HomeMy WebLinkAbout1343 FOREST AVE; ; 85-271; Permit' ~[ 8 .. z 0 ;:: "' "' "' ~ u w C "' w 0 ~ '5 ~ w z ;J 0 z 0 ;:: ;\ z w Q. ,. 0 u .. "' w " "' 0 3 L !l 0 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 1commencmg with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Proless1ons Code, and my license 1s in fun force and effect L,r No ------lla1 I hereby a!fi,m that I am exe~pr from rre Conlr"c tor's License Law tor the 101•ow1ng reason :Sec 7031 j Business and Prolessrons Cude Any c,ty or counly wh,c~ re- quires a perm,t to const'uct. alter. ,rnpro·1e. demol,sh or repair any structure. pr,or 10 ,ts ,ssua~ce a so rea~rres :he ao pl1cant for sue~ perm,t tc '•le a s,Gned stale-iert :~a: ~e :s l,censed pursuant to the prov,s•ons ol the L.ontracw s License Law 'Chapte• 9 commenc,ng with Se:.t,on 7000 ol D v,sron 3 ~f the Business and Proless,ons Code, or that ,sex empt therefrom and the basis for the alleged e,emor1on An·1 v1olat1on o1 Section ~031.5 by an applicant lor a perm,t su~-Jecls the applicant lo a c1v11 pena!ty of not "'ore than five hun dred dollars 1$5001 1 as owner ol the property or my emoloytes wt~ wages as their sole compe~sat1on will do the work and the struc- rure ,s no\ intended or olfered tor sale 1sec 7D44. Bus,ness and Professions Code The Contractor's license Law does not apply to an owner of prope,ry who builds or improves !hereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provided that such 1mprovemenls are nol 1nrenc ed or offered for sale 11. however the building or improve menl 1s sold w1th1n one year 01 completion. the owner-builder w,11 have lhe burden of proving that he d10 no! build or 1m orove tor the purpose of sale) I. as owner of the property am exclus1ve!y contracf1ng w,th licensed contractors to construct lhe pro1ec1 (Sec 7044 Busmess and Professions Code The Conlractor s License Law does not apply to an owner ol properly who builds or 1m proves thereon_ aM who contracts for each pro1ects w11h a contraclor(s) license pursuant to lhe Contractors L•cense Law I l= As a homeowner I am ,mprov1ng my home and toe follow 1ng condilions ex1sl 1 The work 1s being perlormed prior to sale 2 I have lived ,n my home for lwelve mon!hs prior to completion of th,s wor~ I have not claimed 'h,s exemption dur1n~ the last three years l~ I am exemnt unde, Sec ------B & DC for this reason------------- 0 I hereby aflirm that I ha,e a cen,t.cale ot C0'1S€"' to se11 ,nsure or a cen,1,cate of Ww~er~ Compensation Insurance or a cen.J,ed coo;-thereol (Sec 3a)(), Labor Code! POLICY NO COMPANY t O Copy •S t,led With the ,ty • D Cer1,!1ed copy ,s ~l ,shed CERTIFIC~.OF\.f:MPTION FROM WORKERS C ENSATIO._ INSURANCf: /Th,s sect,on need b€ completed ,t 'hp ,,errn,1 ,s tor one hund dollars 1$1001 c1 ess: 0 I LerMy that 1n the perlor-nance o• the "'"'~ •-,r ,.,h,ch th,s perm,! ,s ,ssc,ed I shall no, er,p10·, an,- pe,son ,n any manner so as !o becDnw ~ut,1e, T '" The Worl<e,s Cornpenxit,o" Laws ot Cal,forn,d NOTICE TO APPLICANT 11. at1e, rnakirq th,s Cecr, t<ea1e, o! Exemp1,on you should b€corne suriie, tr•, the Worl<ers Compensa110n pr0v,s1ons ol rhe Labor Code you rnusT 'of1hy,,1lh (omo1, ,.,,th sue~ prov,s1ons 01 this Derm,t shal! be 1f>e''Wd ,p,c,M•c: 0 I he,et,y atfirm that there ,s d , ur·~trucTi<_,r end,n\j a-iency •o• :rw µerto,marce o' "1e worl< •, wh,ch 1h,s perrn,, ,s ,ssc,e<J ,&>, \091 c,,,1 Codt' len<JersNarne ___________ _ Lenders A<Jdress ----------- c,._J:- USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad. California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 J Jfe JR~;> J::11 R-t C r AV. A'V'E NEAAES~SRLlc~ /zp:F/Ag.1Cf5N/ vl~S,LICENSE # VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER LOT BLOCK I SUBDIVISION I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. CONTRACTOR CONTRACTORS PHONE. ZONE ff J.. I I OWNER'SNAME • j OWNERSPHONE 'N.tiR-r<lA-1\l ~LFrrf2.rC.. 72..qq;;s-5 &~AN.. M. ~r/J P-,b J\l '{" Lt--s ~"?, Lr'" CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS UCENSE NO. PLAN 1.0 . .tt BLDG USE CODE OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS 5 A fCl P-DESlGNER LICENSE :t STANDARD p P,.N # YILOING SQ FOOTAGE DESCAIPTJOl'j.Of •Wf'RK , ,....._ • µ f '' w1nvfk\ '-.S'S:-~VIC..f:.._ Er-.lT~C.. oES,GNER'SAOORESS DESIGNER"SeHONE .\.'f ll l\_t 11 (~ L E:-C.. T(4.l C.A L ') f.. 1-( ~w ?AN S-L-e' CCR eccv NO DCC o, EDU ~ '\ 4-WGAT 1-\-~R...\-\-E.Ab ,c ,o STORIES ~ CE:NSUS TRACT I GP LAND USE I PARKING SPACE: RES UNITS I GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REOEVELOPMENT TYPE occ LOAD FIRE SPF> AREA CONST 1 D N D , D r, D v O rs. D Not Valid Unless Machine Certified QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE : 7 "5°0 QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT· ISSUE 3-SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER EACH FIXTURE TRAP I INSTALL FURN DUCTS i.JP TO 100 000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 01-00-00-8220 I----- ---- EACH BUILDING SFWER OVER 100,000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8221 I----I----------------------+·--------------------------1----------- ._ _ _,_0E_ACH \r'vATE R HEATER ANU OR VENT , BOILE R,COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 01·0 __ 0_0_0_8_8_0_6_,_ ________ _ EACH GAS SYSTEM I TO 4 OUTLETS 801LER,COMPRES$OR 3 15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING 01-00-00-8222 >----+-E_A_C_H_GAS SYSTEM J OR MORE ------,..--_ ------1-----:MFTAL-F~REPIACi--~ ~------------r-----·------ELECTRICAL-------01-00-00-8223 zao ~ 1------~~~INSTA~._':_L~Ef(_REP~R_IJ~·~TERPIPt _________ 1VEN~_t-ANSINGLEDUCT __ ___ MECHANICAL _ _Q__!_-00""0-°0"'0-°8"'22cc''--"--------- EACH VACUUM BREAKER 1: MECH EXHAUST HUOll DUCTS MOBILEHOME 01-~0~0~0~0·~8~22~5'-j----------1 WATER SOf fNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE·HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK l'liSP __ F·\CH R )'.:·F [,f1C<:t, I r.s I (, -----r-i: TOTJ'..L MECHANICAL :~~~:G-MoTION ~~:~~:~~:-~~~: ·--------- !UI A( Pl lJr-1B1NL I -I! FIRESPRINKLERS 01-00-00-8227 ~ PUBLIC FACIL'TIES FEE 32-00-00-B9Xl QTY ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE A ~ _ QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE ------- 7 BRIDGE FEE ---+--------- NEW CONST EA AMP SW l eK R .. 'fYJ.~_,__-: -.. cr:,11 FCTC~:s SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT _ _ -- \ PH l PH 1 .... __ J I' jS!L'RAGl T.C,\~~ Carlsb~ __ _ 80-92-21-0:119 EXIST DLllG E:.A AMP SWT 8KR I lqr:·CK STG~Ai:)E: Enc1n1tas 80-92·22-0519 ------------- 1 PH ___ _:l PH __ '~'J'Je> __ San D1egu1to 80-92-23·05109 _, __________ _ REMODEL AL TfR PtR Cl8CUIT PL,'.\ :::1-1L:::v, FFF San Marcos 80-92-24-0519 --------I--------------------------'-~='---1-------------j lEMPPUlF lOOAMPS -------- -----__________ _,_ ____________ _ OVER J[J(J AMPS LICENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162 fEMP OCCU~A_N_C_~-~~-~-~~---_____ · 1 -+-___ _ MFF 80-92-57-0_5_1_9 ________ _ 1 ~ 1 CREDIT DEPOSIT TIJIAL lLU.TRII Al ?0 ,--ij I ·,:nAl SQ_t..R --i -----·-jr--T-O_T_A_L_F_E_E_S_P_A_Y_A_B_L_E----,.