HomeMy WebLinkAbout1342 CASSINS ST; ; CB150919; Permit03-27-2015 Job Acidress: Permit Type; Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: Project Title: City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Cogeneration Permit Permit No:CBl50919 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 1342 CASSINS ST CBAD COGEN Sub Type; PHOTO 2156903300 Lot#: 0 $14,400.00 Constuction Type: NEW Reference #: Status: ISSUED Applied: 03/27/2015 Entered By: RMA Plan Approved: 03/27/2015 Issued: 03/27/2015 Inspect Area: Plan Check #: LUND RES-PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 36 ROOF/FLUSH MOUNTED MODULES- 9.36 KW, NO ELECT PANEL UPGRADE Applicant: SOLARCITY Owner: LUND CARLTON D&SANDRA L FAMILY TRUST 02-27-91 3055 CLEARVIEW WY 1342 CASSINS ST SAN MATEO CA 94402 650-759-4658 CARLSBADCA 92011 Building Permit $158.29 PLUMBING TOTAL $0.00 Add'l Building Permit Fee $0.00 ELECTRICAL TOTAL $0.00 Plan Check $110.80 MECHANICAL TOTAL $0.00 Add'l Plan Check Fee $0.00 Additional Fees $0.00 Plan Check Discount $0.00 Strong Motion Fee $1.87 Green Bldg Stands (SB 1473) Fee $1.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $271.96 Total Fees: $271.96 Total Payments To Date: $271.96 Balance Due: $0.00 Inspector: FINAL ARPROVAL ^ Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please tal<e NOTICE ttiat approval of your project includes ttie Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or ottier exactions tiereafter coiiectively refened to as "fees/exactions." You tiave 90 days from the date ttiis pemiit was issued to protest imposition of ttiese fees/exactions. If you protest ttiem, you must follow ttie protest procedures set forth in Govemment Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad IVlunicipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely foiiow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have previouslv been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv othew/ise expired. THE FOUOWIHSAmOVALS REQUKEO PRIOR TO PEMIIITSSUAJICE; QfUmm QaiSpffiRmG •BUILDIH^ QFIRE P HEALTH nHAZMATfAP Ccityof Carlsbad Building Permit Application 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602-8558 email: building@carlsbadca.gov www.carl8bjnjca.gpy Plan Check No, Plan Ck. Deposit DateQ3jZ7/)S SWPPP JOBADDRESS [APN TENANT MJilNESSNWHE CT/PROJECT# LOT# PHASE* #OFUNnS iBEDROOSSS # BATHROOMS UUNSiR. TYPE" I oca GFiOU DESCRvnoN OFWORK: luiguikiSiiiumfUgtefmieMAiiM^y, ^ mnci'n pq^je) upgrade - EXISTING USE PROPOSED USE GAflAGE (SF) APPUCANT NAME ADDRESS "l^el&y^i^ Pigeon 'sfcl^rOK f PATIOS (SF)' DECKS (SF) RREPLACE lAIR CONDmONING YEsQf N(Q YESQNOQ RRE SPRINKLERS PROPERTYOWNER NAME ADDRESS C^hH-on Lund crry So lil crry FAX - ZIP PHONE ij^ FfX -k ^ PHONE EMAIL DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR BUS. NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE , , STATE ZIP PHONE FAX PHONE . ^ FAX EMAIL EMAIL STATE LIC. # CLASS cnvBus.uc.# civil penalty of not more tiian five hundred dollars ($500}). WORKERS COMPENSATION requires the Division 3 ofthe the applicant to a Workers' Compensation DeiHantian: I hereby afUm under pen^ afpeijmy one t^the MfotKing declarations: 0 1 have and will maintain a csitilicate of consent to seif-insurs far workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Latior Code, fbr ttie performance of tlie wori( for whlcii tfiis peimit is issued. I have and will inaintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of tlie Labor Code, for the performance of Ihe work for \ytilch this permit is issued. t% workers' compensation insurance can'ler and policy number are: Insurance Co Ll \:)g*H>(\ inSUfflhfg Policy No u/^7(i4P^ (t(pi(eSOlH Expiration Date Cffpi/iC)^ Ttiis section need not be completed if Ihe pemiit is fbr one hundred dollars ($100) or less. I ) Certlflcate of Exemption: I seitify that in the perfonnance of the «ork forwhich this pemiit is' IIMI I ili ill ml iiiiiilitjiMiL iini iiii in any inanner so as to become subject lo the Workers' Compensation Laws gf Califomia. WARNING; Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and3hall subject an amployerlo sriminai penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars iSIOO.ilOO), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided fbr in Section 3796 of the Labor code, lnterggt4n93ttomey'3 fees. -fiS" CONTRACTOR SIGNATJRE • AGENT OMFMEe-BUILDER O S C L A ft A T t O 1* iereDi' affim? ,fiat / am •aemof mm Connector; Ucense Law 'or 'he followinq •eason: 1 3S owner 3t 'he oroperty v ny jmoloyees *ith rages as 'hair jole ;ompensation. viii io iiie .vorK and -he >tpjcture s lot :n(enaea or offered -or Jale .Sec. 'W. business md Pfoisssions Ccrie: ' -;t;8nse Law xss not apply !0 an iwner of oroperty «/ha ouilds IT moroves 'hereon, and mo loes iuch work aimself or hrough nis own smployees, orovided that juch morovements are lot mert f, ii;we'ii?r fie ouiiainq ir mDnwemenr s sold vithip ;ne /ear if siroieilon. -he jwner-ouilder wll laip; •ha otirien ~' orovinq tat ie iid xt ouiid tr .norcve 'or t? iiiroose ;T iais; ie ,.;nir3cta!' -if" -T.^rrf'icf ipis'' 3yn;:cr ^'.jSirs^-s ^'r:"sii:;ior.ris T^.S.;.^ oisssions -CC3. .aw- :OMptETE THIS SECflORI FO« WOW-RESKOetSiflAlL Btili-OSNC i' U n m t T S OMiV s tfie applicant or futuie building occupant required fo siMt a buslhess plan, acutely hazanlous liMedai»iegtStraliBffSnn<ori^^ pnveiftlda praaram under Seclions 25505,2S533 or 25534 of the 'resley-Tanner Hazanjous Substance Account Acr? DYes CINo s the applliant or future building occupant leqiired to obtain a pennit from theairpolh^ C3Yes ONa s the Uy to be conshJCted within 1,D0Oli9et of fhe outer boundary of a OYes EXNo ' F ANY OP THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTifTCATE QF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPUCANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OP THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTRO. nSTRIOr. ONSTRUCTION LEU0INC AGENCY hereby aflNm that there is a constmction lending agency for ttie peribmiance of the woifc ttiis permit is issued (Sec. 3QST ^ Civil Code), ender's Name Lendei's Address I PPLICANT CERTIFICATION Mrtl»thatlhawiBadlfiB8iipfcal|pnandsWgBiatte auMzB lepiesentafve of the Cl^ of Caiisbad to enter upon the abq\^^ GMNSTAU. UABIUTIES, JUDGMEMIS, COSTS AND EXFei^MMCFnliAy IN ANY WAY^SmEAGAINST SAID CITY IN C0NS83UENCE OF THE GRANTWG OF THIS PERMIT. >SHA: An OSHA pemiit is leqiiRd for eDcavallonsora'5U deep Md^n^^ XPIRATION: Evay pemiit issued by the Buiding Oflbial titder the proviso 80daystathedabgfsuchpenniorif.tietauidtagaryv^ CTAPPUI ICAMTSaeNATURE DATE Inspection List Permlt#: CB150919 Type: COGEN PHOTO Date Inspection Item 06/29/2015 35 Photo Voltaic (PV) 06/29/2015 35 Photo Voltaic (PV) 06/29/2015 39 Final Electrical 06/29/2015 39 Final Electrical Inspector Act Rl AEK AP Rl AEK Fl LUND RES-PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 36 ROOF/FLUSH MOUNTED MODULES- 9. Comments LUND RES AM PLEASE Monday, June 29, 2015 Page 1 of 1