HomeMy WebLinkAbout1350 MALLARD CT; ; CBR2017-1436; PermitPrint Date: 07/07/2017 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: 1350 Mallard Ct BLDG-Residential 2157901800 $0.00 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit www.carlsbadca.gov Work Class: Lot#; Reference#: Construction Type: Bathrooms: Orig. Plan Check#: Plan Check#: P/M/E Description: VILLAFLOR: REPLACE GAS WATER HEATER, LIKE FOR LIKE Owner: Status: Applied: Issued: Finaled: Inspector: Contractor: Permit No: CBR2017-1436 Closed -Finaled 06/27/2017 06/27/2017 TRUST VILLAFLOR MIRASOL D REVOCABLE TRUST 05-07-97 CALIFORNIA DELTA MECHANICAL INC 1350 Mallard Ct CARLSBAD, CA 92011 847-899-22S0 PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT Total Fees: $98.00 Total Payments To Date: $98.00 6056 E Baseline Rd, 155 Mesa, AZ 85206-4803 480-898-0007 Balance Due: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES 1T APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. $98.00 $0.00 JUM/26/2017/MON 03: 19 PM FAX No. P. 002/004 !Hf r"01.LOWING APPROVALS REQUIR,ED PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE: □PLANNING D i;;NGINE:ERING OiUILDING □~•· QHEALTH 0 HAZMATIAPCD Ccityof Building Permit Applicotion Plan Check Nn.C-PiR ;;l.()l :) -/Lf < 1635 Fareday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 I.gt. Value Carlsbad Ph; 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-602...8558 Plan Ck. Deposit email: building@cartsbadca.9av www.carb.ib~dca.gov Date I -I :).'t-l / q.. I J08APD~ES8 1350 Mallard Ct SUIJ'EI/Sl'ACEt'/ul'llm, I'~ --- ·-·· -• ,,v,. ll'HASti/o I F UNrl'ljl I# Sc:Of't 1'" BATHROOMS I BU&INa!>N>,.~E I' • 11PE · 1 OOC-G!=ltJUl- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lnr:IIJde .,-qu.al't'I 1-Nf of Affi:'.(,flm Afvilfll) Replace gas water heater like for like. l;X,l§'J1NG ~ I Fl'ROPOSED USE '<a.A.RAGE (SF) PATIOS (Sf') I DECKS {SF] FIAEPLAcE lA!R CONDITIONING I ~RE.S?AINKLERS YE3D '<O YES0No0 YESONoO APPUOANT NA.tWE Micaela Cabrera PROPl!!RTY ()WNER NA,Mli; Robert Villaflor ~ ADDRES5 ADDR~SS 6056 E Baseline Rd. Ste 155 1350 Mallard Ct CITY STATE ~p CITY 5TATE ,ip Mesa AZ 85206 Carlsbad CA 92011 PHONE I'"' PHONE I FAX 86&.692-5273 866-692-5275 . (847)-899-2250 EMAJL "''" capermlts@deltamechanlcal.com DESQN PRC~DSIONAi-C:OIITRA.CTOR BUS. NAM~ Califomia Delta Mechanical ADDRESS ADDRESS 6056 E Baseline Rd, Ste 155 CCTY STATE ~p CITY SiATE ZIP Mesa AZ 85206 PHONE IFAX PHONE I"" 480-89S.0007 480-898-0005 EMAIL EMAIL I STATE UC. If, Sr11,n: WC.# l0"''c3s I'"" BIJS. uc.1214281 811114 ---------------------------- WORK Et? s COMPENSATION ----------------------------------w,,~• Compoo58tlon Decleratfon: f hen.byeffirm underpenalfy ofpf#JVrl OOfl crftlre fr:,lfowlrri} declsr&tfons: D I have and wlU maintain a Cllrtificate of conaer11 to g~MO$u1'9 forwori<enc' OQropl;l~tlo!'i as provided by Section 3700 of !he LalxlrCode, ior me ~nc:s of lt'MI watk tor Which lrus purm~ ie lasued. [Z] ! h.w9 and will m!l.lntaln work,er.s' com~tMSMK!n, as rer:iuirad bv ~~10113700 r;f ttw Labar Codi!, fer t11e JJGfforman,:;e of the work, rorW!llch !!!ill p1,rmil ia IHUl!d'. My IMX~' oompenal!don Insurance carl'lilr Md pa~ number we: Inwranee Go QBE: lntUfant;• GOJp Polley No. QWC3000839 E,q;ilrattm Date 10-1-17 ')Jii.