HomeMy WebLinkAbout1369 CASSINS ST; ; CBR2020-2243; PermitPrint Date: 09/15/2020 Permit No: CBR2020-2243 Building Permit Finaled Residential Permit Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel #: Valuation: Occupancy Group: 1369 CASSINS ST, CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4857 BLDG-Residential 2156914300 $0.00 Work Class: Lot #: Project #: P/M/E Status: Applied: Issued: 09/14/2020 09/14/2020 Finaled Close Out: #of Dwelling Units: Track #: Plan #: Closed - Finaled Plan Check #: Project Title: Inspector:Orig. Plan Check #:Bathrooms: Description:LORENTZEN: GAS LEAK REPAIR (E-REVIEW) Final Inspection:09/15/2020 Bedrooms:Construction Type: Applicant: LORENTZEN SHAWN P AND LAURA R 1369 CASSINS ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011 Property Owner: LORENTZEN SHAWN P AND LAURA R 1369 CASSINS ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011 AMOUNTFEE PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL, AND MECHANICAL PERMIT $175.00 Total Fees:$175.00 Total Payments To Date:$175.00 Balance Due:$0.00 Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exaction." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitation has previously otherwise expired. 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad CA 92008-7314 ï 760-602-2700 ï 760-602-8560 f ï www.carlsbadca.gov Building Division Page 1 of 1 {"Cityof Carlsbad CBR2020-2243{'Cityof Carlsbad RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION B-1 Pinn Check _______ _ Est. V11luc PC Deposit Date ________ _ Job Address 1369 Cassins Street, Carlsbad Suite: APN: ____ _. ----------- CT/Project #: ________________ Lot#: Year Bullt: _1_9_9_6 ______ _ Fire Sprinklers: 0 YES ONO Air Conditioning: Q YES Q NO BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Electrlcal Panel Upgrade: Q YES O NO We hod• """°' goa leak whK:h .... , .. nod ell by S00 •nd E I WH delocted dunng OU' home l~n on Fndoy, .,. hod I MPIIA!d by I purber on Saturday momirg 0 Addition/New: _____ Uving SF, ____ Deck SF, ____ Patio SF, ____ Garage SF __ _ Is this to create an Accessory Dwelling Unit? OY ON New Fireplace? OY ON, if yes how many? __ D Remodel: SF of affected area -----Is the area a conversion or change of use ? Ov ON □ Pool/Spa: ____ SF Additional Gas or Electrical Features? ___________ _ o solar: ___ KW, ___ Modules, Mounted:ORoof OGround, Tilt: 0 YON, RMA: Ov ON, Battery: Ov ON, Panel Upgrade: Ov ON D Reroof: __________________________________ _ [j] Plumbing/Mechanical/Electrical Only: We had a plumber fix a small gas leak D Other: This permit is to be issued in the name of the Property Owner as Owner-Builder, licensed contractor or Authorl1ed Aaent of the owner or contractor. The person listed as the Applicant below will be the main point of contact throughout the permit process. PROPERTY OWNER APPLICANT ~ PROPERTY OWNERS AUTHORIZED AGENT APPLICANT 0 Name:. _________________ Name: __________________ _ Address: Laura Lorentzen 1369 Cassins Street Address: -------------------City: Carlsbad State: CA Zip: 92011 City: _____________ State:_Zlp: ____ _ Phone: 760-579-8803 Phone: __________________ _ Email: lauralorentzen@sbcglobal.net Email: lauralorentzen@sbcglobal net DESIGN PROFESSIONAL APPLICANT O CONTRACTOR OF RECORD APPLICANT 0 Name: Name: Simply Plumbing Address: Address: 7040 Avenlda Encinas Suite 104-6 City: _______ .State: ___ Zlp:____ City: Carlsbad State: ca Zip:_9_2_0_11 ___ _ Phone: Phone: 760-271-4925 Email: Email: slmplyplurnblng000(a)yahoo corn Architect State License: State License/class: 1015179 Bus. License: ·---- 163~ I 1r1d1y Ave Cari>IMd, CA 91008 rh 11.01,0, 171'111• 7li0 li02-I~~ RE:V 06/'20 IDENTIFY WHO WILL PERFORM THE WORK BY COMPLETING (OPTION A) OR (OPTION B) BELOW: (OPTION A)· LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my 1/cense 1s in full force and effect I also affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations. 