE. ........................ HAXINUN USABLE HASONRV CDNPRESSIVE STRIIIN.. 3. LOA0 FACTORS ENTER 1 FOR ANSI OR 2 FOR U.B.C LOAD U = 1.4 0 + 1.7 L U : 1.4 D t 1.4 L + 1.4 E U : 0.9 0 - 1.4 E 4. FACTORED AXIAL DEAD AND LIVE LOAD FACTOR 4.5 KIPS 0.0 KIPS 6.7 KIPS 25.2 K-FT 8.0 IN. 3.3 FT 1.5 KSI 1.2 friA0.5 0.003 -I- 2 Pu: 1.4 D + 1.7 I.......... .............. 6 KIPS 5. NMINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon : 0.85 ftnLwt),,,. 389 KIPS 6. DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH IPou . 0.65 Pon)....... 253 KIPS Pu 2 1 OF NOHINAL AXIAL STRENGTH (Pon) 0.K. Pu = 2 I OF DESIGN AXIAL STRENGTH (Pou) O.K. 7. NOHINAL PURE BENDIN6 MHENT CALCULATION SPECIFIEO YIELD STRENGTH ................... 60.0 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION ........... 3.5 IN. VERTICAL STEEL LOCATION AS1 = 0.40 IN"2 AS2 : 0.00 1NA2 AS3 : 0.00 1NA2 AS4 0.00 INA2 AS5 = 0.00 IN*2 AS6 : 0.00 W2 AS7 = 0.00 1NA2 AS8 : 0.00 IN9 AS9 = 0.00 IN*2 ASLO : 0.00 1N*2 AS11 : 0.00 INA2 AS12 = 0.00 INA2 AS13 = 0.00 IN9 AS14 : 0.00 IN"2 ASIT = n.nn 1~~2 DI : 4.00 IN. 02 * 12.00 IN. 03 = 20.00 IN. 04 : 28.00 IN. D5 = 44.00 IN. 06 : 60.00 IN. 07 = 76.00 IN. 08 : 92.00 IN. 09 = 108.00 IN. 010: 124.00 IN. 011: -84.00 IN. 012: -68.00 IN. 013: -52.00 IN. 014: -36.00 IN. nis: -moo IN. AS17 : 0.00 IN"2 D17: 12.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN"2 DIE: 20.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 IN*2 019- 28.00 IN. AS20 : 0.40 IN*2 020: 36.00 IN. AREA OF STEEL : 0.8 1NA2 SUH OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS 0.K. NEUTRAL AXIS nusT BE O.K. ........... NEW NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. 3.50 IN. NOIINAL PURE BENDING MNENT (Ion).......... 70 K-FT 8. FACTORED REOUIRED IOHENT nu: 1.4 15 ................................ 35 K-FT 9. NONINAL CRACKING NOMEN1 CAPACITY OF SECTION (Htr) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACK IN6 NONENT CALCULATION? (Y E5 : I, NO 4). PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USE0 TO CALCUTLATE NONINAL CRACKING NONENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION NODULUS. ..................... 2033 IN"3 HODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING NONENT CAPACITY. .......... 10 K-FT I IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEHENT (BOUNDARY MENBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 Vi ........... 0.60 KSI ESTINATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION.,.......... 10.10 IN. Pu . 1.4 D + 1.4 L ........................ 6 KIPS SUIMTION OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 6 KIPS O.K. NOIENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 73 K-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K...................... ESTIMATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 9.40 tN. Pu . 0.9 0 ................................. 4 KIPS SUNNATION OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES 4 KIPS O.K. IOIEWT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'i.. . 71 K-FT THEREFORE I BOUNDARY ELENENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. NUST BE O.K......... ............. 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb).. ............... 21.31 IN. NONINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn). ......... 176 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOA0 (Pbu:0.65 Pbn).. 114 KIPS 12. CONPARE ULTINATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D i 1.4 1.. ...................... 6 KIPS Pu : 4 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 6 1 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. ................... O.R? g0-23S' 2-27? 34 F2 ........ .... ..-.- AS17 = 0.00 IN^2 017: -4.00 IN. AS19 = 0.00 INA2 D19= 12.00 IN. AS20 = 0.40 INA2 020: 20.00 IN. AS18 : 0.00 IN*2 om 4.oo IN. AREA OF STEEL : 0.8 IN"2 SUM OF TENSION AND CONPRESSION FORCES.. .... 0 KIPS O.K. NEUTRAL AXIS MUST BE O.K. .. I........ NEW NNTRAL AXIS LOCATION.................. 3.50 IN. NOMINAL PURE BENDING MOMENT (Non) .......... 38 K-FT 8. FACTORED REEUIRED MOMENT Mu . 1.4 Ms........... ..................... 12 K-FT 9. NOMINAL CRACKIIIG MOMENT CAPACITY OF SECTION (Mu) DO YOU WANT TO INCLUDE AXIAL LOAD IN CRACKING NOMENT CALCULATION? (YES4,NO:O). I PERCENTAGE OF LIVE LOAD TO BE USED TO CALCUTLATE NOMINAL CRACKING MOMENT.. ....... 100 I GROSS SECTION MODULUS... ................... 732 IN'3 NODULUS OF RUPTURE.. ....................... 46 PSI NOMINAL CRACKING MOHENT CAPACITY.. ......... 4 K-FT IO. EVALUATE NECESSITY OF VERTICAL STEEL CONFINEMENT (BOUNDARY MEMBER) COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 0.4 fln ........... 0.60 KSI ESTIHATED NEUTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 7.65 IN. Pu . 1.4 D t 1.4 L........................ 4 KIPS SllHMAllON OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 4 KIPS O.K. NOMENT CORRESPONDING TO STRESS 0.4 f'm... 30 K-FT THEREFORE : WUNDARY ELEHEHT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE 0.K ...................... ESTIMATED NNTRAL AXIS LOCATION............ 7.42 IN. Pu . 0.9 D ................................. 3 KIPS SUMlATIOn OF TENSION AND COMPRESSION FORCES 3 KIPS O.K. MONENT CORRESWNDING TO STRESS 0.4 fin... 30 1-FT THEREFORE : BOUNDARY ELEMENT IS NOT NEEDED THE N.A. MUST BE O.K...................... 11. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu) BALANCED NEUTRAL AXIS (Cb)..... ............ 11.84 IN. NOMINAL BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbn).......... 97 KIPS DESIGN BALANCED AXIAL LOAD (Pbu.0.65 Pbn).. 63 KIPS 12. COMPARE ULTINATE AXIAL LOAD AND BALANCED AXIAL LOAD Pu . 1.4 D t 1.1 L................ ........ 4 KIPS Pu : 4 I OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu : 7 2 OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. n 0, . . - . ____ Pu . 0.9 D........... ...................... 3 KIPS Pu : 3 Z OF NOMINAL BALANCED LOAD (Pbn). Pu 4 Z OF DESIGN BALANCED LOAD (Pbu).. FLEXURAL PHI FACTOR. ....................... 0.83 13. CALCULATE DESIGN BALANCED WOnENT CAPACITY (Mbu) r-- NOMNAL BALANCED MOMENT (Mbn) .............. 88 K-FT DESIGN BALANCED MOMENT (Ilbu = 0.65 Wbn).. 57 K-FT 14. CALCULlTE DESIGN PURE BENDING MOMENT CAPACITY (Mou) NOIIINAL PURE BENDING MllENT(tlon)..... ...... DESIGN PURE 8ENDIHG HOMEWT (MouaO.85 Mon) 15. CALCULATE DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD CAPACITY (Pou) NOMINAL PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pori).............. DESIGN PURE AXIAL LOAD (Pou = 0.65 Pon).. nmun USABLE AXIAL LOAD (P~~X-O.EO POU).. 16. DESIGN MOMENT CAPACITY (Ill Mu . 1.4 Hs.............. .................. DESIGN tlOlENT CAPACITY CORRESPONDING TO 1.4 D + 1.4 ......................... nintr ................................. 38 K-FT 32 K-FT 280 KIPS 146 KIPS 182 KIPS 12 K-FT 33 K-FT O.K. 8.7 0.9 D.......... ....................... nntr... .............................. 17 SHEAR DEMAND Vu . 1.4 Vs .............................. REQUIRED FLEXURAL DUCTILE SHEAR (Vdu)...... 18 SHEAR CAPACITY HAXIWUtl NOllINAL SHEAR STRENGTH TABLE 24-K.. PLASTIC HINGE REGION ENTER I OTHERWISE 2... V# : Cd Ag SQRT(f'ml TABLE 24-L............ Av . 0.2 IN"2 S . 24.0 IN........... .... vs = ....................................... On =!le t Os................................ DUCTILE SHEAR RATIO (VnlVdu)............... SHEAR PHI FACTOR.. ......................... Vu ((( 0.80 Vn a 10 KIPS 0.1. ...... 33 K-FT O.K. 8.6 3 KIPS 10 KIPS 28 KIPS I 0 KIPS I2 KIPS 12 KIPS 1.19 0.80 -\ i - CONEEA E#GitlEEZING JOB 188-235 DATE : 1-89 WET : 24---- SLEIlDER MSONRY WALL DESIGN Considering P-Delta Effects Per ICE0 Report # 4189 ;ESCRiPTIOW :MAS MALL 15.0 FT AttowtE STRESSES > Fy : Xeinf. = 50,000 psi > Wind Load : 74.3 psi ___________-____-- > :'a : Masonry = 1,500 psi > Seismic Factor : 0.300 > Phi: .a ar .5 : 0.80 ___ > Ty;e of flasonry: 1:Light 2t, :=Bediu# Yt., 3 : Nornal Wt. --> 3 > Grouting? 1 : Solid Grouted, 0 : At Cells ul Steel Only --:, ! >. %I1 Uniform ILL Be Used Nith IlindlSeisnic Loadings'? Y.1 N.0 --> 1 ___ ___ .__ DESIGN DATA > Clear Wall 9t. = 15 ft ) Eccentric Dead Load : 0 plf > Total Mall Ht. = 15 !t > Eccentric Live load : 0 plf Ht I Thk Ratio = 22.5 > Load Eccentricity : 7 in ( Un-Factored 'Vertical, Actual Un-Factored Lateral ) __----_---- (default tl? + 3') > Wall Thickness : 8 in > Rebar Size : I 4 > Unifora Lateral Load- 0 plf > Spacing @ 8' 0iv.Z 16 in ) X-Dist. tu Bottom = 3 it ! I(-Dist. to Top : 0 ft > Depth To Steel : 5.13 in ! Seismic:l, Uind:? --) I <-- ) Point Lateral Load 2 01 > Axial Unifori 01 : 3740 plf ! X-Disk. from Bottom 2 0 ft ) Axial Uniform LL 0 plf ? Seisaic:l, Wind:? --> 1 <-- (default : t/2) 4 I- DESIGN SUMMARY ____________________--. I 1-n t Phi : HOHENT CAPACITY : I-u : APPLIED NONENTS : OVERSTRESS I RAl. ALLOIJA9LE DEFL. : 0.00: h = j ChLCULATED SEDVICE DEFLECTION : - ; HEIGHT i SERVICE DEFLECTION : SEISMlC ---_-_-- - 41,077 in-1 11,913 in-# 0.0 1 1.260 in 0.045 in 4,043 1.260 in I 0.544 in I 331 ; ALLOWARLE AXIAL LOAD = .(I4 * f'n * Ag : 60.0 psi 60.0 psi I I ACTUAL AXIAL LOAD = (Fw + Po) lAg i 47.9 PSI 4?.'3 psi ! CONEER ENGINEERING J08 433-235 PATE : 1-33 SHEET :-z@+'- P-Axial : Seismic -or- Yind : Eccentric t Axial = 3,740 plf P-Wall : Seisizic -or- Hind : Mall Above ffid-Height : 630 ' Pu-Aiial: Seisnic -or- Wind : 1.W 1-1.2751 t = 3,927 plf Pa-Nall : Seisric -or- Wind : 1.27561 -or- 1.4025E : 66: " 011-Total: Seiioir w- Wind : Total PI! From Above : 4,539 plf ~ - - - - - ~ ANALYSIS VALUES __.__________-. iquiva!ent Solid Thickness !:res table! = !.60 in Gross Area Equiv. Solid Thick + 12' 31.20 inA:! bo55 Steel Ratio : As I Ag Gross Reinforcing Area : As As-eff : (Pulphi + As*Fy) t Fy la' = (As+Fy t Pu/Phi) /(.854f'c+121 'c': la' / -85 Phi Reduction : 0.8 -or- 0.5 Mn = As(eff1 1 Fy + ( d - a12 lu : an 4 Phi Em : 1,000 f'm <: 3,000,000 psi n : 29~10~6 / EB Fr : Mod. of Rupture : 2.5 +(f'mA.51 Section nodulus : (Gross) Moment Capacity @ Cracking : S + Fr 1-gross i 12 + (Equiv Thck!^l I I? I-cracked = Ase n (d-c)? t bc*3/3 ACTUAL MOIENTS WI FACTORED LOADS Basic Moment u/o P - Delta Excess over Cracking Mooent Haxiauln Mid-Height Deflection MAXIMUM APPLIED flOnENT Basic Deflection u/o P-Delta ---_________________---.-------- DECLECTION CHECK - SER'!ICE LOADS --.____.____.__..__.~~~.~~..~~.. Basic Servire Load Moment Exirs5 0-!er Crackiny dowent Basic load Deflection Total Moment @ DefI. Convergence SERVICE LOAD DEFL. @ CONVERGENCE i 0.0016 OK 0.147 in*2/ft 0.243 0.952 in 1.120 in 0.8 : 51,347 in-# : 41,077 in-Y = 1.5Et06 psi 19.33 36.8 psi 115.5 inA3 : 11,185 in-# 431.0 inA4 15.2 in*4 SEISflIC YIHQ -_ ______- - - - - -. - - : 11,576 in-I 32,187 in4 331 in4 21,002 in-1 : 0.03 in 0.79 in = 11,913 in-1 35,535 in-# : 0.07 in 0.69 in SE!SMIC II!ND -___ ____. . . . - -. . - i 9,505 in-$ 25,245 in4 0 in-1 14,060 in-# = 0.04 in 0.48 in : 3,526 in-# 27,452 in-# = 0.04 in 0.54 in CONEER ENGINEERIHG DATE : 1 -89 SHEET :-3z--- JOB 188-235 SLENDER NASONRY WALL DESIGN Considering P-Delta Effects Per IC80 Report W 4181 DESCRIPTION :HAS MALL 16.5 F1 ALLOWABLE STRESSES > :!E : konry : 1,500 psi > Seismic Factor : 0.300 >. Phi: .B or .5 : 0.80 ? Type of Nasonry: I-Light US, 2:Nediun Ht., 3 : Nornal Ut. --? 3 ? &,outing'? I : Solid rjroeted, 0 : At Cells ul Stael Only --i 1 i Shall Uniform LL Be Used With Wind/Saisnic Loadings'? Y=I N.0 --? 1 _--______--------- ;. Fy : Arinf. = 50,000 psi ? Wind Load = 74.3 psf --_ ___ --_ --_ DESIGN DATA ? Clear Wall Ht. : 16.5 ft > Eccentric Dead Load = 0 plf > Total Wall HI. = 16.5 ft ? Eccentric Live Load : 0 plf Ht I Thk Ratio = 24.8 ? Load Eccentricity = 7 in ( Un-Factored Vertical, Actudl Un-Factored Lateral 1 -_.____-__- (default 112 + 3') ) Wall Thickness : 8 in ? Rebar Size : B 5 ? Unifora Lateral Load: 0 p!f ) Spacing C 8' 0iv.Z 16 in > X-Dist. tu Bottom : 0 ft ? X-Dist. to Top = 0 ft >. Depth To Steel i 5.13 in ? Seisaic:l, Wind:; --) I <-- (default = tl?) 4 > Point Lateral Load 01 ? Axial Uniform O! : 4160 plf >. X-Dist. fro# Botton = 0 ft ) Axial Uni:orm It : 0 plf ) Seisaic.1, WindZ2 --? 1 <-- CONEER ENGINEERING JOE t83-235 DATE $1-89 SHEET :-:?:-- ............................................................................... LATERAL LOADINGS .__-_-__________ Masonry Wall Wt. = 84.0 psf Wind Load € 1.275 : 95.4 psf Laterdl Mall bt ?5.2 pSf tat !hll Ut € 1.42 34.3 pSf VERTICAL LOADINGS .______________-_ P-Axial : Seismic -or- Wind : Eccentric + Axial = 4,160 plf P-Wall : Seisnic -or- Wind ! Wall Abwe Nid-Height 693 Pu-Axial: Seisnic -or- Wind : 1.050 il.275t t : 4,368 plf F,i-k'alI : Seisfflii -or- Wind : 1,27511 -or- 1.4025E 728 Pu-Total: Seisaic -or- Wind : Total PII From Above : 5,076 plf - - - - - - - ANALYSIS VALUES ___-.-...-.____ Equivalent Solid Thickness ifron table! Gross Area : Equiv. Solid Thick * 12' Gross Steel Ratio : A5 I Ag Gross Reinforcing Area : As As-eff : fPu1Phi t AsiFy) 1 Fy la' : (AstFy + PulPhi) /(.8Srffc€12) 'i': 'a' 1 .E5 Phi Reduction : 0.8 -or- 0.5 Mn : As(eff) i Fy € ( d - a12 ) Hu : fin t Phi En : 1,000 f'n :: 3,000,000 psi n : 29~10% / En Fr : Mod. of Riupture : 2.5 i(f'm".S) Section Modulus : (Gross) lloaent Capacity @ Cracking : S * Fr I-gross = 12 I (Equiv ThckI"3 / 12 I-cracked : Ase n (d-OA2 + bcA3/3 ACTUAL XOHENTS W1 FACTORED LOADS Basic Homent u10 P - Delta Excess over Cracking norent Maximila Hid-Height Deflection HAXlnUM APPLIED MOMENT Basic Deflection ulo P-Delta ____--__---___-_____~--.-------- DEFLECTlrlN CHECK - SERVICE LOADS Basic Serrice Load llonent Excess Over Cracking Noment Ra5ic toad Deflection Total Moment @ Dell. Convergence SERVICE LOAD DEFL. @ CDWERGENCE 7.60 in 11.20 in"2 0.0025 OK 0.230 inA?lft 0.336 1.319 in 1.551 in 0.8 67,399 in-$ 53,720 in4 1.5E106 psi 19.33 96.8 psi 115.5 in*3 11,185 in-# 439.0 inA4 92.9 inA4 SEISHIC = 14,007 in-1 = 2,822 in-$ : 0.18 in = 14,842 in-l : 0.15 in - - - - - - - - - SEISi?IC = !0,:71 in-# 0 in-# = 0.06 in : 10,587 in-1 = 0.07 in .-_ -__._. MINI) - - - - -. - - 38,947 in4 27,762 in-t 1.02 in 43,795 in-# 0.3s in #IN0 ._ ---... 20,546 in-! 11,361 in-9 0.6.1 in 33,351 in-t 0.73 in CCNEER ENGINEERING JOB iS9-235 DATE : 1-83 SHEET :-z$--- SLENDER HASONRY WALL DESIGN Considering P-Delta Effects Per ICBO Report U 4189 .____________-______--~----.. DESCRIPTION :MAS WALL 17.5 iT ALLOWABLE STRESSES ! f'm : Masonry = 1,500 psi ;. Seismic Factor : 0.300 ) Phi: .E or -5 : 0.80 ! Type of Masonry: 1:LighS Wt, ?:Medium Ut., 3 : Horaal Ut. --! 3 ! Gioating.? 1 Solid Groiited, 0 : At Cells u/ Steel Only --! I t Shall Uniform LL Be [Used With Uind/Seismic Lcadings? Y:l IW -->. 1 ______________---* > Fy : aeinf. = 60,000 psi '. Wind Load 74.3 psf ___ --_ ___ ___ DESIGN DATA ( Un-Factored Vertical, Actual Un-Factored Lateral ! ! Clear Wall Ht. : > Total Wall Ht. = Ht I Thk Ratio i ? Wall Thickness : ! Sebar Sire : II ! Spacing C 8" Diva= ! Depth To Steel = (default tl?) ! Axial Uniform DL = > Axial Unifora LL 17.5 ft 17.5 ft 26.3 8 in 5 16 in 5.13 in 4 4440 plf 0 plf > Eccentric Dead Load : > Eccentric Live load : > Load Eccentricity : (default t/2 + 3') ? Uniform Lateral Load: > 1-Dist. to Bottom : ! X-Dist. to Top : ! Seisnic:l, Wind:? --) ) Point Lateral Load = > X-Dist. from Bottor : ) Seismic.1, Wind:? -->. 