HomeMy WebLinkAbout1320 KNOWLES AVE; ; 83-549; Permit)~[ 8 .. z 0 ~ a: .. ~ u '" Q a: '" Q ~ 5 ~ '" z ~ z 0 ~ z '" .. "' 0 u .. i,: '" "' a: 0 ;o ![ O l~eby atfir'm that I am licensed under provisions ol Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 or the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and eltect. Lie No _____ _ Clas, I hereby aff11m that I am exempT from the Conlrac- 1or's License Law for the lollow,ng ,eason (Sec 7031 5 Bus,ness and Protess1ons Code Any c,ty or county wh,ch re- quires a perm,1 to conslrucl al:er. ;mprove demolish, or repair any structure pr,or to 11s issuance also requires !heap- pl,cant for such perm,t 10 file a s,qned stalement tha1 he 1s licensed pursuant to me prov,s1ons ol the Contractors license Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Sernon 7000 or D1v1s1on 3 o11he Business and Pro1ess,ons Code) or thal Is ex· empt 1here1rom aM lhe basis for the allegea exemption Any v101atoon ot Sect,on 7031.5 by an applicant lor a perm11 sub- 1ects 1he applicant to a c1v11 penalty of not more than 1,ve hun- dr~ dollars 1$500) I, as owner of the properly. or my employees with wages aNtie,r sole compensation, will do the work, and the struc· ture'b not intended or olfered for sale {Sec 7044. Business and Pro1ess1ons COde The Contractor's License Law does riot apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who_ does such wor~ himself or through h,s own employees, provided that such improvements are not 1n1end· ed 01 oHered for sale. If, however. the building or 1mprove- men1 is sold within one year of completion. the owner-builder will have e burden prov,ng tha1 he did not build or im- prove th P. ~ [] I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting wi1h licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044. Business and Professions COde. The Con1rac1or's License Law does not apply to an owner of prOi)erty who bu1H:1s or 1m· proves !hereon, and who contracts for each pro1ects wrth a contrac!or(s) license pursuant to 1he Contractor's License ~., lJ As a homeowner I am 1mprov1og my home, and the follow- ing condi11ons exist 1 The work is being performed prior to sale 2 I _have lived in my h_ome 1or twelve months prior to completion of this work 3. I have not claimed this exemption during the last three years D I am exempt under Sec ______ , B & P C for this reason ____________ _ 0 I hereby afl1rm tha! I ha~e a ceri1f1cate ol consen1 to sell-msure or a cert1l,cate of Workers Compensa11on Insurance. or a ceri1!1e<1 copy thereot (Sec 3800. La.bo1 Godel POLICY NO COMPANY 0 Copy 1S t,lect with the city 0 Cert1l1ed copy ,s hereby turn1shed CERTIFICATE. OF EXfcMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section nee<! no! be comple1ed ii the perm,t 1s lor one hundred dollars !SH))\ or less) 0 1 certify that '" the pertorma.n" ot the worl< tor which this perm1! 1s issued. I shall not employ any person 1n any manner so as to become sub1ecl to The Worl<.e,s Compensation Laws ot Ca11!om•a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If a!1er maktn~ this Ceri, !+cate of Exemption you should t>ecome subiect tri !he Worl<.ers· Compensa11on pro~•s,ons of the L.aOOr Code. you must !orthw,th comply with such provisions or this pe,m,1 shall Df> deemed re,okP<l 0 I hereby athrm !hat tt,ert" ,s a ~o,,slruct,or 1end1ng agency lor ttw perlormance ol the wor.. lr;r which this perm,1 ,s ,ssued 1Sec 1097 c,,,i COOe Lenders Name ___________ _ Lenders Add,ess __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 JOB ADOAESS l'5W AV. ST.AD. NEARESTCflOSSST. LOT BLOCK OWNER·s NAME BUSINESS LICENSE # PERMIT NUMBER :?_,!+q C..i.>(Oe PLAN LO. # DG USE CODE LtCENSE # STANDARD PLAN# BUIL7G'?/;' EDU I FIRE SPA vO NO >0 N Not Valid Unless Machine Certified OTYI PLUMBING PERMIT· ISSUE MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 01·00·00·8220 EACH BUILDING SEWER OVER 100,000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 01·00·00·8221 EACH WATER HEATER ANO,·QR VENT BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 01·00·00·8806 EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUT LETS BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING 01·00·00·8222 ~-- EACH GAS SYSTEM:> OR MORE METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL 01·00·00·8223 EACH INSTAI.. ALTER. REPAtR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL 01·00·00·8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST H000/0UCTS MOBILEHOME 01·00·00·8225 WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK INSP EACH ROOF 00.~1~, 11~1cin~, I SOLAR 01·00·00-8226 I ,.., [_.-'""' ,,,,,,,UL/ I I I -------. #i--.i I j r □Ha MECHANICAL J _ STRONG MOTION 80-92·33·0519 TOTAL PLUMBING 4 § FIRE SPRINKLERS 01-00·00·8227 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE SOLAR · ISSUE ..,. NEW CONST EA AMP:SWHlKR /(){) '"2---; lPH 3 PH EXIST BLDG EA AMPISWLBKR 1 PH 3 PH REMODEL 'AL HR PER CIRCUIT TEMPPOLE ?OOAMPS OVER ?00 AMPS fEMP OCCUPANCY f30 DAYSI TOTAL ELECTRICAL ·' HAVE GAREFu~y ExAt.\ .. 1~EO THE ~MPLETEo .:~;;L;CAnoN· AND PERMi~:~JSt;&av,._ .. ; CEATIF'f\ UNOEft"PEAALlY'OF·PEFliJURY THAT Al.,.L INFO~MAT!Ol'{J1EREON, ~r!c) ~. DECLA_Rl TIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT ~NO. l FURTtff:.R CERTIFY AN&AG~.«f:•~ ~.rt1l '" 1SSU'EO: no CQMf?LrwtiH /,LL·CfTY, ~TY.AND STA TE LAWS•'GOVERNIO~ l SJRlicTt<>N, WHETHEij li,liCIFIEO:tf!;RE!tll-OR NOT·. I ALSO AGREE TO. SAYE.'.~~'. ~~~~=r:rtF-li!'~~~r..~.~~~i7'~~ ~~~<,' :., ~~,,,L_'.,~,.:?.•:_:~~-•~"";d,,,; / ,< '< . ,•_" ,•' ", ·, ~t~-"'i•!,.'£~ r TOTAi SOLAR PUBLtC FACILITIES FEE 32-00·00·8933 BRIDGE FEE SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT Carlsbad ✓ 80·92·21·0519 Encinitas 80-92·22-0519 San Oieguito 80·92· 23·0519 San Marcos 80-92·24·0519 TOTAL FEES PAYABLE ..-:AN OSHA~rr IS:fm)ulAm'AlR EXCAYA~.DYER 5' o• OW' ANl> l>liMllUTID8 OR CONSTIWCT1pN OF Sllil.lCTURff OVER G STOfllES IN WEKiHT ~ LL >-;;; 0 0. E "' f- l TI 0 CJ c m 0 0. 0. ., I ~ C a: 0 "' "' "' "' "' ., I ~ S' " >- <ii "' "' 0 0 a: m <ii D & "' 0 C m C LL C "' ~ CJ 0 u "' 0. "' C "' .c ,: I DATE BUILDING I ~~..,~-tf-9 ' ' TYPE DATE INSPECTOR FOUNDATION I FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS I INSPECTOR'S NOTES MASONRY ' AEQ IF INSPECTORS . - INSPECTION DATE -, GUNITE OR GROUT I CHECKED APPROVAL ----' ,, FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME . I SOILS COMPLIANCE ' .· -, --. □ SH~AR .. . -SHEATHING □ ROOF PRIOR TO . FOUNDATION INSP . FRAME I EXTERIOR LATH ' STRUCTURAL CONCRETE I OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION I i::.,o.'4A I!. ~ PRESTRESSED ' CONCRETE INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I t:;-11 •• -". 't POST TENSIONED ' CONCRETE I PLUMBING I FIELD WELDING SEWER AND BUCO □IPUCO -I HIGH STRENGTH UNDERGROUND □ WASTE D WATER BOL Ts ' TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER SPECIAL MASONRY ---... - TUB AND SHOWER PAN , . I GAS TEST I PILES CAISSONS □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER . I ELECTRICAL ' . ~ - ' . - □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ 'UFF,ER .. --ROUGH ELECTRIC I , ' □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPqRAf!Y --', ' '.' □ BONDING □ POOL I I , •, MECHANICAL I ' □ DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS -, I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I I CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTIPN V/HEN ALL APP/ilOPRIATE, ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN APPROVED. ' · i' • FINAL I ,., ' J •. / -. ; ' ' ' PLUMBING I ·, . -' ELECTRICAL , Ii ~ ' ; . I ' MECHANICAL I I ,1', I . / . /> , ' - GAS ' I -",1/ /< ''1' &/,I.,, ', '• ' -' ' BUILDING I .'