HomeMy WebLinkAbout1250 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; ; 80-40; PermitCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY1 hereby affirm thai there Is a construction tending agency for the performance of the work forCERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROMWORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE(This section need not be completed If the permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less)1 certify lhat in the performance of Ihe work forwhich this permit is issued 1 shall not employ anypefson in any manner so as lo b&com& sub/set lothe Workers Compensation Laws of CaliforniaNOTICE TO APPLICANT If, after making this Cerllficate of Exemption you should become subjectto ttie Workers Compensation provisions of theLabor Code you must forthwith comply with suchprovisions or this permit snail be deemed revoked1 HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APHEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREONFURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS ISSUECOUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CCSPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT 1 ALSO AGREE TO SAVELESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LtABILIEXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINS1OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMITNSTRUCTION WHETHERNDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMTIES JUDGMENTS COSTS ANDSAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCEAPPlifcANT ^SIGNATURE- ' OWNE^f] CONTRACTOR^)AGENT D BYPHONEQTJT. C mO CD Q n OO^ ^f 1s-PLICATION AND PIS TRUE AND CORZ " *> O S 1 2 >3 D Z DO VJ Ul ^ 3 ° n *|l sJl< 0 -t 3J g in iO 31 H q\D 1 O 3) „'EXCAVATIONS OV-JSTRUCTION OFIOHT —m33 noz— 133— 1O3J HOH1—mm-t391— OH r—-nmmen T) CDr—m - ^ A - ,.- I - -TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS)' -""• la^t-f (V \\V* '" TDCopy is filed witrfJheHiity T\ v*D Certified copy ls{t>ereby fur ni^neda•nZl1 - -TEMP POLE 200 AMPSTOTAL MOEi—m Xa Tl O O -n r- -WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION1 hereby affirm that 1 have icertificate of consent to self Insure, or a certtlicate of WorkersCompensation Insurance, orlja teriified copythereof (Sec 3800, Labor Coda A \)POLICY NO j \ VT K *^REMODEL/ALTER PER CIRCUITFENCE OVER 6- T)XSJUlCOTJ RAMAOA CABANA' - mXen—1e»i—oCDmTJ•H5 enmH TJ cn or- - -oXjiCJTJ TJO33O =CO i—m Xo rr NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/BKR\ CT ' mO3T Z O r- -t Ofl)on>fnr Ihis rpa<;nn 1-H-<ELECTRICAL PERMIT ^H D MOBILE HOME PERMITH mi—m -I o r— -HO•H r~ T)r~C CO cn sillpll? MiIPIf!il!^ i|!!!!iflf!tfS|°ilIMI"§ ?ls-lil&t!jlg|? l|ile§iii:IJ|||5uism01 =i«sl|l ls*il^l?sr^|3l islll|S|lll-a5l*CONTRACTORoo -H 1ACTORALLINCLUSIm•om * —1oHi—TJ1—CZCl oH m X Z 1— T)1— Z o mo -SIGN PERMITI s_ J £Hmo-n-HTl RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATERBUILDING PERMIT- -EACH LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMMECH EXHAUST - HOOD/OUCTS~ i \ *S C moZmmm3312TJm mZ •n Z CO Zcnt—m oco-i nen-<Hmo3om BOILER/COMPRESSOR 1630 HPm(TJXencntomHOOer-Hr-men BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3 15 HPEACH WATER HEATER AND/OR VENTBOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HPEACH BUILDztn[SIm33 O m33 o "ooo cc-He mX-nX-t3}m-H33T>INSTALL FURN DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTUDPLUMBIMG PERMITSH O MECHANICAL PERMITH •^v «* k\ § r oCloHCDOOCOIm oon (71 TJ inH D D TJ Z H 11 Z a w TYPE CONSTOo r1 o o " ** »II CENSUS TRACTClTJZDCm ZONINGRES UNITSPARKING SPACENUMBER OF STORIESt- ^ ^ 9^ hv> \l 8 1 rPT-£.JPi am 1 om OI GNER'S, PHONEDTJHO•n0 r-oBLOCKSUBDIVISION ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO1 1 1 1 1 { 1 1 1 1^ 5. ^ 3 AMi 1y OER'S MAILINGaa33Ol01 X. X ^f ' n*-i^^ o Cx o \ r»inC/lr\ V, ^CONTRACTOR'SPHONE , ,•7^-4^?' ozmK"CD•<^t; Lo i oS m 'Ul T) OZ ^ 'i^ \V\ nX, -io3)v~\ \K \M > VTj«LICENSED CONTRACTOR S DECLARATION1 hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section7000} of