HomeMy WebLinkAbout1285 OAK AVE; ; CB901187; Permit- . . - -.- .,. . 1 ' ' S.'. ,,•. • -. • .I. ' BUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CB901187 10/31/90 15:22 '. .,,', . ' - Project No: A9001299- Page 1 of 1 Development No IL. Job Address: 1285 OAK AV . -. ,' Str: Fl:' 'Ste: Permit Type RESIDENTAL ADDITION/ALTERATION 9159 10/31/90 0001 01 02 . Parcel No: 205-020-11-00 ' , '- ' ' . C-'PRMT .. 215.0 Valuation:. '. 15305 .. ' . - •- . -. Construction Type NEW -Occupancy Group:, ' . Clas's Code: . Status.: "ISSUED Description:--205SF.ROOM ADD/MISC REMODELS •' .. . Applied: . 07/,16/90 Apr/Issue: 10/31/90 Validated By:, RS' . Appl/Owrir : ASARO,,. ROY A ARCHITECT . . .619-759-0970 P 0 BOX 8543 - RANCHO-SANTA FE,CA-92067 :. . .- '•. . . . .• ARCHITECT': ASARO, ROY A/' -. ' fLic: A.NO. 619-759-0970 -, POBOX8S4..3 •,—'— 0 -- RANCHO SANTA FE,' CA 92067 OWNER : COATES,'HEIDI.''' ' Lic. . OWNER. .. 619-4344271 S.C.ARLSBAID.\ *** 'Fees Required /'*** Fees Collected \& Credits ' Adjustments : (QJJ.100 -To d11 ts: Fees: 320 00 :. Tdtal..Fees: " 1 320.100 ' 105.00. - . 'I' L"1II Due: ,.. 215.00 - Fee.descriPt'ioh.\. •\'-U'qI ' YjFee/unit - Ext fee Data ------------- ' Building Permit. \.- - '171.00 Plan Check" * Strong,Motion Fee 0 0- 'BUILDING TOTAL 'CO4,IO 00 Enter.- for Plu'mhing Issue ,/ . 7.50 1 Each Plumbing Fixture or frap U> \9J'-3 00,' 2.50 ,7 50 .'- Each Building-S'ewer ' 6.50 , .' 6.'50,, * PLUMBING TOTAL 22 00 Enter '1' for Electric Issue Fee > ., 5.00 1 Other > 10 00 10 00 REMODEL. * ELECTRICAL TOTAL (SlOMiniftium) .. . -. •' 15100'. - - - , . • - . S . ' .. - -•,- - . - . ' - . . . .:. ,, ,,• • - ...- -.•.- .. • . . "S - - VAL INS * CITY OF CARLSBAD -. - ' '. 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 - - - s ,.. - S . - • -' . . - -_ '- .5 •: ES T.VAI./V7(L'O • PLAN CX DEPOSIT — VALID. BY DATE 6793 T/i',' C-PRH 105..00 eZ Z's I PERMIT APPLICATION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 1. PERMIT TYPE I A - 0 COMMERCIAL DNEW OTENANT IMPROVEMENT B - 0 INDUSTRIAL DREW 0 TENANT IMPROVEMENT C [9 RESIDENTIAL DAPARTMENT DcowDo []SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ITION/ALTERATION [-]DUPLEX DDEMOLITION DRELocATIoN UMOBILE HOME []ELECTRICAL DPLUMBING [I MECHANICAL DPoOL (I SPA []RETAINING WALL DSOLAR D OTHER _______________ noaress BLMtdIng or Eulte No./ Nearest Cross Streets 0 7Icj) a(2_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot No. Subdivision Name/Nii&r Unit No. Phase No. CHECK BEL 2 En (Y.J IF SUBMITTED: D ergy Calcs 02 Structural Calcs 02 Soils Report Di Addressed Envelope ASSESSOR'S PARCEL EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE DESCRIPTION OF WORK BLDG. 50. FTG. # OF STORIES CONTACT PERSON NAME F'( A fr4 47 ft 2/4fl. ADDRESS P'19,X CITY fI.JC44c7 #1 'iJ1 c- STATEC,4._._Z I P CODE DAY TELEPHONE —751 L'7f 7 C SIGNATURE APPLICANT 0 CONTRACTOR 0 AGENT FOR CONTRACTOR DOWNER g'ZT FOR OWNER NAME ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNER - OLESSEE OTENANT - NAME ADDRESS CITY (.X!424,") STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE I CONTRACTOR NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE STATE LIC. H LICENSE CLASS CITY BUSINESS LIC. # SIGNATURE TITLE DATE DESIGNER NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE STATE LIC. H WORKERS' COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an achiiitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab. Q. INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NO. EXPIRATION DATE Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. SIGNATURE DATE OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION Owner-Builder Declaration: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractors License Law for the following reason: 0 I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work andthe structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Cede: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon,, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). 0 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7066, Business and Professions Cede: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License law). 0 I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Cede for this reason: (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Cede: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Cede) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars (55001). SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY: Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? DYES [I NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? DYES E:] NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? DYES ONO IF ANY-OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED AFTER JULY I, 1989 UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which thispermit is issued (Sec 30970) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. Expiration. Every peI sued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by rmit is ,..mot co,mi ced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any t r e'work is nced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) Uniform Building Code). APPLICANT'S SIGNATU /' IJOWNER LICONTRACTOR £JBT PHONE - APPROVED BY: .DAT._____ WHITE: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance 07/09/91 INSPECTION HISTORY LISTING FOR PERNIT# CB901187 DATE INSPECTION TYPE INSP ACT COMMENTS 02/01/91 Final Combo RI RI MH/STEVE/729-0382 02/01/91 Final Combo PD CO 12/27/90 Interior Lath/Drywall RI RI MH/STEVE/729-0382 12/27/90 Interior Lath/Drywall PD AP 12/21/90 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel RI RI MH/STEVE/729-0382 12/21/90 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Wel PD AP 12/11/90 Roof/Reroof RI RI MH/STEVE/729-0382 12/11/90 Roof/Reroof PD AP 11/30/90 Ftg/Foundation/Piers RI RI RS/STEVE/729-0382 11/30/90 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD AP 11/30/90 Steel/Bond Beam RI RI RS/STEVE/729-0382 11/30/90 Steel/Bond Beam PD AP 11/30/90 Underground/Under Floor RI RI RS/STEVE/729-0382 11/30/90 Underground/Under