HomeMy WebLinkAbout1150 HARBOR VIEW LN; MULTI-PERMIT FILE; CB111077; Permit···---·-·» City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 05-20-2011 Electrical Permit Permit No: CB111077 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1150 HARBOR VIEW LN CBAD ELEC Status: Parcel No: 2061401200 Lot#: 0 Applied: Reference#: PC#: Project Title: TAYLOR: UPGRADE PANEL FROM 100 AMPS TO 200 AMPS Applicant: TAYLOR GREG $&GLENDA S 1150 HARBORVIEW LN CARLSBAD CA 92008 Electric Issue Fee Single Phase per AMP Three Phase per AMP Three Phase 480 Per AMP Remodel/Alteration per AMP Remodel Fee Temporary Service Fee Test Meter Fee Other Electrical Fees Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES 100 0 0 0 Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Owner: TAYLOR GREG $&GLENDA S 1150 HARBORVIEW LN CARLSBAD CA 92008 ISSUED 05/20/2011 JMA 05/20/2011 05/20/2011 $10.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $35.00 Total Fees: $35.00 Total Payments To Date: $35.00 Balance Due: Inspector: FINAL APPROVAi,. Date: _) • 2 5 · ( f Clearance: s-=2,r-11 $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the ~Imposition~ of tees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions.~ You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul ttieir imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTI Fl ED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or seivice fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any ·nwhi hvrvi Nii\ hih liiin ii «~~ Building Permit Application Plan Check No. ce, l \ \ 07 7 1635 Faraday Ave., Garlsbad, CA 92008 Est. Value ~-CITY OF 760-602-2717 / 2718 / 2719 CARLSBAD Fax: 760-602-8558 Plan Ck. Deposit www.car\§badca.gov Date .'-['2D/11 (swPP JOB ADDRESS\ \ s 0 tt~ r\,or "' ~vv LI/"\ . SUITE#/SPACE#/UNIT # APN --- CT/r-ROJECT # I LOT# I PHASE# I# OF uNITS I # B1::.300MS # BATHRvOMS I TENA,~, BUSI NE= NAME 1 coNSTR. TYPE I acc. GROUP 2- DESCR:}::::t:•• ;i::f:::r•,e;~~ ~ ~I' ' \oop,. .\-r, '7...('Y) A I ._, • EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE l GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) I DECKS (Sf) I FIREPLACE I AIR CONDITIONING I FIRE SPRINKLERS YES •#_ NOD YES O NO • YES O NO • CONTACT NAME (ff Different Fom Appl/cant) Gr<U<--ro:--,\o(" APPLICANT NAME r_ ·-~ .,-;,:-_ J~ r ADDRESS ~ ' ADDRESS it_' I \f\~ \_,n, l\<;r.. ~~ ,-\:,,,.,"' )-o .. \ L...--' \\'Sn CITY C\., .--\c... I,., a.d STATE qzux:>H CITY wl<:>\oo.ol.. STATECA. liq '2...C) C)'P-, 0A PHONE IFAX ,,.o P>U--62-8£. PHON(7 1 ) ) i{r'X 4 o 52--'Z.--8> Z-'B EMAIL EMAIL PROPERTY OWNER NAME ~-._ ft CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME . ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP PHONE IFAX PHONE IFAX EMAIL EMAIL ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS I STATE UC.# STATE UC.# I CLASS I CITY BUS. UC.# (Sec_. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair an}' structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law /Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 1031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500)). WOlfKIIIU· COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby afflrm under penalty of petjury one of the following declarations: • I have and wlll maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Laber Code, for the performance of the wor\l for which this permit is issued. D I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the wor\l for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insllrance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co. ______________________ Policy No. ______________ Expiration Date _________ _ Th on need not be completed if the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less. rtificate of Exemption: 1 certify that in the performance of the wor'r<. for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Wolters' Compensation Laws of a. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employarto criminal penalties and civll fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), In addition to the cost of compensation, dam a s provided for on 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. ,,6$ CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE I hereby afflrm that I am exempt from Contrac:tor's License Law for the following reason· X • I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, wil\ do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such wor\l himself or thro~h his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completjon, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sate). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, afld contracts for such projects with c:ontractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). • I am exempt under Section _____ ,Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. \ personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for c:onstruction of the proposed property improvement. • Yes • No 2. I (have I have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed wor\l. 3. I have contracted with the following person {firm) to provide the proposed c:onstruction (include name address I phone I contractors' license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the folklwing person to coordinate, supervise and provide the m~or work (indude name I address I phone I contractors' license number): 5. I wUI provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name I address/ phone I type of wolt): ~ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE •AGENT DATE t;_;-'2.o-1 ~ ~ --"' CD•Ml!Ll'.ITI THU UiCTIQN l'QII Nii!N•III.SIDlll\l'l'IAL IH!ILOIN& P,IIIIMl'l!l QNL¥ \s the applicant or future building occupant reqt1ired lo submit a bt1siness plan, aci.rtely hazardot1s materials registration fom1 or risk management and prevention program t1nder Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Accot1nl Act? • Yes • No Is the applicant or future building occupant required lo obtain a or air quality management district? • Yes • No Is the facility to be constructed within ou r boundary of a school site? • Yes • No IF ANY OF THE AN YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF E RVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. I certify that I have mad the application and state that the above Information Is conectancl that the lnfonnation on the plans is accurate. I agl88 to comply'Mlh all Clly ordinances and State la'oW relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representative of lhe City of Car'Gbad to enter uJXJn lhe aOOve mentk:lned property br inspection purixises. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY ,AJ\JD KEEP HARMLESS THE Cl1Y OF CARLSBJ\D AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: M OSHA permit is required tJf excavations over 5'0' deep and demolition or construction ofstructues over 3stor'es in height EXPIRATION: Every pennit issued by the Buik:ling Qffcial under the provisions of this C.ode shall expire by limltatDn and become nu~ and 1/dd n the buik:ling or'Mll'k authorized by such permit is notrommenrecl Wlhin 180days from tt-e date of sudl permit or iflhe b · · orWJrk aulho · nnlt is suspended or abandoned at any~me after the WJrk is oommenrecl for a perbd of 180days (Seeton 106.4.4 Uniform Building C.cxle). AS APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE ' -~ «~.fj> ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD \~~~52- DATE: s-~ PERMIT #: , , 1.. 07,::z UNSCHEDULED BUILDING INSPECTION B-44 Development Services Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 760-602-2700 INSPECTOR: MX CONTAC~: Ce~t:s-S-;;g]:; PHONE #. ,g -o JOB ADDRESS: __ \-'-'\,...S=-0....,__,\¼r~_\..o""'-"c'--'-\J~,...=·" kl-""""'-)-~-="'---------- DESCRIPTION: ___________________ _ CODE » Bldg Inspection Form DESCRIPTION ACT 't,Lo i: \it' G r:,a JI a ~ * Page 1 of 1 COMMENTS frt.i Ir<- Rev. 06/09 .. z 0 ~ .. a: :5 " ... C a: ~ereby affirm that I am licensed under o --~•~•t"s;~ns of Chapter 9 (commencing with t; [ Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business c and Profes.s!ons Code, .aod .£cense is 111 ~ full to}~-}~ effec7 z l.,r No·. •,@ U,i<, _ __ 0 "' a: ... C ~ 5 !!! a: ... z ~ I hereby atllrrn 1nat I am exempt trom lhe Contrac ior's License Law for the fol'.~w·rg rea~on 'Sec 7031 5 Bus,ness anct Profess,ons Code A",y cr'y or county w0,,o-, re quires a perm,t to cors:,ucl. alter •mprove demo•,sr G' repa,r any structure. p·,or to ,ts issuance also reau·res the ae pi1can1 lor sucn perm,! to fr'e a s,aned statement tr.at he ,s ,1censed pursuant to !he prov,s,ons of lhe cor•racw,, L·cense Law !Chaole-9 commencrng w1tr Sect101 7000 of Drvis,or 3 of The Bus,ness a~d Professions Coce: or tna: ,sex eo,p\ :herefrorn and the bas,s lor ttie allegea e,ernpt,or Any vI0IatIon of Sec:,on 703', S lly an app11ca~1 tor a oern,I' sub 1ecrs IM app'1cart lo a cw,I penalt1 01 not r>10re than t,ve n,r ctred Codars 1ssoa·, I as 0wner GI the property or my err,ployees ·m:n woges a, their sole corn;iensat,on w1l1 do the wo'K a~C t",e struc lure Is not 1n1ended or offered lor sale ,:Sec 7044 Bus,ness and Professions Code The Coniractor's License Law coes not apply lo an owner of property who builds or Impro•1es thereon and who does such work h''llsell or through hrs own employees. orov,ded that such ,m;i'ovemen\s are not ·ntend ec or ottered lor sa,e I.t, however the building or ,rnprove- ment ,s sold w,tnIn one year of complet10~ the owner-builder w·,II have the tiurden ol proving that he d,d not ouIIa or rm· p·ove for lhe purpose of sale) I. as owner ol the property am e,n~swe'y contract,ng w,th '.1censed contractors '.O cons'ruct the pro1ect (Sec 7044 Business and Proless,ons Code The Comractor s License Law does not aoply !Gan owner ot property who builds o, ,rn proves t~ereon. and who contracts for each oroIec\s wI1h a controctor(s) I,cense Pursuan1 to the Contractor"s L•cense law·, As a homeowner I arr, ,mprov,ng my home. a1d the folio"' Ing cond1t,ons e>1s! 1 The work Is Ming performed or,or to sale 2 I have lwed ,n my home lor •welve mocth~ prI0' to cJrnpletIon of this work , I have not cla,rned tt,1s e,empt,or, durj/1~ The las'. tt>ree years lo, t'h~;r~~~~~t under Sec / B & PC i' ~retJy alf•r. m 1ha1 I tia•e a cf, ~-~;,, I"sure r,, a certi!,c Compensat,on Insurance. or d ce 1Sec 3800. Labor Code1 , ate o! c onser.1 of Wor~ers ~oo1 ttie,eo' • USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION W~IN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. ! ~!~1;Sc~,!~dBC~1!,~,~~~2~08°';f!~!!:\~~T APPLICATION & ;l(MIT :C-A-Pr'T'lo :tt S-t8.3L/ I : WBA7rso Ha.r-bor 11 /~T.Rbr:EAAESTCAOSSST Adt:t:MS 1°1;, ;~60N /£;;L?NS ;:L;;,:v g&:RM~T NUMBER 1 LOT BLOCK I SUBD!V\$1QN I ASS.£SSOJI PAR(j ; 1 0,,,.. I 2., CONTRA.CTOh . / ' CONTRACTORS PHONE• ZO~E/ ~ Y) I _,, u -Sol~ arr ~sz-ozs, / OWNER'S NAME _-OWNER'S PHONE £-: I< en II e... l--A. Wes-/-·'rJz.q _ 21 ro G' CONTRACTOR s ADDRESS 1 _ _ 1 LICENSE NO. PLAN 1.0.;: BLDG USE CODE , owNER'SMA'uNGADDAEss 3560 'Du11h,II S+: 3756€37 , , : I/So l-fa.,.rborvier.o D~ OE~ER ~~ 2-z L1CENSE:t ISTA.NDARDPLANff \BUILOlNGSQ.FOOTAGE I 1 oESCRIPTION OF WORK _,)CZ"' v, e 5,-t::, q I I . . I OESIGNEA'S ADDRESS V I DESIGNER'S PHONE I ] : l-Sol(!l.h~rf--;Boo.TK : ~:5-;7-;._;. -z.s;,r.;;-f-1~0{ 1-;,;:. . ---. -1 °,~ s[J ~ f F LR ELEV NO STORIES OCC GP EDU 1 CE:NSuSTRACT I GP LAND USE IPARK1NGSPACE: I RESuN1TS I GRADINGPERM1T1ssueo I REDEVELOPMENT TYPE OCCLOAD F-IAESPP l 1 U, Q YO ~ D <:J "'D vO r-.[J 1 -I,_ '"' , .. Not Valid Unless Mochme Certd,ed I f a 3 AREA CONST I i, I 1 PLUMBING PERMIT. ISSUE J -7,$ II, QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE 3 -l1QTY SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER I EACH FIXTURE TRAP / I! j INSTALL FURN DUCTS dP TO 100.000 BTU BU',LOING PERMIT 01-00-D0-82?0 1 EACHtlUILlllNGSEWER , . 11 I OVER 100.0QOBTU SIGN PERMIT ' ------------------+----------t----+--------------,-------- :_ EACHWATfR_HEATE.RANlJ0RVENT -------L---· --}---0~ER·C0MPRESS0AUPT03HP __ • PLANCHECK 01-00·00-8221 01-00· 00-8805 1 EACHGA~YS1EMlTU40iJILETS __ •--J--·---f801l~R'C~M~RE~S0_!1]_~1_5~P _____ -t--__ _:__ ___ _2_0~L~UMBI~ 1 EACH GAS SYSTEM J OR MOR[ . I '.lETA'c "IREPLACE . ELECTRICAL I --------------------.----------,!.-----------------1-------· --- 01-00-00-8222 01-00-00-8223 ------ 01·00-00-8224 r-- 1--· 1-- --~ . It---E~~H_!NSTAl ~~TER.R_EPAIRl°:'lERP!~E _ • _ -Ji. __ VENTFANSINGL~OUCT _______________ MECHANICAL __ _ --------j----·------j 1 EACH VACUUM BREAKER Ii MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS M0BILEH0ME 01·00-00-8225 I WATERSOFT~ER ! II RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE-HEATER MOBILEHOMEPARKINSP 1 1 01 000D·822li t __ /"_5_ ___.-__ 80·92-33-0519 1 ~AC~/:i r:,R:,.'; '.s·r',i, I + -" : ~ r-----------L I TOT kl MECHANICAL • SQLAH_ STRONG MOTION 01-00-00-8227 z 0 ~ 1 ---rITTALPlur.;-K1~c ----:----} ~-------------d...a-~-----~·~ _ii~ SPRINKLERS eouo Not-OC z.-1,., z-oN'NJ-015", COMPAN< Li/:,ertr rY),;. h ... ,d I I ELECTRICAL PERMIT. ISSUE -5=-/, QTY i !',S!--,0,R. I , BRIDGE FEE ----- PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 1------------32·00-00-893) ~ z ... .. ,. 0 " .. "' "' " a: 0 ;o ![ OTY. ISSUE -----+- ¥copy ,s hied w,tn the c,ty 1 I NEW CONST EA AMP SWl OKR CC! L'CTORo t---£~ SC-00 e-,s,scc ~ ~~1--=--= --D Cert1f,ed copy ,s hereby +u,n,shed CERTIFICAH. OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION ',NSURANU- (Th1s section need nol be comp1etecl ,t •tip ;,errn,, 15 •or one "unc!re<"I dollars ,:s1001 ,,r le~~, D I cert,ft 1na1 ,n 1he performance ,:,+ lhe wul< \)r ..,n,cn this perm,t ,s ,ssued I Sh3II nol errpln, an, person ,n .iny marcner so as tc beeomf' suh1ec' t, the Workers Compe~<,.at,on Laws of Ca,,i,;r~,,a NOTICE TO APPLICA'-T ,, atte, 'T'JkIn;; l'liS c,,r1, t,ca1e ol Exemp1,or, 1ou should bt>corne suD1e, ! 1, 1he Workers C-0"1pensa1,on pro••~rons ol tne l...lb<y Code you musl fortn .. ,tti compI1 ,,,.,,r sv' .. r pro,I5Ions or this perm,! sr,al' be rlper-1eo 'P<')~ec 0 I tiereby att,rrr l'1a! tnerf ,~ J , ,wstru<Yur ,endrng dgency •or,..,,. e>erlurrra<h.e ,,, the ,.,0r1<. t:, ..,r,,ch tti,s pe,n"i ,~ ,5s~ec1 .s,,¼, Y)(l7 c;., 1 '...O<le- Lende, s Name ,1 ~~ Ler>de, s Actclfess ---~~~----- 1 lPH -"c"--c--c-1PH ____ ___ STURC\G"T~\"S __ Carlsbad ______ J!Q_?!_U!_____9_~ ----I I 11-- 1 I RD[K S1Gr1AG~ Enc1n1tas 80 92 22 0519 ---------------- 1 PH P,J\!P 77,cj'------i----_ San D1e9u1to ____ 80 92 23 0519 -- ·-------+--_ -f-td'"'~-----L ____ ·L-'3acMmos_ ____ _80_"2_2_4±519 l E 'v1P P() l f: I ---7--':_I_S:ENSETAX0100008162_ __ _ ----I :I--r'"'".'C.U.'~ --~ _ _L ___ _:_+-T + I ,...JY°,L I ·rn, ,c,.,, I /':> - MFF 80-92-57•0519 CREDIT DEPOSIT I 1 fl l A I El t. (. r R 1(,t,,, '. ~ J I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "'APPLICATION AND PERMIT"' AND DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT All INFORMATlON HEREON INCLUDING THE DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS ISSUED· TO COMPLY WITH ALL C!TY. COUNlY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON• STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL UABIUTIES, JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID C!TY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT TOTAL FEES PAYABLE /.5-:::::- Expiration. Every permit issued bythe8u1ld,ng Olilc1al under theprov1s1ons ofth1s Code shaH expire by lim1tat1on and become null and void If the building or work authorized by such permit 1s not commenced w1th,n 180 days from the date of such permit. or 11 the building or work author,zed by such perm11 1s suspended or abandoned at any time after the work 1s commence<! for ~d of 160 days Ar,·s stGNATuip- l,b'/41,l ~ OWNER• CONTRACToaJit' BY PHONE 0 * "N OSHA PERM1T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER !)' 0 .. DEEP AHO DEMOllTK>N OR CONSTRUCTION OF STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT PROVEDB< r 5-tf~ w ii: "' " 0 D. E w f- " 0 CJ C m ~ D. D. "'-'1 ~ C Cl. 0 m m w m m 40 • 2 w >- m m w 0 0 0: " ;;; 0 11 w 0 C " C IL C w w iS 0 0 w D. m C w "' > TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR -----------------------------------------------------------------.~ BUILDING I Sc,,-3 >-3 FOUNDATION I FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL I MASONRY I GUNITE OR GROUT I FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME I SHEATHING D ROOF D SHeAR REOU I RED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS b====~I N;;S;;cP;;E;;C;;T""O~R,,c·S~N~O'-dT='Ec;,S'=======~=============, REO IF ! INSPECTORS - INSPECTION CHECKED! APPROVAL DATE k-----------------------------------j ----=-~~1 --- S01LS COMP~ A'-CE I PiilOR TO FRAME I EXTERIOR LATH I INSULATION I INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I I PLUMBING I SEWER AND BUCO DIPUCO I FUcl,'\JDA~ION ,NSP I ----------+----------L _____ _ STRL;CfL,IPA.1 CO"-U1ETE I ~· OVER 20C'C F''::,1 • _______ _ PFffSTRESSfO CONCFIFTE ' POST TfNS-ONES i CONCRETE ---1------+--________ _J__ ___ ___, FIE'..D \.VELQING j riiC3HSlREN(;;H --r·-------r---------- UNDERGROUND D WASTE D WATER BOLTS ; TOP OUT D WASTE • WAITER TUB AND SHOWER PAN I :'-;r-'ECIAL MAS()NqY --~ I i GAS TEST I D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WAtER I ELECTRICAL I f'ILES CAISSOr,..;:· I + L. ----------------r--------~ ,-.~~ ---~~ +---I - D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D lJFFER --+---- ROUGH ELECTRIC I L--------------~----+ ---------1------i D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPOlilARY --------------+------t-----------1------ D BONDING D POOL ' I ---------------I MECHANICAL I ' <-------------. --------·------~---- D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING '--------------+ --------- HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS Afi_OVE HAV_ti BEEN APPROVED. FINAL I j PLUMBING I ELECTRICAL I MECHANICAL I ,• , ii) GAS I I • I I .V 1------------------------I BUILDING • I,, \\ ... ' SPECIAL CONDITIONS I I \\ i ~---------------------------~--I LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provi· sions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profes- sions Code, and my license is in full force and ef- fect. / OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ~ hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Con- tractor's license Law for the following reason {Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code), Any city or county which reQuires a permit to con- struct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed state- ment that he is licensed pursuant to the provi- sions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that is ex- empt therefrom and the basis for the alleged ex- emption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by an ap- plicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). L' 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or of- fered for sale {Sec. 7044, Business and Profes- sions Code: The Contractor's License law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provided that such improvements are not intended or of- fered for sale. If, however, the building or improve- ment is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). =•I, as owner of the property. am exclusively con- tracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business end Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not ap- ply to an owner of property ·•ho builds or im· proves thereon, and who contracts for such pro- jects with a contractor(s) license pursua~to the contractor's License Law). (1 _. , I am exempt under Sec. ____ -& ~ for this reason , Date Owoe, i") . I\ ·r WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of con- sent to self-insure, or a certificate of Workers' CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE {This section need not be completed if the per- mit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Cer- tificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction len- ding agency tor the performance of the work for · ~•-~ •~· ---·-" ;~ ;,,.,,,"'1 I!=:<>,-"U)Q7 Civil Cnrl<>l CITY OF CARLSBAD-BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY 1200 ELM AVENUE (714) 438-5525 ' ,o,J ,/ • -").c), ,/.1;(1. o.a..o(L. '.u,·i~t,'LJ ,LAL A\~T.10ATE O'F ~PL/4T,'°N I ' ' ' ' I I I I , , / 1 1/1 OWNER OWNER'S PHONE ~;1d~•;T~ i?I urrhi M I, Je.5~ OWN~/r:f()ING AD/l/. rhofl U1e1;v ( 0. !~3'o~~iA~O df:-,J,LfJ COT BLOCK I SUBDIVISION I ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. DESIGNER ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFOR- MATION WITHIN RED LINES. j<lJs-G:i PERMIT NUMBER 7 534'~~ CONTRACTOR'S I 1utLCJg STATE LICENSE DESCRIPTION OF WOf),.p y) \c, / p L./t) ('){l J , , 1/;....;. DESIGNER'S ADDRESS DESIGNER'S PHONE I /l,;~/61 L.,;;.r -. I I ' CENSUS TRACT GP LAND USE ZONING I RES, UNITS I PARKING SPACE 1 NUMBER OF STORIES Not Valid Unless} kine Cartifi«J BLOG SQ. FT. BLDG USE occ. GP I ST MWARO PLAN # IPLANID1t I TYPE CONST DCC. LOAD I ~ OTY. PLUMBING PERMIT AMT. 0TY. MECHANICAL PERMIT AMT. EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU EACH BUILDING SEWER OVER 100,000 BTU I EACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT "' _("\I] , BOILER/COMPRESSOR UPTO 3 HP ~ ·~ EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS c...--BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE < BOILER/COMPRESSOR 16-30 HP EACH INSTAL., ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE / VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT ( ' EACH LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM / MECH EXHAUST -HODO/DUCTS WATER SOFTNER , /) , RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER BUILDING PERMIT \ I I I / '/ SIGN PERMIT ' ' I I TOTAL PLUMBING j TOTAL MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK I I I I CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR ALL INCLUSIVE PERMIT I I I TOTAL PLUMBING I IA.~ - 0TY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT AMT. 0TY. MOBILE HOME PERMIT AMT. ELECTRICAL I I I NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/BKR AWNING MECHANICAL I I I 1 PH .25 3 PH PORCH MOBILE HOME I I I EXIST BLOG EA AMP/SWT/BKR SET-UP SOLAR I I I 1 PH .25 3 PH RAMADA, CABANA I I I REMOOEL/ALTER PER CIRCUIT FENCE OVER 6' I I I TEMP POLE 200 AMPS TOTAL MOBILE HOME MICO-FILM I I I OVER 200 AMPS ' I I TEMP OCCUPANCY {30 DAYS) I I I I I I I TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I I 11.ao CONTRACTOR I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT, AND DO . '" "'"' """" " "" "' "" '""!.' "'"" """ HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON IS TRUE ANO CORRECT AND I s·o·· oeee ANO DSMOUT0DN, CONST CT0DN o, "I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS ISSUED;To COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, STRUCTUR~SOVER 3STDRIE HEI liJ COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. 1,ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANO KEEP HARM /J 1 /X /; -ii-/ I, LESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND / EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT 1':;'\,?'7J;AJ/)IJ~//.jl~wNe,s• CONTRACTOR• I APPROVED BY iii /2:ATE / / // / /, AGf'.NT D BY PHONE 0 I Pl I./ 1~ , ; I ' ! '< ~;, 0 ~ {5 >= u ~ c.. "' ~ SITE ADDRESS: OWNER: PERMIT NO: FIELD INSPECTION RECORD INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR'S NOTES WOOD FLOOR FOUNDATION• FORMS• SET BACK• TOILET UNDER FLOOR PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR HEATING OK TO INSTALL SUB FLOOR SLAB FLOOR UNDER SLAB PLUMBING FOOTING• FORMS• SETBACK • TOILET OK TO POUR CONCRETE FRAME ROUGH ELECTRICAL ROUGH PLUMBING ROUGH HEATING/VENTILATING FRAME OK• PLACE INSULATION, INSULATION OK • PLACE WALLBOARD WALLBOARD OK• PLACE-'T APE EXTERIOR LATH OK• PLACE STUCCO FIREPLACE DAMPER 8: STEEL PLATE TIES/HEIGHT OF CHIMNEY OTHER TEMP POWER (POLE) SEWER GAS TEST SWIM POOL • STEEL BONDING • PRE DECK • FENCE PREPLASTER SHOWN • FRAME • PAN FINAL INSP BY BLDG DEPT OTHER DEPT'S REQ COMPLETED ! ELEC METER-PERM-TEMP , GAS METE.R-PERM-TEMP ! '1 l . ' j CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED