HomeMy WebLinkAbout1209MAGNOLIA AVE; ; 82-12; Permita: ![ 0 u z 0 ;::: < "' z w ll. :Ii 0 u <I) cc w " a: 0 ~ 1 USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD O I hefeb , that I am II /t?n er provisions ot "'1apter 9 (com~th Section 7000) of OMslon 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is In full force and effect. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, CallfDmia 92008 (714) 438-5525 JOB AOORE.SS I.Jc. No ______ Class _____ _ ,~0 '1 /J1A,qN~t;~ CONTRACTOR'S ADO RESS DESIGNER o;;;R-~N:M:.J. F 'J.-~-_.,, L7. Aow:t~';t 1 hereby affirm lhal 1 ... exempl from lhe. Con-1 , r "",.. n ' / , _, _ _ ., 17.1'?'-T, ~ -, ~~o;·~~:::~;~t~':i:~~~i~ OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS ~ ;?;, 11 /J~ r county which requires a permit to construc1: ..,, r J aJter, imprO'l'e. demolish, or repair ariy stn.JCture, A l .I , _L , ~ ~ ,.._ prior to its issuance also requires the applicant to, 1"' /j () I 1 • ;, L! " ,:;" • / r ~ ,-S · ,.. · A _J f::e:::~~\\~ ~~":~\!~~/~~ ~s I LOT ! BLOCK I .SUBD•VISlON I A6SE$SOR PMOEL ~ l ._7 O :ii. tracto,'sl.lcenseuw(Cllapter9commencingwith I p,Af,. •--~,.Y / N~.J!I -J~.·✓ ,.;,,J,it s;-;J60 # u ;:;;i;::.~{ :;i!ts !~!.:.":i ~t:':~~ ~ ~ I ,OESCRIP"flON OF WORK r PIUME CONTRACTOR =it~O:."' ,&J~5a~~~ .,:;1fc'i:1or aA;~i,r:tecf: I t----------:=:--------.-i ------------,---------41 DES1GNER'S AODR ESS 1ne apphcanl lo a ci•il penalty al not ~e t'l,1 fi~ J_ ~ ,,,,.. 0 1 APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. APPLICATION & PERMIT BUSINESS LICENSE ;, PERMIT NUMBER , ' I I CONTRACTORS PHONE # ZONE LICENSE NO. BLOG USE CODE STATE LICENSE ,r STANDARD PLAN# BUILDING SQ. FOOTAGE /7.JtJ DESIGNER'S PHONE u 0 (!J 0. hundred dollar., (S500~ ~ ( J ~ r r ~ ~~ -~-~::1~,~':1r=.i~1~. -:r= ..... ---------,--•--=--~-----~. --------~---..----- • and the structure 1s not intended or offered ta sate (Sec. 70W, Business and Professio/1s Code F/P FLR_ELE,,.- Y0 NO ' °JL!!L NO STORIES ~ ace GP EDU / I I B/Bf27li4□ o~o,1Xf4o -§ilBI ll67,~B ;a The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner ot property who builds or improves thereon ~P:iees~~~~~~i~~~'rm;:~:s°:~ I not mtende1 or offered tor sale. If, however, the I =d~~~;/':'~r~~~w:r:i~I~ ~ ~~~. l ot provin1; that he did not build or 1mprow, for the I pufl)OSe or sale~ I □ I, as owl'\ef' of the p,openy, am e•ch.isively contractin; with hcensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 70,,u, Busmes·s and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner ol property who builds or ,mproYes ~':~i~ 7.~~n~~~~~ ~~t!r~~~a~:~~-: License Law). I I I I I 0 lam exempt uruler Sec. _____ B. & P.C. 1 torth1s1eason __________ _ D I hereby afhrm lhat l have a certificate of consent to self-rnsure. or a certificate of Workers Compensation Insurance. or a certihed copy thefeot (Sec. J8'.JO, Labor Code) POUCYNO _________ _ I I 1 I I I CENSUS TRACT GP LANO USE I PAi/E7ACE I , QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE I ... EACH FIXTURE TRAP 1 EACH BUILDING SEWER EACH WATER HEATER AND /OR VENT 11 EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS RES UNITS ~,.- ., __ t GRADING f!ERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT AREA y [J N D vO NO QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU OVER 100,000 BTU BOILER/COMPRESSOR UPTO 3 HP BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP ' EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE J METAL FIREPLACE EACH INSTAI, .• ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE / VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST -HOOO IDUCTS t----+-------------------+----------------W A TE A SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE} --~~-----------~-----~--~--#-,•----· -- 1 C.f-lf. / TOTAL PLUMBING TOTJ.L MECHANICAL lt.67,38 l u... --, ~-""~ - ace LOAD FIRE SPR Not Valid Unm Machine Certified SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT SIGN PERM!() I ., PLAN CHEC~ '")..,, ~ -,. TOTAL PLUM BiNG ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ~ MOBILEHOME __.,- MOBI~ PARK INSP ~R 01-000-4220 370-, 01 -000-4221 01 -000-4806 01 -000-4222 01-000-4223 01-000-4224 01-000-4225 01 -000-4226 -. STRONG MOTION 65-640-0519 ... r • '-f-K . __,.J-------------t-----"~ FIRE SPRINKLERS 01-000-4227 .:£ C a: 0 (I) (I) Ql (I) (I) <{ I :!:: .Q ai >- (I) (I) Ql 0 0 a: Cl! (U C COMPANY I I I I QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 25·000-4933 BRIDGE FEE C\I Ql 0 C <11 C Q Copy IS filed With the city. 0 Cert1t1ed copy 1s hereby lurn1shect CEATIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WOAKE.RS" COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be compleled ,t 1he perm,1 1s tor one hul"ICred dollars {$100) or less) I I I j I I D I certify that 1n the perlormance ot the work tor 1 which this pe,mi1 1s issued, I shall no1 emplay any person in iimy manner so as lo become sub1ect 10 lhe Workers· Compensation Laws of Callforma NOTICE TO APPLICANT 11. alter mal<in~ this Cer1•· hcate of Exemp1ion. you should become sub,ecl ,.., I ~:o~~~s• ~~1per~~i~~ro;~~7; O~!~he ~~~ t pro.,.1s,ons or this perm,t shall be Oeemed revoked 0 I hereby affirm lhat there ,s a construct1on lend•~ agency tor the performance 01 the wot). tor wri,ci, th,s perm11 ,s issued (Sec 3097. C,v,I Code) Lenders Name __________ _ Le.nder"sAddress _________ _ NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/BKR J l)/1 COLLECTORS 1 PH 3 PH ' .. STORAGE TANKs_./'" I EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/BKR I ROCK~E / t----+--1_P_H _________ 3_PH ___ -7'1/"-/ REMODE L/ALTER PER CIRCUIT < 1 PrV,,,, --f"!rMP PLAN CHECK FEE TEMP PO LE 200 AMPS ,. ~ OVER 200 AMPS / V° I '<1 (r / / I .,. ' r I }I .,, . SCHOOL FEE • DISTRICT Carlsbad Encinitas San Oieguito San Marcos (2. ~-I 65-623-0519 65-624-0519 65-625-0519 65-626-0519 /7 -TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS) _5/ " ,,,., --_./--:7"""---_,+-----t---+-----~---::;;c::t-tl.,~t---+\--+-----11--------------+--------I TOTAL ELECT~ _ I (01ALSOLAR /" _x-"Z-i.-TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I . /_ u.. 0 u Ql 0. (I) C I HAVE CAR EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERUfr ANO DO HEREBY CERTIFY DER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT AU. INFORMATION HEJIEON INCLUDING THE Ellpi~. E .. ry p, rmlt iasued by the Bu»dlng Official undef the provisions o(this * AN OSHA PERMIT IS REQU1AED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER ~Code shall expire by limitation and baeome null and v01d. If the building or work 5· O" DEEP ANO D£M0UTION OR CONSTIIUCTION Of' I authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 d'!Ys from the date ol such STRUCT\IAES 0YEA J STORIES IN HEIGHT __ ai_ DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT AND I FURTHER CEftTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS permit. or II the building or work authorlZ8d by such perm11 is --,ded or ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON· L.'!aban~!!:do~ned!!!_~•·~•~n!L!y!Jme~~afte~!!.r..!!the~•!!ork2!!!c.Jl9!.£COffl!!!!!!!!"'!!enced!!!:!!2.,!1!!0'!.;•~1.oe@r~itv1~.L!L111!.!lao1it!L!! "d!!••"D-*---=--+~~~~~~------------"!"'J,---~-""11 .r:: STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND ~ APPROVI D B,ht )~ii ?; KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CAR~SBAO AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND APPLICANTS $1~~1 0. OWNER CONTRACTOR O DA EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE ~ BY PHONE O j • • (/LI / GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. / _/ / ~ J --,. --' \ , • ._ _.. "-L -t)' V V'" •• --✓/ \ \ ... ~-.. . . \ . . ~' I ~- . jc -' ... r ,~ 1 r: ~ INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPECTOR ., z;>..~, ~ BUILDING "' t"7.ttl -~ i;-tv,.... FIELD INSPECTION RECORD . FOUNDATION . I 'r'1 "' L .fJ, --~ REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES REINFORCED STEEL ·1 -1 • REO . IF INS PECTOR'S DATE /2 ·7$1--lt--l !iUL.A--rlotJ ~ MASONRY ~ INSPECTIGN • CHECKED APPROVAL ' t • -· GUNITE OR GROUT ! SOILS COMPLIANCE ~ FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME l PRIOR JO r , FOUNDATION INSP t5" c"-.: ;-'_.-r;;. I,:. . .-·:,? ' I SHEATHING I STRUCTURAL CONCRETE \ . -......, '-....i , FRAME ! 11-""h rr7.A~ OVER ~O PSI ·--1 PRESTRESSEO r r-, EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION i CONCRETE t / 1"2 · l~ Q ~ POST TENSIONED ....... ' INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL CONCRETE . -PLUMBING FIELD.WELDING ~ Ir,, •/n (IA,_ i-1W_ --SEWER AND B LI CO HIGH STRENGTH PLUMBING UNDERGROUND I \i BOLTS ~ I ' . l t},1?·~ SPECIAL MASONRY ' PLUMBING TOP OUT .. ~ r:c' , • '•" TUB AND $HOWER PAN l -m ~ GAS TEST 'I PILES CAISSONS ! ... ·-ELECTRICAL \ :-r--1 y TEMPORARY POWER ' ~ _.._ .J ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND l ~,... ..... \ -.,.. - ;~ .. t , . .:~ ' u .1~ . .;-.. ROUGH ELECTRIC ,-M.. •· I "1: .,:, . ., , I - ELECTRIC SERVICE I V f.~ --(· . '-.. .... -~ I ~ -BONDING I G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR I \ ) V I ,'\ \' } MECHANICAL I ii -./ I ~v L . DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING I\\·~---~ .1J.A., ) ... " ' v~ . -..J -\. HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS / i/ ./ - VENT! LATING SYSTEMS ... -; J..}? ~'[_ ~ .,v ' CALL FOR FINAL ~NSPECTl(!N WHEf! ~~L-APPROPRIA T~ ~ I. t1 ' -l.,.,-/ \ ' r--ITE¥S ABOVE HAVE1 BEEN APPROVED. '/., 0/i \ \ < jj 1 -.. le _~ . ./\) -JOB SITE FINAL I '• I/ iuv ( J -V -\ /\ & PLUMBING I / / JI/ . . ELECTRICAL f }S-I / = -MECHANICAL I ,. ,, GAS ./ ' . \. ~ \ Lr I \ • \. 'i ··"'-·"" -X . "\}.l ' " rl 1. ' . p "· • "'< (\ "--. BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS / CERT OF OCCl1~ '~CY ISSUED./ 1 '-" --\__ J APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD EN GIN EE RING DEPARTMENT 438-5541 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: I EXISTING BUILDING LATERAL LOCATION ST. t-= en LATERAL NO, _______ INSTALLATION DATE ______ _ SE ISSUED BY __________________ _ DATE ISSUED ------------------ VALIDATION LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H . ___ @_,,,'.___ ___ FT. _________ _ OVER 10' V . @ FT.----,.------- OVER 30' H. ___ @ ____ FT------------ OVER 10' V. @ FT. _________ _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) _________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO ______________ _ FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT. ____ TOTAL __ _ OTHER----------,,----------- CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ---TOTAL---- PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ____ TOTAL--- WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permitter .APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SiSTEM. • CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438-5541 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: '/ EXISTING BUILDING LATERAL LOCATION ST. f--'. (/) _______ INSTALLATION DATE-------- SE 1 ISSUED BY --~~--::--:-,----:----:-------- DATE ISSUED------------------ VALIDATION LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @c__ ___ FT. _________ _ OVER10'V. @ FT. _________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @. ____ FT, _________ _ OVER 10' V. ___ @ ___ FT, _________ _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) _________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO.-------------- FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT, ____ TOTAL __ _ OTHER ___________________ _ CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ___ TOTAL---- PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ____ TOTAL--- TOTAL CHARGES (LATERAL ETC.) _________ _ WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permitter ESCiIL CORPORATION 9:120 CH:E'HAPF.AKE DR .• Mt •1TF. 122 MAN DIEGO. CA 0212:-1 (T14) o00·140M '-/4e ji/t'UJ's uJ1tt.-Svb_s f-cud;cJ /'1 cPn-r/l'j cu,,½ -de ~es IF: C) /J ~/ LS l?ef70 JZ,f /.5 Sv 8177 I /24:>cf ~E/217J117f 'ne .5:-Jlt-/S )Jof- (j ~51 u e cu«fl I .5 ~-f v tt/4/y () ~ UnpncP-cf, {JvLu f:e CL cJ,'1 e -/_. I rJ-0'f ht-; tl,n CU c/4 I /.=c~ ~ (j/2 <?A~f' I ,r/l?(?K., 1 £_, {~,r5e>--&7 /J-7 Cd /r;; rl n I a . ~L-t;;JJzroJ?,8-/7~?V ~r}·~ Juris diction ~AK LS [«: AD Dates / -2-I -g 2 Prepared bys ~ldg. Dept. j Ci VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK N0._~8~2--_/~"'2...::;:;___ BUILDING ADDRESS ____ /__.2 ...... -_0_'1..._, ____ ; __ ;_1;._v_.~_/f/_.J ___ t._./_.r:_,.___ ____ A_tl_1::._-____ _ APPLICANT/CONTACT _________ PHONE NO. _______ _ DESJGNER PHONE ------BUILDING OCCUPANCY __ R ____ -_3..._ __ _ CONTRACTOR PHONE -----TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V , ,v ---------- BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTJPLIER L /1 1,vr:; J 7,;o ~• ~,..-7~.s-oo. -A I.£ A (;..A t kt:.£ f I,_ ,(. 'r ' I .-I Air Conditionin~ Commercial Resident ial Fire Sl)rinklers Total Value , 1/ () I I! I 60 II I Building Permit Fee Plan Check Fee I I, .... 1/1(?? • - (.