HomeMy WebLinkAbout1145 LARKSPUR LN; ; 87-353; Permit.. z 0 .: .. .. .. ~ 0 w Q ~[ : .... z 8 .. '" Q ~ 5 ~ '" z 3 Q z 0 s z '" ~ "' 0 0 .. i< '" " .. 0 3 11 O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions ol Chapter 9 (commencing witti 84'Ctlon 7000) of Division 3 ot the Business 1 and Prole1111ions Code, and my license 1s in full force and ellect. I hereby alfirm IMI I am exempt from the Conrrac lor s License Law •or the 1ollow,ng reason 1Sec 703' S Business and Proless,ons CIXle Any c,ly or county w~1lr, ,e quires a perm,t to construct. alter improve. demoi,sh. or repair any structure prior lo ,ts issuance also requires !heap p11can1 lor such perm,1 ro file a s19ned slatemenr th;it he ,s I censed p~r,uanl \o the prov,s,ons of lhe Conrractor ; uc~nse Law ,:Chapter 9 commenc,ng w11h Senon /000 ol Ow,s,on 3 of The Bus,ness and Professions CorJe', or th;JT ,so empr Jhere1rom and the basis for the allegeo exempr,on Any ,iolar,on ol Sect,on 7031 5 by an applicant for a oerm,t sub Iec!s the appl,canl to a CIVIi oenalty of nol mo,e lhan 1tve hun dred doilars ($500'1 I as owner ot the property or my employees w,th wages as lhe•r sole compensation w,II do the work ano the slruc ture ,snot ,ntended or altered for sale (Sec 1044. Business and Pro!ess1ons Code The Con1<acI0, s License Law does nol apply 10 an owner ol p1operly who builds or improves thereon and who does such work h1mseI1 or through h,s own employees. prov1ded that such ,mproveme~Is are nol intend- ed or ollered 1or sate 11 however the !Ju1ld1ng or 1mprove menI ,s sold w1th1n one year of comple1,on. the owner-1JuIlder w1I· have the burden o1 proving thar he did nol build or ,m orove lor lhe ouroose of sale! I as owner of lhe property, am exclusively conlracI,ng with licensed contractors lo construct the proIec1Isec 7044 Business and Professions Coae The Conlractor s License law does nor apply 10 an owner 01 property who builds or ,m proves !hereon. and who contrac1s lor each proIects w,th a contractor(s) I,cense pursuanr to the Conlraclor s I Icense law) As a homeowner I am ,mprovmg my home and the lollow mg wna,t,ons exist I The work Is being performed prior ro sale 2 I have iIved ,n my home for twelve 'T10nth, prior to compler,on ol 1h1s work I have not claimed m,s exempl,on ouring the IasI three years I am exempt under Sec B& PC for th,s reason ____________ _ I M•eb; a!tirm that I Pave a cert,hcate of consent to 1 selt ,nsure or a cer11hcate of Workers Compensation In-I surance or a cer11f1ed copv thereoi 1sec 3800 Labor Code) I POLICY NO COMPANY Copy ,s liled w1lh lhe c,ty Cert1f1ed copy ,s he,eby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE ITn,s secI,on need nol be completed ii the permit ,s for one hundred dollars 151001 or IPSSI I cert,fy that ,n the performance o1 the wor~ for wh,ch th•s perm ii Is ,ssued I shall not employ any person ,n any t cr,anner so as to become subject to the Workers Comoen 1 sat,oo Laws of Cal1!o,n,a I ~,~:1;!P~~::::1 ~h:~~d ~~:~~~ ::~i';it \~•~n;~~'.'::,~e l Compensation provIsIons o! the Labor Code. you must 1 1orthw1lti comply with such prov,s,ons or 1h,s perm,r shall be deemed ,e,oked I I I hereby a11irm that there Is a construc110n lending I agency for lhe performance of the work 'or wh,cn this per m,t ,s issued (Sec 3097 Civil Code) Lenders Name Lender s Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 JOB ADDRESS AV. ST. RO. THOMAS BROS NO. /9/14 DATE OF APPLICATION! BUSINESS LICENSE# VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER //¥.S-Ll/-?21:.'