/ I I :iJ t /// SPECIA~ CON}?ITIONS •. I ' ' I ., z 0 ;::: .. "' :l irl 0 3 ! .. z ~ z 0 s z .. .. " 0 u ., "' .. "' "' 0 3 ![ D I hereby af!lftm thal I am licensed under provllrona ol Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of tlie Business and Protaaalons Code, and my license is in lull force and effect L,c No ____ ~ Cla<,s I hereby affirm 1hal I am exemol tram 1he Conirac tor's License Law for the lollow,ng reason !Sec 7031 5 Business and Protess,ons Code Any cIIy or county wh,cr, re quires a 1)€rm,t to construct. alter. ,rnprove. demol,sh or repair any structure, prim to ,ts issuance also reau,res the ap pl1cant !or such perm,r 10 hie a s,~ned statemeni that he ,s licensed pursuant to the provisions of the ~ontractor"s License Law (Chapter 9 commenc,ng with Section 7000 of D1v1s1on 3 of the Business and Professions Code; or that ,sex emp1 therefrom and !he basis !or !he alleged exemp11on Any v1olat1on of Section 7031. 5 by an appl,canl fo, a perm,t sub· 1ects the applicant to a c1v,I penalty ol not more than five hun dred dollars ($500) I, as owner of the property, or my employees w11h wages aS"'lne+i.sole compensation. will do the work. and !he slfuc· ture Is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044, Busmess and Pro!ess,ons Code. The Contractor"s L1rnnse law does not apply to an owner ol property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through h,s own employees. provide-cl that such improvements are not intend-ed or offere<l lor sale. 11, however. !he building or improve- ment Is sold within one year of completion, the owner·bu1lder w,1I have the burden of proving that he did no1 build or 1m- prov~h~l~ □ I,. as owner of the property. am exclusively contracting w11h licensed contractors to construct tM projec1 (Sec. 7044, Busine-ss and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or Im• proves thereon, and who contracts tor each proiects with a contrac!or(s) license pursuant to the Contractor's License law] □ As a homeowner I am Improv1ng my home. and the follow ,ng cond1110ns exist 1 The work 1s being performed prior to sale 2 I _have lived in my home for twelve months prior to comple11on ot this work I have not claimed th,s ei<empt,on during 1he las! three years □ I am exempt under Sec ______ . B & PC for this reason ____________ _ □ I hereby affirm 1hat I ha•e a cert1f,cate ol consent to sell-insure. or a certll1ca1e of Workers Compensation Insurance, or a cemf1e<l copy !hereof (Sec 3800, Labo• Codel POLICY NO COMPANY D Copy ,s flied with 1he c1!y 0 Cert1l1ed copy ,s hereby turn1shed CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section nee<.1 not be completed '1 the perm,t Is t01 one hundred OOllars (SlCXll or less) 0 I certify !hat ,n 1he P<:"rlormance of !he worlo tor which this permit 1s rssued. I shall no1 employ any pe1son ,n any manner so as to become sub1ec1 lo the Worloers Compensa11on Laws of Cal1!orn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. af1e, makIn;i th,s Gerl, f1cate 01 Exemption. you should t.>ecome subiec1 tr, the Worllers Compensation pro•1s1ons ol The L<lbo< Code. you must forth.,.1th comply with such pro~,s•or>s or tti,s permII sh3II be d!.'emed ,evoke<.J 0 I hereby aff"m thal The<f' .~ a ,.on~1,uct,o~ IenO,ng agency to, lhe per1ormance ot The ..,or1< lor wh,ch thrs pe,m,1 •5 ,ssueO ,Sec 3097 c,,,: Code, lenders Name• ___________ _ LendefS Address __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE~S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT JOB ADDRESS l:OW -<::.o l>'('E Of APPt..lCA TION "' ---. . --IL-BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER :1kQ 6'3-54?[ LOt BLOCK OWNER'S NAME LL: GP LAND USE QTY.[ PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE 7, j-0 EACH FIXTURE TRAP EACH BUILDING SEWER EACH WATER HEATER AND,·OR VENT EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETS EACH GAS SYSTEM J OR MORE CONTRACTOR OWNER'S f'HONf z;z.1va QTY. ,□ <0 N REDEVELOPMENT AREA ,□ MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100,000 BTU OVER 100,000 BTU BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-IJ HP MET Al FIREPLACE - 5,() () CONTRACTORS PHON£ ft ZONE LtceNSENO.' PLAN 1.0. # BLOG USE CODE U-ClN$£ # STANDARD PLAN# BUILDING SQ FOOTAGE i>ESl-}!;!!PH<>Nje~ '' "' ,, ,,, ti OCC GP EDU ~ OCC LOAD FIRE SPR ./" ,o Not Valid Unless Machine Certified SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT 01-00-00-8220 SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8221 PLAN CHECK 01-00-00-8806 TOTAL PLUMBING 01-00-00-8222 ------- ELECTRICAL 01-00-00-8223 - EACH INST AL .. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE ur<'IJA>IIF'AI VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT 1m:::un11I~I1.,1,L 01-00-00·8224 ----4----+------ EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOOD/DUCTS WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION Of EA FURNACE/HEATER EACH ROOF DRAIN [INSIO~i TOT/'...l MECHANICAL TOTAL PLUMBING QTY.I ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE ,, NEW CONST EA AMP'SWT BKR -COLLECTORS I PH J PH STORAGE TANKS EXIST BLDG EA AMPiSWT:BKR ROCK STORAGE 1 PH 3 PH PUMP REMOOEL·ALHR PER CIRCUIT PLAN CHECK FEE TEMPPOLE 200AMPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY !JO DAYSI TOTAL ELl:.ClRICAl 1 HAVECAAEFOLtv eXA,MfNEDTHE COMPLETED '"'A-PPUCAflON A~RMfT"'').Airticti-iEFteBY" CERTIFY UNOE:R ,PENALl't'. OF PERJURY THAT All tNF0RMATION HEAE()fll ff'fClUOIN'G TI-IE DECLARATION~ ARE TRUE ANO OOAFIECT ANO t FUA.THEA"pif!TlFV·ANO A~ If A "Pq!MfT 1$ JSSUEO; TO COMPLY WllJH ALL. GtTY. COUNTY ANO STA:r~LAWS GOVERNINGWIL.UlNG CON- STRUCiiON, WHETHER SPEpFI.ED t1:ERE1t,I ,QR HOT. 1-Al$0 AGREE TO ,SAv,£1NO_EMMFY AN KEEP HARMLESS IHE CtJt OF (hdbSBA[\AGAtN'ST ALL UABtUTl~S. JUOGMfNtS.. cosi:s A EXPENSES WHICH MAV: ffi Atrf 1f!'AY ACCRUE AGAlNSl' SAID CITY tN'COJ'i&tQUENee OFT GRAN'TtNG OF THIS PERMIT, TOTAL SOLAR MOBILEHOME 01-00-00·8225 MOBILEHOME PARK INSP SOLAf!_ _ 01·00· STRONG MOTION 80-92-33-0519 so FIRE SPRINKLERS 01-00·00-8227 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 32-00-00-8933 BRIDGE FEE SCHOOL FEE • DISTRICT Carlsbad 80-92-21-0519 Encinitas 80-92-22-0519 San Dieguito 80-92-23-0519 San Marcos 80-92-24-0519 CREDIT DEPOSIT TOTAL FEES PAYABLE //B, * A.N~~,ti~"FOREXCAvATIONSO\IER' -s·rJIEO' ""'5 ~ ~CON$11'1)Crll)K OF ST"""1\JASOV£1!. .. $1'0!IIES'IN -T APPROVED BY DATE 'BVPHPNe o .3 ~ U- ~ :;; 0 O-E © f- l D 0 "' c ro u 0- 0-<[ I ~ C ii: 0 00 00 © 00 00 <[ I ~ 2 ;e; <n 00 © u 0 0: ro -;;; 0 ~ © u C ro C ii C © ~ "' 0 u © 0- 00 C 2: _c ,: TYPE BUILDING FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL MASONRY GUNITE OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING t;J/ROOF D SHE/1.R FRAME J ' EXTERIOR LATH --r INSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING 1 ~ SEWER AND BUCO □IPLJCO 1 UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE D W/1.TER TUB AND SHOWER PAN -;- GAS TEST ' I □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER ~ I ELECTRICAL "T □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D UFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC 1 □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPO~ARY □ BONDING □ POOL - MECHANICAL □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS DATE INSPECTOR I / 14 · 19 ·S!