HomeMy WebLinkAbout129 MAPLE AVE; ; 86-647; Permit"' z 0 ;: .. " .. J " .. 0 " i[ 8 " .. 0 J 5 ii! .. z ! z 0 ;: ~ z .. .. "' 0 " "' "' .. "' " 0 3 ![ O I hereby affirm that I am licensed under 1 provlalons ol Chapter 9 (commencing with 1 S.Ctlon 7000) of Dlvls!on 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in lull force and effect. I nereby alfirm thal I arr. exempt 1,0,,.., tre 10,·s License Law 'or tM •oliow,ng reas~n 1Sec Business and P·otess,ons Coae Any c,·y ~r c~us:y 1,h er- quires a perrr,1 io cor1struct. alter ,-~·s··s<e Oe'Tlc repair any struct ,·e prior lo ,ts issuance aisc, renJ,re', p,1cant for >ucC perrn,t to file a s1Qne,• sfA'An'R" ·~,· l•censM p~r,uart 10 the prov1,;ons of tre ~,1,-·,oc·, l,cen<;e Law ·Chaple' 9 cornme~c,og w,tn Secl,on ?r/)'l ,;' D1v1s1on 3 ol t•e Bus,ness and Profess ons (Me, ur 'hol empt therelrorn and the basis 1or lhe al eyea e,ernp1Ion ·;10Iation of sw,on 7031 5 by an appl1cc.nt ',:· a r;e·rn,1 I 1ecls the appiica11 to a c1v1' penalty ol 1ot ,.-,ore to.on 1,·,e j d'ed dollars !SSOC' I, as owner of 1ne oropeny or my emplcyees w,:n ~,1ges as their sole comoensatI0~ w,I: do the worl< <>"d sl•uc lure Is not ,ntcnded or oflered for saie 1\fr, 7044 and Proless1ons Code rhe Cortracto,·s t1ce1se Law coe\ I ~i~r:6i I ln~0 :;o ~:~!r s:~r:~g~;t~1::e~f ~~1:~;0~;~~~;~1:~ I employees. provided that such Improvemen•s are not 1~1erd ed or altered for sale If. however. the ouIldI~g or ,mprov~ 'lle~I Is sold wI1nIn one year of c□mplet1on the owner-builder w1I' nave the burden of proving that he did not build or Irn prove lor the ouroose 01 sale) I, as owner al the property am e,clus1vely contract1nq w1\h licensed contractors to cons1ruc1 lhe pro1ert (Sec 7G44 Business and Proless1ons Cocte The Conlraclor's License Law does not apply to an owner of properly who builds or Im proves !hereon. and who contracts lor ea,h pro1ec1s wIlh a contraclor(s) I,cense pursuant to the Con1,aclor s Llce,se Law) I As a homeowner I am ImprovIn9 "ly home and t~e to!low In9 cond1t1ons e>ist 1 The work Is being perlormed prior 10 sale 2 I have lived In my home lor twelve mon!hs prior to completion al This wor1< 3 1 have not clarmed This e,e,.,ptIor d,,,,ng The last three years for t'h~: r~~~~f:1 under Sec _____ _ B & PC I hereby al',rm mat I ha·,e a cert1f1cate of coasent lo f sell ,~sure or a cert1f,cate ol Workers Compensation h 1 surance. or J cer11!1ed copy thereol 1Sec. 3800. Labor Ccdel ! POLICY NO COMPANY Con ,s 'rled ,,,th lhe Cit)' Cen,f,ed copy Is hereby lurn,shed CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (Th,s section need not be co'r1pleted ii the perm,\ ,s for one hundred dolla,s 1S\OQ) or lessl -I _ I certify that In the pedormarce of the work for ,.h,ch this permit ,s ,ssued. I shall not employ any person ,o any I manner so as to t>ecome sub1ect to the Wor~ers· Com pen-1 sat,on Laws ot Cal1forn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT. If. alter makIn(; this Cert,hcate I of Exemption. you should become sub1ect 1o the Worke•s Compensation prov,s,ons or The Labor Code you must I lorthw,th comply w,1h such provIs,ons er th sperm,: s~all , be deemed revoked l I hereby a'trrm that there Is a constn,c:,on ien~--,,;, agency for the performa~ce of the work for whI:h th s cer 1 mIt ,s ,ssued 1Sec 3097. C1v.I Code! Le~der s N3me Lenders Adcress USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 APPLICATION & PERMIT ,os AOOAE/ 29 J1?1te/e /lve-T A: NEAREST CROSS ST. I DATE o, Aeeuc•nol BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION 9,.2¥0 ZOf.lE -, PERMIT NUMBER J7t~tif7 COT BLOCK l suaoIv,s1c,N 1 ASS~'o~E~'3.N, .... oo ~"c!i'w ,v E/G CONTRACTORS PHONE 11 -o~~;~e.. £h~-ILf34:s'gs/~" CONTAAc•{);;:l:; ,e _ _,. STATE LICENSE NO. [ :?;-";'FOOTAG~-1 ~le. A-ve_ DESIGNER DESIGNER'S PHONE l?-ct. DESCRIPTION OF WOR'K STATE LICENSE NO. .. .. GAft'llje.. l TA"'" SSACe I RCS U~"~ DfSIGNER'S ADDRESS GRADING PE'1MIT ISSUED '□ N 0 ' e FLRELEV ,c ,o 1REOEVELOPMEr-.T AREA -,□ '-<□ NO STORIES TYPE CONST ace GP DCC LOAD EDU FIRE SPR vO ~(J UUi. ~i Li L:i..r ---. Not Valid Unless Mdchine Cert1f1ed QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT. ISSUE 1,~ QTY MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE _---f · " () SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER .Jr""I EACH f-lXTURE TRAP ~~..: ..-1 1 INSTALLFuRN □ucTS uP TO 100.000 BTU BuI 1_0ING F'E.:i\w TI?J-,---s10-oo-oo-s?10 ?_I-- ~ BUI LUING SEWER !~ VVA'.ER HFATER AN_~ uR vH..;T EACH GAS SYSTEM l l (J -1 OUT 1.FTS _J OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 00'.-810 00-:0-3221 -~__2.-~1 -BOILER·COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP _ ___ --~---PLAN CHECK 001-810-00-00-8821 .S,;J...~ = T 80ILER CQMPRESSOR315HP _____ 'OTALPLUMBflG _ 001-31C•-0C-00-8222 ~,:,- ---------- EACH GAS SYSTEM:, OR MO Rt !vlE"Al F,REPI_ACf ELECTRICl\L 001-B'C,-00-00-8223 /S--- 1 --EACH INSTA~ Al TER_-RE-PAIR!'.MER PIPE -r--VEN: fANSINGLE Oun ---------____ -_----~--MECHANICAL --_ ...r,~1,~-00-8224 ---· ..s-- EACH VACUUM BREAKER I _ MECH EXHAUST HUOlJ DUCTS _ MOBILEHDM~ ~--_~10-'JO<J0·822S QTY. / V\IATfRSOFTNER • I !: _ RELOCATIO~_O_F EAFURNACE,HEATER _,. SOLA_( 1\_;1-~-•-GJ1-810.-00-00-822t 1 i / DRYE9 VENT )/ '-' S~RO!'<G MUT!m, -· "880-S"-0-92-33 1 FACH ~::cir r:R,\''J , 't;, '1[ ~-]II TOTi<.L MECHAN!CAL l FIRES£'..:'..'._~J:-:::...ERS 001 ~1~·.::l,~--8,..~)7 I ~---+---i ~,,_-PUBLIC FAC:LIT1ES ~-E~ t::,~21!~~~6"--o_o-s.rnf·l"• TOTA! Pl IJMBINl. --·J_ 5 ~ 1· . I I BRIDGE FEE •.Ii·•· l. ~ --~PMI.O·D0-011-8740 --I QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP ..... ,. ~--·----~~. I. , P.i\R'\-IN->,~~ _l"IMEA -· r ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE TIF r•·,:F•!~ 134-81Q-00-00-883S NEW CONS! lAAMPS\·117 bKR CAR PORT I PH : PH ------1------~-- AWNli~G fXISI DLllG EA AMP SWT 8KR GARAGE --s··· 1 Pi-j l PH REMOUELAl_~t-~-~i_~~~ ____ /0 [_ IE \·1P PO l F {OU M11'S 1 1° ·------ OVER 2(.10 AMPS " fEMP UCCUPANCY ·JO DAYS! l iJ I Al f L f I. I H ,1.M l L ,, ------+-_r_-:- -1 -r ;s--i · r1 · 41 LA COSTA "."IF 133-810-00-00-8835 FMF -~ J--~IC~_NSE TAX 00 · -81 0-CD--:D-8' 62 ----+------- ------ 7 . -t M Ff 880-5 19-92-51 ----+-------1 CREDIT DEPOSIT <s-1...:) ' TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I /;l..j~ * AN OSHA PERt,,t:T IS AEOU~ED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER 5· O"' DEEP ANO DEMOUTION OR CONSTRUCTION Of STRUCT\.IRES OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT Expirat10n Every permit issued by tne Bu,ld,ng O1!1c,al under !he prov,s,onsoftt11s Code shall expire by 1,m1tat1on and becvme null and vo,d 11 the bu,ld,ng or work authorized by such permit rs not commenced w•ltlIn 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the bu1ld1ng or work authonzed by such perm,! 1s 5USP'l:ndeC ISSUED. TO_ COMPLY WITf-' ALL CiTY. COUNlY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING_ 9UILOlNG CON-I abandoned a! any t,me after the work 1s commenced lo, a period ot 180days ,,. _ #. ~- STRUCTION WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREII\I OR rsoT I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE 1NDEMNIFY AND APPUCANT~S s N TURE )I-OWNER □ CONTRACTol -1 APPRO\IEO bl OATlj~~ KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSB.AD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS COSTS A'W~ \ , / EXPENSES WHICH MAY 1N ANY wAY ACCRUE AGA1Nsr sA1D c1TY IN coNsEauENCE oF TH sv PHONE n ' \ I ),' GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT --I ' " ~--- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXM,11'.-<f:.D THE COMPLETFIJ ·APPLICATION AND PERMIT" /1.'-:O DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENAL Ty OF PERJURY THAT .;1-L INFORWATIOI'< HEREON l~CLUDING THE DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE'. MW CORRECT ANO I r·:JRTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE IF A PERMll IS !!! li: ~ ~ g_ E w f- 2 0 (.'J c rn u 0. 0. .,: ~ C 0. 0 " " 0 " " .,: I ~ 2 ,; >- w u C rn C u. :::. C w ~ (.'J 0 u 0 Q " C 0 £ ? TYPE DATE INSPECTOR ' ----------------- BUILDING ' t(p -<o '-f 1 ---- FOUNDATION ' '-·" F!ELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL ' REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES I MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTORS DATE ' CHECKED APPROVAL SUB FRAME □ FLOOR □ CEl).JNG -SOILS COM PL :ANlf SHEATHING ~OOF Yl'SHEAR I ·l'>·'61 1-,--PRIOR TO i ~---/ -. 7 f-OUNOATION INSP FRAME ! ,,_ ✓J--. ,. ----1---- EXTERIOR LATH ' , ,.... '(7 r~ ..... STRUCTURAL co"':::::f-lE:TE I OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION I f-'RESTRESSED i CONCRETE I INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL ' POST TENS:ONEr; ' ' CONCRETE ~~--=t=-- PLUMBING I ~IElD WE:LOING □ SEWER AND BL/CO _ ~UCO -------------- HICiH SlHENGT~ BOl is UNDERGROUND , WASTE □ WATER !"l"WASTEJ □ l/VATER SPECIAL MASONRY i TOP OUT I ---r----- TUB AND SHOWER PAN I • _.,,.-, '--' ~y..,. ~/\ --------GAS TEST I PIL fS CAISSor-..;-_· □ WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER . '\ ------~--------~---- ! ' i ~ -----_1 --- ELECTRICAL ' I I □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND 11 UFFER • - ROUGH ELECTRIC I l-7..7 .. -..10-r -·--------~---- □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMP(JRARY ~ ~---L -----·- □ BONDING □ POOL I ' --- I MECHANICAL ' C------r ___ I -·------------- D DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. Plf".ING / _/, V se•----1----• HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I I /" ' VENTILATING SYSTEMS ' V ' }- CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE / ITEMS ABOVE HA,VE BEEN APPROVED. FINAL ' ' // PLUMBING ' '/1 #"'1 ELECTRICAL I I\ " J ~ fl MECHANICAL I 'V • V \ ' GAS ' .. '~~ ~--,J -- BUILDING ' r .