HomeMy WebLinkAbout1385 BUENA VISTA WAY; ; CB920495; PermitBUILDING PERMIT Permit No: CE(920495 06/18/92 15:02 Project Nu: A9100149 Page 1 of 1 Development No: Job Address: 1385 BUENA VISTA WY Suite : Perm:t Type: SINGLE FAMILY DWLNG - DETACHED 8137 06/18\52 ooo1 01 02 V a 1 ua t i on : Construction Type: VN Occupancy Group: RJ/MT Reference#: Status: ISSUED Description: 2413 SF + 660 SF GAR + 72 SF Appli e? : (I 5/19,’ 2 : DECK Apr/Issue: 06/18/32 I Parcel No: Lot#: C-PR)IT 10960 00 c\c 3qz 194,785 Validated By: UC AppUOwnr : PARIZEACI, PAUL 619-434-4994 P.O. BOX 230-822 ENCINITAS, CA 9202, A** Fees Required ** ...................... Fees : Adjustments: Total Fees: -- Fee --__ ript ---- ion ---- Building Permit Plan Check Strong Motion Fee .Enter Number of ED Enter “Y“ to Autoc Enter “Y” to Autoca * BUI Enter LDING I’ Y ” TOT f 01 ‘A L Plum Each Plumbing Fixture ory- Each Building Sewer Each Water Heat,er and/or Ven Gas Piping System Each Vacuum Breaker > * PLUMBING TOTAL Enter “Y” for Electric Issue Fee > * ELECTRICAL TOTAL Enter ’Y’ for Mechanical Issue Fee> Install Furn/Ducts j Each Install/Reloc Appliance Vent > ;k MECHANICAL TOTAL Single Phase Per AMP > Each Hood/Fireplace > 1 2.50 2 2.50 0 0 0 0 1 9.00 3 4.50 I 6. 5U 0 200 .25 Credits A** . (I 0 618.00 10,960.00 Ext fee Data ---------------I 972.00 632. OC? 19.00 2200.00 3545.00 Y 3272. 00 362.fO V 4C8. 00 114”1(3. CO 7 . 5 lJ Y 40.0Cl 6 . 5 (1 2.5e 2.50 5.00 64.00 10.00 Y 50.00 60.00 15.00 Y 9.00 13.50 6.50 44.00 CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las palmas Dr., Carlskl, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 PERMlT APPUWTION City of Carlsbad Building Department 2075 Las Palms Dr., Carlsbed, U 92009 (619) 436-1161 i U Tenant Improvement 0 Tenant Improvement C -#Residential Apartment DCondo Fgle Family Dwelling 0 Addition/Alteration 0 Duplex 0 Demolition 0 Relocation 0 Mobile Home 0 Electrical 0 Plumbing 0 Mechanical 0 Pwl 0 Spa 0 Retaining Wall 0 Solar 0 Other 2. PRWI" #OFSTORIES \u 0 -1 rom applicant) 'NAME -rtt ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE NAME CITY ADDRESS STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE ADDRESS @ 0- bo$ 23 0 gZlL &c+J \1*) STATE C ZIP CODE qZ0 23 DAY TELEPHONE vby-yq 9 PLAN CHECK NO. C-rnMT 618.00 CUdQ. q1-~/9 CR- 33q FOR OFFICE USE ONLY NAME CITY ADDRESS STATE ZIP CODE DAY TELEPHONE STATE LIC. # LICENSE CLASS CITY BUSINESS LIC. # CITY STATE ZIP CODE Workers' Compensatron Wclaration: I hereby affirm that I have a certiticate ot consent to selt-insure issued by the Director ot Industrial Relations, or a certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance by an admitted insurer, or an exact copy or duplicate thereof certified by the Director of the insurer thereof filed with the Building Inspection Department (Section 3800, Lab. C). INSURANCE COMPANY WLICY NO. EXF'IRATION DATE Certlticate of Exemptron: 1 certlty that in the pertormance 01 the work tor which this permit IS ISSU~, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. SIGNATURE DATE Owner-Builder Declaration: I hereby attirm that 1 am exempt trom the Contractofs License Law tor the following reason: I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Profgsions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). I am exempt under Section (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pumant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9, commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Busings and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). 0 0 D Business and Professions Code for this reason: SIGNATURE DATE Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505,25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? IF ANYOF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINALCERTWICATE OF OOCUPANCYMAY HAS -OR IS MEEllNGTHE W- OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICE ANDTHEAIRwIumoNamTRaDIsIRKsI. 1 hereby attirm that there is a construction lending agency tor the pertormance of the work tor which this permit IS issued [Sex 0 YES 0 NO 0 YES 0 NO 0 YES 0 NO BE ISSUED AFIWJULY 1,1989 UNIESS THE- I Uwl code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS ~ ~~~ ~~ 1 certity that 1 have read the application and state that the above intormation IS correct. 1 agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representativg of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I~~~~~~~~AND~~THE~~~~~~~~~~~ AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANYWAY ~~~~~ SAID~INooN~opTHEGRANTINGOFTHlS~. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the enced within 365 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by r the work is commenced for a period of 180 days (Section 303(d) DATE: TE. File YELLOW. Applicant PINK: Finance FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB920495 PERMIT#: CB920495 PROJECT NAME: 2413 SF + 660 SF GAR + 72 SF DECK + 188 SF ADDED DECK DATE: 02/24/93’ PERMIT TYPE: SFD ADDRESS: 1385 BUENA VISTA WY CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: PAUL/434-4994 SEWER DIST: WATER DIST: DATE INSPECTED: 5,/s/g3 APPROVED & DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED : APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED : APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB920495 PERMIT#: CB920495 PROJECT NAME: 2413 SF + 660 SF GAR + 72 SF DECK + 188 SF ADDED DECK DATE: 02/24/93' PERMIT TYPE: SFD ADDRESS: 1385 BUENA VISTA WY CONTACT PERSON/PHONE#: PAUL/434-4994 SEWER DIST: WATER DIST: DATE INSPECTED: 3/?4?3 APPROVED - DISAPPROVED x FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT: BUILDING ENGINEERING FIRE PLANNING U/M WATER PLAN CHECK#: CB920495 PERMIT#: CB920495 PROJECT NAME: 2413 SF + 660 SF GAR + 72 SF DECK + 188 SF ADDED DECK DATE: 02/24/93' PERMIT TYPE: SFD ADDRESS: 1385 BWENA VISTA WY CONTACT PERSON/PHONE# : PAUL/434-4994 SEWER DIST: WATER DIST: INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - INSPECTED DATE BY: INSPECTED: APPROVED - DISAPPROVED - CITY OF CARLSBAD INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT# CB920495 FOR 03/03/93 INSPECTOR AREA PD DESCRIPTION: 2413 SF + 660 SF GAR + 72 SF PUCK# CB920495 TYPE: SFD CONSTR. TYPE VN JOB ADDRESS: 1385 BUENA VISTA WY STE : LOT: APPLICANT: PARIZEAU, PAUL PHONE: 619-434-4994 CONTRACTOR: OWNER: REMARKS: MH/PAUL/434-4994 INSPECT DECK + 188 SF ADDED DECK OCC GRP R3/M1 SPECIAL INSTRUCT: TOTAL TIME: --RELATED PERMITS-- PERMIT# TYPE CB910119 = CD LVL DESCRIPTION 19 ST Final Structural 29 PL Final Plumbing 39 EL Final Electrical 49 ME Final Mechanical SE920043 SWRSD ISSUED PE292016 GRADING ISSUED CB920940 ELEC ISSUED RW930024 ROW ISSUED CB921143 POOL ISSUED ACT COMMENTS f ***** INSPECTION HISTORY ***** DATE 012693 012593 121792 121092 121092 120892 120792 112592 110692 110692 092392 092292 092292 091892 091892 091492 091492 091492 DESCRIPTION Ftg/Fouhdation/Piers Gas/Test/Repairs Interior Lath/Drywall Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Insulation Frame/Steel/Boltinq/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding Shear Panels/HD's Roof/Reroof Ftg/Foundation/Piers Ftg/Foundation/Piers Underground/Under Floor Sewer/Water Service Const. Service/Agricultural Sewer/Water Service Rough/Topout Const. Service/Agricultural ACT AP AP AP AP AP co co co co AP NS AP AP AP AP co co co INSP COMMENTS PD 3 DECK FTGS PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PD PK PK PK PD PD PD PD PD EXCEPT GARAGE SLAB UFFER COPPER RELEASE TSPB CITY OF CARLSBAD NOTICE Q 438-3550 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE PERMIT NO. PHONE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER FIELD REPORT - LOCATION /3 8C B elm+ c// 97-44 ! ("AYCS BA E) c j.'AutlZEAL,' CONTRACTOR OWNER WEATHER TEMP ~~ SUMMARY OF INSPECTION: DATE / I PROJECT NO. 9 //& z PROJECT ~~ RECOMMENDATIONS: JOHN VERNON R.C.E. 21121 GE 858 PROPERN DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS. IN ENGINEERING * SOILS TESTING * SURVEYING 1859 S. ESCONDIW BLVD. ESCONDIDO. CA 62025 EL. (as) 743-8808 \ 1859 S. ESCONDIW BLVD. ESCONDIDO. CA 62025 EL. (as) 743-8808 JOHN VERNON R.C.E. 21121 GE 858 PROPERN DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS. IN ENGINEERING * SOILS TESTING * SURVEYING SIGNATURE / * 4- ESGIL CORPORATION 0320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUITE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92 123 (619) 560-1468 DATE : g- rk-92 Y JURISDICTION: PLAN CHECK NO: 9,' 4-75 wR SET: 2 PROJECT NAY%: Sf=P -'pe 1E3 cl 0 cf 0 0 lz! 0 0 r I U- GFILE COPY EUPS DESIGNER [ KPdl~.] OU ) rhe plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's milding codes. The Flans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when ninor deficien- cies identified are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Cor?. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff - did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone I REMARKS : By:' me DOL/Grt)'TE- Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION OGA D CN 8- //-%- e Prepared by 1 )!?-6 by VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE ’ BUILDING PORTION EUILDING AREA r4Q D/7/-0N f-7 L 72 4& I - a Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil VALUATION VALUE MULTIPLIER I Zf, &&of PLAN CHECK NO. 4 2-4 45 @v, tvi3- 1 BUILDING ADDRESS I SPG wE1J* fIL7* 1”Jby PHONE NO. (619) CcCg -ZZc)L DESIGNER PHONE CONTRACTOR PHONE I LA -?a%?-- AP?LXCANT/CONTACT BUILDING OCCUPANCY TYPZ OF CONSTRUCTION v-N - 1 I I *. Building Permit fee $- s 9 0.. 03 Plan Check fee S $ 58857 Air Conditioning Commercial . c! - Residential @ Res. or Comm. Fire Sprinklers @ Total Value 6C/OY I COMMENTS: SHEET OF / 12/87 ESGIL CORPORATION 0320 CHESAPEAKE DR., SUlTE 208 SAN DIEGO, CA 92 123 (619) 5-1468 0 0 0 MI 0 w IXJ 0 0 I u mFILE COPY EUPS DDESIGNER ?he plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where iecessary and substantially comply with the .jurisdiction's milding codes. rhe plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply sith the jurisdicti.on's building codes when minor deficien- zies identified are resolved and zhecked by building department staff. rhe plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corp. until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to return to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: PrSLcC Pr7 RIZm9CA Esgil staff did not advise the applicant contact person that plan check has been completed. Esgil staff 7 did advise applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Date contacted: Telephone # REMARKS : By: m3e Docr-tardTE Enclosures: ESGIL CORPORATION OGA OCM JURISDICTION: Ls t3fi-D Date plans received by plan checker: 6- 21 - 9 2 Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and disabled access. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items shown below need clarification, modification or change. All items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and Per Sec. 303(c), of the Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. regulations. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located on the plans. E5&/C C0/2PU/Zr47/D/d OR Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please 0 Please make all corrections on the original and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: 6’”” tracings and submit two new sets of prints, 7W? &M/LD/PIL VEPTt check. To facilitate checking, please identify, next Yes No to each item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. I / Form No. PCS.41390 Prepared byr mE- * VALUATTON AND PLAN CHECK FEE 1 1 I - a Bldg. Dept. 0 Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. 9 Z - 49s BUILDING ADDRESS (4gr mGd* v/47've APPLTCANT/CONTACT pw Pfle~my PHONE NO. (619) +S+- ~~~~ BUILDING OCCUPANCY P-'3 //.? DES?CNER PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION V--N CONTRACTOR PHONE SUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA VALUATION VALUE ' ' MULTIPLIER I 1 I 1 1 Air Conditionina I 1 Commercial . I ra Residential 1 24 80 6, 752 Res. or Corn. Fire Sprinklers @ I Total Value I /9+ 725- I d - Quilding Permit Fee $-- Plan Check Fee $ s 6?I,P23 COMMENTS: SHEET OF - 12/87 BUILDING PLANCHECK ENGINEERING CHECKLIST NR D D A.Pr4, \5d-23-70 E ITEM INCOMPLETE NEEDS YOUR ACTION - - ITEM SELECTED ccc PROJECT ID: HHH E E E LEGAL REOUIREMENTS an st'' ziovide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: north arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures I streets I eXist%%j str~ef-iE@rovemen~ -----..-..---- - right-of-way width and dimension setbacks. / .i..i"& I----*-- @ nl 2. Show on site plan: Sanish floor ele- pad -- elevations I e~g$g~~na,ao~- finistr grz* -cent to building, xisting topograpTica TY existing and proposed shes, dr%v%way witR7percent (%) grade and Provide legal description and Assessors Parcel Number. '\drainage pat?eTYi% 4 "I*'-".,* --.- ~ - do 3. nnn 6. No Discretionary approvals were required. Project complies with all Engineering Conditions of Approval for Project No. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of Approval for Project No. Conditions complied with by: Date : Field Review 7. Field review completed. No issues raised. 8. Field review completed. The following issues or discrepancies with the site plan were found: Site lacks adequate puBlic improvements conflict with site plan. A. B. Existing drainage improvements not shown or in C. Site is served by overhead power lines. FRMOOlO. DH REV. 11/27/90 1 OuU D. 5. II E. nun F. don nou Grading is required to access site, create pad or provide for ultimate street improvement. Site access visibility problems exist. turnaround or engineered solution to problem. Provide onsite Other: Dedication Reauirements 9. No dedication required. 10. Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8%" x 1l1I plat map and submit with a title report and the required processing fee. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner (s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. The description of the dedication is as follows: Dedication completed, Date By: Imnrovement Reauirements 11. No public improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaaed ox be reDaired to the satisfaction of the City insDector m5oy to OccuDanw. 12. Public improvements required. This project requires construction of public improvements pursuant to Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please have a registered Civil Engineer prepare appropriate improvement plans and submit for separate plancheck process through the Engineering Department. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of permit. 2 The required improvements are: FRM0010.DH Improvement plans signed, Date: by: REV. 11/27/90 CURB GL(7TEh I siN3JAl-L ’. 13. Improdements are required. Construction of the public c improvements may be deferred in accordance with Section 18.40 of the City Code. Please submit a letter requesting deferral of the required improvements together with a recent title report on the property and the appropriate processing fee so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. The Future Improvement Agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Future Improvement Agreement completed, Date: % By: 13a. Inadequate information available on site plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Please provide more detailed proposed and existing elevations and contours. Include accurate estimates of the grading quantities (cut, fill, import, export) . nod. No grading required as determined by the information provided on the- site plan. 15. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted for separate plan check and approval through the Engineering Department. NOTE: The Gradinu Permit must be issued and aradina substantiallv complete and found acceptable to the City Inspector Drior to issuance of Buildinu Pe rmits. Grading Inspector sign off. Date: by: Miscellaneous Permits ‘moo 16. 17. Right-of-way Permit not required. Right-of-way Permit required. A separate Right-of-way Permit issued by the Engineering Department is required for the following: 18. €mJn 19. cmn 20. Sewer Permit is not required. Sewer Permit is required. A sewer Permit is required concurrent with Building Permit issuance. The fee required is noted below in the fees section. Industrial Waste Permit is not required. FRM0010.DH REV. 11/27/90 21. Industrial Waste Permit is required. Applicant must complete Industrial Waste Permit Application Form and Permits. Permits must be issued prior to occupancy. Industrial Waster Permit accepted - , . Y submit for City approval prior to issuance of a Building Date: By: Fees Rewired El 23. cl d/A 24. m 25. 0 26. m 27. 0 28. Park-in-Lieu Fee Quadrant : Fee per Unit: Total Fees: Traffic Impact Fee Per Unit: %%O,b'lt Total Fee Bridge and Thorough fare Fee Fee Per Unit: Total Fee: Public Facilities Fee required. Facilities Management Fee Zone: 1 Fee: Wluk Sewer Fees Permit No. "M2d% EDU's I PQu X\@io Fee: *\69\0, c Sewer Lateral Required: Fee: El 29. ISBUE PERMIT DATE: s2Bq% ZYZ 666 000 411 APN: -230 -72, Type of Project and Use se- h/ DLwz?