HomeMy WebLinkAbout1120 CHESTNUT AVE; ; CB162803; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 07-20-2016 Miscellaneous Permit Permit No: CB162803 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: Applicant: Buildin9 Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1120 CHESTNUT AV CBAD MISC 2051202500 $0.00 Subtype: REROOF Lot#: 0 HEATHERINGTON: 1800 SF REROOF WI MODIFIED TORCH Owner: Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 07/20/2016 JMA 07/20/2016 07/20/2016 APODACA ROOF SERVICES HALL THOMAS L&MONICA H TRUST 06-03-97 P 0 BOX 2591 VISTA CA 92085 760 518-1259 Miscelaneous Fee #1 Miscelaneous Fee #2 Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Total Fees: $107.00 Inspector: PERMIT FEE 4115 SKYLINE RD CARLSBAD CA 92008 Total Payments To Date: $107.00 FINAL APPROVAL Date: 7 · 2,j·( ~ Balance Due: Clearance: $107.00 $0.00 $0.00 $107.00 $0.00 f\DTICE: Rease take f\DTICE that appro.ta1 cf ycur prgect irdudes the "lfTlX)Siticn" cf fees, dedicatims, reservatims, cr other exa::tims hereafter cdlectivey referrEd to as ''feeslexa::tims." Ycu have 00 days from the date tlis p.311lit WclS issued to protest ifTlX)Siticn of these feeslexa::tims. If ycu protest trem, yoo rrust fdiONthe protest procEdures set forth in GNemrren[ Oxle Secticn 66020(a), ard file the protest ard any other requirEd informaticn wth the Oty f\IJ3ra,;Jerfcr prooessi11J in acrorclanrnwth Carlsba:l M.Jnidpal Oocle Secticn 3.32.030. FailuretotirrelyfdiONthat procEdurewlllEr any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, vdd, (;( arnu their ifTlX)Sition. Ycu are hereby F\.RTl-ER f\DTIRED that yur right to protest the specifiEd feeslexa::l:ims cx.:ES I\OT ,APR_ Y to Wlter ard seAer axnecticn fees ard capadty changas, ra plarni11J, zcni11J, gradi11J cr other sinilar appicaticn processii1J cr serviCE fees in cxnrecticn wth tlis prgect. N'.:R cx::ES IT APPLY to arry feeslexactimsofvklidl have 'ousl been ·venaf\DTICEsinilartothis crastoi.Midlthestatutecflinitaticnshas evicusl otherWsee 'rEd. I EXISTING USE Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602~2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: bul!ding@car!sbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov ______ j l Workers' Compensatian Oetlaratlon: i heroby affirm trmler psnaity ofperywy one of the fonowir.;; declarations: 1 D i llave and wm maint~in a cl!rtilicate of consent lo self-iflll!lre lor wurkers' compensati<:m as providert by Seclion 3100 of !he Labor Code, for me pertormance oi the work tor which this permit is issuert. j.klJ h~\re r!md \\'in m~dntain ?-.'o~ern1 etJmpert'!!~~ten. ~ re~u!rod hv S~!or. 3700 of ttl~ Lr;bm Code for the ~rfcrr!'lan~ t.f th~ 1:vr'li1~ far lt'}hich this !)"'2rmit fs !SSt ltd. My worl\~rs· ecmpen~~ti~'1 ff1-'Jt!rznr~ tarrier :.;nd polfey number are: Insurance Co. C... 5 V:=:t p--c_ fl' c..-r ~-----· Policy No. 7 () I V J ~y-o Expiration Data b ·-y--/ ?