HomeMy WebLinkAbout1345 CYNTHIA LN; ; 84-439; PermitDECLARATIONS LENDER lla I 1 i? WORKER S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTOR S*;:;" j 3*&s •; -v ^ S o SSg*_^S"° 0S?° Sigi •?s:3 S.T53fill HM»••?.•'» i --»_ => n a -^5 .? ^5i .30; 3r- n — S 5- ?S°S5S n r « § « r Q. uH » 39.1!^ r •**\ STRUCTION WHE'1 KEEP HARMLESS1 EXPENSES WHICH1 GRANTING OF THrHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT 1 AL!rHE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LMAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SS PERMIT5O AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY ANDABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS ANDAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THEAPpVlfcANT S SIGNATURE * \) OWNER 3 CONTRACTOI>rfj>k <H a o I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPI..ICACERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFODECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHERISSUED TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY COUNT Y AND STATTION AND PERMlRMATION HERr.CCERTIFY AND ACE LAWS GOVERNZ D 7* C Tl O c ~Z m ^ x 0 i Hm z ff. m -<Expiration Every permit issued by the BuitcCode shall expire by limitation and becomeauthorized by such permit is not commencepemit or if the building or work arSThpnabaruoned at any time after the work is aoring Official under thenull and void If the1 within 180 days fronzed by such permitnmenced for a oeriodprovisionsof thtbuilding or wori the date of sueis suspended oof 180 davs* AN OSHA. PERMIT5 0 DEEP AND DtSTRUCTURES^DVEIS REQUIREDMOLITION OR 3 STORIESFOR EXCAVATIONS OV€R CONSTRUCTION OFIN HEIGHT" \ 0 C/l 0 1C TOTAL FEES PAYABLEk <CREDIT DEPOSITTEMP OCCUPANCY IJO DAYS)O MFF 80 92 57 051 9 J ft Y*/O• 1 S m SoG S CO 1; c: 7 LICENSE TAX 01 00008162h m 0cr ^— i - ,_ \ 33 0m m c: p ?> ~*z -*•*•e; r c y en i00en COCD r\3.t. 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C^ >t •* > X. •s" iic 1 ! 0m1/1 C>Zrr?JJ (/) > 0OXmt/iC/) ^I DESIGNER S PHONEDrr n IPTION OF WOR K ** I 3 g 8 1 D * f I ^ o K 1 <• Vf . r ' ' [LICENSE aSTANDARD PLAN J*1r~ •>w -1OWNER S NAME '• 'Luc tL L.E £s*& B^>£<3f » 0 ft! m CONTRACTOR S ADDRESS ^T l j) ^L2<^^6 ^*33£VCLT Onf^Sf1 LICENSE NO4* 46a-3@ST)r Z a it 00 § c m 0OOm rO 1 BLOCKSUBDIVISION'\}> ^rft t^'m. -Q . 3DIJ O f\ ^ 1 0 CONTRACTOR7>. c.c.1 CONTRACTORS PHONE »1 434-3 /S &im > Vsa 7; c I f (A SJ j: -< V. fr*< "*^ •x. -x. ft•fv % fe. i >! 1 •~«» ^^Js I OB ADDRESS It A V ^Mf*> * ' .NS^EST CROSS STDATE Of APPL5 1 ?!' P VALUATION•*. "°xT" m^1 | J)\ 2_ _i V*" 1 Data Process Yellow — Assessor Pmk_— lApplicant Gold — Temporary CARLSBAD BUH-DING^bEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PEP, / 1200 Elm /arlsbarVp\lil*nia9\B8>989 (619)4385525 ^ ]/H File a -omz 00 •o ' fTICO00 X aoo •o-or— O Z 3 -ILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS o 11 3)o VENTILATING SYSTEMS• } f HEAT - AIR COND SYSTEMSf t. ' n oco So -0|—m2 n 33m~n •o T3 7 MECHANICALD BONDING D POOLD ELECTRIC SERVICE D TEMPOF> 3}-<ROUGH ELECTRIC- ^ !D ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND D I-n-n ELECTRICALD WATER HEATER D SOLAR WA— rm 33 O>CO Hm CO I ^\ \TUB AND SHOWER PAN* O 13 0c n > CO m n § $m 3J *-— ^1UNDERGROUND D WASTE n V5m 33 SEWER AND BL/CO DIPL/COTJ r" C S CD Z O INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALLINSULATION .\ j )' ^\ 1 \ m 3m 33 0 33 5 ; ^s» Tl 33 > 2m • i\' *"• *^. c^ ^•ts COIm> I zO R pu> n COIm> 33 \FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAJ^GUNITE OR GROUTMASONRYREINFORCED STEELFOUNDATIONCD C P-o zo TJm o $m INSPECTOR^•^ 'i-**^1 ' i * *•'u. i \ "\ v\NJ H. V , >>, : i-v em • b< "•• ^ i >1 m«« •i t 1 • • s - t • - „'•- <; * •»r ' 1 1 ( ... ^=F^ ' f - ( j ?^ * I / i i •' • 1 t s , . •* •• r ** - .. '' -n } ' -*f *• **" ', 1 | 1 * A \ | -1 y ^ \ ; " i. \ " , 4 * ^ T. i 01 >1 ^7- O Z 1 T;m V)O' JD -HIGH bTRENGTHBOL FS* r ^ *' FI[?LD WELDI'NGPOST TENSIONEDCONCRETEPRE3TRESSEDCONCRETESTRUCTl.JR.^L CONCREOVER 2000 PSIrr FOUNDATION INSP,SOILS COMPLIANCE- w. p : «•»vINSPECTIONO 13)m m00 m — O ~" III ICTORROVALCO 0 — jm i < N / / -- 'REQUIRE0 co TJmO Z C/5 TJmO H Cz CO Z CO TJmO— 1 033 CO Z 0 ~Hm CO Tl m O Z CO TJma H Oz 33m O33 D - i '- Citp of Carltebafc JURISDICTION DATE PROJECT ADDRESS TO PLAN CORRECTION SHEET Plan Chf-ck No r ito plans received by jurisdiction fr7P*l T<te [>lans received by plan checker Oatc initial plan check completed ' y/2. "O^EXVORP PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniforn Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The items circled below need clarification, modification or change All circled items have tc be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 303 (c) 1979 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the /lolation of any state, county or city law PLANS Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction. To facilitate rechecking, please identify,next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans I I AJPPLICANT COPY siESLCITY COPY S^ ^--C==r==^=======/ V\ PLAN CHECKER COPY II CITY COPY Q PLAN CHECKER COPY Citp of Cartebab JLRISDICTION DATE PROJECT ADDRESS TO PLAN CORRECTION SHEET PUn ChPCk No rito plans received by jurisdiction lite plans received by plan checker Date initial plan check completed FOREWORD PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniforn Plumbing Code, Uniforn Mechanical Code, Nationa Electrical Code and state laws regulating energ conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments V The items circled below need clarification, modification or change All circled items have tc be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 303 (c), 1979 Uniform Building Code, the approval of Che plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law PLANS Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction. To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans , __ tfJS/OCf' -7^7 C£" //- N GORDON M BIZIEFF PLANNINE/DE SIGM'DE VE LOP ME NT September 10, 1984 Building Director, Ciry of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 RE Proposed single family residence 1268 Knowles Avenue in t City of Carlsbad Mr Orenyak I request that you waive the requirement to provide mechanical heating for the single family residence on L268 Knowles Avenue The reason for this request is as follows 1. We are providing a wood burning stove manufactured by Lopi Energy Systers which has a U L listing #1482 and an I C B 0 *4007 2. We are providing dual glazed windows throughout manufactured by the "Jordan" window company 3 We are providing a soath facing solarium with the extensive use of tile flooring to act as a thermal mass storage medium 4 We are providing R-30 insulation in all attic areas 5 We are shading all westerly facing glazing 6. We are providing a solar water heating system All of the features incoprorated into the design combine into a passive solar efficient home Your consideration of this matter will be greatly appreciated Sincerely, Gordon Bizief GB ch II APPLICANT COPY PI PLAN CHECKER COPY Citp of Cartebafc JURISDICTION DATE PROJECT ADDRESS TO PLAN CORRECTION SHEET SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX DWELLINGS Plan Chfck No r-ico plans received by lunsdiction frL/Cfc? nate plans received by plan checker e/ Date initial plan check completed £*"&/ by -QREHORD PLEASE READ Tel (619) J60-1468) Plan check is limited to technical reouirements contained in the Uniform Building Coda, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniforn Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments The items circled below need clarification, modification or change All circled items have tc be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations Per Sec 303 (c), 1979 Uniform Building Code, Che approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law PLANS Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you_by the jurisdiction, to """' / To facilitate rechecking please identify next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans Indicate on plans the nair.e of the legal ownpr and name of person responsible for the preparation of the plans Sec 302(b) I t f X Sucmic fully di-nensioned plot p'an dra^n to scale showing location size and use of all existing and prooosed structures on the lot Identify property lines and shew lot dimensions and all easements Show location of all cjt or fill slopes and approximate finish floor elevations for all structures and show elevations at all corners Sec 302(b)7 Indicate distance from center-line of street or allev to property line and distance from cur^i to property line Sec 302(b)7 Plans specifications and calculations shall be signed by a California State licensed engineer or architect (California Business and Professions Code) FITF PROTECTION Malls closer than 3 feet to property lines shall be one-hour fire-rated construction, have no openings, and shall have 30 inch parapets when the building floor area exceeds 1,000 square feet on any floor (Table 5-A Sec 1709(a) Projections, including eaves, may not extend more than 12 inches into the 3 foot setback from the property line Sec 1710 and Sec 504(b) Projections, including eaves,shall be one- hour fire-resistive construction, heavy timber or of non-combustible material if they project into the 3' setback area from the property 1-ne Sec 1710 Shoj location of pern inently wired smoke arc ctor Sec 1210 1-O\JL)S«. 132 ROOM SIZEb, FIGHT, VENTILATIONS AND GLAZIHC One room must contain a minimum of 150 square feel of superficial floor area Sec 1207(b) H<ib.L table rooms oth^r than kitchens shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor urea Sec 1207ib) twndow area must be at least 1/10 of the floor area and a minimun of 1C square feet per Sec 1207(a) Aonears to be deficientin Openable window area nust be 1/20 of the floor area and a -nini-num of 5 square feet In bathrooms, laundr/ rooms and similar rooms liniium is 1 5 sq ft (Sec '205(a) One-half of all required window area must be openable in Provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing five air changes per hour in bathrooms water closet compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms if required windows are not provided Sec 1205(a) No habitable room, other than a kitchen, shall be less than 7'0" in any dime^ion Sec 1207(c) Show that ceiling height for habitable rooms is a minimum of 7 6" Sec 1207(a) Show calling -leight for laundry rooms hallways corridors and bathrooms is a minimum of 7 0" Sec 1207(a) Provide 30" clear width for water closet compartments and 24* clearance in front of water closet Sec 1711(b) Vo cooicing room shall b» used for sleeping purposes unless complying as an efficiency iving jnit Sec 1208 Specify safety glazing for glazing in hazardous locations such as glass doors, glazing adjacent to such doors and glazing adjacent :o walking surfaces Sec 5406 Glazing in shower and tub enclosures (including windows) shall be tempered laminated or approved plastic Sec 1711 (f)(g) Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door for emergency exit Sill height shall not exceed 44" above the floor Tie window must have an openable area of at least 5 7 square feet with the .lununum openable width 20" and fie minimum openable height 24" Sec 1204 Eaves and cornices may not project into a required vard more fian 2 inches for each foot of yard width if required windows pen into the yard Sec 1206(d) A mezzanine is an intermediate floor and may not have a floor area exceeding 33 1/3 percent of fie total floor area in the room below and the mezzanine floor must have a clear height of 7 feet, above and below and must have 65% of fie long side open to theaoom below The loft you show does not comply as a mezzanine floor and is, by Building Code definition, a story EXITS. STAIRWAYS, AND RAILINGSr Floors above the second story shall have .not less than 2 exits Sec 3302(a) Required exit doorways shall be not: less than 36* in width and not less than 6'-3" 11 height, and shall be capable of opening t least 90 degrees Sec 3303(e) Provide 36" high protective railing for porches, balconies, and open sides of landings Maximum opening between railings shall be ess than 9" Sec 1716 Show how guardrail connection details are adequate to support 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail Table 23-8 Provide stairway and landing details Sec 3305(b) S (c) a Maximum rise 8* and minimum run is 9" b Minimum head room is 6'-6" c Minimum width is 30" f f f f f Handrails shall satisfy the following a Provide 'landrail for stairways over 30" hign when serving a single dwelling Title 24 Sec T25-22(b) b Handrail shall ba 30* to 34" above the nosing of treads Sec 33051;)) c Handrail projecting from a wall shall have a space not less than I 1/2" between the wall and the handrailThe hand grip portion of handrail shall be not less than I 1/4" nor more than 2" in cross-sectional dimension Sec 3305(j) (see attached) Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the stairway width Sec 330S(g> A door may open over a stairway landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area of the landing, in the direction of stairway travel to less than one-half the required width of the stairway Sec 3305(g) A door may open inward at the top step of a staii-way provided the too step is not more than 7 1/2" lower than the floor level Sec 3103 d)2 Provide details of winding stairway a Minimum tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from the side of the stairway b Maximum rise is 9 inches Minimum width is (see attached) 30 inches Sec 330S(d) Provide spiral stairway details a Minimum run is 7 1/2 inches at a point from where the tread is fie narrowest Maximum rise is Minimum headroom is 6Sec 330S(f) (see attached) 9 1/2 inches feet 6 inches Sprial stairways may not be used for required exits when the area served is greater than 400 sq ft Sec 3305(f> Spiral stairways must have a clear walking space of 26 inches between the column and handrail Sec 33051 f) Provide I C 3 0 Reasearch Report and lumber for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved fabricator registered with the Building Department or note that the stairway fabrication shall be done under special inspection per the approved fabrication plans Sec 306(a)4B and Sec 306(f) In buildings over 2 stories in height provide 3/4 hour fire-rated assemblies for all openings in the exterior wall below or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior stair- way An exit balcony with 2 separated stairways is exempt Sec 330S Exterior stairways shall not project into the 3 foot setback from the property lines Sec 3305(nl The walls and soffits of tha enclosed jseabla soace under interior stairs shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour tire-resistive construction Sec 3305(m) construction specifications shall be itade a part of the approved plans (See attached) B ROOFING Specify roof pitch Roof pitch is not adequate for roof type soecified Specify minimum pitch of t Specify roof material and apnlication Specify ICBO approval number for roof materials not covered in CISC Specify roof slope for drainage or design to support accumulated water Sec 3207(a) Show roof drains and overflows Sac 3207(a) ' ~J, Provide skylight details to show compliance / with Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide ICBO ' »approval number ~W Provide plastic roof panel details to show / compliance with Section 5206 or provide ICBO number Show attic ventilation Minimum vent area is 1/150 of att.c area or 1/300 of attice area if at least 50% of the required vent is at least 3 feet above ceiling joists Sec 3205<c) H. MASONRY Provide fireplace construction details or note construction to be per attached fireplace standard drawing Sec 3707 Show veneer support and connections comply with Sec 3002, 4 5,6 and Sec 2516U) regarding ties and »9 wire in horizontal joints or note construction to be per attached sheets 30-1 or 30-2 Show height and construction details of all masonry walls Chapter 24 Note that cleanout openings shall be provided at the bottom of all cells to be grout filled over 4' in a single pour Cleanout shall be sealed before grouting, after insoection Sec 2415 Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls Connection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load whichever is greater Sec 2310 Provide material specifications for mortar, grout, masonry and reinforcing steel Sec 2403 Show how masonry house walls retaining earth are to be waterproofed Provide detail Note that special inspection of the iiasonry will be required for f f G GARAGE AND CARPORTS IQfl Garaga requires one-hour fire protection / on the garaga side of walls and ceilings common to the dwelling Table 5-3 Sec 503(b) ^ ,___—s^_ -—^——-——-vAll elements supporting floor above garage to have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the garage side Sac 503 Beams and posts, not within the wall or ceiling con- struction, must comply with UBC Table 43-A, or be minimum 6" dimension beam and minimum 8" by 8" post ,, Show I 3/3" solid core self-closing door for openings between garage and dwelling Sec 503(d) Garages are not permitted to open into a room used for sleeping purooses Sec 1104 Openings between carport and residence require self-closing doors and stationary windows Sec 1214 Show garage framing section size of header over garaga opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line and method of bracing garage front Chapter 23 NOTE Minimum