Floor PD AP HIT <RETURN> TO CONTINUE... ESGIL CORPORATION -, 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 * (619)560.1468 DATE: - ,WRISDICTiQN JURISDICTION: [J-PLAN CHECKER []FILE COPY PLANCHECK NO: SET: 22Z []u.Ps flDESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS: /Z.S O- 4v. PROJECT NAME: A ,i7oA) 'O The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and, substantially comply with the .jurisdiction'.s building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially cdmply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. - D The plans transmitted herewith have .si'gnificant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check lis.t and should be corrected and resubmitted for .a complete recheck. fl The check list transmitted herewith' is for your information. . The,plans are being held -at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. fi The applicant's copy' of the check list is enclosed for the * jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. fl'The'applicant'scopy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff didnot advise the applicant-contact person that plan check has been completed. fi Esgil staff did advis6 applicant that the plan check' has been completed. Peron contacted:'______________________ Date contacted: Telephone #________________ REMARKS: Cy-7- • ' 1• ' , • By: £-&-'. ESGIL C( OGA 'DAA Enclosures: ?ORATION /47 • ' • . N DVW C] DM • • -. ' ' • • ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619)560.14-68 DATE: JURISDICTION: (45i3,p PLAN CHECK NO: 1--//7 SET: PROJECT ADDRESS: /2c PROJECT NAME: [J-PLAN CHECKER LIFILE COPY DUPS flDESIGNER E] The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by.building department staff. S The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies D identified on enclosed check list and should be and resubmitted for acornplete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. . The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. • The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: '1 C. v 10:). /)io / Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. 0 Esgil' staff-did-advise applicant: that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: . Date contacted: Telephone # []REMARKS:______ By: tJ,z...1Yt',-' Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION 0 GA 1:1-AA. 0 VW .'[)DM V 'V V •' JURISDICTION: Date plans received by plan checker:/O —9c7 PLAN CHECK NO.: Date plan recheck completed:/ .90 By: PROJECT ADDRESS: TO: RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION SHEET FOREWORD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code,. Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code,: National. Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and -ordinances enforced by the Planning Department,. Engineering Department or other departments. The items shown below need clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303(c), of the Uniform BuildingCode, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. PLANS Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: / To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. The following items have not been resolved from previous plan reviews. The original correction number has been given for your reference. In case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the still outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. 6. Please indicate here. if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please check. __Yes No c.tiJ,'.J ()AJ . .A-. /h'€ Ce,'- /J <I577&J fC A/ 7t e, ,J I lç/2. Shw that water heater is adequately braced to / resist seismic forces, when not connected by rigid pipe. UMC Section'506(d). /3. Show shower stall can accorodate a 30" circle and has a minimum floor area of.l,024 sq. in. UPC 909 (d). 1L. Provide clothes washer hook-up for each unit. Title 24, Part 3, NOISE ENSULATION (DUPLEXES) l4. Show details of duplex common (party) walls and J floor/ceiling assemblies to achieve a Sound Transmission Class (SIC) rating in walls of 50 decibels and an Impact Insulation Class (lic) rating on floor/ceiling of 50 decibels. Title 24. 1/6. Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, I electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits, or heating ventilating, or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined, or insulated to maintain required sound / transmission rating. Title 24. 1/7. Provide insulation in walls and ceiling to I achieve STC of 50 between garage and living area if garage use is not controlled by resident. Title 24. ENERGY CONSERVATION 168. Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards. I i4. The regulations require a properly completed ( and .properly signed Form CF-1R to be either iMinted on the plans, taped to the plans or "cky backed" on the plans, to allow the building inspector to readily compare the actual construction , with the requirements of the approved. energy design. 70. All energy items shown on the plans must be in agreement with the information shown on the properly completed Form CF-].R. 1/1. Specify on the building plans all of the / mandatory energy conservation requirements as listed on the' enclosure titled, "Mandatory / Energy Conservation Requirements". Show the make, model and efficiency of the / space heating (or cooling) 'system and provide / heat loss calculations if the output exceeds 45,000 BTU/Hr. 0 For room additions, show that the glazing area of the addition does not exceed 16°4 of the newly-conditioned floor area, plus glazing removed or relocated due to the addition. '1/14. Provide fluorescent general lighting in / kitchen(s) perCAC, Title 24,.2-5352(J). CARLSBAD S.F.D. & D(JPWC StJPPLF7(E( i/s. Energy conservation design should be for Zone 1, 7. 16. Floor drains must have auto-prime (city policy). 1/7. Note exhaust fans cannot be ductless type / (city policy). 1/8._New residential units must be pre-plumbed for I future solar water heating. Note "two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in the'one story garage and directly below the most south facing roof' (City Ordinance No. 8093). 