& pt/# Gad 37 . Zone @-A/ Facilities Management Zone / Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs your action 1, 2, 3 Number in circle indicates plancheck number where deficiency was identified do EnvL.onmental Review Required: yEs - NO%mE DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions 9f Approval APPROVWRESO. NO. DATE: PROJECI' NO. OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. I Conditions of Approval Pdt Required: YES - NOS .. do0 californiacoastalComrmsslon DATE OF APPROVAL: San Diego Coast District, 3111 Camino Del No North, Suite 200, San Diego, CA. 92108-1725 Compliancewith conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval (619) 521-8036 &a LandscapePlanRequired:YES NO$( See attached submittal requirements for landscape plans Site Plan: / do 0 .. .: , 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width and dimensioned setbacks. Show on Site Plan: Finish floor elevations, elevations of finish grade adjacent to building, existing topographical lines, existing and proposed slopes and driveway. Provide legal description of property. Provide assessois parcel number. 1. Setbacks: Front: Int. Side: Street Side: Rear: 2. Lot coverage: 3. Height: 4. Parking: Required zd Shown 7&* Required zJ+ Shown lzT Required cp-Shown ;te- Required /Ft Shown JBJ' Required dW% Shown Ze Required L30' Shown 27' Spaces Required 2-- Shown 3 Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Comments OK TO [SSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL tNT0 COMPUTER ' $L DATE s--zLq 7 PWCECFRM -. 3' c z.!!!P-.BEsE@N,cerIE519 GOVERNING CODE 1988 LJNIFORM BUILDING CODE SIESMIC ZCINE 4, V = (ZIC/RW)W = .lt33W WIND ZONE 70 MPti, EXPOSURE C RAFTERS AND JOIST8...............NO. 2 HIDEES...........................NU. 2 HERDERS RND POSTS.. .............. .NO. 1 STIJDS..II.............r...........~~NSTRUCTIOt~ LiEfiMS. ........................... SEL-ECT STRUCT'lJRfiL. tIIPS AND Vfil ... L-EYS. ............... .NO. 1 GI..CtL..AMS .. SIMPLE.: GF'AN. ........... 24F .. V4 flF/Dl- CnNTIl ... EVER. ............ 24F - vu DF/DF' .. NEER x INSPECTION NG 41€392 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO, STE. Ei: TEMECULA, Clrr, 92390 BLlS: (714) 676-1844 FAX: (714) 6Y4--6O26 .- ' \ c .. 0. e *. w n L.1-8 ROCIF LIVE LORD -- 20 PSF FUR 3/12 PITCH OF LESS GYPSLJM ;DUTt4 s I IIES. .................. 5.0 P6F zx 8TL.II)S.. 1 . 0 F:SF MLSC.,....'.......................... 1 . 0 P6FT 16 PSF FOR 4/12 PITCH TO 8/12 .......................... -.I---...---- ----- -.- 7.0 PSF INT'ERIOR WALL.. - -. STIJCCCJ. ............................. 12. 0 F%F INS\JL,RTION.. ........................ 1. . 0 PSF GYPSUM.............................. 2. 5 P6F MISC.....w.......I...............m.. 0. 5 C'SF 2X STLIDS.. .......................... 1 . 0 f.:'C;F 17.0 PSF EXTEfi 1: CJR W0l-L. F'LC30RING.. .......................... 1.0 PSF .PLYWOOD............................... 1.5 PSF 2X JOIST............................ 2.5 PSF E3LEC7-R I CAL. MID MECHRN I CRL.. ........... 0.5 FSF I NSUL.Al 1 ON. ......................... 1 . 0 PSF" GYPSlJM: ............................. 2.5 PSF MISC.;.............""....,.......... 1.0 PSF TILED AREA WITH MORTAR.. ............ 12.0 PSF I i ! 22.0 PSF, AWL ICABLE -TILED AREA t 3' LATERAL FORCE. DISTRIBUTION FOR SI~SMIC CALCULATIONS DIRECTION = ................................................................ FLOOR 82168.5 8 657348 .6092971 12122.09 2.201591 SUM OF WxHx = 1078863 SUM OF Wx = 106963.5 SUM OF % = 1 ................................................................. ...................................................... FLOOR .186 15283.34 2.876594 .................................................................... -_--_---------------_________I__________------------------------- ' c i ' - .. d I 2 = .. I .. . .... ' . . ... .. . ,. .. ', ._..' - . _.-:.. @---I! I A b c .. ... .. .7. .... .. ,. c . . :. *. 1 .. . :: .. . '. .A. ......... . e. .. ... ..... ,.. :. ..? .. ., .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .... I.. ...... .. ...... ;.:. -0. .. .. ,'. ., _., s' '.. 3 ..... .,:..-. ....... .. _.. .. ' . . ,.. ,. I ., ., ' .. ... .. _. . .: , .. . 9.. ... ... , .. .. .. .. I A I. ,I , 'i .,: ....... ... ... .... .. , 1. . ... .. .' . . __. . .-. ,.*. . , .. .. i, 2 I . . ' :. .. ..... . '. .... , .. .... ..... .... ... t Y***Y*Y**Y*******Y***************************X***************~***~******* LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE A AT SECOND FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 4732.425 1 BASED'ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ WIND FORCE = 2943.75 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND*PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 2943.75 112.50 30.00 0.00 __--_----- ---------- ------------- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 3 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 33.2 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 142.5429 -----I--------______-------------------------- - SHEAR UPLIFT - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOWN PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK ------- ------- -------- ............................ ------ --_-_--- IC - 1.0 14.0 8.0 1140.3 2352.0 -1211.7 0.6 2.0 6.0 8.0 1140.3 1008.0 132.3 1.3 3.0 13.2 8.0 1140.3 2217.6 -1077.3 0.6 I (MARKS, SEE.SCHEDULES) ............................. EXTERIOR SH EARWALL *' 3 >* >* >* ....................... INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- *- ....................... *3 SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS --I-------------------- ............................. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... . PROJECT.. ... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 . *tft*~*****X***XX***Xt*********X**tX**X********X************************* LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE B AT'SECOND FLOOR . ................................................................ SEISMIC FORCE = ( 4732.425 BASED ON FOLLOWING: TOTAL DICSPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) PSF (+) OTHER LEVELS 4732 I 43 607.50 7.79 0.00 -------- -...-------- ---------- ------------ WIND FORCE = ( 2943.75 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 2943.75 112.50 30.00 0.00 ----------- --.-------- ---------- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 2 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 20.1 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 235.444 - -------------I-------------------------------- SHEAR UPLIFT - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDONN PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK 1.0 7.8 8.0 1883.6 1310.4 573.2 l..O a 2.0 12.3 8.0 1883.6 2066.4 -182.8 0.7 - ------- ------- -------- ............................ ------ -----cI- (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. *3 *'I EXTERIOR SHEARWALL >* INTERIOR Sti EARWALL -.-I-- * >* SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS >* ....................... ....................... ....................... ............................. 3 .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 .......................................................................... ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 1 AT SECOND FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 2103.3 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) PSF (+) OTHER LEVELS 2103.30 270.00 7.79 0.00 -------- ---------- ---------- ------------ WIND FORCE = 1766.25 1 BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS -TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 1766.25 67.50 18.00 0.00 ----------- ---------- ---------- ----I-------- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 2 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 13.5 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 155.8 (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. EXTERIOR SHEARWALL INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- * SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS > *- ....................... "0 >* ----------------I------ ***************************%* NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 t************~***************************~******************************** PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE. ... 1-3-91 ........................................................................... c ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 2 AT SECOND FLOOR ................................................................ SEISMIC FORCE = ( 5608.8 BASED ON FOLLOWING: TOTAL D I RPH RAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) PSF (+I OTHER LEVELS 5608.80 720.00 7.79 0.00 -------- ---------- ---------- ------------ __ WIND FORCE = 4886 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20'.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS - - + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS 3 17.2 Sti EAR UPLIFT - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOWN PANEL# W H. LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK ------- ------- -------- ............................ ------ -------- 1.0 7.0 0.0 2608.7 896.0 1712.7 "1ST4f) -c 2.0 3.6 8.0 2608.7 460.8 2147.9 2.2 3.0 6.6 8.0 2608.7 844.8 1763.9 1.2 (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. EXTERIOR SHEARWALL * >* INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- >* SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS * ....................... *: 4 ....................... > *g ....................... .............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE-: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 .......................................................................... PROJECT... ..BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 ............................................................................ c ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 3 AT SECOND FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 3505.5 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) PSF (+) OTHER LEVELS 3505.50 450.00 7.79 0.00 -------- ---------- ---------- ------------ WIND FORCE = ( 2943.75 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT FORCE TRIB AREA 2943.75 112.50 ----------- -I-------- X TRIB AREA 20 - 40 HGT TRIB AREA ------..---- 30.00 NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS - - + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS 2 12.4 (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. *4 *8 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL >* INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- * SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS ....................... > *d ....................... >* ....................... ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 .......................................................................... , ........................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE A AT FIRST FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = 6636.22 1 BASED ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) PSF (4-1 OTHER LEVELS 6636.22 835.00 2.28 4732.42 I------.- ---------- ---------- ----c------- WIND FORCE = ( 5532 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA f FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS ----------- ---------- -_-------.- ,-------------. '5532.00 127.50 0.00 2943.75 NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 4 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 40.7 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 163.0521 - ----I----------------------------------------- SHEAR UPLIFT - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOWN PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK ------- ------- -------- --------I------------------- ------ -------- 0.3 1.0 23.0 8.0 1304.4 5014.0 -3709.6 2.0 8.0 8.0 1304.4 1744.0 -439.6 1.0 3.0 2.4 8.0 1304.4 523.2 781.2 3.3 - 4.0 7.3 8.0 1304.4 1591.4 -287.0 1.1 - - (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. *4 SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS *'I EXTERIOR SHEARWALL INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- * - >* >* >* ....................... ....................... ....................... ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE. ... 1-3-91 .......................................................................... . ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS OLONG LINE B AT FIRST FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 7110.46 BASED ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ TOTAL DIAPHRAGM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) 7110.46 1043.00 -------- .WIND FORCE = ( 6912.4 ) BASED PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM PSF (+) OTHER LEVELS 2.28 4732.42 ---------- ------------ ON FOLLOWING: TRIB AREA -1- FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE. TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 6912.40 195.50 0.00 2943.75 ----------- ---------- -_-------- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 3 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 21.3 - MAX UNIT SHEAR = 333-8244 .............................................. SHEAR UPLIFT - DEAD TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOW PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK -...----- ------- --___-_- ____---I------------_^______ ------ ------- 3.1 1.0 2.6 8.0 2670.6 566.8 2103.8 2.0 14.7 8.0 2670.6 3204.6 -534.0 0.5 3.0 4.0 8.0 2670.6 872.0 1798.6 c (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) .............................. "4 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL >* INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- * >* SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS ....................... ....................... >: Jg ....................... ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 ........................................................................... . . ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE C AT FIRST FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 988 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) PSF (+, OTHER LEVELS -------- ---------- ---------- ------------ 988.00 208.00 4.75 0.00 WIND FORCE = ( 1380.4 1 BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT 2 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTPL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 tiGT FORCE FROM -FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 1380.40 68.00 0.00 0.00 ----------- -----___-_ ------_--- -----_-__---- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 1 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 22.6 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 61.07964 -_--------------_-I---------_----.------------- (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) .............................. "3 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- * e >* ....................... -"-------------_-----__I SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS > ;.. 7 >* I---------------------- ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED AOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE. ... 1-3-91 t********X************************X*****************~***X*XX*t******~****~ . I4 . ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 2 AT FIRST FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 8322 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) PSF (+) OTHER LEVELS 8322.00 1190.00 2.28 5608.80 -------- ---------- ---------- ------------ WIND FORCE = ( 10488.8 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRI8 AREA 4 FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS 0 .TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRI8 AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS ----------- ---__-__-_ ---------- ------------- 10488.80 276.00 0.00 4886.00 NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 4 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 25.7 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 408.1245 .............................................. SHEAR UPLIFT - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOWN PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK > _______ --__-__ _--_---- ............................ ------ -------- 1.0 7.6 8.0 3265.0 1352.8 1912.2 1.1 3.0 7.6 8.0 3265.0 1352.8 1912.2 4.0 3.0 8.0 3265.0 534.0 2731.0 2.7 2.0 7.5 8.0 3265.0 1335.0 1930.0 1.1. m99*P .L (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. EXTERIOR SHEARWALL *.c >* \, --------------------__I INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- *b I >* >* ----------I------------ *s SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS ....................... ............................. MOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED MOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 ,\ f************************************************************************* ;PROJECT.....BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER. ..... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 .......................................................................... . ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 3 AT FIRST FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = 5261.1 1 BASED bN FOLLOWING: ................................................................ . TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=I TRIB AREA (X) PSF (+I OTHER LEVELS 5261.10 770.00 2.28 3505. SO ---------- ---------- ------------ -------- WIND FORCE = ( 5968.45 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND-PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 5968.45 149.00 0.00 2943.75 ----------- ---------- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 4 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 21.4 ----------------------------------------.------ MAX UNIT SHEAR = 278.8995 _. SHEAR UPLIFT - DEN) = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOWN PANEL# w ti LOhD UPLIFT ti/W MARK ------- ------- ---.._-_-_ ............................. ______ -------__ 1.0 1 9.7 8.0 2231.2 2114.6 116.6 0.8 2.0 3.2 8.0 223l.2 697.6 1533.6 2.5 3.0 5.0 8.0 2231.2 1090.0 1141.2 1.6 4.0 3.5 8.0 2231.2 763.0 1468.2 2.3 YnPAYR (MARKS, SEE' SCHEDULES) ............................. *4 *8 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL >* INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- *: SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS ....................... > *- >* -------------I--------- ....................... ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER. ..... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 ........................................................................... , SHEAR bfAU IbCHEOlR.€ l/e GYP* 60 -4 0- C. BLOCKED EN B FN 0x-16 0.C. FRAMINO l/e GYP* 60 -4 0- C. BLOCKED EN B FN 0x-16 0.C. FRAMINO @ .I . ._. .. I.. 0. .' .. .. 908 I10 DIA A.B. I60 - 6 0. e. I60 - 6 O.C. 86 0.c. ea PLATf -KINO 08 uUDsiu I 8 I66 - 6 O.C. IILDIA A.B. l6d - 60.c. sz O.C. tr MUDSILL Pa PLATE OS BLOCKIN0 812 IMDIA A.D. 160 - 4 O.C. 166- 4 O.C. $!I 0.C. Or RATE @ ' .& MUDSILL m IILOC~~INO . 468 1/4 DIA A.B. 160 0 9.6 0.C.U AS5F * I2 O.C. 16 O.C. Pa PLATE et FRAMINO '- Pt MUDSILL . (ORAWF-I2 0.C) .. 1 625 I/O DJA A.B. m - to.c.6 ~WF- 8 O.C. I2 O.C. Ia PLATE et FRAMWQ 4a MUDSILL (OR ASSF-6 O*C*l ~- -~~- ~ ~__ ! ! W8DIA A.B. IS$ *O Q.c.* ASP-8 0.C. i. i 16 QoC. PI PLATE La FRAMINO 21 MUDSILL (OR Albf-6 O.C 8 W8 DIA A.8. Ab5Fm 6 0. C. ASK-6o.e. , I2 0.C. It PLATE Oa FRAMINO .. I- 21 MflDSILL . -. - ._ c 0. @ . . 41 MUDSILL @ 4r MUOSlLL 985. 6/8 DIA A. B., AtbF - 6 0.C. A33F - 6 O.C. b FRAMINO i ! . . I6 0.C. a PLATE .. i into 518 PIA A.B. ASSF- 8 0. t. ASSF- 8 O.C. BOTH SIOES BOTH SIDES 41 BWCKINO I2 0. e. P mAMJNQ c 1 * I66 AT 8 ' 0. e. OR LESS REQUIRES I8 JOlST&R RlBeON PLATE AS MlNlMlkl'THICKNESS. .... 8;. ... ... .... .. ..... ... .: .: .- .- .. #.-. ................... ..!.:,,..n.....,.... .. ........... ,,;. I .. ..................................................... BEAM DESIGN HIP DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1300 Fv' = : 85 LDF = 1.25. E = USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 19 LOADING TRIANGULAR LOAD AT R1, W = 0 PLF, R2 = 434 PLF ..................................................... k7 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1374.333 R2 = 2748.667 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 2748.667 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 11 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 10050.53- AREA REQ'D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 38.80471 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 74.21927 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 279.4864 8 8 1800000 19 ......................................... *** USE 6 X 10 *** ...................... *** A = 50.875 *** Sx = 78.4323 *** I = 362.7494 .......................................... -----------------_-______________I______----------------------- - ................................................................. PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-3-91 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ................................................................ *. t*t**tt***tt*******t*******~**************************** *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ........................................................ TYPICAL FLOOR JOISTS AT GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: CONCENTRATED LOAD = 0 DEAD LOAD = 10 LIVE LOAD = 40 THUS W = 66.66667 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.00 Fv = 95 16 oc MA'XIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN. _-------------------________________^___---------------- 14 THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((€3XSxXFbXLDF)/(lZXW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (~.SXWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (5X1728XWXLEO4)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION USING 2 X 12 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ....................................................... ............................ ALL0WABL.E L BASE0 ON Sx, L = 23.94734 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 23.94734 WITH At- = 9.521686 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON It-, L = 21.94734 WITH Ir = 167.9038 c X*~t~tt**Y*f******X***X***X***Y*XX*X*********X*X~*Y***** *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS **a: f*f*Y**t**t***********X*******XX**f********X*****X**X** TYPICAL ROOF RAFTERS AT 16 oc MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN. GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 20 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 48 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv = 95 ............................................ THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(lZXW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (~.~XWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (5X1728XWXLEO4)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION USING 2 X 8 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ........................................................ ............................ ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 18.18739 WlTH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 18.18739 WITH Ar = 5.263041 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir. L = 17.18739 WITH Zr = 46.5914 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 17.18739 y .......................... * Sx = 13.14 - * A = 10.875 * I = 47.635 ...................................... \ ........................................................ *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ........................................................ TYPICAL ROOF RAFTERS AT 24 oc MA'XIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN. GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 20 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 72 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv = 95 THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(lZXW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (~.~XWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (sX1728XWXLE04)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION USING 2 X 8 MEMBER OF-L N0.2 ....................................................... ----------------------------. ALLOWABLE L- BASED ON Sx. L = 14.84994 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 14.84994 WITH Ar = 6.376901 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir. L = 14.84994 WITH Ir = 45.07559 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 14.84994 * -__----------------------- * Sx = 13.14 - * A = 10.875 * I = 47.635 ...................................... -------I------^----__________I__________------------------------- USING 2 X 6 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 -------------------_________ ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 11.26612 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON At-, L = 11.26612 WITH Ar = 4.81996 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir. L = 11.26612 WITH Ir = 19.68292 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 11.26612 * Sx = 7.563 *: A = 8.25 * I = 20.797 ...................................... * __--___-----------I------- .. ........................................................ *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ........................................................ TYPICAL CEILING JOIST AT 16 OC MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 15 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 41.33334 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv = 95 THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(12XW)) ' SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (~.SXWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED It- = (5X1728XWXLEO4)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVER-NING CONDITION USING 2 X 8 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ............................................ \cI /$ ,,> !l,fL $ j,. /'/' 1 /2' "1 / i I- 'tL &' r 3 ....................................................... --------------------________ \ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 19.59931 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L SASED 014 Ar, L = 19.59931 WITH At- = 4.900649 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir, L = 17.59931 WITH Ir = 45.21237 ....................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 17.59931 * Sx = 13.14 *: A = 10.875 * I = 47.635 ...................................... * -~ x USING 2 X 6 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 - -----_ ----- __--- - ---_--_____ RLLOWABLE L_ BASED ON Sx, L = 14.86929 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar. L = 14.86929 WITH Ar = 3.707632 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON It-, L = 12.86929 WITH Ir = 17.67803 *************:*************************: * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 12.86929 * _____--_-----I------------ * Sx = 7.563 * R = 8.25 *: I = 20.797 ...................................... LIVE LOAD = 16 DERD LOAD = 15 MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON BENDING STRESS SXr = 21.39 IS L = 19.39034 FT MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON SHEAR AREA At- = 13.44617 IS L = 13.39034 FT MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON DEFLECTION Ir = 66.20348 IS L =' 13.39034 FT ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 13.39034 * sx = 21.39 * A = 13.875 * I = 98.932 ...................................... * .......................... -----------------_-,--------------------------------------------- USING 4 X 10 MEMBER DF-L N0.1 CALCULATION FOR MAX SPAN FOR HIP OR VALLEY APPLICATION WIlW Fb = 1500 X 1.25. Fv = 95. Em = 1,800,000 WITH TRIANGULAR LOADING -.----------------------------------------------------------------- I---------------------- __ LIVE LOAD = 16 DEAD LOAD = 15 MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON BENDING STRESS SXr = 49.911 IS L = 17.76043 FT MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON SHEAR AREA Ar = 24.92601 IS L = 17.76045 FT MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON DEFLECTION Ir = 204.8935 IS L = 17.76043 FT ........................................ * MAXIMUM SPAN IFT) = 17.76043 * Sx = 49.911 * A = 32.375 * I = 230.84 ...................................... 7. BEAM DESIGN H3 !. DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 1300 Fv = : 85 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 19 ..................................................... LOADING TRIANGULAR LOAD AT R1. W = 0 PLF, R2 = 412 PLF --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1304.667 R2 = 2609.333 BEAM SPAN = ,19 MAX SHEAR = 2609.333 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 11 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 9541.054 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 36.83765 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 70.45701 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL t LL) = 265.3188 .......................................... *** USE 6 X 10 *** ____-__--I------------ *** A = 50.875 *** Sx :: 78.4323 *** I = 362.7494 .......................................... ................................................................. PROJECT .... BCJENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-9@ **: ENGINEER .... dau .................................................................. BEAM DESIGN H4 DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 15 _. ..................................................... -------------------------------------------.---------.- LOADING TRIANGULAR LOAD AT R1. W = 0 PLF, R2 = 215 PLF --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 537.5 R2 = 1075 BEAM SPAN = 15 MAX SHEAR = 1075 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8.6875 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 3103.212 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 13.57895 SECTION MODULUS REQ’O = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 19.86055 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL t LL) = 68.12748 .......................................... *** USE 4 X 10 *** -------I------------__ *** A = 32.375 *.** SX = 49.91146 *** I = 230.8405 .......................................... -------------------_____________________----------------------- ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA **: DATE .... 1-9-9e ** ENGINEER .... dgU ................................................................. ........................................................ *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS **x ........................................................ TYPICAL ROOF RAFTERS AT 24 oc MA~IMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN. GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 15 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 62 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv = 95 ............................................ THE FORMULA USED fUNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(12XW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (~.SXWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS AL-SO CHECKED Ir = (SX1728XWXLE04)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION USING 2 X 8 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 --------------------_______I____________--------------- ............................ ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx. L = 16.00277 WTTH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON kr. L = 16.00277 WITH Ar = 5.942643 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON It-. L = 15.00277 WITH Ir = 42.01225 ***********************hi**:*************: * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 15.00277 * Sx = 3.3.14 - * A = 10.875 * I = 47.635 *:************************.************* * ---------.--_-------------- lJSING 2 X 6 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 --------------------_--------. ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx. L = 12.14072 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON At-. L = 12.14072 WITH Ar = 4.493 GJLLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir. 1. = 11.14072 WITH Ir = 17.2029 ....................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 1l.14072 * Sx = 7.563 * A = 8.25 * 1 = 20.797 ...................................... *: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - -. - - - - - ........................................................ *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ........................................................ TYPICAL ROOF RAFTERS AT 16 oc MA~IMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN. GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 15 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 41.33334 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION -5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv = 95 THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = sQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(lZXWJ) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (1.5XWXL-2D)/(2XLDFXFv) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (5X1728XWXLEO4)/(384XErnXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION USING 2 X 8 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ....................................................... --------------------_______I ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx. L = 19.59931 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 19.59931 WITH Ar = 4.900649 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir. L = 17.59931 WITH Ir = 45.21237 * * * * * * * * * * *: * * * * x * * x * 1: * x * * 1: * * * * * * Y: L ** * * * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 17.59931 * .......................... * Sx = 13.14 .