0 I have and w,11 maintain a certificate of consent to self Insure for workers' compensation provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work which this permit Is Issued. Polley No. ________________________________________ _ 0 I have and will maintain worke1's compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued My workers' compensation Insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company Name: _____________________ _ Policy No. ______________________________ ,Explratlon Date: ________________ _ 0 Certificate of hemption: I certify that In the performance of the work for which this permit Is issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subiect to the workers' compensabon Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers compen5'1tlon coverace ls unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000.00, In addition the to the cost of compensation, damaces as provided for In Section 3706 of the Labor Code, Interest and attorney's fees. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY, IF ANY: I hereby affirm that there Is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 (i) Civil Code). lender's Name: ______________________ Lender's Address: _____________________ _ CONTRACTOR PRINT/SIGN: __________________ DATE: _____ _ (OPTION B): OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that I am exempt from Contractor's License Law for the following reason: 0 I, as owner ofthe property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of complet10n, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). ~owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License I.aw does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). 0 I am exempt under Business and Professions Code Division 3, Chapter 9, Article 3 for this reason: 0 "Owner Builder acknowledgement and verification form• has been filled out, signed and attached to this application. Proof of Identification attached. 0 Owners "Authorized Agent Form• has been filled out, signed and attached to this application giving the agent authority to obtain the ~rm,t on the owner's b<!half. Proof of Identification attached. By my signature below I acknowledge that, except for my personal residence in which I must have resided for at least one year prior to completion of the improvements covered by this permit, I cannot legally sell a structure that I have built as an owner-builder ,f ,t has not been constructed In ,ts entirety by i,cen"d contractors,/ understand that a copy of th applicable law, Section 7044 of the Business and Professions Cadt!, ,s available upon requt!st wht!n this appllcat,an is submitted orat the fol/awing Website: h ://www.leginfo.ro.gav/calaw.html. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION: SIGNATURE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF SUBMITTAL By my signature below, I certify that: I am the property owner or State of California Ucensed Controetor or authorized to act on tht! property owner ar contractor's behalf. I certify that I have reod the opplicauan and state that the above informauan is correct and that the mfarmat,on an the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State Jaws relating to building ronstruct,on. I hereby authorize representative of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the abollf! mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAV~ INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE QTY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST AU UABILmES, JUDGMENTS, CX)ST'S AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINSf SAID QTY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANnNG OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permrt is required far exa,vat1ons over S'O' deep and height. 1635 raraday Av~ Cllrlsbad, CA 92008 Ph: 760-602-2719 Fax: 760-6024l5S8 2 REV 08/20 (_ ( 11 \ 1,I l ·:1rl~~h;1d PURPOSE CLIMATE ACTION PLAN CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST B-50 Bulldlng Dlvlr;lon (/60) Wl "/ /11) www.carl5badrn.gov I hi· <.hor:kll· t 1-. hWmducl to r1 ml:lt l>ullcllnr, porrnll oppllcontn ldontlfy which Cllmato Action Plan (CAP) ordinance H qulr trH 111•, 11pply to 111 Ir projoct1J Th comploloc1 chockllut muol bo Included In the building permit application. It may be 11111 .. 