HomeMy WebLinkAbout1279 Knowles Ave; ; 81-377; Permit., z 0 " .. 0: ~ " .. C "' I[ 0 " a: .. 0 ... 5 ~ .. z ~ 0 z 0 " .. ., z .. .. ,. D I -lillreby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) ct Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in lull force and effect. L,c No --cia,, I hereby aft,rm th;n I am exempt from the Con ~~ta~~~;;::~: J~~,~~,~~~~/e:~;~.i~, county which requires a pem,,t to construct aller, ,mprove, demolish. 01 repair any s1ruc1ure. prior lo ,ts issuance also requires the applicant for such perm,! to hie a signed statement that he ,s licensed pursuan! to the prov,s,ons of the Con trac1o(s License Law (Chapter 9 commenc1ng with Sect,on 70()) of O,v,s1on 3 of the Business and Pro !ess,ons Code) or that ,s exemp1 therefrom and the t);ls1s tor the alleged exemption Any v,olat,on of Sect,on 7031 5 by an appl,cant for a perm,t sub1ects tne apphcan1 10 a c1v1I penally ot not more than t1ve hundred dolla~ ($500) 0 I. as owner ot 1he property, or my employees ,,1,nth wages as their sole compensat•on, will do the wonl, and the structure ,s not ,ntended or offered !or sale (Sec 7044. Busmess and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does no1 apply to an owner of property who builds or ,mproves 1hereor and who does such worll h1mse1t or through his own employees. provided that such 1mprovemee1ts are not 1ntende1 or ol!ered for sale IT. however 1he bu,ldmg or ,mprovemen1 1s sold w1th,n one year of completion. the owner-builder w111 have 111e burden ol proving that he did no1 build or improve for the purpose of sale) O I, as owner of the property. am exclusively con1ractong with licensed contractors to cons1ruct the proJect 1Sec 704-4, Business and Protess1ons Code The Contractor's L,cense Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves !hereon. and who contracts for each pro1ects with a contrac1ofls) l,cense pursuan1 to the Contrac!Or's License Law) 0 I am exempt under Sec tor th,s reason .B &PC 0 I hereby at!,rm that I ha.-e a cer1'11cate o! consen1 to sell-insure, or a cer11f,cate of Workers Compensa1,on Insurance. or a cert1!1ed cop~ I hereof (Sec 3800, Labor CoClel POLICY NO COMPANY 0 Copy IS !lleCI w1th the city D Cert1!1ed copy 1s hereby furnished 0 CERTIFICATE. OF EXEMPTION FROM ~ WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE -(Th,s section need not be completed of the permit ::; ~ •S tor one hundred dollars 1$100) or less) " a:: I cer11ty tha1 1n 1he perlormance of the work for O h1ch this pe. rrrnt 1s ,ssued. I shall no1 employ any 3 son ,n any manner so as 10 become sub1ecT 10 the Wor1<.ers Compensa11on Laws of Ca1oforn1a ![ NOTICE TO APPLICANT If_ after mal<in;i this Cer1, t,ca!e of E•empt,on you should become sub1ecl t'J 1he Wor1<.ers Compensa11on prov1s,ons ol !he Lat>or Code. you rnus1 !onhw1lh comply w1lh such pro~1s,ons or 1h,s perm,! shall t>e deemed re-..-oked O I hereby afl,rm lll;il tllere ,s a cons1rucl1on 1en,:1,ng agen,;y •or thP perlorrnance ot the won-. to, wll,ch 111,~ pe,m,t ,s ,~sued 1Sec J097 C,,,1 Code Ler,der s Name ___________ _ Lenders Address __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD _____________________ __:_:A::..P::..P::Llc::C::..A::..NT. , FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSB ... J BUILDING DEPARTMENT Ar-PLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525 JOB ADDRESS I ' A~gT I o~r,~CeCA,IONl BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION I~ PERMIT NUMBER \ ~ 7 '\ \" "'C½-L \ £s ;:·"~I~E ::v B ~v<e_ Ii~ I OWNE A'S PHONE PAIT~ CONT~OA '-\a ti ~ ,;-~ \.,... ~-h: / ?o:r:!T:S ::NE, ZONE 3? 7 7~~37h . OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS -~;{"w~¼V(>\ LICENSE NO. PLAN 1.0. # BLOG USE COOE CAb_. ";).j"}f 67 l:, LOT 1 BLOCK I SUBDIVISION ·r ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. DESIGNER T STATE LICENSE # STANDARD PLAN -rf" sic; ... : /.,:" BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE /-S-v, I lt>'-f 08 00 DESCRIPTION OF WORK l------=----;::------;:::--------11 DESIGNER'S AOORESS Tuc1,.-~~ ~v~~~"fh~"'e:> ~· ·-f-7, ( \1 i;) J\-D'S CENSUS TRACT I Ge CANO c\i, I 'ARK<NG seAce I RES UNITS GRADING f:ERMIT ISSUED YO N 0 F,'P FLR ELEV. ,□ ,□ --- REDEVELOPMENT AREA -..