HomeMy WebLinkAbout1295 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR; 100; CB121336; Permit08-14-2012 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Commercial/Industrial Permit Permit No Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 CB121336 Job Address Permity Type Parcel No Valuation Occupancy Group Project Title 1295 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CBADSt 100 Tl Sub Type COMM Status ISSUED 1561907003 Lot# 0 Applied 07/16/2012 $135,559 00 Construction Type 58 Entered By RMA Reference # Plan Approved 08/14/2012 Issued 08/14/2012 Inspect Area Plan Chieck # CARLSBADHEALTH CENTER- BLDG B NORTH COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES- 2695 SHELL TO MEDICAL OFFICES Applicant BOULDER ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS ATTN YOUNG WON STE 270 15615ALTON PKWY 92618 949 727-9000 Owner NORTH COUNTY HEALTH PROJECT INC 150 VALPREDA RD SAN MARCOS CA 92069 Building Permit $836 74 Meter Size Add'l Building Permit Fee $0 00 Add'l Red Water Con Fee $0 00 Plan Check $585 72 Meter Fee $0 00 Add'l Building Permit Fee $0 00 SDCWA Fee $0 00 Plan Check Discount $0 00 CFD Payoff Fee $0 00 Strong Motion Fee $28 47 PFF (3105540) $2,467 17 Park Fee $0 00 PFF (4305540) $2,277 39 LFM Fee $0 00 License Tax (3104193) $0 00 Bridge Fee $0 00 License Tax (4304193) $0 00 BTD #2 Fee $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (3105541) $0 00 BTD #3 Fee $0 00 Traffic Impact Fee (4305541) $0 00 Renewal Fee $0 00 PLUMBING TOTAL $163 00 Add'l Renewal Fee $0 00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $80 00 Other Building Fee $0 00 MECHANICAL TOTAL $72 50 Pot Water Con Fee $0 00 Master Drainage Fee $0 00 Meter Size Sewer Fee $0 00 Add'l Pot Water Con Fee $0 00 Redev Parking Fee $0 00 Reel Water Con Fee $0 00 Additional Fees $0 00 Green Bldg Stands (SB1473) Fee $4 00 HMP Fee 99 Fire Expedidted Plan Review $0 00 Green Bldg Standards Plan Chk 99 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $6,514 99 Total Fees $6,514 99 Total Payments To Date $6,514 99 Balance Due. $0 00 Inspector FINAL APPROVAL Date /^"//V<S^ Clearance NOTICE Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively refen'ed to as "fees/exactions You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Govemment Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required infonnation with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Cadsbad fvlunicipal Code Section 3 32 030 Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any sut^equent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY lo water and sewer connection fees and capxity changes, nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute ot limitations ha; previously othenAiise expired lafTRE O HEALTH •HAZMAT/APCD ^ THE FOLLOWING APPROVALS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PERMfT ISSUANCE LANNING ENGINEERING BUILDING Z2 Building Permit Application ^ CITY OF 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717/2718/2719 Fax 760-602-8558 www carlsbadca gov Plan Check No Est.Value [^S. Plan Ck. Deposit ^ " ^ ^^^^ SWPPP JOB ADDRESS JJECT# I LOT U • I PHASE # I # OF UNITS j rBEOROOMS # BATHROOMS SUITE#/SPACE#/UNI a/PROJECT# TENANT BUSINESS NAME CONSTH TYPE OCC GROUP DESCRIPTION OFWORK Include Square Feet of Affected Areafs) EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF)^ DECKS (SF) FIREPUCE YES I |# NQ| I AIR CONDITIONING FIRE SPRINKLERS YES QNO YES I 1NO| | APPLICANT NAME (P-«TfiaJyT(mTaTT> APPLICANT NAME ^Secondary ContaclJ ADDRESS 1^ 3RESS STATE ^ ZIP * ^ . ' CITY STATE ZIP CITY fflHONE T ^AX EMAIL PHONE 92^/8 EMAIL PROPERTY OWNER N CONTR ADDRESS \ 1 ADDSESS I ZIP PiiPNE_ ^ J STATE b HONE EMAIL ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS STATELIC# . _ CITY BUS UC # 1^ I [Sec 70315 Business and Professions Code Any City or County which requires a permit to construct alter improve demolish or repair any structure prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law {Chapter 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code} or that he is exempt therefrom and the basis forthe alleged exemption Any violation of Section 7031 5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500)) Workers' Compensation Declaration / hereby alfirm under penalty of peijuiy one of the lollowing declarations • 1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued ly[l have and will maintain workers' compensation as repuired br^eclion 3700 otthe Labor Code forthe performance of Ihe work for which this perjn it is issued My workers'compensation insurance earner and policy ^numberare InsuranceCo \'^}J^^Ch\y\UiCxJlAJ PolicyNo W>J(\nDOlfl)Ot^ '0 ( Expiration Dale This section need not be completed rf the permit is for one hundred dollars (SIOO) or less I I Certificate of Exemption I certify lhat in the perfonnance ol the work for which this permit is issued, I shall nol employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws ot Cahfomia WARNING Failure to secure workers' compensation coveraggis unlawful, and shall subject an employer to cnminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), m addition to the cost of compensation, dafti^es as provided for in s3ctioii'37ll6 of the Labor code, mterest and attomey's fees addition to the cost of compensation, dafti^es as provided for in s3ctioiji'37ll6 of the La ^CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE U(>Q3>t{)LjL^f \ Ufl/^ll^ • AGENT DATE / hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractors License Law lor the Mowing reason I I I, asowner of the property or my employees wilh wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the stmclute is nol intended or offered tor sale (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractors • • License Law does nol apply to an owner of property who builds or improves Ihereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided lhat such improvements are not intended or offered lor sale If, however lhe building or improvemenl is soJd wilhin one yearofccmpletofi, Iheoivner-buJdef will have the burden of proving lhat he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contrxlors to construct the project (Sec 7044, Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contracior(s) licensed pursuant lo the Conlractor's License Law) 1 amexempt under Section „ .Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for constmction of the proposed property improvement [|]Yes | INQ 2 I [have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work 3 1 have contracted with the folloviflng person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address / phone / contractors license number) 4 1 plan to provide portions of the work bull have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work [include name/address/phone/contractors'license number) 5 I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) lhe following persons lo provide the work indicated [include name / address/phone/type of Mjrii) ^PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE •AGENT DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, aculely hazardous malenals regislraton fomi or nsk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Acf Yes No Is the applicant or future building occupant required to oblain a permit from the air pollution controldistnclor air quality management distnct? Yes Np Is fte facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site"? Yes No IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued {Sec 3097 (i) Civii Code} Lender's Nam Lender's Addres r*T3l I certify thati have read the applicabon and statethatthe above infoirriation is coHBCtandthatthe information on the plans I agreetocoiiiplywrth all City oitlinam^sand State laws re(atngtDl)uMf?gconsln«:*o I heret)y authonze representative of the City ofCarlsbad to enter upon lhe above mentoned property for inspecton purposes I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CfTY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMEMTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST S'^ID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERI^fT OSHA An OSHA pemiit is required for excavations over 50 deep and demolition or conslaicton of stmctures over 3 slones in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the Building Ofiicial under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or rak aulhonzed by such permit is not commenced v«thin WdsyslromS^dateofsvchpmitontlhe tiuikjingormkauhxirndbysuchpemiissuspertdedorabsnckine^ SuikkngOxiej APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE STOP: THIS SECTION NOT REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. Complete the following ONLY if a Certificate of Occupancy will be requested at final inspection. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (Commercial Projects Only) Fax (760)602-8550, Email www buildino(S) carlsbadca gov or Mail the completed form to City ofCarlsbad, Building Division 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, Califomia 92008 C0# (Office use Only) CONTACT NAME Mike DeLeon c/o North County Health Services OCCUPANT fJAME North County Health Services ADDRESS 150 Valpreda Road BUILDING ADDRESS 1295 Carlsbad Village Drive CITY San Marcos STATE CA 92069 CITY STATE Carlsbad CA 92008 PHONE 760-736-6737 FAX 760-720-7204 EMAIL mike.deleon@nchs-health org OCCUPANTS BUS LIC NO 1207484 [7] MAIL TO OR [Tj FAXTD CONTACT (Listed above) [[] MAIL TO OR Q FAX TO ( ) [7] BUSINESS ADDRESS Q CONTRACTOR (Listed on page 1 of applicatlort) [71 ASSOCIATED CB# 121336 I I NO CHANGE IN USE / NO CONSTRUCTION I [ CHANGE OF USE / NO CONSTRUCTION ^g?APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE 11/26/2012 Inspection List Permit* CB121336 Type Tl Date 12/17/2012 12/17/2012 12/14/2012 12/14/2012 12/13/2012 11/14/2012 11/14/2012 10/23/2012 10/15/2012 10/15/2012 10/15/2012 09/19/2012 Inspection Item 89 Final Combo 89 Final Combo 89 Final Combo 89 Final Combo 152 Final Bldg Inspection - Fire 39 Final Electncal Rough Combo interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Weldin Rough/Topout Rough Electric COMM Inspector Act Underground/Under Floor -Rl PB AP -Rl PB GO GWON AP PB AP PB AP PB AP PB AP PB AP PB AP PB AP CARLSBADHEALTH CENTER- BLDG B NORTH COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES- 269 Comments Monday, December 17, 2012 Page 1 of 1 " CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Division INSPECTION RECORD —03121338 12*J5 CAJilSSAO VILLAGE B INSPECTION RECORD CARD WITH APPROVED PLANS MUST BE KEPT ON THE JOB 1^ CALL BEFORE ^l2fij(ftl FOR NEXT WORK DAY INSPECTION 121 FOR BUILDING INSPECTION CALL: 760-602-2725 OR GO TO: www.Carlsbadca.QOv/Bulldina AND CLICK ON ^*^ji^f^r^ ^%^Nf^%/ l\bw\Jl\U wvJr Y "-'--^LJiS/i-OHrAlT^ C2NTEP- SLOG 6 "Request Inspection DATE: ^lf^((^ THE FOLLOWING fCHECKEDI APPROVALS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO REQUESTING A FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION If you have any questions please call the applicable divisions at the phone numbers provided below. After all required approvals are signed off- fax to 760-602-8560, email to bldqinspections@carlsbadca.qov or bring in a COPY of this card to: 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008. Building Inspectors can be reached at 760-602-2700 between 7:30 am - 8:00 am the day of your inspection. Required for Final If Checked Date Inspector Notes • Planning / Landscape 760-944-8463 Allow 48 hours • CM&I (Engmeenng Inspections) 