HomeMy WebLinkAbout1075 Magnolia Ave; ; 85-493; Permit.. z 0 ~ "' .. ~ :.l 0 "' i[ " "' "' 0 ~ 5 I "' z 3 0 z 0 ~ z "' .. " 0 " .. ic "' " "' 0 3 ![ D I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 1commenc1ng with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effect L,c No 443348 L'a,; C36 I hereby afflfm that am exempt from the Contrac tors license Law tor the f:Ji1011,nq reaso~ !Sec 7031 5 Bus,ness and Protess,ons Code Any c,ty or co,"nty w~,rn re quires a perm,1 to cons!cuct aller improve. demol,sh or repair any s1ructure pr,or ta ,ts ,ssu~nce also ·ecu1res !",e ap pl,cant for such oerm,t !O Ille a s,~sed s:ate,,.,enr thar he rs lrrnnsed pursuant to lhe pcov,s,o~s ~f :•,e COnTra~tor s ucense Law !ChJpter 9 ccmrrenc,nq w to Sectio~ /IJOO af o,v,s,on 3 ol lhe Busmess aed ProIess1ons C~de1 or thar •s e, emot lheretrom and 1he basis lo· the alleqed exempl,on My v10IaI,on of Section 7031 5 oy an dppl1cdn! for a permit sub Iects lhe app;Icant to a cIvI, penalty of noI more tr.an five hJn dred dollars ($500' I. as owner of !he p,operty or my employees w,tn wages as their so,e comoensatIon. will do the work and 'he siruc ture Is nol intended or o1lered for sale !Sec 7044 Bus,ness and Protess1ons Code The Contractor's License Law does nor apply to an owner ot property who builds or improves thereon and who does such wor~ h1msell or lhrough his own employees. provided thal such improvements are not intend ed or otfered for sale If. however. the bu,ld1ng or Improve- men1 Is sold w1th1n one year 01 compleI,on. tne owner-builder will have lhe burden of proving !hat he did not build or ,m- prove lor the purpose of saleJ '_] I, as owner ot the property. am exclusively contrachng w•lh licensed conTractors to construct lhe proIect {Sec 7044 8usmess and Protess1ons Code. The Conlraclor's License Law does not apply to an owner 01 property who builds or Im proves thereon. and who contracts lor each proIecls with a con1ractor(s) I,cense pursuant to the ConI,aclor's License Law) l As a homeowner I am ImprovIng my home and the tollow Ing cond1t1ons exist 1 The work Is being perlormed prior to sale 2 I have lived In my home 1or Twelve months prior to completmn of l!l,s work I have not claimed th,s exempl1on during the last three years n I am exempt under Sec _____ _ B&PC lor this reason ____________ _ 0Xhereby <11/orm 111a\ I ha~e <l cer11!1cate 01 consent 10 self insure. or a cer1,f,cale of Worke•s Gompensa1,on lnsur<1nce. or a cer1,toeci copy thereof (Sec 380:l. Labor CodeI eoucrno 'K:621698048 coMPA"' Mary land Casualty QXopy ,s !lied with 1he c,ty 0 Cer11toed copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATE. OF EXl:.MPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This sec1,on need not be completed ,t lhe perm,, ,s tor one hunC!red dollars 1s1001 o, Iess: D I cert,ty th.JI rn the pertormance ot the worl< 1or which th,s perm,t ,5 ,ssued. I sh<lil not employ any pe<son m <1ny m<1nner so a5 10 become 5ubIec1 10 !he Wori<.ers· CompenS<l11on Laws ot Caldorn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If <1!1e, mak,nJ lh•s Ce~ 11c<1te 01 E,empt,on. you should becor-,e sutiIe, 1 ,,, the Worl<ers· CompensaI,on prov,s,ons