0 i: nry to oupplomont tho comptotod ctiockllul with upportlng rnotorlal , calculations or certifications, to demonstrate 111II compllnnc with CAP ordlnonco roqulrumonl• For oxAmplo, projocts that proposo or roqulro a performance approach to r.omply wllh on rgy rototod rnom,uro· will nood to ottoch to thlo chockllst separate calculations and documentation as t pnclll (I by th ordlnwtC0 [ NOTE: ~ rollowlno typo of pormil nro_n_o1_r_oq_u_Ir ... oct_1_o_fl_11_o_ul_th_lo_i_o_rm ______________ ---i ❖ Pollo J ,, Docks ~;__;..;PM_;_E::.!,;_(w;;,.:/o;..!p;.;.a.:.;;no:.;..I .;;..:up;.!:g;.;.ra_;_do:.:)_--1. __ ~_P..;..0_01 ____ ___, "' If on ltom In the chockllst Is doomod to be not appllcablo to a project, or Is less than the minimum required by ordinance, f1f1 oxplanolion must bo provided to tho ootlsfoctlon of the Building ornclal. "' Dotolls on CAP ordinance roqulromonts aro available on tho city's ~il..h'!.1111, ..4 A CAP Building Pion tomplato (form B-55) shall bo added to the title page all building plans. This template shall be complotod to demonstrate project compliance with tho CAP ordinances. Refer to the building appllcatlon vt.~ and download the latest form. Application lnfonnatlon Projocl No,no/Buildlng Pormll No · -----------------BP No.: _________ _ Proporty Addroos/APN: 1369 Casslns St Appllconl Nomo/Co.: Laura Lorentzen -------,-~~-~-------------------App II cont Addrooo. 1369 Casslns St, Carlsbad Conl/Jcl Phono: 760-579-8803 Contact Email: lauralorentzen@sbcglobal.net Contact lnforrnotlon of porson completing this checklist (if different than above). Nomo: Laura Lorentzen Contact Phone 760-579-8803 co,,...,ony nomo/oddroos: 1369 Casslns Street Contact Email: lauralorentzen @sbcglobal. Laura Lorentzen Appllcont Slgntttur o. ______________ Dato. ______ _ 9/14/20 1-'11go 1 oro Reviled 00/18 City of Carlsbad Cl1mato Action Pion Consist ncy Chockl1st Us tho toblo bolow to clotormlno which s ctlons ot th Ordlnnnco Co111pll111100 chocklli,I 1110 uppllcnulo to your project. Foroltorotlons und additions to oxlstlng buildings, 111.ic 11lh11lcll1111 10111111 Vnh111111111 wo1k•,flpc,f Building Permit Vnluotlon (BPV) flolll wo1k:,l11°PI $. ___ _ Consbuctlon Typo D Rosldontlul D Now construction D Additions and alterations: D BPV < $60,000 D BPV i!: $60,000 D Electncal service panel upgrade only D BPV i!: $200,000 0 Nonresidential D New construction D Alterations· D BPV i!: $200,000 or additions i!: 1,000 square feet D BPV i!: $1,000,000 D i!: 2,000 sq. fl new roof addition Checklist Item Complato Scctlon(t) Notes: A high rlso rosldonUol building la 4 or moro stories, Including a Low tlso I llgh 1lso mlxod uso building In which ot loaat 20% ol Its conditioned floor oroo Is rosldontlal uso 2A, 3A, 1B, :m, 4A 3B, 4A NIA NIA All residential additions and alterations 1A, 4A 4A 1-2 family dwellings and townhouses with attached garages only 'Multi-family dwellings only where Interior finishes are removed 1A, 4A' 18, 4A' and significant site work and upgrades to structural and mechanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed 18, 28, 38, 48 and 5 I 18, 5 18, 28, 5 Building alterations of i!: 75% existing gross floor area 28,5 1 B also applies if BPV i!: $200,000 CAP Ordinance Compliance Check the appropriate boxes, explain all not applicable and exception items, and proYide supporting calculatlons and documentabon as neoessa,y 1. Energy Efficiency Please refer to Cat1sbad Municipal Code (CMC) sections 18.21.155 and 18.30.190, and the Galifomla Green Building Standards Code (CAL Green) for more Information when completing this section. A. D Rosidontial addition or altoration i!: $60,000 building permit valuation. 