HomeMy WebLinkAbout1274 CHESTNUT AVE; ; 85-356; PermitDECLARATIONS I (EXPENSES WMICHGRANTING OF TH*5m >33 •< S >:or cm c Z > p o- z nO2tfi(tl IJ If c 1 ^Pu*N^ii ro 1 vv ^ SS<r LENDER WORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNERmUILOER 1 1; 5 1 i1 - co <in 1 SIKUCIIUN, WHtlHtH SHtUMbU MtHtIN U(1 I1UI. 1 ALbU At.HCt (U SAVE IINUtWI-JinJ tutu .^BCl/tXiklT'C txS^».mT, mc.Jf}' t~\\ KEEP HARMLESS THE CHY OP CARLSBAD ABAWST ALk LI ABVVmES,JUDGMlNTS;CO^ANTJyJ^^RN^^^NftTU^PX OWNER LJ CONTRACTORLC Ni 4*>~^•. — ->«». V^~- ^c^»^ ° m » ii M ~ ifn Igrfsg |?|D, ^. nags |?°n ||l }l||i }1|| j|| j I ^S-J ||» |l||| s||l ||P & l^| ifl Ills? f^I! sl|§ IS2. "Is S r^o sps -SS I|i|*g IsgrS :?* 1 Hi 55 ^ ^ ^/E CAMEFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPUCAIFY UNDEH PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFOARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND » FURTHEREi5: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNTY AND STATfTION AND PERMIRMATION HERECCERTIFY AND AG= LAWS GOVERNIT" AND D<3 HEREBYN INCLUDING THEREE IF A PERMITJS^NG BUILDING C6H-IfiS n. Every permit issued by the Buttcexpire by limitation and becomeby such permit is not commencec?tf the buifding or work author?at any tu&e-tme*4he work is coning Official under thenull and void. If thei within 180 days fromEed by such permitimenced for a period>fovis(onsbfthis>oMdirKj or workthe date -of such *s suspended or /of 180 days, /V) W* > jjj[p|S REQUIREDMOtrnoNDfl1 3 STORlQ 1' 1 *FOR EXCAVATIONS OV£CONSTRUCTION OFM.H9GHT»TOTAL ELECTRICAL 1 f^ ^. _/O OQO— I f— o 3D TOTAL FEES PAYABLE*^O CREDIT DEPOSITN ^TEMP OCCUPAN'eY>l-30 OAYSIMFF 80-92-57-0519i ) \ a (Tl O0 CO LICENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162TEMP POLE 200 AMPSREMODEL/ALTER PERCIRCUITO -tj =c 0 m cn CU o CO ro ro-ti. oen X T)X "Dd GOCD CB"<o o" OOotoro X) 0en to X co CE o 0 m § CO ROCK STORAGEm COcp to roro en C£> X LO X CO o ID CD —\ t/1 oEU cr OOo CDro ro 0en CO NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT'BKR iCOLLECTORSo oo ~n n STRICT^^ELECTRICAL PERMIT - ISSUEf 3(SOLAR - ISSUEPUBLIC FACBRIDGE FEEi —— i GO-n eoro CDOo 0 c»CD&J | ^/r TOTALPLUMBING\S EDm GO m C/) o o 0 O3 — J \^TOTAL MECHANICALCO— f33O cn O o COcp toro COCO CDen to % m JO0o-n 1 CO \ 33 O 0oocp CO\3 T> ^> —1m 33 RELOCATI3N Oj^&#TURNACE/HEATER0CD m O m 33 CO for this reason . 'EACH VACUUM BREAKE^""(Tl X m X X c:en 0 10 -HOO O OD 1 —mIE O m 0 CDo o0 OOronoai ^ 1° ipiiie iiii||!|i|.- i ipSIl !pl 1:IH i im lifp! i!!!!; -1*1110 <o i ? i'^.ss'o" - ^"^ " ^""^ a. 1 ^ * E «' ^ s' § s EACH INSTAl. , ALTER, REPAIR W^ffR PIPEmz•H -n Z CO zen m Ocro \MEGHANo i — o cbcp CDO CO ro m X GO GO CO -Hm LP O 33 O 33 \ m IDm-o om \ m 0—l ID O r~ 0 oo 0cp OO roCO N *EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS ^^BOILER/COMPRESSOR 315 HP f-H d CO CD O cbcp Oo COrororo m o X -Hm 33 Xm -Hm 33 D 0 33 m — ^ \ \BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP ^f-oi — o IEmo o 0cp CDcp COCOs -fc i!"1EACH BUILDING SEWER\ ..'.OVER 100,000 BTU\ on o 33 —1 0 Oo 0cp GO ro m >n X — H 33 >-o 1,INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UPTO 100,000 BTU\BUILDING PERM— i o o0 CD O dor-or>o0 ^s ?• I/ C o PLUMBNG PERMIT - ISSUEy • :X MECHANICAL PERMIT - ISSUE\SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER/ » -^V CENSUS TRACT0 •0r ZOc £/)m PARKING SPACEIm. CZ -<GRADING PERMIT ISSUED•:' >D N DREDEVELOPMENTAREAvD NDTYPECONSTI OCC LOAD !