HomeMy WebLinkAbout1099 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; CB110403; Permit08-31-2011 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit Permit No: CB110403 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1099 BUENA VISTA WY CBAD RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Status: 1552510200 Lot#: 0 Applied: $391,092.00 Construction Type: 5B Entered By: Reference #: Plan Approved: 1 Structure Type: MF2-4 Issued: 4 Bathrooms: 3 Inspect Area: SMERUD RES- BUILD NEW 3,125 SF Orig PC#: 789 SF GARAGE, 138 SF PORCH ( DEMO OLD HOME Plan Check # UNDER CB091878) SEE CB110405 FOR ATTACHED SDU ISSUED 02/23/2011 LSM 08/31/2011 08/31/2011 110008 Applicant: MARTIN VOLK Owner: SMERUD FAMILY TRUST 03-27-97 2835 PROGRESS PL ESCONDIDO CA 92029 3667 CAMINO MARGLESA ESCONDIDO CA 92025 Building Permit $1,708.81 Meter Size Add'l Building Permit Fee $0.00 Add'l Reel. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Plan Check $1,110.73 Meter Fee $403.00 Add'l Plan Check Fee $290.00 SDCWA Fee $0.00 Plan Check Discount $0.00 CFD Payoff Fee $0.00 Strong Motion Fee $39.11 PFF (3105540) $1,319.48 Park in Lieu Fee $0.00 PFF (4305540) $1,217.99 Park Fee $0.00 License Tax (3104193) $0.00 LFM Fee $0.00 License Tax (4304193) $0.00 Bridge Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0.00 Other Bridge Fee $0.00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0.00 BTD #2 Fee $0.00 Sidewalk Fee $0.00 BTD #3 Fee $0.00 PLUMBING TOTAL $252.00 Renewal Fee $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $60.00 Add'l Renewal Fee $0.00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $81.00 Other Building Fee $0.00 Housing Impact Fee $0.00 HMP Fee $0.00 Housing InLieu Fee $0.00 Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Housing Credit Fee $0.00 Meter Size FS1 Master Drainage Fee $1,422.90 Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Sewer Fee $0.00 Red. Water Con. Fee $0.00 Additional Fees ($331.00) Green BIdg Stands (SB 1473) Fee $12.00 Fire Sprinkler Fees $195.00 Green BIdg Stands Plan Chk Fee ?? TOTAL PERMIT FEES $7,781.02 Total Fees: $7,781.02 Total Payments To Date: $7,781.02 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: V '/ Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project Includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, resen/ations, or other exactions hereafter collectively refen-ed to as lees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this pemiit was issued to protest imposition of these fees'exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set foilh in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or sen/ice fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviousiv been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previouslv othenwise expired. 08-31-2011 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) Permit Permit No:SW110079 Job Address: Pemiit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: CB#: Project Title: 1099 BUENA VISTA WY CBAD SWPPP 1552510200 PCI10008 Lot#: SMERUD RES- BUILD NEW 3,125 SF W/ 789 SF GAR, 138 SF PORCH, & 640 SF 2ND DU W/ Priority: L Applicant: MARTIN VOLK 2835 PROGRESS PL ESCONDIDO 92029 858 997 5866 Emergency Contact: MARTIN VOLK Status: Applied: Entered By: Issued: Inspect Area: Tier: Owner: SMERUD FAMILY TRUST 03-27-97 3667 CAMINO MARGLESA ESCONDIDO CA 92025 ISSUED 02/23/2011 LSM 08/31/2011 1 858 997 5866 SWPPP Plan Check SWPPP Inspections Additional Fees $0.00 $54.00 $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $54.00 Total Fees: $54.00 Total Paynnents To Date: $54.00 Balance Due: $0.00 FINAL APPr^OVAL SI6NATURE__ Inspection List Permit#: CB110403 Type: RESDNTL SFD SMERUD RES- BUILD NEW 3,125 SF 789 SF GARAGE, 138 SF PORCH ( DEMO Date Inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 09/28/2012 89 Final Combo PD AP 09/28/2012 89 Final Combo -Rl 09/26/2012 510 Finals -Rl FINAL ON BUILDING 08/03/2012 23 Gas/Test/Repairs PD AP 08/01/2012 39 Final Electrical PD AP 02/23/2012 17 Interior Lath/Drywall PD PA 02/22/2012 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test