HomeMy WebLinkAbout1060 AUTO CENTER CT; A; CB900840; PermitBUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CB900840 07/26/90 11 : 09 Project No: A9000943 Page 1 of 1 Development No: Job Address: 1060 AIJTO CENTER CT Str : F1: Permit Type: COMMERCIAL TENANT IMPROVEMENT fg 306' . , . ; .... ~ ., . .. Parcel No: 211-080-02-00 , -. Valuation: 65,908 Construction Type: NEW Wcupancy Group: Bl/E2 Class Code: Status: ISSUED Descript.ion: 3215 SF T.1 SPEEDEE OIL CHANGE Applied: 05/22/90 Apr/Issue: Validated By: CD OWNER : CARLTAS DEV. CO Lic. OWNER 632-7344 4401 MANCHESTER AV #Z#~;A.*:/ .= . " ,'l.,' . ENCINITAS, CA 9202'4' :,,'..' . ' .. * ;;#*#'*, h** , ', ~8 llected S. Credits *** .......................... **A Fees Required *** _____---_-_-_______--------- ., , ,,,. ,a. , : '. . , ,~ ,. i ': T*O+~% cieciik-s: .OO Fees : 6,762.00 Adjustments: ' .00 296. 00 Ralan- Due-:. 6,466.00 Total Fees: 6,762.00 . Y,bb-tal" Paimenk$: ' Fee description IJnits 'a"F it Ext fee Data -____--------_----_;----------c-_-L____,~------------------ _. ~ #, 487.00 317.00 , I .'.' :lj 10.00 .. ', > " _' ., Building Permit Strong Motion Fee . . ,. _, Plan Check .I_ Enter 'Y' to AutocalC ,License TaK > .~~.LI*, F .M. F. /G .M. F. and Zone( 99) i Traffic Impact. Fee > 165'2~"OO <~I,.^.,,'. 1652.00 Enter Number of EDU's > > 1867 , Qo:,:.."-.,;"~'.:,,, 1867.00 * BUILDING TOTAL j_,~*, .ll*.'*.& > ~ 2, ~ , , SI'_ .~ ' 6640. 00 MFF 2.50 15.01) Each Plumbihg Fixture or 'Tkap ~ '. Each Install/Kepair Water Line ' '. >'.'. ,f, : i& 2.50 2.50 Each Vacuum Breaker ,. ,,, ,"'l. 00 2.50 2.50 * PLUMBING TOTAL 34.00 Enter ''Y" for Electric Issue Fee > 5.00 Y Three Phase Per AMP > 100.00 .50 50.00 * ELECTRICAL TOTAL ($10 Minimum) 55.00 Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Issue Fee> 15.00 Y <;. I. ,~, 8" I . I- I, I' '~ ' ~* 8 ,,. ,'* 2307.00 Y ZONE 3 ., ,. ' ' I. 09 .,:: :,':.,,-;;r:. ,, . Enter "Y" for Plumbing Issue Fee:. 2, ,, , ,.* ;;r~:.*:".-.''-. .',.:::.' Each Building Sewer >. , . $,;a&.-: 6.50 6.50 7.50 Y -y '_ 'I.. ', @&.;OO'., ,, , Install Furn/Ducts Each Install/Reloc * MECHANICAL TOTAL > 1.00 9.00 9.00 33.00 Appliance Vent > 2.00 4.50 9.00 I CrrY OF CAREBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 I6191 438-1161 1. PERMIT TYPE , A - ~~C~MERCIAL UUEU UTEHINT IKPROVEMENr B - 0 IIIDUSlRIAL mEU OlEYlNT IMPROVEMENT C - ORESlQENllAL OAPARTMENl OCONDO OSINGLE FAMILY DUELLING ~ADDlTlOu/ArlERAlloN ODUPLEX fl0LMOLlllON ORELOCAllON OMOBILE HOnE OELEClRiCAL OPLuMBlwc OUECHANlcAi OPWL OSPA ORElIlNlUG WALL OSOLAR 2. PROJECT INFORMATION PLAN CHECK No. "/I) iddress iobo fl ufa CEhlTEiZ Ll. Busding ow. FOR OFFICF USF ON1 Y CITY SThTE ZIP CWE DA" TELEPHONE snrc IIC. x LICENSE CLASS Clrl BUSINESS LIC. # SIGNATURE TITLE DATE DESIGNER NAME I\DDRESS Cll" STATE ZIP CWE DAY TELEPHONE STATE Lit. f - 7. WORKERS' COMPENSATION Uorkerr, C~npensafion Declaration: I hereby affirm that I have a cerrlficafe of cansen? to self-insure issued by the Dire~l~i of indurfriel Rclarianr. or a certificate of Workers' C-nratim Insurance by an ahlilted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicafe thereof certified by the Diiecror of the insurer thereof filed with the Bullding Inspection Departmnf (Section 3800. Lab. Cl. INSURANCE CCUPAWY POLICY NO. LXPIRATIOY DATE Certificate of Exenption: I certify that in the performance of the uork for which this permit is issued. I shall not enplay any person in any manner so as to becane rubiecr to fhe Workers' Cnpensafian Lars of California. SIGNATURE DATE 8. OWNER-BUILOER DECLARATION Owner-Builder Declaration: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractormi License Law for the following reason: 0 ! as owner of the property or my enployees with wages ai the)? sole cmpenration. will do the work and the structure is not >"tended or offered for sele (Sc. 7044, Business and Plofe9SIMS Code: The ConrrdctDr's License Law doer not apply co an owner of proert~ rho bullds 01 irrpraver thereon,, and who doer such work himself or through his own employees. prov'ded that such inprouementr are not lnfended Or offerea for sale. If. however. the building or ,wrovemnf is sold MIrhin me year of completion. the owner-builder will have the buiden of provlng fhaf he dld not build or improve for the purpose ?f sale.). dl. as orner of the proprlY, am exclusively cwlriacfing ulih licensed contractors to consfr~cl the project (Sec. 704G. Burinesr and Professions Code: The COnfPa~for's license Leu doer not apply to an owner of PPoprty who builds or i~provei thereon. and contract& far such pmierfs with C~~~BC~OT~I) licensed pursuant rm the C~ntracCor~r License Law). 0 I am exempt under sectlo" Business and Profesiims Code far this reason: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and PTOfeSBlOnE Code: >wlWe, demolish. or repair any structure. prior to if9 irrusnce, aim rwIrFs the appllcanr for such pnmr to file a signed sfdfemnl that he 49 llcenred prruanf Io the provirions of the Ion 7000 of Division 3 of the Burlnerr and Proferslonr Code1 or that he Is el-< fherefrm. Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a pmit rubiects the applicanf co a civil penalty of not Iny City Or County rhlch requlrer a perm)? to canrfruct. .Iter. DATE 5 fzz 90 <. COnPLElE THIS SECTION FOR NOLI-RETIDEN L BUlLDiYC PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building Occupant required to sutmlf a hrrinerr plan, acutely hazardous maferlals regisfration form or risk manspemnl and prevention program under lecrlons 25505. 25533 Or 25534 of the Presley~lanner Hazardous Subsfence ACCOU~~ Act? Is the applicant or fufure building occupant required to obtain a permit frm the air pollufion control district 01 air qualify managmnt diSIricL? Is the facility to be ~~nsfrwfed within 1.000 feet of the outer Dundary of a school site? ds 0 NO nrEr & O"ES IM lF 1y1 DF lb€ USYRS ARE YES, A FlUL ERTlFlUTE 06 CCIUPAYCT PAY WT BE lFsuED AFTER lULT 1, lpBp ULESS THE WLIWT w1I *ET W IS IEElIffi THE REWIROE*lS OF THE OFFICE OF EERGENCT SERVIES AND THE IIR fULLUTloY mYTRDt DISTRICT. 9. CONSTRUCTION LENCJING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a ConLfru~flon lending agency far the performance of the work for which this pernlf /I issued (Sec 30971il Civil Code). LENDER'S WM&J L\TY ?AC\FI&ENDER'S ADDRESS LdcI d lTA5 'BMeY 10. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE I Cert>fy that I have read the appllcatlon and state that the above lnfornaflon 1s correct. j agree fa comply rlth ail ClIy ordinances and State laws relallng co building cunrfruct~on. I hereby authorize reprcrenfaflves of the C~fy of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for lnrpecllon purpres. I ALSO LGREE TO SIW IMOEMYIFV AYO KEEP HARMLESS THE ciri or umsw ACL~YIT ALL LIABILITIES, JUIWLYTS. COSTS *YO EXPENSES wit" MI IY LNI UAV ACCRUE w.insi sm CITY IN COYSEWULYCE OF THE GwrinG OF THIS PERMIT. Lxpiraf!?m. or work authorized or abandoned at anJt#m dfler the work ?s ccnmencd for a period of 180 days (Secfim 303(d> Unlform Bullc& Code). / Every permit lrrued by the Bullding Offlcial under the provirlonr of this Code shall erplre by Ilmitaoan and become null and void If the building aulhorlzed by Such perm>< Is suspended y such perrnlf IS not c-nced w~lhln 180 days firm the date of such perm~f or If the bull '"9 Or "or OAlE: WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: RECEIVED SEP 0 6 19% FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB900840 PERMIT#: CB900840 PROJECT NAME: 3215 SF T.1 SPEEDEE OIL CHANGE DATE: 09/05/90 PERMIT TYPE: CTI CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB900840 FOR 09/19/90 DESCRIPTION: 3215 SF T.1 SPEEDEE OIL CHANGE INSPECTOR AREA PK PLANCK# CB900840 OCC GRP TYPE: CTI I TYPE NEW STE : PHONE: 632-734 JOB ADDRESS: J.Q.60 AUTO CE NTER CT ''4 APPLICANT: HARRISON, STEVE CONTRACTOR: PHONE : OWNER : CARLTAS DEV. CO REMARKS : -9272 INSPECTOR -LII .PAT WANTED TO SEE THAT A ReF HATCH WAS INSTALLED TOTAL TIME: - --RELATED PERMITS-- PERMIT#& TYPE STATUS CB901388 SIGN ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS 19 ST Final Structural Ai? f 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical -- -- -- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE DESCRIPTION ACT INSP COMMENTS CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST .- PERMIT# CB900840 FOR 09/07/90 INSPECTOR AREA PK DESCRIPTION: 3215 SF T.1 SPEEDEE OIL CHANGE PLANCK# CB900840 TYPE: CTI CONSTR. TYPE NEW JOB ADDRESS: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT STR: FL: STE : APPLICANT: HARRISON, STEVE PHONE: 632-7344 CONTRACTOR: PHONE : OWNER: CARLTAS DEV. CO PHONE: 632-7344 OCC GRP n REMARKS : T3/MH/TRAVIS/7 53 -927 2 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: INSPECTOR ,/J TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- PERMIT# TYPE STATUS CB901388 SIGN ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS M/o ST Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding - PL Rough/Topout ~ ME Rough/Ducts/Dampers - EL Rough Electric / h@L+, -- DATE 090590 082290 081090 080890 080890 080890 080790 080690 080390 080290 080290 073190 ***** INSPECTION HISTORY DESCRIPTION Final Combo Rough Combo Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough/Topout Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Steel/Bond Beam Underground/Under Floor ACT INSP CO PK AP PK AP MPC PA MPC PA MPC PA MPC CA PK AP PK CA PK AP MPC co MPC NR PK ***** COMMENTS NUMEROUS CORR ON JOB CARD CEILING-RECHECK CONDENSERS SEE COMMENTS 8/10/90 WALLS STILL NDS TIE-UP W/XTR WALLS COPPER & SLAB DOWELS RESCHEDULED 8/6/90 WASTE LINES NDS DOWEL REBARS FOR SLAB NO ACCESS/LEFT CARD CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB900840 FOR 09/06/90 INSPECTOR AREA PK DESCRIPTION: 3215 SF T.1 SPEEDEE OIL CHANGE PLANCK# CB900840 TYPE: CTI CONSTR. TYPE NEW APPLICANT: HARRISON, STEVE PHONE: 632-7344 OWNER: CARLTAS DEV. CO PHONE: 632-7344 OCC GRP JOB ADDRESS: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT STR: FL: STE : CONTRACTOR: PHONE : n REMARKS : T2/MH/TRAVIS/ 7 5 3 -9 2 7 2 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: INSPECTOR ,e TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- PERMIT# TYPE STATUS CB901388 SIGN ISSUED CD LVL DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS & 19 ST Final Structural 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical 52 -- - -- -- ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE 082290 081090 080890 080890 080890 080790 080690 080390 080290 080290 073190 DESCRIPTION Rough Combo Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Rough/Topout Rough Electric Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Underground/Under Floor Steel/Bond Beam Underground/Under Floor ACT INSP AP PK AP MPC PA MPC PA MPC PA MPC CA PK AP PK CA PK AP MPC CO MPC NR PK COMMENTS CEILING-RECHECK CONDENSERS SEE COMMENTS 8/10/90 WALLS STILL NDS TIE-UP W/XTR WALLS COPPER & SLAB DOWELS RESCHEDULED 8/6/90 WASTE LINES NDS DOWEL REBARS FOR SLAB NO ACCESS/LEFT CARD White Construction Inc ~~ 7720 El Camino Real *2N Carlsbad, CA 92009 (61 9) 753-9272 * FAX (61 9) 753-8874 lic No. 45251 3 September 6, 1990 Pat Kelly City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad CA, 92009 Dear Pat, Per our conversation this morning, I would like to address the issue of the roof access hatch at our job at 1060 Auto Center (SpeeDee) . We are aware that you are requesting the installation of the hatch to sign off on our final inspection. We are ordering th$ roof hatch today, and expect to have it installed by September 21, 1990. In an attempt to avoid passing this delay on to our customer, we are hoping that by satisfying all other corrections on the job, that a meter will be able to be released at this time. Needless to say, the meter installation would be very helpful to us and the owner of the SpeeDee franchise. WORK INSPECTION, JOB PROBLEMS, MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION PROGRESS, WORK REJECTED, REMARKS, ETC. --______________________________________--------------_--_------ ----_------________--------------------------------------------- 8-14-90 ARRIVED AT JOB SITE AS REQUESTED. CONTRACTOR CANCELLED DUE TO WELDERS DID NOT SHOW-UP AS SCHEDULED. 8-16-90 INSPECTED FIT-UP AND INPROGRESS WELDING ATZHAND RAILS & STAIRS FOR LUBE RACK PIT AREA.WELDING IS BEING DONE BY CERTIFIED WELDERS PER AWS D1.l. 8-17-90 COMPLETED WELDING INSPECTION AT: HAND RAILS & STAIRS FOR LUBE RACK PIT AREA. THIS PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPROVED PLANS AND BUILDING CODES. ................................................................. Certification of Compliance: All work, unless otherwise noted, complies with appropriate specifications and codes. Inspector: JOHN A. BROOKINS Certification No. 378 Date: AUGUST 16, 1990 DISTRIBUTION: 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD 1) CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT 1)JOB FILE CEOTECHNICAL & CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING TESTING & INSPECTION 7.414 VINEYARD AVENUE SUITE C ESCOSDIDO, CA 92029 (619) 746-4955 ........................... LDING PERMIT #: .......................... DESIGN STRENGTH: ENG1NEER:RICK MARRS INC. MATERIAL SOURCE: CONTRACT0R:CARLTAS MIX : INSPECTION DATEz8-7-90 REQUIRED STRENGTH: TYPE OF 1NSPECTION:WELDING ---------------- --- ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ --------________________________________------------------------ -----___________________________________------------------------ WORK INSPECTION, JOB PROBLEMS, MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION PROGRESS, WORK REJECTED, REMARKS, ETC. ................................................................ ................................................................ 8-7-90 INSPECTING INPROGRESS FIT-UP AND WELDING PROCEDURES AT: LUBE RACK PIT ASSEMBLY. WELDING IS BEING DONE BY A CERTIFIED WELDER PER AWS D1.l. 8-8-90 CONTINUED MONITORING INPROGRESS FIT-UP AND WELDING PROCEDURES AT: LUBE RACK PIT ASSEMBLY AT (4) STALL AREAS. WORK IS ABOUT 50% COMPLETE. 8-9-90 CONTINUED MONITORING THE FIT UP AND WELDING PROCEDURES AT: LUBE RACK PIT AREA ASSEMBLY. AT (4) PIT AREAS. WORK IS ABOUT 70% COMPLETE. --______________________________________------------------------- --------------__________________________------------------------- Certification of Compliance: All work, unless otherwise noted, complies with appropriate specifications and codes. Inspector: JOHN A. BROOKINS Certification No. 378 Date: AUGUST 7. 1990 DISTRIBUTION: 1) CITY OF CARLSBAD 1) CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT 1)JOB FILE CEOTECHNICAL & CONmUCl'ION ENGINEERING TESTING & INSPECTION 2414 VINEYARD AVENUE SUITE C ESCONDIDO, CA 92029 (619) 746-4955 ESGIL CORPORATION 0320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 708 SAX DIEGO. Ch 92123 (619) 5GO-I.(c18 Esgil staff - did advise applicant tkat the -,?an ckec:~ hzs been con?leted. lerson contacred: EaCe contacted: I Ey: SGAW Enclosures: rJ 5nr ESGIL C04PORATION 7- lL iJGA =&.A 'C]Vl\l 3 Dld .. 1 ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 ,- - -c s-r - JURISDICTION: cx o\ <" \3b: & PLAN CHECK NO: cb ~3 ?40 SET: ( 'I> rJUPS OFILE COPY LDESIGNER . i-r , PROJECT ADDRESS : \ab 3 _I <> CTr ,- The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: 0 jurisdiction to return to the app1,icant contact person. ,. SyP c 13 L\,':,,*5.& "; 4'tO\ b'":..-cL.F >T< ,-t,;c, , * 3n.0, Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. been completed. Person contacted: 0 Esgil staff _. did advise'applicant that the plan check has Date contacted: Telephone # 0 REMARKS : By: 3dfC Enclosures: kone ESGIL COR ORATION C5-A f OGA @AA Ovw DM ~Mm(0VMwT PuNcaoarwo.: f.45-40 Date plans received by jurisdiction: e JORISDICIION: c .7 ? \ S bAd 9-23 ---ic\ Date plans received by Esgil Corporation: To: \AGrvl5n- 4401 ML.dhc5P 5-dd -,=la CW., * ' AO(0 Fd., &.d&o~J. Date initial plan check completed: ~ 6- I- 40 By: 7dtg. PRoJECTDluA Applicant contact person: OCCUPMICY: %-\I b-A 5T/e~e~~~5~.- ~~1. bs.a-73dil mm: pLBAsER&ul Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Code sections cited are based on the 1988 UBC. The circled items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items muSt be RMhRKs: Al? + /oavr . !rn 5!4 satisfied before the plans will be in confon@ance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 30S(c), 1988 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To soeed UD the recheck Drocess. note on this list lor a COPY) where each correction item has been addressed. i.e.. plan sheet. mecification. etc. Be sure to enclose the marked UD list when vou submit the revised ~lans. \h hh It e M\5C, > NULE: PAGE ~ol~~gts ME NOT II~ AS pars IMWK; NO rnws NQDMG amxmons WERE D-. LIST NO. 58 TENANT IMpROm WITHOUT SPECIFIC E" ZONE DATA OR POLICY SUPPLDENTS, 1988 UBC sheet of the plans indicate: Type of construction of the existing building, present and proposed OCCUDMCV classifications of the remodel area and the occupant load of the remodel areas and the floor where the (619) 560-1L68. IL Y?,viae a note-on tne'plans indicating it any 7 hazardous materials will be stored andlor used please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: t CL \M 5% : 3r Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, tenant improvement is loiated. 5pcL'!