-g o ' -'1 <.J 8,- 7 8 ... , 0 I' - I -✓- -') t/ 0 ., COMMENTS, ___________________________ _ Citp of Carlsbab JURlSCICTJt;., CABLS,!$AD DATE j.oc"..:E::: ADDRES:;, l;2.09 tf(A<ful/()L/A TO, r1A nr'/~IC&N-C C: □ APt :..:-,;•.~ ::P PI.Ari cH::::r::=a ccr·:· r:..A~ CCffRECTION SHEET 1 J.. V J1 7S°i> II SH;C:E FA.V.!LY ANO DUPLEX IMELLINGS I ' /.IO? (i,A~- Plan Check r,o. 92.-rZ. Stories~ Area(■) pEtjt bC Date ~~ans received by Jurisdiction '[V ,ti~=·~ ty C-1? Date ;::a::s received ty /l,qH C/J0cJce,1 u~2_!l'p-z_ Date ::.!':i~ial ;::an check cor'lpleted l1'1tJI{ //411;/{gZ ty_'::.::.J5--__ I Plan check is lioited to technical requirements contained in th• Unifonu. Building Code, Unifo~ Pli.::ibir.g Code, t:niform Mechanical Code, r.ational Elec- trical Code a.~d state laws regulating energy conservation, nol■■ attenuation ar.d access ror the hand1capped,Tbe plan check la based on regulation■ enforced by th■ Building Inspection Depart• =ent. You =•Y have other correction■ baaed on laws ar.d ordi~• anc•• enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Depart• mentor other depar1ments. The iteas circled below need clarltlcatlon, aodltlcatlon or chance. All circled items nav■ to b■ aatl■tled before VI■ plana wUl be ln contonnance wl th th■ cl ted codH and ragu- . latlona. Per Sec. )Ol (c), 1979 Un1rora Bulldlng Code, th• approval of the plan• do,a not pezwlt th• v1olat1on of &n7 nate, coun1:;J or cltJ l&w. A, 1. / B. ~ Please ma.Ice all correctiona on the original tracing■ and aubllllit bo new ••ta or print■, and any original plan ■et■. that may have bean returned to you by the juriadiction. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, r.ext to eac~ circled ite~. the sheet of the plans upon which eac~ correcticr. c,.-. this sr,eet r.a:; beer. made and rerur.-. this check sheet with the revised plans. Indicate or. plans the na.~e of the leµ.l owr.er ar.d na.~e of person responsible for the preparation of the plans. Sec. J02(t) Su1"1it fully di~er.s:or.ed plot plar: drawr. to scale showing location siie, and use of all existir.e ar.d ;:ro;:ose'.:! strs.Jctures or. the lot. Identify ;:r:per~: lir.es ar.d show let di~er.sicns ar.d all ease~ec.ts, Show lccatiar. cf all cut or fill slopes and apprcxi-ate fir.is~ fleer eleva::or.s for all struc~.Jres == show elevatioc.s at all lot corners. (Sec. J02(t~-,. :ndicate distance fro~ center-line of street er alley to property line and dis";.ance from curb to prci:erty line. (Sec. J02(b}?}. Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed by a California State licenaed engineer or architect. (California Business & Proteaaions Code) FIRE PRO'!'ECTICN Walls closer than J teet to property lines shall be ol"I! hour !ire rated construction. (Tabla 5·A J • ~alla closer than J feet to property lines sr.all have no openings. (Table 5.A), c. /· /6· ® Walls closer than J feet to property lines sr.all hav JO inch parapets when the building floor area e~c ds ~1l1L:4' 1,000 square feet per floor. \ 41,-t,~t, t.7 \ .., ·~ "' Projections, including eaves, may not extend !!lor than,) 11, -,pl' 1'. 12 inche■ into the J toot ■etbaclt from the prope rJl't Jl 01, · line, (Sec, l?lO and Sec S04(b} ). :,i,11 (, ProJections, including eaves ahall bt one hour ;;,f rniatlv• construction, bea-vy tiaber tible ;JII': aaterlal it they project into the tti. property line, Section 1?10, Show location of e-rnoka detactor, Smoke detector• shall not be battery operated in new eonstruetion,Pe=•nent ■lectrlcal power aupply requ1red,(Sec. 1210), P.OOM srz:e:::; LIGHT. VENTILATION AND GLAZIN~ One room must contain a min1.mUlll of 150 aquare feet of superficial floor area. (Sec. 1207(b)), Habitable rooms, other than kitchens, shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor area. (Sec, 1207(b)), Window area ~ust be at least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimu::i of 10 square feet per Sec, 1207(a), Appears to be deficient in _________________ _ Openable window area must be l/20 of the floor area, and a minimum of l 1/2 square feet in bat~.r-:c:,:s, la=.:!rs.r rooms, and similar rooms, (Sec. 1205(a)), Cne-half of all required window area riust te or,e:-:atle ~·· Provide ~echanical ventilation capable of prov~di:-:? five air changes per hcur in bathrooms, water clos••~ compar"=nents, laundry rooms and si:nilu roc~s if required windows are not provided, (Sec. l205(a)), No habitable room, other than a kitchen, shall te less than 7'0" in any dimension, (Sec, l207(c)). Show that ceiling height for habitable roo:s is a minimum of 7'-6•. ( Sec, 1207 (a)), Show ceiling height tor laundry rooma, hallways, corri- dora, and batnrooas la a alniaum ot 1•-0•, ( Sec, 120?(a)). Provide 30• clear width tor -ter cloaet.compartments and 24• clearance in front ot wter closet. (Sec,l?ll(b)). No cooking room shall be used tor sleeping purposes, unleaa complying aa an etticlency living unit, ( Sec,1208 ), Specify aatety glazing tor glazing in t-.azardous locations such as glass doors, glazing adjacent to s~ch doors and glazing adjacent to walking surfaces. ( Sec. 5406'1, Sleeping ~ooms ~ust have a ~indow c~ exter~or 1oor :or e~ergenc:, exit, Sill height shall not be over .... " above the floor with S,7 sq. ft, minimum openable area minimum, with net height or openir,&: 24" and minimua net width or oj;;;iing 20 •. ( Sec, 1204) , Eavea and cornice• IU,J not proJect into a r.qulred yard 110re than 2 inch•• tor each toot ot yard width lf requlr■d wlndo• op■n into the yard, (Sac. l206(d)). ,,,_ - _,!?d'. t. A "ezzanine is an intemedlate floor and "•Y not hav~ • !loor area exceeding)) 1/) percent or the total floor area ln the room below, and the mezzanine floor ~ust have a clear height of? reet, above and below. ar.d must have 65~ or the long aide open to the roo- "eelow. 'n-.e lo!t you show does not comply aa a mezzanine floor ar.d is, by Building Code definition, a stor--J ~I':'S, STAI~WAYS, A~'D RAILINGS Floors above the second story shall have not less than 2 exi";s, ( Sec. ))C2(a)), ~eq~irej exit doorways shall be not less than )6" :" wi~-;~ ~d not less than 6'-8" in height. No door :ea! s~a!l exceed 4' in width. (Sec, )JO)(e) ar.d ?ro~·!~e JS"' high protective railing for porches, balco- "~es, ~~ open sides of landings. Maximum cpenir.g ::e-=wee" railings is 9", {sec, 1?16>• S~ow ~~w g-~ardrail cor.nection details are adequate to s~ppor~ 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to ";~e to~ rail, (~able 2)-B y.' Provide stairway and landing details. (Sec. ))05(b) & (c} ), ,,,r: r.ax:.::iu.