0 plf 0 plf 7 in 0 plf 0 ft 0 ft 1 <-- 01 0 ft 1 (-- :- DESIGN SUMMARY ________________________________________----------------, SEISNIC W!ND 8. ____--___ .__---__ : N-n * Phi : HONENT CAPACITY : 54,321 in-? 54,821 in-Y I M-u : APPLIED MOMENTS : 17,130 in-# 3,7!5 in-8 I OrlE4ST9ESS I! * I1 : 1.0 : I : Mi, ALLOWABLE OEFL. : 0.007 h : 1.470 in 1.470 in I I CALCULATED SERVICE DEFtECTI'dN = 0.lK in 0.3?? in I : HEIGHT / SERVICE DEFLECTI1N I,'>:? -1- q4.s - ; ALLOWABLE AY!AL LOAD : ,04 I f'n I 4g : 60.0 psi 60.0 p5i I I ACTUAL AXIAL LOAD : (P~J + Po! /Aq = 56.7 psi 56.7 psi : COREER EN6INEERIHG 303 #83-235 DATE : 1-8s SHEEi :?E?-- .- ................................................................................ LATERAL LOADINGS ______---_-____- Masonry Wall Wt. = 84.0 psf Wind load I 1.275 = 95.4 psf Lateral Wall Wt = 25.2 psf tat Wall #t € 1.42 34.3 psf VERTICAL LOADINGS _________________ P-Axial : Seisric -or- Wind : Eccentric t Axial = 4,440 plf $-Wall : Seismic -or- Wind : Wall Above tiid-Height : 735 ' Pu-Axial: Seismic -or- Wind : 1.05D t1.275! + : 4,662 plf Pu-Mal! : Seismic -or- Bind : 1.275W -tor- 1.4025E : 77: ' Pr-Total: Seismic -or- Wind : Total Pu Fros Above : 5,434 plf --___-_ AMALYSIS VALUES ______-_.__-__- Equivaient Solid Thickness (fror table) Gross Area : Equiv. Solid Thick * 12' 6ro55 Steel Ratid : As I Ag Gross Reinforcing Area : As As-eff : (Pu1Phi t AsfFy) 1 Fy ,ar = (ASFFY + PuIPhi) /(.85Fftct12) 'c': 'a' I .35 Phi Reduction : 0.8 -or- 0.5 Mn 2 As(eff) * Fy f ( d - a12 1 Nu : Nn t ?hi in : 1,000 f'm (= 3,000,000 psi n : 29xlOX / Ea Fr : Hod. of Rupture : 2.5 i(f'nA.5) Section Nodulus : (Gross) Molnent Capacity @ Cracking : S (. Fr 1-3ross : 12 t (Equiv ThckY3 1 12 I-cracked : Ase n (d-OA2 + bcA3/3 ACTIJAL NORENTS '41 FACTORED LOADS ________.___-___________________ Basic Roaent ,u/o P - Delta Excess over Cracking Roaent Raxinilm Rid-Height Deflection HAXIMUN APPLIED HORENT Basic Deflecliun do P-Oelta DEFLECiION CHECK - SERVICE LOA9S _____....___.._____.~~~~~~~~~~-. %sic Serl>ice !oad Nasent Excess O'ier Cfatking ihent Basic Load Deflection iota1 Moment @ Pefl. Convergent? ZERVICE LOAD DEFL. f CONVERGENCE 7.60 in 91.20 in? 1 0.0025 OK 0.230 in'21ft 0.343 1.346 in 1.584 in 0.8 = 68,527 in-# : 54,321 in-1 : 1.5Et06 psi 19.33 96.8 psi 115.5 in? = 11,185 in-# 439.0 in"4 93.9 inA4 SEISHIC 15,157 in-l 4,571 in-$ 0.27 in 17,130 in-# C.23 in -. - - - - - - $E I snr c !1,5:6 in-$ 291 in4 0.09 in 12,094 in-# 0.!1 in . -. . -. -. WIND 43,811 in-1 32,625 in-# 1.37 in 50,715 in-4 1.iI in - - - - - - - - WIND .-...__. 34,361 in-W -",176 in-f 4.32 in 31,113 in-# C.99 in ., 7 CONEER ENGINEERING JOB 188-23: 3ATE : 1-81 SHEET : -zL Considering P-Delta Effects Per ICBO Report I 4189 DESCRIPTION :MS WALL 16 FT IIllD#ASLE STRESSES > f'n : Masonry = 1,500 psi > Seisnic Factor 0.300 > Fy : Reinf. : 50,000 psi > Wind Load : 74.8 psf > Phi: .8 or .5 : 0.80 !. Type of ilasoory: lzlight Wt, 2:Iediiia Ut., 3 : Normal Wt. --) 3 > Giouting? I = Solid Grouted, 0 = At Cells w1 Steel Only --> I ! Shall Unifori 11 Re Used With WindlSeisnic Loadings? Y:1 Nzg --f I _-___------___---- -__ _-- --- -__ DESIGN DATA f Clear Wall Ht. = 16 ft > Eccentric Dead Load : 0 plf > Total Uall Ht.. : 16 ft > Eccentric live Load : 0 plf Ht 1 Thk Ratio : 24.0 > load Eccentricity : 7 in ( Un-Factored Vertical, Actual Un-Factored Lateral ) _-___------ (default : t12 + 3') > Wall Thickness = 8 in > Aebar Size : D 4 f Uniforn lateral Load= 0 plf > Spacing C 8' Diva= 16 in > X-Dist. to Potton : 0 ft > Depth To Steel = 5.13 in > Seisbic;l, Wind22 --) I <-- > Point Lateral Load : Ot f Aiial Uniform DL : 4020 plf > X-Dist. fro# Botton 0 ft > Axial Unifora 11 = 0 plf ) Seisnic.1, Wind:2 -7) 1 (-- ) X-Dist. to Top 0 ft (default = t12) 4 /- WEER ENGINEER:% JOB #88-235 DATE : 1-99 SHEET :-sz-t-- LATERAL LOADINGS , __________-_____ Masonry Wall Wt. 34.0 psf Wind Load * 1.27: = 95.4 p5f Lateral Wall Wt : 3.2 psf tat 9411 Ut f 1.42 = 34.3 psf VERTICAL LOADINGS _-___-__-----_--- P-Axial : Seismic -or- Mind : Eccentric + Axial i 4,020 plf P-Wall : Seisaic -or- Wind : Wall Above flid-Height : 672 ' Pu-Axial: Seismic -or- Wind : 1.05D tl.275L t = 4,221 plf Pii-Wall : Seisnic -or- Mind : 1.27% -or- 1.4025E = 706 " ?e-Total: Seimic -or- Wind : Total PII Fro@ Above i 4,927 plf ANALYSIS VALUES Equivalent Solid Thickness (from table) : 7.60 in Gross Area = Equiv. Solid Thick f 12" Gross We1 2atio : Gross Reinforcing Area : As As-eff : (PuIPhi + AsIFy) I Fy lap = (AsIFy + Pu/Phi) /(.8J*f'c*12) 'CI: 'a' / .a5 Pbi Reduction : 0.3 -or- 0.5 fin : Asfeff) * Fy * ( d - a12 1 nu : Bn I. Phi Ea : 1,000 f'm (: 3,000,000 psi n : 29~10% / Em Fr : nod. of Rupture : 2.5 c(f'aA.5) Section nodulus : (Gross) tionent Capacity @ Cracking I-gr05S : 12 t (Eqiiv Thck)^3 I 12 I-cracked : Ase n (d-0*2 + bcW3 As I Ag S f Fr ACTUAL NOHENTS Y/ FACTORED LOADS ................................ Basic noment do P - Delta Excess over Cracking Moment Maximua Hid-Height Deflection MAXlnUfl APPLIED HOEENT 9asic 9ef:ecticfi u:n ?-Delta 3EFLECTION CHEiX - EER'IICE LOADS .________._.._....__~~~.~....~~. I'asic 5efviiz Load Konent Excess 3vZr Cracking ilomnt Eajic Load Deflection Tptal loment C DefI. Convergence SERVICE LOhD DEFL. C CONVERGENCE 91.20 in"2 : 0.0016 OK 0.147 inA2/ft 0.250 6.180 in 1.153 in 0.8 : 52,629 in4 = 42,103 in-: = 1.3E+06 p5i 19.33 96.8 psi 115.5 in*3 : 11,185 in-# 439.0 in*l 76.3 inA4 SEISMIC WIND - - -_ - - - -- __ ___-__ 2 13,171 in4 36,622 in4 : 1,986 in-1 25,477 in-ll : 0.16 in 1.09 in = 13,884 in-# 41,538 in-8 : 0.13 in 0:j: in SElSfllC X!D -. . . . . - - ____-..- : '3,677 in-1 23,723 in-4 0 in-* 17,513 in-8 : 5-36 in 0.65 in : 9,929 in-Y 3:,05'3 in-1 0.06 in 0.77 in i -. I " g.. -. i ,- CUNPOSITE STEEL BEAN DESIGN DESCRIPTION : conP Bn RI GENERAL DATA F-Y : 36,000 psi ) Bean Span 10 ft F-b = 24,000 psi ) Beau Sparing = 9 ft f'r : 3,000 psi > Beacl Trib Hidth : 4.5 ft Concrete Ut. = 145 pcf ? Tot. Slab Thick. 6 in n : Strength : 9.29 ) Deck Rib Height : 3 in n : Oeflection: 9.19 ? Rib Spacing = 12 in ? Beai Location : ) Rib Opening Width: 4.5 in Centerzl, Edge4 : 0 ) Ribs: Parll. = I _-- ? Shear Stud Cap. = 11.5 kips Action? Y4, N4 : 1 CONSTRUCTION LOAOS Perp. = 0 : 0 ) Use Partial Composite _-- ( Applied BEFORE 751 Curing 1 __---____---__---_ ) Slab Weight = 55 psf D.L. x Trib ilidth = 0.270 klf ) Nist Dead Load 5 ' Bean Weight 2 0.010 ' Total Unit 0.1. = 60 psf __--___ . - - - - - - - Add'l Unifora Load 0.09 Total Uniform 0.1. = 0.370 klf 11 2 01: X: 0 #3 : Ok X= Oft #2 = Ok K: 0 14 = Ok X: Oft LOADS ON COWPOSITE SECTION ( Applied AFTER 752 Curing ) __---____-________________ > Unit Live Load 11 : 100 psf 1.1. x Trib Width 0.450 klf ) Unit Live Load 12 : 0 ' Add'l Unifori Load = 0' __----_- - - - - - - Total Unit L.L. : 100 psf Total Uniform 1.1. : 0.450 klf > Point Loads : I1 = Ok 1: 0 ft 13 = Ok X= Oft 12 : Ok 1; 0 ft 14 = Ok 1: Oft MOIlENTS ----.__ Dead Load Monent : 4.6 ft-k 5-REQUIRED i 5.125 in*3 Live Load ilnnent i 5.6 ft-k flax. Shear = 4 kips Total Moment 10,3 ft-k AREA REQ'D : 0.28 in? ___- ____ EFFECTIVE FLANGE WIDTH _---_.______________-- Based on Length : 13.9 in Based on Spacing : 56.0 in ) Effective Yidth : 14 in -. . . ~ ROLLED SECTION DATA --> DEPTH CLASS : __------_--------__ SELECTED STEEL SECTION ?? Y8XlO __-_-- Section Properties : Transformed Properties : I-steel 31 in*d I-tr : Effective : 118 in*4 5-steel 8 inA3 5-tr : Top : 33.6 in9 Section Area : 3.0 in*2 S-tr : Bottom = 18.0 ' Top Flange : 3.94 in S-tr : Eff. @ Bott.: 14.5 ' Depth 7.9 in n*Str : Eff. @ Top = 230 " Wt per foot : 10.0 ttft 1-1 Axis From Bottoe; 9.0 in V-horiz @ 100 1 : 53.3 kips Cover Plate @ 8ottom Flange : > Width 0 in I-s utcover plate = 0 inA4 ? Thickness 0 in S-s : Top i 0.0 inA3 S-s : Bottoa = 0.0 ' BUILT-UP SECTION ? Depth of Beam : 0 in 1-5 : Steel = !A inA4 ? Top Flange Width = 0 in I-tr : Effective = NA * ? Flange Thickness = 0 in 5-5 : Top NA in*3 ? Bot Flange !iidth = 0 in 5-5 : Bottoa = NA ' ) Flange Thickness = 0 in S-tr : NA ' ? Web Thickness 0 in 5-tr : Eff. C Bott.: NA ' Cross Section Area = 0.00 if2 nMr : Eff. @ Top : NA ' Section Weight : 0.0 Wft V-horiz @ 100 I : NA kips (Depth Entry Hill Zero-Out Rolled Section Data) ____________---- I_ STRESS EVALUATION ____________________------------------------------I : SHORED & UNSHORED : I Service Load Stresses : I B BottOB of Beam : 8,476 psi : 24,000 p5i Allouable I : @ Top of Concrete : 535 psi : 1,350 psi i Allouable I I UNSHORED STRESS CHECK : : NAX. 5-transformed : I (1.35 t.35 * Rll/Rdl)*S-s : 14 in'3 Design S-tr 14 I I Actual 5-tr Effective 15 inA3 I Fb:Botton of Beam : 11,974 p5i : 32,040 psi : Allouable : .89 Fy I (HdltSs 4 R11tStr:Desipn) I Fb:lop of Concrete : 234 psi : 1,350 psi : Allowable : -45 f'( I [H11t(Str:top*n)l I Unshored DL Sress = 7,106 psi : 24,000 psi = Allowable : .66 Fy I Actual Shear Stress: 3,057 psi : 14,400 psi : Allowable : .40 Fy ULTIRATE STRENGTH OF COHPOSITE SECTION ___________------_____________________ Ultimate Moment Capacity of Coaposite Section : 62 ft-k Ultinate Moment I Hax. Service Homt 6.02 SHEAR CONNECTION Partial Corposite Action Being Used Mar Shear Force : Vh : . - ._ . ?*",. ~ .--) NUNSER OF CONNECTORS USED i 2 PER 112 SPAN V'h: Actual Shear Fur Studs Used = Actual 2 Conposite Action = 43.17 23.0 kips ( Min. = .?S f Vh ) DEFLECTIONS ---?) I-tr:xx is Based on ' n : Deflection ' -____-_____ I-tr:xx of Composite Section : 163 in*4 Is + [V'hI Vh)*.5t(ltr-ls)l = 118 in"4 I-Eff. : > LOCATION --> 1 Distance from Left Support = 5 ft Default = 112 SHORED UNSHORED ___---._____--._-___ .................... DEAD LOAD = 0.024 in : L I 4923 0.033 in : L I 1287 LIVE LOAD : 0.030 in : L I 4053 0.030 in : L I 4053 TOTAL LOAD = 0.054 in : L I 2224 0.123 in : L I 977 _--_-- ___--_ REACTIONS LEFT RIGHT - - - - - - - - - _____- _-_____ DEAD LOAD = 1.85 kips 1.85 kips LIVE LOAD : 2.25 ' 2.25 ' TOTAL LOAD : 4.10 kips 4.10 kips -_---- _-___- e76-2-35 r-Q 5 475 DESCRIPTION : cow BE 12 GENERAL DATA > F-y 36,000 psi > Seaa Span IO ft F-b 24,000 psi ) Bean Spacing = 4 ft ) f'c : 3,000 psi > Beam Trib Width : 0 ft ) Concrete Wt. 145 pcf ----___----- Tot. Slab Thick. : 6 in n : Strength : 9.29 ) Deck Rib Height = 3 in n : Deflection: 9, I9 ) Rib Spacing 12 in > Beam Location : > Rib Opening Width- 4-5 in Center:l, Edge4 : 0 ) Ribs: Parll. = 1 ! Shear Stud Cap. = 11.5 kips Action? Y=l, N:O : I ___ Perp. : 0 : 1 ) Use Partial Composite ___ /-- CONSTRUCTION LOADS ( Applied BEFORE 752 Curing 1 _____________--___ ) Slab Height 0 psf 0.1. x Trib Width : 0.000 klf ) Mist Dead load = 0 ' Bear Weight 2 0.010 ' _- - - - - - Add'l Uniforn load : 0' Total Uniforn D.L. : 0.010 klf - - - - - - Total Unit D.L. : 0 psf II = Ok I: 0 13 : Ok X= Oft 12 = Ok X: 0 14 = Ok K: Oft LQAQS ON CONPOSITE SECTION ( Applied AFTER 751 Curing I ) Unit live LoaU tl : 0 psf 1.1. x Trib Yidth : 0,000 klf ) Unit Live Load 12 = 0 ' Add'l Uniform load = 0' - - - - - - - - _____-- Total Unit 1.1. : 0 psf Total Uniform 1.1. : 0.000 klf ) Point Loads : #I : Ok 1. 0 ft t3 : Ok Y= Oft R2 : Ok X: 0 ft #4 = 0 k x.: 0 ft UOMENTS Dead load Molnent = 5.0 ft-l: S-REOUIRED 5.725 in*3 Live load Moment = 6.5 ft-k Har. Shear 4 kips Total Moment : 11.5 ft-k MEA aEO'D : 0.21 in^: _--__-_ _______- ,-- EFFECTIVE FLANGE WIDTH ...................... Bared an length 13.9 in Based an Spacing : 26.0 in ) Effective Width : 14 in ri::.rl :." CIA n..++,, *I I in ROLLED SECTION DATA ----_--------__-_-- SELECTED --. Section Properties : - I-steel 5-steel Section Area : --> DEPTH CLASS : STEEL SECTION ---)) YEXI0 -__-___--- Transformed Properties : 31 inA4 I-tr : Effective 118 inA4 8 in*3 5-tr : Top : 34.1 inA3 3.0 inA? S-tr : Bottom = 17.9' Top Flange = 3.94 in 5-tr : Eff. @ Bott.: 14.4 ' Depth 7.9 in nWr : Eff. @ Top : 233 ' Wt per foot : 10.0 #/ft 1-X Axis From Botton: 9.1 in V-horiz @ I00 I = 53.3 kips Cover Plate C Bottom Flange : > Width 0 in 1-5 wlcover plate = 0 if4 > Thickness 0 in S-s : Top : 0.0 in9 S-s : Bottom = 0.0 ' BUILT-UP SECTION > Depth of Bean = 0 in 1-5 : Steel = NA inA4 > Top Flange Width : 0 in I-tr : Effective = NA ' > Flange Thickness : 0 in S-s : Top NA inA3 > Flange Thickness = 0 in S-tr : NA ' - ) Ueb Thickness 0 in 5-tr : Eff. @ Bott.: NA ' Cross Section Area = 0.00 inA2 ntStr : Eff. @ Top : NA Section Weight : 0.0 Ilft V-horit @ 100 I = NA kips (Depth Entry Uill Zero-Out Rolled Section Data) ___-________-__- > Bot Flange Width 0 in S-s : Bottom NA ' ;- STRESS EVALUATION _________-__________------------------------------, : SHORED k UNSHORED : I Service Load Stresses : I @ Bottoi of Bean : 9,516 psi : 24,000 psi : Allowable I ; @ Top of Concrete = 590 psi : 1,350 psi = Allovable I I UNSHORED STRESS CHECK : I HAY. S-transformed : ; (1.35 +.35 * Mll/Mdl)fS-s : I4 in*3 Design S-tr : 14 I I Actual 5-tr Effective : 14 in"3 I Fb:Botton of Bean = 13,148 psi : 32,040 psi : Allowable : .E9 Fy I (MdllSs t Mll/Str:Designl I Fb:Top of Concrete : 334 psi : 1,350 psi Allowable : .45 f'cI [Mll/(Str: topin) 1 I Unshored DL Sress = 7,636 psi : 24,000 psi : Allovable = -66 Fy I I Actual Shear Stress: 2,908 psi : 14,400 psi = Allauable : .40 Fy I I_______________________________________--------------------------~----~ ULTINATE STRENGTH OF COMPOSITE SECTION ...................................... - Ultiaate lnnent Capacity of Composite Section = 62 ft-k Ultiaate iloaent / flax. Service Noient 5.31 SHEAR CONNECTION Partial Composite Action Being Used _______--_--____ Max Shear Force : Vh : Min I 95 flr drll nv bcFul? 1 I 73.3 bios .--i AUNBER OF CONNECTORS USED 8: 2 PEA 112 SPAl V'h- Actual Shear For Studs Used Actual I Conposite Action : 43.17 23.0 kips ( Rin. : -25 f Vh 1 DEFLECTIONS ---)) I-tr:xx is Based nn ' n : Deflection ' ___________ - I-tr:xx of Conposite Section = 164 inA4 I-Eff. : Is + Wh/ Vh)*.S+(Itr-Is)l : 118 inA4 > LOCATION --> X Distance from Left Support = 5 ft Default i 112 SHORED UNSHORED .................... _-___________.____-_ DEAD LOAD = 0.000 in : 1 I 0 0.000 in : 1 / 0 LlVE LOAD : 0.000 in : L / 0 0.000 in : L / 0 TOTAL LOAD : 0.000 in : L / 0 0.000 in : L / 0 ______ _----- REACTIONS LEFT RIGHT ~ - - - - - - - - _-_--- - - - - - - - DEAD LOAD = 0.05 tips 0.05 kips LIVE LOAD = 0.00 ' 0.00 ' TOTAL LOAD : 0.05 kips 0.05 tips ______ _----- --------------____ BY: ___--__ DATE :1:94 e ........................................................................ COHPOSITE STEEL BEAR DESIGN ................................ DESCRIPTION : cow RN #3 GENERAL DATA -_--___---__ F-Y = 36,000 p5i ? Beaa Span 10 ft F-b : 24,000 psi > Bean Spacing : 4 ft f'c = 3,000 psi > Beaa Trib Width : ,, 6.5 ft Concrete Yt. 2 145 pcf ) Tot. Slab Thick. = 6 in n : Strength = 9.29 ) Detk Rib Height = 3 in n : Deflection; 9, I9 > Rib Spacing = 12 in Bean Location : ? Rib Opening Width: 1.5 in Center-I, Edge4 : I ) Ribs: Parll. = 1 --_ ? Shear Stud Cap. i 11.5 kips Action? PI, N=O : 1 CONSTRUCTION LOADS Perp. : 0 : 0 ) Use Partial Composite --- ( Applied BEFORE 751 Clirinq ) _-_-___-_-__-_____ ? Slab Weight : 55 psf D.L. x Trib Width : 0.390 klf ) nisc Dead Load = 5 ' Beaa Weight = 0.010 ' Add'l Uniform load : 0.09 " Totdl Unifori D.L. : -____--- _____-_ Total Unit 0.1. : 60 psf 0.490 klf - 11 : Ok I: 0 13 3 0k X: Oft 12 1 Ok XI 0 11 = Ok X: Oft LOADS ON COHPOSITE SECTION ? Unit Live Load II = 100 psf 1.L. x Trib Width : 0.650 klf > Unit Live Load $2 i 0 ' Add'l Uniforn Load = 0' ( Applied AFTER 751 Curing ) .......................... _--____ - - - - - - - - Total Unit 1.1. : 100 psf Total Uniforn 1.1. = 0.650 klf > Point Loads : #I; Ok X: 0 ft $3 = Ok X= Oft 12 = 0k 1: 0 ft 84 = OkX= Oft RORENTS . -. - - Dead !oad Nonent : 6.1 ft-k 5-REQUIRED : 7.125 in"3 Live load Hopent : 8.1 ft-k Max. Shear i 6 kips Total Nnnent : 14.3 ft-l: AREA REQ'D = 0.40 in*? _----_-- EFFECTIVE FLANGE WIDTH ...................... Based on length i 30.0 in Based nn Spacing : 48.0 in ) Effective Width : 30 in ROLLED SECTION DATA --? OEPTH CLASS : SELECTED STEEL SECTION !> W8XlO __-___ Section Properties : I-steel 31 inA4 S -5 tee 1 8 inA3 Section Area : 3.0 in": Top Flange 3.94 in Depth 7.1 in Wt per foot i 10.0 #/ft ,-- Cover Plate C Bottoa Flange : ! Width 0 in ! Thickness 0 in Transformed Properties : I-tr : Effective : 144 inA4 5-tr : Top : 58.3 $3 S-tr : Bottor : 19.4 " S-tr : Eff. e Bott.: 15.5 n*Str : Eff. @ Top : 380 ' X-X A~i5 From Bottom: 10.4 in V-horir @ 100 I : 53.3 kips 1-5 wlcover plate : 0 inA4 s-s : Top : 0.0 inA3 S-5 : Bottom : 0.0 ' BUILT-UP SECTION ! Depth of Beaa : 0 in 1-5 : Steel : NA in*4 > Top Flange Uidth : 0 in I-tr : Effective : NA ' ? Flange Thickness : 0 in S-5 : Top NA in9 ! Bot Flange kdth : 0 in S-s : Bottom : NA * > Flange Thickness : 0 in S-tr : MA ' ! Neb Thickness 0 in S-tr : Eff. @ aott.: NA Cross Section Area : 0.00 in"2 n*Str : Eff. @ Top i NA " Section Weight = 0.0 tlft V-horiz @ 100 I : NA kips (Depth Entry Will Zero-Out Rolled Section Data) -----_----_--___ I_ STRESS C\/ALUATION ................................................... I SHORED h UNSHOAED : c I Service load Stresses : I C Rotton of Bear : 11,065 psi : 24,000 p5i -- Allowable I ; e Top of Concrete : 450 psi : 1,350 psi : Allowable I I UNSHOAED STRESS CHECK : : MAX. S-transforned : I (1.35 +.35 f Hll/Hdl)tS-s : 14 in"3 Design S-tr : I4 I I Actual S-tr Effective : 15 inA3 I Fb:Rotton of Bean : 16,292 psi : 32,040 psi : Allowable .89 Fy I (HdllSs t Hll/Str:Design) I Fb:Top of Concrete : 256 psi : 1,350 psi : Allouable = -45 f'cI I [Hll/(Str:top*n)l I Unshored DL Sress = 3,411 psi : 24,000 psi = Allowable : -66 Fy I I Actual Shear Stress: 4,250 psi : 14,400 psi : Allowable = .40 Fy I I_______________________________________-------~-----------------------I F ULTlllATE STRENGTH OF COMPOSITE SECTION -------_--____________________________ Ultimate noaent Capacity of Composite Section : 76 ft-k Ultimate Moment / Hax. Service Moment : 5.33 SHEAR CONNECTION Partial Cosposite Action Being Used _____-----______ Max Shear Force : VI, : 8&-2355 1--8 5 498 ---) NUMBER OF CONNECTORS USED : 2 PER 112 SPAN V'h: Actual Shear For Studs Used : Actual 1 CoBposite Action : 43.17 -----_______________ 23.0 kips ( Hin. : .25 t Vh 1 OEFLECTIQNS --->> I-tr:xx is Based on ' n : Deflection ' ,- ---__--____ I-tr:xx of Composite Section : 203 inA4 I-Eff. : Is + tV'h1 Vhf*.Si(Itr-Is)l : 144 in"4 ) LOCATION --> X Distance fron Left Support : 5 ft Default : L12 SHORED UNSHORED .................... _-__---_--__________ DEAD LOAD = 0.026 in : 1 I 4544 0.123 in : L 1 972 LIVE LOAD : 0.035 in : 1 I 3425 0.035 in : L / 3425 TOTAL LOAD -- 0.061 in : 1 I 1953 0.158 in : L I 157 _--_-_ _----_ REACTIONS LEFT RIGHT --------_ _---__ _-_____ DEAD LOAD = 2.45 kip5 2.45 kips LIVE LOAD 2 3.25 ' 3-25 ' TOTAL LOA0 = 5.70 kips 5.70 kips ---__- --__-_ 48 - 235 /-BF 4SR CONEER ENGINEERIN6 DESCRIPTIffl :EASE PLATE A7 PIPE COL'S AT COHPOSITE DECK AREA ------------ : 11.6 kips ) f'c : 2,000 psi -- ) Fy : 36,000 psi ) TOTAL MLUR LOAD > Concrete Pier Dimsionr: 24 in x 30 in Fp z.35 t f'c I (A21AW.5 (= 0.7 t f'c : 1,400 psi . -. . .. .. .~ . . . ~~ .. . . . ~ . .- - . ~ ~. . . cocuIIII. .. ~~ ._ ~ .~~ ~ . ~ > SELECTED COIU" SECTION 8 - - - - - ---) 3' STD PIPE ___________ Dimmion Along V* Axis depth) Dirnsion Alonp 'X' Axis (Width) = 0.00 in - Neb Ihitkness = 0.216 in 336 ir-- ~ ~~ ~~ . ._ . . ~. ~ - .. . ~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ____ DESCRIPTIOM :FOOT1165 AT PIPE COLUMWS AT COHPOSITE DECK AREA OES16M DATA -_ ~~~ee~ i~ 60,b~~p.si ~.~ -~ ~,KFoK%1ipfiiT2SW~~f )FY : ) Short Term Factor * 1.33 ) fir : Concrete 3 2,000 psi ) Soil Ht. Over Ftg.: 12 in ) Weight of Soil = 110 pcf ) Nature of Short Term Load --) 1:Seismic 2:Wind ? : I ) Do 1.1. Homent I Shear Act During Short Tern? 1 COLUHM 11 ~ ~~~. ~~ ~ ~~ ~~. . . ~. ..~ .- Y:I N=O I ~.~ .. ~ ~ ~.~~ ~. .. -~ . . .~ LOCATION OF RESULTMT Service Factored Distance of Resultant : Static = 2.75 ft 2.15 ft Fror Left Edge Short Terr : NA ft NA ft .?--.-__ -------- ___ ~ ~. -.__. FACTORED UNIT SHEARS --- . STATIC SHORT TERH _____-.________.____ ~ -_-...___R___-_ ~~ ~- _._____..__ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ - ONE+,+'+ SHEAR.>---. ~ Allouable : 2 t (ffcA.5) = 89.4 psi 89.4 psi Applied : Vu I -85 Left of Column I1 6.7 psi MA psi Right of Colurn #2 : 6.7 psi MA psi TWO-WAY SHEAR : Allouable : 4 t (ftcA.5) = 178.9 psi 178.9 psi Applied : . ~ ~~t. cofuw 11. ,-- 32 &psi- ~ N& psi At Colurn 12 32.8 psi MA psi BASEMENT RETAINING HALL DESIGN ) DESCRIPTION :RETAINING MALL AT COMPOSITE DECK AREA ) DESIGN DITA FOOTIN6 : -__-----__- Soil Bearing Press : 2,500 psf Ftg/Soil Friction 0.35 Active Fluid Pres5 = 65 pcf f'c - Concrete = 2,000 psi Passive Pressure = 300 ptf Fy - Reinforcerent 60,000 psi Soil Density = 128 pcf Z Steel Miniiur = 0.0012 HALL LOADIN6 CONDITIONS ....................... ) Percent Fixity To Be Used @ Base of Mall oz ) Surcharge over Toe = 50 psf ) Surcharge over Heel = 163 p5f ) Axial lord On Ster = 720 plf ) Axial lord Ecc. 0 in ) Soil Ht over Toe = 0 in ) UNIFORI LOAD (Added) ) Bottor Above T.O.F. ) Top Above T.O.F. MALL I FOOTIN6 GEOHETRY ) Retained Height = 8.5 ft ) Tor Width ) Height Above Soil : 0 ft Ster Width ) Heel Width _____---____----.__---- _--___ Total Mall Height * 8.5 ) Key Depth 0 in ) Key Yidtb = 0 in ) Footing Thickness FOOTING YIDTH ) Toe / Key Dist. : 0 ft 0 plf 0 ft 0 ft 0.25 ft 1.00 ft 0.25 ft 1.50 ft 12 in _____- SOIL PRESSURE SERVICE ULTIMTE _____________ -______ _______. Ecc. Froa CL = -0.095 ft Pressure e Toe : 955 1,336 psf (Neg. * Heel Side) Pressure @ Heel* 2,129 2,980 psf Kern Distance : 0.250 ft SLIDING CHECK e BASE Max. Lateral Force 1,917 1 Passive Pressure = 290 1 flax. Resis. Force = 1,099 I: Friction Pressure = 809 1 Addn'l Force Reqd : 818 F.S. : Sliding : 0.573 ) Ht. of Soil to Neglect = 0 in .................... TOE DESIGN __________ Mur :Upward Moaent : 45 ft-I: Mu : DESIGN MOMENT = 36 ft-1 Murf:Dounuard Moa. : 9 ft-1 d : Thickness-3.5' = 8.50 in As : Required : 0.001 in-2 )ap z35.294 As : Provided = 0.122 inA2 A-u 4.5515 p5i Fv 2f(f'cA.5) : 89.44 psi Try: 14 @ 19.5 in 17 e 58.5 in Actual Shear / Phi : 4.25 psi 15 e 30.5 18 e 77.5 * 16 @ 43.5 ' 19 C 98.5 ' HEEL DESIGN ___________ lu"4ownuard ha. : 61 ft-1 tlu : DESIGN MIEN1 : 29 ft-4 nur :Upuard Hoorcnt : As : Required : 0.001 inA2/ft fa1 = 45.294 As : Provided * 0.144 inA2/ft R-u ~0.3220 psi One Hay Shear: Try! 14 C 16.5 in #7 C 48 in 90 ft-1 d a Thk - 2' = 10.00 in Fv = 2*(f'cA.5) 89.44 psi #s e 25.5 9 18 e 48 Actual Shear / Phi 3 26.53 psi 16 e 36.5 19 e 48 MtlENTS AT BASE OF HALL (Taken About Toe) __._____-________._____ Moaent Due To Soil Pressure = tloaent Due To Surcharge = Moaent Due To Unifora Load = Soil Ht Over Heel - Soil Wt Over Toe Surcharge e Toe - Surchrage e Heel Ster Weight EFP e Toe Axial Load on Stea Footing Height Key Height - - Total Vertical Load - Height Norent llOMENT Ibr Ara ft ft-* ---.____-____-_--_________________ 0 0 0 272 1.38 = 374 0 0.00 0 13 0.13 2 41 1.38 : 56 1,042 0.75 = 782 33 1-00 33 720 0.75' : 540 225 0.75 : 169 0 0.00 - 0 2,313 I Tot. Iloaent= 1955 __ _- __ -_ __ __ ---____ .______ CONEER MINEERING STEH DESIGN BETWEEN LATERAL SUPPORTS ) MLL HATERIAL : CONCRETE : 1, HAMNRY = 2 : --)) 2 (<-- ) f'r Masonry : 1,350 psi > Load Duration Factor : 1 _____________----___________________ __- ___ ) Fs : For Masonry i 24,000 psi ) Special Insp? Y=l 11~0 -) I ) f'c Concrete : 2,000 psi ) Rebrr: Cntr:l, Edge.2 -) 2 ) Fy : For Concrete = 60,000 psi Bot. Ht. above TOF = 3.66 ft ) HALL THICKNESS loaded Section Ht 4.84 ft ) REBAR SIZE # : Shear e Section : 28 # REVD SPACING Max iis:Service : 3293 ft-# Actual Axial Stress: 9.4 psi 'd' for design Allow Axial Stress : 267.4 psi (Default @ Il=rax) Rebrr Area Supplied Actual Moment Cap. Nasonry : Actual Allw. PlFdAg + MSlHClp f'r = 320 450 psi fs : 20,222 24,000 psi Allow Unit Shear Bond length Req'd a 1403.1 in Actual Unit Shear : 12 in # 5 = 16 in : 0.230 inA2 : 9.3 in : 3,908 = 0.878 : 40.0 psi = 0.2 psi p.., -, I __------ -----------------------------------------------------------.-------------------- TINEER BEA~ DESIGN _-_------______-_--_----.----------------- Beam nark ))> rCJ I __________-______,__-- -----------------I----.;_--- ___ CENTER SPAN ft I 28.00 W-DL Ilft: 36 u-11 #/ft: 20 up-01 I/ftI 0 X-Left ft I 0.00 W-Right ft I 0.00 P-1 DL lbs ! 0 P-1 11 Ibs I 0 1-1 ft I 0.0 P-2 01 Ibs ! 0 P-2 11 Ibs : 0 Y -2 ft I 0.0 P-3 DL lbs I 0 P-3 11 Ibs : 0 x -3 ft I 0.0 __-__- up-11 Wft: 0 CANT. SPAN ft : 0.00 -___-- Yp-DL tlftl 0 wp-LL tlftl 0 X-Left ft : 0.00 X-Right ft : 0.00 P-I DL Ibs I 0 P-1 LL lbs I 0 1-1 ft I 0.0 P-2 DL Ibs I 0 P-2 11 Ibs : 0 x -2 ft I 0.0 ) Fb psi : 1,450 )E psi I 1.7E106 > 1.D.F. I 1.25 ) BEAH WIDTH in I 1.5 > BEAn DEPTH in ; 13.25 POS. MOR. in-kl 65.9 HE6. NOH. in-k: 0.0 _._____._________,_________ __________-______,__-~----- ) Fv psi ! 95 _.________-______,---~----- ,--------- -__________.__--- ,- REACTIONS Left : DL Ibs I 504 LL Ibs I 280 Right : DL Ibs I SO4 It Ibs I 280 ________--_______I_________ -____-----__-----,__------- STRESSES : Cf- Depth I 0.989 Fb: Allow psi : 1,793 Fb: Actudl psi I 1,500 Fv: Allow psi I 118.8 Fv: Actual psi I 54.50 DEFLECTIONS I -_____ ;_____---_ CENTER SPAN : I ) X-Oist. ft : 14.0 DL Oefl in I 1.007 L I Defl. I 334 LL Defl in : 0.560 L I OefI. I 600 LlTot Defl. I 214 _____ CANT. SPAN : I ) W-Dist. ft I 0.00 DL DefI. in I 0.000 LL Defl. in I 0.000 ........................... ........................... CENTER SPAN ft I W-DL #/ftI W-11 UftI Wp-DL I/ftI Yp-11 #/ftI X-Left ft I X-Right ft I P-1 OL Ibs I P-l 11 Ibs i x-1 ft I P-2 DL Ibs I P-2 11 lbs I x -2 ft : P-3 DL Ibs I P-3 11 Ibs ; 1-3 ft I CANT. SPAN ft I Up-DL tlft: Yp-11 VftI X-left ft I X-Right ft P-1 DL Ibs I P-1 LL Ibs 1-1 ft I P-2 DL Ibs I P-2 11 Ibs I X -2 ft I -___-- ___-__ 12.50 348 192 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 --_.___----.____-I _---___-- I--------- --_--------._---- ) Fb psi : 1,300 )E psi I 1.6E+06 ) L.D.F. I 1.25 > 8fAN YIOTH in I 5.5 > BEAH DEPTH in I 11.25 PUS. “4. in-kI 126.6 NEG. flOM. in-kl 0.0 > Fv psi ! 85 _________________I_________ -________--______,-________ r CONEER ENGINEERING -------- JOB ,22B:z3* DATE :-?-:-E SHEET : -2-!?-&. -------- ................................................................................ REACTIONS Left : DL Ibs I 2,175 LL Ibs : 1,200 Right : DL Ibs : 2,175 LL Ibs I 1,200 _______-_________I_.----.-- _____.-_-________,--------- STRESSES : .__-_ Cf- Depth ! 1.000 Fb: Allow psi I 1,625 Fb: Actual psi 1 1,091 Fv: Allow psi I 106.3 Fv: Actual psi I 69.55 DEFLECTIONS I ______ I_________ CENTER SPAN : ; > X-Oist. ft ; 6.3 01 Defl in I 0.183 L 1 Defl. I 819 LL Defl in 1 0.101 L I Oefl. I 1,485 LITot Defl. I 528 CANT. SPAN : I > X-Dist. ft I 0.00 DL Defl. in I 0.000 LL Oefl. in I 0.000 ........................... ........................... CONEER ENGINEERING ................................................................................ GLUED-LAMINATED BEAM DESIGN _____-_--___-----_________________._____-~-----~--------- e.% DESCRIPTION : 618 AT LINE@ (MECH 11) ? ALLOWABLE STRESSES Prelim. Beam blidth : 5.125 in Lamination Thickness 1.5 in Fb - Bending = 2,400 psi Eff. Length Factor 1.92 -_--------___----- Fv - Shear = 165 psi tu : Center Span : 2 ft Elastic ilodulus : 1.8Et06 psi tu : left Cant. 0 ft L.D.F. = 1.25 tu : Right Cant, : 0 ft CENTER SPAN : 17.5 it LEFT CANT. LENGTH = 0 ft RIGHT CANT. LENGTH = 0 ft D 1 Unifora D.L. = 624 psf X-Left 0 ft ? CENTER SPAN LOAOING Unifnrn 1.1. : 312 psf X-Right = 17.5 ft Trib. Width : 1 ft 1 2 Unifora D.L. : 180 psf X-Left = 10.5 ft Unifora 1.1. : EO psf X-Right = 17.5 ft Trib. Width : I ft Concentrated loads ( X : Dist. fro0 Left Support 1 11: DL : 945 1 12: DL : 0 I 13: DL : 0 I LL : 420 I LL = OI LL = 01 X-Dist : 7 ft X-Dist = 0 ft X-Dist : 0 ft I- DESIGN SUMMARY -- Suggested Size : 5.125 in X 15 in ------I __-----__--.----_--------------- : > SELECTED BEAM SIZE -->) 5.125 in I 15 in I S : Actual : 192 inA3 A - Actual i 11 $2 I S : M I !FbrCf) = 180 $3 A - Required 65 inA2 I F-b : Actual = 2,734 psi Fv : Actual = 174 psi : F-b : Allowable : 2,927 psi Fv : Allowable: 206 psi I I of Max. = 93.4 I I of Max. = 84.3 I I_______________________________________---*----------------..---------~ _____________-__________________ DESIGN HOMENTS & SHEARS (Live Loads Skip Loaded For Hax. dt ) Ck : (3 E I 5 FbY.5= 21.21 Cf i (12/d)A.111 = 0.376 Cs : (Le d I bA:1*.5= 5.13 MAXIMUM flOliENT = 526 in-k Basic 5:xx Aeq'd = 175 inY MX. SHEAR t 1.5 = 13,365 # Area Required : 64.8 inA2 ___________________---- ,/- CONEER ENGINEERING JOB : @-:,?3" DATE : !-:?-? SHEET : Positive Noient : 526 in+ :) Allow. Fb': Center = 2326.6 psi Left Neg. Norent : 0 ' :) Allou. Fb': Left : 0' Right Neg. Noient 0 ' => Allow. Fb': Right : 0' Shear @ Left : 8,460 I Shear @ Right : 8,910 # REQUIRED DEPTHS SLENDERNESS GOVERNS ?? Y.1, N.0 ---)! 0 (<-- ____-______-_-- DUE TO BENDING : (Approx.) DUE TO SHEAR : (Approx.) Center Span : 14.4 in e Left Support : 12.0 in Left Cant = 0.0 in @ Right Support = 12.6 in Right Cant i 0.0 in -__ MAX. REACTIONS Skip Load Live Load ? Y4,N:O ---! I ______--_-_--_ Left Support Right Support ___ __-_________ ______-----__ Dead load :: 6,279 t 6,846 t Live Load : 3,094 # 3,346 t - - -- - - -- - - - - __-- Total load : 9,373 t 10,192 # DEFLECTIONS Positive : Downward left Center Right Cantilever Span Cantilever 1-Distance 0 ft 8.75 ft 0 ft -_____-.