HomeMy WebLinkAbout1265 Forest Ave; ; CB891105; Permit.. z 0 ~ "' ~ " w 0 " i[ 8 "' w 0 ., 5 ~ w z lt 0 z 0 " ~ z w .. :I 0 " .. ir w "' "' 0 lt O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under prOYlalona ol Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and ellect. I hereby a1t1rrn that I am exempt trom lhe Contrac ror s License Law tor the lollow,ng reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Proless,ons Code Any city or county wh,cr; re qu,res a perm,1 lo construe! aller improve demolrsh ar repair any struc1ure. pnor to ,ts issuance also requ,res '.heap plrcan1 tor such perm,1 lo tile a s19nea stalemeni Iha! he ,s licensed pursuant lo the provisions 01 the Lo~1ranor s License Law :Chapter 9 commencrng with Seclron 7000 of o,v,s,on 3 o1 tM Bus,ness and Professions Code, or that •s e~ ernpl lherelrom and the bas,s lor The allegeo e,emoT1or A.ny ,1ola11on ot Section 7031 a oy an appl1can1 tor a perrl'1' suo 1ecls The applicant to a civil penalty of no: mo1e ,nae, live r,un dred dollars 1~500' I. as owner of the properly or mv employees w.tn waqes as Their sole compensation w111 do the worl< on<i :he s:0;,c tvre 1s not 1n1ended or otlered •o, sale l)er /0~4 Bus1~ess and Proless1ons Code TM Conrrar.tar s '"1cense Lav, does not apply to an owner ol properly who build~ or improves thereon ana who does such work h1m~elt or through his ow~ emo1oyees provided That sucn 1mprovemen1s are not intend ed or oflered for sale If. however. the building or 1r,iprove men! ,s sol~ w1th,n one year of comple1,on the owner nu11de, w,11 have the burden 01 prov,ng that he did not build O' 1m orove ror the puroose 01 sale1 I. as owner o• the property am exclust,e•y con1ract1ng with ·11censed conlracTOrs to consrruct the pro1ecl !Sec n44 Business and P'otess1ons Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply lo an owner ol P'ODer1y who bu1•ds or 1m proves thereon and who contracts for each pro1ec1s w1tn J contrac1or1s) license pursuant to the Co~1racrnr s l 1cense Law) As a homeowner I am ,mprov1ng my home and The 'ollow 1ng cond1t1ons ex,st 1 The work» bemg performed prior 10 sa1e 2 1 have l,ved 1n my home for lwe1ve mort~s proor to complel1on ol this work 1 have not claimed lh1s exemp11on dur,ng !he last three years I am e,empl under Sec _____ _ B & PC lo, lh1s reason------------- I hereby a!!irm that I have a cert1t1cate of conseni 1o sell insure or a cert,t,cate of Wor~e,s· Compensation In surance or a cen,hed copy thereof iSec 3800 Labor Code\ POLICY NO COMPANY Copy ,s l,led w11h the city _ Cert1fLed copy ,s hereby lum,shed CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS-COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1Th1s sec1,on need not be completed ,1 the perm,! 1s for one hundred dollars \$100) or less\ C: I certify that 1n the performance ol the work for wh,ch this perm1I ,s issued I shall not employ any person 1n any manner so as to t>ecome sub1ect to the Workers Compen satoon Laws of Cal1fom1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT. II. alter mak,ng th•s Cer11foca!e o! Exemp11on. you should become sub1ect to the Workers Compensation prov,s,ons of the Labor Code you must lorthw,th comply with such prov,s1ons or this perm11 shall be deemed revoked ::::J I hereby affirm tha1 there 1s a cons,.ruc1,on lend,ng agency for the performance of the work lo, which th,s per m,1 ,s issued (Sec 3097 Civ1t Code) Lender s Name __ _ Lender's Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Or., Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 JOB ADDRESS AV. ST.AD. THOMAS BROS NO. I :. CONTRACTOR rlJJf\.1 l L~ 1 SUBDIVISION, I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO BLOCK CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS 0\/\INER"S MAILING ADDRESS / ,'< ~s-9 l</1"!.SolJ DESIGNER - OESC~PT!~OF WORK l--'f-1oLJ~~/L 'LQ_--~c~-~0!,:'.~Vc__A-,::::~V,:_ ___________________ ;_·_-1 DESIGNER'S ADDRESS <:;)'.c::; q,.p ~t,.o C..Ov'c-... I CENSUS TRACT l eARnNG S>ACC R~S uN,TS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED F.P FLA ELEV I REDEVl:LOP....,ENT AREA ,C '-0 . QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE EACH FIXTURI:. TRAP INSTALL FURN DUCTS UP TD 100 000 BTU EACH BUILlJING SEWER OVER 100.000 BTU EACH WATER HEATER AND OR VENT BOILER,COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP EACH GAS SYSTEM I T040UTLETS SCJILER,COMPRESSOR 3 1~ HP EACH GAS SYSTEM~ OR MORE META~ ~:REPLArf= EACH INS TAL. Al T f:.R. REPAIR WAT ER PIP!:. VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HCJQlJ·OLJCTS WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE·HEATER FAC'1 ROOF DRAlf, 1:'.,J;-;1~1E·, DRYER VENT TOT4L MECHANICAL TlJTAl PLUMfllNl. I - APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AR~A ANU U~UAHA I IUN:> I APPLICATION & PERMIT NO STORIES TYPE CONST BUSINESS LICENSE ft CONTRACTORS PHONE 11 ZONE STATE LICENSE NO. DESIGNER'S PHONE STATE LICENSE NO. OCC GP EDU OCC LOAD FIRE SPF' PERMIT NUMBER BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE ~s-- vD ,,.0 Nor Valid Unless Machine Cer1d1ed 15(!'0 tJUII_LJIN'c, Ft RMI I UV l ·l:J 1 U·UO·OO-s~ ~u Tr SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER .- SIGN PERMIT 001-81 0 -00·00·82? 1 PLAN CHECK 001-810·00·00-8891 1 I TOTAL PLUMB1ri;G 00 · -810·00·00·8222 ELECTRICAL 001-310·00·00·8223 MECHANICAL 001-810·00·00-8224 MOBILEHOME 001·810·00·00-822] SOLAR 001 · 81 0-00· 00·8226 STRONG MOTION 880·519-92·33 I FIRE SPRl~JKLERS 00 1.310·00·00·8227 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-810·00·00·8 7 40 360·810 ·00-00·87 40 I HAVE CJ,REFULL Y EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION AND PERMIT·· AND DO HEREBY Ellpiration EYery permit issue<lbyl~ildt!'V,QJti_t::iat ~~tttePrPYJSJOM.obtiis · * AN-~ P£Miffl 1$ REQUlflEO FOfl WvATIONS OVER CERTIFY U.IDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT All INFORMATION HEREON INCLUD1NG THE Code shall e"pire by l!m,tallon and becoJne null and VOid If the bud~ing o, wofk 5' 0" DEEP AN() 0EMOl.l110N OR CONSTRUCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT AND! FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS authorized by such permit 15 not commenced within l80days from ttiedateolsuch STRUC ... __, OVER 3 STORIES tN H£KiHT permit, or ,f the building or work auttlorized by such pemut 1s SU$~ Of "'"~.., ISSUED· TO COMPLY WHH At.L·CITY. D0tJN1Y ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUtLO!NG CON· lc'c'c'c">"°:;""!°"':''c'!'O""',:'"Sme•c•~fetto~,Jt~h<!_!W~~!!!k.!«~cb2m~m~en!!!£ced~.!to2'C-!'~ --~-•2od2JO[IJ1!80!'-!~!!l<.---;::"1~~~~~~""l,..,•---_. ___________ .,. ____ .., ; $TRUCT10N. WHl:THER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. ! ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPROVEY,B' /J I KEEP HAAMi..ESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND APPUCANT'S SIGNATURE If OWNER O CONTRACTOR O OA,fzE ! EXPENSES WHlCH MAY lN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID C!TY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE BY.PHONE O I -, 2.7 ,;,, __ GRANT1NGOFTH!S.PERM!T. /J / J;-7 'a...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~_L~_L~~~~~~L_f:__~~_:_(_ D 0 l'J 1 C ci TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING I ffi~q \ ,as· FOUNDATION ' FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL I p REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES MASONRY ' ,, ' " INSPECTION REQ. IF INSPECTORS DATE GUNITE OR GROUT ' CHECKED APPROVAL I SOILS COMPLIANCE SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR PRIOR TO FRAME I FOUNDATION INSP ' EXTERIOR LATH '· STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION I PRESTAESSED ' CONCRETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL . POST TENSIONED I CONCRETE PLUMBING I FIELD WELDING I -. HIGH STRENGTH UNDERGROUND D WASTE D WATER BOL l's TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER SPECIAL MASONRY TUB AND SHOWER PAN I ' GAS TEST ' PILES CAISSONS D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER I ' ELECTRICAL I D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D U!rFER ROUGH ELECTRIC ' . D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY -- D BONDING D POOL I I . MECHANICAL ' D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I ' VENTILATING SYSTEMS I ---I / / CALL FOR FINAL INSPECT/Oi WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ./ ITEMS ABOVE HAVE EEN APPROVED .. ' ./l / /// FINAL I -I/' ' W·' IA I ,./,,,, ~ PLUMBING I . ELECTRICAL I Y' / (U I I / MECHANICAL I (/ /\,/,(/ I GAS ' . !,'X ' BUILDING ' A / "' SPECIAL CONDITIONS I /; I [/ I I Rf"~ ' r J_ :_L y1_ I !1r~-c-l Ti7t!xJl-; +}e_4: _AL:\/sf~'1 I I • I _ -1 _ I I' I ! I I II I I I I ,_ _Lt-_~--_frri_ t~ ~ lr o 1 1 1·_ -.-__ qb r ·--1 1 l ! r· v: 'I I -1-,---1--I _ _ --. __ , ! ! ! I r 1 - 1 l -1 1 __ :· _I~ t-i -_i;'%----I ---t -l_. -I -de__ -I ---. -I r.51t;,v§ c;+l'2T-' , g [ J f -Jt,if_ t:'. ;: -ii J i } .. ·It _.__ -I • __ ii I !---II I r ;11l"iff~i_t __ ~ I t 1 i 11 --.. ---i : I -+-! 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