Division 3 of the Business and Proles ' -slons Code and my license is in full force and effeet •^SJOB ADDRESS3) -i DATE OF APPLICATIONc r nmzOlnq ^^V * ^^Ci. Z 2 ^S^ s ^N ? ^ mCD <mO2r- -^ t> § TJ f~m TZ. £5 > O*^ ^mZ 9° C -nm m ^- -H COCO1 IOOl 4 S > 1 £3, m r~o ^ n z IfO 1 4 INSPECTION VALIDATE* Om^oon3UPANCY ISSUED-'' f ' / ' J*f. - ' ' • ', 1 f fr 1 - 4 „ "j GASMETER-F'ERM-TEMPELEC METER--PERM-TEMP'' 1 'OTHER DEPT'S REQ COMPLETED-Zrzi/>TJra•f BLDG DEPT^¥<*j^v-S3?I1 ^ "DZVhS — -vsj*V<,vc> , • , Tt ,1 SHOWN ' •• -FRAMEi,i, - '» FENCE PREPLASTE331, • ' 33mDmn . • - - 2OOr. STEEL BONDING' ' ClHminH~. , i }SEWER' 1 TEMP POWEF* (POLE)' *1 OTHER- -.1 PLATE TIES,/HEIGHT OF CHIMNEY, 1 | DAMPER a SI~lmm*FIREPLACE' I i - .' " '1 EXTERIOR L>IO*•13r>nmencono!•1 | •WALLBOARDOK» PLACE TAPE ,', , ' t •• - v - •1 INSULATIONOK • PLACE WALLBO,J>33O j FRAME OK •PLACE INSULATION,ROUGH HEA-riNG/VENTILATINGi . « r OCoITJ~mzo.• •| ROUGH ELEt2TR1CAL| ' » \FRAME•• ., _ , OHOTJOC33CONCRETE,1 < , 1 !FOOTING • FORMS ^SETBACK • TOrnH(' » * * *• *I UNDER SLABZ2SzQt-ISLAB'FLOOP-V- * » J J!'*'i',' i ' , 1 • . ( ,1 • 0HOZtn~r,inCCDroo33, 5 ' 1 ' ' •i - 4 -4 ,1 UNDEF^FLOCJR CHEATING'' ' ' J • «-- T _j UNDER FLOC>R PLUMBING' * ;- *-„.'--','.*i /( " -• s J • ' ; " * x" 1 - - 1 t"1' j f TlDczDH,O2O3]Sin01mHCD")H'OrmHLii'1 ' j i E 1 WOOD FLOORj,*'. .* , V , / '", i * , |INSPECTION ('^^.'bHm2T]mnHO3'" ( , t . , • 1 * , * ','•• Z mn--fo zo Hm - - -* •T "•" -' '- V "\ ! \r,' ' '••,it-nmtr— 0' 2' C/i~o mn.H, 5'z xjmlno 73a * - * • , 4>- ' : , J 'SITEADDRESS®7C1J«*fc,.' o zm 33 . * TO 'm 3) H Zo- ^' f f '• .•' „\ s tt; to*Jd 7895 Convoy Cojrt " , San Die^o, California 92111 Phono 2920600 INSPECTORS WEEKLY REPORT FOR WEEK ENDING ON March 28 1 COVERING WORK PERFORMED WHICH REQUIRED APPROVAL BY THE SPECIAL- INSPECTOR OF [j RUNFORCED CONCRETE [^STRUCT STEEL ASSEMBLY ('_] GLUE -LAM FABRICATION Q PRE-STRESSED CONCRETE PJ REINf-ORCED GYPSUM- _ , [j OTHER REINFORCED MASONRY PILE OR'VING JO EJ ADDRESS 1250 Elm Street, Carlsbad BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER PLAN FILE NUM3CR OV.NEH OR PROJECT NAME Pub]ic Li brary CONSTR MAT'L -(TYPE.. GRADE ETC ) Str. Steel STRENGTH SOURCE OR MFGR ENGINEER MAT'L I-J I > DESIGN, RE SAB GRACE ft MFCS!.. WELD-flOa, ETC ) E-70XK Electrodes GENERAL CONTRACTOR Hike Straub IONTR DOING REPORTED rtORK Mike Straub 1_AB RECEIVING » TESTING CONSTR MAT'L SAMPLES Professional Registered Inspect. Inc DATE LOC^T'ONS O^ WORK INS^EC'ED, TEST SAV^LES TAKEN, WORK REJECTED, JOB PROBLEMS, PPOGRESS. REMARKS, ETC INCLUDES IN FORMATION ABOU~- AMOUNTS OFMATER1AL PLACEOOR .ORK PERFORMED. NUMBER, TYPE. «<!DENT \OS. OF TEST SAMPLES TAKEN STPJCT CONNECTIONS IWELD5 MADE H.T BOLTS TOR QU ED) CHECK ED ETC 3-26 Performed visual inspection of welds on stairway modification be sound construction and proper site and configuration. Welds appear to CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE I hereby certify thst I havo mspactod al! of the above reported work Unless otherwise noted, I have found tins wor'-c to comply with tha approved plans, specifications, and applicable tection* of tha govern- ing building laws SIGNATURE OF REIGU^T LRtD INSPFCTOB March 28, 1980 D A T £ Of K I G I 5 T C R , u M !1 f f > INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET BUILDING DEPART.MEiNfF*6^ ^"^ : /^S DATE : ii! 9 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 70NE LOT SIZE CITY OF CARLSBAD LOT wiDTHBuildmg Department UNITS ALLOWED UNITS PROVIDED PARKING SPACES REQUIRED % COVERAGE ALLOWED BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED FRONT SETBACK: ALLOWED PROVIDED JPROVIDED _PROVIDED PROVIDED SIDE SETBACK:REAR SETBACK: INTRUSIONS LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: SCHOOL EEES: DISTRICT: *^ AMOUNT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT R.O.W. Ajfr INDUSTRIAL WASTE jlsfl-IMPROVEMENTS SEWER CONNECTION GRADING PERMIT DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS _EASEMENTS fl/ft DRAINAGE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OK TO ISSUED DATE PWI OK TO FI/AL DATE FIRE DEPARTMENT SPPINKLING SYSTEM FIRE ALARMS FIRE HYDRANTS / / / W iwl fy / ^'' s // nuu / // ' / FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP. T7 "V ~T T1 C C* t^-- * * mr •***^ iA.ll4.lt A£, A 1 1 0 >' S AS Jsr rf-y ' *** *-J *-" *»Cl/ AJ C, 1,/ LOCATION^ - 'ADDITIONAL COMMENTS f OK TO ISSUE C?.