~ rise 8" and ·minilllum run is 9", y r.ini.:!ur.i head room is 6•-6", /, Mini:num width is )O", r t'rovide tar.drails for all stairways with two or ~ore risers. (Sec, ))05 (j}). y. Provide handrails for stairways over JO" hi,h when servir.~ a sin,le dwellin,. (Title 24, ~ec. T25-22(b)), l!andra:l :;t.all te ')O" to ]4" above the nosinir of tread::, {::ec. JJOS ( .' l), \ Handrails projectin~ from a wall shall have a E space not less than l½M between the wall and the ~. har.drail. (Sec. J)OS ( j)), .,;rv, The hand Frip portion of handrails shall be not less ~ than li" r.or !'lore thar: 2" in cross-sectional dimension, (Sec. ))05 ( j)). @ Every ■tatn.ay landin,p: ■hall have a dllllen■lon, mea■ured 1n the direction of travel, at lea■t equal to the ■talrway width, (Sec. )J05(g)), A door swinging over• landing ■hall not reduce the wldth of the landin,r to le■■ than 1/2 the required width in any position nor by more than? Inches when fully open. (Sec. J)OS (g} ), Provide details or winding ■tainay, a. lllllnim\1111 tread la 6 inches at any point lll'ld miniml.ll!l 9 inches at • point 12 inc:hu from the aide cf the stairway. b, llaxilllum riae la 9 inc:hea, c. Minlmum width la JO inche■, (Sec, ))OS (d)). Provide spiral stairway details, a, Minimum run la? l/2 inches at a poir.t 12 inches from where the tread is the narrowest. b, Maxilllwn rise is 9 l/2 inches. c. Minimum headroom ls 6 feet 6 inches, (Sec, ))05(!')). Spiral stairways may not be used for requirej exi~s when the area served is greater than 4CC sq,!~. Sec. JJOS(f) Spiral stairways must have a clear -111:ing space of 26 inches between the column and handrail. (Sec. ))OS(f)), In buildings over 2 atories in height, provide )/4 hour fire rated assembli-es tor all openings in the exterior wall below or within 10 feet hcrizor.-:ally of an exterior s21rw.,y. An exit balcor.y wit.': 2 separated stairways is exempt. (Sec. J)05(L)), Exterior stairways shall not project into the) foot setback frcm the property lines, (Sec. )JOS(r.)), The wall■ and aoffita of the encloaed useable space under interior ■taira shall be protected on tr.~ enclosed aide as required for one hour fire-resistive construc- tion. [Sec. J)05(m)). ROOFING Specify roof pitch, Root pitch i■ not adequate for roof typa ■pecitied. Spaciry 11.lnillua pl tell of ____________ _ Specif) roof .. terlal &Jld application, 1.]S'-11 w/ f11..r Specify ICBC approval nWllber ror roor ~•tPrlaln not covered ln UBC, Specify roof slope for dralna~e or desi,;n to support accW!lulated -ter. (Sec, J20?(a)). Show roof drains and overflows, (Sec. )20?(c)l, Provije skylight detail• to show compliance with Sectior.s 3401 er 520? or provide ICBC approval n1-::1ber, Frovide plastic roof panel details to show co~pliance with section 5206 or provide ICBC approval nu..~ter. ~ Show attic ventilation, Mlnimwn vent area is 1/lSO o! attic area or 1/)00 of attic area if at least sc< cf the required vent is at least) feet above ceilir.g joins, (Sec. )205(c)), ;lid', Frovi~e fireplace construction details. (Sec, )7c~i. Show veneer support ar.d specify ver.eer cc::.necticns. Sec. )002, 4, 5, 6 and Sec. 2516(a). Frovi~e veneer ar.chor ties for ever--; two square fee-; c! veneer and No. 9 horizontal joint rei::.!'or-:::e:::en"; wire !or all anc~ored veneer in seis::iic zones II: a::.! r,. (U:SC Standard )0·1), Show height and constr--~ction details o! all ma.sor.:-; walls, (Chapter 24), Note t~.at cleancut openings shall be provided at t.~e botto~ cf all cells to be grout filled over 4• in a single pour. Cleanout shall be sealed before groutir.g, after ir.spection. (Sec. 2415), Provide engineering calculations for ~asor.ry wall desi~ a.~d connections, [Sec. 2417,18,19,20), Show floor and roof connections to masor.ry walls, Connection shall resist 200 pound per foot or the act".lal design loads,whichever is greater, (Sec, 2)10), Frovide ~aterial spec:ificatior.s for ~or'2r, grout, ~asor.rJ and reinforcir.g steel, (Sec. 240)), 3how how masonry house -11s retaining el.!"th are to ::e waterproofed, Note that special inspection of the ~•sonry will be required ror __________________ _ c. ;n. §> I l2l, 122. 12). CAR.ACES Af!I) CARPORTS Carage requlr•• one-hour flre protection on the garage •Ue ot -11• and celllnp common to the dwelling. (Table S-B, Sec. 50)(b)). All elements supporting floor above garage to have one-hour tire re•i•tive protection on the garage aide, (Sec. SO)). Show l )/8· solid core self-closing door tor opening between garage and dwelling, (Sec. 50J(d)), Carages are not penaitted to open into a roe: used for sleeping purl)Oses. (Sec. 1104), Cpenings between car port and residence require self- closing doors an.11 stationary windows, (Sec. 1214). Show gara a framing section, sl~e ot header O?er garage opening ateral cross bracing at plate in• :ti method of bracing garage front. (Chapter 2)). NOTE, !ll!inlmum plywood diaphraf!III ratio is) 1/2 to 1 or 2•-4·. (Table 24-IJ. Note on ;la:-.s ~hat a soils engineer shall evaluate any :J..~a.~ti:i;ated uncompacted fill :r expa.~sive soil or other soil problems disclosed d~rir.g const:-~ction. Sub::tt a soil classification deter.!lir.ation ty a licensed engineer or architect baaed on observation, tests, torir.gs, or excavations, and contai~ing co~r.e~ts on tte degree of expansiveness, compressibilit"J ar.d :earing value, (Sec. 2905), Note on the plan the soil classification, •~ether or not the soil ls expansive.and note the allowatle bearir.g value, or have the foundation confor.:i to Table 29-A. (Sec. 290S)■ The foundation plan doe■ not comply with th• ■oil report recoll:lllendationa tor thi■ project _____ _ Provide note■ on the foundation plan listing th• 1011 report recornmendationa tor foundation■• •lab and bulldlnc pad preparation. 12'6. llote on the foundation plan that wPrior to the Contrac- tor reque,tlng a Building Departaent foUT1dation inapection, the •oil• 8'1glnear ■hall adviae the Building Official 1n writing that, 1, the building pad-• prepared in accordance wlt~ the aoila report, 2. the utility trenches have been properly backfilleC and co111pacted, and, J. the foundation excavations, fo~ing a.r.d reinforce-)X, 125. ~ent comply with the aoils report a:-;.j approvej. ~® plan,· /' Frovije spread rootir.gs tor concentrated loads jes1g::ed / for 1000 PSF soil bearing or per bear1r.g value as determined by an engineer or architect, (Chapter 29), Show height or all rour.dation walls, (Cr.apter 2)), Show ~eight or retained earth on all four.daticr. walls. (C!:apter 2) ). S~.ow :1istance or foundation to eda:e of ::•.;-; or ,r;. ... , __ .,.._ slopes a::d show steepness ar.d he:~~-;s ~r :~-;s :c-· f~!::.s. , :!'