-__ -_---__--_ ___---___ _-_____-._ (Default : Spanl2 ) Dead Load Defl. = NA in 0.63 in NA in L/Def I NA 335 NA Live Load Defl. : NA in 0.31 in NA in LlDefl NA 684 NA _____-____ - - - __-___ ______-___ Total Load Uefl. : NA in 0.93 in NA in LlDefl NA 225 NA CAMBER : 1.5 f DL : NA in -1.00 in HA in BEARIN6 : - - - - - - Fb - Bearing = 450 psi Bearing length Required @ Left Support : 3.50 in Bearing Length Required @ Right Support : 3.75 in HEEL CUT HEIGHTS __-__----_-_---- Niniiui End Height @ Left End For Shear Stress : 12.00 in Ninimur End Height @ Right End For Shear Stress : 13.50 in STEEL COLUNN DESIGN 0.8 DESCRIPTION :COLUMN AT LINEMAND 6.3 SIH ALLOYABLE STRESSES > Fy : Yield : 46 ksi ) SIDESWAV RESTRAINED : V4 N:O X ~ X Axis 0 1. D. F. 1 V - V Axis 0 ) UNBRACED LENGTHS : > EFFECTIVE LENGTH FACTOR : : X - X Axis = 14.5 ft ' k ': X-X Axis 1 : Y - Y Axis : 14.5 ft ' k ': Y-V Axis I DESIGN DATA ) NAX. AXIAL FORCE : 29.5 kips ) Eccentricity : X-X = 0 in 0 in ______---__ ) Eccentricity : V-Y : ) HOHENT e TOP of COLUNN : ) MOMENT e mon of COLUMN : X-X Axis : 2.13 ft-k X-X Axis 0 ft-k V-V Axis 0 V-V Axis - 0 ) TRANSVERSE HOHENT : HAXIHUH DESIGN HDHENT : - X-X Axis - 0 ft-k 1-X Axis : 2.1 ft-k Y-V Axis 0 V-V Axis = 0.0 I_ DESIGN SUnnARV ________--_-_-----__---------------------------------l Formula 1.6 - la 0.771 <: 1.00 Formula 1.6 - Ib 0.474 <= 1.00 Formula 1.6 - 2 NA <: 1.00 I_______________________________________--------------------.----------, ROLLED SECTION DATA _______---------___ SELECTED STEEL SECTION ) DEPTH CLASS = ----)) TS5~5~3/16 __---_- Section Area : 3.52 inA2 S-XX : Section Hod. Weight per Foot = 11.97 4 Radius of Gyration Overall Depth : 5 in S-YY : Section Nod. Web Thickness i 0.19 in Radius of Gyration Flange Uidth : bf i 5 in r-T Flange Thickness :0.1875 in bf I 2tf d I tu in : 5.4 inA3 = 1.95 in : 5.4 inA3 = 1.95 in i 1.34 = 13.33 : 26.67 DETERNINE ALLOWABLE BENDING STRESSES x-x AXIS : ____________________________________ : bf I2 tf : Fb = 28.0 ksi : d I tv : Fb i 30.7 ksi : Lateral Buckling :.. Fb = 30.36 ksi _-_-- X-X AXIS - ALLOYABLE STRESS : F-bx 1 LDF : 28.02 ksi ___-- V-Y AXIS : : bf I2 tf :Fldnges : Fb : 30.4 ksi _____ Y-V AXIS - ALLOWABLE STRESS : F-by 1 LOF : 30.36 ksi -____ OETERHINE ALLOYABLE AXIAL STRESSES .................................. k:x f Lu:x I r:x : 89.2 Actual Axial Stress : 8.38 ksi k:y i Lu:~ I r:y = 89.2 fa I Fa = 0.510 Cc: (21 pi"2 *E/Fy)*.5 : 111.55 Allowable Axial Stress : _--__ X-X Axis : 16.44 ksi ALLOYABLE : Fa 1 LOF = 16.44 ksi Y-Y Axis : 16.44 k5i Vex 12 1 piA2 1 E I (23 * (!dux I rx) *2 1 1 LDF : 19 ksi F'ey : 12 i piA2 1 E I (23 i (ktuy I ry) *2 1 1 LOF : 19 k5i f -bx : 4.77 ksi F-bx : 28.02 ksi f -by = 0.00 ksi F-by : 30.36 ksi ___-- c-mx : 0.85 c-ly : 0.85 CONEINED STRESS CHECK nA ..................... Formula 1.6 - la = 0.771 (= 1.00 Formula 1.6 - lb : 0.474 (: 1.00 Foriula 1.6 - 2 NA (= 1.00 - -. ) ALLO~ABLE STRESSES __---__--_-__-___- Fb - Bending : 2,400 psi Fv - Shear = 165 psi Elastic nodulus : 1.8Et06 psi L.D.F. : 1.25 CENTER SPAN = 25.5 ft ? CENTER SPAN LOADING 4 1 Uniform D.L. : 549 psf Unifori 1.1. : 244 psf Trib. Width : 1 ft t I Uniform D.L. : 126 psf Unifori 1.1. : 56 psf Trib. Width : 1 ft Prelim. Bear Yidth : 5.125 in Larination Thickness : 1.5 in Eff. Length Factor : 1.92 tu : Center Span : 2 ft tu : Left Cant. 0 ft tu : Right Cant. : 0 ft LEFT CANT. LENGTH : 0 ft RIGHT CANT. LENGTH : 0 ft X-Left 0 ft X-Right = 25.5 ft 1-Left 0 ft !-Right = I8 ft Concentrated Load5 ( X : Dist. from Left Support 1 11: DL : 473 1 12: DL : 0 1 13: DL = 0 t LL = 210 I: LL = 01 LL : 01 X-Dist : 20.5 ft X-Dist : 0 ft X-Dist = 0 ft I- DESIGN SUHHARV -- Suggested Size : 5.125 in X 21 in ------I ................................ I ? SELECTEO BEAM SIZE --)) 5.125 in x 21 in I S : Actual = 377 inA3 A - Actual : 108 in*2 : S : H I (FbfCf) = 334 inA3 A - Required : 81 in? : F-b : Actual : 2,497 psi Fv : Actual : 155 psi I F-b : Allowable = 2,819 psi Fv : Allovabler 206 psi I 2 of ilax. = 88.6 I I of Max. : 74.9 I I_______________________________________------~---------.----.---------~ ................................ DESIGN HOHENTS & SHEARS (Live Loads Skip Loaded For Nax. Nt f _______________-____-~- Ck : (3 E I 5 FbY.5: 21.21 Cf = (lZ/d)A.lll : 0.940 Cs : (Le d I b*2)*.5: 6.07 HAXIHUM MOMENT : 941 in-k Basic S:xx Req’d : 314 inA3 MAX. SHEAR f 1.5 = 16,633 I Area Required : 80.6 inA2 CONEER ENGINEERING JOE :-@:23S DATE :_/_--e! Positive Noment 3 941 in-k :) Allow. Fb': Center : 2819.3 p5i Left Neq. iloient 0 ' :) Allow. Fb': left : 0' Right Ne!. Noient : 0 ' :) Allow. Fb': Right = 0' CONEER ENGINEERING Positive Moment : 941 in-h :> Allow. Fb': Center : 2819.3 psi Left Neg. Hoient : 0 ' :) Allow. Fb': Left : 0' Right Neg. Moient = 0 ' =) Allow. Fb': Right = 0' Shear @ Left : 11,089 t Shear @ Right : 10,830 # REOUIRED DEPTHS SLENDERNESS GOVERNS ?? Y:l, N:O ---)) 0 ((-- _____________-- DUE TO BENUIN6 : (Approx.) DUE Til SHEAR : (Approx.) Center Span : 19.5 in @ Left Support : 15.7 in Left Cant 0.0 in @ Right Support = 15.4 in Right Cant = 0.0 in -__ HAX. REACTIONS Skip Load Live Load ? Y4,N;O ---) I ____---___---- left Support Right Support _-- -----_------ ._____---__-- Dead Load = 6,560 t 8,180 # Live Load : 3,804 I 3,636 I Totdl Load : 12,364 # 11,816 # ---- -_-- __-__-- - - DEFLECTIONS Positive = Downward __------_-- Left Center Right Cantilever Span Cantilever K-Distance 0 ft 12.75 ft 0 ft ______--__ - - - - - - - - - ________-_ - (Default : Span/? ) Dead Load Defl. = NA in 0.90 in NA in LlDefl NA 341 NA Live Load Defl. : NA in 0.40 in NA in L/Def 1 nA 768 HA ----____-- --_ - _---- __-_----__ Totdl load Defl. : NA in 1.29 in HA in LlDefl HA 236 NA CAMBER = 1.5 € DL : NA in -1.25 in HA in BEARIN6 : - - - - - - - Fb - Bearing : 450 psi Bearing Length Required @ Left Support i 4.50 in Bearing Length Required e Right Support = 4-25 in HEEL CUT HEIGHTS ___-_---__------ Hiniiui End Height @ Left End For Shear Stress : 16.50 in Nininur End Height @ Right End For Shear Stress : 15.00 in .- ~ins~~ BEA~ DESIGN CENTER SPAN ft I ! --_-_- W-DL W-LL iip-ut wp-LL 1 -1ef t X-Right P-l DL P-1 11 P-2 QL P-2 LL x -2 P-3 DL P-3 LL X-l x -3 tlftI IlftI tlft: IllftI ft I ft I Ibs I Ibs : ft I lbs I lbs I ft : lbs I Ibs I ft I CANT. SPbN ft ! .__--- tip-ut tift: up-LL tlftl X-Left ft I Y-Right ft I P-I DL Ibs I P-1 LL Ibs I x-l ft I P-2 DL lbs I P-2 LL Ibs I x -2 ft I 12.00 36 20 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 ____I_______________----------------------------------------------------------- REACTIONS Left : DL lbs I 216 LL Ibs : 120 Right : DL lbs I 216 LL lb5 I 120 _________________I_________ STRESSES : ____- Cf- Depth I 1.000 Fb: AlIou psi I 1,813 Fb: Actual psi I 921 Fv: Allou psi I 118.8 Fv: Actual psi I 41.68 DEFLECTIONS I .___._ ;--------- CENTER SPAN : I > X-Dist. ft I 6.0 DL Defl in I 0.207 L I Defl. I 694 LL Defl in I 0.115 L I Defl. I 1,250 LlTot Defl. I 446 CANT. SPAN : I > X-Dist. ft I 0.00 DL Oefl. in I 0.000 LL Defl. in I 0.000 :i:~:~i~::~i::t:~::iE---iZi L r CENTER SPAN ft I I n-ti IlftI Wp-DL tlftl wp-LL tlftl 1-Left ft I X-Right ft I P-1 DL lbs I P-1 11 Ibs I x-1 ft I P-2 DL lbs I P-2 LL Ibs I x -2 ft I P-3 DL Ibs I P-3 LL lbs I x-3 ft I CANT. SPLN ft I Op-DL tlftl up-LL tlft: !-Left ft : X-Right ft I P-1 DL Ibs I P-1 LL Ibs I 1-1 ft I P-2 DL lbs ! P-2 LL Ibs ! K-2 ft I -__-__ W-DL am I .__-__ 9.00 455 160 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 .. :i::.:il...iiii~:.-.i.i.- ) Fb psi I 1,300 >E psi : 1.6Et06 > L.O.F. I 1.25 > BEAM MOTH in I 5.5 > BEbH DEPTH in I 7.25 i:...i..i2:.lii..~::lii..l. POS. !On. in-k: 74.7 NEG. not!. in-kI 0.0 ) Fv psi I 85 ------- _____________________________1__________---------------------------------------- REACTIONS left : DL lbs I 2,048 LL lbs : 720 Right : DL lbs I 2,048 11 lbs I 720 .:::.. iii:.iii:..:iii...ii. STRESSES : ___-- Cf- Depth I 1.000 Fb: Allow psi I 1,625 Fb: Actual psi I 1,551 Fv: Allov psi I 106.3 Fv: Actual psi : 90.13 DEFLECTIONS I CENTER SPAN : I ) X-Dist. ft 1 4.5 DL Defl in I 0.240 L I Defl. I 449 11 Defl in I 0.085 LlTot Defl. : 332 ____-_ L I DefI. 1 1,278 CANT. SPAN : I > X-Dist. ft : 0.00 DL Oefl. in I 0.000 LL Deft. in I 0.000 i::::-=i::::ii-:-ii:-D--ii- .- rc -\, i ________________________._______________----------------------------------------- GLUED-LANINATED BEAN DESIGN ________________________________________-----------~----- DESCRIPTION : GLB AT DIAGONAL (MECH 12) ) ALLOWABLE STRESSES Prelim. Bean Width : 5.125 in _-___---____------ Lamination Thickness : 1.5 in Fb - Bending = 2,NO psi Eff. Length Factor i 1.32 Fv - Shear : 165 psi tu : Center Span -- 2 ft Elastic Modulus = 1.8Et06 psi tu : Left Cant. 0 ft L.D.F. = 1.25 tu : Right Cant. = 0 ft CENTER SPAN 20 ft LEFT CANT. LENGTH : 0 ft RIGHT CANT. LENGTH = ' 0 ft 0 ft > CENTER SPAN LOADING I I Uniform D.L. : 610 psf X-left Uniform 1.1. = 336 psf X-Right = 20 ft t 2 Uniforr 0.1. : 55 psf X-Left = IO ft Unifori L.L. = 0 psf X-Right = 20 ft Trib. Width : 1 ft Trib. Width = 1 ft Concentrated Loads ( 1 : Dist. fro# Left Support 1 #I: DI = 2048 1 12: 01 : 0 t 13: 01 : 0 1 LL = 720 t LL = 01 LL = 04 X-Dist : IO ft X-Oist : 0 ft X-Oist : 0 ft I- DESIGN SUMMARY -- Suggested Size : 5.125 in X 18 in ------I ................................ I SELECTED BEAM SIZE --)) 5.125 in x 18 in I S : Actual : 277 inA3 A - Actual : 92 inA2 I S : M / (FbCf) : 262 in*3 A - Required 73 in? : F-b : Attual : 2,711 psi Fv : Attual = 164 psi : F-b : Allowable : 2,868 psi Fv : Allowable; 206 psi I 2 of Hax. 94.5 2 2 of lax. = 79.5 I I_______________________________________-----------------------------*., ................................ DESIGN MOAENTS & SHEARS (Live loads Skip Loaded For Max. Mt ) Ck : (3 E I 5 FbY.5; 21.21 Cf : (lZd)A.lll : 0.156 Cs = (Le d / bA2)^.5: 5.62 HAXINUM HOMENT i 750 in-k Sasic S:xx Req'd : 250 in*3 MAX. SHEAR f 1.5 = 15,130 I Area Required = 73.4 in"2 ....................... CDNEER ENGINEERING Positive ilorent : 750 in-k :) Allow. Fb': Center : 2867.9 psi Left Neg. Woient : 0 ' :) Allow. Fb': Left 0' Right keg. Moment = 0 ' =) Allow. Fb': Right = 0' Shear 8 Left : 9,107 t Shear @ Right : 10,087 I REQUIRED DEPTHS SLENDERNESS GOVERNS ?? Y:I, N4 ---)) 0 ((-- _____-_________ DUE TO BENDING : (Approx.) DUE TO SHEAR : (Appror.) Center Span : 17.3 in @ Left Support : 14.1 in Left Cant : 0.0 in @ Right Support : 14.3 in Right Cant : 0.0 in __- nAx. REACTIONS Skip Load Live toad ? Y=t,N:O ---) t __---__-_--___ Left Support Right Support __- ____--____-_ ____-___--_-_ Dead load : 7,262 I 7,537 # Live toad 3,720 I 3,720 # Total Load : 10,982 1 11,257 I - - __ - - -_ __ - _- - __ DEFLECTIONS Positive = Downuard -___-_--__- Left Center Right Cantilever Span Cantilever X-Distance 0 ft 10 ft 0 ft ____-_____ _---_-___ _______-__ - (Default : Spanl2 I Dead Load Defl. : NA in 0.65 in NA in LlDefI HA 371 NA Live Load Defl. = NA in 0.32 in NA in llDef1 NA 755 NA -_-_-___-- -------_- .______--_ Total Load Defl. : HA in 0.96 in NA in - LlDefl NA 249 NA CAHBER : 1.5 * 01 = NA in -1.00 in NA in BEARING : - - - - - _- Fb - Bearing = 450 psi Bearing Length Required @ Left Support = 4.00 in Bearing Length Required @ Right Support : 4.00 in HEEL CUT HEIGHTS --__----____---- Miniiui End Height @ left End For Shear Stress 2 15.00 in iliniiur End Height C Right End For Shear Stress 15.00 in GLUED-LAIlINATED BEAN DESIGN ..______________________________________-------------.--- DESCRIPTION : GLB AT LINE 8.9 ( REM 12 1 ) ALLOYABLE STRESSES Prelir. Beam Yidth : 5.125 in ________--___----- Lamination Thickness = 1.5 in Fb - Bending : 2,400 psi Eff. Length Factor = 1.92 Fv - Shear : 165 psi tu : Center Span : 5 ft Elastic Modulus : 1.8E*06 psi Lu : Left Cant. 3 ft L.D.F. : 1.25 Lu : Right Cdflt. : 3 ft CENTER SPAN 25 ft LEFT CANT. LENGTH = 3 ft RIGHT CANT. LENGTH 3 ft 0 ft Uniform L.L. : 189 psf 1-Right : 25 ft t 2 Uniform D.L. : 0 psf X-Left 0 ft Uniform 1.1. : 0 psf X-Rigbt 0 ft - ) CENTER SPAN LOADING # 1 Unifori D.L. : 338 psf X-Left Trib. Width : I ft - Trib. Yidtb : 0 ft Concentrated Lords ( X e Dist. from Left Support 1 11: DL 1 0 1 12: DL = 0 1 13: DL : 0 # LL ' 01 LL : 01 LL = 01 X-Dist : 0 ft X-Dist : 0 ft X-Disk : 0 ft ( X = Dist. Left of Left Support 1 )LEFT CANTILEVER : Unif. DL : 338 psf 11: DL : 9870 I 12: DL : 0 I Trib Yidth : I ft I dist : 3 ft X dist * 0 ft Unif. LL = 189 psf LL :: 5027 # LL = 01 )RIGHT CANTILEVER : ( X = Dist. Right of Right Support 1 Unif. DL : 338 psf 11: DL : 10370 1 12: DL : 0 # Trib Yidth : I ft I dist : 3 ft X dist : 0 ft Unif. LL : 189 psf LL : 6630 I LL 2 01 ME-CALCULATED IlDlENlS Ir SHEARS Max. norent 0 in-k Ilax. Shear Force : 01 I- DESIGN SUl!IlARV -- Suggested Size : 5.125 in X 25.5 in ------: ................................ : ) SELECTED BEAR SIZE --)) 5.125 in x 25.5 in I s : Actual = 555 inA3 A - Actual : 131 in*2 - I S : / (FbiCf) = 221 in*3 A - Required : 127 in? ................................ I I F-b : Actual : 1,153 psi Fv : Actual = 200 psi : F-b : Alloudble : 2,896 psi Fv : AIIouable= 206 psi I I of Nix. : 39.8 1 I of flax. : 97.2 I :----------------------------------------------------------------------~ CONEER ENGIWEERING ................................................................................ DESIGN MOMENTS I SHEARS (Live Loads Skip Loaded For Max. It ) Ck = (3 E / 5 FbP.5: 21.21 Cf : (12/dlA.1l1 = 0.920 Cs : (Le d I bA2)*.5; 10.58 MAXIMUM MOHENT : 640 in-k Basic S:xx Req'd = 213 $3 HAX. SHEAR I 1.5 : 26,200 I Area Required = 127.0 inA2 Positive Ilornt : 111 in-k :) Allow. Fb': Center : 2895.8 psi Left Neg. Moment : 565 ' :) Allou. Fbt: Left : 2895.8 ' Right Neg. Nolent : 640 ' :) AIIou. Fb': Right : 2895.8 ' Shear e Left = 15,495 I Shear e Right : 17,467 t ________--____--__.____ REQUIRED DEPTHS SLENDERNESS GOVERNS ?? V:l, N:O ---)) 0 <(-- _______________ DUE TO BENDING : (Approx.) DUE TO SHEAR : (Approx.) Center Span : 6.9 in e Left Suppart : 22.0 in Left Cant : 15.5 in e Right Support = 24.8 in Right Cant : 16.5 in __- HAW. REACTIONS Skip Load live Load ? V-l,N:O ---) I ___-__-_--_--- Left Support Right Support __- -____________ Dead Load : 15,049 I 15,669 t Live Load : 8,594 I 10,389 I Total Load 23,643 I 26,058 I __-___-_ -_______ DEFLECTIONS Positive = Dounuard .---------- Left Center Right Cantilever Span Cantilever X-Distance 3 ft 12.5 ft 3 ft ______.___ _._______ _________- - (Default a Span/2 ) Dead Load Defl. = 0.08 in -0.10 in 0.09 in L/Defl 2 433 -2909 417 Live Load Defl. : 0.05 in -0.06 in 0.06 in LlDefl 3 798 -4757 652 ______-___ ______-__ __________ Total Lord Defl. = 0.13 in -0.17 in 0.14 in L/Defl : 281 -1805 254 CAMBER : 1.5 * 01 : 0.00 in 0.00 in -0.25 in BEARING : ---____ Fb - Bearing = 450 psi Bearing Length Required e Left Support : 8.25 in - Bearing Length Required e Right Support = 9.25 in HEEL CUT HEIGHTS Minimur End Height e Left End For Shear Stress = NA in Minirum End Height e Right End For Shear Stress : NA in i ... r 2-35 s. 0 I 'O'c DL LL i .'