(fl-VWOLjlOATE 7~/O-~79 OK TO FINAL DATE WATER DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS OF APPROPRIATE DISTRICTS MET_DATE May 10, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: Joe Eggleston, Public Vorks FROM; Georgtna Cole, Library SUBJECT: Library Mezzanine Exterior Stairway Members of the Library Board of Trustees have come to the Library on an individual basis to examine tbe proposed plans and specifications for the exterior stairway, rather than hold up the project by waiting for a regular Board • f" n n o .meet ing The Board recomnTends approval of the plans as submitted, with the exception of the location of the exit sign. The placement shown on the plans would put the sign behind (or at the end of) the bookstack, and would not be visible to anyone. The recommendation is that the sign be placed over the door if possible, or far enough to the north to be visible to anyone using the northernmost corridor. Georgia D. Cole Library Director GDC/b May 2, 1979 MAY 4 1979 CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department ROY R BLACKFORD AIA ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA 9ZOD8 AREA 714 729-O353 29^2 Harding Street, Ste. E City of Carlsbad Public Library - Addition of Exterior Mezzanine Stair Subject: Preliminary Outline Specifications 1. Boiler Plate - provided by City of Carlsbad, 2. Building demolition and patch. 3. Metal door, frame and glass. Concrete and reinforcing steel. 5. Structural and miscellaneous steel, 6. Concrete treads. 7. Hardware and accessories. 8. Painting. RECEIVED MAY 04 1979 CITY OF CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT ROY R BLACKFORD AIA ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA AREA 714 729-0953 29^2 Harming Street, Ste, E May 2, 1979 City of Carlsbad Public Library - Addition of Exterior Mezzanine Stair Subject: Preliminary Estimated Probable Construction Cost 1. Cut and install new door and hardware $2,100.00 2. Concrete work , 1,200.00 3. Stair, landing, railing and fence ^,800.00 . Miscellaneous - exit sign and clean-up ^00.00 Estimated Total $8.500.00 w--*?mwy$••* ,'<• !?•/' •*•*>" v-v,.^ •<•;?"'tit^.jrijaa^t£Vfliitf«±^jjab^«r The SAFETY ALARM LOCK provides secure full time locking of emergency exit doors while complying with standard safety, fire and building department codes It provides maximum day and night security and ts a powerful deterrent against pilferage— from withm or without—and always remains panic proof The SAFETY ALARM LOCK provides instant exit in case of emergency, without special instructions, toots or keys It com- bines the best features of a panic device plus a warning alarm —the first person to reach the door releases the lock with slight pressure on the clapper, automatically opening the door and sounding the alarm REDUCE PILFERAGE PANIC PROOF EXIT PREVENT VIOLATIONS PROTECT INVENTORY REDUCE GUARDS SAVE LIVES 1— APPROVALS Board Standard & AppeaK New Yoih Cily ff63'i 59 SM New York State #44!iH Los Angeles BlOg S. Safely Council Los Angeles Tktg & Safety Comm A|iprov,il No RFf2?2a Uniied Stilt.-. Patents 3295B2I5 Canadian Patent .£617535 'I i« ]<rt,ty, Cunr , manufactured by ALARM LOCK CORPORATION 33 Powerhouse Road, Roslyn Hts . N Y, 11577 5411 Telegraph Road, Los Angeles, Cal. 90040 1- J. THOMAS WILSON, STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DES JOB DA" SHEET OF -2-SHEE' I , 1 i *7~ " i . . , f " r ^ rx 1.0 ~ '2 - x-To// - —£ &/' J. THOMAS WILSON, STRUCTURAL ENGINEER -*,* ,' DES v/ 7TX/ JOB 773 ,.LJ DATE - SHEET o OF" . SHEETS - — -i - ~—t T-^y j — - x --i- — _ — T - *•-.- T | , i