!apter 29 ). ~~te on plans that surface -ter wil~ :ra:r. away fr::= ~u11:1lng and ahow drainage pattern a::: ~ey elevaticr.s, .Se::. 290Slf). ~:.::iension toundation per Table 29A, TABLE NO, 29-A -POtmDAT:C:1 FCR ST'~':l !EARING WALIS MINlMUli\ REiUI1=!EY.E,~ Thiclmeaa Ot Foundation wall Width Cepth Cf =our.ca tic?". Number C! (Inches) or unh Footing Concrete Maaonry (Inchea) Eelow 'la~..1ral ::~rface -=t\iclcr.ess :r Grour.d :! Ar.d Finis~ Footing ~rade Stories 1 2 ) 6 8 10 6 8 10 12 15 18 ( Inc hes) ( Inches) 6 ., a 12 18 2C. Show foundation ■111■ to be prea■ure treated, or equal, (Sec, 2517 (cl)), Show foundation bolt else, epaclng and penetration. (Sec. 290?(e)), Specify ■i&e, ICBO nu.~ber and 111anufacturer or power driven pins, Show edge and end distances and spacing. c:.ec. )06(!)), :how size, i:ated111ent IU\d location of hold down anchors on foundation plan, (Sec, 2)12(!')}, Note er. pla.~ ~~at hold down anchors =ust be tied in ~:..ace pr ic r to founda tio11 i!'lspec tior.. [Se:::. 2Jl2 ( ! J ) • Z~~• ajequate footlr.gs under all 3~ear walls. (~e~~ Show s~eppel !ootir.gs for slopes s~ee,er ~~a.~ ltl~. : ::; e:. 290"';:::) ) • Stow ~ini=ll!l 1e-clearance tr:= grade to ~=~t~-. ::ff!:::~ ~~is~s and =ini.:!l.um 12• cleara::ee to to~~o~ of gir!ers, ,Sec. 2517), Show pier size, spacing and depth ir.to ur.d~st-..1rbed soil, 1 l'able 29-A) S!':ow :::ini:aum -.mder !'loor access cf l:!w x 2~-. ,Se:, Zc~-"' .... -' . S::-.ow :-:i~i~~ ".J..-:der ~loor ven~!.latior. equa! ~: : :/ 2 sq, ~~-for each 2S lineal reet of ex~erior f:~~jat:o~ wi~h openings as close to corners as practicable -:o ~rovide cross ventilation on at least two approx!.::iately opposite aides, (Sec, 251?), Show all joists, ratters, bea::is, and posts 2w ':o -+" thick to be No, 2 Grade Douglas ?ir-Larch or ~etter. All ;oats a.'l!beil!IIS s· and thicker Shall be No. l Grade ~ouglas ~ir-Larch or better, (:'able 25-A-l) • :.how wall bracing. Every exterior wood stud wall ar.:1 =•in cross partition shall be braced at each er.d ar.d at least every 25 feet of length with 1 x ~ diagonal lat-in brace or equivalent. (Sec. 25l8(gJ5)}, Note croH brUg:lng or blocking. Floor joists and rafters ~ore tr.an 12• in depth and spanning ~ors than 8 feet shall be supported laterally by bridging at interval• not ucee:11nc 8 fHt, (Sec. 2506(g)). _J,n. ;r,. Show blocking at enda and at aupporta ~f floor jolat■• llnd for rafter■ at exterior -11■• (See. 2so~1,1>. Show 1olid blocking at rldga l!na and at exterior wall• on trua1ed roofa. (Sac. 2S06(g)). Show doubla Jolat1. Floor Jolats ■hall be doubled under bearing partltlona running parallel with the Jolata. (Sec. 2518(d)S). Show ratter purlin braces to be not leas tha:: 45 degree~ to the horhontal. '5ec. 2518(h) ). Show rafter ti••• Ra!'ter ties shall be spaced not more th~ 4 feet on center where rafters ar.d ceilir.~ joi1ts are not parallel. ( Sec. 2Sl8(h) j. Show l/2• minimum clearance between top plate o~ interior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. (~= ensure loading will be as deslgne~.) Shew double top plate with minimum. 4g• lap splice. :ae::. 2518(g) .. ~how nailing will be in compliar.ce wi":h ta~le 2~-F. rr~·.ide fire stops between stories, ·::e-:wee::-:. -:::;: stcr:,· a.~d roof space, at ceilings ar.d flocr levels ~r. interior ar.d exterior walls. in ~a.~sard roof or eyetrow so no ccr.eealed or turred apace la greater thar. 1c• horizon- tally or vertically, between stair stringers at top anc! ~ottc~ and batween studs along anc .n line with stair run adjoining atud walls and partitions, at perimeter of alldlng door pockets, between chi=ey and wood !r111:11 using metal or inc0111bustlblea tor the !ire atop and at other places that could at'ford passage or name. Sec. 2517(f) Show Btllds. In one or two story buildings, S~Jds !or exterior -11a and interior bearing -11s s~a:! be not lesa than 2 x 4 at 16• o.c. Studs !:r i~tericr r.onbearing partitions may be 2 x J at 16 o.c. S~JdS 2· to 4• thick and 2• to 4· wide and ~ot :ore t~ar. e feet long s~.all be •atud grade• Douglas ?ir•:.are~ or better when supporting not more than one floor and a roof, ( Sec, 2518(g} ). Note an A.I.T.C. Certlt1cate ot Compliance for glued llll!linat1d wo~membera ■hall be given to the !uilding Inspector prior to erection. ( Sec. )06( t) J • Detail all po■t to beu and post to tooting connectlona. Sec. 2Sl7(c)4 V. ~~ec1fy nail alze and apaclr.~ for all ■hear •11■, floor 11nd roof dlaphra,una. Indicate required bloc~tr.,. Maintain ■axl■lwa dlaphrap diaenalon ratlo■• (Table■ I, J, K.). Show 1• Jr: 4• or 2• Jr: 6• ■tud■ 1n flrat atory or tl\ree ■tory building. (Sec. 2Sl8(t)). Provide tru■s datail■ and tru■■ calculations. Provide a root truing plan, (Sec. )02(a)?,. Provlda fr•lng ■ectlona through _________ _ ____________________ -Sec. )02(a)?;. Speci!Y all header size■ for openir.g over•• w1:e. Sec. 2518(g)?. 1e:. Provide calculations for ______________ _ Sec. )02(a)7, r, In areas subject to water splash an: ir. exterior locatior.s, wood c~lU111r.s and posts s~.all be aa~~:rte: ty ~iers pro;eetlng at least 2" above the !ir-is~•= g:-a:~ a::: __ / y)• •a;./ r· shall tear on a metal base plate er -:reate1 woe= ~r.:ess the ec:.-.i:-.r:s or posts are foundat.1or. gra~e re:wec: er cedar. ;Sec, 25l?lc)•i, S~ow locatior. of attic scuttle wit~ :i~i~.~ s~:e 2ZM x JC .. , , See, )205). Show draft separation for attic areas in ex::ess c! )OOO sq. ft. (Sec. )205). Show draft separation !or space betwee~ ~r:~pe1 ceilir.gs and floor in excess of 1000 sq. !t. ;sec. 2~1~·. Speci!y plywood grade and panel ider.-.:ifieatl:r. ir.~ex. ( Table 2.5-J) • When roof pitch 1s less than J112, desi~ ri::!.ge as a vertical load carryir.g ~enber. (Sec. 251~'~1 • Wood shear walls shall not be :.ise~ -.:; resis": r.cri:or.tal forces contributed ty !::asonry ir. ?:-:.;.:.H.:.r.gs :·.-er ::-.~ atory 1n height, ( Sec, 2Sl6(b);. '.iypsu:i lath and plaster, gypsum sheath:.r:g :car! ar.::!. gyps-..:- wallboard shall not be used in vert:.~a:.. :i:.a;:.~.ra~s to resist forces imposed by masonry :r :cr.cre-:e cor.st:r-Jcticr.. Table 47-I. It crlppb wall ■tud■ are lua than 1r.