\ a , - Suite 1208, San Diego, CA 92123, 5bC : b-\ , I~ n.u-o)o~~~a ; 5bc9 e +51C:wIde OCLV?. ~ ~~ please make all corrections on the original i/ within the building which exceed the tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and rc r.0 quantities listed in UBC Tables 9-A and 9-B.bW any original plan sets that may have returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: The jurisdiction's building department. hazardous materials should be included. The Indicate on the Title Sheet of the plans, the materials listing should be stated in a form name of the legal omer and name -of person responsible for the preparation of the plans. Section 302(d). Each sheet of the plans must be signed by the person responsible for their preparation, even though there are no structural changes. Business and Professions Code. Plans and calculations shall be sipned bv the that would de-classification in Tables 9-A and 9-B possible. The building official may require a technical report to identify and develop methods of protection from hazardous materials. Section 901(f). . If control areas are used for exceeding the td exempt amounts of hazardous materials from Tables 9-A and 9-B, they shall be constructed of not less that reauired for a one-hour California state licensed engineer h architect occupancy separation. Section 404. where there are structural changes to existing buildings or Structural additions. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and date plans are eimed. Business and Professions Code. The number of control areas within a building used for retaillwholesale stores shall not exceed two; the number of control areas in buildines with other uses shall not exceed ~~ ~ ~~ -~ ~ ~~ Provide the correct address and suite number of tenant space on the plans. Section 302(d). Provide a note on the site plan indicating the previous use of the tenant space or building being remodeled. Section 302. i.<. jnr+..T When the character of the occupancy or use changes within a building, the building must be made to comply with current Building Code requirements for the new occupancy. Please provide complete details to show the building with comply. Section 502. ,d. UBC Section 304 requires the Building Official to determine the total value of all construction work proposed under this permit. The value shall include all finish work, painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevator, fire extinguishing systems and any other permanent equipment. Please provide a signed copy of the designer's or contractor's construction cost estimate of all work proposed. 3 /": - Provide a plot plan shoving the distance from the building to the oropertv lines and Fii~ location of tenant space (or remodel) within four. Footnote 1, Tables 9-A and 9-B. The aggregate quantity of any hazardous materials "in use" and "in storage" shall not exceed the quantity listed in Tables 9-A and 9-B for "storage". Footnotes 2 and 3, Tables 9-A and 9-B. . Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with Title 24 and 1988 UBC, UMC and WC and 1987 NEC . Provide a fully dimensioned floor plan showing the size and use of all rooms or areas within the space being improved or altered. Draw the plans to scale and indicate the scale on the plan. Section 302(d). , 19. Indicate the use of all spaces adjacent to the area being remodeled or improved. Show any existing fire rated area separation 3"/ walls, occupancy separation walls, demising walls, shafts or rated corridors. Identify and provide construction details for proposed new fire rated walls. ? . - 3 S ecifv on the plans the fire ratings of a:semblies to protect proposed openings in Identify existing walls to be removed, existing walls to remain and proposed new walls. Identify bearing walls non-bearing wal s and section view of all new interior shear walls. 5Tc: .At\ A<.m I5rcz3r Sve~:o-~'a Cis? * deT,is u~~--~ partitions. Show: W Type, size and spacing of studs. Indicate gauge for metal studs. SDecifv manufacturer and amroval number or indicate "to be ICBO aDProved". -sa, T'o,T,T~ns . Method of attaching top and bottom plates to structure. (NOTE: Top of partition must be secured to roof or floor framing, unless suspended ceiling has been designed for partition lateral lpad). Wall sheathing material and details of attachment (size and spacing of fasteners). Show height of partition and suspended ceiling, and height from floor to roof framing or floor framing. . Provide notes and/or details to show that the floor and wall finish in toilet rooms are surfaced with a smooth hard non-absorbent material extending five inches up the wall. Similar surfacing shall be provided on the walls from the floor to a height of 4 feet around urinals and within water closet compartments. Section 510(b). A Note on the plans: "All interior finishes must comply with Cnapter 42 of the UBC". Specify "Class flame spread rating (minimum) for Lateral bracine for susoended ceiline mst be provided. (WE Table 23:P) Where &ling is not supporting interior partitions, ceiling bracing shall be provided by four No. 12 gauge vires secured to the main runner within 2 inches of the cross runner intersection and splayed 90 degrees from each other at an angle not exceeding 45 degrees from the plane of the ceiling. A strut (adequate to resist the vertical component from lateral loads) fastened to the main runner shall be extended to and fastened to the structural members of the roof or floor above. These horizontal restraint points shall be placed 12 feet O.C. in both directions with the first point within 6 feet of each wall. Attachment of restraint wires to the Structure above shall be adequate for the load imposed. UBC Standard 47-18. In buildings having floors and roofs of wood frame construction, other than dwelling or hotel occupancies, draft stop the area between the ceiline and floor above so that no concealed space exceeds 1,000 s.f. and no horizontal dimension exceeds 60 L.F. (if space has sprinklers, then 3,000 s.f. and 100 L.F.). Section 2516(f). In buildings having floors and roofs of wood frame construction, other than dwelling or hotel occupancies, draft stop the area between the ceiline. and roof above so that no concealed space exceeds 3,000 s.f. and no horizontal dimension exceeds 60 L.F. (if space has sprinklers, then 9,000 s.f. and 100 L.F.). Section 2516(f). Storage areas exceeding 1000 sq. ft. in connection with wholesale or retail sales shall be separated from the public area by a one-hour occupancy separation. If the entire building has an automatic sprinkler system, then the occupancy separation need not be provided. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in rooms used by the occupants for the consumption of alcohol and in accessory uses where the total area of such unseparated rooms and assembly uses exceeds 5000 square feet. Section 3802(c). and and/or existing and functional fom the remodeled area must be h sicall disabled. See the attached Eozrectio: sheet. Title 24, Part 2. Tslirrnin The width o the required level area on the doors swing shall extend 24 inches past the strike edge for exterior doors and 18 inches past the strike edge for interior doors. Section 2-3304, Title 24. Shoild be Use. Cad+*-,- 3 T;.\cT Y Q.: .. y. 7 side into ' which , 33. Specify lever-type hardware for passage doors on floors accessible to the disabled. Section 2-3304, Title 24. A\\ hrr , Cr-cleT5%&- If both sexes will be employed and the number of employees exceeds four, provide separate toilet facilities for men and women. If "both sexes will be employed and the total number of employees will not exceed four", and only one restroom is provided, note the words in quotation above on the floor plan. Section 705. In areas where the occupant load exceeds -, two exits are required. See 3 @ . . Table 33-A. Provide an 11" or any convenient size). Exits should half the maximum overall the building or area served. The maximum number of required exits and their required separation must be maintained until egress is provided from the structure. Section 3303(a). Rooms with exit through adjoining room. Revise exits to comply. Section 3303(e). Exit signs are required for exifs.serving an occupant load exceeding 49. Show all required exit sign locations. Section 3314(a). Show that exits are lighted with at least one foot candle at floor level. Show the locations of existing exits from the building and show the path of travel from the remodel area to the existing exits. Note on the plans: "All exits are to be openable from inside without the use of a key or special knowledge". In lieu of the above, in a Grouo B occu~mcv. vou mav note "Provide a exit analysis plan (may be 8 112" x have a minimum separation of one- diagonal dimension of Section 3303(c). more than 10 occupants may have Section 3313(a). Tnis signage is only allowed at Section 3304(c). the & exit. Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3 feet by 6 feet 8 inches with a minimum door swing of 90 degrees. Maximum leaf width is 4 feet. Section 3304(f). Exit doors should swing in the direction of egress when serving an occupant load of 50 or more or when serving any hazardous area. Section 3303(b). Applies to door(s) Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 112 inch below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door used for disabled access (mav be 1" haximum where not used for disabled access). D& should not ",o ~ect more than 1 inches into the required cirridor width when fully Section 3304( c c,MT <.