plywood diaphragm ratio is 3 1/2 to 1 or 2'8" Table 24-1 Doors between dwellings and attached garages ma/ swing in either direction provided tha difference in floor elevation between the dwelling and garage does not exceed 7 1/2 inches and provided the door is not used as the primary means of egress from the building If the difference in floor elevation exceeds 7 1/2 inches or if the door is used as the primary means of egress from the building, additional steos or landing must be provided in accordance with stairway requirements, and the door must not swing over the depressed level (see 3303(1)2 and 3305 (g) Provide 13" raised platforms for any FAQ, wai er heater or any other device which may generate a flame or spark Note that continuous fire wall protection shdll be installed behind raised platform(s) pr: or to framing platform FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS Note on plans that"A soils engineer shall evarluate any unanticipated uncompacted fill or expansive soil or other soil problems disclosed during construction" Sec 306(aH2 Submit soils classification determination by a licensed engineer or architect based on observation tests, borings or excavations, and containing comments on the degree of exoansiveness compressibility and bearing value Sec 2905 Note on the plan the soils classification whether or not the soil is expansive and note the allowable bearing value Sec 2905 The foundation plan does not comply with the soil report recommendation for this pro 3 ect Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils report recommendations for foundations slab and building pad preparation Note on the foundation plan that "Prior to the Contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the soils engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that 1 the building pad was prepared in accor- dance with the soils report 2 the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and 3 the foundation excavations, forming and reinforcement comply with the soils report and approved plan " Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 PS? soil bearing or per bearing value as determined by an angineer or architect Chapter 29 Show height of all foundation walls Chapter 23 Show height of retained earth on all foundation walls Chapter :3 Show distance of foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show steepness and •heights of cuts and "ills Chapter 29 Note on olans that wood shall be 6" above "inish grade Sec 2417(c) 7 Note on plans that surface water will drain away *rom building and show drainage oattan and <ey elevations Sec 29051f) Dimension foundation per Table 29A TABLE NO 29-A—FOUNDATIONS FOR STUD BEARINGWALLS—MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 163 Note crass bridging or blocking Floor joists and rafters more than 12" in deptl and spanning more -han 3 feet shall be supported lateral!/ by bridging at inter/als not exceeding 3 ceet Sec 2506(gl Show blocking at ands and at suoports of floor joists and for rafters at exterior walls Sec 2S06(g) 164 Show solid blocking at ridge line and at exterior walls on trussed roofs Sec 2506<g) S NUMBERorSTORIES 1 2 3 THICKNESS Of FOUNDATION WAU (IncMi) CONCRETE 6 8 10 UNITMASONRY 6 3 10 WIDTHOFFOOTINGtlnclIM) 12 15 18 THICKNESSOF FOOTINGllncfttl) 6 7 8 DEPTH OF FOUNDATION BELOWNATURAL SURFACEOF GROUND AND FINISH GRADE(Indus: 12 18 24 Show double joists Floor joists shall ba doubled undar beariig partitions running oarallel with the joists Sec 25l8(d) 5 __ 6j? Show rafter ties Rafter ties shall be spaced not more than 4 feat on center where rafters and ceiling joists are not parallel Sec 2518 (h )<S-rVlt,F*i<5" Q, 167 163 NOTES Where unusual condition* or frost conditions are found footings andfoundations shall be as required m Section 2907 (a) The ground under the floor may be eicavated to the ilexation of thetop of the footme Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal Sec 2517(c) 3 Show foundation bolt size and spacing Sec 2907(e) Specify size, ICBO nuaibar and manufacturer of power, driven pins Show edge and end distance and spacing Sec 306(f) Show size, imbedraent and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan Sec 2312(f) Note on plan that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to foundation inspection Sec 2312(f) Show adequate footings unaer all shear wa],ls Sec 2311(e) Show stepoed footings for slopes steeper than 1 10 Sec 2907(c) Show minimum 18" clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12" clearance to bottom of girders Sec 2517 Show pier size spacing and depth into undisturbed soil Table 29-A Show minimum under floor access of 18"x 24" Sec 2517 Show minimum under floor ventilation equal to 1 1/2 sq ft for each 25 lineal feet of exterior foundation with openings as close to corners as practicable to provide cross ventilation on at least two approximate- ly opposite sides Sec 2517 PRAMIHC 161 Show all joists, rafters, beams, and posts 2" to 4" thick to be No 2 Grade Douglas Fir-Larch or batter All posts and beams 5" and thicker shall be No 1 Grade Douglas Fir-C.arch or batter (Table 25-A-l) Show wall bracing Every exterior wood stud wall and main cross partition shall be braced at each end and at laast every 25 feet of length with 1x4 diagonal let-in brace or equivalent Sec 2518(g)5 L87 / "Show rafter purlin braces to be not less than 45 degrees to the horizontalSec 25l8(h) Show 1/2" minimum clearance between top plate oc interior partitions and aottom chord of trusses (To ensure loading will be as designed ) Show double top plate with minimum 48" lao splice Sec 2513(g)4 Show nailing will be in compliance with Table 25-P Provide fire stops between stories, between top '>tory and roof space at ceilings and floor levels in interior and exterior walls in mansard roof or eyebrow so no concealed or