•. fraz:iing ■hall be solld blocking. (Sec. 2Sl8(g)6). ■hall ba ■upportin1 Cripple wall atuda asceedlng 4 feet ln height J inch 'by 4 inch or 2 inches by 6 inches when 2 ■torlea. (Sec. 2518(1)6). ® Show plywood ah■athlJlc oYer axpo■N ea•-■• or other .. ather ■Jr:p,■ad arau, 1■ as1:arlor crad•• (Sec. 2517(1))). All heating. ventllatlng, and cooling system■ and appliance■ ■hall c0111ply with the Uniform Mechanical Code. ~ Spaclfy BTU rating of the haatlng appllance, y.' Show the location and typa of all heating ar,d cooling appliance• or syatema. Y. Every dwelling unit ahall be provided with heating facllltl•• capabl• ot maintalnlng a room te=nperature 0 ot 10 F. at l feet above ~he floor ir. all ~.abltable rooms. Show basis for compliar.::e. ~BC Se:. 1211 Show mini::iu:n JO• deep ur.obatr..1cte::!. wor£ir.g space in front of fun,.ace. Snow furnace apace minilllu= 12• w:.::!.e:-tha:: f-..~a::e er per listing. (Se:. 704~~::. back ar.::!. top o! !~mace or :lea:-a.."'.:~ r•:- Se:. ,.,:.:.::!'.: .. ; ":!" .. .:...,._ ---------~• F:.irr-.ace shall r.: t. be ir.s-:.al:.e-:. ·.;.:--.:: '!"!' a:-.:.-2 -:a ::--... :r.-. Se:. ,c ... :.,1t.: F-..1:nace shall r.ot be ir.S":al~e:: :r. a.-::: :e-:.:-::""'., ~a~---·::-., closet, or in ccn!'ined space -.,it:: !l::es:: :~.:~· ~~.roaz~ such rooc, unless speci:'ied as :!:.:-e:-: ·,e::-: a;:pl:.a=-:ce, enclosed !urnace or electric ~ea~i::~ a;:;::~a:-.ce. Sec. ?Oi.!/Jl!c Attl: !urnace installed in a s;:ace :ess ~r.ar. s• high shal: be listed for such lnstallat1or.. !e:. ~~::'!I::;, She• ICBO approval tor prefab !!replace ar.:! provide approved installation i~str-Jcti:r.s. Shew access to the attic !'a'?:a:e -:: :e la:-ge e::o.gt. to pass the largest place of r.~aee a::.d ir. r.o case :ess tr.a:-. Jo !nchea by JO inches. t SK, -:-ce'J!I!':.,. Sote tr.at pasaa1•-Y to the attic !::.."T.;ac~ s~.all be '.ir.obstr-..1cted and have contir.uo.s so:i! !:c:~ir.g r.ot less than 24 inches wide. (See. ?C::1'!~). Show a per:ianent electrical outlet a::d l~g.~ting fix~..1re controlled by a switch tor the att~: !.r:-.ace. Se~. ?O!!'J)IC Show detail• to comply with Section ?09 for :un-.ace under th■ floor, Section 708 tor attic fur.:ace, or Section 710 tor roof or ouulde f'\ar:-.ace, Note on plan, P• vent■ and non-coabustlble plpln1 paa■lng through three floor■ or l••• •hall ba atfectiYaly draft •topped at ••eh floor or celling. (U,9.C.Sac • K, ELttTPICAL ("ATIONAL E'LECTR!CAL COD!) All wlrln,; •hall comply wlth the National Electrical Code. ~-~ .,2"!j. ;ze. ~ ~ Note on the plan the amperage of electrical service. It th~ electrical inatallatlon 1• more than 20C a::perea, show par.el location and provide a aingle line diagrL~ ar.J load calculations including, a. Wirlr.g method employed, t. Sizes or all conductors. switches, circuit treaters. fuses. and conduits. c, Approximate length of service and feeders. :. F~~vide plot plan showing services, all pa.r.e: l:eat1or.s, circuit a.rrange:e:-:.t and load distritu- t~c:-:. or. panel busses. e, F~:vide typical panel sehed~le(s). :~e::::-:.~s a:-.d cor.do~iniw:is requi~e 100 a:p serri:e. S~.:• ::cation o! all electrical receptacles. .~.~.;. ~t. 2l0-25(b)). s:e:tr~:al receptacle locations and/or spaci:-:.g is ~ot a:e,.ate ;.:-:., f)JIJiA/t;,@ ,sf.AlR,5 t ?I.ANTU_; L IVIN'i R1t1,@ fi..dN:tf"& • At :east 0:-:.e receptacle shall ~e installed o~tdoors, in tase- :er.ts &r.~ att.ached garages other than laur.cry outlets.(See 224), )'lo. Provide adequate barrier to protect water heater fr0111 vehicle d-age, (Sec, 1)10), M. ~- Show T and P valve on •ter heater alld ahow route or cHacharge llne. (Sec. 100? (el). Note on plans that a water press~re re~..ilator is req·Jired if serving pressure is over 80 p.s,i. ,~ec. lCC7). Provide dryer vent to outside. 1:.~ecr..:~de, :ec. 19C) .• Note on the plan that hose bibts a::d la-r.. spri~.kle:- syste~s sr.all have approve~ bac«f::w ~r~ver.--:_:- de·nces. ( Sec. 100)!. NCISE INSULATION (OUPLEX!::S' Show details of duplex c=cr. ,par-:;·) wal:.s .i.-.:: :::i::~/ ceiling asse~bliea to achieve a So\or.d ~ar.s::~ssion Class (STC) rating in walls o~ !~ decibels ar.:: a..~ !=pact Insulation Class (ITC) ratir.g or. floor/ceiling c! SC declbela.(Title 25:. S~cw how penetrations o! aase~~::es ~er ~i;~~g. ele:~ica! jevices. recessed cabinets. ta~~~~:s, s:!!:~s, ~r ::eat~:-.g, ve!'!tilating, or ex!'.a'..:s"': :!· .. :::--:s s~.a:: :e sea:e:::, li::.e1, or :.nsulated to r:iair~~a:.:: ~e~·..a::..:-e: sc::.:::!. -::ra~s- ~:ssior. ratings. [Title 25;. ~rovije ir.sulatior. in walls a.~:: :e::~~~ --:: a:::~:eve 3~.c• :!.:-:.: .. :n~ dwelling lighting Oi,E.C. Art,210-25ial and lJA '/I :=.:!'s !.:-. garage, ~ and outdoors.(:f.!;:.C. Art.210-S(a}),AI, T. S':': :if 50 between garage and li·:~r.g area ~f ;..c-age .. se ie r.ot controlled by the reside~--: •. :it:e ,; µ(. S~cw kitchen electrical receptacles are located lr. oc:pl!.a.~ce with code. (N,E,C. Art, 210-2S(b)). L. All pl=ti:-:.g shall co=ply with the Uniform PlUlllbing Code. J.M'• Pilots. ~urners, heating eleaents and switches o! -ter heaters shall be l8M above garage floor, (Sec. 1)10). ¢. Show water heater type and location on plans, ¢', Sr.ow =ethod or providing combustion air to ruel burning water heat,r. (Sec. 1)07). >JI!. Show water heater clearance from combustible wall. Sec, 1J08 ¢. Fuel co•buatlon water heater shall not be installed ln bath or b1droo• or ln cloaet opening lnto bath or be~roo111. ( Sec. l)0'/), N. ::-;s,:,:;y C0!-lSERVATI0N All additions to existing reside:-:.tial build1r.gs ~us~ comply •1th Title 24 energy reg-,laticr.s. Additior.s exceeding )0-of tha existir.g t~i:jir.g requires tte existing and addition to have ?-~9 ceili~g ir.s~lati:~ :f the existing ceiling area is ac:essitle !er ir.s~:a- tion installat1on.(T20-1~01(ci1. ¢ :pecify th• insulation R values for walls, roof, a:-.d ceiling. (R-11 tor 111llls1 R-19 f:r Ceilir.gs, or provide details and analysis fer an alten-.ate desig:-:.) (T20-l40),Tabl• A and (2)(B)). @ ~pecify the groaa floor area of ~,ated portior.s or t~e dwelling, and the area or glaze~ openir.~s en ~~e plan. ( T20-140)). ~ Provide an analy■ls Ju■tlfying ~.crnair.g the single \_..../ glazed area beyond 16-ot the gr:ss floor area, ~~ow method to raduce heat lo■■ to tr.£t which would occur wltll baalo cla:r.1nc.(T20•140Z, de!.) ~ Extra window area for aouth-tacing walls 11 permitted it justified by a passive aolar credit analysis, T20-140), _p1'. In cooled bulld1nga, provide tinted gladr.g for glazing areas 1n excess or 16~ or the floor area. ':he glazing area on -111 oriented within 22 1/2 degrees or North need not be included in the total .