or ine Labo' Code you mus! fonh,.,,lh comply w,th suc'1 provIsIons or th,s perm,t shall ti-e dee"'ed 'e•oked 0 I hereby affirm lhat there •S a con~tru,:I,or Iend,ng .igency 'O' lh!" per1011nan, f> ut the wor>. :,, wn,ch th,s pemnt ~ ,~s~ed ,Sec )(fl? (,.,1 C0<lf> tenders Name None Lenders Address __________ _ ___ I USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT (/(Ji 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, Cal1forn1a 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 ~ sos ;~;;s:~=olia Ave-Av sTRo. NE;:;;:::;: St J°': :: ;::uc,noNI R;:;•ss uc,Nse • vACuAT10N tf~ 1/MP ;~ 3 MsER LOT BLOCK I SV801VIS!ON I ASSESSOAPAACELNO. CONTRACTOR ·-; CONTRACTORS PHONE# ZONE / OWNE'R'SNAME I OWNER'S PHONE 11. ..... 1---nl--1-.!----<t, ..... CONTRACTOR"S ADDRESS -~ LICENSE NO. PLAN 1.0. # BLDG lJSE CODE Mildred Hall 729-2093 _ OWNER'SMAILINGADORESS ')QlQ ,1 .,.___ "1,'l'lAO 1075 Maanolia Ave. DESIGNER LICENSE#-STANDARD PLAN# BUILDING SQ FOOTAGE DESCRIPTION OF WORK 0,c,,,r-.. l OESIGNE A'S ADDRESS OESIGNER"S PHONE ------------F.P FLR ELE'V NO OCCGP EDU STORIES vQ NC] CENSUS TAACl I GP LAND USE I PARKING SPACE: AES UNITS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REDEV£LOPME'NT TYPE occ LOAD FIR£ SPA AREA CONST Y O N O v D , D v O NO Not Valid Unless M~chine Certified QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT. ISSUE $7 • SO QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS iJP TD 100,000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 01-00·00·8220 EACH BUILDING SEWER OVER 100,000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8221 ----e------+-----I---------------- 7 EACHWATERHEATERANU-ORVENT ~') c:f\ B0lLERiCOMPRESSORUPT03HP -PLANCHECK 01-00·00·8806 EACH GASSY_~TEM 1 TO 4 OUTLET~--______ f--_______ _ BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HP --TOTALPLU.~_i3~~-----01-00-00-8222 ~1 n ,....OQ __ _ EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE 1----'---f---+METAL FIREPLACE Cf~ ---1----~-ELECTRICAL 01-00-00·8223 .__-+_E_A_CH_INSTA(.. ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE ----+-____ VENT FAN SING·L-~~-T __ -, ..... --·-,--MECHANICAL 01-00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST -□,□uCTS MOBILEHOME 01-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER ! RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP EACH ROOF DRA-N ! \ISinE·, 1 SOLAR __ __ 01:00:_0_0-_8.2.26. -+-----------+ TOThl MECHANICAL STRONG MOTION 80-92-33-0519 --TC!i-AL p L uMs IN c 1 ~ 10. oO ___ FIRE sPRINi<LERs 01-00-00-822? -I- I PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 32-00-00-8930 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE -----BRIDGE FEE NEW CONST EA AMP SWT BKR COLL~CTORS SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT 1 PH 3 PH / STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad 80-92·21-0519 EXIST BLOG EA AMP:'SWT BKR / ROCK STORAGE' __.....----Encinitas 80-92-22-0519 1 PH 3 l;.W PUMP _,,,-San D1eguito 80-92-23°.