0 NIA ________ _ Soo CMC soclion 18.30.190. D Exreption: Home energy score ~ 7 (attach rertJfication) Yoar Built Slnglo-family Requiromonts Multi.family Requiremonts D Before 1978 Select one: □ C>Jct seali~ □ Attic insulation □Cool roof D Albe 1n9Jlation ---Select one: □ 1978 and later D Lighting package D Water heabng Pad<age D Between 1978ard 1991 Select one D Duct sealno D Albe insuabOn □Cool roof Select one □ 1892 and later 0 Lighting padcage □Water healflll package -- B. D Nonrosidontial' now construction or alterations i!: $200,000 building pennit valu3tion, or lldditions i!: 1,000 squaro foot. ____ □ N•A-========:-:=-= ()pJllh:J K/15/20 I 'J 2 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist See CMC 18.21.166 and CALGreen Appendix A6, Division A6.2 -Energy Efficiency. AS 203.11 Choose one D 1 CMdoorlighting D .2Wdrehouse doci<seal doors D 3 Reslalf'llnt se!V1C8 water heating (comply w,th California Energy Code section 140.5, as amended) D NIA D .4 Daylight design PAFs D .5 Exhaust air heat recovery ---------- AS..203.1 2.1 Choose one as appicatxe. D .95 Energy budget D .90 Energy budget AS.211 .1 .. D On-site reoewatxe energy A5211 .3 .. D Green !X)wer ~f offered by k>cal utny provider, 50% millmum renewable sources) A5212.1 □ Elevators and escalators A5213.1 □Steel tami1g • Includes hotels'motels and high-rise residential buildings D NIA D NIA D NIA □ NIA □ NIA " For alterations~ $1 JJXJ,OCYJ BPVand affecting> 75% exisli~ gross floor area, or alterations that add 2,0CYJ square feet of new roof addition: comply wih CMC 18.30.130 instead. 2. Photovoltaic Systems A. D Residential new construction (for low-OSe residential building permit applications submitted after 1/1/20). Refer to 2019 California Energy Code section 160.1(c)14 for requirements. Notes: 1) High-rise residential buildings are subject to nonresidential photovoltaic requirement (28 below) instead. 2) If project includes installation of an electric heat pump water heater pursuant to CMC 18.30.160(8) (high-rise residential) or 18.30.170(8) ~ow-rise residential), increase system size by .3kWdc if PV offset option is selected. Foor Plan ID (use additional CFA #d.u. Calculated k'v\tlc' sieets if necessary) Total System Size: kWlc = (CFAx.572) / 1,0CYJ + (1.15 x #d.u.) •Formula calculation where CFA = conditional floor area. #du = number of dweli1gs per plan type If proposed system size is less than calculated size, please explain. Exreptioo D □ D □ kW1c B. D Nonresidential new construction or altenitions :!:$1,000,000 BPV and affecting :!:76% existing floor aru., or addition that inc:rtases roof araa by ~.ooo square feel Please refer to CMC section 18.30.130 when completing this section. Nota: This stcbon also applies to high-nse residential and hotelhnotel buildings. Choose one of the follov.1ng methods: 0 Gross Floor Area (GFA) Method GFA: □If< 10,000s.f. Enter: 5 kWdc Min. Syst-em Size: 0 lfi!! 10,000s.f. calculate: 15 k\f.Jdcx (GFM0,000) •• kW'dc .. Round building slzo factor to nearest tenth, and rolJ'ld system size to nearest \-Aloi number 0 Time-Dopondent Valuation Mothod lJpJatul .' I ~/20 I 'I 3 C , o• Ca st>aa C a•e A ,on P a C s ste : C eckl st "'O Enerm use-____ _ .80= ," systemsae ___ _ this section. J ,er .er D Comoad hot w.rter <1Jsm1xtion D Drail water heat reco~ (low-rise 8 er ec--ter, PV system .3 Ide laiyar than reqtm!d in cue secoon 18.30.130 (rugh rise ro..'-ef\ °' CA Energy Code s-edioo 150.1 (c} 14 (low-rise resiienlial) D er irter~ :-=EAAdvanoed 0,&' ec-mg$pec.ificafiooTaer 3 °'~ er ri · S)'Stem tha1 IS er .60 solar savings fra:cfion or 40 sJ. solar col!edolS □Exceooon· D Fors~ S&\'WlQ muttiple ch\'1illing un;s, insal a cert.rat Yt"a!er-heamg system W:: cl of the fobmg: □Gas N prooane 'c!.cf he.:--::ng ~ 0Recin::u'.noo S}& per-18.30.150(6) (rugh-ose resxfenlial flmel,'molel) or C ,• '8.30. 170(8) (low- rise resids?rt'.2 D •-c!er ~ S)Stan c1 is er: [j .20 solar SS.WlJS fradioo D .15 SOE. sa ~ fraction. pklS man water hea" reco :-el'/ □Exa¢m: Nonresidential new construction D D Solar-L'lemlcl □ ~c:X:S O •:~ hecmg s)St.an is (cooose one): D t&t pumowc:!er hea!