✓calculated glaiec1 area. (-T20-ll.O)). a.f"a. rrovHe energy analysis to show th.at the bor-~et capacity ~ cf t~e gas central fun\&Ce does net excee1 the b~il1ing desig:-: heat loss by more than JO~. (~xceptio~s, ~a.oco BT'J/~.r. output furnace. See also Califor.:ia Seasonal Efficiency Adjustmer.t.){':'2~-14C~). ~ !'iote on pla.~ tl'.at all transverse d·..icts:, ple:-.:.:.--:.s, a.:-.1 fitting :oints or HVAC syste:: shal: :e sealed with pressure sensitive tape or mastic t: :;:rever.t air loss. :2c-1c.c ... ~ote o:-. pla..~ tl'.at ir.sulatior. =~ 1uc:ts s!':all =~:-:.~o::--;: ::v: Sectio:-. 1co5. {':20-1404). :;ote or. pla.~ that all doors a:-.d wir.:o·"8 to "':!':e exter:.cr er to •..;...~con:H tionec1 areas st-.all :>e ~"'-lly wea tr.er s<;ripec1 pl'r ANSI Star.da.rd. (':'20-l4CJ,. ~ote on plan tr.at ~ack draft dar.ipers are required en all far. systems exnausting air froo the buildi:-:.~. ':'20-140). Electrical resistance apace heating shall r.ot !:le used unless, a. ~c• or heating/cooling ls supplie~ ty a r.or.depleta::~ so·.irce. :. supplements a heat pump systr-i. ~, less th.an 10~ or total heating systr.,.. 1. li!e cycle c::ost analysis justifies. (T2c-1~cc.;. :;ote or. plan th.at all heating ar.d cooling equipment etriciencies sh.all confon11 to Title 20-Chapter 2, ;ubc::r.apter 4, Article 4 {75~ for forced air !urr.aces), Sote on plan that no r.atural gas, central heating plant :ay be installed without an Intermittent Ignition Device. (T20-l40S), Note on plan tr.at th• hot .. ter pip• recl~ulating system• 1n attica, prag11 or unheated apace• ahall be inaulated to prgvide -•iaa loes of 50 B'tV/hr per linear toot, TZO•l406, ,)ll'f. !hctrle rHlatance .. t•r ll•tlna l■ not penalth4 un1H ■ •erlfle4 •• co■t effectlY■ by• life cycl ■ co1t analy■l ■• T20-1"06. ~ Outdoor pool■ with ro,■11 fuel h■at ■r■ r•q~ir■ pool cover■•• ••11 •• other en■ro 1avln1 deYlC ■I ■uch •• tla• clock■• etc. (T20-1406). o. r- P· )rl': ~ );.( y. yr: /. "'ISCELtANEOUS Show m1n1mum 2• wide alr ■pace and flashing between planter and building -111. (See, 2Sl?Cc}i. Show a weep ■creed at the foundation plate line on all exterior atud -11■ to be atuccoed, (Sec. ~706le),. Shower stall ahall be minimu:::i width 30-with a m1n1mu.-. floor area of 900 sq, ln. (U,P,C, 909(d)j, Specify material to be used under the ■hower tile,(Sec. 1707(■)). Specify lath and plaster to comply with Chapter~,. UBC. Frovlde an approved waterproof building paper under wood siding. ( Sec. 1 707 ( a ) : . Specify an approved flashing for exterior openings snd ;arapet walla,(Sec, )208). :we JI~" ccpper pipes !".:lst be installed frc'.'.". wa~er t,eater location to convenient locaticr. of :future solar panels (City Ord, 809)), Frovide sleeves (roof jacks) in roof for two future J/4" copper pipes to convenient location of future solar panels (City Ord, 809}). ~lote that solar water piping is to be insulated ~~.areas that are not heated or cooled. 1,.,1~ Ord. BOQJ). {J .~ee attac!c~er:: :for roofin~ requirements, (City Ord. 8093) /'S#OW 5/l()W " tr Jou llav• any questions ~~c•rdlng th1a plan chac~. pl•••• call ~ at (?14) 560.1468. •• would alao b• plaaa.«I to ~•~t •1th you, at no char~•• tr addltlonal aaa1 ■tance 1~ n••ded. ADDITIOHAL REMARKS PL.AA/Z:..£.8. 6..0i{. __ PE-IA JL ... 0/'I r:li'A..MJ.A/6 Pl.. AAI rHF' :z. -If :1. A A/clf(IR. S -AT / ro,sr Co/llNG'C 7lt:>N A 7"' EACH ~/VD,. I SH EFT iP .) -- ~ .5//ow FA t,( VEA.,} -r ROllTr.. ' Sr/ow u/;'t-Te-R HE.A ,/FR. V $A.17 TGO A?IA/A 7;10 ,,,~ PGR.. / WPc.. SEC. 1317 (,2.). -- STUD • '·r'.!i,-n!"v !"oof covPrinir~ mav t,,. used onlv or. bu!ldinl'fl of ;n.,,, r; or.c,,1par.ciec, (City l1rd. 8093) · "ir••-!"<>ta!"jar.t roo!"ir.e-is required on all residential ~,_.:,.:!:. ,.._f"~-J,er •: i ~•; '..rd. Pr~). 1979 EDITION UNIFORM BUILDING coor 3203 Ctl Jirl'-rl'lardanl Roof Co,·rrinJ!>. A l1rr-retardam ru1•: ,11\.:rmr ~hal' tx-.im Pne c•f the fol1011om1? roofm,?s: -\n" t l.t" ,\ or B hu1h-up rooting a\\embl\ ~ An\ mineral aggre,?ate \urfa.:ed bu11l-up ro,•f Im apphca11on 1,, rooh na\ln,? a ~lope not more than 3 m.:he, i.1 IZ m..:hc\ apphed a, ,pe..:1t1ed m ~ecuon 3203 (di I cons1stmg of not le.,, than the 1,,l!o11omf . ' Roor Deel,. ..,,,i1d ~urta.:e on noncombu~tible matenab 0r minimum of . -:n.:h p1,11oooo or 1-mch nommal board, or other material apprci"ej t,y me t1utldmg offic,al. Ba!>e ~heel and Plie!> I-our 1a,er, of Type 15 pert orated ,,rgam.: fit-er ieh. ,,. I nree ia" er, of Type I 5 orgam.: ,,r m0rgam..: f 1 her fr:1:. anJ ~urfacinli! ~1aterilll 41)(.1 round, per roofing square 0f gra\el. .:ru,hed rod, . .:eram1..: or aprr,1\ed !->1m1lar surlacmg material. or JOU pound~ per roofing square of crushed ~lag. 1See L .B.C. Standard No. 32-5 tor mineral roof mg aggregate V1eigh- 1ng le,.., than 60 pounds per cubic foot. I An:-built-up roof for application to roofs hanng a slope not les-. than · = mch 10 I:! inches applied as specified in Semon 3103 td) I, .:onsistmg of not less than the fol10V1ing: Roof Deck Sohd surface on noncombustible materials or minimum of : ,-inch plywood or I-inch nominal boards or other material approved by 1he building official. Rase Sheet and Plies T \\O layer~ of Type IS organic fiber f eh. or One layer of 14-pound glass fiber felt base shee1, or combinauon ~heet, or One layer of Type 30 organic fiber felt, or One layer of Type 45 asbestos fiber felt base sheet, and CapSheeb One la)'er of 90-pound mineral surfaced organic fiber felt cap sheet (requires not le~s than two layer'.> of organic fiber reltJ, or TVlo layers of SS-pound mineral surfaced organu: fiber felt spin sheet, or One layer of SO-pound mineral surfaced asbeMos fiber felt cap sheet, or OnC' la,c-r 1•1 72 r1•11nd mmc-ral ,url,Kc-ll 11la,, hhc-r ldr ,;rp ,h(·.-r. "' I 11\1• l,nC"r, t•f 1 ,·re I~ a,t,c,1n, flllc-1 fm1,hm11 ldt, Am< la,, A or 8 prepared roofm11 Am (la" { mineral 1ourta1:ed a,phalt ,hmile, laid \O 1ha1 there arc not 1t-,, 1han t11oo th1dne..,.e, al an" pom1 and the w1al \\C:IJZht per roohnfi'.' ,quare ,, not 1e .. , than 2J~ round, A,tie,rn,-Lement ,hmJZle, or ,heet, l un..:re1e \lab H•ul Metal root co,ennr Slate ,hmgle• IC• l la\ or .:on..:re1e root llk I l An, r,,,., ,.o,erm11 \\\tern, 1•t 11o l•,•d ,hmgle, or ,hali.e.., h,n rng a l. la~, h rating n 3pecia: Purpose Roof co~plyir.~ with UEC Standards :;c. )::-1-:-:ay l::e used provided the buildir.~ is, (1 J ~.:: :-"!"e ::-.a!'. -::wo stories in hei~ht, (2) not !'