< I a i ,< «« 1 1 1 N ' * ' 1 < "^a ^ Z D TlrI mfm NOSTORIESOnno TJ moc u^JibLijH ' 6/<j//i:}, '//,•„ ;;;;•Not Valid Unless Machine CertifiedX1a^> &1 i_>t\?=. •vU S;•N. OS o 3 q 5.f t 1 DESIGNER'S ADDRESS| DESIGNER'S PHONE |{OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS " ' *<%DESIGNERJ LICENSE »STANDARD PLAN # 1BUILDING SO. FOOTAGECONTRACTOR 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Conttac- 'tor's License Law (or the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 iBusiness and Professions Code: Any city or county which re-quires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or 1repair any structure, prior to ifs issuance also requires the ap- "T"plicant tor such permit to file a siqned statement thai he is 'O 7Y '.OWNER'S PHONE, *•* ^B_« ^ S s u» w ^~\ * r~ 0m 03m P T)H 2 0 00r DO CV)m O O0m «• ^i s, 0 if P J i rO j BLOCKI -1tA•" o * 3) «i •*^ •»», J 2 '? " 1 I CONTRACTORS PHONE #J75T-/S77N OZm iQ 1 hereby affirm that 1 am licensed under_ provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with 'Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business 1and Professions Code, and my license is in |full force and effect.hr N)n Tla« 'or^i >* % o^A O31|** m—- i «~-^*.o>r\ ^< <n ^3 O Z>"•"•«* rn ^^» 3D ^CH o%J 3Doo- s • COr*i ^ B^?ON?H :Su CATION! BUSINESS LICENSE #rsn *6 £-298^ iVALUATION7*3 (,<A 1 V 1 vAi 2 CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PEF1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525X H C/)m a -oo — 4•om O DO m v> 3D O "O•oI—o z o F z z-nO3) 1 Oz H z V)X mo 3D > Z Dmo 3) o w White — Inspector Green — (1) Finance (2) Data Process, Yellow — Assessor Pink —-Applicant Gold — Temporary File f MM * ^ <SPECIAL CONDITIONSs^ •^x,BUILDING_^— l• ^^ ^ ,1 1 — ? -• •^ * D CO - V '•£ ~' m * > / j f j j< '">'MECHANICAL is t ' ^X•^ M> ^>«. =1 ^" j ELECTRICAL \\^. « .. /^:PN j—L^ *^ - " ,. ; -' ~t. • '•A. . -J- .." .- ' . '** J ",'? .*PLUMBING.;. J \ *N« • / f *vC:a ^ ^<* jf .~~ f r~ •& ^^ 1 *••• X > \ •v 'ITEMS ABOVE HAVECOrnrr -D -*«t C<;mD VN i>J C.CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTIC2 . 5 1Fry w«^ •r- i. -D -tjs;^^"•&.^ « •• , ( V. •'."* •*• — "••« ^ '? «VENTILATING SYSTEMS- ..- • ; Si -—.,•* ^- .- f *.HEAT — AIR COND. SYSTEMSMk^^F ^ i^.^^ -• ^> ^-^x^ ^ n o m a 33m Tl "U ^QzO ) •a< N. in 3 J 4 ? r $ f c •} C >J ) > ^ •«J k •' •^ ^•^5 ^> ,' f D BONDING D POOL 1-r- V — .. ^A J^^D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPOP33 > ^t ^ -:> 3 C £• rrr 3 C it. D 5 C n n HD 5 i 0 ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D I-n-nm 33 ^ELECTRICAL• - r < j n3 1n n 3 r 0 r 3 < J n 3 ] > 1 D CT> -11 3 ] 0 ) > 3 > H1 3 D CO •HmCO -g IT Tl CO O c7)COO Z TUB AND SHOWER PAN \OT3 O H D § m D Hm33 c/ Trrr s c/-CZ • C Z CFT 31 CT CCz D C S>a n D ^^^ -m 33 SEWER AND BL/CO DIPL/CO iCD I O Q w co— (JJmZOH IPLUMBING !-r, mr-a Smr~a zo oozo mHm z-m3 O 33 O 3: § TJOJ)H — 1m Z/} 5z Tl3)INSULATION iO "DO ^z [J] Si[" mH COm wmD.EXTERIOR LATH ]V O <n< Hm 33 3 C M no -io C°56T3 >L CONCRs-im—Im FRAME\ \ V 1 -r C C Z C Cz zcr' TJ SHEATHING D ROOF D SHE33 ^^Y^A 4><~\ ^ TJ TJ O — ) 0 FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME iX 1 en O 75 COMPl IANCEGUNITE OR GROUT |z SoH, O Z O m noc m ^a M1? * 3 c/ D Hm "• ,' z. 1z 33 • x ^i ) T 031 )H) 3 ) ''REINFORCED STEEL ;REQUIRmO </>TlmO i— Z C/l T3mO1 6 zenTlm0 — \OJ] zo mw FOUNDATION i~n mi — D Z C/3 PECTIOf^. 