- I!Jls section need not be r.ompll:ltert ittne pe1111tt is tor one hundr;id dollars ($100) or tess. [] Certificate of Exemption: I cefllfy that In the performance ill the worn for whiCh this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to 1he Wor'Kers' Compensation Laws of Ca!ifomia. WJ'\RN!IIIG: Failure to ~eclJre worn ern' c~mponsatinn coverage is un!l!iwM, ~nd shaM subject an amplll',mr lo crimlna! p~m~!llso and civil lines up !o ell~ hundred !hous~Md dtlllars (&lOO,l!Oll), In addition to the cost ol compensation, damages as provided lf~ction 370& of !he Labor code, interest and attomey's lees . • ~CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ·: . C?! . ~ . . . . . ·... . !GENT DATE I hereby affirm that/ am exempt from ConlTaC!Ors License Law fi)r!he toliowmg reason: 0 as owner of the property or my employees with wa.;~es as their sole compensation. wli! do tile wo~' and t!1e stmcture is not lntanded or offered !or sale (Sac. 7G44, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors Law d~es not apply to a~·~ m~me: of property v,flo and lf.fh'J doe:; such INOrk h1m~elf or through his own thet such lmprovemerts are not intended or offered tor 0 D sale. if~ however, u~~e building 01 improvGmen; is sold wlthin one year of completion, burden ot prov1i"lg or impro'.J& forth& purpo~e of sa!s), !, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting wit~ licensed controctors to conslruct tile project (Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves tnernon, and contracts for such projects with corrtractor(s) liCf'.nsed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). l am e~emp~ untfer Sectton, -·--·~·-"-' -·-~"_,_Btl&ness and Pr-ofesslons Crnie ·fur thl~ reason, I. i }MSOi1~)' ~ali tU tlfln·i.it: iin31fwr.n i~"l emU llldi!i:Jidis kit Cill~!.lli\.tit:.tn ol U·re i-J10f)OS4.."\i piOiJitfiY iHIJ}fOV~fl~t:(IL 0Yt5 o~o 2. I {have I have not) signed an applica~on for a buiklirlg permit for t11e proposed worn. 3. I have contracted with tllfl toYowing person (firm) to provide t11e proposert con&1tvction (include name address i phone I contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of t11e wor'o, but I have hired the following person to coordinate. supervise and provide the major work (include name I address I phone I contractors' license number): 5. 1 wm pmitlde some of ti·te work, but i hBve corrtracted {hired) th.a followlng ptHsons to pmvide !11e work indicated {include narne I address 1 phr)f'IB ! type ol wort<): fiS PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE to sub;-r:it a tusiress ptr:.n, asutei}' hazar:Jc:Js f'flateiais r~gis~re:ion fo~m o: ris~ H1B'l2'.]e:r1B:l~ ::1 Yo:;; CJ No is t~e a~~h:.::e:·: cr futve: t:.;:i::'~g CC':::'Jpar;t require1 to ot:e;n a pern;H:fro'11 tr0 a·r r;~ti•Jt'o,, c::1tro: d:s::~ct c~ '1;r qt:a!·:y mz12:;e·:ie''t Ci;h:::? f.j Yes LJ NJ Is the facility W be ccnst~;cted w\lhin 1,000 fee! of !he outer boundary of a school scrte? Cl Yes Cl No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPliCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERViCES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I hereby affirm that there is a constwction lending agency for the performance oflhe work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). Lender's Narne Lenders Address 1 cerlifj!Jlat I have read the appiie<rtion and sretetflatthe above info!l'nation is conectand that the information on 1!1e plans is accurate. I agree to comp!yv.ith all CIIJ! ordinances and Stille laws relating to buildingcons!Juctinn. e:--te:uX;:'' t~e aOC\"2 rren~·:;~:ed p:ope:ty fc:''lSpecrc:~ ~·J-p:;scs, J ,1-ILSO fo.i:;~=E TO S.