- * A = 10.875 * 1 = 47.635 * *. *x**** *** ** ** ** * x * * * * 1: * * * LX* * * * *****: ................................................................. USING 2 X 6 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 -----------------_----------. ALLOWARLE L BASED ON Sx. L = 14.86929 WITH Sx = SXr OLLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar. L = 14.86929 WITH fir = 3.707632 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir, L = J.2.86929 WITH Tr = 17.67803 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) 12.86929 * sx = 7.563 * A = 8.25 * I = 20.797 ...................................... * .......................... .. . ..................................................... BEAM DESIGN RH1 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 5 ..................................................... LOADING A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 540 AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 270 R2 = 270 BEAM SPAN = 5 MAX SHEAR = 270 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 675 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 3.410526 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 4.32 .......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** sx = 73.82813 *** T = 415.2832 *******************#.********************** - ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-90) ** ENGINEER .... UGU .................................................................. BEAM DESIGN RH2 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR fi BEAM SPAN = 6 ..................................................... --------------------___I________________------------- LOADING --------- UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 310 BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 930 R2 = 930 BEAM SPAN = 6 MAX SHEAR = 930 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 3 FEET FROM R1 NOMENT = 1395 &REA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 8.728948 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12xM/(LDF*Fb) = 8.928001 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 10 *** ...................... *** A = 32.375 *** Sx = 49.91146 *** I = 230.8405 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ PRnJFCT.--. RIJFNA VTSTA ** DhTF .... 1-9-9& ** ENGINEER .... DGU ;+ ‘3. .. BEAM DESIGN RH3 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 4 ..................................................... . LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 200 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 400 R2 = 400 BEAM SPAN = 4 MAX SHEAR = 400 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 400 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 3.526316 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 2.565 ......................................... *** USE 4 X $.@@ *** __---_--------------I_ *** A = 25.375 *** Sx = 30.66146 *** 1’ = 111.14713 ***************x************************** ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-9q ** ENGINEER .... DGU .................................................................. bEAM DESIGN RH4 DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 4 ..................................................... LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 150 REAM REACTIONS R1 = 300 R2 = 300 BEAM SPAN = 4 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 300 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 2.921053 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 1.92 rqAx SHEAR = 300 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 6 *** ...................... *** A = 19.25 *** Sx = 17.64583 .......................................... *** r = 48.52605 ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-94 ** ENGINEER .... DGU .................................................................. ... ' . .hi: .. I .......... ... *. . ...... .... ......... ... .. .... ...... .. ;.. .: ;,. .::.. .... .. .... .. ,. .. ... ..... : Sb .. .. .. , .. .. "... .. ... .. LOAD IN G UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 150 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 375 R2 = 375 BEAM SPAN = 5 MAX SHEAR = 375 . MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 468.75 QREA REQ'D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 3.592105 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 3 LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 150 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 450 R2 = 450 BEAM SPAN = 6 MAX SHEAR = 450 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 3 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 675 AREA REQ'D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 4.223685 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 4:JZ *************t**~*f**~****************f*~ - *** USE 4 X 10 *** ---------------------- *** A = 32.375 *** Sx = 49.91146 *** I = 230.8405 .......................................... ---------------__--_------------------------------------------- **************************************************************X* PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-91 ** ENGINEER .... DGU *x**x*tS**********X************************x*******~************* 3 _L---------------------- ............................................................... ’ ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE ..... 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ................................................................ LOADING A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 2800 AT 3 FEET FROM R1 REAM REACTIONS R1 = 1400 R2 = 1400 BEAM SPAN = 6 MAX SHEAR = 1400 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 3 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 4200 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 17.68421 SEC-TION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 26.88 --------- ***************************************** *** USE 4 X 12 *** ___---_-----------I--- *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 - ***E I = 415.2832 .......................................... ----------------I--________I____________----------------------- ................................................................. PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-9qi ** ENGINEER .... DGU .................................................................. BEAM DESIGN RH8 ..................................................... ..................................................... DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = lS00 Fv = : 95 LDF- = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 3 L.OADING A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 1200 AT 2 FEET FROM R1 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 400 R2 = 800 BEAM SPAN = 3 MAX SHEAR = 800 MXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2 FEET FROM R1 ‘WMENT = 800 #%REA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 10.10524 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 5.12 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ hl,l-,,A l,CIIL .... * r..-- . c -. . . -....-.*--- nnn-rrn-r DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1E300000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 16 LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 100 A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 1500 AT 8 FEET FROM R1 ’ --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1550 R2 = 1550 BEAM SPAN = 16 MAX SHEAR = 1550 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 9200 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 18.39474 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 58-88 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 OL + LL) = 192 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... *** ____---_------_------- .................................................................. PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA **: DATE .... 1-9-91 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ................................................................. BEAM DESIGN GH2 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = €3 L. 0 AD I N G UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = ZOO --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 800 R2 = 800 BEAM SPAN = 8 MAX SHEAR = 800 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 4 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 1600 RREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LOF*Fv) = 8.157895 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 10.24 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 10 *** ...................... *** A = 32.375 *** Sx = 49.91146 *** I = 230.8405 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE. ... 1-9-91 ** ENGINEER .... DGU .................................................................. 33 LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 520 A POINT LOAD ILBS).= 1550 AT 6 FEET FROM R1 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 5713.333 R2 = 5196.667 REAM SPAN MAX SHEAR = 5713.333 * MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8.062S FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 25965.86 AREA REQ'D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 47.23.212 SECTION MODULUS REQ'U = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 129.8293 INERTIA RE-QUIRED 11/2 DL 1- LL) = 719.28 1800000 = 18 :i: **: * * *: ** * * * * * * *. ** *. *. * * *** * * * * ** * *. * * * * * * **.* * * * ** *** * * ** * *. *** ***** * PROJECT . - . BlJENA VTSTA ** DATE. . - . 1-9-%.*;%.* -'ENGINEER . . . . dgu y. ** * *: * * * * *** * * * t. *: *: * * * * *. ** **. * * * * * * 1: * ** ** * *'* * * * ** * *** * * ** * * * *** * * * LOADING UNIFORM LOAD OtJ MEMBER (PLF) = 520 --------- . BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 2860 R2 = 2860 BEAM SPAN = 11 MAX-SHEAR = . 2860 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 5.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 7865 AREn REQ'D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 41.86765 SECTION MODULUS REGI'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 72.6 ......................................... *** USE 6 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 61.875 *** Sx = 116.0156 *** I = 652.5879 ~~**,,,~Y**YY~~IYY**~*~~Y~~~~***~~~~~***~* **,*********************~*~*****************~***************~**~* PRO.i.ECT. :. . BUENA VISTA ** DATE.. . . 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER . . . .dgu ................................................................ BEAM DESIGN F6M3 DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1 E = USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 11 ____________-____________^______________------------- LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 275 BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1512.5 R2 = 1512.5 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 1512.5 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 5.5 FEET FROM RI MOMENT = 4159.375 AREA REQ’D = I.~*V/(LDF*FV) = 19.81086 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 33.275 --------- 1800000 11 *************~***~**********************~ *** USE 4 X 12 *** A = 39.375 *** I = 415.2832 *********Y*******X*l********************** *** __-__---___------------ - *** Sr = 73.82813 __ 1: * * * ** *: * * * * * * * * * ** ***: * ** * * *: * * * *** * * * * * * * * * *’ * * * ***** * * * * * ** * * ** * * PROJECT.. . . BUE~~O VISTA **: DATE.. -. i-9-9a8 ** ENGINEER . . . . dau *: ** *: * ** * * * * * * * * * %* *** * * * * *: *. * * t * * * * **. * f ** * *: t: * x **x** *** x * * * ** .t: * * * * LOAD I NG UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER CPLF) = 300 -- - - - - - -. - BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1800 R2 = 1800 BEAM MAX SHEAR = 1800 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 6 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 5400 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 23.98026 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = lZ*M/(LDF*Fb) = 43 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** --------------I------- *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... -----------_____________________________----------------------- ................................................................ PROJECT ~ RllChi~ $/Tern ** nATC 1-Q-Oh 1) CMCTNFCO drl* t . .-. ---__-______________-------------.-------------------- BEAM DESIGN FBM5 DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 1500 FV = : 95 LDF = 1 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER ..................................................... FOR A BEAM SPAN = 14 LOADING --------- UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 300 BEAM REACTlONS R1 r: 2100 R2 = 21.00 BEAM SPAN = 14 MAX SHEAR = 2100 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 7 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 7350 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 28.71711 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 58.E3 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL 1- LL) = 154.35 * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * x * 1: * * * 1. * * * * * *: 1: **:*cy: * *: * * * * 1 * *** CJSE 4 X 1% ***: 0 = 39.375 ***: Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 *: 1. ** * ***** * *: 1 * * ** ** * * * t *. * * 1: s * ** x ** x x * * x * ** *** ----_-------I I - -” --.---I. -- - *: * * * * x. *. * 1: * * * * * *. * ** * * * * * x * * * x** * * * t *** ** * * 1: x * * * x ** * * * * *** * * * *x* ** PROJECT.. . . BUENA VISTh **. DATE.. . 1-9-90. *cy: ENGINEER . . . .dgu 1 * *** * *: * * * * * * ** * *: * 1. * x. * x *. * * 1: * * ** * * * ** * x**. * x * * *. * * t ** * * * * ** * *** * ** * LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 85 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 680 R2 = 680 BEAM SPAN = 16 MAX SHEAR = 680 . MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 2720 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/{LDF*Fv) = 9.478619 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 21.76 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL 4- LL) = 65.28 .......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... ............................................................... 4__._ * . . . PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER .... dau ................................................................ . LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 350 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 =: 875 R2 = 875 BEAM SPAN = 5 MAX SHEAR = 875 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 1093.75 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 8.634869 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 8.75 *. * 1: * * :c *:* * * * * *. *: * x: * * * *I x Y: * * v***x*.** ** * ** * * * *** USE 4 X 12 *** ____-_-- ------ - ------ *** A = 39.375 *** sx = 73.132813 __ **t I = 415.283% ******Y *****************I***************** * * ** .* * * * **: .* ** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * x * * * * * x t. x * * t. * ** L * * * *. * * * * * *. * ** * * ** * PROJECT. . . . BCJENA VISTA **. DATE.. -. 1-9-94 **. ENGINEER . . . .dgU +. * * *: %:k * * it ** * * * 4. * * * * *. * L * * *: ;h * *. 1. x * t Y. x * t * * * * * 1. * .y* * * * * ** *.* ** ** ** **** REAM DESIGN FRM8 DESIGN PARAMElERS. Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 3 ___----_c--------__-------- -.--.------. ------ ----I------- L. 0 AD I N G UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER IPLF) = 350 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 525 R2 = 525 BEAM SPAN = 3 MAX SHEAR = 525 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS fiT 1.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENl = 393.75 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 4.950658 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 3.15 ......................................... *** *** A = 25.375 *** Sx = 30.66146 *** I = 111.1478 .......................................... *** USE 4 x $.Bo - -_- - _-_ ---- ------- -- - -- ................................................................ - .. - e., ,r,, n *IT^-.. - - rIL74-l~ I7 f-l T LOADING CJNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER fPLF) = 600 ___------ BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 2400 R2 = 2400 BEAM SPAN = 8 MAX SHEAR = 2400 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 4 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 4800 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 29.01316 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 38.4 ......................................... *** USE 4 x 12 ***: A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 #:*#: 1 = 415-2832) ........................................... *** _________---------.