%oiAr ~Lma (+hT opened, nor more than one-half of the required corridor width when in any position. Section 3305(d). Revolving, sliding and overhead doors are not permitted as exit doors if the occupant load exceeds 9 or the exit door serves a hazardous area. Section 3304(h). Exit doors from assembly rooms with 50 or more occupants shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. Section 3318. Double acting doors are not allowed when serving a tributary occupant load of more than 100, or when part of a fire assembly, or part of smoke and draft control assemblies or when equipped with panic hardware. Section 3304(b). Corridors must provide continuous protection to the exterior of the building. Interruptions by an intervening room is not permitted. Foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for corridors are not considered intervening rooms. Section 3305. Corridors and exterior exit balconies serving 10 or more occupants must be a minimum WI inches wide and 7 feet high to the lowest projection. Corridors serving less than 10 occupants must be a minimum of 36 inches in width. Section 3305(b). When two exits are required, dead end corridors and exit balconies are limited to 20 feet. Section 3305(e). Corridors serving 30 or more occupants shall have walls and ceilings of one-hour construction except: a. Corridors greater than 30 feet wide when the occupants have an exit independent from the corridor. b. Exterior sides of exterior exit balconies. c. Corridor walls and ceilings need not be of fire-resistive construction within office spaces having an occupant load of 100 or less when the entire story in which the space is located is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout and smoke detectors are installed within the corridor in accordance with their listing. Section 3305 (g). Section 3305(g), Exception 5, cannot be used for non-rated corridors in a fully sprinklered office space if the occupant load in the space exceeds 100. Section 3305(g), Exception 5 does not apply to comon corridors where the corridor serves as an exit for non-office areas (manufacturing, warehouse, etc.). Y DM 6, i.sD Submit plan showing location of all panels. Submit panels schedules. Submit electrical load calculations Indicate existing main service size. Indicate existing total main service 9. ON 2050A ’au5 Indicate new additional loads. Indicate wiring method, i.e. W, metal flex. Show exit signs on the electrical lighting plan(s). As per Section 3313 and 3314 of the 1988 UBC, provide two sources of power to exit signs and exit illumination. Provide receptacle(s) within 25’ of the aL d AIC units. Provide multiple switch lighting controls per Title 24, 2-5319. Provide an electrical plan for the alarm system showing compliance with criteria described under earlier correction number 54. 5EE 77A UMC Section 509. !BmBmL Provide mechanical ventilation in all rooms capable of supplying a minimum of 5 cubic feet per minute of outside air with a total circulation of not less than 15 cubic feet per minute per occupant. Section 605 and 705, UBC. Provide mechanical plans showing existing and proposed WAC equipment, ducts and access to equipment. . Detail access and working clearances to WAC equipment. E/. Cooling coils or cooling units located in attic or furred space, where damage may result from condensate overflow, shall be provided with an additional ware? tight pan of corrosion resistant material to catch overflow if primary condensate drain becomes clogged. Section 1205, UMC. . One-hour corridors shall not be used as an integral part of a duct system. lhis includes the space above a dropped ceiling within the one-hour corridor. UHC Section 706(b). mm %SELLIU& Provide gas line plans and calculations, showing pipe lengths and gas demands. UPC Section 1219. j&f Provide drain, waste and vent plans. line sizing calculations. UPC 9,d Detail how floor drain trap seal is to be maintained. UPC Section 107 (floor drain trap priming). Show P & T valve on water heater and detail route from P & T valve to the exterior. WC Section 1007(e). . Show 114’’ per 12“ slope on drain and waste 7 lines. UPC Section 407. . Provide a drinking fountain at each floor level in assembly occupancies (except drinking and dining establishments). UBC Section 605. ficLG%&th . Provide complete energy design calculations, including all existing design and new energy design for this building. See attached non- residential energy design checklist. For remodels in an existing conditioned space, ? show that the remodeled space will not use more energy than the existing space or show the remodeled space will conform to latest energy design standards. WI- Please see additional corrections or remarks . that f0llOW. To speed up the recheck process, note on this list (or a copy) whee each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. ¶9 Please indicate here if any changes have been .. made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please check. Yes No 6$WD *TES TO FLaN.5: @*bV,DL GFLI Pa5 r,cr10nl 0I.J 0 ‘‘PLECTRICCL EG ril+=WE/ UT &rJQ V$&A’f: c.;-&Ll- cop a \,( <n/i-d /J&C k T 5 1 I .I 125v naiE: The following provisions are contained in Title 24, Part 2, California Building Code, as adopted and enforced by the State Fire Marshall. They are provided here as a courtesy to assist designers in developing the project documents. All applicable provisions may not necessarily be included. Please direct any questions regarding interpretations of these provisions to the local Fire Department. Walls of corridors and exterior exit balconies in Groups A,E,I,R-1 and C Occupancies having an occupant load of more than persons and in all other occupancies having an occupant load of 30 or more shall be not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Section 3305(g)1. Where exit signs are required by Section 3314(a), approved and listed internally, externally or self-illuminated low-level exit signs complying with Section 3314 shall be required. The bottom of the sign shall be not less than 6 inches nor more than 8 inches above the floor level. For exit way doors, the sign shall be on the door with the closest edge of the sign with 4 inches of the door frame or adjacent to the door. Such signs shall be of a type which is perceptible to the sense of touch. Section 3314(e). Where exit signs are required by Section 3314(a), all exit corridors shall be provided with continuous low-level exit path marking. Approved and listed internally or self- illuminated marking shall be installed at floor level or no higher than 8 inches above the floor level. Such marking shall be of a type which is perceptible to the sense of touch. Section 3314(f). Area separation walls shall not be considered to create separate buildings for the purpose of automatic fire-sprinkler system requirements as set forth in Chapter 38. -OR: Buildings separated by continuous area separation walls of four-hour fire- resistive construction without openings. Buildings required to have automatic fire- sprinkler protection as set forth in Section 13113 of the Health and Safety Code (homes for children or the aged) are prqhibited from using area separation walls in lieu of automatic fire-sprinkler protection. Section 505(e)6. In educational occupancies, storage and janitor closets shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction with openings protected by assemblies having at least a three-fourths- hour fire-resistive rating. Section 802(c). . Section 1807 should be reviewed for all high- rise buildings. y. The exception in Section 3318 of the UBC has been revised so as to allow the omission of . panic hardware at the main exit in churches (by using signage), only when the occupant load of the church is less than 300. . If emergency warning systems are required, they shall activate a means of waming the hearing impaired. Flashing visual warnings shall have a frequency of not more than 60 flashes per minute. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 6191560-1468, to perform the plan check for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan check items, please contact 50d- at Esgil Corporation Thank you. Enclosures: 1. done 1/8/90 7 . .. I I I I 3 t I I I 1 I. I TITLE 24 HANDICAPPED ACCESS CORRECTION LIST .. - Jurisdiction (~$, \sb42 Plan Check No. Ch CIo-sLto cz) References to Section numbers with prefix "2" are to Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 2 (California Building Code). Prefix "3" is for Part 3 (California Electrical Code). Prefix "5" is for part 5 (California Plumbing Code). Exemptions claimed for any item shall be requested in hTiting and shall include all data needed to determine "unreasonable hardship" as described in Section 2-422. SITE DEVELQPIENI 1. HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES ' a. Provide handicapped spaces. 2-7102(b) b. Space shall be so located that handicapped persons are not compelled to wheel or walk behind parked cars other than hislher om. 2-7102(c) c. Parking space shall be a minimum of 9 ft.xl8 ft. with adjacent -ked 5 ft. loading zone. Double space shall be 23 ft. wide. h%ere a single space is provided, the loadinglunloading zone shall be on the passenser side of the vehicle. 2-7102(c). d. Maximum slope of parking surface in any direction shall not exceed 114" per foot. 2-7102(e). e. Parking space(s) shall be identified with the Intemtional Symbol of Accessibility on reflectorized sign affixed to post or wall, and & duplicated on parking surface (symbol to be 36"x36" and painted at the back of the parking stall). 2-7102(f) f. Entrance to parking area (or at each stall) shall have a sign stating that unauthorized vehicle(s) park+ in handicapped space(s) may be subject to tow-away. 2-7102(f) g. Entrance to and vertical clearance within accessible level of parking structure shall be 8 ft. 2 in. to any structural member, duct or pipe. 2-7102(g) a. Curb ramps shall be located wherever pedestrian path crosses curb. (2- 7 103( a)) b. Curb ramp shall be LE'' min. width (2- in 12. 7103(b)) with maximum slope of 1 2-7103(d) C. A level 48" min. depth landing is required at top of curb ramps over entire curb ramp wid-. 2-7103(d) d. If no landing is nrovided. the sloDe of flared sides sha1 2-7103( d) e. Surface is to be slip resistant and a contrasting finish from adjacent sidewalk. 2-7103(f) f. Border markings shall be 12" vide of 1/4"x1/4" grooves, 314" apart, located at top and sides. 2-7103(h) p. a. Site development and grading shall be designed to provide access to primary entrances and access to nom1 paths of travel and where necessary to provide access shall incorporate pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, etc. 2-7101(a) b. Walks sloping greater than 5% (1 in 20) must comply with ramp requirements of Sec. 2-3307. 2-3325(c) c. Walk width shall be 48'' minimum, and shall have slip-resistant surfaces. 2-3325(a) d. The maximum cross slope shall not exceed e. Gratings are not allowed whenever f. At each gate or door a 60"x60" level area is required when the gate swings toward the walk. 2-3325(e) g. A 48"xU" deep level area is required when the gate swings away from the walk. 2-3325( e) side of gate or door. * 1/4" per foot. 2-3325(a)3 possible. '2-3325(b) h. A 24" clear space is required at Strike 2-3325(e) j/ PEDESTRIAN RAHPS a. A path of travel with a slope greater than 1 in 20 shall be considered a ramp. 2-3307(a) b. The maximum slope shall be 1 in 12. 2-3307(c.l) C. The width shall be 48" minimum. A minimum width of 60" is required where a ramp serves as a primary entrance to buildings having an occupant load of 300 or more. Group R Occupancies may be 36" when the occupant load is 50 or less. 2- 3307(b.1) d. The surface of ramps shall be slip- e. A 60" intermediate landing is required at maximum elevation change of 30" and 72" landing at each change of direction (over 30 degrees). 2-3307(d.l) f. Landings are required at top and bottom of ramps. 2-3307(d.l) g. Bottom landing shall be minimum of 72" in the direction of travel. Fig. 2-33- 1lA resistant. 2-3307(g) h. Top landing 2-3307(d.l) shall be 60" x 60" minimum. i. When' door swines onto ton landine. minimum depth if landing iequired 1;; door width plus 42". 2-3307(d.1.) j. Top landing shall have 60" min. width when door swings onto the landing, with 24" on strike side of door at exterior ramp, or 18" at interior ramp. 2-3307(d.1) k. Ramp handrails are required on each side of ramp, when slope exceeds 1 in 15. 2- 3307(e.l) 1. Ramp handrails shall be continuous, located 30"-34" in heieht above ram surface, with and bottom, and the ends returned. 2-3307(e.l) 12" extensTons beyond tdp m. Handrails shall be 1-114'' to 2" cross section, spaced minimum of 1-112" from wall. 2-3307 (e. 1) n. A 2" high curb or wheel guide rail centered 3" 1" above ramp surface is required on both sides where not otherwise bounded by walls when the ramp exceeds 10 feet in length. 2-3307(h.l) f SPECIAL ACCESS LIFTS a. Lifts may be provided between levels, in lieu of elevator, when the vertical distance between landings, structural elevator, structural design and safeguards are as allowed by the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health. 2-5107(a) . The lift platform shall be of sufficient size to accomodate a wheelchair (30"x48"). 2-5107(a) area or landing (60"x60") for access to the lift. b. c. There shall be a level and clear floor at each level 2-5107(a) - b. Headroom of 80'' minimum shall be maintained for walks, corridors, aisles, etc. 2-522(f) c. Protruding objects with leading edges between 27" and 80" above finished floor shall not protrude more than 4" into walks, corridors, etc. 2-522(f) d. Free standing objects mounted on posts between 27" and 80" above the floor may project a maximum of 12". 2-522(f) e. Abrupt changes in level exceeding 4" adjacent to walks, except between walks and adjacent streets or drives, shall be identified by 6" high warning curbs above walk surface. 2-3326(a) ExlRwcEs AND c-oR ;? ENTRANCES, IKx)RS, VESTIBULES AND CORk3FS J All primary entrances to 2-3301(f) buildings shall ' be accessible to the handicapped. b. All required passage doors shall have 32" ' clear opening at 90 degrees (36" door>. east one of. a pair of doors shall f 2e;the minimum 32" clear entrance width 2-3304(f) . t,,(.\,,,l tu-. 0 hi ,L 5Lh.%...*< &At. d -' requirement. 2-3304( f ) iqThreshold shall be no higher than 112" above the floor. Edge to be beveled with a slope no greater than 1 in 2, if more L than 114". 3304(i.l) dr @ . Fxterior level landing may slope up to a' 114" per . foot in any direction for surface drainage. 2-413 Door hardware shall be of the lever or push type, mounted 30" to L4" above the floor and be operable with a maximum effort of 8.5 lbs. for exterior doors and 5 lbs. for interior doors. 2-3304(c), 2- 3304( i.2) . The lower 10" of the door shall be of smooth, plane surface (no recess or trap) except at automatic and sliding doors. 2-3304(i.3) shall be identified ' by sign with the International Symbol of Accessibility. Show location on plan. The symbol shall be a white figure on blue background. 2-522(b) At turnstile, provide an access gate, 32" clear width opening, within 30 feet of turnstile. 2-3304(i.4) . There shall he a clear area on each side of door, 60" deep in direction of door swing and 44" deep in opposite direction of door swing. 2-330L(i.l) h. Building entrance(s) a. Provide 80" headroom from walkway surface to any overhanging obstruction. 2-3326(b) k. Width of clear area on the swine side of the door shall extend 24" past strike jamb for exterior doors and 18" past strike iamb for interior doors. 2-3304 i.1 DrJ. 7 ShTa c? -. - { The space between two consecutive doors (vestibule) shall provide a minimum of 48" clear depth between the open door and a second closed door.Doors in a series at a vestibule shall swing in the same direction, or away from the space between them. 2-3304(i.l) For corridors over 200 feet long, see special requirements of Sec. 2-3305(b)2. /$. FLOORS a. Floors of a given story shall be a common level throughout or shall be connected by pedestrian raqs, passenger elevators, or s 2-522(e) pecial access lifts. 9 STAIRRAYS KIIE: only applies where disabled a. Treads shall have smooth, rounded exposed edges and be slip resistant. 2- 3306(s) Nosing shall not project more than 1-1/? inches past face of the riser below. 2-3306(s) access is provided or rqukd to other levels. 5. c. Risers shall be sufficiently solid. 2-3306(s) d. The upper approach and lower tread of each flieht of stairs shall be marked ~, ~ ~ with a contrasting colored strip 2" in width. 2-3306(r) e. On exterior stairs, & tread shall be marked as noted above. 2-3306(r) f. Handrails are required on & side of stairway. 2-3306 g. Handrails shall be located 30" to 34" above nosing,extend 12" beyond top riser and 12" plus tread width beyond bottom nosing and returned to walllnewel post. 2-3306(j.l). h. Handrails shall be 1-114" to 2" in gripping cross section and 1-112" clear of wall. 2-3306(j.1) i. Approved staimay identification signs shall be located at each floor level in all enclosed stairways in buildings two or more stories in height. The sign shall identify the stairway, indicate whether there is roof access, the floor level, and the upper and lower terminus of the stairway. The information shall be presented using raised Arabic numerals and raised braille synbols which conform to Section 522(b)3. The sign shall be located approximately 5 feet above the floor landing ifmediately adjacent to the door on the strike side. Signs shall comply with requirements of U.B.C. Standard KO. 33-2. Y. -AToRS a. Provide clear inside elevator car dimensions as required by U.B.C. Section 5103(d) 6 and Title 24 2-5103(d.l). 