HomeMy WebLinkAbout1307 LAUREL TREE LN; ; CB981966; Permit07/14/1999 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: City of Carlsbad Building Permit Permit No:CB981966 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 1307 LAUREL TREE LN CBAD COM Sub Type: 2120405900 Lot#: $521,268.00 Construction Type: Reference #: 7,922 SF OFFICE AND DAYCARE VN Status: Applied: Entered By: Appr/lssued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 06/19/1998 JM 07/14/1999 LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS SEWER PERMIT CB991426 Applicant: HENTHRON JACK 5431 AVENIDA ENCINAS #J 760 438-4090 Owner: )POLITAN AREA ADVISORY COM 92008 Total Fees: $115,206.38 Total Payments To" Date:$0.00 02 115206-38 Description * ELECTRICAL TOTAL * MECHANICAL TOTAL * PLUMBING TOTAL Additional Master Drains BLDG PLAN CHECK BTD #2 FEES BUILDING PMTS Enter Additional Reclaim LFMP ZONE TRANPORT FEE PLDA B PUBLIC IMPROVE R 1 TIME SP TX STRNG MOTION TRAFFIC IMPACT Fee 210.00 248.00 315.00 918.00 1,356.32 24,440.00 2,086.64 10,800.00 940.00 47,021.76 3,160.40 21,532.79 109.47 2,068.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date:Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition' of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (760)438-1161 ^.^^ 1 .-..PriWMMWttJt^Z- ^4^6^5*2^:-^ Laurel Tree Lane Carlsbad Laurel Tree Apartments FOR OFFICE USE ON PLAN CHECK NO. EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By Date Address (include Bldg/Suite #)Attached Business Name (at this address)138 Legal Description 212-040-46-00 Lot No. Subdivision Name/Number None Unit No. Phase No. Hultifamly Apartaents w/daycare Total tt of units Assessor's Parcel # New Construction Proposed Use 414 230 Description of Work SQ. FT.'/ #of Stories Enclnas, fj, Carlsbad, CA 92008 # of Bedrooms 438-4090 438-0981 (Fax) # of Bathrooms Name Address City State/Zip Telephone #Fax* Q; £ite^ -i-i'l-V. Hetropolltan Area Advisory Goran t tee 22 W. 35th Street. Suite 100 Rational City CA 91950 Name ,4;: Address City State/Zip Telephone Sane as above Name Address City State/Zip Telephone # (Sec. 7031 .5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, end the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031 .5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]}. Cuatro Corp. 1770 Fourth Avenue San Diego CA 619-687-7380 Name State License # 651488 Rodriquez Sloan Designer Name Design Address License Class2359 Fourth Ave. Address B , f ZOO City City Bussan ulego City iness LiCA State/Zip icense #92101 State/Zip Telephone ft (619) S44-8951 Telephone Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: Q I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Q I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: State Fund P«II™ M. 046-98 0006738Insurance Company Policy No.Expiration Date 1-1-99 (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) D CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: F, thousand dollai SIGNATURE I hereby affirm, to secure worRef*/compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred 1100,000), in additipnXp the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of trig L^por/cpjla, interest and attorney's fees. DATE !hat I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: n I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). (fj I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code; The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). Q 1 am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. Q YES [JNO 2. 1 (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. 1 plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number}: . . _ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have of work): (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type DATE .l.mP 17, 1QQR PPWMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25633 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Q YES D NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Q YES fj] NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? Q YES Q NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. Bank of Anerlca CDB LENDER'S ADDRESS 450 "B- St., f740 San Diego CA 92101 I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commencarfwithVi 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after t|n6^ork iiconrffiShced f«r a period of 180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). DATE June 17, 1998APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE WHITE: File""*- YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance City if Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD Plan Check #: Permit #: Project Name: Address: Contact Person: Sewer Dist: Inspected^ Inspected By: Inspected Bv: StLite Fire Date: CB981966 Permit Type: 7,922 SF OFFICE AND DAYCARE Sub Type: LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS SEWER PERMIT CB9914 1307 LAUREL TREE LN TOM Phone: 7609186733 CA Water Dist: CA Date D6te Inspected: ^^^ Date Inspected: Date Inspected: Lot: Approved: ~ Approved: Approved: 5/25/2000 COM Disapproved: Disapproved: Disapproved: Comments: City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 9/15/2000 Permit# CB981966 Title: 7,922 SF OFFICE AND DAYCARE Description: LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS SEWER PERMIT CB991426 Inspector Assignment: RB 1307 LAUREL TREE LN Lot Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: APPLICANT HENTHRONJACK Owner: Remarks: Phone: 7609186733 Inspector: Total Time: CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Requested By: TOM Entered By: CHRISTINE Act Comments Associated PCRs Inspection History Date Description Act Insp 9/7/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP RB 9/7/2000 39 Final Electrical AP RB 9/7/2000 84 Rough Combo CA RB 9/6/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding AP RB 9/6/2000 23 Gas/Test/Repairs AP RB 9/6/2000 39 Final Electrical CO RB 9/6/2000 84 Rough Combo AP RB 9/5/2000 84 Rough Combo CO RB 9/1/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall NS RB 9/1/2000 84 Rough Combo NS RB 8/31/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall NS RB 8/30/2000 23 Gas/Test/Repairs NR RB 8/30/2000 39 Final Electrical CA RB 8/30/2000 84 Rough Combo CA RB 8/30/2000 84 Rough Combo NR RB 8/29/2000 39 Final Electrical NS RB Comments @ STORAGE SHED EMR done @ STORAGE SHED T-BAR INSP T-BAR INSP. 3RD TIME CA BY TOM BY TOM ON T-BAR SYSTEM AGAIN City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 9/15/2000 PermiW CB981966 8/29/2000 84 Rough Combo 8/28/2000 84 Rough Combo 8/14/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 8/11/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 8/8/2000 16 Insulation 8/8/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 8/7/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 8/7/2000 16 Insulation 8/3/2000 84 Rough Combo 8/2/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 8/2/2000 24 Rough/Topout 8/2/2000 34 Rough Electric 8/2/2000 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 7/28/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 7/28/2000 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 7/28/2000 24 Rough/Topout 7/28/2000 34 Rough Electric 7/28/2000 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 7/26/2000 84 Rough Combo 7/25/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 7/25/2000 24 Rough/Topout 7/25/2000 34 Rough Electric 7/25/2000 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 7/21/2000 34 Rough Electric 7/21/2000 39 Final Electrical 7/18/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 7/18/2000 24 Rough/Topout 7/18/2000 34 Rough Electric 7/18/2000 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 7/17/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 7/17/2000 24 Rough/Topout 7/17/2000 34 Rough Electric 7/17/2000 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 7/13/2000 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 7/13/2000 84 Rough Combo 7/12/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 7/12/2000 84 Rough Combo 7/11/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 7/11 /2000 84 Rough Combo 7/10/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 7/7/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 7/5/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 6/27/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 6/26/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 6/21/2000 17 interior Lath/Drywall 6/15/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 6/15/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 6/14/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 6/13/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 6/12/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall Inspector Assignment: RB NS CO AP NS AP we AP NR CO NS we we we NR PA we we we CO NS we we we AP we NR CA NR NR NR CA CO NR AP NR PA NR NR NR NR CA CO NS NS CO PA CA NR NR PA RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB PD RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB JL RB RB JL T-BAR - STOP TOO MUCH MISSING ON C.O. S OK EXCEPT @ STAIRS NO SUPER ON SITE @ WALLS ONLY AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN ON COS DONE ALREADY WALLS ONLY FOR STORAGE SHED AGAIN & AGAIN - NOT WRAPPED & CAULKED 2ND LAYER LID ON CEILING ONLY OK MUST BE WRAPPED 1ST AGAIN ND FIRE CAULKING FOR LID NOT WRAPPED & CAULK HOLES ON LID INSP INSPE ON LID INSP. - MISSING FLASH GUARDS ON LID INSPECTION 1ST LAYER CEILING 1ST & 2ND FLR OK BY TOM NO SUPER. ON SITE FOR 1ST LAYER CEILING 1ST LAYER @ 2ND FLR CEILING OK City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 9/15/2000 Permit# CB981966 6/12/2000 84 Rough Combo 6/9/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 6/9/2000 84 Rough Combo 6/8/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 6/8/2000 84 Rough Combo 6/7/2000 16 Insulation 6/7/2000 84 Rough Combo 6/6/2000 84 Rough Combo 6/5/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/31/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/30/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/25/2000 89 Final Combo 5/24/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 5/24/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/23/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 5/23/2000 24 Rough/Topout 5/23/2000 34 Rough Electric 5/23/2000 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 5/22/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 5/19/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 5/19/2000 16 Insulation 5/19/2000 24 Rough/Topout 5/19/2000 34 Rough Electric 5/19/2000 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 5/18/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/17/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 5/17/2000 24 Rough/Topout 5/17/2000 34 Rough Electric 5/17/2000 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 5/16/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/15/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/12/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/10/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/9/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 5/8/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/5/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/4/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 5/4/2000 24 Rough/Topout 5/4/2000 34 Rough Electric 5/4/2000 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 5/3/2000 84 Rough Combo 5/2/2000 84 Rough Combo 4/25/2000 84 Rough Combo 4/21/2000 84 Rough Combo 4/20/2000 84 Rough Combo 4/14/2000 24 Rough/TopOUt 4/13/2000 24 Rough/Topout 4/12/2000 24 Rough/Topout 4/10/2000 84 Rough Combo 4/7/2000 84 Rough Combo Inspector Assignment: RB NR NS NS NR NR PA we NR NS NS NS NS CO NR PA we PA we NS NS PA NR NR NR NS PA we we we NR NS NS NS NS NS NS CO we we we PI NS NS NS NS CA AP NS NS JL RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB DA RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB DA DM PY DA TP @ ELEVATOR SHAFT OK @ ELEVATOR & STORAGE RM NO SUPER ON SITE NR FOR 1ST LAYER @ CEILING INSP OK @ ELEVATOR & EQUIP. RM. OK @ ELEVATOR & EQUIP RM OK @ FLR & CEILING ONLY NEED DROPS INSTALLED " FLR/CEILING FRMG OK ONLY ND ENG FOR PARTIAL CEILING INSP ON CEILING INSP ONLY CO ON AREA WALKED PER BRETT ROOF DRAINS OK NS RB City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 9/15/2000 Permit# CB981966 4/6/2000 84 Rough Combo 4/5/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 4/5/2000 24 Rough/Topout 4/4/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 4/3/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 3/31/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 3/30/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 3/29/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 3/27/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 3/24/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 3/23/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 2/15/2000 61 Footing 2/9/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 2/8/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 2/4/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 2/2/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 1/28/2000 13 Shear Panels/HD's 1/27/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 1/27/2000 15Roof/Reroof 1/14/2000 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 1/10/2000 16lnsulation 8/19/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 8/16/1999 22 Sewer/Water Service 8/9/1999 21 Underground/Under Floor 8/4/1999 21 Underground/Under Floor 7/28/1999 66 Grout 7/22/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 7/20/1999 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Inspector Assignment: RB NS RB CA RB DONE ON 4/4/00 NS RB AP RB CO RB NS RB NR RB ABOUT THE 5TH TIME NR RB NR PD NS RB NS RB NS RB NR RB NS RB CA RB BY TOM NS RB NS RB NR RB FOR ELEVATOR SHAFT INSPE. AP RB CO RB 2ND TIME @ SHAFT AREA INSP ONLY NS TP AP DH NR DH AP DH CA DH AP ON 8/3 AP DH ELEVATOR WALLS AP DH ELEVATOR PADS NR DH City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 9/7/2000 Permit# CB981966 Title: 7,922 SF OFFICE AND DAYCARE Description: LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS SEWER PERMIT CB991426 Inspector Assignment: RB Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1307 LAUREL TREE LN Suite: Lot Location: APPLICANT HENTHRONJACK Owner: Remarks: Phone: 7609186733 Inspector: Total Time: CD Description 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 39 Final Electrical 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers Requested By: TOM Entered By: ROBIN Act Comments Associated PCRs Inspection History Date Description Act Insp 9/5/2000 84 Rough Combo CO RB 9/1/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall NS RB 9/1/2000 84 Rough Combo NS RB 8/31/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall NS RB 8/30/2000 23 Gas/Test/Repairs NR RB 8/30/2000 39 Final Electrical CA RB 8/30/2000 84 Rough Combo CA RB 8/30/2000 84 Rough Combo NR RB 8/29/2000 39 Final Electrical NS RB 8/29/2000 84 Rough Combo NS RB 8/28/2000 84 Rough Combo CO RB 8/14/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP RB 8/11/2000 17 Interior Lath/Drywall NS RB Comments T-BAR INSP. 3RD TIME CA BY TOM BY TOM ON T-BAR SYSTEM AGAIN T-BAR - STOP TOO MUCH MISSING OJ-0&-CO 03:42W FROU-PWISE ELECTRIC INC, +610-448-6888 7-574 P 01/01 F-755i'arau IM- rm-i u it mi. RES1DENTIAI C< >MMEROAL ATTENTION: ROW BORKE REGARDING LAURELL TREE APARTMENTS PROJECT ALL LOGS ARE TORQQED TO MANUF&CTURORS SPECIFICATIONS THANK YOU, KEVIN ROSE 14 \ UCI-JMSI-: NO City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 8/28/2000 Permit# CB981966 Title: 7,922 SF OFFICE AND DAYCARE Description: LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS SEWER PERMIT CB991426 Inspector Assignment: RB Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1307 LAUREL TREE LN Suite: Lot Location: APPLICANT HENTHRONJACK Owner: Remarks: Phone: 7609186733 Inspector: Total Time: CD Description 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers £•»- r4L.^^oCt _ comments Requested By: PHILIP Entered By: ROBIN t Associated PCRs Inspection History Date 8/14/2000 8/1 1/2000 8/8/2000 8/8/2000 8/7/2000 8/7/2000 8/3/2000 8/2/2000 8/2/2000 8/2/2000 8/2/2000 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 Description 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 16 Insulation 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 16 Insulation 84 Rough Combo 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 1 8 Exterior Lath/Drywall 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers Act AP NS AP we AP NR CO NS we we we NR PA we we we Insp RB RB RB RB RB RB PD RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB Comments ON C.O. S OK EXCEPT @ STAIRS City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 8/14/2000 Permit# CB981966 Title: 7,922 SF OFFICE AND DAYCARE Description: LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS SEWER PERMIT CB991426 Inspector Assignment: RB Sub Type: 1307 LAUREL TREE LN Lot Type: COM Job Address: Suite: Location: APPLICANT HENTHRONJACK Owner: Remarks: Phone: 7609186733 Inspector: Total Time: CD Description 17 Interior Lath/Dry wall Requested By: TOM Entered By: CHRISTINE Act Comments Associated PCRs Inspection History Date 8/8/2000 8/8/2000 8/7/2000 8/7/2000 8/3/2000 8/2/2000 8/2/2000 8/2/2000 8/2/2000 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 7/28/2000 7/26/2000 7/25/2000 7/25/2000 7/25/2000 7/25/2000 7/21/2000 7/21/2000 7/18/2000 Description 16 Insulation 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 16 Insulation 84 Rough Combo 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 84 Rough Combo 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 34 Rough Electric 39 Final Electrical 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Act AP we AP NR CO NS we we we NR PA we we we CO NS we we we AP we NR Insp RB RB RB RB PD RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB Comments ON C.O. S OK EXCEPT @ STAIRS NO SUPER ON SITE @ WALLS ONLY AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 6/14/2000 Permit# CB981966 Title: 7,922 SF OFFICE AND DAYCARE Description: LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS SEWER PERMIT CB991426 Inspector Assignment: RB 1307 LAUREL TREE LN Lot Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: APPLICANT HENTHRONJACK Owner: Remarks: Total Time: CD Description 17 Interior Lath/Drywall Phone: 7609189094 Inspector: Requested By: PHIL Entered By: CHRISTINE Act Comments Associated PCRs Date 6/12/2000 6/12/2000 6/9/2000 6/9/2000 6/8/2000 6/8/2000 6/7/2000 6/7/2000 6/6/2000 6/5/2000 5/31/2000 5/30/2000 5/25/2000 5/24/2000 5/24/2000 5/23/2000 5/23/2000 5/23/2000 5/23/2000 5/22/2000 5/19/2000 5/19/2000 Insoection Historv Description 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 84 Rough Combo 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 84 Rough Combo 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 84 Rough Combo 16 Insulation 84 Rough Combo 84 Rough Combo 84 Rough Combo 84 Rough Combo 84 Rough Combo 89 Final Combo 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 84 Rough Combo 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 16 Insulation Act PA NR NS NS NR NR PA we NR NS NS NS NS CO NR PA we PA we NS NS PA Insp JL JL RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB RB DA RB RB Comments 1ST LAYER m 2ND FLR CEILING OK @ ELEVATOR SHAFT OK @ ELEVATOR & STORAGE RM NO SUPER ON SITE NR FOR 1ST LAYER @ CEILING INSP OK @ ELEVATOR & EQUIP. RM. OK @ ELEVATOR & EQUIP RM OK @ FLR & CEILING ONLY NOTICE CITY OF CARLSBAD (760) 602-2700 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1 635 FARADAY AVENUE LOCATION PERMIT NO FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? LJ YES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT PHONE BUILDIG WR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER DATF. I INSPECTOR £*f <~f*/ ^9 / x*T1 .11 * ^^ / / 10 ^S i ff ., ,. .. ._, _I PLANCHECK# -, / / ^^)DRESS /3^>>7 A-*c*s-&r /S-^tcZ—r IPTION -^W <=^rr-^ /£££ t^ CODE DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS Csft ^^ ill. NOTICECITY OF CARLSBAD (760) 602-2700 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 FARADAY AVENUE DATE *-* S ' ^ ^ . TIME LOCATION^ PERMIT NO. "+<*/. / /I-, * , ;«^/ -~ ^r -H^y f >g^^>>> .g & FOR INSPECTION CALL (760} 602-2725. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE?YES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT r~y >**> PHONE P,,,. r..^ uc ^^ CoD£ ENFOBCEMENT OFFICER UNSCHEDULED BUILDING I DATE 7—./2-7 /V PERMIT # JOB ADDRESS DESCRIPTION INSPECTOR /On PLAN CHECK # CODE DESCRIPTION ACT COMMENTS City of Carlsbad Inspection Request Inspector Assignment: For: 7/22/99 Permit* CB981966 Title: 7,922 SF OFFICE AND DAYCARE Description: LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS SEWER PERMIT CB991426 Type: COM Sub Type: Job Address: 1307 LAUREL TREE LN Suite: Lot Location: APPLICANT HENTHRONJACK Owner: Remarks: Phone: 7609186733 Inspector: Total Time: CD Description 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers Act Comments Requested By: STEVE Entered By: CHRISTINE Inspection History Date Description Act Insp Comments 7/20/99 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers NR DH CKytffeftoftttf final Bonding Inspection 222000 Dept: Building Eng Plan Check #: Permit #: Project Hame: Planning CMWD StLlte Fire Date: 8/21/2000 CB981966 Permit Type: COM 7,922 SF OFFICE AND DAYCARE Sub Type: LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS SEWER PERMIT CB9914 Address: 1 307 LAUREL TREE LN Contact Person: Phone: Sewer Dtet CA Water DM: CA Inspected I// C£ Inspected Bv: Inspected Bv: Xf Date / / *-^ Inspected: &/^ Date Inspected: Date Inspected: Lot y ctff Approved: Disapproved: Approved: Disapproved: Approved: Disapproved: Comments: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Rl VERDALE STREET, P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160-0627, Phone (619) 280-4321, FAX (619) 280-4717 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FOR: & REINFORCED CONCRETE n REINFORCED MASONRY p WELDING Q FIREPROOFING HP. T. CONCRETE D EPOXY ANCHORS O H. S. BOLTING CI PROJECT TITLE / / -~f~~* /J £ &/ / ?j ^PV SCS&TFILE No. fftf/' 'Z?f*/f/'') PROJECT LOCATION /-? ,-7 / / ~7~~ / PERMIT No. QQ/^// PLAN FILE No. ARCHITECT ^? • <T . ENGINEER y * -7"? / ' GENERAL CONTRACTOR V/ s*5 , SUBCONTRACTOR & / / J/ j if tf^srrs-i f jy/t^ry/^&i /I/,'}/'//&»t~r MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION &<•?*,* /3*d// ^ " -b / DATE &^/& - *•?*• \ hereby certify t work. Unless nc the best of my kn plans, specifica governing fauildir DESCRIPTION OF WORK INSPECTED /y7 ry3x'/"/yV/ /^y/s7stJS'ff"/s?t? , "\~7P/s t-Jtf T X - ^^/ / ? //fr^ //? tfs~/&'? S . 7 /v ."TV/^/i?5 /J(J//s~V / ^/v, _ f / ' ' ^j ' f „ ~^~ ~ Jxcx c \y /.j -r/ f /~x£ r/ rv X /-^/t-/ >r>?/yA / //Z/7&S. #// /'Odf & /s,i3 < / f? ''}/~/'s'}L'f/r7tf/rf /j . / //i e ? /)/?/• -j *//?/-/ rt/iryj 4 ,-y x /• hat 1 have Inspected the above reported 7'?-? / ,;i, x^ ' -. s^ •""' f owledge in compliance with the approved ~'~~~'i ^^SRECTCfRS-SI^NATU'RE'^., REGISTRATION No. tions and applicable sections of the I^-/ LtL^ j I ^C <^-x -c> / y <?/••>gmws. i_iUilAiJ r-AO— — N^S. >^ i — <-v -'.<•'-?- '/!7 SUPEHINTENDANTS SIGNATURE / DATE U I SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160-0627, Phone (619) 280-4321, FAX (619) 280-4717 FIELD INSPECTION REPORT FOR* D REINFORCED CONCRETE Q REINFORCED MASONRY QWELDING Q FIREPROOFING n P. T. CONCRETE d EPOXY ANCHORS ClH.S. BOLTING D PROJECT TITLE SCS*TF,LENO. PROJECT LOCATION f( PERMIT No.PLAN FILE No. ARCHITECT / ( C ENGINEER GENERAL CONTRACTOR MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION DATE DESCRIPTION OF WORK INSPECTED - -iQj-j, ^Sl V^ -Yj*f_ -- X ^ tf^f^f *S-^ "y^7 -P £^ /tr- 'f ^rt-~&AL/ \ hereby certify that 1 have inspected the above reported work. Unless noted otherwise, the work Inspected is to the best of my knowledge in compliance with the approved plans, specifications and applicable sections of the governing building laws. GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING GROUNDWATER • GEOPHYSICS • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY FIELD REPORT ON OBSERVATION OF FOUNDATIONS CLIENT:/* DATE: TIME: PROJECT NAME: JOB NO. PROJECT ADDRESS: L*t*i*fTf-C. •€- D The footing excavations listed below were bottomed on material for which the bearing values recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The cast-in-place drilled friction piles listed below penetrated material for which the allowable supporting capacities recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The piles were excavated to diameters at least as large as specified and the excavations extended at least to the depths indicated on the Foundation Plans. The excavations for the cast-in-place belled piers listed below were bottomed on material for which the bearing values recommended in the foundation report are applicable. The excavations were at least as large as specified on the Foundation Plans. The driven piles listed below were observed to be driven to the specified lengths and/or driving resistances to obtain the supporting capacities recommended in the foundation report. on recommen dated Based upon observations, it is our opinion that report of the foundation investigation. Job No OI) applicable to the conditions observed. Foundation Plans dated / — ^ f*~ Q r\ were used as a reference for our observations. t the foundati .y5"'- £/tf Y , undation Plan OA a/ NOTE: 1. The observations reported above do not constitute an approval of foundation location, footing size or depth, reinforcement, or foundation design. 2. Loose, soft, or disturbed soils must be removed prior to placement of reinforcement or concrete. 3. The opinions and recommendations presented in this report were based upon our observa- tions and are presented in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering practice. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. BY: Ma.y-16-00 OS:4OA GOUVIS ENGINEERING 19497S25321 H.O1 I" |j\ * GOUVIS ENGINEERIN 'CALIFORNIA* 9. 2000 " Rodflquez + Simon SanOwgro, CA Attn: Re: ( Launl ^SWc G.E.C Job No, 20507 Oaycort Suft/mg; wefictrfprovxfft* ? K*x fi 7/B" micro/am >o«( next to /f Pton* wnvy tf»» «Aovo wrim the budcttngctop»rtn*fit prior to construction. If you hav* any questions please do nothosittto to ccntoctthu offk*. Sincinty, GOUVJS ENGiNKEMING CAUTOXNIA Attachments (1) *05Q000a 'yiS EttGINE&UNG GROUP OF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN: ^£8 SITE www. covvtscHour. COM SvmA • M*fO*rB&tCH. Ctctron/fM 92660 • (949)752-1612 * FAX(949)752-5121 . Store9* PAU*$?IUHGS. CAUFOKMA 92262 * (760) 323-5090 • FAXS760) }25-2XtU " -W^WfCO * FUEISWOOW • Mav-16-OO OS:4OA GOUVIS ENGINEERING*.U* |( Michael Broad P.E. Consulting Engineers 2417 Shady Forest Lane Orange CA 92867 (714J-974-5347 Fax <714)-974-0114 Title : Dsgnr: Description Scope: Job # Date: Description Deepened Footing at Perimeter Foundations at Laurel Tree Apts A0367 6ft high General Information Allow Passive Max Passive 250.00 pcf 1 ,500.00 psf Applied Loads... Point Load 930.00 ibs Loao duration racier Pole is Rectangular Width No Surface Restraint 1 Summary f Moments @ Surface... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint.. Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed... Actual Allowable T.UUU 12.000 in 2,166.90 ft-# 0.00 5.238 ft C— ^>* 437.50 psf 436.52 psf distance Tram oase Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral With Surface Restraint.. Req'd Depth Pressure ©Base- Actual Allowable Surface Restraint Force £.OJU H — ) '<• 0.00 #ffi A. 0.000ft 0.000 ft ~* TH1^ & i1— 2,166,90 ft-# 930.00 Ibs 0.000 ft 0.00 psf 0.00 psf o.oo ibs Rev: 500001 Description Deepened | General Information Allow Passive Max Passive Load duration factor Pole is Rectangular Width No Surface Restraint | Summary | Moments @ Surface... Point load Distributed load Without Surface Restraint Required Depth Press @ 1/3 Embed... Actual Allowable Pole Embedment in Soil Page 1 j Footing at Perimeter Foundations at Laurel Tree Apts A0367 5ft high 250.00 pcf 1,500.00 psf 1.000 12.000 in 1.320.96 ft-* 0.00 .. 4.470 ft S4A 375.00 psf 372.52 psf Applied Loads... Point Load distance from base Distributed Load distance to top distance to bottom Total Moment Total Lateral With Surface Restraint.. Req'd Depth Pressure @ Base... Actual Allowable Surface Restraint Force I 688.00 Ibs 1.920ft 0.00 #ffl 0.000ft 0.000ft 1. 320.96 ft-# 688.00 Ibs **22^r\eFQc7^?^V •y^^^v«aF**&m//Mt>.00psf °tm I *90^57 R\\ A ssoW00 n)I\*V ^TylHS /-A.// EsGil Corporation In ^Partnership with government for lluilJfing Safety DATE: 10/19/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1966 SET: III PROJECT ADDRESS: Laurel Tree Lane PROJECT NAME: The Laurel Tree Apartment Daycare Center The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. X] The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #; Mail Telephone Fax In Person A! REMARKS: 1. City to approve the special inspection program. 2. City to approve the site accessibility issue.(the accessibility between the buildings) By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation n GA D MB D EJ D PC log trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619)560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 SPECIAL INSPECTION PROGRAM ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ___ PLAN CHECK NUMBER: __OWNER'S NAME: 1, as the owner, or agent of the owner (contractors may not employ tha special inspector), certify that I, or the architect/engineer of record, will be responsibly for employing the special inspector(s) as required by Uniform Building Coda (UBC) Section 1701.1 for the construction project located at the site Hated above. UBC Section 108.3.5. Signed _. \ U-»l l -•-%*•• «-* 1, as the^ngineer/aniBBggtaf record, certify that 1 have prepared the following special inspection program as required by UBC Section 106.3.5 for the construction project located at the site listed above. Signed I Ifi I **iS_J»*' "Wo. 37457 Exp. 6/30/00 1. List of work requiring special Inspection: D Soils Compliance Prior to. Foundatlonlnspectlon'-'D Field Weldlng^^ D Structural Concrete Over 2500 PSI D High Strength Bolfl _ EH Preatressod Concrete ' D Expanslon/Epoxy Anchors Q Structural Masonry D Sprayed-On Fireprooflnfl- D Designer SpectfietJ D Other 2. Nama(s) of lndlviduai(s) or firm(s) responsible for the spocial inspections listed above: A. B. C- 3. Duties of the spocial Inspectors for the work listed above: Placement of Post-Tension tendons 0, Placement o.C concrete, verify strength of concrete, vater/cement ratio if "specif led ^ ^ m c> Verification of elongations &'stressing of tendons as specified on drawings • ' ' Spocial InspectoTB »nal! chack In wtth the City and pr«a«nl their crodenUala for approval pflor <q t»oinnlna work on tho job ««•.GIF 4097 EsGil Corporation In Partners/tip with government for ^uifding Safety DATE: 9/17/98 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1966 SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: Laurel Tree Lane PROJECT NAME: The Laurel Tree Apartment Daycare Center Q APPLICANT a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Jack Henthorn 5431 Avenida Encinas #J Carlsbad CA 92008 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: By: David Yao Esgil Corporation El GA D CM E3 EJ Enclosures: D PC 9/3 tmsmtUot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (619)560-1468 4- Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-1966 II 9/17/98 RECHECK PLAN CORRECTION LIST JURISDICTION; Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: Laurel Tree Lane DATE PLAN RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 9/3 REVIEWED BY: David Yao PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1966 SET: II DATE RECHECK COMPLETED: 9/17/98 FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. A. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints to: ESGIL CORPORATION. B. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this sheet with the revised plans. C. The following items have not been resolved from the previous plan reviews, The original correction number has been given for your reference, in case you did not keep a copy of the prior correction list, we have enclosed those pages containing the outstanding corrections. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding these items. D. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. Have changes been made not resulting from this list? QYes QNo Carlsbad 98-1966 II 9/17/98 11-17 Sheet C-2 and C-3 are not included in the set. 19. The type of construction been changed to V-1hr. Provide construction detail for 1hr wall, 1hr floor/ceiling assemble and 1hr roof/ceiling assemble. Provide item # or gypsum number for all 1hr assemble. And clearly reference the detail from the floor plan. 35. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans, (see page 35 of the soil report). 45. The PT plan and calculation has been added. Provide a letter from the soils engineer to confirming that all the parameters used in the PT calculation are adequate. What is category I? What is Category II? Is this building belong to I or II? Provide special inspection program to the building official prior to issuance the building permit. DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT NON RESIDENTIAL TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS 1. Show that an accessible route of travel is to be provided to all portions of the building, to accessible building entrances and between the building and the public way, per Section 1114B.1.2. There are many steps along the pass between the buildings. Provide adequate ramp to show the paths between all buildings are accessible. All new bathrooms shall comply with the disable access requirements. The bathrooms in classroom appear to not comply with the requirements. Check with city. 2. Where fixed or built-in tables, counters or seats are provided for the public, and in general employee areas, 5% (but never less than one) must be accessible. Section 1122B.1 .(all reception counter, kitchen counter and laundry counter) If you have any questions regarding these items, please contact David Yao of Esgil Corporation at (619) 560-1468. Thank you. Carlsbad 98-1966 II 9/17/98 * PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS * PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 2. Clearly note on the plans: "Warming Kitchen Only." Or, obtain Health Department approval (for daycare kitchen), and the City Building Official to review evidence of Health Department approval. PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 3. Correct the plumbing plans. a) The Soil & Waste Piping Diagram on sheet P3.2 shows only one of the six floor drains. b) Clearly show the required vents for all the floor drains. c) The 2 inch horizontal rainwater piping from the deck drains and roof drains are undersized. As per UPC, Table D-2 the minimum pipe size for horizontal rainwater piping is 3 inch. d) Show the required overflow deck drainage. e) Clearly show the sizes of the roof drains, overflow roof drains, and size and routes of the piping from the roof drains and the overflow roof drains. 4. Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter; and the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines. The Civil Plans are included in the plan package. 5. The water fixture units shown on sheet P3.2 (41 plus 81 =122 fixture units) is much less than the 150 fixture units that I counted off the plans. Provide a table of the fixture unit calculation, showing the type of each fixture, the number of each fixture type, the fixture units for each fixture type (both waste and water) and the total fixture units (both waste and water). UPC, Table A-2. 6. The 2-1/2 inch sewer line shown on sheet P3.2, between the 4 inch waste lines receiving the waste from the six clotheswashers is undersized. MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 7. Detail access and working clearances to HVAC equipment over restrooms. 8. Detail required roof access ladders to roof mounted HVAC equipment. UMC, Section 321.8 Carlsbad 98-1966 II 9/17/98 11. Provide a minimum of 100 square inches of ventilation opening into laundry room containing clothes dryers, windows and doors do not comply, provide fixed openings. UMC, Section 908.2 13. Clearly note on the plans: "Warming Kitchen Only." Or, provide complete kitchen hood plans, details, and calculations to show compliance with UMC, Chapters, Part II ENERGY CONSERVATION 14. The LTG-1 and LTG-2 forms on sheet E-1 show conditioned floor areas that are not the same as the conditioned floor area on the PERF-1 form. Please correct. 15. Correct the light switching in the Community Room to provide the required daylit area lighting controls for lighting in daylit areas and the required bi- level lighting controls. (Maintaining a reasonably uniform level of illuminance throughout the area) 15.A. Correct the lighting controls. Daylit Areas. Daylit areas in any enclosed space greater than 250 square feet shall meet the requirements of 1. and 2. 1. Such areas shall have at least one control that: A. Controls only luminaires in the daylit area; and B. Controls at least 50% of the lamps or luminaires in the daylit area, in a manner described in Section 131(b)1. through 4., independently of all other lamps or luminaires in the enclosed space. The other luminaires in the enclosed space may be controlled in any manner allowed by Section 131(b)1. through 4. 2. Such areas shall have controls that control the luminaires in each vertically daylit area separately from the luminaires in each horizontally daylit area. Title 24 Part 6 Section 131(b)1. through 4. 1. Controlling all lamps or luminaires with dimmers; or 2. Dual switching of alternate rows of luminaires, alternate luminaires, or alternate lamps; or 3. Switching the middle lamps of three lamp luminaires independently of the outer lamps; or 4. Switching each luminaire or lamp. 15.B. Show bi-level lighting controls as per Title 24, Part 6, Section 131(b). The switching controls shown do not comply with the following: Bi-level lighting controls. Controls to reduce lighting. The general lighting of any enclosed space 100 square feet or larger in which the connected lighting load exceeds 1.2 watts per square foot for the space as a whole, and that has Carlsbad 98-1966 II 9/17/98 more than one light source (luminaire), shall be controlled so that the load for the lights may be reduced by at least one-half while maintaining a reasonably uniform level of illuminance throughout the area. A reasonably uniform reduction of illuminance shall be achieved bv: a) Controlling all lamps or luminaires with dimmers; or b) Dual switching of alternate rows of luminaires, alternate luminaires, or alternate lamps; or c) Switching the middle lamps of three lamp luminaires independently of the outer lamps; or d) Switching each luminaire or lamp. 17. Both the Documentation Author and the Principal Lighting Designer must sign the LTG-1 form on sheet E-1. Use the new LTG-1 forms. 18. The Principal Envelope Designer must sign the PERF-1 form on sheet M4.0. Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. * ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW • 1993 NEC • PLAN REVIEWER: ERIC JENSEN / MORTEZA BEHESHTI 1. Show the grounding system required for each building, structure, or service. NEC 250-24, 80(a), 81 (c). ON SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM (UNIT TYP.) DETAIL 7/E-4 ADD NOTE 5 CHANGES SIMILAR TO THE SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM (DAY CARE) DETAIL 10/E-4. 2. Rebar is not an acceptable grounding electrode for commercial applications in the City of Carlsbad, please describe what the "UFER" ground will be (footage, conductor material and size, depth in footing). ON SHEET E-4 UNIT TYP. SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM STILL SHOWS REBAR. SAME COMMENT AS ABOVE. Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact the plan reviewer listed above at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. EsGil Corporation In Partners/tip with (government for Qnihlwg Safety DATE: 7/10/98 a APPUpANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1966 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: Laurel Tree Lane PROJECT NAME: The Laurel Tree Apartments Daycare Center The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: JackHenthorn 5431 Avenida Encinas #J Carlsbad CA 92008 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: By: David Yao Enclosures: Esgil Corporation El GA D CM E3 EJ D PC 6/23 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 4 (619)560-1468 + Fax (619) 560-1576 Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST COMMERCIAL PLAN CHECK NO,: 98-1966 OCCUPANCY: E-3/B/A-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N JURISDICTION: Carlsbad USE: day care/office/community room ACTUAL AREA: 7922 sf ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: 16000 sf STORIES: 2 SPRINKLERS?: ? REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: 7/10/98 HEIGHT: OCCUPANT LOAD: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 6/23 PLAN REVIEWER: David Yao FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Code sections cited are based on the 1994 UBC. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1994 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copyl where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans. LIST NO. 22, GENERAL COMMERCIAL WITHOUT ENERGY OR POLICY SUPPLEMENTS (1994 UBC) comforw.dot Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 • GENERAL 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, to: Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123, (619)560-1468. • PLANS 2. Provide the site address on the Title Sheet. 3. All sheets of the plans and the first sheet of the calculations are required to be signed by the California licensed architect or engineer responsible for the plan preparation. Please include the California license number, seal, date of license expiration and the date the plans are signed. Business and Professions Code. 4. Show on the Title Sheet all buildings, structures, walls, etc. included under this application. Any portion of the project shown on the site plan that is not included with the building permit application filed should be clearly identified as "not included" on the site plan or Title Sheet. 5. Provide a Building Code Data Legend on the Title Sheet. Include the following code information for each building proposed: * Occupancy Group E-3/B/A-3(the occupancy group for office is B, community room is A-3)) 4 Sprinklers: Yes or No 4 Stories 4 Height 6. Indicate on the Title Sheet whether or not a grading permit is required for this project. 7. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans that this project shall comply with Title 24 and 1994 UBC, UMC and UPC and 1993 NEC. • SITE PLAN 8. Provide a statement on the site plan stating: "All property lines, easements and buildings, both existing and proposed, are shown on this site plan." 9. Clearly designate on the site plan existing buildings to remain, existing buildings to be demolished, buildings to be constructed under this permit and any proposed future buildings. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 10. Show on the site plan all proposed walls, retaining walls and fences. Specify their heights on the plans. Provide construction details if a part of this permit. 11. Clearly dimension building setbacks from property lines, street centerlines, and from all adjacent buildings and structures on the site plan. 12. Show dimensioned parking layout including any required disabled access spaces. • LOCATION ON PROPERTY 13. When a new building is to be erected on the same property as an existing building, the location of the assumed property line with relation to the existing building shall be such that the exterior wall and opening protection of the existing building meets the criteria of Table 5-A and Chapter 6. Section 503. 14. The exterior walls less than 5,10 feet to a property line or an assumed property line, shall be 2,1 fire-rated construction. Section 503. 15. Exterior walls shall have a 30 inch parapet when less than 10 feet to a property line or an assumed property line. The uppermost 18" of such parapets shall be noncombustible. (see exceptions, Section 709.4) 16. The exterior wall shall have protected openings (3/4 hour) when closer than 10 feet to a property line or an assumed property line. Section 503. 17. The exterior walls shall have no openings when closer than 5 feet to a property line or an assumed property line. Openings include windows, doors, scuppers, vents, etc. Section 503. • BUILDING AREA 18. When a building has more than one occupancy, the area shall be such that the sum of the ratios of the actual area divided by the allowable area for each occupancy shall not exceed one. Section 504.3. • BUILDING HEIGHT/STORIES 19. The height and number of stories cannot exceed that shown in Table 5-B. Show the code basis for the height/number of stories as shown.(A-3 can not locate at second floor) • OCCUPANCY SEPARATION 20. A 1-hour occupancy separation is required between the B occupancy and the E occupancy. Table 3-B, Section 302.2. (See exceptions in Section 302) Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 21. Provide 1 -hour fire-resistive door assemblies in thel-hour occupancy separation. Section 302.3. 22. Structural members supporting an occupancy separation must have the same fire-resistive rating as the separation. Section 302.2. 23. Ducts penetrating occupancy separations must have smoke and fire dampers. Sections 713.10 and 713.11. • EXITS 24. Exit doors should swing in the direction of exit travel when serving any hazardous area or when the area served has an occupant load of 50 or more. Section 1004.2.(door from community room) 25. Note on the plans: "All exits are to be openable from inside without the use of a key or special knowledge." Section 1004.3. 26. Exit doors from Group A occupancies shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. Chapter 10.(doors from community room) 27. All doors and gates, within the exit path from Group A occupancies to a public way, shall not be provided with latches or locks unless they are equipped with panic hardware. Chapter 10. 28. When additional doors are provided for egress purposes, they shall conform to the width, swing and hardware provisions in Chapter 10. Sections 1004.3 and 1004.6. See Section 1004.12. 29. Regardless of occupant load, a floor or landing not more than 1 inch (1/2-inch if disabled access is required) below the threshold is required on each side of an exit door. Section 1004.9. • STAIRWAYS 30. A minimum headroom clearance of 6'-8" for stairways should be indicated on the plans. Section 1006.15. Note that this is from a plane tangent to the stairway tread nosing. • ELEVATORS 31. Elevators shall be enclosed in a one-hour shaft except in Type I and Type II F.R. construction where the elevator shall be in a two hour shaft. Section 711. 32. Every opening into an elevator shaft enclosure shall be protected by a self-closing fire assembly having a one-hour fire rating in one-hour shafts and one and one-half hours in two hour shafts. Section 711.4. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 33. Every elevator lobby or entrance area shall be provided with an approved smoke detector as required by Section 3003.2. 34. Provide clear inside elevator car dimensions as required by Title 24: a) Elevator in buildings more than two stories or buildings where disabled access is required to upper level(s): 68" by 54", with a minimum clear door width of 36." 35. Provide notes, details or specifications to show the elevator will comply with UBC Sections 3002-3007 and Title 24. • ROOFS 36. Specify roof slope. 37. Specify on the plans the following information for the tile roof materials, per Section 106.3.3: a) Manufacturer's name. b) Product name/number. c) ICBO approval number, or equal. 38. Show location of attic access with a minimum size of 22"x30", unless the maximum vertical headroom height in the attic is less than 30." Access must be provided to each separated attic area, shall be located in a hallway or other readily accessible location and 30" headroom clearance is required above the opening. Section 1505.1. • FOUNDATION 39. Provide a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed architect or civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section 1804. 40. Specify on the foundation plan or structural specifications sheet the soil classification, the soils expansion index and the design bearing capacity of the foundation. Section 1804.3. 41. Investigate the potential for seismically induced soil liquefaction and soil instability in seismic zones 3 and 4. Section 1804.5 42. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 determined that the recommendations in the soil report are properly incorporated into the plans. (When required by the soil report). 43. Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils report recommendations for foundation slab and building pad preparation. 44. The soils engineer recommended that he/she review the foundation excavations. Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the building official in writing that: a) The building pad was prepared in accordance with the soils report, b) The utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and c) The foundation excavations comply with the intent of the soils report." 45. Note on plans that surface water will drain away from building and show drainage pattern and key elevations. Section 1804.7. • FRAMING 46. On the cover sheet of the plans, specify any items that will have a deferred submittai (trusses, etc.). Additionally, provide the following note on the plans, per Sec. "Submittai documents for deferred submittai items shall be submitted to the architect or engineer of record, who shall review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittai documents have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred submittai items shall NOT be installed until their design and submittai documents have been approved by the building official." 47. Provide truss details and truss calculations for this project. Specify on the plans the truss identification numbers. 48. Show 1/2" minimum clearance between top plate of interior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as designed). 49. Per UBC Section 2343.6, provide the following note on the plans if trusses are used: "Each truss shall be legibly branded, marked or otherwise have permanently affixed thereto the following information located within 2 feet of the center of the span on the face of the bottom chord: a) Identity of the company manufacturing the truss. b) The design load. c) The spacing of the trusses." 50. The office portion of the second floor shall have 20lb partition load per UBC 1604.4. Please check all floor joists, beams and footings. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 51. The live load for the community room shall be 100 psf per table 16-Aof UBC. Please check the floor joists, beams and footings. 52. Sheet B13 to B15 of the structural calculation are missing from the package. 53. The location of the beam 37 and 39 appears to not on the plan. Please clarify. • MISCELLANEOUS 54. Note on the plans that "all weather-exposed surfaces shall have a weather-resistive barrier to protect the interior wall covering and that exterior openings shall be flashed in such a manner as to make them weatherproof. Section 1402. 55. Guardrails (Section 509.1): a) Shall be installed at balconies or porches more than 30" above grade or floor below. b) Shall have a height of 42". 56. Note on the plans that suspended ceilings shall comply with UBC Tables 25-A and 16-0. 57. Please refer to the following corrections for mechanical, plumbing, energy and electrical items. • TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS 58. Provide notes and details on the plans to show compliance with the enclosed Disabled Access Review List. Disabled access requirements may be more restrictive than the UBC. • ADDITIONAL 59. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 60. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Q Yes a No Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 61. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 619/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact David Yao at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. 4 ELECTRICAL PLAN REVIEW • 1993 NEC • PLAN REVIEWER: ERIC JENSEN 1. Show the ampere interrupting capacity (AIC ) ratings of the service and subservice equipment. NEC 110-9, 230-65. 2. Show or note on the plans the method used to limit fault currents to 10,000 amps on branch circuits. Show the fuse letters if used to limit fault current (i.e., JJN, AST, LPN). Also note on the plans that circuit breakers used in the subpanels will be listed for series combination with the current limiting main fuses or circuit breakers. 3. Specify the wire type (AL or CU) and insulation (i.e. THWN). NEC 310. 4. Show the grounding system required for each building, structure, or service. NEC 250-24,80(a), 81 (c). 5. Rebar is not an acceptable grounding electrode for commercial applications in the City of Carlsbad, please describe what the "UFER" ground will be (footage, conductor material and size, depth in footing). 6. Please specify the wiring methods that will be used at this facility. Local ordinance restricts the use of armored and NM cables to residential uses only. Clearly specify on the electrical plans that AC and NM cable shall not be used as a wiring method. (AC cable may be installed if a full sized equipment grounding conductor is installed interior of the cable.) 7. Provide GFI protected receptacle(s) within 25 feet of HVAC equipment. NEC 210-8(b)2&210-63 8. Feeder to panel "PPi" is undersized. 9. Provide GFCl proctected receptacle in elevator machinaery room NEC 620-85. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 Note: If you have any questions regarding this electrical plan review list please contact the plan reviewer listed above at (619) 560-1468. To speed the review process, note on this list ( or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. + PLUMBING, MECHANICAL AND ENERGY CORRECTIONS * PLAN REVIEWER: Glen Adamek 1. The licensed designer must sign each sheet of the plans. 2. The City Building Official to review evidence of Health Department approval (for daycare kitchen). PLUMBING (1994 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 3. Provide the second floor plumbing plans. 4. Provide the site plumbing plans showing the sizes and locations of the gas meters and water meter; and the sizes, routes, and slopes of the building sewer, storm drainage system, site gas lines, and site water lines. 5. The water fixture units shown on sheet P3.2 (41 plus 81 = 122 fixture units) is much less than the 150 fixture units that I counted off the plans. Provide a table of the fixture unit calculation. UPC, Table A-2. 6. The 2 inch sewer lines are undersized for three or more clotheswashers, as per the footnotes on UPC, Table 7-3 and Table 7-5. MECHANICAL (1994 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) 7. Detail access and working clearances to HVAC equipment. 8. Detail required roof access ladder to roof mounted HVAC equipment. UMC, Section 321.8 9. Detail disposal sites of main condensate drainage from air conditioning units. UMC Section 310 10. Detail overflow (secondary) condensate discharge from air conditioning units that are in a ceiling space to readily observed locations. UMC Section 310.1.1 Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 11. Provide a minimum of 100 square inches of ventilation opening into laundry room containing a clothes dryers. UMC, Section 908.2 12. Detail the exhaust outlet clearances as per UMC, Section 609.10. Show the dryer vents 3 feet minimum from doors. 13. Provide complete kitchen hood plans, details, and calculations to show compliance with UMC, Chapter 5, Part II a) Provide the UL listing card showing the exhaust sizing requirements used for this hood. b) Provide exhaust sizing calculations for kitchen hoods. UMC, Section 508.7 c) Provide grease duct air velocity calculations. Minimum 1,500 fpm and maximum 2,500 fpm. UMC, Section 507.8 d) Provide construction details of required fire rated grease duct enclosure and hood enclosure. UMC, Sections 507.6, and 508.4.1 e) Detail grease duct discharge clearances as per UMC, Section 507.11, (Minimum of 10 feet from parapet wall and air intake of HVAC unit.) f) The fire-rated grease duct and/or hood enclosures must extend from the point of penetration of the ceiling up to the roofing. The ceiling or hood enclosure must be over the hood. UMC, Sections 507.6, 508.4, and 508.41 g) The fire-rated grease duct enclosures must be sealed around the duct at the point of penetration of the ceiling. UMC, Section 507.6 h) Show required cleanouts for grease duct on hood. UMC, Section 507.5 i) Detail 1/4 inch perfect slope on grease duct back to hood. UMC, Section 507.4 j) Each room provided with a kitchen exhaust system shall have air supplied to the room equal to the amount of air to be exhausted. The exhaust and make-up air systems shall be connected by an electrical interlocking switch. UMC, Section 402.4 k) Clearly show the material used to construct the hood and exhaust duct. UMC, Sections 508.2 & 507.3 I) Provide the required clearances from unprotected combustible construction of at least 18 inches, as per UMC, Section 507.10. m) A complete kitchen hood system plan review will be done when the complete hood system plans, details, and calculations are provided. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 ENERGY CONSERVATION 14. The LTG-1 and LTG-2 forms on sheet E-1 show conditioned floor areas that are not the same as the conditioned floor area on the PERF-1 form. Please correct. 15. Show the daylit areas and required daylit area lighting controls for lighting in daylit areas. Title 24, Part 6, Section 131(c). 16. Provide automatic shut-off controls for lighting as per Title 24, Part 6, Section 17. Both the Documentation Author and the Principal Lighting Designer must sign the LTG-1 form. 18. The Documentation Author, the Principal Envelope Designer, and the Principal Mechanical Designer must sign the PERF-1 form on sheet M4.0, Note: If you have any questions regarding this Plumbing, Mechanical, and Energy plan review list please contact Glen Adamek at (619) 560-1468, To speed the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where the corrected items have been addressed on the plans. DEPARTMENT OF STATE ARCHITECT NON RESIDENTIAL TITLE 24 DISABLED ACCESS REQUIREMENTS SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS 1. Clearly show that the site development and grading are designed to provide access to all entrances and exterior ground floor exits, as well as access to normal paths of travel, per Section 1127B.1. Where necessary to provide access, shall incorporate pedestrian ramps, curb ramps, stairways and handrails, etc. 2. Plans show that more than one building is located on the proposed site. Accessible routes of travel shall be shown to be provided between buildings and accessible site facilities, per Section 1127B.1. 3. Show, or note that at every primary public entrance, and at every major function area along, or leading to, an accessible route of travel, there is to be a sign displaying the international symbol of accessibility. Signs are required to indicate the direction to accessible building entrances and facilities, per Sections 1117B.5.7and1127B.3. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 DISABLED ACCESS PARKING SPACES How many parking spaces are allocated for the daycare? Where is the handicapped parking space? 4. Revise site plan to show compliance with the required number of accessible parking spaces for new facilities, (or at existing facilities where a change of occupancy occurs). Per Table 11B-7 the minimum number of spaces is: a) 1 for each 25 spaces up to 100 total spaces. b) 1 additional space for each 50 spaces for between 101 and 200 total spaces. c) 1 additional space for each 100 spaces for between 201 and 500 total spaces. d) For between 501 and 1000 total spaces, a minimum of 2% of the total number of spaces is required. e) For greater than 1000 spaces, 20 plus 1 for each additional 100 spaces. 5. If total number of spaces is less than 5, one shall be 14'0" wide and line to provide a 9'0" parking area and 5'0" loading and unloading area. There is no requirement that this space be identified or reserved for the exclusive use by persons with disabilities. 6. Provide site plan to show that the accessible spaces are located, per Section 1129B.1 as follows: a) On the shortest possible route to an accessible entrance, when serving a particular building. b) On the shortest route of travel to an accessible entrance of a parking facility. c) Spaces are to be dispersed and located closest to accessible entrances where buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking (i.e. strip centers). 7. Provide site plan to show that accessible spaces comply with Section 1129B.4.1 as follows: a) Single spaces shall be 14'0" wide and outlined to provide a 9'0" parking area and a 5'0" loading and unloading area on the passenger side of the vehicle. b) When more than one space is provided, in lieu of providing a 14'0" space for each space, two spaces can be provided within a 23'0" area with a 5"0" loading zone between each 9'0" wide space. c) Each space is to be a minimum of 18'0" in depth. 8. Provide plans to show that at least one in every 8 accessible spaces are served by an access aisle >96" in width and designated as VAN ACCESSIBLE, per Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 Section 1129B.4.2. All such spaces may be grouped on one level of a parking structure. 9. Show on the site plan that accessible space(s) are to be located such that disabled persons are not required to wheel, or walk, behind parked cars other than their own, per Section 1129B.4.3. 10. Show that a bumper or curb is to be provided, and located at each space, to prevent encroachment of cars into the required width of walkways, per Section 1129B.4.3. 11. Show or note that the maximum slope of the parking surface at the accessible space, in any direction, is <%" per ft (2.083%), per Section 1129B.4.4. The maximum slope at the passenger loading zone is to be <2%. 12. Show or note on the plans that the accessible parking spaces are to be identified by a reflectorized sign, permanently posted immediately adjacent to and visible from each space, consisting of: a) A profile view of a wheelchair with occupant in white on dark blue background. b) The sign shall >70 in2 in area. c) When in the path of travel, they shall be posted >80" from the bottom of the sign to parking space finished grade. d) Signs may also be centered on the wall of the interior end of the parking space >36" from the parking space finished grade, ground or sidewalk. e) Spaces complying with Section 1129B.4.2 shall have an additional sign "Van-Accessible" mounted below the symbol of accessibility per Section 1129B.5. f) In addition, each accessible space is required to be marked with the international symbol of accessibility. 13. Show, or note, that an additional sign shall also be posted in a conspicuous place at each entrance to off street parking facilities, or immediately adjacent to and visible from each stall or space. The sign shall be >17" x 22" with lettering not £1" in height. Per Section 1129B.5 required wording is as follows. "Unauthorized vehicles parked in designated accessible spaces not displaying distinguishing placards or license plates issued for persons with disabilities may be towed away at owner's expense. Towed vehicles may be reclaimed at or by telephoning ." CURB RAMPSflF APPLICABLE) 14. Provide plans to show that curb ramps shall be constructed at each corner of a street intersection or where a pedestrian way crosses a curb, per Section 1127B.5.1. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 15. Plans shall show that curb ramps are >48" wide with aslope of £1:12 (8.33%), per Sections 1127B.5.2 and 1127B.5.3. The lower end of each curb ramp shall have a V£" lip beveled 45°, per Section 1127B.5.5. 16. Revise plans to show that the landing at the top of the curb shall be level and >48" depth for the entire width of the curb ramp. Section 1127B.5.4. 17. The slope of the fanned or flared sides of curb ramps shall not exceed £1:10, per Section 1127B.5.3. 18. Show or note that the surface of all curb ramps and the flared sides are to be slip resistant, and contrasting from the adjacent sidewalk finish, per Section 1127B.5.6. 19. Provide details or note on the plans that all curb ramps have a grooved border 12" wide at the level surface of the sidewalk along the top and each side approximately 3/4" o.c., per Section 1127B.5.7. 20. Locate curb ramps to prevent obstruction by blocked cars, per Section 1127B.5.9. ENTRANCES AND CIRCULATION 21. Revise plans to show that all entrances, and exterior ground level exits, are accessible, per Section 1001.9.1. 22. Show that an accessible route of travel is to be provided to all portions of the building, to accessible building entrances and between the building and the public way, per Section 1114B.1.2. STAIRWAYS AND HANDRAILS 23. Show or note that interior stair treads are marked at the upper approach and the lower tread of each stair, by a strip of clearly contrasting color, per Section 1006.16.1, as follows: a) At least 2" wide. b) Placed parallel to and not more than 1" from the nose of the step or landing. c) The strip shall be as slip resistant as the other treads of the stair. 24. Note that all tread surfaces comply with Section 1006.16.2.1, as follows: a) Be slip resistant. b) Have smooth, rounded or chamfered exposed edges. c) Have no abrupt edges at the nosing. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 d) Nosing shall not project >11/£" past the face of the riser above. e) Open risers are not permitted. • ELEVATOR PROVISIONS 25. Note that elevators shall be automatic and be self leveling to automatically bring the car to the floor landing with tolerances of ±1/£" under normal loading and unloading conditions. The clearance between the car platform sill and the edge of the hoistway landing is to be <1%", per Section 3003.4.2. 26. Note that the clear width for elevator doors is to be >36", per Section 3003.4.4. 27. Note that elevator doors are provided with a reopening device, which functions to stop and reopen a car door and adjacent hoistway door in case the door is obstructed while closing, per Section 3003.4,5. 28. Provide plans to show that the inside of the elevator car complies with the following, per Section 3003.4.7. The clear distances between walls, or between the walls and the door, excluding return panels, is: a) >80" by 54" (at center opening doors). b) >68" by 54" (at side-slide opening doors). c) The distance from walls to return panel is >51". 29. Show that a handrail is provided on one wall of the car, preferably the rear, per Section 3003.4.12. The rails shall be smooth and the inside surface >11/£" clear of the walls at a height of 32"±1" from the floor. 30. Show, or note, that call operation buttons are to be ^3'6" above the floor, per Section 3003.4.14. • SANITARY FACILITIES All new bathrooms shall comply with the disable access requirements. The bathrooms in classroom appears to not comply with the requirements. 31. Note that the doorways leading to sanitary facilities shall be identified, per Section 1115B.5, as follows; a) An equilateral triangle %" thick with edges 12" long and a vortex pointing upward at men's rest rooms. b) A circle %" thick, 12" in diameter at women's rest rooms. c) A 12" diameter circle with a triangle superimposed on the circle and within the 12" diameter at unisex rest rooms. d) The required symbols shall be centered on the door at a height of 60". e) Braille signage shall also be located on the wall adjacent to the latch outside of the doorways leading to the sanitary facilities, per Section 1117B.5.9. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 SINGLE ACCOMMODATION FACILITIES 32. Show that the water closet is located in a space, per Section 1115B7.2, which provides: a) A minimum side clearance of either: i) >28" from a fixture. ii) >32" from a wall on one side. b) >48" clear space in front of the water closet. • RESTROOM FIXTURES AND ACCESSORIES 33. Revise plans to show that grab bars comply with the following, per Section 11156,8: a) Grab bars shall be located on each side or one side and the back of the water closet stall or compartment. b) They shall be securely attached 33" above the floor, and parallel. NOTE: Where a tank-type toilet is used which obstructs placement at 33", the grab bar may be installed as high as 36". c) Grab bars at the side shall be located: i) 15" to 16%" (±1") from the center line of the water closet stool, ii) Be £42" long with the front end positioned 24" in front of the stool, iii) Total length of bars at the back shall be £36". d) The diameter, or width, of the grab bar gripping surface is>1%" but <1%", or the shape shall provide an equivalent gripping surface. e) If mounted adjacent to a wall, the space between the wall and the grab bar shall be 11/2". f) Be designed to support 250#. 34. Revise plans to show £40" height for: a) The operable parts of at least 1; i) Paper towel dispenser. ii) Sanitary napkin dispenser. iii) Waste paper disposal. iv) Other similar dispensing and/or disposal fixtures. b) The bottom edge of mirrors. Carlsbad 98-1966 7/10/98 35. Revise plans to show thai the toilet tissue dispensers are located ^12" from the front edge of the water closet stool, per Section 1115B.9.3. • GENERAL ACCESSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS • SIGNAGE 36. Where permanent identification is provided for rooms and spaces, raised letters shall also be provided and shall be accompanied by Braille. Section 1117B.5. 37. Provide a note on the plans stating that the signage requirements of Section 1117B.5 will be satisfied. • COUNTERS AND TABLES 38. Where fixed or built-in tables, counters or seats are provided for the public, and in general employee areas, 5% (but never less than one) must be accessible. Section 1122B.1.(all reception counter, kitchen counter and laundry counter) 39. The tops of tables and counters shall be 28" to 34" from the floor. Where a single counter contains more than one transaction station, such as a bank counter with multiple teller window or a retail sales counter with multiple cash register stations, at least 5% (but never less than one of each type of station) shall be located at a section of counter that is at least 36" long and no more than 28" to 34" high. Section 1122B.4. END OF DOCUMENT Carlsbad 98-1966 7/1O/98 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: David Yao BUILDING ADDRESS: Laurel Tree Lane BUILDING OCCUPANCY: E-3/B PLAN CHECK NO.: 98-1966 DATE: 7/10/98 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION 1 BUILDING AREA I VALUATION 1 (ft.2) 1 MULTIPLIER daycare/office Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE 7922 VALUE ($) 649604 (per city) D 199 UBC Building Permit Fee Kl Bldg. Permit Fee by ordinance: $ 2467.33 D 199 UBC Plan Check Fee K Plan Check Fee by ordinance: $ 1603.76 Type of Review: Q Complete Review Q Structural Only Q Hourly n Repetitive Fee Applicable Q Other: Esgil Plan Review Fee: $ 1283.01 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc 5196 City of Carlsbad Building Department Date: 2 November 1998 To: David McCullough From: Principal Building Inspector Re: Accessibility @ Laurel Tree Apts. And your Request Dated 10-23-98 The State Code is very explicit re: having all route that are provided between buildings as accessible. There is no latitude for local enforcement agencies such as Cities to waive or modify the provisions of State Law. If the buildings are required to be accessible then accessible routed need to be provided as per 1114b.1.2. Where more than one route is provided, all route shall be accessible. Your request to waive the State Law cannot be granted based upon circumstances such as you have described. PATRICK KELLEY Principal Building Inspector CC: Plan Check File Pagel 2O75 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92OO9-1576 • (76O) 438-1161 • FAX (76O) 438-O894 10/38/1998 10:46 6192355369 IVY LANDSCAPE ARCH PAGE 01 MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: PROJECT: SUBJECT: NO, OF PAGES: C.C.: October 23, 1998 Mike Peterson City of Carlsbad David McCullough IVY - Landscape Architects - Inc. Laurel Tree Apartments IVY #97049 Site Accessibility 1of2 Carlos Rodriguez -R+SDA Bob Sanford - RBF Scott Orrantia - Catellus Residential Group IVY Mr. Mike Peterson: As requested, the following is a thorough description of why all routes of travel for the Laurel Tree Apartments were not made handicap accessible as required in the 1994 UBC, section 11146. Attached is a diagram indicating were these routes occur as well as specific explanations for each individual situation. The Laurel Tree Apartments are proposed to be built on a site where the grade difference between the north and south ends of the buildable area is approximately 42 feet. The distance between these two points is approximately 820 feet- this elevation differential was controlled by two main factors. 1. The existing elevation at the intersection of Aviara Parkway and Laurel Tree Lane was set by Aviara Parkway. Laurel Tree Lane is the only feasible entry point for the project and it makes ft necessary for the north end of the project to be set at an elevation of 100-105. 2. Existing Cobblestone Road and maximum retaining wall heights require that the south end of the project be graded no lower than 142, 3. Existing water and sewer mainlines (to remain) along the eastern edge of the project limit the amount of cut and fill along this edge. IVY - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - INC. 757. W. Ivy Street San Diego, California 92101 619 235 - 5360 fox 619 235 - 5369 10/30/1998 10:46 6192355369 IVY LANDSCAPE ARCH PAGE 02 October 23; 1998 Laurel Tree Apartments Page 2 of 2 IVY As a result of the conditions listed above, the design currently indicates that all buildings and facilities have at least one direct route for handicap accessibility. However, given the site constraints, it is physically not possible to provide handicap accessibility in all locations. Where steps are indicated (for secondary or alternative routes of travel) the physical grade differences will not allow for ramps or alternative handicap accessible routes. Mike, if you have any questions or comments, ptease do not hesitate to call. Cordially, David. IVY - LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS - INC. 2075 LAS PALMAS DR Ph, (760)438-1161 ext4503 FAX(760)438-0894 Carlsbad Building Department Fax To: Joe Simon From: Patrick Kelley Fax: 619-544-8941 Pages: Phone:619-544-8951 Date: July 9,1998 Re: Accessibility Appeal Dated 7-9-98 CC: D Urgent x For Review D Please Comment D Please Reply D Please Recycle • Comments: I reviewed your request. You did not cite the Section of the State Code from which you are appealing. It appears to me that alf doors need 44" clear per 1004. CBC. The copy of the San Diego information sheet does not indicate whether this is for covered multi family dwelling units or DSA covered buildings. Please formulate your appeal with all relevant code sections and your basis for compliance. JUL- 9-98 THU 6:44 AM RODRIGUEZ DES & 0. SIMON FAX NO. 619 544 8941 P. I RODRIGUEZ + SIMON DESIGN ASSOCIATES Architect) fir Planners2359 Fourth Avenue Smn Diego, Cftllfornta 92101 (619)544-8951 (619)544-8941 F»x FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE 7/8/98 SENDING TO CITY OF CARLSBAD JOB NO. ATTENTION PAT KELLEY TEL. (760) 438-1101 XT 4503 FAX (760) 438-0894 CODE INTERPRETATION LANDING AT ACCESSIBLE RESIDENTIAL UNITS PROJECT; PLAN CHECK NO. LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS 98-1544 COPIES 1 1 1 DATE NO. 1 1 3 DESCRIPTION FAXTRANSMITTAL 8 1 /2x1 1 COPY FROM CITY OF SAN DIEGO DISABLED ACCESS MANUAL REDUCED COPY OF UNIT FLOOR PLAN, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below; D For approval D Approved as furnished ED For your use H For review & comment REMARKS: Q Resubmit D As requested Submit Returned PAT, EsQII Corporation Is reviewing the plans for Laurel Three Apartments Located in the City of Carlsbad. Per Dave Yao plan reviewer at EsGH Corporation, 44 inch landing is required at each side of exterior and Interior doors. Alt exterior doors have 44 inches of landing each side. Based on our past experience with the City of San Diego, and my recent phone conversations with Isam Hasenin, 44 inches of landing Is not required at interior doors. Please advise us of city of Carlsbad Interpretation of required landing at interior doors. Attached find copy from multi-family residential disabled access manual of City of San Diego, indicating '44" landing is not required at interior doors.' CO^YTO:SIGNED:JOSEPH SIMON JUL- 9-98 THU 6:44 AM RODEIGUEZ DES & 0. SIMON FAX NO. 619 544 8941 P. 2 INSIDE UNIT Doors (cont.) * Level Landing at entry doors 24 In. mm. ' exterior , 18 In. mln. Interior Note: 44" landing Is not required at other interior doors M- 9-98 THU 6:45 AM RODRIGUEZ DES k 0. SIMON FAX NO. 619 544 8941 P, 3 UNIT PLAN B JUL- 9-98 THU 6:45 RODEIGUEZ DES b O.SIMON FAX MO. 619 544 8941 P, 4 UNIT PLAN A JUL- 9-98 THU 6:46 AM RODRIGUEZ DES & 0. SI FAX HO, 619 544 8941 P. 5 UNIT PLAN C itv off Carlsbad Engineering Department BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: BUILDING ADDRESS: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: CB ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. CA Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: EST. VALUE: DENIAL Please see the attached report of deficiencies marked withB^Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. <^C^ca^T Date: I///&&& FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT: ATTACHMENTS D Dedication Application U Dedication Checklist D Improvement Application [] Improvement Checklist !j Future Improvement Agreement D Grading Permit Application D Grading Submittal Checklist G Right-of-Way Permit Application [] Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet U Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: JOANNE JUCHNIEWICZ City of Carlsbad Address: 2075 Las Palmas Dr.. Carlsbad. CA 92009 Phone: (619)438-1161. ext. 4510 CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: A-4 , CA 92OO9-^576 - (76O) 438-1161 * FAX (76O) 4&13OT69 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST SITE PLAN * STV 9ND/ 3RD/ JA jSf ly 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show:x \ /\ A. North Arrow D. Property Lines B. Existing & Proposed Structures (J> Easements C. Existing Street Improvements F. Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets G. Driveway widths 2. Show on site plan: A. Drainage Patterns 1. Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building." B. Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography Q 3. Include on title sheet: A. Site address B. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE 4a. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for No. . Q Q 4b. All conditions are in compliance. Date: H.^WORD\DOCS^CHKLST^Buikll^o PlatxSiecK Cklsl BP0001 Form JJ.OOC BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS STV oNDv' 3RD/ Q Q 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $ , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 Vz x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by: Date: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS Q Q 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $ , pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows: Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. £> C^OQ 3£ © -y Improvement Plans signed by: Li F>VC( L^ros Date:-- Q Q Q 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $ _ so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows: _ H:\WORD\DOC5\CHKLST\Buikline Plancfleck CklSI BP0001 Form JJ.flOC BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 4 siS pndV ord/ Q Q Q 6c. Enclosed please find your Future Improvement Agreement. Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Future Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: Q Q Q 6d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11.06.030 of the Municipal Code. Q Q Q 7a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). Q Q Q 7b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Li Grading Inspector sign off by: Date: Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) Q Q 7d.No Grading Permit required. Q Q 7e.lf grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Q (£) A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tieing into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-Way permit required for: BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST H:\WORD\DOCS\CHKLS~nBoikJitS) PlanOieck Cktet BP0001 Form JJ.doc t >nd/ A SEWER PERMIT is required concurrent with the building permit issuance. The fee is noted in the fees section on the following page. Q Q 10. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List. You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 153, for assistance. Industrial Waste permit accepted by: Date: Q Q 11. NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. /fO^12. jg(xRequired fees are attached Q No fees required 3 Additional Comments: n H:\WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\Buildine Plancheck Cklsi BP0001 Forni JJ.doc NOX X (D <S> © ® ® ® © ® © a © @ ® ® EASEMENT EASEMENT FOR A UNE OT INDEPENDENT LINE OF POLES MO/OR STEEL TEMQB AM) WIRES AMD/OR CABLES SUSPENDED nCfEON AW SUPPORTED THEREBY; UMXB- GROUND OMWm. CABLES, VAULTS AM) MANHOLES: OTHER COMMUNICATIONS PURPOSES AM) INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO SAN OIEOO G*S k ELECTRIC COMPANY PEP DOCUMENT RECORDED AUBUST 14.1957 IN BK 8706. PG 514 O.R, EASEMENT FOR ROADWY AM) UTILITY PURPOSES. AS RESERVED W TILE INSURANCE AM) TRUST COMPANY IN DOCUMENT RECORDED FEBRUMV 2. 1961 AS FILE NO 19366 O.R. EASEMENT AND RIQHT OF VAT FOR ROW, UTILITY AND INCIDENT*. PURPOSES. AS RESERVED BY TITLE INSUR- ANCE AM) TRUST COWWT IN DOCUMENT RECORDED ffSKJUTf 2, 1»t AS FILE NO 19367. O.R EASQCXr FOR PIPELINE MO INCIDENT*. PURPOSES OttNTED TO ROBERT OE1EY KELLT PER DOOACNT RECORDED OCTOBER 16. 1964 AS FILE NO 189983. O.R. EASEMENT FOR ROAD. 5CTER. HATER. flAS. POiER AM) TELEPHONE LINT AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES 9RW4TED TO SUDAN INTERIOR MISSION. INCORPORATED PER DOCUMENT RECORDED JUNE 20, 1978 AS FILE NO 78-254337, O.R EASEMENT FOR 5OER. ACCESS NO INCIDENTAL PUR- POSES GRANTED TO TtC CITY OF CARLSMD PER DOC- UMENT RECORDED HAY 11. 19B2 AS FILE M> 82-139474. O.R. EASEMENT INBRESS, EGRESS. PUBLIC UTILITY WO INCIDENTAL PURPOSES GRANTED TO SIM USA. INCORPOR- ATED PER DOCUMENT RECORDED APRIL 21 , 1969 AS FILE NO 80-210097. O.R. EASEMENT FOR STREET AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TO THE CITY OF CJWL58AD DEDICATED PER PMCEL MAP 15061. EASEMENT FOR A PIPELINE AND PIPELINES AND INCI- DENTAL PURPOSES TO COSTA REAL MUNICIPAL RATER DISTRICT PER DOCUMENT RECORDED NOV€M0ER 16, 1962 AS FILE NO 196268. O.R. EASDCKT FOR EITHIR OR BOTH POLES LlH£. UNDER- GROUND CONDUITS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES TOGETHER KITH THE RIQHT OF INGRESS TO PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELE6RAPH COMPANY PER DOCUMENT RECORDED MAT 10. 1982 AS FILE NO 82-137219. O.R. EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND UTILITY PURPOSES RESERVED BY ELIZA BITTY KELLY, ET AL. PER DOCUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 8. 1962 AS FILE NO 13*624, O.R. EASEMHNT TO PACIFIC TELEPHONE AMD TELEGRAPH PER DOCUMENT RECORDED JUNE 26, 1967 AS FILE NO 91843. O.R EASEMENT TO COST*. REAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICTPER DOCUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 8, 1981 AS FILE NO 81-383816, O.R. A8UTTERS RIGHTS OF ACCESS RELINQUISHED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD IN AND TO ALGA ROAD (COLLEGE BOULEVARD) PER PARCEL MAP 15661 CH5KBITION TO REMAIN PORTION TO BE QUITCLAIM PORTION TO BE QUITCLAIM TO BE QUITCLAIM TO BEQUITCLAIM TO BE QUITCLAIM NT* Eat"! TO BE GRANTED TO BE QUITCLAIM TO REMAIN TO REMAIN TO BE REMAIN TO BE QUITCLAIM TO BE QUITCLAIM NEW ESM'T TO BE GRANTED TO BE VACATED TO REMAIN ITEM JLEGENII SYMBOL PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE EXISTING PROPERTY LIfC EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING ELEVATION EXISTING CUR8 t GUTTER 6" TYPE "G" CURB k GUTTER P.C.C SIDEWALK 50 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET D Estimate based on unconfirmed information from applicant, based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address:Bldg. Permit No. Prepared by: 7YT Date:Checked by:Dal EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. f <£&*£- O^r^eQ-^s^ (SL^** £v^ O^tc^S ) Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units: X\ /EDU's: */. 4. / Types of Use:Sq. Ft./Units: APT CALCULATIONS: List types and square foot Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Unjtf: Types of Use: FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFD: \m\-\. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE EDU's: all us ^ FEE/UNIT: ^?(SO hfare fee in, AREA & #: met #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) D NO NO. UNITS:£ !. TRAFFIC IMPACT ^EE X FEE/ABT: £<£ THOROUGHFARE FEE /DIST. #1 DIST. #2 X. FEE/APT: £} £> C, DIST. #3 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE \ UNIT/SQ.I 5. SEWER FEE PERMIT N. ZONE: ^ X FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT:=$ EFIT AREA:/ EDU's: X FEE/EDU: I&S V DRAINAGE BASIN: X FEE/EDU: §/S"EWER LATERAL ($2,500) 7. DRAINAGE FEES PLDA_ ACRES: //. e2^ / HIGH X FEE/AC: /LOW = $ TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*: $/3fi£>O'7. " +NOTE: This calculation sheet is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. P:\DOCS\MISFORMS\FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET u/j-tyfff T^ REV 7/13/98 .2/1999 89:01 7604380981 HENTHORN APH2-99 MOK 6:33 AM RODRIGUEZ DZS & 0. SIMON FAX NO, 619 544 694) PAGE 02 P. 1 RODRIGUEZ + SIMON DESIGN ASSOCIATES 3939 r*uftfe AVW {619)544-1921 P ) » n n * r t CillAm!* Ml 91 (619) 544.*941 F« FAX TRANSMITTAL WOE JOB NO. JACK HENTHORN A ASSOCIATES 9431 AVENIDA ENCINAS 9UfTC a CARL8BAO. CA. 02008 JACK TEL.(619)43fr4Q80 PAX (619)436-0961 SMJREITREE WE ARE BENDING YOU D Attadwd Q unoWMpffitoflMrvw G Shop tfmringa D PRINTS D Plan* | D Copyoftaftv D Bwipta* D DATE SQUARE FOOTAGE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED «. ch«*«d btfow: Q Foropproval D Appmwad a* tomlthod (8 Foryouruw Q For rmtaw&oomnMnl REMARKS: D RMubmit D Submit Q Rrturntd SUMMARY OF DAYCARC SQUARE FOOTAGE OAYCARE CLASS AREA: DAYCARE OFFICE AREA (1« Floor Office Ann) TOTAL CLASSROOM OCCUPANCY; CLASSROOM 1: CLASSROOM 2: CLASSROOM 3. TOTAL OCCUPANCY 2.1 OB SQ. FT. NET / 35 SQ. FT. PER OCCUPANT - /^Tfifl7SQ FTGROSSX^ S* 1 ,283 SQ. FT. GRO& ^^ / 3,980 SQ. FT. GROSS "\ \ 734 SQ. FT. NET \ 733 SQ. FT. NET \ 701 SQ. FT, NET \Z.16S SQ.FT. NET 181 .04 OCCUPANTS D EstiTn &r Calcul ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET ate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal. Address: Prepared by: BldQ- Permit N°' Checked by:Date: EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: _ Sq. Ft/Units: Sq. Ft/Units:Types of Use: APT CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. Types of Use: _ Sq. Ft./Units: Sq. Ft./Units:Types of Use: FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFD: EDU's: EDU's: ADT's: ADT's: */ . (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1, reduced Traffic Impact Fee) D NO 1. PARK-IN-LIEU FEE FEE/UNIT: PARK AREA & #: _ X NO. UNITS:=$ 2. TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE ADT's/UNITS:X FEE/ADT: ZONE TRANSPORTATION ADT'S 3. BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST. #1 _ ADT's/UNITS: ?*/ X FEE/ADT:____^_^J_^^_^^^_ ZONE: -5 X 4. FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE UNIT/SQ.FT.: "7?£>/ 5. SEWER FEE PERMIT No. Cj?*?9/ EDU's: V FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT:=$ IEFIT AREA: EDU's: 6. SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) 7. DRAINAGE FEES PLDA_ ACRES: __ll X FEE/EDU:. DRAINAGE BASIN: X FEE/EDU:. : HIGH_ = $ = $ = $Jg /LOW. X FEE/AC:_£2^ TOTAL OF ABOVE FEES*: $ *NOTE: This calculation sheet is NOT a complete list of all fees which may be due. Dedications and Improvements may also be required with Building Permits. P:\DOCS\MISFORMS\FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET REV 4/29/99 a ini 3<*u PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST AddressPlan Check No. CB Planner J)-&^A)& APN: 2.1^-0^0- *4 b Phone (619) 438-1161, extension Type of Project and Use: Zoning: K-U-r( General Plan: CFD fin/oiiti # /M Date of participation: Circle One f\ 15-3, 1*8 Av;*s .roject Densrty:_ Facilities Management Zone: 5 Remaining net dev acres:_ (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: ) Legend:X, Item Complete ( ' Item Incomplete - Needs your action YES V NO ^ -ij 1995 TYPEEnvironmental Review Required: DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditio/iSwhich requireaction. Conditions of Approval: PC KffO 3.8/0-** Discretionary Action Required,: APPROVAL/RESO, NO. PROJECT NO. ,YES V NO DATE TYPE W5 OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state cpndi^jons which require Conditions of Approval: P£ jtfiTd 38/5 ~'ft:>3 7 - ^f 1,576 YES X NO Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES X CA Coastal Commission Authority? If California Coastal Commission Authority; Contact them at - 3111 Camino Del Rio North, Suite 200, San Diego CA 92108-1725; (619) 521-8036 , , Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): rnftf#>| JVs^o/ Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES X NO tf NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2} Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. Inclusronary Housing Fee required: YES NO (Elective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21, 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO (Enter CB 9; UACT; NEXT12; Construct housing Y/N; Enter Fee Amount (See fee schedule for amount); Return) Site Plan: 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines. | | 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Required Required Required Required Shown Shown Shown Shown 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Required Interior Side: Required Street Side: Required Rear: Required Structure separation: Required Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown 3. Lot Coverage:Required Shown 4. Height:Required Shown | 5. Parking: Spaces Required Guest Spaces Required Additional Comments Shown Shown OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER DATE City of Carlsbad 95158-1 Fire Department * Bureau of Prevention Plan Review: Requirements Category: Building Plan Check Date of Report: Saturday. July 4.1998 Reviewed by: Contact Name Jack Henthorn Address 5431 Avenida Encinas Ste J City, State Carlsbad CA 92008 Bldg. Dept. No. CB981966 Planning No. Job Name Laurel Tree Apts Job Address Laurel Tree Ste. or Bldg. No. Approved - The item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans; information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifica- tions, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to construct or install improvements. Disapproved - Please see the attached report of deficiencies. Please make corrections to plans or specifications necessary to indicate compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. For Fire Department Use Only Review 1 st 2nd 3rd Other Agency ID CFD Job# 95158-1 Filetf 2560 Orion Way • Carlsbad, California 92008 • (619) 931-2121 tuiretr»ents Category: Building Plan Check 98226 Deficiency Item: Pending 04 Additional Fire Hydrants Additional fire hydrants shall be provided. Contact the Fire Prevention Bureau lor locations or provide a suitable site plan on which tentative locations can be indicated. Hydrant spacing in single family residential developments shall be 500 feet. Spacing in industrial, commercial and multi-family residential projects shall be 300 feet. The Uniform Fire Code Appendix III-A has been utilized to determe the required (ire flow and number of fire hydrants required. Deficiency Item: Pending 05 Water Improvement Plans Submit water improvement plans for review and approval. Deficiency Item: Pending 06 Fire Apparatus Access Roads Provide a fire apparatus access road in accordance with Uniform Fire Code Section 10.207. This form of access is required when any portion of a building is located more thai 150 from vehicular access. The minimum unobstructed required width is 20 feet. Minimum required vertical clearance is 13 feet 6 inches. Gates securing access roads must provide a clear opening 16 feet in width. Dead-end access roads which exceed 150 feet in length shall be constructed in such a manner that fire apparatus can maneuver to reverse direction on the access road. Cul-de-sacs, tees, bulbs and other configurations intended to satisfy this requirement must be approved by the Chief. Roads shall be constructed to support loads imposed by fire apparatus and shall provide an all weather driving surface. Deficiency Item: Pending 08 Fire Lane Signage Approved signs or methods shall be provided and maintained to identify fire apparatus access roads and state the prohibition of their obstruction. One or more of the following methods may be required. 1. The entire length of the road shall have signs posted at interval no greater than on hundred feet. 2. Standard curbs bordering fire access roads shall have the words "No Parking Fire Lane" painted upon their tops and faces at intervals of not more than twenty-five feet. 3. A monument type sign may be placed at the entrance to a private street. Contact the Fire Prevention Bureau for specific requirements and approval. Deficiency Item: Pending 19 Fire Alarm System Required A fire alarm system is required. Permits are required for the installation of all fire alarm systems. Plans must be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation. Provide a note on the plans that the fire alarm plans must be approved by the fire department prior to installation. Deficiency Item: Pending 32 Clairify occupancy class. Additional Requirements or Comments Page 2 07/04/98 CALIFORNIA GOUVIS ENGINEERING ^CALIFORNIA* STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR A 138 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX JOB NO. DATE PLAN NO. AREA LOCATION DEVELOPER ARCHITECT "LAUREL TREE APARTMENTS" (Revised 07/23/98) 20507 03/10/98 DAY CARE PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD CARLSBAD, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CA MAAC PROJECT RODRIGUEZ + SIMON DESIGN ASSOCIATES INC. DESIGN CRITERIA: A. CODE: 1994 UBC, WIND:C, 70 MPH, SEISMIC ZONE: 4 B. WOOD SPECIES: DOUGLAS FIR LARCH WITH MAX. 19% MOISTURE CONTENT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF FINISH MATERIAL 4X MEMBERS NO. 2 OR BETTER 6X, 8X BEAMS & HEADERS NO. 1 OR BETTER 2X JOISTS & RAFTERS NO. 2 OR BETTER PLATES AND BLOCKING STUD GRADE OR BETTER , STUDS STUD GRADE OR BETTER MUD SILLS PRESSURE TREATED UTILITY GRADE OR BETTER C. ULTIMATE STRENGTH CONCRETE: 2500 PSI (MIN) (U.N.O.) D. ULTIMATE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH MASONRY: 1500 PSI (U.N.O.) E. STRUCTURAL STEEL (A50) (U.N.O.) F. CONVENTIONAL MONO-POUR FOUNDATION SYSTEM SOILS AND GEOLOGYt SOILS REPORT BY: GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. 95-6794 04/02/98 ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING PRESSURE; 2500 PSF NOTE: THIS REPORT TO BE CONSIDERED AS A PART OF THESE CALCULATIONS IN ALL OF ITS REQUIREMENTS. NO OF THESE CALCULATIONS. ID ONLY WHEN BEARING ORIGINAL HEREON. ,rUL 2 8 T/CEO, RCE 38276 FORNIA EXP. DATE 03/31/2000 GOUVIS ENGINmfam, UfififfOF COMPANIES WITH OFFICES IN: 4400 CAMPUS DRIVE, SUITE A, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 * (949)752-1612 2150 E.TAHQUITZ CANYON SUITE 9, PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 * (760)323-5090 5465 MOREHOUSE DRIVE, SUITE 100, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 * (619)623-9941 FAX (949)752-5321 FAX(760)325-2863 FAX (619)623-0278 FIELD OFFICE: LAS VEGAS (702)597-2005 FAX (702)597-0905 * FREMONT (510)252-9195 * FAX (510)252-9196 _TABLE OF CONTENTS Structural Calculation Standard Notes Page 2 CALIFORNIA Client: Date: Revisions Roof Rafter / Floor Joist Span Tables Shear Wall Schedule Anchor Bolt Chart SHEETS 3 4-7 8 9 PLAN Beams .......... '. ............................................................................................. Bl - 7>!>7 Lateral Force Analysis ................................................................................ LI - ]^U^ Foundation .................................................................................................. Fl - Cf- h TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES GEC _ Structural Calculation Standard Notes/TTl REVISION BLOCK FOR PLAN: ]fcf ^ C*Hr Pasc 3 /\rff/ GECJob#:Jcfc7 I f^f Client: ^ 5 • ' Date: /• r,r /^^>CALIFORNIA U /X /^ i DATE 7- 23-12 DATE DATE DATE REVISIONS TO BEAM SHEETS "M^V^/3^/*1 (^^° frrtidv^Ayt. v^M; REVISIONS TO LATERAL SHEETS REVISIONS TO FOUNDATION SHEETS REVISIONS TO MISCELLANEOUS SHEETS 3rbl GEC i i /x=71 ROOF RAFTER / JOIST SPAN TABLE: DFL NO l(xffl NOTE: TLDFL:L/240 / -C7 LL DFL: L/360 CiUFOWlA Structural Calculation Standard Notes 2 page 4 Client: ^ £ SLOPE FLAT TILE <4: 12 <4: 12 SHAKE TILE £4:12 £4:12 LL/DL SIZE SPC 12 2x4 16 24 12 2x6 16 24 12 2x8 16 24 12 2x10 16 24 12 2x12 16 24 12 2x14 16 24 10. / 6.0 20. / 15.0 20. / 18.0 CLG JST RFT RFT 10'-6" 8'-l" 7'-ll" 9*-7" 7*-5" 7*-2" 8M" 6'-5" 6'-2" i5'-r ir-7" ir-4" 13'-2" 10'-1" 9'-10" 2r-ir: i6'-io" i6'-5" 19M1" 15'-4" 14'-11" 17'-4" 13'-4" 13'-0" 27'-l 1" 2P-6" 20'-11" 25'-5" 19* -7" 19'-1" 22'-2" 16'-9" 16'-r 34*-0" 26'-2M 25'-6" 30'-11" 23'-9" 22'-10" 27'-0" 19'-5" 18'-8" 36'-5" 26'-8" 25'-6" 3r-9" 2r-9" 20'- 10" NOTE: A load duration factor of Cd = 1.25 and repetive factor of Cr = 16. / 11.0 16. / 18.0 RFT RFT 8MP 8'-2!i 8'-0" 7*-6" 7'-0" 6'-6" 13'-11" 12'-11" H'-O" 10'-2" 1 0' C" 1 ^* f\**_i Q » j ^ / *y 1O ™o 1 J *J 14f-7" 13 '-6" 23'-5" 2T-9" 21M" 19'-9" 1 O^ T' 1 T O"X o ™ / * / ~fc 28'-6" 26'-6T: 26'-0" 24'-0" OT *)" 1 O* O"^z -*i i y -o 33'-7" 3T-0" 30'-2" 27'-r 24'-8" 22'-0!! 1.15 have been considered. 4np GEC.doc /pT7 MAXIMUM SPAN TABLE FOR DFL NO. 2 FLOOR %£*** Calculanon Standa£ Notes / S-?* / JOISTS G^C Job #: * ^ 7 CAUFOKKU ' Cj-Tn? - Residential reg. Residential TL DFL : L / 240 floor load w/o It. floor joist w/ LL DFL : L / 360 wt. cone, or 3/4" gypcrete gypcrete 40.0/12.0 40.0/17.0 SIZE SPC FLR. JST. FLR. JST. 2X4 12 6'-10" 6'-10" 16 6'-2" 6'-2" 162 5'-l" 5'-P 24 5'-5" 5'-2" 2X6 12 lO'-8" 10'-8" 16 9'-9" 9'-3" 162 7MP 8'-0" 24 7'-ll" T-T 2X8 12 14*-P 13'-6" 16 12'-3" 1T-9" 24 lO'-P 9'-7" 2X10 12 17'-5" 16'-7" 16 15'-0" 14'-5" 162 13MP 13'-9" 24 12'-3" 1T-9" 2X12 12 20'-2" 19'-2" 16 17*-6" 16'-8T> 162 16'-7" 16'-5" 24 14'-3" 13'-7M 2X14 12 22'-6" 21'-1;' 162 19'-4" 19MM 24 15MP 15f-2w Residential Residential floor Deck joist: Commercial floor floorjoistw/ joist w/1 1/2" LL = 60psf Iold.w/2?P5'. « ~, , « * partition A 1 1/21 gypcrete gypcrete DL-12psf n. „.«,«. or gypcrete 40.0/20.0 40.0/24.0 60.0/12.0 50.0/44.0 FLR. JST. FLR. JST. FLR. JST. FLR. JST. 6'-9" 6'-8" 5'-ll" 5?-8" 6'-2" 6'-0" 5'-5" 4MP 5'-P 5T-0" 4f-5" 4f-llf 5'-0" 4M1" 4'-8" 4'-0" 10'-5" lO'-l" 9'-4" 8M" 9*-l" 8'-9" 8*-3" 7'.*)" r-n" r-r r-2" 6M" 7'-4" T-T 6* -8" 5!-10" 1T-6" ll'-P 10'-6" 9*-2" 10'- p 9'-9" 9'-2" 8'-P 9»-4" 9'-0" 8'-6" 7'-5" 14f-0" !3'-7" 12*-10" Hf-2M 13*-4M 12'-11" 12f-l" 10'-8" 1T-5" IT-I" 10'-5" 9'-l" i O * O" iQ'O" 1 T 1'* 1^'rt**A o ~o l O ™^ i / ~ A i ^ "w 16'-3" 15f-9" 14'-10" 13*-0" 20'-10" 20'-2" 19'-2T? 16*-9" 1P'O" 1C*!** 1 £* 1 1 ** 1/1*11"lo*o lo-l lO-il !•* "1 1 14'-9" 14f-3" 13f-6" ll'-lO" NOTE: 1 . The maximum span is based on the maximum allowable stresses or deflection (L/240 for total loads deflection or L/360 for live loads deflection) 2. This maximum span schedule is proved for the control of "bounce" or trampoline effect of floor joist 3. A repetive factor Cr - 1.15 has been considered i \ STAM>ARD NOTES Structural Calculation Standard Note: Pace 6 Client CAUFOKtfU WHEN USING FLAT CONCRETE TILE FOR ROOFING MATERIAL, PLEASE BE AWARE THE SPAN OF ROOF RAFTERS PROVIDED IN ATTACHED TABLE MEETS ALL STRUCTURAL CODE REQUIREMENTS. HOWEVER, WHEN USED TO MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN, RAFTERS MAY SHOW DEFLECTION OR SAG DUE TO THE NATURE AND APPEARANCE OF SUCH TILE MATERIAL. WE SUGGEST THE USE OF PURLIN BEAMS TO CUT THE SPAN OF THE 2 X 10 ROOF RAFTERS TO 16* - 0" AND 2 X 12 RAFTERS TO 20' -0" MAXIMUM, WHEN SPACED AT 16" ON CENTER. ALSO, USE THE DETAIL BELOW FOR CONSTRUCTION TO LIMIT THE DEFLECTION. 1- TYP. R/R SEE PLANS 00 NOT NAIL R/R TO WALL 2- OBL TOP PLATE 3- TS22 (1) EACH SIDE AT EACH END OF R/R 4- ROOF E.N. 5- R/R NOT TO BE NAILED TO SHEAR WALL 6- TS22 7- SECTION A SHEAR TRANSFER/CONNECTION DETAIL 6S1GEC CALIFORNIA Structural Calculation Standard NoteMAXIMUM SPAN TABLE FOR DFL No. 2 FLOOR Page 7 JOISTS GECJob#: t*.fc7 Client: 2 £ 6 fffa Date: THE FOLLOWING TABLE HAS BEEN CREATED AS A GUIDE TO ASSIST IN THE CONTROL OF THE "BOUNCE" OR TRAMPOLINE EFFECT OF RESIDENTIAL FLOOR JOISTS OF VARIOUS SIZES. AND RELATING TO THEIR MAXIMUM SPANS TO MINIMIZE THE SAID EFFECT. 2X4 2X6 2X8 2X10 2X12 2X14 At12"o.c. 5' - 8" 8* -11" 11'-11" 14' -11" 18' -3" 21' -6" At16"o.c.5'-r 8' -2" 10' -6" 13' -10" 16* -7" 19' -4" At 24" o.c. 6' -11" , 8'-10" 11' -4" 13' -9" 16' -3" SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE 1994 UBC (Revised 03/19/97) CALIFORNIA Structural Calculation Standard Notes Page 8 GEJob#: Client: Date: 8. 7/8" STUCCO OVER PAPER-BACKED LATH WITH 1 6 GAUGE STAPLES AT 6" O.C. AT TOP .AND BOTTM PLATES. EDGE OF SHEAR WALL AND ON FIELD (**) ISO*1 1 0. 3/8" APA RATED PLYWOOD WITH 8d COMMON NAILS AT 6" o.c. AT EDGES AND 12" O.C. FIELD (TABLE 23-I-K-l UBC) 1 1 . 3/8" APA RATED PLYWOOD WITH 8d COMMON NAILS AT 4" O.C. AT EDGES AND 12" O.C. FIELD (TABLE 23-I-K-l UBC) 380#/' 12. 3/8" APA RATED PLYWOOD WITH 8d COMMON NAILS AT 3" O.C. ATEDGES AND 1 2" O.C. FIELD (TABLE 23-I-K- 1 UBC) (* * *) 490#/' 13. 15/32" STRUCTURAL I PLYWOOD WITH lOd COMMON NAILS AT 3" O.C. AT EDGES AND 12" O.C. FIELD (TABLE 23-I-K-l UBC) (***) 665#/' 14. 15/32" STRUCTURAL I PLYWOOD WITH 10d COMMON NAILS AT 2" O.C. AT EDGES AND 12" O.C. HELD (TABLE 23-I-K-l UBC) (***)870#/' 16D SILL PLATE NAILING (SINKER SAO.) 8" O.C. 4" O.C. 3" O.C. 3" O.C. SEE PLAN SEE PLAN * * SHEAR PANEL TYPE 8 SHALL BE APPLIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ICBO REPORT =13 18 JULY 1996, WITH 16 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE WITH 7/8" LEG AND 3/4" CROWN (WALL SECTIONS HAVING HEIGHT TO LENGTH RATIOS IN EXCESS OF 1 1 /2" TO 1" SHALL BE BLOCKED). *** PROVIDE 3" NOMINAL OR WIDER FRAMING AT ADJOINING PANEL EDGES WITH \AILS STAGGERED FOR SHEAR PANEL TYPES 13 AND 14. .ALTERNATE TO ANCHOR BOLT SPACING Structural Calculation Standard Note Page 9 CALIFORNIA Client:DMK SHEAR \rr D1A A.B. SIMPSON MAS SIMPSON MA4 SIMPSON MA6 SILVER FA23 LOAD REVISED ONPTDF* 2X4ONPTDF* 3X4,2X6 OR 3X6 ONPTDF 124 68"46'64"60' 140 72"60"40"58*54" 158 64'52"36"50"48' 181 56"46"30"44'42" :n 48"40'24"38"36* 40"32"20"32"30' 516 32'24"16"24"24" 24"18"12'18"18" 633 16'12"12"12" 844 12"N/A 8" 925 8"N/A 8"8" 1266 8'N/A N/A N/A N/A ALL MUD SILL .ANCHORS REQUIRE MONOLITHIC SLAB OR FOUNDATION A.B. IN CONCRETE: UBC TABLE 23IF [SECTION 2311.2] V - 625 (1.33) - 831.2 CONCRETE GOVERNS SILVER: ALLOWABLE LOAD PARALLEL TO PLATE ON 2 X 6 PRESSURE TREATED D.F. - 620#, PER 1CBO 2108 FEBRUARY 199-i. \\*HERE USED TO REPLACE FOUNDATION BOLTS, THE 2-BY 6-INCH FOUNDATION ANCHORS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 5 FEET FOR DOUGLAS FIR-LARCH OR SOUTHERN PINE AND 4-FEET FOR OTHER WOOD SPECIES. THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWO ANCHORS PER PIECE, WITH ONE ANCHOR LOCATED WITHIN 12- INCHES OF EACH END. SIMPSON: ALLOWABLE LOAD PARALLEL TO PLATE FOR PRESSURE - {720# SIMPSON MAS {480# SIMPSON MA W/2 X 4 SILL {680# SIMPSON MA W/3X4 OR 2X6 SILL 9abGEC Rev. 1/3/97 QOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET : JOB NO- : CLIENT : PLAN NO.: DATE : 6.1 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY__CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER: MEHDI(VER4.20) PRIMARY ROOF LOADING Pitch K ~ T n c r e a s e f o r P I *". c h TRUSSi24" OC) PLYWOODf1/2" ) 1/2" GYP. BOARD CONG. RLE • x K Misc . Total Dead Load (psf) Snow Load (psf) Live Load (psf J Total Load (psf) 06.0:12 1 -12 ;: . 