HomeMy WebLinkAbout1328 MAGNOLIA AVE; MULTI-PERMIT FILE; CB120850; PermitCity of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical (PME) Permit 05-07-2012 Permit No: CB120850 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1328 MAGNOLIA AV CBAD PME Status: Parcel No: 2052104900 Lot#: 0 Applied: Reference #: PC#: Project Title: HONDA: REPLACE WTR. HTR. Applicant: ALL STAR WATER HEATERS & PLUMBING 17886 LAKESHORE DR 92530 1-800-727-0977 Plumbing Fees Electrical Fees Mechanical Fees Other PME Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: Owner: HONDA FAMILY MARITAL TRUST 1328 MAGNOLIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ISSUED 05/07/2012 JMA 05/07/2012 05/07/2012 $30.00 $0.00 $0.00 $65.00 $95.00 Total Fees: $95.00 Total Payments To Date: $95.00 Balance Due: Inspector: FINAic~PROVAL Date: (3 · f L--Clearance: $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any f fw i h Tl i r hi r hi Ii i i «,!c Plan Check No. CJ8 (Z02'vl ,..,;Y .'M Est. Value ~ CITY 0 F CARLSBAD Plan Ck. Deposit Date I JOB ADDRESS SUITE#/SPACE#/UNlT# IAPN 1328 Magnolia Ave. --- 1 v•/PRO.JEi.,1 # rUI # r.--...E# I# OF UNITS I# BEDRWMS # BATHROOMS I TENANT BUSINESS NAME I CONSTR. TYPE I DCC. GROUP DESCRlt'1 ION OF WORK: Include Square Feet of Alfected Area(s) Replace existing water heater. Same size and location. EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE I GARAGE {SF) PATIOS {SF) I DECKS (SF) FIREPLACE !AIR CONDITIONING I FIRE SPRINKLERS YES □#_ NOD YES □ NO □ YES □ NOD CONTACT NAME (If Different Fom App/leant) APPLICANT NAME Robert Block ADDRESS ADDRESS 30300 Puerto Vallarta Cl1Y STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Menifee CA 92584 PHONE I"" PHONE I"" 951-345-4083 EMAIL EMAIL PROPERTY OWNER NAME Miciko Honda CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME All Star Water Heaters ADDRESS ADDRESS 1328 Magnolia Ave. 30300 Puerto Vallarta CITY STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP Carlsbad CA 92008 Menifee CA 92584 PHONE I"" PHONE I"" 760-729-3743 951-345-4083 EMAIL EMAIL ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & ADDRESS STATE UC.# ]STATE LIC. # 812894 l'LASS I CITY BUS. UC.# C 36 ,~ ~ / l/,/ [?' Workers' Compensation Declaratlon: / hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following deelaratfons: 0 I have and wlll maintain a certificate of consent to self•ln1ure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. Ill I have and wlll maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which !his permit is issued. My workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Co Granite State Ins. Co, Policy No. 1646180 Expiration Date 08/02/2012 This section need not be completed if the permit is br one hundred dollars ($100) or less 0 Certificate of Exemption: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, l shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to sacure workers' compensation coverage ls unlawful, and shall subject an employer to crfmlnal penaltles and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars (&100,000), in addition to the cost of compensatl lded for In Section 3706 of the Labor code, Interest and attorney's fees . .85 CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractors License Law for the following reason: □ I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec, 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an o'M"ler of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). □ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). □ I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. □ Yes □ No 2, I (have/ have not) signed an appllcabon for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. \ have contracted with the following person {firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name address I phone/ cor1tractors' llcense number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the v«Jrk, but I have hired the foHowirg person to coordinate, supeivlse and provide the major work (include name I address/ phone/ contractors' license number): 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the followil"IQ persons to provide the work indicated (Include name I address/ phone I type of work): 8:f PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE AGENT DATE I certlfythat I have read the applicatlon alll state that the above irtonnatlon is col1'8d: and that the Information on the plans is accurate. I al,nle to oomptywith all City ordinanoes and State laws relating to bUlding construction. I hereby authorize representative oflhe Otyof Carlsbad to enter up:;in the at:ove men~oned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required b' excavations owr 5'0' deep cl1d demolition or consln.dion of structures O'M 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the Buikling Offdal under the pro'visKlns of this Code shall expire by limitation en'.l becane null and vcid if the buildir;;i orw:>rk authorized by such permit is not commerced within 180 days from the date of such perm\! or if the OOilding or work auth:lrized by such pennlt is suspended or abandoned at anytime after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 100.4.4 Uniform Buiklir;;i Code). ~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE /Z DATE '1 hll I,.,, ... , . «~~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD DA TE: & -/J ----I 7..