.lore :~ar: ~.c:~ 3.c. of projected roof area, ar.d (J) there is 2. :-:ir.:--::.:-cf lC :'eet f'ro:-the extreni ty of the roof to :~-" prq:er::: E!".es or: all sides. (City Crd. 809); UNIFORM BUILDING CODE STANDARD N0.32-14 SPECIAL PURPOSE ROOFS Wood Shakes and Shingles with Asbestos Felt Sec. 32.1401. (a) Wood Shak~. Special purpose wood shake roofing shall con- form 10 grading and application requirements of Chapter 32 of the L"niform Build- ing Code for sha~~-In addition, 1he deck shall be .:oru.trucled of '.-m,;h plpwod IAith exterior glue or I-inch nominal T and G board~. o\·erlaid 1Aith a layer of ap• pro\·ed asbestos felt lapped 2 inches on the horizontal and ,·enical joints. An 18-in.:h wide strip of the same asbestos felt shall be shingled in between each course of shakes in such manner that no felt is exposed to the weather belo11o the shake buns. (bl Wood Shin,:ln. Spa;ial purJ}OSC wood shingle roofing shall .;onform to grading and application requirements of Chap1er 32 of 1he Uniform Building Code for shingles. In addi1ion the deck, whether of spaced boards or solid, shall be o,er- laid with a layer of appro\ed asbestos felt lapped 2 inches on the honrnntal and ,er- tical join1s. h:I i\sbnlo!. felt. r\ppro,cd asb~tos felt for special purpo'.>c roofing ,hall 1Ae1µh not le,, than I:! pound, r,:r 100 ~quare feel. be not le~~ th,rn .O:!:! m.;h III th1.;l.nc". non-b11uminou .. ,a1ura1ed, .:0111a111111g a fire• and 1Aatcr-retarda111 binder. and rem- lor.:ed ~nh gla'>'.> fiber, runnmg leng1hv.1~c ol the ,hee1 not more than • m.:h apart. Wood Shakes or Shingles with Gypsum Board Underlayment Stt. 32.1-102. Spt.'\.·1al purro,c v.oo<l ,hakc or IAllo<l ~lunglc rootrn~ ,hall ,onlorm to !he µradmg and apph.:a11on rcqu1rcmcm'> ol Chapter 3:! of the lmlorm Umld111!! Code. In add111011 an undcrla~mcm ol · ,-m..:h l )JJi: X g~p,um boarJ ,hall be pla,cd wider lhc ,obd or ,pa,cd ,hca1h1ng. I ' INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET ~ECEIVED BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING ADDRESS: l DATE:_-------.-JwA~N'----lll-'-9~1K.1J98w;;· 2,__ /.2Q2 2nar ~D ,.;-_ c--o -~ .s--CITY OF: CARLSBAD ~ ,..d o I· Bulldlng Department PLANNING DEPARTMENT ZONE f<-l-1.s-ou LOT sIZE ________ LOT WIDTH _______ _ UNITS ALLOWED __ ~f<.. __ -_,'--_____ UNITS PROVIDED ___________ _ PARKING SPACES REQUIRED ;;J. PROVIDED .:1----------.------- % COVERAGE ALLOWED ------~</-~_°?;~O~ ___ PROVIDED --+()-+-.~~~~,------- BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED -~ / PROVIDED ___ / ______ _ FRONT SETBACK: SIDE SETBACK: REAR SETBACK: ALLOWED g l,L PROVIDED ___ --+--~l-~- INTRUSIONS (J /(_ ----- LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: -----"wL-IW~-----1\b~~ % ~F -~ ¥11 -OK_T_O -I-S S_U_E_=~--:,--=--;g~~-D-AT_E_.sJ_~,,,___,ra-1-f Y½.....,_T_O_F_IN_. A-L -l'-.4--,r--a-:;:~~-D-A-TE-dr----\ \{-~--=--~ 3-=---\]) \OJ~' -, _______ s _____ ____._ ______ t,l~o ~ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ : ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: l:1L'{GINEERING DEPARTMENT FD vtl,s R.O.W. _____ INDUSTRIAL WASTE IMPROVEMENTS -------------'--I SEWER CONNECTION _______ DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS ___________ _ GRADING PERMIT _______ EASEMENTS _________ DRAINAGE ____ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION P~fvVLc,l fl\~ qu (J C...T)«)-~ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS __________________________ ,__~ OK TO ISS FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLING SYSTEM _____________________ FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP. ______ _ FIRE ALARMS EXITS _______________ _ FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATION _________________ _ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OK TO ISSUE: _____ DATE _______ OK TO FINAL ______ DATE ____ _ WATER DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS OF APPROPRIATE DI STRICTS MET ________ DATE _______ _ - ... INSULATION CERTIFICATION This k to certify that, in conformance with the current energy regulations {California Adminjs- trative Code, TIiie 25, State of California*) and approved plans, insulation hos been installedin the building located at: C. f\~L~Bfl:D S, t:>. City C.fttY Sin.t Ila. (If Aailabhj Tract Na. DESCRIPTION OF INSTALLATION ROOFS Type of Material fiberglass Manufacturer_---=-J-'.---"-N~l • _________ Thickness 61 /2 'R Value** .1..9_ txTIRIOR WAUS Type of Material fiberglass Manufacturer __ J_,_U_ •• ____ Thickness 3 1/~"vatue**JJ._ (Or Trod• Name) CEILINGS BATIS: Type of Materia~---------Manufacturer~ ________ Thickne-ss~---R Value** __ _ (Or Trod• N •m•l Sq. ft Cover~---- BLOWN: Type of Materia._ __________ Manufacturer _________ Thickness~---No. Bags__ (Or Trada "-l Wt/Ba.,_g ___ Sq. Ft Covered.,__ ___ R Value**-- fLOORS Type of Materia.__ _________ Manufacturer _________ Thickness ___ R Value** __ (Or T..... lla!M) SU.I ON GUDE Type of Material~-----~----Manufacturer _________ Thicknes~---R Value** __ (Or Trwda llama) Width of Insulation Inches FOUNDATION WALLS (if required) Type of Materia, __________ Manufacturer _______ _ (Or Tl'l<N 11a-1 Thickne_S$~---R Value**-- REMARKS (If desired)~-- General Contractor (Builder) -------~-----License Number __________ _ By _______________ Titl.._ ______ ~ Dat~------- NO RTH Co Vl\'\\"TY 11,1c·,l:l_A ·l'I c·,.·,, ,, 3 50 4 Sub-Contractor (Insulation Applicator)_ -'~ Cl. '·------License NumberJ/ 0 q C-2 (ltnoilatioo,, l,h-,ry, Etc1.)/J /) (Stlt,, "SAME" if -• u G.,_.I ~trodo<) By ~ L ~--~-----Title owner Date / ;2. -7-8' '2.. ("Cahfo,Q .,_d,,,;ol1tt"a~•• Code, Eno,;, ln,olation Staod<lrd,, de<lo, .. , EXCERl'T fr...., Sec. 19875 of 11M Health and Safo,ty Cod. of the ~kllo '"Cofflpliance. Upon 1COffl(lietio11, o-f th• in,toll-aHon of insulatloi,, a c-ard of C~ifomhu certifying thot fk• in1uta"on ha, be•n in,talt•d in con-formonc• with tt,,• r.aui,..m•nh of t'hfte f"ul.aHon1 shall b• ccirn~••t-.d end •x.•cut.d by tH iin,ulat,'on at,ipHeotar ond by the buildw, T~i1 ~~-:;ulofion: i:Omplian,i;• c.ard 1-halt De P~ 11t a coi,1pic:uou1 loca!'1on within th• dwellin9. '') t •n1 Vol-ue h the MtNuur• of th• r•s~stanc• of a mot.r'-al or b._,,ildtng con,po11•"t to th• PGHOI• of heat. Th• r.thtonc• ... alv• U) of MoU~typtt intu~ati'on1 ,hall ftet ln~lvde on1 vah"• for f4oflecth• f.od-ni.) ''No c.rtifi<ot• of o(c-u,pcu'lcy or 1imilor ~lfh:atiOft that a n.,.ly car1- t.tf\ld..d hoteL motalt gportme-,,t 'hou1•, hom• ot otti.,-rw1id~1J I dw•lllna i• hobltoble shall IHI iuued by socl! a boildine dt,-,m..,t unl111, th-• 1trvdwra at l,e,a.t ;1.a-t1tfi•1 ft,• ndnimlill'I •ne111y itu.ut,gtlo,n -smndcn:h •1tabll1he,d p""rsvon.f to thh thopW.''