760-438-3891 CaJJ before 2 pm •^^Flre Pre\fention 760-602-4660 Allow 48 hours • • Type of Inspection Date BUILDING FOUNDATION inspector Type of Inspection ELECTRICAL • ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND • UFER Date Inspector REINFORCED STEEL ROUGH ELECTRIC WALLS MASONRY ROUGH ELECTRIC CEIUNG • GROUT • WALL DRAINS • ELECTRIC SERVICE • TEMPORARY TILT PANELS • BONDING QPOOL POUR STRIPS PHOTOVOLTAIC COLUMN FOOTINGS nNAL SUBFRAME • FLOOR g(CEILINQ ROOF SHEATHING MECHANICAL UNDERGROUND DUCTS & PIPING EXT SHEAR PANELS • DUCT& PLENUM • REF PIPING it FRAME HEAT-AIR COND. SYSTEMS INSULATION VENTILATION SYSTCMS EXTERIOR UTH FINAL INTERIOR UTH & DRYWALL FINAL OCCUPANCY PLUMBING Date • SEWER & BL/CO • PL/CO Inspector Date Inspector A/S UNDERGROUND VISUAL UNDERGROUND • WASTE • WATER A/S UNDERGROUND HYDRO TOP OUT 'H WASTE OWE ATER A/S UNDERGROUND FLUSH TUB & SHOWER PAN A/S OVERHEAD VISUAL • GASTEST • GAS PIPING A/S OVERHEAD HYDROSTATIC • WATER HEATER • SOUR WATER A/S RNAL RNAL F/A ROUGH-IN STORM WATER F/ARNAL 600-PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING FIXED EXnNGUISHING SYSTEM ROUGH-IN 603 - FOLLOW UP HXED EXTING SYSTEM HYDROSTATIC TEST 60S-NOTICE TO CLEAN FIXED EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM HNAL 607-WRITTEN WARNING MEDICAL GAS PRESSURE TEST 609-NOTICE OFVIOUTION MEDICAL GAS FINAL 610- VERBAL WARNING FINAL HNAL REV 6/2012 SEE BACK FOR SPECIAL NOTES EsGil Corporation Jn Partnership with government for <Bui[ding Safety DATE 8/13/12 • APPLICANT • JURIS JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad • PLAN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO 12-1336 SET II PROJECT ADDRESS 1295 Carlsbad Village Drive Suite 100 PROJECT NAME Carlsbad Health Center - Tl XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the junsdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck I I The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person I I The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to IXI EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed I I EsGtl Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted (by ) Email Fax # Mail Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS By Doug Moody Enclosures EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 8/6/12 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In (partnership wtth government for (BuiCding Safety DATE 7/24/12 _,.a_AaELICANT ""cU JURIS^ JURISDICTION City ofCarlsbad ^^^CTPLSN REVIEWER • FILE PLAN CHECK NO 12-1336 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 1295 Carlsbad Village Drive Suite 100 PROJECT NAME Carlsbad Health Center - Tl The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the junsdiction's codes I I The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the junsdiction's codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff I I The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck ^ The check list transmitted herewith is for your information The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck I I The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the junsdiction to fonward to the applicant contact person X The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to Boulder Associates / Young Won 15615 Alton Parkway Suite 270, Irvine, CA 92618 I I EsGil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed ^ EsGil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Young Won Telephone # 949-727-9000 Date contacted i'2S-\^ (byOl2) Email vswon(5jbouiderassoc(ates com Fax # f Mail ^Telephone Fax In Person • REMARKS By Doug Moody Enclosures EsGil Corporation • GA • EJ • PC 7/16/12 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 City of Carlsbad 12-1336 7/24/12 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST TENANT IMPROVEMENTS PLAN CHECK NO 12-1336 JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad OCCUPANCY B USE Medical Office TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION VB ACTUAL AREA 2544sf ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA STORIES 1 HEIGHT SPRINKLERS'? YES OCCUPANT LOAD 44 REMARKS DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION 7/16/12 DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION 7/16/12 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED 7/24/12 PLAN REVIEWER Doug Moody FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the California version of the International Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electncal Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineenng Department, Fire Department or other departments Clearance from those departments may be required pnor to the issuance of a building permit Code sections cited are based on the 2010 CBC, which adopts the 2009 IBC The following items listed need clarification, modification or change All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 105 4 of the 2009 International Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when vou submit the revised plans. City of Carlsbad 12-1336 7/24/12 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industnal projects (two sets of plans for residential projects) For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways 1 Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave , Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700 The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engmeenng and Fire Departments 2 Bnng one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468 Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engmeenng and Fire Departments NOTE Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineenng and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete 1 Please correct the cover sheet of the plans These plans have not been reviewed to comply with the requirements for and OSHPD 3 clinic If the intent is for certification by the City, please contact the Building Official for approval for plan check and certification Section 107 2 2 Please detail the required working clearance at panels LB1 and LB2 3 Please note on the plans "All patient care receptacles and fixed equipment shall comply with Section 517 13(A) and 517 13 (B) All patient care receptacles and fixed equipment be grounded by an insulated copper conductor sized per Table 250-122 In addition the circuits serving patient care receptacles and fixed equipment shall be installed in a metal raceway or cable that qualifies as an equipment grounding return path m accordance with section 250-118 4 Please correct the lighting plan to show the automatic controls for the lighting in room 122 5 Please revise the plans to show the service receptacle at the extenor condensers to be GFCl protected NEC 210 63 6 Please have the document author and the pnnciple designer of the PERF-1 C form sign the impnnted document 7 Provide separate restroom facilities for each sex as per UPC, Section 412 1 8 Please revise the plans to show the store room 125 to be disabled accessible per 1105B3 6ofthe CBC 9 Revise plans, or door schedules, to show that every required passage door has >32" clear width, per Section 1133B 2 City of Carlsbad 12-1336 7/24/12 10 Please complete the door schedule to show the door to room 118 11 Show a level area, or landing for the door to room 118 , per Section 1133B 2 4 2 a) >48" in the direction opposite the door swing To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i e , plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list If there are other changes, please bnefly descnbe them and where they are located in the plans Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate Yes • No • The junsdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Doug Moody at Esgil Corporation Thank you City of Carlsbad 12-1336 7/24/12 [DO NOT PAY- THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE] VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION City ofCarlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 12-1336 PREPARED BY Doug Moody DATE 7/24/12 BUILDING ADDRESS 1295 Carlsbad Village Drive Suite 100 BUILDING OCCUPANCY B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION VB BUILDING PORTION AREA (Sq Ft) Valuation Multiplier Reg Mod VALUE ($) Tl 2544 50 30 127.963 Air Conditioning Fire Spnnklers TOTAL VALUE 127,963 Junsdclion Code cb By Ordinance Bldg Permit Fee by Ordnance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review [^Repetitive Fee ~ Repeats 0 Complete Review • Other |—J Hourly EsGil Fee • Structural Only Hr @ $805.38 $523 50 $451 01 Comments Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue doc + <A> ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLAN CHECK REVIEW TRANSMITTAL Community & Economic Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 ww/w carlsbadca gov DATE: 8/06/12 PROJECT NAIVIE: NCHS Carlsbad Health(Cbad Medical Vill) PROJECT ID:CT 05-19 PLAN CHECK N0:CB12-1336SET#: II ADDRESS: 1295 Carisbad Village Dr #100 APN: 156-190-70 VALUATION: $135,559 This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by: By LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION A Final Inspection by the construction Mgmt a inspection Division is required [Jves I^NO This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: Vou may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance ofa building permit. Resubmitted plans should inciude corrections from all divisions. PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 1 j Chris Sexton '—J 760-602-4624 Chns Sexton@carlsbaclca gov ^1 Kathleen Lawrence L J 760-602-2741 Kathleen Lawrence@carlsbadca gov Greg Ryan ^ ' 760-602-4663 Gregory Ryan@carlsbadca gov 1 j Gma Ruiz I 1 760-602-4675 Gina Ruiz@carlsbadca gov X L Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 nda Ontiveros@carlsbadca gov C Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 ynthia Wong@carlsbadca gov \~ 1 Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dominic Fieri@cartsbadca gov For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the reviewer as marked above Remarks fees paid at COMMIND, permit no : CB061887 water meter purchased by first tenant, see WM10'35 ^ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST QUICK-CHECK/APPROVAL Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www carlsbadca gov ENGINEERING Plan Check for CBl 2-1336 Date 8/06/12 Project Address 1295 Carlsbad Village Dr #100 APN 156-190-70 Project Description NORTH COUNTY HEALTH SERVICES- 2,695 sf Valuation $135,559 Tenant improvement to existing shell/medical offices ENGINEERING Contact Linda Ontiveros Phone 760-602-2773 Email Mnda.ontiveros@carlsbadca.gov Fax 760-602-1052 RESIDENTIAL IVU TENANT IMPROVEMENT • RESIDENTIAL ADDITION MINOR (<$20,000.00) • PLAZA CAMINO REAL • CARLSBAD PREMIER OUTLETS • COMPLETE OFFICE BUILDING OTHER: BY. REMARKS- OFFfCIAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT DATE:8/06/12 fees paid ot COMMIND, permit no.: CB061887 water meter purchased by first tenant, see WM10-35 E-36 Page 1 of 1 REV 4/30/11 PLAN CHECK Community & Economic ^ CITY OF REVIEW Development Department 1635 Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD TRANSMITTAL Carlsbad CA 92008 www carlsbadca gov DATE: 8/7/12 PROJECT NAME: PLAN CHECK NO: CB121336 SET#: PROJECT ID: ADDRESS: 1295 Carlsbad Village Dr APN: 156-190-70-03 • This plan check review is complete and has been APPROVED by the PLANNING Division. By. GINA RUIZ A Final Inspection by the PLANNING Division is required • Yes ^ No This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check