__ PERMIT#: C/3 / 2-o f JO Unscheduled Building Inspection Building Department 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad CA 92008 760-602-2700 CONTACT: ______ _ PHONE#:------~ JOB ADDRESS: ___,___(_J_2--___,_f'-------'M,_ . ...;.-lf---'----"'-11-'-A(-'----I~ Ire.....!-(---'. ,1-__ __c__ __ DESCRIPTlpN: ---------~---------- DESCRW.'1. ACT COMMENTS i Bldg Inspection Form Page 1 of 1 Rev. 06/09 City of Carlsbad • 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 07-21-2008 Plumbing Permit Permit No: CB081409 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: 1328 MAGNOLIA AV CBAD PLUM Status: Parcel No: 2052104900 Lot#: 0 Applied: Construction Type: NEW Entered By: Reference #: Plan Approved: PC#: Issued: Project Title: HONDA RES REPLACE WTR HTR Inspect Area: Applicant: ALL STAR WATER HEATERS & PLUMBING 17886 LAKESHORE DR 92530 1-800-727-0977 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 Owner: HONDA FAMILY TRUST 05-23-91 1328 MAGNOLIA AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 ISSUED 07/21/2008 KG 07/21/2008 07/21/2008 $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $27.00 Total Fees: $27.00 Total Payments To Date: $27.00 Balance Due: Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: ~ :?--cJ 7 Clearance: $0.00 NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any I x lion I hich h r vi I iv n N Tl E 'm'l rt whi h h i i n h r vi I f I ' • City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Ave .. Carlsbad, CA 92008 760-602-2717 I 2718 / 2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 Building Permit Application JOB ADDRESS 1328 Magnolia Ave. CT/PROJECT It LOT# PHASE It DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Include Squa,, FHt o Afteeted Arta(I Replace water heater, same size, same location. EXISTING USE I PROPOSED USE CONTACT NAME (If Dlff«tnr Fom Applicant) AODRESs 0 V SUITE#/$ A # NIT# I GARAGE (SF) PATIOS (SF) I DECKS {SF) APPU~NAME Jos eating ADDRESS Plan Check N Est. Value Date ME I FIREPLACE YES0, . IAIR CONDITIONING I FIRE SPRINKLERS N<O vEs0NoO mONoO 30300 Puerto Vallarta Wav , CITY ·-·--STATE ZIP CITY STATE ZIP ! Menifee Ca. 92584 PHONE I"" PHONE I"" 800-727-0977 951-245-6366 EMAIL EMAIL PROPERTY OWNER NAME CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME All Star Water Heaters Henrv Honda ADDRESS ADDRESS 1328 Magnolia Ave. 30300 Puerto Vallarta Way I CITY STATE ~p CITY STATE ZIP ; Carlsbad Ca. 92008 Menifee Ca. 92584 I PHONE I"" PHONE I"" 800-727-0977 951-245-6366 760-729-3743 >---·-·---·· --EMAIL !EMAIL I I ARCH/DESIGNER NAME & AO DRESS I STATE LIC. # STATE UC,# ,~6 I CITY SUS. LIC.# 812894 1221418 ' (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code, Any City or Coun_ty which requires a p1;1rm1t to construct. alter, improve, oemohsh or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requJres the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement ttiat he Is ttcensed pursu,nt to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commendlng with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he 11 exem~t therefrom, and the bases for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031,5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a c1v1I penalty of not more than five hundred dollars {$500}). ,i,i;iQRKERS" COMPENSATION ;.r:.:_. ' , - Worktrl' Compensation Dtclaratlon: I hereby efflrm undel penelt)I of P«JUIYont Ollhe follow/fig declln(Jons: D I have and will m1inl1in a e1rtiflc■t1 of content to 11lf-lnsur1 tor workers' compensatkJn as provided by Section 3700 of the LabOr Code, lor 1118 performance Of 1118 work !Or 'ltflich lhls permit Is Issued. [xJ I h■v■ and will maintain workerw' compensation, as reaulred bv SectlOn 3700of the Labor Code, for the pert"onnance of lhe wor1I forwhleh this iie,mll IS issued. My workers' compensatlOn ln5urance can1er and policy number are: Insurance Co Polley No. 238000323507 Explrallonoate 08/02/08 Jh!i, secoon need not be completed if the perm~ is for one hundred doffars {$100) or less. U certificate of Exemption: 1 certify that in the pelformaoC9 of the work for Which this pennlt Is Issued, I Shau not emp!Oy aiy person 1n any ffllllner so as to become subject to the Workers· Compensation Laws Of California, WARNING: Failure to seture wortiterw' compensation covtragt Is unlawful, and lhaH subject an tmploy« to criminal panaltln and clvll flnas up to oo• hundr■d thousand dollffl (&100.0001, in addition to the cost ot compenutlon, d1mag1111 provided for In Stction 70G of th• Labor cod•, lntlfttt and attorney•• fns. _,,g CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE ~_,..::c..