3)m Ouo BUILDING !TJm .1 0 -1m zcoTJ So3D • » •;: PLAN 10 DATE CHECKED BY CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT - ROOM ADDITION CORRECTION LIST CORRECTIONS CHECKED BELOW ARE TO BE MADE ON PLANS Two identical required: sets of plans drawn to scale with the following information are xA\Dimensioned plot plan showing all existing and proposed buildings, legal description, job address, earth slope, driveway slope and lot drainage. oundation plan and foundation details. Show foundation plans and foundation details. Provide 6 x 6 - 10 x 10 wire mesh in slab, 4"cleap/saj 2 - #4 rebars continuous in footings. /- ^7^7 Show foundation details per attached soils report or furnish report. Exterior 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Show Show Show Show Show Elevations all exterior elevations. window sizes, door sizes and locations. materials used on exterior. roof pitch and roofing materials used. adequate bracing. ! rraming Sections 1. Show complete structural framing details, material sizes, header sizes, rafter sizes, joist sizes and connection to existing building. 2. Show materials used on the interior - floors, walls and ceiling. 3. Show required insulation per state law - R-ll for exterior walls, R-l9 for cei1 ing. 4. Provide R-19 insulation in attic of existing building if addition is 30% of existing building area. 5. Two story additions require structural calcs for vertical and horizontal loads. They shall be signed by a California licensed engineer or architect. Floor Plan ca ro Show use of new addition and existing adjacent room(s). Show heating provided for new addition. If electric, Title 24 Show what has happened to the light and ventilation in adjacent Fireplace: If metal show ICBO number. Show dimensions and square footage for room addition and adja_cen_t Provide exterior lighting at exterior doors./JV £&&.N(^fr Provide adequate electrical receptacles. &L~tpL/Z- Provide GFI at all outside, bathroom and garage electrical recepta Show room ceiling and passageway heights. Provide adequate emergency exit from sleeping rooms, 20" sq ft of area, not more than 44" from floor, 24" clear FTeight. Provide smoke detectors for existing and/or new bedrooms. General Provide one exterior electrical receptacle (GFI) if none existing. Provide backflow preventer for any new hose bibbs. Show proper attic and underfloor ventilation. Window into carport must be fixed glass. Show area of addition and area of new glazing and area of glass removed. Check with La Costa, Ponderosa Homes or Coastal Commission for their 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, requirements. CLIMATE ZONE 7 REQUIREMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS TO COMPLY WITH THE 1982 STATE MANDATED TITLE 24 ENERGY CONSERVATION REGULATIONS FLOOR. INSULATION; a. b. Raised Floor: R-ll Slab Floor: None r.r.AZING AREA is limited to 16% of the additions floor area plus the interior glazing area that was removed as a result of the addition. CEILING INSULATION; R-30 (where framing penetrates the insulation) WALL INSULATION; R-ll (where framing penetrates the insulation) GLAZING - (total including skylights) a. Maximum U value I.10 (single pane). b. Maximum glazing area is 16% of the conditioned floor area. (plus any interior glazing removed as a result of the addition). „• c. For single glazed skylights, multiply actual area by 1.6. SHADING; "NOT REQUIRED" 7. INFILTRATION CONTROL; a. Doors and windows fully weather- stripped. b. Openings caulked and sealed, i.e. around joints in windows, wall sole plates, openings for utility piping and wiring, etc. c. Manufactured doors and windows shall meet applicable ANSI standards and be so labeled. d. Back draft dampers on exhaust fans and other exhaust systems. e. Masonry and factory-built fireplaces must have tight fitting, closeable metal or glass doors covering firebox openings. Combustion air intake ducts are required (6 sq. in. minimum) with tight fitting dampers. Tight fittinq flue dampers are required. DUCTS: a. Built pt.