}-~ FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTION SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO F-OUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRESTRESSEO CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY REQ IF I INSPECTOR S CHECKED APPROVAL DATE PILES CAISSONS ·--+---~-----+---- ~~-b"Y9 ~ INSPECTOR'S NOTES n,C( ~Er,;,. /4,_ " cv ,v z::;; 6 o <,; .,. .,, ,,l.. / I, , . / ,7 ,cT,;, r.,._ ~ ( "-~-~ / h If z;; rL~ ..,t. / -;:J -~ 77 ,._p~ CALL FOR FINAL INSPECT/ N WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE J / I I I I f--------------------------lTEMS ABOVE HAV BEEN APPROVED. , · · · "•' '. · " FINAL .L PLUMBING , · · '' ·7 \ • Tif< 't' .,. I --• ' ELECTRICAL , / A # MECHANICAL ' , /n l/,1/ , /4 // GAS I I /b',. -7, 7 BUILDING : );// / J v 'fJ I! 1~ SPECIAL.CONDITIONS ' ' .r; ' / "" l ..., I I T APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438-5541 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: EXISTING BUILDING LATERAL LOCATION ST. LATERAL NO, _______ INSTALLATION DATE------- ISSUED BY _________________ _ DATE ISSUED-~:.:;..........:.......:.---=;...__:;.. _______ _ VALIDATION II I LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') ________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @=~---FT. __________ I OVER 10' V. @ FT. _________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') ________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @ ___ FT. ________ _ OVER 10' V. ___ @ ___ FT. _________ _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) ________ _ TOT A L LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO . ..._ ____________ _ FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT. ___ TOTAL __ _ OTHER __ ___../ _______________ _ / CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS_..,___COST PER UNIT ___ TOTAL--- PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS ___ c9sT PER UNIT ___ TOTAL--- TOTAL CHARGES (LATERAL ETC.) ~ 000 • {)[) WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permltter 83-5~9-m- ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 122 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (819) ri60·1468 / 3 Z o ):: tt)(J w LC::.-S ¼1c PL,, A-n./5 lU 11..--c..,, .S U G S 77'9 n.J T7 R L LI Ce>rn f::?l-51 tu 1·#? '-1/41:? Uogs 1 / F 71Jt:;:-- ~1c.-01v9 -Pv.s.17ec:.../?),re., 01~5 ffie 'So1L--.s cu/ ~C?o -f--""7-So I t...s /2&-y,?oej._ b-SG.-10 Ce re.p ~ ( ~v~ -zf </ /o';J 1-;:;, ~~ <0,lL ~ ~ e:C'.:t TO F 1 c:--L,d) C,_83--54L-9-E-) 0 APPLICANT COPY co cITY corx > 0 PLAN CHECKER COPY Q!:it!' of Q!:arfsbab "7t/G'- JtJISDICTJON,_______ DATE 2 /l'i,h'/-h"""'!:,....j.c:12~;;2._!;z:::l:.!J.L~§;.f::?J.Z:!1..C:~~~ ~P~J[CT ADDRESS•/~;?() .K/Vdlt.}LE'S TC:,4.7:7/?L IC-9-NT PUN CORRECTION SHEET f"•t;•/"11101 PltASt Ar.AO rlaD check ia l1M1t•d to technical requirefflent■ c~nta1ned in th• Unifor• 8u1ldin9 Coda, Unifor• P11il&b1n9 Cod■• Un1for~ H~chan1cal Code, National £lectr1cal Code and ■tate laws re9ul■tin9 ener9y conserv•tion, noise attenuation and access for ::ie h.3t.du:ap~. The plan chec·lt i■ based on r~9ul•t1on■ enforced by the Ouildin9 Inspection =~p•rtfflent. You may have other correction■ cased on lawa and ordinances enforced by the ?!ann1n9 Depart~ent, tn9incor1n9 ~partment or otter departments. ~:'le &teas circled below need clarification, rodlflcation or chan9e. All circled iteffls hav• tc be sat,■fled before the plan■ will be in confor••nce wlth the cited code■ and re9u1ationa. rer Sec. JO) (cl, ltlt Unitora lu11din9 Code. the approval of the plane doe■ not per•1t the violat1on of any ■tat•• county or city law • ... To fac1l1tatc rechcc~1nq 1 please identify, ne•: to each circled 1teM, the sheet of t~e plans upon whach each correction on this sheet haa been M•de and return this c~eck •~eet •Ith the revised plans. :s~_ , PLAN CHECK NO. ~itp of. ~arl.sbab --OWNER _____ _ PLAN REC'D. ----PLAN CHK'D. ----CHK'D. BY ---- C°dt:2,zez:.-7711 N', (nJ -O/mt:/US/ m /a,)Jr7C45 ,~ C,9t:.C::.S /·<='. /_s-11 W/,LJg- /:3~ /81/ ..£Je?:P co/ ..VO, 4, c3-4Tz ~p 1'9n,1£l B"~ /':. -, --, /, J/?OC)VS, / (!i:J /J4 ~ /,,;: IIJ/2,lr/t.,~ , , aJos.-r ~ c,,{2/,V .J... -,_ .,..., /w '11./~ .b}l./€7lJ 1,U /JJJOOLe--. , ·----- 1/3) P4oc/108' 12&>1.;;: nZ/'-r(J11 IUG, ;::....m /JI/ ~w ,u· / ,'(; /Jcces.s ~ r/1U:. rr ~1.)(5 6b,-V/2o::11/S' /.~ C'-'r:;..,,z,I P-u C.uvY"?qt:,-~ #"7 7G ~'il-~0 ? ;' f/6 ;.:::: r'7 -1/, ~r? /7~/9-rV-It 4-mr::~b?1 /-tfPCJ~ -A9/ow ~ -,~ wf-J,11/-' D::Jes -rt,, s m e(2,yt. ~ Cu ,I. ,,<-di./$:-- r/7.,. S'7o/t:,L. 1.1een::, ~ r>r..r/-L.-~ l:J-r,=., ,,,, ~.c ~,-fcJJG>tJ D>o N-h:::~ /, e . / IU /'90 £) rh d'Y1 -70 -H7<2 C/V1 e .4r -r/7e- <-U ;C}.L-L e:::>r.)D or-7 "1'ta' ~Vr? .J.e1z, , F2~ S.,.Pce:1 ~ 17£ tr cuo:w 7h1?/tCYJess 1777...£) IV .£)(:ix, ~(J v S/4d i.U ~ 11 ~P-.s½PClf/;1na ./;;,rf-Do lt)qf-~I,:¼, , -:z::,= ,. Cun(./<?.M'i1 tJnJ,::h_ s ne'ct--/'IJ n70 ,f-ca,,,n r1t1-f ~;Im) Z(f11 UJJ-ff? /2.,Jo P: {..<)R-Q1n.-9, ~fy /:t:..JcJ,i?_v -f.?.?uc,vot:JO ~ r -Ot/c.c.. < f/91 Shou) ---HIP ,a.g:J/o -/1J,o.A ?-110/ ,-;1dS:i:. 7'01~ 1..?~G ez. f:_:'.2 ..,-S'b a .,a ~c/ I, ~v, 7W --f?~,:7 17-., r-n7 A'",e_ I, e ls.1-+-~o) , -·-;°{)J ~ow C<Je,t:Fnn-7 OP" .S,,t,~ ~~ A-7-VO Sat-~ -5 .. , ,t::;5Y? P;::Jr::::,J"-er fi-, . , , ~ e;.~.4. K.JHd D.1n c~ S /26 r/L.O IZGt,,.1 Gl--U p~ /U erz.s / )). .., ,-.--=t.. , Br?Zvc:.::h,.I e~ /ft~..5, f7'7Z& 5#:)_uJ A) , m'/Jit./1 /~ c?7ecs:>SS --· "'"ff) ,e--_,,,,.?./,, ',•r.,"J-"-/r,:,'-1z1lv ,4.-;r2,; ,,,,"-r:Showv/ , I I'.· J tt'~v·/ J -- ---· <!itp of ((arl.sbab e-A'~o.:::sv~ : (v ST'1'n1<.,1L~ 1L _,t:-_eL-IA JCRISDICTIONo________ DATE /-:Z~:.3 PROJECT ADDRESS' _,/.:..,~"'-''2.=~:.....:k:.=!....!./\VO::::...:U::::.):..:'-=· .:::<!:".=-"::::.=--- PLAN CORRECTION SHEET SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX DWELLINGS Plan Check No._-'=B=-'=.3::::....----=S:::....:-r:...L.._r,__ ____ _ r:-1tC! plans received by jurisdiction 7f)C /fl /;3 ;l<!ite plans received by plan checkerl,{Jl,.:;:p /z/JL/ nate 1n1tia.l plan check completed /:id,/ by 1 .....J 111'7 f()REWORD: PLEASE READ Tel, (619) ,60-1468) Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservdtion, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based an regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have tc be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 10] {cl, 1979 Uniform Bu1lding Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the vialat1on of any state, county or city law. A, / pr.,; .. s Please make all corrections an the original tra~ings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to yo~___l:ry the jurisdiction, to, BUJ:i,,J2t:;--pr, Tc fac1l1tate rechecking, please identify, nex: to each c1rcled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. Indicate on plans the name of the legal owner and name of person responsible for the preparat1on of the plans. Sec. ]02(bl D APPLICANT COPY c:::b CITY copy > /. 