40 .1 - 7 3 2 - 20 11.18 2.49 20.00 o.oo 16.OO 36.00 SECONDARY ROOF LOADING Pitch K " Increase for Pitch TAPERED TJI x K PLYWOOD (1/2" ) x K 1/2" GYP. BOARD BUILT UP x K Misc. Total Dead Load Snow Load Live Load Total Load (psf) 15.00 (psf j O..OO (psf) 2O.OO (psf) 36.00 PRIMARY FLOOR LOADING 14" TJI/250 © 12" 0/C 2.6O PLYWOOD(3/4" ) 7.25 1/2" GYP. BOARD 2.20 CARPET l.OO 1 1/2" LIGHTWEIGHT C ' 15,OO Misc. 1.95 Partition O-OO Total Oead Load (psf) 25.OO Live Load (psf) 50.OO Total Load (psf) 75.00 SECONDARY FLOOR LOADING JOIST(2xlO 16" OC) PLYWOOD(3/4" ) PLASTER FINISH 2" LIGHTWFIGHT CONOR Misc. Partition Total Head Load Live Load (psf) 40.OO (psf) 100.OO Total Load (psf ) 140.,OO PRIMARY DECK LOADING PLYWOOD (.3/4" ) 2-25 FINISH 3.0O 2X.1O 16" OC 3-23 7/8" Plaster 10-OO 2" LIGHTWEIGHT CONCR 20.OO Misc. Load 1.52 Total Dead Load (psf.) 40.OO Live Load (psf) 6O..OO Total Load (psf )10O.OO GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA „ SHEET Y-> JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 1 HDR LEFT OF COMMUNITY OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 5.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 5.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 5.0' POINT LOAD : @ 1.2'(G=- 2250 ) EXTERIOR WALL : 45 PLF = 3.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 5.00' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT MAX. DOWNWARD(G) 1850.0 725.0 MAX. UPLIFT (G) 0.0 0.0 *** USE DFL N01 6x6 DROP BM/HDR *** CRIT MOMENT » 2262 LB*FT ® 1.25' RATIO=0.653(Fb= 1500 S= 27.73) GRIT DEFLTN = -0.065 INCH @ 2.25' CRIT SHEAR = 1812 LB @ 0.58' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.846(Fv=106 A« 30.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 BEAM NUMBER: 2 HDR REAR OF OFFICE 2 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 7.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 7.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 7.0' SECONDARY ROOF : 280 PLF=16.0*(15+20)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 7.00' EXTERIOR WALL : 45 PLF = 3.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 7.00' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT MAX. DOWNWARD(G) 1207.5 1207.5 MAX. UPLIFT (G) 0.0 0.0 *** USE DFL NO1 6x6 DROP BM/HDR *** CRIT MOMENT « 2113 LB*FT @ 3.50' RATIO=0.610(Fb= 1500 S= 27.73) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.153 INCH @ 3.50' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.350 CRIT SHEAR = 1006 LB @ 6.42' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.470(Fv=106 A= 30.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAN NUMBER: 3 CLG BH AT OFFICE 4 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 13.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD + ) BEAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 13.0' PRIMARY ROOF : 252 PLF=14.0*(20+16)/2 FROM SECONDARY ROOF : 70 PLF= 4.0*(15+20)/2 FROM EXTERIOR WALL : 45 PLF = 3.0' * 15.0 FROM REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 2580.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 RIGHT 2580.5 0.0 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) 13.00 TO 13.00' TO 13.00' TO 13.00' GRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 10 DROP BM/HDR *** 8387 LB*FT @ 6.50' RATIO=0.721(Fb= 1688 S= 82.73) -0.406 INCH @ 6.50' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.650 2217 LB @ 12.08' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.599(Fv=106 A= 52.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 BEAM NUMBER: 4 HDR REAR OF OFFICE 4 REACTION AT: 0.00OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 4.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 4.0' POINTFROM : DOWN=2580 @1.00'(L. OF BM 3) PRIMARY ROOF : 288 PLF^16.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 4.00 4.00' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 2551.4 0.0 RIGHT 1261.1 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6x8 DROP BM/HDR *** 2397 LB*FT @ 1.00' RATIO=0.372(Fb= 1500 S= 51.56) -0.019 INCH @ 1.83' 2320 LB @ 0.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.794(Fv=106 A= 41.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 5 CLG BMN AT MEKS REACTION AT: 0.00 13.5 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 13.50 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO POINT LOAD : @ 1.0'(G= 360 ) PRIMARY ROOF : 252 PLF=14.0*(20+16)/2 FROM EXTERIOR WALL : 45 PLF = 3.0' * 15.0 FROM 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) 13.50 REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 2540.6 0.0 0.00' TO 13.50' 0.00' TO 13.50' RIGHT 2233.9 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 10 DROP BM/HDR *** 7631 LB*FT @ 6.67' RATIO=0.656 (Fb=* 1688 S= 82.73) -0.400 INCH @ 6.75' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.675 2241 LB @ 0.92' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.605(Fv=106 A= 52.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 BEAM NUMBER: 6 CLG BM LEFT OF LOBBY OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 13.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 13.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD + ) BEAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 13.0' PRIMARY ROOF : 207 PLF-11.5*(20+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 8.00' PRIMARY ROOF : 126 PLF= 7.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 8.00' TO 13.00' EXTERIOR WALL : 45 PLF = 3.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 13.00' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 1755.1 0.0 RIGHT 1505.9 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6x8 DROP BM/HDR *** 5462 LB*FT @ 6.25' RATIO=0.847(Fb= 1500 S= 51.56) -0.532 INCH @ 6.42' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.650 1544 LB @ 0.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.528(Fv=106 A= 41.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 7 CLG BM FRONT OF COMMUNITY OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 25.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 25.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD + ) BEAM WEIGHT : 40.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 25.0' PRIMARY ROOF : 144 PLF= 8.0*(20+16)/2 FROM PLF= 2.0*(15+20)/2 FROM PLF = 3.0' * 15.0 FROM SECONDARY ROOF EXTERIOR WALL 35 45 REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 3300.0 0.0 0.00' 0.00' 0.00' RIGHT 3300.0 0.0 TO TO TO 25 25 25 At .00 .00 .00 GRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 16 DROP BM/HDR *** 20625 LB*FT @ 12.50' RATIO^O.688(Fb= 1634 S= 220.23) -0.850 INCH @ 12.50' BASED ON (L/ 240)« 1.250 2926 LB @ 1.42' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.485(Fv=106 A= 85.25 MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 3 1/2 x 16 *** W/ LEFT; 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 8 CLG BM AT LOUNGE REACTION AT: 0.00 11.00OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 11.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 11.0' SECONDARY ROOF : 385 PLF=22.0*(15+20)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 11.00' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 2227.5 0.0 RIGHT 2227.5 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6x8 DROP BM/HDR *** 6126 LB*FT @ 5.50' RATIO=0.950(Fb= 1500 S= 51.56) -0.234 INCH @ 5.50' BASED ON (L/ 480)= 0.275 1924 LB @ 0.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.658(Fv=106 A= 41.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 9 HDR RIGHT OF LOUNGE OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 3.25 LOADS (DOWNWARD +} REACTION AT: 0.00 3.25 BEAM WEIGHT : POINTFROM : SECONDARY ROOF : PRIMARY FLOOR : EXTERIOR WALL : REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 3.2' DOWN=2228 @2.50'(R. OF BM 8) 332 PLF=19.0*(15+20)/2 FROM 0.00' 338 PLF= 9.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' 165 PLF = 11.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO TO TO 25 25 3.25' LEFT 1903.4 0.0 RIGHT 3102.8 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6x8 DROP BM/HDR *** 2118 LB*FT @ 2.25' RATIO=0.329(Fb= 1500 S= 51.56) -0.006 INCH @ 1.75' 1262 LB @ 0.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.432(Fv=106 A= 41.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 BEAM NUMBER: 10 LEFT STAIRS LANDING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 4.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 4.50 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 4.5' SECONDARY FLOOR: 770 PLF=*11. 0* (40 + 100) /2 FROM 0.00' TO 4.50' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 1777.5 0.0 RIGHT 1777.5 0.0 *** USE DFL N02 4x8 DROP BM/HDR *** CRIT MOMENT = 2000 LB*FT @ 2.25' RATIO^O.688(Fb= 1138 S= 30.66) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.029 INCH @ 2,25' CRIT SHEAR = 1201 LB @ 0.73' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.748(Fv= 95 A= 25.38; MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 3 1/2 x 9 1/2 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) SEAM NUMBER: 11 HOR LEFT OF CLASS 1 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 10.25 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 BEAM WEIGHT : PRIMARY ROOF : PRIMARY FLOOR : POINTFROM : EXTERIOR WALL : REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARO(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0* TO 10.2 450 PLF=25.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 1312 PLF~35.iJ«(2S*50)/2 FROM DOWN=1778 @7.00*(R. OF BM 10) 180 PLF = 12.0* * 15.0 FROM 0.00 0.00 10.25 TO 10.25 TO 10.25 LEFT 10471.6 0.0 0.00' TO 10.25' RIGHT 11121.9 0.0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 5 1/8 X 15 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 4x6 POST RIGHT: 4x6 POST ***0.125" CAMBER UP 9 SPAN( 5.2') CRIT MOMENT = 25742 L8*FT 9 5.42* RATIO=0.670(Fb= 2400 S= 192,19) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.115 INCH 9 5.17' CRIT SHEAR = 7714 LB 9 8.88' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.912(Fv=165 A= 76.88) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 11 7/8 *** W/ LEFT: 4x6 POST RIGHT: 4x6 POST 0) .50) BEAM NUMBER: 12 DROP BM AT REAR PATIO REACTION AT: 0.00OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 19.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 19.0' PRIMARY ROOF : 126 PLF= 7.0*(20+16)/2 FROM EXTERIOR WALL : 30 PLF = 2.0' * 15.0 FROM 19.00 REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 1767.0 0.0 0.00' TO 19.00' 0.00' TO 19.00' RIGHT 1767.0 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO2 4 x 14 DROP BM/HDR *** 8393 LB*FT @ 9.50' RATIO=0.899(Fb= 1094 S= 102.41) -0.502 INCH @ 9.50' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.950 1538 LB @ 1.23' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.419{Fv=119 A= 46.38) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 2 11/16 x 11 7/8 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 13 FLUSH BM REAR OF CLASS 2 4-4" ) OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 21.00 BEAM WEIGHT : 40.0 PRIMARY ROOF : 36 SECONDARY ROOF : 280 EXTERIOR WALL : 165 PRIMARY FLOOR : 75 REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) PLF FROM 0.0' TO PLF= 2.0*(20+16)/2 PLF=16.0*(15+20}/2 PLF = 11.0' * 15.0 PLF« 2.0*(25+50)/2 LEFT 6201.9 0.0 21.0' FROM FROM FROM FROM 0 0 0 0 .00' .00' .00' .00' TO TO TO TO 21 21 21 21 .00' .00' .00' .00' RIGHT 6201.9 0.0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 5 1/8 x 15 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD ***0.625" CAMBER UP @ SPAN(10.5') GRIT MOMENT = 32560 LB*FT @ 10.50' RATIO=0.722(Fb» 2816 S= 192.19) GRIT DEFLTN = -0.996 INCH @ 10.50' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 1.050 GRIT SHEAR = 5390 LB @ 19.62' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.510(Fv=206 A= 76.88) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 14 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 14 FLUSH BM AT CLASS 2 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 21.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD + ) BEAM WEIGHT : 40,0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 21.0' POINT LOAD : @ 4.0'(G= 2250 ) PRIMARY FLOOR : 75 PLF= 2.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 21.00' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 3028.9 0.0 RIGHT 1636.1 0.0 *** USE DFL NO1 6 X 12 DROP BM/HDR *** GRIT MOMENT = 11638 LB*FT @ 6.75' RATIO«0.683(Fb« 1688 S- 121.23) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.820 INCH @ 9.92' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 1.050 CRIT SHEAR = 2904 LB @ 1,08' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.648(Fv=106 A= 63.25! MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 3 1/2 X 11 7/8 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 15 FLUSH BM AT CLASS 2 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD + ) REACTION AT: 0.00 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDI(VER4.20) 21.00 BEAM WEIGHT : PRIMARY ROOF : SECONDARY ROOF : PRIMARY FLOOR : INTERIOR WALL : REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 40.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 21.0' 288 280 75 120 PLF=16.0*(20+16)/2 FROM PLF=16.0*(15+20)/2 FROM 4.00' TO 21.00' 4.00' TO 21.00' PLF= 2.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 21.00' PLF = 12.0' * 10.0 FROM 4.00' TO 21.00' LEFT 5772.4 0.0 RIGHT 7920.5 0.0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 6 3/4 x 15 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: User Designs Trimmer/Post ***0.500" CAMBER UP @ SPAN(10.6') GRIT MOMENT = 40297 LB*FT @ 10.83' RATIO^O.697(Fb= 2740 S = 253.12) GRIT DEFLTN = -0.925 INCH @ 10.58' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 1.050 GRIT SHEAR = 6850 LB @ 19.62' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.492(Fv=206 A=101.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 16 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 16 FLUSH BM AT CLASS 3 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 40.0 PLF FROM 0.0' PRIMARY ROOF : 288 SECONDARY ROOF : 280 PRIMARY FLOOR : 75 REACTION AT: 0.00 21.00 TO 21.0 PLF=16.0* (20+16) /2 FROM PLF=16.0* (15+20) /2 FROM PLF= 2.0* (25+50) /2 FROM 0.00' TO 21.00' 0.00' TO 21.00' 0.00' TO 21.00' INTERIOR WALL : REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 120 PLF 12.0' * 10.0 FROM 0.00' TO 21.00' LEFT 8037.8 0.0 RIGHT 8037.8 0.0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 6 3/4 x 15 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: User Designs Trimmer/Post ***0.625" CAMBER UP @ SPAN(IO.S') CRIT MOMENT = 42198 LB*FT @ 10.50' RATIO=0.729(Fb= 2743 S= 253.12) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.980 INCH @ 10.50' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 1.050 CRIT SHEAR = 6985 LB @ 1.38' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.502(Fv=206 A-101.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 16 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 17 HDR LEFT OF CLASS 2 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 4.25 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 4.25 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM O.Q' TO 4.2* LOADFROM : 1434 PLF ® 0.0' (L. OF 4) TO 1434 PLF ® 4.2'(L. OF 4) . PRIMARY FLOOR : 1312 PLF=35. 0* (254 50) /2 FROM 0.00' TO 4.25' r 2.I/ /Z^tV°o) REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT j MAX. DOWNWARD(G) 5877.8 5877.8 MAX. UPLIFT (G) 0.0 0.0 I *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 10 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRINMER/STUD i . GRIT MOMENT = 5421 LB*FT ® 2.17' RATIO=0.582(Fb= 1350 S= 82.73) *' GRIT DEFLTN = -0.023 INCH « 2.17' ! . CRIT SHEAR = 2902 LB ® 3.33' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.980(Fv= 85 A= 52.25) ; MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 51/4x9 1/2 i *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STOD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 18 FLUSH BM CLASS 2 , " v OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 21.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 40.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 21.0' POINT LOAD : @ 4.0'{G= 2376 ) PRIMARY FLOOR : 75 PLF= 2.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 21.00' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT MAX. DOWNWARD(G) 3130.9 1660.1 MAX. UPLIFT (G) 0.0 0.0 *** USE DFL N02 4 x 16 DROP BM/HDR *** * CRIT MOMENT = 11982 LB*FT @ 6.58' RATIO=0.969(Fb= 1094 S= 135.66) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.567 INCH @ 9.83' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 1.050 CRIT SHEAR = 2970 LB @ 1.40' 1. 5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.703 (Fv=*119 A= 53.38) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 3 1/2 x 11 7/8 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NIMER: 19 HDR LEFT OF CLASS 2 4.25 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 4.25OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 4.2' POINTFROM : DOWN=3131 62.50'(L OF BM 18) PRIMARY FLOOR : 1312 HF=35.0*(2!*5e#g FROM 0.00' TO SECONDARY FLOOR; 1435 PLF 20.5* TOill&fe FROM 0.00' TO 4.25' - 4.25' REACTIONS (LBS MAX. DOWNWARD(G MAX. UPLIFT (G LEF 7170.10.0 RIOT" 7722.7 0.0 *** USE DFL NOl 6 X 14 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIWER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRI^tCR/STUD CRIT MOMENT = 8397 LB*FT 8 2.50' RATIO0.454(FB= 1327 S= 167.06) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.010 INCH 8 2.17' CRIT SHEAR =3760 LE 8 3.00' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*Ar0.894(Fv^ 85 A= 74.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 51/4x9 1/2 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIht€R/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIIfER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 20 HDR RIGHT OF CLASS 2 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 4.25 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 4.25 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 4.2' POINTFROM : DOWN=1660 @2.50'(R. OF BM 18) PRIMARY FLOOR : 1575 PLF=42.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 4.25 REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 4072.9 0.0 RIGHT 4365.9 0.0 *** USE DPL NOl 6 X 10 DROP BM/HDR *** CRIT MOMENT = 4991 LB*FT @ 2.50' RATIO=0.536(Fb= 1350 S= 82.73) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.015 INCH @ 2.17' CRIT SHEAR = 2785 LB @ 3.33' 1. 5*SHEAR/Fv*A=*0.941 (Fv= 85 A= 52.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 25 FLUSH BM AT CHILD REST ROOM OVER-ALL LENGTH LOADS (DOWNWARD BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM POINTFROM POINTFROM PRIMARY ROOF PRIMARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR EXTERIOR WALL REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) (FT): 14.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 6.00 14.00 20.0 LB FROM 0.0' TO 14.0' DOWN=2551 @6.50' (L. OF BM 4) DOWN=1261 ©11.00' (R. OF BM 4) DOWN=2723 @12.00'(L. OF BM 24) 288 PLF=16.0* (20+16) /2 FROM 0.00 288 PLF=16. 0* (20+16) /2 FROM 11.00 TO 6.50' TO 14.00' 100 180 PLF= 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 14.00' PLF a 12.0' * 15.0 FROM 11.00' TO 14.00' LEFT 694.0 -122.5 MIDDLE 7070.5 0.0 RIGHT 4031.4 0.0 *** USE DFL N02 4 x 14 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ M.:User Designs Trimmer/Post R.:2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD CRIT MOMENT = 5758 LB*FT @ 12.00' RATIO=0.771(Fb« 875 S» 102.41) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.054 INCH @ 10.67' CRIT SHEAR = 2773 LB @ 12.77' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.944(Fv= 95 A= 46.38) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 2 11/16 x 9 1/2 *** W/ M.:User Designs Trimmer/Post R.:2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 26 BM AT RIGHT STAIRS OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 11.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 11.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF PROM 0.0' TO 11.0' POINTFROM : DOWN=4031 @1.50' (R. OF BM 25) SECONDARY FLOOR: 193 PLF= 2.8* (40 + 100)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 11.00' POINT LOAD : REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) @ 1.5'(G= 936 ) LEFT 5472.0 0.0 RIGHT 1851.5 0.0 ri tf *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 14 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD CRIT MOMENT * 6768 LB*FT @ 3.00' RATIO=0,366(Fb= 1327 S= 167.06) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.048 INCH @ 5.17' CRIT SHEAR = 4239 LB @ 1.25' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=l.007(Fv= 85 A= 74.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 2 11/16 x 9 1/2 *** W/ LEFT: 4x4 POST GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 27 FLUSH BM FRONT OF CLASS 3 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 15.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 feis 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) 15.00 BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM POINTFROM PRIMARY FLOOR SECONDARY FLOOR EXTERIOR WALL REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 30.0 LB FROM 0.0' TO 15.0' DOWN=5472 ©8.00'(L. OF BM 26} DOWN=*1215 @10.00'(L. OF BM 23) 100 PLF= 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 15.00' 490 PLF= 7.0*(40+100)/2 FROM 10.00' TO 15.00' 180 PLF = 12.0' * 15.0 FROM 8.00' TO 15.00' LEFT 4637.0 0.0 RIGHT 7712.3 0.0 *** *** USE GLB 24F V4 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 DROP BM/HDR *** W/ RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD ***0.375" CAMBER UP @ SPAN( 7.8') GRIT MOMENT = 29323 LB*FT @ 8.00' RATIO=0.960(Fb= 2355 S= 155.67) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.617 INCH @ 7.83' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.750 CRIT SHEAR = 6197 LB @ 13.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.814(Fv=165 A= 69.19) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 14 *** W/ RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 28 HDR AT CHILDS REST OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 2.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 2.5' POINTFROM : DOWN=4637 @0.25'(L. OF BM 27) POINTFROM : DOWN=7070 @2.00/(M. OF BM 25) 2.50 REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 5618.6 0.0 RIGHT 6169.8 0.0 *** USE DFL NO1 $ x 6 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD CRIT MOMENT » 3082 LB*FT @ 2.00' RATIO=0.889(Fb« 1500 S= 27.73) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.025 INCH @ 1.33' CRIT SHEAR = 970 LB @ 0.58' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.453(Fv=106 A= 30.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI ( VER4 .20) BEAM NUMBER: 29 PLUSH BM AT PROMT HALL *t °\ REACTION AT: 0.00 17.00OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 17.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 17.0' POINTFROM : DOWN=2580 912.75' (R. OF BM 3) PRIMARY FLOOR : 100 PLF= 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 17.00' INTERIOR WALL : 120 PLF = 12.0' * 10.0 FROM 0.00' TO 12.00' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT MAX. DOWNWARD (G) 2683.0 3549.7 MAX. UPLIFT (G) 0.0 0.0 fexU- *** USE DFL N01 <-v 1? DROP BM/HDR *** CRIT MOMENT = 11862 LB*FT @ 9.75' RATIO=0.870 (Fb=* 1350 S= 121.23) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.665 INCH @ 8.83' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.850 CRIT SHEAR = 3409 LB @ 15.92' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=Q.761(Fv=106 A= 63.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 3 1/2 x 11 7/8 *** W/ RIGHT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 30 HDR AT RIGHT STAIRS OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 3.25 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 3.25 BEAM WEIGHT : POINTFROM : SECONDARY ROOF : PRIMARY FLOOR : EXTERIOR WALL : REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 3.2' DOWN=3550 @1.25' (R. OF BM 29) 79 PLF= 4.5*(15+20)/2 FROM 0.00' 638 PLF=17.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' 180 PLF = 12.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO TO TO 3.25' 3.25' 3.25' LEFT 3673.3 0.0 RIGHT 2854.2 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6 X 10 DROP BM/HDR *** 3250 LB*FT @ 1.25' RATIO^O. 349 (Fb=* 1350 S= 82.73) -0.010 INCH @ 1.58' 2346 LB @ 0.92' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.792(Fv= 85 A= 52.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 31 DECK BM AT CONFERENCE OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 13.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 13.00 BEAM WEIGHT : PRIMARY ROOF : PRIMARY FLOOR : DECK : EXTERIOR WALL : REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 13.0' 54 PLF= 3.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 13.00 75 PLF= 2.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 250 PLF= 5.0*(40+60)/2 FROM 180 PLF = 12.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 13.00 0.00' TO 13.00 0.00' TO 13.00 LEFT 3828.5 0.0 RIGHT 3828.5 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 12 DROP BM/HDR *** 11936 LB*FT @ 6.50' RATIO=0.875(Fb= 1350 S« 121.23) -0.339 INCH @ 6.50' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.650 3060 LB @ 1.08' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.854(Fv» 85 A= 63.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 2 11/16 X 14 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 32 HDR AT DECK FRONT OF LOBBY OVER -ALL LENGTH (FT): 10.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 10.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 10.0' DECK : 425 PLF= 8 . 5* (40+60) /2 FROM 0.00' TO 10.00 EXTERIOR WALL : 60 PLP = 4.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 10.00 REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 2525.0 0.0 RIGHT 2525.0 0.0 *** USE DFL NO2 4 x 14 DROP BM/HDR *** CRIT MOMENT = 6313 LB*FT @ 5.00' RATIO^O . 845 (Fb= 875 S= 102.41) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.053 INCH @ 5.00' CRIT SHEAR = 1904 LB @ 1.23' 1 . 5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0 . 648 (Fv» 95 A= 46.38) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 2 11/16 X 9 1/2 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 33 FLUSH BM AT LOBBY OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 18.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 7.50 18.00 BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM SECONDARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR DECK DECK EXTERIOR WALL REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 18.0' DOWN=1506 @6.50' (R. OF BM 6) 228 PLF=13.0*(15+20)/2 FROM 7.50' TO 18.00' PLF= 2.0* (25+50) /2 FROM 0.00' TO 18.00' PLF= 7. 5* (40+60) /2 FROM 0.00' TO 75 375 425 180 7.50' PLF= 8.5*(40+60)/2 FROM 7.50' TO 18.00' PLF = 12.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 18.00' LEFT 1788.8 0.0 MIDDLE 10867.6 0.0 RIGHT 4020.8 0.0 *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 14 DROP BM/KDR *** *** W/ M.:4x6 POST CRIT MOMENT = -8670 LB*FT @ 7.50' RATIO=0.469(Fb= 1327 S= 167.06) GRIT DEFLTN = -0.043 INCH @ 13.08' CRIT SHEAR = 4016 LB @ 8.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.954(Fv= 85 A= 74,25 MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 3 1/2 X 9 1/2 *** W/ M.:User Designs Trimmer/Post R.:2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 34 DECK BM FRONT OF ELEVATOR OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 11.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 11.50 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 11.5' SECONDARY FLOOR: 385 PLF= 5.5*(40+100)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 11.50' EXTERIOR WALL : 60 PLF = 4.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 11.50' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 2673.8 0.0 RIGHT 2673.8 0.0 *** USE DFL NO1 8 x 10 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: User Designs Trimmer/Post CRIT MOMENT = 7687 LB*FT @ 5.75' RATIO=0.681(Fb= 1200 S= 112.81) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.126 INCH @ 5.75' CRIT SHEAR = 2248 LB @ 0.92' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.557(Fv= 85 A= 71.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 7x9 1/2 *** w/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: User Designs Trimmer/Post GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE & 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 35 HDR LEFT OF CONFERENCE OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 3.25 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 3.25 BEAM WEIGHT : POINTFROM : PRIMARY FLOOR : PRIMARY ROOF : EXTERIOR WALL : REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 3.2' DOWN=4021 @1.00'(R. OF BM 33) 488 PLF=13.0*{25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' 234 PLF=13.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO TO 180 PLF * 12.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 3.25' 3.25' 3.25' LEFT 4281.1 0.0 RIGHT 2734.6 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL N01 6 x 10 DROP BM/HDR *** 3300 LB*FT @ 1.00' RATIO^O.355(Fb- 1350 S= 82.73) -0.010 INCH @ 1.50' 2959 LB @ 0.92' 1. 5*SHEAR/Fv*A=*0 . 999 (Fv» 85 A= 52.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 BEAM NUMBER: 36 FLUSH BM REAR OF LOBBY ,4 US0 glA OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 12.00 REACTION AT: 0.00 12.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 12.0' SECONDARY ROOF : 472 PLF=27.0*(15+20)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 12.00' PRIMARY FLOOR : 100 PLF= 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 12.00' INTERIOR WALL : 90 PLF = 9.0' * 10.0 FROM 0.00' TO 12.00' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 4080.2 0.0 RIGHT 4080.2 0.0 *** USE DFL NO2 4 A 1C DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD CRIT MOMENT = 12241 LB*FT @ 6.00' RATIO=0.990(Fb= 1094 S= 135.66) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.192 INCH @ 6.00' BASED ON (L/ 240)» 0.600 CRIT SHEAR = 3131 LB @ 1.40' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.741(Fv=119 A= 53.38) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 2' 11/1G K 11 -7/8 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY__CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 37 FLUSH BM LEFT OF OFFICE OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 10.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD + ) REACTION AT: 0.00 5.50 10.00 BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM POINTFROM POINTFROM PRIMARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR PRIMARY FLOOR INTERIOR WALL REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD (G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 10.0' DOWN=2234 @3.00'(R. OF BM 5) DOWN=2683 @3.00'(L. OF BM 29) DOWN=4080 ©3.00'(R. OF BM 36) 234 PLF=13.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 3.00' 1088 PLF^29.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' 900 PLF=24.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 5.50' 120 PLF = 12.0' * 10.0 FROM 3.00' TO 10 TO 5 00 50 LEFT 5759.9 0.0 MIDDLE 15204.2 0.0 TO 10.00' TO 10.00' RIGHT 1604.9 -604.1 *** USE DFL NO1 8 x 16 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ L.:User Designs Trimmer/Post M.:User Designs Trimmer/Post R.:User D CRIT MOMENT = 12304 LB*FT @ 3.00' RATIO=0.301(Fb= 1634 S= 300.31) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.014 INCH @ 2.67' CRIT SHEAR = 8220 LB @ 4.08' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.998(Fv=106 A=116.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 *** W/ L.:2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD M.:User Designs Trimmer/Post BEAM NUMBER: 38 FLUSH BM AT RECEPTION 8 *A OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 11.50 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 11.50 BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM POINTFROM PRIMARY ROOF LOADFROM PRIMARY FLOOR INTERIOR WALL REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 11.5' DOWN=1755 @3.00'(L. OF BM 6) DOWN=4080 198 988 @3.00' (L. OF BM 36) PLF=11.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 0.00 PLF @ 0.0'(R. OF 5) TO 988 TO 3.00' PLF ©11.5' ]/ LEFT 13428.7 0.0 RIGHT 9925.4 0.0 (R. OF 5 431 PLF=11.5*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 11.50' 120 PLF = 12.0' * 10.0 FROM 0.00' TO 3.00' *** USE DFL 1TQ1 8 K 30 PROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: User Designs Trimmer/Post CRIT MOMENT = 34228 LB*FT ® 4.58' RATIO=0.542(Fb= 1594 S= 475.31) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.067 INCH @ 5.58' CRIT SHEAR = 10354 LB © 1.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.999(Fv=106 A=146.25) GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 39 FLUSH BM AT CHILDS REST OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 12.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 12.50 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 12.5' r/ \ A / <r POINT LOAD : @ 10.5'(G= 2250 ) '°/£ (^)C '?') N 6? ' V PRIMARY FLOOR : 100 PLF= 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 12.50' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT MAX. DOWNWARD(G) 1110.8 2640.8 MAX. UPLIFT (G) 0.0 0.0 , , , . *** USE DFL NO2 -3-2 x 12 DK0P--BK/HDR *** CRIT MOMENT = 5136 LB*FT @ 9.25' RATIO=0.890(Fb» 1094 S= 63.28) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.246 INCH @ 6.67' BASED ON (L/ 240)« 0.625 CRIT SHEAR = 2513 LB @ 11.44' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.941(Fv=119 A= 33.75) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 2 11/16 x 9 1/2 *** W/ RIGHT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD BEAM NUMBER: 40 FLUSH BM AT CLASS 2 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 14.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 , 14.50 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 14.5' POINT LOAD : @ 12.5'(G= 864 ) PRIMARY FLOOR : 100 PLF= 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 14.50' REACTIONS (LBS) LEFT RIGHT MAX. DOWNWARD(G) 1062.6 1688.2 MAX. UPLIFT (G) 0.0 0.0 *** USE DFL NO2 2-2 x 12 DROP BM/HDR *** CRIT MOMENT = 3917 LB*FT @ 7.75' RATIO=0.849(Fb= 875 S= 63.28) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.295 INCH @ 7.50' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.725 CRIT SHEAR = 1550 LB @ 13.44' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.580(Fv=119 A= 33.75) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 2 11/16 x 9 1/2 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 41 FLUSH BM AT CLASS 2 OVER-ALL LENGTH LOADS (DOWNWARD BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM PRIMARY ROOF SECONDARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR EXTERIOR WALL INTERIOR WALL REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) (FT): 14.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY__CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) 14.50 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 14 . 5 ' DOWN=2541 @9.50'{L. OF BM 5) 288 PLF=16.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 245 PLF=14.0* (15+20) /2 FROM 100 PLF= 2. 7* (25+50) /2 FROM 45 PLF =» 3.0' * 15.0 FROM 90 PLF = 9.0' * 10.0 FROM 9.50 9.500.00' TO 0.00' TO 14.50 0.00' TO 9.50 0.00' TO 14.50 LEFT 6098.1 0.0 RIGHT 5012.6 0.0 *** USE DFL NOl^^fi^jT-W DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD CRIT MOMENT = 23554 LB*FT @ 7.75' RATIO=1.020(Fb= 1659 S- 167.06) CRIT DEFLTN « -0.486 INCH @ 7.25' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.725 CRIT SHEAR « 5111 LB @ 1.25' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.972(Fv=106 A= 74.25! A . MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: __ ALT1 PARALLAM 3 J./JA A 1'4 *=> *** W/ LEFT: 4x4 POST RIGHT: 4x4 POST BEAM NUMBER: 42 HDR LEFT OF CLASS 2 REACTION AT: 0.00 2.25OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 2.25 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 2.2' LOADFROM : 973 PLF @ 0.0'(R. OF 6) TO 973 PLF @ 2.2'(R. OF 6) PRIMARY FLOOR : 544 PLF=14.5*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 2.25' POINT LOAD : @ 0.8'(G= 0 W= 0 S= 12716 FROM SW 16 X AXIS) REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 10205.9 RIGHT 5967.2 "> f • rj A I 41*** USE GLB 24F V4 6 3/4 x 15 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: User Designs Trimmer/Post ***0.000" CAMBER UP @ SPAN( 1.2') CRIT MOMENT = -14066 LB*FT ® 0.75' RATIO=0.327(Fb= 2040 S= 253.12) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.000 INCH @ 1.17' CRIT SHEAR = 19334 LB @ 1.38' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=l.021(Fv=280 A=101.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 11 7/8 *** W/ LEFT: 4x6 POST RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 43 BM 11 ALT LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 1O.25 LOADS (DOWNWARD + ) REACTION AT: 0.00 BEAM WEIGHT PRIMARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR POINTFROM SH£ARWALL_E SHEARWALL E 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0* 450 PLF-25.0* -i T 1 o r~ii r" — T4bv**fe^"SIX /-** r" ..rfvVpBt^^^w^K^L W J" ^ ( L^ J '--'^f l-/B- VT~ TO 10.2 ,/2 FROM *5* FROM o.oo o.oo 10.25 TO 10.25 TO 10.25 DOWN=1778 @7.00"(R. OF BM 10) W" 0 3- 978 H=12.0;' @~5.0Q W- O S- 2771 H=12.0* @ 4.00 --2J/(ZSH00 L= 6.QO" SW 1X_AXIS L=17-O0' SW 1X_AXI3 REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 10635-8 0.0 RIGHT 11562.7 0.0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 5 1/8 X 13 1/2 DROP BM/HDR *** *** w/ LEFT: 4x6 POST RIGHT: User designs Trimmer/Post ***0.125" CAMBER UP @ SPAN( 5.2') CRIT MOMENT - 25115 LB*FT @ 5.50* RATIO=0.807(Fb= 24OO S~ 155.67) CRIT OEFLTN = -0.158 INCH @ 5.17s BASED ON (L/ 480)= 0.256 CRIT SHEAR ~ 7799 LB @ 9.00* 1-5*SHEAR/Fv*A=l_025(Fv=165 A= 69.19) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 11 7/8 *** W/ LEFT: 4x6 POST RIGHT: User designs Trimmer/Post BEAM NUMBER: 44 BM 13 ALT. LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +} BEAM WEIGHT PRIMARY ROOF SECONDARY ROOF SHEARWALL_E SHEARWALL E REACTION AT: 0.00 21.00 40.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 21.0' 36 PLF= 2.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 280 PLF=16.0*(15+20)/2 FROM 0 S= 960 H=12.0' @ 1 0 S= 2400 H=12.0/ @ 9 W= REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 6819.1 0.0 0.00' TO 21.00' 0.00' TO 21.00' 00' L= 4.00' 00' L=10.00' RIGHT 6904.8 0.0 SW14X_AXIS SW14X AXIS *** USE GLB 24F V4 5 1/8 x 15 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD ***0.500» CAMBER UP @ SPAN(10.6') CRIT MOMENT = 26556 LB*FT @ 10.92' RATIO=0.589(Fb= 2816 S= 192.19) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.809 INCH @ 10.58' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 1.050 CRIT SHEAR = 7265 LB @ 19.62' 1. 5*SHEAR/Fv*A=*0 .505 {Fv=280 A= 76.88 MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 14 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD. RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 45 HDR REAR OF CLASS 3 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 4.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 4.00 BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM SECONDARY ROOF SHEARWALL_E PRIMARY ROOF 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 4.0' DOWN=1208 @2.50'{R. OF BM 2) 280 PLF=16.0*(15+20J/2 FROM 2.50' TO 4.00' W= 0 S= 1320 H=12.0' @ 2.50' L= 5.50' SW14X_AXIS 126 PLF= 7.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 4.00' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 1954.2 -572.8 RIGHT 3407.3 -849.7 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 10 DROP BM/HDR *** 7062 LB*FT @ 2.50' RATIO=0.446(Fb= 2295 S= 82.73) -0.007 INCH @ 2.17' 4643 LB @ 3.08' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.922(Fv=144 A= 52.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 9 1/2 V GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20 BEAM NUMBER: 46 BM 16 ALT LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT PRIMARY ROOF SECONDARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR : 75 SHEARWALL I : W= REACTION AT: 0.00 21.00 40.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 21.0' 288 PLF=16.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 280 PLF=16.0*(15+20)/2 FROM PLF= 2.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 21.00' 0.00' TO 21.00' 0.00' TO 21.00' 0 S= 6588 H=12.0' @ 2.00' L=14.00' SW15X AXIS REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 11502.3 0.0 RIGHT 11262.3 0.0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 6 3/4 x 15 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: User Designs Trimmer/Post ***0.625" CAMBER UP @ SPAN(IO.S') CRIT MOMENT = 61351 LB*FT @ 16.00' RATIO=0.780(Fb= 3730 S= 253.12) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.957 INCH @ 10.50' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 1.050 CRIT SHEAR = 12943 LB @ 1.38' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.684(Fv=280 A=101.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 16 *** W/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: 4x6 POST GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 6> 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20) BEAM NUMBER: 47 BM 41 ALT LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 27.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM PRIMARY ROOF SECONDARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR SHEARWALL I REACTION AT: 0.00 12.50, 27.00 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 27.0' DOWN=2541 ©22.00'(L. OF BM 5) 288 PLF=16.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 10.50 245 PLF=14.0*(15+20)/2 FROM 10.50 100 PLF= 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00 W= 0 S= 5931 H=12.0/ ©10.50' ' TO 22. ' TO 22. ' TO 27. L=12.00' 00' 00' 00' SW16X AXIS REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD{G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 1339.5 -1688.0 MIDDLE 12716.4 0.0 RIGHT 7663.6 -1772.7 *** USE DFL NO1 8 x 18 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ L.:User Designs Trimmer/Post M.:User Designs Trimmer/Post R.:User D CRIT MOMENT = 50017 LB*FT © 22.50' RATIO=0.715(Fb= 2194 S= 382.81) GRIT DEFLTN = -0.104 INCH @ 20.25' CRIT SHEAR = 12190 LB @ 10.92' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.964(Fv=144 A=131.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 11 7/8 *** W/ M.:User Designs Trimmer/Post R.:2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 48 UPLIFT SUPPORT BM AT RECEPTION 6 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) REACTION AT: 0.00 16.00OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 16.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) BEAM WEIGHT : 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 16.0' PRIMARY FLOOR : 100 PLF= 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 16.00' SHEARWALL I : W= 0 S= 2095 H=10.0' @ 7.00' L= 3.50' SW17X AXIS REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 2509.0 -643.8 RIGHT 2541.8 -611.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 14 DROP BM/HDR *** 25411 LB*FT @ 7.00' RATIO=0 . 809 {Fb= 2256 S= 167.06) -0.134 INCH @ 8.08' 3926 LB @ 14.75' 1 . 5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0 . 549 (Fv=144 A= 74.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM j-^i/^i A ITT 7/8 M GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 ENGINEER MEHDI(VER4.20} >/ BEAM NUMBER: 49 BH 29 ALT LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 17.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 17.00 BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM PRIMARY FLOOR INTERIOR WALL SHEARWALL I 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 17.0' DOWN=2580 ©12.75'(R. OF BM 3) 100 PLF- 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 17.00' 120 PLF = 12.0' * 10.0 FROM 0.00' TO 12.00' W= 0 S= 1661 H=12.0' © 7.00' L= 5.50' SW18X AXIS REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 4136.9•o.o RIGHT 5100.7 0.0 CRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 14 DROP BM/HDR *** 30893 LB*FT @ 7.00' RATIO=0.984(Fb= 2256 S= 167.06) -0.471 INCH @ 8.83' BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.850 5566 LB @ 15.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.778(Fv=144 A= 74.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 3 1/2 x 11 7/8 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 4x4 POST GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 50 BM 30 ALT LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 3.25 LOADS {DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: 0.00 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20 3.25 BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM SECONDARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR EXTERIOR WALL 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 3.2' DOWN=5101 @1.25'(R. OF BM 49) 79 PLF= 4.5*(15+20)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 3.25' 638 PLF=17.0*{25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 3.25' 180 PLF = 12.0' * 15.0 FROM 0.00' TO 3.25' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 4627.8 0.0 RIGHT 3450.7 0.0 GRIT MOMENT CRIT DEFLTN CRIT SHEAR *** USE DEL NO1 6 X 10 DROP BM/HDR *** 3541 LB*FT @ 1.25' RATIO=0.380(Fb= 1350 S= 82.73) -0.011 INCH @ 1.58' 2578 LB @ 0.92' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.871(Fv= 85 A= 52.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 X 9 1/2 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 51 BM 36 ALT LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 12.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +} BEAM WEIGHT : 20.0 PLF FROM 0.0' SECONDARY ROOF : 472 PRIMARY FLOOR : 100 SHEARWALL I : W= REACTION AT: 0.00 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) 12.00 TO 12.0' PLF=27.0*(15+20)/2 FROM PLF= 2.7*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 12.00' 0.00' TO 12.00' 0 S= 2114 H=10.0' ©-0.50' L= 7.007 SW18X AXIS REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 5398.3 0.0 RIGHT 5352.1 0.0 *** USE DFL NO1 6 x 14 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x6 TRIMMER/STUD CRIT MOMENT = 26740 LB*FT @ 6.50' RATIO^O.851(Fb= 2256 S= 167.06) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.086 INCH @ 6.00' CRIT SHEAR = 5326 LB @ 10.75' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.745(Fv=144 A= 74.25 MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 3 1/2 x 11 7/8 *** W/ LEFT: 4x4 POST RIGHT: 4x4 POST GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 52 BM 37 ALT LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT) LOADS (DOWNWARD +) 10.00 BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM POINTFROM POINTFROM PRIMARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR PRIMARY FLOOR INTERIOR WALL 20.0 PLF FROM 0 DOWN=2234 @3 DOWN=5352 @3 REACTION AT: 0.00 0' TO 10.0' 00'(R. OF BM 5) 00'(R. OF BM 5i) DOWN=4137 @3.00' (L. OF BM 49) 234 PLF=13.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 3.00' 1088 PLF=29.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' 900 PLF=24.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 5.50' 120 PLF = 12.0' * 10.0 FROM 3.00' REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 5892.9 0.0 MIDDLE 15501.1 0.0 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDKVER4.20) 5.50 10.00 TO TO TO TO 10 5 10 00 50 00 10.00' RIGHT 1675.2 -653.2 *** USE DFL NO1 8 X 16 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ L.:User Designs Trimmer/Post M.:User Designs Trimmer/Post R.:User D GRIT MOMENT = 12218 LB*FT @ 3.00' RATIO=0.299(Fb= 1634 S= 300.31) GRIT DEFLTN = -0.014 INCH @ 2.67' CRIT SHEAR = 8166 LB @ 4.08' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.992(Fv=106 A=116.25) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM ifl 11/1C u 11 *** W/ L.:User Designs Trimmer/Post M.:User Designs Trimmer/Post GQUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 53 BM 31 ALT LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 13.00 LOADS (DOWNWARD +) REACTION AT: O.OO BEAM WEIGHT PRIMARY ROOF PRIMARY FLOOR DECK SHEARWALL_E SHEARWALL E 30.0 PLF FROM 0.0' TO 13.0 54 PLF- 3.0*(20+16)/2 FROM 75 PLF= 2.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 250 PLF= 5.0*(40+60)/2 FROM O.OO 0.00 B32, 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDI(VER4.20) 13.00 TO 13.00' TO 13.00* 0.00* TO 13-DO" W= W~ REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) 0 S- 710 H-12.0* ©-Q.509 L~ 3.50 0 S~ 710 H=12.0* 010.00' L= 3.50 LEFT RIGHT 4509.3 4509.3 0.0 0.0 SW21X_AXIS SW21X AXIS *** W/ LEFT *** USE DFL N02 4 x 16 DROP BM/HDR *** 2~2x4 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD CRIT MOMENT - 8943 GRIT DEFLTN = -0.176 CRIT SHEAR = 4999 LB*FT @ 6.5O' RATIO=0.904(Fb= 875 S= 135.66) INCH @ 6.50* BASED ON (L/ 240)= 0.65O LB @ 11.60' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A~0.870(Fv-162 A- 53.38) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES; ALT1 PARALLAM 2 11/16 x 11 7/8 *** W/ LEFT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD RIGHT: 2-2x4 TRIMMER/STUD GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER BEAM NUMBER: 54 BM 38 ALT LOADING OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT) LOADS (DOWNWARD +) 11.50 REACTION AT: 0.00 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE O5/20/98 MEHDI(VER4.20) 11.50 BEAM WEIGHT POINTFROM POINTFROM POINTFROM PRIMARY ROOF LOADFROM PRIMARY FLOOR INTERIOR WALL 20.0 PLF FROM O.O' TO 11.5s DOWN-1755 @3.00*(L. OF BM 6) DOWN-2542 UP=~611 @ 2-00'(R- OF BM 48) DOWN=5398 @3.OO'(L_ OF BM 51) 198 PLF-11.0*(20+16)/2 FROM O.OO* TO 3.OO 988 PLF @ 0.0*(R. OF 5) TO 988 PLF ©11.5 431 PLF=11.5*(25+50)/2 FROM 0.00' TO 11.50 120 PLF = 12.0' * 10.0 FROM O.OO' TO 3.0O (R. OF 5) REACTIONS (LBS) MAX. DOWNWARD(G/S) MAX. UPLIFT (G/S) LEFT 16502.7 0.0 RIGHT 10711.3 0.0 *** USE GLB 24F V4 6 3/4 X 13 1/2 DROP BM/HDR *** *** W/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: User Designs Trimmer/Post ***0.125" CAMBER UP @ SPAN( 5.4") GRIT MOMENT - 35600 LB*FT @ 4.50' RATIO=0.709(Fb= 2941 S= 205.03) CRIT DEFLTN = -0.205 INCH @ 5.58* BASED ON (L/ 480)= O.287 CRIT SHEAR ~ 12202 LB @ 1.25' 1.5*SHEAR/Fv*A=0.974(Fv=206 A= 91.12) MAY USE FOLLOWING ALTERNATES: ALT1 PARALLAM 5 1/4 x 14 *** w/ LEFT: User Designs Trimmer/Post RIGHT: 4x6 POST GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO, CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 M£HDI(VER4.20) 1 ROOF JOIST AT KIT OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 19.OO RCTS AT: O.OO 19.00 LOADS (BASED ON ASSUMED 1 *-0" SPACING)(DOWNWARD +) LINE LOAD : AT 14.0 252.0 PLF - Roof_pri + Ext__Wall ~ 11 , 5* (. 36/2 ) + 3 . < :>* (15) SECONDARY POOF ; 35 P-..F- 2. 