-\ SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' I u ' --. \ --- ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 sAN omGo, cA 02123 i2a.v. 11 \ z.c. I ab (610) 51>0· 1468 DATE: I Z-( 4-( B(o JURISDICTION: C fu'.2.-1 ,$ RA:() D p AN CHECKER QFILE COPY QUPS QDESIGNER PLAN CHECK NO: !3(,:,-G:,4J-r PROJECT ADDRESS: \ '2°\ (\1 'ft-€LG-f\JG?°" PROJECT NAME: D • □ □ □ □ ■ □ □ The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified BE' LOW are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone# ________ _ REMARKS: ________________________ _ © S\\-ot.,) Io' Lo•uc.; .. Date1fl4$l, Prepared bys Cum Jurisdiction Ge:t2-L-S©A-O VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE PLAN CHECK NO, B(r; -{.p 4] -.:C □ Bldg, Dept, 0 Esgil BUILDING ADDRESS / -2-9 m >tl:?LG f/,J{.;;;- APPLICANT/CONTACT ill f'.j.). J VG SHt:J?Ar?:Q PHONE NO. 4 =::.4-se I (p BUILDING OCCUPANCY 1'J\ DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION \i-kl CONTRACTOR PHO-NE ____ _ BUILDING PORTION GA-12, ~.,, e Air Conditionin~ 1,;ommerc1al Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Snrinklers Total Value fee Adjusted To Reflect BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER ,-b (c(d} (D, 1 4-, G>D -'?Z.4-0 -J .. @ (il @ 0 2.40 I 0 Energy Regulations (fee □Handicapped Regulations X 1. 1) (fee x 1.065) Building Permit fee $ __ _.8?..c..=_' _5_0 ___________ ~$.__ _____ _ Plan Check fee $ 52, ~s $ -~------~----~-----~------- COM MEN TS._·---------------------------- 8/4/82 G) PLAN CHECK HD1};1, 41 ADDRESS _qq,.U~1 nl..J4=--~-~-- ♦ ... Q) ;: Q) ·-Q) > ... Q) "" a:: Cl ... Q) ;: Q) ·;;: Q) Q) ... a:: ~ PLANNING ZONE: _q;,._IIJ __ TYPE OF PROJECT AND USE: ___ ___:G:::::::::~~~~~------ SCHOOL DISTRICT: SAN DIEGUITO ENCINITAS CARLSBAD SETBACKS: FRONT Otl SIDE Qi[- OK TO ISSUE,~"--£! ; : ENGINEERING LEGAL REQUIREMENTS SAN MARCOS 010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED? ~ APN CHECKED? ~ EASEMENTS: 2:!~ ~ RIGHT-OF-WAY:~~ EDU'S: /'Jva/421,a ~-DRAINAGE: /i.) IA ' IMPROVEMENTS: /J/.Cj rIELD CHECK DATE & INITIALS: PERMITS REQUIRED GRADING:,_.L..lNl:/,.1::,L/A _____________________ I I GRADING COMPLETION CERTIFIED: -------, DRIVEWAY: /v/k:== INDUSTRIAL WASTE: N/E± FEES REQUIRED PARK-IN-LIEU QUADRANT: JJ/& ' FEE PER UNIT: Njk TOTAL FEE:_..,_t-J-',f,6 ... ~----1 I I ~~ P.F.F.:_ N & TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE PER UNIT: A/i/.t TOTAL FEE: _ __;.N.-1-'!J&.=---- D □-FACILlTIE; "'"'. >EE, .,j!;.. =~ BRIOG/& THOROUGHFARE FEE, µ)A: SEWER FEE (CONNECTION): tJ.J.i} SEWER LATERAL: /.J/f:r .. -" al .c u en C: 1/1 "' Q) a: ... Cl Cl ~ C: a. ,:i :, cc C: ,:i ! Q) "' ·.;; c: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: _________________________ _ ! ii 5 0 u ~ OK TO~-=';) DPD2:DPD6:10/24 8~