furred space -s greater than 10 horizontally or vertically between stair stringers at top and bottom and between studs along and in Line with stair run adjoining stud walls and partitions, at perimeter of sliding door pockets between chimney and wood frame using metal or incombustibles for the fire stop and at other places that could afford passage of flame Sec 2517(f) Show stud size and spacing able stud heights 2"x4"« 16 3"x4 'S2-C6"? I6"o c is 20 Maximum allow- 1 is 14 Sec 2Sl3(g)2 Note an A I T C Certificate of Compliance for glued laminated wood members shall be given to the Building Inspector prior to election Sec 306(f) Detail all post to beam and post to footing connections Sec 2517(c) 4 Specify nail size and spacing for all sheai walls, floor and roof diaohragms Indicate required blocking Maintain maximum diaphragm dimension ratios (Tables I J K) Show 3"x4" or 2"x6" studs in first story of three story building Sec 25l8(f) Provide truss details and truss calculations Provide roof framing plan Sec 302(a)7 Provide framing sections through Section 302(a) 7 Specify all header sizes for opening over 4' wide Sec 2513(g) 7 Provide calculations for Section 302(a) 7 In areas subject to water splash and in exterior locations, wood columns and posts shall be supported by piers projecting at least 2" above the finished grade and shall bear on a metal base plate or treated wood unless the columns or posts are foun- dation grade redwood or cedar Sec 2Sl7(c)4 iX </ X ^ ^S ^^ Show location of attic access with minunun size 22" x 30" Sec 320S Show draft separation for attic areas in excess of 3,000 sq ft Sec 3205 Show dract seoaration for space between droooed ceilings and floor above n excas of I 000 sq ft Sac 2517 Specify plywood grade and panel indanti- fication index Table 25-J when roof pitch is less than 3 12, designridge as a oeam Sec 2513 (h) Wood shear walls shall not be used to resist horizontal forces contributed by itasonry in buildings over one story in height Sec 25lS(b) Gypsum lath and plaster gypsum sheathing board and gypsum wallboard shall not be used in vertical diaphragms to resist forces imposed by masonry or concrete construction Table 47-1 If cripple wall studs are less than 14" framing shall be solid blocking Sac 2518(g)S Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet inheight shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories Sec 2513<g)6 Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, or other weather exposed areas, is exteriorgrade Sec 2S17(g) 3 Show a weep screed at the foundation plate line on all exterior stud walls to be stuccoed Sec 4706(e) Provide an approved waterproof buildingpaper under wood siding Sec 1701(a) Specify an approved flashing for exterior openings and parapet walls Sec 3208 Show corridor width to be minimum 36" Sec 3304(b) Specify truss layout for 30" x 30" attic access Ridges hips, and valleys shall be at least one size larger than supported rafters __ Sac 3glfl(hU - ^_ Provide metal straps across ridga beam and rafters^ — i — | . MECHANICAL All heating, ventilating and cooling systems id appliances shall comply with tne Uniform leXhanical Code Show the size, location and type of all heating and cooling appliances or systems Show source of combustion air for furnacewill comply with Chaper 6, U M C Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintain-ing a room temperature of 70° F at 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms Show basis for compliance UBC Sec 1211 Show minimum 30" deep unobstructed working space in front of furnace Note on plans,clearances to be per manufac-turers listing Sec 704 JMC Furnace shall not be installed under any stairway Sac 704 UMC Furnace shall not be installed in any bedroom, bathroom, closet, or in confined space with access only through such room, unless specified as direct vent appliance, enclosed furnace or electric heating appliance Sec 704 UMC Show IC3O approval for prefab fireplace and provide approved installation instrjctionsat job tite 208 ^Show access to the attic or under floorfurnace to be minimum 30 inches by 30 inches Sec 708 4 709 UMC Note that passageway to the attic furnaceshali be unobstructed and have continuous solid flooring not less than 24 incheswide Sec 708 UMC Show permanent alectrical outlet and lighting -i^ture controlled by a switch for the attic furnace Sec 708 UMC Show details to comply with Section 409 for furnace under the floor. Section 703 for attic furnace, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace Note on plan, gas vents and non-combustible oiping passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft stopped at each floor or ceiling USC Sec I706(a)6 ELECTRICAL (National Electrical Code) wiring shall comply with the National Electrical Code, Zrf N S . s«. 2 *2 If / th. Mote on the plan the amperage of electrical service the electrical installation is more than 200 amperes show aanel location and orovide a single line diagram and load calculations includinga Wiring method employed b Sizes of all conductors, switches, circuit breakers fuses and conduits c Approximate length of service feedersd Provide plot plan showing services, all panel locations, circuit arrangement and load distribution on panel busses e Provide typical panel schedule!s) Dwellings reqjire minimum 100 amp service Show Location of all electrical receptacles Electrical receptacle locations and/or spacing is not adequate in U6(2.t3rZXf , At least one receptacle shall be installed outdoors in basements and attached garages, other than laundry outlets Art 210-2S(b) Show minimum dwelling lighting (NEC Art <'10-26(a) and GFI S in garage baths and outdoors NEC Art 210-3(aJ Note "UFER" ground to be provided (NEC) Art <'50-8l L PLUMBING (Uniform Plumbing Code) All plumbing shall comply with the Unifrom Plumbing Code yK Show water heater size, type and S ^. location on plans vfl Show method of providing combustion air f . to fuel burning water heater Sec 1307 Z7B Fuel combustion water heater shall not bef installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet opening into bath or bedroom Sec 1309 Provide adequate barrier to protect water heater from vehicle damage Sec 1310 Show T and P valve on water heater and show route of discharge line to exteriorSec 1007(8) 207 Provide dryer vent to outside Sec 1903 _ L'MC Note on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn sprinkler systems shall have approved backflow prevention devices Sec 1003 Shower'stall snail accomodate a 30"circ1e and have a minimum floor area of 900 sq inUPC 90<><d) 5_ "Of?