0* ( 1.5+2O )/2 FROM 0.0" TO 19.O'J SUPPORT REACTIONS (PLF): LEFT RIGHT MAX. DOWNWARD(G) 399 518 MAX. UPLIFT (G) 0 0 USE 11 7/8 TJI/PRO 250 AT 24-0" o/c* CRIT MOMENT - 4544 L8*FT @ 11.42' MOMENT RATIQ-O.742 CRIT DEFLTN - -0.92 INCH @ 9.83' BASED ON (L/24O)~ 0.95O CRIT SHEAR ~ 958 LB @ 17.89J SHEAR RATIO-0.810 CRtT REACT - 1036 LB @ RIGHT RATIO - 1.021 * LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION IS BASED ON L/36O 2 ROOF JOIST AT WOMENS OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 14.00 RCTS AT: O.OO 14.00 LOADS (BASED ON ASSUMED 1*-0" SPACING)(DOWNWARD + ) LINE LOAD : AT 1-0 333-0 PLF - Roof_pri + Ext_Wall - 16.0*(36/2)+ 3.0*(15) SECONDARY ROOF : 35 PLF= 2.0*(15+20 )/2 FROM O.O9 TO 14.0" SUPPORT REACTIONS (PLF): LEFT RIGHT MAX- DOWNWARD(G) 554 269 MAX- UPLIFT (G) 0 O USE 11 7/8 TJI/PRO 250 AT 19.2" o/c* CRIT MOMENT - 1651 LB*FT @ 6-33' MOMENT RAT10-O.27O CRIT OEFLTN - -0.19 INCH @ 6.83' BASED ON (L/240 )= 0.70O CRIT SHEAR - 368 LB @ 12.89" SHEAR RATIO-O-311 CRIT REACT - 887 LB @ LEFT RATIO = 0.874 * LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION IS BASED ON L/36O GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO- DATE 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CAR£ 05/20/98 3 TYPICAL FLOOR JOIST JV ^ ENGINEER MEHOI(VER4-2O) 21.00OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21-00 RCTS AT: 0.00 LOADS (BASED ON ASSUMED I'-O" SPACING) (DOWNWARD +) PRIMARY FLOOR : 75 PLF- 2.0*(25+50 )/2 FROM 0.0' TO 21.0' SUPPORT REACTIONS (PLF): MAX, DOWNWARD(G) MAX- UPLIFT (G) LEFT 788 0 RIGHT 788 0 USE 16 TJI/PRO 350 AT 16.0" o/c* CRIT MOMENT = 5513 CRIT OEFLTN = -0-36 CRIT SHEAR - 904 CRIT REACT = 1050 LB*FT @ 10.50' MOMENT RATIO=0.665 INCH @ 10.50' BASED ON (L/480)- O.525 LB @ 1.46" SHEAR RATIO=0.688 LB @ LEFT RATIO = 0.9O5 * LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION IS BASED ON L/48O 4 FLOOR JOIST AT CLASS 2 OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21.00 RCTS AT: 0.00 21.00 LOADS (BASED CM ASSUMED I'-O" SPACING)(DOWNWARD +) LINE LOAD : AT 4.0 570.0 PLF = Roofjpri + Int_Wall =25.0*(36/2)+12.0*(10) SECONDARY FLOOR: 126 PLF= 2.0*(26+100)/2 FROM O.O1 TO 4.0* PRIMARY FLOOR : 75 PLF= 2.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 4.0' TO 21.01 SUPPORT REACTIONS (PLF): MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 1434 0 RIGHT C?15 USE 16 TJI/PRO 250 AT 8.5" o/C*2-TJT CRIT MOMENT = 3250 CRIT DEFLTN = -0.35 CRIT SHEAR =885 CRIT REACT = 1015 LB*FT @ 9.92' MOMENT RATIO=0.465 INCH @ 10.08' BASED OTf (L/480)= 0.525 LB @ 1.46' SHEAR RATIO=0.674 LB @ LEFT RATIO = 1.000 * LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION IS BASED ON L/480 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO- CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER 5 FLOOR JOIST AT RECEPTION OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 16-00 RCTS AT: 0.00 LOADS (BASED ON ASSUMED I'-O" SPACING) (DOWNWARD +) LINE LOAD : AT 10.0 620-5 PLF - Roof_pri + Roof_sec + Ext_Wall + Int_Wall -- S.5*(36/2)+19-0*(35/2)+ 3.0*(15)+ 9.0*(10) PRIMARY FLOOR : 75 PLF= 2_Q*(25+50)/2 FROM 0,0' TO 16.O 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 MEHDI(VER4-20) 16.00 SUPPORT REACTIONS (PLF): MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX- UPLIFT (G) LEFT 833 0 RIGHT 988 0 USE 16 TJI/PRO 550 AT 16.0" o/c* GRIT MOMENT CRIT OEFLTN CRIT SHEAR CRIT REACT = 6103 LB*FT @ 10.00' MOMENT RATIO^O.384 - -0-16 INCH 3 8.25' BASED ON (L/480)= 0.40O = 1171 LB @ 14.54' SHEAR RATIQ=0.603 = 1317 LB @ RIGHT RATIO ~ 0-941 * LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION IS BASED ON L/480 6 FLOOR JOIST AT CHILD REST ROOM OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 12.50 RCTS AT: 0.00 12.50 LOADS (BASED ON ASSUMED I'-O" SPACING)(DOWNWARD +) LINE LOAD : AT 10.0 630.0 PLF = Roof_pri + Ext_WaU =25.0*(36/2)+12.0*{15) PRIMARY FLOOR : 75 PLF= 2.0*(25+50)/2 FROM 10.0' TO 12.5' SECONDARY FLOOR: 126 PLF= 2.0*(26+100)/2 FROM 0.0J TO 10.O1 SUPPORT REACTIONS (PLF) MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 901 0 RIGHT 1177 0 USE 16 TJI/PRO 250 AT 10.4" O/c*AUT 2- CRIT MOMENT = 2250 CRIT DEFLTN = -0.09 CRIT SHEAR = 921 CRIT REACT = 1015 LB*FT @ 6.42* MOMENT RATION.322 INCH @ 6.42s LB @ 11.04' SHEAR RATIO=0.701 LB 8 RIGHT RATIO = 1.000 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO. DATE ENGINEER 7 FLOOR JOIST AT COMMUNITY 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CAREos/ao/os MEHDI(VER4.20) 21.00OVER-ALL LENGTH (FT): 21.00 RCTS AT: 0.00 LOADS (BASED ON ASSUMED I'-O" SPACING)(DOWNWARD +) SECONDARY FLOOR: 126 PLF= 2.0*(26+100)/2 FROM 0.0' TO 21.0* SUPPORT REACTIONS (PLF): MAX. DOWNWARD(G) MAX. UPLIFT (G) LEFT 1323 0 RIGHT 1323 0 USE 16 TJI/PRO 250 AT 9.2" o/c*OIL CRIT MOMENT = 5329 GRIT DEFLTN = -0.51 CRIT SHEAR = 874 CRIT REACT = 1015 LB*FT @ 10.50* MOMENT RATIO=0.763 INCH ® 10.50' BASED ON (L/480)= 0.525 LB 9 1.46' SHEAR RATIO=0.666 LB ® LEFT RATIO = 1.000 * LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION IS BASED ON L/480 e s«* i 9 ' C! •s«o •xo I ^5 n *t mill fc^os _ "" £•• u{> - - • ~ 89, I i i1 j ^La= i. . , i ^ " ^-iii; -i ^J ^r-i-ll 1$ 3*f (*S| fl ; ~ ft- ^rf) - '$ : £ *-.j_ •- p- LATERAL ANALYSIS POURING MONO SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO DATE L 5 2Q507 R + S DESIGN DAY CARE 5-20-98 1ST FLR HT::_0.50r WIND HEIGHT (FT) WIND FORCE >"P3F) WIND LO ROCF = WIND ID 1-F^ - TQ^AL LOAD SEISMIC ROOF : DL ROOF OL EXT WALL DL INT WALL SHEAR SEISMIC 1-FL DL FLOOR DL EXT WALL DL INT WALL SHEAR TOTAL LOAD 2ND FLR HT:24.00 15 20 25 30 1 / .. 3 6 13. 51 19 „ 4 9 20.15 198.36 PLF 221.38 PLF 419.74 PLF 1200.OO 202.50 202.50 BLDG HT.',28-00 FT =20.00X 60.00 =15.00X 2X(24.00-17.25) =10.00X 3X (24 .,00-17.25) 183X(1200.QO + 202.50 + 202.50)- 293.71 PLF = 340-00 5-25))= 360 -OO 5-25))= 360-00 -12.00X 70.00 -15.00XC 2X(17. 25-10. 50) + 2X(10.5O =10.00X( 3X(17. 25-10. 50) + 3X(10.50 - -183X( 840. OO + 360. OO + 36O.OO)- 285.48 PLF 579,20 PLF REDISTRIBUTE SHEAR : 293.71X24.00+ 285 . 48X1O . 5O" 1OO46.70 SHEAR ROOF= 293 _ 71X24 _OOX 579. 20/ 10046.70- 4O6 . 39 PLF SHEAR 1-FL- 285 ,48X10. SOX 579, 2O/ 10046.70- 172.81 PLF SEISMIC GOVERNS --> ROOF: 406,39 PLF SEISMIC GOVERNS -~> 1-FL: 579.20 PLF ROOF DIAPHRAGM : V=406.39 PLF MAX SHEAR-406.39X 38.00/(2 X 60 . 00 ) -128 . 69 PLF USEU __ lZ2l_CDX_STR_II_UNBLKD_24/O_W/8D_CQMMONmNAlLS_ CHORD FORCE=406.39X 38.00X 38.00/(8 X 60.0O)- 1222.54 1-FL DIAPHRAGM : V-406. 39+172 . 81=579 „ 20 PLF MAX SHEAR-579.20X 21.00/(2 X 70. OO)- 86.88 PLF CHORD FORCE = 579. 20X 21-OOX 21.00/(8 X 70.00)= 456.12 1ST FLR HT:10.00 WIND HEIGHT (FT) WIND FORCE P3F) WIND LD ROOr - TOTAL LOAD - SEISMIC ROOF : DL ROOF DL EXT WALL DL INT WALL SHEAR TOTAL LOAD ~ WIND GOVERNS SECT!QN__2 15 =2O.OOX 28.OO =15.OOX 2X(10.OO- -10.00X 1X(10.00- - .183X( 560-00 - ROOF : I1 5.00) : 5.0O) •• 130-OO BLDG HT:14.00 FT 156.27 PLF 156.27 PLF 560.00 150.0O 50.00 50.00)= 139,08 139.08 PLF PLF SHEET : L 4 LATERAL ANALYSIS JOB NO_ : 2O507 CLIENT : R + S DESIGN POURING MONO PLAN NO.: DAY CARE DATE : 5-20-98 ROOF DIAPHRAGM : V=156..27 PLF MAX SHEAR=:156.27X 19.OO/(2 X 28.00)= 53-02 PLF USEj. lZ2^wCDX^SIRmII_yNBl=KQ_24/0_y/8Q_CQMMON_NAIL3mAI_6^^12^_gC CHORD FORCE=156.27X 19-OOX 19.00/(8 X 28-00)- 251-34 SELl£E_y!!H_l£Q_£QMjt3QN_M^ AL._3PU ICE Wd _IS .3 NK£8._N AIL S _g 1 &1J3J2 ^_ LATERAL ANALYSIS SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT : L 5 : 205O7 : R + S DESIGN POURING SECTION 1 MONO TRANSVERSE PLAN NO DATE DAY CARE 5-20-98 1ST FLR HT:10.5O WIND HEIGHT (FT) WIND FORCE .;PSF) WIND LD ROOF = WIND LD l~F'.. - TOTAL LOAD SEISMIC ROOF : DL ROOF DL EXT WALL OL INT WALL SHEAR SEISMIC 1-FL DL FLOOR OL EXT WALL OL INT WALL SHEAR TOTAL LOAD 2ND FLR HT;24,00 15 20 25 30 L7-36 18-51 19.49 20.15 218-51 PLF 221.38 PLF 439.88 PLF -20.00X 55.00 - 1100.00 =15.OOX 2X(24.00-17.25) - 202-5O -1Q.OOX 4X(24.00-17,25) = 270.00 - .183X(1100.00 + 202-50 + 270.00)= 287-77 PLF 8LDG HT:29,GO FT -12.00X 60.00 - 720.00 =15_OQX( 2X(17,25-10,50) + 2X(10.5Q~ 5.25))- 36O.OO =10-OOX( 4X(17.25-10.50) f 3X(10.5O- 5.25))~ 427.50 - .183XC 720.00 + 360.00 + 427-5O)- 275.87 PLF - 563.64 PLF REDISTRIBUTE SHEAR : 287.77X24.00+ 275.87X10 - 50- 9803.OS SHEAR ROOF- 287.77X24.OOX 563.64/ 9803.08- 397.09 PLF SHEAR 1-FL- 275.87X10.50X 563.64/ 9803.08= 166.55 PLF SEISMIC GOVERNS ==> ROOF: 397,09 PLF SEISMIC GOVERNS --> 1-FL: 563.64 PLF ROOF DIAPHRAGM : V-397- 09 PLF MAX 3HEAR-397.O9X 18.00/C2 X 55.00)- 64,98 PLF USE^ lZ2l_CQX_SIB_II_UN8LKDm24/0_W/8D_CQMaQN_b!AILS_AI_6^^ CHORD FORCE-397.09X 18.OOX 18.00/(3 X 55.00)- 292.40 ™___mmt_16^^Q^C^^ISIANDABD_CO 1-FL DIAPHRAGM : V=397.09+166.55=563.64 PLF MAX 3HEAR = 563.64X 27-OO/(2 X 60.00)-126- 82 PLF USE^ 5/8^_CDX-STRmlI_UNBLKD,_W/igD_COMMON_QR_RINGSHANK_ CHORD FORCE-563.64X 27.OOX 27.00/(8 X 60.00)= 856.03 USE 1ST FLR HT:10.00 WIND HEIGHT (FT) WIND FORCE .PSF) WIND LD ROOF - TOTAL LOAD SEISMIC ROOF : DL ROOF DL EXT WALL DL INT WALL SHEAR TOTAL LOAD SEISMIC GOVT BLDG HT:14.00 FT 15 17.36 =20.OOX 36.00 =15.OOX 3XC10.00- = 10.OOX 2XUO-00- 156.27 PLF 156.27 PLF = 720-00 5.00) = 225-00 5.00) = 100.00 = .183X( 720.00 + 225.OO + 100.00)= 191.24 191-24 PLF M- ~-> ROOF- 19.1 ,,24 PLF PLF LATERAL ANALYSIS POURING MONO ROOF DIAPHRAGM : V=191_24 PLF MAX SHEAR=191.24X 28.00/(2 X 36.00)™ 74.37 PLF SHEET JOB NO. CLIENT PLAN NO DATE L 6 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY CARE 5-20-98 6 ",12" OC CHORD FQRCE=19I.24X 28. OCX 28_OO/(8 X 36.OO) USE 6 520,58 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet : L- Job No : 20507 Client : R + S DESIGN Plan No: DAY CARE Date : 05/20798 Engineer MEHDI(Ver3.10) EXTERIOR WALL Wind 2480 Seismic 6665 STRAP(E) 1.0 6.0 109 117 12.0 0 55.0 61.0 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice SEE DETAIL INFORMATION ON NEXT PAGE GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet Job No : Client Plan No Date : 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY CARE 05/20798 Engineer MEHDI(Ver3.10) 1 LEFT ELEV 2ND FLOOR EXTERIOR WALL STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 61.0 (FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = SHEAR DIAPHRAM » 6665/ 61.0 = 109 (PLF) SHEAR = 6665/ 41.0= 163(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = USE TYPE 8 w/16d SINKER NAIL @ 8" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING 41.0(FT) 789(LB) DEAD LOADS: Wall 180.0= 15 * 12.0' Roof_P 250.0= 20 *25.0/2 FROM Roof S 142.5= 15 *19.0/2 FROM 8.0' TO 42.0' TO Roof S 75.0 = 15 *10.0/2 FROM 54.0' TO 34.0' 54.0' 61.0' PointFrom 2250 LB @ 42.0'(L. OF BM 7) OVERTURN PANEL© PANELCB] ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T= 1591(LB) C= 2050(LB) T= 1591(LB) C= 2050(LB) Use CS16/2x4 on both ends LEFT_SIDE : T=-1122(LB) C= 2151(LB) RIGHT SIDE: T=-1122(LB) C= 2151{LB) CS16/2X4 CS16/2X4 NO NO SIGN. SIGN. UPLIFT( UPLIFT( PANEL(C) LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT SIDE: T= -517(LB) T= -202(LB) O 1999(LB) NO SIGN. UPLIFT{ C= 2094(LB) NO SIGN. UPLIFT( PANEL (D]LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT SIDE: T= 1400(LB) O 2100(LB) CS16/2x4 T= 1400(LB) C= 2100(LB) CS16/2x4 Use CS16/2x4 on both ends GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA 1.5 17.5 Sheet : Job No :2057 Client :R + S DESIGN Plan No: DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 12.0 o STRAP(I) 66,0 A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224{2116 LB) C: SIMPSON ST6236(2880 LB) Drag Force Analysis ALT (12) # I6d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (24) # 16d sinker per top plate splice INTERIOR WALL2 RIGHT OF COMMUNITY ROOM STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 66.0 (FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 31.5 (FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 7953/ 66.0 = 121(PLF) SHEAR = 7953/ 31.5= 252(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 2711(LB) USE TYPE 10 w/16d SINKER NAIL (ffi 4" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING DEAD LOADS: Wall 120.0= 10 * 12.O1 Roof_P 250.0= 20 *25.0/2 FROM 8.0' PointFrom 2250 LB @ 41.5'(R. OF BM 7) TO 34.0' OVERTURN PANEL® PANELfB] ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T= 1454(LB) C= 3081(LB) CS16/2x4 T= 586(LB) C= 3248(LB) CS16/2x4 T= 54 (LB) C« 3248 (LB) ** NO SIGN. Use CS16/2x4 on both ends or Use CS 16/2x4 (ffi L. UPLIFT () LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT SIDE: T= 1304(LB) C= 3261(LB) CS16/2x4 T= 587(LB) C= 3094(LB) CS16/2x4 Use CS16/2\4 on both ends w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA •wild Seismic Sheet Job No Client Plan No Date :L- IO 20507 ;R + S DESIGN : DAY CARE 05/20798 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 14.0 14.0 12.0 o STRAPfl) 2592 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 {1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224 (2116 LB) C: SIMPSON ST6236(2880 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (24) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 3 LEFT OF CONFERENCE STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 45.0(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 4166/ 45.0 SHEAR = 4166/ 16.0= 260(PLF) INTERIOR WALL TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 16.0(FT) 93(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 2592 (LB) USE TYPE 11 w/16d SINKER NAIL @ 3" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING DEAD LOADS: Wall 120.0= 10 * 12.0' Roof P 130.0= 20 *13.0/2 FROM 14.0' TO 45.0' OVERTURNPANEL(A)ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T= 1483(LB) C= 3269(LB) CS16/2x4 T= 1483(LB) C= 3269(LB) CS16/2x4 Use CS16/2x4 on both ends GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet Job No ; Client Plan No Date ; 20507 R+S DESIGN DAY CARE 05/20798 Engineer. MEHDI(Ver3.10) 14.0 14.0 11.3 12.0 o STRAPd)STRAP(E)BLOCKED OPENING USE TYPE 1 4 ON TOP & BOT OF OPENING SEE DETAIL ON PLANS 2778 28.0 46.0 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT B: SIMPSON ST6224 (2116 LB) ALT C: SIMPSON ST6236(2880 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice (18) # I6d sinker per top plate splice (24) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 4 RIGHT OF CONFERENCE STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 46.0(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 4564/ 46.0 SHEAR = 4564/ 6.8= 676(PLF) MIXED WALL 6.8(FT)TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 99(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG » 2778 (LB) USE TYPE 14 w/A35@ 6" o/c SILL PLATE ALT 3/8" DIAMETER x 4" LONG LAG SCREW <® 6" o/c DEAD LOADS: Wall 120.0= 10 * 12.0' Roof P 130.0= 20 *13.0/2 FROM 14.0' TO 46.0' OVERTURN PANEL® ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE UPLIFT (T) T» 2084(LB) T= 1311(LB) T= 0(LB) DOWN(C) C= 3861(LB) C« 3861 (LB) C= 0(LB) ** (2)CS16/(2)2x4 CS16/4X4 NO SIGN. UPLIFT PANELCB] ~ Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 @ L. or Use CS16/4x4** @ L. BLOCKED! FORCE @ EDGE OF OPENING IS 1690(LB) LEFT__SIDE : T= 0 (LB) O 0 (LB) NO SIGN. UPLIFT 0 RIGHT SIDE: T= 2117(LB) C= 3861(LB) (2)CS16/(2)2x4 Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 @ R. ** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet : L-\Z- Job No : 20507 Client :R + S DESIGN Plan No : DAY CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) • STRAP(E) n BLOCKED OPENING USE TYPE 12 ON TOP & EOT OF OPENING SEE DETAIL ON PLANS 161 A / l ~~~~~ 15.7 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice EXTERIOR WALL5 RIGHT OF OFFICE 1 STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 15.8(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 7.8(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM * 2803/ 15.8 = 178(PLF) SHEAR = 362* 5.2/ 3.8= 488 (PLF) (ON OPENING) MAXIMUM DRAG » 551 (LB) USE TYPE 12 w/16d SINKER NAIL ® 3" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING DEAD Wall LOADS: 135.0= 15 OVERTURN PANEL© PANELfB] PANEL! ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT_SIDE: LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT_SIDE: BLOCKED! LEFT JS IDE : RIGHT SIDE: 9.0' UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T« 3670(LB) C= 3843(LB) T= 3670(LB) C= 3843(LB) Use (3)CS16/4x6 on both ends T= 1469(LB) C= 1828(LB) T= 0(LB) C= 0(LB) Use CS16/2x4 @ L. FORCE @ EDGE OF OPENING IS T= 0(LB) C= 0(LB) T= 1447(LB) C= 1828(LB) UseCS16/2x4(®R. (3)CS16/4x6 (3)CS16/4x6 CS16/2X4 NO SIGN. 455(LB) NO SIGN. CS16/2x4 UPLIFTO UPLIFT() GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Wind 1022 Seismic 2488 :L-1?:20507 Sheet Job No Client :R + S DESIGN Plan No :DAY CARE Date : 05/20798 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) STRAP(E) Q BLOCKED OPENING USE TYPE 11 ON TOP & BOX OF OPENING SEE DETAIL ON PLANS 6 RIGHT OF RECEPTION EXTERIOR WALL STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 16.0 (FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 2488/ 16.0 - 156(PLF) SHEAR = 2488/ 8.0= 311(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = USE TYPE 11 w/16d SINKER NAIL @ 3" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING 8.0(FT) 622(LB) DEAD LOADS: Wall 180.0^15 * 12.0' OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) PANEL® LEFT_SIDE : T* 983 (LB) C= 1901 (LB) RIGHT SIDE: T= 0(LB) C= 0{LB) Use CS16/2x4 @ L. BLOCKED! FORCE ® EDGE OF OPENING IS PANEL® LEFT_SIDE : T=* 0 (LB) C= 0 (LB) RIGHT SIDE: T= 983(LB) C« 1901{LB) Use CS16/2x4 @ R. CS16/2X4 NO SIGN. UPLIFT() 622(LB) NO SIGN. UPLIFT() CS16/2X4 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Wind 6653 Seismic 11403 - 399 A-5.0 o STRAP0) 10.0 STRAP(E> Sheet : L-1 4* Job No : 20507 Client :R + S DESIGN Plan No: DAY CARE Date : 05/20798 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 24.0 PANEL EDGE ON THE ABOVE STORY 3041 10.5 1.0 7.0 5.0 7.0 | EXTRA HOLDDOWN NEEDED(UPLIFT FROM UPPER FLOOR) 60.0 A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224 (2116 LB) C: SIMPSON ST6236(2880 LB) D: SIMPSON MST37 (3204 LB) Drag Force Analysis ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (24) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (30) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 7 LEFT OF CLASS 1 MIXED WALL STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 60.0 (FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 31.0 (FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM * 11403/ 60.0 = 190(PLF) SHEAR =11403/ 31.0= 368(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 3041(LB) USE TYPE 11 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 24.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS Wall Floor_P Floor_P Floor_P LOAD 1 « 105.0= 10 * 10.5' 262.5= 25 *21.0/2 FROM 187.5= 25 *15.0/2 FROM 112.5= 25 * 9.0/2 FROM 0.0' 28.0' TO TO 41.0' TO 28.0' 41.0' 60.0' 0.0' START 0.0' TO 60.0 OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) PANEL© LEFT_SIDE : T=-5729(LB) RIGHT SIDE: T=-5794(LB) DOWN(C) O 4085(LB) C= 4035(LB) ** NO SIGN. UPLIFT() NO SIGN. UPLIFT() PANEL LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE T= 3383 (LB) T= 2771 (LB) Use HPA28/4x4 1 C= 4105 (LB) C= 4105 (LB)** L.&PA28/4x4**@R. HPA28/4X4 PA28/4x4 ** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer Wind 9906 Seismic 12158 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA / -. «,.\ (/?? »*' ) t * T ' Sheet Job No : Client Plan No Date : Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) : L- (^ 20507 R+S DESIGN : DAYCARE 31.5 10.5 STRAP(I) 2458 0-01.5 61.0 Drag Force Analysis ALT (12) ALT (18) ALT (24) ALT (30) ALT (36) ALT (42) 8 left of class 2/lobby INTERIOR WALL STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH * 61.0(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 12158/ 61.0 = 199(PLF) SHEAR -12158/ 24.0= 507(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = USE TYPE 13 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT (S> 16.0" o/c MAX. A: B: C: D: E: F: SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON ST22 ST6224 ST6236 MST37 MST48 MST60 (1150 (2116 (2880 (3204 (3746 (4872 LB) LB) LB) LB) LB) LB) # # # # # # 16d 16d 16d 16d 16d 16d sinker sinker sinker sinker sinker sinker per per per per per per top top top top top top plate plate plate plate plate plate splice splice splice splice splice splice 24.0(FT) 3820(LB) DEAD LOADS: Wall 105.0= 10 * 10.5' Floor_P 525.0= 25 *42.0/2 FROM 1.5' Floor P 225.0= 25 *18.0/2 FROM 53.0' TO TO 28.0 61.0 OVERTURN PANEL(A)ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) LEFT_SIDE : T= 3379(LB) C= 5871(LB) HPA28/4X4 RIGHT_SIDE: T= 3379(LB) C- 5871(LB) HPA28/4X4 T= 2486(LB) C= 5871(LB) ** PA28/4x4 Use HPA28/4x4 on both ends or Use HPA28/4x4 @ L. & PA28/4x4** ® R. PANELfB) LEFT SIDE_ T« 3379(LB) C= 5871(LB) HPA28/4X4 T= 2486(LB) C= 5871(LB) ** PA28/4x4 RIGHT_SIDE: T= 3379(LB) C= 5871(LB) HPA28/4X4 T= 778(LB) C= 5871(LB) ** PA28/4x4 Use HPA28/4x4 on both ends or Use PA28/4x4** on both ends PANEL© LEFT_SIDE : T= 4399 (LB) C= 5671 (LB) T— J n QQ /rn^ n—** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail For connection of i /T n \ **. to trimmer1= Use HPA35/4x4 on both ends or Use HPA28/4x4** HPA35/4x4 HPA28/4x4 HPA35/4x4 L. & HPA35/4x4 R. GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet Job No Client : L- |(o 20507 R + S DESIGN Seismic 4421 PIariNo:DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer MEHDI(Ver3.10) 7.5 0.5 10.0 10.5 o STRAP(I) 18.0 22.0 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224 (2116 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 9 LEFT OF CLASS 2 STORAGE INTERIOR WALL STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 22,0(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 11.5(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 4421/ 22.0 = 201(PLF) SHEAR = 4421/ 11.5= 384(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 1376(LB) USE TYPE 12 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 24.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS: Wall 105.0= 10 * 10.5' Floor_P 187.5= 25 *15.0/2 FROM Floor P 300.0= 25 *24.0/2 FROM O.O1 8.01 TO TO 7.5' 22.0' OVERTURNPANEL(A)ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T= 3267(LB) C= 4325{LB) HPA28/4x4 T= 3267(LB) C= 4325(LB) HPA28/4X4 Use HP A28/4x4 on both ends PANELCBJ LEFT SIDE_ T= 3665(LB) C= 4554(LB) HPA28/4x4 T= 2390(LB) C= 4554(LB) ** PA28/4x4 RIGHT SIDE: T= 3665(LB) C= 4554(LB) HPA28/4x4 Use HPX28/4x4 on both ends or Use PA28/4x4** @ L. & HPA28/4x4 @ R. ** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet Job No Client : L- fl 20507 R + S DESIGN Plad No : DAY CARE Date : 05/2079S Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) o STRAP(I) 4.0 i 8.0 STRAP(E) 4.0 16.0 10.5 2.5i 2035 A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224 (2116 LB) C: SIMPSON ST6236(2880 LB) Drag Force Analysis ALT (12) # I6d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (24) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 10 RIGHT OF CLASS2/CONFERENCE MIXED WALL STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 66.5(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 28.0(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 9666/ 66.5 = 145(PLF) SHEAR =* 9666/ 28.0= 345(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 2616(LB) USE TYPE 11 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 24.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS Wall Floor_P Floor_P Floor P 105.0= 10 * 10.5' 525.0= 25 *42.0/2 FROM 225.0= 25 *18.0/2 FROM 162.5= 25 *13.0/2 FROM 0.0' 27.0' TO TO 46.0' TO 27.O1 46.0' 66.51 OVERTURN ANALYSIS PANEL@ LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT SIDE: PANELfB] PANEL! LEFT_SIDE RIGHT_SIDE LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T= 1620(LB) C= 4112(LB) T= 1620(LB) C= 4112 (LB) Use PA28/4x4 on both ends T= 1620(LB) C= 4112(LB) T= 1620(LB) C= 4112(LB) Use PA28/4x4 on both ends T= 2083(LB) C= 3823 (LB) T= 2083(LB) C= 3823(LB) Use HPAHD22/4x4 on both ends PA28/4x4 PA2 8/4x4 PA28/4x4 PA28/4x4 HPAHD22/4X4 HPAHD22/4x4 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet : Job No : 20507 Client :R+S DESIGN PlanNo:DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer; MEHDI(Ver3.lO) 11 EXTERIOR WALL Wind Seismic 7222 •- 4.0 ! 8.0 : 4.0 i 5.3 • STRAP(E) 3 BREAK POINT BLOCKED OPENING USE TYPE 12 ON TOP & BOT OF OPENING SEE DETAIL ON PLANS 265 1098 39.0 0.0\ 3.0/ 7.0 15.7 \19^ 27.7 31.7 \37y 1 384 ) 370 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice SEE DETAIL INFORMATION ON NEXT PAGE ** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet :L- Job No : 20507 Client :R+S DESIGN PlanNo:DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 11 RIGHT ELEV STORY : FIRST FLOOR TOTAL WALL LENGTH = SHEAR DIAPHRAM 1ST FLOOR ONE POUR 39.0(FT) 7222/ 39.0 EXTERIOR WALL FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = = 185(PLF) 21.0(FT) SHEAR = 344* 6. O/ 4.5= 459 (PLF) (ON OPENING) MAXIMUM DRAG = 1098 (LB) USE TYPE 12 w/1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 24.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS: Wall 157.5= 15 * 10.5' Floor P 262.5= 25 *21.0/2 FROM 0.0' TO 15.8' OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) f DOWN(C) PANEL® LEFT_SIDE : T= 3727 (LB/ C= 4437 {LB) (2) HPAHD22/4x8 RIGHT SIDE: T= 3727 (LB) C= 4437 (LB) 2-HPAHD22/4«4 ~ Use (2)HPAHD22/4x8 @ L. & HPAHD22/4x4 @ R. PANELlB] PANEL! PANEL (D PANEL (E PANEL LEFT_SIDE : LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT_SIDE: BLOCKED ! LEFT_SIDE : RIGHTSIDE: T= T» T= ** IS C= 2203(LB) 282(LB) C= 2203{LB) 0(LB) C= 0(LB) Use HPAHD22/4x4 @ L. FORCE @ EDGE OF OPENING 0(LB) C= 0(LB) 611(LB) C= 2203 (LB) 4Us^gQPAHD22/4x4 @ R 3627(LB) C= 3895 (LB) 3627(LB) C= 3895(LB) Use HPAHD22/4x4 on both ends T= 3627(LB} T=^3627(LB) C= 3895 (LB) C» 3895 {LB) on both ends LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE T= 3472 (LB) C= 3823 (LB) T= 3472 (LB) C= 3823 (LB) Use HPAHD22/4x4 on both ends HPAHD22/4x4 ^l NO SIGN. UPLIFT() NO SIGN. UPLIFT() 432{LB) NO SIGN. UPLIFT{) HPAHD22/4x4 JIPAHD2 2/4X4 HPAHD22/4X4 ,. , -. - ~> HPAHD22/4X4 •HPAIID2g-/4x4 HPAHD22/4x4 HPAHD22/4x4 * * w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S. W. to trimmer GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Wind ,4,5 Seismic 1842 ^ Sheet : L- Job No : 20507 Client :R + S DESIGN PlanNo:DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 6.0 3.0 5.5 3.0 4.5 5.0 1.5 10.0 STRAP(E) 28.5 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 12 LEFT OF LAUNDRY EXTERIOR WALL STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 2 8. 5 (FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 11. 5 (FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 1842/ 28.5 = 65 {PLF} SHEAR = 1842/ 11.5= 160(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 905(LB) USE TYPE 8 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 48.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS: Wall 150.0= OVERTURN ANALYSIS PANEL® LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SID1 PANELCB LEFT RIGH aTDE : SIDE: 15 * 10.0 UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T= 1301(LB) C= 1683 (LB) T= 1301(LB) C= 1683(LB) Use HPAHD22/4x4 on both ends T= 1341(LB) O 1691(LB) T= 1341(LB) C= 1691 (LB) Use HPAHD22/4x4 on both ends HPAHD22/4x4 HPAHD22/4x4 HPAHD22/4x4 HPAHD22/4x4 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Seismic 3270 - Sheet : L- Job No : 20507 Client :R+S DESIGN Plan No: DAY CARE Date : OS/20798 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) i o.o STRAP(I) • STRAP(E) 2102 18.0 28.0 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224(2116 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 13 RIGHT OF MAINTENANCE MIXED WALL STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 28.0(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 10.0(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM * 3270/ 28.0 = 117(PLF) SHEAR = 3270/ 10.0= 327(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 2102(LB) USE TYPE 11 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 24.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS: Wall 100.0= 10 * 10.0' OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) PANEL® LEFTJSIDE : T» 2790 (LB) C= 3427 (LB) HPAHD22/4x4 RIGHT SIDE: T= 2790(LB) O 3427(LB) (2)HPAHD22/4x8 ~ Use HPAHD22/4x4 @ L. & (2)HPAHD22/4x8 @ R. GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet :L- Job No : 20507 Client :R + S DESIGN PlanNo:DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 14 INTERIOR WALL OSTRAP(I) 6.5 T 5.5 T 6.5 i 3.03.8 '18.3 4.0 4.0 [ 10.0 1098 863 500 12.0 61.5 561 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice SEE DETAIL INFORMATION ON NEXT PAGE ** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet : L-tZ Job No : 20507 Client :R+S DESIGN PIanNo:DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) INTERIOR WALL14 REAR ELEV 2ND FLOOR STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 61.5(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 23.3(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 5588/ 61.5 = 91(PLF) SHEAR = 5588/ 23.3= 240(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 1098(LB) USE TYPE 10 w/16d SINKER NAIL @ 4" o/c SELL PLATE NAILING DEAD LOADS: Wall 120.0= 10 * 12.O1 Roof_P 100.0= 20 *10.0/2 FROM 0.0' Roof P 160.0= 20 *16.0/2 FROM 26.0' TO 26.0' TO 61.5' OVERTURN PANEL ANALYSL (2)CS16/(2)2x4 (2)CS16/(2)2x4 PANELCB PANEL! UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) 2777(LB) C= 3194(LB) SIDE: T= 2777(LB) C= 3194(LB) :\ 7 -(Z \L Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 on both ends*• **•**(£.,. LEFT_SIDE : T= 2737(LB) C= 3178(LB) RIGHT SIDE: T= 2737(LB) C= 3178(LB) Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 on both ends LEFT_SIDE : T= 1781(LB) C= 3078(LB) (2)CS16/(2)2x4 T= 1509(LB) C= 3078(LB) ** CS16/2x4 RIGHT_SIDE: T= 1781(LB) C= 3078(LB) (2)CS16/(2)2x4 T= 1339(LB) C= 3078(LB) ** CS16/2x4 Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 on both ends or Use CS 16/2x4** on both ends (2)CS16/ (2JCS16/ !2)2x4 !2)2x4 PANELCD]LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE T= 2391(LB) C= 3152(LB) T= 2391(LB) C= 3152(LB) Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 on both ends (2)CS16/(2)2x4 (2)CS16/(2)2x4 ** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet Job No : Client Plan No Date : 20507 R+S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 Engineer MEHDI(Ver3,10) 25.0 4.0 I 5.0 5.5 12.0 3.0! o STRAP(I) 4497 63.0 Drag Force Analysis A: B C D E SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON SIMPSON F: SIMPSON ST22 ST6224 ST6236 MST37 MST48 MST60 (1150 LB) (2116 LB) (2880 LB) (3204 LB) (3746 LB) (4872 LB) ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT ALT (12) (18) {24) (30) (36) (42) # # ft # # # 16d 16d 16d 16d 16d 16d sinker sinker sinker sinker sinker sinker per per per per per per top top top top top top plate plate plate plate plate plate splice splice splice splice splice splice 15 REAR OF RECEPTION INTERIOR WALL STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 63.0(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 12.0(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 6588/ 63.0 = 105(PLF) SHEAR « 6588/ 12.0= 549(PLF) USE TYPE 13 w/A35 @ 8" o/c SILL PLATE ALT 3/8" DIAMETER x 4" LONG LAG SCREW @ 8" o/c MAXIMUM DRAG = 4497{LB) DEAD LOADS: Wall 120.0= 10 * 12.0* Roof_P 160.0= 20 *16.0/2 FROM . 25.0' Roof S 120.0= 15 *16.0/2 FROM 25.0' TO 63.0' TO 63.0' OVERTURN PANEL00 ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T= 4810(LB) C= 7036(LB) T= 4810(LB) C= 7036{LB) Use (3)CS16/4x6 on both ends (3)CS16/4x6 (3)CS16/4x6 Wind 3059 - Seismic 5931 g GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA 4-. Sheet Job No : Client Plan No Date : 20507 R+S DESIGN DAY CARE 05/20798 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 25.0 24.3 10.0 o STRAPd) 2353 63.0 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) ALT (12) B: SIMPSON ST6224(2116 LB) ALT (18) C: SIMPSON ST6236(2880 LB) ALT (24) 16 FRONT OF WORK AREA STORAGE # 16d sinker per top plate splice # 16d sinker per top plate splice # 16d sinker per top plate splice INTERIOR WALL STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH * 63.0(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH * 13.8(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 5931/ 63.0 = 94(PLF) SHEAR = 5931/ 13.8= 431 (PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 2353(LB) USE TYPE 12 w/16d SINKER NAIL @ 3" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING DEAD LOADS: Wall 100.0= 10 * 10.O1 Roof_P 160.0= 20 *16.0/2 FROM 25.0' TO 63.0' Roof S 105.0= 15 *14.0/2 FROM 25.0' TO 37.0' OVERTURN PANEL® UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T= 2284(LB) C= 4583(LB) (2)CS16/(2)2x4 T= 2420(LB) C= 4513(LB) (2)CS16/(2)2x4 T= 771(LB) C= 4513(LB) ** CS16/4x4 Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 on both ends or Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 @ L. & CS 16/4x4** @ R. ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE ** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet : Job No : 20507 Client :R + SDESIGN PlanNo:DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 16.0 3.5 I 5.5 9.0 o STRAPfl) 1341 0.0 13.7 16.0 25.0 A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224(2116 LB) Drag Force Analysis ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice INTERIOR WALL17 FRONT OF COMMUNITY STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 25.0(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 3.5(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 2095/ 25.0 = 84(PLF) SHEAR = 2095/ 3.5= 599 (PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG «• 1341 (LB) USE TYPE 13 w/A35 @ 8" o/c SILL PLATE ALT 3/8" DIAMETER x 4" LONG LAG SCREW @ 7" o/c DEAD LOADS: Wall 90.0 =10 * 9.0 OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) PANEL© LEFT_SIDE : T= 6426 (LB) C= 6375 (LB) RIGHT SIDE: T= 6241(LB) C= 6560(LB) Use CMST12/4x6 on both ends CMST12/4X6 CMST12/4X6 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Wind 1848 Seismic 3772 Sheet Job No : Client : Plan No Date ; 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 3.0 5.0 12.0 o STRAP(I) B A A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224 (2116 LB) Drag Force Analysis ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 18 REAR OF LOBBY/CONFERENCE INTERIOR WALL STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 30.0(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 12.5(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM » 3772/ 30.0 = 126 (PLF) SHEAR = 3772/ 12.5= 302(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 1232(LB) USE TYPE 11 w/16d SINKER NAIL @ 3" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING DEAD LOADS: Wall 120.0= 10 * 12.0' Roof_S 202.5= 15 *27.0/2 FROM 0.0' Roof P 40.0 = 20 * 4.0/2 FROM 12.0' TO 12.0' TO 30.O1 OVERTURN PANEL® PANEL (B, ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE RIGHT_SIDE LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T» 2819 (LB) C» 3914 (LB) T= 2819(LB) C« 3914(LB) Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 on both ends T« 3576(LB) C= 3977{LB) T= 3576(LB) C= 3977{LB) Use (3)CS16/4x6 on both ends {2)CS16/(2)2x4 (2)CS16/{2)2x4 (3)CS16/4x6 (3)CS16/4x6 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA wuiu m "• Seismic 1660 ?=•/„ --, „ \ / (** \ (^?7 - O<1 ) ( ^ ) Sheet : Job No : 20507 Client :R+S DESIGN Plan No : DAY CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer MEHDI(Ver3.10) 12.0 o STRAP(I) 664 25.0 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB)ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice INTERIOR WALL 8.0(FT) 19 REAR OF ELEVATOR STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 25.0 (FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 1660/ 25.0 = 66(PLF) SHEAR = 1660/ 8.0= 208 (PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 664 (LB) USE TYPE 10 w/16d SINKER NAIL @ 4" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING DEAD LOADS: Wall 120.0=10 * 12.0 OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) PANEL© LEFT_SIDE : T= 2177 (LB) C= 2585 (LB) RIGHT SIDE: T= 2177(LB) C= 2585(LB) Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 on both ends (2)CS16/(2)2x4 (2)CS16/(2)2x4 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet Job No : Client Plan No Date : 20507 R+S DESIGN DAY CARE 05/20798 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 9.0 14.8 STRAP(E) n BLOCKED OPENING USE TYPE 11 ON TOP & BOT OF OPENING SEE DETAIL ON PLANS 263 0.0 3.7 25.0 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 {1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 20 1 FRONT OF UP STAIRS KITCHEN EXTERIOR WALL STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 25.0(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 4.8(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 1751/ 25.0 = 70 (PLF) SHEAR = 1751/ 4.8= 368 (PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = , 1033 (LB) USE TYPE 11 w/16d SINKER NAIL <ffi 3" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING DEAD LOADS: Wall 135.0= OVERTURN ANALYSIS 15 * 9.0 UPLIFT(T)DOWN(C) PANEL! PANELCB LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT_SIDE: BLOCKED! LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT SIDE: T- 2214(LB) C= 2539(LB) T= 0(LB) C= 0(LB) Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 @ L. FORCE @ EDGE OF OPENING T= 0(LB) C= 0{LB) T= 2218(LB) C= 2539(LB) Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 @ R. IS (2)CS16/(2)2x4 NO SIGN. UPLIFT () 247(LB) NO SIGN. UPLIFT() (2)CS16/(2)2x4 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet : L- 3, O Job No : 20507 Client :R + S DESIGN Plan No: DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer MEHDI(Ver3.10) 21 EXTERIOR WALL STRAP(E) 2 BREAK POINT Q BLOCKED OPENING USE TYPE 11 ON TOP & BOT OF OPENING SEE DETAIL ON PLANS 373 0.0 11.0 \ 14.5,20.5 24.0 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 {1150 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice SEE DETAIL INFORMATION ON NEXT PAGE GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet Job No : 20507 Client :R+S DESIGN Plan No: DAY CARE Date : 05/20798 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 21 FRONT OF LOBBY/CONFERENCE EXTERIOR WALL STORY : SECOND FLOOR 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 2 4.0 (FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 11.4 (FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 2323/ 24.0 » 97(PLF) SHEAR = 203* 5.2/ 3.8= 275 (PLF) (ON OPENING) MAXIMUM DRAG = 373 (LB) USE TYPE 11 w/16d SINKER NAIL (ffi 3" o/c SILL PLATE NAILING DEAD LOADS: Wall 135.0= 15 * 9.0' Roof S 97.5 = 15 *13.0/2 FROM O.O1 TO 11.0' OVERTURN ANALYSIS PANEL@ LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE UPLIFT(T) T= 99(LB) T= 0(LB) PANELCB" DOWN(C) C= 1052(LB) C= 0(LB) BLOCKED! LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT SIDE: FORCE @ EDGE OF OPENING T= 0(LB) C= 0{LB) T= 135(LB) C= 1052(LB) IS NO NO SIGN. SIGN. 325(LB) NO SIGN. NO SIGN. UPLIFT() UPLIFT () UPLIFT () UPLIFT {) PANEL! PANEL(D] LEFT_SIDE : RIGHTJSIDE: LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT SIDE: T= 1796(LB) C= 1997(LB) T= 1796(LB) C= 1997(LB) Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 on both ends T= 1796(LB) C= 1997(LB) T« 1796(LB) C= 1997(LB) Use (2)CS16/(2)2x4 on both ends (2)CS16/(2)2x4 (2)CS16/(2)2x4 (2)CS16/(2)2x4 (2)CS16/(2)2x4 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet : L-^ *£ Job No : 20507 Client :R + S DESIGN Plan No: DAY CARE Date : 05/20798 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 22 EXTERIOR WALL STRAP(E) 13.0 3.3 j 3.5 13.3 3.5 BREAK POINT j PANEL EDGE ON THE ABOVE STORY 10.5 62.8 A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON 576224(2116 LB) C: SIMPSON 376236(2880 LB) Drag Force Analysis ALT (12) ft 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (24) # 16d sinker per top plate splice SEE DETAIL INFORMATION ON NEXT PAGE ** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer (I) Holddown inside of panel GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet Job No : Client Plan No Date : 20507 R + S DESIGN DAY_CARE 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) WALL 94 UBC LENGTH =20.5(FT) 22 RE£R ELEV 1ST FLOOR EXTERIOR STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 62.8(FT) TOTAL PANEL SHEAR DIAFHRAM = 12680/ 62.8 = 202(PLF) SHEAP s=12£>80/ 20.5= 619 (PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 2266 (LB) USE TYFE 13 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 16.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS: Wall 157.5= 15 * 10.5' LOAD 14 < OVERTURN PANELM PANEL (B, PANEL! PANELtD] PANEL! 0.0' START 0.0' TO 61.5' ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) LEFT_SIDE : T= 9422(LB) C=10478(LB) HD20A/6x6(I) RIGHT SIDE: T= 8227(LB) C= 8118(LB) (2)HPAHD22/4x8 ~ Use HD20A/6x6(I) @ L. & (2)HPAHD22/4x8 @ R. LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE T= 7823(LB) C= 8041(LB) T= 7823(LB) C= 8041(LB) Use (2)HPAHD22/4x8 on both ends (2)HPAHD22/4x8 (2)HPAHD22/4x8 LEFTJSIDE : T=10166(LB) C= 7684(LB) HD20A/6x6(I) RIGHT SIDE: T- 5929(LB) C= 9092(LB) ** (2)HPAHD22/4x8 ~ Use HD20A/6x6(I) @ L. & (2)HPAHD22/4x8** @ R. LEFT_SIDE : T= 5642(LB) C= 9092(LB) ** (2)HPAHD22/4x8 RIGHT SIDE: T= 9563(LB) C= 7684(LB) HD20A/6x6(I) ~ Use(2)HPAHD22/4x8**@L.&HD20A/6x6(I)@R. LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE T= 3779(LB) C= 7116(LB) ** HPAHD22/4x4 T= 6576(LB) C= 7116(LB) (2)HPAHD22/4x8 T= 6320(LB) C= 7116(LB) (2)HPAHD22/4x8 Use HPAHD22/4x4** @ L. & (2)HPAHD22/4x8 @ R. ** w/ Dead loads of adjacent element, use detail for connection of S.W. to trimmer (I) Holddown inside of panel GOTJVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA r Sheet : L- JobNo : 20507 Client :R + S DESIGN Plan No: DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 15.0 15.0 10.5 16.0 o STRAPffl 3151 63.5 Drag Force Analysis A: SIMPSON ST22 {1150 LB) ALT (12) B: SIMPSON ST6224{2116 LB) ALT (18) C: SIMPSON ST6236 (2880, LB) ALT (24) D: SIMPSON MST37 (3204 LB) ALT (30) E: SIMPSON MST48 (3746 LB) ALT (36) # 16d sinker per top plate splice # 16d sinker per top plate splice # 16d sinker per top plate splice # 16d sinker per top plate splice # 16d sinker per top plate splice 23 REAR OF CHILDS REST ROOM INTERIOR WALL STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 63.5(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 17.5(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 13337/ 63.5 = 210(PLF) SHEAR =13337/ 17.5= 762(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 3475(LB) USE TYPE 14 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 8.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS: Wall 105.0= OVERTURN PANELM PANEL ANALYSIS LEFT_SIDE RIGHT_SIDE LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE 10 * 10.51 UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) : T= 7907(LB) C= 8442(LB) T= 7907{LB) C= 8442(LB) Use (2)HPA35/4x8 on both ends T= 8783(LB) C=* 9028(LB) T= 8783(LB) O 9028(LB) Use (2)HPA35/4x8 on both ends (2)HPA35/4x8 (2)HPA35/4x8 (2)HPA35/4x8 (2)HPA35/4x8 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA Sheet Job No Client Plan No Date Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3. 10) :L-3> 20507 R+S DESIGN : DAY CARE 05/20798 10.5 STRAP(I) 2071 564 62.5 Drag Force Analysis A: B: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) SIMPSON ST6224 (2116 LB) ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 24 FRONT OF CHILDS REST ROOM INTERIOR WALL STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 62.5(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 23.5 (FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 8630/ 62.5 = 138(PLF) SHEAR = 8630/ 23.5= 367(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 2071(LB) USE TYPE 11 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 24.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS: Wall 105.0= 10 * 10.5' OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) PANEL© LEFT_SIDE : T= 3416 (LB) C= 3952 (LB) HPA28/4X4 RIGHT SIDE: T= 3416(LB) O 3952(LB) HPA28/4x4 Use HPA28/4x4 on both ends PANEL® LEFT_SIDE : T= 3443 (LB) C= 3956 (LB) HPA28/4x4 RIGHT SIDE: T= 3443(LB) C= 3956 (LB) HPA28/4X4~~ Use HFA28/4x4 on both ends GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA STRAP(I) 4.0 5.0 I 17.5 PANEL EDGE ON THE ABOVE STORY Sheet : L- \ t Job No : 20507 Client :R + S DESIGN Plan No: DAY CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 10.5 49.0 A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224 (2116 LB) Drag Force Analysis ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice 25 REAR OF ELEVATOR 1ST FLOOR INTERIOR WALL STORY : FIRST FLOOR ONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC TOTAL WALL LENGTH = 49.0(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 17.5(FT) SHEAR DIAPHRAM = 3740/ 49.0 = 76(PLF) SHEAR « 3740/ 17.5= 214(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 1717(LB) USE TYPE 10 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 40.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS: Wall 105.0=10 * 10.5' LOAD 19 0.0! START OVERTURN ANALYSIS PANEL® LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE 0.0' TO 25.0' UPLIFT(T) DOWN(C) T>^2027(LB) C= 2282 (LB) '= 2426 (LB) C= 2282 (LB) Use PA28/4x4 on both ends ^p TV O O / y| ir A PA2 8/4x4 Wad It.17Seismic 5512 GOUVIS ENGINEERING CALIFORNIA n Sheet : I Job No -.20567 Client :R + S DESIGN Plan No: DAY_CARE Date : 05/20/98 Engineer: MEHDI(Ver3.10) 2.5 3.0! 3.0 10.5 24.0 STRAP(E) PANEL EDGE ON THE ABOVE STORY A 56 D C 49.5 A: SIMPSON ST22 (1150 LB) B: SIMPSON ST6224 (2116 LB) C: SIMPSON ST6236(2880 LB) D: SIMPSON MST37 (3204 LB) Drag Force Analysis ALT (12) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (18) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (24) # 16d sinker per top plate splice ALT (30) # 16d sinker per top plate splice / 26 FRONT ELEV STORY : FIRST FLOOR TOTAL WALL LENGTH = SHEAR DIAPHRAM SHEAR = 5512/ 12.5= IST FLOOR EXTERIOR WALLONE POUR FOUNDATION 94 UBC49.5(FT) TOTAL PANEL LENGTH = 12.5(FT) 5512/ 49.5 * lll(PLF) 441(PLF) MAXIMUM DRAG = 2911(LB) USE TYPE 12 w/ 1/2" DIAMETER xlO" LONG ANCHOR BOLT @ 16.0" o/c MAX. DEAD LOADS: Wall 157.5=15 * 10.5' LOAD 20 0.5' START 3.8' TO 10.3 OVERTURN ANALYSIS UPLIFT(T) PANEL@ LEFT_SIDE : T= 3887 (LB) RIGHT SIDE: T= 4735(LB) ~ Use HPAHD22/4x4 (a DOWN(C) C= 4878{LB) HPAHD22/4X4 C= 4878(LB) (2)HPAHD22/4x8 L. & (2)HPAHD22/4x8 @ R. PANELCB]LEFT_SIDE RIGHT SIDE T- 5402(LB) C= 5636 (LB) T= 5402(LB) C= 5636(LB) Use (2)HPAHD22/4x8 on both ends (2)HPAHD22/4x8 (2)HPAHD22/4x8 Project: Michael C. Broad PE Consulting Engineers 2417 Shady Forest Lane Orange Ca. 92867 Date:Page No: CALCULATIONS FOR POST TENSIONED SLAB ON (3RADE BY PTI METHOD FOR Laurel tree Apartment Project. Carlsbad CA FOR J. L. DAVIDSON INC. Deflection Criteria: Center Lift Edge L'rft L/3<6O L/8OO JLD Project No AQ3(S4 Telephone: 1-714-974-5347 Pox: 1-714-974-0114 Michael C. Broad PE Consulting Engineers 2417 Shady Forest Lane Orange Ca. 92867 Project:Date:Page No: Soils Report by (Seotechnlcal Exploration Inc. •Report No tt 3>5-<5794. Date: 3-13-5*8 Soil Searing Pressure 25OQ psf Slab 5" thick 77?g Soils Engineer does NOT specify sulfate resistant concrete Cone fc 3OOO psi @ 2& days min. Sand:, 2" + flOmil visqueen] + 2" PT! PARAMETERS Edge Moisture Variation Center irfr E'm Edge Liff E'm Center YYn Edge Vm Dimensions Building 1 Exterior Beam Interior Beam Daycare Exterior Beams Interior Beams Category I 5.3Off 3.00ft 3.21 ins O&9> ins 12"x2T 12" x 13" 12" x 2T 12" x 1(5" Category II 0.OOfr 3.OOft 6.76 Ins 1.1O Ins 12" x 33" 12" x 24" 12" x 33" 12" x 1(5" LOADING: Loads to footings: Roof. 35 psf Exterior line load: PT) design for 2 story PT1 design for 1 story 3HBO.O Ibs/ff (SSO.O Ibs/ff Telephone: 1-714-974-5347 Pox: 1-714-974-0114 Project: Michael C. Broad PE Consulting Engineers 2417 Shady Forest Lane Orange Ca. 92867 Dale:Pnge No: -LaureLTree^Apartrnents Seams Calculate the Maximum Point Load that can be safely supported on the Interior beams before requiring separate spread footings * Cone Fc = 3OOO psl Soil Pressures 1.SO ksf at bottom of footings. Slab thickness 5 Ins For the effective soil bearing wfcHh use O.75x "Leff Max Load on Interior Beam:- Allowable Soil Bearing FVessure = 1.13 Beam depth = IS Beam width = 12 Effective Pod width w/ PT effect = 3&9> Effeihw \Mdlh if baomgenxi ftrt Lead KiGrad* BKID from ksf [ Using 75% of S. P. for average value] Slab Leff. = 2 x (O.75x 'I eff) + bm width Ins ft Maximum PL = Soil Press x Area =13.123 Ibs Point Load at Exterior Location Cone PC = 3OOO psl Soil Pressures 1.5O ksf Allowable Soil Bearing Pressure = Beam depth = Beam width = Effective Pad width w/ PT effect = Maximum PL = Soil Press x Area = Parti Loot to Grade Beam (run •tructm . r€ifenivc VA*h of Raotirg 1.13 ksf 27 ins 12 ins 2.44-ft 12343 Ibs [WWtti<O.75x1 eflT)t Beam width.] Telephone: 1-714-974-5347 Pax: 1-714-974-0114 Registered To: Michael Broad P. E. PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Swial Number: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title : Laura! Tree Apartments Carlsbad Design Rectangle: 1 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Call Project Number: Estimate 1 Project Date : August 4,1998 Report Date: DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions Equivalent Flat Stab Thickness Jacking Force Material Properties Concrete Strength, f"c Tendon Strength. Fpu Tendon Diameter Material Quantities Concrete Prestessing Tendon Number of End Anchorages In the LONG direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons In the SHORT direction ... Number of Type 1 Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Stab Tendons 30.00 FT x 95.00 FT x 5.00 Inches 15.27 Inches 33.05 KIPS 3,000 PSI 270 KSI 1/2 Inch 72.3 Cubic Yards 1,675 Linear Feet 60 12.0 Inches x 27.0 Inches 0.0 1 12.0 Inches x 18.0 Inches 0.0 11 Tendons at 2.80 Feet O.C. 12.0 Inches x 27.0 Inches 0.0 12.0 Inches x 18.0 Inches 1.0 13 Tendons at 7.75 Feet O.C. Page 1 of 4 R*giiter»d To: Michael Broad P. E. PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Serial Number: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title : Laura! Tree Apartments Carlsbad Design Rectangle: 1 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Cat! Project Number: Estimate 1 Project Date : August 4, 1998 Report Date: RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Anavlsis Applied Pressure on Soil Soil Pressure Safety Factor Prestress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) Mid-Slab Effective Prestress (PSI) Beta Distance Effective Prestress Eccentricity of Prestressing Number of Slab Tendons Number of Beam Tendons 1,329 PSF 1.13 Short Direction 50 50 56 -2.61 13 6 Long Direction 60 60 105 3.54 11 0 Moment Analysis - Center Lift Mode Calculated Moment, Short Direction Calculated Moment, Long Direction Bending Stresses (KSI) 11.92 11.3 Ft-K/Ft Ft-K/Ft Allowable Stress Actual Stress Tension in Top Fiber Short Long Direction Direction Compression in Bottom Fiber Short Long Direction Direction -0.329 -0.324 -0.329 -0.072 Allowable Stress 1.350 Actual Stress 1.363 1.350 0.658 Differential Deflection Analysis - Center Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 360 Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) Short Direction 1.00 0.86 Long Direction 1.88 0.91 Shear Stress Analysis - Center Lift Mode Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Page 2 of 4 Short Direction 103 84 Long Direction 105 83 Ftvgiitarad To: MichMf Bnwd P. E. PTISlab Windows Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Swlal Number: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Project Date: August 4, 1998 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnicat Report: GEI #95-6794 Cat1 Project Number: Estimate 1 Report Date: RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS continued Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Calculated Moment, Short Direction Calculated Moment, Long Direction Bending Stresses (KSI) Allowable Stress Actual Stress Tension in Bottom Fiber Short Long Direction Direction 3.99 Ft-K/Ft 3.6 Ft-K/Ft Compression in Top Fiber Short Long Direction Direction -0,329 -0.256 -0.329 -0.289 Allowable Stress Actual Stress 1.350 0.146 1.350 0.232 Differential Deflection Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 800 Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) Short Direction 0.45 0.25 Long Direction 0.84 0.46 Shear Stress Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Allowable Shear Stress (PSl) Actual Shear Stress (PSl) Short Direction 103 87 Long Direction 105 72 Page 3 of 4 Michael Broad P. E, PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostmctural Tool Kit, Inc. Swial Numbw: 100-100-003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Design Rectangle: 1 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Call Project Number: Estimate 1 Project Date: August 4,1998 Report Date: SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure Edge Moisture Variation Distance, Differential Soil Movement, ym Sub-Grade Friction Coefficient, u Soil Modulus of Elasticity, Es Material Properties Concrete Strength, f*c Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec Concrete Unit Weight Tendon Strength, FpU Tendon Diameter Center Lift em 5.30 3.210 Feet Inches 1,500.0 PSF Edge Lift 3.00 Feet 0.890 Inches 1.00 1,000.0 PSI 3,000.