HomeMy WebLinkAbout1346 MALLARD CT; ; CB972280; Permit·~ B U I L D I N G 12/11/97 14:28 Page 1 of 1 P E R M I T Permit No: CB972280 Project No: A9702884 Development No: DEV89028 Job Address: 1346 MALLARD CT Suite: Permit Type: SINGLE FAMILY DWLNG -DETACHED Parcel No: 215-790-03-00 Lot#: 3 Valuation: 373,042 Con~luLitli10W lJ002eo1 VIi)2 Occupancy Group: Reference#: CT 9 0-31 Stli~l'!tf. IS!i~~-83 Description: MODEL,PLAN 3,BELLA LAGO,4469SF : 905 GAR,674 SF PORCH-BROOKFIELD HMS Applied: 08/13/97 Apr/Issue: 12/11/97 Entered By: RMA Appl/Ownr : BROOKFIELD HOMES 12865 POINT DEL MAR DEL MAR CA 92014 Plan Check Numbers > *** Fees Required *** Fees: Adjustments: Total Fees: 17,492.83 .00 17,492.83 619 481-8500 STE 200 ORIG 972033 *** Fees Collected & Credits Total Credits: Total Payments: Bal~nce Due: *** Fee description Units Fee/Unit .00 350.00 17,142.83 Ext fee Data Number of Bedrooms Number of Bathrooms Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee Enter "Y" to Autocalc Enter "Y" to Autocalc Payoff Fee for CFD * BUILDING TOTAL > . . . . > P.F.F. T.I.F. > > > Enter #Units & Code-Potable Water> Enter "Y" for Plumbing Issue Fee > Each Plumbing Fixture or Trap > Each Builaing Sewer > Each Install/Repair Water Line > Each Water Heater and/or Vent > Gas Piping System > Each Vacuum Breaker > * PLUMBING TOTAL Enter "Y" for Electric Issue Fee > Single Phase Per AMP > * ELECTRICAL TOTAL Enter 'Y' for Mechanical Issue Fee> Install Furn/Ducts/Heat Pumps Each Install Fireplace > Each Exhaust Fan > Each Install/Reloc Vent > * MECHANICAL TOTAL 4698.83 1 1 1 1 2 200 7.00 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 .25 5.00 4.50 1599.00 1039.00 37.00 6789.00 Y 540.00 Y 4698.83 14702.83 2400.00 20 .00 168.00 D5/8 y 15.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 14.00 238.00 10.00 Y 50.00 60.00 15.00 Y 9.00 Pfi~OVA1!:~~ 4 .50 'i.oo ~./IQ--DATElP ·~·ro00 CLEARANCE _____ _ CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 6/28/2000 Permit# CB972280 Title: MODEL,PLAN 3,BELLA LAGO,4469SF Description: 905 GAR,674 SF PORCH-BROOKFIELD HMS Type:SFD Sub Type: Joo Address: Suite: Location: 1346 MALLARD CT Lot APPLICANT BROOKFIELD HOMES 3 Owner: BROOKFIELD CARLSBAD INC Remarks: Total Time: CD Description Act Comments 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Associated PCRs lnsgection Histo01 Date Description Act lnsp Comments 7/9/1998 89 Final Combo co PS 4/14/1998 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP PS 4/13/1998 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test NR PS 4/10/1998 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test NR PS 4/6/1998 16 Insulation AP PS 4/3/1998 84 Rough Combo CA PS 4/2/1998 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding co PS 4/2/1998 24 Rough/T opout AP PS 4/2/1998 34 Rough Electric AP PS 4/2/1998 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers AP PS 3/30/1998 84 Rough Combo co PS 3/11/1998 