%, I I Z.f7* /. hh tb 0 DESCRIPTION :COLUtlN AT LlNE 3.2 (NECH X2 ) ALLOYABLE STRESSES > Fy : Yield : 46 ksi > SIDESWAY RESTRAINED : Y:I N:O X - X Axis 0 ) 1. D. F. 1 Y - Y Axis 0 > UNBRACED LENGTHS : --------_-------__ ) EFFECTIVE LENGTH FACTOR : : X - X Axis = 15.5 ft : Y - V Axis i 14.5 ft DESIGN DATA ) NAX. AXIAL FORCE = --_______-_ 37.3 kiv, ) AMENT e TOP of COLUNN : X-X Axis 0 ft-k V-V Axis = 2.5 ) TRANSVERSE HOHENT : X-X Axis - 0 ft-k Y-V Axis 0 ” k ’: X-X Axis I ’ k ’: V-Y Axis I > Eccentricity : Y-X : > Eccentricity : Y-Y : 0 in 0 in ) HOHEWT e BOTTON of COLUHN : X-X Axis 0 ft-k Y-V Axis 0 NAxINKl DESIGN NONENT : X-X Axis = 0.0 ft-k V-V Axis = 2.5 ROLLED SECTlON DATA ___--______-____--_ SELECTED STEEL SECTION ) DEPTH CLASS = ----)) TS5~5x114 - - - - - - - Section Area = 4.59 inA? 5-XX : Section Nod. Weight per Faat : 15.62 1 Radius of Gyration Overall Depth : 5 in S-YV : Section Hod. #eb Thickness = 0.25 in Radius of Gyration Flange Width : bf i 5 in r-T Flange Thickness : 0.25 in bf I ?tf d I tu in : 6.8 in*3 = 1.9? in i 6.8 in*3 : 1.92 in = 1.35 = 10.00 2 20.00 DETERHINE ALLOWABLE BENDING STRESSES x-x AXIS : : bf I2 tf : Fb : 30.1 ksi : d I tu : Fb = 30,7 ksi : lateral Buckling : Fb : 30.36 ksi ____- 1-1 AlIS - ALLOWABLE STRESS : F-bx t LDF : 30.10 ksi ----- Y-Y AXIS : : bf I2 tf :Flanges : Fb = 30.4 ksi Y-Y MIS - ALLOWABLE STRESS : F-by t LDF = 30.36 ksi ----- DETERHINE ALLOYABLE AWlAL STRESSES __________________________________ k:x t Lu:x I r:x = 96.3 Actual Axial Stress : 8.13 ksi k:y t 1u:y I r:y = 90.6 fa I Fa 0.542 Cc: (24 piA2 IEIFy)^.S : 111.55 Allowable Axial Stress : ---_- X-X Axis : 15.00 ksi ALLOWABLE : Fa 6 LOF : 15.00 ksi Y-Y Axis : 16.18 ksi Flex : 12 6 piA? f E I (23 4 (kLux I rx) *2 ) 4 LDF 16 ksi Ffey = 12 t pi*2 6 E I (23 t (kluy I ry) *2 ) t LDF : I8 ksi f -bx 0.00 ksi F-bx 30.10 ksi f -by = 4.42 hi F-by : 30.36 ksi C-nx : 0.85 C-my : 0.85 ___-- COMBINED STRESS CHECK NA ____-____-_______.___ . Foraula 1.6 - la : 0.766 (= 1.00 Fornula 1.6 - Ib : 0.440 <: 1.00 Formula 1.6 - 2 NA (= 1.00 ,-- CONEER ENGINEERING JOB #--$$:?35 STEEL BASE PLATE DESIGN - Bearing on Concrete - OESCRIPTION :BASE PLATE AT TS5X5 COLUHNS LOADING DATA ? TOTAL COLURN LOAD 37.3 kips ? f'c : 2,000 psi ) FY = 36,000 psi ____-_-_____ ) Concrete Pier Dimensions: 42 in x 42 in Fp z.35 * f'c * (A2/A11A.5 (= 0.7 * f'c : 1,400 psi COLUMN DATA ____-______ ) SELECTED COLUMN SECTION : - - - - - ---) TS5x5x114 Dirensian Along rYt Axis (Depth) 5.00 in Diuension Along '1' Axis (Width) = 5.00 in Web Thickness : 0.250 in ) IF THICKNESS ONLY IS DESIRED, ENTER PLATE DMENSIOWS : (Optional !I Depth : 'Yr Axis : I1 in Width : 'X' Axis : 11 in I_ DESIGN SUflHARY ________________________________________-------------: : EASE PLATE SIZE : I1 in Deep Y 11 in Hide THICKNESS : 0.688 in :_______________________________________----~--------------------------~ AISC DESIGN PROCEDURE _________-_____-_-___ AI Max : l/A2r(P/.35 * f'r )*2 or P I ( 0.7 f'c ) = 21 inA2 Delta : .5 * ( .9Sd - .8tbf 1 : 0.37 in N :(Approx) : ( AI )*.5 t Uelta : 11.00 in 8:AI / N 11.00 in Trial AI = 8 € N : 121.0 inA2 fp= P I (8.N) : 308 psi m:[N-(.¶Sfd) 1 12 = 3.13 in n =[ B - (-80 * bf) I I2 : 3.50 in n': -4 ( bf - tu ) : 1.93 in Plate Thickness = n' t( fp I .25Fy )*.5 = 0.6875 in ,- STEEL EASE PLATE DESIGN __________________.___________._________----.-----. - Bearing on Concrete - DESCRIPTION :BASE PLATE AT TS4X4 COL AT LINE 3.4 LOADING DATA ) TOTAL COLUHN LOAD = 7.5 kips ) f’c = 2,000 psi ) FY : 36,000 psi ) Concrete Pier Diiensions: 24 in x 24 in Fp z.35 t ftc * (AZ/A1)”.5 (: 0.7 + f’c 1,400 psi COLUHN DATA ____-__-___ > SELECTED COLUHN SECTION : - - - - - ---) TS4~4x3/16 Diiension Along ,VI Axis (Depth) = 4.00 in Dinension Along ‘1‘ Axis (Width) : 4.00 in Web Thickness 0.188 in ) IF THICKNESS ONLY IS DESIRED, ENTER PLATE DIHENSIONS : (Optional !) Depth : rVl Axis * I1 in Width : rlt Axis : 11 in ;- DESIGN SUHHARY ____________-_____-.____________________-------------: : EASE PLATE SIZE : 11 in Deep X I1 in Wide THICKNESS : 0.375 in :_______.__._.__________________________---.----------.-----.----------~ AISC DESIGN PROCEDURE _-__--_____-____-.-__ A1 Nax : llAZf(PI.35 f Vc )^2 or P I ( 0.7 f’c 1 = 5 in? Delta = .5 t ( .95*d - Afbf ) : 0.30 in N :(Approx) : ( AI )*.5 t Delta : 11.00 in B:&l / N 11.00 in Trial A1 : 8 * N : 121.0 in”2 fp: P I (EfN) : 62 psi i:[N-(.95fd)1 I2 : 3.60 in n =[ B - (-80 * bf) I I 2 : 3.90 in n’: -4 ( bf - tu ) = 1.55 in Plate Thickness n’ *( fp I .25Fy P.5 : 0.375 in ,-- DESCRIPTION : FOOTIN6 AT LlNE 3.4 ALLOYABLE STRESSES :. A!louable Soil Pr~s5ur. : 2,500 psf > Behar Cover 3.5 in > Short !ern Soil Increase : 1.33 Allou. Shear: > Fy : Reinforcing : 60,000 psi One Nay = 89.4 psi ____-------__--_-_ ? f'c: Concrete : 2,C?0>si ?,d~a\4iy : !??.'3psi BEEIEEI DATA ,--- ? Alia! Dead laad = 4-06 I: Nature of SHORT TEEM : :. Axial Live Load 31: Seisaic : 1 >, Axial Shurt Term Load = '1 k aind : ? - --> I FOOTING THiCXNESS : I? in ! Col. Oirenjion: 4 in PRELIMINARY DESIGN _______---_______- Bearing Area Required : 2.82 ft*2 Trial Dinension 2 ft x 2 ft Basic Coil Pressure : 1,765 psf (z 2,500 psf Short Term Pressure : 1,765 psf NA psf Factored flax. Pre5aure : 2,696 psf : ACI Equation 9-1 Governs CHECK ONE-WAY SHEAR CYECI: TWO-WAY SHEAR ___--------________ --__________-_.____ Allowable Shear : 15,5 kips Allowable Shear = 64.6 kips Applied Shear = 0.7 kip5 Applied Shear 7.9 kips BENDING CAPACITY Aeq'd Reinforcing : ? tiininurn Steel : 0.001R iloment E Col. Face = 11.2 in-k 200 I Fy = 0.0033 Ru - Resis. Hod. : 13.4 psi Per Analysis : 0.0002 --? LEE 2 0.0013 Area Req'd per foot : 0.13 in"?lft Reinforcing : -_______-_______ Total Area Bequired : 0.3? in*2 : - 114 1 - $7 ?. - t: : - $3 1 - :5 1 - 19 ,-- DESCRIPTION : FOOTIN6 Ai LINE 3.2 ALLOWABLE STRESSES > Allovable Soil Pressure = 2,500 psf ) Rebar Cover = 3.5 in ) Short Term Soil Increase : 1-00 Allou. Shear: ) Fy : Reinforcing 60,000 psi One Hay : 89.4 psi > f'c: Concrete : 2,000 psi Two Way = 178.9 psi DESIGN DATA ) Axial Dead toad : 24.85 I: ) Nature of SHORT TERM : > Axial Live Load : 12.41 k Seisiic : 1 ) Axial Short Tera Load : Ok Wind = 2 --> I _______-______--._ __------_-- FOOTING THICKNESS : 12 in > Col. Dinension: 5 in PRELlliINARY DESIGN .____---____.-_-_- Bearing Area Required : 14.90 ft*Z > Trial Dinension 4 ft x 4 ft Basic Soil Pressure : 2,329 psf <: 2,500 psf Short iera Pressure : 2,329 psf NA psf Factored Max. Pressure : 3,493 psf : ACI Equation 9-1 Governs CHECK ONE-WAY SHEAR CHECK TWO-WAY SHEAR __________________- Allouable Shear : 31.0 kips AllOUdble Shear = 69.8 kips Applied Shear = 15.1 tips Applied Shear i 51.5 kips BENDIN6 CAPACITY Req'd Reinforcing : ) fliniium Steel = 0.0018 Noaent @ Col. Face : 67.3 in-k 200 / Fy = 0.0033 Ru - Resis. Nod. : 86.2 psi Per Analysis 0,0015 --) USE = 0.0020 Area Req'd per foot : 0.20 inA2/ft Reinforcing : ___-_____-_____- Total Area Required = 0.80 inA2 5 - 14 2 - 17 3 - 15 2 - t8 2 - 16 1 - 19 I_ DESIGN SUflflARy __.____________-________________________--------~----I FOOTING SIZE : 4 ft x 4 ft THICKNESS 12 in RElNFORCEilENT : USE ?? - I ?? Bars Each Way I I_______________________________________-------------------------------' CONEER ENGINEERING DESCRIPTION : FOOTIN6 AT LINE 8.7 AND 6.3 ALLOYABLE STRESSES ) Allowable Soil Pressure = 2,500 psf ) Rebar Cover = 3.5 in > Short Teri Soil Increase 1.00 Allow. Shear: ) Fy : Reinforcing : 60,000 psi One Yay = 89.4 psi > flc: Concrete : 2,000 psi Tu0 Nay = 178.3 psi DESIGN DATA ,-- > Axial Dead Load = 19.92 k > Nature of SHORT TERM : ) Axial Live load : 9.57 k Seisric I ) Axial Short Tera Load : Ok Hind = 2 --) 1 ) FODTIN6 THICKNESS : 12 in ) Col. Dinension: 5 in PRELIMIMRV DESIGN ___--_-___________ Bearing Area Required : 11.80 ft*2 ) Trial Oilension 3.5 ft x 3.5 it Basic Soil Pressure = 2,401 psf (: 2,500 psf Short Teri Pressure : 2,407 psf NA psf Factored Max. Pressure = 3,605 psf : ACI Equation 9-1 Soverns CHECK ONE-WAY SHEAR CHECK TWO-YAY SHEAR ---------._________ ______---____--____ Allowable Shear : 27.1 kips Allowable Shear : 69.8 kips Applied Shear : 10.5 kips Applied Shear 3 39.6 kips BENDING CAPACITY Reqld Reinforcing : ) Mininun Steel : 0.0018 Mownt 8 Col. Face : Sl.4 in+ 200 I Fy : 0.0033 Ru - Resis. Mod. : 65.9 psi Per Analysis : 0.0011 --> USE = 0.0018 Area Req'd per foot = 0.18 inA2/ft Reinforcing : Total Area Required : 0.64 in*2 4 - 14 2 - 17 __-----_______-_ 3 - 15 I - 18 2 - t6 I - 119 I- OESlGN SUnnbRY _-----------_---------.--------------------.~-----~--, FOOTING SIZE : 3.5 ft x 3.5 ft THICKNESS 12 in REINFORCENENT : USE ?? - 8 ?? Bars Each Way I '________________.______________________.---------------------------,---~ r .- CENTER SPAN ft ! .___ W-DL w-11 np-DL kip-!L X-left 1 - r(i gl t P-1 DL P-1 I1 P-2 DL P-2 11 P-? DL P-3 Ll X-1 x -2 x-3 VftI Uft: WftI #/ftl ft I ? ; !bs ! lbs I ft I Ibs I lbs I ft ! lbs I Ibs : ft I ! CANT. SPAN ft I _-_.-_ wp-DL tlft! wp-LL t/ftI X-Left ft I 1-Right ft ! P-l Dl Ibs I P-l 11 Ibs ! 1-1 ft I P-2 DL Ibs I P-2 LL Ibs ! x -2 ft I -____-________---I ----_-.__ _._____._________,-___--.__ Fb psi I 1,450 )E psi I 1.7Et06 ? Fv psi I 95 ) L.D.F. I 1.00 > BEAM WIDTH in I 2.5 BEAH DEPTH in I ?.SO PUS. RDiI. in-ki 0.3 NEG. Man. in-kI 0.4 _________________I._____.__ _________________,-_-~--.~- REACTIONS Left : DL Ibs I !8 I1 lbs I 0 Right : DL Ibs I !B LL lbs I 0 _____.________.__,_________ __----______.-___,_________ STRESSES : Cf- Depth ! 1.000 Fb: Allow p5i I 1,450 Fb: Artual psi / 294 Fv: Allow psi I 95.0 FY: Actual psi I 4.11 BEFLECTIONS I ---___ I_________ CENTER SPAN : I > X-Dist. ft I 7.3 Dl Defl in I 0.437 L t Defl. I 398 11 Def1 in I 0.000 L I DefI. I) LITot Defl. I 398 _____ CANT. SPAN : 1 ) X-Dist. ft I 0.00 DL DefI. in I 0.60d LL Defl. in I 0.000 ........................... ........................... Beam Nark ))) TRBl TRB2 .:...ii...ii..:ii:..:~~::~:~:::~~::: CENTER SPAN ft I 32.00 26.00 ti-DL #/ftI 21 25 W-tL alft: 0 0 -__--_ Up-DL XlftI 0 0 wp-LL t/ftI 0 0 X-Left ft I 0.00 0.00 Y-Right ft I 0.00 0.00 P-I DL Ibs I P-1 LL Ibs I 1-1 ft I P-? DL Ibs I P-2 LL lbs I x -2 ft I P-3 DL Ibs I P-3 LL Ibs I x-3 ft : CANT. SPAN ft I Wp-DL Il/ftI X-Left ft I X-Right ft I ___-.. wp-LL llftl 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0. 00 P-l DL Ibs I 0 0 P-1 LL Ibs I 0 0 x-I ft I 0.0 0.0 P-2 DL lbs I 0 0 P-2 LL lbs ! 0 0 1-2 ft I 0.0 0.0 ) Fb psi I 1,500 1,500 ) Fv psi I 95 95 )E psi : l.flEt06 1.8~106 ) L.D.F. Il.00 1.00 ) BEAN WIDTH in I 3.5 3.5 ) REAR 9EPTH in I 9.25 ?.25 PUS. NOH. in-kl 41.5 25.4 NEG. ION. in-kI 0.0 0.0 _________________I __________I_______ _._______________,__________I__--___ _________________I____---__,____-___ , --.-- ___ -------- ................................................................................ REACTIONS Left : 01 lbs I 432 325 LL Ibs I 0 0 Right : DL lbs ! 432 325 1b5 I 0 0 _---.____----____I-.________I_______ -----._-----~___-,-_________)_______ STRESSES : _.._. Cf- Depth I 1.000 1.000 Fb: Actual psi ; 831 a27 Fb: Allou psi I 1,500 1,560 Fv: Allow psi ; 95.0 '35.0 Fv: Actual psi I 19.05 18.32 DEFLECTIONS ; CENTER SPAN : ; _-___- I__________t_______ ) X-Dist. ft I 16.0 13.0 DL OefI in : 1.533 1.285 L I Defl. I 250 243 LL Defl in I 0.000 0.000 1 I Defl. 0 0 Mot Defl. ; 250 243 CANT. SPAN : I ) X-Dist. ft I 0.00 0.00 01 Uefl. in I 0.000 0.000 c 1 A- . \?@ I=' 1001 x 29.2 = 24.3' I = lb -a = 18.23 L 11.0 c i- i .. .. 03- L37 I . #I30110 - .. L L STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS c .bo3 e- @-- @-- @- I \ ! 7 - I '+ MB. =- 7.5 7 4 7.1 00 ,9fS . t-l, = I STRUCTURAL AN0 CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7709 CONVOY COURT. SAN OIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921 11. TELEPHONE (714) 278.3292 Action (AI Direction (DI Required: Information (11 FIELD REPORT Project: Car Country Plaza Job I 88- 185 Site Visit Date: 04/30/90 Report i 1 Report Date: 04/27/90 Resent: Robert Rowe/Collins General; Rick Winkleman & Dave Taylor/Tri-Square Construction; Ken Boe/Coneer Engineering Observations and mmmenta he 1 of* Met with contractors to review questions about framing. Report by: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Truss at grid 0.2 and 5.8 is misaligned with masonry wall. moved to provide 2" joint. upon previously with general contractor. of struts to nailer plates on line D.2. Detail at 6.8 - 5.5 is incorrect. Drag should line up. Framer wanted a solution. See drawing 3. Drags do not line up (vertical difference) at C.5 4.3. a solution. the field. Drag strut splice does not line up at grid 7 & D.4. solution was verbally agreed upon in the field. Drag strut, on line 7, cannot cross shear panels at 0.6 & 0.8 because truss web members are in the way. agreed upon in the field. Drag strut on line B to be spliced per details provided to Collins on 04/25/90. Anchor bolts in masonry do not align properly per detail 20/S8 with cont. Truss must be See drawing 1 for solution verbally agreed Also, see drawing 2 for connection Framer wanted This solution was verbally agreed upon in See drawing 3. See drawing 4. This See drawing 5. This solution was verbally CONEER ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL AN0 CIVIL ENGINEERS, 7709 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111. TELEPHONE (714) 278-3292 FIELD REPORT Project: Car Countrv Plaza Job # - 1 Report I 04/30/90 Report Date: 04/27/90 Site Visit Date: Present: Robert Rowe/Collins General; Rick Winkleman & Dave Taylor/Tri-Square Construction; Ken Boe/Coneer Engineering Obrervations and comments Continued from page 1 Page 2 of 2 8. 9. 10. drag struts at grids 4.3 & 4.7 (all 4 locations). upon in field. Drag strut connection at grid 5.7 & 8.8 is not aligned properly. Framer wanted a solution. General Contractor asked for detail for connection of strut to nailer plate at grid E:8 & 7. See drawing 8 for solution previously agreed upon. Framer asked about detail 78/S8 as it occurs at C.5 & 2.8. .He said truss plate location conflicts with hanger. He will contact truss contractor. See drawing 6 for solution agreed See drawing 7 for solution agreed upon in field I Action (Al I Report by: Required: Information (I1 Direction (Dl Kenneth A. Boe . ? ... ~ . , . .. ~. ~ .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. oRA\VING 3 i I - I t I c- I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ 1 I I I PPAWId~ 4. 15 I n -- 5/1/46 I . EL EVA7 ION. /I\ x % I) 4x4 -. 82/22/96 69:12 P.61 2-21 -90 Tri-Square construction 10461 Auatin Drive Suite A Spring Valley, CA 92078 RE: car County Plaza ATTN: Rick W. Dear Rick, ufie for web bracing (2x4 is shown on our engineering calcs.) may arise, if not, please call me and I'll provide further explanation, Etc. As we discussed by phone, 1x4 is an acceptable material to We hope this letter will take care of any questions that Sincerely, . Dave Roti 8388 Vickers St., 11221, San Diego, CA 9211 1 * (619) 565-8458 San Die00 (602) 252-1772 Phoenix - ..I !? R x z 0 4 n, 4 LI 7 n CUSTOMER. 