--.-- $*~*~%**********X***********~**~******************************** PROJECT .... RCJENA VISTA ** DnTC .... 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER .... dgu k***.*****~***************~~*************************$**********~. OEAM DESIGN FbMlO DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDP = 1 E = 1800000 IJSING DRESSED LUMBER FOR fl BEAM SPAN = 5 --------I-----_. -I--- ---- ----- ----.------------------- LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 300 A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 1800 fiT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 --------- REAM REACTIONS R1 = 1650 H2 = 1650 BEAM SPAN = 5 MAX SHEAR = 1650 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 3187.5 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 21.61184 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = lZ*M/(LDF*Fb) = 25.5 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *******************************%********** *** I = 415.2832 ----------------________________________----------------------- ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE.. .. 1-9-96 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ 3f BEAM DESIGN FOMll DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = ' 1300 FV = : 85 LDF = 1.25 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 16 ..................................................... LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 66 A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 1050 AT 12 FEET FROM R1 BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 790.5 R2 = 1315.5 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 1315.5 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 12 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 4734 AREA REQ'D = l.S*Vy(LDF*Fv) = 17.69824 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 34.95877 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 605.184 E = 1800000 16 * yr * * *** * *** * * * *********I: * * * * * * * * * *: * * * * *** *** USE 6 x 1.2 *** _____._---I-------.- _-- ----.. *** A = 6l.875 *.** SX = 116.01.56 *** I = 652.5879 ************I*********.******************** ______________________._,_.__I___-___C---- ............................. * w. * * x * * * x * *. * * *: *: t * t x* * * * ** * * * x * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * **********xi'* ** * ***:* PROJECT.. - - BUENA VISTA ** DATE.. -. 1-9-94! **: ENGINEER . . . .dqu 'E. * * ** * * * *: *. Y. *: *: * * * ** * * * * * * 4: *: * * * 1 *: * * * * * * * * Y: * 1: * * * * * * * * ** * * *. * * ** * * ** * BEAM DESIGN FBM12 DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING ROUGH SAWN LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 16 ____________________________II__________------------- -"-- -._.____._______I_,______.____._L__-_ ------- -- ----------- LOADING ---_----- UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 66 A POINT LOAD (LBSI = 800 AT 8 FEET FROM R1 BEAM REACTIONS R3 = 928 H2 = 928 BEAM SPAN = 16 MAX SHEAR = 928 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8 FEET FROM H1 MOMENT = 5312 AREA REQ'D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 10.92316 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 33.9968 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 112.128 ........................................... *** USE 3 X 11.5 *** ----c-------___---____ *** A = 34.5 *** Sx = 66.125 *** I = 380.2188 .......................................... --------c----___________________________----------------------- L*************************************************************** PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-961 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ .. .. 39 LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 66 A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 1400 AT 12 FEET FROM R1 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1017.5 R2 = 1537.5 BEAM SPAN = 17.5 MAX SHEAR = 1537.5 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 12 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 7458 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V](LOF*Fv) = 10.70182 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 29.832 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 OL + LL) = 982.1054 ............................................. *** USE 8.75 X 12 *** ____I-----------------.. x** fi = 105 *** sx = 210 *** I = 1260 *** MIN CAMBER = .6820176 *************Y***********************X**** x*********************************~********X****************.**** PROJECT. . . - BLJENA VISTA **: DATE.. . . 1-9-94) ** ENGINEER . . . .dgtl ~.*****f*.*x~***X***~*~***********~************.f*f*X************~* .. ..................................................... BEAM DESIGN FBMl4 DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING ROUGH SAWN LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 16 1.0 AD I N G UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) 66 --------- A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 1100 AT 2 FEET FROM R1 REAM REACTIONS R1 = 1490.5 R2 = 665.5 BEAM SPAN = 16 MAX SHEAR = 1490.5 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 5.9375 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 3355.215 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 18.02842 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 21.4733E3 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 67.584 .......................................... *** USE 3 x 11.5 *** fi = 34.5 ***: Sx = 66.125 *** I = 380.2188 X********.*******.*******%****************** *** ---I._----------- --- ---- ................................................................ *: * ** * ** ***.*. * ** ** ** * * * * *** *. * * 1: * ** * * * * *** ** ** *** * ** * * *** * * * ** * **** PROJECT .... E3C)ENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-94 **; ENGINEER .... dgu :t: * ** *** * t: * *. * * * ** *: * ** * ** * l’Y t * * * * * 1: 1: * * * * * % ** k * * * * **: * ** * *** * *. * * *** * BEAM DESIGN FBMl5 DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING ROUGH SAWN LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 11 ----____-_-_________----------.----------------------- - ._-^l_____l______________________l_l____ ---I.--.-- -- L.OAD I N G ----_-___ UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 66 A POINT LOAD (LBS) z 300 AT 4 FEE? FROM R3. fi POINT LOAD (LBS) = 300 A-r 6 FEET FROM RI EEAM REACTIONS R1 = 690.2727 R2 = 635,7273 BEnM SPAN = 11 rmx SHEAR = 690.2727 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 5.9375 FEET FROM Rl MOMENT = 2353.865 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 7.920287 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*:M/(LDF*Fb) = 15.06474 ......................................... *** USE 3 X 11.5 *** ---__-------I---------- *** A = 34.5 *** SX = 66.125 *** I = 380.2188 .......................................... --------_---_____________________I______----------------------- PROJECT .... BUENfi VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-96 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ~:y***********************************************~************** y***************************************~**********~************ .. . * *. .. . ,. '. .. .. ,. .....-... .. .. . Ii'.... ....... .. ........................................................ *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ......................................................... TYPICAL FLOOR JOISTS AT 16 OC MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: CONCENTRATED LOAD = 0 DEAD LOAD = 10 LIVE LOAD = 40 THUS W = 66.66667 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION -5 X DL f LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.00 Fv = 95 ------------c------------------------------------------- THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(lZXW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED At- = (l.SXWXL-2D)/(2XLOFXFv) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (5X1728XWXLE04)/(384XEmXL/Z40) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION USING 2 X 12 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 - -- ----I---------------_________cI___I_____---------------- ............................ ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 23.94734 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L RASED ON At-, L = 23.94734 WITH Ar = 9.521686 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir, L = 21.94734 WITH Ir = 167.9038 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 21.94734 * c-c-__-------------------- * Sx = 31.64 * A = 16.875 * I = 177.97 ...................................... .... ... 8. ...... ... ... .. .. .. ... ........ .. .... .. ,. . ... '.:. .. _. ,. .. ... .. ., ,. .. ..,.. ..... . ,., . . .... .. .. .. ' .. .: .. .. .. . . .. '. . .I.' . .. \. . .. ' .. I P .. .. .. .i : . ':._'. ., , .. . I '.# . . 8 .._ .. 43 .. - .. .. . - &fL A .. FOOTING WIDTH REQUIRED = 446 /( 1500 - 150 = .3303704 FT CODE REQUIRED MINIMUM: WIDTH DEPTH THICKNESS ------- ------- 12 12 6 ............................ *** USE UBC MINIMUM CRITERIA *** WITH #4 T&B MINIMUM ............................ ROOF WEIGHT = 310 WALL WEIGHT = 136 FLOOR WEIGHT = 400 ---I--------------------- TOTAL DL t LL = 846 FOOTING WIDTH REQUIRED = 846 /( 1500 - 225 = .6635294 FT ***%************************ *** USE U8C MINIMUM CRITERIA *** WITH #4 T&8 MINIMUM ............................ ************************************%***********************%**** ALLOWABLE POINT LOAD ON FOOTING RZBAR 3 INCHES FROM BOTTOM (#4 T&B) 7HEREFOR D = 15 I-DAD SUPPORTED BY 4X MINIMUM PllLLOWABLE LOAD = 4449.219 lbs ............................................................... ............................... PAD FOOTING F1 TOTAL DL+LL = 2250 FACTORED LOAD = 3600 TRIAL SIZE = 2.5 X 1.5 X 1 FEET SOIL PRESSURE = 1150 PUNCHING SHEAR STRESS = 5.588735 < ALLOWABLE = 152.0526 WIDE BEAM SHEAR STRESS = 0 < ALLOWABLE = 76.02631 USE REINFORCING = 4.901961E-03 SQ IN/FT .................................... *** USE PAD FOOTING = 1.5 X 1.5 *** X 12 INCHES THICK *** WITH #4 AT 12 INCHES OC ..................................... ***x**************~********************************************** TRIAL SIZE = 2.25 X 2.25 X 1 FEET SOIL PRESSURE = 1285.803 PUNCHING SHEAR STRESS = 17.70572 < ALLOWABLE = 152.0526 WIDE BEAM SHEAR STRESS = 2.410075 < ALLOWABLE = 76.02631. USE REINFORCING = 2.227064E-02 SQ IN/F-T ._ 1: * * * *. * x * ****** 1: * * * * * * * *: * 1 * ** ** * ***** *** USE PAD FOOTING = 2.25 X 2.25 *** X 12 INCHES THICK *** WITH #4 A1 12 INCHES OC ..................................... *******x******************~*x****************~*x***************** PAD FOOTING F3 ............................................................. --_--___ TOTAL DL-tLL = 8350 FACTORED LOAD = 13360 'TRIAL SIZE = 2.5 X 2.5 X 1 FEET SOIL PRESSURE = 1486 PUNCHING SHEAR STRESS = 26.46744 < ALLOWABLE = 152.0526 UIDE BEAM SHEAR STRESS = 4.381173 < ALLOWABLE = 76.02631 USE REINFORCING = 3.565577E-02 SQ IN/FT .................................... *** USE PAD FOOTING = 2.5 X 2.5 ' *** X 12 INCHES THICK *** WITH #4 AT 12 INCHES OC ..................................... L***~************************************1*********************** ... I. .. , .. .. . r n, I' w PAGE 470~47 PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING ENGR 41890 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CA 92390 - - . . - ._ - PAGE / OF PROJECT MANNihlG ENGINEERING ENGR ..- nATc 41890 ENTERPRISE CtRCLE SO., STE. 8 TEMECULA, CA 92390 bUAkIC /7.lA\ C7C 4OAb .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ............... ~.. ..... ...... ..... .. ,> ; .$ .. .. .. .. ,.. .. .. .. PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING ENGR 41890 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CA 92390 - -- --- - '. PAGE / OF 2, MANNING ENGINEERING 41890 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., ST TEM ECU LA, CA 92390 C PAGE 2 OF PROJECT MANNING ENGINEERING 41890 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. B TEMECULA, CA 92390 ENGR PHONE (714) 676-1844 I . .. I e,. .. . #! . 1. *_ _I 1. r s . 4, ,* IDATE September 15, 1992 Paul Parizeau P.O. Box 230822 Encinitas, CA 92023-0495 RE: 1385 BUENA VISTA WAY - CB920495 I have reviewed the addendum to your preliminary geotechnical investigation and its attached grading report prepared for you by Property Development Engineers, Inc. Based upon the information and statements provided therein the building permit for the above residence is reinstated. You may proceed with construction. Please note all drainage features contained in the report and the approved grading plan which must be in place prior to finish grading approval. Please note also on the sketch provided by PDE an area on the property which contains non-structural landscape fill. This is an area not suitable for construction of any structure without a subsequent soils investigation and the recommendations of a civil engineer. This information should be disclosed in the event the property changes ownership. Thank you for your cooperation in dealing with the issues raised during the grading plan review process. . PAT KELLEY Principal Building Inspector PK/mh @ 2075 Las Palmas Drive - Carlsbad, California 92009-1 576 - (61 9) 438-1 161 a , PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 September 15, 1992 Paul Parizeau P.O. Box 230822 Encinitas, CA 92023-0822 Site: 1385 Buena Vista Ave., Carlsbad, CA APN 156-230-70 To whom it may concern: This is to address the City's request for additional information with regards to soil conditions at the subject site. We reviewed the imported soil conditions both prior and during subgrade preparation and assessed the quality to be in conformance with requirements of it's intended use and the Preliminary Geotechnical Reports criteria. The import soil was of equal or better quality than the native material criteria used for design and we would recommend it's acceptance and visual classification with no further testing procedures required. Property Developme Engineers, Inc. ?-3 RCE 21719 Exp . 9/30/93 \ PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. I ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 c s TRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Parizeau Residence Site: 1385 Buena Vista Ave. Carlsbad, CA APN 156-230-70 Prepared at the Request of Paul Par lzeau Prepared by PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. Escondido Blvd. Escondido, CA 92025 1 of 6 INDEX General Information ........................................ 3 of 6 Lot Description ............................................. 3 of 6 Natural Terrain ............................................ 3 of 6 Seismic Activity ........................................... 3 of 6 Proposed Construction ...................................... 4 of 6 6 Recommendations & Conclusions .......................... 5 & 6 of 6 Field Investigation & Test Results ..................... 4 & 5 of APPENDIX Plate Appendix "A" . Test Location Map ................................ 1 Unified Soil CLassification Chart ................ 2 Standard Specifications for Compacted ............ 3 Filled Ground Homeowners Maintenance Guidelines ................ 4 Slab Crack Information ........................... 5 Note to Contractors .............................. 6 Log of Test Pits ................................. 7 2 of 6 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON. PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON. CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 July 30, 1992 Paul Parizeau P.O. Box 230822 Encinitas, CA 92023-0822 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Site: 1385 Buena Vista Ave., Carlsbad, CA APN 156-230-70 To whom it may concern: This is to verify that we have investigated the footing soils conditions and reviewed potential development plans for the above referenced site to assure 90% relative compaction in all footing areas. The native soil is a light brown silty sand (SM) and is not detrimentaily expansive (Carlsbad soils per USDA Soil Survey). It extends to a de;?th of o~le to three feet except in natural swale areas where it car, extend from 6' to IO' in depth. The top soil is loose In its natural state ar?d should be recompacted to a 2' depth after the organic topsoil layer is removed to affor2 acceptable foundation material for the proposed construction. It is metasedamentary and becomes more dense with depth. No ground water should be or was encountered on this lot. There are no known faults located close to the site (Elsinore fault is approximately 25 miles NE). (Xose Canyon potentially active fault is 12 mi+ SW). It is our opinion that the site could 5e subjected to modeyate to seveye ground shakinr; in the event of a majo=. earthquake along either of these faazlts, howeve:, the seismic :isk at t5e site Is n~t co-sldered slgnlficantly greater than that of the sirrouc?ing area. Constrnction irz accordance with the mininuz standayds of the sost recent edition of the 'Jnfform %ifding Cod9 should minkize potential darriage as a ~esult of seSsinic activity. To minimize the potential for differential settlement, natural ground should be over-excavated to a minimum de2th of 3 feet below fizished grade and replaced with compacted flll. ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 2 nf 6 The proposed construction as shown on DWG 829-5A consists of a single family residence on a fill pad which can be accomplished quite satisfactorily on the site, as regards soil adequacy. Any footings which step down slopes should be a minimum of 2' deep below original ground. All drainage should be directed away from these footings. Foundations should be founded in firm natural soil, or properly compacted embankment. The soils engineer shall review the footing excavations prior to concrete placement to ensure adequate foundation support. We recommend that the continuous footings of the structure be reinforced with at least two #4 bars top and two bottom (total of 4) as minimum reinforcemert and that the slabs be reinforced with #3 bars at 24" on center each way and be ?laced ca-efully @ mid-slab height OE a clear, 4'' conpacted and Eoisturized saR2 Slanket. A vapor barrier of E xi? viscpeer, is yecomnended to be sazdwlched In t5-e san2 blanket uader all indoor slabs. Ar: allowable soil bearixg pressure of 1500 psf nay be used for desigr: of footing sizes. Active and passive flxi5 pressures of 40 (60 for Testrained or sloping backfill) and 425 pcf, and a frictlon factor of .4 s?_ould be use2 fc=. wall design. A lateral bearing of 300 psf/ft ixay Se used for ?,ole dislg~ .;si?g flagpole formula jYBC 2907 5). AI? foundatians skall havs a ?.:?-:xz?. size 2s clete,-;..ined by Table 29-A de?:". Settlezext s'nsuld be wltkin US:: to?e;.ance >~gv:<:xg that goo? constrxctlon sractices aye fsllowed. f. .. -. _I-..... 3: the 'J~lforn! 3~iIdi~s Code and be 13" ." n 2, ,..U,,, .. TEST AXD ANALYSES of the prevailing foundatioz soiis irdicateC t5e following engineering properties: Tests were run in accordance with ASTM: D1557 with visual classification used fo=. design criteria. Active Soil ?ressuTe [AST!?: 33080) 43 psf!ft :3estrained h slo2ing Sackfill] 53 ?Sf/ft Fassive Soil Pressure (ASTM: 93080) 300 psflft 4 of 6 Coefficient if Friction (ASTM: D3080) .4 Expansive Factor Very low Bearing design value 1500 psf We emphasize that it is the responsibility of the contractor to insure that the slab reinforcement is placed at mid-height of the slab. Experience indicates that use of reinforcement in slabs and foundations will generally reduce the potential for drying and shrinkage cracking. However, some cracking should be expected as the concrete cures. Minor cracking is considered normal, however, it is often aggravated by a loose sand bedding, a high water/cement ratio, high concrete temperature at the time of placement, small nominal aggregated size, and rapid moisture loss at time of placement, due to hot, dry, and/or windy weather conditions during placement and curing (footing trenches and slab subgrade should be thoroughly moisturized before concrete is cast). Cracking due to temperature and moisture fluctuations can also be expected. The use of low slump concrete not exceeding 4 inches at the time of placement is recommended. The contractor should take appropriate curing precautions during the placement of concrete to minimize cracking of slabs. We recommend that a slipsheet or Semco Tile Set, Nobleseal or equivalent be ctilized If crack-sensitive flooring (such as sarble tile or Mexican pavers) is planned directly on the concrete slab. All slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations and sawed or weakened by I' deep troweled joints or zip-strips $3 12-15' strategic intervals if random cracks are unacceptable. Patio slabs, driveway slabs or A.C. paving placed closer than 5' to fill or natural slopes are susceptible to edge settlement and cracking if proper precautions are not made for lateral support. All slabs should be placed on a granular nonexpansive sub-base at least 12" thick. Driveway subgrades should be certified before surface is placed. The conclusions azd recommendations herein have beer based on the observations anc?/or testing as noted as well as ou1: experience. ?.lo other warrazty, expressed or implled, is nade. 5 of 6 The grading should be done in accordance with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad and the attached Standarc! Specifications for the Placement of Compacted Filled Ground. Special footing design will be recommended if necessary at time grading is completed and footing trenches are excavated. We will be available for prejob conference and certification testing upon prior notification when the grading work is scheduled, and at time footing excavations are made. hohn E. Vernon RCE 21121, GE 858 Exp. 9/30/93 6 of 6 APPENDIX "A" PLATE " 1 " * >- PLATE 2 SILTS AN0 CLAYS FRatTlON IS LARGER TM . NO. 4 SIEVE SAND GRAVEL I COBBLES BOULDERS FINE MEDIUM COnAy FINE CCWIUE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS. CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 1 uAM AND STRENGTH BLDWS/FOOT SANOS.GRAVELS NON-PLASTIC 9% BUNYS'FOC)T PLASTIC SILTS VERY LOOSE 0- 4 VERY Uxf 0 - I/* 0-2 SOFl r/4 - v2 2 -4 FIRM v2-1 4-8 SrIFf 1-2 8 -l6 LOOSE 4 -10 MfDIUM OEM€ 10 -30 OENSE a-so vERr STIFF 2-4 16 -32. (MR 50 HnRO OVER 4 OVER l-2 VERY OENSE - SANDS MORE TWN HALF OF CCKRSE FRncTlON IS SMALLER THAN No. 4 SIEVE Water level at time of excavation or as indicated A Undisturbed driven ring or chunk sample 0 Disturbed .bulk sample ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 PLATE 3 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT. RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON. PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND Objective: Obtain filled ground whieh is uniform and has adequate internal strength to support any structures proposed. The method by which this is obtained is described herein. Preliminary Procedures: 1. Permits - Owner shall ascertain the grading permit requirements of the agency whose jurisdiction covers the land on which the grading is to be performed and shall be responsible for complying with them. 2. Water - An adequate water supply shall be provided so that compaction of filled ground will not be delayed. 3. Soils Engineer - A soils engineer shall be retained to provide direction in grading, testing for compaction and certification that the grading complies with grading ordinances and with approved grading plans. Grading: 1. 2. Clearing and Grubbing - All natural surface which is to be covered by filled ground, excavated or needed for brow ditches, swales or other grading appurtenances shall be cleared and grubbed. Trees, shrubs and grass, as well as organic overburden shall be removed from the area to be graded. Cleared material may be disposed of as approved by the local controlling agency. No embankment shall consist of trees, shrubs or other organic material. Natural Ground Preparation - Natural ground shall be excavated from beneath embankment areas to solid material, the exact depth as determined by the soils engineer. This material shall be brought to proper moisture conteht and recompacted to not less than 90% maximum density as determined by A.S.T.M. D-1557-70. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 3. Any existing fill which has not been certified must be removed and recompacted. If the slope of the existing ground exceeds 1' vertical in 6' horizontal, a bench cut level, 10' wide shall be excavated at the toe of the fill. This will allow the embankment to be placed on a horizontal base for more uniform compaction. Embankment Placement - Fill material should consist of native or imported material which has been brought to the optimum moisture content. Material to be used for embankments may have rocks with diameters greater than 12" providing they are evenly distributed in the soil mixture and are at least 3' below finish grade. Fill slopes shall not consist of, or be founded on, large rocks. Although rocks may be placed along the outside of the toe of the fill slopes. Rock placement in embankments shall be under direct supervision of the soils engineer. Embankment material shall be placed in layers varying from 6" to 12" deep depending on soil type, and compacted by suitable compactive effort to a density or not less than 90% of the maximum density as determined by A.S.T.M. D-157-70. Moisture content and depth of layers shall be determined by the soil engineer at the time of grading, and shall be updated whenever embankment soil types change. As the embankment increases in elevation, new benches shall be cut into original ground. Benches shall be at least 6' horizontally into natural ground, be level and shall occur at intervals to be determined by the soils engineer at the time of grading. Compaction may be obtained by the use of any combination of equipment which will result in an embankment that is properly compacted, uniform in moisture and properly finished to the line and grades shown on the plans or to those set forth in the applicable grading ordinance. 4. Additional Grading - Cut slopes shall be cut to the lines and grades as shown on the plans or set forth in the applicable grading ordinance. Cut slopes shall be protected from erosion by brow ditches. Brow ditches shall be either earthen or lined with erosion resistant material as shown on the plans or as recommended by the engineer. -2- Embankments shall be protected from erosion by placing an earthen berm along the top of slope for the entire perimeter of the fill. Where drainage is brought down the slope, the drainage way shall be lined with erosion resistant material to prevent loss of embankment slopes. Where eaves are located, less than 5' horizontally from top of fill slopes, eaves troughs shall be provided to prevent weakening of slope due to water intrusion. All areas of the building pad must be well drained. Drainage swales shall have a minimum slope of 1' vertical in 100' horizontal unpaved or 1' vertical in 200' horizontal paved with concrete. Drainage shall be provided to ensure foundations will not be subjected to ponded water. -3- PLATE 4 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING. LS 3351 YAINTENANCE GUIDELINES FOR HOME OWNERS Yomesites, in general, and hillside lots, in particular, need maintenance to continue to function and retain their value. Many homeowners are unaware of this and allow deterioration of their property. It is important to familiarize homeowners with some guidelines for naintenance of their properties and make them aware of the importance of maintenance. Some governing agencies require hillside property developers to utilize specific methods of engineerins anc? constructioc to protect those investing in improved lots or constructed homes. For example, the developer may be required to grade the property In such a manner that r3inwater will be drained away from the lot arid to plant slopes so that erosion will be minimizee. He niay also be required to install permanent drains. However, once the lot is purchasecl, it is the buyer's responsibility to maintain these safety features by observing a 2rudent Frogram of lot care and maintenance. Failure to make zegular inspectio:: and maintenance of drainage devices an2 sloping areas may cause severe financial loss. In addition to his own property damage, he may be subject to civil liability fo? damage occuring to neighboring properties as a result of his negligence. The following maintenance guidelines are provided for the protection of the homeowner's investment. .l A. 2. 3. Surface drainage nust be directed away from structural foundations to prevent ponding of storx waters OT irrigation adjacent to footings. Ca~e shz~uld bi taker? that slopes, terraces, Serms (ridges at crown of slopes) and proper lot drainage are not disturbei!. Surface draicage should be condxctee fron; the rear yard to the street through the side yard, or to natural dFainage ways withir, the property boundary. In general, yoof and yard runoff should be conducted to either the street or storm drair, by nonerosive devices suck as sidewalks, drainage ?ipes, ground gutters and driveways. Drainage systems should not be altered without expert consultation. ' TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 1. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. 10. 11. All.drains should be kept cleaned and unclogged, IncluCting gutters and downspouts. Terrace drains or gunite ditches should be kept free of debris to allow proper drainage. During heavy rain periods, performance of the drainage system should be inspected. Problems, such as gullying and ponding, if observed, should be corrected as soon as possible. Any leakage from pools, waterlines, etc. or bypassing of 'drains should be repaired as soon as practical. Animal burrows should be eliminated since they may cause diversion of surface runoff, promote accelerated erosior, and even trigger shallow soil flowage. Slopes should not be altered without expert consultation. Whenever an owner plans a significant topographic modification of the lot or slope, a qualified soils engineering consultant should be contacted. If the owner plans modification of cut or natural slopes within his property, a soil engineering consultant should be consulted. Any oversteeping may result in a need for expensive re t a in ing devices. Undercutting of a toe-of-slope would reduce the safety factor of the slope and should not be undertaken without expert consultation. If unusual cracking, settling or earth slippage occurs on the property, the owner should consult a qualified soils engineer or an engineering geologist immediately. The most common causes of slope erosion and shallow slope failures are as follows: A. Gross Neglect of the care and maintenance of the slopes and drainage devices. B. Inadequate and/or improper planting. (Barren areas should be replanted as soon as Possible.) C. Excessive or insufficient irrigation or diversion of runoff over the slope. Owners should not let conditions on their property create a problem for their neighbors. Cooperation with neighbors could prevent problems, promote slope stability, adequate drainage, proper maintenance, and also increase the aesthetic attractiveness of the community. -2- PLATE 5 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 SLAB CRACK INEDEMATION 61 SPECIFICATIONS 1. All sawed joints should be completed as soon as m raveling occurs and before cooler evening temperatures occur. 2. Contraction joints should be provided perpendicular to all re-entrant corners around columns as shclwn in (a). 