13 Shear Panels/HD's AP PS 3/11/1998 15 Roof/Reroof we PS 2/10/1998 15 Roof/Reroof AP PS 1/7/1998 81 Underground Combo AP PS 1/6/1998 81 Underground Combo NR PS Inspector Assignment: PS --- Phone: 7604380067 Inspector:~ ._S Requested By: BOB Entered By: CHRISTINE • • ROUTINJ;,' BLDG V PLANNING DEPARTMENT FINAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST M. HA_R_D Rl'i-y'-i-/.f- 1 PLANNE 7 ( LBLACK __ _ M BLACK-,. .. ,,.,-fl ' M. HARDY .......Jlll:_I BLDG ___ _ Project Name: •'--'t Poe.cH _.-...,2_p l'>Ok:.J;1 F1]) J./.,wsPlan Check No. CB9 7Z-Z-fO I lo/ , o Address: (~':J..I.,, N) /1-LLtieb CT. Project Number: Project Planner: ~i ~ ~NM Extension ..,,,,,,, ,, 7 Contact Person Phone No. Drawing No. Inspections Final Inspection Items 1st 2nd Aopr~d All Items below Conform with Approved Site Plan ~.r ,-I Project Planner confirms conditions are met -I I. V 2. Building elevations 3. Building materials ' l/ 4. Building colors 5. Rooftop equipment screens ~ 6. Fence/wall height, location, and materials 7. Size, number and location of parking spaces compact, regular, handicap 8. Outdoor recreation facilities 9. Employee eating areas 10. Trash enclosure and location 11. Pavement treatment ~ 12. Street Addresses and mailboxes ,/\,CZ.. 13. Landscaping installed (under separate contract) LIST BELOW ANY ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRING SPECIAL ATTENTION BY MIKE BLACK: 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Project complies with all conditions, including above-listed items. Final inspection is complete. Li.~\~.fnNLL t·"l-4-5 Mike Black Date (H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\Final Insp Check) 06/22/98 I -:,. 1,,J/_ --------------------.. ~ .... --~---....--3 ~,AS J ........ c...,__ • JOB A();}RE~$-., --lOT ._0./SUltf· O\Vftr.ERS "',..P.I,[: 1rt' J'r I .4 I .... -" • A ' --· ., IJV/'J,.. 1' n•n /';1/ (, 1q-: T ,. Pl'RMIT M). CON,y.,.c,OR . lil-ll:>!>K; c;-,-,,.,..,~ I r,1 f 7 1..;,/~ > Y.I) . Ol'-IEQ I ,_ T . - APPROVfO TO COVEii ,~ of lRopection 0-I -8LJIW1'1G FOU"DATIQ", I -C'.9 -j / -REINFORCED SUR ' I . -'----"I y MA..."-011\iRV ::I G"OUT 0 WI\Li. ORAl"S ~-~l,. P.a..h.Ei..~ "Oi..R S TR~ COcLM!S FOOTl"IGS ~UtlFRAME □FLOOR □CULINC ROOF SHfl\ fHING 1.-f•-~ . ··-·····-··· ... fl(~. SHEI\R PANELS .. ., 'l'•"Zlr .,._. (! lflll irri N r:: ( F!V<M( &1-7•"r, ... ti·--- ,._.Sl,ll\TION &I-,"'~ tJ I - -C~T(RIOR LI\ TH r ,, 7.,, -.. -... •-.TERI()!! LATH & DRYWALL ~ .. ,, ,-..... ,---"· fl~ - FINAL 0/1# y pd ;.,,C - ru. ,.,e,.-.c; -• jllSfWER AND 81.-'CO GilPLKO ---.~---. - l'"DERCII.OUND Jll.WASTE 0 WATER ,-... E flrJJ,&l5G fJ!2--- TOP OUT )ilU','ASrt Qlll:ATER .,_.,_llloll" - TLBANOSHOWERPAN u-.,.. ,.., - M._CAiTEST □ C.I\S PIPING £1-f'I• "R' w:, ~-f~ i'J - Cl WATER H[ATER □50lARWAT£R , -#"t--FINAl -El[CTII_IC-1( •~7• "Jl7 ~- -Cl llfC"TRIC UNDERGROU'ID LUFER ~ R:QUGe-1 HECTR:C WALLS -j -.r • ROUCH ELECTRIC CfiLl'IG "'"'' ~ 0 EW:.TRiC SERVlct □UMPORI\RY OIIO"ONG □POOL FINAL MECHANICAL vN0€RCROU"ID OU<TS & PIPING . 