39 / m5 TWC7-4 / frruJi* INC, PROJECT Caiz. CA on -h 4 f?& MODEL -rruss 42 ' 8132 W SHERMAN AVE PHOENIX. ARIZONA 05043 PHONE (602) 252-1772 Phoenlx DRAWN BY .QRIU (619) 565-8458 San Dkgo SHEET 2 -2- - (602) 884-9636 Tucson DATE 4-5 ?o .- (714) 525-5586 Fullerton' / 0132 W. SHERMAN AVENUE PIIOENIX. ARIZONA 85043 PLEASE DELIVER TO: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES THAT FOLLOW: 2 FROM: m-v \D Mi (\i,s -T- OUR FAX NUMBER (602) 936-1247 66 Z 16829361247 TRUTRU5 PWX ,1 c?. I, ,,,*' I , __----- A- CUSYOMZR: 7'm - 5- PROJECT. fAR knkll PIA& Rlb &p& 8132 W SHERMAN AVE PHOENIX. ARIZONA 85043 MODEL PHONE (802) (602) 884-9636 232-1772 TuciQn Pnoenir (61P) 668-6458 Sin OI~QO SHEET (714) 5264586 Fullsfton DATE, .+ ;y~ 2 -i&h! 3 ul U n N r - . . . . . '90 04/16 15:52 X 16029361247 TRUTRUS PHX 03 8 16829361247 TPUTRUS PHX 62 '90 64/16 15:51 ,- / AHCHlTECTURi 8 ENGINEERING PLANNING Post Onice Box : ,208. San Diepo, Calilornia 92138 1515 Morena 0n~1 vard. San Otego, California 92110 (619) 271 '710rFAX(619) 276-7715 / / FAX COVER SHEET OUR FAX NUMBER: (619) 276-7715 SUBJECT: KM&A PRC ECT NUMBER: TOTAL NI [BER OF PAGES BEING TRANSMITTED (INCLUDj 'G COVER SHEET) : IF PROBI :MS OCCUR DURING TRANSMISSION, OR IF ALL PAGES WERE NO1 RECEIVED, PLEASE CALL SENDER IMMEDIATELY AT (619) 27 ,-7710. \.. , ARCHITECTS . . .. WILLIAM C. KR( C 4862 JOHN M. kKE( C 6617 :OPyrighV I 4H tomrnenhoeklMc dl ideas. design: 'sled on these c Nf Krommenhoeb nd areintended rith this specific mtherwisb be usel vet without the rchitects: There 'evialions from ccompanying s iritten consent c :ONSULTANtS: .. ... , ,, , .. '.i,.,. .. ., i . .. , ... .., .... . 1 ~. ., . .. ., ,, I , . ,... ,. , .. ,. ,. . .. .. . . . .,., .. . ..... I ,:.:. I . .~ F ... -.c_ ... . ~ ... ........... P ->-. . :. . Carltas Company % December 16, 1988 Encinitas, California 92024 Attention: Christopher Calkins Subject: Report of Observation and Testing 4401 Manchester Ave., Suite 206 51-1380-01 * Regrading of Lots ZJ, and 10 Car Country Carlsbad Expansion Carlsbad, California Rcfcrencc: Kleinfelder, August 4, 19SS, Observation During Grading, Car Country Carlsbad Expansion, Carlsbad, California, Job NO. 51-1380-01 Dear Mr. Calkins: This letter presents the results of our observation and tests for Lots 2,3 and 10 at the Car Country Carlsbad Expansion in Carlsbad California. Services were provided in accordance with our contract of May 15, 1988. Lots 2,3 and 10 were regraded between October 24 and November 1, 1988 to provide building pads and parking areas for future tenants. In addition, cut portions of the building pads were overexcavated to a depth of 3 feet below final subgrade level for a distance of 5 feet outside of planned building perimeters. The overexcavated material was replaced with a compacted fill derived from on-site sources. Field services were performed by representatives of Kleinfelder on a near-continuous basis. Laboratory tests were performed on representative samples of the on-site soils to evaluate their maximum densities and optimum moisture contents in accordance with ASTM D-1557. The results of our laboratory test program are presented in Table 1, "Laboratory Test Results". Periodic in-place density tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM D-1556, ASTM D-2922 and ASTM D-3017. The results of the density tests are presented in Table 2, "Compaction Test Summary". Based on our field observations and on our tests, it is our opinion that the fill soils placed during regrading operations have been plzced and compacted in general conformance with the project plans, specifications, and recommendations of the project geotechnical report. KLEINWDER 9771 Clairemont Mesa BIvd., Suite G, San Diego, CA 92124 (619) 541-1145 kq KLEINFELDER 61-1380-01 Page 2 llecommendations for foundation design and additional construction are presented in our Auyst 4, 1988 report. Should any questions arise, please feel free to contact our office. Very truly yours, ICLEINFELDER, INC. Staff Engineer EJN/rk Senior Engineer, RCE 39226 -F- .. TABLE 1 - LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Dry Density Soil Tvne Snmnle Deserintion lb/n3 ,2 Light Reddish Brown 128.0 Silty Sand 5 Reddish Brown Clayey 134.0 Sand 6 Reddish Brown Medium 122.5 Sand Optimum Moisture Content (70 of Drv Weiehtl 9.3 7.5 8.3 N N NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNONnnNNO .- >ea YYcn YY '"5 <.ONNO N N N N N *ll)mN- - - - c - aaaaa a a a a P "E c YM 0 .- -IC (Lo NVI aL ** n N N .r.I N N N N N N N N N .. , , .. .. ... > .. ... d = Y Y) v c ? 2 0 .- D m E Y 0 2 - E 0 2 .- . . . Carltas Company 4401 Manchester, Suite 206 . August 4,1988 51-1380-01 Carltas Company 4401 Manchester, Suite 206 . Encinilas, California 92024 Encinilas, California 92024 Attention: Mr. Christopher Calkins SUBJECT: REPORT OF TESI-ING AND OBSERVATION DURING GRADING CAR COUNTRY CARLSBAD EXPANSION ChRLSBAD, CALIFORNIA MTRODUCT ION In accordance with our contrai of May 15, 19E8, we have perform J soil ting an, observation services during grading of the building pads at the subject project. This report presents the results of our observations and testing. U PROJECT DESCRIITON Grading consisting of both cut and fill operations was performed to create building areas for 1 to 2 story concrete “tiltup” structures and parking areas for additional car dealerships at Car Country Carlsbad. Twelve (12) lots were created during grading immediately east of the existing Car Country Carlsbad development. Prior to development, the site was primarily an agricultural area used for the cultivation of flowers. Total relief of the site was on the order of 75 feet from the low southwest corner of the higher north east corner of the site. The entire site had a moderate downward slope to the west prior to grading. Material from the higher .. KLEINFELDER 9771 Clairemont Mesa tilvd., Suile C, San Diego, CA 92124 (619) 541-114; , a. MR KLEINFELDER 51-1380-01 Page 2 eastern portion of the site was cut and placed as fill over the western and southern portions of the site to make relatively level building areas. 34 GRADING Grading for )the building pads was performed between May 31 and July 11, 1988. Grading observation and testing of fill soils was performed by representatives from our firm who were on-site on a near-continuous basis during grading operations. Prior to grading, the site was stripped of debris and organic material. In the southern end and along the western edge of the site, several feet of fill, alluvium and slightly cemented terrace deposits were encountered. These materials were relatively loose and locally saturated and were removed down to the underlying Santiago Formation. The maximum depth of removal of these soils was on the order of 8 feet with an average depth of removal of approximately 5 feet. During removal of the loose soils, it was noted that a large amount of subsurface water was flowing westward onto the site within the more permeable terrace deposits. Prior to recompacting fill in these areas a drain system was installed along the toe of the western slope. This drainage system consisted of a perforated drainpipe wrapped in gravel and filter fabric. This drain flowed south where it was connected to a drain system previously installed under the western end of Car Country Drive. An additional drain system was installed below a portion of Car Country Drive from where it intersects Paseo Del Norte to 300 feet east. This drain system consists of gravel filled ditches cut in the less permeable Santiago Formation directed into a perforated drainpipe which empties into a sump. Fill soils which were placed on the western edge of the site were cut from the terrace deposits and bedrock materials on the eastern portion of the site. A large fill Kl KLEINFELDER 5 1-1380-01 Page 3 slope upto approximately 12 feet high was created along the western edge of the site. The eastern edge of the site is bounded by a 15 to 20 foot high slope cut into terrace deposits and bedrock. All fill soils placed on this site were observed by Kleinfelder, and periodic testing was performed. Extra fill materials which were cut from the site were transported off site and placed in a large canyon approximately 1 mile southeast of the site. The soils in this canyon were lightly compacted by wheel rolling, however, no testing was performed on these soils except on the slopeface. Fill was placed in nominal S-inch loose lifts, moisture conditioned, and compacted by mechanical means to rough pad grade. Ic-place density tests taken in various locations indicate the soil was generally compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum d>y density as obtained by the ASTM D1557 test procedure. All in-place density tests and in-place moisture contents were performed in general accordznce with ASThl D2922 and ASTM D3C17, respectively. The maximum dry- density and optimum moisture content of the fill soils are presented on Table 1 included at the rear of this report. The results of in-place density tests are presented on Table 2. The locations of in-place density tests are shown on Plate 1 which is included in the pocket attached to this report. The results of a sieve analysis on the basecourse material is presented on Figure 1. The results of the Resistance Value ("R"-Value) tests of the soiis found within the roadway are presented on Figures 2 through 5. a HB KLEINFELDER 5 1-1380-01 Page 4 CONCLUSIONS Based on our observations, field densities, and laboratory test results, it is our opinion that the structural fill soils placed on this site have been placed and compacted ih general accordance with the specifications and recommendations for this site. We recommend that the geotechnical and geologic conditions be reviewed or investigated for each lot once final building plans and locations have been determined. The fill soils placed in the stockpile canyon were not tested or observed other than on the slope face. The soils in this area should not be relied upon to provide support for any structures unless completely removed and recompacted. 5.n RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 The following sections present recommendations for foundations and concrete slab- on-grade floors. Foundations and slabs should be designed in accordance with the recormendations presented herein. These recommendations are presented from a geotechnical engineering standpoint and should not preclude any additional recommendations by the structural engineer. Foundation and Slab Desim Recommendations Included below are recommendations for foundation and slab design based on the proposed one and two-story structures. These recommendations discuss criteria for development related to the fill and native soil conditions which exist at the site. They are intended to mitigate the potential for cracking of slabs and foundations resulting from variable soil settlement. Structures founded on differential or deep fill soils may undergo minor cracking. 1. KLEINFELDER 5 1-1380-01 Page 5 We recommend that spread or continuous footings which are placed entirely on compacted fill be designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 2500 psf for dead and live loads. The bearing pressure may be increased by one-third for shortterm trahsient loads such as wind or seismic forces. This allowable pressure is based on a foundation with a minimum width of 12 inches and minimum depth of 18 inches below lowest adjacent finish grade. Continuous footings should be reinforced by placement of two No. 4 steel reinforcing bars. One bar should be placed near the top of the footing stimwall and one near the bottom of the footing. Structures founded in both cut and fill areas should have the cut portion of the building excavated such that compacted fill will exist for a depth of at least 3 feet below all footing bottoms. Foundations for buildings placed entirely in cut areas may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 3500 psf. These footings should also extend at least 18 inches belox: the lowest adjacent rubgrade, and be a minimum of 12 inches wide. We recommend that slabs be constructed with 6 x 6 - 10/10 welded-wire mesh placed at m’d-height of the slabs. If the reinforcing mesh is not placed at the mid-height of the slab proper performance of the slab may be inhibited. Slabs should be underlain by a 6-mil moisture barrier overlain by a minimum 2-inch layer of clean sand to facilitate concrete curing and to protect the moisture barrier. The moisture barrier should be underlain by a 1-inch layer of clean sand. KLEINFELDER 5 1-1380-0 1 Page 6 .. 22 Settlements We expect settlements of footings will generally be within tolerable limits. Settlements- are expected to be on the order of 1 inch and 1/2 inch for total and differential settlements, respectively. , 5.3 Lateral Load Resistance Footings founded in compacted fill may be designed for a passive lateral bearing pressure of 300 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. A coefficient of friction against :!iding between concrete and soil of 0.35 may be used. The allowable lateral resistance can be taken as the sum of the frictional resistance and the passive resistance, provided the passive resistance does not exceed two-thirds of the total ellowable resistance. These values may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration, including wind or seismic loads. 5.4 Surficial Stabilitv and SloDe Draina-s Erosion potential and surficial instability of on-site soils exposed in slopes are cmsiderrd low ?o moderate. The potential for erosion and/or surficial failure of slopes can be reduced if the following measures are utilized during design and construction of slopes in conjunction with the recommendations of the design civil engineer and/or landscape architect. t0 Fill slopes should be provided with appropriate surface drainage systems and should be landscaped immediately after grading. Berms or drainage channels should be provided at the top of all slopes. .. 0 Lot drainage should be directed so that surface runoff over slope faces does not occur. i E# KLEINFELDEK f f .. i 51-1380-01 Page 7 5.5 Surface DrainaEe Surface drainage should be controlled at all times. Positive surface drainage should be provided to direct surface water away from the structure and toward the street or suitable drainBge facilities. Ponding of water should be avoided. Area drains should be provided in areas of decking and lawns. We recommend that drainage be directed away from the top of slopes. The need for drainage devices on the slopes shodd be determined by the design civil engineer. Seasonal seepage is expected within thz cut slope face on the east side of the site. An additional subdrain system may be necessary along the toe of this slope if seepage appears to be excessive. If such a subdrain is not installed, water related problems such as pavement distress and excess settlements may occur. 