HomeMy WebLinkAbout1334 CYNTHIA LN; ; 87-60; Permit (2)DECLARATIONS LENDER £ £ 1 £ -2 2 " 5 — > z c 2 <5 Q. 3 O- JJJ" •<5 m yi ^ wr i jit 0 S 5§. 2. 3 o 5 -o ro w & s «" ' WORKER S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTOR ISTRUCTION WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT 1 ALSO AGREEKEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIESEXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITYGRANTING OF THIS PERMITTO SAVE INDEMh> JUDGMENTS COIN CONSEQUENCEen = O -1 -T)-n en -< •^ -H > > XI ( 0 -< -H || G n T)3J O mO $II HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETEDCERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ADECLARATIONS ARE tRUE AND CORRECT AND t FISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL. CITY COUNTY ANAPPLICATION AND PERMIT.L INFORMATION HEREONJRTHER CERTIFY AND AGRD STATE LAWS GOVERNINc ^ n r5 ° -n a o HEREBYING THEEHMJT IS,NG CONExpiration Every permit issued by the Building Official under theCode shall expire by limitation and become null and void It theauthorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days frompermit or if the buiftfing or work authorized oy such perrmfabandoned at any time afteWhe work is commenced for a periodprovisions otthisBuilding 01 workthe date of suchs suspended orof 180 days* AN OSHA PERM TS 0 DEEP AND DESTRUCTURES OVEfS REQUIRED &8fR EXCAVATIONS OVEMOLITION O« CONSTRUCTION OfR 3 STORIES IN HEIGHTX in if o TOTAL FEES PAYABLEf }CREDIT DEPOSIT—MP OCCUPANCY I0 c: or> C m cr "C -. 0X, 0 11 i i 33 O m 3;PFR CIRCUIT1e i !3•» 6 rTt; felts - s '-O X Om 1 n» 5n»s 1cn m cc C X 39VHV3~ns - X TJ £ CD 0 CDCO — ) Z ta => m %t9 0CD O O OO 00 COen 2 b m X 0 33 SX-H OO 00 o o0 g OOOOOJen o ELECTRICAL PERMIT ISSUE1 0 MOBILE HOME SETUPi ^e CD 33 CD 3 H j » %iji CO CD C -D ' \1 TOTAL MECHANICALcrro 0 CD i— mC/l -nmm CO CD CO O O CD 0CD CO CD E*FIRE SPRINKLERS 001 8CD 0CD CD CD OO rsj--J if O X *~ 0 mX m STRONG MOTION £OO 0 (Jl to UD COCO t WATER SOFTNfcRRELOCATo2 O-n m -n 33 m Xm —im 33 coO X O O 00 o 0 oo OO CD EACH VACUUM BREAKERMEChTxHAUST HOOU UUCTSoOD mXO m O 0 CO o CDO CDo 00nonoen EACH INSTAL Al 1 ER REPAIR V.A1 EH PIPEm 1Z m O n— t MECHANICAL 0000 0 CDO CD 0 CO ro r>o-Ei X CD on on on C.T O X m X ?3 m mo Xo o CD CC O Oo OO CO 1 EACH GAS SYSIEM 1c oc—1 m oo ^0 LT O "O CO S CO 0 CDO CD0 CO ^?EACH WAT FR HtATER ANU<OR VENTBOILER/COMPHESSOR^HtTo 3 HPi— c~>mmO o 0 CO 0 oo CO COto si EACH BUILDING SEWER **0 m ^33 0CD O0 DC — <cr CO mX oo CO CD CD 0 CDO OO -\J ^ X -n X c 33 i > M ft Zcn r— dXZ c 00 c_ o 0o ooo 03 DOd a IT3C OO 00 o 0 oCD CO rsj Al i ||PLUMBING PERMIT ISSUE| ^r\ C DH MECHANICAL PERMIT ISSUE1 w i2t>RY/ACCOUNT NUMBERCENSUS TRACT PARKING SPACE RES UNITSGRADING PERMIT ISSUEDYD N DREDEVELOPMENTAREA,D N-DTYPECONSTOCC LOAD2 * D 3 fw 1:C 'r'9 • ' •*. "^n ^ 7 D a mr Tl NOSTORIESOnn OT] t* ^1 ^>ri ?i IIOESCRIPT ION OF WOR K f| DESIGNER S ADDRESS| STATE LICENSE NO 's1 I 1 DESIGNERDESIGNER S PHONE0387 06/30/88 0001 01 02EldPmt 1828=<Hot Valid Unless Machine Certifiedi^ ^ . ' £_A 1 ' O F 1 OWNE R S NAME"friooqfyA'ii3NOHdSU3NMO1 CONTRACTOR S ADDRESS1 STATE LICENSE NOBUILDING SO FOOTAGE7S^r 0~t BLOCKSUBDIVISIONASSESSOR PARCEL NO1CONTRACTOR#UJ A/0~A-1 CONTRACTORS PHONE •1 j — 6_ OD 5 o HI O W 033)Ocn zo DATE OF APPLICATION#<p-30-s£BUSINESS LICENSE *VALUAT36,. A£, 00'^tej i>m^^ mI 3) ^^ - ^^ Z7^ i<TI ; S CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PEF2075 Las Palmas Dr , Carlsbad, CA 92009 1915 (619) 438 1161 MH r— O Z — * O r— BO c/> J»9D O •o•or~ O z 0 :ILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS•£>White — Inspector Green — (1) Finance Yellow — Assessor Pink — Applicant Gold — Temporary File £ j SPECIAL CONDITIONS4 X/ /*" <BUILDINGf ^^^* A • ( O CO ... o / ^JL f MECHANICAL- 'ELECTRICAL^PLUMBINGIf- TJ Z r-CX\Z.L FOR FINAL INSITEMS ABOVtm-o ^ in ^O ^ 3momSVAJ ^^ITl ^-rn< 2m ZQ r^ ^^ ^ CD? 0TJ 51sfl VENTILATING SYSTEMS^ * 1Cm H 1 3D O Oz 0 O) m CO ""* f - '" n 0co TJ m n 30mTl1 1 TJ TJ z O - / ^ ' .'" V » „MECHANICAI|—D BONDING D POOLD ELECTRIC SERVICE D 1m ^TJo 3D 3D .•ROUGH ELECTRICt , 'D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUN0 c Tlm 3D ELECTRICALD WATER HEATER D SOL> 30 < *^2 3D O CO Hm TUB AND SHOWER PANTJ Oc n § m G <$—1m 30 UNDERGROUND D WASTIm n ^^Hm 3D CJ SEWER AND BL/COni i TJd O0 PLUMBINGINTERIOR LATH & DRYWALLi .INSULATIONEXTERIOR LATHFRAMESHEATHING D ROOFn COIm ^3D CO C CD 30 m n Tl o 30 n1 1 Om~—zO GUNITE OR GROUTMASONRYREINFORCED STEELFOUNDATIONBUILDINGTJm o m ^CO PECTORI •'' • •'• • -i , •'; 1 ,PILES CAISSONS<- . •»SPECIAL MASONRY'. V ^ f i»HIGH STRENGTHBOLTSFIELD WELDING' 1 > < 5 /• S T*. ^ - M >' ,« \ ,:.1 J *-POST TENSIONEDCONCRETE;•PRES TRESSEDCONCRETEt" 'V , *STRUCTURAL CONCREOVER 2000 PSI-H r~ C? > *"^ •» --J •* ft » C1 1 *-% *:' i £~i -^ v^^SOILS COMPLIANCEPRIOR TOFOUNDATION INSPINSPECTIONO mmno m TIO MSPECTAPPRO-S o Hm ' -| REQUIREO w-omO >i — Z C/)TJ ECTIOf\w z T3m0"Ho w Zo~HmCO -• 1 FIELD INSPECTIONjj mOOTJ D .- 00 ESGIL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR , SUITE 2O8 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 56O-1468 DATE JURISDICTION _ PLAN CHECK NO. PROJECT ADDRESS PROJECT NAME 01= SET ra j J APPLICANT *JURt Stfl CTJ "WaS*«Lu»iiArori?K''**»**— •- •- -- <PLAN CHECKER COPY UPS DESIGNER D The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified BSLau) are resolved and checked by building department staff The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. n The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person {j The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to* j^ Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed Ij Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check has "' been completed Person contacted- Date contacted. REMARKS Telephone #_ AK, Enclosures ESGIJL CORPORATION 9320 CHESAPEAKE DR , SUITE 2O8 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (619) 560-1468 DATE JURISDICTION PLAN CHECK NO PROJECT ADDRESS. PROJECT NAME 2.7 SET JAPPJ ,R3tJR ^_^ [jPLAN CHECKER fjFILE COPY DESIGNER The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected arid resubmitted for a complete recheck The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: i j Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that *" ~ plan check has been completed. HH Esgil staff did advise applicant that the