HomeMy WebLinkAbout1327 ALCYON CT; ; CB983004; PermitBUILDING PERMIT 10/08/98 08:47 Job Address: 1327 ALCYON CT Suite : Permit Type: SINGLE FAMILY DWLNG - DETACHED Parcel No: 215-781-05-00 Lot#: 40 Valuation: 357,660 Construction Type: VN Occupancy Group: Reference#: CTYO-31 Description: 4(191+880 GAR+270 PORCH,PLAN 3 Applied: 04/21/98 : PHASE 4,BELLA LAG0 Apr/Issue: 10/08/98 Permit No: CB9830U4 Project No: A9803918 Page * 1 of 1 Development No: DEV89028 I Stat.us : ISSUED Appl/Ownr : BROOKFIELD HOMES Entered By: RMA 619 481-8500 DEL MAR CA 92014 12865 PT DEL MAR RD 2032 10/oa/98 m1 01 02 Plan Check Numbers > ORIG 972033 PCK 982938 C-~MT 16574 * 32 **x Fees Required *** ** x Fees Collected ti Credits *x* """""""""""""" Fees : Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description """""""""""- Number of Bedrooms . Number of Bathrooms . Builciinq Permit Plan Check Stronq Motion Fee Ent.er Plan Check Dis Ent.er "Y" to Autocal Enter "Y" t,o Autocal Payoff Fee for CFD Ent.er #Units & Code-P Enter "Y" for Plunibinu Each Plumbing Fixture o Each Eiuildinq Sewer Each Install/Repair Water Each Water Heater and/or Gas Pipinq System Each Vacuum Breaker Ent.er "Y" for Electric Issue Fee > Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Issue Fee> .25 Install Furn/Ducts/Heat Pumps > 1 9.00 Each Install Fireplace > 6. 50 Each Exhaust Fan Each Install/Reloc Vent > > 6 2 4. 50 6. SO Sinqle Phase Per AMP > 200 1 .oo , 0 0 16,574.32 Ext fee Data 5.00 1524.00 4.50 991.00 36.00 -80.00 6509. 00 Y 550.00 Y 4254.32 2400.00 D5/8 lb8.00 20.00 Y 15.00 7.00 7.00 7. no 14.00 10.00 Y 50.00 15.00 Y 19. 50 9.00 39.00 9 .00 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 City of Carlsbad Inspection Request For: 712 1 199 Permit# CB983004 Inspector Assignment: PS Title: 4091+880 GAR+270 PORCH,PLAN 3 Description: PHASE 4,BELLA LAG0 Type: SFD Sub Type: Job Address: 1327 ALCYON CT Suite: Lot 40 Location: APPLICANT BROOKFIELD HOMES Owner: BROOKFIELD CARLSBAD INC Remarks: Total Time: Phone: 7604381915 Insoector: G3 Requested By: BOB Entered By: BARBARA CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Date Desdption Act lnsp Comments 4/1/99 84 Rough Combo WC PD NOINSPECTION inspection History 6/25/99 39 Final Electrical 3/29/99 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP PD PREVIOUSLY 3/29/99 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall AP PD 3/29/99 23 GaflesVRepairs AP PD 3/26/99 82 DrywaWExt Lath/Gas Test NS PS RE-CALL FROM 3/25/99 3/25/99 11 FtgIFoundationlPiers wc PS 3/25/99 17 Interior Lath/Drywall AP PS 3/25/99 18 Exterior LaWDrywall AP PS 3/18/99 16lnsulation AP RB CO PS OK TO RELEASE ELEC * 3/16/99 84 Rough Combo AP PS 3/15/99 84 Rough Combo co PS 3/12/99 84 Rough Combo NR RB NOTOPOUT 3/11/99 84 Rough Combo NS DH 3/10/99 84 Rough Combo NS PS 2/17/99 13Shear PaneldHD's AP RB 1/18/99 13 Shear PaneldHD's NR NF 1/18/99 15Roof/Reroof AP NF Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Plan Check#: Permit #: CB983004 Prqect Name: 4091+880 GAR+270 PORCH,PLAN 3 PHASE 4,BELLA LAG0 Fire Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: 7/8/99 5:53:00 SFD Address: 1327 ALCYON CT Contact Pem: Phone: sewer Dst: Water Dst: Lot 40 .......................................................................................... Approved: Kisapproved: - Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: - Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: - Disapproved: - ........................................................................................................................................................... Cb ol Crrlsbad Final Building lnsuection Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD Plan Check#: Permit #: CB983004 Projed Name: 4091+880 GAR+270 PORCH,PLAN 3 PHASE 4,BELLA LAG0 Address: 1327 ALCYON CT Contact Person: Phone: Sewer Dist: Water Did: St Lite Fire Date: Permit Type: Sub Type: Lot: 40 7/8/99 5:53:00 SFD .......................................................................................................................................................... lnspecte By: mQ Date Inspected: 7 - \bApproved: &- Disapproved: - Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: - Disapproved: - inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: __ Disapproved: __ Comments: ........................................................................................................................................................... ...... ..... Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD St Lite Fire Pian Check #: Date: 7/8/99 5:53:00 Pmit #: CB983004 Permit Type: SFD Pmjed Name: 4091+880 GAR+270 PORCH,PLAN 3 Sub Type: i. PHASE 4,BELLA LAG0 Address: 1327 ALCYON CT Lot: 40 Contact Person: Phone: Sewer Did: Water Dist: lnsp t By: @ $ E;ected: 3(q /44 Approved: __ disapproved: - Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: __ Disapproved: - Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: ____ Disapproved: - J ........................ .... I .... I I. ................ I,...... ......... ....................................................................... ................................................. ............................ * .............. * ........................................................... , * , em of Callsbrd Anal Building lnspsction Dept: Building Engineering Planning CMWD Plan Check# Permit #: CB983004 Project Name: 4091+880 GAR+270 PORCH,PLAN 3 PHASE 4,BELLA LAG0 Address: 1327 ALCYON CT Contact Person: Phone: Sewer Dist: water Gist: St Llte Fire Date: Pennil Type: Sub Type: Lot: 40 7/8/99 5:53:00 SFD Inspected Date By: Inspected:7/20 - -proved: __ dsapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: - Disapproved: - Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: - Disapproved: - Comments: ............................................. I... ............... ....... .... , ........ ...a. ...............,. * ................................................ PLANNING DEPARTMENT FINAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST /-I I Project Name:- Yaa Plan Check No. CB Address: A-&&,- “d7.0. Project Number: Project Planner: +kt2-b 6 Extension Contact Person Phone Nk. Drawing No. I I 1 1. Project Planner confirms conditions are met I I 1 2. Building elevations I I I 3. Building materials I I I 4. Building colors 5. Rooftop equipment screens I 6. Fence/wall height. location, and materials -1 1- 7 Size, number and location of parking spaces compact, regular, handicap I 8. Outdoor recreation facilities 9. ‘Employee eating areas I 10. Trash enclosure and location I I I I I. Pavement treatment 12. Landscaping installed (under separate contract) LIST BELOW ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTION BY MIKE BLACK 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Project complies with all conditions, including above-listed items. Final inspection is complete. ’1.W -% Mike Black Date , (H:MDMIMCOUNTER\Final Imp Check) ~ ~~~ 06/15/99