1/9. Note "two 3/411 copper pikes must be installed " to the most convenient future solar panel location when the water he.ater.is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most 'south facing . roof. (City Ordinance No. / 8093). ifo. All piping for.present or future solar water heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means J (city policy). Incorporate the watex-proofing.details, on the ' attached Policy .80-8, where interior living space occurs below grade at the masonry wall(s). Show on the Title. Sheet ..on.the plans, the information required by ,the attached Developmental Services Sheet 112383. All new residential buildings, including additions, require a soils report. Please submit two copies. Exception: If a room addition is limited to one story and 1000 sq. ft. in area, then a soils report is not required. Esgil Corporation will advise the City to place their soils notice stamp on the / plans. 1/4. Heavy timber framing, minimum 6" x 10" beams and minimum 8",x 8" post, 'for the structural beam and column supporting the fire separation between the garage and living area' above, is acceptable if shown on the plans. (city policy). ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619)560-1468 JURISDICT;ER ON CARLSBAD . OFILE COPY PLAN CHECK NO: - /187 SET: oups flDESIGNER PROJECT ADDRESS:_I?8A A\kS . PROJECT NAME: E The plans transmitted herewith -have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with. the jurisdiction's building codes. . . . fI]The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's-building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. . * D The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. . The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. D The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact.person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: '4.: 454O ___ 1_bJC16 ,z07. Esgil staff didnot advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. El Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted:________________________ Date contacted: Telephone # U REMARKS: *. By:- _. Enclosures:________________________ ESGIL CORPORATION - 0 GA . '0 AA 0 VW C] DM DATE: JURISDICTION: JURISDICTION: CITY OF CARlSBAD TO: A 4SiO asL /j4AjcIo 9z7 Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building InSpection., Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with Title 24 and the following... model codes: .. gsi>. 4 a- 4' .• i: p - .4.. .v ! g;=001 : PLAN CORRECTION SHEET CITY OF CARLSBAD SDE FAMILY ANDDUPLEX DWELLINGS Date plans received by jurisdiction: Date plans received by Esgil Corporation: Date initial plan check ompleted 72-'/- ?o By: AP licant contact person: / c:3 Telephone: 9 L057 1988 UBC (eff. 1/1/90) 1988 UPC (eff. 1/1/90) 1987 NEC (eff. 10/28/87) 1988 UMC (eff. 1/1/90) The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The circled items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303(c), 1988 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed i.e., plan sheet, specification, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. NOTE: PAGE NUMBERS ARE NOT IN SEQUENCE AS PAGES HAVING NO MNS NEEDING WYJcIONS Wng nia List No. 12, Carlsbad Single Family Dwelling and Duplex With All Supplements. (1988 UBC) PLANS Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite #208, San Diego, California 92123, (619) 560-1468. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: The jurisdiction's building department. Indicate on the Title Sheet of the plans, the name of the legal owner and name of person responsible for the preparaticñ-i of the plans. Section 302(a)7.. All sheets of plans must be signed by the f person responsible for their preparation. (California Business and Professions Code). Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, for plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction.' Specify expiration date of license. (California Business and Professions Code). Specify on the Title Sheet of the plans the gross floor area of each element of this project including dwelling, garage, carport, patio, deck and balcony. Section 302(d). Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the 7. e plans that this project shall comply with Title 24 and 1988 UBC, UNC and UPC and 1987 NEC. Show on the title sheet all structures, pools, walls, etc. included under this application. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included." Clearly show if the lower level is a basement or a story, based on the definitions in Sections 403 and 420. Plot the finish grade (as defined) on the elevations and dimension the distance to the floor above, for story determination. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring special inspection, by way of the following: REQUIRED SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS In addition to the. regular inspections, the following thecled items will- also require Special Inspection in accordance with Sec 306 of the Uniform Building Code. - - ITEM REQ. IF .- REMARKS CHECKED SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO . . FOUNDATION INS?. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2500 PSI PRESTRESSED STEEL FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS EXPANSION ANCHORS SPECIAL MASONRY Submit fully' dimensioned plot plan drawn to...........-. 'scale showing location, size, and use of all existing and proposed structures on the lot. Identify property lines and show lot dimensions and all easements. Show location of all cut or fill slopes. Show finish floor elevations and show elevations of adjacent finish grade. Show drainage patterns with minimum slopes. Section 302(d). Indicate distance from property -lines to /3. proposed building. Section 302(d). . SPRAYED ON FIRE PROOFING PILES/CAISSONS DESIGNER-SPECIFIED OTHER if 71001_~l Exterior walls closer than 3 feet to property lines shall be'one-hour rated construction and have no openings. Table 5-A. 12/11/89 . -. - - 2 Exterior walls closer than 3 feet to a property 23. Openable window area in habitable rooms must ( line shall have 30 inch parapets when the floor be 1/20 of the floor area and a minimum of 5 area per floor exceeds 1,000 square feet. square feet. In bathrooms, laundry rooms and Section 1709. similar rooms 1/20 of area is required and 1 i$. Projections, including eaves, may not extend minimum is 1.5 sq. ft. Section 1205 (a). more than 12 inches into the 3 foot setback 214. At least 1/2 of the common wall must be open from the property line. Section 1710. and have an opening not less than 25 sq. ft. / nor one tenth of the floor area of the Eaves over required windows shall be not less interior room if light and ventilation is than 30 inches from the side and rear property being supplied from an adjacent room. Section lines. Section SOLe. 1205 (a). / ]6. Plastic skylights shall not be installed within . Required windows shall not open into a roofed that portion of a roof located within a / porch unless the ceiling height is at least 7 distance to property line where openings in 1 feet, the longer side is at least 65% open, exterior walls are prohibited or required to be and the porch abuts a street, yardor court. protected. Section 5207 (a) 7. Section 1205 (a). / J8. Projections, including eaves, shall be one- hour fire-resistive construction, heavy timber / Provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing five air changes per hour in • or of noncombustible material if they project bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry into the 3' setback area from the property rooms and similar rooms if required openable line. Section 1710. windows are not provided. Section 1205 (c). 19. Show location of permanently wired smoke / 7. Show discharge point for exhaust air to be at detector: / least 5 feet from any mechanical ventilating Centrally located in corridor or area intake. Section 1205(c). giving access to sleeping rooms. / On each story. Ductless fans cannot be used in bathrooms if a • In the basement. 18* tub or shower is present. Section 1205(c). • When sleeping rooms are upstairs, at the j upper level in close proximity to the 2. No habitable room, other than a kitchen, shall • stair. / be less than i'o" in any dimension., Section In rooms adjacent to hallways serving 1207 (c). bedrooms, when such rooms have a ceiling / height 24 inches or more above the ceiling 10. Show that ceiling height for habitable rooms • height in4the hallway. is a minitm.nñ of 71 6". Section 1297(a). NOTE: Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in / all sleeping areas of the unit. Section 1210 ?4. Show ceiling height for laundry rooms, / hallways, corridors, and bathr9oms is a 20. When the valuation of a room addition or repair 1 minimum of 7'0". Section 1207 (a). exceeds $1,000, or when sleeping rooms are / created, smoke detectors shall be provided at . Dimension on the plans the 30" clear width for existing bedrooms per item -:19 above. - Section / water closet compartments and 24" clearance in 1210. front of water closet. Section 511 (a). . Specify safety glazing for glazing in 2l. Habitable rooms, other than kitchens, shall / hazardous locations such as glass doors, glazing adjacent to doors and glazing adjacent contain at least 70 square feet of floor area. to walking surfaces. Section 5406. At least one room shall have not less than 120 / square feet of floor area. Section 1207 (b). f+. Glazing, in the same wall plane as a door, f must be safety glazing if within 12" of the 22. Window area must be at least 1/10 of the floor door and less than 60" above the walking area and a minimum of 10 square feet per surface, unless the glazing is leaded or Section 1205 (a). Appears to be deficient in faceted glass. Section 5406 (d) 6. 35. Glazingin shower and tub enclosures shall be tempered, laminated or approved plastic il (including windows within 5 feet of tub or shower floor). Section 5.06 (d) 5. 12- 7eonf tf4 Z. 2/12/90 3 36. Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door for emergency exit. Sill height shall not exceed 44" above the floor. The window must have an openable area of at least 5.7 square feet with the minimum openable width 20" and e minimum openable height 24". Section 1204. .yi. Basements in dwelling units shall comly with the above (even if not designated as sleeping rooms). Section 1204. 3A Walls and floors separating units in a duplex I shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction. Section 1202(b). A mezzanine is an intermediate floor and may f not have a floor, area exceeding 33 1/3 percent of the total floor area in the room below. The mezzanine floor must have a clear height of 7 feet, above and below, and must have the long side open to the room below except for posts and protective walls or railings not exceeding 42" in height. Section 1716. 44. The loft you show does not comply as a I mezzanine floor and is, by Uniform Building Code definition, a story. Section 1716. EXITS, SIAflUYS, AND RAfl..INGS ,4. Floors above the second story shall have not less than 2 exits. Exceptions: 1. Occupied roofs may have one exit if such occupied areas , are less than 500 square feet and located no higher than immediately above the second story. 2. When the third floor within a unit does not exceed 500 sq. ft., only one exit need be provided. Section 3303(a). 4/. Required exit doorways shall be not less than ' 36" in width and not less than 6'8" in height, -...----and shall be capable of opening at least 90 degrees. Section 3304 (f). L/. Provide 36" high protective railing for I porches, balconies, and open sides of stair landings. Openings between railings shall be less than 6". Section 1711. Show how guardrail connection details are adequate to support 20 pounds 'per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail. Table 23-B. Provide stairway and landing details. Section 3306 (b), (c) and (p). Maximum rise is 7" and minimum run is 11". When the stairs serves less than 10 occupants, or serves an unoccupied roof, rise may be 8" maximum and run 9" minimum. Minimum headroom is 61 -81t. C. Minimum width is 36". 4t. All handrails per Section 3306 (j), shall ' satisfy the following: Provide handrail for stairways with 4 or more risers. Handrail shall be 34" to 38" above the nosing of treads. C. The handgrip portion of handrail shall be not less than 1 1/2", nor more than 2" in cross-sectional dimension. Lñ.. Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, 1 measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the stairway width. Such dimension need not exceed 36 inches. Section 3306 (g), 3304 (.i). - An interior door may open inward at the top step of a stairway provided the top step is not more than 7 1/2" lower than the floor level. Section 3304 (i). 44. Provide details of winding stairway complying with Section 3306 (d): -a.- -- Minimum.-tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from where the treads are narrowest. b. Maximum rise is 8 inches. * C. Minimum width is 36 inches. I . t'. / Provide spiral stairway details, per Section . Provide skylight details t0 show compliance .. 3306 (f): with Sections 3401 and 5201 or provide , I.C.B.0. approval number. Minimum run is 7 1/2 inches measured at a / point 12 inches from where the treads are çf3. Plastic skylights must be separated from each the narrowest. I other by at least 1 feet. Section 5207 (a) 6. Maximum rise is 9 1/2 inches. Maximum Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent area is clear opening between risers is 6 inches. / 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic area if at least 50% of the required vent is at least C. Minimum headroom is 6 feet 6 inches 3 feet above eave vents or cornice vents. Show required area and area provided. d. The tread must provide a clear walking Section 3205 (c). area measuring at least 26 inches from the o.iter edge of the supporting column to the MAS0RY inner edge of the handrail. / / 1. Spiral stairways may not be used for required eS. / Provide fireplace construction details or note construction to be per attached fireplace I exits when the area served is greater than 400 standard drawing. Chapter 37. sq. ft. Section 3306 (f).. / / . Provide I.C.B.0. Research Report and number for I .. Show anchored veneer support and connections attached to wood in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, / metal stairway, or submit plans and comply with Section 3006 (d)l and Section 2515 calculations and approved fabricator registered (a). Show ties and #9 wire in horizontal with the building department or note that the joints. stairway fabrication plans shall be submitted / to and approved by the building official prior Show height and construction details of all to installation. I masonry walls. Chapter 24. 5/. Exterior stairways shall not project into the 3 §. Show floor and roof connections to masonry / foot setback from the property lines. Section ' walls. Connection shall resist 200 pounds per 3306 (n). lineal foot or the actual design load, / . whichever is greater. Cross grain tension or !I. The walls and soffits of the enclosed usable bending in wood ledgers is not permitted. F space under interior stairs shall be protected Section 2310. on the enclosed side as required for one-hour J / .5. fire-resistive 'construction. Section 3306 (m). Within . I Show a minimum 2" air space and flashing between planter and building walls. units, show that corridors have a Section 2516 (c) 7. I, minimum width of 36 inches. Section 3305 (b). / GARAGE AND' CARPORTS ROOfiNG / Garage requires one-hour fire protection on - Specify roof slope .......................f- - the garage side of walls and ceiling common to 57. the dwelling. Table 5-B, Section 503 (d). Roof slope is not adequate for roof type J specifed. Table 32-B,C,D and E. / 1.. All elements supporting' floor above garage, /IAJ 57f/AAE /2 4- &4i1'4 f including walls supporting floor joists, must Specify roof- material and application. chapter have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the 32. garage side. Section 503 (b) 9. Specify I.C.B.0. or U.L. approval number for roof materials not in U.B.C., . Show 1 3/8" solid core self-closing door for / covered e.g., - / openings between garage and dwelling. Section / ). tile, etc. Section 107. 503 (d). Specify minimum 1/4 inch per foot roof slope 3(3. Garages are not permitted to open into a room f for drainage or design to support accumulated used for sleeping purposes. Section 1104. / water. Section 3207 (a) and Section 2305 (f). 11. Show roof drains and overflows. Section 3207. 12/11/89 5 114. Detail all post-to-beam and post-to-footing connections and reference the detail to the plan. Section 2516 (m). Detail shear transfer connections, including / roof and floor diaphragms, to shear walls. Section 2513. /6. Specify nail size and spacing for all shear walls, floor and roof diaphragms. Indicate required blocking. Maintain maximum diaphragm dimension ratios. [Tables 25 I, J, K and / Section 4714 (d)]. 147. Provide truss details and truss calculations / for this project. Specify truss identification / numbers on the plans. 1/8. Show 1/2" minimum clearance_ between top plate f of interior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as / designed). i4. Provide roof framing plan and floor framing / plan. Section 302 (d). Provide framing sections through Section 302 (d). 1/1. Specify all header sizes for opening over 4' / wide. Section 2517 (g) 5. Provide calculations for main vertical and /2. horizontal framing members and post footings. j Section 302 (b). l3. Provide calculations for lateral loads, shear I panels, shear transfer and related. Section 302 (b). 1/4. In Seismic Zones 3 and 4, the allowable shear I wall values for drywall in Table 47-I must be reduced 50 percent when considering earthquake loads. This does not apply to wind loads. Footnote 1. - ,,4's. Show on the plans all structural requirements f developed in the structural calculations. Section 302 (d). (See comments below or at end.) /6. Columns and posts located on concrete or masonry floors or decks exposed to the weather or to water splash or in basements and which support permanent structures shall be supported by concrete piers or metal pedestals projecting above floors unless approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. Section 2516 (c) 4. 127. Individual concrete or masonry piers shall project at least 8 inches above exposed ground unless the columns or posts which they support are of approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used. / Section 2516 (c) 4. 118. Show location of attic access with minimum size 22" x 30". Section 3205.. Show draft separation for attic areas between units in a duplex. Section 2516 (f). i/o. Specify plywood and/or particle board / thickness, grade and panel--- identification / index. Table 25-S. Øi. When roof pitch is less than 3:12, design / ridge as a beam. Section 2517 (h). l. If foundation cripple wall studs are less than / 14" high, framing shall be solid blocking, or I /3. sheathed with plywood. Section 2517 (g) 4. Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet inheight shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or -2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. /4. Section 2517 (g) 4. Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, or other weather exposed areas, is "bondedwith exterior glue." Plywood used for exterior wall covering shall be the exterior type. / Section 2516 (i), 2516(g)3. - 5. Detail truss layout for 30" x 30" attic / access, if required for equipment in the /6. attic. Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at least one size larger than supported rafters. /37. Section 2517 (h) 3. In open beam construction, provide strap ties across the beams at the ridge support. Section 2501 (b). MANICAL (tJNIFo4 MAlIICAL cXOE All heating, ventilating, and cooling systems and appliances shall comply with the Uniform Mechanical Code. 138. Slow the size, location and type of all heating and cooling appliances or systems. '13,1. Show source of combustion air to furnace, per Chapter 6, UMC. iy. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with / heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees F. at 3 •feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. Show basis for compliance. UBC, Sec. 1212. Show minimum 30" deep unobstructed working I) space in front of furnace. Section 505, UMC. 1/2. Furnace shall not be installed in any bedroom, / bathroom or in a closet or confined space with- access only through such room unless specified as direct vent appliance, enclosed furnace or electric heating appliance. / Section 704 UMC. 1/3. Show I.CB.O. approval number for prefab fireplace.- Show height of chiimey above roof per I.C.B.0. approval or Table 37-B. Show access to the attic containing equipment f to be minimum 30 inches by 30 inches. The opening may be 22 inches by 30 inches if the equipment can be removed through such opening. Section 708 UMC. Y..Where-equipment, is installed in the attic, the distance from the attic access to such / equipment shall not exceed 20 feet. 1/6.' Note that passageway to the attic furnace shall / be unobstructed and have continuous solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide. Section 708 UMC. 4 7; Show permanent electrical outlet . and lighting I fixture controlled by a switch for the attic - / furnace. Section 708 UMC. 1j(8. Show details to comply with. Section 709 for / furnace under the floor, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. 1L. Note on plan: Gas vents and non-combustible f piping, in walls, passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft stopped at each floor or ceiling. UBC, Section 1706 (a) 6. lO. Provide dryer ' vent to outside. UMC, Section / 1903. 1LR1CAL (NATIONAL ELXIICAL CX)DEI All wiring shall comply with 'the National Electrical Code. G Show on the plan the amperage of the electrical service, the location of the service panel and the location of any sub-panels. If service is over 200 amps, submit single line diagram, panel schedule and load calculations. 152. Show loatia.n of all electrical rec ptacles. \ rrI A (ict.i A/) Elect.ficalfreceptacle loc.ati'n,d/or spacing. is not adequate in' 'X//A..1 LI2&'14 1 • Show at least one. ,convenience outlet other / than out-lets for laundry, etc., outdoors, in - garages and basements. ' NEC;' Art. 210-52. 155. Note convenience outlets in bathrooms, kitchen counter top(s) within b teet of the kitchen sink, outdoors, and in garages and ba-s ements (other than for laundry and similar equipment) shall be GFI protected. 'NEC, Art. 2108, Note electrical system ground to be provided f per NEC, Art. 250-81. PUDG (UN]YOl4 PU)D cx)OE) 157. Show water heater size, type and location on plans. UPC, Section 1301. 1/8. Show source for providing combustion air to / fuel burning water heater. If wall openings / in an enclosure are used, at least one-half of the- required opening area shall extend into the upper twelve. inches of the enclosure and one-half within the lower twelve inches. UPC, Section 1307. 1(9. Fuel combustion water heater shall not be / installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet opening into bath or bedroom. 'UPC, Section 1309. . Provide adequate barrier to protect water / heater from vehicle damage. An 18" platform for the water heater does not satisfy this requirement. UPC, Section'1310. Show I and P valve on water heater and show F route of discharge line to exterior. UPC, Section 1007 (e). - 1 1/19/90 • . .• 9 . -• S • 4 1 . Show that water heater is adequately braced to / resist seismic forces, when not connected by rigid pipe. UMC Section 5014(d). /3- Show shower stall can accoounodate a 30" circle and has a minimum floor area of 1,024 sq. in. UPC 909 (d). lt. Provide clothes washer hook-up for each unit. / Title 24, Part 3. NOISE ThSULAtION (DUPLFS) iq. Show details of duplex common (party) walls and / floor/ceiling assemblies to achieve a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating in walls of 50 decibels and an Impact Insulation Class (IIC) rating on floor/ceiling of 50 decibels. Title 24. i4. Show how penetrations of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits, or heating ventilating, or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined, or insulated to maintain required sound / transmission rating. Title 24. 1/7. Provide insulation in walls and ceiling to I achieve STC of 50 between garage and living area if garage use is not controlled by resident. Title 24. ENERGY CONSERVATION 168. Provide plans, calculations and worksheets to show compliance with current energy standards. / 1/9. The regulations require a properly completed ' and properly signed Form CF-1R to be either imprinted on the plans, taped to the plans or "sticky backed" on the plans, to allow the building inspector to readily compare the actual construction with the requirements of the approved. energy design. 70. All energy items shown on .the plans must be in agreement with the information shown on the properly completed Form CF-1R. Specify on the building plans all of the / mandatory energy conservation requirements as listed on the enclosure titled, "Mandatory Energy Conservation Requirements". Show the make, model and efficiency of the /2. space heating (or cooling) . system and provide heat loss calculations if the output exceeds 45,000 BTU/Hr. 173: For room additions, shcw that the glazing area of the addition does not, exceed' 16% of the newly-conditioned floor area, plus glazing removed or relocated due to the addition. Provide fluorescent general lighting in / kitchen(s) per CAC, Title 24, 2-5352(3). / CARLSBAD S.F.D. & DUPLEX SUPPLE71F2T 1/5. Energy conservation design should be for Zone 1 7. ]/6. Floor drains must have auto-prime (city ' policy). 1/7. Note exhaust fans cannot be ductless type ' (city policy). 1/8. .New residential units must be pre-plumbed for I future solar water heating. Note "two roof jacks must be installed" where the water heater is in theone story garage and directly below the most south .' facing roof (City Ordinance No. 8093). Note "two 3/4" copper pipes must be installed ' to the most convenient . future solar panel location when the water heater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. (City Ordinance'No. 8093). 1). All piping for present or future solar water heating must be insulated when in areas that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means (city policy). ljL. Incorpàrate the waterproofing details, on the I attached Policy 80-8, where interior living space occurs below grade at the masonry wall(s). S Show on the Title. Sheet .. onthe. plans, the information required by the attached - Developmental Services Sheet 112383. 183. All new residential buildings, including additions,require a soils report. Please submit two copies. Exception: If a room addition is limited to one story and 1000 sq. ft. in .area, then a soils, report is not required. Esgil Corporation will advise the City to place their soils notice stamp on the / plans. 1/4. Heavy timber framing, minimum 6" x 10" beams -, and minimum 8" x 8" post, for the structural beam and column supporting the fire separation between the garage and living- area above, is acceptable if shown on the plans. (city policy). 1/5 5. All structures require a Class 13 roof covering, ( except room additions. If a room addition covers all of the existing building (2nd story addition), then the above exception doesn't apply. /6. City Ordinance 9792 requires two parking spaces/unit with clear area of 20'x20' i.e. no / washing machines, etc. Show compliance. 7. All chimneys attached to any appliance or f fireplace that burns solid fuel shall be equipped with an approved spark arrester. The net free area of the spark arrester shall be not less than four times the net free ara of the outlet of the chimney. The spark arrester screen shall have heat and corrosion resistance equivalent to 12 -gauge wire, 19 gauge galvanized wire or 24 gauge stainless steel. Openings shall not permit the passage of spheres having a diameter larger than 1/2-inch and shall not block the passage of spheres having a diameter of less than 3/8-inch. / 1/8. Please see additional corrections, or remarks, on the following page. 189. To speed up the recheck process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or * • detail number, calculation page, etc. G Please indicate here if any changes ha'e been made to 'the plans that are not a. result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list?-- 'Please check. Enclosures: Yes. No The City of Carlsbad has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number 619/560- 468, to perform e plan check for your project. If you have any questions regarding these pla Mche items, please c n Ct fl at Esgil Corporation. If you have any questions regarding City Building permit procedures, please contact Carter Darnell at the City of Carlsbad, 2075 Las Palmas Dr., telephone 619/438-1161. Thank you. . • I • 2/14/90 ' . • 11 PLAN HEX NO.•_O-//87 B Ii TD I N G A% D DR ES S /Z 8SA BUILDING A?PLICANT/CONTACT -/M5,4 CCCU?ANC'f'T ?CNE 0 70 DSGNR TYPE Ci? CC•NSTUCTIC•N CCNTRACTo BUILDING ?C TI GN BUILDING --- - - -- -- - -- VALUATION \'ALU -- A1" Cord1tionjr - - I - Corj:r;ercjal es5.dential Res. or Co:Lm.. fire Sprinklers Total Value - .00 Date 1 14 1/0 juri sd i ction ____cAaLSBAI) Pr pared bys 0 B1d, Dept. VALUATION AD PLA N CH,7CK Esgi1 BLHdir Permit Fee S Plan Check Fee S COil 1IENTS:____________ SHEET / OF / 12/87 - Nv1P 1144 LOT QP-Lsq LJ BUILDING PLANCHECK ENGINEERING CHECKLIST (4 DATE: 9D PLANCHECK NO.--9()_______________ 1 .2 3 S T 0 R D COATh-S Ab blm C C C PROJECT ID: IZBS CAz AVE H H H E E E LEGAL REQUIREMENTS C .0 C K K K Site Plan ITEM COMPLETE 0 ITEM INCOMPLETE - NEEDS YOUR ACTION X ITEM SELECTED L1 -J Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: north arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing stFët improvements, jj..gf- way width and dimensioned setbacks. Show on site plan: Finish floor e ions, pad--el vations, elevations of finis gra e athiacent to building, existing tnpngrphic_aI lines, existing and propoidiopes, driveway witLpercent%grade and drainage patterns. Ci1) E E Pro v i d el description and csorsParcelNumber. Discretionary Approval Compliance X 4. No Discretionary approvals were required. Project complies with all Engineering Conditions of Approval for Project No. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of Approval for Project No. Conditions complied with by: Date: Field Review Field review completed. No issues raised. \/ 8. Field Review completed. The following issues or discrepancies with the site plan were found: A. Site lacks adequate public improvements. Existing drainage improvements not shown or in conflict with site plan '&... Site is served by overhead power lines. Grading is required to access site, create pad or, provide for ultimate street improvement. FRMOO1O.DH 0 0 08/29/89 Site access visibility problems exist. Provide onsite turnaroundor engineered solution to problem. Other: Dedication Repuirements No dedication required. Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 84" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report and the required processing fee. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. The description of the dedication is as follows: Dedication completed, Date: By: Improvement Requirements / SU, vLL1iN 12D)ODD V 11. No public improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City inspector prior to occupancy. 12. Public improvements required. This project requires construction of public improvements pursuant to Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit. for separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid-prior to issuance of permit. The required improvements are:___________________________________________ Improvement plans signed, Date: By:__________ FRM001O . DR 08/29/89' I 13. Improvements are required. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred in accordance with Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please submit a letter requesting deferral of the required improvements together with a recent title report on the property and the appropriate processing fee so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. The Future Improvement Agreement must be signed, notarized and approved., by the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Future Improvement Agreement completed, Date________________ By:______________ Grading Requirements.. 13a. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Please provide more detailed proposed and existing elevations and contours. Include accurate estimates of the gradingquantities (cut, fill, import, export). / PEP-MIT V/ 14,. No gradingrequired as determined.by the information provided on the site plan. 15. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted for separate plan check and approval through the Engineering Department. Grading, Inspector sign off. Date: By: Miscellaneous Permits . Right-of-Way Permit not required. Right-of-Way Permit required. A separate Right-of-Way Permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following:, Sewer Permit is not required. Sewer Permit is required. A Sewer Permit is required concurrent with Building Permit issuance. The fee required is noted below in the fees section. . 20. Industrial Waste Permit is not required. FRM001O.DH . , . . 08/29/89 21. Industrial Waste Permit is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Applicantion Form and submit for City approval prior to issuance of Building Permits. Permits must be issued prior to occupancy. Industrial Waste Permit accepted - Date: By:________________ Fees Required A)1A 22. Park-in-Lieu Fee Quadrant: _____ Fee per Unit: Total Fee: 23. Traffic Impact Fee Fee Per Unit: Total Fee: !J1,4 24. Bridge and Thoroughfare Fee Fee per Unit: Total Fee: 1iJA 25. Public Facilities Fee required. k)/A 26. Facilities Management Fee Zone: Fee: AI,IA .27. Sewer Fees Permit No. EDU's_________________ Fee: N/A 28. Sewer Lateral required: Fee: ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE PERMIT . BY: SSCHEEELL Date:2AL1 (fl FRMOO1O.DH 08/29/89 PLANNING CHECKLIST Plan Check No: q()f/1 Address I'2S OciC !ltI_.. APN: ZcDS-020—tl - Planner 1'I/LU( tY)'Yk-U Phone 438-1161 ' (Name) Type of Projec - andUse 1"Li1YY\. Zone Facilities Management Zone Legend Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs yOur action 1, 2, 3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number that deficiency was identified Environmental Review Required: YES NO TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION: Cornpliancewithconditiohs of approval? If not, state conditions which require action.- Conditions of Approval - DscretionaryAction Required: YES NO TYPE APPROVAL/RESO. NO. DATE: PROJECT NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions of approval? if no., state conditions wh1.h require action. S Conditions of Approval Coastal YES NO DATE OF APPROVAL Compliance with conditions of approval ? If not, state conditions which require action. S Conditions of Approval S•S-'. • SI •... ,- - SI SI Wa 4,4 Landscape Plan Required: YES - NO IX See attached submittal requirements for landscape plans Site Plan: . Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North, arrow, ty lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right.-of:'-way width and d ed setbacks.. Show on Site Plant Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes and driveway. Provide legal description of property. Provide assessor's parcel number. Zoning: Setbacks: Front: Required .2°' Shown 57' Int. Side: Required 81 Shown 3' Street Side: Required P Shown Rear: Required I Shown 61'r Lot coverage: Required 40lb Shown O- Height: Required 3i' Shown 12. f. ' Parking: Spaces'Required Shown Guest Spaces Required .Shown Additional comments aad ,e',iarks have been made on the building plans. These marked-up plans ray be picked up at the Building Department. These marked- up plans must be resubmitted with the revised plans for this project. Have plans been marked up? YES NO Additional Comments O( TO ISSUE DATE PLNCK. FRM