PD AP 02/15/2012 16 Insulation PD AP 02/09/2012 84 Rough Combo PD AP 01/24/2012 13 Shear Panels/HD's PD AP 01/23/2012 13 Shear Panels/HD's PD CA ROLLED TO 1/24 12/19/2011 13 Shear Panels/HD's PD PA AT FRONT 12/19/2011 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall PD WC 12/12/2011 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin PD PA @ PARTY WALL 12/02/2011 16 Insulation MC WC 12/02/2011 24 Rough/Topout MC PA PRE-LIM WATER TOP OUT FOR INSULATION INSTALLATION 11/18/2011 15 Roof/Reroof JM AP OK TO COVER LOWER SOFFITS GABLES 11/08/2011 15 Roof/Reroof PD AP 10/06/2011 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 09/27/2011 21 Underground/Under Floor PD AP 09/27/2011 22 Sewer/Water Service PD AP 09/26/2011 21 Underground/Under Floor PD CA N/londay, October 01, 2012 Page 1 of 1 CmssBgt^'JRD COPY Building Department INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB CALL PRIOR TO 4:00 P.M. FOR NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION CB^x0403 1099 BUENAVISTAWY SMERUD RES- BUILD NEW 3,125 SF 789 SF GAIRAGE, 138 SF PORCH ( DEMO OLD HOME UNDER CB091878) SEE CB110405 FOR ATTACHED SDL RESDNTL SFD Lot#: MARTIN VOLK FOR BUILDING INSPECTION CALL: 760-602-2725 APPROVED TO COVER DATE: Type of Inspection Date inspector Notes BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY • GROUT • WALL DRAINS TILT PANELS POUR STRIPS COLUMN FOOTINGS SUBFRAME • FLOOR • CEILING ROOF SHEATHING EXT. SHEAR PANELS FRAME INSULATION EXTERIOR LATH INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL FINAL PLUMBING JBtEWER AND BL/CO • PL/CO UNDERGROUND QJUTASTE RWATER i /-1 II TOP OUT • WASTE • WATER i TUB AND SHOWER PAN • GAS TEST • GAS PIPING • WATER HEATER • SOLAR WATER FINAL _^ ELECTRICAL /H^ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND i^LiXeER 10- (/' ll ROUGH ELECTRIC WALLS ROUGH ELECTRIC CEILING ^^..EtECTRIC SERVICE • TEMPORARY • BONDING • POOL PHOTO VOLTAIC FINAL MECHANICAL UNDERGROUND DUCTS & PIPING • DUCT & PLEM. • REF. PIPING HEAT - AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS 4^ FINAL CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED FINAL Sign When Appropriate Building Dept. (Inspections) (760) 602-2725 Fire Department (760)602-4660 Planning Department (760) 602-4602 Engineering Dept. (Inspections) (760) 438-3891 Building Inspectors (7am-4pm) (760) 602-2700 0 • CIVIWD (760) 438-2722 Ext 7151 ^0 REV 8/2009 1635 Faraday Ave. • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • 760-602-2700 • www.carlsbadca.gov SEE BACK FOR SPECIAL NOTES SPEAR & ASSOCIATES. INC, CIVIL ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING 475 PRODUCTION STREET SAN MARCOS, CA. 92078 (760) 736-2040 FAX (760) 736-4866 A CERTIFIED SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (SBE) OCTOBER 5, 2011 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-7314 RE: RICHARD SMERUD RESIDENCE 1099 BUENA VISTA WAY PROJECT NO. CDP 10-12 DRAWING NO. 470-8A SUBJECT: BUILDING FORM CERTIFICATION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE BUILDING FORMS FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT HAVE BEEN VERIFIED BY FIELD SURVEY MEASUREMENTS BOTH HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY AND FOUND TO BE INSTALLED PER THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAN. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, PLS 6404 CHRISnAN WHEELER. ENGINEERING DAILY REPORT TLxAr^^^vt/ /0'^<^-'f/ PfO|SCt NCNM 1 j0m ( ' *S,L*^ .Or. A l<~C ^ Prafstf AddvMS . . Canlrador '"^ ^ dVDOoniiuciui Q tMnfenwl Cgnmi* • Pr»-Str«n»d CowcrW • Rakiferotd Menonry •fpoxv AiNlWs • S|MpW«Mln8 •PWdW.lcttiB OFb^raoflno '>@^_ji^tS"T-;.'^j AAotvrlal/Equipmanh _ Ji ^'j I / WMriMfi ' / Dcrt* TinraStart: /o^O Tim*End: ^^-^ Tim*BIIW: ^ CZlS ^ J5»«s«^«^ /^j.-^'i-.-v T ^ s*" \ . e .-i -^is. L»«- TV-.f .^w ei-«f J UiaMiii<«»«laHwf^SiJ**'*«***'**^ SupariMmdani'* SlonahM* Dot*/ liiip«ctorA«<<i"Mo"(W'*wTyi») --O • SupariMmdani'* SlonahM* Dot*/ 3980 Home Avenue • San Diego, CA 92105 • 619-550-1700 -f FAX 619-550-1701 PC110008 FOR MORE INFORMATION