---'----':3--o------,~ ! HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED · APPLICA T!ON AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY EKpiration. Every per_m1t issued by the Bu1ld,ngOfl1c1al under the provisions oflhis * AN OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall &Kpue by limitation and become null and void If the bulldmg or work 5· O" DEEP ANO DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF authorized by such permit ,snot commenced w1thm 180 days lrom the date of such DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AN_D I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS permit, or 11 the t,uildmg or work authorized by such permit is suspended. or STRUCTIJRE.S OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT ISSUED' TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNl Y AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON· abandoned at anv time after the work 1s commenced for a =riod ol 180 da"s ~ ~ 0. 0. 0. rn ;;; © u C rn u © 0. ~ ;I! .c ,: ;~:~c:1~~-L~~:;~~Rc(:VEg~~~R~~:!~N A~~1%~~-A 1 Lti~~B~L~:i~~.:~i~~~:~.E~i~~~ :~~ APPUCANT'S SIGNATURE~.. OWNEA!}I.,.. CONTRACTOR O APPR VED BY W!/ -~ EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF 'THE .,r?' ,... /) a i f '-ONE O '{j/ / O .. --1-- GRANT!NG OF THIS PERMIT. --:v')2, ,.,,,~-f'7' -"' ' -~ . ., ,,,_ • -A -• . I \ TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR ---------· ---· BUILDING I . FOUNDATION , FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL ' MASONRY I GUNITE OR GROUT ' REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR S NOTES ' REQ IF INSPECTORS INSPECTION CHECKED APPROVAL DATE -FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME 1 -· S01LS C,_)MP'. IANCE SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR PRIOR TO FRAME 1 f-OUNOATION ·~SI-' -------------------t--------- EXTERIOR LATH : STRlJCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2G{l0 PSI INSULATION , --~---~ PflESTRESSEO INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL ' CONCRETE POST TENSIQN!:_D I CONCRETE PLUMBING I -Fl!';lD VVELOiNG I SEWER AND BL/CO D:PL/CO 1 ·-----,11GH STREl'::,IG~H ~ UNDERGROUND D WASTE D WATER AOL fS • TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER ;PECIA, MASONRY -- TUB AND SHOWER PAN ' GAS TEST 1 PIC.ES CAISSOr-..S D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER -~---------r-------~---· -- I '·· --- ELECTRICAL ' D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D WFFER --~- ROUGH ELECTRIC ' ·-----·--D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPORARY r--·----·----- D BONDING D POOL : . --------~---. . - I .. MECHANICAL I -------r--·----~---i-------- D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING ·----1-- HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS : . VENTILATING SYSTEMS , I • CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIMli ) ITEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. / / FINAL I I I I~ .. PLUMBING I " I I I ELECTRICAL 1 \ J f fl IX /I I I"\ • 1 , l MECHANICAL , • , , 1 ,/ \ , ·, GAS I : \ " \ ' BUILDING , 1l / ~~L\... SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' J\ \ \ I 'J ---------~ ---- ' . ,,