0 DUCT & Pl.EM. 0 REF. PIPING -.._ -;di: HUT· AIR COhO. ~VSTEMS --... -,- \'t'-'Tl'.All .. G S\'~n .. ,s .,..-. , .. FIN-'ll . CAU IOII fiN,..l llvSl'ECTION WHEN .t.U.,.Pl'IIOl'lll,..1E ITEMS ABOVE HAV( IJCEN "" OVED fl"'4l §;g,,Whffl"-- 8uildin9 D~-(lnspectioolsl 438-3101 - F~ Department 931.2121 ,,~,.,. ~~ Pl.,..,i•I~' 4J8-,.. ; • -- ("8"'""'''11! Oep<. tlncp«tionil -4311-3891 m ,.. -~-r 8uild1n1 t"tpe<"t0"5 <1~ 438--3550 -, ... CMWO 43S.272l ht 15I ~ . \Vftltf lnspactiorai ◄36-3891 1 , , s I .::c:c 11.&r"r,, c:~o C::01;;r1a1 ... nTC"----.. ·-. a City ol Carlsbad m Final Building lnspecUon 2 8 lanning CMWD St Lite Fire Plan Check#: Permit#: CB972280 Project Name: MODEL.PLAN 3,BELLA LAGO,4469SF 905 GAR,674 SF PORCH-BROOKFIELD HMS Address: 1346 MALLARD CT Contact Person: BOB Phone: 7604380067 Water Dist: CA Sewer Dist: CA Date: 6/28/2000 Permit Type: SFD Sub Type: Lot: 3 ·························································································································································· Inspected Date ~ Approved: A By: ])fr::2 Disapproved: __ lnspected:Y ~ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ Inspected Date By: Inspected: Approved: Disapproved: __ I I I I I I I I I I I It I I I f lllt 1111 It tit It t t 1111 I ■t 11 I I It I I I I I llt■t 1111 1 I I I 111 I I I I I I 1111111 I I I■ It I It I I II■ I I l l If I I I I I I Ill■ I Ill I Ill II 11 I I 1111111 I ■It I 111 111111■ I II I 1111 Comments: 1H { s HO\.)$€ trlfQleE? --ro B€ OCC...JJ Pt e-0 ~ C[H 15 :JJ v--te::-. :12a:5 l~/31/1997 O~:u3 -138'.!7E,5 December 30, 1997 City of Culsbad Bujlding Department 2075 Las Pa.lmas Drive Carlsbad, California 9209-4859 Attentio.n: Building Official 1~:MB I Cll()SBY" - llVIEAD l~ENr_fON & AS~QCIATES En~J1_~~ers •Planners• ~,t11vayor~ Subject: Foundation. Locat.ion Verifical'ion -''Hclla Lago" Project Model Homes Lots 3, 4 11J1d 5 of Aviara Pla11nil1g Area No. 28, Unit 1 (C.T. 90-31), Map No. 13368. Dear Sir: On December 29, 1997, our field crew collecied data for the setback verification of foundati.on fom,s in place for the proposed houses to be placed on the su~ject lots. Based upon my review of this data, ( hereby ce.rtify, as defined by Section 6735.5 of the Professional Engineers' Act of I. 992, that all minimum front and sideyard setbacks from propert)• line as shown on the approved Model Home Si.le Plot Plans prepared by Crosby Mead Benton & Associates and signed by me on August 21, 1997, ba-ve been met. Que1,1ions should be addressed to me at the phone number and add.ress below. Thank you for your attention. ReSJXctfully, CU.OSBY MEAD BENTON & ASSOCIATES C u,--~--=b_-~- _AJexander W. Urquhart P.E. No. C 30958 Project Manager .AWU/bhs model-sb.crt -··-······------------- 50 El Camino r-ie<JI. Suire 200 • Carlsbad. C alitornio 92008 • 760/438-1210 • Fax /60/4.38-27o'i