0 PLAN CHECKER COPY Submit fully dimensioned plot plan drawn to scale showing loc3tion size, and use of all existing and proposed structures on the lot. Identify property lines and show lot dimensions and all easements. Show location of all cut or fill slopes and approximate finish floor elevation• for all structures and show elevations at all corners. sec. 302(bl7. / rndicate distance from center-line of street or alley to property line and distance from curh to property line. Sec. 302(b)7 ~01ans, specifications and calculations shall /° ~e 5igned by a California State licensed engineer or architect. {California Susineea and Professions Code) r1. rm~: PROTECTIO~ / Walls closer than shall be one-hour hav~ no openings, parapets when the 1,000 square feet sec. 1709(a) l feet to property lines fire-rated construction, and shall have 30 inch building floor area exceeds on any floor. {Table 5-A '~ Projections, including eaves, may not extend /'· more than 12 inches into the l foot setback from the property line. Sec. 1710 and Sec. S04(b) '/ Projections, including eaves,shall be one- /· hour fire-resistive construction, heavy timber or of non-combustible material if they project into the l' setback area from the property line. Sec. 1710 Show location of pcrn1,1nently wired smok drt•:ctor. Sec. 121 L.(h.lk:,-n,.£\lff'5'YZ.- ''2-"'!,. C' • ___ ROOM SIZES, I,ICHT, VENTILA O AND GLAZING One room must contain a miniinum of lSO square feet of superficial floor area. Sec. 1207(b) llc1bitable rooms, oth-?r than kitchens, shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor Sec. l207Cb) Window area must ~eat least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimum of 10 square feet per Sec. 1207(a), Appears to be deficient Openable window area must be 1/20 of the floor area and a minimu~ of 5 square feet. In bathrooms, laundry rooms and similar rooms. Minimum is l.S sq.ft. (Sec.120S(al required window area must Provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing five air changes per hour in bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms if required windows re not provided. Sec. 1205/al No habitable room, shall be less than Sec. 1207(cl other than a kitchen, 7'0" in any dimension. Show that ceiling height for habitable rooms is a minimum of 7'6". Sec. 1207(a) ft Show ceiling height for laundry rooms, ~allways, corr1dors, and bathrooms is a ~1n1mum of 7'0". Sec. 1207(a) ;{, Provide Jo• clear width for water compar1:ments and 24• clearance in of water closet. Sec. 17ll(b) closet. front ~o cooking room shall be used for sleeping purposes, unless complying as an efficiency living unit. Sec. 1208 / Specify safety glazing for glazing in hazardous locat1ons such as glass doors, glazing adJacenc to such doors and glazing adJacent :o walking surfaces. Sec. S406·.;,:_:._:,::.:=::;;~--- Qlaz1ng in shower and tub enclosures ~ .·· (inclu.·ding windows) shall be tempered, laminated or approved plastic. Sec. 1711 {fl(gl Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door for emergency exit. Sill l)~/ l height shall not exceed 44• above the floor, ~If~~ The window must have an openable area of at least 5.7 square feet with the minimum openable width 20• and the minimum openable IJ~ height 24•. Sec. 1204 lti I· Eaves and cornices may not project into ~~ a required yard more than 2 inches tor each toot ot yard width it required windows ~~ open into the yard. Sec. l206Cdl 0. A me%zanine is an intermediate floor and may not have a floor area exceeding )3 l/3 percent of the total floor area in the room below. and the me%zanine floor must have I a clear height ~f 7 feet, above and below,and must have 651 of the long side open to the room below. The loft you show does not mezzanine floor and is, by comply as a Building Code definition, a story _____________ _ D, !XITSc STAIRWAYS, ANO RAILINGS /~loors above the second story shall have /" ~ot less than 2 exits. Sec. J)02{a) ./Requ4red exit doon,ays shall be not less /' than J6• 1n width and not less than 6°-a• in height, and shall be capable of opening at least 90 degree~. Sec. JJOJ(el Provide )6• high protectlve railing for porches, balconles, and open sides of landings. Maximum opening between railings shall be less than g•_ Sec. 1716 Show how guardrail =onnection details are adequate to support 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail. Table 23-8 ✓ Provide .scairway and landing details. /'" Sec. ))QS(b) & (cl .. b. ~aximum rise 3" and minimum run is 9" . Minimum head room is 6'·6•. ~1nimum width ts JO". yt. Handrails shall satisfy the followinq1 •• Provide handrail for stairway• over Jo• high when serving a single dwelling. Title 24, Sec. T25-22Cbl Handrail shall be JO• to 34• above the nosing of treads. Sec. 330S(j) Handrail 11■■•111!1•■-■■!ll!ll sha 11 have a space not less than l 1/2" between the wal 1 and the handrail. The hand grip portion of handrail shall be not less than l 1/4• nor more than 2• in cross-sectional dimension. Sec. llOS(j) {see attAchedl Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the stairway width. Sec. l305(gl /. A doo~ may open over a stairway landing provi..ded the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area of the landing, ln the direction of stairway travel, to less than one-half the required width of the stairway. Sec. )J05(gl ~/A door may open inward at the top step of ?3· ~ stairway provided the top step is not more than 7 112• lower than the floor level. Sec. llOll il2 Provid• details of winding stairway. a. Minimum tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from the side of the stairway. b. Maximum rise is 9 inches. c, Minimum width i■ JO inches. Sec. 3l05(d) I••• attached) /Provide spiral stairway details: a. Minimum run is 7 1/2 inches at a point from where the tread is th• narrowest. b. Maximum rise is 9 1/2 inches. c. Minimum headro0111 is 6 feet 6 inches. Sec, )JOS(f) (see attached) c/ Sprial stairways may not be used for required /' exits when the area served is greater than 400 sq. ft. Sec. 3305(t) ~/ Spiral stairways must have a clear walking /' space ot 26 inches between the colwan and handrail. sec. J305(f) / Provide I,C,B~O. Reaaearch Report and Num:ber for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved fabricator registered with the Building Department or not• that the stairway fabrication shall be done under special inspection per the approved fabrication plans. Sec. 306(a)4B and Sec. 306( fl ~/In buildings over 2 stories in height, provide /· l/4 hour fire-rated assemblies for all openinqa in the exterior wall below or within 10 feat horizontally of an exterior stair- way. An exit balcony with 2 separated stairways is exftmpt. sec. 3305 ~/ Exterior stairways shall not project into r· the J foot s•tback from the property lines. Sec. ))05(nl ./ /"· :'he walls and soffits of the .;!nclosed useable s9ace under interior sta1rs shall be protected en ~he enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-res1stive construction. Sec. JJOS(ml ✓.~ 1-11.ru.:num construction specifications shall / be :Ttade a part of the approved plans. ( See attached) •• ROOFING _;.c-:Specify roof pitch. ?oof_p1tch is not adequate for roof type specified. Specify minimum p1tch of _ ..... ----~ ........ --------- 1A Show l 3/S-solid core seU'-closing door /-· for openings between garage and dwelling. /2 Sec. 503fd} Garages are not permitted to open into r a room used for •leeping purposes. sec. 1104 Opening• between carport and residence require self-closing doors and stationary r window•. Sec. 1214 Show garage framing section, size of header over garage opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line and method of bracing garage front. Chapter 23 NOTE: Minimum plywood diaphragm ratio is 3 1/2 to Lor 2•e-. Table 24-I Specify roof material and applicationfo f:!,ef" ~ Specify I.C.B.O. approval number for roof ~~At.Ji' materials not covered in UBC, ~~, Doors between dwellings and attached garages may swing in either direction provided the difference in floor elevation between the dwelling and garage does not exceed -, r-Specify roof slope for drainage or design ~ 1 • g,J'f' _/a support accumulated water. Sec. 3207(a) 7 1/2 inches and provided the door i• not used as the primary mean• of egress from the building. {f ;,:!..,_· Show roof drains and overflows. Sec. 3207( a) / . ?rov1de skylight details co show compliance w1th Sect1ons 3401 and 5207 or provide ICBO approval number. ~/Provide plastic roof_panel details co show /· ;ompl1ance with Sect1on 5206 or provide ICBO number. Show a_ctic ventilation. Minim.um.vent area is 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attic• area if at least SOI of the required vent is at least 3 feet above ceiling joists. Sec. 3205{c) MASONRY Provide fireplac11t construction detculs or note construction to be per attached fireplace standard drawing. Sec. 3707 Show veneer support and connections comply with Sec. 3002, 4,5,6, and Sec. 2516{a) regarding ties and t9 wire in horizontal JOlnts or note constr~tion to_ be per attach"d sheets 30-1 or 30-2. "1'2-0V,~G ~'-UN 1\) -~ 'f\-:i't Show height and construction deta'iU--s'?- al l masonry walls. Chapter 24 ~ote that cleanout openings shall re· provided at the bottom of all cells to be grout tilled over 4' in a single pour. Cleanout shall be sealed before grouting, after inspection. Sec. 241S Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design Load, whichever is greater. Sec. 2310 /. ?rovidei material specif1c:i.ti.ons for mortar, qr::iut, masonry and reinforcing steel. /.Sec. 2-H.IJ /1· Show ~cw masonry house walls reta1n1ng earth \ / .ue to be waterproofed. Prov1de detail. .,,)"'· ~ate that special inspection of the masonry . ···,G. :::~G:8 A::q:::::R;:r /g··J {\Jo.~arage requires one-hour fire protection ~n the garage side of walls and ce1l1ngs -om:non to the dwelling. Table 5-B Sec.50)(bl If the difference in floor elevation exceed■ 7 1/2 inches, or if the door is u■ed a■ the primary means of egress from the building, additional steps or landing mu■t be provided in accordance with stairway requirements, and the door must not swing over the depressed / level. {see l30J(il2 and 330S (g). Provide 1e• ra1sed platforms for any FAU, water heater, or any other device which / may generate a flame or spark. Note that continuous fire wall protection shall be installed behind raised platform(■) prior to framing platform. H. POUNDATION REQUIREMENTS 119. Note on plans that•A soils engineer shall 122. 123. 124. ev•luat■ any unanticipated uncompacted till o~ expansive soil or other soi! problems di1closed during construction". Sec.306Ca)l2. Submit soils classification determination by a licensed engineer or architect -based on observation, tests, borings, or excavations, and containing comments on the degree of expansiveness, compre■sibility and bearing value. Sec. 2905 Note on the plan the soils classification. whether or not the soil is expansive, and note the allowable bearing value. Sec. 2905 The foundation plan does not comply with the soil report recotl'lfflendation for this project. __________________ _ Provide notes on the foundation plan the soils report recommendations for slab and building pad preparation. listing foundation•. Note on t.he foundation plan that. '"Prior to the Contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: l. the building pad was prepared in accor- dance with the soils report: 2. the utility tranche■ have been properly backfilled and compacted, and: 3. the foundation excavations, forming and reinforcement comply with the soils report and approved plan.'" ! .-Jl .:11 elements support:.1ng floor above garage \ ) to have one-hour f1ra-res1st.ive protection 125. Provide spread footings for concentrated ) f/ ~n the garage side. Sec, 503. Beams and loads designed for 1,000 PSF soil bearing t \ •. ;,osts, not. •-,ithin t.he wall or c~iling con-or per bearing value as determined by J/ str"Jct1on, must comply with use, Table 43-A, an eng1neer or arch1tec-c. C~ Q, / ::ir: be m1n.1mum 6'" d1mension beam <1nd minimum ~--------.._.-· -_ _ _JI::! '\ ~'\~ / ,. Sy a· post. ( A,b.,E:'711e O,;/r::Tt:11-,B,~,n ~11= ~ u/ ~) ::S>/e'l::I r / ~""'/. ::s ,, ~,,v,,.,., "1' _,,., ----...-@/ta eerz11u:;. ~~ess(,Jee-;;, ~ cer ,3000 Ps P " ?' f". ~- TABLE NO. 29-A-FOUNDATIONS FOR STUD BEARING WALLS-MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DEPTH OF FOUNDATION WIDTH THICKNESS IUOW NUMIH THICKNESS OF Of OF NATUHL OF FOUNDATION WALL FOOTING FOOTING SURFACE STOii ES (lacllls) uac11u1 (lnchtsl OF CIOUND AND FINISH CONCIETE UNIT GIAH M&SDNIY (lncllH) -- I 6 6 12 6 12 2 8 8 15 7 18 3 10 lO 18 8 24 ~ote cross bridging or blocking. Floor joists and rafters more than 12" in depth and spanning more than 8 feec shall be supported laterally by bridging at intervals not exceeding 8 feet. Sec. 2506(g) Show blocking at ends and at supports of floor joists, and for rafters at exterior walls. Sec. 2506(g) Show solid blocking at ridge line and at exterior walls on trussed roofs. Sec. 2506(g) Jiff. Show double joiata. Floor joists shall be doubl•d under bearing partition■ running f: parallel with joists. Sec. 2S18(d) 5 er ties. Ratter ties shall be · spaced not more than 4 feet on center w.h•r• ratters and ceilil}_9Jsists are"&~ -._,p~r•l_!_•~"· •-~~~11'..ow ~~~ifui'" c,T, Show ratter purlin braen to be--not-t than 45 degrees to the horizontal. Sec. 2518(!\I ~Show 1/2~ minimum clearance between top plate o! 1nterior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. I To ensure loading will be as designed.I Show double top plate with minimum 4sy ~lap splice. Sec. 2518(g)4 -(:.}Y Show nailing will be in complian~ ~OTES: top story and root space, at ceilings / :::::d;s;:;., stops between st.cries, between Whett unuiual condition.l or frost conditions :ue found, footin1s Jnd and floor levels in interior and exterior toun~llons \hall~ as requirNl in Section 2907(ill. walls, in mansard roof or eyebrow so no The l(l'Ound u.nder the 8.oor may be e,:cavated to 1he l'lt'\"at1on of tht' concealed or furred space is greater than ropofthefooima:. 10' horizontally or vertically, between stair stringers at top and bottom and Shew foundation sills to be pressure trea~ed?; between studs along and in line with or equal. sec. 2517(cl J. ' \(A stair run adjoining stud walls and partitions, #, \V at perimeter of sliding door pockets, Shew foundation bolt size and spacing. between chimney and wood frame using metal Sec. 2907(el , or incombustibles for the fire stop and Specify size, ICBO number and manufacturer\ at other places that could afford paasage of flame. Sec. 2517(f) ~ of power driven pins, Show edge and end C~ · distance and spacing. Sec,. 306 (fl \:..Y Show stud size and spacing. Maximum .i low- able stud heights: 2"x4~@ 16• is 14'; Show uze, imbedment and location cf hold l" 4 .. ,2 .. x6 .. ,.. 16.. • 20 , s 2518( ) down anchors on foundation plan. Sec. 2312 ( f) . x • o.c. 15 • ec. g be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. for glued laminated wood members sl1all • Note on plan that hold down anchors must ?' . Note an A.LT.C. Cer1:ificate of Compliance sec. 2312 rf) be given to the Building Inspector pri .