APPROVAL has been sent to: YSWON@BOULDERASSOCIATES.COM You may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions Usted below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance ofa building permit Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked PLANNING 760-602-4610 ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 Chns Sexton 760-602-4624 Chris Sexton@carlsbadCti ^nv Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen Lawrence@carlsbadca gov Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Greeorv Rvan@carlsbadca eov 1 1 Gina RUIZ 760-602-4675 Gina Ruiz@carlsbadca 2ov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda Ontiveros@carlsbadca gov Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthia Wone@carlsbadca gov • • 1 1 Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dommic Fieri@carlsbadca gov Remarks: ^ PLANNING DIVISION Development Services BUILDING PLAN CHECK Plannmg D,v,s.on ^ CITY OF REVIEW CHECKLIST iess Faraday Avenue CARLSBAD P-28 (760) 602-4610 www carlsbadca gov Plan Check No CB121336 Address 1295 Carlsbad Village Dr Date 8/7/12 Review #2 Planner GINA RUIZ Phone (760) 602- 4675 APN 156-190-70-03 Type of Project & Use XL Net Project Density DU/AC Zoning R-P-Q General Plan 0_ Facilities Management Zone 1 CFD (in/out) # Date of participation Remaining net dev acres REVIEW #: (For non-residential development Type of land use created by this permit 12 3 Legend ^ Item Complete • Item Incomplete - Needs your action IS] • • Environmental Review Required YES • NO ^ TYPE DATE OF COMPLETION Compliance with conditions of approval"? If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval El • • Discretionary Action Required YES • NO IEI TYPE APPROVAL/RESO NO DATE PROJECT NO OTHER RELATED CASES Compliance with conditions or approval If not, state conditions which require action Conditions of Approval • Q Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone'? YES • NO |3 CA Coastal Commission Authority'? YES O NO ^ If California Coastal Commission Authonty Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92108-4402, (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt) • D Habitat Management Plan Data Entry Completed"? YES • NO ^ If property has Habitat Type identified in Table 11 of HMP, complete HMP Permit application and assess fees in Permits Plus (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar. Screens, HMP Fees, Enter Acres of Habitat Type impacted/taken, UPDATE') O D Inclusionary Housing Fee required YES • NO |^ (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993 ) Data Entry Completed-? YES • NO • (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar. Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE') • • Housing Tracking Form (form P-20) completed YES • NO • N/A lEl p-28 Page 1 of 2 07/11 Site Plan ^ • • City Council Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines n • 1 Applicability YES • NO Kl • • 2 Project complies YES • NOQ • • • • K • • • S • Zoning N/A 1 Setbacks Front Intenor Side Street Side Rear Top of slope Required Required Required Required Required 2 Accessory structure setbacks N/A Front Required Interior Side Required Street Side Required Rear Required Structure separation Required 3 Lot Coverage N/A Required Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Screening of Equipment Required YES Shown STATED ON PLANS PER PLANCHECK #2 -EQUIP IS IN ATTIC ^ • • 5 Parking MEDICAL OFC Spaces Required 118 (PER RESO 6115) Shown TOTAL 120 (breakdown by uses for commercial and industnal projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown • El • Additional Comments #1 IS THE ROOF MOUNTED EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN-ON SHEET M2 1 ARCHITECTURALLY INTEGRATED INTO THE ROOF DESIGN-?-PLEASE ADD SECTIONS SHOWING HOW THE PROPOSED ROOF MOUNTED EQUIPMENT WILL BE SCREENED FRQft/l VIEW FROM STREETS WITHIN 5QQ FEET AND ARCHITECTURALLY INTEGRATED INTO THE ROOF DESIGN PER THE CONDITIONS QF APPROVAL FOR CT 05 19 (SEE ATTACHED) PLANCHECK #2 NO ROOF MOUNTED EQUIPMENT AND EQUIPIVIENT IS LOCATED IN ATTIC AS STATED ON PLANS OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER GINA RUIZ DATE 8/7/12 ^ CITY OF PLAN CHECK ^p^^)?^©?^^ Economic REVIEW PCLDG- Ut^Development Department r\C VIEW pi-**-' 1635 Faradav Avenue TRANSMITTAL * " carisbad CA 92008 www carlsbadca gov DATE: 7/25/12 PROJECTNAME: T.l. Medical Office PROJECT ID: cbl21336 PLAN CHECK NO: cbl21336 SET#: I ADDRESS: 1295 Carlsbad Village Dr. APN: ^ This plan check review Is complete and has been APPROVED by the Fire Prevention Division. By: D. Fieri A Final Inspection by the Fire Prevention Division is required |3 Yes • No Q This plan check review is NOT COMPLETE. Items missing or incorrect are listed on the attached checklist. Please resubmit amended plans as required. Plan Check Comments have been sent to: Vou may also have corrections from one or more of the divisions listed below. Approval from these divisions may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Resubmitted plans should include corrections from all divisions. For questions or clarifications on the attached checklist please contact the following reviewer as marked* PLANNING V60-602-4610 ' ENGINEERING 760-602-2750 FIRE PREVENTION 760-602-4665 1 1 Chris Sexton 760-602-4624 Chns Sexton@carlsbadca Sov 1 1 Kathleen Lawrence 760-602-2741 Kathleen Lawrence@carlsbadca sov 1 1 Greg Ryan 760-602-4663 Greeorv Rvan@carlsbadca gov 1 Gma Ruiz 760-602^675 Gma Ruiz@carlsbadca sov 1 1 Linda Ontiveros 760-602-2773 Linda Ontiveros@carlsbadca gov Q Cindy Wong 760-602-4662 Cvnthia Wone@carlsbadca gov • • X Dominic Fieri 760-602-4664 Dommic Fieri@carlsbadca gov Remarks: Carlsbad Fire Department Plan Review Requirements Category Tl, COMM Date of Report 07-25-2012 Reviewed by Name BOULDER ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS Address ATTN YOUNG WON STE 270 ^ 15615 ALTON PKWY IRVINE CA 92618 Permit # CB121336 Job Name CARLSBADHEALTH CENTER- BLDG B Job Address 1295 CARLSBAD VILLAGE DR CBAD St 100 '' INCOMPLETE The item yow havi^ submitted for review 13 moomploto At thiG time, thio offioo oannot • adoquatoly oonduct a review to determine complionoo with tho applicable codca ond/or standards ricagc review ' • oarofuUy all oommcnta attached Please roBubnut tho nocoooar>^ planD and/or cpociFioationo, with ohangoo "oloudcd", to this office for review and approval Conditions: Cond CON0005572 [MET] APPROVED THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED FOR THE PURPOSES OF ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMIT THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION AND REQUIRED TEST, NOTATIONS HEREON, CONDITIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE AND CONFORMANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS THIS APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE HELD TO PERMIT OR APPROVE THE VIOLATION OF ANY LAW Entry 07/25/2012 By df Action AP structural Calculations for Carisbad Health Center MOB Tl 1295 CARLSBAD VILUGE, Carlsbad, CA sane #/oo Plan Check Submittal MI1204160 00 \ July 12,2012 ^ eg 12 )?7^ www.miyamotointernational com S 3 m 2 m Carlsbad Health Center MOB T I MM 204160 00 July 12, 2012 Miyamoto International, Inc. Structural and Earthquake Engineers 1901 East Alton Ave , Suite 160 Santa Ana, CA 92705 t 949 579 1170 f 949 579 1180 330 in" O 3. 2012 Miyamoto International, Inc , All rights reserved This document or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form w/ilhout the written permission of Miyamoto International, Inc D 01 m to flSi iTouchMap.com '^iSi MMIB ilKf Dosklap Map* htome " LatilLJde and Longilude ot a Point Maps I Country-State | Places 1 Google Earth 1 Cities 1 Earthquakes ] I Am Here 1 Lat-Long Go To find the latitude and longitude of a point Click on the map. Drag the marker, or enter the Address [l295 Carlsbad Village Cadsbad CA Map Center Get Address - Land Plat Size - Street View - Google Earth 3D - Area Photographs Try out the Google Eanh Plug m Google Earth gives you a 3D look of the area around the center of the map, which is usually your last click pomt, and includes latitude, longitude and elevation information Latitude and Longitude of a Point Note Right click on a blue marker to remove it Clear/ResetAll Markers [i Cenler Red Marker Get the Latitude and Longitude of a Point When you click on the map, move the marker or enter an address the latitude and longitude coordinates of the point are inserted in the boxes below Latitude Longitude '33 165088 7117 338368 Latitude Longitude Degrees 133 -117 Minutes 20 Seconds 54 3152_ !l8 1248 Show Point from Latitude and Longitude Use this if you know the latitude and longitude coordinates of a point and want to see where on the map the point is Use + for W Lal or E Long - for S Lat or WLong Example +40 689060 -74 044636 Note Your entry should not have any e nbeaded spaces Decimal Dt'j i cngitude | _ i Sliiiw Pcint Example +34 40 50 12 lor 34N 40'50 12" Degrees Minutes Seconds Lsldude Longitude Show Pomt © iTouchMap com 2007-2012 USGS SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS Conterminous 48 States 2009 International Building Code Latitude = 33 165088 Longitude = -117 33836800000002 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and SI Ss and SI = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B- Fa = 10,Fv=10 Data are based on a 0 01 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0 2 1 276 (Ss, Site Class B) 10 0 481(51, Site Class B) Conterminous 48 States 2009 International Building Code Latitude = 33 165088 Longitude = -117 33836800000002 Spectral Response Accelerations SMs and SMI SMs = Fa X Ss and SMI = Fv x SI Site Class D- Fa = 1 0 ,Fv = 1 519 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0 2 1 276 (SMs, Site Class D) 10 0 730 (SMI, Site Class D) Conterminous 48 States 2009 International Building Code Latitude = 33 165088 Longitude = -117 33836800000002 Design Spectral Response Accelerations SDs and SDl SDs = 2/3 X SMs and SDl = 2/3 x SMI Site Class D - Fa = 1 0 ,Fv = 1 519 Period Sa (sec) (g) 0 2 0 850 (SDs, Site Class D) 10 0 487 (SDl, Site Class D) miyamoto. Project: Carlsbad Health Center MOB T I. Project No: MI1204160 00 Calc By JJC Chk By Sheet No 3 Date 7/6/12 Date Loads Roof Loads DL 5/8" CDX Plywood Sheathing R-19 Batt Insulation Asphalt Shingles Wood Trusses Spnnkler Gyp Ceiling Mech Misc 2 10 psf 2 64 psf 2 50 psf 3 50 psf 1 50 psf 3 80 psf 21 0 psf m£-f//mA/T Aoo-iOAD LL RoofLL (Reducible) 20 0 psf miyamoto. Project- Carlsbad Medical Village Project No MI Calc By JJC Chk By Fp Coefficient: 2010 CBC & ASCE 7-05 Fpfor Water Heater WH-1 Notes • References below are for ASCE 7-05 except as noted • Values shown are at Strength Design or LRFD level and may be reduced for ASD Sheet No Date Date it 7/6/12 Fp parameters and governing Fp coefficients SDS~ 'p = z = h = h = Rn = 1 + 2- h 0 850 g I 00 80 ft II 5 ft 1 0 25 0 325 W. 0 255 Wp 1 360 Wn Governing horizontal seismic design force coefTicient = Vertical seismic seismic design force coefficient = F^^ = 0 iSpsWp = (Eq 114-3) (Sec 13 13) (Eq 13 3-1) (Eq 13 3-3) (Eq 13 3-2) 0.325 Wp 0.170 W„(Sec 13 3 1) miyamoto. Project Carlsbad Medical Village Project No: MI Caic By JJC Chk By Fp Coefficient: 2010 CBC & ASCE 7-05 Fp for Fan Coils F-l, F-2, F-3 and Fans SF^l, SF-2, SF-3. Notes ' References below are for ASCE 7-05 except as noted • Values shown are at Strength Design or LRFD level and may be reduced for ASD Sheet No Date Date 7/6/12 Fp parameters and governing Fp coefficients z = h = 0 4aS^,Wi z h Ppmm ~ 0 3SQs^p'^p Fpmax = i 6SoS^p^p = 0 850g 1 00 15 0 ft 150 ft 25 20 1 275 W„ 0 255 Wp 1 360 W„ (Eq 11 ^-3) (Sec 13 13) (Eq !3 3-l) (Eq 13 3-3) (Eq 13 3-2) Governing horizontal seismic design force coefficient = Vertical seismic seismic design force coefficient = Fp,-0 2SosWp = 1 275 Wp 0 170 Wp(Sec 13 3 1) miyamoto. Project Carlsbad Medical Village Project No: MI Calc By JJC Chk By Fp Coefficient: 2010 CBC & ASCE 7-05 Fpfor Filter F'l, F-2, F-3 Notes • References below are for ASCE 7-05 except as noted • Values shown are at Strength Design or LRFD level and may be reduced for ASD Sheet No Date Date 7/6/12 Fp parameters and governing Fp coefficients Ip = z = h = S = R.