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KSI 1/2 Inch Slab Parameters Slab Dimensions Minimum Permissible Prestress Short Direction Long Direction 30.00 FT x 95.00 FT x 5.00 Inches 50.00 PSI 60.00 PSI Beam Parameters Quantity Depth Width Tendons Cover Short Direction Long Direction Type I 2 27.0 12.0 0 0.0 Type II 6 18.0 12.0 1 3.0 Type 1 2 27.0 12.0 0 0.0 Type II 1 18.0 12.0 0 0.0 Inches Inches inches Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Load 50.00 PSF Perimeter Load 960.00 PLF Deflection Limits Center Lift L/360 Edge Lift L/800 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Prestress Loss Page 4 of 4 15.0 KSI Rtgi»lmd To: Michael Broad P. E. PTISlab Windows Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Swwl Nunbw: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Design Rectangle: 1 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report : GEI #95-6794 Category II Project Number: Estimate 1 Project Date : August 4,1998 Report Date: DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions Equivalent Flat Slab Thickness Jacking Force Material Properties Concrete Strength, f*c Tendon Strength, Fpu Tendon Diameter 30.00 FT x 95.00 FT x 5.00 Inches 18.81 Inches 33.05 KIPS 3,000 PSI 270 KSI 1/2 Inch Material Quantities Concrete Prestessing Tendon Number of End Anchorages In the LONG direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type 1 Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons 81.3 Cubic Yards 1,836 Linear Feet 66 12.0 Inches x 33.0 Inches 0.0 1 12.0 Inches x 24.0 Inches 0.0 12 Tendons at 2.55 Feet O.C. In the SHORT direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons 12.0 Inches x 33.0 Inches 0.0 12.0 Inches x 24.0 Inches 1.0 15 Tendons at 6.64 Feet O.C. Page 1 of 4 PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Regiitomd To: MichMl Broad P. E. S-ftolNumbw: 100-100-003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Category II Design Rectangle: 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 Project Engineer: MCB Project Date : August 4,1998 GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Report Date : RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS Soil Bearing An avis is Applied Pressure on Soil 1,399 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 1.07 P res tress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTl Manual Short Long Direction Direction Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 51 59 Mid-Slab Effective Prestress (PSI) 51 59 Beta Distance Effective Prestress 54 104 Eccentricity of Prestressing -2.42 5.22 Number of Slab Tendons 15 12 Number of Beam Tendons 6 0 Moment Analysis - Center Lift Mode Calculated Moment. Short Direction 19.58 Ft-K/Ft Calculated Moment, Long Direction 18.35 Ft-K/Ft Bending Stresses (KSI) Tension in Top Fiber Compression in Bottom Fiber Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.329 -0.329 Allowable Stress 1.350 1.350 Actual Stress -0.325 -0.095 Actual Stress 1.339 0.696 Differential Deflection Analysis - Center Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 360 Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) 1.00 2.19 Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) 0.87 0.96 Shear Stress Analysis - Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 103 105 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 81 93 Page 2 of 4 Rvgivlerwf To: Michael Broad P. E. PTISlab WindOWS version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Swial Numb*: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Project Date : August 4,1998 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Category II Project Number: Estimate 1 Report Date: RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS continued Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Calculated Moment, Short Direction Calculated Moment, Long Direction Bending Stresses (KSI) Allowable Stress Actual Stress Tension in Bottom Fiber Short Long Direction Direction -0.329 -0.259 -0.329 -0.269 Allowable Stress Actual Stress 5.89 Ft-K/Ft 4.88 Ft-K/Ft Compression in Top Fiber Short Long Direction Direction 1.350 0.146 1.350 0.229 Differential Deflection Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 800 Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) Short Direction 0.45 0.25 Long Direction 0.99 0.46 Shear Stress Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Short Direction 103 87 Long Direction 105 73 Page 3 of 4 Regiilerad To: Michael Broad P. E. PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Too! Kit, Inc. Swtal Number: 100-100-003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Design Rectangle: 1 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report : GEI #95-6794 Category II Project Number: Estimate 1 Project Date : August 4,1998 Report Date: SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em Differential Soil Movement, ym Sub-Grade Friction Coefficient, u Soil Modulus of Elasticity, Es Material Properties Concrete Strength, f"c Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec Concrete Unit Weight Tendon Strength, Fpu Tendon Diameter Center Lift 6.00 Feet 6.760 Inches 1,500.0 PSF Edge Lift 3.00 Feet 1.100 Inches 1.00 1,000.0 PSI 3,000.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KSI 1 /2 Inch Slab Parameters Slab Dimensions Minimum Permissible Prestress Short Direction Long Direction Beam Parameters Quantity Depth Width Tendons Cover Short Direction 30.00 FT x 95.00 FT x 5.00 Inches 50.00 PSI 50.00 PSI Type I 2 33.0 12.0 0 0.0 Type II 6 24.0 12.0 1 3.0 Long Direction Type Type II 2 33.0 12.0 0 0.0 1 24.0 Inches 12.0 Inches 0 0.0 Inches Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Load Perimeter Load 50.00 PSF 960.00 PLF Deflection Limits Center Lift Edge Lift Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual L/360 LV800 Prestress Loss Page 4 of 4 15.0 KSI : Michael Broad P. E. PTISlab WindOWS version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Serial Number: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Office-Daycare Center Cat I Design Rectangle : 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT2-1L] Project Engineer: MCB Project Date: August 5,1998 GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Report Date: DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions Equivalent Flat Slab Thickness Jacking Force Material Properties Concrete Strength, f c Tendon Strength, Fpu Tendon Diameter Material Quantities Concrete Prestessing Tendon Number of End Anchorages In the LONG direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type II Beams Type It Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons In the SHORT direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons 61.70 FT x 66.83 FT x 5.00 Inches 13.22 Inches 33.05 KIPS 3,000 PSI 270 KSI 1/2 Inch 103.2 Cubic Yards 2,454 Linear Feet 74 12.0 Inches x 27.0 Inches 0.0 12.0 Inches x 16.0 Inches 0.0 19 Tendons at 3.32 Feet O.C. 12.0 Inches x 27.0 Inches 0.0 12.0 Inches x 16.0 Inches 0.0 18 Tendons at 3.81 Feet O.C. Page 1 of 4 PTISlabWindows version 1.01 Geostructura! Toot Kit, Inc. R«fliil«f*j To: MichHl Broad P. E. , SwialNumbw: 100-100-003 Project Title: Laurel Tree Apartments Carlsbad Office-Daycare Center Cat I Design Rectangle : 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT2-1L] Project Engineer: MCB Project Date: August 5,1998 GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Report Date: RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Anavlsis Applied Pressure on Soil 1.077 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 1.39 Prestress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Short Long Direction Direction Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 53 60 Mid-Slab Effective Prestress (PSI) 53 60 Beta Distance Effective Prestress 80 88 Eccentricity of Prestressing 2.44 2.77 Number of Slab Tendons 18 19 Number of Beam Tendons 0 0 Moment Analysis - Center Lift Mode Calculated Moment. Short Direction 8.88 Ft-K/Ft Calculated Moment, Long Direction 8.88 Ft-K/Ft Bending Stresses (KSI) Tension in Top Fiber Compression in Bottom Fiber Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.329 -0.329 Allowable Stress 1.350 1.350 Actual Stress -0.137 -0.109 Actual Stress 0.801 0.673 Differential Deflection Analysis - Center Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 360 Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) 2.00 2.02 Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) 0.89 0.69 Shear Stress Analysis - Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 104 105 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 90 60 Page 2 of 4 R»gisl«f*d To: Mtehwl Broad P. E. PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Swtal Numbw: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Office-Daycare Center Cat I Project Date: Augusts, 1998 Project Number; Estimate 1 [LT2-1L] Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Report Date : RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS continued Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Calculated Moment. Short Direction Calculated Moment, Long Direction Bending Stresses (KSI) Allowable Stress Actual Stress Tension in Bottom Fiber Short Long Direction Direction 3.03 Ft-K/R 3.03 Ft-K/Ft Compression in Top Fiber Short Long Direction Direction -0.329 -0.326 -0.329 -0.292 Allowable Stress Actual Stress 1.350 0.201 1.350 0.216 Differential Deflection Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 800 Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) Short Direction 0.90 0.41 Long Direction 0.91 0.36 Shear Stress Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Short Direction 104 86 Long Direction 105 69 Page 3 of 4 R*gi»t««d To: Mtchasl Broad P. E. PTISlab WindOWS version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Serial Number: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Design Rectangle: 1 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Office-Daycare Center Cat I Project Number; Estimate 1 [LT2-1L] Project Date : August 5, 1998 Report Date: SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure Edge Moisture Variation Distance, Differential Soil Movement, ym Sub-Grade Friction Coefficient, u Soil Modulus of Elasticity, Es Material Properties Concrete Strength, f*c Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec Concrete Unit Weight Tendon Strength, Fpu Tendon Diameter Center Lift 5.30 Feet 3.210 Inches 1,500.0 PSF Edge Lift 3.00 Feet 0.890 Inches 1.00 1,000.0 PSI 3,000.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KSI 1/2 Inch Slab Parameters Slab Dimensions Minimum Permissible Prestress Short Direction Long Direction Beam Parameters Quantity Depth Width Tendons Cover Short Direction Type I Type II 2 27.0 12.0 0 0.0 4 16.0 12.0 0 0.0 61.70 FT x 66.83 FT x 5.00 Inches 50.00 PSI 60.00 PSI Long Direction Type I Type II 2 27.0 12.0 0 0.0 5 16.0 Inches 12.0 Inches 0 0.0 Inches Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Load Perimeter Load 50.00 PSF 960.00 PLF Deflection Limits Center Lift Edge Lift Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual L/360 L/800 Prestress Loss Page 4 of 4 15.0 KSI R«gi*tw»d To: Mfchatl Broad P. E. PTISlab Windows vereioni.oi Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Swial Number: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Design Rectangle: 1 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report : GEI #95-6794 Category II Project Number: Estimate 1 Project Date: August 4,1998 Report Date: DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions Equivalent Flat Slab Thickness Jacking Force Material Properties Concrete Strength, f c Tendon Strength. Fpu Tendon Diameter Material Quantities Concrete Prestessing Tendon Number of End Anchorages In the LONG direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type It Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons In the SHORT direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons 61.70 FT x 66.83 FT x 5.00 Inches 15.51 Inches 33.05 KIPS 3,000 PSI 270 KSI 1/2 inch 112.3 Cubic Yards 2,783 Linear Feet 84 12.0 Inches x 33.0 Inches 0.0 12.0 Inches x 16.0 Inches 0.0 21 Tendons at 2.99 Feet O.C. 12.0 Inches x 33.0 Inches 0.0 12.0 Inches x 16.0 Inches 0.0 21 Tendons at 3.24 Feet O.C. Page 1 of 4 PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. : MkhMl Broad P. E. . Sinai Numbw: 100-100-003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Category II Design Rectangle : 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 Project Engineer: MCB Project Date : August 4,1998 GeoTechnical Report : GE! #95-6794 Report Date: RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Anavlsls Applied Pressure on Soil 1,122 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 1.34 Prestress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Short Long Direction Direction Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 62 64 Mid-Slab Effective Prestress (PSI) 62 64 Beta Distance Effective Prestress 87 91 Eccentricity of Prestressing 3.37 3.76 Number of Slab Tendons 21 21 Number of Beam Tendons 0 0 Moment Analysis - Center Lift Mode Calculated Moment, Short Direction 13.93 Ft-K/Ft Calculated Moment, Long Direction 13.93 Ft-K/Ft Bending Stresses (KSI) Tension in Top Fiber Compression in Bottom Fiber Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.329 -0.329 Allowable Stress 1.350 1.350 Actual Stress -0.157 -0.140 Actual Stress 0.896 0.764 Differential Deflection Analysis - Center Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 360 Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) 2.06 2.23 Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) 0.98 0.77 Shear Stress Analysis - Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 106 106 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 91 69 Page 2 of 4 R*gi*tw»d To: MichMl Brood P. E. PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Striat Nixntwr: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Project Date : August 4,1998 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Category II Project Number: Estimate 1 Report Date: RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS continued Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Calculated Moment, Short Direction Calculated Moment, Long Direction Bending Stresses (KSI) Allowable Stress Actual Stress Tension in Bottom Fiber Short Long Direction Direction -0.329 -0.317 -0.329 -0.285 Allowable Stress Actual Stress 3.94 Ft-K/Ft 3.94 Ft-K/Ft Compression in Top Fiber Short Long Direction Direction 1.350 0.21 1.350 0.22 Differential Deflection Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 800 Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) Short Direction 0.93 0.43 Long Direction 1.00 0.37 Shear Stress Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Short Direction 106 89 Long Direction 106 73 Page 3 of 4 R»gi»l»»d To: Michwl Broad P. E. PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Swtal Mumbw: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Design Rectangle: 1 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Category II Project Number: Estimate 1 Project Date: August 4.1998 Report Date: SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em Differential Soil Movement, ym Sub-Grade Friction Coefficient, u Soil Modulus of Elasticity, Es Material Properties Concrete Strength, f*c Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec Concrete Unit Weight Tendon Strength, FpU Tendon Diameter Center Lift 6.00 Feet 6.760 Inches 1,500.0 PSF Edge Lift 3.00 Feet 1.100 Inches 1.00 1,000.0 PSI 3,000.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KSI 1/2 Inch Slab Parameters Slab Dimensions Minimum Permissible Prestress Short Direction Long Direction Beam Parameters Quantity Depth Width Tendons Cover Short Direction 61.70 FT x 66.83 FT x 5.00 Inches 60.00 PSI 60.00 PSI Type I 2 33.0 12.0 0 0.0 Type II 4 16.0 12.0 0 3.0 Long Direction Type Type II 2 33.0 12.0 0 0.0 5 16.0 Inches 12.0 Inches 0 0.0 Inches Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Load 50.00 PSF Perimeter Load 960.00 PLF Deflection Limits Center Lift L/360 Edge Lift 1/800 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Prestress Loss Page 4 of 4 15.0 KSI R»gi*lwed To: Michael Broad P. E. PTISlab WindOWS version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Swia! Numbw : 100 -100 - 003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Offtce-Daycare Center Small Bldg Cat I Design Rectangle: 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT3-1L] Project Engineer: MCB Project Date: August 5.1998 GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Report Date : DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions Equivalent Flat Slab Thickness Jacking Force Material Properties Concrete Strength, f*c Tendon Strength, Fpu Tendon Diameter Material Quantities Concrete Prestessing Tendon Number of End Anchorages In the LONG direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons In the SHORT direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type It Beam Slab Tendons 18.80 FT x 30.83 FT x 5.00 Inches 16.99 Inches 33.05 KIPS 3,000 PSI 270 KSI 1/2 Inch 17.5 Cubic Yards 343 Linear Feet 26 12.0 Inches x 27.0 Inches 0.0 1 12.0 Inches x 16.0 Inches 0.0 6 Tendons at 3.36 Feet O.C. 12.0 Inches x 27.0 Inches 0.0 1 12.0 Inches x 16.0 Inches 0.0 7 Tendons at 4.81 Feet O.C. Page 1 of 4 PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. ; Michael Broad P. E. Serial Number; 100 -100 - 003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Office-Daycare Center Small Bldg Cat I Design Rectangle: 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT3-1L] Project Engineer: MCB Project Date : August 5,1998 GeoTechnical Report : GEI #95-6794 . Report Date: RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Anavlsis Applied Pressure on Soil 1,164 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 1.29 Prestress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Short Long Direction Direction Minimum Effective Prestress (PSl) 60 68 Mid-Slab Effective Prestress (PSl) 60 68 Beta Distance Effective Prestress 60 76 Eccentricity of Prestressing 3.41 4.78 Number of Slab Tendons 7 6 Number of Beam Tendons 0 0 Moment Analysis - Center Lift Mode Calculated Moment. Short Direction 8.64 Ft-K/Ft Calculated Moment, Long Direction 8.19 Ft-K/Ft Bending Stresses (KSI) Tension in Top Fiber Compression in Bottom Fiber Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.329 -0.329 Allowable Stress 1.350 1.350 Actual Stress -0.092 -0.017 Actual Stress 0.54 0.299 Differential Deflection Analysis - Center Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 360 Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) 0.63 1.03 Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) 0.56 0.35 Shear Stress Analysis - Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSl) 105 107 Actual Shear Stress (PSl) 51 29 Page 2 of 4 Rvgiitorad To: Mtetwl Broad P. E. PTISlab WindOWS version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Strict NiMnbw: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carisbad Office-Daycare Center Small Bldg Cat I Project Date : August 5, 1998 Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT3-1L] Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report : GEl #95-6794 Report Date : RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS continued Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Calculated Moment, Short Direction Calculated Moment, Long Direction Bending Stresses (KSI) Allowable Stress Actual Stress Tension in Bottom Fiber Short Long Direction Direction 4.09 Ft-K/Ft 3.49 Ft-K/Ft Compression in Top Fiber Short Long Direction Direction -0.329 -0.305 -0.329 -0.200 Allowable Stress Actual Stress 1.350 0.175 1.350 0.191 Differential Deflection Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 800 Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) Short Direction 0.28 0.27 Long Direction 0.46 0.22 Shear Stress Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Allowable Shear Stress (PS1) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Short Direction 105 66 Long Direction 107 42 Page 3 of 4 Rtglilarad To: Michael Broad P. E. PTISlab WindOWS version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Serial Number: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Office-Daycare Center Small Bldg Cat I Design Rectangle: 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT3-1L] Project Engineer: MCB Project Date : August 5,1998 GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Report Date : SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure Edge Moisture Variation Distance, Differential Soil Movement, ym Sub-Grade Friction Coefficient, u Soil Modulus of Elasticity, Es Material Properties Concrete Strength, f*c Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec Concrete Unit Weight Tendon Strength, Fpu Tendon Diameter em Center Lift 5.30 Feet 3.210 Inches 1,500.0 PSF Edge Lift 3.00 Feet 0.890 Inches 1.00 1,000.0 PSI 3.000.0 PSI 1,500,000.0 PSI 145.0 PCF 270.0 KSl 1/2 Inch Slab Parameters Slab Dimensions Minimum Permissible Prestress Short Direction Long Direction Beam Parameters Quantity Depth Width Tendons Cover Short Direction 18.80 FT x 30.83 FT x 5.00 Inches 50.00 PSI 60.00 PSI Long Direction Type I 2 27.0 12.0 0 0.0 Type II 1 16.0 12.0 0 0.0 Type I 2 27.0 12.0 0 0.0 Type II 1 16.0 Inches 12.0 Inches 0 0.0 Inches Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Load Perimeter Load 50.00 PSF 660.00 PLF Deflection Limits Center Lift Edge Lin Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual L/360 L/800 Prestress Loss Page 4 of 4 15.0 KSl Ragiitewl To: Michad Breed P. E. PTISlab WindOWS version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Serial Nunbw: 100 -100 - 003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Office-Daycare Center Small Bldg Cat It Design Rectangle: 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT3-1M] Project Engineer: MCB Project Date : August 5,1998 GeoTechnical Report: GEI #95-6794 Report Date: DESIGN SUMMARY Slab Dimensions Equivalent Rat Slab Thickness Jacking Force Material Properties Concrete Strength, f*c Tendon Strength, Fpu Tendon Diameter Material Quantities Concrete Prestessing Tendon Number of End Anchorages In the LONG direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type I Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type 1 Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons In the SHORT direction ... Number of Type I Beams Type 1 Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type I Beam Number of Type II Beams Type II Beam Dimensions Tendons Per Type II Beam Slab Tendons 18.80 FT x 30.83 FT x 5.00 Inches 20.53 Inches 33.05 KIPS 3,000 PSl 270 KSI 1 /2 Inch 19.7 Cubic Yards 375 Linear Feet 28 12.0 Inches x 33.0 Inches 0.0 1 12.0 Inches x 16.0 Inches 0.0 7 Tendons at 2.80 Feet O.C. 12.0 Inches x 33.0 Inches 0.0 1 12.0 Inches x 16.0 Inches 0.0 7 Tendons at 4.81 Feet O.C. Page 1 of 4 PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. R«S»lM«dTo: MfchMl Broad P. E. . SwialNumbw: 100-100-003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Office-Daycare Center Small Bldg Cat II Design Rectangle : 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT3-1M] Project Engineer: MCB Project Date : August 5.1998 GeoTechnica! Report: GEI #95-6794 Report Date : RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS Soil Bearing Anavlsla Applied Pressure on Soil 1,228 PSF Soil Pressure Safety Factor 1.22 Prestress Summary Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Short Long Direction Direction Minimum Effective Prestress (PSI) 54 73 Mid-Slab Effective Prestress (PSI) 54 73 Beta Distance Effective Prestress 52 79 Eccentricity of Prestressing 4.88 6.68 Number of Slab Tendons 7 7 Number of Beam Tendons 0 0 Moment Analysis - Center Lift Mode Calculated Moment, Short Direction 13.48 Ft-K/Ft Calculated Moment, Long Direction 12.63 Ft-K/Ft Bending Stresses (KSI) Tension in Top Fiber Compression in Bottom Fiber Short Long Short Long Direction Direction Direction Direction Allowable Stress -0.329 -0.329 Allowable Stress 1.350 1.350 Actual Stress -0.119 -0.021 Actual Stress 0.574 0.307 Differential Deflection Analysis - Center Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 360 Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) 0.63 1.03 Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) 0.61 0.37 Shear Stress Analysis - Center Lift Mode Short Long Direction Direction Allowable Shear Stress (PSI) 104 108 Actual Shear Stress (PSI) 51 32 Page 2 of 4 R»gi»I«rad To: Michael Broad P. E. PTISlab WindOWS version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. S«ri«l Number: 100-100-003 Project Title : Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Project Date : August 5, 1998 Project Engineer: MCB GeoTechnical Report : GEI #95-6794 Office-Daycare Center Small Bldg Cat tl Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT3-1M] Report Date: RESULTS OF SLAB ANALYSIS continued Moment Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Calculated Moment, Short Direction Calculated Moment, Long Direction Bending Stresses (KSI) Allowable Stress Actual Stress Tension in Bottom Fiber Short Long Direction Direction -0.329 -0.296 -0.329 -0.194 Allowable Stress Actual Stress 5.85 Ft-K/Ft 4.67 Ft-K/Ft Compression in Top Fiber Short Long Direction Direction 1.350 0.166 1.350 0.199 Differential Deflection Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Based on an Allowable Deflection of L / 800 Allowable Differential Deflections (Inches) Actual Differential Deflections (Inches) Short Direction 0.28 0.27 Long Direction 0.46 0.23 Shear Stress Analysis - Edge Lift Mode Allowable Shear Stress (PS1) Actual Shear Stress (PSI) Short Direction 104 68 Long Direction 108 43 Page 3 of 4 R«gi*t*r«J To: MfchMl Broad P. E. PTISlab Windows version 1.01 Geostructural Tool Kit, Inc. Swwt Numbw: 100 • 100 • 003 Project Title: Laural Tree Apartments Carlsbad Office-Daycare Center Small Bldg Cat II Design Rectangle: 1 Project Number: Estimate 1 [LT3-1M] Project Engineer: MCB Project Date : August 5.1998 GeoTechnical Report : GEI #95-6794 Report Date: SUMMARY OF INPUT DATA Soil Properties Allowable Bearing Pressure Edge Moisture Variation Distance, em Differential Soil Movement, ym Sub-Grade Friction Coefficient, u Soil Modulus of Elasticity, Es Material Properties Concrete Strength, f*c Concrete Creep Modulus, Ec Concrete Unit Weight Center Lift 6.00 Feet 6.760 Inches Tendon Strength, Tendon Diameter •pu 1,500.0 PSF Edge Lift 3.00 Feet 1.100 Inches 1.00 1,000.0 PSl 3.000.0 PSl 1,500,000.0 PSl 145.0 PCF 270.0 KSI 1 /2 Inch Slab Parameters Slab Dimensions Minimum Permissible Prestress Short Direction Long Direction Beam Parameters Quantity Depth Width Tendons Cover Short Direction 18.80 FT x 30.83 FT x 5.00 Inches 50,00 PSl 60.00 PSl Type I 2 33.0 12.0 0 0.0 Type II 1 16.0 12.0 0 3.0 Long Direction Type I Type II 2 33.0 12.0 0 0.0 1 16.0 Inches 12.0 Inches 0 0.0 Inches Slab Loading Uniform Superimposed Load 50.00 PSF Perimeter Load 660.00 PLF Deflection Limits Center Lift L/360 Edge Lift L/800 Prestress Calculation Subgrade Friction calculated by method prescribed in PTI Manual Prestress Loss Page 4 of 4 15.0 KSI > GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC.a SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING * GROUNDWATEI? HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT * ENGINEERING G6OLOGV 01 October 1998 CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP 5 Pork Plaza, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92614 Attn: Mr. Scott Orrantia Job No. 95-6794 Subject:FMv**tln Plan Laurel Tree Apartment Project Northeast Quadrant of Cobblestone Rd. and Aviara Parkway Carlsbad. California Dear Mr. Orrantia: As requested, we are herein presenting our comments regarding our review of the Post-Tension Foundation Plans to be submitted to the City of Carlsbad. The subject project plans have been prepared for J.L. Davidson Company, Inc. by Michael Broad, P.E., and are drawn dated August 7. 1998. The set of plans include a total of 6 sheets for Building 1, the Day Care Building, and the Laundry and Maintenance Building. 0 The subject plans have been reviewed from a geotechnical engineering viewpoint to see they adequately incorporate our recommendations presented in our soils reports. The most pertinent reports regarding the on-site soil conditions and recommendations for foundations are our "Report of Updated Geotechnical Investigation...-, dated March 13, 1998; and our report on "Post-Tension Slab Soil Design Parameters...", dated August 3, T998. both with our Job No. 95-6794. 7420 TRADE STREET • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92124 * (6-19) 549-7222 • FAX: (6*9) 549- Laurel Tree Apartments Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California P»fle 2 In the latter report, we presented recommendations for design of post-tension slab foundations. We assumed that the near-surface imported soil consisting of medium to highly expansive soils will cap the building areas. For such conditions, we assume that special grading, including high soil moisture contents above the optimum, end compaction degrees between 88 and 92 percent of the maximum dry density, will be used during grading. We have reviewed the subject foundation plans from a geotechnical engineering viewpoint end found them to be in general compliance with the recommendations presented in our soils reports. Our plan review does not include any aspect of the structural design (such as the component sizing or steel reinforcement) or any other detail. We have assumed that the structural engineer has provided sufficient steel for the expansive soil conditions and concrete performance anticipated at the site. Based on the plan review and our recommendations, our field representative shall verify the compaction and soil moisture content prior to concrete placement. In addition, he shall also verify the expansion index of the different building pads to verify necessary footing embedment, the compaction of utility trench backfill within the building pads, and the suifate content of subgrade soils for cement type choice. The finish grading shall be performed by the landscape contractor or a finish grade contractor so that positive and effective drainage is provided around buildings and rigid improvement areas. Proper drainage implementation is critical to the adequate performance of the structures built on expensive soils. £0 39Wd VaOTdXB "WDINHD31039 fc09I-6t>9-6T9 6E =01 866T/6I/0T Laurel Tree Apartments Carlsbad, California Job No. 95-6794 Page3 LIMITATIONS The findings and opinions presented herein have been made in accordance with current generally accepted principles and practice in the field of geotechnical engineering in the County of San Diego. No warranty, either expressed or implied is made. tf you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact our office. Reference to our Job No. 95-6794 will help to expedite a response to your inquiries. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. Jaime A. Cerros. P.E. R.C.E. 34422/G.E. 2007 Senior Geotechnical Engineer JAC/pj cc: Addressee J.L. Davidson Cuatro Corporation -WDINH031039 t»09T-Bt»S-6T9 6£:0T 866I/6T/8I REPORT OF UPDATED GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Laure! Tree Apartment Project Laurel Tree Road Carlsbad, California JOB NO. 95-6794 13 March 1998 Prepared for: Mr. Scott Orrantia CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP and MAAC PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING • GROUNDWATER HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT • ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 13 March 1998 Mr. Scott Orrantia Job No. 95-6794 CATELLUS RESIDENTIAL GROUP 5 Park Plaza, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92614 Subject: Report of Updated Geotechnical Investigation Laurel Tree Apartment Project Laurel Tree Road Carlsbad, California Dear Mr. Orrantia: In accordance with your request, Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. has prepared the following report, providing the results of an updated geotechnical investigation for the subject site. Our original investigation was conducted in July 1995 as part of a much larger project. We recently performed additional subsurface soil testing on the Laurel Tree site to provide final site preparation and foundation design recommendations. The accompanying report presents the results of our review of previous geotechnical reports, field investigation and laboratory analysis, as well as our updated conclusions and recommendations for the proposed development. The work performed and recommendations presented in this report are the result of an investigation and analysis which meet the contemporary standard of care in our profession within the County of San Diego. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Should you have any questions concerning the following report, please do not hesitate to contact us. Reference to our Job No. 95-6794 will expedite a response to your inquiries. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. Jaime A. Cerros, P.E. R.C.E. 34422/G.E. 2007 Senior Geotechnical Engineer 7420 TRADE STREET • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 • [619] 549-7222 • FAX: (619) 549-1604 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I. SCOPE OF WORK 1 II. SITE DESCRIPTION 2 III. FIELD INVESTIGATION 3 IV. FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTS 4 V. SOILS AND GENERAL GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 6 VI. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS 8 VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 17 VIM. LIMITATIONS 34 REFERENCES FIGURES la. Plot Plan and Geologic Map Ib. Geologic Cross Sections II. Trench Logs and Cone Penetration Test Data III. Laboratory Test Results IV. Foundation Requirements Near Slopes V. Regional Fault Map APPENDICES A. Unified Soil Classification System B. General Earthwork Specifications C. Fault Tables Table 1 - EQFAULT - Peak Table 2 - EQFAULT - RHGA Table 3 - EQSEARCH REPORT OF UPDATED GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Laurel Tree Apartment Project Laurel Tree Road Carlsbad, California JOB NO. 95-6794 The following report presents the findings and recommendations of Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. for the subject property. I. SCOPE OF WORK It is our understanding, based on communications with Mr. Jack Henthorn and a review of preliminary grading plans prepared by RBF/Sholders & Sanford, that the site is being developed to receive a multi-unit apartment project with adjacent streets and associated improvements. Although plans are not yet finalized, the proposed development is anticipated to include a 138-unit, affordable housing apartment project consisting of two-story buildings. It is our understanding that the entire site is to be raised above existing grade from 2 to at least 15 feet. It is anticipated that the grading will involve the addition of at least 80,000 cubic yards of fill. With the above in mind, the Scope of Work is briefly outlined as follows: 1. Identify and classify the surface and subsurface soils to depth, in confor- mance with the Unified Soil Classification System {refer to Appendix A). 2. Review the site geology and make note of any exposed and/or mapped faults, landslides, or other significant geologic features which may affect the development of the site. 3. Recommend site preparation procedures, including recommendations for the proposed grading operation and necessary surcharging. oo ID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 2 3. Recommend site preparation procedures, including recommendations for the proposed grading operation and necessary surcharging. 4. Recommend preliminary allowable bearing pressures and foundation information. 5. Estimate the anticipated settlement of the natural-ground soils, as well as any properly compacted fill soils. 6. Recommend preliminary foundation design information and provide active and passive earth pressures to be utilized in design of any proposed retaining walls and foundation structures. In addition, as part of our recent investigation, we reviewed our previous report, dated December 21, 1995 (which included this site) and a prior geotechnical report for this site (and adjacent property), prepared by San Diego Soils Engineering, Inc., dated August 8, 1985. II. SITE DESCRIPTION The property is known as: Assessor's Parcel No. 212-040-46, in the County of San Diego, State of California. The site, consisting of approximately 11.2 acres, is located approximately 1/4-mile south of Palomar Airport Road, on Laurel Tree Road, in the City of Carlsbad. The property is bordered on the north by similar undeveloped land (Frazee property), on OD]0 Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 3 The site is presently undeveloped except for an access road that crosses the southern portion of the site. In addition, a soil stockpile of approximately 90,000 cubic yards of fill was placed in the northwest portion of the site approximately 4 months ago. Laurel Tree Road and several dirt roads provide access to most of the site. The site is part of a north-south trending canyon that was partially filled with farming debris, end-dumped fill and material stripped from adjacent slopes. Vegetation on the site consists primarily of wild grasses, some thick shrubbery and a few eucalyptus trees in the drainage channel area. Sewer, water and telephone underground utilities enter the southern portion of the site from Laurel Tree Road. The site has other abandoned water lines and a reclaimed water line borders Laurel Tree Road. The property slopes gently to moderately down to the north and east from roadway embankments along the south and west property lines. Approximate elevations across the site range from a high of 130 feet above mean sea level (MSLj to a low of 90 feet above MSL. Survey information concerning elevations across the site was obtained from topographic maps and preliminary grading plans prepared by RBF/Sholders & Sanford, dated August 29, 1995. III. FIELD INVESTIGATION Our field investigation of the Laurel Tree site, conducted in July 1995, consisted of a geologic reconnaissance of the site and surrounding terrain, plus the excavation of two track-mounted backhoe trenches and three cone penetrometer tests (CRT). The excavations were located in the field by referring to the preliminary grading ODu Laurel Tree Apartment Project Carlsbad, California Job No. 95-6794 Page 4 plans prepared by RBF/Sholders & Sanford. Recently, we performed nine additional CPT soundings at the site on February 2, 1997 (see Figure No. la). The trenches made in 1995 were observed and logged by our Field Geologists, and samples were taken of the predominant soils throughout the field operation. Trench logs have been prepared on the basis of our observations and the results have been summarized on Figure No. II. In addition, the CPT logs provided by Earth Technology and Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., are included in Figure No. II. The predominant soils have been classified in conformance with the Unified Soil Classification System (refer to Appendix A). As part of our investigation, we reviewed the boring logs from several large-diameter borings that were excavated on the site by San Diego Soils Engineering, Inc., in August 1985. IV. FIELD AMD LABORATORY TESTS Field and laboratory tests were performed on the soils in order to evaluate their physical and mechanical properties and their ability to support the proposed structures. The following tests were conducted on the sampled soils. In addition, we reviewed the laboratory test results presented in the geotechnical report prepared by San Diego Soils Engineering, Inc. 1. Moisture/Density Relations (ASTM D1557-91, Method A) 2. Moisture Content (ASTM D2216-92) 3. Mechanical Analysis (ASTM D422-90) 4. Expansion Test (UBC Method 29-2) 5. Cone Penetration Test (ASTM D3441-86) CD TO Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 5 The relationship between the moisture and density of the soil gives qualitative information regarding the soil strength characteristics and soil conditions to be anticipated during the proposed grading operation. The mechanical analysis was used to aid in the classification of the soils according to the Unified Soil Classification System and for the liquefaction potential analysis. The expansion potential of the on-site soils was evaluated utilizing the Uniform Building Code Test Method for Expansion Soils (UBC Standard No. 29-2). In accordance with the UBC {Table 29-C), expansive soils are classified as follows: Expansion Index 0-20 21 -50 51 -90 91-130 Above 1 30 Potential Expansion Very Low Low Medium High Very High Based on our laboratory analysis, the on-site and imported soils tested can be classified as having a medium to high expansion potential with a maximum tested expansion index ranging from 73 to 128. It should be noted that a limited amount of low expansive soils were encountered within the alluvium on portions of the site and may be encountered during the grading operation. Cone penetration tests were performed to measure end-bearing and friction components of penetration resistance of the soil to a cone penetrometer. The test supplies data on the engineering properties of the soil for the design and flDID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 6 construction of earthwork and the foundation structures. The cone penetration tests were performed to evaluate the existing alluvium and aid in developing appropriate site preparation and foundation design recommendations. Based on the above laboratory test data, observations of the primary soil types on the project, and our previous experience with laboratory testing of similar soils, our Geotechnical Engineer has assigned values for friction angle, coefficient of friction, and cohesion to those soils that will have significant lateral support or bearing functions on the project. These values are presented in Figure No. IN and have been utilized in assigning the allowable bearing values, as well as active and passive earth pressure design criteria for wall and footing designs in competent native soils or properly compacted fills. V. SOILS AND GENERAL GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION A review of available geologic maps and reports, as well as our on-site investigation, indicates that the subject property is located in an area underlain by the Eocene-age Del Mar/Friars Formation (undifferentiated) (Eisenberg, 1983), overlain by at least 50 feet of alluvium. In addition, stockpiled artificial fill soil was encountered on the surface of a portion of the site. The stockpiled fill soil was exported from the adjacent Cobblestone development and placed in the northwest portion of the site. A description of these units, from youngest to oldest, is included herein. Artificial Fill fQaf): Stockpiled fill soil was encountered in the northwest portion of the site, overlying the alluvial soils {see Figure Nos. I and II). This fill primarily consists of reworked formational materials with a thickness ranging from 15 to 25 CDID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 7 feet. Most of the encountered fill consists of loose to medium dense, tan-gray and orange-brown, silty, fine sand with chunks of siltstone and sandstone in addition to reworked siltstone and claystone formational materials. In addition, small amounts of artificial fill were noted around the site, consisting primarily of mixed dumped soil and debris. Topsails: Topsoils were found overlying formational materials in limited areas where shallow formation was encountered along the edges of the canyon. The topsoils consist of loose, dry to damp, dark brown, silty and clayey sand with abundant roots and some cobbles. The topsoils are approximately 2 to 4 feet in depth and are considered to be low to moderately expansive. The topsoils have been previously disturbed by agricultural or grading activity in some areas and are unsuitable to support structural loads and compacted fill. Alluvium (Qal): Holocene-age alluvium was encountered under the stockpiled fill and at the surface of the remainder of the site. The alluvium consists of loose to medium dense, dark gray-brown to black, silty, fine to medium sand with some clay, clayey sand, and sandy clay with organics and occasional interbeds of clean, fine to coarse stream sands. Based on our investigation and a review of the previous geotechnical reports by San Diego Soils and Geocon, Inc., for the adjacent roadway areas, the alluvium was encountered to a depth of at least 50 feet. Del Mar/Friars Formation (undifferentiated - Td/Tf): Most of the site is mapped as being underlain by the Eocene-age Del Mar/Friars Formation (Eisenberg, 1983). At the site, we found this formation to be comprised of several lithologic (material type) units. Our trenches and the previous borings conducted at the site revealed dD ID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 8 the Del Mar/Friars Formation to be a primarily massive, tan-gray and orange, silty, fine sandstone and siltstone that is dense but poorly to moderately well-indurated. VI. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS A. Faulting and Seismicity In California, major earthquakes can generally be correlated with movement on active faults. As defined by the California Division of Mines and Geology (Hart, E.W., 1980), an "active" fault is one which has had ground surface displacement within Holocene time (about the last 11,000 years). Additionally, faults along which major historical earthquakes have occurred (about the last 210 years in California) are also considered to be active (Association of Engineering Geologists, 1973). The California Division of Mines and Geology defines a "potentially active" fault as one which has had ground surface displacement during Quaternary time, that is, during the last two to three million years (Hart, E.W., 1980). For construction projects in California, seismologists and earthquake engineers estimate earthquake magnitudes for "upper bound earthquake" and "maximum probable earthquake" to ascertain the seismic risk involved with different faults. Greensfelder (1974) defines these as follows: The upper bound earthquake is "the maximum earthquake that appears to be reasonably capable of occurring under the condition of the present known geologic framework." While the event is highly unlikely, it is still a believable event that could occur. The maximum probable earthquake is "the maximum earthquake that appears to be reasonably expectable CD ID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 9 within a 100-year period." This is also regarded as the maximum "design" earthquake. Reference to a geologic map for the area (Eisenberg, 1.983) indicates the presence of a northeast-trending fault whose approximate projection passes through the site (see Figure No. I). The published projection suggests that the fault displaces the Eocene-age formation but not the Pleistocene-age terrace material (mapped on the adjacent site) and Holocene-age alluvium on the subject site. Faults in the Southern California region that are of particular concern to the subject site are the nearby Rose Canyon Fault, and the more distant Coronado Bank Fault and Elsinore Fault (see Figure No. V - Regional Fault Map). An estimation of the peak ground acceleration and the repeatable high ground acceleration (RHGA) likely to occur at the project site, by the known significant local and regional faults within 100 miles of the site, is included in Tables 1 and 2 (see Appendix C). Also, a listing of the known historic seismic events that have occurred within 100 miles of the site at a magnitude of 5.0 or greater since the year 1800 and the probability of exceeding the experienced ground accelerations in the future, based upon the historical record, is provided on Table 3 {Appendix C). Local Faults As previously mentioned, work by Eisenberg (1983) indicates the presence of a northeast-trending normal fault whose approximate projection passes through the site (see Figure No. I). The published projection suggests that the fault displaces the Eocene-age bedrock but not the Pleistocene-age terrace materials in this area. Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 10 We investigated this feature on the adjacent property to the southwest by excavating six backhoe trenches perpendicular to the projection, one of which included a 260-foot trench across the saddle of the western ridge. The trenches revealed several breaks within the Del Mar/Friars and Scripps Formations, but no trace of the fault could be observed in the younger terrace deposits and no displacement of the Holocene-age sediments was observed. The general trend of the fault is N10°E, dipping approximately 70° east. The observed faulting appeared to be minor within the Eocene-age formation (intraformational) with some more extensive faulting/breakage within the lower stratagraphic units. However, we did not observe any displacement of the topsoil or younger formational materials or geomorphic expression that would indicate significant recent faulting on the site. The fault crosses the Laurel Tree property bisecting the north-south drainage channel without any impact on the topographic feature. Rose Canvon Fault: The Rose Canyon Fault, located approximately 5 miles west of the subject site, trends generally north-south from Oceanside to downtown San Diego, then appears to head southward into San Diego Bay, through Coronado and offshore. The Rose Canyon Fault Zone is possibly the southern extension of the active Newport-lnglewood Fault Zone and is considered to be a complex zone of onshore and offshore, en echelon strike slip, oblique reverse and oblique normal faults. Investigative work on faults {believed to be part of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone) within the downtown area of the City of San Diego and at the SDG&E facility in Rose Canyon, has encountered offsets of Holocene (geologically recent) sediments and soils. These findings have been accepted as confirmed Holocene displacement on the Rose Canyon Fault and this previously classified "potentially active" fault has now been upgraded to an "active" fault as of November 1991 CDID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 11 (California Division of Mines and Geology - Fault Rupture Hazard Zones in California, 1994). Regional Faults Coronado Bank Fault: The Coronado Bank Fault is located approximately 21 miles southwest of the site. Evidence for this fault is based upon geophysical data (acoustic profiles) and the general alignment of epicenters or recorded seismic activity (Greene, 1979). An earthquake of 5.3 magnitude, recorded July 13, 1986, is known to have been centered on the fault or within the Coronado Bank Fault Zone. Although this fault is considered active, due to the seismicity within the fault zone, it is significantly less active seismically than the Elsinore Fault (Hileman, 1973). It is postulated that the Coronado Bank Fault is capable of generating a 6.5 magnitude earthquake and is of great interest due to its close proximity to the greater Carlsbad area. Elsinore Fault: The Elsinore Fault is located approximately 25 miles northeast of the site. The Elsinore Fault extends approximately 200km (125 miles) from the Mexican border to the northern end of the Santa Ana Mountains. The Elsinore Fault zone is a 1- to 4-mile-wide, northwest-southeast-trending zone of discontinuous and en echelon faults extending through portions of Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial Counties. Individual faults within the Elsinore Fault Zone range from less than 1 mile to 16 miles in length. The trend, length and geomorphic expression of the Elsinore Fault Zone identified it as being a part of the highly active San Andreas Fault system. CD ]Q Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 12 Like the other faults in the San Andreas system, the Elsinore Fault is a transverse fault showing predominantly right-lateral movement. According to Hart, et al (1979), this movement averages less than 1 centimeter per year. Along most of its length, the Elsinore Fault Zone is marked by a bold topographic expression consisting of linearly aligned ridges, swales and hallows. Faulted Holocene alluvial deposits (believed to be less than 11,000 years old) found along several segments of the fault zone suggest that at least part of the zone is currently active. Although the Elsinore Fault Zone belongs to the San Andreas set of active, northwest-trending, right-slip faults in the Southern California area (Crowell, 1962), it has not been the site of a major earthquake in historic time, other than a 6.0- magnitude quake near the town of Elsinore in 1910 (Richter, 1958; Toppozada and Parke, 1982). However, based on length and evidence of late-Pleistocene or Holocene displacement, Greensfelder (1974) has estimated that the Elsinore Fault Zone is reasonably capable of generating an earthquake with a magnitude as large as 7.5. Logging of exposures in trenches in Glen Ivy Marsh across the Glen Ivy North Fault (a strand of the Elsinore Fault Zone between Corona and Lake Elsinore), suggest a maximum earthquake recurrence interval of 300 years, and when combined with previous estimates of the long-term horizontal slip rate of 0.8 to 7.0 mm/year, suggest typical earthquake magnitudes of 6 to 7 (Rockwell, 1985). B. Other Geologic Hazards Ground Rupture: Ground rupture is characterized by bedrock slippage along an established fault and may result in displacement of the ground surface. For ground rupture to occur along a fault, an earthquake usually exceeds magnitude 5.0. If a 5.0-magnitude earthquake were to take place on a local fault, an estimated surface- dDID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 13 rupture length 1 mile long could be expected (Greensfelder, 1974). Since the minor fault crossing the property is considered inactive, the risk of ground rupture at the site is considered remote. Ground Shaking: Structural damage caused by seismicaily induced ground shaking is a detrimental effect directly related to faulting and earthquake activity. Ground shaking is considered to be the greatest seismic hazard in San Diego County. The intensity of ground shaking is dependent on the magnitude of the earthquake, the distance and orientation from the earthquake, and the soil and geologic structure beneath the site. Earthquakes of magnitude 5.5 Richter scale or greater are generally associated with significant damage. It is our opinion that the most serious damage to the site would be caused by a large earthquake originating on a nearby strand of the Rose Canyon Fault Zone or one of the major regional active faults. Although the chance of such an event is low, it could occur within the proposed development. The ground accelerations that could be reasonably expected to occur during a major earthquake, on a fault within 100 miles of the site, are provided in Tables 1 and 2, Appendix C. Lands/ides: According to our geologic investigation and a review of the geologic map (Eisenberg, 1983) and aerial photographs {4-11-53, AXN-8M-99 and 100), there are no known or suspected ancient landslides located on the site. However, review of the previous geotechnical reports indicate the north- and west-facing slopes on the adjacent property to the southwest contain bedding dipping out-of- slope. The dip component was analyzed by San Diego Soils Engineering, Inc., and the slope stability was discussed in the conclusions and recommendations section of our previous report. ODID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 14 Liquefaction: The liquefaction of saturated sands during earthquakes can result in major damage to buildings. Liquefaction is the process in which soils are transformed into a dense fluid which will flow as a liquid when unconfined. It occurs principally in loose, saturated sands and silts when they are sufficiently shaken by an earthquake. Although there is a potential for experiencing a seismic event that could produce the required ground acceleration to induce liquefaction, the earthquake necessary to cause this magnitude of acceleration has not occurred in the San Diego County area since the year 1800 (see Appendix C and Tables 1, 2, and 3). The subject site is underlain by over 50 feet of alluvium, with a water table elevation of approximately 67 feet above MSL. This water table depth was measured at 33 feet below the existing ground surface when encountered. Due to the elevation of the present water table, and the density and clayey sand nature of the alluvium, the risk of liquefaction due to seismic shaking is considered minimal. It should be understood that the water table elevation under the site could rise in the future with the continued development surrounding the property. We recommend that the project Civil Engineer evaluate the potential for increased runoff and the need for adequate drainage improvements to help control the influx of water into the drainage basin. Based on calculations performed for the site with the proposed grading, a most probable earthquake acceleration equal to 0.25g, a groundwater table elevated up to 20 feet from the surface, and the results of our calculations, we conclude that soil liquefaction would not occur at the site. Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 15 Flooding: Due to the proposed grading and raising of the site's elevation, there is little risk of flooding on the proposed site building pads. However, the site is located within a natural drainage channel could be subject to occasional flooding. Although the drainage of the area, in general, appears to be adequately controlled within the existing channel, and the drainage basin is relatively small, the project civil engineer should evaluate the potential for flooding in this area and provide recommendations for adequate drainage improvements. With the construction of an adequate on-site drainage system and proper finish surface grades, the risk of flooding should be minimal within the proposed building areas. Groundwater. Groundwater was reportedly encountered during the previous field investigation at an elevation of 65 to 70 feet MSL This depth ranges from 30 to 35 feet below existing grade. Due to the proposed finished grade elevations being raised above the existing grade, we do not expect significant groundwater problems to develop in the future -- if the property is developed as presently proposed and proper drainage is provided and maintained. It should be kept in mind that the proposed construction and grading on the site may change surface drainage patterns. Such changes, plus irrigation of landscaping or significant increases in rainfall, may result in appearance of surface or near- surface perched water at locations where non existed previously. The damage from such water is expected to be localized and cosmetic in nature if good positive drainage is implemented, as recommended in this report, during and at the completion of construction. (IDID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 16 It must be understood, however, that unless discovered during initial site exploration or encountered during site grading operations, it is extremely difficult to predict if or where perched or true groundwater conditions may appear in the future. When site fill or formational soils are fine-grained and of low permeability, water problems may not become apparent for extended periods of time. Whereas water conditions encountered during grading operations should be evaluated and remedied by the project civil and geotechnical consultants, the project developer and eventual homeowners must realize that post-construction appearances of groundwater may have to be dealt with on a site-specific basis. The alternative to the possible post-construction, site-specific appearance and resolution of subsurface water problems is the design and construction of extensive subdrain dewatering systems during the initial site development process. This option is usually selected when there is sufficient evidence during initial exploration or site grading to indicate such efforts are warranted. C. Summary The seismic hazard most likely to impact the site is ground shaking, probably resulting from an earthquake on the nearby Rose Canyon Fault or more distant Coronado Bank Fault or Elsinore Fault. In the event that severe earth shaking does occur from major faulting within the area, compliance with DEC and City of Carlsbad Building Code requirements, and the accompanying recommendations for construction, should help to minimize the consequences of structural damage. ID ]0 Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 17 From a geotechnical standpoint, our investigation indicates that the site is favorable for the proposed development, provided the recommendations in this report are followed. VII. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions and recommendations are based upon our report reviews, the practical field investigation conducted by our firm, and resulting laboratory tests, in conjunction with our knowledge and experience with the soils in this area of the City of Carlsbad. It is our understanding that the site is being developed to receive a 138-unit affordable housing apartment project, with adjacent streets and associated improvements. The site is to be graded into relatively level building pads at various elevations, stepping down to the north. Based on a review of the preliminary grading plan, the grading operation will involve the addition of at least 80,000 cubic yards of fill. The site elevation is to be raised from 2 to at least 15 feet. In general, we found that the site is underlain at depth by dense, sandy and silty formational material of good bearing strength for support of the proposed development. However, loose fill, topsoil and alluvium (to a maximum encountered depth of approximately 50 feet) was found on the surface of the site. As such, we recommend that in order to provide a more firm, uniform soil base, the loose surface soils be removed and properly compacted (to at least 90 percent per ASTM D1557-91) prior to any addition of new fill. We had previously given alternative recommendations for development of the Laurel Tree property, including partial removal of the alluvium, combined with surcharging and more rigid foundations, Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 18 and a more expensive option of deep foundations/grade-beams and structural slab system. However, based on the results of our recent subsurface soil testing at the site, we are now able to provide specific recommendations for site preparation and soil surcharging to allow the use of the chosen conventional shallow foundations option. In general, our recommendations will include removal and recompaction of the existing alluvium to a maximum depth of 5 feet from existing surface. The new fill should then be placed and properly compacted to the design elevations for the project. A surcharge fill should then be placed above the proposed finish grade elevation a minimum of 5 feet in thickness or equal to the thickness of fill required to achieve finish grade (above existing grade), whichever is greater. Settlement monuments should be installed on the top of what will be finish subgrade as the grading operation progresses and readings should be taken immediately following the installation of settlement monuments until the settlement has stabilized. A detailed settlement monitoring program will be presented in a separate document. Based on our evaluation of the alluvium under the existing fill soil stockpile, we have estimated that the surcharge will have to remain for at least 30 days. A. Site Grading 1. The proposed grading operations shall be performed in accordance with the General Earthwork Specifications (Appendix B) and the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance. Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. recom- OD ]0 Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 19 mends that our firm verify the actual soil conditions revealed during the grading to be as anticipated in this "Report of Updated Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation." In addition, the compaction of any fill soils placed during the grading must be tested by the soil engineer. It is the responsibility of the grading contractor to comply with the requirements of the grading plans and the local grading ordinance. Any fill soils that are observed to be loose or that have been placed without control or sufficient testing shall be removed and recompacted to comply with the grading specifications. It is recommended that our firm review the final grading plans and project soil-related specifications prior to the start of construction. Also, we recommend that a pre-construction conference be held at the site with the owner/developer, architect, civil engineer, contractor, grader, and geotechnical engineer in attendance. Special soil handling procedures and the grading plan requirements can be discussed at that time. 2. We recommend that the entire property be cleared of all vegetation and any other debris or rubble. The unsuitable material generated should be disposed of off-site prior to the placing of any new fill. Also, any abandoned utility lines should be removed and the excavations be properly backfilled prior to the addition of any new fill or structural improvements. 3. Our investigation revealed that the soils underlying the Laurel Tree site are composed primarily of loose fill soils, some topsoils, and at least 50 feet of alluvium over dense formational materials. Since most of the site is to be OD ]0 Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 20 raised to achieve the finish grade, it is anticipated that properly compacted fill soils will overlie the majority of the site. Due to the potential for differential settlement of the existing alluvium, we recommended in our original report that one of the three following options be chosen prior to the start of construction. The recommendations ranged from the lowest risk potential for future settlement problems to the highest risk. The degree of risk is to be chosen by the project owner. The original recommendations included in the San Diego Soils report called for removal and recompaction of at least 15 feet of loose alluvium and installation of settlement monuments to measure the deep soil settlement. Our experience in the past 10 years indicate that this option alone may not be a viable alternative. We recommended that one of the following options be chosen: 3.1 The proposed structures and improvements should be founded on a system of caissons and grade-beams or driven piles founded into the underlying dense formational materials. 3.2 The existing alluvium should be removed and properly recompacted to a depth of at least 10 feet. Following the completion of recompaction operations, we recommend surcharging the existing soils by placing at least 6 feet of compacted fill on the building site and installation of settlement monuments to monitor the consolidation of the existing soils. Construction of the buildings shall start after the settlement under the surcharge has stabilized, as indicated by measurement of no significant settlement for a period of at least 3 months. Conventional OD ID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 21 shallow foundations could then be utilized under the proposed structures and improvements. 3.3 The existing alluvium should be removed and properly recompacted to a depth of approximately 5 feet and also surcharged and monitored as explained above. The proposed structures and improvements should be more heavily reinforced (i.e., mat or post-tension foundations). We recommend that the project structural engineer consider the potential deep settlements and provide appropriate corresponding design to take these potential settlements into account. 4. Based on the results and analysis of our recent soil testing and recent meetings at your office with other project consultants and based on the fact that surcharge will be applied to the site, we recommend that the existing alluvium shall be removed to a depth of at least 5 feet and be properly recompacted. The excavated soils to be used as fill shall be watered to approximately optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D1557-91). The new fill shall then be placed and properly compacted to the design elevations for the project. A surcharge fill should then be placed above finish grade for at least 30 days. The surcharge fill thickness will be the larger of a minimum of 5 feet to a thickness equal to the maximum amount of fill required to achieve finish grade (above existing grade). Settlement monuments should be installed as the grading operation progresses and readings shall be taken by the project Civil Engineer/Surveyor during and after completion of surcharge placement, until the settlement has stabilized to acceptable levels. OD10 Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 22 If the soils to be placed in the upper 5 feet of the building pad finish grade are clayey or classified as medium or highly expansive (El higher than 50), the soils shall be placed with a moisture content at least 5 percent above optimum. Highly expansive soils may be compacted to a relative compaction ranging between 88 and 92 percent of Maximum Dry Density. The expan- sive soils shall not be overcompacted. Overcompacted soils (compaction higher than 92 percent) shall be removed and reworked to obtain a compaction degree not higher than 92 percent of Maximum Dry Density. 5. Any backfill soils placed in utility trenches or behind retaining walls which support structures and other improvements (such as patios, sidewalks, driveways, pavements, etc.) shall be compacted to at least 90 percent of Maximum Dry Density. The surcharge shall extend at least 10 feet beyond the edges of building perimeter walls and improvements for which differential soil settlement is a concern. B. Preliminary Design Parameters 6. The recommended allowable bearing value to be used for preliminary design of foundations for the proposed structures is 2,500 pounds per square foot. This load-bearing value may be utilized in the design of continuous foundations and spread footings when founded a minimum of 18 inches into the firm natural ground or properly compacted fill, measured from the lowest adjacent grade at the time of foundation construction. Three-story structures should be built utilizing at least 24-inch-deep footings. This load-bearing CD10 Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 23 value may be increased one-third for design loads that include wind or seismic analysis. If additional imported soils are required to bring the site to grade, the imported soils should be low to medium expansive and be obtained from an approved off-site borrow area. 7. Due to numerous reasons, footings and slabs occasionally crack, causing ceramic tiles or other brittle floor or wall coverings to become damaged. All conventional footings and slabs should therefore contain at least a nominal amount of reinforcing steel to reduce the separation of cracks, should they occur. 7.1 A minimum of steel for continuous footings should include at least four No. 5 steel bars continuous, with two bars near the bottom of the footing and two bars near the top. 7.2 Isolated square footings should contain, as a minimum, a grid of No. 4 steel bars on 12-inch centers, in both directions, with no less than two bars each way. 7.3 Concrete floor slabs should be at least 4 inches actual thickness and be reinforced with at least No. 3 steel bars, placed on 18-inch center (or equivalent weld-wire mesh), at mid-height in the slab. Slabs should be underlain by a 2-inch-thick layer of clean sand (S.E. = 30 or greater) overlying a 6-mil visqueen membrane over 2 inches of sand. Slab subgrade soil shall be thoroughly moistened prior to placement of the vapor barrier and pouring of concrete. ODTD Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 24 Soils in foundation excavations shall be evaluated by our field representative prior to steel and form placement, to verify moisture and compaction adequacy. Soil moisture shall be checked within 48 hours prior to concrete placement. We recommend the project Civil/Structural Engineer incorporate isolation joints and sawcuts to at least one-fourth the thickness of the slab in any floor designs. Control joints should not be spaced farther than every 25 feet and at re-entrant corners. The joints and cuts, if properly placed, should reduce the potential for and help control floor slab cracking. However, due to a number of reasons {such as base preparation, construction techniques, curing procedures, and normal shrinkage of concrete), some cracking of slabs can be expected. NOTE: The project Civil/Structural Engineer shall review all reinforcing schedules. The reinforcing minimums recommended herein are not to be construed as structural designs, but merely as minimum safeguards to reduce possible crack separations. Actual reinforcing requirements should be provided by the project Structural Engineer for the design loads and anticipated deflections. 8. As a minimum for protection of on-site improvements, it is recommended that all nonstructural concrete slabs {such as patios, walkways, etc.) be underlain by at least 3 inches of clean sand and include 6x6- 6/6 welded wire mesh at the center of the slab, and contain adequate isolation and control joints. The performance of on-site improvements can be greatly affected by soil base preparation and the quality of construction. It is Laurel Tree Apartment Project Carlsbad, California Job No. 95-6794 Page 25 therefore important that all improvements are properly designed and constructed for the existing soils and the anticipated use. Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. takes no responsibility for the performance of the improvements. Exterior slabs shall be provided with control joints spaced no farther than 15 feet apart, or the width of the slab (and at re-entrant corners). Control joints shall be sealed with elastomeric joint sealant material. This joint sealant shall be inspected by the owner and properly maintained at least every 6 months. 9. The active earth pressure {to be utilized in the design of retaining walls utilizing a mixture of on-site silty and sandy soils as backfill) shall be based on an Equivalent Fluid Weight of 45 pounds per cubic foot (for level backfill only). In the event that a retaining wall is surcharged by sloping backfill (of the same soil type), the design active earth pressure shall be based on the appropriate Equivalent Fluid Weight presented in the following table: Slope Ratio 2.0:1.0 Height of Slope/Height of Wall* 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00( + ) 52 58 62 63 * Utilization of other than silty or sandy soils as backfill will require the use of higher equivalent fluid weights. Soils with expansion index higher than 60 shall not be used.as wall backfill unless the walls are designed for higher soil pressures. The structural designer of retaining walls shall specify in the plans the soil type required for wall backfill. Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 26 In the event that a retaining wall is to be designed for a restrained condition, a uniform pressure equal to lOxH {ten times the total height of retained wall, considered in pounds per square foot) shall be considered as acting everywhere on the back of the wall in addition to the design Equivalent Fluid Weight. Any additional load or surcharge located within a horizontal distance equal to the height of the wall shall be included as extra pressure. 10. The passive earth pressure of the encountered natural-ground soils and any properly compacted fill soils (to be used for design of shallow foundations and footings to resist the lateral forces) shall be based on an Equivalent Fluid Weight of 275 pounds per cubic foot. This passive earth pressure shall only be considered valid for design if the ground adjacent to the foundation structure is essentially level for a distances of at least three times the total depth of the foundation. 11. An allowable Coefficient of Friction of 0.35 times the dead load may be used between the bearing soils and concrete foundations, walls, or floor slabs. C. Settlement Proposed structures built on areas underlain by alluvium or considerable differential fill thicknesses should anticipate some differential settlement. Recommended removal and recompaction of the alluvium is intended to mitigate significant long- term settlement. However, in some areas of deep alluvium, it may not be economically feasible to remove these soils to their maximum depth. As an option, 4D10 Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 27 partial removal of the alluvium may be considered (combined with surcharging), however, those soils left in place are expected to settle under the proposed fill and structural loads. The maximum depth of fill to be placed over the alluvium is estimated to be approximately 15 feet. The depth of alluvium is up to at least 50 feet. Based on the results of additional soundings (CPT's) along with our analysis, it is our opinion that up to two-thirds of anticipated settlement would occur in the first month of surcharge application. The total remaining settlement in the areas with highest fill thickness is anticipated to be less than 1.5 inches, and differential settlement is anticipated to be on the order of 1 inch across the building. 12. The existing preliminary grading plan indicates that fills up to approximately 15 feet in depth are planned (overlying existing alluvium and dense formational materials). It is our opinion that deep fills (greater than 10 feet in thickness) typically increase in moisture content and settle during their lifetime. This usually occurs slowly and even when proper drainage and compaction are provided. Experience has shown that the anticipated settlement of properly compacted fill can approach from 0.2 percent (granular fill soils) to 1.0 percent (clayey fill soils) of the fill thickness. Uniform and/or linearly increasing settlements, where the fill is underlain by gentle natural ground slopes, often after no adverse effect on structures and may not even be noticeable. This condition should not be a significant problem under building or improvements where the fill depths are relatively uniform, or gently increasing. However, if structures and improvements are particularly sensitive to differential settlements, noticeable distress to structures and improvements could occur. We recommend that exterior flDID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 28 stuccoed walls be provided with control joints if extensive areas are to be placed. Some cosmetic patching may be needed in interior plastered walls during the first year of construction. 13. Based upon our observations of differential settlement of the compacted fills and surcharged alluvium, utilizing simitar soils as the on-site materials, it is our opinion that differential settlement on the order of 0.2 to 1.0 percent of the total fill thickness should be anticipated, utilizing the standard compaction requirements of 90 percent ASTM D1557. This translates to anticipated differential settlement under potential building areas of less than 1 inch in maximum fill depth areas. It should be noted that such settlement is expected to result in a gradual tilt of structures, since the magnitude of settlement should be proportional to the fill depth. In alluvial areas, the anticipated total settlement could be higher, depending upon the thickness of the alluvium left in place and the fill thickness placed on top. We recommend that the project Architect and Structural Engineer consider the potential fill and alluvium settlements and provide appropriate corresponding design to take these potential settlements into account. It is recommended that settlement monuments be installed during the grading operations to the maximum elevation of surcharge fill. Settlement monument monitoring is expected to provide valuable actual settlement information, to aid in evaluating foundation performance. Settlement monuments should be installed immediately upon the completion of the rough grading and in areas where surcharge fills are going to be placed. Readings should be taken by a licensed surveyor on a every-other-day basis while grading is occurring, and OD Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 29 D. at least once a week after surcharge completion, until the data indicates an alternate schedule or termination of the monitoring is warranted. The settlement monument readings shall be provided to our firm for evaluation and final recommendations. 14. The preliminary grading plan calls for fill slopes up to approximately 30 feet high, at an inclination of 2:1 {horizontal to vertical). However, since the roadway embankment for Cobblestone Road and Aviara Parkway have already been constructed, only minor cut and fill slopes are proposed. Review of the slope stability analyses, for both surficial and deep-seated stability, indicate that the proposed slopes have factors of safety of approximately 1.5 or greater. These analyses assume no weak clay seams, no groundwater, and no other adverse geologic conditions exist in the cut slopes or within the foundation of fill slopes. 15. We recommend that all faces of fill slopes be backrolled at maximum 4-foot fill height intervals during the grading operation. Additionally, we recommend that all faces of fill slopes be track-walked at the completion of the rough grading operation so that a dozer track covers all surfaces at least twice. All cut and fill slopes should be properly drained, planted, and maintained to control erosion and surface sloughing. 16. If unshored temporary slopes are to be constructed along the property lines, design engineers and/or excavation contractors must take into account any adjacent utility lines or subsurface structures. Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 30 has no knowledge as to the location or condition of any such utility lines, or as to whether any such lines can tolerate slight vibration-induced by earth movements associated with excavation and/or shoring of temporary slopes in close proximity to any such lines. 17. We anticipate that steep temporary slopes may be required on portions of the site during grading. Based on the results of our field investigation and laboratory tests, it is our opinion that steep temporary slopes may be considered in areas where the slope top will be at least 10 feet away from any existing improvements. The existing soils may be cut to temporary slope ratios of 1.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical (for an unsupported period not to exceed four weeks). During excavation of the alluvial soils adjacent to Laurel Tree Road, the grading contractor should be careful not to undermine the existing roadway or utility lines that are to remain. A representative of Geotechnical Exploration, inc. should be called to observe all steep temporary slopes during construction. In the event that soils and formational material comprising a slope are not as anticipated, any required slope design changes would be presented at that time. 18. Where not superseded by specific recommendations presented in this report, trenches, excavations, and temporary slopes at the subject site shall be constructed in accordance with subparagraph (1) paragraph (f), of section 1541 of Title 8, Construction Safety Orders, issued by OSHA. 19. Based upon our experience, it is our opinion that the compacted fill soils that occur within 5 feet of the face of any fill slopes possess poor lateral stability, OP"10 Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 31 even though they have been properly compacted. Proposed structures and improvements (such as walls, fences, patios, sidewalks, driveways, etc.) that are located within 5 feet of the top of compacted fill slopes could suffer differential movement as a result of the poor lateral stability of these soils. Foundations and footings of proposed structures, walls, etc., when founded 5 feet and farther away from the top of compacted fill slopes, may be of standard design. However, if the proposed foundations and footings are located closer than 5 feet (or H/3 for slopes 15 feet high or greater) from the top of compacted fill slopes (where H = height of the slope), they should be deepened to at least 1.5 feet below a line beginning at a point 5 feet horizontally and to provide a daylight distance of at least H/3 inside the fill slopes (15 feet and higher) and projected outward and downward, parallel to the face of the fill slope (see Figure No. IV). Special reinforcement and design considerations should be provided by the Structural Engineer for all improvements within 5 feet of the top of fill slopes, due to the anticipated "creeping" movement of the underlying fill soils. As a general rule, the recommended setback from the slope face is a minimum of 5 feet for slopes up to 15 feet high and a maximum of H/3 for slopes 15 feet high or greater. 20. It is recommended that all compacted fill slopes and natural cut slopes be planted with an erosion resistant plant, in conformance with the require- ments of the City of Carlsbad. ODID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 32 E. Site Drainage Considerations 21. Groundwater was encountered at a depth of 33 feet during the course of our field investigation, however, we do not expect ground water to cause significant problems if the property is developed as presently designed. It should be kept in mind, however, that any required additional grading operations may change surface drainage patterns and/or reduce permeabilities due to the densification of compacted soils. Such changes of surface and subsurface hydrologic conditions, plus irrigation of landscaping or significant increases in rainfall, may result in the appearance of minor amounts of surface or near-surface water at locations where none existed previously. The damage from such water is expected to be minor and cosmetic in nature, if good positive drainage is implemented at the completion of construction. Corrective action should be taken on a site- specific basis if and when it becomes necessary. 22. Adequate measures shall be taken to properly finish-grade the site to prevent ponding or erosion, specifically of the slopes. Drainage waters from this site and adjacent properties are to be directed away from building pads and slopes, onto the natural drainage direction for this area or into properly designed and approved drainage facilities. Roof gutters and downspouts should be installed on all structures, with runoff directed away from the foundations. Proper subsurface and surface drainage will help minimize the potential for waters to seek the level of the bearing soils under the building pads. Failure to observe this recommendation could result in excessive uplift or undermining and differential settlement of the future structures and improvements on the site. CD 10 Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 33 23. Appropriate erosion-control measures shall be taken at all times during construction to prevent surface runoff waters from entering footing excavations and ponding on finished building pads or running uncontrolled over the tops of newly constructed cut or fill slopes. Particular care should be taken to prevent saturation of any temporary construction slopes. 24. Proper subdrains with free-draining backwall material or geodrains shall be installed behind all retaining walls on the subject project. Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. will assume no liability for damage to structures which is attributable to poor drainage nor for damage due to improperly backfilled trenches or retaining walls with fill soils placed without our observations and testing. Subdrains shall also be installed under canyon fills. The subdrains shall be placed in an envelope of gravel and wrapped with filter cloth. 25. Planter areas and planter boxes shall be sloped to drain away from the foundations, footings, and floor slabs. Planter boxes shall be constructed with a sealed bottom and a subsurface drain, installed in gravel, with the direction of subsurface and surface flow away from structures, to an adequate drainage facility. F. General Recommendations 26. In order to minimize any work delays at the subject site during site development, this firm should be contacted at least 24 hours prior to any need for observation of slopes or field density testing. CD "ID Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 34 27. Design of street and driveway pavement sections was not included within the scope of this report. Pavement sections will depend largely on the subgrade soil conditions exposed after grading and the expected traffic load, and should be based on R-value test results. These tests should be performed after completion of the rough grading operation. VIII. LIMITATIONS It should be noted that all recommendations are still of a preliminary nature and subject to change, based upon review of your final grading and building plans, and our observations and analysis of results observed during grading. Our updated conclusions and recommendations have been based on the available data obtained from our report reviews, field investigation and laboratory analysis, as well as our experience with the soils and formation materials in this area of the City of Carlsbad. Of necessity, we must assume a certain degree of continuity between exploratory excavations and/or natural exposures. It is, therefore, necessary that all observations, conclusions, and recommendations be verified at the time grading operations begin. In the event discrepancies are noted, additional recommendations may be issued, if required. This report has been prepared for design purposes only, and may not be sufficient to prepare an accurate bid for the grading work. The work performed and recommendations presented herein are the result of an investigation and analysis which meet the contemporary standard of care in our profession within the County of San Diego. No warranty is provided. Laurel Tree Apartment Project Job No. 95-6794 Carlsbad, California Page 35 This report should be considered valid for a period of two (2) years, and is subject to review by our firm following that time. If significant modifications are made to the grading plans, especially with respect to the height and location of any proposed cuts and fills, this report should be presented to us for immediate review and possible revision. The firm of Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. shall not be held responsible for changes to the physical condition of the property, such as addition of fill soils or changing drainage patterns, which occur subsequent to issuance of this report. This firm does not practice or consult in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct the contractor's operations, and we cannot be responsible for the safety of personnel other than our own on the site; the safety of others is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor should notify the owner if he considers any of the recommended actions presented herein to be unsafe. It is the responsibility of the owner and/or developer to ensure that the recommendations summarized in the report are carried out in the field operations and that our recommendations for design of the project are incorporated in the building and grading plans. Our firm should review the final grading and the foundation plans when they become available and before grading starts. dDn Laurel Tree Apartment Project Carlsbad, California Job No. 95-6794 Page 36 This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Reference to our Job No. 95-6794 will help to expedite a response to your inquiries. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. JayX. Meiser, Project Geologist Jaime A. Cerros, P.E. R.C.E. 34422/G.E. 2007 Senior Geotechnical Engineer JKH/LDR/JAC/pj Leslie D. Reed, President 999 QD~ REFERENCES Association of Engineering Geologists, 1973, Geology and Earthquake Hazards, Planners Guide to the Seismic Safety Element, Southern California Section, Association of Engineering Geologists, Special Publication, Published July, 1973, p. 44. Crowell, J.C., 1962, Displacement along the San Andreas Fault, California; Geologic Society of America Special Paper 71, 61 p. Greene, H.G., 1979, Implication of Fault Patterns in the Inner California Continental Borderland between San Pedro and San Diego, in "Earthquakes and Other Perils, San Diego Region," P.L. Abbott and W.J. Elliott, editors. Greensfelder, R.W., 1974, Maximum Credible Rock Acceleration from Earthquakes in California; California Division of Mines and Geology, Map Sheet 23. Hart, Earl W. Smith, D.P., & Saul, R.B., 1979, Summary Report: Fault evaluation program, 1978 area (Peninsular Ranges-Salton Trough Region), Calif. Div. Mines & Geology, OFR 79-10 SF, 10. Hart E.W., 1980, Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42, Revised March, 1980, p. 25. Hileman, J.A., C.R. Allen and J.M. Nordquist, 1973, Seismicity of the Southern California Region, January 1, 1932, to December 31, 1972; Seismological Laboratory, Cal-tech, Pasadena, California. Kennedy, M.P., 1975, Geology of the San Diego Metropolitan area, California; Bulletin 200, California Division of Mines and Geology, 1975. Richter, C.F., 1958, Elementary Seismology, W.H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, California. Rockwell, T.K., Millman, D.E., McElwain, R.S., and Lamar, D.L, 1985, Study of seismic activity by trenching along the Glen Ivy North fault, Elsinore fault zone, Southern California: Lamar-Merifield Technical Report 85-1, U.S.G.S. Contract 14- 08-0001-21376, 19 p. ODID EQUIPMENT Kubota Trackhoe SURFACE ELEVATION ± 110' Mean Sea Level DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION 2' x 10' x 6* Trench GROUND WATER DEPTH Not encountered DATE LOGGED 7-6-95 LOGGED BY JKH 1-^u. 3:t— UJa __ •1 - - 2 - — 3 - 4 - ^ 5 - - 7 - 8 J 9 - 10 - oca LO i H i 1 i J|3 11pf | TT::! IPp ij:i* \ u a.a V FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND with some trash debris and chunks of siltstone and sand- stone. Loose. Damp, Tan-gray and orange brown . FILL SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND with some clay and organics. Loose to medium dense. Dark brown. ALLUVIUM Bottom of hole @ 6 t/j SM SM/ SC >* UJ UJ o. o 1 £^ t_4 £ —<Jo. UJ O_ (/) 1 Z Z UJ i— O ^• UJ I—I t/) el SO X ^_. S ""o -3 £ >- M W < UJ ^_ c c t/1 OZUJ »« ^^ ?• 1 Z 0 X OLU (J I—• u. t/1— CO C o o til u! li V WATER TABLE ^ LOOSE BAG SAMPLE H] IN-PLACE SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE GO SAND CONE/F.D.T. JOB NAME MAAC Project SITE LOCATION Laurel Tree Road, Carlsbad, California JOB NUMBER 95-6794 FIGURE NUMBER Ila REVIEWED BY LOG No. T-1 - EQUIPMENT Kubota Trackhoe SURFACE ELEVATION ± 128' Mean Sea Level DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION 2' x 10' x 10' Trench GROUNDWATER DEPTH Not encountered DATE LOGGED 7-6-95 LOGGED BY JKH ,_: Q.LUO 1 ~ 2 — 3 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - - 9- - - — 10' v p Js * fl 1N 1 :l ft i ail _io E :}: r^T: ; !ir $ (1 £l:f** !j *j-: i*pi Uy * i = T ii u 3 v \ FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, poorly cemented. Loose. Dry. Light gray. RECENT ALLUVIUM SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND with some clay and organics. Loose to medium dense. Moist. Dark brown. SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND with slight clay binder. Loose to medium dense. Moist. Tan-gray and brown. ALLUVIUM Bottom of hole 10' °1 t/l = SM SM/sc SM w Q_ (/I •— 1 2. _> U UJ _l l-l 1 Z== LU—. O ~ • LU *££S 11.2 -•^^ **- fV ^*0 *— it i s£ Q 124 ,_, a d t ZIS) 0 LU *ea -— • ^» i z o 0- ZX OLU O 1—• u. t— O 3—1 O00 U a o LU LU -J I ZZ t/i . — . V WATER TABLE ^ LOOSE BAG SAMPLE Q] IN- PLACE SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE ^ GQ SAND CONE/F.D.T. JOB NAME MAAC Project SITE LOCATION Laurel Tree Road, Carlsbad, California JOB NUMBER 95-6794 FIGURE NUMBER lib REVIEWED BY LOG No. T-2 j EQUIPMENT Kubota Trackhoe SURFACE ELEVATION ± 150' Mean Sea Level DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION 2' x 10' x 10' Trench GROUNDWATER DEPTH Not encountered DATE LOGGED 7-6-95 LOGGED BY JKH h-U_ 1—Q_ LUO -1 - 2 - — 3 - _ 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 -_ 9 - 10 - _jo CO >-<s-. ::t±±: J**! i p|if Pffljli:: illiiiInij •flvi 4 '•Vfl '•EP '1|£H111 I&¥m\ \ n lifl iiiilli u Q_ X t/ FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND with abundant debris. Loose. Dry to damp. Gray-brown. SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND with some silt- stone and sandstone chunks. Loose to medium dense. Moist. Tan-gray and orange brown . - some plastic debris FILL SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND with some clay and organics. Loose to medium dense. Moist. Dark brown. V ALLUVIUM Bottom of hole @ 10' ts>= SM SM SM/ SC s 1. 1 1. 1 O- f* i— i 3C 4^_ Q. UJO >-«t 1— O. l/l1 ZZ UJi— i O ^^ ^LU £ £ £ £ tC 0O £ m« *i.° •^ £ >-3 \—^T HH X Z< UJ£ a ^-^ c c >- -r- 1- 00 OzLU »*a • — • —~ + ', z o< </>a. zx oUJ (_> 1—• U- 001— o =_l O CO <_) ci o Of OO UJ UJ liW1-_ V WATER TABLE £3 L00SE BAG SAMPLE [T] IN-PLACE SAMPLE • DRIVE SAMPLE H SAND CONE/F.D.T. JOB NAME Pacwest and MAAC Project SITE LOCATION Laurel Tree Road, Carlsbad, California JOB NUMBER 95-6794 FIGURE NUMBER lie REVIEWED BY LOG No. T-3 j 140 LABORATORY SOIL DATA SUMMARY 130 DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA APPARENT COHESION (psf) APPARENT FRICTION ANGLE 1* 100 32° 2* 200 30° 3* 250 28° * Assigned Value Sand Fine Fines STH Clay 120 110 100 90 80 SPECIFIC GRAVITY ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES 10 20 30 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST SOIL TYPE 1 2 3 SOIL CLASSIFICATION S1LTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND with slight clay binder. Dark brown. SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND with some clay. Dark brown. >ILTSTONE/CLAYSTONE. Tan-gray and green. BORING No. T-2 T-l IMPORT TRENCH NO. FILL DEPTH 5' 2' SWELL TEST DATA INITIAL DRY DENSITY (pcf) INITIAL MATER CONTENT (X) LOAD (psf) UBC EXPANSION INDEX 1 _ - - - 2 105.7 U.8 1W 63 3 103.0 14.0 W 128 FIGURE NUMBER II 1 JOB NUMBER 95-679** FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS NEAR SLOPES PROPOSED STRUCTURE CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB '.' *»• V* ».«4 «V«" '.*«-.«». ..•«/.***•• r a < REINFORCEMENT OF FOUNDATIONS AMD FLOOR SLABS FOLLOWING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ARCHITECT OR STRUCTURAL ENGINEER.COMPACTED FILL TOP OF COMPACTED FILL SLOPE (Any loose soils on the slope surface shall not be considered to provide lateral or vertical strength for the footing or for slope stability. Needed depth of inbednent shall be Measured froB competent soil.) COMPACTED FILL SLOPE WITH MAXIMUM INCLINATION AS PER SOILS REPORT. TOTAL DEPTH OF FOOTING MEASURED FROM FINISH SOIL SUB-GRADE CONCRETE FOUNDATION 12" MINIMUM OR AS DEEP AS REQUIRED FOR LATERAL STABILITY. OUTER MOST FACE > OF FOOTING TYPICAL SECTION (SHOWING PROPOSED FOUNDATION LOCATED WITHIN 5 FEET OF TOP OF SLOPE) 12* FOOTING/5r SETBACK TOTAL DEPTH OF FOOTING J J J 1 1 i* 111 (/) U Li. <° ^ ow) y 1.5:1.0 SLOPE t * when applicable 2.0:1-0 SLOPE /• 0 I1 2' 3' 4' 5' 52" 45" 36" 28" 20" 12" 42" 36" 30" 24" 18" 12"J FIGURE NUMBER IV JOB NUMBER 95-679^ ia°IL^> m •m E O, o o.ro if) 15 si t \ SWW-2 CONE PORE PRESSURE IU) TONS/SQ FT TIP RESISTRNCE ( QC ) TONS/SQ FT PORE PRESSURE RflTIO U/QC ID 10 2O 30 UJUJu. ~ 40 0.UJ Q 50 BO 70 BO S 00 I II 100 200 300 400 0.0 0.5 1.0 C 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 TIP RESISTflNCE NOT CORRECTED FOR END flREfl EFFECT CONE PENETRRTION TEST SOUNDING NUMBER: CPT-1 ( 1 OF 2 PROJECT NOME : GEI/LflUREL TREE PROJECT NUMBER = 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/Ra3 KC/MR DflTE/TIME: 02-02-98 08:54 H F A SLEEVE FRICTION (F6) TONS/SQ FT a 4 o i— LULiJ Ll_ X1—Q_LUQ -~zz~~ TIP RESISTflNCE (GO FRICTION RflTIO (FS/GC) TONS/SQ FT PERCENT 0 100 200 300 400 0 4 8 1 1 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III III On TIP RESISTANCE NOT CORRECTED FOR END flREfl EFFECT ^ am 13-i X mm—i CONE PENETRRTIQN TEST SOUNDING NUMBER: CPT-1 ( Z OF 2 PROJECT NOME PROJECT NUMBER •. 3EI/LPUREL TREE CONE/RIG = 473/Ru3 KC/MR 38-GEE460 DflTE/TIME: 02-02-98 08=54 y^ " H (GC3 In 5 10 FRICTIOM RfiTIO (F3/GC)FEKCEf-fT 400 Q <y =**• .