& fiom one of the folcM'i'1g (attach documentation): 0 eco~ enetm D Bedre resismnCe water ecief(s) [JSoa a! ~~ S)!Sre ¥i • .!0 sdc.r saw,gs 'radion 0Ext:e¢m. 4 City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist 4. Eloctric Vohiclo Cho~ in A O Residential New construction and major alterations• Pltmso rotor to Carlsbad Ordingnco CMC soction 18.21 .140 when com fetin this section. One and two-family residential dwelling or townhouse with allached garage: Done EVSE Ready parking space required O Exception : OMulli-famlly residential· D Exception · Total Parking Spaces EVSE Soaces Proposed Capable I Readv I I I Calculations: Total EVSE spaces= .1 Ox Total parlmg (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE Installed = Total EVSE Spaces x .50 (rounded up to nearest whole number) EVSE other= Total EVSE spaces -EVSE lnstaned (EVSE other may be 'Capable,' 'Ready' or 'Installed.") Installed I Total I 'Major alterations are: (1) for one and two-fam~y dwellings and townhouses with attached garages, alterations have a building permit valuation~ $60,000 or include an electrical serviol panel upgrade; (2) for multifamily dweltings (three ums or more without attached garages), aleraoons have a building perm~ valuation ~ $200,000, interior finishes are removed and significant site work and upgrades to structural and medlanical, electrical, and/or plumbing systems are proposed B.. O Nonresidontial new construction (Includes hotels/motels) D Exception · -Total Parking Spaces EVSE Spaces Proposed Capable I Readv I Installed I Total 10 2 I 5 I 1 I 8 Calculation Refer to the table below: Total Number of Perldno Spaces provided Number of rP.Ouired EV Soaoos Number of reauired EVSE lnstaOed Soaces 0-9 1 1 1~25 2 1 26-50 4 2 ~ 51-75 6 3 76-100 9 5 101-150 12 6 [ 151-200 17 9 201 end over 10 oercent of total 50 oeralnt of Reouired EV Soaces s City of Carlsbad Climate Action Plan Consistency Checklist 6. D Transportation Demand Management (TOM): Nonresidential ONLY An approved Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Ptan is requred for all nonresilential projects that meet a lhresookl of empb-1eeiJE:nerated /lJJf. City staff wil use the table below based on your subrritted JX8ns to determile whether or nor your pemit requies a TOM Jt!n. If TOM is a~be to 'f(U permtt, staff will rontact the applicant to develop a me-specific TOM JX8n based on the permit detais Acknowledgment Employee ADT Estimation for Various Commercial Uses Office (all)2 20 Restaurant 11 Retaib 8 Industrial 4 Manufacturing 4 Warehousin 4 1 Unless otherwise noted, rates estimated from /TE Trip Generation Manual, 1CJhEdifion 13 11 4.5 3.5 3 2 For all office uses, use SAN DAG rate of 20 ADT/1,000 sf to calculate employee ADT 3 Retail uses include shopping center, variety store, supennar1(et, gyms, phannacy, etc. Other commercial uses may be subject to special consideration Sample calculations: Office: 20,450 sf 1. 20,450 sf/ 1000 x 20 = 409 Employee AOT Retail: 9,334 sf 1. First 1,000 sf= 8 ADT 2. 9,334 sf -1,000 sf= 8,334 sf 3. 8,334 sf/ 1,000 x 4.5 + 8 = 46 Em lo ee ADT I acknoYAedge that the Jjans submited may be subject to the Ciy of CaI1&lacfs T~bon Denmd Managemet1 Omaoce I agee ~be,,._.,._ my perm! require a TOM plan and urxlerstarxf that an aJ)!X'Oved plan IS a am::ioo of pemw issJaoo? Laura Lorentzen 9/14/20 Ila PIKlon olhor than Applicant tr, bt contacted for TDM compunct (tf tpplicable}: Name(Pmted) ________________ _ EnwAddress _________________ _ U pJalal IS/ 15/20 19 6 Building Permit Inspection History Finaled PERMIT INSPECTION HISTORY for (CBR2020-2243) BLDG-Residential 09/14/2020Application Date:Permit Type:Owner:COOWNER LORENTZEN SHAWN P AND LAURA R P/M/E 09/14/2020Work Class:Issue Date:Subdivision:CARLSBAD TCT#90-36 UNIT#02 03/15/2021Expiration Date:Status: IVR Number: 28679 Closed - Finaled 1369 CASSINS ST CARLSBAD, CA 92011-4857 Address: Scheduled Date Inspection Type Inspection No. Inspection Status Primary Inspector Reinspection InspectionActual Start Date 09/15/2020 09/15/2020 BLDG-23 Gas/Test/Repairs 138356-2020 Passed Paul Burnette Incomplete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency Yes BLDG-Final Inspection 138355-2020 Passed Paul Burnette Complete COMMENTS PassedChecklist Item BLDG-Building Deficiency No BLDG-Plumbing Final Yes BLDG-Mechanical Final No BLDG-Structural Final No BLDG-Electrical Final No Tuesday, September 15, 2020 Page 1 of 1 {cityof Carlsbad