-- J herefy affirm that I am exempt from ContraclOf's L/c8n$9 Lew for Iha fO/lowing reason: O 1, as owner or the pl'1)perty or my emplOyeeS with wages as their iole compensation, will do Ille WOik ~ the structure Is not Intended or offered rot sale jSec. 7044, Business and Prol8$Slons Code: The COntrac:tor's License Law does not apply to an owner ol propertt who builds or Improves lhnon, and WhO does such wol'1I htmsarr or through his OMl employeu, provided that SUCh Jml)(OVllmBfll;S are not intended or Offered for sale. 11, nowever, 11111 bulldlr,g or improvement iS SOid within one yearofcolTIJ)letlon, the owner-bullderwlll hM the burden ol p(OYing that he did not buld or Improve for Iha purpose of sale) D 1, as owner or the property, am exclustvely contracting with tlcensed contractors to construct the Pf0ieCt (Sec, 7044, Busriass and Professions Code: The Contractor's Lk::ense Law does not apply to an O'M1ef of property who builds or Improves theroon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) tk::ensed purauant to lhe Cootractor's License Law). □ I am exempt under Section _____ ,Business and Professions Code for 1h18 reaso:n: I I personally plan to provide the major labor and matertals !Or construction of !he proposed property Improvement Oves Do 2. I (have I have not) slgr.ed an appllcatlon !Or a buikllng permit for lhe proposed work, 3. I have contracted with the following pel"$0n (11rm) to provide the proposed conslruction (Include nama address /phone I contractNs' Hcense number): 4. I plan to provide portions of !he v.ork. but I have hired the following person to coorolnate, supervise and provide lhe major worlt ~nclude oame f address f phone I contractors' license number): 5. I will provide some of the work, but! have contracted (hired) lhefollowrng persons kl prtWjje the work lndi;ated ~nctude name I address I phone I type of'M>rk): Ji'S PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE ' ., ,' ;,•f'irr,''''. ..-J,Ji',,~,l;,;c.,,, '~, ~-,,;,r.)L'"\ · ..• ~~~•t :,.;-,.:, 1s the applicant or future buikling occupant required to submit a business I , acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention progr,arn under Sections 2550~, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? D Yes No . . _ / 1s the appl_icant or 1uture building_occupant required to obtain a permit fr m the air pollut1on control district or ali1r 1ty management dis\nct? 0Yes l?G.No Is the facIlIly to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boumlary of a school site? Oves No / " IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE Of OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED L STHE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. -·-<_&_f~urt~m1a-11Jca1~11as1 I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec, 3097 (i) Civil Code) Lender's Name Lender's Address I certify that I have read the application and statBthatthe aboW lnfonnatlon iscorrectandthattheinformatlon on the plans lsaccuratB. I agree to comply with all Ctty ordinances and St.ate laws relating to building construction. I hereoy aulhOnze reprnsentative of the City of Carlstoo to enter upon the aOOve menUcred property for inspoction puri:o,ses. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY ANO KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSB/..0 AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH t-MY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excaval.ions o~r 5'0' deep oo:l demolition or o:mstn.ciion of structures over 3 stories in height EXP I AA TION· Every perm rt issued by the Building Official under the provisiol'ls of this C.OOe stiall expire by limitatiol'l and become null and void if tre t\J1ldirg or work authorized by such ~mil is no\ commenced 'N1tl1,:·, :;:::,:::,'.:':,::::.~•cr•~~~mitissu~~croo~:~tanyb,re~er~wo::,:m~,~?n~;1;days;;~4.4UcilcrmBu,ld,,,gCooe1 ··-···"-· ·---·----------- City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 01/02/2009 Permit# CB081409 Title: HONDA RES REPLACE WTR HTR Description: Type:PLUM Sub Type: Job Address: Suite: Location: 1328 MAGNOLIA AV Lot: 0 APPLICANT ALL STAR WATER HEATERS & PLUMBING Owner: HONDA FAMILY TRUST 05-23-91 Remarks: AM PLEASE Total Time: Act Comments Inspector Assignment: __g__ P Phone: Inspector: Requested By: HOMEOWNER Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description 25 Water HeaterNents fl_P ______ _ --------------- Comments/Notices/Holds Associated PCRs/CVs Original PC# Inspection History Date Description Act lnsp Comments 08/04/98 08=25 Pc19e 1 o f 1 B U I L D I N G Job Address: 1328 MAGNOLIA AU Permit Type : PLUMBING Pnrcel No: 205-210-49-00 P E R M I T Suite: Lot:f:1:: Permit No: CB982453 Project No : A98037.42 Devel o prnen t No: 9760 08/05/98 0001 01 C-PRHT 02 27-00 Valuation : 0 Occupancy Group = Refer e nce#: Description: WATER HEATER REPLACE Construction Type: Stat,Js: l'IEW ISSUED 08/04/98 08/04/98 BT Appl/Ownr : A & J FOSTE R PLUMBI NG 13606-B HUY 8 BUS. EL CAJON CA 92021 *** Fees Req1Jired *** ----------------------------*** Fee :·,: Ad ju-.:.trnent:,: Total Fee-::,: Fee descr i ption Applied: Apr/Is=.ue: Entered By: 619-390-4417 Fee~ Col l ected & Credits To t a 1 P ~3 , rue n t ::. : Ba1 noe Due: .oo .oo 27.00 *** Up Hs f ~e-Y Un t Ext fee Data 20.00 Y 7.00 :-FINAL APPROVAL INSP. _____ DATE ____ _ CLEARANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 .. • , FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO. qz dl/~ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT · -, 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad C~ 92009 - (6 19) 438-1161 EST. VAL _________ _ ltiiiilPMJEQJ.~fA.,UU.tlllij · 1328 Magnolia Ave. Addtt11 llnc:ludt Bldg/Sulle II leg1I OuctlplJon ,.._.1110,'1 P11c■l I I >t" Bualneu Nam, lat thle eddlNII Loi Na. lubcllvialon Neme/Nl.vylit., SFR Unit No. Ph111 No. bl11lng UH PropoHd U11 T ou l I ol unlu 011criptlon al Work SO. FT, lof ltollel I or Btdtooma I ol Bathtoom1 WATER HEATER REPLACEMENI' ~~;°JZ~c~~~t,r.•11"'°·wr1~~FJa~!m~'l-~1q~~ h 4'3 Name Addteu CIIY Statl/ZJp T 1l1phon, I Fu , siM~~~~ffi~gwJ~~~~r~~~~C?J10Jff ~~r6BT~~~?~i~-4~ ~r-~, · · Name Addt1a1 . qty ltatl/Zlp T t ltphont I Ho~9f:~~r~ifi--~~ffl'c':TJ''"TI~■tmr1w~~~~~~~)~~- N1m, Add,111 , City ltatl/Zlp Ttlt phone I -~ICOIAc.'.r08'1.Cca.\Wi"-ijlilFPMZ!WWWfPB"5erti DWii Mwe,--1111 WIRIWWtiA~ii• tSec. 7031.5 BualntH and Pror111lon1 Codt1 Any Cl,V OI Coun,v whldl 11qu1t., I permit to -lluot, llttl', Improve, demollah or 11p1lr any 1tructu11, prior to Its l11u1nc1, 1110 11qull11 the 1ppUcant lot auch ptrmlt to IU, • llgn1d etattmlnl 1h11 hi II lloeNed purauent to the PfOVlalona or th, Contr1c1ot'1 Ucan11 Law ICh1pt11 9, commendJng with S1ctlon 7000 or Olvlalon 3 or the Buainu• and l'rofllllona Codel Of lhlt hi II uampt therthom, and th, basis for th• 1ll1g,d uemp\lon. Any vlolallon ol S1c:tlon 7031 ,6 by 1ny 1ppUc:1nt ror I p11mlt aubJtotl the applioant to I clvll penalty ol not mOlt then five hundred lloll,:o I '60011. A & J FOSTER PLUMBING 1 3 706-B HWY 8 BUS. ·EL CAJON CA. 92021 390-4477 Nam, Sut, Ucanaa ,63 0l2 0 Addrua Uc,na, 1;1, .. c-36 City State/ZJ_p T tltphon, I ,Cit~ Buainue Uc1111e, .L200S54 ------------------ Dulgntr Nam, s111, Ucena, , N/A --------- Addr1u City 6tatl/ZJp Ttl1phone -r.lXi1:~6.RKWtcdMPlNS°4.'tld.~~!lrmltlftMJtlfPll¥1!l\l'tMlllffl®l)JIII!7BfJWil'ffllfjlja}~\Wlia~'W6 1~:~:Ji'.':1\Y;' •• : ,,,, Wo,k11t' Comptnaatlon Ded111tlon: I hlftby 1Ultm undtl' penalty ol plfJurv -of Iha foljowlno,doclll1U-1 0 I lwlv, end wlU m1ln11ln e certlllc:ata or conatnt lo ,11r♦in,ur1 for W01k111' ~lion• provided by S1c:tlon 3700 of lh1 labor Code, for th• p11form1nc, or th• work ro, whlc:h thla permit la ll1u1d, · · X O I hlv, and wUI maintain W01kw1' compena1tlon, 11 requllad by ltotlon 3700 oflhl Labo, Cod,, IOI the ~lormanc, or the work for which this p11mlt 1, l11utd. My worker',_ ~!"~•lion lnauranc:, c:1rrlw and pollc:y numtie, a,11 · INuranc,CompenfAf<M.ta< INSURANCE · · PolloyNo~2007-56-5 1 Explretlon 0<;&>NTINUOUS mus SECTION NE£0 NOT If. C(?Ml'UTlD If TH! PERMIT II FOR ONI HUNDRED DOLi.ARi lt100) OR WI) 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I ctrilfy that In the ptrformance of Iha work for which 1h11 ptl'mll II wutd, I ahaU not employ any p111on In any m1nnar 10 u to become 1ub),c:t to the Work111' Comp1n11tlort Lewi of Calllornla, · WARHIHG: Falut, to aaa,r1•worker1' comp,nutlon cov111g1 la unlawful, Ind 1h11 aubJ11t en ompioylf to c,lmlnll plnllllea and clvW flnta u11 to on• hu'ldrad thouaend dona11 It 100,0001, In addition to the co1.t of compen11llon, dllMgH u provided for In ltcllon 3701 of Iha Laber ood,, lnt1111t and 1ttomay'1 1111. SIGNATURE ___________________________ DATI ________ _ 7., ~-~oWNER•BUIU>ER DE~l;AMTioij·it~~-~~ AW¼.~i\~~~x:-:,::.~J';,:. I h111by affirm thtt I am 1111mpt from tht Contrtclot'a Uc:tnH Lew lot Iha followlno flllOIII 0 I, 11 own11 or th, property °' my 1mploy111 with wag11 11 thtit aole com,MnMtlon, will do the work and th• 1tructu11 la not Intended or ollartd for n it tS,c. 7044, Buain111 ind Pror11alon1 Cod,: The Cont11ctor'1 Ucena1 Lew doe, not apply to Ill owne, ol property who build, or lmprov11 thereon, and who dou auch work hlmHII or thtough hi• own employ,11, p,ovld1d thtt audl lmprovamanta Ill not lnttnd1d Of oll111d for 1111, II, how,v11, the building or Improvement la sold within one y11r or compl11lon, th, owntr•bulldlf wUI have the burden ol proving lhlt he did not1>ulld or lmprov, fo, the purpoH of 11101. 0 I, 11 owner of the p,operty, am udualv,ly conlracllng with "-tel oonlltotor• to oonattuot"thl p,oJIOI (Seo. 7044, Bu1ln111 and Prof111lon1 Cod,: Tht Contrect01'1 UctnH Lew dota not apply to 1n owner ol property who bullda or lmp,ovu lhtleon, and oonllaoll 101 tudl proj1cu with contr1ctor(1l llc,nu d por1u■n\ to the Contracto,'1 Ucena1 Lewi, ' 0 I am uempt undtr S1c1lon _____ Bualn111 and Prolaulon, Cod, for thle rauon1 1. 2. J, I penonelly pl1n to provld, th• mtJOf labor and m1111l1la fot oonattuatlon ol lhl p,opotad prope,1y Improvement, 0 YES ONO . ' I llwlvt / h1vt notl 1lgned 1n 1ppUc:atlon fot I building p11mlt for the propoeed wo,~ I h1v1 t ontr1e11d with lht lollowlng p111on lllrml t!) provide \ht p,opo11d conaltuctlon llnclud, name I 1ddr111 / phone numb11 / tont11cto11 llcenu numberl: 4, I plen to provide portlona ol th, work, but I hav, h111d tha foUowlng pw1on to ~ordlnata, auptl'Ylae and provide the major work llnclud, n,m, I 1ddru s / phone numbtr / contr1c1ore Nctna1 numb11J: _________________________________________ _ 5. I wlN provide aome or tht work, bu\ I htv1 contractad lhl11dl the lollowlng pa,,one to PfOVldl the WOik Indicated llnclud1 n1m1 / addrtu / phone number / IYP• or wo,kl: __________________________________________________ _ II the applicant Of future building oc:cup1nt 11qull1d to 1ubmlt I bullnlN pl,n, IOU&IIV ~doul metlrilll 11glau1tlon form or rlak men1gement and p11ventlon p,ogr1m under SKliona 2H0l5, 2U33 01 2U34 or th• Preal,y•TIMlt Hau,doua lubll.lllOI Account Aotl O YES O NO la the applicant OI lutur, building occupant requllld to obtain • p11mlt from Iha Ill pollu\lon oonuol dllltlot Of Ill quality menagem,nt dla1rlc17 0 YES O NO la the rac:lllty to be conal.Nctld within 1,000 Int of the out11 bounclliy of I 1ohool 11111 □ YU D NO lfl ANY Ofl THE ANIWEAI ARE YH, A FINAL CERTIFICATE Ofl OCCUPANCY MAY NOT U IIIUID UNUU TH! APPLICANT HAI MU OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OP TH! OFFIC! OP EMERGENCY IERVICEI AND TH! AIR POLLUTION CONTROL l»ITRICT. •{~:co_NSTRUCTION UHOIHG1AGENCY~~,lG"MB1 H'ii'eRia\m~;:,:1:•~;:, ... I hereby tfflrm that 1h111 la, c:on11ruc:tlon l1nding eg,ncy. ror tht p11l11-e of Iha work fOI whloh \hla permit 11 l11u1d IStc, 309711) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME-------...-----I.ENDER'I AOOI\UI :1.:,''. .APPUCANT,;WllflCA.T\Ol{J~;~t1i~,E.~iPJ~~.,B~~ I cenlly that I he111 111d the appllcatlon and 11111 that th• above 1nl01m1llon II corrtot and that Iha lnlorm1ilon on the pl,na 11 1c:c:u1111. I 1g, .. 10 complv wi1h all CIW ordlnanc11 and Stitt lawa relating to building con1uucllon. I hettby au_thofl&I 1tpr1untatlv11 of \ho City ol Ctrllbad lo 1nt11 upon \ht •bo~• montlon,d proptrtY for ln1p1ctlon purpoa11. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INOEMNIPY ANO KW .HARMLlH THI CITY OP CARLSIAD AQI\INST ALL LIABILITIES, JUOGMEHTS, COITI AHD lXPEHSU WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUI ACIAIHIT IAIO CITY IN CONIE.QUEHCI OP THI GRANTING OF THIS PERM IT. OSKA: An OSHA permit la 11qull1d for uc:av,tlona OVtl' ,·o· d11p and clamolltlon Of oonaltuc:tlon of IUUC:\UrU OVII 3 1torl11 In height. EXPIRATION: Every pwmlt laeued by the Building Olfldal undw Iha p,ovlalonl of 1h11 Code ahall .. , by !Imitation and become null and void II th• building 01 work 1ulhorl11d by 1uch p11mlt la not commanc:ad within 385 clave llom Iha elate of IUCh permit or Uthe bulldlng or WOik 1uthorlud by such permit 11 susptndad or 1bandonld at any \Ima ~~ work la c:ommenc:ad for I parlod of 110 d1ya l&IG\lon 101,4,4 Ur11orm Building Codtl, APPUC>.HT'S SIGNATURE _-h 1 , ,1~a DATE i--4-9 ~ • • U O ll"I" II U P I I l'\\11 B U I L D I N G 01/12/98 17:26 Page 1 of 1 Job Address: 1328 MAGNOLIA Permit Type: PLUMBING Parcel No: 205-210-49-00 Valuation: 0 AV P E R M I T Suite: Lot#: Permit No: CB980075 Project No: A9800122 Development No: Construction Type: Occupancy Group: Reference#: Status: Applied: NEW ISSUED 01/12/98 01/12/98 JM Description: WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT Appl/Ownr : *** Fees HONDA HIROSHI 1328 MAGNOLIA AVENUE CARLSBAD CA 92008 760 Apr/Issue: Entered By: 729-3734 * * * Fees Colle<?il~O_f_;/1~.i-99<W'Q1> 01 02 * * * Required *** --------------------------------C-f>Rtff------~7-,.0O Fees: Adjustments: Total Fees: Fee description 27.00 .00 27.00 Total Credits: Total Payments: Balance Due: Units Fee/Unit .00 .00 27.00 Ext fee Data --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter "Y" for Plumbii1g Issue Fee Each Water Heater and/or Vent CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palrnas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1 161 20 .00 Y 7.00 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PERMIT APPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO. C{f!JO 7 5 CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 (619) 438-1 161 EST. VAL. _________ _ Plan Ck. Deposit ________ _ it;,ue\l'JU)JECtlNEO~ti.QJf~~ 1328 Magnolia Ave. Addr111 !include Bldg/Suite I) , .. Buslneu N1m1 Ill thle addreuJ Lot No. Subdlvlalon Name/Numbe, Unit No. PhaH No. Totel I of unit• SFR . Asnuor•• Parcel I Exl1tlng UH PropoHd UH Description ol Work SO. FT. lof 6torlt1 I of Bedrooms I ol Bathtooms ~$/iC~~113.\J$1ER,,filf~~c;~r"i"'Zlll!t\~r,).m11~u,o\li~tiei'lll!lj,",";l!'.·\.it'\l "\! ,u J ,. , -• . "!K1. ,11r.ciffi1. PP. I<. ll~/~;;i,,it&r..1'U,llUIJiJ11i,:n:1il1W111G Honda Hiroshi 1 328 Magnolia Ave. Nim• Addrau City State/Zip Telephone /I F■x I :,.-· · .. i. CANT·,.; 0 -' ' ·o t.7;<''171""~· .. · [rn1·,. "•M•····F"..n:G)l'"l/!l~lrl',1m i .. gj"''lmt~, .... r,~~~-.''':£''\1.111,,V. .. ~' . ii''l'i",l;{J ... ;l •. ,iif!Y'.J.ll . .,J ,C!lllllJJ1l r ... ,,,.wV-lll.ttu.""".i.9.0ll'-QJP..:lll.1i W.niw--Jr.2 ,b1,1,1.1M!i1>1lll!...... ., J,,o:.: ~ O' 'tj,"477 SRELI,Y ,JOHNSON/KRISTY FOSTER 13706-B HWY 8 BUS. EL CAJON, CA. 3 - N1m1 Addteu City State/Zip Telephone /I ~BP..,~D'tP.'f.(,._~",b~~ CARLSBAD CA. Ronda, l:li:i;;:oahj J 328 Magnolia Ave, Name Addreu City Stale/Zip Telephone I !iiit~PJ>NlMc.'fOil;.tQMUN ~w~ ISec. 7031.5 Busln11s and Profe11lo1111 Code: Any City or County which requl111 I permit to construct, alter, lmprov,, d1mollsh or 11p1lr any 1tructu11, prior to It• Issuance, 1lso requires the applicant for ■uch permit to Ille I signed 1t1t1m1nt that hi la Uc11111ed pur1u1nt to tha provl■lons of the Contr1ctor'1 Ucen■e Law ICh■pter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Dlvl1lon 3 of the Busln111 and Proleulona Code) or that ht 11 exempt therefrom, end the basis for the alleged exemption. Any vlolatlon of Section 7031.5 by any 1pplic1nt for I permit subject■ tha 1ppllc1nt to• clvll penalty of not more than five hundred doller■ U6001J. ~ & J FOSTER PIJJMBJNG 13706-B HWY 8 BUS. · EL CAJON CA. 92021 390-4477 N1ma Add111s C- 36 City State/Zip 1200:3~fhone II St1te Uc1nu I 630120 Utenll Clas■_________ .City Bu1ln111 UctnH I _______ _ D■signer N■me Address City State/Zip Telephone Slit• Ucen■e I __ -N,.I_A _____ _ re;, iii.WORK.Wl.