*P 1 1\-Ltri-t itri- L 1 1rI- L I 1 to am3 en ~ 713 1UU 1UU u^c SOUNDING NUMBER; CFT-2 ^Ci / Lr^uncL "REE CuNC/relu i a73/'Rir5 KL/ MR i CJtsn -^TJ — * * * SOUNDING : * PROJECT : * DATE/TIME: CPT INTERPRETATIONS CPT-2 GEI/LAUREL TREE 02-02-98 09:39 PROJECT No.: 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/R#3 KG/MR * * * * * PAGE 1 of 3 DEPTH Cm) .150 .300 .450 .600 .750 .900 1.050 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.650 1.800 1.950 2.100 2.250 2.400 2.550 2.700 2.850 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450 3.600 3.750 3.900 4.050 4.200 4.350 4.500 4.650 4.800 4.950 5.100 5.250 5.400 5.550 5.700 5.850 6.000 6.150 DEPTH (ft) .49 .98 1.48 1.97 2.46 2.95 3.44 3.94 4.43 4.92 5.41 5.91 6.40 6.89 7.38 7.87 8.37 8.86 9.35 9.84 10.33 10.83 11.32 11.81 12.30 12.80 13.29 13.78 14.27 14.76 15.26 15.75 16.24 16.73 17.22 17.72 18.21 18.70 19.19 19.69 20.18 TIP RESISTANCE <tsf) 52.18 83.53 64.39 42.19 40.81 29.57 51.92 56.04 38.47 86.59 68.32 73.46 83.68 88.55 89.87 61.57 54.05 78.86 89.23 75.14 64.69 77.46 71.04 66.84 77.14 83.07 72.32 74.44 70.77 46.91 68.17 75.06 90.74 103.02 93.80 90.80 79.56 96.60 158.76 112.83 74.63 FRICTION RATIOcx> 3.39 4.25 4.89 4.08 3.68 2.43 2.35 2.03 2.63 3.43 5.84 3.39 4.84 4.12 4.58 6.16 5.75 3.01 3.37 3.55 4.95 3.40 4.69 4.65 3.79 3.53 3.26 2.42 5.19 6.29 4.64 4.45 5.01 4.42 4.34 5.08 5.51 5.05 3.00 4.47 5.96 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *V£RY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SAHDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT "VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED NC60) 26 42 64 21 20 12 21 22 15 35 68 29 84 44 90 62 54 32 36 38 65 31 47 45 39 33 29 30 71 47 45 38 91 100 47 91 80 97 64 100 75 N1(60) 42 67 100 34 33 19 33 36 25 55 100 47 100 70 100 92 78 44 49 50 84 39 59 54 46 39 33 33 78 51 49 39 94 100 47 90 78 93 60 100 69 Dr Su PHI (X) (tsf) (Degrees) 3.1 4.9 2.5 2.4 2.0 3.4 3.7 2.5 5.1 4.3 5.2 3.6 3.2 4.6 5.2 4.4 4.5 4.1 3.9 4.5 4.8 4.2 4.9 2.7 4.0 4.4 5.5 9.3 MNDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60> = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) NH60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED'EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Catnpanella, 1989. HOLCUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 Of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-2 DEPTH Cm) 6.300 6.450 6.600 6.750 6.900 7.050 7.200 7.350 7.500 7.650 7.800 7.950 8.100 8.250 8.400 8.550 8.700 8.850 9.000 9.150 9.300 9.450 9.600 9.750 9.900 10.050 10.200 10.350 10.500 10.650 10.800 10.950 11.100 11.250 11.400 11.550 11.700 11.850 12.000 12.150 12.300 12.450 12.600 12.750 12.900 13.050 13.200 13.350 13.500 13.650 DEPTH (ft) 20.67 21.16 21.65 22.15 22.64 23.13 23.62 24.11 24.61 25.10 25.59 26.08 26.57 27.07 27.56 28.05 28.54 29.04 29.53 30.02 30.51 31.00 31.50 31.99 32.48 32.97 33.46 33.96 34.45 34.94 35.43 35.93 36.42 36.91 37.40 37.89 38.39 38.88 39.37 39.86 40.35 40.85 41.34 41.83 42.32 42.81 43.31 43.80 44.29 44.78 TIP RESISTANCE Ctsf) 57.42 50.99 43.06 32.65 42.49 34.03 35.01 32.29 46.21 80.88 78.20 24.90 20.08 18.38 14.66 93.63 94.56 42.00 129.76 144.89 121.10 63.80 40.79 39.1ft 25.03 16.02 12.68 84.28 111.11 75. H 56.53 51.62 73.66 59.57 64.61 68.62 88.00 81.96 95.22 76.12 67.22 83.30 V9.41 62.23 42.72 44.49 63.08 47.74 34.06 26.98 FRICTION RATIO (X) 6.25 5.37 6.01 5.85 5.60 6.20 5.46 5.73 4.26 2.16 4.44 5.38 6.03 4.62 6.48 2.54 1.47 3.81 1.55 1.60 1.49 3.15 2.11 1.66 .88 .69 1.58 1.73 2.96 3.57 4.02 3.49 3.30 3.54 3.36 3.79 3.39 4.05 3.46 3.30 2.80 3.11 3.65 3.42 4.00 4.11 3.39 3.69 3.55 3.41 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SAND to SILTY SAND SAND to SILTY SAND SAND to SILTY SAND SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SAHDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY N<60) 57 51 43 33 42 34 35 32 31 27 39 25 20 18 15 37 32 21 32 36 30 26 16 16 8 6 6 28 44 38 28 26 29 30 26 34 35 41 38 30 27 33 40 31 21 22 32 24 17 13 Hi (60) 53 46 39 29 37 30 30 27 26 22 32 20 16 15 12 29 25 16 25 28 23 19 12 12 6 5 5 21 33 28 21 19 21 22 19 25 25 29 27 22 19 24 28 22 15 15 22 17 12 9 Dr Su (%) Ctsf) 3.3 2.9 2.5 1.8 2.4 1.9 2.0 1.8 2.6 56 4.5 1.4 1.1 1.1 .9 6.1 58 2.4 67 70 65 3.6 2.6 3.0 19 1.4 .9 53 6.4 4.3 3.2 2.9 4.2 3.4 3.7 3.9 5.0 4.7 5.5 4.3 4.3 4.8 4.5 3.5 2.4 2.5 3.6 2.7 2.1 1.6 PHI (Degrees) 38.0 38.0 39.0 39.0 38.5 29.5 37.0 "•INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF UATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60> = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED 'EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 3 Of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-2 DEPTH Cm) 13.800 13.950 14.100 14.250 14.400 14.550 14.700 14.850 15.000 15.150 15.300 15.450 15.600 15.750 15.900 16.050 16.200 16.350 DEPTH (ft) 45.28 45.77 46.26 46.75 47.24 47.74 48.23 48.72 49.21 49.70 50.20 50.69 51.18 51.67 52.17 52.66 53.15 53.64 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 50.82 38.35 35.99 31.27 48.59 85.55 89.33 100.53 142.87 186.93 218.48 170.51 175.69 180.30 213.38 286.87 330.10 399.36 FRICTION RATIO (%) 3.36 3.99 4.31 4.80 4.51 4.61 5.09 4.53 4.19 4.05 3.59 4.41 3.93 3.82 4.58 4.04 3.33***** SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *SANO to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED •SAND to CLAYEY SAND *SAND to CLAYEY SAND N<60) 25 19 24 31 32 86 89 100 100 100 100 100 88 90 100 100 100 0 N1C60) 17 13 16 21 22 58 60 68 96 100 73 100 58 60 100 94 100 0 Dr Su (%) (tsf) 2.8 2.1 2.0 1.7 2.7 PHI (Degrees) .0 * INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED "EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su » OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI * OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE HOLGUIN, FAH AN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. CPT INTERPRETATIONS SOUNDING : CPT-3 PROJECT : GEI/LAUREL TREE DATE/TIME: 02-02-98 10:15 PROJECT NO.: 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/R#3 KC/MR PAGE 1 of 3 DEPTH <m> .150 .300 .450 .600 .750 .900 1.050 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.650 1.800 1.950 2.100 2.250 2.400 2.550 2.700 2.850 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450 3.600 3.750 3.900 4,050 4,200 4.350 4.500 4.650 4.800 4.950 5.100 5.250 5.400 5.550 5.700 5.850 6.000 6.150 DEPTH (ft) 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 .49 .98 .48 .97 .46 .95 .44 .94 .43 .92 .41 .91 .40 .89 .38 ,87 .37 .86 .35 .84 .33 .83 .32 .81 .30 .80 .29 .78 .27 .76 .26 .75 .24 .73 .22 .72 .21 .70 .19 .69 .18 TIP RESISTANCE Ctsf) 10 13 .18 .66 17.27 11 10 15 26 56 82 92 108 97 115 .62 .81 .74 .98 .96 .13 .84 .05 .09 .47 105.78 109 91 92 75 90 80 54 60 56 72 61 68 62 52 80 67 99 111 102 60 76 99 87 114 123 81 74 .62 .03 .50 .04 .93 .92 .43 .89 .96 .85 .59 .26 .08 .22 .50 .66 .89 .32 .25 .72 .27 .47 .42 .62 .90 .09 .61 FRICTION SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE RATIO (%) 2.36 4 3 3 5 5 5 4 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 .25 .07 .87 .18 .27 .37 .79 .01 .09 .39 .95 .26 .34 .79 3.47 2 3 3 5 6 6 5 5 4 5 5 5 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 4 .46 .11 .45 .20 .08 .14 .81 .72 .98 .17 .41 .44 .38 .32 .38 .76 .33 .41 .54 .58 .64 .19 .45 .61 .20 CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY NC60) 7 14 9 12 11 16 27 38 82 93 100 97 100 100 55 36 31 30 36 81 54 61 57 73 41 68 62 52 32 34 40 56 41 30 38 99 87 100 100 81 37 MK60) 11 22 14 19 17 25 43 61 100 100 100 100 100 100 84 54 44 42 50 100 71 77 71 88 49 80 71 59 36 37 43 58 42 31 38 99 85 100 100 76 35 Dr Su PHI (%) (tsf) (Degrees) 1 1 1 3 6 5 74 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 6 6 3 4 4 .8 .9 .1 .8 .7 .0 .6 .3 .4 .3 43.5 .4 .3 .2 .5 .3 .6 .6 .0 .7 .9 .8 .5 .0 .5 .4 .3 *INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE {60% Energy) NK60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Cwnpanella, 1989. HOLGU1N, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 Of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-3 DEPTH (m) 6.300 6.450 6.600 6.750 6.900 7.050 7.200 7.350 7.500 7.650 7.800 7.950 8.100 8.250 8.400 8.550 8.700 8.850 9.000 9.150 9.300 9.450 9.600 9.750 9.900 10.050 10.200 10.350 10.500 10.650 10.800 10.950 11.100 11.250 11.400 11.550 11.700 11.850 12.000 12.150 12.300 12.450 12.600 12.750 12.900 13.050 13.200 13.350 13.500 13.650 DEPTH (ft) 20.67 21.16 21.65 22.15 22.64 23.13 23.62 24.11 24.61 25.10 25.59 26.08 26.57 27.07 27.56 28.05 28.54 29.04 29.53 30.02 30.51 31.00 31.50 31.99 32.48 32.97 33.46 33.96 34.45 34.94 35.43 35.93 36.42 36.91 37.40 37.89 38.39 38.88 39.37 39.86 40.35 40.85 41.34 41.83 42.32 42.81 43.31 43.80 44.29 44.78 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 78.80 151.24 131 .31 99.79 76.14 66.28 73.29 66.54 57.85 ' 55.45 47.50 52.30 70.70 206.18 223.52 234.35 293.09 281.98 247.78 203.78 181.32 163.48 168.71 177.05 185,62 170.13 172.83 152.60 147.40 152.62 165.79 178.01 177.10 146.74 199.72 168.79 162.67 162.63 89.82 89.87 63.50 58.02 50.37 63.80 40.00 63.50 58.98 34.25 49.20 99.45 FRICTION RATIO (X) 5.69 3.96 5.00 6.06 4.79 4.92 4.65 5.02 4.22 5.70 4.61 2.94 4.96 4.21 4.23 4,29 5.47 5,72 6.55 5,01 6.02 5.13 5.52 5.08 5.46 5.37 5.46 5.97 5.25 5,48 4.85 4.62 4.18 4.57 3.41 4.12 4.65 4.96 7.33 6.39 6.22 5.65 6.04 3.09 5.50 4.74 4.51 4.12 2.72 1.59 I SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE "VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT "VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED •VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT N(60) 79 100 100 100 76- 66 49 67 29 55 32 21 71 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 TOO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 90 90 64 58 50 26 40 42 39 23 20 33 N1(60) Dr Su PHI (X) (tsf) (Degrees) 72 100 100 88 67 57 42 4.2 57 24 3.3 46 3.2 26 2.7 17 3.4 57 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 72 100 100 100 64 64 45 3.6 41 3.3 35 2.8 18 3.6 26 2.2 29 3.6 27 3.3 16 1.9 14 3.1 23 56 37.0 MNDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED 'EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr * OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UHDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLCVIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. SOUNDING CPT-3 PAGE 3 of 3 DEPTH Cm) 13.800 13.950 14.100 14.250 14.400 14,550 14.700 14.850 15.000 15.150 15.300 15.450 DEPTH (ft) 45.28 45.77 46.26 46.75 47.24 47.74 48.23 48.72 49.21 49.70 50.20 50.69 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 124.05 148.37 63.65 31.34 45.15 55.64 105.84 144.40 144.06 125.68 103.31 328.72 FRICTION RATIO (X) 2.18 2.77 3.97 4.72 3.54 4,08 1.93 2.15 3.21 2.76 4.29***** SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT S1LTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED N(60) 41 49 32 31 23 28 35 48 58 42 100 0 NK60) 28 34 22 21 15 19 24 32 39 28 69 0 Dr CX) 62 67 57 66 62 Su (tsf) 3.6 1.7 2.5 3.1 8.3 PHI (Degrees) 38.0 38.5 37.0 38. 5 38.0 * INDICATES OVERCONSOL1DATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft »(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY SU = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. - t to 40 * =n vu »U I IM Wl lUtl * 1 I I C? t ./ 1 V f TIP IQD. t . 200 ' I > (SCJ 300 . ) . FRICTIGn RfiTIO (F3/SCJPGKZNT 4QQ 0 7 .h 10 SO < tuu 1UU ui^uii co ouUHDING NUMBER J CFT-4 JI OPTE/TIMEi aZ-OZ-33 llirZ CPT INTERPRETATIONS * SOUNDING : CPT-1 * PROJECT : GEI/LAUREL TREE * DATE/TIME: 02-02-98 08:54 PROJECT No.: 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/R#3 KC/MR PAGE 1 Of 4 DEPTH Cm) .150 .300 .450 .600 .750 .900 1.050 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.650 1.800 1.950 2.100 2.250 2.400 2.550 2.700 2.850 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450 3.600 3.750 3.900 4.050 4.200 4.350 4.500 4.650 4.800 4.950 5.100 5.250 5.400 5.550 5.700 5.850 6.000 6.150 DEPTH (ft) .49 .98 1.48 1.97 2.46 2.95 3.44 3.94 4.43 4.92 5.41 5.91 6.40 6.89 7.38 7.87 8.37 8.86 9.35 9.84 10.33 10.83 11.32 11.81 12.30 12.80 13.29 13.78 14.27 14.76 15.26 15.75 16.24 16.73 17.22 17.72 18.21 18.70 19.19 19.69 20.18 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 57.25 53.32 39.54 29.23 29.23 40.60 37.82 35.76 35.48 36.12 28.40 25.64 43.42 61.78 74.59 83.56 82.77 67.13 62.37 60.51 93.54 82.77 105.69 107.29 80.31 107.24 109.94 86.91 65,31 70.64 85.72 85.04 69.34 72.55 71.26 85.21 113.81 90.78 88.10 88.61 124.35 FRICTION RATIO (%> 4.38 4.33 4.91 4.72 5.30 4.21 5.05 4.84 5.07 4.26 5.32 5.66 3.71 3.92 4.65 2.66 3.13 5.05 4.07 2.40 4.04 5.26 4.21 4.78 4.73 3.75 4.44 4.65 5.02 5.15 4.91 5.29 5.83 4.77 4.87 5.27 4.61 5.41 4.90 5.18 3.62 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY •VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED •VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED "VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED "VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT N(60) 29 27 40 29 29 27 38 36 35 .24 28 26 22 31 50 33 33 67 31 24 47 83 53 100 80 54 100 87 65 71 86 35 69 73 71 85 100 91 88 89 50 N1C60) 46 43 63 47 47 43 60 57 57 39 45 41 35 49 76 50 48 94 43 32 61 100 66 100 95 63 100 98 72 77 92 89 72 74 72 84 100 88 84 83 46 Dr Su PHI (%) (tsf) (Degrees) 3.4 3.1 2.3 1.7 1.7 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.5 2.5 3.6 4.4 5.5 4.8 3.6 4.0 5.5 6.2 6.3 7.2 •INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) - EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE {60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGU1N, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 4 SOUNDING : CPT-1 DEPTH Cm) 6.300 6.450 6.600 6.750 6.900 7.050 7.200 7.350 7.500 7.650 7.800 7.950 8.100 8.250 8.400 8.550 8.700 8.850 9.000 9.150 9.300 9.450 9.600 9.750 9.900 10.050 10.200 10.350 10.500 10.650 10.800 10.950 11.100 11.250 11.400 11.550 11.700 11.850 12.000 12.150 12.300 12.450 12.600 12.750 12.900 13.050 13.200 13.350 13.500 13.650 DEPTH (ft) 20.67 21.16 21.65 22.15 22.64 23. 13 23.62 24.11 24.61 25.10 25.59 26.08 26.57 27.07 27.56 28.05 28.54 .29.04 29.53 30.02 30.51 31.00 31.50 31.99 32.48 32.97 33.46 33.96 34.45 34.94 35.43 35.93 36.42 36.91 37.40 37.89 38.39 38.88 39.37 39.86 40.35 40.85 41.34 41.83 42.32 42.81 43.31 43.80 44.29 44.78 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 102.70 134.14 114.13 108.24 70.87 78.54 95.52 75.10 85.89 81.67 97.81 65.86 48.27 178.27 107.67 49.46 33.50 35.92 41.09 57.19 47.08 38.33 44.04 36.94 27.89 33.25 58.08 112.96 118.18 128.45 131.91 120.76 109.77 110.05 111.85 103.65 152.09 175.29 176.01 173.36 171.19 157.08 132-46 98.87 78.37 55.62 48.99 57.85 49.56 35.22 FRICTION RATIO (%) 5.00 4.14 4.61 5.12 5.90 6.10 2.61 2.14 2.92 4.02 6.67 5.12 6.51 3.67 3.85 6.17 5.19 4.34 5.84 3.86 4.57 5.37 6.47 5.28 5.34 7.85 3.53 1.88 1.77 2.90 3.63 2.03 2.10 2.84 4.30 3.94 4.41 5.25 6.21 6.19 6.39 5.97 3.93 7.07 7.30 7.23 7.14 5.29 5.71 6.84 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAIHED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAIHED CLAY *SAND to CLAYEY SAND CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SIITY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to ClAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY N(60) 100 100 100 100 71 79 38 25 34 41 98 66 48 89 54 49 34 24 41 29 31 38 44 37 28 33 29 38 39 51 53 40 37 44 100 52 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 78 56 49 58 50 35 NK60) 94 100 100 96 62 68 33 21 29 34 81 54 39 71 43 39 26 19 32 22 24 29 33 28 21 25 22 28 29 38 39 29 27 32 81 37 100 100 100 100 100 100 93 69 55 39 34 40 34 24 Dr Su (X) (tsf) 6.3 54 5.0 4.7 2.7 6.2 2.8 1.9 2.0 2.3 3.3 2.7 2.1 2.5 2.1 1.5 1.8 3.3 62 63 7.4 7.6 63 60 6.3 6.0 3.1 2.7 3.3 2.8 1.9 PHI (Degrees) 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 38.0 "INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 3 of 4 SOUNDING : CPT-1 DEPTH (m) 13.800 13.950 14.100 14.250 14.400 14.550 14.700 14.850 15.000 15.150 15.300 15.450 15.600 15.750 15.900 16.050 16.200 16.350 16.500 16.650 16.800 16.950 17.100 17.250 17.400 17.550 17.700 17.850 18.000 18.150 18.300 18.450 18.600 18.750 18.900 19.050 19.200 19.350 19.500 19,650 19.800 19.950 20.100 20.250 20.400 20.550 20.700 20.850 21.000 21.150 DEPTH (ft) 45.28 45.77 46.26 46.75 47.24 47.74 48.23 48.72 49.21 49.70 50.20 50.69 51.18 51.67 52.17 52.66 53.15 53.64 54.13 54.63 55.12 55.61 56.10 56.59 57.09 57.58 58.07 58.56 59.06 59.55 60.04 60.53 61.02 61.52 62.01 62.50 62.99 63.48 63.98 64.47 64.96 65.45 65.94 66.44 66.93 67.42 67.91 68.41 68.90 69.39 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 30.34 29.70 26.11 33.31 45.80 60.29 89. BO 39.98 32.89 32.46 100.96 41.24 96.03 90.06 87.08 92.24 88.27 55.41 70.15 95.81 81.75 109.75 158.87 103.02 75.48 159.27 131.12 66.52 67.73 43.70 27.72 18.95 23.20 29.45 35.73 42.68 28.85 24.47 25.07 34.18 18.99 21.92 25.73 25.71 63.14 34.57 34.52 112.09 37.65 49.80 FRICTION RATIO <%) 5.90 5.59 6.17 6.03 5.24 4.21 2.19 6.38 5.02 4.65 1.91 5.89 3.23 3.16 2.86 2.48 1.74 2.73 3.39 2.04 2.29 3.98 1.23 2.83 3.50 1.27 2.94 3.14 2.94 4.76 3.97 4.22 3.75 4.45 4.14 3.51 3.54 4.13 4.47 3.07 3.37 3.42 4.62 4.47 3.74 4.89 5.91 2.04 4.54 3.73 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SAND to SILTY SAND SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SAND to SILTY SAND SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY NC60) 30 30 26 33 46 30 30 40 33 22 34 41 38 36 35 31 29 22 28 32 27 55 40 41 38 40 52 27 27 29 18 19 15 20 24 21 14 16 17 17 13 11 26 17 32 35 35 37 25 25 N1(60) 21 20 18 23 31 20 20 27 22 14 22 27 25 24 23 20 19 14 18 21 18 35 26 26 24 25 33 17 17 18 12 12 10 12 15 13 9 10 1011 8 7 16 10 19 21 21 23 15 15 Dr (X) 53 56 53 51 53 49 68 67 56 Su (tsf) 1.6 1.6 1.4 1.8 2.5 3.4 2.2 1.8 1.7 2.3 5.5 5.1 4.9 3.5 3.9 6.3 5.9 4.2 7.5 3.7 4.3 2.4 1.6 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.9 2.3 1.7 1.4 1.3 2.0 1.0 1.2 1.3 1.3 3.5 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.7 PHI (Degrees) 36.5 37.0 36.5 36.0 36.5 36.0 38.5 38.0 36.5 * INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF UATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGU1N, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 4 of 4 SOUNDING : CPT-1 DEPTH Cm) 21.300 21.450 21.600 21.750 21.900 22.050 22.200 22.350 22.500 22.650 22.800 22.950 23 . 100 23.250 23.400 23.550 23.700 23.850 24.000 24.150 24.300 24.450 24.600 24.750 24.900 DEPTH (ft) 69.se 70.37 70.87 71.36 71.85 72.34 72.83 73.33 73.82 74.31 74.80 75.30 75.79 76.28 76.77 77.26 77.76 78.25 78.74 79.23 79.72 80.22 80.71 81.20 81.69 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 103.89 31.46 39.35 76.25 41.81 35.27 19.97 17.59 29.62 20.27 33.33 23.22 22.29 23.67 17.55 19.91 41.02 31.25 33.89 34.25 46.67 86.42 96.81 139.58 122.24 FRICTION RATIO (%) 1.73 4.80 5.26 2.70 4.16 4.91 4.21 5.51 5.44 5.77 4.89 4.39 4.89 4.69 5.87 5.47 6.51 5.82 7.20 7.94 7.20 6.04 5.34 5.82 ***** SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY *VERY *VERY *VERY to SILTY CLAY to SILTY CLAY to SILTY CLAY STIFF FINE GRAINED STIFF FINE GRAINED STIFF FINE GRAINED N(60) 35 31 39 3V 28 35 13 18 30 20 33 15 22 24 18 20 41 31 34 34 47 86 97 100 0 NK60) 21 19 24 18 17 21 8 10 17 12 20 9 13 14 10 12 24 18 20 20 27 50 55 80 0 Dr Su (%) (tsf) 53 1.6 2.1 4.8 2.2 1.8 1.1 .9 1.5 .9 1.7 1.3 1.1 1.1 .9 .9 2.1 1.6 1.7 1.7 2.5 PHI (Degrees) 36.0 .0 *INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE =30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1<60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGV1N, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. 11 . • OLSIVC rRicTigi-j (rc; TIP RESISTS-JCE too FRICTION RflTio (F3/ao Twi'iws Ow i i Tuiiu/wu FT PtixwiJiT 9 4 0010O20030Q4000 4 8 - 1 .-I-,.! 1 , . 1 , , . , 1 .,,»,,,» « u 1 1 ^ 4 4< t 1 _jf -0 1 "vZH_ 1 1 V ,, 1 t -L_ t -t ! V-2"" 1 J 1 *-- -1 t .i" t ( — C 1 ta, -t | 5 H 1J tt ! ^ tJ ii ii i j • ii it i •! 1 •• t nr. f 1 { 1 I .1 -1 1 -J 1 J 1 -i- ! !-" t t J I J 1 ! 1 t ! 1 t X 1 -~r — =t 1 <*i ~*^~ > "s=— L—^ 1 | - -- 1 • • i i ~~**^ ^ 1Mbtf •^i i- r ^^^— *-^^ ~^~l^_ . ^ *1^^_ > ^T L "*^T' r . om3X i- so 2 t iH L r 1 nr, ! t fr f \ -, -i — • — - — •— • —.—.— -— ;•-— — -, — ^«^,|ii ji— i v i ,j-i > j, ,, j^^^n, n,,— ^. .^^UINC rc.iMc.tmii i UIN i co t ouuNDIiNUf Nunocn ; ur i -o S * CPT INTERPRETATIONS* * SOUNDING : CPT-4 * PROJECT : GEI/LAUREL TREE * DATE/TIME: 02-02-98 11:32 PROJECT No.: 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/R/3 KC/MR * * * * * * * PAGE 1 of 4 DEPTH <m) .150 .300 .450 .600 .750 .900 1.050 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.650 1.800 1.950 2.100 2.250 2.400 2.550 2.700 2.850 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450 3.600 3.750 3.900 4.050 4.200 4.350 4.500 4.650 4.800 4.950 5.100 5.250 5.400 5.550 5.700 5.850 6.000 6.150 DEPTH (ft) .49 .98 1.48 1.97 2.46 2.95 3.44 3.94 4.43 4.92 5.41 5.91 6.40 6.89 7.38 7.87 8.37 8.86 9.35 9.84 10.33 10.83 11.32 11.81 12.30 12.80 13.29 13.78 14.27 14.76 15.26 15.75 16.24 16.73 17.22 17.72 18.21 18.70 19.19 19.69 20.18 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 53.20 55.90 40.54 45.21 53.77 48.61 31.02 28.04 28.30 25.62 23.86 19.21 17.40 46.48 113.26 123.35 115.38 97.98 101.40 72.15 85.15 94.67 75.78 74.61 71.11 60.57 64.88 46.63 66.45 51.45 61.14 102.89 105.80 92.18 99.04 100.19 81.28 88.68 78.07 94.52 79.41 FRICTION RATIO (%) 5.45 5.90 4.83 5.60 5.49 5.57 6.54 5.67 5.90 6.28 5.74 5.31 5.29 4.97 4.70 4.74 4.78 5.37 3.48 4.14 2.96 3.33 3.69 3.04 4.99 5.32 4.33 6.43 4.74 5.17 5.48 9.74 5.13 5.47 4.98 4.04 4,53 4,63 4,55 4.59 4.75 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SIITY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED N(60) 53 56 27 45 54 49 31 28 28 26 24 19 17 31 100 100 100 98 41 36 34 38 38 30 71 61 32 47 44 51 61 100 100 92 99 50 41 89 39 95 79 N1(60) 85 89 43 72 86 78 50 45 45 41 38 31 28 49 100 100 100 100 55 48 44 48 47 36 85 71 37 52 49 56 65 100 100 94 100 50 40 86 37 89 74 or Su PHI (%) (tsf) (Degrees) 3.1 3.3 2.4 2.7 3.2 2.8 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.1 2.7 5.9 4.2 5.0 5.5 4.4 4.3 3.5 3.8 2.7 3.9 3.0 3.5 5.8 4.7 4.5 MNDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 4 SOUNDING : CPT-4 DEPTH Cm) 6.300 6.450 6.600 6.750 6.900 7.050 7.200 7.350 7.500 7.650 7.800 7.950 8.100 8. 250 8.400 8.550 8.700 8.850 9.000 9.150 9.300 9.450 9.600 9.750 9.900 10.050 10.200 10.350 10.500 10.650 10.800 10.950 11.100 11.250 11.400 11.550 11.700 11.850 12.000 12.150 12.300 12.450 12.600 12.750 12.900 13.050 13.200 13.350 13.500 13.650 DEPTH (ft) 20.67 21.16 21.65 22.15 22.64 23.13 23.62 24.11 24.61 25.10 25.59 26.08 26.57 27.07 27.56 28.05 28.54 29.04 29.53 30.02 30.51 31.00 31.50 31.99 32.48 32.97 33.46 33.96 34.45 34.94 35.43 35.93 36.42 36.91 37.40 37.89 38.39 38.88 39.37 39.86 40.35 40.85 41.34 41.83 42.32 42.81 43.31 43.80 44.29 44.78 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 108.82 84.19 79.56 63.65 54.81 47.86 43.59 27.32 29.53 32.29 36.65 29.70 25.54 20.50 30.08 23.94 40.88 212.87 173.40 83.70 22.54 33.31 102.40 102.63 30.23 30.76 75.50 77.35 49.69 54.94 60.59 93.60 208.14 136.50 35.63 46.97 40.22 47.65 45.59 36.77 42.00 42.68 36.20 44.30 39.71 35.95 28.98 35.78 43.64 27.34 FRICTION RATIO (X) 5.49 5.94 5.98 6.72 6.02 5.24 4.73 5.53 5.25 4.83 5.05 5.89 5.09 5.37 4.09 5.18 4.82 1.83 1.91 1.65 3.59 3.18 1.08 1.38 5.76 5.07 1.88 1.56 1.85 1.55 1.53 1.75 1.31 2.35 5.00 3.96 5.25 5.52 4.45 4.49 4.40 4.85 5.22 4.83 5.16 5.70 5.90 5.14 5.22 5.34 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE •VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY SAND to SILTY SILTY SAND to SILTY SAND to CLAY to SILTY CLAYEY SILT to SAND to SILTY SAND to SILTY CLAY CLAY SILTY SAND to SILTY SAND to SILTY SAHD to SILTY SAND to SILTY SAND to SILTY SAND to SAND to SILTY SILTY SAND to CLAY CLAYEY SILT to CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY to SILTY CLAY to SILTY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY SAND SANDY SANDY CLAY SILTY SAND SAND SANDY SANDY SAMOY SANDY SANDY SANDY SAND SANDY SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY SILT SILT CLAY SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT SILT CLAY N(60) 100 84 80 64 55 48 29 27 30 32 37 30 26 21 20 24 27 53 58 28 15 17 26 26 30 31 25 26 17 18 20 31 52 46 36 23 40 48 30 25 28 28 36 30 40 36 29 36 44 27 NU60) 100 76 71 56 48 42 25 23 25 27 30 24 21 16 16 19 21 41 44 21 11 13 19 19 23 23 19 19 12 13 15 23 38 33 26 17 29 34 22 17 20 20 25 21 28 25 20 25 30 19 Dr (%) 81 75 54 60 59 50 51 38 41 44 56 79 67 Su (tsf) 3.7 3.1 2.7 2.5 1.5 1.7 1.8 2.1 1.7 1.4 1.1 1.7 1.3 2.3 1.4 2.1 1.7 1.7 2.0 2.6 2.2 2.7 2.5 2.0 2.3 2.4 2.0 2.5 2.2 2.0 1.6 2.0 2.4 1.5 PHI (Degrees) 42.0 40.0 37.0 38.0 38.0 36.5 36.5 33.5 34.5 35.0 37.5 40.5 38.5 "INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF UATER TABLE = 30.Q ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) NK60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 3 of 4 SOUNDING : CPT-4 DEPTH (m) 13.800 13.950 14.100 14.250 14.400 14.550 14.700 14.850 15.000 15.150 15.300 15.450 15.600 15.750 15.900 16.050 16.200 16.350 16.500 16.650 16.800 16.950 17.100 17.250 17.400 17.550 17.700 17.850 18.000 18.150 18.300 18.450 18.600 18.750 18.900 19.050 19.200 19.350 19.500 19.650 19.800 19.950 20.100 20.250 20.400 20.550 20.700 20.850 21.000 21.150 DEPTH (ft) 45.28 45.77 46.26 46.75 47.24 47.74 48.23 48.72 49.21 49.70 50.20 50.69 51.18 51.67 52.17 52.66 53.15 53.64 54.13 54.63 55.12 55.61 56.10 56.59 57.09 57.58 58.07 58.56 59.06 59.55 60.04 60.53 61.02 61.52 62.01 62.50 62.99 63.48 63.98 64-47 64,96 65.45 65.94 66.44 66.93 67.42 67.91 68.41 68.90 69.39 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 25.64 26.36 56.07 32.67 31.29 26.30 39.94 50.05 27.85 77.14 45.44 63.73 43.04 98.60 96.96 29.72 20.88 22.37 24.92 31.02 30.04 26.32 59.78 33.59 28.02 81.81 89.84 16.74 12.53 14.98 35.37 21.16 16.63 13.58 19,35 16.00 19.46 15.17 15.72 21.07 53.49 79.67 43.70 34.71 82.51 117.72 61.27 152.47 86.32 43.08 FRICTION RATIO (%) 5.03 5.58 4.65 5.57 4.60 4.94 2.95 3.74 4.74 1.85 4.36 2.70 3.67 2.72 2.62 5.01 4.17 4.20 3.85 4.38 5.49 4.64 3.96 4.26 4.78 1.69 2.86 1.85 1.84 1.87 1.98 3.36 2.47 2.72 3.26 2.94 2.93 2.57 2.29 2.99 3.25 3.70 3.98 4.15 3.02 2.23 4.65 1.85 2.54 4.87 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY SAMDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SJLT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY SAHDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY N(60) 26 26 37 33 21 26 20 25 28 26 30 25 22 39 39 30 14 15 17 21 30 26 30 22 28 27 36 8 6 7 14 11 8 7 10 8 10 8 8 11 27 40 22 23 33 39 41 51 35 29 NH60) 18 18 25 22 14 18 13 17 19 17 20 17 14 26 26 20 9 10 11 13 19 17 19 14 18 17 23 5 4 5 9 7 5 4 6 5 6 5 5 6 16 24 13 14 20 24 25 31 21 17 Dr Su (X) (tsf) 1.4 1.4 3.1 1.8 1.7 1.4 2.5 2.8 1.5 48 2.5 4.1 2.4 5.6 5.5 1.6 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.4 3.3 1.8 1.5 48 5.1 1.1 .7 .9 2.1 1.2 .9 .7 1.1 .8 1.1 .8 1.0 1.2 2.9 4.5 2.3 1.8 4.6 57 3.4 65 5.5 2.3 PHI (Degrees) 36.0 35.5 36.5 38.0 "INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF MATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (6.0% Energy) HI(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Or = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRA1NED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN& ASSOCIATES, INC. SOUNDING CPT-4 PAGE 4 of 4 DEPTH Cm) 21.300 21.450 21.600 21.750 21.900 22.050 22.200 22.350 22.500 22.650 22.800 22.950 23.100 23.250 23.400 23.550 23.700 23.850 24.000 24.150 24.300 24.450 24.600 24.750 DEPTH (ft) 69.88 70.37 70.87 71.36 71.85 72.34 72.83 73.33 73.82 74.31 74.80 75.30 75.79 76.28 76.77 77.26 77.76 78.25 78.74 79.23 79.72 80.22 80.71 81.20 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 87.10 78.12 29.59 22.71 24.90 48.37 40.07 39.05 61.93 78.07 50.41 35.78 54.64 43.36 29.13 42.30 17.08 21.48 56.62 102.80 63.50 57.85 26.58 26.26 FRICTION RATIO <%) 2.24 3.16 4.36 3.96 2.57 4.69 4.34 5.40 3.23 2.48 5.3Z 5.73 3.39 2.91 3.30 3.03 4.74 3.49 3.73 2.86 4.35 1.59 2.29 11.96 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CUY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY N<60) 29 31 20 15 12 32 27 39 25 31 50 36 27 17 15 21 17 14 28 .41 32 19 11 26 HI (60) 17 19 12 9 7 19 16 23 15 18 30 21 16 10 8 12 10 8 16 24 18 11 6 15 Dr Su (X) <tsf) 48 4.4 1.5 1.2 1.4 2.6 2.1 2.0 3.4 4.9 2.7 1.9 3.0 2.6 1.6 2.5 .8 1.1 3.1 5.8 3.5 35 1.5 1.4 PHI (Degrees) 35.0 31.0 •INDICATES OVERCONSOL1DATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Or = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UKDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. r;r REJiarfwce too FRICTION Rgrio (FS/KJTuiiu/53 rr FoiG^j-iT 100 200 300 400 0 4 9 in -* t rhL r it- L ri-itrr VJU -* 7Q fln j - J rt- L 1UU ^ j^^m.SuUNuING iNUnBER — uv/ i 475/rn3 / HIT * * * * SOUNDING : CPT-5 * PROJECT : GEI/LAUREL TREE * DATE/TIME: 02-02-98 12:16 CPT INTERPRETATIONS PROJECT No.: 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/R/3 KG/MR PAGE 1 Of 3 DEPTH <m> .150 .300 .450 .600 .750 .900 1.050 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.650 1.800 1.950 2.100 2.250 2.400 2.550 2.700 2.850 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450 3.600 3.750 3.900 4.050 4.200 4.350 4.500 4.650 4.800 4.950 5.100 5.250 5.400 5.550 5.700 5.850 6.000 6.150 DEPTH (ft) .49 .98 1.48 1.97 2.46 2.95 3.44 3.94 4.43 4.92 5.41 5.91 6.40 6.89 7.38 7.87 8.37 8.86 9.35 9.84 10.33 10.83 11.32 11.81 12.30 12.80 13.29 13.78 14.27 14.76 15.26 15.75 16.24 16.73 17.22 17.72 18.21 18.70 19.19 19.69 20.18 TIP RESISTANCE ttsf) 79.54 72.81 98.24 62.91 56.43 74.80 81.77 72.19 116.27 82.43 102.04 58.42 96.13 62.23 85.96 75.74 84.30 98.30 67.66 53.41 71.76 80.18 67,54 73.12 75.91 70.70 60.38 67.07 77.05 76.27 85.68 54.07 46.12 101.34 75.55 91.71 85.17 110.47 82.54 86.04 82.43 FRICTION RATIO (X) 1.74 4.45 4.42 2.30 3.35 2.71 1.90 2.44 3.04 2.95 3.66 3.25 5.15 5.33 4.31 4.27 4.34 3.88 3.43 3.39 2.93 2.97 4.07 4.21 3.34 3.53 3.93 3.89 3.14 5.03 4.34 5.18 5.B3 4.19 5.67 3.35 3.67 4.15 4.55 6.57 5.69 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED NC60) Z7 36 98 25 28 30 27 29 47 33 41 23 96 62 43 38 42 49 34 27 29 32 34 37 30 35 30 34 31 76 43 54 46 51 76 37 43 55 83 86 82 NH60) 42 58 100 40 45 48 44 46 74 53 65 37 100 99 66 56 61 69 46 35 37 41 42 44 36 41 35 38 34 83 46 57 48 52 76 36 42 53 79 81 77 Dr Su PHI (X) (tsf) (Degrees) 70 4.3 4.2 3.3 5.0 71 46.5 4.8 6.8 4.8 6.0 3.4 3.6 5.0 4.4 4.9 5.8 3.9 3.1 4.2 4.7 3.9 4.3 4.4 4.1 3.5 3.9 4.5 5.0 3.1 2.7 5.9 5.3 4.9 6.4 MNDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Ml(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGU1N, FAHAN& ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-5 DEPTH (m) 6.300 6.450 6.600 6.750 6.900 7.050 7.200 7.350 7.500 7.650 7.800 7.950 8,100 8.250 8,400 8.550 8.700 8.850 9.000 9.150 9.300 9.450 9.600 9.750 9.900 10.050 10.200 10.350 10.500 10.650 10.800 10.950 11.100 11.250 11.400 11.550 11.700 11.850 12.000 12.150 12.300 12.450 12.600 12.750 12.900 13,050 13.200 13.350 13.500 13.650 DEPTH Cft) 20.67 21.16 21.65 22.15 22.64 23.13 23.62 24.11 24.61 25.10 25.59 26.08 26.57 27.07 27.56 28.05 28.54 29.04 29.53 30.02 30.51 31.00 31.50 31.99 32.48 32.97 33.46 33.96 34.45 34.94 35.43 35.93 36.42 36.91 37.40 37.89 38.39 38.88 39.37 39.86 40.35 40.85 41.34 41.83 42.32 42.81 43.31 43.80 44.29 44.78 TIP RESISTANCE Ctsf) 73.66 65.65 70.89 57.53 57.34 51.99 48.82 41.17 62.88 36.77 24.41 33.27 27.00 16.91 23.28 26.85 45.85 90.65 66.64 69.64 175.93 142.32 181.90 192.07 138.22 116.46 92.37 84.85 72.40 59.95 41.77 55.60 136.26 200.32 238.88 294.56 299.25 262.20 220.63 208.92 249.78 238.52 285.28 335.82 318.67 344.63 306.29 299.72 343.72 215.23 FRICTION RATIO (%> 5.59 6.17 3.95 5.43 4.42 6.05 5.54 5.94 4.05 4.74 6.10 6.05 4.98 5.81 4.86 4.45 3.75 1.67 2.00 2.95 3.75 5.60 4.41 3.58 5.48 6.07 5.83 5.90 5.57 6,13 5.74 4.39 4.02 4.51 5.02 3.77 3.50 3.48 3.69 3.58 2.89 3.30 3.04 2.46 2.75 3.52 2.71 2.92 3.76 3.95 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SIITY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FIHE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *SAHD to CLAYEY SAHD *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *SAND to CLAYEY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *SAND to CLAYEY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *SAND to CLAYEY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *SAHD to CLAYEY SAND *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *SAND to CLAYEY SAND N<60> 74 66 35 58 38 52 49 41 31 25 24 33 27 17 23 18 23 30 22 28 88 100 100 96 100 100 92 85 72 60 42 37 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 83 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N1(6Q) 68 60 32 51 34 45 42 35 26 20 20 27 22 14 18 14 18 23 17 21 67 100 100 72 100 87 69 63 53 44 31 27 99 100 100 100 100 94 79 74 59 84 100 78 100 100 71 100 100 74 Or Su <5£> (tsf) 4.1 3.3 3.3 3.0 2.8 2.3 3.6 2.1 1.3 1.9 1.5 1.0 1.3 1.5 2.6 57 48 4.0 3.4 2.3 3.1 83 91 89 PHI (Degrees) 38.0 36.5 41.5 43.0 42.5 "INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) * EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) NU60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su s OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 3 of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-5 DEPTH DEPTH TIP FRICTION SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE NC60) N1C60) Dr Su PHI RESISTANCE RATIO (m) (ft) (tsf) (%) (X) Ctsf) (Degrees) 13.800 45.28 334.95 3.17 *SAND to CLAYEY SAND 100 100 * INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) HH60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. *-. 5 VL. I IX1UI 4bN1 I t ipl* I «Jf*U/ WUI i~ I 840 I ... i ... l FRICTION RflTIO (F3/3C; 10 -H VU -X e?*=\. i • "> ~~~ *vi / r 1UU !i-Lii ( 1i'ir L.., t__ ri-iLi ?u PO 100 en cnw cvn dtsee. UINC rc.iNcmi-i!1 _____ ___SOUNDING NUMBER* CF7-6 i_jcl :- rcci oon <rr--r ( 473/'irir3 KC/"MR | jaz-as-aa 13103 CPT INTERPRETATIONS * SOUNDING : * PROJECT : * DATE/TIME: CPT-6 GEI/LAUREL TREE 02-02-98 13:03 PROJECT No.: 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/R#3 KG/MR PAGE 1 of 2 DEPTH (m) .150 .300 .450 .600 .750 .900 1.050 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.650 1.800 1.950 2.100 2.250 2.400 2.550 2.700 2.850 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450 3.600 3.750 3.900 4.050 4.200 4.350 4.500 4.650 4.800 4.950 5.100 5.250 5.400 5.550 5.700 5.850 6.0QO 6.150 DEPTH (ft) .49 .98 1.48 1.97 2.46 2.95 3.44 3.94 4.43 4.92 5.41 5.91 6.40 6.89 7.38 7.87 8.37 8.86 9.35 9.84 10.33 10.83 11.32 11.81 12.30 12.80 13-29 13.78 14.27 14.76 15.26 15.75 16.24 16.73 17.22 17.72 18.21 18.70 19.19 19.69 20.18 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 18.84 197.43 60.85 39.20 40.54 25.41 17.95 22.41 91.69 24.47 17.76 13.17 17.34 23.60 25.64 26.07 26.24 36.54 34.69 41.83 38.75 41.72 54.68 48.93 38.71 37.71 35.86 37.28 32.25 33.21 45.55 51.39 116.97 84.28 76.82 59.83 34.03 20.59 23.07 26.94 22.84 FRICTION RATIO (X) 4.30 1.49 4.88 4.54 4.46 5.43 4.90 4.73 1.94 4.99 4.90 5.01 4.96 5.04 5.03 5.49 4.19 4.84 5.39 5.31 5.63 5.44 4.66 5.11 5.68 5.75 5.80 6.46 5.27 4.00 3.25 3.13 1.94 4.54 2.97 2.66 3.70 3.69 4.46 4.71 4.38 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAY SAND to SILTY SAND CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY N(60) 19 49 41 26 27 25 18 22 31 24 18 13 17 24 26 26 17 37 35 42 39 42 36 49 39 38 36 37 32 22 23 21 39 84 31 24 17 14 23 27 15 NK60) 30 79 65 42 43 41 29 36 49 39 28 21 28 37 39 39 25 51 47 56 50 53 45 59 46 44 41 42 36 24 24 22 40 86 31 24 17 13 22 25 14 Dr Su PHI <!» (tsf> (Degrees) 1.3 96 3.6 2.3 2.4 1.5 1.2 1.5 74 46,0 1.4 1.2 .9 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.0 2.4 2.2 2.4 3.2 2.8 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.1 1.8 1.9 3.0 3.4 72 41.5 4.5 3.9 2.2 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.4 "INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED "EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRA1NED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanetta, 1989. HOLGU1N, FAttAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 Of 2 SOUNDING : CPT-6 DEPTH <m> 6.300 6.450 6.600 6.750 6.900 7.050 7.200 7.350 7.500 7.650 7-800 7.950 8.100 8.250 8.400 8.550 8.700 8.850 9.000 9.150 9.300 9.450 9.600 9.750 9.900 10.050 10.200 10.350 10.500 10.650 10.800 10.950 11.100 11.250 11.400 11.550 11.700 11.850 12.000 12.150 12.300 12.450 12.600 12.750 12.900 13.050 DEPTH (ft) 20.67 21.16 21.65 22.15 22.64 23.13 23.62 24.11 24.61 25.10 25.59 26.08 26.57 27.07 27.56 28.05 28.54 29.04 29.53 30.02 30.51 31.00 31.50 31.99 32.48 32.97 33.46 33.96 34.45 34.94 35.43 35.93 36.42 36.91 37.40 37.89 38.39 38.88 39.37 39.86 40.35 40.85 41.34 41.83 42.32 42.81 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 20.71 30.21 24.67 35.69 43.06 77.12 102.29 91.27 69.11 40.54 24.73 33.33 49.99 89.57 74.46 81.84 97.85 113.94 114.98 95.33 55.62 65.14 84.60 119.57 106.76 101.00 108.67 118.44 130.70 102.72 224.18 150.22 150.12 151.75 122.65 146.57 154.96 81.67 74.48 93.22 109.41 112.47 87.38 101.10 278.77 259.85 FRICTION RATIO<*) 3.33 3.38 5.43 6.50 6.15 3.41 2.72 4.94 5.72 6.31 6.39 5.25 5.18 5.43 6.08 5.67 3.99 4.21 5.31 5.48 6.11 6.09 5.43 5.03 5.70 4.92 4.57 4.84 4.71 5.82 4.04 4.95 4.54 4.59 4.83 4.26 3.10 5.25 5.01 3.86 3.70 4.80 4.60 4.49 4.45 5.20 I SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY *VERY STIFF FIHE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FIME GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FIME GRAINED N(60) 10 15 25 36 43 31 41 91 69 41 25 33 50 90 74 82 49 100 100 95 56 65 85 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 62 82 74 47 44 100 87 100 100 100 NK60) I i 9 14 22 32 38 27 35 78 58 34 20 27 40 72 59 64 38 88 88 73 42 49 64 90 80 75 81 88 96 75 82 100 100 100 89 100 44 58 53 33 31 79 61 71 100 100 )r Su PHI C%) (tsf) (Degrees) 1.3 1.9 1.4 2.0 2.5 4.5 5.9 2.3 1.4 1.9 2.9 5.7 3.2 9.0 5.3 6.3 MNDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Ml(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campaneila, 1989. HOLCUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. UJ Q. 5 to •?n VU BO < wi tun 11 w; >W I I J Qi , . , i 1QO, i .2QO J toe; 300 . ! , 400 .! \ f, •=£< IUU ?f ^ )1- t r Fri- L ii- Li ii- L r iirhii to 7U ftp IUO c^w r>.w* agw UIMC i co OUUIMUIINL?>-r t - / i .JCL . / i_Hurrcu /'MR | I D2-Q2-9B 13)33 CPT INTERPRETATIONS * SOUNDING : CPT-7 * PROJECT : GEI/LAUREL TREE * DATE/TIME: 02-02-98 13:32 PROJECT No.: 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/R/3 KC/MR PAGE 1 of 3 DEPTH On) .150 .300 .450 .600 .750 .900 1.050 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.650 1.800 1.950 2.100 2.250 2.400 2.550 2.700 2.850 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450 3.600 3.750 3.900 4.050 4.200 4.350 4.500 4.650 4.800 4.950 5.100 5.250 5.400 5.550 5.700 5.850 6. 000 6.150 DEPTH (ft) .49 .98 1.48 1.97 2.46 2.95 3.44 3.94 4.43 4.92 5.41 5.91 6.40 6.89 7.38 7.87 8.37 8.86 9.35 9.84 10.33 10.83 11.32 11.81 12.30 12.80 13.29 13.78 14.27 14.76 15.26 15.75 16.24 16.73 17.22 17.72 18.21 18.70 19.19 19.69 20.18 TIP RESISTANCE Ctsf) 12.94 9.11 96.18 136.65 175.10 134.27 109.11 121.14 107.41 77.95 73.12 64.20 69.05 65.39 49.67 72.68 88.55 101.66 106.10 97.51 101,66 107.18 104.38 111-60 128,62 116.78 94.33 91.93 90,91 69.73 55.45 50.35 59.85 64.07 66.84 67.41 50.33 58.93 44.30 46.55 59.57 FRICTION RATIO C%> .70 1.87 1.12 1.92 3.73 4.31 3.50 2.99 2.05 4.48 4.24 2.87 2.72 2.95 2.25 2.02 2.22 2.55 2.57 3.24 3.25 2.99 3.59 3.47 3.78 4.66 5.92 5.97 5.48 5.94 6.06 5.80 3.88 3.50 3.82 3.20 4.63 4.28 6.07 6.85 5.98 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SAND to SILTY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT•SAND to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF fIHE GRA1HED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY NC60) 5 5 24 46 88 100 44 48 36 39 37 26 28 26 20 24 30 34 35 39 41 43 42 45 51 100 94 92 91 70 55 50 30 32 33 27 34 29 44 47 60 NK60) 8 7 38 73 100 100 70 77 57 62 58 41 44 42 30 36 43 47 48 52 53 54 52 54 61 100 100 100 100 76 59 53 31 33 34 27 33 28 42 44 55 Dr Su <X) (tsf) 1.3 .7 75 85 6.4 7.1 78 4.6 4.3 4.3 4.6 4.3 3.3 67 73 77 78 5.7 5.9 6.3 6.1 6.5 T.5 3.2 2.9 3.5 3.7 3.9 3.9 2.9 3.4 2.5 2.7 3.4 PHI (Degrees) 46.5 42.5 43.5 43.5 43.5 MNDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT * 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED "EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 Of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-7 DEPTH Cm) 6.300 6.450 6.600 6.750 6.900 7,050 7,200 7.350 7,500 7.650 7.800 7.950 8.100 8.250 8.400 8.550 8.700 8.850 9.000 9.150 9.300 9.450 9.600 9.750 9.900 10.050 10.200 10.350 10.500 10.650 10.800 10.950 11.100 11.250 11.400 11.550 11.700 11.850 12.000 12.150 12.300 12.450 12.600 12.750 12.900 13.050 13.200 13.350 13.500 13.650 DEPTH (ft) 20.67 21.16 21.65 22.15 22.64 23.13 23.62 24.11 24.61 25.10 25.59 26.08 26.57 27.07 27.56 28.05 28.54 29.04 29.53 30.02 30.51 31.00 31.50 31.99 32.48 32.97 33.46 33.96 34.45 34.94 35.43 35.93 36.42 36.91 37.40 37.89 38.39 38.88 39.37 39.86 40.35 40.85 41.34 41.83 42.32 42.81 43.31 43.80 44.29 44.78 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 61.21 40.32 38.35 43.72 49.25 45.29 99.45 64.67 59.42 49.52 71.21 80.58 51.71 52.39 64.97 75.36 71.76 77.22 58.34 55.15 50.41 94.73 59.29 68.30 60.06 62.63 60.51 65.94 55.36 49.99 41.96 72.36 53.22 87.53 107.46 107.22 135.63 130.32 120.44 136.01 135.05 141.04 145.19 187.66 183.79 123.20 138.03 121.99 103.02 160.40 FRICTION SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE RATIO C%> 5.78 6.37 6.54 6.72 6.13 6.20 4.13 5.64 5.52 5.09 4.68 5.60 6.07 5.40 5.49 5.21 5.39 4.51 5.71 5.51 5.91 4.75 5.72 6.06 6.11 5.40 4.96 5.14 6.18 5.66 5.60 4.89 7.35 5.45 5.43 5.98 4.71 4.50 5.16 4.79 4.53 5.28 4.95 5.47 6.00 6.56 5.96 5.75 4.77 5.27 CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT *VERY CLAY CLAY CLAY *VERY CLAY CLAY *VERY *VERY *VERY STIFF to FINE SILTY CLAY GRAINED to SILTY CLAY STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF CLAYEY SILT CLAY CLAY CLAY *VERY CLAY *VERY CLAY CLAY CLAY *VERY CLAY CLAY CLAY *VERY CLAY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY *VERY STIFF STIFF FINE FINE FINE FINE to FINE FINE GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED SILTY CLAY GRAINED GRAINED to SILTY CLAY STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED GRAINED NC60) 61 40 38 44 49 45 50 65 59 50 47 81 52 52 65 75 72 39 58 55 50 95 59 68 60 63 40 66 55 50 42 72 53 88 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 NU60) Dr Su PHI (%) (tsf) (Degrees) 56 37 34 39 43 39 43 55 50 41 39 66 42 42 52 59 56 30 45 42 38 72 45 51 45 47 30 49 41 37 31 53 39 63 78 77 97 93 36 97 96 99 100 100 100 86 96 84 71 100 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 3 2 4 .5 .3 .2 .5 .8 .6 .8 .4 .8 .1 3.0 3 4 3 3 .0 .4 .3 .1 2.9 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 .4 .4 .6 .4 .1 .8 .3 .0 MNDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pc-f ASSUMED DEPTH OF UATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60> = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGVIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 3 of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-7 DEPTH DEPTH TIP FRICTION SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE K(60) H1<60) Dr Su PHI RESISTANCE RATIO (m) (ft) Ctsf) (X) (%) (tsf) (Degrees) 13.800 45.28 167.45 5.02 *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED 100 100 13.950 45.77 172.68 5.07 *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED 100 100 14.100 46.26 184.26 4.74 *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED 100 100 14.250 46.75 203.91 ***** 0 0 •INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE - 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Ml(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Or - OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. L'JU 1UU Nunccn ;Cr i -3 I •^C.--.-1l_r'<-rTC!_nuu i OPTE/TIWEi CFT INTERPRETATIONS * SOUNDING : * PROJECT : * DATE/TIME: CPT-8 GEI/LAUREL TREE 02-02-98 14:22 PROJECT No.: 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/R#3 KG/MR PAGE 1 Of 3 DEPTH Cm) .150 .300 .450 .600 .750 .900 1.050 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.650 1.800 1.950 2.100 2.250 2.400 2.550 2.700 2.850 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450 3.600 3.750 3.900 4.050 4.200 4.350 4.500 4.650 4.800 4.950 5.100 5.250 5.400 5.550 5.700 5.850 6.000 6.150 DEPTH (ft) .49 .98 1.48 1.97 2.46 2.95 3.44 3.94 4.43 4.92 5.41 5.91 6.40 6.89 7.38 7.87 8.37 8.86 9.35 9.84 10.33 10.83 11.32 11.81 12.30 12.80 13.29 13.78 14.27 14.76 15.26 15.75 16.24 16.73 17.22 17.72 18.21 18.70 19.19 19.69 20.18 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 26.73 92.10 103.82 71.66 67.32 27.00 17.36 38.67 61.16 93.43 89.50 54.05 76.82 95.86 104.89 87.91 74.42 76.31 59.40 55.60 44.15 49.65 35.44 35.03 42.85 43.53 38.54 38.30 40.47 47.27 52.01 73.49 69.43 79.94 80.65 84.68 92.31 105.08 71.32 77.63 75.46 FRICTION RATIO (%> 1.91 1.30 1.79 1.91 2.05 3.11 4.44 2.33 1.96 1.71 2.42 2.68 4.22 6.06 5.78 5.20 5.78 5,71 6.23 5.34 5.46 6.12 6.63 7.11 6.86 6.09 4.96 6.01 5.34 3.83 2.81 2.50 3.04 2.36 2.03 2.49 2.12 2.90 4.18 2.87 2.69 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SAND to SILTY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED "VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAHD to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANOY SILT to CLAYEY SILT N(60> 11 23 35 24 22 14 17 15 20 31 30 22 38 96 100 88 74 76 59 56 44 50 35 35 43 44 39 38 40 24 21 29 28 27 27 34 31 42 36 31 30 N1(60) 17 37 55 38 36 22 28 25 33 50 48 35 61 100 100 100 100 100 81 74 57 63 44 43 51 51 44 43 45 26 22 31 29 27 27 34 30 41 34 29 28 Dr (%) 74 77 67 65 62 74 73 61 61 64 Su (tsf) 2.1 1.8 1.1 2.6 3.6 4.5 3.5 3.2 2.6 2.9 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.7 3.4 4.8 4.0 5.6 6.1 4.1 4.5 5.0 PHI (Degrees) 48.0 47.0 44.5 46.0 45.0 39.0 39.0 39.5 * INDICATES OVERCONSOLIOATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UMIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1C60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Catnpanclla, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-8 DEPTH (m) 6.300 6.450 6.600 6.750 6.900 7.050 7.200 7.350 7.500 7.650 7.800 7.950 8.100 B.250 8.400 8.550 8.700 8.850 9.000 9.150 9.300 9.450 9.600 9.750 9.900 10.050 10.200 10.350 10.500 10.650 10.800 10.950 11.100 11.250 11.400 11.550 11.700 11.850 12.000 12.150 12.300 12.450 12.600 12.750 12.900 13.050 13.200 13.350 13.500 13.650 DEPTH (ft) 20.67 21.16 21.65 22.15 22.64 23.13 23.62 24.11 24.61 25.10 25.59 26.08 26.57 27.07 27.56 28.05 28.54 29.04 29.53 30.02 30.51 31.00 31,50 31.99 32.48 32.97 33.46 33.96 34.45 34.94 35.43 35.93 36.42 36.91 37.40 37.89 38.39 38.88 39.37 39.86 40.35 40.85 41.34 41.83 42.32 42.81 43.31 43.80 44.29 44.78 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 110,83 195.47 185.17 238.24 149.24 39.75 59.04 188.82 200.57 176.37 87.44 152.62 140.28 135.54 102.10 120.65 59.91 132.91 125.34 37.84 112.32 121.48 157.21 165.99 186.83 134.01 147.63 198.38 206.16 109.90 187.97 149.69 44.89 76.65 139.62 102.95 169.32 87.32 159.61 166.58 103.16 217.25 118.99 87.08 67.86 79.71 92.50 113.55 106.12 187.12 FRICTION RATIO (X) 2.74 2.19 1.77 2.62 2.38 4.91 5.56 2.30 3.00 4.09 4.70 2.82 3.48 3.90 4.59 4.94 5.01 3.32 4.35 4.60 4.14 2.23 3.38 2.39 2.20 3.94 3.90 2.93 2.14 3.31 1.86 2.58 4.32 4.96 3.87 4.62 3.32 4.49 2.96 1.99 5.70 2.40 4.57 3.49 5.87 5.31 4.53 3.64 4.21 2.24 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SAND to SILTY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAY CLAY SILTY SAND to SAMDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *SAND to CLAYEY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SAND to SILTY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAHD to SANDY SILT N(60) 44 65 46 79 50 40 59 63 67 100 87 51 56 100 100 100 40 53 100 25 100 40 63 55 62 100 74 66 69 44 47 50 30 77 70 100 68 87 53 56 100 72 100 35 68 80 93 45 100 62 NK60) 41 59 41 70 44 34 51 53 56 100 72 42 45 100 81 95 31 41 96 19 85 31 47 42 47 100 55 49 51 32 34 36 22 56 50 74 49 62 38 39 73 51 84 24 47 56 64 31 73 43 Dr CX> 83 81 88 75 80 82 73 65 73 77 78 79 76 69 71 72 79 74 Su Ctsf) 6.4 2.3 3.4 8.2 3.4 7.7 2.1 9.1 6.3 2.5 9.8 5.0 6.5 PHI (Degrees) 42.5 42.5 43.5 41.0 42.0 42.0 40.0 38.5 39.5 40.0 40.5 40.5 40.0 39.0 39.0 39.0 40.5 39.5 MMDICATES OVERCONSOUDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60> = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su - OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNORAINEO SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUJN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 3 of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-8 DEPTH On) 13.800 13.950 14.100 14.250 14.400 14.550 14.700 14.850 15.000 15.150 15.300 15.450 DEPTH (ft) 45.28 45.77 46.26 46.75 47.24 47.74 48.23 48.72 49.21 49.70 50.20 50.69 TIP RESISTANCE (tsf) 97.60 129.70 110.47 213.11 142.09 97.58 203.70 176.40 142.04 244.93 206.31 351.05 FRICTION RATIO (%) 3.88 3.70 4.56 3.35 3.88 5.43 2.80 4.90 4.70 2.25 5.54 1.61 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SAND to SILTY SAND NC60) 49 52 100 100 71 98 68 100 100 82 100 88 NU60) 33 35 75 72 48 66 46too 95 55 100 58 Or a> 76 81 91 Su PHI (tsf) (Degrees) 5.6 7.5 39.5 40.5 42.5 •"INDICATES OVERCOHSOLIDATEO OR CEMEHTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N<6G> = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UHDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGV1N, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CPT INTERPRETATIONS * SOUNDING : CPT-9 * PROJECT : GEI/LAUREL TREE * DATE/TIME: 02-02-98 14:53 PROJECT No.: 98-GEE460 CONE/RIG : 473/R#3 KG/MR PAGE 1 of 3 DEPTH Cm) .150 .300 .450 .600 .750 .900 1.050 1.200 1.350 1.500 1.650 1.800 1.950 2.100 2.250 2.400 2.550 2.700 2.850 3.000 3.150 3.300 3.450 3.600 3.750 3.900 4.050 4.200 4.350 4.500 4.650 4.800 4.950 5.100 5.250 5.400 5.550 5.700 5.850 6.000 6.150 DEPTH (ft) .49 .98 1.48 1.97 2.46 2.95 3.44 3.94 4.43 4.92 5.41 5.91 6.40 6.89 7.38 7.87 8.37 8.86 9.35 9.84 10.33 10.83 11.32 11.81 12.30 12.80 13.29 13.78 14.27 14.76 15.26 15.75 16.24 16.73 17.22 17.72 18.21 18.70 19.19 19.69 20.18 TIP RESISTANCE Ctsf) 11.09 46.48 164.22 122.90 149.03 46.59 32.14 28.74 38.43 51.20 71.53 50.82 38.45 101.44 100.55 62.08 37.73 48.97 59.97 36.41 37.75 34.74 26.19 16.08 13.04 12.11 28.32 18.87 53.81 65.35 78.16 92.99 86.91 108.69 119.50 136.26 116.12 107.82 36.26 74.63 91.97 FRICTION RATIO <%) 5.68 2.73 2.53 1.85 3.58 5.77 5.07 5.53 5.57 5.14 2.26 1.99 2.52 1.92 2.00 2.35 4.85 4.53 4.60 6.15 5.01 5.35 5.31 5.16 4.45 4.54 4.48 5.03 3.46 3.53 4.57 3.41 4.73 3.47 3.03 2.15 2.30 3.93 5.93 3.12 3.33 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SAKOY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT N(60) 11 19 55 41 60 47 32 29 38 51 24 20 15 34 34 25 38 33 40 36 38 35 26 16 13 12 19 19 27 33 39 37 87 43 48 45 39 54 36 30 37 N1(60) 18 30 88 66 95 75 51 46 61 82 38 33 25 54 51 37 54 46 55 48 49 44 32 20 16 14 ZZ 21 30 35 42 39 90 44 48 45 38 52 35 28 34 Dr Su <%) Ctsf) .7 3.1 91 82 8.8 2.7 1.9 1.7 2.2 3.0 67 3.4 2.5 77 76 4.1 2.2 2.9 3.5 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.5 1.0 .8 .8 1.6 1.2 3.1 3.8 4.5 5.4 6.3 7.0 76 71 6.3 2.1 4.3 5.3 PHI (Degrees) 44.0 44.5 44.5 42.0 40.5 MNDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT WT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson ami Campanella, 1989. HOLGU1N, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 2 Of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-9 DEPTH <m> 6.300 6.450 6.600 6.750 6.900 7.050 7,200 7.350 7.500 7.650 7. BOO 7.950 8.100 8.250 8.400 8.550 8.700 8.850 9.000 9.150 9.300 9.450 9.600 9.750 9.900 10.050 10.200 10.350 10.500 10,650 10.800 10.950 11.100 11.250 11.400 11.550 11.700 11.850 12.000 12.150 12.300 12.450 12.600 12.750 12.900 13.050 13.200 13.350 13.500 13.650 DEPTH (ft) 20.67 21.16 21.65 22.15 22.64 23.13 23,62 24.11 24.61 25.10 25.59 26.08 26.57 27.07 27.56 28.05 28.54 29.04 29.53 30.02 30.51 31.00 31.50 31.99 32.48 32.97 33.46 33.96 34.45 34.94 35.43 35.93 36.42 36.91 37.40 37.89 38.39 38.88 39.37 39.86 40.35 40.85 41.34 41.83 42.32 42.81 43.31 43.80 44.29 44.78 TIP RESISTANCE <tsf) 103.61 64.99 83.64 122.43 135.52 138.20 154.66 102.32 133.65 131.08 117.00 146.08 144.63 108.69 126.60 135.75 165.45 164.80 158.97 55.96 114.62 93.07 61.99 52.35 66.24 101.81 207.18 171.40 105.93 121.61 72.38 26.39 22.67 46.23 82.00 64.20 82.03 118.18 85.02 99.94 76.48 35.08 24.77 28.51 35,20 72.34 139.00 119.46 144.42 85.23 FRICTION RATIO (X) 2.67 4.55 2.98 4.44 4.37 3.30 2.33 4.96 1.87 2.55 2.29 2.15 2.50 2.65 2.80 1.51 2.27 2.96 1.65 5.61 2.68 2.39 4.57 3.84 2.37 3.22 1.57 2.32 2.75 2.87 3.74 5.34 4.90 5.78 2.96 4.75 3.85 2.30 3.35 2.89 4.11 4.70 4.56 3.19 5.88 4.16 2.11 2.43 2.75 4.04 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT -VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAMO to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SAND to SILTY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SAND to SILTY SAND CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT CUY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SAND to SILTY SAND SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANOY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAHD to SANDY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY N(60) 41 43 33 100 100 55 52 100 45 44 39 49 48 36 51 34 55 55 40 56 38 31 41 26 26 41 52 57 42 49 36 26 23 46 33 43 41 39 34 40 38 23 25 14 35 36 46 40 48 43 N1(60) 38 39 30 100 100 48 44 87 37 36 32 40 39 29 40 27 43 43 31 43 29 23 31 20 20 30 38 42 31 36 26 19 16 33 24 31 29 28 24 ZB 27 16 17 10 25 25 32 28 33 29 Or <x> 75 70 69 66 72 71 63 69 74 74 73 63 57 79 74 62 66 62 67 Su (tsf) 6.0 3.8 4.8 8.1 7.4 3.2 3.5 3.0 4.3 5.9 6.1 7.0 4.1 1.4 1.2 2.6 4.7 3.6 4.7 4.9 5.7 4.4 1.9 1.3 1.7 1.9 4.1 4.9 PHI (Degrees) 41.0 39.5 39.5 39.0 39.5 39.5 38.5 39.0 40.0 40.0 39.5 38.5 37.5 41.0 39.5 38.0 38.5 38.0 38.5 INDICATES OVERCONSOUDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF WATER TABLE = 30.0 ft N(60) = EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Dr = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 3 of 3 SOUNDING : CPT-9 DEPTH Cm) 13.800 13.950 14.100 14.250 14.400 14.550 14.700 14.850 15.000 15.150 15.300 15.450 15.600 15.750 15.900 16.050 16.200 16.350 16.500 16.650 16.800 16.950 17.100 17.250 17.400 17.550 17.700 17.850 18.000 18.150 18.300 18.450 18.600 18.750 18.900 19.050 19.200 19.350 19.500 19.650 19.800 19.950 DEPTH (ft) 45.28 45.77 46.26 46.75 47.24 47.74 48.23 48.72 49.21 49.70 50.20 50.69 51.18 51.67 52.17 52.66 53.15 53.64 54.13 54.63 55.12 55.61 56.10 56.59 57.09 57.58 58.07 58.56 59.06 59.55 60.04 60.53 61.02 61.52 62.01 62.50 62.99 63.48 63.98 64.47 64.96 65.45 TIP RESISTANCE Ctsf) 79.97 29.30 25.15 61.65 74.59 27.75 49.05 134.50 133.78 124.24 75.91 95.71 117.04 99.51 168.64 181.03 146.06 71.57 88.61 86.51 88.31 72.34 132.97 131.06 145.74 96.20 121.03 127.15 59.93 68.51 80.77 62.42 80.52 131.10 158.23 179.39 142.64 114.23 139.90 144.34 237.60 266.86 FRICTION RATIO (%> 3.43 3.79 3.78 5.47 5.09 4.94 5.77 3.10 2.55 2.11 5.80 4.77 2.31 4.54 2.70 3.05 3.85 5.95 4.40 5.03 4.96 6.94 5.03 5.68 5.59 6.95 5.57 4.68 5.62 4.41 4.48 4.13 7.34 3.85 4.48 4.06 4.47 4.78 4.98 5.31 5.21 6.04 SOI1. BEHAVIOR TYPE SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CUV to SILTY CLAY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAY SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT SILTY SAND to SANDY SILT *SAND to CLAYEY SAND *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF HUE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED "VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY CLAYEY SILT to SILTY CLAY *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED SANDY SILT to CLAYEY SILT *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FIHE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED *VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED NC60) 32 15 17 62 75 28 49 54 45 41 76 96 39 100 56 60 73 72 44 87 88 72 100 100 100 96 100 100 60 34 40 31 81 52 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 N1(60) 22 10 11 42 51 19 33 36 30 28 51 64 26 66 37 40 48 47 29 56 57 47 86 84 93 61 77 81 38 22 25 20 51 33 99 100 89 71 86 89 100 100 Or Su (%} Ctsf) 4.6 1.8 1,5 3.5 1.5 2.7 7.7 64 62 60 70 72 5.0 3.3 3.8 4.5 3.5 7.5 PHI (Degrees) 38.0 38.0 37.5 38.5 39.0 "INDICATES OVERCONSOLIDATED OR CEMENTED MATERIAL ASSUMED TOTAL UNIT UT = 115 pcf ASSUMED DEPTH OF UATER TABLE = 30.0 ft NC60) ~ EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60X Energy) N1(60) = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT SPT VALUE (60% Energy) Or = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT RELATIVE DENSITY Su = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED UNDRAIHED SHEAR STRENGTH PHI = OVERBURDEN NORMALIZED EQUIVALENT FRICTION ANGLE Interpretations based on: Robertson and Campanella, 1989. HOLGU1N, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. to 1LHJ INC ^CJNC. i r\n i i un i to SOUNDING NUHBERj CrT-a '.,_ii._ t'-'Mf-c. i !jc,.