HomeMy WebLinkAbout1365 Forest Ave; ; 77-OTHER; PermitMODEL NO._________ -~ BUILD1NG PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicanttocompletenumberedspaceson y. Phone 729-1181 Permit No. JOI! ADDRESS /".?;.::: { {-l "' (QSEE ATTACHED SHEET) ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER BuuK PAGE I PAR. ~~i°-"''~'f)~~-~~~l~l-'----= . .Jlii.~~A~~~+~~'-'°_"'_"~~~~""~~~~z~1~9_-~?.~/~7~7~~ CONTIU,CTOA MAIL ADDRESS PHONE STATE LIC. NO. CITY LIC. NO, 3 Al'ICHITECT OR O[SIGNEl'I MAH .. ADDRESS PHON [ LICENSE NO, 4 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICE'ISE NO. 5 COMPENSATION INS. CARRIER MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH 6 /1 USE OF (IUILDING 7 // .Iv NO. B _/ / NO. BATHS 8 Class of work: ONEW 0 ADDITION 9 Describe work: A. / 10 Change of use from Change of use to 11 Valuation of work: $ 79oZo. SPECIAL CONOITIONS: APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED ~OR ISSUANCE BY DATE DATE NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 OAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER SlATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. !DAT[ I $IGNA._-, Ill[ OF OWNi!'R N FIii U L Ill) DAT£) V 0 MOVE DjREMOVE : , PLAN CHECK FEE$ Type of Const. Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fire Zone No. of Dwelling Units Special Approvals PLANNING DEPT. HEAL TH DEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify) ENGINEERING DEPT. WATER DEPT. s-~ PERMIT FEE S MICRO FILM FEE Occupancy Group No. of Max. Stories 0cc. Load USO Fire Sprinklers Zone Required DYes OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES, No. Covered Sq, Ft. INo. Open 0No Required Received Not Required WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH ~c.-e9£ T OT AL FEES $ __ _,(.),,__ ____ _ INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET RECEIVED BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING ADDRESS: PLANNING DEPARTMENT UNITS ALLOWED UNITS PROVIDED DATE: -o""'"c ~1 ,.._r .,._4 -+e,91+-,r1f---, CITY OF CARLSBAD Bulldlng Department ------------------------ PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED ---------------------- % COVERAGE ALLOW ED PROVIDED ------------- ,• 'BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED PROVIDED .. J FRONT SETBACK: ALLOWED PROVIDED ------- INTRUSIONS ---------- SIDE SETBACK: LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: REAR SETBACK: OK TO ISSUE: ____ DATE ____ OK TO FINA1 ________ DATE ____ _ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT /0 -/7-77 -AJL-R.o.w . ______ INDUSTRI1i. WASTE IMPROVEMENTS --------------- SEWER CONNECTION DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS ___________ _ GRADING PERMIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION~J~')L'l'7"t:u_ __ ~..:_~~~~-L;!:::...!..---=---===-=:.L...!.,~'--=-'--~-S-~-=='---'=--":..c_ OK TO ISSUE: --- u1,1frl DATE PWI OK TO FINAL ____ DATE 1 /-e9~0 ·1/--.. L ___ t!'