-:""' to eree~ion, See. 306(f) /JI· Show adaquate footings under all shear _y('. walls. Sec. 2Jllfal . Detail all post to beam and post to footing / connections. Sec. 2517(cl 4 ue .. · Show step.pad footings for slopes steeper@f917 / than 1:10. sec. 29o7<c) Specify nail size and spacing for all shear walls, floor and roof diaphragms. l.,J-.9:·show minimum la• _clearance from grade to d Indicate required blocking. Maintain _.,,,,,,.. bottom of floor Joists and minimum 12" /Oi maximum diaphragm dimension ratios. clearance to bottom of girders, Sec. 251 . (Tables [,J,Kl. J..<I"-:_,. Show pier size, spacing and depth into ✓Show J"x4 • or 2"x6• studs in first •tory undist:..roed soil. '!'able 29-A / of thre• story building. sec. 2S18(fl : j.l. .~ Show :rnniinum under floor dccess of 18"x 24". 1 ✓ ,/ .3ec. 2517 _/~ Provide truss details and truss calculations. ;,;,l·: ~how minimum under floor ventilac.ion equal ? Provide root framing plan. S•c. 302(al~ _.,,...,.. to l 1/2 sq. ft. for each 25 lineal feet Provide framing sections through ~ \J:t) of exterior foundation with openings as W)Qn.cpv\'Q;? ~-g.Qat, ~ )LfZ2'D• close to ccrnars as practicable to provide =ross ventilation on at least two approximate-_J.ection 302(a) 7 I. ly opposite sides. Sec. 2517 1__.s.a-:""""specify all header sizes for opening over FRAMING / :\l 4' wide. See. 2518 t:;;"" ..... ry. Provide calculations for PJ) na.v.,v19, 5rlC\,,/ a.11 JOlStS, ra.fter!i, beams, and posts r , ::l'Z,. Lo &1 ~;- 2" to 4" thick to be No. 2 Grade Douglas F':.r-:..arch or better. All posts and beams ·--·••4•.a.en--..Jo•t-•Y·"..,....._..-- 5~ .ind thic.l<er 3hall be No. l Grade Douglas 1,v/ In areas subjec't to water splash and in F°.:.:'•L..arch or better. (Table 2S-A-l.1 7·· exterior locacions, wood columns and posts Si:c\.f wall brac1ng. Every exter1or .... ood StJd wall and main cross partition shall oe oraced at ~ach ~nd .1nrt at least every 25 !eet ~t length with lx4 d1~gonal ~e~-.:.n ~r.1~e or ~4u1valent. Sec. 2518(q)5 shall be supported by piers projecting at least 2~ above the finished grade and shall bear on a metal base plate or treated wood unless the columns or posts are foun-dacion grade redwood or cedar. See. 2517(cl4 Jw locacion oi •ttic •ccess wit;:-;:~ ~1~~ 22N x 30N. Sec. 3205 ·--- _),i'(. Show draft separation for attic areas in excess of J,000 sq.ft. Sec. 3205 1 / Show draft separation for space between /~· dropped ceilings and floor above 1.n ~xcess of l.000 sq.f-c. Sec. 2517 . Specify ?l ywood grade and panel 1.ndenti-f 1.cat1.on index. Table 25-sJ ________ _ ~ ;..hen roof pitch 1.s less than 3:12, ndge as a :>earn. Sec. 2518 (hl '~Wood shear walls shall not be used to f 0 • resist horizontal forces contributed by ~asonry in buildings over one story in height. Sec. 25l6(bl 1a ✓Gypsum lath and plaster, gypsum sheathing 7· board and gypsum wallboard shall not be Show access to th• attic or under floor furnace to be minimum 30 inches by 30 inches. Sec. 708, 709 OMC Note that passageway to the attic furnace shall be unobstructed and have continuous solid floorinq not less than 24 inches wide. Sec 708 OMC Show permanent electrical outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch for the attic furnace. see. 708 UMC Show detail• to comply with Section ~09 for furnace under the floor, Section 708 for attic furnace, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. Note on plan, gas vent• and non-eombuatible piping passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft stopped at each floor or ceiling. use See. l706(al6 ~sed 10 vertical diaphragms to resist K. ELECTRICAL (National Electrical Code) forces imposed by masonry or concrete All wiring shall comply with the National Electrical construc":.ion. Table 47-I Code. 1 lit"" rt cripple wall studs are less than 14~, 1~ CJ}i.. Note on the plan the amperage of electrical ~-framing shall be solid blocking. Sec.2518(g~ ~ service, 1 ✓. ::n~pl~ wall studs exceeding 4 !:eet in ,r ~-If the electrical installation is more / neight shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 ~ than 200 amperes, show panel location inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories. //' and provide a single line diagram and Sec. 2518{gl6 .,/:8, toad calculations including: 'how pl=ood sheathing over ex,.,os.•~eaves., • '-1J a. Wiring method employed • .., ~-.. b. Sizes of all conduceors, switches, or other weather exposed areas, is exter=' · circuit breakers, fuses, and conduits, grade. Sec. 2S17(gl 3 --------1 c. Approximate length of service feeders. Show a weep screed at the line on all exterior stud stuccoed. Sec. 4706{el foundation plate walls to be Provide an approved waterproof building paper under wood siding. Sec. 1 70 l la I Specify an approved flashing for exterior openings and parapet walls. See. 3208 19~ Show corridor width to be minimum 36". __,,,.. Sec. 33041 bl _;;,;r; Specify truss layout for JOM x 30" attic accass. d. Provide plot plan showing service•, all panel location■, circuit arrangement and load distribution on panel busses. e. ProvLde typical panel schedule(s). _fui) Dwellings requ1re minimum 100 amp service. ~ Show location of all electrical receptacles. Electr1.eal receptacle loeat1.ons and/or--r"'! &::'II -,u, spae1.ng u not <1.dequate inl(l81,.L L.....E]=f',,,.-~~-K..TIJ I"+ 1<J'I\U.l),.,.e<v1.ic1uo \:'.,t Cov,del)j - ~ At least one receptacle shall be installed outdoors, in basements and attached garages, other than laundry outlets. Art. 210-25(bl /Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at least one size larger than supported ~ rafters, Sec. 2518(h) 3 ______ · Provide metal stnps acr~;;· -;idge be0 , ,and rafters. ·-···-··-·-~---0-2 • Show minimum dwelling lighting (NEC Art. 210-26(al and GFI'S in and outdoors. NEC Art, 210-8(.sl. baths J. MECHANICAL All heating, ventilating, and cooling systems and appliances shall comply with the Uniform han1.cal Code. Note "UtER" ground to be provided (NECl. Art. 250-81 PLUMBIHG (Unifona Plumbing Code) Show the s1.ze, location and type of all heating and cooling appliances or systems. Show source of combustion air for furnace All plumbing shall comply with the Uni!rom m.bing Code. will comply with Chaper 6, U.M.C. . Show water heater tize, type and · ...d locat1.on on plans. Every dwellir,q un1.t shall be provided w1.th ~ heating facilities capable of maintain-Show method of providing combustion air ~ng a room temperat~re of 70Q F. at 3 to fuel burning water heater. See. 1307 fee~ ~bove che floor in all habitable ~ Fuel combuation water heater shall not be rooms. Show basis for compliance. USC installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet Sec. 1211 opening into bath or bedroom. See. 1309 Show ~inimum JO" deep unobstructed working ~ Provide adequate barrier to protect water space ~n front o! furnace. heater from vehicle damage. See. 13~0 ~ote en oians,clearances to be per manufac-~-Show T and p valve on water heater and ':~rers 1ist1ng. Sec. 704 UMC ~ show route of discharge line to exterior :':.::-:'lace .shall not be installed Jnder any See, l007(el st.urwa:,-. Sec. 704 UMC / r;;~0) Provide dryer vent to outside. UMC l { • Sec, 1903 :'·Jr:"tace shall not be 1nsta led 1n .1ny l ::edroom, oathroom, closet, or ~n confined y· Note on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn spa=e -..1:::1 -iccess ·Jnly tnrougt, 3uch room, sprinkler systems shall have approved . .mless spe:::1f1ed .1s :hrect vent 1;ppl1ance, backflow prevention devices. Sec. 1003 ~nc~os~. J fJrnace ~r ~lect.r1c ~eattng appliance. Y, Sec. 704 :.'MC • Shower 1tall shall accomodate a 30"circle and have a minimum floor area of 900 sq.in. Shvw ;:so approval !:.:ir prefab fireplace UPC 909(dl .l:"td ?rovide .1pproved 1nstallat1on instr~ctions .1t :oo site. Show an th• title shfft of the plan■, tn• •lternativ• ener9y packa9e Chat we■ selected i.e. A, a, C, 1, 2, l, 4, or AB 161 to show coapliance, and ==----=-=·~=--""'---·-.. ·------ Note at the exterior wall fireplace •r1r•place to have a1n1aum s1x square inches of outside air; co have ql••• or metal door coverinq the entire openi119 ot the firebox: to have ti9ht-tittin9 damper with readily acc■■■ible control and should not have• continuou■ burninq pi lot li9t1t•, Note 1976 with duct■ ■hall comply with Chapter UMC and lh■ll ba tightly ·••led u■tic or tape. Not• a th wa •r haat■r to hav■ in■ulation•. 10, Note, where wac■r heater i ■ in unc:ond.1&.iaeed •~ce, th• tir■t five fNt of outlet ~ip■ co have R•l wrap. Noto all circulatin9 hot wat■r pipe■ in unconditioned ■pace■ an■ll be in■ulated. Hot• that all 9a■ fired heating and coolin9 appliance■, ■hover■ and faucet■ shall coaply with th• Ener9y !fficiency Standard■• Show, at bath and kitchen, that thie qoneral li9htin9 ■hall have an efficiency of not l••• than ZS luaen■ per watt i ·•· tlore■cent. Hot• tMt heatin9 or coolin9 ay■t­ loxcopt heat puap■J ■hall have an autoaat1r thermo■tat with -chani■-which can be Nnually pr09ra-■d to aut011■tically ••t back the therao■tat a■t point■ for at l ■a■t two period■ within Zt hour■• Show the aiz■• type and location of tho apace heatin9 Cor coolin9J sy■t• and provide ■n■r9y calculation■ if tne output aTV/Hr. ■xc■ect■ 45,000 11'U/llr. output. Sllow •M &N ..._. for PAU ■-_,_. lleacer are • IUIC. ■......-. U■c. o,.acc&oor poou o11.u. to■a1.1 tue1 hucer■ ret1111.I'• poot co.er■ •• we11 •• ocner eflO&"ff sav1.n• d■va.cee 1\ICA •• t~ c1oc••• ecc. -:20-1 ◄0, MISgµ.ANEOUS Show a mini.mum 2• air space and flashing between planter and bu1.ldinq walls. provide calculation■ and other data, _/ appropriate to that selected p.cll9•~.,..,.,..,...- Th• r■apon■1bl• de■iqner should sign __;;19 • st.ate .. nt. on the Dlan titl• .. •heet, JO •The d■l&qn submitted subatant1ally confom■ to the Enerqy Re9ulat1an■ ~ Sec. 2517(e) Specify material to be uaed ander tho 1how■r tile. sec. 1707(a) for Re■idant1al Buildin9■•.J.----... -·----• Show the •r viiuelor-ihe wall■ and ---~ Specify lath and pla■ter to comply with Chapter ◄7. use. cul1n9 and nlated arH■1 u}4 t=a.c-irm1V(J ~;) 30 Note that. the inaulat~----· coapiy with California Quality Standard■• ?, ~ Two l/4* copper pip•• muse be in■tall•d from water heater location to convenient location of futur■ solar panels {City Ord,l Nata th• insulation installer shall post• 119nad certificate, in a conapiciO\l place in th■ buildin9, 1.tatin9 the insulation caapliea with Title 24, Chapter 2-51 and Title lO, Chapter l, subchapter 4 • Ar~1cle l. Note doors and w1ndova, including skyli9hte, betw~•n cond1t1on•d and non-conditioned sp•ce sn•ll b• fully weatheratr1pped, Note on the .{"ra.m1ni .. R~~~hat weather- str 1pp1r.q, c•ulk1nq or sealants mu■t be Jsed to l1■1t filtration 1n the bu1ld1nq envelope •t th• tollow1n9 location■• Exterior Joints •round w1ndow■ and door tr■N ■: between wall sole plate■ and floor■, •na u~twden cXtdr1or wa11 p•ne,a: penetrations 1n walls, ce1linqa, and floors Cor plW11b1nq, electr1c1ty, and gas l:n~s: op~n1nqa 1n •tt1c floora1 and .i I', otner open1nqs in the bu1ldinq Not~ ~~4t Joors and ~1ndo~s to be and ,dceled as comply1nq with tho aeq.;ht1ona. Provide sleeves (:oof jacks) in two future J/4• copper pipes to location ot future solar panels roof tor c1.1nven1.ent (City Ord. l Noc• that solar water 9ip1nq 19 to be Ln■ulated 1n area■ that are ~ot ~••t•d or ~coled. (City Ord. I 0 lu1ld1n9 plan■ are aub■tantially correct and cOfflplato. ···-------------------Oat••------------------U eu1ldin9 plan■ would be aubatantially correct and complete ia ■inor corr■c,ion■ are made at counter. ···-----------------Oates _________________ _ u1ldinq plan■ roquir• major correction■ omptete plan recheck, by plan chock n91n••r• 1 ■ required. . By, :;;:, :YI \ ;..\ "l. ~ \ B ~ Oates _________________ _ l! you have any que■~ion■ reqardin9 thu ~~•n chock, PlH■■ call -::::r, :::;:n .. ~,'\) S"G,o-\ 4<;,e, . and w■ would alao be pl■a■ect to -•t with you. at no chart•• if additional a■■iatanee i.a needed. ;Zx.4-oe JX!P ~II~ e 1t,•l~t', -z C = ~ ·. .-.' 4 ''\ ·,. ~ ·'·' .,, . ~· ,, _, ·'· -W~) l✓ll,l... ,;r(CA-Jf. W-q~t;-l! ~ 111"M1a t1AX I 11 1H !&Ii'-t1()1'2U:C e,~t::, ---12, ~A, 1,.,1~~ WIIZ~ (!!,, IP 11 ~c, 1G#~i ,::b~ i-t:,iez:.,Jo I 1--1-r h tf-' ~i;?-r, .J"1~-r~ .--~,z.. tAA, AIJ?l--!Pl2. -"11~.., 1'1X7 11 @ l(&:>11 tt?.C, ~iz-r ~ 1-«:::'\ZZ.. t\C. c, ,,s.s we. ~~11€ (',II~ ~6 I ~ YV\ \ C::: -Z.. c 1_..u:::,_s ~ A"<VO 4-(.Sc--"G' "::,qa:::. ~' ~ i &\~ T ) ~11-H~I-¼ A~)_ _.,... t lTTilll:-111 \. '2 :\'() 5: .>I "" Anchond Veneer SK. ~.104. fa) M1110nr) ■nd SloM l 'nlh (5 lnchn Mnlmum in ThkL""'-,l.' !\1a.,onry and .slone vcn«r nOI eM·«Jmg S indt"'i in lhidnc<,,; may be anch{)rtd dm:ctly to struclural ma .. onry. con,:rctc or <,Im.ls in one of the f olkl\, ing manner\ I. Anchor ties shall be corrm.mn-res1s1an1, and if made of sheet metal, shall ha\e• rrun1mum .,1,c of r-.io. ~~ gaft: by I mLh or, 11 of v.irc, -.hall be a minimum of ~o. 11 gage. Anchor IIC'i shall be .,pared \O a<, to ,upport nol mt,r~ than 2 ;,quarc fcc1 of "JII .1rca bul no! more 1han :?.i m1..he1, on ,cn1cr hor1Hmlally. In Sc1\m1i.: z,mc\ No. J anJ ~, 4 arn.:hor uc" \hall be 1-no\1lkd hl hl1r111m1al 1omt reinfor,emeni '-'UC of Su Iii l'..t!!l' or equ1\aknt. lhc Joml rcmlori..:emt·nl .,hall be umtmuuu, 'A 1th bull "flhi.:t-.. t'lc l"l't·n 111:':> pcrm1llt·d. \\ hen applied 01,,cr \IUd i.:on,1ru,1um. 1hc \tud., .. hall be "Jlai.:cJ a ma"mum ol It. mi.:hc, on ..:cmcr-, and arrrn'-l'd paper .,hall li"1 he applied mcr 1hc \ht·,uh1n1o: ,,r 11ou~ bel-.een slud~ except a" 01hcrw1':>e pro\'1ded in Scx-uon 1707 of the Uniform Building Code, and monar !>hall be "'lu,;,hed inlo lhe 1-in,h .,pa,.;-e between ra,mg and l"r<' As an allernate. an air ':>pace of al leas! I inch may be maimained between 1hc ta(king and the "eneer in which ca!:>e 1emporary spot bedding may be u!:>Cd a'Aay rrom 1he lies to ahgn the ,,eneer. Spot bedding at 1he lies ':>hall be or cement monar cnurely surrounding the tie':>. ~-\'rneer may be applied with I-inch-minimum grouted bading \pai.:e whii.:h is reinforced by not less than :?-inch by :?-inch No. 16 gage gah ani,ed wire me\h placed £1\C'f "aterproof paper backing and anchored directly to stud con\trui.:tion. The stud spacing shall not exceed 16 inches on cen1er. The gah·aniLcd \\ire mesh ~all be anchored 10 wood studs by ga[\anized s1ecl "'ire rurring nail\ at 4 inches on ..rnter or by harbed gahani1ed nails at 6 inche!:> on center '-'ilh a I '.{-in1.:h minimum rrnetration. The galvaniLed "'ire mesh may be attached to !>!eel ,1ud"' by equ1,a\ent 11,re 11es. tr 1his method i!> applied O\er !:>olid !:>heathing the me.,h mu,1 be furred for nnbl'dment m grouL The v.nc me!:>h mu<,t be auached a1 the lop and hllltom \\Hh 001 In!