plan check ha^> ^^ been completed. Person contacted Date contacted. REMARKS• / ~Telephone # B •^Enclosures_ "ESGIL CORPORATION City of Cartebab JURISDICTION Date ;- PROJECT ADDRESS TO PLAN CORRECTION SHEET Plan- Check No Date plans received by the jurisdiction Date plans received by plan checker /—/ Date initial plan check completed A 2-1 By £ FOREWORD- PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec, 303 (c), of the Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law A. PLANS 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. 2 60 THAT *e u/fa tM6irflfiL.E Lee ftjiu£e rtinT /ffrt/W YM5 *AJ£U " AJDT Re 775 4HOU) ftISS , MflJP&Atl, is -36,R£- A£T A- Date i i-Junsdiction Prepared by: VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE Q Bldg. Dept, D Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. $7- 6>o >&)/ BUILDING ADDRESS APPLICANT/CONTACT BUILDING OCCUPANCY PHONE NO. J DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION /-A/CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING PORTION £&Ji4to/J X& /i-TAf^ Air Conditioning Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire Snnnklers Total Value BUILDING AREA /kfJlZLV A &5-tt VALUATION MULTIPLIER e § @ VALUE &x %4 Building Permit Fee $ Plan Check Fee $ COMMENTS SHEET OF / 12/87 DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 92009 4859 (619)4381161 MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT Applicant Please Print And Fill In Shaded Area Only JOB ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO PLAN ID NO OWNER OWNERS MAILING CITY IP 9-9^255 TEL VALIDATION AREA CONTRACTOR FRTMATFD VAI NATION CONTRACTOR'S MAILING ADDRESS ZIP PLAN CHECK FPF 00181000008821 IF THE APPLICANT TAKES NO ACTION WITHIN 180 DAYS, PLAN CHECK FEES WILL BE FORFEITED STATE LICENSE BUSINESS LICENSE NO E=(CE LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECK IF SUBMITTED 2 ENERGY CALCS 2 1987 ENERGY CALCS FOR NON RESIDENTIAL BLDGS DESCRIPTION OF WORK 2 STRUCTURAL CALCS 2 SOILS REPORTS DATE GIVEN/ SENT TO APPLICANT nATF CONTACT PERSON LA COSTA LETTER ADDRESS SCHOOL FEE FORM P & E CORRECTIONS LIST CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE - .yf White File Yellow Applicant Pink Finance Gold Assessor 3) Attachment C Fora 2 (Revised 3/84) CKMte Zones 1, 3, 5, 7. and 16 058 08 R2 3/28/84 VH/dr (Revised Feb 1, 1983) DRO'JILHET RESIDENCE 1334 CYNTHIA LAME CARLSBAD, CA 92008 COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST For Low-Rise Residential Buildings (except hotels and motels) Step 1 Enter on the form the values for each measure from your building plan and specifications sheet Step 2 Enter points on this page while working through the point system Building Shell Measure Points *Total Floor Area -» 1. Slab-on-Ground, Perimeter 0 ft.. Depth 0 in 2 Raised Floor R-Value. 3. Calling Insulation or Construction Assembly p. Attic, Percent of Roof Over Conditioned Space J ". 4 Wall Insulation or Construction Assembly Glazing, Total S Floor Area Single Double Triple S. North-Facing. . 2 9 S ft* 68 ft* ft* S. East-Facing 7~T? ft; _m _f t; ft; 7 South-Facing Z~T~l ft, ~5T> ft, ft. 8. Hast-Facing £ r, '. ft, i fig .ft, ft; 9. Skylight. 