= F =. / " 1-^2- Fpmin ~ 0 3SlysIpWp - P'pmax = ^ f^^DS^pWp ^ 0 850g 1 00 15 0 ft 15 0 ft 25 60 0 425 W„ 0 255 Wp 1 360 W„ (Eq 114-3) (Sec 13 13) (Eq 13 3-1) (Eq 13 3-3) (Eq )3 3-2) Governing horizontal seismic design force coefficient = Vertical seismic seismic design force coefficient = Fp, = 0 2SpsWp = 0 425 Wp 0170 Wp (Sec 13 3 1) Smiyamoto. Project CA/^L-^mo 'rfPMfM Cf.Hfm mm rs Sheet No: 7 Project No. Ail ItO^/^. CP Calc. By. LJ'TC Date. 7-^-/2^ Chk By Date: -V- to' ^mx^ ^^^'K oaefc -^01 . ^FSP ALiP£mf/£& PMyr\ CP&sf&N ^a^o. ©?007 Miuamoto Inlernatinna) fnc oolk 0 OE 8 -O- Rl = 0 112 k Vmax @ left = 0 112 k 50 00 ft Mmax = 2 35 k-ft M 24 94 ft from left •max = -0 0331 in at 24 94 ft from left TO AoO'i^^V Al^f^& Rr= 0110 k Vmax@ r1 = 0 110 k fcy^ ^ rV%#%#^ ^^^^^^ ^^^'^^^^-^ ^-^^^^^^ ^'^'^^^^ ^''''^^ ^ Sheet No- % »l I 11 Jf MI I I W« Project No- Mt \l.O^\bOO(} Calc By- JJc Date: y-^t-Zz- Chk By: Date fp, 1 /i///?£ (5)7llf)7 Miwamntn Intprnatinnal Inr Miyamoto. prnjRHt. C^M/AB4D utrMw cmm rz sheet No. In Project No: /i^X/7/P^/^ ^ Calc. By. Ji7c Date y-A -/z Chk. By Date / / / Am. HAT -20" I ^!?7rm ^t^o ZxB^/ r 1/:/. I' vim iJt^iiJ ^4- OI/0^iypN/H^ ANCJpmifE ©2007 Miyamoto International, Inc miyamoto. Project-. Sheet No. \L Project No- Ml IZO^f l/k^.Oa Calc. By ^C- Date. 7-6-ft- Chk By Date- 0/¥£C^ B07r<m ^/^^O p-^A" BS^^/f-^ ~> SPAN Pf^pm C^mAf To r^^^V L^'^' t. use '^-^i" To co^~\s •ZK&^Z /P7< S-i^ CALC AfTACtjCO. CU&CA: Bi>7n\^f TBf^Sf^h/ 7-~7* Ph / f0) ZxS> e^77o/S9 £7fp/7o lF)5nn7 Miiiamntn Intnrnatlrmal Inf Title Block Line 1 You can changes ttiis area using the "Sellings" menu ifem and then using the "Pnntmg & Title Block" selection "^itle Block Line 6 Title Carlsbad Health Center MOB T Engineer Project Desc Job# Mh204160 00 Printed S JUL 2012 3 50PM t/ood Beam File I \2012\M11204160 00\En9iieenng\CalculationE\Mi1204160 00 carisbad ec6 1 Uc. # : KW-08006S87 Licensee: MIYAMOTO INTERNATIONAL INC SACA Descnption Ctieck (E)2x8#1 Tnjss Bottom Chord Member for Bending CODE REFERENCES Calculations per NDS 2005, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combination Set 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Material Properties Analysis Method Allowable Stress Design Fb - Tension Load Combination 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Fb - Compr Fc - Pril Wood Species Douglas Fir - Larcti - Perp Wood Grade No 1 Fv Ft Beann Bracing Completely Unbraced 1,000 0 psi 1,000 0 psi 1,500 0 psi 625 0 psi 180 Opsi 675 0 psi E Modulus of Elasticity Ebend-xx 1,700 0 ksi Eminbend-xx 620 0ksi Density 32 210pcf D(0 09) E(0 143) D(0 b321 T • t • 2x8 Span = 5 0 ft Applied Loads Service loads entered Load Factors will be applied for calculations Uniform Load D - 0 0320. Tnbutary Width = 1 0 ft Point Load D = 0 090, E - 0 1430 k @ 2 50 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Siress Ratio Section used for this span fb Actual FB Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Maximum Deflection Max Downward L+Lr+S Deflection Max Upward L+Lr+S Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection 0 183 1 2x8 194 05 psi 1,059 90psi +D 2 500ft Span # 1 0 000 in 0 000 in 0 019 in 0 000 in Maximum Shear Stress Ratio Section used for this span fv Actual Fv Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Design OK 0 090 1 2x8 14 59 psi 162 00 psi +D OOOOfl Span # 1 Ratio Ratio • Ratio • Ratio • O<360 0 <360 3217 O<180 Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Max Stress Ratios Moment Values Shear Values Segment Length Span# M V Cd C F/V Cr Cm Ct CL M fb Fb V fv Fv +0 0 00 000 000 000 Length = 5 0 ft 1 0183 0 090 0 900 1 200 1000 1 000 1000 0 981 0 21 194 05 1059 90 011 14 59 162 00 +0-K) 70E+fl 1 200 1000 1 000 1000 0 981 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 Length = 5 0 ft 1 0168 0075 1 600 1 200 1000 1 000 1000 0 956 0 34 308 32 183645 016 21 50 288 00 750Lr-»O 750L-K) 5250E4W 1 200 1 000 1000 1000 0 956 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 Length = 5 0 ft 1 0152 0069 1 600 1 200 1 000 1000 1000 0956 0 31 279 75 1836 45 014 19 77 288 00 +0 750L-tO 750S-K) 5250E+H 1 200 1000 1000 1000 0 956 0 00 000 0 00 0 00 Lengtti = 5 0 ft 1 0152 0 069 1 600 1 200 1000 1000 1000 0 956 0 31 279 75 1836 45 014 19 77 288 00 •K) 60D-K) 70E+H 1 200 1000 1 000 1000 0 956 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 Length = 5 0 ft 1 0126 0 054 1 600 1 200 1000 1 000 1000 0 956 0 25 230 70 1836 45 011 15 66 288 00 Title Block Line 1 You can changes this area using the "Settings" menu item and then using the 'Pnntmg S Title Block" selection ^itle Block Line 6 Title Carlsbad Health Cenler MOB T Engineer Project Desc Job# MI1204160aO 13 Printefl 6JUL2012. 350PM i/ood Beam Lie. # : KW-0600S587 File I \2012\MI1204160 00\Engineenng\Calculations\MM204160 00 carisbad ec6 L ENERCALC, INC 1983 2011, Build 612 612 Ver61 63 0 I Licensee : MIYAMOTO INTERNATIONAL INC Descnption Check (E)2x8#1 Tmss Bottom Chord Member for Bending Overall IVIaximum Deftections - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Span Max '-" Defl Location in Span Load Combination Max "+" Defl Location in Span D4£ 1 Vertical Reactions - Unfactored 0 0186 2 525 Support notation Far left is #1 0 0000 Values in KIPS 0 000 Load Combination Support 1 Support 2 Overall MAXimum DOnly EOnly D+E 0197 0125 0 072 0197 0197 0125 0 072 0197 ESR-1311 I Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 5 TABLE 1—ALLOWABLE LATERAL RESISTANCE VALUES, HYDRAULIC-PLATEN EMBEDMENf (Ib/in'/PLATE) LUMBER SPECIES SG AA EA AE EE NI-16 AND MM 16 Douglas fir-larch 05 176 121 137 126 Hem-flr 0 43 119 64 102 98 Spruce-pine-fir 0 42 127 82 75 107 Southern pine 0 55 174 126 147 122 M-20 and Mil 20 Douglas fir-larch 05 220 195 180 190 Hem-fir 0 43 185 148 129 145 Spruce-pine-fir 0 42 197 144 143 137 Southern pine 0 55 249 190 184 200 M-20 HS, Mil 20 HS and MT20HS Douglas fir-larch 05 165 146 135 143 Hem-fir 0 43 139 111 97 109 Spruce-pine-fir 0 42 148 108 107 103 Southern pine 0 55 187 143 138 150 NOTES 'Tooth holding units = psi for a single plate (double for plates on both faces when applying to area on only one face) To achieve values, plates must be installed on opposite sides of joint ^AA = Plate parallel to load, wood grain parallel to load EA = Plate perpendicular fo load, wood gram parallel to load AE = Plate parallel to load, wood gram perpendicular to load EE = Plate perpendicular to load, wood gram perpendicular to load ^All truss plates are pressed into the wood for the full depth of their teeth by hydraulic-platen embedment presses, multiple roller presses that use partial embedment followed by full-embedment rollers, or combinations of partial embedment roller presses and hydraulic-platen presses that feed trusses into a stationary finish roller press TABLE 2—EFFECTIVE TENSION AND SHEAR RESISTANCE ALLOWABLE DESIGN VALUES PROPERTY FORCE DIRECTION M-16 AND Mil 16 M-20 ANI^ Mil 20 M-20 HS, MM 20HS AND MT20HS PROPERTY FORCE DIRECTION Efficiency Pounds/inch/Pair of Connector Plales Efficiency Pound s/incti/Pair of ConrieCtor Plates Efficiency Pounds/inch/Pair of Connector Plates Tension Values in Accordance with Section 5 4 4 2 of TPl-1 (Minimum Net Section over the Joint)' Tension @ 0° 0 70 2012 0 50 880 0 59 1505 Tension @ 90" 0 36 1013 0 47 820 0 48 1219 Tension Values in Accordance with TPI-1 with a Deviation [see Section 5 4 9 (e)] Maximum Net Section Occurs over the Joint^ Tension @ 0° 0 68 1945 0 62 1091 0 67 1716 Tension @ 90° 0 30 849 0 48 841 0 52 1321 Shear ValiiRS Shear @ 0° 0 54 1041 0 49 / 574 \ 0 43 761 Shear @ 30° 0 61 1173 0 63 738 0 61 1085 Shear @ 60" 0 73 1402 0 79 936 0 67 1184 Shear @ 90° 0 55 1055 0 55 645 0 45 792 Shear© 120° 0 48 914 0 42 490 0 34 608 Shear @;i 50° 0 35 672 0 46 544 03 537 For SI 1 Ip/inch = 0 175 N/mm. 1inch = 25 4 mm NOTES 'Minimum Net Section - A line ttirough the plate's tooth pattern with the minimum amount of steel for a specified onentation For these plates this line passes through a line of holes ^Maximum Net Section - A line through the plate's tooth pattern with the maximum amount of steel for a specified onentation For these plates, this Ime passes through a section of the plate with no holes Miyamoto. Project Project No Sheet No Calc By .X:^ Date 7-:^-lz Chk. By Date. ^^^^ 7i/uy tc7p .tBtW y^xr M stup ro ^1 muK ix siApp^ Mm-^ - ^^^'^ xoj- ©2007 Miyamoto International, Inc Title Block Line 1 You can changes ttiis area usmg the "Settings" menu item and then using the 'Pnntmg & Title Block' selection Title Block Line 6 Title Carlsbad Health Center MOB T1 Job # MI1204160 00 Engineer , Project Desc |^ Prmled SJUL2012 443PM /ood Column I File 1 \2012\M11204160 00\Engineerin9\Calculations\MI1204160 00 carisbad ec6 W ENERCALCINC 1983-2011 Bu;ld612612, Ver61 630 | 1 Uc. # : KW-06006587 Licensee: MIYAMOTO INTERNATIONAL INC SACA 1 Descnption Check (E)2x6 w/ {N)2x6 Wall Stud for water heater addloads Code References Calculations per 2005 NDS, IBC 2006, CBC 2007, ASCE 7-05 Load Combinations Used 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 General Information Analysis Method Allowable Stress Design End Fixities Top & Bottom Pinned Overall Column Height ( Used far non-slender calculations ) 11 50 ft Wood Species Wood Grade Fb - Tension Fb - Compr Fc - Prll Fc - Perp Douglas Fir - Larcti Stud 700 0 psi Fv 700 0ps( Ft 850 0 ps! Density 625 0 psi E Modulus of Elasticity Basic Minimum x-x Bending 1,400 0 510 0 180 0 psi 450 0 pst 32 210 pcf y-y Bending 1,400 0 510 0 Axial 1,400 Wood Section Name Wood Grading/Manuf Wood Member Type Exact Width Exact Depth Area Ix ly Oksi 2-2x6 Graded Lumber Sawn 3.0 in Allowable Stress Modification Factors 5.50 in 16 50 in^2 41 594 iriM 12 375 inM Cf orCvfor Bending Cf or Cv for Compression Cf or Cv for Tension Cm Wei Use Factor Ct Temperature Factor Cfu Flat Use Factor Kf Built-up columns UseCr Repetitive'? 