~05~1~,--t----- REr,,1QDELALHR PtRCJ-i'fCUIT PLANCHECKFEt / SanMarcos 80-92-24-0519 -------------+----------1 TEMPPOLE lOOA~ / 0 VER 200 AMPS " ----,--,-,,""--------+---~--L-IC_E_N_S_E-TA_X_0_1--00---00--8-1_6_2------+----------l ---- IEMP OCCUPANCY 1JO DAYSI ' --'----/ MFF 80-92-57-0519 -< CREDIT DEPOSIT -- TnT AL rlfLTHICAL I JOT Al SOLA8 TOTAL FEES PAY I ABLE SlO. 00 ! HAVE CAAEFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPl,.ETED ''APPLICATION.AND PERMIT'· AND DO HEREBY E)(piration. E~per.mi_tis~uedbythe8ulldmg6fficial~nderltiepr!Wi~onsofthis * AN OSttA Pf.AMIT ISftEQUIREO FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER Pt NALTY OF PERJUAY THAT All !NFbAMATION HEREON INCLUDING ·THE Code shall e,cpire by hm_italion 8nd become nuH 8nd vmd. If the building Of" work 5' Ofi OEEP ANO oEMOLITK)N °" CONSTRt.K;lK)W OF authonzed by such cperm11"' not commenced w1lbm 180days from the<1ate of such DECLARATIONS AR_E TRUE AND C?RAECT AND I FU~THEA CERTIFY ~D AGREE IF A PERMIT IS permit or if the blJilding or work authOrlze,d by such permit 1s,suspended or STRUCT\JRES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. 'COUNlY AND S! ATE LAWS GOVERN-ING BlJILDfNG CON-l_!•~••!!•!!!do!>_ned'!!"L.'•O!_t .!'"!'Jwtc>ll!m!!!•!c•!!ft!!•~• )!the!!_!we,o~tk'.!•!!.£oom2!!!m~en~ce!!d!!_!llo!!•_!•~!!!"o,sd[!o,!f_J1J!801_d<!J•!ll••--;::;cP'""'""'"""""',---------_;--------~ STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFlEO HER£1N OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND C , lf-0 tiff APPROVED BY A KEEP HARMLESS THE CfTY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST.All UASIUTIES: ,)UD'?MENTS, COST$ ANO A~PLI ANTS StGNATURE OWNER (;'ONTRACTORr /? D~E () < EXPENSES WHICH MAY 1N ANY WAY:ACC~UE AGAtNST SAtD CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF TH~ 1' "' .,,,,, ---9 BY PHONE O 1 7.// / f/2 GRANTING OF THIS PERM!T, ' , ' ' ' -, , ' -~,',. • ~ ~I. . ~, tJ - / . © u_ ~ ~ 0 Q E © f- 32 0 "' C rn u Q Q <{ I 1 C 0:: 0 m m © m m <{ ~ 0 '" >- ii m © u 0 a: rn oi a ~ © u C rn C u_ ,::_ C © ~ CJ 0 u © Q m C 2 re s: TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING □ ROOF C SHEAR FRAME EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING SEWER AND BL/CO DiPL/CO UNDERGROUND !J WASTE r:_: WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE C WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST LJ WATER HEATER [J SOLAR WATER ELECTRICAL □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY □ BONDING □ POOL MECHANICAL □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL ,..;:• \ MECHANICAL . -\~ GAS ,,.._ \"" BUILDING ~\ \'-W SPECIAL CONDITIONS . \. ' '- I .-·---------- FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTION SOILS C0~1PI_.AN,.-E PRIOR TC FOLiNOA"TIQr,,.. 1r,,..5p REO IF I INSPECTOR s CHECKED APPROVAL DATE STRUCTU9AL CONCl-1E-TE: ----+--- OVER 2000 PSI PRES TRESSED CONCRETE POS7 TE\15.!ClNE.r: CONCRETE FIELD VVELD1NG l ')~'[C,A~ VA'.:,(JNF-'Y Hl\~>-1 ST9E".JG~c., -------i-----1 l::JOI TS ----.- +------+---- 1----------+--~---t---i '°ILE'.:i CAI ~'.:,C·r-...: f--------- t-----------+----,------+------- r---------+------+-----+---- t-----·------ --~---+----- r-----. ------I-----__, __ _ ---i------- is~443 : INSPECTOR'S NOTES I I I I I I I I ----- f------~----+ ---+------+-----' f---------------_!_l _____________ __j I f-------------1---+-----+-----I I I ' I ~ J