HomeMy WebLinkAbout1060 AUTO CENTER CT; A; CB901388; PermitBUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CB901388 08/30/90 14: 29 Project No: A9001547 Page 1 of 1 Development No : Job Address: 1060 AUTO CENTER CT Permit Type: SIGN - Ste: c.--- Str : F1: __ Parcel No: 211-080-02-00 Valuation: 2,500 Construction Type: NEW Occupancy Group: Class Code: Status: ISSUED Description: TWO WALL SIGNS SPEEDEE Applied : 0 8/ 3 0/9 (I Apr/Issue: 08/30/90 Validated By: KZH CONTRACTOR : RB INDUSTRIES Lic. C NO OWNER : CARLTAS DEVELOPMENT CO. ,*--.:.. . . Lic. OWNER _____---_-__----____-------- ---,---i,'-;i,,Lr-,_-____________________---- **A Fees Required *** **x-"-.' , ,, "*'$&+3 .Collected E, Credits *** Adjustments : .. 00 1 ., :. , .&& cz+&ts: .00 Total Fees: 89.00 :, .T&,tk', Paymehes : .00 , ,~ .. .. ,, Fees : 89;oo .. Ba'iBhce b.ri.;; 89.00 Fee description I units' , Feeflnit ,, Ext fee Data 54.00 35.00 Building Permit Plan Check * BUILDING TOTAL 89.00 , :. crpl OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 1619) 438 1161 1. PERMIT TYPE WENANT IMPROVEMENT ~ EST. VAL a r PLAY a: DEWSIT , 2. PROJECT INFORMATION PLAN CHECK No. FOR OFFICF USF ON1 Y Building BLDG. so. FTG. u or S,OR,LS 3. CONTACT PERSON ADDRESS CllV STATE ZIP CWE DAY TELEPHOHE CITY 5-k & . qlO7( STATE & ZIP CWi DAY TELEPHONE STATE LlC. U % LICENSE cim C'-6//b-f tin BUSINESS LIC. u SIGNATURE TITLE U,?. DATE 1301G 0 lYSURAWCE CDIP*"" %c c?c oh*, poiici yo. dCZ3? '73&10* //IF DESIGNER NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CWE OL" TELEPHO*E SlAlE Llt. X ~ u- - I- 7. WORKERS' COMPENSATION Yorkerr' Cnpnsafion Declaration: I hereby affirm Chat I have a certificate of cmsenl to self-insure issued by the Director of lndurfrial Relations. or B certificate of Workers' Cnpnssfion Insurance by an adnifced insurer. or an ex8ct copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer fher f tiled with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800. iab. c). Certificate of Ex-fion: IO as to kc- subject CO the Yorkers' Cnpnsafion Laws of California. I certify fhsf in the performance of the work for which this permit 10 Issued. I ahall not wbldylany perron ~n any mnmr SIGIIITVIIE DATE 8. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Owner-Builder Oeclaraflon: I hereby afflim that I em exempt from the Contractor's Llc~nse Law for the fallowing reason: I as owner of the property or my eqloyeer with wages as lhelr sole cmpenraflon. will do the work and the sfrmlure IS not lnfended or offered for sale llec. 7044. Burlnesl and Proferrions Code: The Contractarms Llcenie Law does not apply 10 an owner of property rho builds or irvoves thereon.. and who doer such work hlnrelf or through his own employees, pvov'ded that such lnpmvementi are not intended 07 offered for sale. if, however. rhe bullding or lmpravmnf 15 sold rlthln one year of compler!on. the owner-bullder xlll have the burden of proving that he d!d nof bulld or >"prove for the purpase of sale.). 0 I. as Owner of fhe properly, am exclurlvely conrracfing rlfh 1)censed contractors to construct rhe pm)ecI iSec. 70U. Business ad ProfesrionB Code: The COnfrBCfOr'S License L8Y doer not 'ply 10 en owner of property who builds or >mprvver thereon. and contracts far such projects with contractoris) licensed pirruanl fo fhe Contractor's License Law). 0 I an exempt under section Burinerr and Professions Code for this reason: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any ClYy or County which requires a prmif Io consIrucI. alter, inprove. denalirh, or repair any IrTYCIYIc. prior to its ~SSUBM~, also requires the applicant for such permit to flle a signed statement chat he i~ llcenred pirruanr to the provisions of the Contracformr LlcenSe Law (Chapter 9. camnencing wifh Section 7000 of Dlvirlon 3 of the Wslness and Profesrionr Code) 07 that he is ex-f fherefrm. and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any apliranr for a permit subjects the apll~anf to a clvll penalty of not _re than five hundred dollars II500l). SIGNATURE DATE CCMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NOLI-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: 1s the applicanf Or furure building occupant required ro subnit a burinerr plan. acutely hazardous rnalerlals registration form Or risk nanagmnf and prevention program under Sections 25505. 25533 or 25534 of the Presley~lamer Hazardous Iubrrance Accomt Act' * YES Is the applicanf or future building occupanf required D obtain a permit frm the air pollution control d>rfrlcf or elr qualify management disfricr? IB the facility fa be c~nsfru~fed within 1.000 feet of the outer boundary of a rchmi s~cel OW -% Om m If WI Of THE AYWIS ARE YES, A FIMAL ERTIFIUTf OF CCaPWCI UI MOT BE ISWfo AFTER lULI 1. 1969 WLEOI THE AFQLIUYT HAS *ET OP IS *LETIYG THE IEWIRRYTS OF THE OFFICE 06 LILRGtMCI SERVICES AM0 THE AIR FQLLUTIOY DMTROL DISTPICI. 9. CONSTRUCTION LENilING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there 1s a ConSfruclion lending epency for the perforrnance of the work for whlch this permit is lrrued 1Pec 30971i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS 10. APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE I cerfify that I have read the application and state that the above ~ntorrnaf>on is correct. to building CO~P~TUC~~OP. CITY IN COYSEWEKE OF THE GRAYTIYC OF THIS PEWIl. Expirailon. Every permlf lrrued by the BYIldlng Officlal under the provisions of fhbi Code shalt explre by llmlfiltlon and becm null and void if the build,ng or work authorlied by such perm,! Is not cmenced vlfhin 180 days frm the date of such permit or 11 the buildlng or work authorized by Such permlt IS suspended or abandoncd at any flme after the work 1s cmenced for a peilod of 180 days (Section 303id) UnlfDrm Bulldlng Cod*). I agree to comply with a(l Clfy oidlnances and State laws relating I ALSO I hereby aulhorlze rcprerenfar~vcs of the City of Carlrbad to enter upon the above menfloncd prooerty for ~nspecllon purpser. AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AYO KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY or URLSBLO &WINIT ALL LIIBILITIES. JUOOIEYTS, COSTS AMO EXPENSES YHKH MI IY AMI wr ACCRUE AWlYSl SAID 0s" PHONE APPROMO By; DATE: u OWER @&TOR VhKCE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance