HomeMy WebLinkAbout1207 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; 75-1912; Permit'EOF PERMIT SIGN ELECTRICAL FOR SIGN Owner's Nam (PLEASE PRINT! Contractor (PLEASE PRINTI State Contractor's License No rfe Person or Firm in control of Proper LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5H"<JV'*- APPLICATION FOR SIGN P™IT CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 729-1181 . Mailing Address /Mailing 7* ^yr'^906******10.Z5 FEE, PERMIT No. (MIDDLE) 7 ' 7^^ Classif.nat.nn ~ STREET) £. _____ ir^a^iNUMBER STREET ' CITY City License No NUMBER STREET CITY PHONE BLOCK SUBDIVISION JOB LOCATION " (NEAREST INTERSECTION OfTLANDMARK) Condit Use Permit or ZONE {V- ~2- VARIANCE NUMBER _of Permittee Xg^anfey LOCATION FRONT i_feet from center line of 'street to sign SIDE Valuation of Sign $ fS ^C3 _~~~' Area of sign Building Permit Fee $ Plan Check Fee $ feet from center line of side street to sign feet X" sy/i anmng Dept AppromLby/ S JtZKs&Z/ZA Plans approved by X THIS SPACE FOR LOCATION SKETCH SHOW NORTH ARROW ELECTRICAL PERMIT* Each Sign $5 00 First 2 Trans $3 00 each add' I @ 50 each 1 to 10 lampholders 11 to 25 " 26 to 50 " 51 to 100 " JO 1 to 200 ' 25 50 1 00 200 300 DIMENSIONS Length _Height Number and size of posts_ Number and size of braces Depth m ground Material Panel Uprights Show advertising copy below Bracing r * ' Distance between panel and ground, Reference to plan on file _ If neon, show colors Reflector matenal? Illumination ? Copy on both sides? CALL FOR ALL INSPECTIONS INCLUDING FINAL INSPECTION REQUIRED ON FOOTING EXCAVATIONS BEFORE SIGN IS ERECTED APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE KEPT ON JOB