.S~t//P ~:#A/_;:::-5"", /tJ () LOT e(ocK . ' I Sv-eo1v,1~_10N I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO~r,<;-42 CJ-/J · f f1. CONTRACTO,il CONTRACTORS PHONE # ZONE g77~3s3 I-.! ; •• ow,i•;;:KB y / ,C ,£-"P£i:&7?.SE /V I OWNERS PHONE 'J , CONTRACTo~·s )l.ooRESS STATE LICENSE N-0. BUILDING SQ. FOOTAGE : :1146:2~ARESi<-~~ -PU1? . . /~A/€ DESIGNER DESIGNER'S PHONE --.. . L b-.!~,!t•UONiOF' WOR'.K " , . '> ., . . 4 ! ' . ' QES19NER'S AOOAESS -.STATE LICENSE NO. ~':¢JP w p # ..r ~/#4 .-&~-11 --. -~ . . 'f' . ' • ' ' FLR ELEV NO ace GP EDU STORIES w u.. > :;; :s 0. E w I- I "O vC "□ 0002 07 /07 0101 02E:ldPrr,t 0 } CJ 72.5 1 I CENSUS TRACT ! PAF'K1NGSPACC RES UNITS GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT TYPE ace LOAD FIRE SPR AREA CONST •D 'D ·C -...□ YO"□ Not Valid Unlers Machine Cerflf1ed QTY PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE 7 .fo3 QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE ' -c,o /.-.:;·-SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS ,JP TO 100 000 BTU BUll_[,I,,.., rc.n,,,11 UL 1-lj 1u-uu-L0-8uu --.·7- tACH BUILlJING SEWER OVER 100 000 BTU . -Sl~N PERMIT 001-8 '. 0 -00 -00-8?21 EACH WATER HEATER Ar,.[) OR VENT BOILER COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP ""T .. '"l ,~ 11111,Ctl, I J 001-810-00-00-8891 .., /- EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TU 4 OUTLETS 801LER,COMPRESSOR 3 1J HP TOTAL PLUMBING DO; -810-00-00-8222 EACH GAS SYSTEM J OR MORE () L/ METAl FIREflLACE --,, ' () oc 1-810-00-00-8223 J/-----. EACHINSTAL ALTER. REPAIR WAT~ VENT ~AN SINGLE oucv7 ~ .....MECHAN1c'.:AL 001-810-00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER J1I MECH EXHAUS~OO DUCTS ---. ,a_ 001-81 0-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER /" RELOCATIOJ('OF EA FURNACE HEATER .. <!i°iLAR -001-810-00-00·8226 f.ACH RQi")F r)R,',, 'J : 'J:=;1D~, . DRYER VEN1 ., .. n ,, ~,.,'o~b'N-,J ·" :J, 88C-J19-92-33 . ;) u TOTi'..L MECHANICAL FIRE SPRl"J'\LERS 001 ·810-00-00-8227 T[)lAl PlUMfllNL, I PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-81D-00-00-87 40 _s'S2£. BRIDGE FEE 360-810-00-00-8740 QTY ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP PARK-IN-LIEU (AREA I NEW CONS! E:.A AMP SW! 8KR CAR PORT TIF 312·810-00-00-8835 I PH I PH AWNING LA COSTA TIF 311 ·810-00-00-8835 EXIST IHOG EA AMP SWT tlKR GARAGE FMF I PH 1 PH LICENSE TAX 001-31 O·CO-•JC•-S 1 C:? / REr.1o□ELAlTtR PfR [IR[Url /0 .-MFF 880-519-92-51 TEMP PULE 200 A \WS OVER 100 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI CREDIT DEPOSIT .... 27-7 lil!AL [Lll.lRll,A! I /s-T:lTAI. TOT AL FEES PAYABLE I 1;2.e- ' Expiration. Every permit issued bytheBuildingOflic1al under !he prov1s1ons oftt11s 1 HAVE CA~EFULL Y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ·APPLICATION AND PERMIT"' AND Qi) HEREBY * AN 06,,HA PE.AMIT IS REQUIRED FQR.f)t~VATIC>fo!S OYER CERTIFY UNDER.PENALTY Of PER.JtJRY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON !NCLUDlNG THE Code shall expire by timitatlon and become null and void II the building o( work s· o·· DEEP A.ND OEMOLrTION OR CONSTRUCTION Of DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANo' CQR6.ECT AND I FURTHEPI CERTIFY ANO Ad REE IF A PERMIT l& auttlonzed by such perm,! 1s not commenced w1ttlin 180 days from the date of such STRUCTURES OVER J sra,r 1H HEIGHT ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNlY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON• =~::a~ 1~11:~., ~r~:1J.i~h=<?;~:~ti~:~:leJ~~~ r''':'~d·~,s~:ge;.~ or , STRUCTION WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANO A CONTRACTOR 0 APPROVED BY ~ 1°·,11/r, KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS COSTS AND ~~?{!:,"GN ~~RE :-OWNE EXPENSES WHICH MAY 1N ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE , •. A _. A,--, BY PH9NE [] GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT "' \ U / ._. · 1 , C c ro 0 0. 0. "' I ~ C 0:: :s ~ w w w w "' ~ 0 ,; >- w 0 C ro C u.. = C w ~ (.'.) 0 0 w 0. w C ;" ~ :a: I \ ; TYPE ' DATE INSPECTOR ' BUILDING l FOUNDATION I I~ .. / s,-, .. -=Pl" REINFORCED STEEL I { - ' MASONRY I GUNITE OR GROUT I SUB FRAME □ FLOOR D CEILING SHEATHING ~OOF □ Sl-'IEAR ?•U-'fl ,.._ ;a. FRAME . I ,,2,/,i) EXTERIOR LATH ' ' INSULATION l INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I • . PLUMBING I □ SEWER AND BUCO CJ Pj._/CO UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □!WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER TUB AND SHOWER PAN • I GAS TEST I ' □ WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER ' I ELECTRICAL I D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC ' I"). U-l>? "-{\ I □ ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY □ BONDING □ POOL ' ' . MECHANICAL J □ DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I . VENTILATING SYSTEMS J ----I --~ CALL FOR FINAL INSPEC7'_ION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ----------- FINAL I PLUMBING ' I ELECTRICAL I ,(\ MECHANICAL I ,., · ,\ 16 GAS ' rv ' I ' BUILDING ' ( \. ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS I \ ' I --- 5.-,-0~S.3 FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOffS NOTES - INSPECTION REO IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL - SOILS COMPLIANCE - PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP ---~---STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSEO CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING ----------1-<IGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY -- . , · ,·-ir,·· -----_ PILES CAISSON~-. -' . -.,. .... ~· --· _-,:"i ·, ~:• --~ ! , .. . / -1; '' . . - -- -- ' - ' ' CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD Plan Check No. g7-35.3 DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. No building permits for the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department. SCHOOL DISTRICT: ( Carlsbad Unified 801 Pine Avenue San Marcos Unified 270 West San Marcos Blvd. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (457-4985) San Marcos, CA 92069 (744-4776) Encinitas Union Elementary 189 Union Street Encinitas, CA 92024 San Dieguito Union High School 625 North Vulcan (944-4306) Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Project Applicant: Project Address: J3oXRy LEc J>d"e1<s£d I iii: MR /('S-PllR WE I APN: ;;.os=1.s O -__jJ_ @'R/s:Y?A:P RESIDENTIAL: SQ. FT. of living area -----Number of dwelling units ,,,1,;t' /f'oM't ----:al :;f(JIV' ISQ. FT. of garage area SQ. FT. of covered area COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL: SQ. FT. AREA ___ _ Prepared By,,~ o/,,,,,,,(__ Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the School District) __ ./_ Applicant has complied with fee requirement under Government Code 53080 Project is subject to an existing fee agreement Project is exempt from Government Code 53080 Final Map approval and construction started before September I, 1986. (other school fees paid) Other Residential Fee Levied: $_:½:u.D......,¢<e----based on -,3()() sq. ft.@ (ti.-s-o Comm/Indust ' ' ,: I : Fee Levied: r::3-~ Sc District Official $ ____ _ based on sq. ft.@ ios. AB 2926 and SB 201 fees are capped at $1.50 per square foot for residential. AB 2926 is capped at $.25 per square foot for commercial/industrial. Date