-. / i_r-"_:rTC.'i_ — -r-— -.. "(==-•= , rr» r3re.-.iisn iM_/ nrr | az-as-qe UiS3 APPENDIX APPENDIX A UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION COARSE-GRAINED More than half of material is larger than a No. 200 sieve GRAVELS, CLEAN GRAVELS More than half of coarse fraction is larger than GW No. 4 sieve size, but smaller than 3" GRAVELS WITH FINES (appreciable amount) SANDS WITH FINES (appreciable amount) GP GM GC SANDS, CLEAN SANDS SW More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than a No. 4 sieve.SP SM sc Well-graded gravels, gravel and sand mix- tures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel and sand mix- tures, little or no fines. Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand-silt mixtures. Clay gravels, poorly graded grave I-sand-si It mixtures. Welt-graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no no fines. Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silty mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures. FINE-GRAINED More than half of material Is smaller than a No. 200 sieve SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Less Than 50 Liquid Limit Greater Than 50 . HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt and clayey-silt sand mixtures with a slight plasticity. CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, clean clays. OL Organic sifts and organic silty ctays of low plasticity. MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. PT Peat and other highly organic soils. APPENDIX B APPENDIX B GENERAL EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS General The objective of these specifications is to properly establish procedures for the clearing and preparation of the existing natural ground or properly compacted fill to receive new fill; for the selection of the fill material; and for the fill compaction and testing methods to be used. Scope of Work The earthwork includes all the activities and resources provided by the contractor to construct in a good workmanlike manner all the grades of the filled areas shown in the plans. The major items of work covered in this section include all clearing and grubbing, removing and disposing of materials, preparing areas to be filled, compacting of fill, compacting of backfills, subdrain installations, and all other work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas. Site Visit and Site Investigation 1. The contractor shall visit the site and carefully study it, and make all inspections necessary in order to determine the full extent of the work required to complete all grading in conformance with the drawings and specifications. The contractor shall satisfy himself as to the nature, location, and extent of the work conditions, the conformation and condition of the existing ground surface; and the type of equipment, labor, and facilities needed prior to and during prosecution of the work. The contractor shall satisfy himself as to the character, quality, and quantity of surface and subsurface materials or obstacles to be encountered. Any inaccuracies or discrepancies, between the actual field conditions and the drawings, or between the drawings and specifications, must be brought to the engineer's attention in order to clarify the exact nature of the work to be performed. 2. A soils investigation report has been prepared for this project by GEI. It is available for review and should be used as a reference to the surface and subsurface soil and bedrock conditions on this project. Any OD ID B2 recommendations made in the report of the soil investigation or subsequent reports shall become an addendum to these specifications. Authority of the Soils Engineer and Engineering Geologist The soils engineer shall be the owner's representative to observe and test the construction of fills. Excavation and the placing of fill shall be under the observation of the soils engineer and his/her representative, and he/she shall give a written opinion regarding conformance with the specifications upon completion of grading. The soils engineer shall have the authority to cause the removal and replacement of porous topsoils, uncompacted or improperly compacted fills, disturbed bedrock materials, and soft alluvium, and shall have the authority to approve or reject materials proposed for use in the compacted fill areas. The soils engineer shall have, in conjunction with the engineering geologist, the authority to approve the preparation of natural ground and toe-of-fill benches to receive fill material. The engineering geologist shall have the authority to evaluate the stability of the existing or proposed slopes, and to evaluate the necessity of remedial measures. If any unstable condition is being created by cutting or filling, the engineering geologist and/or soils engineer shall advise the contractor and owner immediately, and prohibit grading in the affected area until such time as corrective measures are taken. The owner shall decide all questions regarding: (1) the interpretation of the drawings and specifications, (2) the acceptable fulfillment of the contract on the part of the contractor, and {3} the matter of compensation. Clearing and Grubbing 1. Clearing and grubbing shad consist of the removal from all areas to be graded of all surface trash, abandoned improvements, paving, culverts, pipe, and vegetation (including ~ but not limited to ~ heavy weed growth, trees, stumps, logs and roots larger than 1-inch in diameter). 2. All organic and inorganic materials resulting from the clearing and grubbing operations shall be collected, piled, and disposed of by the contractor to give the cleared areas a neat and finished appearance. Burning of combustible materials on-site shall not be permitted unless allowed by local regulations, and at such times and in such a manner to B3 prevent the fire from spreading to areas adjoining the property or cleared area. 3. It is understood that minor amounts of organic materials may remain in the fill soils due to the near impossibility of complete removal. The amount remaining, however, must be considered negligible, and in no case can be allowed to occur in concentrations or total quantities sufficient to contribute to settlement upon decomposition. Preparation of Areas to be Filled 1. After clearing and grubbing, all uncompacted or improperly compacted fills, soft or loose soils, or unsuitable materials, shall be removed to expose competent natural ground, undisturbed bedrock, or properly compacted fill as indicated in the soils investigation report or by our field representative. Where the unsuitable materials are exposed in final graded areas, they shall be removed and replaced as compacted fill. 2. The ground surface exposed after removal of unsuitable soils shall be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches, brought to the specified moisture content, and then the scarified ground compacted to at least the specified density. Where undisturbed bedrock is exposed at the surface, scarification and recompaction shall not be required. 3. All areas to receive compacted fill, including all removal areas and toe-of- fill benches, shall be observed and approved by the soils engineer and/or engineering geologist prior to placing compacted fill. 4. Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas with gradients greater than 20 percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm, undisturbed, natural ground in order to provide both lateral and vertical stability. This is to provide a horizontal base so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initial bench at the toe of the fill shall be at least 10 feet in width on firm, undisturbed, natural ground at the elevation of the toe stake placed at the bottom of the design slope. The engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches, which will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of the slope. Ground slopes flatter than 20 percent (5.0:1.0) shall be benched when considered necessary by the soils engineer. B4 Fill and Backfill Material Unless otherwise specified, the on-site material obtained from the project excavations may be used as fill or backfill, provided that all organic material, rubbish, debris, and other objectionable material contained therein is first removed. In the event that expansive materials are encountered during foundation excavations within 3 feet of finished grade and they have not been properly processed, they shall be entirely removed or thoroughly mixed with good, granular material before incorporating them in fills. No footing shall be allowed to bear on soils which, in the opinion of the soils engineer, are detrimentally expansive - unless designed for this clayey condition. However, rocks, boulders, broken Portland cement concrete, and bituminous- type pavement obtained from the project excavations may be permitted in the backfill or fill with the following limitations: 1, The maximum dimension of any piece used in the top 10 feet shall be no larger than 6 inches. 2 Clods or hard lumps of earth of 6 inches in greatest dimension shall be broken up before compacting the material in fill. 3. If the fill material originating from the project excavation contains large rocks, boulders, or hard lumps that cannot be broken readily, pieces ranging from 6 inches in diameter to 2 feet in maximum dimension may be used in fills below final subgrade if all pieces are placed in such a manner (such as windrows) as to eliminate nesting or voids between them. No rocks over 4 feet will be allowed in the fill. 4. Pieces larger than 6 inches shall not be placed within 12 inches of any structure. 5. Pieces larger than 3 inches shall not be placed within 12 inches of the subgrade for paving. 6. Rockfills containing less than 40 percent of soil passing 3/4-inch sieve may be permitted in designated areas. Specific recommendations shall be made by the soils engineer and be subject to approval by the city engineer. 7. Continuous observation by the soils engineer is required during rock placement. CDID B5 8. Special and/or additional recommendations may be provided in writing by the soils engineer to modify, clarify, or amplify these specifications. 9. During grading operations, soil types other than those analyzed in the soil investigation report may be encountered by the contractor. The soils engineer shall be consulted to evaluate the suitability of these soils as fill materials. Placing and Compacting Fill Material 1. After preparing the areas to be filled, the approved fill material shall be placed in approximately horizontal layers, with lift thickness compatible to the material being placed and the type of equipment being used. Unless otherwise approved by the soils engineer, each layer spread for compaction shall not exceed 8 inches of loose thickness. Adequate drainage of the fill shall be provided at all times during the construction period. 2. When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified by the engineer, water shall be added to it until the moisture content is as specified. 3. When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the engineer, resulting in inadequate compaction or unstable fill, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. 4. After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than the density set forth in the specifications. Compaction shall be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other approved types of acceptable compaction equipment. Equipment shall be of such design that it will be able to compact the fill to the specified relative compaction. Compaction shall cover the entire fill area, and the equipment shall make sufficient trips to ensure that the desired density has been obtained throughout the entire fill. At locations where it would be impractical due to inaccessibility of rolling compacting equipment, fill layers shall be compacted to the specified requirements by hand-directed compaction equipment. 5. When soil types or combination of soil types are encountered which tend to develop densely packed surfaces as a result of spreading or QDM 66 compacting operations, the surface of each layer of fill shall be sufficiently roughened after compaction to ensure bond to the succeeding layer. 6. Unless otherwise specified, fill slopes shall not be steeper than 2.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical. In general, fill slopes shall be finished in conformance with the lines and grades shown on the plans. The surface of fill slopes shall be overfilled to a distance from finished slopes such that it will allow compaction equipment to operate freely within the zone of the finished slope, and then cut back to the finished grade to expose the compacted core. Alternate compaction procedures include the backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers in increments of 3 to 5 feet in elevation gain. Alternate methods may be used by the contractor, but they shall be evaluated for approval by the soils engineer. 7. Unless otherwise specified, all allowed expansive fill material shall be compacted to a moisture content of approximately 2 to 4 percent above the optimum moisture content. Nonexpansive fill shall be compacted at near-optimum moisture content. All fill shall be compacted, unless otherwise specified, to a relative compaction not less than 95 percent for fill in the upper 12 inches of subgrades under areas to be paved with asphalt concrete or Portland concrete, and not less than 90 percent for other fill. The relative compaction is the ratio of the dry unit weight of the compacted fill to the laboratory maximum dry unit weight of a sample of the same soil, obtained in accordance with A.S.T.M. D-1557 test method. 8. The observation and periodic testing by the soils engineer are intended to provide the contractor with an ongoing measure of the quality of the fill compaction operation. It is the responsibility of the grading contractor to utilize this information to establish the degrees of compactive effort required on the project. More importantly, it is the responsibility of the grading contractor to ensure that proper compactive effort is applied at all times during the grading operation, including during the absence of soils engineering representatives. Trench Backfill 1. Trench excavations which extend under graded lots, paved areas, areas under the influence of structural loading, in slopes or close to slope areas, shall be backfilled under the observations and testing of the soils engineer. All trenches not falling within the aforementioned locations QDID B7 shall be backfilled in accordance with the City or County regulating agency specifications. 2. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum degree of compaction shall be 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density. 3. Any soft, spongy, unstable, or other similar material encountered in the trench excavation upon which the bedding material or pipe is to be placed, shall be removed to a depth recommended by the soils engineer and replaced with bedding materials suitably densified. Bedding material shall first be placed so that the pipe is supported for the full length of the barrel with full bearing on the bottom segment. After the needed testing of the pipe is accomplished, the bedding shall be completed to at least 1 foot on top of the pipe. The bedding shall be properly densified before backfill is placed. Bedding shall consist of granular material with a sand equivalent not less than 30, or other material approved by the engineer. 4. No rocks greater than 6 inches in diameter will be allowed in the backfill placed between 1 foot above the pipe and 1 foot below finished subgrade. Rocks greater than 2.5 inches in any dimension will not be allowed in the backfill placed within 1 foot of pavement subgrade. 5. Material for mechanically compacted backfill shall be placed in lifts of horizontal layers and properly moistened prior to compaction. In addition, the layers shall have a thickness compatible with the material being placed and the type of equipment being used. Each layer shall be evenly spread, moistened or dried, and then tamped or rolled unti! the specified relative compaction has been attained. 6. Backfill shall be mechanically compacted by means of tamping rollers, sheepsfoot rollers, pneumatic tire rollers, vibratory rollers, or other mechanical tampers. Impact-type pavement breakers (stompers) will not be permitted over clay, asbestos cement, plastic, cast iron, or nonreinforced concrete pipe. Permission to use specific compaction equipment shall not be construed as guaranteeing or implying that the use of such equipment will not result in damage to adjacent ground, existing improvements, or improvements installed under the contract. The contractor shall make his/her own determination in this regard. 7. Jetting shall not be permitted as a compaction method unless the soils allows it in writing. B8 8. Clean granular material shall not be used as backfill or bedding in trenches located in slope areas or within a distance of 10 feet of the top of slopes unless provisions are made for a drainage system to mitigate the potential buildup of seepage forces into the slope mass. Observations and Testing 1. The soils engineers or their representatives shall sufficiently observe and test the grading operations so that they can state their opinion as to whether or not the fill was constructed in accordance with the specifications. 2. The soils engineers or their representatives shall take sufficient density tests during the placement of compacted fill. The contractor should assist the soils engineer and/or his/her representative by digging test pits for removal determinations and/or for testing compacted fill. In addition, the contractor should cooperate with the soils engineer by removing or shutting down equipment from the area being tested. 3. Fill shall be tested for compliance with the recommended relative compaction and moisture conditions. Field density testing should be performed by using approved methods by A.S.T.M., such as A.S.T.M. D1556, D2922, and/or D2937. Tests to evaluate density of compacted fill should be provided on the basis of not less than one test for each 2- foot vertical lift of the fill, but not less than one test for each 1,000 cubic yards of fill placed. Actual test intervals may vary as field conditions dictate. In fill slopes, approximately half of the tests shall be made at the fill slope, except that not more than one test needs to be made for each 50 horizontal feet of slope in each 2-foot vertical lift. Actual test intervals may vary as field conditions dictate. 4. Fill found not to be in conformance with the grading recommendations should be removed or otherwise handled as recommended by the soils engineer. Site Protection It shall be the grading contractor's obligation to take all measures deemed necessary during grading to maintain adequate safety measures and working conditions, and to provide erosion-control devices for the protection of B9 excavated areas, slope areas, finished work on the site and adjoining properties, from storm damage and flood hazard originating on the project. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to maintain slopes in their as-graded form until all slopes are in satisfactory compliance with the job specifications, all berms and benches have been properly constructed, and all associated drainage devices have been installed and meet the requirements of the specifications. All observations, testing services, and approvals given by the soils engineer and/or geologist shall not relieve the contractor of his/her responsibilities of performing the work in accordance with these specifications. After grading is completed and the soils engineer has finished his/her observations and/or testing of the work, no further excavation or filling shall be done except under his/her observations. Adverse Weather Conditions 1. Precautions shall be taken by the contractor during the performance of site clearing, excavations, and grading to protect the worksite from flooding, ponding, or inundation by poor or improper surface drainage. Temporary provisions shall be made during the rainy season to adequately direct surface drainage away from and off the worksite. Where low areas cannot be avoided, pumps should be kept on hand to continually remove water during periods of rainfall. 2. During periods of rainfall, plastic sheeting shall be kept reasonably accessible to prevent unprotected slopes from becoming saturated. Where necessary during periods of rainfall, the contractor shall install checkdams, desilting basins, rip-rap, sandbags, or other devices or methods necessary to control erosion and provide safe conditions. 3. During periods of rainfall, the soils engineer should be kept informed by the contractor as to the nature of remedial or preventative work being performed (e.g. pumping, placement of sandbags or plastic sheeting, other labor, dozing, etc.). 4. Following periods of rainfall, the contractor shall contact the soils engineer and arrange a walk-over of the site in order to visually assess rain-related damage. The soils engineer may also recommend excavations and testing in order to aid in his/her assessments. At the request of the soils engineer, the contractor shall make excavations in order to evaluate the extent of rain-related damage. ID ID B10 5. Rain-related damage shall be considered to include, but may not be limited to, erosion, silting, saturation, swelling, structural distress, and other adverse conditions identified by the soils engineer. Soil adversely affected shall be classified as Unsuitable Materials, and shall be subject to overexcavation and replacement with compacted fill or other remedial grading, as recommended by the soils engineer. 6. Relatively level areas, where saturated soils and/or erosion gullies exist to depths of greater than 1.0 foot, shall be overexcavated to unaffected, competent material. Where less than 1.0 foot in depth, unsuitable materials may be processed in place to achieve near-optimum moisture conditions, then thoroughly recompacted in accordance with the applicable specifications. If the desired results are not achieved, the affected materials shall be over-excavated, then replaced in accordance with the applicable specifications. 7. In slope areas, where saturated soils and/or erosion gullies exist to depths of greater than 1.0 foot, they shall be overexcavated and replaced as compacted fill in accordance with the applicable specifications. Where affected materials exist to depths of 1.0 foot or less below proposed finished grade, remedial grading by moisture-conditioning in place, followed by thorough recompaction in accordance with the applicable grading guidelines herein presented may be attempted. If materials shall be overexcavated and replaced as compacted fill, it shall be done in accordance with the slope-repair recommendations herein. As field conditions dictate, other slope-repair procedures may be recommended by the soils engineer. CD ID APPENDIX TABLE 1 DATE: Monday, March 16, 1998 ************************************* * * * EQFAULT ** * * Ver. 2.00 * * * * * ************************************* (Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration From Digitized California Faults) SEARCH PERFORMED FOR: JAY JOB NUMBER: 95-6794 JOB NAME: LAUREL TREE/MAAC PROJECT SITE COORDINATES: LATITUDE: 33.12 N LONGITUDE: 117.3 W SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi ATTENUATION RELATION: 1) Campbell (1991) Horiz. - Deep Soil & Soft Rock UNCERTAINTY (M=Mean, S=Mean+l-Sigma): M SCOND: 0 COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT-DATA FILE USED: CALIFLT.DAT SOURCE OF DEPTH VALUES (A=Attenuation File, F=Fault Data File): A Page DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS 1 ! ABBREVIATED -! FAULT NAMEii _|BLUE CUT JBORREGO MTN. (San Jacinto) HCAMP ROCK - EMERSONi_ ICASA LOMA-CLARK (S.Jacin.) ICHINO J CLEGHORNi _. „__ • JCORONADO BANKi__ _ : _ _ „_ H COYOTE CREEK (San Jacinto)i , j CUCAMONGA , 1 , L. M . , ,.,_-._.. ELSINORE JGLN.HELEN-LYTLE CR-CLREMNT iHELENDALE ""HOT S-BUCK ROG.(S. Jacinto) JLENWOODi-fc MALIBU COASTr _ _ _ „,_ -1MOJAVE RIVER (Ord Mtn. ) i NEWPORT - INGLEWOOD ^OFFSHORE ZONE OF DEFORM. JOLD WOMAN SPRINGS»-*- PALOS VERDES HILLSi _ _ _ _ _ J-PINTO MOUNTAIN - MORONGO i RAYMONDi "^ROSE CANYON JSAN ANDREAS (Mojave) APPROY DISTANCE mi (km) 81 (131) 65 (104) 100 (160) 48 ( 77) 49 ( 79) 80 (128) _. - _ _ _ 21 ( 34) 51 ( 81) 73 (118) 25 ( 40) 51 ( 82) 85 (137) 51 ( 82) 94 (152) 96 (154) 82 (132) 42 ( 68) 9 ( 15) 92 (148) 41 ( 67) 74 (119) 82 (132) 5 ( 8) 81 (131) MAX. CREDIBL1 MAX. ! PEAK CRED. J SITE MAG. |ACC. gi , 7.00| 0.011. 1 „ 6.50J 0,012i__ 7.501 0.010i . 7.50| 0.039 7.00J 0.032t 6.50! 0.008r _„ i__ 7.00J 0.090i 7.50J 0.036_ i 7.00| 0.016i 7.50J 0.100r 7.50! 0.035i 7. 501 0.014i 7.50J 0.036i 7.25! 0.009i 7.50J 0.013_ i 7.00J 0.013i 7.50! 0.048i 7.50! 0.274i _ 7.00! 0.008i 7.00} 0.035i 7.50[ 0.019i 7.50J 0.018i 7.50J 0.422i 8.50| 0.032 3 EVENT SITE INTENS MM III III III V_ V II VII V IV__. VII V_ IV V III III III VI IX III V IV IV X V MAX. 1 MAX. PROB. MAG. 6.25 6.25 6.00 - - _ 7.00 4.75„_ 6.25 6.50_ 6.00 6.75 6.75 7.00 6.25 6.25 6.00 5.00 6.25 6.50 6.00 5.75 5.50 6.00 5.50 6.25 8.25 ^ROBABLE EVENT PEAK J SITE SITE j INTENS ACC. gj MMi 0.0061 IIi o.oio! ini 0.003J I„_ i — 0.028! V_ i — 0.007! II) 0.007! II 1 . 0.066J VI „ 1 0.013! Illi . 0.013! Ill 1 0.063! VIi 0.025J V 0.0061 IIi 0.0151 IVi 0.004J Ip 0.002Ji 0.007! II 0.025J Vi 0,121! VIIt 0.003! I 1 0.013! Ill 1 „_ 0.006! II t . 0.004J I 0.2501 IX 0.027! V i SAN ANDREAS (Southern)69 (111)8.00 0.030 V 7.25 DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS Page ABBREVIATED FAULT NAME SAND HILLS SAN CLEMENTE SAN GABRIEL SAN GORGONIO - BANNING SANTA MONICA - HOLLYWOOD SIERRA MADRE-SAN FERNANDO_. _ _ _ _ _ SUPERSTITION HLS. (S. Jacin)__ _ ___________ __ — _ — _ SUPERSTITION MTN. (S. Jacin) VERDUGO WHITTIER - NORTH ELSINORE . DISTANCE mi (km) 94 (151) 54 ( 87) 86 (139) 62 (100)_ 87 (141) 76 (123) 84 (136)_ 79 (127) 84 (136) 47 ( 76) MAX. ( MAX. CRED. MAG._ _ 8.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 7.50 7.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.50 HREDIBLl RHGA SITE ACC. g 0.017 0.032 0.014 0.036 0.016 0.021 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.040 2 EVENT SITE INTENS MM IV V IV V__ IV IV III III III V MAX. I MAX. PROB. MAG. 7.00 6.25 6.25 7.00 6.00. 6.50 5.75_ __ 6.00 4.50 6.25 3R A ( ( -END OF SEARCH- 35 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RAD: THE ROSE CANYON FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE. IT IS ABOUT 5.1 MILES AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM-CREDIBLE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.274 g LARGEST MAXIMUM-PROBABLE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.162 g SAN ANDREAS (Southern)69 (111)8.00_ _0.030 V 7.25 0.018 IV Page DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS ABBREVIATED FAULT NAME '-AND HILLS SAN CLEMENTE_ _ _ SAN GABRIEL SAN GORGONIO - BANNING SANTA MONICA - HOLLYWOOD SIERRA MADRE-SAN FERNANDO SUPERSTITION HLS. (S .Jacin) SUPERSTITION MTN. (S. Jacin) VERDUGO WHITTIER - NORTH ELSINORE DISTANCE mi (km) 94 (151)_ _ _ _ 54 ( 87) 86 (139) 62 (100) 87 (141) 76 (123) 84 (136) 79 (127) 84 (136) 47 ( 76) MAX. ( MAX. CRED. MAG._ _ 8.00 7.50 7.50 8.00 7.50„_ 7.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.50 :REDIBLI PEAK SITE ACC. g 0.017„ 0.032 0.014 0.036 0.016 0.021 0.010 0.011 0.012 0.040 2 EVENT SITE INTENS MM IV V IV V IV IV III III III V MAX. 1 MAX. PROS. MAG. 7.00 6.25 6.25 7.00 6.00 6.50 5.75._ 6.00 4.50 6.25 ^ROBABLE EVENT PEAK ! SITE SITE J INTENS ACC, g| MMi 0.008J Illi _ 0.014! Ill 0.0051 II 0.018! IV _ 1 0.005! II1 o.oio! int 0.004! I 0.006! II _ I 0.002! 1 0.017! IV 1 ,—I ***************************************************************************** -END OF SEARCH- 35 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS. -THE ROSE CANYON FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE. [T IS ABOUT 5.1 MILES AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM-CREDIBLE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.422 g MAXIMUM-PROBABLE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.250 g RESULTS OF PROBABILITY ANALYSES TIME PERIOD OF SEARCH: 1800 TO 1997 LENGTH OF SEARCH TIME: 198 years ATTENUATION RELATION: 1) Campbell (1991) Horiz. - Deep Soil & Soft Rock *** TIME PERIOD OF EXPOSURE FOR PROBABILITY: 25 years PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE FOR ACCELERATION [NO. OF[ AVE. [RECURR. [ COMPUTED PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE j _ACC. {TIMES JOCCUR. [INTERV. | in | in { in { in J in | in | in g IEXCED! #/yr ! years J0.5 yr| 1 yr| 10 yr| 50 yrj 75 yrJIOO yr[*** yr__i__i i i r i i i i ii 0.01| 0.02! 0.03J 0.04J "0.05! 0.06! 0.07J -0.08! 0.09!o.io;o.ii! 0.12| 0.13J 0.14| "0.15! 0.16! 0.17J -0.18! 0.19{ 0.20! 0.21! 1 33! 9!4! l! i! i! i! 1! i!ij i! 1! i!1|1{ 1! 1! li i! i! i! i i i i i i i i 0.167,' 6. 000 [0.0800! 0.1535 [0.8111 [0.9998! 1.0000! 1.0000! 0.9845 0.045J 22. 000 10. 0225 |0. 0444 JO. 3653J 0.8970 10. 9669 SO. 9894 10. 6790 0.020J 49. 500 JO. 0101 JO. 0200! 0.1829 JO. 6358! 0.7802 [0.8674 JO. 3965 0.005J 198. 000 JO. 0025 I 0.0050J 0.0493 10. 2232! 0.3153J 0.3965 [0,1 186 0.005 |198. 000 10.00251 0.0050! 0.0493 10.2232 JO. 3153 JO. 3965 JO. 1186 0.005 [198. 000! 0.0025 JO. 0050 JO. 0493 JO. 2232J 0.3153 [0.3965 JO. 1186 0.005 1198. 000 JO. 0025 JO. 0050 JO. 0493 |0. 2232 JO. 31 53 ',0.3965} 0.1 186 0.005! 198. 000 JO. 0025 [0.0050 JO. 0493! 0.2232 [0.3153! 0.3965 [0.1 186 0.005 {198. 000 [0.0025 I 0.0050 [0.0493 10. 2232! 0.3153 10. 3965 10. 1186 0.005 [198. 000 [0.0025 JO. 0050J 0.0493 [0.2232! 0.3153 [0.3965 [0.1186 0.005 [198. 000 [0.0025 [0.0050 JO. 0493! 0.2232 JO. 3153 JO. 3965 [0.1186 0.005 1198. 000 JO. 0025 10. 0050 10.0493 10. 2232 10.3153 10. 3965 10.1186 0. 005 J 198. 000 [0.0025 JO. 0050 [0.0493 [0.2232 [0.3153 [0.3965 [0.1186 0. 005 } 198. 000 J 0. 0025 J 0. 0050 JO. 0493 JO. 2232 j 0.3153 JO. 3965 10. 1186 0.005 [198. 000 [0.0025 [0.0050 JO. 0493! 0.2232 JO. 3153! 0.3965 JO. 1186 0.005 [ 198. 000 JO. 0025 [0.0050 JO. 0493! 0.2232 10. 3153J 0.3965 JO. 1186 0. 005 J 198. 000 [0.0025 JO. 0050 JO. 0493 JO. 2232 J0.3153! 0.3965 {0.1186 0. 005J 198. 000 [0.0025! 0.0050 [0.0493 JO. 2232 [0.3153 [0.3965 [0.1186 0.005 1198. 000 JO. 0025 10. 0050 JO. 0493 JO. 2232 JO. 3153 JO. 3965 10. 1186 0.005 [ 198. 000 JO. 0025 [0.0050 10. 0493 [0.2232 [0.3153 [0.3965 [0.1186 0.005 1198. 000 ) 0.0025 10. 0050 J0.0493 JO. 2232 JO. 31 53 JO. 3965 JO. 1186 PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE FOR MAGNITUDE AVE. MAG.JTIMES[OCCUR. JNO.OF! JEXCEDJ ft/yr |RECURR.! SINTERV.1ii COMPUTED years [0 in { 5 yr[ n i PROBABILITY in n OF EXCEEDANCE in in in yr 10 yrj 50 yr|75 yr|100 yr!***yr 00 50 00 50 00 50 141} 49! 26! 10! 3! 0.712! 247[ 131! 051! 015! 1 4 7 19 404)0 041 JO 615{0 80010 66.000[0 0249! 0075! 11 0.005)198.000}0 5094!0 2192JO 1231JO 0493JO 0150|0 0050 JO 9992}1 9158[1 7310!0 3965JO 1406|0 0000 0000Jl 0000Jl 9999{1 9774JO 6790[0 000011 0000|0 OOOOJO 9936JO 7802 JO 0000 9979 9625 7171 3153 2232{0.3153{0.3965}0.1186 GUTENBERG & RICHTER RECURRENCE RELATIONSHIP: a-value= 3.493 b-value= 0.734 beta-value= 1.691 TABLE 2 DATE: Monday, March 16, 1998 * * * EQFAULT ** * * Ver. 2.00 ** * * - * ************************************* (Estimation of RHGA Horizontal Acceleration From Digitized California Faults) SEARCH PERFORMED FOR: JAY JOB NUMBER: 95-6794 JOB NAME: LAUREL TREE/MAAC PROJECT SITE COORDINATES: LATITUDE: 33.12 N LONGITUDE: 117.3 W SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi ATTENUATION RELATION: 1) Campbell (1991) Horiz. - Deep Soil & Soft Rock UNCERTAINTY <M=Mean, S=Mean+l-Sigma): M SCOND: 0 COMPUTE RHGA HORIZ. ACCEL. (FACTOR: 0.650 DISTANCE: 20.0 mi) FAULT-DATA FILE USED: CALIFLT.DAT SOURCE OF DEPTH VALUES (A=Attenuation File, F=Fault Data File): A Page DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS — 1I | ABBREVIATED _i FAULT NAMEii _JBLUE CUTi IBORREGO MTN. (San Jacinto)i _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___________ -}CAMP ROCK - EMERSONi _ _ _. __ _______ ______ 1CASA LOMA-CLARK (S.Jacin.) 1CHINOi __ _ _ — — — ___ __ ___ JCLEGHORN r [CORONADO BANKi "-[COYOTE CREEK (San Jacinto)i _. ! CUCAMONGA1 , , _, ,„ , _ ... .__,„,...,__. , _ .. , {ELSINOREi _, __!GLN. HELEN- LYTLE CR-CLREMNT } HELENDALEi HHOT S-BUCK ROC. (S. Jacinto) 1 i LENWOOD_— j MALIBU COAST .JMOJAVE RIVER (Ord Mtn. ) .NEWPORT - INGLEWOODi , ^OFFSHORE ZONE OF DEFORM. [OLD WOMAN SPRINGS PALOS VERDES HILLSi J.PINTO MOUNTAIN - MORONGO i RAYMONDi . _ __ ROSE CANYON JSAN ANDREAS (Mojave) Appprw DISTANCE mi (km) 81 (131) 65 (104) 100 (160) 48 ( 77) 49 ( 79) 80 (128) 21 { 34)_ — _ — — 51 ( 81) 73 (118)-_ - - 25 ( 40) 51 ( 82)_ 85 (137) 51 ( 82)_ 94 (152) 96 (154) 82 (132) 42 ( 68) 9 ( 15) 92 (148) 41 ( 67) 74 (119) 82 (132) 5 ( 8) 81 (131) MAX, CREDIBLE EVENT MAX. [ RHGA I SITECRED. } SITE IINTENS MAG. JACC. g{ MM 7.00! 0.011! Ill\ i_ 6.50{ 0.012[ Ill_ i _, _ i 7.50J 0.0101 IIIi i 7.50J 0.039} Vi i 7.001 0.032} V 6.50J 0.008} IIr _i 7.00{ 0.090J VII1 _) 7.50{ 0.036! Vi i 7.00J 0.016! IV r_ „!_ 7.50! 0.100! VII__l _l 7.50{ 0.035! Vi i 7.50! 0.014! IVi i 7.50! 0,036! Vt t 7.251 0.0091 HI !___ -I 7.501 0.013', HIt i 7.001 0.0131 HI_, i i 7.50! 0.048! VIt _ i 7.50! 0.178! VIIIi i 7.00! 0.008! HI1 1__ 7.00} 0.035! Vi i 7.50[ 0.019! IVi _ i _ 7.50! 0.018! IVi i 7.50! 0,274! IXi __ _ i _ 8.50! 0.032! V MAX. PROBABLE EVENT MAX. i RHGA [ SITEPROB. ; SITE SINTENS MAG. JACC. gj MM_, i . i 6.25! 0.006! II 6.25! O.OlOj IIIi i 6.001 0.003J I„ i i 7.00', 0.028} V 4.751 0.0071 IIi i 6.25! 0.007! IIi i 6.50! 0.066J VIi _»(_._ 6.00! 0.013J IIIi i 6.751 0.013! Ill_, i _ _ i 6.75! 0.063J VI 7.00! 0.025! V 6.25! 0.006! IIi i 6.25! 0.015! IVi i _„ 6.001 0.004} Ii \ 5.00} 0.002} 6.251 0.007} IIi i _, 6.50! 0.025! Vi t _, 6.00! 0.079! VII_ _, r i .__ 5.75J 0.003! I 5.50! 0.013! Illr i 6.00! 0.006J II 5.50! 0.004J I 6.25! 0.162! VIII 8.25! 0.027! V DMG DMG DMG DMG DMG J33 |33 J33 !33 |33 .7001 .575! .683J .700! .750! 118 117 118 118 118 .067) .983! .050} .067| .083] 3/11/1933 3/11/1933 3/11/1933 3/11/1933 3/11/1933 51022 518 4 658 3 85457 910 0 -0! .0!.01 .0! .0! 3 3 3 3 3 0 i 5. ! 5. ! 5. ! 5. ! 5. 10 20 50 10 10 0 0 0 0 0 .006 .009 .009 .006 .006 II III III II II 60 50 58 60 63 I I [ [ [ 96] 81] 94] 96] 101] Page 1 -FILE! CODE!_ ii -DMG ! DMG ! DMG ! DMG I DMG ! DMG ! DMG I -DMG [ DMG [ DMG ! -DMG ! DMG i DMG ! DMG ! DMG ! DMG ! DMG ! "DMG ! DMG ! DMG J -DMG { DMG [ DMG ! DMG [ DMG ! DMG [ DMG ! ~DMG ! DMG ! DMG j -OMG ! [)MG ! DMG S ~DMG J )MG i JMG J DMG 1 "~)MG [ >MG | DMG [ -*>MG ! )MG ! DMG j JDMG ! )MG 1 JMG { DMG 1 "~>MG ! »MG i DMG i i LAT. J NORTH }_ r 33.850J 33.750! 33.617J 33.783! 32.083! 34.100! 31.867] 33.408! 33.699! 32.000! 32.000! 34.083! 34.067! 34.067! 33.000! 33.783! 32.983! 32.967! 32.967! 32.967! 33.233! 32.967,' 34.267! 33.976! 33,994! 33.217! 33.000} 33.950! 34.0171 34.017! 34.0171 34.017! 32.5001 33.933! 32.2001 32.200! 32.9831 32.817J 32.950! 33.283J 33.283', 33.283! 33.283', 33.216J 33.1831 33.231! 33.7101 31.811! 33.1901 33.113} i LONG. ! WEST Ji 118.267! 118.083! 118.017! 118.133} 116.667J 116.800! 116.571! 116.261! 117.511! 117.500J 117.500J 116.300! 116.333} 116.333J 116.433J 118.250! 115.983! 116.000! 116.000! 116.000! 115.717! 116.000! 116.967! 116.721! 116.7121 116.133! 115.8331 116.850J 116.500! 116.500! 116.500! 116.500} 118.550! 116.383! 116.550', 116.550! 115.7331 118.350! 115.717J 116.183} 116.183! 116.183} 116.183', 115.808J 115.8501 116.004! 116.9251 117.131! 116.129! 116.037! DATE 3/11/1933 3/13/1933 3/14/1933 10/ 2/1933 11/25/1934 10/24/1935 2/27/1937 3/25/1937 5/31/1938 5/ 1/1939 6/24/1939 5/18/1940 5/18/1940 5/18/1940 6/ 4/1940 11/14/1941 5/23/1942 10/21/1942 10/21/1942 10/21/1942 10/22/1942 10/22/1942 8/29/1943 6/12/1944 6/12/1944 8/15/1945 I/ 8/1946 9/28/1946 7/24/1947 7/25/1947 7/25/1947 7/26/1947 2/24/1948 12/ 4/1948 ll/ 4/1949 ll/ 5/1949 1/24/1951 12/26/1951 6/14/1953 3/19/1954 3/19/1954 3/19/1954 3/23/1954 4/25/1957 4/25/1957 5/26/1957 9/23/1963 12/22/1964 4/ 9/1968 4/ 9/1968 TIME ! (GMT) ! H M Sec!_ ii 1425 0.0! 131828.0J 19 150.0! 91017.6! 818 0.0! 1448 7.6} 12918.4J 1649 1.8} 83455.4! 2353 0.0} 1627 0.0} 5 358.5} 55120.2J 72132.7! 1035 8.3J 84136.3! 154729.0! 162213.0! 162519.0! 162654.0! 15038,01 181326.0J 34513.0! 104534.7! 111636.0! 175624.0! 185418.0! 719 9.0} 221046.0} 04631.0} 61949.0! 24941.0} 81510.01 234317.0} 204238.01 43524.0} 717 2.6! 04654.0! 41729.9', 95429.0! 95556.0! 102117.0} 41450.0} 215738.7} 222412.01 155933.6} 144152.61 205433.2} 22859.11 3 353.5! i DEPTH} (km)}„ i 3.0} 3.0} 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0} 3.0} 3.0} 3.0} 3.0! 3.0} 3.0! 3.0! 3.0} 3.0! 3.0} 3.0! 3.0} 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0} 3.0! 3.0| 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.01 3.0! 3.01 3.0! 3.0', 3.0! 3.0', 3.0! 3.01 3.0J 3.0! 3.0! 3.0} 3.0! 3.0} 3.0! 3.01 3.0! 3.01 3.0! 3.0} 3.0! QUAKE MAG. 5,00 5.30 5.10 5.40 5.00 5.10 5.00 6.00 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.40 5.20 5.00 5.10 5.40 5.00 6.50 5.00 5.00 5.50 5.00 5.50 5.10 5.30 5.70 5.40 5.00 5.50 5.00 5.20 5.10 5.30 6.50 5.70 5.10 5.60 5.90 5.50 6.20 5.00 5.50 5.10 5.20 5.10 5.00 5.00 5.60 6.40 5.20 ! SITE ACC. g 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .004 .006 .007 .006 .003 .004 .002 .010 .015 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 .008 .005 .003 .010 .003 .003 .003 .003 .004 .005 .005 .007 .004 .005 .005 .003 .004 .004 .003 .010 .006 .004 .004 .009 .003 .011 .005 .007 .005 .003 .003 .004 .009 .004 .012 .004 SITE MM INT. I II II II I I - Ill IV I I I J. - Ill II I III I I I I I II II II I II II I I I I III II I I III J. Ill II II II I I I III I III I APPROX . DISTANCE mi [km] 75 63 54 66 81 74 96 63 42 78 78 88 86 86 51 71 77 76 76 76 92 76 81 68 69 68 85 63 77 77 77 77 84 77 77 77 91 64 92 66 66 66 66 86 84 75 46 91 68 73 [ 121] [ 101] [ 86] [ 107] t 130] [ U8] [ 155] [ 102] [ 67] [ 126] [ 126] [ 141] [ 138] [ 138] [ 82] [ 115] [ 124] [ 122] [ 122] [ 122] I 148] E 122] [ 131] E 109][ 111] [ 109] [ 137] [ 101] [ 124] [ 124] ( 124] [ 124] [ 136] [ 124] [ 124] [ 124] [ 147] [ 104] [ 149] [ 105] [ 105] [ 105] [ 105] [ 139] [ 135] [ 121] [ 74] E 146] [ 109] [ 118] DMG DMG DMG PAS PAS PAS PAS PAS [33.343! J34.270! [33.033! J33.944J ,'34. 327 [ J33.501J 133. 098 j 133. 998 [ 116. 117. 115. 118. 116. 116. 115. 116. 346{ 540J 821 1 681! 445J 513J 632 [ 606 | 4/28/1969 9/12/1970 9/30/1971 I/ 1/1979 3/15/1979 2/25/1980 4/26/1981 7/ 8/1986 {232042.9! 1143053.0,' [224611.31 1231438.9J |21 716.5! {104738.5J 112 928.4! [ 92044.5! 3.0J 3.0J 3.01 3.01 3.0 { 3.0J 3.0[ 3.0! 5.80 5.40 5.10 5.00 5.20 5.50 5.70 5.60 0.011 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.010 0.003 0.006 III I I - Ill I II 57 [ 81 [ 86 [ 98 [ 97 [ 52 [ 96 [ 73 [ 92] 130] 138] 157] 156] 84] 155] 117] —Page 1 -FILE! CODE!ir PAS [""PAS ! PAS I PAS !-PAS [ PAS ! GSP [ -GSP ! GSP [ GSN 1 GSP 1 3SP 1 3SP J GSN 1 ~SP 1 3SP 1 GSP ! -GSP {2SP { GSP ! _GSP ! 2SP ! JSP ! GSP ! ^SP [ 1 LAT. ! NORTH [ i 32.971[ 34.061,' 34.073J 33.0821 33.013! 33.9191 34.140! 34.2621 33.961! 34.201! 34.139! 34.341! 34.163! 34.203! 34.108J 33.8761 34.3321 34.2391 33.9021 34.195! 34.064J 34.340! 34.369! 34.029J 34.2681 i LONG. S WEST !i 117 118 118 115 115 118 117 118 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 i .870! .079! .098! .775! .8391 .627J .700J .0021 .318! .4361 .431} .529! .855! .827! .404! .267! .462! .837! .284! .862! .361) .900! ,897{ .321! .402! DATE 7/13/1986 10/ 1/1987 10/ 4/1987 11/24/1987 11/24/1987 1/19/1989 2/28/1990 6/28/1991 4/23/1992 6/28/1992 6/28/1992 6/28/1992 6/28/1992 6/28/1992 6/29/1992 6/29/1992 7/ 1/1992 7/ 9/1992 7/24/1992 8/17/1992 9/15/1992 11/27/1992 12/ 4/1992 8/21/1993 6/16/1994 1 TIME 1 ! (GMT) 1 1 H M Sec!. i ii i J1347 8.2! 1144220.0! 1105938. 2 J ! 15414.5J [131556.5! ! 65328.8! 1234336.6! 1144354.5', J045023.0J I115734.1J 1123640.6! J124053.5! J144321.0! 1150530.7! !141338.8{ 1160142.81 [074029.9J 1014357.61 [181436.2! [204152.1! 1084711.3! [160057.5! 1020857.51 [014638.4! 1162427.5! i DEPTH! (km)! i 3.0] 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0J 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.Q1, 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0| 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.01 3.0! 3.0J QUAKE MAG. 5.30 5.90 5.30 5.80 6.00 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.10 7.60 5.10 5.20 5.30 6.70 5.40 5.20 5.40 5.30 5.00 5.30 5.20 5.30 5.30 5.00 5.00 SITE ACC. g 0.018 0.006 0.004 0.004 0.006 0.002 0.004 0.003 0.007 0.016 0.003 0.002 O.OQ4 0.011 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003 0,002 SITE MM INT. IV II I I II - I I II IV I I III I T I I I I I I I I - APPROX. DISTANCE mi [km] 35 79 80 88 85 94 74 89 81 90 86 95 76 80 85 79 97 82 80 78 85 87 89 84 95 I 56] [ 127] [ 129] [ 142] [ 137] [ 152] [ 119] [ 143] [ 130] [ 144] [ 139] [ 153] [ 123] [ 128] [ 138] I 127] [ 155] I 132] [ 128] [ 126] [ 136] [ 141] E 144] [ 136] [ 152] -END OF SEARCH- 141 RECORDS FOUND COMPUTER TIME REQUIRED FOR EARTHQUAKE SEARCH: 0.4 minutes ^MAXIMUM SITE ACCELERATION DURING TIME PERIOD 1800 TO 1997: 0.219g 'rIAXIMUM SITE INTENSITY (MM) DURING TIME PERIOD 1800 TO 1997: IX "fAXIMUM MAGNITUDE ENCOUNTERED IN SEARCH: 7.60 NEAREST HISTORICAL EARTHQUAKE WAS ABOUT 8 MILES AWAY FROM SITE. UMBER OF YEARS REPRESENTED BY SEARCH: 198 years TABLE 3 DATE: Monday, March 16, 1998 t~ *************************************** * * * EQSEARCH * — * ** Ver. 2.00 ** * _ * * *************************************** "~ (Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration From California Earthquake Catalogs) -SEARCH PERFORMED FOR: JAY JOB NUMBER: 95-6794 JOB NAME: LAUREL TREE/MAAC PROJECT JSITE COORDINATES: LATITUDE: 33.12 N LONGITUDE: 117.3 W TYPE OF SEARCH: RADIUS SEARCH RADIUS: 100 mi SEARCH MAGNITUDES: 5.0 TO 9.0 J5EARCH DATES: 1800 TO 1997 ATTENUATION RELATION: 1) Campbell (1991) Horiz. - Deep Soil & Soft Rock ~ UNCERTAINTY (M=Mean, S=Mean+1-Sigma): M SCOND: 0 FAULT TYPE ASSUMED (DS=Reverse, SS=Strike-Slip): DS _ COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION EARTHQUAKE-DATA FILE USED: ALLQUAKE.DAT "TIME PERIOD OF EXPOSURE FOR STATISTICAL COMPARISON: 25 years SOURCE OF DEPTH VALUES (A=Attemiation File, E=Earthquake Catalog): A Page 1 ~FILE! CODEiii -DMG ! MGI ! DMG i _T-A i MGI ! T-A ! MGI i T-A [ MGI ! T-A ! "DMG i T-A ! T-A i -T-A J T-A i DMG [ DMG ! ^DMG i DMG ! DMG ! -DMG j DMG ! DMG ! -DMG [ DMG i DMG ! MGI j MGI i MGI ! DMG ! ~"DMG ! DMG i DMG ! H5MG j DMG i MGI i _J>MG ! 4GI i OMG j MGI ! -4GI ! )MG i DMG i -<)MG [ )MG j DMG ! _DMG ! )MG ! JMG ! DMG ! ^)MG ! )MG ! DMG | i LAT. ! NORTH ii 33. 32. 34. 34. 34. 34. 33. 32. 34. 34. 32. 32. 32. 33. 32. 33. 34. 34. 33. 32. 33. 34. 32. 34. 34. 33. 34. 34. 34. 34. 33. 33. 33. 33. 33. 33. 33. 34. 33. 34. 33. 34. 34. 34. 34. 32. 34. 34. 33. 33. 33. 33. 33. i 000 j 800 ! 370! 000 i 100 i 0001ooo! 670 i 000 iooo! 700{ 670 i 6701 500! 250} 900J 100J 200| 400! 700 | 200[ 300[ 800! 200! 300 { 800!oooj 100!ooo[ 200! 700| 700! 700! 500! 750! 800} 750!ooo! 200! 080! 200!ooo!ooojooo!ooo[ 900! 180! 180| 950{ 617! 750! 750J 750! LONG. ! WEST ! 1 117.300! 117.100! 117.650! 118.250! 118.100! 118.250! 117.000! 117.170! 117.500! 118.250! 117.200! 117.170! 117.170! 115.820J 117.500! 117.200J 116.700! 117.900! 116.300! 116.300! 116.200! 117.600! 116.800! 117.400! 117.500! 117.000! 118.000! 117.300! 118.300! 117.100! 117.400} 117.400! 117.400! 116.500! 117.000! 117.600! 117.000! 118.500! 116.700J 118.260! 116.600! 117.250! 116.000! 118.500! 116.000! 115.700! 116.920! 116.9201 118.632J 117.967} 118.083! 118.083! 118.083! DATE 11/22/1800 5/25/1803 12/ 8/1812 9/23/1827 7/11/1855 1/10/1856 9/21/1856 12/ 0/1856 12/16/1858 3/26/1860 5/27/1862 10/21/1862 5/24/1865 5/ 0/1868 1/13/1877 12/19/1880 2/ 7/1889 8/28/1889 2/ 9/1890 2/24/1892 5/28/1892 7/30/1894 10/23/1894 7/22/1899 7/22/1899 12/25/1899 12/25/1903 7/15/1905 9/ 3/1905 9/20/1907 4/11/1910 5/13/1910 5/15/1910 9/30/1916 4/21/1918 4/22/1918 6/ 6/1918 11/19/1918 I/ 1/1920 7/16/1920 10/12/1920 7/23/1923 4/ 3/1926 8/ 4/1927 9/ 5/1928 10/ 2/1928 1/16/1930 1/16/1930 8/31/1930 3/11/1933 3/11/1933 3/11/1933 3/11/1933 TIME ! (GMT) ! H M Sec{ i 2130 0.0! 0 0 0.0! 15 0 0.0{o o o.o! 415 0.0{o o o.oi 730 0.0! 0 0 0.0!10 o o.o! o o o.O! 20 0 O.Oj 0 0 0.0!o o o.o!o o o.O! 20 0 0,0!o o o.oj 520 0,0{ 215 0.0[ 12 6 0.0! 720 0,0! 1115 0.0! 512 0.0! 23 3 O.OJ 046 0.0! 2032 0.0[ 1225 0.0] 1745 0.0! 2041 0.0! 540 0.0! 154 0.0! 757 0.0! 620 0.0! 1547 0.0! 211 0.0! 223225.0! 2115 0.0! 2232 O.OJ 2018 0.0! 235 0.0! 18 8 0.0! 1748 0.0! 73026.0! 20 8 0.0] 1224 0.0! 1442 0.0! 19 1 0.0! 02433.9J 034 3.6! 04036.0! 154 7.8! 2 9 0.0! 230 0.0[ 323 0.0! i DEPTH! (km)j i 3.0! 3.0! 3.0{ 3.0! 3.0! 3.0] 3.0} 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0} 3.0! 3.0! 3.0{ 3.0[ 3.0[ 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0{ 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0[ 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0J 3.0! 3.0! 3.0! 3.0{ 3.0! 3.0[ 3.0J 3.0] 3.0! 3.0{ 3.0; 3.0{ 3.0! 3.0! 3.0J 3.0! 3.0J3.0; 3.0! 3.0! QUAKE MAG. 6.50 5.00 7.00 5,00 6.30 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.00 5.00 5.90 5.00 5.00 6.30 5.00 6.00 5.30 5.50 6.30 6.70 6.30 6.00 5.70 5.50 6.50 6.40 5.00 5.30 5.30 6.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 6.80 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.30 6.25 5.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.20 5.10 5.20 6.30 5.00 5.10 5.00 SITE ACC. g 0.219 0.024 0.011 0.003 0.008 0.003 0.034 0.017 0.022 0.003 0.034 0.017 0.017 0.006 0.005 0.014 0.004 0.004 0.014 0.016 0.012 0.006 0.022 0.005 0.009 0.021 0.004 0.005 0.003 0.007 0.012 0.012 0.022 0.007 0.030 0.008 0.009 0.002 0.014 0.003 0.014 0.013 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.018 0.005 0.006 SITE MM INT. IX IV IIIj II I V IV IVI V IV IV IIIIIIII 1III IVIIIII IVIIIII IVIIIIIIIIIIII IVII VIIIIII IV -IVIIII - II - IVIIII 0.005 ! II APPROX. DISTANCE mi [km] 8 25 89 82 82 82 19 32 62 82 30 32 32 89 61 54 76 82 61 65 64 83 36 75 82 50 73 68 84 75 40 40 40 53 47 50 47 92 35 86 41 61 96 92 96 94 76 76 96 52 63 63 63 [ 13] [ 40] [ 143] [ 132] [ 132] I 132] [ 31] [ 51] [ 100] [ 132] [ 48] [ 51] [ 51] [ 144] [ 98] [ 87] [ 122] [ 132] [ 98] [ 104] E 103] [ 134] I 59] [ 120] C 132] [ 81] [ 117] [ 109] [ 135] [ 121] E 65] E 65] E 65] [ 85] [ 75] E 81] E 75] [ 148] E 57] [ 139] E 66] E 98] E 155] E 148] E 155] E 151] E 123] I 123] E 154] E 83] E 101] [ 101] E 101] NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE: Non-Residential Land Owner, please read this option carefully and be sure you throughly understand the options before signing. The option you choose will affect your payment of the developed Special Tax assessed on your property. This option is available only at the time of the first biildng permit issuance. Property owner signature is required before a building permit will be issued. Your signature is confirming the accuracy of all parcel and ownership information shown. Name of Owner Telephone Address Project Address Carlsbad CA 9200 City State Zip Code City State Zip Code 10 - Assessor's Parcel Number, or APN and Lot Number if not yet subdivided. Building Permit Number As cited by Ordnance No. NS-155 and adopted by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, CaNfomia, the City is authorized to levy a special Tax in Community Facilities district No. 1 . All non-residential property, upon the issuance of the first bukfng permit, shall have the option to (1 ) pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE- TIME or (2) assume the ANNUAL SPECIAL TAX - DEVELOPED PROPERTY for a period not to exceed twenty- five (25) years. Please indicate your choice by initialing the appropriate line below: OPTION (1 ): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ONE-TIME now, as a one-lime payment Amount of One-Time Special Tax: S 4Lf , 5 ^ 2 ,~7 Q _ . Owner's Initials _ . " ^ OPTION (2): I elect to pay the SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT TAX ANNUALLY for a period, not to exceed twenty-five (25) years. Maximum Annual Special Tax: $ 2 , ^j~7^ * f(>9 • OwnerInitials _ . ' / ' —- - -i-j I DO HEREBY CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS THE PROPERTY OWNER OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND THAT I UNDERSTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS AS STATED ABOVE. Signature of Property Owner Title Print Name Date The City of Carlsbad has not independently verified the information shown above. Therefore, we accept no responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of this information. NON-RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATE City of Carlsbad Building Department CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name: Building Permit Plan Check Number: Project Address: A.P.N.: Project Applicant (Owner(s) Name(s)) Project Description: Building Type: Residential Number of New Dwelling Units Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit: Res. Additions: Comerc./ Ind.: City Certification of Applicant's information. Square Feet of Living Area in SDU Net Square Feet New Area re Feet Floor Area JMW Carisbad-tJnified School District 801 Pine Ave. Carlsbad CA 92009 (729-9291) HOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD San Marcos Unified School District 215MataWay San Marcos. CA 92069 (736-2200) 7 litasUnion SchooliDistrjj 101 SoufFi KdHCh Sania heRd Encinitas. CA 92024 (944-4300) San Dieguito Union High School District 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas. CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant /Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/ developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of the Owner. Signature:-Date: 2075 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92009-1576 • (760) 438-1161 • FAX (760) 438-0894 Revised 3-18-99 SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s))************************************************* THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL (\ oJ. fliD -* DISTRICT OFFICIAL J.H.BWtesfatoirtSupt Busmess Servicesun^, -.,. ;v1"" *r ••"<NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DWH . m fe ? , , unscao, ujinorma 92Q0S LJf\ I C PHONE NUMBER