1. At least one elevator in buildings 4 or more stories in height: 80" by 54", with a 42-inch side slide door. Applies only to: high-rise buildings, A/E/I occupancies, State-owned buildings, residential care homes, hotels, motels, apartments and condominiums. 2. Elevator in buildings more than two stories or buildings where disabled access is required to upper level(s): 68" by 54", with a minimum clear door width of 36". 3. Elevators other than in (b) above serving less than 50 occupants shall have a minimum inside platform of 4 feet 6 inches by 4 feet 6 inches and a minimum clear door width of 36 inches. b. Raised Braille markings and Arabic required on control buttons merals are and door jambs. 2-5103(d.l) SANlURY PA- ,$. TOILIT FACILITIES ACCESS a. When located on accessible floors, sanitary facilities shall be made accessible to physically handicapped. (z-SIl.l(a)) b. Dooways 'shall have 32" minimum cle~ opening width. 2-511.1 c. There shall be a level area with 60" clear depth in the direction of the door swing, and a level area with L4" Clear depth in opposite direction of door swing. 2-511.l(a) )h. MULTIPLE ACCOMMODATION TOIE FACILITIES a. Provide cle~ area 60" di.ameter X 27" high - or clear space 56" X 63" X 27" high. 2-511.l(a) b. Doors (other than handicap compartment) are not to encroach more than 12" into above mentioned clear space. 2-5n.l(a) space between water closet and fixture or 32" clear space between water closet and wall. 2-511.l(a) d. A 48" long clear space is required in front of water closet. A 60" clear soace is rewired when the toilet c. Provide a 28" clear -r-~ ~ compartment h& a side door. 2-511.l(a) e. Water closet compartment door to provide 32" clear width for end entry and 34" clear width for side entry. Door to be self-closing. 2-511.l(a) SINGLE ACWHHODATION TOILET FACILITIES a. Water closet shall be located 28" from a fixture or 32" from a wall. 2-511.l(a) b. Minimum clear space in front of water closet shall be 48". 2-511.l(a) c. In an existing building, a single accomodation toilet facility may have a space 36" wide x 48 " long in front of water closet. 2-511.11a) 14. GPd BAFS AT WATER CLOSET @ One at side 42" long extending 24" in front of water closet; one Et rear 36" long centered on water closet; both mounted 33" h'here a turk- type toilet is used, grab bar may be as high as 36". 2-511.l(a) 27'' J~.~J+ to 1-1/2" in diameter with 1-1/2" clearance to wall. 2-511.l(a) 0 1. Bars shall be 1-114" Bar fasteners-and mounting support shall @ be able to withstand 250 lbs./ft. in bending, shear and tension. 2-511.l(a) a. Height of water closet seat shall be 17" to 19" above floor. 5-1502 b. Controls shall be operable with one hand, and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist. 5-1502 c. Controls for the flush valves shall be mounted on the wide side of toilet areas, no more than 44" above the floor. 5-1502 d. The force required to activate controls shall be no greater than 5 pounds force. 5-1502 ,,k. URINALS - a. hhere urinals are provided, the rim of at least one shall project 14" from the wall and be located 17" maximum above floor. 5-1503(a) activate the flush valve shall be 5 lbs. maximum and located WI" maximum above floor. 5-1503(b) fomard approach. 2-511.l(b) b. The force required to c. Provide 30" x 48" clear floor space for f LAVATORIES a. Provide 30" x 48" clear floor space for fomard amroach. Said clear floor Space may incgde knee and toe space &der lavatory described below. 2-511.l(b) b. Provide clear space beneath lavatories 29" high by 30" vide by 8" deep at top and 9" high by 30" wide by 17" deep at bottom from front of lavatory (toe space). The maximum counter surface height should be 34". 5-1504(a) c. Hot water and drain pipes under lavatories shall be insulated: 5-1504(b) d. Faucet controls and operating mechanism (operable with one hand) shall be of the tpe not requiring tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist (such as lever-operated) and an operating force - not exceeding 5 lbs. 5-1504(c) e. If self-closing valves are used, they shall remain open for at lest 10 seconds. 5-1504(c) ;$ TOILET Ro313 ACCESSORIES a. Mirror bottom edge shall be located 40" mimum above floor. 2-511.l(b) b. Toilet tissue dispensers shall be mounted of toilet within 12" from the front edge seat. 2-511.l(b) c. Operating parts of dispensing and disposal fixtures (towels, waste, coin slots, etc.) shall be within 40" of floor. 2-511.l(b) 9 SANITARY FACILITIES IDEKlIFICATION a. On doordays leading to sanitary facilities the symbols to be provided are 12" Equilateral triangle for men, 12" diameter circle for women, and 114" thick. centered on door. 60" hi& and 29;: BATHING FACILITIES .- J PLUNBING REQUI~BCNTS a. Where kitchenettes are provided at employee break rooms, conference areas, customer lounges, etc., the faucet controls at kitchen sinks shall be operable with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching or twisting of the wrist (i.e., use lever- operated, push-type, etc.). If Self- closing valves are used, they shall remain open for at least 10 seconds. 5-1508 Qmop A CXXIfPNKX 1- f AUDITORNMS, ASSPIBLY HALLS, TKWCRES, ETC. handicapped shall be accessible main lobby or primary entrance. 2-611(b) a. Seating and toilet facilities for the from the b. This structure requires wheelchair seating spaces. In theaters and auditoriums, the seating shall be provided in a variety of locations so as to provided a choice of admission prices. 2-611(b) c. Each wheelchair space shall be 60" X 30" and level. 2-611(b) d. When the seating capacity exceeds 300, the wheelchair spaces shall be in more than one location. 2-611(b) I a. One such facility shall comply when provided for the public, clients or employees. 2-511.l(a) b. shower compartment shall be 42" wide, 48" deep, with a 36" wide entrance. 2-5ll.l(a) C. Show on the plans that the handicapped bathing facilities shall conform to requirements of Sec. 2-511a-9, 5-1505 and 5-1506, i.e., folding seat, flexible . shower hose, etc. -- 21. DRINKING FOLlhTAIN @Drinking fountains shall be within alcoves. The alcove shall be not less than 32" wide by 18" deep. b. When the enforcing agency determines that it would create an unreasonable hardship to locate the water fountain in an alcove, the water fountain may project into the path of travel, and the path of travel shall be identifiable to the blind as follows: (1.) The surface of the path of travel at the water fountain shall be textured so that it is clearly identifiable by a blind person using a cane. The minimum textured area shall extend from the wall supporting the water fountain to 1 foot beyond the front edge of the water fountain and shall extend 1 foot beyond each side of the water fountain, or (2.) Wing walls shall be provided on each side of the water fountain. The wing walls shall project out from the supporting wall at least as far as the water fountain to within 6 inches of the surface of the path of travel. Also, there shall be a minipun of 32 inches clear between the wing walls. @ Note on the plans that drinking fountain shall conform to requirements of Sec. 2-511c and 5-1507. Z-Sll.l(c) 0 0 +. mLIC TELEPHONE a. Provide space 30" x 4'' for foward or parallel approach to telephone. 2-511.l(d) b. Note on the plans that public telephone shall conform to requirements of Sec. 2-511.1(6). 15, 20 and 30 amp receptacle outlets shall be installed not less than 12" above floor. 3-210-50(e) Center of swit&es Shall be located not less than 36" nor "more than 48" above the floor. 3-380-8(c) w e. This structure requires seats for semi-ambulant persons. Clear leg space shall be at least 2-611(b) - 24". f. Stages, enclosed and unenclosed platforms, orchestra pits, ticket booths, and refreshment sales facilities shall be made accessible. 2-611(b) SWIUnS, GRANDSTANDS, BLUClER.5, PAVILIONS, GYHNASIUNS a. lhis structure requires wheelchair seating spaces. In theaters and auditoriums, the seating shall be provided in a variety of locations so as to provided a choice of admission prices. 2-611(c) b. When the seating capacity exceeds 300, the wheelchair spaces shall be in more than one location. 2-6ll(c) c. Ticket booths must be accessible from both sides. 2-611(c) d. Participation aras such as ball courts, exercise rooms, tracks, and clubrooms must be accessible. 2-6ll(c) e. Spectator and participant sanitary and locker facilities must conform to the requirements of Cmpter 2-5. 2-611(c) Dater 6-1-40 Jurisdiction Czr\$h.rcb. 5UILDINC PORTION BUILDING A3X4 Bldg. Dept. Prepared by! 5Ab VALUATTON AND PLAN CHZCK FEE Asgil I VALUE VALUATION MU LTI ? LI EX PLAN CHECK NO. Lb-4o-%*oCrl BUILDING ADDRSSS \B; a flu% CT,. LT-. AP?LICANT/CONTACT 53, Q:YV\sDn PHONE NO. b3.a.