7~~T~'i nHIft '_5JL_ft ZZZft 10. Shading Coefficient (excluding overhang) a. East ' Pfi sr b. South. . ~"W~SC . c. Wast . . . ~TT"SC d. Skylight ' ~5T"SC 11. Horizontal South Overhang Length Z ft 12. Movable Insulation, 3 Floor Area p S 13. Infiltration (indicate Standard, Medium or~Tight) Std. 14. Thermal Mass Exterior Wall Thermal Mass , Area, Heat Capacity, R-Value Q ft . Interior Thermal Mass - 2386 ft2 R- 0 0 R- 30~ , "~0 n ft" rR-~TT n r1 /« — r _ f ^^f C-H * 'r r _HC. R- __fj ~ _ r __— • ^ t —iinii Area, Heat Capacity, P.-Value . .. ~>" ft* , <- ^HC. R- 007 +8 / t U i!/ 1 /\ I-C"' ',1') j_i c>\'(. / '43^ IJ .^ HVAC System"* /^ ^/ 15. Gas Furnace (Seasonal Efficiency) •Hoat Pump (Energy Efficiency Ratio) °Rofr1garation Cooling (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) IS Active Solar (Net Solar Fraction. S) 17 Zotwlly Controlled Electric Reslstanco Space Hsating (Yes/No) Dcoastlc Water Heating" 18. Solar Ultn Gas Sackup (Net Solar Fraction, ",} 19. Other Water Heating (Describe type) nas flTPfl tanklp^1; 1 Point System Compliance Total water heater >^ X 1 i r r Q M_iiA_ttR J .1^ SEER 01'- ;»SF ~TJ "10 0 NA SNSF 0 n.stant. ~T ( + 1D (+736) *Chack!ist items, not a point system measure ""Attach documentation for efficiencies and NSF AtUctaent Form 2 (Revised 3/34} Cllnate Zones 1, 3, 5, 7, and IS 058 08 R2 3/28/34 YH/dr (Revised Feb 1, 1983) DRO'JILHET RESIDENCE 1334 CYNTHIA LA-IE CARLSBAD, CA 92008 COBPLIARCE CHECKLIST For Low-Rise Residential Buildings (except hotels and motels) Step I Enter on the form the values for each measure from your building plan and specifications sheet Step 2 Enter points on this page while working through the point system Building Shell •Total Floor Area 1. Slab-on-Ground, Perimeter 0 ft.. Death 0 in 2 Raised Floor R-Value. 3. Celling Insulation or Construction Assemoly Attic. Percent of Roof Over Conditioned Space 4. Hall Insulation or Construction Assembly Measure Points 0 Glazing, Total S Floor Area (+9) S. north-Facing 2 9 { 6. East-Facing •? q I 7. South-Facing. Z 4 X 3) 8. West-Facing 9. Skylight. Double p, R *. ft;-ft2 "ft2'ft2 'ft2 -$"n2 -ft2 -ft2 sc 10. Shading Coefficient (excluding overhang) a. East . b. South. . c. tfast . ... d. Skylight 11. Horizontal South Overhang Length 12. Movable Insulation, % Floor Area 13. Infiltration (indicate Standard, Medium or Ti'cnt) 14. Thermal Mass Exterior Wall Thermal Mass Area. Heat Capacity, R-Yalua Intarior Thermal Mass Area, Heat Capacity, R-Value HVAC System0* 15. Gas Furnace (Seasonal Efficiency) •Heat Pump (Energy Efficiency Ratio) •Refrigeration Cooling (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) 16. Active Solar (Net Solar Fraction 5) 17 Zonal ly Controlled electric Resistance Space Heating Qoawstic Water Heating"* 18. Solar With Gas Backup (Net Solar Fraction, 5) 19. Other Water Heating (Describe type) nas fired Point System Compliance Total 523 HC. R- 2 5fc. R. 007 TTT6 .IA SEER TT-«NSNSF (Yes/No)10 NA instant water heater (+786) sc ."ft * ~t)std. -j ' -i- +8 0 TT 0 IT 0 list i terns, not a point system insasure. •"Attach documentation for efficiencies and NSF Goal is - 9