~coMPEN84'.t1dk.fiiWJ.;Ki'J.M"~!falJ«~. Wotk1r1' Compen11tlon D1cl11atlon: I hereby ,lflrm under penalty of perjury one of the followlng.decleratlons: O I have end will m1lnteln • certlllc1te of consent to Hll•lnsu,e for worker■' compe11111tlon II provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the wotk for which this permit l1 luutd, .Q I hive and will maintain workers' compen11tlon, 11 11qul11~ by Section 3700 of'the Labor Code, f_or th• performance of the ,;...o,k for which this permit I■ ~sued. My wotker'■ compe1111tlon Insurance carrier and policy number ara: Insurance Company FARMER INSURANCE · Polley No. N2007-56-51 Expiration Date CONTINUOUS ITHIS SECTION NEEO NOT IE C(?MPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS 1♦100) OR WSI 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that In th• performance of the work for which thl• permit 11 luued, I 1h1II not employ eny person In any m1nner 10 u · to become 1ubject to the Workers' Comp1n11tlon Laws of C1lllornl1. · WARNING: Fanur■ to ucure•worker■• compen1■tlon coverage 11 unlawful, and ■hall 1ubj1ct an employer to crlmlnel penaltlft■ and civil flnu up to one hundred thou1and dona111$100,0001, In addition to the coat of compen1■tlon, d1m1g1111 provided for In Section 3706 of the lebQr code, lnterHt and 11tornay'1 fH1. SIGNATURE _____________________________ DATE ________ _ 7, '"'.'OWNER•BUIL0E.R DEClA""'TIOij ii➔~JilW~l[,; f,~~iicl.@§~~~~~{~,','~{f~"\i~~.J':1:}11'i'.W.~"l\l'.i 1; ' I hereby 1ffirm th1t I ■m exempt from lh• Cont11cto1'1 Ucen■e Lew for the following rHson: 0 I, 11 owner ol th• property or my employaH with wages II their 101• comp1n11tlon, wlll do th• work and the structure Is not intended or offered for sale ISec. 7044, Business ind Prof111lon1 Code: The Cont11ctor'1 LlcenH Law doH not apply to an owner of property who build■ or Improves thereon, and who does such work hlmHlf or through hi• own employHs, provided that 1uch lmprov1menll ar1 not Intended or offered for 111,. If, however, the building or Improvement 11 sold within on• yHr ol completion, th• owner-builder wlll h•v• th• bu,den of proving that he did not build or Improve for the purpoH of 11lel. 0 I, 11 owner or the property, am exclu1lvely contracting with llce1111ed contractor, to con1truct" tha project IS1c. 7044, Bu1lne11 and Proleulon■ Coda: The Contractor'• Ucenu Law do11 not apply to 1n owner of property who build■, or lmprovH thereon, and contr1cl1 for auch project■ with cont110torl1J licensed pu,1u1nt t:i the Contractor'■ Ucen11 Lawl. · 0 I ■m exempt under S■ctlon ______ BuslnHI and Prolt11lons Code for thl■ r111on: 1. I pe11on11ly pl1n to provid• the major labor and m1terl1ls for con■tructlon of th• propoHd property Improvement. D YES ONO 2. I Chev• / h1v1 not) ■lgned 1n 1ppllc1tlon for I bulldlng permit for th• propoHd work; 3. I h1v1 contracted with th■ following parson llirmJ t!) provide the propoud construction (Include name / 1dd1111 / phone number / contr■ctor■ llcensa number!: 4. I pl1n to provide portion■ of the work, but I have hired th, following person to coordln1t1, 1upervl11 and provide th• major work !Include name / 1ddre1S / phone number/ contr■cto11 license number): ____________________________________________ _ 5. I will provide 1om• ol th• work, but l hive cont11ct1d lhiredl the followlng persons to provide the work Indicated !Include name / address / phone number / typ1 ol work): _____________________________________________________ _ DATE _________ _ :i:;;f-m1Jr;;1mn1::t~il,r,l ,: .1 , i. th• 1ppflc1nt or lutur• building occupant required to 1ubmlt • bu1ln-■1 plan, acutely h■11rdou1 m1terl1ls regl1tr1tlon form or rl■k menagement ,nd prevention p,ognm under Sec:tl0n1 26606, 25533 or 26634 of the Pr■lley•T•mer He111dou1 6ub111nce Account Actl D YES O NO 11 the 1ppllc1nt Of future building occupant required to obtain I permit from tha ■Ir poUutlon control dl■trlct or air quality m1n1gement district? D YES D NO Is the f■clllty to be constructed within 1,000 IHI of th• outer boundary of • school 1lt11 0 YES O NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT II! ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. ,.: ~: coNsTRucnoN LENDING 'AaENcY:W~~a'laJnHAti,,17imE~lfil.,gA'~ffi~Mli.~lH1'~.A~.m~w1.;f;;:i:{·'~.: ; ·, ,! .. : i', :,:· •• : I h■reby 111irm that there 111 con1tructlon lending agency for the perlorm1nce of the work for which 1h11 permit I■ luued ISec. 309711) Civil Codel. LENDER'S NAME---------.------LENDER'S A00RESS _______________________ _ ·a:. , _Affl.1cMn:,ceRt1F1c~Jl6M.J•i·,•; -~lf\Vi, ·*~~1~~-Wl..\tai:;~·:l?"il":i::t1::~Y.111~1~~n,,~~1!ifl!AiflfflIWlli'51i'llmMi-ll s; ·;N.:, ~;.