> than 8-penny common wire nails. The grout rill .,hall be rlai.:ed 10 fill 1he 'f',lCC mtimalely around the mesh and ,eneer facing. fbi Slone l'nih (10 lnchn ~a,imum in Thickn~..,,. Stone "encer umt, not n- ln:dmg 10 mche., m 1h1clnev .. may be am.:hored direcliy 10 \lructural ma..,onry, con- 1.Tete or 10 -.tutb: I. \\ith c:oncrtt~ or mawnl) bac:lr.ina. Ani.:hor lie!> ,hall be not Je.,,. lhan ~o. 12 pgc g.thamLed v.ue. or apptO\.ed equal, formed as an e,rt1..e<l eye an<l e,tenJmg oot In!:> 1han '': inch beyond !he fa,.;-e of !he backing. The leg\ of 1he loop-. ,hall be oot lns than 6 inches m leng.1h bcnl at right angles anJ laid ut the ma.,onry monar 1oint and -.raced so 1hat the eyes or loop-. are 12 inche,;, ma11.1mum on cemer m both dlrei:11om. There -.hall be prm 1ded no1 Jes"' 1han a :--.o. I:? gage gal"·amLcd v. ire tie, or Jppro\ro equal. threaded through the expmed loop-. ror C\.l'ry 2 <,quare fce1 of ~tone \eneer. Th1<, 11e ,hall be a loop ha..ing. leg-. no1 le-..., than 15 md1,., m leng1h ,u bl'nl thal II 'A1II lie m 1hc ,1one "eneer mortar JOmt. The la,1:? mi.:he, of cai.:h \\UC leg. ,hall I\J\C a rig.hi angle bend. One m,h of t·cmcnl groul ,hall be pl.ii.:cd bct\\ccn the bat·k- ing ,rnd the -.ionc "·eneer. :. \\ith ..,tud baclr.ini. A :?-rnd1 hy :?-m,:h No. If-I ga~l' gJham1cd "'"uc mc,h \\1th i-.o !Jye" ol \\alerprool paper ba1.~mg .,hall be applied d1rl'c1ly 10 \\11od ,1ud"' \pai.:ed a ma11.1mum ol 16 m,hc, on n·mer. On stud, the mc .. h ,hall bca11a,hcd -.11h ~. mi.:h-long gaham1ed 'lteel \\UC lurrmg nail"' JI 4 1111..he, on 1,.cnter prm1dmg,. nummum I 1/,-mch pcnc1rat1on into ea..:h ,1ud and 'Ailh S•pcnny common na1b at 8 11X"he\ on ,enh:r mlo 1op and bo1hun pl.11e,. I he gaham,ed v. ire mc,h mJy be al- tih.hcd 10 \tecl ,1ud, 'A1lh cq111"·alen1 \\ite tic,. There ,hall he not Jc,, lhan a No. IZ F-lf:e i.aham1nJ 1A-UC, or approH°t.1 c1.1ual, l11opeJ lhrouJlh the mt-..h for C:\erv 2 ~uare feel ol -.tone "'enc ... ·,. I tm 11e ,hdli be a loop hil, IIIJt k)I:\ not 1c .. ,_1h;,m IS ind10 m lenglh, \0 bent thal 11 'A1II lie in 1hc ,tone "enccr mortar 101111. lh~ IJ.,t 2 1nchl"\nf cai.:h 'Alrl" lctc ,h,111 h.i"c a ri~h1 an~lc tlend. C>rK"-1111,.h nummum lhtdnn ... of cemcnl erout ,hall be plc11..\•J bcl\\Cl"II the liJ\ ~JIil( and lhl' \h)IIC \Cfl('Ct il l I I I Prepare~ by, ..:.__1;_,; '. t ::;1·,' ~ ,-,.a,,~ Jurisdiction ~/ --~----="'1Jt/ -------- VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE FLAN CHECK NO. ','.:;' -:;-._, ; □ Bldg, Dept. □ Esgil BUILDING ADDRESS /_3::,'',, I-' l',J ·Jj 1/ ES APPLICANT/CONTACT CL_tt.0E !.(}, C k.4,J,zf BUILDING OCCUPANCY r 3, 11,1 PHONE NO. 4L38-5"5-1-/ DESIGNER PHONE :S7cZ,):.-U !TM TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION _f/_,_h ..... 1 ___ _ CONTRACTOR PHONE ____ _ BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE IV!ULTJPLIER ,).. I !/I IV U-/u,S-~ ~ , sz~ 3(2.//2- , . VM U\ ),u__ .. ,_.., ,I":!,, ,._,,-, I .,-I"'.: -~r I Air Conditionin£ Commercial @ 2.80 Residential (<I ?40 Res. or Comm. Fire Sorinklers (d 1.50 Total Value ~~< 80t.!_~e-. /l ......, ,.._ v.,,-~. ~ , r;;,,v I,,· ,'.LJ'11;.,t1·d i<l H ll I 1 ~ l' t Diner Rerulal1nns qy (ftie x I • I I [.1Harid1copped Ht>q11lalions (fee x U, . I , . ! !' l j l,i Jj f l l' $ _ Plc1:, , t,,, ~ I ,·1! __ $ $ 8/4/82 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CA 92008-1989 Office of the City Engineer Michelle Jones SDG&E 5315 Avenida Encinas Carlsbad, CA 92008 Citp of Qtarlibab June 27, 1984 TELEPHONE (619) 438-5541 UTILITI~S FOR 1320 KNOWLES (CYNTHIA LANE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 3161) This letter is to inform you of the following developments pertaining to the property at 1320 Knowles. 1. The formation of Cynthia Lane Assessment District has been authorized by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad. 2. Presently the work on this district is on a non- priority list and no completion date can be estimated. 3. When Cynthia Lane is completed, it will serve all lots fronting upon it with utilities and access. 4. The routing of utilities to 1320 Knowles from Knowles Avenue can be converted to service from Cynthia Lane when the Assessment District is completed. If you have any questions, please call me at 438-5540. ~ ,I?. V ~1:"=,:h ROBERT J. WOJCIK Project Manager RJW:hmj DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES D Assistant City Manager (714) 438-5596 D Building Department (714) 438-5525 D Engineering Department (714) 438-5541 D Housing & Redevetopment Department (714) 438-5611 D Planning Department (714)-1 Qtitp of <tr:arlsbab RESIDENTIAL VALUATION CHART 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 EFFECTIVE 7/1/83 SFD DETACHED /650 X $52.00 z.s so o APARTMENT HOUSES & ATTACHED SFD X GARAGE AREA ijo 0 X CARPORT X COVERED PORCH X COVERED PATIO X X FI RE SPRINKLERS. ___________ ----' X RETAINING WALLS ___________ __: X POOLS _______________ __; X SPAS ________________ __; X AIR CONDITIONING'-----------------' MOBI LE OR MODULAR ON S. F. LOT (l/2 of BLDG. PER FT) x -- I 41.00 12.00 y g ()0, ( 7.00 4.75 4.75 8.00 1.50 9.25 20.00 . $4 ?DO pg- · 2.40 TOTAL VALUATION ________ ~Z~l---.l/f----0-0 __ ( PLAN CHECK FEE (65% OF BUILDING PERMIT FEE) ATI'ENTION PRJPERJ:Y O\\NER: A11 ''owc"~:..biilder" building t:iemu.t"l'las been ·appl:ied•for in your nall'.e and bearing your signature. · "-" tion" • the 1 "ded Please· canplete· and return this .uu.o:cma · = enve ope provi at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building p&nti.t. No building peonit will be issued until this verification is received. 1. I personally J?lan to provide the major lator and materials for construction of the proposed property .irrprovement (yes or ro) Ye5 : 2. I (haV9/l]ave not) HAI(€; signed the application for a l:w.lduig pei:mit. 3. I have cxint:racted with the following person (fi.tm) to p:rovide the proposed c:onstructi6n. Name, ____ ___,~_..z..:.· A...:..·-Phone __________ _ 1\ddress. ___ """ _____ _ contractars License No. ---- City __ ___,,&--------- 4. I plan ta p%OVide portions of the 'WOXk, but I have hired. the followillg person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major 'WOXk. · . . Name dA,RTM 84CK4et2 Phone 1·$1 -/0 /2- M:lress zzs: 6/qlMJ .4Ve. Contractors License No. W S-Y City Qf;(L~. CA. 5. I will provide sane of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated: llddress Phone Type of Work Signed: SOcial security Nl.lnber 51:, I -f<&: -14?1 Z.... oate: 3 1 , rs. I 'if1: i EAC~ SUBCONTRACTOR WILL BE INSTRUC BUSIKESS LICENSE AND FURNISH A~,~* TC THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. 0 OBTAIN A CITY OF CARLSBAD ATE OF WORKM~R'S CONPEW3ATIO~ E'J CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT □ CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL RECEIPT NO. 05872 DATE u\ , 4\ r-/ RECEIVED FROM C\~ W, (, k h.Cl'!{\ FOR \ sfd. \ ~ t)Ol.J \Q.S USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES/RENTALS $ ____ _ USE OF SCHOOL BUS $ ____ _ DAMAGE TO SCHOOL PROPERTY DAMAGED OR LOST BOOKS SALE OF SURPLUS .. INCOME~ ABATEMENT 0 $ ____ _ $ ____ _ $----- ~~\R~TS $ ll t.q\t TELEPHONE COMMISSIONS $ ____ _ INSURANCE CLAIMS REIMBURSEMENTS (EMPLOYEES) $ ____ _ $ ____ _ TOTAL $ \, l,q V CHARGE TO ACCOUNT NO _\_ • '6til----- Oo•\ RECEIVED CASH [J CHECK CB-- RECEIVED BY <t A'\\~ ,·g