- 7344 BUILDING OCCUPANCY 13-1 J &-L DESIGNER PHONE - TYPZ OF CONSTRUCTION; .z-~ CONT2ACTO3 PHONE - T 1. cs)Cce/ I 5h4 5&\T I \q.as lP l,d8Y - I I 1 I I I 1 Air Conditionine I I I Commercial , IR .I ~ I@ ~~ ~~~~ ~ I - Residential Fire SDrinklers I I 4 I@ I I Res. or Corn. /' I I Tot21 Value Ouildinq Permit Fee S $ 4LOs-:o Plan Check Fee $ S 304.53 C 0 M FIE NTS: c ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR.. SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO. CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE : TU\\, - d -Go ,-I APPLICANT JURISDICTION: r;r, 0%- Lf \4 bh A. PLAN CHECK 50: (% - e,, -840 SET: 5 EUPS PROJECT KAME : CI %rb-vs i\ 0 ,Y t h\\ Ck.r..%C iT*. CDESIGKER L PROJECT ADDRZSS : \ (9 0 417% Le-- LT- The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where building codes. The olens transmitted herewith will substantially comply 0 with- the j,drisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies idenrified are resolve6 and checked by building department staff. The ?lsns transmitted nerewith nave significant deficiencies and resubaitted for a complete recheck. The chec:k list transmitted herewith is for your information. plans 2.22 submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the 0 necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's [3 identifis? on the enclosed check list and should be corrected 88 The plans zre being held at Esail Corp. until corrected -. fie, CL~~~&~& yJ, ouT-sT~.,&...~~~.~.c\ >-..\ 0 jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: %T<Ve \-\drrl55n GL\o\ bjGnCL\e<Tr &a# I z%Anra , LN. , 6. [lA&4 Esgil staff did rot advise the applicant contact person thst plan chec:~ has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has cI been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone B 0 REMARKS: CP.. Ql(I, L !L. I, r, c. ill(, >'J3- ,,, [[y \ I/ r , -' ( ?\ .. iJ. t.::<4 /r; .. L.1 : By: 3%dY c Enclosures: hi6-e ESGIL COSPORATION '1 -A\ II II , ii J I I I " EE cc KK BUILDING PLANCHECK ENGINEERING CHECKLIST DATE: ITEM COMPLETE PLANCHECK NO. 0 ITEM INCOMPLETE - NEEDS YOUR ACTION LITEM SELECTED 3s & O//?.A~AR -5@ -0.2; &? R D C PROJECT 1D:Mho rQvzb /?eflt+& H .. Em C K Site Plan 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: north arrow, property 1 ines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of- way width and dimensioned setbacks. 2. Show on site plan: Finish floor elevations, pad elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes, driveway with percent (%) grade and drainage patterns. @on do 3. Provide legal description and Assessors Parcel Number. Discretionarv ADoroval ComDliance A4. No Discretionary approvals were required. for Project No. Conditions of Approval for Project No. 5. Project complies with all Engineering Conditions of Approval 6. Project does not comply with the following Engineering FRMOO 10. DH ~ ~~ Conditions complied with by: Date: Field Review I/ 7. Field review completed. No issues raised. ZMP&WEYWRE - 8. Field Review completed. The following issues or discrepancies with the site plan were found: - A. B. C. 0. Site lacks adequate public improvements. Existing drainage improvements not shown or in conflict with site plan. Site is served by overhead power lines. Grading is required to access site, create pad or provide for ultimate street improvement. oapc~/ag E. Site access visibility problems exist. Provide onsite turnaround or engineered solution to problem. - F. Other: Oedicat ion Reauirements 1/9. No dedication required. 10. Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 84" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report and the required processing fee. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. The description of the dedication is as follows: Dedication completed, Date: By : Imorovement Reauirements 41. No public improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaaed or defective imorovements found adjacent to buildina site must be reoaired to the satisfaction of the City insDector orior to OccuDancY. 12. Pub1 ic improvements required. This project requires construction of pub1 ic improvements pursuant to Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit. for separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of permit. The required improvements are: Improvement plans signed, Date: By : FRM0010.DH 13. Improvements are required. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred in accordance with Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please submit a letter requesting deferral of the required improvements together with a recent title report on the property and the appropriate processing fee so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. The Future Improvement Agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Future Improvement Agreement completed, Date By : Gradina Reau i remen t s -13a. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Please provide more detailed proposed and existing elevations and contours. Include accurate estimates of the grading quantities (cut, fill, import, export). A. No grading required as determined by the information provided on the site plan. -15. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted for separate plan check and approval through the Engineering Department. NOTE: The Gradinq Permit must be issued and aradinq substantially comolete and found acceotable to the Citf Insoector orior to issuance of Buildina Permits. Grading Inspector sign off. Date: By : Mi scel 1 aneous Permits - 4 Right-of-way Permit not required. -17. Right-of-way Permit required. A separate Right-of-way Permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the fol 1 owing: -18. &9. Sewer Permit is required. A Sewer Permit is required The fee required Sewer Permit is not required. concurrent with Building Permit issuance. is noted below in the fees section. Industrial Waste Permit is not required. - 20. FRM0010.DH 08/29/89 ~- XZl. Industrial Waste Permit is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Applicantion Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of Building Permits. Permits must be issued prior to occupancy. Industrial Waste Permit a ce t d - Date: ?/PO By: JPY. Fees Reaui red &22. Park-in-Lieu Fee &. Traffic Impact Fee Quadrant:- Fee per Unit: Total Fee: Fee Per Unit: #/D,Oo@S#wotal Fee: /m,i@ w24. Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Fee per Unit: Total Fee: &25. Public Facilities Fee required. L26. Facilities Management Fee Zone: 3 Fee:& rG - -27. Sewer Fees Permit No. EDU's 1.09 FD US Fee: Fee: &28. Sewer Lateral required: - REMARKS: ISSUE PERMIT Date: @/&PO FRMOO 10. OH PLANNING CHECKLIST 333 Z?T E%o Planner I/AJ i& nJC h Phone 438-1161 Type of Project and Use WANT ~*vh’&L/~=/ra7 - &YO SMUYXX (Name) Zone C-2-Q Facilities Management Zone 3- Leaend Item Complete @) Item Incomplete - Needs your action 1, 2, 3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number that deficiency was identified Environmental Review Required: DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? require action. Conditions of Approval YES - NO &- TYPE If not, state conditions which Discretionary Action Required: YES NO - TYPE 8R -3 APPROVAL/RESO. NO. 277i’ DATE: /O-/kz-@@ PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions of approval? require action. Conditions of Approval If not, state conditions which Coastal : YES NO - DATE OF APPROVAL: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval Landscape Plan Required: YES NO o( See attached submittal requirements for landscape plans Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensioned Site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. 2. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes and driveway. Provide legal description of property. 3. 4. Provide assessor’s parcel number. Zoning: / 1. Setbacks: Front: Required - Shown Int. Side: Required - Shown Street Side: Required - Shown Rear: Required - Shown , 2. Lot coverage: Required - Shown 3. Height: Required - Shown 4. Parking: Spaces Required Shown Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional cmnts and remarks have been made on the building plans. marked-up plans may be picked up at the Building Department. up plans must be resubmitted with the revised plans for this project. These These marked- Have plans been marked up? , YES - NO on Additional Comments DATE g-33-m OK TO ISSUE PLNCK. FRM 2580 ORION WAY CARLSBAD, CA 92008 TELEPHONE (819) 931-2121 Citp of Carlrsbab FlRE DEPARTMENT PAGE 1 OFJ PLAN CHECK REPORT APPROVED I PLAN CHECK# APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR MAKING - 1. - 2. - 3. li 4. - 5. '-4. 8. 7. THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND PERMITS Provide one copy of: floor plan(s); site plan; sheets Provide two site plans showing the location of all existing fire hydrants within 200 feet of the project. Provide specifications for the following: Permits are required for the installation of all fire protection systems (m rinkler stand pipes, dry chemical, halon, CO2, alarms, hydrants). Plan must be approved by the fire department prior to installation. The business owner shall complete a building information letter and return it to the fire department, FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT T e following fire protection systems are requi ed: 0 Stand Pipesvype: Fire Extinguisher Requirements: =.One 2A rated ABC extinguisher for each 0 An extinguisher with a miniming of ) 0 Dry Chemical, Halon, COz (Location: ) ) 0 Fire Alarm (TypelLocation: ) Automatic fire sprinklers (Design Criteria: 7 ,\I / 3 4 (000~ sq. ft. or portion thereof with a travel distance to the nearest extinguisher not to exceed 75 feet of travel. to be located: - 8. - 9. - IO. -11. - 14. &,-A - eOther:Afl /< f.'