*; ISOLATION, X • ,how details of duplex jonmon .partyi -Jllsand "oor csiUna assumeU«s to ic-iiave j Sound -ransmtssion w jss ISTX.) racing in ««n*. at 10 'ieciOlfS Jnd in Cmpacttnaulation Uass itli.! ratin« an eiour ceiling of 10 Uecibles Titl« 23 Show now penetration of aase*ali*a 'or piping, electrical devteas racwsad caainat satntuos soffits or M*atine; ventilating or esnauat ducts snail a* s«al*d. lined or insulated eo isaintain required sound transmission racing Title 23 Provide iflaulaeion in walls and ceiling to acniev-j STC af 10 b«cw*«m garao* andUvinq ar«a if garmg* visas la noe controlled by r*sid«nt Title 23 •atPMTf COMSHKVATIOIH >lean* Head New stata Mandated Regulations (Calif Admin Cod*) became affective, June 16. 1983 and require that the design satisfy one of the alternative) •naray packages (see attached package* A. B, C. 1. 2. 3. 4 and AB 163) Th* law also requires that many mandatory conservation items b* satij^ied in Zona Copies of the Residential Energy Conservation Manual may b* obtained fromi Publications Unit, California Energy Conaission, 1111 How* Ave, HS-50. Sacramento. California 95825, (Tel (916) 920-6216)1 California Building Officials also maintain a telephone •hotlin** between 10:00 A M and Noon and 1:00 P M. to 4:00 ? M. ae (916) 456-3823 Show on th* title sheet of th* plans, the alternative energy package that; was selected i a A, B. C. 1, 2. 3, 4, or AB 163 to show compliance, and provide calculations and other data, appropriate to that selected package. The responsible designer should sign a statement, on the plan title sheet. •The design submitted substantially conforms to the Energy Regulations for Residential Buildings* Show th* *n* valu* for th* ualls and ceiling and related areas. Note that the insulation used shall comply with California Quality Standard*. Note th* insulation installer shall post a signed certificate, in a conspicious place in the building, stating the insulation complies with Title 24. Chapter 2-53 and Title 20, Chapter 2. Subchapter 4. Article 1 Note doors and windows, including skylights, between conditioned and non-conditioned space shall be fully weatherstripped Note on the framing plan that weather- stripping, caulking or sealants muat be used to limit filtration in th* building envelop* at the following locationsi exterior joints around windows and door frames between wall sole plates and floors,and u<.tw«en exterior wail panels, penetrations in walls, ceilings, and floors for plumbing, electricity, and gas linos openings in attic floors and all other openings in the building envoi op«i Note tnat doors and windows to be certified and labeled as complying with the Energy Regulations Note fans exhausting air to have back draft dampers Not* it th* exterior wall fireplace •Fireplace to nave minimum six square inches of outsid* air to have glass or metal door covering the entire opening of the firebox eo nave tight-fittine; damper with readily accessible control and should not have a continuous burning pilot light* Note ducts shall comply with Chapter 10, 1976 U.HC and shall b* tightly sealed with mastic or tap* Not* ae th* water heater location 'water heater to have wrap of R-12 external insulation* Note, where water heater is in unconditioned space, the first five feet of outlet pip* eo have R-3 wrap Note all circulating hot water pipes in unconditioned spaces shall be insulated Note that all gas fired heating and coolinq appliances, showers and faucets shall comply with the Energy Efficiency Standards Show, *t bath and kitchen, that the general lighting shall havo an efficiency of not less than 23 luawns per watt i * floreseent Not* that heating or cooling system* (except heat pumps) shall have an automatic thermostat with mechanism which can b* manually programmed to automatically set back the thermostat set points at least two periods. *j*;hin 24 Show th* six*, type andfTlocation' the space heating (or coot and provide energy calculations output BTU/Hr exceeds 43.000 BTU/Hr °UtPAtJ7ff-SDH-Melt* aad modal for PMI and water h*ace* •re on State approved list. Outdoor pools *«.tn fossil euel Heaters require; pool covers aa wall aa atner energy saving devices suca aa tiro cioexa. ate. •10-140* X Show a minimum 2* air soace and flashing between plantar and building walls Sac 25l7(e) Specify material to be used under fie shower :ila Sec I707(a) Specify lath and plaster co comply with Chapter 47, UBC Two 3/4' copper pipes must be installed from water heater location to convenient location of future solar panels (City Ord ) Provide sleeves (roof jac*cs) in roof for two tut ire 3/4* copoer pipes to convenient location of future solar panels (City Ord ) Note ciat solar wacer oiping is to oe insulated in areas f-.at ate rot Seated or cooled (Cicy Ord 1 Q Building plans are substantially correct and complete By i Date i G Building plans would be substantially correct and complnte is minor corrections are made at counter Byi. Date /Cl^uilding plans require ma^or corrections and complete plan recheck. by plan check engineer, is required Byt Datet If you have any questions regarding this plan check, please call at We would also b* pleased to meet with you. at no charge, if additional assistance is n*eded Datet Jurisdiction1 Prepared byt VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE Bldg. Dept. Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. BUILDING ADDRESS /Z-&& APPLICANT/CONTACT£tf>/zgtoAy BUILDING OCCUPANCY PHONE NO. /g-3 rtsf DESIGNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR PHONE BUILDING PORTION /./CS/AS£- 6^412^ Air Conditioning Commercial Residential Res. or Conun. Fire Sprinklers Total Value BUILDING AREA /&&^ d -^52) C5 VALUATION MULTIPLIER / S3-*o ~ ^ t$~*ti ^ § 2.80 0 2.40 @ 1.50 VALUE e?6.?Z5'~ 5-^5^ x /OZ575~ Fee Adjusted To Reflect Building Permit Fee $_ Plan Check Fee $ D Energy Regulations (Fee x 1.1) QHandicapped Regulations (Fee x 1.065) COM MENTS.. •l ^^^^^ LAN CHECK NUMBER c/r^£_ ADDRESS PLANNING TYPE OF STRUCTURE DATE ZONE SCHOOL FEES SAN DIEGUITO CARLSBAD % COVERAGE ENCINITAS SAN MARCOS BUILDING HEIGHT FENCES/WALLS TWO CAR GARAGE REQUIRED SETBACKS FRONT >r A //~7T rrSIDE_ REAR COMMENTS SoI— LU<-) oc LU i—i Q£ =>cr OrO LUcj o: REDEVELOPMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED LANDSCAPE PLAN COMMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIRED ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OK TO ISSUE ENGINEERING P.F.F _ R.O.W:, LEGAL DESCRIPTION VERIFIED7 PARK IN LIEU _ 'IMPROVEMENTS E D.U SEWER LATERAL DRIVEWAY oo•z.o•— Qt— LUO CSLLU i—ia: oo: cro LU GRADING PERMIT DRAINAGE c EASEMENTS / s /( ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OK TO ISSUE DATE * ENGINEERING INSPEC/B0N REQUIRED PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR FINAL OK 7 DATE * IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE ALL INSPECTIONS (DRIVEWAYS, CURB CUT, DRAINAGE, ETC ) J THOMAS Wl STRUCTURAL # > ^^ £ r? <? 6 < r-y (/ » 2. % J *A+/£l—.l$f-3 S,'K r -- * £3 L - /r.x -. 2.6 - <s>, n - er / -- -f- •"/c L = /6.J </'a , n 4 c *x./-< .' « - <D " /-= ' -<-c~r/ 0/4 3 'i.*to7, I ?.?• t~ *7/ —* 3 3 Stf. £ ,£Y /'I r'-\-/ SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM STANDARD SOLAR \VA7FR H HATING SI ST LM RATING RATING CATEGORY ROLAB ENERGY DELIVERED RESERVE ENERGY CAPACITY HEAT LOSS COEFFICIENT AUXILIARY ENERGY CAPACITY AUXILIARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION PARASITIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION STANDARD TEST LOAD TFRM QNO °RES L °CAP °AUX °PAR °DL RATING 35,800 29,200 5.1 27,600 15,500 NA 40,119 UNIT BTU/DA\ BTU BTU/HRT BTU BTU/DAY BTU/ DAY BTU/DAY Manufacturer Adflrr is T«t Svitem Type 200-S2 Sol ahart 3560 fn-mh 300 LO * Indirect U.S.A. P^rp adjusted to QNET at^Duste^ to *n Dl pnn f"^al i fr^rri 1000 Btu/Ft 2000 Btu/Ft. i a Trade Name Thermos vphon System Clascific Q212T Solahart 2 2/Day /Day Sj^lar «= 24,268 •= 40,119 Water Hf Btu/Day Btu/Day >3t-inrr Sv^tPi ar Plus Suppl pmpntal SOLAR SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS AND MATERIALS COLLECTOR Solahart MMrl No 3 C-mtt Arra 21 3 So Ft. Per Panel HryWe.phf 21 Ibs Per Panel rnv^rpiair Low iron Tempered Glass Aktnrhrr- Steel Inciiiannn • Fiberqlass/Polystyrene Maximum Operating Temperature 205°F Manufacturer i Maximum Rrcnmmended Flow Rate Trade Name Solahart Solar Water Heatino Svstem Net Aperture Ar« 20 1 Sq Ft. Per Panel , Fluid Capacity 1 Gal Per Panel Frame Structural Grade Aluminum AKsprheT <;urf»rr Solahart Surface Treatment Transfer Fluid Mfr Supplied TreBted Potable Water Maximum Oprn>t-n£ Prrffvrr Atmospheric to 16 psi Thermos vphon Number of Collector Paneh in Svstrm TWO Collectors * TANK Manufacturer Model No _ Dn Weight _ Material Solahart 300 LJ Ibs Mild steel Trade Name Solahart Solar Water Heating, System Fluid Capacity 80 Gals. Insulation ^Polvu re thane Work.mp Pressure 50 psi PUMP Manufacturer . Not Applicable Model Nin Hor^epouer Tsade Name Power Consumption Voll< Amp<: CONTROLLER Manuiaciurer Mot Model No Trade Name HEAT EXCHANGER Manufacturer Model No Type Trade Name. v-n-V.around of storaop cylinder! REMARKS Solar storage tan>. has an integral heatino element that suppleinents the solar heatec water to heat the tank to the desired minimum delivery temperature, element rated at 2400 watts at 240 volts *Cer-tification and rating also applies to model 300 LJ Solar Plus Supplemental with three J collectors and an 80 Gallon LJ tanX DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES BUILDING DEPARTMENT Cttp of 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 September 17, 1984 Mr. Gordon Bizieff 2956 Roosevelt Street Suite B Carlsbad, CA 92008 FIREPLACE DESIGN The design proposed maybe used if it is shown to conform with the State Energy Law. Please provide energy design calculations by an accredited design professional. Calculations should show that the fireplace stove, or stoves, will heat all the habitable rooms on the coolest day of the year to 70°F at three (3) feet above the floor, per Section 1211 of the Uniform Building Code. It should be noted that fuel for the fireplace must be carried to the fireplace from a storage area. This may be a hardship for some people (i.e., elderly or handicapped); but under the building code, this is not regulated. Nevertheless, fuel supply is more likely to be a problem than a gas or electric system provided by a public utility. The ICBO number for the fireplace shown is ICBO Number 4002, not 4007. Number 4007 is for steel- truss plates. (See attached) Any questions, call Glen Adamek at Esgil Corporation, (619) 560-1468. Director of Building and Planning MO:CD:hm] Attachments C: Esgil Corporation LOPI Quality on the Outside... ...Follows Through to the Inside M-520 Fireplace inserts models X FL, LX were tested and approved in accordance with the specifications and procedures outlined in Underwriter s Laboratories, Inc Standard for Safety UL 907 