-□ NO DESIGNER'S PHONE NO I occ GP I EDU STORIES TYPE OCC LOAD FIRE SPA CONST vO NO I . " ' ,~ . ~ ' Ci·. It! 5 I I-~· i , Nor Valid Unless Machine Certified ';/ oTYl PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE 7.50 QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE 3.00 SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP +-. =t:h!NSTALL FURN D_U£TS UP TO 100,000 BTU . BUILDING PERMIT r-----l-EA_C_H_B_U!LDING SEWER . OVER 100.000 BTU . SIGN PERMIT EACH WATER HEATER AN□,□R VENT _____ 1~--~-----= B~LE_~·~□~~~ESs-9~ uP~T_o 3 H~ /~ • PLAN CHECK BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP _,/ . TOTAL PLUMBING EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS 1-----+-~ACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE ----+ EACH !NSTA~ .. ALTER, REPAIR WATER~~~----------l-- -+--METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL CH EXHAUST ooo:ouCTS MOBILEHOME ~A~H VACUUM BREAKER ~ ~ T ER SO F TN ER ~--=EVEN2!A~ SINGLE OU _______ -----"--I MECHANICAL _j__ ___ ~ _ _,__ LO CAT □-~ ~A FURNACE1HEATER ---!-------'--MOBILEHOME PA_R_K_IN_S_P __ _ SOLAR ~7'',°nS,.,,----..--.'ru-..--.,'"'C.-------.---'--------f-STRONG MOTION I EACH ROOF DRAIN (INSIDE) "' _J TOT Al PLUMBING FIRE SPRINKLERS ----- PUBLIC FACILiTIES FEE SOLAR -ISSUE ---!------a( BRIDGE FEE QTY. ELECTRICAL PER~T -ISSUE j 1/fJ I NEW CONST EA AMP SWT B"J;c9',~"-'~"""f --~--=~!.' 41h?--+.:_::_===------------+-------JI-SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT I PH +-'-"~---J,.,.,"'--,/ -,.-'--\----l.4-_ ___________ _ _____ ----1----'------IL Carlsbad Encir11tas I PH ____ --,f-+,,,L PUMP _____ -----+---__:_---!( SanD1egu1to REMOOH'ALTER -~1--HI PLA!li CHECK FEE _____ _____ SanMarc_os __ _ 200 AMPS QCCUPAN --+------ --- --- a·-&-- -- I----- --- ---- - I -----------~1-------------.L---~ TOTAL ELE:CTRICAL I TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE / ~ ;::::;.-- ' ,, · ,, D DO HEREBY Expiration. Every permit inued bytt\e Building Offteial under the provisions of this I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION ANO PERMIT AN Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void It the building or work CERTIFY UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE authorized by such permit 19 not commenced within 180 days lrom !he date of such * AN OSHA PERMfT IS REQUIRED FOA EXCAVATIONS OYEFI 5· 0" DEEP AND DEMOLITION 0A CONSTRUCTION Of STRUCTURES OYEA 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE IF A PERMIT IS permit. or if the bUilding or work authorized by such permit ia suspended o . ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH All CITY, COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILD!NG CON· L<•~·~•~a~do~a~ed'!'_!••~·~"~~lim!!!!•c•!!!!fte~•l•he~?W~O~••!.!!••~c~o~m!!!!men!!!J£""~•!!.!,••~•J•!.2!'C'°"l!2.£0Lfl1!1Q_a,•a._,,1:c71~~~~~~------------::":"~-------, STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. ! ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND ~PL~NT'S SIGNATURE~ OWNER □ APPROVED BY . OAT.E KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND ~ ~~· ~ EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE J' BY PHONE O :/, ). i.:1 GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. 7 ---------~ · ·· ' -_ ~ u: ,. ;;; 0 Q_ E © f- " 0 ,.,, 'E ro 0 Q_ Q_ "' I ~ C i:[ 0 w w w w w "' I ~ 2 ,; >- ,,; w w 0 0 ,t ro <ii 0 f! © 0 C ro C IL -I C w © t'i 0 ;:; © Q_ w E I E .c ,: INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING FRAME . EXTERIOR LATH INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING SEWER AND BL/CO PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING TOP OUT TUB AND ~HOWER PAN GAS TEST ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY POWER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE BONDING 1\ G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR. MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. JOB SITE FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS CERT OF OC.C:UPANCY ISSUED FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR"S NOTES INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED CONCRETE .. POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY PILES CAISSONS -~- , ' -