<\VE, 1!\EJ::\"l~)r.:y 1\NLl K~EP H!<~!l~ESS Tf-4E C!l'r' cr c:.~~S3t\O COSTS AND EXPENSEB ~'~.c'HICH ~1AY 1;~ ANY~Vf...Y r\CCRUE AGAilVST SAID Cin'lN CC!~SEQUEi~CE CF THE GR~~NTP1."G GFTHlS FCJ(tv1lT. OSHA. ,,n OSHA perm". is required for excavations over 50' deep and demolition or constructKin of structures over 3 stories rn height ::XPlrv\i!QN· Every ~ir;rm'~ i;sued by the BJ1kFng Qffldal under me prov:sions of tnis Code shall expire by !iml!at;an and oocorr.e nuH ar~d vo~:! ~the b~J~k:ling or \VUfk authorized by such permit is not o:vrmenced v/t:ln 'S. ~ c2)S ~"' '"" oot~ 0kucn f>?1111 r u rf ti'"l biJ'I'rng o· \VJ"-< at~ by surh pem·•t t' ,;uspemied or ahandanecl a: any t.ne a'tertne wJ~~ rs comrrencc'\J fer a oonorJ oi 18-J days (Sec! on 1li5 4 4 U•110rm tlu,kJ '9 Coje) .e!~·"''S"'"""" _:_ -{;J ·""t::----~---_____ o":_e ___ z~_:_:: __ :_~~------------------- STOP: THIS S'ECTION NOT REQUiRED fOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. -,, 6'i' o'c €"'ij"'p",A'jij iff'' ti''o ttl 1nl.~' r C I a'Y''''f> t 'o te'ttt's' '('} fl f'y'f-"-,,,,, '''~'''"·-~'' '' ,, ' CA -c CONTACT (Llstec above) -OCCUPANT (Listed ato·:e) CO!I!TRI'I.CTOR (On Pg. 11 MAl!. TO: o CONTACT (Listed above) •~ OCCUPANT (Listed above) -CONTRACTOR (On Pg. 1) NO CHANGE IN USE I NO CONSTRUC'iiON MAIL./ FAX TO OTHER: o CHANGE OF USE/ NO CONSTRUCTION DATE B-10 REROOFING SUPPLEMENTAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA liON 1. JOB ADDRESS: /'/ 2._ o cL? ~ s tT AJ ._. v ~ u 2. TYPE OF BUILDING: RESIDENTIAL ~------COMMERCIAL ---- 3. ROOF SLOPE: RISE. d-INCHES IN 12 INCHES 4. NUMBER OF EXISTING ROOF COVERING (CIRCLE ONE) 1 2 3 5. TYPE OF EXISTING ROOF COVERING ___ :J-_""_-___ SHEATHING &-'x ~~ vrJ-q, ~ 6 j) I /':=_l c::__j) *6. NEW ROOF MATERIAL yo~ J_, CLASS /T WEIGHT PER SQ. -- 7. NUMBER OF SQUARES /C(' ""~ 11.:> ,') { ~.l r-8. TRADE NAME ·""''/-1 r MANUFACTURER '--"jJ,.-:1 / V ~~ 9. ROOF SYSTEM LISTING: ULNO. ____ _ Lr:.:> Z-.s-I.C.C.E.S. Report# _____ _ ASTM C, 'L z_ ~ 10.18 THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL DESIGN SUFFICIENT TO SUSTAIN THE WEIGHT OF THE PROPOSED ROOF? ~~ NO All roof coverings are required to be CLASS A. Combustible roof coverings of any type or classification are prohibited. I understand the fol!owin<g inspections are required: 1. Tear Off/Pre-Inspection prior to install new roof covering 2. Finallnspection I agree to provide a ladd1EH extending at least 2 rungs above the roof for inspection. ~ _r--Signature ____ ---r--~-----r''---·-'--_______ Date __ 7_~_2._o_-_/_'_"-_· __ Contractor ~~ ·~;w?ef _____ Contractor Name .~ r I< c /~::.l-c_.fh c#--c.... l-)J rr-o7 ./"f _r?CJ v~.f-c• ---? r1 CCJ;r= s t!"k._J~­ *6. Rolled Roofing, Standard/Lite Tile, Asphalt/Comp fiberglass, Built Up, Other Page 6 of6 Rev. 04/14 Inspection List Permit#: CB162803 Type: MISC Date lnsJ.>e<;~i()l'l_!tem __________ _ 07/25/2016 19 Final Structural 07/25/2016 19 Final Structural 07/21/2016 15 Roof/Reroof 07/21/2016 15 Roof/Reroof Tuesday, July 26, 2016 REROOF Inspector Act Rl PO AP Rl PO AP HEATHERINGTON: 1800 SF REROOF WI MODIFIED TORCH Comments LATE AM PLEASE Page 1 of 1