Fireplace Accessories and Fireplace Inserts Wood Stoves models M520 M380 were tested and approved in accordance with specifications and procedures outlined in Underwriters Laboratories Inc Standard for Safety UL 1482 Solid Fuel Type Room Heaters Aug 9 1979 and UL 737 Fireplace Stoves Mobile Home Room HeatiH M440 was tested and approved to DepL of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Stan dards and Underwnter s Latx>ratones Inc. Standard 1482 as they apply to room heaters for use in mobile homes and in tended for installation in accordance with the requirements of the Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards All Testing conducted by S T L Portland Oregon Units approved by ICBO File Mo 4007 ] Units have also been submitted to Underwnter s Laboratory of Canada Inc for testing and certification M380 approved to ULC Standard 1482 File No S627 MI981 and approved for credit by the Canadian Oil Substitution Program Consult local building code officials prior to installation International Conference of Building Officials RESEARCH REPORT Report No 4002 October 1983 Filing Category FIREPLACES MODELS FL-T, LX T, X-T, LX, FL AND X FIREPLACE INSERTS AND MODELS 380-T, 440-T, S20-T, M-520 AND M-380 FIREPLACE STOVES LOPI INTERNATIONAL LTD 10850—117TH PLACE, NORTHEAST KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON 98033 KDI, INCORPORATED 8950 NARROW LAKE ROAD SPRBMGPORT, MICHIGAN 49284 I Subject Models FL T LX T X T LX FL and X Fireplace Inserts and Models 380 T, 440-T 520 T M-520 and M-380 Fireplace Stoves II Description The fireplace inserts are designed for use in masonry fireplaces built in accordance with Chapter 37 of the Uniform Building Code The existing fireplace flue damper must be removed or either weldedor bolted in a permanently open position The appliances descnbed in this report are wood burning units designed for use with chimney connectors complying with the Uniform Mechanical Code and listed low heat appliance chimneys Optional blowers are also available with these units, as indicated in the installation and operation instructions The overall sizes of the units clearances to combustibles and additional information are indi- cated in Tables Nos I through III Bnck wall shield details for clearance reductions are shown in Figure No 4 Identification Each unit is identified by a permanent aluminum labelcontaining the manufacturer s name, address model number serial num her type of fuel, ICBO research repo-t number installation clearances chimney and hearth extension details and the name of the quality control inspection agency, Stove Testing Laboratory (TL-119) III Evidence Submitted Report of tests conducted in accordance with UL Standards Nos 737, 907 and 482 and a quality control manual have been submitted Findings IV Findings That the fireplace inserts and fireplace stove described in this report comply with the 1982 Uniform Building Code and the 1982 Uniform Mechanical Code, subject to the following conditions 1 They are fabricated, identified and installed in accordance with this report and the manufacturer's instructions 2 Combustion air is provided in accordance with Chapter 6 of the Uniform Mechanical Code This report is subject to re examination in one year ICBO research reports are issued solely to provide information to Class A members of the organization utilizing the code upon which the report is based Research reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed nor as an endorsement or recommendation for use of the subject report This report is based upon independent tests or other technical data submitted by the applicant The ICBO technical staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data, but does not possess test facilities to make an independent verification There is no warranty by ICBO, expressed or implied, as to any "Finding" or other matter in the report or as to any product covered by the report This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merchantability Page 1 of 5 Carlsbad Unified School District 8O1 Pine Avenue, Carlsbad, California 92OO8 729-9291 'Excellence In Education' BOARD OF TRUSTEES J EDWARD SWITZER JR President JU LI ANNE L NYCAARD Vice President JAMES McCORMICK Clerk JOE ANGEL. Member JOHN J MAMAUX Member DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION PHILIP GRICNON Ed D District Superintendent JAMES M STARK Business Services SUSAN HARUMI BENTLEY Instructional Services DAVID WM BATES SR Employee Relations RICHARD A SHALER Information Systems KC DUN LAP Facilities/Services October 12, 1984 Mr Clarence Schlehuber, Chairperson, and Members of the Planning Commission City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attn Mr Martin Orenyak, Building and Planning Director Reference Douglas and Bonnie Engberg, owners Gentlemen Our District has reviewed the proposed development of one single family dwelling located at 1270 Knowles Street and has evaluated the impdct of that project on the facilities of this District The Governing Board wishes to advise the city officials and residents of Carlsbad that, as residential units are added to the community, it is likely that many classes in the District will become crowded, resulting in possible impairment to the educational and transportational services offered to the students It is also likely that school schedules may have to be changed, resulting in an increase in the year-round program, or double-sessions, or both However, the District is able to assure you that school physical facilities will be available concurrent with need for this development as it is presently proposed Sincerely, (/ James Stark Assistant Superintendent Business Services njg 0•n CO 21-D CCO 0mO 03) r-0CO— ( CDOo* om — i 0 COo1 OOr- TJ33 O m 33-1< ^ nm 2 2 CD•o Cog-< m w Om CO T* L^ -i o D a S S" to * 05 tflD to * ^ S °°§