&ecrlion n-=I nat be oornp'ered 11'111e permit ii; for er.a hundred doll~ ($100} or leu. LJ CertlliC:ltQ; Of e,mnpticn: I ~ertify th!II: In lt,e per1i;IIT(l.10CI!' crfih11 work brv.tilch INS !Xlrrnit is iS."rued, I Bllall not em.~ any pllnion ti any 11'13nn&r ,;,o <Iii bJ beooma eubjecl to tfl(t Worlam;' Compensa1lon l~ ot C11ifcmlii. WARN»JG: l'ailuro to ,;erumworkera' compen,ur,tlOl'I COVV111g& I& unlllWful, a)}(( $haR subj act en employer to criminal pruialtlee and cJvil fim1:i; up to 0011 hundl"ed tho1.1$i!11d doll~ra {&100,1'.1~11), in ~llitian toth-a cce1 at compe~.(tion, d11mqei; as provldecl forln Sr:Glkln 3706 oftha Laborcc!I~, il'ltv~ ancl at!Dmey's fl!t$, _g CQNTAACTOR!5IGNATURE @AGENT DATE ------------·--------------------. OWNER BUlLDER DECLARATION -----. -~--------· ------. -------------. I ~by r,_ffitm that I i1171 exempt from eom,9~(0('$ ~/'IG8 Law kif 1h11 fo/Jowlng ffl8Wn; □ □ □ I, as ownocof the property or my empl~l¾l with wages ai; lhelrsole OOl'l1pjil~~lion. will do the wOl1( am:I ttl9 51:ruotura i& not lntendeCI Ot<iff<i:rvd fur:sale [Sec. 7044, 01.1:Sin~ and Profse11loll!I C<Jde: The Gontractcr'& Ucense LE!\11 cloe$ not ~l)tylo anoW11Brofpmpeny who 001,:1$ «improY<N th8reon, anrJ MIO doos sudi WOOi hlnllll;'lror lht'OU!,'11 hill <1\'111 emp,'OY(!l!S, PfO'-'~d that 51lll lmprcvements are nol Jltanded DroffeJe(I !Or sals., tf, hmwwr, tho b,Jidt~Q' orlmprovemeiit 1$ $Old within one year ofW/l"I0"5!tion, !rnl W111er-b11klerwll h8118 thB burdsn of proving tnat Mdid oot build or tmprove rortll(I l)urpoae of Billa). r, a; owner cf1he ?£0perty, am e)(clu:11ve1y conlrading with liclfflsed OD11tl"(IC(o~ lo i;;unslrucl Iha pru)t!C! ~ 7044, 8Ulll'l6!1!1 aru:! Pro~ Code: The Conlracl;or~ UCeooe LBw does not apply to a.n awnerar property wh:l bulls or~ tha~n. !l1d con1race ior SOC/1 Mjvcbi with contra:tor(~J lleeolied pm;uanl:to the Contr,!l(ltr,)fs 1.ic1mae Lsw). I am im,mpt Ul'ICI~ Section ____ ~usl,ne3S (Ind ProfEl.s&KlrRi Coda for this reJ.ISOl'I: 1. I peniona.!~ plan ti) prow;IQ fl~ majorlcbor and ma\e~ls ror construction of too. prnpose<:1 l)'O~rty impmwement:. [Jv1i1$ Do 2. J (hlr«! fhave notl .$l9n1X1 i!l1 ~~icillian far a bulkJlng pe(lllit fCY the prnpooed wort 3.1 hBVe coniroo{t(I with lh,;, folowiilJ p&ISOl'l (flrni) IQ prolll(je ttKI proposed oonBtnlCdon 0fl¢IIXMI name addr1111e I plx;loe / COl'llrac;kn~• licoose n11mbei,: 4. I plan ti:;, provk;!e J»rt!On,; oflhe work, l:xJt/ hawi hired t/19: followill11 peraon l,(l ooordlnate, !Wpil!"Viie illld provide the, ll13)0r WOOi ~ndude nime / 8,:l(lf*-!;:!;/ phomi loontrecl;Dr<!a' li(:e[l$il0 nurnbllr): S. I will prowk;te romeo! the w,;rl,, but I have cant,ra;teo" (hlrgd) lh1:1 fullowilg persons 10 p((lv)dv thew.irk i~dbned C-,cklde name I addraae./ phone I~ ofvrork): ,M'S PROPhRTY OWNER SIONAiUR,I: " JUN/26/2017/MON 03:20 PM FAX No. P 003/004 --------·--------------~--- COMPLETE THrs 5-E"CTJON FOfl N"ON 17£!nOENTIAl. BU~,L.DJN(i P£RMJTS ONLY ---------------~ ----~ ---------------- Is lt'1e ~ppticaitorfulure bulldtng occupant ~ulrad to wbmfta bu,U1811!1 ~an, 8eut8Iy h~! !N~a~ rugEtratioo lorfJI or ri5Jc managern,,,(I\ aid pr.1wn1km ~ogr;im under ~11$ 25!i05, 25533 or 25,:i.;14.Qf II» Presley-Tanner 1-l&~OOUS :Sutwtillll Aocount Aci? 0 'fes □ No I!: tne ~Pl)f,cant or lut.Jrv bulkil~ ~i:ic1rrtrequired to obtain a pem,11 from th~ ~Ir ix,llution 0011trol dlstr1ci w-airquaiiy m11n~ent d~ □ Yea O No h; ltla f~llly (o he o,:inslrucied within 1,000 feet cf the r:iutMOOun~r.,-of a school site? □ Yaa o No IF AfllY OF THE ANSINERS AftE 'rl!S, A. F[IIIAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCI.JPANCY MAY NOT !!E IS5Ulill UNLESS THE -"J'PLICANT HA$ MET OR 18 MEETING THE REOOIREME~S: OF THE OFFICE. OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLL1110N CONTR.OL. O!STRICT. CONS-TR UC TIO N LEND IN. G AG.ENCY I heraby affirm tt,at there IS a oonslr~cfmn lendmg 3gElflO')'forlhe perkn•rttsrioe Qfthework thii; pecm~ Is issued (Sec. 3097 Q) CiY1I Cl:lde), Lender'5 Na.me Lender's AddT~5 ~. A _r: PL IC A ~·-!._£~·-R' TI Ff C.A TIO N I CGriitythat l hiwa rMd vie applicalilln and state ~11'18abawi irltlrmaJ:loo Is CtlmlCtand tllatthe lrlbmalicn 1111 the. PlanS i5amnBTe. Jagrae to comply wt:11 1:111 City ordn.ilDl!il am! Swbl lffl,s 191ali1g11> bU!lding con&1ruc:l1c;1n. I h!!reby aulholfze rt!!'.J'QS9nlali>'B of lhe C1lyof ~Shad Ip ent.er upon H'lti! above: menfuned property br ~lffll!orl PJfl'.D!iEJIS. I .ALSO~ TO SAVE IIJDB,!,/IF)' .MID KEEP HJIR1...I.ESS THE CITY CF CARLSBAD AGAINST AI.LUABILITES, JLOGMfITTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN /.JIJY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST 5'\ID CITY IN COJSEQIJENCE OFtHEGRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: Al'i OSHA permit Is req\lrQ(f tniJCCaV6!ions 0\19f 5"0' d:iep end deirdltlon or DJ11$b\/cllon of st!Udures over 3 ~ ii ~ EXPIRATION: Every permit lsi:.ued by 1he Buttig ~ tJ1deriJle provlslonS aflhis Codes~ ~ by fl111iw:tion and t>eoome fl.II a1d 1/0id if ltJ.;l l:lJl:\ing or WXk authorized by such parniit i$ not OOITll)Q[lcad 'MfJ,i~ 100 clays tam lhe dataahudl permit cdf!Mbtiitiir,;i orv.uk aulhortz:ed by .soch r.ermll:\sal.tipe;l1cled<X"SOOl1doned at anytime afe'lh11 w:,r1< S.OJrrmElncQd t:ir .a period of 100dayi; (Sedrn 100.4--4 Ur\it:lrm Building 0::ic:rit). ~ AF'PUCJ\NT'S BIGNATU~ □ATE. ~ •' &:, . l 7 _ PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY REPORT (CBR2017-1436) ~ormit Type: Work Class: Status: Scheduled Date BLDG-Residential P/M/E Closed -Finaled Actual Start Date Inspection Type Application Date: 0612712017 Issue Date: 06127/2017 Expiration Date: 01/03/2018 fVR Number: 4648 Inspection No. Inspection Status 07/07/2017 07/07/2017 BLDG-25 Water HeaterNents 028091-2017 Passed July 07, 2017 BLDG-Final Inspection Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency 028092-2017 Checklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency BLDG-Plumbing Final BLDG-Mechanical Final BLDG-Structural Final BLDG-Electrical Final COMMENTS Passed COMMENTS Owner: Subdivision: Address: Primary Inspector Paul Burnette Paul Burnette TRUST VILLAFLOR MIRASOL D REVOCABLE TRUST 05-07-97 CARLSBAD TCT#90-31 AREA 28 UNIT#01 1350 Mallard Ct Carlsbad, CA 92011-4879 Re inspection Passed Yes Passed No Yes No No No Complete Complete Complete Page 1 of 1