?_,I_ -t-~-1'-e -lo 7 :s-13;. e & ~-t'--./1-. ~-;;{-----, .. FIRE DEPARTMENT 'SPRit;KLING SYSTEM ___________ FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP. _______ _ FI RE ALARMS EXITS _______________ _ FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATION _________________ _ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS • OK TO ISSUE: _____ DATE _______ OK TO FINAL ______ DATE ___ _ WATER DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS OF APPROPRIATE DISTRICTS MET ________ DATE ________ _ TYPICAL j .. "\ ··········--.. , ··-····· -········ ···-. ··-.. -· - SHOW THE FOLLOl'lING: VICINITY l-11\P /....DDRESS AND LEGAL DESCIUP.TIO~ OF PROPERTY HAHE , ADDRESS , &.TELEPHONE NO. OF OWNER AllD APPLICANT . ZQ!JE ~~SSIFICATION DIST1'.NCE BET1·:EE1·: BUILDINGS AND DISTANCE F'ROl-1 !3UILDII,GS AND STRUC'l'URES 'l'O PP,OPERTY LINES • . SHOW BUILnn:G SE'l'Bl\CKS OF hDJOINING PROPERTY FILL I U 1H l·1ENSIONS AT r-"°7/ NAHES AND WIDTHS OF BORDERING· STREETS LOCATION AND WIDTHS OF ALLEYS AND/OR EASEMENTS LOCATION & WIDTHS OF DRIVEWAYS , (Sl!Ol·I PROFILE IF 5% OR HORE SLOPE) EXISTING AND PROPOSED BUILDINGS , STRUCTURES , INCLUDING LOCATION & l!EIGJl'l.' OF FENCES, TOWERS , SI GNS, ETC.· EXI STI NG AND rnoPOSED PARKING (SHOW DI.MENS IONS ) NOR'rH ARROW SHOl'l WATER DRAINAGE FLOW LINES AND ELEVATIONS AT EL . TYPICAL WHERE GRADING IS REQUIRED, SHOW i TYPICAL SECTIONS AT EACH PROPERTY L INE ' PLOT PLAN . q. ---I--L---------1----- • Lo,-AR...t!:.A.. ---- ~q,. Ft. OF ;.,i~Uc..1L>R.E: __ • f'C.CZC.C IJY L OT c.ov1::.r. .. J:: .. c,: -- • No. Of" UIJ\1~~ ~--- • TV{>C C>f" Ul-l1T ~: • No, o f P A R..1(11-1.G_ ~f'AC.I.~.:':,~- • L-C:..O,"'-L D E.';,C.'-! I f'Y 101-1: -- • LE..C-AL O\J 1-!t::J? .. : ... IF Dl~TA/Jc<::~ '!>Hoc.JI-I o,J {'Lo·/ t='LA.IJ AR..C t11Nll1VM a ~LE.A':>C 11Jo 1~ATE:.. ~~ ADD\TlO N AL lt-LFC>rtHA.'"'f tO t.J CA.RL'.,e,~o C \T'( HALL I 2. 0 0 ·&:.Lt-,/\ /\-.'If:~ UE. •I • AVA\LA.BLC -><.-. . ... ' ,; • ' i COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO PUOLIC WOP.KS J\GENCY ;, ... DEPAR1NENT OF BUILDING INSPECTION TYPICAL FRAMING 'DETAILS ARE SHOWN BELOW .... , .. • .............. • • -,. •'-.:. • , ...... , f•t••.1:.~···, ;•,, .;_ , 7•1 •• MIN 18GA. U·TYPE ;1·: .·.,: " ROOF LIVELOAO ~ 10 p,, .. ROOF OEADLO~D 7 p,f ALL LUMSER TO BE DOUGLAS FIR/LARCH NO. 2 OR OETTER. MINIMUM RAFTER SIZES RAFTER RAFTE A SPACING I CENTER TO C ENT:: Al SPAN(lt.) 1 2'" 16 .. 24"' 32" 6 2 >< 4 2" 4 2 X 4 2 " 4 7 2 X 4 2x4 ! : : I 2 X 4 8 2x4 I :2 X 4 2 X 4 9 2 X 4• • 2 X 4• • 2 X 4• • 2 " 4 • • 10 2 X 4• • 2 X 4• • 2 X 4• • 2 X 6 11 2 X 4 • • 2 X 4 • • 2" 6 2 " 6 12 2 ,c 4 • • 2 X 6 2" 6 2x6 13 2x6 2x6 2x6 2" 6 14 2 X 6 2x6 2 ,c6 2x 8 15 2 X 6 2 X 6 2x6 2x8 16 2 >< 6 2 " 6 2 >< B .I 2x8 17 2 "6 2 " 6 2 >< 8 2 "e 18 2" 6 2" 6 2x8 ·. 2 >< 10 19 2x6 2 .. s 2x8 2 >< 10 20 ., 2" 8 2x8 2x6 2 x 10 MINIMUM BEAM SIZES POST t-------------------~--~-~ SPAC· ING AAFTEA SPAN (Ft.) :-,..