· · =· ", I certify 1h11 t hive 111d tha 1ppllc1tlon and 11111 that tha 1bov1 Information I■ correct and that the lnlorm1tlon on the plans Is ■ccur■te. I agree to comply with ell City ordinances and State l1w1 1el1tlng to building con1truction. I hereby authorlte 11prHent1tlvH of the City of C11l1b1d to enter upon the ebove mentioned property for inspection purpos-■• I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP .HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit 11 required for exc1v1t10n1 over 5'0" d11p and damolltlon or con■tructlon of 1tructurH over 3 1101111 In height. EXPIRATION: Every permit 111ued by th• Bulfdlng Olflclal under tha provlalont of thla Code lh1II expire by llmltltlon and become null and void ii the building or wo,k ■uthoriud by 1uch permit la t commenced within 386 day■ from tha d1t1 of 1uch permit or II the building or work 1uthorlud by such pormlt Is suspended 01 abandoned 11 any time after the ork Is c menced for erlod of 180 daya IS tlon 108.4.4 Uniform Building Code)./ ~ ~ APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE -&,q.-L.L.:~=:..i...:1-_L..s~.w:::~~J..J....w~.::-.::....------DATE _._.__-__,_/_,J.__J___._.._....,_...JYL-_____ ¾" PINK: Finance .. z 0 ~ "' ~ 0 "' Q C il 0 "' l!j -' 5 ~ "' z ~ z 0 ;:: ~ z "' .. "' 0 0 "' "' "' " "' 0 3 ![ ' Rl I hereby affirm that I am licensed under ii,c,Vialona ol Chapter 9 (commencing with S.Ctlon 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in lull force and ellect I he,eby af11rm lhal I am exempt from the Cor1,;;c tor's License Law for the lollow1ng reason (Sec 7031 'i Business and Protess,ons COde Any c,ty or county w~1U, re quires a pe,m,I to conslrucT alter. improve. demol•sh or repa,r any structure. prior to its issuance also re□uires !heap pI,cant for such perm,t to 11Ie a s,qned slatement Thar he ,s licensed pursuanl to the provIsIons of the Lo~tracTO• s License law !Chapter 9 commencing w,th Sect,on 7000 ol 01v1s,on 3 of lhe Business and Professions Godel or lhal Is ex emp1 therefrom and the basis for the al leg ea exemption Any vIolatIon of Section 7031 5 by an applicant lor a oerrnI1 sun-Iects the applicant lo a cIv1I penally 01 not more than five hun dred dollars ($500) I I. as owner of the property, or my employees wI'h wages as their sole compensation, will do the work. and the slruc- ture Is not intended or ollered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Profession, Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner o1 property who builds or improves \hereon and who does such work himself or through hrs own employees. provided 1ha1 such improvements are not 1ntena ed or ollered for s.ale II, however. the bu1ldIng or Imwove- ment 1s sold w1Thm one year of completion. the owner-bu,lder will have the burden 01 proving that he dod not build or Im prove for the purpose of sale) 1._as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct 1he pro1ec1 (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Cade The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner 01 property who builds or rm-, proves !hereon, and who contracts tor each pro1ects with a 1 con\ractor{s) license pursuan1 lo the Gomractor s License Law) ·-As a homeowner I am 1mprovIng my home. and the follow Ing condIt1ons exist 1 The work Is bemg perlormed prior to sale 2 I have 1Ived in my home for twelve month~ prior to completion of this work I have not claimed this exempl1on during the last three years _ I am exempt under Sec ______ , B & PC for this reason --X ~ I hereby affirm that I have a cert1l_1cate of consent to I sell-insure. or a cen,ticate of Workers Compensation ln- ~u,ance c-r a ce,1,t1ed copy 1he,eof\Sec 3800. Labo, Code\ l POLICY NO 1013568-87 COMPANY = Copy IS 1iS.Q~ cifund ::::Xcertlf,ed copy Is he,eby furnished CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed If the permit ,s lor one hundred dollars ($100) or less) C I certify that in the performance of the work for wh,ch th:s perm:: ,s :ssued. I sha!! net emp!Oi' any person ,c. ac, manner so as to become subjec1 to the Workers Compen- sation Laws of Cal,forn,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate ol Exemption. you should become sub1ect to the Workers Compensation provisions of the Labor Code. you must lorthwrth comply with such provIsIons or this perm,t shall be deemed resoked I I hereby affirm that there ,s a construct,o~ lending agency for the performance of t~e wor~ lor ·;.t-. ch :Mis per I n,11 ,s issued 1sec 3097. C1v1I Code) Lenders Name None Lenders Add,ess USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE~S HARO APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009-4859 (619) 438-1161 JOB ADDRESS AV. ST.AO. NEAREST CROSS ST. I □A~~;s;;~CATION BUSINESS LICENSE # VALUATION / PERMIT NUMBER -, -1328 Magnolia Highland Dr. 19451 ) 9~~ COT BLOCK I SUBDIVISION I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO CONTRACTOR , · CONT.ffACTOA.S PHON~ _, ZONE OWNEA·s NAME $.;< ,O; Re 1::J I OWNER'S PHONE Arlen Foster Plurnbinq, 5g7_4151 Hiroshi Honda 729-3743 CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS ":4 ' STATE b.lCENSE NO. BUILDING SQ FOOTAGE OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS 2819 Central Ave. 443348 1328 Magnolia Carlsbad 92008 DESIGNER OESIGNE R'S PHONE •.JV16 _tJ/O;:::, (J1.01. 02!:;.