5.6 Trench Excavation and Backfill Excavation of trenches in locally cemented zones in the formational material may be difficult for conventional light-duty bakhoes and may require the use of heavy-duty trenching equipment. The on-site soils may be used as trench backfill provided they are screened of cobbles over 6 inches in dimension and organic matter. Trench backfill should be compacted in uniform lifts with a thickness dependent on the tj-pe and size of compaction equipment used. In general, we.recommend a lift thickness not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness to be compacted by mechanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with ASTM D15.57. HI KLEINFELDER 4 5 1-1380-01 Page 8 64 LIMITATIONS The services provided as described in this report include professional opinion and judgements based on the data collected and our field observations. These services have been performed according to generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices that exist in the greater Vista area at this time. No other warranty, express or implied, is provided. The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply to our work with respect to grading, and represent conditions at the completion of rough grading of the site. Any subsequent grading should be done in conjunction with our observation and testing. The term "observation" implies that we observed the progress of the work which was within our scope of services. Our conclusions and opinions regarding compliance with the project geotechnical report are based on our observations, experience, and testing. Subsurface conditions and the accuracy of tests used to measure such conditions can vary greatly at any time. If any subsurface conditions are encoiintered subsequent to grading which are different from those described in our report, our firm should be notified immediately in case any supplemental recommendations may be necessary. We will not accept responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others, by the uncontrolled action of water, or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the uncontrolled action of water. . KLEINFELLJER 5 1-1380-01 Page 9 We trust this documentation meets you current needs. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please contact our office. We appreciate this opportunity to have been of service. Rick E. Larson, GE 2027 Chief Engineer, RCE 39226 Staff Engineer Michael S. Chapin, &G 1149 Senior Consultant, RCE 40581 REL:EN:MSC/rb CAR.HO4 *.- Km KLEINFELDLR I' I 51-1380-01 Page 10 REFERENCES 1. KLEINFELDER, May 19, 1988. Subterranean Drainage Systems Car Country earlsbad Expansion, Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 51- 1380-01. SANDIEGOGEOTECHNICALCONSULTANTS,INC.,A ri122,1988. Addendum R 2. to Geotechnical Investigation, Portions of Aqua California, Job No. 05-7379-002-00-00. edionda, Carlsbad, 3. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS, August 19, 1987. Geotechnical Investigation, Car Country Expansion, Carlsbad, California, Job No. 87512- SIOI. TABLE 1 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY ~~ Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & soil NO. Date of No Location Elevation % Dry Wt. P.C.F. b’? NO action TyDe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Middle of S. side of lot 12 I SW corner of lot 12 NW corner of lot 12 3 NW corner of lot 12 E. side of lot 12 Middle of lot 12 NE corner of lot 12 SE corner of lot 12 Middle of lot 12 SW corner of lot 12 NW corner of lot 12 NE corner of lot 12 SE corner of lot 12 NW corner lot 12 SW corner of lot 12 66 66 66 66 73 77 e5 80 78 68 68 87 84 70 70 10.2 11.5 12.5 12.1 10.1 11.3 12.3 12.5 10.7 10.7 11.2 20.7 16.1 9.5 10.1 117.3 114.1 109.5 113.6 119.5 114.1 114.3 114.9 114.6 113.4 116.2 111.9 115.8 121.9 .. 116.9 92 2/PASS 93 1/PASS 4 E9 l/FAIL 92 1/PASS 93 2/PASS 93 l/PASS 93 l/PASS 92 3/PASS 92 l/PASS 92 1/PASS 91 2/PASS 90 3/PASS 93 2/PASS *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test Page 2 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Rel. Remark! Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- h Soi. bv NO action Type Re- Dry Re- I I % Dry Wt. P.C.F. 16 6/2 Middle of 79 8.7 114.8 93 1/PAS! N. side of (sc) lot 12 r , I 17 6/2 i 18 6/2 I I 19 6/2 i 20 6/2 21 6/2 22 6/2 I 23 6/2 24 6/2 B W. end of 80 lot 7 W. end of 82 lot 5 Kiddle of 72 W. side of lot 12 Middle of 80 'lot 12 W. side of 75 lot 11 Middle of 78 lot 11 Middle of 74 W. side of lot 12 8.0 119.0 9.3 117.2 8.4 122.7 8.7 116.2 7.9 116.9 7.6 119.8 8.0 123.1 W. side 74 13.4 117.0 of lot 12 93 2/PAS: 92 2/PASE 96 2jPASS 91 2/PASS 91 2/PASS 91 2/PASS 25 6/2 NW corner 76 8.8 119.8 94 2/PASS 26 6/2 E ! of lot 12 SW corner 78 8.1 117.5 of lot 8 27 612 SW corner 77 11.3 117.4 92 2/PASS 92 2/PASS of lot 11 (SC) 28 6/6 SW corner 76 7.0 115.2 . . 90 2/PASS of lot 12 29 6/6 W. side 76 7.3 115.7 90 2/PASS of lot 12 *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test m” - KLEINFELDER 1 Page 3 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remerl Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & SO: No. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action TvDt 30 6/6 SW corner 79 6.9 122.1 95 2/PA! of lot 11 31 6/6 8 E. side 86 7.9 116.6 of lot 12 32 6/6 Middle of 84 7.5 117.5 lot 11 33 6/6 W. side 79 7.5 119.0 of lot 10 34 6/6 W. side 82 8.1 118.0 of lot 10 35 6/6 Kicidle of 78 8.0 117.6 S. side of lot 12 36 6/6 Middle of 84 7.8 120.1 N. side of lot 12 37 6/6 Middle of 81 7.5 119.0 W. side of lot 11 35 6/6 Middle cf 85 9.4 119.4. lot 11 39 6/6 NW corner 81 10.0 120.1 of lot 10 91 2/PA: 92 2/PA: 93 2/PA: 92 2/PA: 92 2/PAS 94 2/PAS 93 2/PAS 40 6/7 NW corner 66 6.9 118.5 43 of lot 11 (toe key) 41 6/7 Middle of 66 6.6 113.6 44 W. end of lot 10 (toe key) a. 42 6/7 SW corner 66 6.4 116.6 45 of lot 9 (toe key) *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test 92 Z/FAI moist 89 2/FAI 91 2/FAI moist Hm KLElNFfLDER Page 4 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarl Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & SO. Po. Date of KO Location Elevation 8 Drv Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action TVD, 43 6/7 44 6/7 45 6/7 46 6/7 47 6/7 48 6/7 49 6/7 50 6/7 51 6/7 52 86/7 53 6/7 40 NW corner of lot 11 1 (toe key) 41 Middle of W. end of lot 10 (toe key) 42 SW corner of lot 9 (toe key) NE corner of lot 12 Middle of S. side of lot 11 Middle of S. side of lot 10 SW corner of lot 10 (toe key) NW corner of lot 10 (toe key) NW corner of lot 9 (toe key) SW corner of lot 9 (toe key) NW corner of lot 10 (toe key) 66 8.9 117.5 92 2/PA! 66 8.3 119.0 93 2/PAI 66 91 89 84 68 68 68 70 70 *(sc) Denotes Sand Cone Density Test 9.1 8.3 8.9 117.0 91 2/PA! 120.3 94 2/PA: 117.0 91 2/PAS 8.0 118.0 10.3 119.2 10.1 122.8 9.3 122.6 9.8 123.9 10.8 120.3 92 2/PAS 93 2/PAI 96 2/PliS 96 2/PAS 97 2/PAS 94 2/PAS I, .. 4- KLEINFELDER Page 5 COMPACTION TEST Sll"ARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re - Rel. Remark! Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soi: No. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action Type 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 SW corner of lot 10 (toe key) Middle of W. side of lot 9 (toe key) Middle of W. side of lot 10 (toe key) NW corner of lot 10 (toe key) W. side of lot 9 (toe key) W. side Of lot 9 W. side Of lot 10 N. side of middle of lot 11 Middle of lot 12 Middle of lot 10 SW corner of lot 9 72 10.4 72 10.2 74 8.4 74 7.2 74 6.4 80 7.3 86 6.1 90 6.9 86 6.8 90 9.7 a2 9.2 119.7 94 . Z/PAS! 119.4 93 2/PAS! 119.6 122.3 118.1 122.5 127.4 125.2 127.8 118.3 119.8 94 2/PAS! 93 2/PAS! 92 2/PAS! 93 4/PAS! 97 4/PAS! 95 4/PAS! 97 4/PAS! ~ 65 6/8 SE corner 94 8.2 126.0 94 4/PAS: of lot 11 *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test .. -, Li INFELDER 1 I 1 P I 1 II %I 4 4 Page 6 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- L Soil pp 66 6/0 SW corner 06 of lot 12 67 6/8 US. side of 92 middle of lot 10 68 6/8 W. side 76 of lot 10 (toe key) 69 6/8 SW corner 76 of lot 9 (toe key) 70 6/8 I?. side 70 of lot 11 (fill slope) of lot 10 (fill slope) 71 6/8 NW corner 78 72 6/8 SW corner 00 of lot 8 (fill slope) 73 6/0 SW corner 74 6/8 NW corner 75 6/U NW corner 76 6/8 Middle of of lot 7 of lot 8 of lot 0 W. side of lot 8 77 6/0 Niddle of W. side of lot 7 a2 82 04 04 04 *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Tests 9.0 9.6 10.7 10.4 10.5 9.3 9.4 7.9 6.7 7.3 9.1 7.2 130.7 126.2 127.7 125.3 123.1 127.3 127.4 125.5 115.0 116.6 122.6 116.1 99 96 97 95 94 57 57 96 90 91 93 91 4/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 4 / PP.SS 4/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 2/PASS 2/PASS 4/PASS 2/PASS Page 7 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Rel. Remark Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soi PO. Date of NO Location Elevation % Dry Wt. P.C.F. by NO action TYDe 70 6/8 W. side a4 11.0 121.2 92 4/PAS Re- Dry Re- of lot 6 (SC) (fill slope) I 79 6/0 SW corner 84 10.3 118.4 of lot 4 (fill slope) a0 6/9 SW corner 86 8.8 116.4 92 2/PAS of lot 4 81 6/9 W. side a6 9.2 114.2 of lot 5 90 2/PAS a2 6/9 W. side a6 9.1 119.1 91 4/PAS of lot 6 a3 619 NW corner 86 8.6 121.1 92 4/PAS of lot 8 a4 619 NW corner 86 8.2 119.6 of lot 9 a5 619 SW corner 84 7.9 121.8 of lot 1 91 4/PAS 93 4/PAS a6 619 W. side aa 11.0 118.3 92 2/PAS of lot 4 a7 619 SW corner 8a 11.0 115. a of lot 5 90 2/PAS, aa 619 SW corner a8 10.0 122.6 93 4/PAS. of lot 6 89 6/9 , NW corner aa 12.3 116.3 92 2/PAS: 90 6/9 SW corner 88 8.8 126.0 96 4/PAS: of lot 7 of lot a 91 6/9 W. side 8a 11.7 117.0 of lot 9 92 2/PAS! 92 6/9 W. side 90 9.0 116.1 91 Z/PASI of lot a (sc) (fill slope) *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test Hl KLEINFELOER Page 8 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remark Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soi No. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action Tvpe 93 6/9 NW corner 90 10.8 120.4 92 4/PASI Of lot 7 (5c) (fill slope) 94 6/13 NW corner 92 8.2 124.1 95 4/PAS! of lot 9 95 6/13 Middle of 92 10.2 117.3 lot 8 92 2/PAS! 96 6/13 West side 92 8.2 115.9 91 2/PASS of lot 7 97 6/13 Middle of 94 8.2 117.6 lot 9 98 6/13 N. side 94 7.2 127.3 of lot 8 93 2/PASS 97 4/PASS 99 6/13 W. side 94 8.8 123.3 94 4/PASS of lot 7 100 6/13 NW corner 90 9.1 123.6 of lot 6 101 6/13 S. side 96 9.6 117.9 of lot 8 94 4/PASS 92 2/PASS 102 6/13 Middle of 96 9.2 117.2 92 2/PASS lot 7 103 6/13 NW corner 92 10.1 125.3 of lot 7 (fill slope) of lot 6 (fill slope) 104 6/13 NW corner 92 9.6 123.0 92 4/PASS 105 6/13 SW corner 90 9.5 128.6 98 4/PASS of lot 4 .. (5c) (fill slope) 106 6/13 SW corner 86 9.3 126.6 96 4/PASS of lot 1 *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test KLEINFELDER Page 9 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Re1 . Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soil Po. Date of No Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. by NO action Tvpe 107 6/13 NW corner 90 10.1 118.0 of lot 4 93 2/PASS 108 6/13 NW corner 90 11.3 119.3 91 4/PASS , of lot 5 109 6/13 W. side 92 9.0 122.4 Of lot 6 110 6/13 N. side 98 13.3 120.9 of lot 8 93 4/PASS 92 4/PASS 111 6/13 N. side 98 9.2 116.1 91 2/PASS of lot 7 112 6/13 W. side 94 9.8 118.1 of lot 6 92 2/PASS 113 6/13 W. side 92 9.4 116.2 91 2/PASS of lot 5 114 6/13 W. side 92 10.1 118.8 93 2/PASS of lot 4 (sc) of lot 1 (SC) 115 6/13 SW corner 88 9.7 118.5 93 2/PASS 116 6/14 Middle of 100 8.6 129.0 lot 8 117 6/14 Middle of 100 9.7 122.9 lot 7 96 5/FASS 94 4/PASS 118 6/14 NW corner 96 9.1 128.5 96 S/PASS of lot 6 119 6/14 W. siee 94 9.9 120.8 of lot 5 120 6/14 NW corner 94 8.9 118.0 of lot 4 92 4/PASS 92 2/PASS 121 6/14 SW corner 90 9.2 120.8 92 4/PASS of lot 1 122 6/14 W. side 94 10.2 123.0 94 .I/PASS of lot 6 (fill slope) *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Test r." . MI KLEINFELDER Page 10 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Re1 . Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soil NO. Date of NO Location Elevation % Drv Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action Type 123 6/14 W. side 94 9.3 124.0 93 5/PASS of lot 5 (fill slope) 124 125 12 6 127 12 8 12 9 13 0 13 1 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/13 6/14 6/14 6/14 6/14 W. side 92 of lot 4 (fill slope) SW corner 90 of lot 1 (fill slope) Middle of 102 lot 8 Middle of 102 lot 7 Middle of 98 lot 6 NW corner 96 of lot 5 S. side 96 of lot 4 SW corner 92 of lot 1 9.1 9.4 9.7 10.0 9.0 9.1 8.2 7.9 122.9 121.1 122.1 124.7 122.6 119.4 118.9 122.5 94 92 93 93 93 91 91 93 4/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 5/PASS 4/PASS 4/PASS 132 6/15 S. side 104 8.6 119.4 of lot 7 133 6/15 N. side 100 9.1 120.8 of lot 6 134 6/15 NW corner 98 8.3 124.7 of lot 5 135 6/15 S. side 98 10.2 118.2 of lot 4 136 6/15 SW corner 94 9.7 122.2 of lot 1 *(sc) denotes Sand Cone Density Tests 92 4/PASS 93 5/PASS 90 4/PASS 93 4/PASS R# KLEINFELDER Page 11 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re - Re1 . Rema: Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & 5, PO. Date of No Location Elevation % Dry Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action Tvl 137 6/15 NW corner 96 9.7 123.1 92 5/2i of lot 6 (fill slope) 138 6/15 NW corner 96 6.6 121.1 92 4/Pi of lot 5 (fill slope) 139 6/15 SW corner 94 9.5 118.9 of lot 4 (fill slope) 91 4/p; 140 6/15 NW corner 94 8.0 121.9 93 4/P, of lot 4 (fill slope) 141 6/16 Middle of FG 8.1 126.1 94 5/P. 142 6/16 Middle of FG 10.0 119.4 91 4/P. lot 8 100 lot 7 102 143 6/16 Middle of FG 9.4 118.1 92 2/P, lot 6 104 144 6/16 Middle of FG 10.4 121.3 92 4/P. lot 5 104 145 6/16 Middle of FG 7.8 124.1 93 5/P, 146 6/16 SW Corner FG 8.2 116.4 91 2/P1 147 6/16 NW Corner 98 9.3 130.3 97 5/Pi lot 4 100 of lot 1 94 of lot 5 (fill slope) 148 6/16 SW Corner 96 8.6 121.2 92 4/Pj of lot 4 (fill slope) 149 6/17 E.of lot 6 113 6.6 117.0 91 2/P1 150 6/20 42+30 96 6.6 119.2 91 4/P> Cannon Rd kq KLEINFELDER :I Page 12 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re - Rel. Remark Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & Soi No. Date of No Location Elevation % DrY Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action TyDe 151 6/20 4 0+7 5 93 7.8 121.3 92 4/PAS Cannon Rd 152 6/20 I 41+100 94 7.0 123.9 91 5/PAS Cannon Rd 153 6/20 42+100 97 5.9 112.5 159 a7 Z/FAI Cannon Rd 154 6/21 Cut slope 104 7.7 109.9 90 6/PAS Removel & Recompact E. of 21+25 155 6/21 Cut slope 108 9.3 115.3 90 2/PAS Removel & Recompact E. of 21+25 155 6/21 Cut slope 112 11.9 116.1 91 2/PA5 Removal & Recompact E. of 21+25 157 6/21 Cut slope 116 10.1 113.2 92 6/PA$ Removal & Recompact E. of 21+25 158 6/21 Cut slope FG 8.9 112.5 92 6/PX Removal & 120 r ecompac t 2. of 21+25 159 6/21 153 42+00 97 8.8 111.2 91 6/PA! ' Cannon Rd 160 6/21 4 1+50 9 9. 