HomeMy WebLinkAbout1343 FOREST AVE; ; 87-557; Permit"' z 0 ~ .. .. ~ " ... 0 .. I[ 8 .. ... 0 ~ 5 ~ ... z ~ z 0 ;: .. "' z ... .. "' 0 " "' ir '" "' .. 0 ~ ![ 0 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provtalona of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profeaaiona COde, and my license is m full force and effect I hereby affirm that I am exempt from lhe Contrac lor's L,cense Law tor the tollowmg reason (Sec 7031 5 Business and Protess,ons Code Any c,ty o, county wh,,;r, re quires a l)!lrm,r to consirucl alter ,mprove demol,sh or repa,r any structure or1or lo ,ts issuance also requires !heap pl,cant tor such perm,t lo l1le a s,Qned statement that he ,s 1,censed pursu.inl to lhe p!ov1s1ons of lhe Loniractor s l,c~nse law !C~apter 9 commenc,ng w,m Sef.11on 7000 ot Oiv,s,on 3 of !he Business and Pro1essions Code, or that rs ex empt therefrom aM 1ne bas,s lor the allegeo exemp1,or Any violation 01 Section ?031 5 by an appl1canl tor a perm,t sub 1ecls the appl,canl to a c1v11 penalty of not more than five hun dred dollars 1$5001 I as owner ot lhe property or my employeiis w,•n wages as the,r sole compensation w,11 do the wor• and the slruc ture ,s nol ,ntended or oflered tor sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions COde The Contractors License law ooes not apply to an owner ol properly who bu,IOs o, improves thereon and who does such work h,mselt or Through his own employees. provided lhal such improvements are not mtend- ed or o11ered for sale II. however. the bu1ld1ng or improve- ment rs sold w1th1n one year o1 complehon. the owner builder w111 have the burden o\ proving 1hal he did not build or im- prove for the purpose ot sale., 1. as owner ol The property. am exclusively con1rac1mg with 1>censed con1rac1ors To cons1rucl lhe pro1ect {Sec 7044 Business and Profess,ons COde The Comrac1or s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or 1m proves thereon and who contracts lor each pro1ecls w11h a contractor(s) license pursuant to the Conlractor's t,cense Law] As a homeowner I am 1mprov,ng my home and The follow 1ng cond1t1ons ex1sl 1 The work 1s being performed prior to sale 2 I have live{! 1n my Mome tor twelve months pr1or to comple11on ol this work I have not cta,med this exemption durinG the last three years Jor ;h~~ r~~;:t under Sec ~-----B & PC I hereby aflirm thal I ha,e a cert,t,cate ol consent to self-,nsure or a cert1f,cate ol worke,s· Compensa1,on In surance or a certd,ed copy thereof 1sec 3800. Labor Code) POLICY NO COMPANY Copy ,s filed w11h the city Cert1f1ed copy ,s hereby furn,shed CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION INSURANCE iTh,s s.ectron need not be completed ii ttie perm,t ,s for one hundred clollars 1$1001 or l<"SSI _ I certoly that ,n the performance of the wor~ •or wh,ch th,s perm,! 1s ,ssued. I shall not employ any person ,n any manner so as to t>ecome sub1ecl to the Workers Com pen sat,on Laws of Ca1,fo,~,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If after makong this Cert1f1cate ol Exemption you should become subJeCt to the Workers Compensation pro"1s1ons of the Labor Code you must forthw1\h comply with such prov,s,ons or 1h1s permit shal< be deemed revoke<J I nereby aft,rm that there 1s a construction lendrng agency for the performance ol the wor~ lo, which th,s per m,t ,s ,ssued (Sec 3097. c,v,1 Code! Lenders Name Lender s Address USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE~S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 2075 Las Palmas Dr .• Carlsbad, CA 92009-1915 (619) 438-1161 'J,c>e A.oor~ss . ~ ~ . ; Av.ST.IID. J"tt0MASBA0&N0'. -11ilii~~7, .8VSJNESS LICENSE# VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER . 'Ff43 JORESl AVENt!E, t ,p-; A,'-:.J~ 12, 192 . ,,,. ./re. Ld'., l?.~OCI( " .. J .iBOI VlS~.0111 ---I ~i'Ei~~/t'h :N"]f; . - -i -CONTRACTQR d>NTAACTQR$ PHONE IJ ZONE 87-557 . !SWJ,JG/i... O\WNEA·S NAMi: .. -' '" OW.NE A'.S PHONE -...,..;: ·:A~ _G:, J-tS.ft,lbt,. A\ y . 4-34--h 31 4-CONTR,11.CTOR·S ADDRESS . STATE LICENSE NO . BUILDING SO. FOOTAGE 1. Jl'l" l, QloYN_ER'.S:MA!LING, AOD'f£SS ' :T~O:..~ fo~.,..,. T iJ.JJf::: ("," o I S 12'.A l',,. DESIGNER -DEStGNER"S PHONE OESC~!gff 0~0:'ft\ 'a::if;:iap . { reOI 002~· i i / '! ,., ·,!,",-' ( ~-1.1~.r·, ---·"•7 ll ) .J....Li .1..,_ '.,"J •. >.·..i.. _, . -, '' -OES10HER'$ A.OORESS --STATE LICENSE' NO~ --. ---' ... .. - --' -. -. " F LR ELEV NO ace GP EDU . ' vO "'~ --- STOflES f·:1 ! CENSUS TRACT I PARKINGSPACt RES UNITS GRADING PERMIT ISSUED I REDEVELOPMENT TYPE ace LOAD FIRESPI> ARE A CVN" ,o ,)o ,CJ~ ,o ~ Not Valld Unless fhchine Certified QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE 75L QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE /S c_iO SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER 2-EACH FIXTURE !RAP ? • "'" L O'f) INSTA\ l FURN DUCTS UP TO 100 000 BTU tlUILu11~D n:,,,v,11 vv 1 -i:i 1 U-UU· vv-ol lO JlJU,tr,., EACH BUILlJING SEWER OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 001-810-00-00-82? I I EACH WATER HEATER ANO OR VENT J.St:. BOILER,·COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 001-81 0-00-00-8891 o "· (dv EACH GAS SYSTEM 1104 OUTLETS BOILER,·COMPRESSOR 3 1~ HP TOTAL PLUMBING 00 ·. -810-00-00-8222 u:: Q ~ EACH GAS SYSTEM:> OR MORE METAl F,REPLACE ELECTRICAL 001-810-00-00-8223 ~o re EACH INST AL ALTER. REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECHANICAL 001-810-00-00-8224 EACH VACUUM BREAKER MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS MOBILEHOME 001-810-00-00-8225 WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE,HEATER SOLAR 00 1 -81 0-00-00-8225 E.ACH ROOF DR,\ 'J : 'J5'!JL DRYER VENT STRONG MOTION 880-519-92-33 , 'jfn TOT/'..L MECHANICAL FIRE SPAIN.<.LtRS 00 1 -81 0-00-00-8227 TOT Al Pl UMRIN(, I fl\ nu PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE 320-810-00-00·8740 ';::; OD BRIDGE FEE 350-81 0-00-00-87 40 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE QTY. MOBILE HOME SETUP PARK-IN-LIEU I.AREA NEW CONST EA AMP SW! 8t<R CAR PORT TIF 312-810-00-00-8835 I PH I PH AWNING LA COSTA TIF 311-81 0-00-00-8835 f X1ST 8! OG EA AMP SWT 8KR GARAGE FMF I PH _l PH LICENSE TAX 001-310-CD-80-3' 62 I REMOU[L Al TtR PfR [IR(U1l ~ I< MFF 880-519-92-57 TEMPPOlE 200 A MPS OVER 200 AMPS TEMP OCCUPANCY :JO OAYSl CREDIT DEPOSIT L f Q, ii"' 7 I fl! Al f. l U. J RILAl I T()( Al. TOTAL FEES PAYABLE I Jt:i:J• t./ b /0. o4l -EJtpiranon. Every permit iSl!l,u~ by the Bu1tdlng Official under thepr.ov1stOr1sotttus I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMiNED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION ANO PERMIT" AND 00 HEREBY * AN OSHA PEMITT IS REQIJlflED FOA EXCAVATIONS OYEA CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall e:..;pire by lim.tta.tlon and become nufl and ~01d If the bu,ldmg or work 5· 0" OEEP AND DEM0t.JTK>N OR CONSTRUCTION OF authorized by such permit is not commenced w1thm 180 days lrom lhe date ol such O'ECLARAT!ONS ARE TRUE; AND CORRECT AND' I FURTHER CERTIFY ANO AGREE IF A PERMIT I& permit. or if !he buildi~ or work au!hori.zed by such permit 1s suspended or STNJCTUAES OYER 3 STOfUES IN HIJGHT -1ssueo~ 'To COM:PLY WITH Alt CITY. COUNTY AND STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-abandon«t Jt anv lime a er the work IS commenced fm a n11nod of !Rn davs STRUCT!ON. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. l ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND A T' APPROVED 8)' -KEEP-HA-ESS THE"CITY Of CARLS~AO AGAIN$T ALL LIABILITIES. JUOGMENTS. COSTS ANO ~IC N S Sl~RE ~ OWNER1', CONTRACTOR 0 ~ /1 EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN AN':fWA'f ACCRIJE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF~~ "' •A HO E fJ GRANTltffl OF THIS PERMIT:· / ;_, -~ .,. · • N ~ IL >-~ 0 0. E w f-- D 0 CJ c m u 0. 0. " I 1 C ii 0 w w • w w " ~ .2 " >- • u C m C IL C • ~ CJ £ u • 0. w C TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR I - BUILDING I x1-~s-7 FOUNDATION I FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REINFORCED STEEL I I MASONRY I REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES GUNITE OR GROUT I INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTORS DATE CHECKED APPROVAL SUB FRAME D FLOOR D CEl~ING - SOILS COMPLIANCE SHEATHING D ROOF D SHEAR PRIOR TO FRAME I FOUNDATION INSP -- EXTERIOR LATH I I STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI INSULATION I PRESTRESSED INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I I CONCRETE POST TENSIONED CONCRETE PLUMBING I FIELD WELDING [J SEWER AND BUCO CJ Pi-/CO ----------r-llGH STRENGTH UNDERGROUND D WASTE o:wATER TOP OUT D WASTE D WATER BOL Ts SPECIAL MAS0NC1"Y TUB AND SHOWER PAN . I GAS TEST I ' PIL.ES CAISSON':: D WATER HEATER D SOLAR WATER ----'-- . I -- ELECTRICAL ' ' D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND DUFFER -- ROUGH ELECTRIC I .. -. D ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPQRARY r----~ D BONDING D POOL I ' ----- I I MECHANICAL I D DUCT & PLEM., D REF. PIPING ----HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I I CALL FOR FINAL INSPE~~ON WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HA E BEEN APPROVED. FINAL I PLUMBING I ELECTRICAL I I MECHANICAL I GAS I BUILDING I ' SPECIAL CONDITIONS ' 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE CARLSBAD, CA 9:zoot.4859 Date: 7-19-88 <ICitp of <ICarlsbab DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION PC# 87-557 Last Inspection: Date: garage none 11/12/87 TELEPHONE 1e191 •Je-11e1 To: Brian Mcinerny 1343 Forest Ave. Carlsbad, CA 92008 PLEASE CALL FOR A FINAL INSPECTION IF WORK DONE BUILDING PERMIT EXPIRATION Our records indicate that your building permit will expire by limitation of time on 5-12-88 , 19 The provisions of UBC, Section 303 ( d) state: " ( d) Expiration. Every permit Issued by · the Building Official under the provisions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained so to do, and the fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided further that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one ( 1) year. Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the time within which he may commence work under that permit when he is unable to commence work within the time required by this section for good and satisfactory reasons. The Building Official may extend the time for action by the permittee for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee showing that circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action from being taken. No permit shall be extended more than once. In order to renew action on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new full permit fee." Please .. check below indicating your intentions and return this letter to us. /' V' Project abandoned. New permit will be obtained prior to commencing work. Maximum 180-day time extension requested. NOTE: Separate letter for an extension request and reason for such must accompany this form. If you have questions, please contact this department at 438-1161. VV--.:-'-<C: .......... -, ~L MARTIN ORENY Building Official 11/86