-·. ·-,,,1"." ~--~:." (' DESCRIPTION OF WO.RK Water Heater Renlacement DESIGNER'S ADDRESS ST A TE LICENSE NO. ~ ------------u F LR ELEV NO OCC GP EDU STORIES vO "-0 -- I I PARKING SPACE RES UNITS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED ! REDEVELOPMENT TYPE OCC LOAD FIRE SPR AREA CONST YON D •□ ..... o vO NO Not Valid Un/en M.achine Certified OTY. ., ~Di) PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE . $·, /':A) u QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP . I INSTALL FURN DUCTS iJP TO 100.000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 001-810-00-00· 82 20 .. -------- EACH BUILDING SEWER ! I OVER 100 000 BTU V SIGN PERMIT 001-810-00 ·00·8221 1 ... -----$2.50---. '""'"'°"~ . -~ EACH WATER HEATER ANO-OR VENT PLAN CHECK 001·810-00·00·8821 ... .. . .. EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TU 4 OUTLETS BOILERiCOMPRESSOR 3 15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING 001·810-00-00-8222 $10.00 ' -.. t--------------------------· ---- EACH GAS SYSTEMS OR MORE' METAL FIREPLACE ELECTRICAL DO 1-810·00-00-8223 ~ .. ---.... ------· ___ 1-----------.. EACH INSTA~ ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPt -~ 1 VENT FAN SINGLE DU MECHAN!CAL 001-810-00-00·8224 ~--------------------. . ------ EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUS HOOD 'DUCTS MOBILEHOME 001-810-00-00-8225 WATER SOHNER RELOCAT)B'N OF EA FURNACE,HEATER SOLAR 001-810-00-00-8226 ---.. ... Ft,C'1 RDCF DRA!~J I :N'.-,IDf 1 DRYVENT STRONG MOTIO_~ _ 880·519·92-33 - !/ TOT.C.l MECHANICAL fl RE SPRl~Jr<:LERS 001-810-00-00-8227 . --~STD . mr-lUIAl PIUMfilNG ' PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-810-00-00-87 40 ~o I QTY. BRIDGE FEE 360-810-00-00-8 7 40 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE MOBILE HOME SETUP PARK·IN-LIEU (AREA I NEW CONST EA AMP SWT fJKR / .,,.-;::; 5'MJ'JJ!ll---._ -___,----TIF 134·810-00-00-8835 . " ""7· ;:-,, -- I PH J PH / ,,< AWNING __,..... LA COSTA TIF 133·81 0·00·00·8835 / '",\ -----EXISTBtOGEAAMPSWT BKR .. GARAGE~ ,.. ~ FMF --.. IN/?, ""'-, ..:. '\_ I PH ,7PH __.,, LICENSE TAX 001-810-00·00·8162 REMOOt.LALltR PEJV(IRCUIT , '"-\-: 0 MFF 880-519-92·57 -, -. --------- TE"-'lP POLE. ~UU~PS '/ L.: -· ---------=-+ -- OVER 200 A~ ./ '-~-! TEMP oMuPANCY i)Q DAYSI ' ,_, -----i/ -. . -----/ . ../ CREDIT DEPOSIT .. . V ' IOTAl ELECTRICAi : \ . HlTAI TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I I ~,n nn t HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION ANO PERMIT"' AND DO HEREBY Expiration Every per_m1t !&Sued by the Building Off1c1al under the prov1s1ons olth1s * AN OSHA PE.RM:T IS REQUIRED F0A EXCAVATK>NS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall expire by llm1tat1on and become null and void II the build.ng or work 5· o·· DEEP ANO DEMOI.ITK>N OR CONSTRUCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE 1F A PERMIT IS authorized by such permit 1s no! commenced w,th,n 180days from the date of such STRUCTURES OVER J STORIES IN HEtGHT permit, or 11 the bu1ldmft or work aulhonz:ed by such permit 1s susp&nd&d or ISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNlY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING cm,. abandoned at anv time a ter the work. 1s commenced for a penod ot 180 davs STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPLICANT"$ SIGNATURE Jf-OWNER O CONTRACT(~ "liOVED BS ', (2 1°~#7 KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE ~~ A~,.., c-"0-1, ... __,,, GAANT!NG OF TH!S PERMIT. BY PHONE 0 1rvv ._ _., A~~ ,,,,_,_ t .1- . ~ LL .c :i ~ 0 0. E "' >- :'2 0 "' C m u 0. 0. "' I X C a: 0 ~ ~ "' ~ ~ "' ~ 0 ,; >- "' u C m C u: ,::. C "' ~ "' 0 u "' 0 ~ C "' L s TYPE 1 DATE I ,. ----------------------'=----------------DATE INSPECTOR <;{? ... ~~ BUILDING . :FOUNDATION : FIELD INSPECTION RECORD C-------------------------------------------------------j :REINFORCED STEEL ' REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES .MASONRY I ----REO IF INSPECTORS f= ___ =',;;.:c;;..;;:~~~~~-===--=========-~ GUNITE OR GROUT : INSPECTION CHECKED APPROVAL DATE SUB FRAME □ FLOOR O CErLING ::OILS cc1,.1--'"" E -\ -- SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SHEAR PPIOR TO I rouN01\iiON INSF I FRAME i -' ------------- ~TRuCTl 'flAi CO'\i "RfT[ ,._· ->! EXTERIOR LATH ! Z,vrn 2c1:c c•s, -_, ,,-' INSULATION I PHeSTREssw 't,"' . , 1 CONCRETE I ' INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL i cosr ES" cMc ~- ! cur-..cr--ic ~c i 1 j ------ PLUMBING i enc wSL n"G i -SEWER AND BL/CO □ P,>L/CO -HIC:H-SIRENG-r-;:;----r --' HOLTS I UNDERGROUND □ WASTE □ WATER ' - 1 -- TOP OUT □ WASTE □ WATER Sf[(CI,;[ 1-'4 SCSCY --_ -~ TUB AND SHOWER PAN ; I ' GAS TEST I Pll-~:~~l~SCJ-\a:' i □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WATER ' ------' ---------- □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND r.7 UFFER L-----------~ ____ ----- ROUGH ELECTRIC ! ------1 ---------------------------1 □ ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY __ .. -------------+------+--__ iL' --------------------------J □ BONDING □ POOL ' '------------'---____j i MECHANICAL : '--------------------·--____ -----IL_ --------------------------j □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PlfilNG '-----------______ ______ . _,_ ----~ HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS ' VENTILATING SYSTEMS I J ' CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPR/A TE ITEMS ABOVE HA'VE BEEN APPROVED. 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