9.3 112.7 Cannon Rd 92 6/PA! 161 6/23 41+95 102 10.3 113.9 Cannon Rd 162 6/23 42+45 104 10.1 113.2 Cannon Rd 93 6/PAI 92 6/PA! I. Mg KLEISFELDER Page 13 i COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remarks Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- & soil pp e 163 6/24 Undercut & 92 7.8 110.5 R ec omp a c t Middle of I E. side of iot 1 164 6/24 Undercut & 98 8.4 111.6 Recompact Middle of lot 2 90 6/PASS 91 6/PASS 165 6/24 Undercut & FG 8.6 112.9 92 6/PASS Recompact 98 SW corner of lot 2 166 6/27 Undercut & 88 6.8 114.1 93 6/PASS Recompact Cannon Rd 38+50 167 6/27 Undercut & FG 7.9 112.9 Recompact 90 37+80 92 6/PAS: .. Cannon Rd 168 7/5 Sidewalk FG 7.8 116.4 34+00 79 Cannon Rd 169 7/5 Sidewalk FG 8.3 116.1 3 6+00 85 Cannon Rd m 170 7/5 Sidewalk FG 3wao 93 8.6 118.5 Cannon Rd 171 7/5 Sidewalk FG 8.0 117.6 1+30 Car 100 95 6/PASf 95 6/PAS! 97 6/PAS: 96 6/PAS! Country Dr. 172 718 Lot 4 FG 7.4 110.6 Regrade 3 4 W. Side 90 6/PAS! KLEINFELDER Page 14 COMPACTION TEST SUMMARY - CONTINUED Re- Dry Re- Rel. Remar Test test Test Moisture Density test Comp- E, SO NO. Date of No Location Elevation % DrY Wt. P.C.F. bv NO action TYD~ 173 7/8 Lot 4 FG 8.3 113.1 92 6/PA! Regrade 2 W. Side 174 7/11 175 7/11 176 7/11 Lot 4 Regrade W. Side Lot 4 Regrade W. Sid.e 31f50 Car Country Dr. FG 8.4 111.8 91 6/PA! 1 FG 8.6 113.4 93 6/PA: FG 8.8 i18.1 92 2/PA$ Rg KLEINFELDER 11.: ' TABLE 2 Optimum Moisture Maximum Dry Content (0 of soil TvPe Sample Description Densitv PCF Drv WeiqhtL 1 Brown Silty Sand , 123.3 2 Light Reddish Brown Silty Sand 128.0 7.2 9.3 3 Olive Silty Sand 124.9 9.8 4 Light Reddish Brown Clayey Sand 13i.3 8.5 5 Reddish Brown Clayey Sand , 134.0 7.5 6 Reddish Brown Medium Sand 122.5 8.3 7 Gray Silty Clay 125.9 9.8 a Gray Sandy Clay 116.8 15.5 9 Gray Fine Sand 112.3 11.2 10 Dark Brown Clayey Sand 1 129.0 9.1 I I: . H# KLEINFELDER TABLE 3 Initial Dry Final Moisture Density Moisture I I %I hocation Content f%z /pcF) Content f%L 8.5 * 115.3 15.8 , 22.4 86.2 43.1 6.6 112.2 15.2 6.5 105.2 21.7 6.6 113.7 14.6 8.4 106.0 19.2 $II * Per Test Hethod UBC 29-2 I ** Classification of Expansive Soils I ExDansion Index Potential ExDansion 0 - 20 21- 50 I 51- 90 91-130 above 130 Very Low LOW Medium High Very High Expansion Expansion Classifi- Swell f%l Index* cation** 0 0 Very LOW 13.8 13 8 Very Higk 0 0 Very Low 0 0 Very Low 0 0 Very Low 0 6 very Low GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION PROJECT '.I?. 51-1360-01 SAMPLE LOCATION: CANh’ON ROAD SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: LT. BROWN SANDY DATE SAMPLED: JULY 15,1988 EXUDATION PRESSURE - Ib/in2 BOO 600 400 200 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20 2.2 2.4 26 .2.8 3.0 12 3.4 16 CDVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSURE - ft EXPANSION DIAL (.OOOl”) EXPANS ION PRESSURE, lb/ft2 SPECIMEN EXUDATION PP.ESSURE, Ib/in2 100 180 480 0 10 22 0 43 96 .% MOISTURE AT TEST DRY DENSITY AT TEST,Ib/ft3 RESISTANCE VALUE, R I 46 I 50 I 67 I 16.2 15.3 14.0 ii2 114 115 R VALUE AT 300 Ib/in2 EXUDATION PRESSURE 56 KLEINFELDER . ’ROJECT NO. 51-1380-01 FIGURE 2 RESISTANCE VALUE m. I II R I I :: h I R I m I i I SAMPLE LOCATION: STA 29+50 CAR COUNTRY DRIVE SAMPLE DESCRIPTI0N:REDDISH BROWN CLAYEY SAND DATE SAMPLED: JULY 15.1988 EXUDATION PRESSURE - Ib/in2 800 600 400 200 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20 22 2.4 26 2.8 3.0 32 3.4 36 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSURE - ft DRY DENSITY AT TEST Ib KLEINFELDER ROJECT NO. 51-1380-01 FIGURE RESISTANCE VALUE - EXUDATION PRESSURE - Ib/in2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 20 ZZ 2.4 26 2.8 3.0 32 3.4 36 COVER THICKNESS BY EXPANSION PRESSURE' - ft SPECIMEN A B C EXUDATION PRESSURE, lb/in2 13 9 167 454 0 0 0 EXPANSION DIAL (.0001'4) 0 0 0 RESISTANCE VALUE, R 51 64 75 11.8 10.6 8.9 EXPANSION PRESSURE, lb/ft2 '$ MOISTURE AT TEST I DRY DENSITY AT TEST, lb/ft3 I I I I I R VALUE AT 300 lb/in2 EXUDATION PRESSURE I .73 I KLEINFELDER I RESISTANCE VALUE ROJECT NO. 51-1Y.!?n-ni FIGURE 4 Bruce Thomas 1515 Plorena Blve San Diego, CA 92110 RE: PLAN CHECK EXTENSION pc# 89-202 1050 and 1060 Auto Center Ct , an extension In answer to your request of ~-+n9 has been granted to 7/lc;,,9n . Section 304 (d) of the 1985 Uniform Building Code prohibits any further extension of time. &b-+ MARTIN RENY FqL K - Director Community Development M0:dc 2075 Las Palmas Drive- Carisbad, California 92009-4859-(619) 438-1 161 CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 CITY OF CARLSBAD Plan Check No. 89 202 This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department. SCHOOL DISTRICT: ZXCarlsbad Unified San Marcos Unified 6350 Yarrow Drive Ste. A 270 West San Marcos Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92009 (438-5710) San Marcos, CA 92069 (744-4776) Encinitas Union Elementary __ San Dieguito Union High School 189 Union Street 710 Encinitas Boulevard Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4306) Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Project Applicant: Carltas Developnent Company APN: 211 - 010 - 11 Project Address: 1050 - 1060 Auto Center Court RESIDENTIAL: SQ. FT. of living area Number of dwelling units SQ. FT. of covered area SQ. FT. of garage area COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL: SQ. FT. AREA 31,128 Prepared By Date October 18, 1989 SteveHarrison .......................................................................................... FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the School District) y' Applicant has complied with fee requirement under Government Code 53080 - Project is subject to an existing fee agreement Project is exempt from Government Code 53080 - Final Map approval and construction started before September 1, 1986. (other school fees paid) Other - - Residential Fee Levied: $ based on sq. Et.@ CommlIndust Fee Levied: $B,oq3.a8 based on 3\! la8 sq. ft.@ ,To. a5 - AB 2926 and SB 201 fees are capped at$1.53 per square foot for residential. AB 2926 is capped at $.26 per square foot for commercial/industrial. Type : CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Bldq Address: lOh0 AUTO CENTER CT Pdrcel No: 211-080-02-1)0 Suite# fc Blcki Owner: CAULTAS CCWIPANY 619 431-5600 5600 AVENIDP. ENCINAS #lo0 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 Related Hidy Permit# : CB931330 Occupant Name/Phone# : JAGUAR UNIQUE Contdct Name/Phone# 5/729-2775 Business Classif icat~ion Description of IJse: 1098 SF I certify that. Uniform Buildi occupancy and classified. T 1 make this s Signature of Building Date Routed Use Zone Inspected By Lnspect.ed By __________.I___ Apprgved _- Il)i sapproved -.__.I CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 922009 (619) 438-1161 BUILDING PERMIT PCR No: PCR90066 06/27/90 08:OS Project No: A8902873 Page 1 of 1 Development No: Job Address: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT Str : F1: Ste: Permit Type: PLAN CHECK REVISION ms 04127/9g ?001 01 ‘io /,,i, Parcel No: 211-080-02-00 C-PW. 7c(r “(M! Valuation: 0 Construction Type: NEW Occuvancv Group: B1 VNS Class Code: tatus: ISSUED Desckiption: A’DD DEMISING WALL, FIX TRUSSES : CHANGE CONNECTION DETAILS Applied : 05/29/90 Apr/Issue : 06/27/90 Validated By: CD **x Fees Required *** **x Fees Collected & Credits *** ______________-_ Fees : Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee descripti Plan Check Revi -_______-__----- .oo .oo 300.00 Ext fee Data ______________-_ 300.00 CI-TYOFCARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmar Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 4381161 . PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Oepartlnent 2075 Las Palnas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 16191 438-1161 1. BERMIT TYPE A - YJCUWERCIAL UTENANT IMPROVEMENT ESl. VAL Iml4 m90-bb luol* A FOR OFFICF USF ON1 Y - Volt NO. Phase Yo. .. ciiy& blem STATE IIP CmE qWlD DAY TELEPHOUE zz-'F).29 SIGNATURE 4 h&-- n ~ OcONTRAcloR OkGENT FOR CONTRACTOR OWNER ADDRLSS 4. APPLICANT NAnE 5e%% 4R)SvE CITY STATE ZIP CCOE DAY TELEPHONE WNER OLESSEE OTENANT ADDRESS 5. PROPERTY OWNER NAME cirr STATE ZIP CmE DAY TELEPHONE ADDRESS 6. CONTRACTOR NAME CIlY STATE ZIP CmE DAY TELEPHCUE CITY BUSINESS LIC. X STATE LIC. # LICENSE CLASS SIGNATURE TITLE DATE DESIGNER NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CCOE STAlE LIC. X DAY TELEPHCUE 07 a cevfificate of uorkarsn Cnpnsatim Insurance by an idnifted insurer, 01 an exact cw or arplicate thereof CePfified bv the Dilector of the insurer thereof filed uifh the Buildiw Inspection Departmf (section y1OD. Lab. C). INSURANCE CCUPANY POLICY NO. EXPIRATION DATE Certificate Of Eienpfion: 90 as to kmr orbiect to the UoIkcrs' cnpenrafion tarn of California. I certify that in the performrrc of the work for which this pmit is issued. I shall not mploy any Prsm in any MmP SlGNAlUIE DATE 8. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 0uner.Builder Declarsfi~n: I hereby affirm that I am exqf frm the Contr~~fo~~s License tar for the foilouing reason: 0 I as owner of the pr-rfy or my enployeer with wages as their sole Ecnpeneafion. will do the work and the StrYCtUre is not intmded or offered for lele lscc. 7041. 8usinc11 and PPofessionL Code: The Contractor's License tar does mf apply fa an oumr of propPfy who builds or iwroves therrm,. and uho does such work hiwelf or through hi5 om mployees, provided the1 rvch i~rwmenfs are not intended or offered for *ale. If. holever. the building or inprovmt is sold within one year of cmpletion, the om?-builder will hwe the burden Of proving that he did not build or 1wToYe for the plrgrc of *ale.). 0 I. 88 wner of the proprfy, m exclusively cmfracfing with lizensed CmfvaCtOrb to EmStTUCt the project llec. 7044. BusiwP6 and Profe66imo C&: The cmfractoi*i License Law doe6 mf apply to an owner of pr-rfv *ha tuildr or iwmvcs fhersm. and Contracts for such Projects uifh c~fra~f~r(s) licensed plrrmnf to the Cmtra~for~s License Law). 0 I am exempt under section 1Sec. 7031.5 Musines6 and Professions Code: Any City or Cwunfy vhich rquirca a pmit to Con~~lYCf. alter. iwlove, dnnlish, or Pepair any Strvcture, prior to its issuame, also rewires the applicant for svch permit to file a signed rfatcnent that he is licensed plisumf to the provisim of the Confractor'~ License LBY (Chapter 9, cmncing with section 7OOD of Divioim 3 of the 8yslness and PrOfe68iDns Code) or Chat he is exenpt rhcrefrm, and the biis for the alleged exenptim. Any violation of Sesrim 7031.5 by my applicant for a pmit svbjectr the amlicant to a civll pMlty of mf mre than five hundred dollars If5001). BUB~MII and Professims Code for this reaim: SIGNATURE DATE CCUPLETE THIS SECTICU FOR YON-RESIDENTIAL BUlLDlYG PERMITS ONLY: 1% the appkicanf 07 future building Ocscupnt rquired to submit a buliMsI plan, acutely hazarhs m.feTial9 r4iSflatiDn form Or risk WYIMO-f and prevention prwrm mer Secfiar 25505, 25533 01 25534 of the Plesley-lamer Hazahs S*famL Accmt LCf? Is the applicant 01 future buildiw ac-nf rewired to obtain a permit frm the air PAlufim cmtrol district Or ail WBlify mM9-t district? I* the facility to be somtructed within 1,000 feet of the mfer Wry Of a schoOl site7 DYES 0 NO OYES 0 YO DYES 0 NO IF U1 ff 1E UISIERS Mf 1ES. I FlW CElllFlUlE OF owpuCl*LI Wl BE 1- AFlEl Ju1 1, lpllp ULESS 1WE WLIUUl MS *El OF WE ffFIcE Of OCREENCY P1YICES 1*I 1R A11 FUllJllol UNEU DlSlRlCl. IS IEEllU6 lhy EfWlRDENlS 9. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a ~omtru~tim lending agency for the prfolmnce of the wrk for vhieh this permit is isrued 1Sec 3097Ci) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS 10. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE I certify that I have read the amiicafim end state fhal the above mforwafion 1s correct. I agree to cnpiy with all Ci?y ordinances and State IaH5 relating to bullding Con~frYCfion. I LLY) AGREE 10 SAVE IMDEMlFY AM0 KEEP WmLESS TIE ClTl OF USLSBLD LWINST ALL LIABBILIlIES, JWQ€NlS. DXlS AND EXPENSES WlCH MI IN ANY YAl ACCWE LWINST SAID CITY IN CQYWEMCE Of THE UUYTINC OF lHlS PERMIT- I hereby authorize representalives of the City af Carlrbad to enter Ypon the above mntioned property for inspction prprcr. Elpiretien. Every permit issued by the 8uilding Official under the provi~ions of this Code shall expire by limlfsfim and becm Wll end Yoid if rhe building or work authorized by such pmit IS not cmnced uifhin I80 days frm the date af such pemit 01 if the building or work authorized by such permit is Suvnded or abadwed at any fine after the work is cmnced for B period of 180 days (Section 30316) Uniform Buitding Code). WWER 0 CONTRACTOR 081 PHONE #PROVED Eli DATE: WHllk: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance + w- CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST FOR 08/27/90 INSPECTOR AREA PK PERMIT# CB891694 PLANCK# CB891694 CONSTR. TYPE NEW DESCRIPTION: AUTO SERVICE SHELL BLDG A TYPE: COM JOB ADDRESS: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT STR: FL: STE : APPLICANT: SEE PLANCK 890202 PHONE : CONTRACTOR: PHONE : OWNER : CARLTAS COMPANY PHONE: 619 94490 PLANCK 890202 TI REQ FOR OCCUPANCY OCC GRP B1 VNS REWARKS : Tl/MH/ JACK/ 4 3 4 -7 658 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: - INSPECTOR TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- PERMIT# TYPE STATUS CB900840 CTI ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 17 ST Interior La’th/Drywall - -- - -- - -- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** ACT INSP COMMENTS DATE DESCRIPTION I Drawn By:LM) I Drawino No.: - f?R--B* I Lp) ARCHITECTURE L PUNNING --&- POST OFFICE BOX 82208 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92138.2088 Copyright 0 /940 89 -1 b99 1515 MORENA BOULEVARD. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92110.3784 t] 3355MISSION AVENUE, SUITE 211 OCEANSIDE CALIFORNIA 92054-1312 (619) 2767710 (619) 721.1600 LUEPRlNl SOURCE SYPPLV 117771 P cL 40- CL POST OFFICE BOX 82208. SAN OIEGO. CALI 1515 MORENA BOULEVARD. SAN OIEGO. CA BLUEPRINT SOURCE L SUPPLY 117771 ARCMITECTURE L PUNNIHG --&Assoam5 PDST OFFICE BOX 6220s SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92138-m Copyright @ 0 1515 MORENA BOULEVARD, SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92110-3784 3355 MISSION AVENUE SUITE 211 OCEANSIDE CALIFORNIA92W.1312 (6191 276-7710 16191 721.1600 .UEPRINT SDUOCE i SUPILI 117771 ’_ ARnIECTWt L MNINO --&AsoamEs POST OFFICE BOX 82209. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA921JB.2088 I Copyright 0 a I A I 0 1515 MORENA BOULEVARD SIN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA92l103184 (619l276.7110 Us5 MISSION AVENUE SUITE 211 OCEANSIDE. CALIFORNIA9XMI-1312 (6191 121-1620 .ULIIIWl LDURL & SUPPLY 111771