HomeMy WebLinkAbout135 ACACIA AVE; ; 74-1158; PermitTION AUTHDWZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN Bo DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS CO" MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY TMAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS NPE OF WORK WILL EE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AN0 ORDINANCES OOVERNINQ THIS HEREIN OR NOT THE QRANTINQ OF A PERMIT DOES NOT P#$UME TO QlVk I\UTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE P VISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REQULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ,..i ':,'* : i .! '3 "3 wn~m momLv VUIDA~D IIN THIS -ACE) THIS IS voun PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CAW PERMIT .VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASU ,: q ,e.< " z" ~.' 1 ...,.. <". ... ,., ,.. , .. ,, .li:. I. .., . . *. .. I ,, : ,.~ .. , . ..., 'A . ..., INSPECTOR REMARKS USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. Compla int and, .BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMPLAINT and/or REQUEST FORM /or Request: 135 ACACIA ST. - MGR. OWNER NOTIFIED OF VIOLATIONS FROM FIRE DEPT. SEE BELOW FOR REPORT FROM BUILDING INSPECTORS. ~~ Nam2 of Complaintant: . .. . FIRE DEPT. Address : 13.5 ACACIA ST. Phone : 729-7523 Date Received : l-8-75 By whom: Referred to: Inspecto'rs Mata, Tony and Plude, Emile Action Taken: .. . On Jan. 8, 1975 Inspectors Mata and Plude .attempted to obtain entrance. Was met at the door by (2) young men that stated everything is okay. They have heat, nd fixtures hanging or burned. R. S. OSURN 1-8-75 Nature and Date of Notification of Action to Complaintant or Petitioner: PLEASE RETURN THIS COPY TO THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT, with notation as to action taken. .. ... -. ... .. .I __ \ . .~ --. .. -. i $1. ''." .. ~, . .., .... Carlsbao, -.-.~ .. .. . - NOTICF OF HAZARD Gc"" &.;.;. 3'k*a NAME : John Schoenle, Mgr. ?%) ADDRESS: ' Carlsbad, CA 92008 135 Acacia Apt. C "&f- ./LQ PH: 729-7523 i INSPECTION DATE: September b, 1974 -P2"%?~ds5&z-?%.. yp&C - - L - - - - - . i& - -" , Your attention is called to violation of Ordinance # 2028 1, Section #See below 8 Address of Violation 135 Acacia - Carlsbad .: Violation 1 (1) SHL-17852 - Provide two 2A, 10 BC Fire Extin- ! g"- - . adjacent to mail box and one on the soEth wall S; Urle LO LIE &J.LdL&U mb Wah. r - . 0. LALLII I ~-L. Air LU be mounted on wall no higher than 5 feet nor less tnan 1 (2) UBC-104II - Repair holes in walls and ceiling in garage anti warer neater room. mese areas nuot be maintained in good repair at all times. drained to outside and gas line on heater in LO. u /e - Kecommena oveir~ows on ned- garage De cnangea to dppr3SVEUStJFm. - 63 io:*:.% 14i h. 6. h cwdLtc . W~O?.L%NDATXON : General outside policing for accumulations of hgicardous trash snouiu b e uone ~n accoruance Wlth UFC-27.07-a A re-inspection will be made on: Seaterher 23, 1974 this date, GIRARD W. ANEAR .