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 I'2^-5^2 No l"0'' goc^iy' Load Combination 2006 IBC & ASCE 7-05 Applied Loads Brace condition for deflection (buckling) aiong columns X-X (width) axis Fully braced against buckling along X-X Axis Y-Y (depth) axis Unbraced Length for X-X Axis buckling = 11 5 ft, K = 1 0 Service loads entered Load Factors will be applied for calculations Column self weiqht included 42 443 lbs * Dead Load Factor AXIAL LOADS Axial Load at 11 50 ft, D = 0 3460, Lr = 0 050 k BENDING LOADS Vertical Moment Moment acting about X-X axis, D = 0 8280 k-ft Lat Point Load at 6 0 ft creating Mx-x, E = 0 050 k Lat Point Load at 8 0 ft creating Mx-x, E = 0 050 k DESIGN SUMMARY Bending & Stiear Ctieck Results PASS Max Axial+Bending Stress Ratio = 0 5609 1 Load Combinauon -HD Goveming NDS Forumla Comp + Mxx, NDS Eq 3 9-3 Location of max above base 5 943 ft At maximum location values are Applied Axial 0 3884 k Applied Mx 0 4279 k-ft Applied My 0 0 k-ft Fc Allowable 491 338 psi PASS Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = 0 02694 1 Load Combination +D Location of max above base 11 50 ft Applied Design Shear 4 364 psi Allov^able Shear 162 Opsi Maximum SERVICE Lateral Load Reactions Top along Y-Y 0 0720 k Bottom along Y-Y 0 1111k Top along X-X 0 0k Bottom along X-X 00k Maximum SERVICE Load Lateral Deflections Along Y-Y Oil 29 in at 4 708 ft above base for load combination D+E Along X-X 0 0 m at 0 0 ft above base for load combination n/a Other Factors used to calcalate allowable stresses Bending Compression Tension CforCv Size based factors 1 000 1 000 Load Combination Results Maximum Axial Maximum Shear Ratios Load Combination Stress Ratio Status Location Stress Ratio Status Location •+0 0 5609 PASS 5 943 ft 0 02694 PASS 11 50 ft -HD+Lr-fH 0 4064 PASS 5 943 ft 0 01939 PASS 11 50 ft -^0•MD 750Lr-K)750L4i 0 4058 PASS 5 943 ft 0 01939 PASS 11 50 ft +D-K)70E+H 0 4354 PASS 5 943 ft 0 02092 PASS 5 943 ft -HD+0 750Lr-K] 750L-H) 750W+H 0 3173 PASS 5 943 ft 001515 PASS 11 50 ft 750Lr-K) 750L^ 5250E^ 0 4072 PASS 5 943 ft 0 01948 PASS 5 943 ft 750L-^O 750S+O 5250E+H 0 4055 PASS 5 943 ft 0 01948 PASS 5 943 ft Title Block Line 1 You can changes this area using the "Settings' menu item and then using the 'Pnntmg & Title Block' selection •^itle Block Line 6 Title Carlsbad Health Center MOB T Engineer Proiect Desc Job# MI1204160 00 17 Printed 5 JUL 2012 '143PM /ood Column Descnption Check (E)2x6 w/ (N)2x6 Wall Stud for water heater addloads nie I \2012\MI1204160 00\Engineering\Ca!ciilations\M11204160 00 carisbad ec6 L ENERCALCINC 1933 2011, Build612612 Ver6 1 630 I Licensee : MIYAMOTO INTERNATIONAL INC SACA Load Combination Results Load Combination Maximum Axial + Bending Stress Ratios Siress Ratio Status Location Maximum Shear Ratios Stress Ratio Status Location 40 60D-tO 7QE-HH Maximum Reactions - Unfactored 0 3042 PASS 5 943 ft 0 01486 PASS 5 943 ft Note Only non-zero reactions are listed Load Combination X-X Axis Reaction @ Base @ Top Y-Y Axis Reaction ) Base @ Top Axial Reaction @ Base DOnly Lr Only EOnly D-H.r D-€ D+Lr+£ 0 072 0 039 0 072 0111 0111 -0 072 k k 0 061k -0 072 k -0 011k -0 011k 0 388 k 0050 k k 0 438 k 0 3881c 0 438 k Maximum Deftections for Load Combinations - Unfactored Loads Load Combination Max X-X Deflection Distance Max Y-Y Deflection Distance DOnly Lr Only EOnly D+ir D+E D+Lr-^ Sketches 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 0000 in 0 000 ft 0 000 ft 0 000 ft 0 000 ft 0 000 ft 0 000 ft 0 037 in 0 000 in 0 086 in 0 037 in 0113 in 0113 in 3 782 ft 0 000 ft 6 097 ft 3 782 ft 4 708 ft 4 708 ft M-x Loads -1 Q Loads are total entered value Arrows do not reflect absolute direction Miyamoto. Project CA^fAmn f^fJliU CMtfA MS fi Sheet No: 1^ Project No TAi \lJ>U-}kO:00 Calc By ^0 Date- Chk By Date- ^1 CH&CK L/j-^ se^&() CP^m^m-zs. iwsiohi pp ^ r/£: ve^mt sf7mR i/~ (S3^^-t/^^) = Lit' (E)9nn7 Miunmntn Intprnatinnat Inr BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: Carlsbad Health Center MOB 1295 Carlsbad Village Drive ^ SiP^ ii'lOO Carlsbad, CA 92008 Project Designer: Boulder Associates Inc 15615 Alton Pkwy, Suite 270 Irvine, CA 92618 949-727-9000 Report Prepared by: Foster Design Group Consulting Engineers, Inc 17701 Cowan Suite #230 Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 253-9630 Job Number: 12-068 Date: 7/13/2012 Ttie EnergyPro computer program has been used fo perfomi the calcufations summarized in this compltance report This program has approval and is autiiorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards This program developed by EnergySoft, LLC - www energysoft com EriergyPro 5 1 by EnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Fornns 3 Form ENV-MM Envelope Mandatory Measures 20 Form MECH-MM Mechanical Mandatory Measures 21 EnergyPro 5 1 by EnergySoft Job Number ID 12-068 User Number 5670 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 1 of 3) PERF-1 C Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Project Address 7295 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 07 Total Cond Roor Area 2.285 Addition Floor Area n/a GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type 0 Nonresidential • • Relocatable - indicate • High-Rise Residential • specific climate zone • Hotel/Motel Guest Room all climates Phase of Construction • New Construction • Addition • Alteration STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE Ttiis certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 and 6 of the California Code of Regulations This certificate applies only to a Building using the performance compliance approach The documentation author hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete Documentatton Author Name Fosfer Design Group Consulting Engineers Inc Signal "K)ate Company 7/13/2012 Address 7770^ Cowan Suite ti230 Phone (949) 253-9630 City/State/Zip In/ine, CA 92614 The Pnncipal Designer hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application The proposed building has been designed to meet the energy efficiency requirements contained in sections 110, 116 through 118, and 140 through 149 of Title 24, Part 6 Please check one ENV LTG MECH • • • • • • I hereby affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation, and that 1 am licensed in the State of California as a civil engineer, mechanical engineer, electncal engineer, or I am a licensed architect I affirm that I am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code by section 5537 2 or 6737 3 to sign this document as the person responsible for its preparation, and that I am a licensed contractor performing this work ) affirm that I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign this document because it pertains to a structure or type of work described as exempt pursuant to Business and Professions Code Sections 5537, 5538 and 6737 1 Principal Envelope Designer Name Boulder Associates Inc Signature Company So(j/derAssoc/a/es Inc Dale Address 15615 Alton Pkwy Suite 270 License # City/Stale/Zip ^^^^^ CA 92618 Phone 949.727. 9000 Principal Mechanical Designer Name Rob Foster Signature Company Fosfer Design Group Consulting Engineers. Inc Date Address 17701 Cowan #230 License # Gity/State/Zip ^^^^^ cA 92614 Phone (949) 253-9630 Principal Lighting Designer Name Signature Company Lighting Compliance Not fn Tfie Scope Of This Submittal Date Address License # City/State/Ztp Phone INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT COMPLIANCE & WORKSHEETS (check box i1 worksheets are mcluded) El ENV-1C Certificate of Compliance Required on plans 0 MECH-IC Certificate of Compliance Required on plans • LTG-1C Certificate of Compliance Required or? plans IZ) MECH-2C AirAVater Side/Service Hot Water S Pool Requirements • LTG-2C Lighting Controls Credit Worksheet 0 MECH-3C Mechanical Ventilation and Reheat • LTG 3C Indoor Lighting Power Allowance • MECH-5C Mechanical Equipment Details EnergyPro 5 1 by EnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 3 of 21 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 2 of 3) PERF-1 C Proiect Name Date Carlsbad Health Center MOB 7/13/2012 ANNUAL TDV ENERGY USE SUMMARY (kBtu/sqft-yr) Enerqy Component Standard Design Proposed Design Compliance Margin Heating Space Heating 0 92 0 12 OSO Heating > Space Cooling 700 14 89 04 11 10 Cooling •^Hz g^i'^i"' '^a::^^! Space Cooling 700 14 89 04 11 10 Fans ————, 1 Indoor Fans 51 79 56 74 -4 95 Fans Heat Rejection 0 00 0 00 0 00 Heat Rej Pumps & Misc 0 00 0 00 0 00 Pumps Domestic Hot Water 0 00 0 00 0 00 DHW Lighting 67 97 Lighting ~ ... 'j £... Z. ... 1.. • 1 Lighting 67 97 67 97 0 00 Lighting """" Receptacle 76 47 76 47 0 00 Receptacle Process 0 00 0 00 0 00 Process Process Lighting 0 00 0 00 0 00 Process Ltg TOTALS 297 29 290 34 6 95 Percent better than Standard 23% ( 2 3% excluding process) BUILDING COMPLIES GENERAL INFORMATION Building Orientation (N) 0 deg Conditioned Floor Area 2 285 sqft Number of Stories 1 Unconditioned Floor Area 0 sqft Number of Systems 3 Conditioned Footpnnt Area 2 285 sqft Number of Zones 3 Natural Gas Available On Site yes sqft Orientation Gross Area Glazinq Area Glazinq Ratio Front Elevation (N) 691 sqft 144 sqft 20 8% Left Elevation (E) 118 sqft 0 sqft 00% Rear Elevation (S) 786 sqft 213 sqft 27 1 % Right Elevation (W) 94 sqft 35 sqft 37 2% Total 1 689 sqft 392 sqft 23 2% Roof 2,285 sqft 0 sqft 00% Standard Prescriptive Lighting Power Density Prescriptive Envelope TDV Energy 1 200 64,920 W/sqft Proposed 7 200 64 750 W/sqft Prescriptive Values for Companson only See LTG-IC for allowed LPD Remarks. EnergyPro 5 1 by EnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Paae 4 of 21 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 3) PERF-1 C Proiect Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 ZONE INFORMATION System Name Zone Name Occupancy Type Floor Area (sqft) Inst LPD (W/sf)' Ctrl Credits (W/sf)^ Allow/ed LPD Proc Loads (Vtf/sf) System Name Zone Name Occupancy Type Floor Area (sqft) Inst LPD (W/sf)' Ctrl Credits (W/sf)^ Area (SN/sff Tailored (W/sf)" Proc Loads (Vtf/sf) FC-J Exam f/ledical and Clinical Care 548 *7 200 FC-2 Open Office Medical and Clinical Care 1,194 *7 200 FC-3 Waiting Medical and Clinical Care 543 *1 200 Notes 1 See LTG 1C 2 See LTG 2C 3 See LTG 3C 4 See LTG-4C (items marked with asterisk, see LTG-1 C by olhers) (by others) Items above require special documentation EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this ctiecklist These items require special wntten justification and documentation, and special venfication to be used with the performance approach The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the lustifications, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special lustificatton and documentation submitted The exceptional features listed in this performance approacfi application have specifically been reviewed Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant Authorized Siqnature or Stamp EnergyPn:) 5 1 by EnergySoft User Number 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page5of21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 1 of 3) ENV-1 C Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Pro/ect Address ^295 Carlsbad Village Dnve Carlsbad Climate Zone Total Cond Floor Area 2,285 Addition Floor Area n/a GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type la Nonresidential • High-Rise Residential • Hotel/Motel Guest Room • Schools (Public School) • Relocatable Public School Bldg \Z Conditioned Spaces • Unconditioned Spaces • Skylight Area for Large EncJosed Space > 8000 ft (If checked include lhe ENV-4C with submittal) Phase of Construction • New Construction • Addition • Alteration Approach of Compliance • Component H Overall Envelope • Unconditioned (tile affidavit) Front Orientation N, E, S, W or in Degrees Odeg FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS INSULATION Tag/ID Assembly Type n < Orientation N, E, S, W U-Factor Cavity R-Value Exterior R-Value Extenor Furring^ Intenor R-Value Interior Furring' Joint Appendix 4 Condition Status Pass ra 1 Wa/f 136 (NE) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 We IV • • 2 Roof 121 (NE) 0 04S R-19 4 2 7-A 76 New • • 3 Slab 121 (N) 0 73C None 4 4 7-A1 New • • 4 Wall 90 (NE) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New • • 5 Roof 97 (NE) 0 04i R-19 4 2 7-A 76 New • • 6 Sfab 97 (N) 0 730 None 4 4 7-A1 New • • 7 Wall 103 (NE) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New • • 8 Roof 97 (NE) 0 04& R-19 4 2 1-A 16 New • • 9 Slab 97 (N) 0 73C None 4 4 7-A1 New • • 10 Wall 80 (NE) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New • • 1 See Instructions in the Nonresidentia) Compdarrce Manual, page 3-96 2 If Fail, then descnbe on Page 2 of ttie Inspection Ctiecklist Form and take appropnate action to correct A tail does not meet compliance FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS Tag/ID Fenestration Type n 2! <c Orientation N, E, S, W Max U-Factor j U-Factor Source Max {R)SHGC SHGC Source Overhang Conditions Status Pass ra u. 1 Window 144 (NE) 0 770 Default 0 600 COG • New • • 2 Window 213 (SW) 0 710 Default 0 600 COG • New • • 3 Wndow 35 (NW) 0 710 Default 0 600 COG • New • • • • • • • • • • • D • • • • • n • • • • 1 See Instructions in ttie Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96 2 If Fail then descnbe on Page 2 of ttie Inspection Ctiecklist Form and take appropnate action to correct Verify building plans if necessary EnergyPro 5 1 byEnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 6 of 21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 1 of 3) ENV-1 C Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Project Address 7295 Carlsbad Village Dnve Carfsbad Climate Zone Total Cond Floor Area 2,255 Addition Floor Area n/a GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type El Nonresidential • High-Rise Residential • Hotel/Motel Guest Room • Schools (Public School) • Relocatable Public School Bldg H Conditioned Spaces • Unconditioned Spaces • Skylight Area for Large Enclosed Space > 8000 ft (If checked include the ENV-4C with submittal) Phase of Construction • New Construction • Addftion D Alteration Approach of Compliance • Component El Overall Envelope • Unconditioned (file affidavit) Front Orientation N, E, S, W or in Degrees Odeg FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS INSULATION Tag/ID Assembly Type £ ra 9} < Orientation N, E, S, W U-Factor Cavity R-Value Exterior R-Value Exterior Furring^ Interior R-Value Intenor Furring* Joint Appendix 4 Condition Status Pass ro 77 Roof 97 (NE) 0 04£ R-19 4 2 7-A 76 New D • 72 Slab 97 (N) 0 73C None 4 4 7-A1 New • • 73 Wall 96 (NE) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New • • 14 Wall 60 (SW) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New • • 75 Roof 111 (NE) 0 045 R-19 4 2 7-A 76 New • • 76 Slab 111 (N) 0 73C None 4 4 7-A1 New • • 77 Wall 42 (NE) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New • • 18 Roof 25 (NE) 0 046 R-19 4 2 1-A 16 New • • 19 Slab 25 (N) 0 73C None 4 4 7-A1 New • • 20 Roof 102 (SW) 0 04S R-19 4 2 7-A 76 New • • 1 See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96 2 If Fail, ttien descnbe on Page 2 of ttie Inspection Checklist Form and take appropnate action to correct A fail does not meel compliance FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS Tag/ID Fenestration Type ra < Orientation N, E, S, W i Max U-Factor U-Factor Source Max (R)SHGC 1 SHGC Source Overhang Conditions Status Pass ro • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96 2 If Fail then descnbe on Page 2 of ttie Inspection Ctiecklist Form and take appropnate action to correct Venfy building plans if necessary EnergyPro 51 by EnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 10 12-068 Page7of21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 1 of 3) ENV-1 C Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Project Address 1295 Carlsbad Village Dnve Carisbad Climate Zone Total Cond Floor Area 2,285 Addition Floor Area n/a GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type IZI Nonresidential • High-Rise Residential • Hotel/Motel Guest Room • Schools (Public School) • Relocatable Public School Bldg 13 Conditioned Spaces • Unconditioned Spaces • Skylight Area for Large Enclosed Space > 8000 ft (If checked include the ENV-4C with submittal) Phase of Construction • New Construction • Addition • Alteration Approach of Compliance O Component Q Overall Envelope • Unconditioned (file affidavit) Front Onentation N, E, S, W or in Degrees Odeg FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKUST OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS INSULATION Tag/ID Assembly Type 25 |tn O UJ 6 z 09 >• = u cc o Z 0) B B X ro UJ > 0) 'p 15 2 c •a c -i < o S u cn 27 Slab 102 (N) 0 730 None 4 4 7-A1 New • 22 Roof 784 (NE) 0 048 R-19 4 2 7-A 76 New a 23 Slab 784 (N) 0 730 None 4 47-A1 New • 24 Roof 95 (SW) 0 048 R-19 4 2 7-A 76 New a 25 Slab 95 (N) 0 730 None 4 4 7-A1 New a • 26 Roof 98 (NE) 0 048 R-19 4 2 7-A76 New • 27 Slab 98 (N) 0 730 None 4 4 7~A1 New a a 28 Roof 115 (NE) 0 048 R-19 4 2 7-A 76 New • • 29 Slab 115 (N) 0 730 None 4 4 7-A1 New a a 30 Wall 300 (SW) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New a 1 See Instructions in Ihe Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96 2 If Fail, ttien describe on Page 2 of the Inspection Ctiecklist Form and take appropnate action to correct A fail does nol meet compliance FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS Tag/ID Fenestration Type ra < Orientation N, E, S, W Max U-Faclor U-Factor Source Max (R)SHGC SHGC Source Overhang Conditions Status Pass to • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96 2 If Fail ttien descnbe on Page 2 of Ihe Inspection Ctiecklist Form and take appropnate action to correct Verity building plans if necessary EnergyPro 5 1 by EnergySoft User Number 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 8 of 21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 1 of 3) ENV-1 C Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Project Address 1295 Carisbad Village Dnve Carlsbad Climate Zone Total Cond Floor Area 2,255 Addition Floor Area n/a GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type IZI Nonresidential • High-Rise Residential • Hotel/Motel Guest Room • Schools (Public School) Relocatable Public School Bldg \2i Conditioned Spaces • Unconditioned Spaces • Skylight Area for Large Enclosed Space > 8000 ft (If checked include the ENV-4C with submittal) Phase of Construction • New Construction • Addition O Alteration Approach of Compliance • Component El Overall Envelope • Unconditioned (file affidavit) Front Onentation N, E, S, VJ or in Degrees Odeg FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS INSULATION Tag/ID Assembly Type 25 O z' s> ro -7 O CC o £ B X ro m > 03 Z. CC 2 « 15 5 g> >< X> c E Q- -i < IB o tn 37 Wall 118 (SE) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New • 32 Roof 377 (SW) 0 048 R-19 4 2 7-A76 New 33 Slab 377 (N) 0 730 None 4 4 7-A1 New 34 Wall 83 (SW) 0 102 R'13 4 3 1-A3 New • 35 Wall 59 (NW) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New a 36 Roof 59 (SW) 0 048 R-19 4 2 7-A 76 New • 37 Slab 59 (N) 0 730 None 4 4 7-A1 New 38 Wall 130 (SW) 0 102 R-13 4 3 1-A3 New • 39 Roof 107 (SW) 0 048 R-19 4 2 7-A 76 We IV • 40 Slab 107 (N) 0 730 None 4 4 7-A1 New • 1 See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual, page 3-96 2 If Fail, then descnbe on Page 2 of the Inspection Ctiecklist Form and take appropnate action to correct A fail does not meel compliance FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS Tag/ID Fenestration Type ra < Onentation N, E, S,W Max U-Factor U-Factor Source Max {R)SHGC SHGC Source Overhang Conditions Status 1 Pass ro • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n • • • • • • a • • • 1 See Instructions in the Nonresidential Compliance Manual page 3-96 2 If Fail then descnbe on Page 2 ot the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropnate action to correct Verify building plans if necessary EnergyPro 5 1 by EnergySoft User Number 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 9 of 21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 2 of 3) ENV-1 C Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 ROOFING PRODUCT (COOL ROOFS) (Note if the roofing product is not CRRC certified, this compliance approach cannot be used) Go to Overall Envelope Approach or Performance Approach CHECK APPLICABLE BOX BELOW IF EXEMPT FROM THE ROOFING PRODUCT "COOL ROOF" REQUIREMENTS Pass Fail' N/A • Roofing compliance no[ required in Climate Zones 1 and16 with a Low-Sloped 2 12 pilch or less • Roofing compliance not required in Climate Zone 1 with a Sleep-Sloped with less than 5 \h/tf Greater than 2 12 pitch • • Low sloped Wood framed roofs in Climate Zones 3 and 5 are exempted, solar reflectance and thermal emittance or SRI thai have a U-factor of 0 039 or lower See Opaque Surface Details roof assembly, Column H ot ENV-2C • • a p. Low-sloped Metal building roofs in Climate Zone 3 and 5 are exempted, solar relectance and thermal emittance or SR! that have a U factor of 0 048 or lower See Opaque Surface Details roof assembly below, Column H of ENV-2C • • • The roof area covered by building integrated photovoltaic panels and building integrated solar thermal panels are exempted Solar reflectance and thermal emittance or SRI, see spreadsheet calculator at www enerov ca qov/title24/ Roof constructions that have thermal mass over the roof membrane with a weight of at least 25 Ib/ff^ are exempt from the Cool Roof cntena below • • • • |-| High-nse residential buildings and hotels and motels with low-sloped roofs in Climate Zones 1 through 9, 12 and 16 are exempted from the low-sloped roofing cntena • • 1 If Fail then descnbe on this page of the Inspection Checklist Form and lake appropnate action to correct Venfy building plans if necessary CRRC Product ID Number' Roof Slope i 2 12 > 2 12 Product Weighl < 5lb/fi^ > 51b/ft^ Product Type' Aged Solar Reflectance'' Thermal Emmitance SRI' Pass Fail' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • 1 The CRRC Product ID Number can be obtained from the Cool Roof Rating Council s Rated Product Directory at www coolroofs orq/products/search php 2 Indicate the type of product is being used for the roof top, i e singie-ply roof, asphalt roof, metal roof, etc 3 If the Aged Reflectance is not available in Ihe Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated Product Directory then use the Initial Reflectance value from the same directory and use the equation (0 2+0 7(p,n,t,ai - 0 2) to obtain a calculated aged value Where p is the Initial Solar Reflectance from Ihe Cool Roof Rating Council s Rated Produd Directory 4 Check box if the Aged Reflectance is a calculated value using the equation above 5 The SRI value needs to be calculated from a spreadsheet calculator at http //www energy ca qov/title24/ 6 If Fail then descnbe on this page of the Inspection Checklist Form and take appropnate aclion lo conect Venfy building plans if necessary To apply Liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coating must be applied across lhe entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or coverage recommended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance requirements listed in §11 a(i)4 Select the applicable coating • Atuminum-Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating • Cement-Based Roof Coating D Other Discrepancies EnergyPro 5 7 by EnergySoft User Number 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12717 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 10 of 21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 3) AND FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST ENV-1 C Projecl Name Carfsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans Listed below is the acceptance test for Envelope Fenestrations