.'., x::, f .*I,. (.,~<,',!/>?L ,., y,/ /'I Additional fire hydrant@) shall be provided EXITS Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. A sign stating, I' This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed above the main exit and EXIT signs (6" x %" letters) shall be placed over all required exins and directional signs located as necessary to doors clearly indicate the location of exit doors. GENERAL Storage, dispensing or use of any flammable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fire Code. Building(s) not approved for high piled combustible stock. Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. if high stock pii- ing is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81. Additional Requirements. -15. Comply with regulations on attached sheet($. , ..~ ' ). . .' Plan Examiner ' ~ oats "! 8' ' - Report mailed to architect __Met with __Attach to Plans TITLE 24 REPORT FOR: SPEEDEE OIL CHANGE CARLSBAD CARSLBAD , CALIF. PROJECT DESIGNER: RICK MARRS INC 8330 UNIVERSITY AVE. LA MESA CA 92041 465-2011 REPORT PREPARED BY: HERZBERGER/SALEHI ENG 303 A ST. (619)239-4636 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92101 Job Number: C518 Date: 7/10/1990 The COMPLY 24 computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has interim approval and.is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with the Second Generation Nonresidential Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Nonresidential Occupancies. Second Generation Residential Occupancies shown to comply with this program conform to the results produced by the Public Domain Point System, developed by the California Energy Commission. This program developed by Gabel Dodd Associates (415) 428-0803. Now Statr law, rffrctive July 1, 1989, (AB 3205, Chspter 1589.-Sututes 1988) prohibits a City or a County fm f6auin$ Crrtiflcatr of Occpancy if a businerr will handle Hazrrdous Matarlals unless the businrsr has met Pi meting the repurrcmpnt of a Busfness Plan for Emergency Response with the San Die90 County Department of Health Services, EnVl Wnmental NRalth Servieea, Haxardour Mctcrfala Managament Division. The new law nay also prohibit the permitting of a facility handling Acutely Hazardous Matorial6 to be (6' wlthin 1,000 feet Of the outer boundary of a school (K thru 12) unless first mrrting the nquircnents of Management and Prevention Program, TO determine whrther your burinora is subject to these new requirements, please read and complete this qUeltlOnnafre. If the an.3~ to mi of tho qwrtiona klor Is yen, rppllunt must contact the Humlour Mtorlrls Ihnrggcnt DlvMon, 1256 Iaporlal Avo.. 3rd PI., Sm Diqo. U 92138-5261. Telephone: (619) 338-2222.. Wilt your busfnirr activity generate Hazardous Waste in any quantity, in any physical form (solid, liquid, gaa)? Will your buslnwr 3t any on) time store, use or handle Hazardous Substances in quantities equal tO Or greater thm 65 gallons, SO0 pounds or 200 cubic feet of compreiaed gas? ufl1 your business store. us8 or handle Carcinogens or Hunnn Reproductfvc Toxins in any amount? Will your buslners store, use ar handle Gases with Threshold Llmlt Values or TIM Weighted Average8 of 10 parts per million or less? Mi11 your business use an exlsting or install an Underground Storage Tank for Hazardous Substances or Hazardous Uerter? Will your businirr stora, use or handle Acutely Hazardous Materirls? If your burinsrr wlll be handling Acutely Hazardous Materials, will your business be located wlthin 1,000 feet from the outar boundary of a school? Erlifly Ocscrlbe Nature of thr Busfness dctivfty or ProceJs: - It pur burinern lilted on PrlntBd Namo Of her or Authoritad Agent A~~mvr- . QdICK LL'j35 k.ILI , tu Origlnal and 1st copy to Amllcant. 3rd COPY to DHS-HMD. 2nd COPY to l I Business Plan Completed I -. I -I City/County Plan Check Rwiowrd By Date Reviewed By Data SAN DIEGO AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT 9150 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123-1095 (6191 694-3307 New State law, affective July 1,1989, (AB 3205, Chapter 1589, Statues 1988) requires that an applicant for a building permit provide information indicattng whether a permit is required from the Alr Pollution Control DisMct. This law further prohlbits a City or a County from issuing Certificate of Occupancy unless a business has complied with provisions of the law that WE administered by the Air Pollution Control MsMct. The new law also imposes additional permitting requirements for a facility within 1,000 Met of the outer boundary of a school (K thru 12). To determine whethm your business hr subject to these new requments# please compkte this qu8stIOnnalte. $I Conhol District Permit Categories. a 1. Will the intended occupant install or use any of the equipment ltated on the Ustlng of Air PollutiOn 2. (Answer only If the answer to 1 above is YES) Wm the subject facility be located within 1000 feet of the outer boundaiy of a school (K thtw 12) as listed in the current Directory of School and Communlty College Districts, publlshed by the San Mego County Omce of Education and the Current Calffornia Private School Dtrectov, compiled in accordance wlth provlstons of Education Code Section 33190. (IF ANSWER TO 1 IS Yas, APPLICANT MUST CONTACT THB APCD DIRBCTLY) 11 APCD use anlv STATU'S: APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE EXEMIT FROM APCD OF BUILDING PERMIT, BUT APPROVED FOR OCCUPANCY i'3RMIT REQUIREMENTS NOT FOR OCCUPANCY (APCD Authdty to Construct Issued) Conflrmln Stam Conflrmlng Stam County Mechanical, Inc. DESIGN / BUILD HVAC ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS 6/20: Wuty: We have done this on parking garages in most cases that are vest facing and open on both ends. June 19, 1990 This Subject : RE: City Of 2075 Las Palmas Carlsbad, CA 92009 another decision you have to make. What are ATTN: Building Official is just a lube shop. You have the floor plan attached to your wishes? Carter Plan check correction 1131, "Mechanical exhaust requirement per UBC section 705 or 905". Speedy Lube Plan Check XCB 90-840 I Car Country Plaza, Car 1 sbad Dear Sir, With regard to the subject plan check query, may we explain the circumstances surrounding this particular aspect of the space to fulfill the intent of the UBC in this regard. The garage area comprises of a drive through bay with roll up doors on the east and west faces. Consequently the space is like a corridor with the prevailing winds passing through from west to east. Since the facility is a "drive through", the roll up doors must be open when cars enter the space. The pit area below is part of the same space and has been provided with ventilation giving five(5) air changes per hour. Due to the extent of openness and the nature of the usage, it appears that 5 air changes per hour should be adequate. (Providing 1.5CFM per sq. foot requirement for a parking garage appears to be an overkill.) We request you to review these requirements and authorize the omission of ventilating equipment providing 1.5CFM per sq. foot. Your early response to this request will be appreciated. Sincerely yours, Office: 303 "A" Street, &e. 401, San Diego, CA 92101 Mailing: P.O. Box 2332, La Mesa, CA 920444643 (619) 238-9601 Fax (619) 238-9661 COUNTY MECHANICAL. INC. LIC. #481051 6/19/90 Uarty: Seers reasonable. What do you say? Carter RICKMARRS INC. MCHmCTUAE DES4N .'FUNNING c JUNE 15.1990 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 LAS PALMAS DR. CARLSBAD, CA. 92009 ATTN: CARTER DARNELL RE: SPEEDEE OIL CHANGE, CAR COUNTRY PLAZA DEAR CARTER, THIS LETTER IS IN REFERENCE TO THE SPEEDEE OIL CHANGE LOCATED AT CAR COUNTRY PLAZA. WE ARE REQUESTING AN EXEMPTION FROM THE HANDICAP CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR TOILET ROOM #1 FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS. 1) TOILET ROOM #1 IS FOR THE USE OF "PIT" EMPLOYEES ONLY AND HANDICAP FACILITIES WOULD NOT BE NECESSARY. 2) TOILET ROOM t2 MEETS ALL HANDICAP CODE REQUIREMENTS AND IS FOR USE BY CUSTOMERS AS WELL AS OFFICE STAFF. WE WERE GRANTED SUCH A WAIVER FROM THE HANDICAP REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PIT AREA RESTROOM WITH THE CITIES OF SAN DIEGO, BELLFLOWER. REDLANDS. RIVERSIDE, CATHEDRAL CITY AND GARDEN GROVE. WE HOPE YOU WILL CONSIDER US FOR THE SAME WAIVER. dICI? MARRS. PRESIDENT RICK MARRS. INC. 8530 UNIVE~SIN AVENUE * LA MEM. CA 99091 RWaw (elm] 4ee-eo.11 I / I ! i i \; \ I !, \ 1 I