HomeMy WebLinkAbout1288 KNOWLES AVE; ; 81-468; Permit.. z 0 :;: " ~ iii Q " i[ 8 " "' Q ~ 5 ~ "' z ~ z 0 ~ z "' .. lE 0 u ,. " "' "' " 0 ~ ![ D I t-.-,,,.oy affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commenctng with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is In full force and effect L,c No _ Class I hereby alf,rm tha1 I am exempt from the Con ~tr~~~~:;::~; ~~~f~~~,~~li~,/e:~~~,\~r county •h•ch requires a permit lo construct ;alter ,mprove, demolish. or repair any structure. pnor to ,ts ,ssuance also requ,res !he appl,caM for S<.>Ch perm,t to hie a s,gned statement that he ,s llcensed pursuant 10 the prov1s1ons of the Con- 1ractor's L,cense Law (Chapter 9 commenc,ng with Section 700Cl of D1~1s1on J of tt>e Business and Pro- fessions Godel or that ,s exempt theret,om ar,d the bas•~ for the alleged exemption Any v1olat1on of Se<;t,on 7031 5 by an applicant !01 a perrmt sub1ec1s tne appl!cant to a c,v,I penalty of not more than l•ve hundr8d dollars (1500) 0 I, as owner of the property, or my employ&es 11,.ih wages as the" sole compensat,on, w11I do the won<. and the structure 1s not in1ended or offered !or sale (Sec 7044. Business and Pro!E>ss1ohs Code The Contractor's L,cense Lilw does nol apply 10 an owner of property who buolds or ,mproves thereon and who does such wotl<. h•msell or lhrougr t,Is own employees. provided thal such ,mprovemeats a,1e not 1ntende'J or offered for sale II, however. the bwldong or ,mprovement Is sold within one year ot completion the owner-burlder w,11 have the burden of proving that he d,d not build or ,mprove tor the purpose of sale) D I, as owner of the property, am exclusovely conlrac!ong w11h locensed contractors to construc1 the pro1ec1 (Sec 7044. Business and Pro!ess1ons Code The Contractors L,cense law does not apply to an owner of property w110 builds or ,mpmves thefeon, and who contracts for eacl1 pro1ects w,th a contractor(s) license pursuant to the Contr,;,c1ors License Lilwl D I am exempt under Sec !or th,s reason .B & PC □ I hereby a!t,rm that I ha,e a certd,cate ol consent 10 self-insure or a cert1f1cate of Workers Compensation Insurance. or a cert,f,ed copy thereof (sec 3800. labor Code) / POLICY N CO~Y Copy IS hied Wllh the city D Cert1f1ed copy ,s hereby furnished CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS" COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed 11 the permit 1s tor one hundred dollars ($100) or less) D I certify that In the pertormance ot the work !or which this perm1t ,s ,ssued. I shall not employ any person ,n any manner so as to t:>ecome sub1ec1 10 the Wotl<.e,s· Compensation Laws ot CaI1tom,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT 11. at1er makIrlJ tn•s Cet'1 locale of Exemption you should become subJecl 10 the Wotl<.ers· Compensalron provisions of the Labor Code you mus1 torihw1th comply with sucn prov,sIons or 1h1s permI! shall be deemed re~oked D I hereby at!-fm that There ,s a cons1ructI0f' Iend•'lQ a,;iency tor tne pet'urrnanr,e o' tn., wor1< t::,r wn,cn th,s perm,1 ,s ,ssued 1Sec )097 Ci,<I Godel Lende, s Name ___________ _ Lenders Address __________ _ • PRESS HARD APPLICANT FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBA., BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008 (714) 438-5525 J08 ADDRESS AV. ST. DATE OF APPLICATION BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER 11.~ lh I-• "..-:<'.'.' Avr: .. RD. 11-10-ai 23a:A ~3 D\b 6l-~(8 OVl7NER'S NAME I OWNER'S PHONE PRIME CONT~,CTOA (\ ('f-: CONTRACTORS PHONE # ZONE \-1\~ .... u~. Doi,l Do~N(;(OE.S ,jZ, n II r•-' .I/ .,, m3flb'? OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS LICENSE NO. PLAN 1.0. # BLOG USE CODE A I~ -sA.'41:::-l<.:r -I04\ /"1, I ,I -'.,. , re:-,,Aro, ·yr'"'_.._ . -~,~ - COT BLOCK I SUBDIVISION I t~:.e·~-.c;:""" ~Do DESIGNER ' ' STATE LICENSE# STANDARD PLAN# B j•~~-, 1-- DESCRIPTION OF WORK '1 _/fl X Jfl'/ ,Al ~,.,!"1ti_lt""\ -. ... . ... ~ .. OESIGNER'S ADDRESS DESIGNER'S PHONE . ' 1._ • ~ ... -,..--~14 -t-4t.ot!l_._Q~ , " A NO I • ---' ' FLA ELEV OCC GP EDU STORIES YD-..□ CENSUS TRACT I GP LAND USE 1 PARKING SPACE RE'S UNITS ! GRADING ~ERMIT ISSUED ! REDEVELOPMENT TYPE OCC LOAD FIRE SPR AREA CONST ,□ ' D ,□ r-..0 vO NO Nor Valid Unlesr M.chine Certified QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE I ,...rb QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE ';J ,,-SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER . . . ; u.. EACH FIXTURE TRAP I rn. --INSTALL FURN DUCTS iJP TO 100.000 BTU t...__.,.-BUILDING PERMIT ' Id'-.:, -c)CJ -----t -. --·· 'J EACH BUILDING SEWER l,~ ' OVER 100,000 BTU SIGN PERMIT ' ---------------' ~---------~-. EACH WATER HEATER ANO OR VENT --_ _J_ ___ -• ~ BOILER/COMPRESSOR UPTO 3 HP PLAN CHECK lDIA,_1-:, £6£. l I , _ l"l I ~-"",1,-t. _, 0 EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS ~-t-80ILER1CQMPRESSOR 3-15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING j . . . ·------------ EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE j ---METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL 7 -~ -·----· -' -------------------- EACH INSTA~ __ ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL 7 ,,... ---- I . EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOQO.'DUCTS MOBILEHOME . _ ~~T! R SO F TN ER -------------+------ RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE1HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP ---------------.. ---------·----· j EACH ROOF DRAIN IINS~DE'1 SOLAR --. ~ ------~ ~ .. -1 TOTJ..L MECHANICAL 7 -STRONG MOTION ·--I ,.A;, .54 TOTAL PLUMBING FIRE SPRINKLERS ---·- OTY.1 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE '7..-----QTY. SOLAR · ISSUE ~ -- BRIDGE FEE ---------·-~. -· -------. ----- NEW CONST EA AMP'SWT BKR COLLECTORS SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT -----I I PH 3 PH STORAGE TANKS Carlsbad .. -~--1--------- EXIST BLOG EA AMP/SWT:'BKR ROCK STORAGE Enc1n1tas -------------- 1 PH 3 PH -I PUMP San DIeguIto ----------··~-<------------. REMOOEL'ALTER PER CIRCUIT . --PLAN CHECK ~EE San Marcos ,-----------------· ----. --------ol----~ ---- TEMP PDLE 200 AMPS -----------~---~. ----------- OVER 200 AMPS 1-. -------------· --------~ ---------------~---1--------- TEMP OCCUPANCY 130 DAYSI 11-----------+------------------------------------ ____l j -'. ------1-------·-------------. - TOTAl ElELTRICAL l 7-I, TOT AL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I .2 ~;;, ~I I -' Expiration. Every permit ,nued by the Building Officfal under the provisions of this * AN OSHA PERMrT If, REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATICMS OVER I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall eKpire by limitation and become nuH and void. If the building or_ wi rk 5' O" DEEP AND DEMOUllON OR CONSTRUCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS authonzed by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of suth STRUCTURES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT permit. or if the building or worll. auttlofad by such permit is suspended J,r ISSUED. TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNT" AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-abandOned at an., time a er the work ,s com1neoced for a ""'nod of 180 da"~ STRUCTlON, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND ••~:;~~!'n~ {~□ CONTRACT R/l[ APPRG VED BY 1°11P:~/ !1 KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST All LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SA!□ CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE . BY PHO~E 0 \ .. GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT_ . . . . , !!! u:: "' :. 0 0. E " f- l v 0 p '-•, C rn u a. 0. < I ~ C 0:: 0 00 .. " 00 00 < I ~ 2 <D >- ,; 00 " g .r rn .; 0 ~ " u C rn C u:: C " " C!i 0 0 " 0. 00 C ~ .c s: INSPECTION TYPE BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFQRCED _SJEEL M,6\SOM Ar¥ \t-..\S\.}Lf(~\O GUNl,:E OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING FRAME EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING SEWER AND BL/CO PLUMBING UNDERGROUND PLUMBING TOP OUT TUB AND SHOWER PAN GAS TEST ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY POWER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE BONDING :\ G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR. MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS· VENTILATING SYSTEMS DATE INSPECTOR CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. JOB SITE FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL GAS BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS CERT OF oc~· 'PANCY ISSUED ' . . . 5,, I -4 (o 'i{ -- FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR"S NOTES • INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL ·----. SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO . FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSED CONCRETE ---~-POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS ----------· SPECIAL MASONRY -. ,-l i PILES CAISSON;:' I • I . . .. ! I . --------, I, f-> I , ·-' ),,,,V -· u . ..lY' "f ,of.';/ . /Af:c-1-✓/ ---- v_~><-- ' . ---- t--·---- I. I ~ • --~ --~ /-·• · C!titp of C!tnrl.B'Ilnh ,£c?u;ST FOR INSPECTION RECORD !JUILDING DEPARTMENT /•PECTOA _______ ...;.' PERMIT NO, --------DATE: 17;:17, l TIME: "I;.~ .,L,,.,._ ~NER ~ · ,!DRESS --~/-~~~........,"'--....,7,,_~'-"'-"""'=-'---=-------------------- lOUESTED BY ____________ PHONE NO. ----------- / PERSON TAKING REPORT ____ _ J BUILDING ELECTRICAL No 1-mrk for six inonths, Permit exp,red , _,_ ________ _ . '. date initial .. . slm~ly~ • /1·&:,8'?__:_; *: .. \·!ork continues .. date ·-= 1111t1al .. ... Work not started, permit expired , date initial . . ... The ins pcctor wi 11 return the permit to the permit c1 erk 1•1ho 1·ri 11 ei tiler rcpl ace the peri~i t in the file as active or send the o\'lncr/· --~ co11tractor written notice that the permit has cx11i1·ed. PLUMBING MISCELLANEOUS 0 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING O CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS D SEWER AND PL/CO D SOLAR HEAT CJ T()P OUT PLUMBING D PATIO D TUB OR SHOWER PAN D POO~ 0 SPA D GAS TEST O SIGN 0 WATER HEATER D GRADING D SOLAR WATER D DRIVEWAY D FINAL D FINAL RriMrlv For ln:moctlon: n Mondav O Tuesday 0 Wednesday D Thursday D Friday . . i i PLAN ID 81---1bB DATE I l-17:51 JOB Af1J) RES s __ ~,ie~~'--'-Kt-l~o_W~L-_E_S_. ---CHECKED BY:-----'~""'--'------ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT -ROOM ADDITION CORRECTION LIST CORRECTIONS CHECKED BELOW ARE TO BE MADE ON PLANS Two identical sets of plans drawn to scale with the following information are required: Y. Dimensioned plot plan showing all existing and proposed buildings, legal description, job address, earth slope, driveway slope and lot drainage. B. Foundation plan and foundation details. 1. Show foundation plans and foundation details. ,/l.'". Provide 6 x 6 -10 x 10 wire mesh in slab, 4"clean sand, vapor barrier and 2 -#4 rebars continuous in footings . .21'. Show foundation details per attached soils report or furnish current soild report. C. Exterior Elevations ,;r'.' Show all exterior elevations. Show window sizes, door sizes and locations. Show materials used on cxteri;1 -W=D ~- Show roof pitch and roofing materials used. K. Show adequate bracing. D. Framing Sections /. Show complete structural framing details, material sizes, header sizes, rafter sizes, joist sizes and connection to existing building. _;r: Show materials used on the interior -floors, walls and ceiling. ;r'. Show required insulation per state law -R-11 for exterior walls, R-19 for ceiling . .JI!· Provide R-19 insulation in attic of existing building if addition is 30% of existing building area. Jr. Two story additions require structural calcs for vertical and horizontal loads. They shall be signed by a Califor~ia licensed engineer or architect. ~ I-low Cl-CGe "t"o !=NO of 'Be.wl A12€ '.4" 4> 1!,01..TS j' ~ow VE1'A\~, E. Floor Plan A Show use of new addition and existing adjacent room(s). (_U Show heating provided for new addition. If electric, Title 24 calcs. :;a-:" Show what has happened to the light and ventilation in adjacent rooms . .,,K_. Fireplace: If metal show ICBO number. . R. Show dimensions and square footage for room addition and adjacent rooms . .,,ii'. Provide exterior lighting at exterior doors. :,,,_ Provide adequate electrical receptacles. ~-Provide GFI at all outside, bathroom and garage electrical receptacles. ,%. Show room ceiling and passageway heights. :i-6"'.' Provide adequate emergency exit from sleeping rooms, 20" clear width, sq ft of area, not more than 44" from floor, 24" clear height. Provide smoke detectors for existing.and/or new bedrooms. F. eral ,.,._ -·' A', 6LAZIN0 A!Z-EA E.XLE-EC>S 1'1o/o, OcV6UE. 6LAZ\,..,.q IS REOO\F?.E.0 '-(;J' \.v (i) Provide one exterior electrical rec~ptacle (GFI) if none exisl~~~S• ~ Provide backflow preventer for any new hose bibbs. ~ Show proper attic and underfloor ventilation. ~ Window into carport must be fixed glass. A'. Show area of addition and area of new glazing and area of glass removed. x. Check with La Costa, Ponderosa Homes or Coastal Commission for their requirements. INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING ADDRESS: PLANNING DEPARTMENT DATE't!ECEIVED NOV to 81 ZONE __ ~ll.~-~I _____ LOT s IZE _________ LOT WIDTH·-------~- UNITS ALLOWED ___________ UNITS PROVIDED ____________ _ PARKING SPACES REQUIRED A I~ PROVIDED __ -1/&..,._,t..,.v:------- % COVERAGE ALLOWED ----~LL ........ r~-------PROVIDED _ __,!,lo<4---------- BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED PROVIDED ----------- RONT SETBACK: SIDE SETBACK: REAR SETBACK: LLOWED PROVIDED __ --+O~¥G~~=--- INTRUSIONS LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: ~M'-"+'~~------------- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ= ~@~v~~~,~MILI.lf~,L--------------- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ~N--\~A'------------------------ OK TO ISSUE:~ .. ;,zTEJ\111o/rl OK TO FINAL ______ DATE ___ _ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT'5?J-i.'$• ,f'.;.t' I R.O.W. ______ INDUSTRIAL WASTE _______ IMPROVEMENTS _______ _ SEWER CONNECTION ________ DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS ___________ _ _ (iRADING PERMIT EASEMENTS _________ DRAINAGE ____ _ LEGAL DESCRIPTION, ____________ ....::_ _______________ _ ~DDITIONAL COMMENTS _______ .,,..... ____________________ _ ~~ ,, \2-:W'l ;:J: / DATE\_\ ______ PWI ____ OK TO FINAL ____ DATE ___ _ FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLING SYSTEM ___________ FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP. _______ _ FIRE ALARMS EXITS _______________ _ FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATION _________________ _ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ____________________________ _ OK TO ISSUE: _____ DATE, _______ OK TO FINAL. ______ DATE ____ _ TER DEPARTMENT QUIREMENTS OF APPROPRIATE DISTRICTS MET ________ DATE ________ _ 3/-1'_J