HomeMy WebLinkAbout1209 Magnolia Ave; ; 79-3045; PermitB/06/7 MODEL NO.--------000 I 779 BUILDrNG PERMIT APPLICATl {5~79 779 B/06/ 79 01 88 8/0617 City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ,_j r- Applicantro comptete numbered spaces onty Phone 729-1181 Permll No 1'1-';j.o 10 JOB A.DOR CSS L . GAL I lotsc•. I..OT NO. OWNER 2 3 AR(;HITE:CT OR DC.S IG.N£R 4 tNGINCE.fl 5 COMF>ENSATION I NS. CARRIER 6 US[. o, I UILDINC 7 MAIL. AD0AESS PHONE MAIL ADDRE:SS PHONE Jrt,AAIL .t.00 11HSS PHONC MAIL AODRC5S NO. BDRMS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER BOOK F'AGE I F>AR, STATE LIC . NO. CITY LIC. NO. L\C(NS£ NO, LICENSE NO. BJIU.NCH / NO. BATHS 8 Class of work : □NEW 0 ADDITION 0 ALTERATION 0 REPAIR O MOVE IJJ"'(E M O VE 9 Describe work : t <\ 10 Change of use from Change of use to 11 Valuation of work : $ PLAN CHECK FEE$ t-S_P_E_C_I A_L_C_O_N_D_I T_I_O_N_S_: ---------------------t Type of Const 1--------------------------------t Size o f Bldg. (Total) sci. Ft. --------------------.----------F,re APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED 8Y APPROVE O FOR ISSUANCE BV Zone No. of CATE Dwelling Units f NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB· ING, HEATING. VENT ILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS.OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HA VE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE T RUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED H'~REI OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRES TO~IVE AUT O ITY TO VIOL.ATE OR CANCEL THE CO T C ON E ERFOR NCE OF C_J?NSTRUCTION. PROV~I NS FAN T E Sl'ATE O LOCAL LAW REGULATING ,._;i.1,J-_ ~~ 19 IDA'KI (DATE.I Special Approvals PLANNING DEPT. HEALTH DEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify) ENGINEERING DEPT. WATER DEPT. -0 -I PERMIT FEE s ~ -cfi), Occupancy Group No. or Stories MICRO FILM FEE Max. 0cc. Load Use Fire Sprinklers Zone Reciulred D Yes D No OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: No. Covered Required INo. Sq. F1. Open Received Not Required WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH TOTAL. FEES$~ Ji)' BP 15'-Wide 18'-High Legal Length Lowbed SECTION 17. PER IT FORM. The following form i s hereby adopted by the City of Carlsbad as the House Moving Permit form which ·shall be used by a ll ·persons ir connection with appl icat•ions under the provisions of this Ordinance: CITY OF CARLSBAD /J BU I LO I NG DEPARTMENT 71--7'2_ 31 HOUSE M.O V I NG PERM I T ~~ FEE(!: ----o the Chief Building Inspector ~ of the City of C~rl sbad: ,ppl ication i s hereby made to the Chief lui lding In s pector, for a permit in ac- .ordance with the description and f or he purpose hereinafter set forth. This ppl i cation i~ made subject to the-rules· nd regulations of the Building De pa rt- 1ent , as well as al l pe rtinent Ord[n- 1nces and Re so lutions of the City of :a·r1 sbad. The app li cant furth e r agrees : o ho 1 d t he C i t y o.f Ca r 1 s b a d , i t $ off i - .ers and empl9yees, ha rmless from a ny ,nd al l costs , damages and liability in 1ccordance with the stipulat ions of said !unlcipal Code . The applicant ag r ees o assume full liability for all dam- ges to .any s urface or subsu r face in- ;ta ll at i on r esu lting from the r eques t ed ,1ork. -he sa id applicant further agrees to re- 1ove all concrete, stone debris, and >ther loose , miscel l aneous and abandoned 1at erial from sa id lot or parcel of 1round, and will remove al l we eds and > a n k g row t h t he ref r o m , a n d t ha t s a i d a p - icant wi 11 see that same are remo ved, Jnd in · the event that said we e ds or mat- ~rial be not so removed within ten (10) ia Ys after notice from the City of Ca rls- >a d, or any agent of th e City or of f icer :hereof, 'that said app licant will pay for :he r emoval of said weeds and mate rials >Y the said City accord ing to Sect ion s of the Mu n icipal Cod e, and ap------->l leant warrants that he his r ead and i s Name and Addr ess of Applicant· Anderson 's Hou se Movers, 724~J447 692 Barsby St. Vista, Ca lif. 92083 House to be moved is: From within City of Carlsbad Yes No From outs id City of Carlsbad ----_ to within City of ·carlsba d Yes No Throu h Cit of Carlsbad OnlyYes No Type and we i ght of structure:Frame Bldg . Present lotation 1209 Magnolla Ave, Carl Future location San MArcos Type and number of conve yance __ ~l~-- Number of se~tions 1 ___ __,:; Time of movement _ __..A~D~P ....... r=o=x~._..1~1____,a~,uro.u..L•--- Time required ______ 3=0-1,l.lm~i~nwu~t~e~s.,_ ____ _ Route to be take n: w. on Magnolia to Pio Pico, S. to Tamarack,. w. to Carl s . Blvd, 11 totPalo9rrp .Urnort Rd , E. to C,L. ura 10n o ermtt : Au. 30 _1979 Date: Aug, 27-1979 g ~ame and address of suret y compan y furnishing bond: Travelers Ins . Co. 844 Prospect St. La Jolla,,CaJjf. Amount o f bond: Bond No . Insura nce carrier and amount: ------ON FILE Attach true copy of pol icy, certi f i- ca te of insurance, or reference number of certif i cate a l read on file.) cam i liar with the prov i s ions of_~---~ :he Municipa l Code and in particu lar 1------.:....._--,;.;.=,;;:,,_;...-=.-=-.:.....:.....::._:_:__.:i___;_.:...:....::..c..:e~c~t~o=--:.-r __ : he requ i r eme nt s of Sect ion Pol.ice Dep t --,---,--,----re lating to warning 1 i ghts and devices . ; I GNA TUR[ F ire Date:~ g , 27 -1979