system The designer is required to check the acceptance tests and list all the fenestration products that require an acceptance test If all the site-built fenestration of a certain type requires a test, list the different fenestration products and the number of systems The NA7 Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual descnbes the test Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately Enforcement Agency: Systems Acceptance Before Occupancy Permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space or whenever new fenestration is installed in the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements The ENV-2A form is not considered a complete form and is not to be accepted by the enforcement agency unless the boxes are checked and/or filled and signed In addition, a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the enforcement agency that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of §10-103(b) of Title 24 Part 6 The field inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy A copy of the ENV-2A for each different fenestration product line must be provided to the owner of the building for their records Test Description ENV-2A Test Performed By: Fenestration Products Name or ID Requinng Testing or Verification Area of like Products Building Envelope Acceptance Test NCHS-Double Metal Clear 392 m • • • • • • • • • • • • • D • • • • • • Q Q • • • EnerqyPro 5 1 by EnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 11 of 21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 1 of 4) MECH-IC Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/73/20)2 Project Address 1295 Carlsbad Village Dnve Carlsbad Climate Zone Total Cond Floor Area 2,285 Addition Floor Area n/a GENERAL INFORMATION Building Type • Nonresidential • High-Rise Residential • Hotel/Motel Guest Room • Schools (Public School) • Relocatable Public School Bldg (Z Conditioned Spaces l_. Unconditioned Spaces (affidavit) Phase of Construction • New Construction • Addition • Alteration Approach of Compliance • Component Overall Envelope TDV Energy • Unconditioned (file affidavit) Front Orientation N, E, S, W or in Degrees Odeg HVAC SYSTEM DETAILS FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Equipment^ Inspection Cntena Meets Criteria or Requirements Equipment^ Inspection Cntena Pass Fail - Descnbe Reason^ Item or System Tags (I e AC-1, RTU-1, HP-1) FC-1 • • Equipment Type^ Spilt DX • • Number of Systems 1 • • Max Allowed Heatinq Capacity' 33.800 Btu/hr • • Minimum Heating Efficiency' 8 20 HSPF • • Max Allowed Cooling Capacity' 34,340 Btu/hr • • Coolinq Efficiency' 14 5 SEER/12 OEER • • Duct Location/ R-Value Attic, Roof Ins/4 2 • • When duct testing is required, submit MECH-4A & MECH-4-HERS No • • Economizer No Economizer • • Thermostat Setback Required • • Fan Control Constant Volume • • Equipment^ Inspection Cntena FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Equipment^ Inspection Cntena Pass Fail - Describe Reason^ Item or System Tags (1 e AC-1, RTU-1, HP-1) FC-2 • • Equipment Type^ Spilt DX • • Number of Systems 1 • • Max Allowed Heating Capacity' 46.500 Btu/hr • • Minimum Heating Efficiency' 8 20 HSPF • • Max Allowed Cooling Capacity' 48,740 Btu/hr • • Coolinq Efficiency' 14 5 SEER/12 OEER • • Duct Location/ R-Value Attic, Roof Ins/4 2 • • When duct testing is required, submit MECH-4A & MECH-4-HERS No • • Economizer No Economizer • • Thermostat Setback Required • • Fan Control Constant Volume • • 1 If the Actual installed equipment performance efficiency and capacity is iess than the Proposed (from the energy compliance submittal or from the building plans) the responsible party shal! resubmit energy compliance to include the new changes 2 For additional detailed discrepancy use Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form Compliance fails if a Fail box is checked 3 Indicate Equipment Type Gas (Pkg or Split), VAV HP (Pkg or split) Hydronic PTAC, or other EnergyPm 5 1 by EnergySoft User Number 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 12 of 21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and (Part 1 of 4) FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST MECH-1 C Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Project Address ^295 Carlsbad Village Dnve Carlsbad Climate Zone 7 Total Cond Floor Area 2,285 Addition Floor Area n/a GENERAL INFORMATION Buildino Tvoe E Nonresidential O High-Rise Residential D Hotel/Motel Guest Room • Schools (Public School) • Relocatable Public School Bldg • Conditioned Spaces • J^ff^d^vitr"^^ Spaces Phase of Construction • New Construction • Addition • Alteration Approach of Compliance • Component |--| Overall Envelope TDV Energy • Unconditioned (file affidavit) Front Onentation N, E, S, W or in Degrees Odeg \ HVAC SYSTEM DETAILS FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Meets Cntena or Requirements Equipment^ Inspection Cntena Pass Fail - Describe Reason^ Item or System Tags (le AC-1, RTU-1, HP-1) FC-3 • • Equipment Type^ Spilt DX • • Number of Systems 1 • • Max Allowed Heatinq Capacity' 46.500 Btu/hr • • Minimum Heating Efficiency' 8 20 HSPF • • Max Allowed Coolinq Capacity' 48,740 Btu/hr • • Coolinq Efficiency' 14 5 SEER/12 OEER • • Duct Location/ R-Value Attic, Roof Ins/4 2 • • When duct testing is required, submit MECH-4A & MECH-4-HERS No • • Economizer No Economizer • • Thermostat j Setback Required • • Fan Control Constant Volume • • FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Equipment^ Inspection Cntena Pass Fail - Descnbe Reason^ Item or System Tags (le AC-1, RTU-1, HP-1) • • Equipment Type^ • • Number of Systems i • • Max Allowed Heatinq Capacity' • • Minimum Heatinq Efficiency' n • Max Allowed Coolinq Capacity' • • Coolinq Efficiency' • • Duct Location/ R-Value • • When duct testing is required, submit MECH-4A & MECH-4-HERS • • Economizer • • Thermostat • • Fan Control • • 1 If the Actual installed equipment performance efficiency and capacity is less than the Proposed {from the energy compliance submittal or from the building plans) the responsible party shall resubmit energy compliance to include the new changes 2 For additional detailed discrepancy use Page 2 of the Inspection Checklist Form Compliance fails if a Fail box is checked 3 Indicate Equipment Type Gas (Pkg or, Split) VAV HP (Pkg or split), Hydronic, PTAC, or other EnergyPn) 5 1 by EnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12717 47 45 ID 12-068 Patje 13 of 21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 2 of 4) MECH-IC Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Discrepancies EnergyPro 5 7 by EnergySoft User Number 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 14 of 21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 3 of 4) MECH-1 C Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Required Acceptance Tests Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans Listed below are all the acceptance tests for mechanical systems The designer is required to check the applicable boxes by all acceptance tests that apply and listed all equipment that requires an acceptance test If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems The NA number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual that describes the test Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately Building Departments: Systems Acceptance Before occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new space-conditioning system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance Systems Acceptance Before occupancy permit is granted All newly instailed HVAC equipment must be tested using the Acceptance Requirements The MECH-1 C form is not considered a completed form and is not to be accepted by the building department unless the correct boxes are checked The equipment requinng testing, person performing the test (Example HVAC installer, TAB contractor, controls contractor, PE in charge of project) and what Acceptance test must be conducted The following checked-off forms are required for ALL newly installed equipment In addition a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the building department that certifies plans, specifications, installation, certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of §10-103(b) and Title-24 Part 6 The building inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy TEST DESCRIPTION MECH-2A MECH 3A MECH-4A MECH-5A MECH-6A MECH 7A MECH 8A MECH-9A MECH-1 OA MECH-11A Equipment Requinnq Testinq or Verification Qty Outdoor Ventilation For VAV & CAV Constant Volume S Single-Zone Unitary Air Distnbution Ducts Economizer Controls Demand Control Ventilation DCV Supply Fan VAV Valve Leakage Test Supply Water Temp Reset Hydronic System Variable Flow Control Automatic Demand Shed Control NCHS-Camer 38QRR036/FX4D037 7 0 • • • • • • • • NCHS-Camer 38QRR048/FX4D049 2 IZI 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n Q n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • D • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Q n • • • • • • • EnergyPro 5 1 by EnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Pacje 15 of 21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST (Part 4 of 4) MECH-1 C Project Name Date Carlsbad Health Center MOB 7/13/2012 TEST DESCRIPTION MECH-12A MECH-13A MECH-14A MECH-15A Equipment Requinng Testing Qty Fault Detection & Diagnostics for DX Unils Automatic Fault Detection & Diagnostics for AirS Zone Distributed Energy Storage DX AC Systems Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Systems Test Performed By NCHS-Camer 38QRR036/FX4D037 7 • • • • NCHS-Camer 38QRR048/FX4D049 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EnergyPro 51 by EnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12717 47 45 ID 12-068 Page16of21 AIR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS (Part 1 of 2) MECH-2C Project Name Carfsbad Health Center MOB Dale 7/13/2012 Item or System Tags (le AC-1, RTU-1, HP-1) Indicate Air Systems Type (Central, Sinqle Zone, Package, VAV, or etc ) Item or System Tags (le AC-1, RTU-1, HP-1) FC-7 FC-2 FC-3 Number of Systems 7 1 1 Indicate Page Reference on Plans or Schedule and indicate the applicable exception(s) MANDATORY MEASURES T-24 Sections Heating Equipment Efficiency 112(a) S 20 HSPF 8 20 HSPF 8 20 HSPF Cooling Equipment Efficiency 112(a) 14 5 SEER/12 0 EER 14 5 SEER/12 OEER 14 5 SEER/12 OEER HVAC Heat Pump Thermostat 112(b), 112(c) Yes Yes Yes Furnace Controls/Thermostat 112(c), 115(a) n/a n/a n/a Natural Ventilation 121(b) No No No Mechanical Ventilation 121(b) 82 cfm 179 cfm 146 cfm VAV Minimum Position Control 121(c) No No No Demand Control Ventilation 121(c) No No No Time Control 122(e) Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Setback and Setup Control 122(e) Setback Reguired Setback Reguired Setback Required Outdoor Damper Control 122(f) Auto Auto Auto Isolation Zones 122{q) n/a n/a n/a Pipe Insulation 123 Duct Location/ R-value 124 Attic Roof Ins/4 2 Attic. Roof Ins/4 2 A£fc, Roof/ns/4 2 PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Calculated Design Heating Load 144(a& b) n/a n/a n/a Proposed Heating Capacity 144(a&b) 25 857 Btu/hr 35,572 Btu/hr 35 572 Btu/hr Calculated Design Cooling Load 144(a8b) n/a n/a n/a Proposed Cooling Capacity 144(a& b) 27,503 Btu/hr 39,036 Btu/hr 39 427 Btu/hr Fan Control 144(c) Constant Volume Constant Volume Constant Volume DP Sensor Location 144(c) Supply Pressure Reset (DDC only) 144(c) Yes Yes Yes Simultaneous Heat/Cool 144(d) No No No Economizer 144(e) No Economizer No Economizer No Economizer Heat Air Supply Reset 144(f) Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Cool Air Supply Reset 144(f) Constant Temp Constant Temp Constant Temp Electric Resistance Heating' 144(q) Air Cooled Chiller Limitation 144(1) Duct Leakage Sealing If Yes, a MECH-4-A must be submitted 144(k) No No No 1 Total installed capacity (MBlu/hr) of all electnc heat on this project exclusive of electric auxiliary heat for heat pumps If electnc heat is used explain which exception(s) to § 144(g) apply EnergyPro 5 1 by EnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 17 of 21 MECHANICAL VENTILATION AND REHEAT MECH-3C Project Name Carlsbad Health Center MOB Date 7/73/2072 MECHANICAL VENTILATION (§121 (b)2) REHEAT LIMITATION (§144(d)) AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS VAV MINIMUM A B C D E F G H 1 J K L M N Zone/System Condition Area (ft') CFM per ft^ Mm CFM By Area BXC Number Of People CFM per Person Mm CFM by Occupant EXF REQ'D V A Max of D orG Design Ventilation Air CFM 50% of Design Zone Supply CFM BX04 CFM/ft' Max of Columns H, J, K, 300 CFM Design Minimum Air Setpoint Transfer Air Exam 548 0 15 82 55 750 82 82 82 FC-1 Total 82 82 Open Office 7,794 0 15 179 77 9 150 179 779 779 FC-2 Total 779 779 Waiting 543 015 81 97 150 146 146 746 FC-3 Total 146 746 Totals Column 1 Total Design Ventilation Air C Minimum ventilation rate per Section §121, Table 121-A E Based on fixed seat or the qreater of the expected number of occupants and 50% of the CBC occupant load for eqress purposes for spaces without fixed seatinq H Required Ventilation Air (REQ'D V A ) is the larqer of the ventilation rates calculated on an AREA BASIS or OCCUPANCY BASIS (Column D or G) 1 Must be qreater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air (column N) to make up the difference J Design fan supply CFM (Fan CFM) x 50%, or the desiqn zone outdoor airflow rate per §121 K Condition area (ft^) x 0 4 CFM / ft^ or L Maximum of Columns H, J, K, or 300 CFM M This must be less than or equal to Column L and qreater than or equal to the sum of Columns H plus N N Transfer Air must be provided where the Required Ventilation Air (Column H) is greater than the Design Minimum Air (Column M) Where required, transfer air must be greater lhan or equal to the difference between the Required Ventilation Air (Column H) and the Desiqn Minimum Air (Column M), Column H minus M EnerqyPro 51 by EnergySoft User Number 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 18 of 21 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DETAILS (Part 1 of 2) MECH-5C Project Name Date Carfsbad Health Center MOB 7/13/2012 CHILLER AND TOWER SUMMARY PUMPS Equipment Name Type Qty Efficiency Tons Qty GPM BHP Pump Control DHW / BOILER SUMMARY System Mame Type Distribution Rated Input Vol (Gals) Energy Factor OT HE Standby Loss or Pilot Tank Ext R-Value Status MULTI-FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS Hot Water Pump Hot Water Piping Length (ft) Control Qty HP Type In Plenum Outside Buned Add Vi" Insulation • • • CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS HEATING COOLING System Name Type Qty Output Aux kW Efficiency Output Efficiency Status NCHS-Camer 38QRR036/FX4D037 Split DX 7 33,800 00 8 20 HSPF 34,340 14 5 SEER/12 OEER New NCHS-Camer 38QRR048/FX4D049 Split DX 2 46 500 00 8 20 HSPF 48,740 14 5 SEER/12 0 EER New CENTRAL SYSTEM FAN SUMMARY SUPPLY FAN RETURN FAN System Name Fan Type Economizer Type CFM BHP CFM BHP NCHS-Camer 38QRR036/FX4D037 Constant Volume Wo Economizer 7,200 0 40 none NCHS-Camer 38QRR048/FX4DQ49 Constant Volume No Economizer 7,400 0 60 none EnergyPro 5 1 byEnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 19 of 21 ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES: NONRESIDENTIAL ENV-MM Project Name Carisbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 DESCRIPTION Building Envelope Measures SI 1 Rfal Installed insulating matenai shall have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the California Quality ^ Standards for insulating material. Title 20 Chapter 4, Article 3 fii 1 fifri ^" '"^sulating Materials shall be installed in compliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density requirements of ^ Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, Part 2 S118(f) ''"^^ opaque portions of framed demising walls in nonresidential buildings shall have insulation with an installed R-value ^ ^' of no less than R-13 between framing members §117(a) ^" Jo'rits and openings in the building that are observable sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, ^ weatherstnpped or otherwise sealed Manufactured fenestration products and exterior doors shall have air infiltration rates nol exceeding 0 3 cfm/ft ^ of §116(a) 1 window area, 0 3 cfm/ft ^ of door area for residential doors, 0 3 cfm/ft ^ of door area for nonresidential single doors (swinging and sliding), and 1 0 cfm/ft ^ for nonresidential double doors (swinging) §116(a) 2 Fenestration U-factor shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 100, or the applicable default U-factor §116(a)3 Fenestration SHGC shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 200, or NFRC 100 for site-built fenestration, or the applicable default SHGC 6116(b) ^'^^ Constructed Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked between the unit and the buildmg, and shall be ^ weatherstnpped (except for unframed glass doors and fire doors) EnergyPro 5 1 byEnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Paqe 20of 21 MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES: NONRESIDENTIAL MECH-MM Project Name Carisbad Health Center MOB Date 7/13/2012 Equipment and System Efficiencies §111 Any appliance for which there is a California standard established in the Appliance Efficiency Regulations will comply with the applicable standard §115(a) Fan type central furnaces shall not have a pilot light §123 Piping, except that conveying fluids at temperatures between 60 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit, or within HVAC equipment, shall be insulated in accordance with Standards Section 123 §124 Air handling duct systems shall be installed and insulated in compliance with Sections 601, 602, 603, 604, and 605 of the CMC Standards Controls §122(e) Each space conditioning system shall be installed with one of the following 1A Each space conditioning system serving building types such as offices and manufactunng facilities (and all others not explicitly exempt from the requirements of Section 112 (d)) shall be installed with an automatic time switch with an accessible manual overnde that allows operation of the system during off-hours for up to 4 hours The time switch shall be capable of programming different schedules for weekdays and weekends and have program backup capabilities that prevent the loss of the device's program and time setting for at least 10 hours if power is interrupted, or IB An occupancy sensor to control the operating penod of the system, or 10 A 4-hour timer that can be manually operated to control the operating penod of the system 2 Each space conditioning system shall be installed with controls that temporarily restart and temporarily operate the system as required to maintain a setback heating and/or a setup cooling thermostat setpoint §122(g) Each space conditioning system serving multiple zones with a combined conditioned floor area more than 25,000 square feet shall be provided with isolation zones Each zone shall not exceed 25,000 square feet, shall be provided with isolation devices, such as valves or dampers that allow the supply of heating or cooling to be setback or shut off independently of other isolation areas, and shall be controlled by a time control device as descnbed above §122(0 Thermostats shall have numeric setpoints in degrees Fahrenheit (F) and adjustable setpoint stops accessible only lo authonzed personnel §122(b) Heat pumps shall be installed with controls to prevent electnc resistance supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump alone §122(a&b) Each space conditioning system shall be controlled by an individual thermostat that responds to temperature within the zone V\/here used lo control heating, the control shall be adjustable down to 55 degrees F or lower For cooling, the control shall be adjustable up to 85 degrees F or higher Where used for both healing and cooling, the control shall be capable of providing a deadband of at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling is shut off or reduced to a minimum Ventilation §121(e) Controls shall be provided lo allow outside air dampers or devices to be operated at the ventilation rates as specified on these plans § 122(f) All gravity ventilating systems shall be provided with automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside, except for combustion air openings §121(f) Ventilation System Acceptance Before an occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new ventilating system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all ventilation systems serving the buildinq or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance Service Water Heating Systems §113(0 Installation 3 Temperature controls for public lavatories The controls shall limit the outlet Temperature to 110° F 2 Circulating service water-heating systems shall have a control capable of automatically turning off the circulating pump when hot water is not required EnergyPnD 5 1 byEnergySoft UserNumber 5670 RunCode 2012-07-12T17 47 45 ID 12-068 Page 27 of 21 PLUMBING, Deveiopment Services ELECTRICAL, Building Division ^ CITY OF MECHANICAL 1635 Faraday Avenue ^ CITY OF WORKSHEET 760-602-2719 I AKl SKAS ) B-18 www carlsbadca gov B-18 www carlsbadca gov Project Address: Permit No, ( (^\, /-^^ QO Information provided below refers to wort? being cJone on the above mentioned permit only This form must be completed and returtied fo the Buildmti Division before the permit tan be issued; Buildmg Dept Fax (760) 602-8558 Number of new or relocated fixtures, traps, or floor drains New building sewer line"? Number of new roof drains' . . Install/alter water line"' Number of new water heaters? Number of new, relocated or replaced gas outlets? Number of new hose bibs? Residential Permitf: New/expanded service Number of new amps Minor Remodel onl^^ Ves No Ves Commercial/Industrial: Tenant Improvement Number of exiiting amps Invohedin this proiect Number of new amps inwhedIn this proiect New Construction; Amps per Panel Single Phase Number of new amperes. Three Phase ... Number of new Qmperes_ Three Phase 480.... Number of new amperes NQ.X a Number of new furnaces, A/C, or heat pumps'' New or relocated duct worh? Number of new fireplaces'? Number of new exhaust fans'? Relocate/install vent' .. Number of new exhaust hoods'? .. . . Number of new boilers or compressors'? . Ves 4 No Number of HP B-1 a Page 1 of 1 Rev 03/09 CB121336 1295 CARLSBAD VILUGE DR 100 l\n]i-L. (Qto^ XfiO^ • cv Final Imp Approved Date By BUILDIWG s^f/af/z^ PLANNING "^17//a- ENGINEERING -) FIRE Expedite? AFS Checked by HazMat APCD -per?-A Forms/Fees Sent Due? By Encina V N Fire Y N HazHealthAPCD Y N J PE&M 1 Y N , A School —1 [• • F—' Y N Sewer Y N Stormwater V N Special inspecfion Y N CFD Y (jJ LandUse CFD Y (jJ LandUse Density ImpArea FY Annex Factor PFF (Y^ N Comments Date Date Date Date Burldmg 7l2-ih-Zr P?ann(ng Engineering Fire Need? ; ^Done • Done • Done • Done • Done SW • Issued