-r Chapter 10, Uniform Mechanical Code. KI'ACK CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT SIZING; a. Gas furnaces are sized to 1.3 x design heat loss + 10 Btuh per square foot of conditioned floor area or seasonal efficiency exceeds 67% by 1» for each 7,000 Btuh over design loss or output is less than 45,000 Btuh. b. Heating and cooling units are to be sized using ASHRAE calculations. 10. SETBACK THERMOSTATS; Thermostats must have automatic setback capability for two periods during 24 hours (N/A for heat pumps). 11. MATER HEATING SYSTEM INSULATION; a. R-12 ok greater insulation wrapping on exterior of storage type water heaters. b. R-3 insulation wrapping on first 5 feet of piping in unconditioned space. 12. PIPE INSULATION; Kecirculating and steam pipes — SO Btuh per foot maximum loss for 2' diameter and less; 100 Btuh per foot maximum loss for larger sizes. 13. SWIMMING POOL HEATING; a. On/off switch on heater. b. Weather proof card on the heater, easily readable giving instruction for the energy efficient operation of the swimming pool. c. Plumbing to allow for future solar by providing 36" pipe length between filter and heater. d. 75» thermal efficiency for gas heater. «. Pool cover if heated. f. Time clock on recirculating pump. >j. Directional water inlets. 14. GAS COOKING APPLIANCES; Must have an intermittent ignition device and be certified by the California Energy Commission. Exemptions; a. LPG Models and b. Single Pilot (less than 150 Btuh) Models with no electrical line voltage. 15. LIGHTING; General lighting in kitchens and bathrooms must provide 25 lumens per watt or more (e.g., fluorescent). Execptions; Kitchen counter or sink; Dining table; Bathroom mirror. STATE ENERGY COMMISSION DOCUMENTS lo ordur documentation furnished by the itate Energy Commission use the following jddress: California Energy Commission Publications Unit 1516 Ninth street MS 13 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 324-3014 :'-400-8l-005- New Residential Building Standards. P400-82-007- Energy Conservation Manual. Title 24-RE-8-83 PLAN CHECK NUMBER ^ "^ ADDRESS. PLANNING: TYPE OF STRUCTURED. SCHOOL FEES: SAN OIEGUITO_ CARLSBAD % COVERAGE BUILDING HEIGHT_ FENCES/WALLS TWO CAR GARAGE COMMENTS: t/>3ZO•— o croio uiu o; n REDEVELOPMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED:ID '. \ LJ LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS: DATE ZONE: ENCINITAS SAN MARCOS REQUIRED SETBACKS FRONT ^ . / SIDE. REAR TC C7i cr<MVIRO^EMTAL REQUIRED: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: OK TO ISSUE: ENGINEERING P.F.F. R.O.W: SEWER: LATERAL: UIi = DID GRADING PERMIT: DRAINAGE: EASEMENTS: o LU (Xrv Qr O UUO Of.OK TO ISSUE: ATE:T0 DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? c A.P.N. CHECKED? PARK IN LIEU IMPROVEMENTS: E.D.U: DRIVEWAY: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: DATE: ENGINEERING INSPECTION REQUIRED:. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR:__ FINAL OK:DATE: IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAINAGE, ETC.)