=. • -.:, : .. ; ~~ t; ··c; : .f.~s:·-::a c: t ,,::--,. __ IF_t._l-t----------<---:+---,---,---~-- . ,,..., :·. r-:·..,,t, •j ... ,.1 ·~:: .. .-.. ·~:.\:•· ··: ,.. .4 :· .:,.,., . ~. 6 8 10 12 14 I 1s I 4 x4 .. 18 i :!O :"":"~? ::,~1 :~;·~···:·=·~.;:I':-.· i !:,:1 -:· .':r•:' ?:-., '? ~t""·'•-!:'Jr: ... ~ ~ •• n ....:, .:, ~ !• ·;;':;~;:.::,:.:,=:··.~ :::.~~·!:::"::_~' :~: \J:;~;4f:.~~:;~~ ~:.:;!·~~ .'.\/// :".:!::; ::.~:.~ . .' ":t.~· 1.""r; !lC ,.·.,~:·!': t~"lr.,.-; '.""1"'•~: :·,:,:~.::°',,·J l,,; ... S'IMP.:SeitJ .Qc..44· ~~ £"~UAL ..... ·6 8 10 .. 12 14 16- 18 20 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4x4 4,.5 4x6 4x6 I 4x6 4,.9·; 4,c8 4xB 4><8 4J<l0 4xl0 4x10 4J<10 I 4x4 4x4 I 4x4\ j 4x4 I 4xs i 4l<6 I 4x6 i4"8 14,cS 14"8 . 4,c8 4x4 14"4 4x4 4x4 4x6 I 4x6 , 4x4 I 4 x4 · 4x4 <:x4 14x6 4 x6 4,.5 4><8 '4x8 4x6 j 4,.9 · 4,c 10! 4 l<8 ; 4,.9 i 4 ><8 4,.10:4~10! 4 J<10 I 4x10 4l<10l4J<10 4,c10 j 4J<10 4x12 4><12 4l<12 4,cl2 • , 'JS . 2<4"wid~" 16"long: I/a"" 2• 4J<10!4><10 : 4 J<12 4x12j 4x1214"1 2. 4x 12'4 J<l4 4J<1 ~_j t ·t-~~.._~ ..... ~~..._~ .... ~~..._~ .... ~~-------~~j · stHl~T•,1,op w/100 NAllS AT 2" O.C. MAX. MINIMUM SQUARE FOOTING SIZES (inches)-*• POST RAFTER SPAN IFt.l SPAC·t----,......--,.~~~--.--~~~--,----,--~ ING (Ft.I ... 6 8 10 12 ·14 16 18 See dimension "A .. on "Anchor onct Footing Details·· 20 '! l _1???2 PATIO COVERS DETAILS & SPAN TABLES l L..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~-~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----~~~-j , ..... ; E )( ~ C) C> COUNTY OF SAN.DIEGO PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY DEPAR'INENT OF P.UILDING INSPECTION GENERAL: PATIO COVERS ar8 one-story, rooft>d structur1>1 not more than 10 fd&t above i;rad.t and und only for recre.:ition.-1 or outdoor living purpo•tt. P.-,110 cover, shall ba op&n on on& or more sid,tt for a cl&M h•igh r of not less than 6'. 8 .. from floor to soffit of supporting members. Th., op&n sid,.(s) shdll not b11 cover;,d w ith any permanent materia·1, which ob•truct.th• free pau.iga of light and air M(cept ins&ct scroening having me•h not finar th.-n 1 6 by 16. If two 1idtt are open. such op•n sides may ~ p.rtially enclosed by solid wall• which do not o><ceed 30 inch&> in height above the floor. in additio n to the insact screening cs- drawings b-llow). Howev,.r, w han required windows from ;,djoining room, open into a pat io cove,, open ar~ equivalent to the ,requirements of S..ctions 1305\a) and 1 405(a) shall apply. Patio covers may b<t attached or deuchitd, and p~mitted onl·1 ,,. accessory to singte-t..mily dwelling, or to Individual dwelling units in multi-dwalling unit buildings. Patio covers shall not be uslld 30 carports, , garage-,, habitable rooms, or storage struaur&s. LOCATION: When a patio cover is located within three feet of a property line, the patio cove< shall have a stucco wall on the property line side; such wall shall exttmd to the roof sheathing. No openings are allowed on the side facing thit p,-oparty line. CONCRETE: Concrete shall consist of l part cement, 3 parts sand, and 4 parts gravel, volumetric measure, with not more than 7~ gallons water per sack of cement. LUMBER: Shall be Douglas Fir/L.lrch No. 2 or b etter; all lumber shall be grade marked. POST ANCHORAGE AND BRACING: The details shown on this sheet have been approved by County or San Diego · Posts shall be anchored at the lower end by any of the methods noted. They shall be braced to the upper ena us,ng any of the optional methods shown. Decorative type bracing may be substituted for the abo11e if the same amount of . structural bracing is realized. When the load on supporting posts does not ex.::eed 750 pounds per post, a minimum 3~" thick concrete slab on grade may be substituted for the pad footings shown on the typical framing de tails. Post anchorage to slab$ must be the same as to footings. BEAM TO HOUSE ATTACHMENT: When it is de~ired to connect and support one side of the structure by ~ttaching it directly to the house, the rafter spans and rr.ain beam si zes will still oe as shown in the table. However-: the main beam may be replacec on the side attached to the house-with a ledger the same size as the· rafters and fastened to the studs with Y," x 5" lag screws spaced at 32 inches center to center." lag screws may be spaced at 48 inches center to center when the rafter span does not exceed 10 feet. It is not recommended to attach the rafters to the existing house rafters. If a ledger beam is not used, it is recommended that the patio cover rafters be notched and placed directly on the top wall plate of the house. ROOF COVERING: If co11ered with nominal one-inch roof sheathing, shall have rafters spaced not more than 32" center to cen ter. This spacing is the maximum span for 3/4" net sheathing. Plastic roof coveri°ngs when used shall be installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations but the corrugations should b~ placed perpendicular to and across the. supports. The minimum roof slope shall be 1 /4" in l foot. --·:_·.!. ,., . •:. ~I.• ""':-:.: •t r~~ .. ... ~. -V T'tl' j. . "'""' :: ... :-·--~ . ,,,,: .. '' .,~;;:>(,·~::::.t 16 X . -I I 6 ·=·/ ... He,h . ; Ii t---------16 X 16 ~e,h : Insect Screening u ;!(! ... 0 c i: I I "' ;.. ..... ... "' co Cl ~ ;"o )( (') :2 .. Insect Screen I l--___,---~ -~ 1too, supports ext._,-,d to concrete foundation ,_ _J ~ ~ -\ __.- \. Hont>.arlng , ... 11 / on I y b•t'W..,en roof 1upportln9 m""'bers ' I ng • n112 PATIO COVERS SPEC! FICATIONS 121Bo • Ctr1c Ort 11 11 (") (_ u l t,, 0 CUL.) "'J.,t-.:: ' • I • .... : ... ::: : : : : ,. . : ... :-• .. ··: .···. ...... . .. ,• • ... : :· ... ................ w V) l,56~1 1:11 If\ <'5 z: r.o 20 ~ 't~.6:-C. WEy T (..![20.. 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