3. If isolation joints are used around the columns, they should be diamond shaped as shown in (b). If no isolation joints are used around colmns, or if the corners of the isolation joints do not meet the contraction joints, radial cracking as Shawn in (c) may occur (referace ACI) . Similar cracking may occur from re-entrant corners along perimeter of slab as shckvn in (a). -1- ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING (revised 05/22/92) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In order to control cracking at the re-entrant corners (2270' comrs), provide reinforcenent as sham h (c) and (dl Re-entrant comr reinforcem3t sham herein is prwided as a general guideline only and is subject to verification and changes by the project architect and/or structural engineer based upon slab geometry, location, and other engineering and construction .factors. Further recommendations will also be made by the Eslgineer due to soils or other conditions at any time prior to pour. Geotechnical We recomnd 4" slump concrete be used for all structural applications to minimize initial shrinkage. wter added at job site should be within design limits. residential Any Panels over 12'-15' in size will likely crack at random locations. Narrower slabs such as sidewalks and pool decks will likely crack at intervals equal to the slab width, in addition to "bottleneck" or "hour-glass" type restrictions. Wakened plan "T" joints at adjacent slabs will likely induce at random into the extended stem area if construction joints are not constructed properly. If we are considered or held responsible in any way for concrete random cracks occuring in any slab construction, we require being in attendance when subgrade is made, moisturized, concrete is delivered, slwp is checked, water content is chxked, and weakend plane sawing is completed in accordaxe with ow recomndations. We would qct to 5e paid for our tine aid service in accordance with our ccrent rate sheet of char-ges for all tirne expended on this control engineering. -2- ELATE 6 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E, VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121. GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJEm ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 CONCRETE PLAC~NT INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRACTORS,SUBCONTRACTORS AND OWNERS: A COPY OF THE COMPACTION/GRADING REPORT SHOULD BE Oh' SITE ALL TIMES & ESPECIALLY WHEN FOOTING WORK IS IN PROGRESS! We emphasize that it is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the proper steel reinforcement be placed at mid-height in the that the bedding be properly prepared, and that the concrete is properly cared for during placement and curing. While cracking of concrete is guaranteed and minor cracking up to 1/8" opening must be expected on any pour as a normal occurance, it can be minimized if the proper steps are taken. Cracking is often aggravated by loose bedding, high water/cement ratio, high concrete temperature at time of placement, small nominal aggregate size, and rapid loss of moisture due to weather conditions during lacement and potential for drying and shrinkage cracking but this is just one of many important considerations. All slabs should be placed on a granular, non-expansive, compacted sub-base at least 12" thick. placed prior to pour must also be compacted. Proper steel reinforcement must be blocked to mid-height, with extra steel placed at all re-entrant corners. All sub rade should be thoroughly moisturized prior to casting of concrete. We recammen: the use of low slump concrete (not exceeding 4") for4,all pours. A concrete additive such as Fiber Yesh", which minimizes shrinkage, can further minimize cracking if used per manufacturers specifications. The contractor should take. appropriate curing precautions durin and after placement of concrete to minimize cracking of slabs. All slabs shouli be provided with sawed, troweled or zip-strip weakened plane oints at 1;-15' strategic intervals where random cracks may occur to allow for straig l t line, designed" cracks in lieu of random cracks. Sawin should be done the same day as the pour and not before it can be accomplished widout raveling. Slabs should be sprayed down several times each day for several days during hot, dry weather. We recommend that a sli sheet, "Semco" tile set. "Nobleseal" or equivalent such as hardwood flooring, marble. ceramic tiles or mexican pavers] is planned 6 irectly on the concrete slab. Slab cracks under all finish floors shou d be filled with mastic crack sealer. Patio slabs. driveway slabs or A.C. paving within 5' of lower fill, cut or steep native slopes are susceptible to edge settlement and cracking if proper precautions are not made for lateral support. All auxiliary slab and driveway subgrades should be inspected by the Geotechnical Engineer immediately prior to placement of surfacing. Xasonry walls should have designed cracks provided at 12' to 30' intervals during construction to minimize random shrinkage cracks. slab. Experience indicates that use of reinforcement in slabs wi P 1 generally reduce t e All bedding materials Additives may be necessary for workability. be utilized if crack-sensitive f P ooring Some settlement of compacted fill is considered normal and should be anticipated. In our opinion, the total and/or differential settlement expected for the proposed structures is considered to be within tolerable limits, however, unexpected saturation of the fill soils can lead to excessive differential settlement. Therefore, it is .important to provide proper surface drainage and prevent excessive subsurface water intrusion from sources such as over-irrigation, inadequate drainage, or leakage of subsurface utility pipes. ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING PLATE 7 'i 5 1 TEST PIT NO. E LEVATl ON LOO OF TEST PaTS ;OJECT NO. a/fl9/ du I FIGURE NO. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. Project Location /3BS BUE-NA VISTA CAnLSBAD Grading Permit No. A. COMPATIBILITY WITH GRADING PLAN AND PERMIT 1. Was the compacted fill placed only in the approximate Yes / No- locations designated on the grading plan as areas to be filled? 2. Did the quantity of fill material placed approximate- Yes / No- ly conform to the grading plan? 3. Did the toe of fill or the top of cut appear to meet Yes / No- the prescribed property line setback (1.5' for fill: 3.0' for cuts)? 4. Were the finished fill slopes equal to or less than 2'Yes 1/ No- horizontal to 1 vertical? 5. If the fill material was obtained by cuts on the Yes J NO- site, were the cuts made in the proper location and to the proper slope approximately as shown on the approved grading plan? 6. Were brow ditches constructed approximately as shown Yes J No- on the grading plan? D/7A/A/ME F.€NffhE 5 TO l3E CBMPLET&A PhlUfL I TO FIN/SH GRADIAf6 hPP/70VAL. B. LOCATION AND AMOUNT OF COMPACTION TESTS 1. Have you attached a sketch and data showing the Yes J NO- location and relative elevation for all compaction tests? 2. Was a compaction test* made so that there is at least Yes / No- one test in each 2' thick lens of compacted material? 3. As indicated by inspections, observations and com- Yes 1/ No- paction test results, was the fill, excluding the top l.O', compacted to at least 90% of maximum dry density? C. QUALITY OF FILL COMPACTION OPERATION 1. Was the area to receive fill properly prepared in Yes J NO- terms of brush removal, benching, wetting, removal of noncompacted fill or debris and related items? 2. Was all detrimentally expansive soil placed in the Yes r/ No- fill at 3' or more below finish grade? 3. Have you attached a copy of your curve showing the Yes No- relationship between optimum moisture content and max- imum density? *Field and maximum density tests were performed using test methods A.S.T.M. 01556 and D1557 or by A.S.T.M. D2922 and D3017. OWNER: PAUL PARI Z EAU Sarnpl e c o NTRAC TO R : GRADER : LOCATION: / 3 B Z- l3UENA \//57A CA RLS DALL. fAL. Description Soi 1 Optimum Maximum Type Moist. Density (PCF) 2iILTY SANII A- 9 /zs SANb - IMPDRT 13 9 /2 4 I 1 ! -- I I I PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. iixs SOUTH ESCONDtOO BOULNARD ESCONDIDO, umNLA'O2025 EL. 61fJ/7438808 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULT SUMMARY: 1 I I I b I MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTEPT: I Re1 ative .ComDac t ion I L __- TEST LOCA 7/0/1/5 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 SLAB CRACK INFORMATION & SPECIFICATIONS 1. All sawed joints should be completed as soon as no ravellng occurs and before cooler evening temperatures occur. 2. Contraction joints should be provided perpendicular to all re-entrant corners around columns as shown in (a). 3. If Isolation joints are used around the columns, they should be diamond shaped as shown in (b). If no isolation joints are used around columns, or if the corners of the isolation joints do not meet the contraction joints, radial cracking as shown in (c) may occur (reference ACI). Similar cracking may occur from re-entrant corners along perimeter of slab as shown in (d). ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING Rev. 08/11/92 TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 4. In order to control cracking at the re-entrant corners (2270' corners), provide reinforcement as shown in (c) and (d). 5. Re-entrant corner reinforcement shown herein is provided as a general guideline only and is subject to verification and changes by the project architect and/or structural engineer based upon slab geometry, location, and other engineering and construction factors. Further recommendations will also be made by the Geotechnical Engineer due to soils or other conditions at any time prior to pour. 6. We recommend 4" slump concrete be used for all residential structural applications to minimize initial shrinkage. Any water added at jobsite should be within design limits. 7. Panels over 12'-15' in size will likely crack at random locations 8. Xarrower slabs such as sidewalks and pool decks will likely crack at intervals equal to the slab width. in addition to "bottleneck" or " hour - g 1 as s " type rest r i c t i on s . 9. Weakened plan "T" joints at adjacent slabs will likely induce at randon; into the extended stem area if construction joints are not constructed properly. 10. Steps in slabs will induce contraction cracks at riser junction with lower Slab A weakened. 11. If we are considered or held responsible in any way for concrete random cracks occuring in any slab construction, we require being in attendance when subgrade is made, moisturized, concrete is delivered, slump is checked, water content is checked, and weakend plane sawing is completed in accordance with our recommendations. We would expect to be paid for our time and service in accordance with our current rate sheet of charges for all time expended on this control engineering. 12. These requirements apply to all slabs, including but not limited to driveway, steps, walkways, pool decks, patio, garage and house slabs. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 YAINTENANCE GUIDELINES FOR HOME OWNERS Yomesites, in general, and hillside lots, In particular, need maintenance to continue to function and retain their value. Many homeowners are unaware of this and allow deterioration of their property. It is important to familiarize homeowners with some guidelines for aaintenance of their properties and make them aware of the importance of maintenance. Some governing agencies require hillside property developers to utilize specific methods of engineerin5 and construction to 2rotect those investing in improved lots or constructed homes. For example, the developer may be required to grade the property In such a manner that rainwater will be drained away from the lot and to plant slopes so that erosion will be minimizec?. He may also be required to install permanent drains. However, Once the lot is purchasee, it is the buyer's yesponsibility to maintain these safety features by observing a 2rudent program of lot care and maintenance. Failure to make regular inspection and maintenance of drainage devices and sloping areas may cause severe financial loss. In addition to his own property damage, he may be subject to civil liability for damage occuring to neighboring properties as a result of his negligence. The following maintenance guidelines are provided for the protection of the homeowner's investment. 1 A. 2. 3. Surface drainage nust be directed away from structural foundations to prevent pondin5 of storm waters or" irrigation adjacent to footings. Care should be taken that slopes, terraces, berms (ridges at crown of slopes) and proper lot drainage are aot disturbed. Surface drainage should be condircte6 from the rear yard to the street through the side yard, or to natural drainage ways within the property boundary. In general, roof and yard runoff should be conducted to either the street or storm drair, by nonerosive devices suck: as sidewalks, drainage pipes, ground gutters and driveways. Drainage systems should not be altered without expert consultation. ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. I TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 4. 5. 6. 7. a. 9. All drains should be kept cleaned and unclogged, including gutters and downspouts. Terrace drains or gunite ditches should be kept free of debris to allow proper drainage. During heavy rain periods, performance of the drainage system should be inspected. Problems, such as gullying and ponding, if observed, should be corrected as soon as possible. Any leakage from pools, waterlines, etc. or bypassing of drains should be repaired as soon as practical. Animal burrows should be eliminated since they may cause diversion of surface runoff, promote accelerated erosior, and even trigger shallow soil flowage. Slopes should not be altered without expert consultatioc. Whenever an owner plans a significant topographic modification of the lot or slope, a qualified soils engineering consultant should be contacted. If the owner plans modification of cut or natural slopes within his property, a soil engineering consultant should be consulted. Any oversteeping may result in a need for expensive retaining devices. Undercutting of a toe-of-slope would reduce the safety factor of the slope and should not be undertaken without expert consultation. If unusual cracking, settling or earth slippage occurs on the property, the owner should consult a qualified soils engineer or an engineering geologist immediately. 10. The most common causes of slope erosion and shallow slope failures are as follows: A. Gross Neglect of the care and maintenance of the slopes and drainage devices. B. Inadequate and/or improper planting. (Barren areas should be replanted as soon as Possible.) C. Excessive or insufficient irrigation or diversion of runoff over the slope. 11. Owners should not let conditions on their property create a problem for their neighbors. Cooperation with neighbors could prevent problems, promote slope stability, adequate drainage, proper maintenance, and also increase the aesthetic attractiveness of the community. -2- PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 July 30, 1992 Paul Parizeau P.O. Box 230822 Encinitas, CA 92023-0822 PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Site: 1385 Buena Vista Ave., Carlsbad, CA APN 156-230-70 To whom it may concern: This is to verify that we have investigated the footing soils conditions and reviewed potential development plans for the above referenced site to assure 90% relative compaction in all footing areas. The native soil is a light brown silty sand (SM) and Is cot detrimentally expansive (Carlsbad soils per 'JSDA Soil Survey). It extends to a depth of one to three feet except in natural swale areas where It car, extend. from 5' to IO' in depth. The top soil Is loose In Its natural state and should be recompacted to a 2' depth after the organic topsoil layer is removed to afforZ acceptable foundation material for the proposed construction. It is metasedamentary and becomes more dense with depth. No ground water should be or was encountered on this lot. There are no known faults located close to the site (Elsinore fault is approximately 25 miles NE). (Xose Canyon potentially active fault is 12 mi+ SW). It is our opinion that the site co~ld 5e subjected to moderate to severe gl-ound shaklxg in the event of a major earthquake along either of these fanlts, howeve?, the seismic: risk at the site Is not cozsidered significantly gyezte? than tha: of the sirro~~?<ag area. Construction in accordance with tke miaiaux standards of the rnost recent edition of the 'Jniform Building Code should miniKize potextial damage as a r~sul: of seismic activity. To xirrlmize the potential for lifferential settlement! natura: ground should be over-excavated to a minimum depth of 3 feet below flzished cpade and replaced with compacted fill. SURVEYING \ PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 3 of 6 TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 The proposed construction as shown on DWG 829-5A consists of a single family residence on a fill pad which can be accomplished quite satisfactorily on the site, as regards soil adequacy. Any footings which step down slopes should be a minimum of 2' deep below original ground. All drainage should be directed away from these footings. Foundations should be founded in firm natural soil, or properly compacted embankment. The soils engineer shall review the footing excavations prior to concrete placement to ensure adequate foundation support. We recommend that the continuous footings of the structure be reinforced with at least two #4 bars top and two bottom (total of .4) as minimum reinforcement and that the slabs be reinforced with #3 bars at 24" on center each way and be placed carefully @ mid-slab height on a clean, 4'' compacted and moisturized sand blanket. A vapor barrier of 6 mil visqueen is reconmended to be sandwiched In the sand blanket under all lndoor slabs. An allowable soil bearizs pressure of 2500 psf may be used for design of footlng sizes. Active and passive fluid presscres of 40 (60 for restrained or sloping backfill) and 425 pcf, and a friction factor of .4 should be used foy wall design. A lateral bearing of 300 psf/ft may be ased for pole deslcp using flagpole formula (UBC 2907 f). All foundations shall have a xi~imux size as deterxined by Table 29-A 3: the Uniform Building Code and be 18" minixurn depth. Settlement should be within VSC tolerance providing that goo2 construction practices are followed. TEST AND ANALYSES of the prevailing foundation soils indicate6 the following engineering properties: Tests were run in accordance with ASTM: D1557 with visual classification used for design criteria. Unified Classification SM Yaxiaum Dry DeEslty (ASTM: 31557) 123 pcf 9.4% Active Soil Pressure (ASTM: 33080) 40 psf/ft (Restrained h sloping backfill) 60 ?sf/ft Passive Soil Pressure (ASTM: D3080) 300 psf/ft 4 of 6 , Coefficient if Friction (ASTM: D3080) .4 Expansive Factor Very low Bearing design value 1500 psf We emphasize that it is the responsibility of the contractor to insure that the slab reinforcement is placed at mid-height of the slab. Experience indicates that use of reinforcement in slabs and foundations will generally reduce the potential for drying- and shrinkage cracking. However, some cracking should be expected as the concrete cures. Minor cracking is considered normal, however, it is often aggravated by a loose sand bedding, a high water/cement ratio, high concrete temperature at the time of placement, small nominal aggregated size, and rapid moisture loss at time of placement, due to hot, dry, and/or windy weather conditions during placement and curing (footing trenches and slab subgrade should be thoroughly moisturized before concrete is cast). Cracking due to temperature and moisture fluctuations can also be expected. The use of low slump concrete not exceeding 4 inches at the time of placement is recommended. The contractor should take appropriate curing precautions during the placement of concrete to minimize cracking of slabs. We recommend that a slipsheet or Semco Tile Set, Nobleseal or equivalent be utilized if crack-sensitive flooring (such as marble tile or Mexican pavers) is planned directly on the concrete slab. All slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations and sawed or weakened by 1' deep troweled joints or zip-strips 8 12-15' strategic intervals if random cracks are unacceptable. Patio slabs, driveway slabs or A.C. paving placed closer than 5' to fill or natural slopes are susceptible to edge settlement and cracking if proper precautions are not made for lateral support. All slabs should be placed on a granular nonexpansive sub-base at least 12" thick. Driveway subgrades should be certified before surface is placed. The conclusions and recommendations herein have been based on the observations and/or testing as noted as well as our experience. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. 5 of 6 The grad;ng should be done in accordance with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad and the attached StandarC! Specifications for the Placement of Compacted Filled Ground. Special footing design will be recommended if necessary at time grading is completed and footing trenches are excavated. We will be available for prejob conference and certification testing upon prior notification when the grading work is scheduled, and at time footing excavations are made. bohn E. Vernon RCE 21121, GE 858 Exp. 9/30/93 6 of 6 APPENDIX "A" PLATE 2 VERY LOOSE LOOSE HfDlUM DEME DENSE VERY OENSE PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VJCE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON. CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 0- 4 4 - 10 K) -30 33-59 (MR M RELATlVE DENSITY I SANDS.GRAVELS I CON StSTENCY CLAYS AND PLASTIC SILTS VERY SoFr SOFT FIRM STIFF VERY srw nw STRENGTH 0 - u4 114 - l/Z v2-1 1-2 2-4 OvER 4 & Water level at time of excavation or as indicated A Undisturbed driven ring or chunk sample Disturbed ,bulk sample ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING 3LOwYFOOT 0-2 2-4 4-8 8 -16 16 -P (MR 32 .. TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 PLATE 3 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND Objective: Obtain filled ground which is uniform and has adequate internal strength to support any structures proposed. The method by which this is obtained is described herein. Preliminary Procedures: 1. Permits - Owner shall ascertain the grading permit requirements of the agency whose jurisdiction covers the land on which the grading is to be performed and shall be responsible for complying with them. 2. Water - An adequate water supply shall be provided so that compaction of filled ground will not be delayed. 3. Soils Engineer - A soils engineer shall be retained to provide direction in grading, testing for compaction and certification that the grading complies with grading ordinances and with approved grading plans. Grading: 1. Clearing and Grubbing - All natural surface which is to be covered by filled ground, excavated or needed for brow ditches, swales or other grading appurtenances shall be cleared and grubbed. Trees, shrubs and grass, as well as organic overburden shall be removed from the area to be graded. Cleared material may be disposed of as approved by the local controlling agency. No embankment shall consist of trees, shrubs or other organic material. 2. Natural Ground Preparation - Natural ground shall be excavated from beneath embankment areas to solid material, the exact depth as determined by the soils engineer. This material shall be brought to proper moisture contetlt and recompacted to not less than 90% maximum density as determined by A.S.T.M. D-1557-70. ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 3. Any existing fill which has not been certified must be removed and recompacted. If the slope of the existing ground exceeds 1' vertical in 6' horizontal, a bench cut level, 10' wide shall be excavated at the toe of the fill. This will allow the embankment to be placed on a horizontal base for more uniform compaction. Embankment Placement - Fill material should consist of native or imported material which has been brought to the optimum moisture content. Material to be used for embankments may have rocks with diameters greater than 12" providing they are evenly distributed in the soil mixture and are at least 3' below finish grade. Fill slopes shall not consist of, or be founded on, large rocks. Although rocks may be placed along the outside of the toe of the fill slopes. Rock placement in embankments shall be under direct supervision of the soils engineer. Embankment material shall be placed in layers varying from 6" to 12" deep depending on soil type, and compacted by suitable compactive effort to a density or not less than 90% of the maximum density as determined by A.S.T.M. D-157-70. Moisture content and depth of layers shall be determined by the soil engineer at the time of grading, and shall be updated whenever embankment soil types change. As the embankment increases in elevation, new benches shall be cut into original ground. Benches shall be at least 6' horizontally into natural ground, be level and shall occur at intervals to be determined by the soils engineer at the time of grading. Compaction may be obtained by the use of any combination of equipment which will result in an embankment that is properly compacted, uniform in moisture and properly finished to the line and grades shown on the plans or to those set forth in the applicable grading ordinance. 4. Additional Grading - Cut slopes shall be cut to the lines and grades as shown on the plans or set forth in the applicable grading ordinance. Cut slopes shall be protected from erosion by brow ditches. Brow ditches shall be either earthen or lined with erosion resistant material as shown on the plans or as recommended by the engineer. -2- Embankments shall be protected from erosion by placing an earthen berm along the top of slope for the entire perimeter of the fill. Where drainage is brought down the slope, the drainage way shall be lined with erosion resistant material to prevent loss of embankment slopes. Where eaves are located, less than 5' horizontally from top of fill slopes, eaves troughs shall be provided to prevent weakening of slope due to water intrusion. All areas of the building pad must be well drained. Drainage swales shall have a minimum slope of 1' vertical in 100' horizontal unpaved or 1' vertical in 200' horizontal paved with concrete. Drainage shall be provided to ensure foundations will not be subjected to ponded water. -3- PLATE 4 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 YAINTENANCE GUIDELINES FOR HOME OWNERS Yomesites, in general, and hillside lots, in particular, need maintenance to continue to function and retain their value. Many 5omeowners are unaware of this and allow deterioration of their property. It is important to familiarize homeowners with some guidelines for aaintenance of their properties and make them aware of the importance of maintenance. Some governing agencies require hillside property developers to utilize specific methods of engineering and construction to 2rotect those investing in improved lots or constructed homes. For example, the developer may be require6 to grade the property in such a manner that rainwater will be drained away from the lot and to plant slopes so that erosion will be minimizee. He may also be required to install permanent drains. However, Once the lot is purchasee, it is the buyer's responsibility to maintain these safety features by observing a 2rudent program of lot care and maintenance. Failure to make regular inspection and maintenance of drainage devices ani! sloping areas may cause severe financial loss, In addition to his own property damage, he may be subject to civil liability for damage occuring to neighboring properties as a result of his negligence. The following maintenance guidelines are provided for the protection of the homeowner's investment. 1. Surface drainage aust be directed away from structural foundations to prevent ponding of storm waters or irrigation adjacent to footings. 2. Care should be taken that slopes, terraces, berms (ridges at crown of slopes) and ;?roper lot drainage are not disturbed. Surface drainage should be conductec: fron; the rear yard to the street through the side yard, or to natural drainage ways within the property boundary. 3. In general, roof and yard runoff should be conducted to either the street or storm drain by nonerosive devices suck as sidewalks, drainage pipes, ground gutters and driveways. Drainage systems should not be altere6 without expert consultation. PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. All drains should be kept cleaned and unclogged, including gutters and downspouts. Terrace drains or gunite ditches should be kept free of debris to allow proper drainage. During heavy rain periods, performance of the drainage system should be inspected. Problems, such as gullying and ponding, if observed, should be corrected as soon as possible. Any leakage from pools, waterlines, etc. or bypassing of 'drains should be repaired as soon as practical. Animal burrows should be eliminated since they may cause diversion of surface runoff, promote accelerated erosion and even trigger shallow soil flowage. Slopes should not be altered without expert consultation. Whenever an owner plans a significant topographic modification of the lot or slope, a qualified soils engineering consultant should be contacted. If the owner plans modification of cut or natural slopes within his property, a soil engineering consultant should be consulted. Any oversteeping may result in a need for expensive retaining devices. Undercutting of a toe-of-slope would reduce the safety factor of the slope and should not be undertaken without expert consultation. If unusual cracking, settling or earth slippage occurs on the property, the owner should consult a qualified soils engineer or an engineering geologist immediately. The most common causes of slope erosion and shallow slope failures are as follows: A. Gross Neglect of the care and maintenance of the slopes and drainage devices. B. Inadequate and/or improper planting. (Barren areas should be replanted as soon as Possible.) C. Excessive or insufficient irrigation or diversion of runoff over the slope. Owners should not let conditions on their property create a problem for their neighbors. Cooperation with neighbors could prevent problems, promote slope stability, adequate drainage, proper maintenance, and also increase the aesthetic attractiveness of the community. -2- PLATE 5 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 1859 S. ESCONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121, GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREOERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 SLAB CRACK INEDRMATION & SPECIFICATIONS I. All sawed joints should be completed as soon as no raveling occurs and before cooler evening temperatures occur. 2. Contraction joints should be provided perpendicular to all re-entrant corners around columns as sham in (a). 3. If isolatian joints are used around the columns, they should be diamond shaped as shown in (b). If no isolation joints are used around columns, or if the corners of the isolation joints do not meet the contraction joints, radial cracking as shrmn in (c) may occur (reference XI). Similar cracking may occur from re-entrant corners along perimeter of slab as sham in (a). -1- ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING (revised 05/22/92) TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In order tocontrol crackingat the re-entrant corners (2270' corners), provide reinfor-t as sham in (c) and (a - Re-entrant corner reinforcement sham herein is provided as a general guideline only and is subject to verification and changes by the project architect and/or structural engineer based upon slab -try, location, and other engineering and construction .factors. Further recomndations will also be made by the Geotechnical Ehgineer due to soils or other conditions at any time prior to pour. We recommend 4" slump concrete be used for all structural applications to minimize initial shrinkage. water added at job site should be within design limits. residential Any Panels over 12'-15' in size will likely crack at random locat ions. Narrower slabs such as sidewalks and pool decks will likely crack at intervals equal to the slab width, in addition to "bottleneck" or "hour-glass" type restrictions. Weakened plan "T" joints at adjacent slabs will likely induce at random into the extended stem area if construction joints are not constructed properly. If we are considered or held responsible in any way for concrete random cracks occuring in any slab construction, we require being in attendance when subgrade is made, moisturized, concrete is delivered, slump is checked, water content is chc~ked, and w3akend plane sawing is completed in accordance with our recomndations. We would expect to be paid for our time and service in accordance with our arrent rate sheet of charges for all time expended on this control engineering. -2- ' 1 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS, INC. 2 * RLATE 6 1859 S. ESONDIDO BLVD., ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 JOHN E. VERNON, PRESIDENT, RCE 21121. GE 858 CHARLES W. DAVIS, VICE PRESIDENT, RCE 21719 BARRY L. MUNSON, PROJECT ENGINEER, RCE 40980 FREDERICK F. BRONSON, CHIEF OF SURVEYS, LS 5085 DELBERT C. DANIELS, CHIEF OF MAPPING, LS 3351 CONCRETE PLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS TO CONTRACTORS,SUBCONTRACTORS AND OWNERS: A COPY OF THE COMPACTION/GRADING REPORT SHOULD BE OM SITE ALL TIMES & ESPECIALLY WHEN FOOTING WORK IS IN PROGRESS! We emphasize that it is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the proper steel reinforcement be placed at mid-height in the slab, that the bedding be properly prepared, and that the concrete is properly cared for during placement and curing. While cracking of concrete is guaranteed and minor cracking up to 1/8" opening must be expected on any pour as a normal occurance, it can be minimized if the proper steps are taken. Cracking is often aggravated by loose bedding, high water/cement ratio, high concrete temperature at time of placement, small nominal aggregate size, and rapid loss of moisture due to weather conditions during lacement and curin Experience indicates that use of reinforcement in slabs wiyl generally reduce tEe potential for drying and shrinkage cracking but this is just one of many important considerations. All slabs should be placed on a granular, non-expansive, compacted sub-base at least 12" thick. placed prior.to pour must also be compacted. Proper steel reinforcement must be blocked to mid-height, with extra steel placed at all re-entrant corners. All sub rade should be thoroughly moisturized pSior to casting of concrete. We recornmen8 the use of low slump concrete (not exceeding 4") for all pours. A concrete additive such as "Fiber Mesh", which minimizes shrinkage, can further minimize cracking if used per manufacturers specifications. The contractor should take appropriate curing precautions durin and after placement of concrete to minimize cracking of slabs. All slabs shoulz be provided with sawed, troweled or zip-strip weakened plane oints at 12-15' strategic intervals where random cracks may occur to allow for straig i t line, "designed" cracks in lieu of random cracks. Sawin should be done the same day as the pour and not before it can be accomplished witiout raveling. Slabs should be sprayed down several times each day for several days during hot, dry weather. We recommend that a sli sheet, "Semco" tile set, "Nobleseal" or be utilized if crack-sensitive ffooring ceramic tiles or mexican pavers1 is planned d irectly on the concrete slab. Slab cracks under all finish floors shou d be filled with mastic crack sealer. Patio slabs, driveway slabs or A.C. paving within 5' of lower fill, cut or steep native slopes are susceptible to edge settlement and cracking if proper precautions are not made for lateral support. All auxiliary slab and driveway subgrades should be inspected by the Geotechnical Engineer immediately prior to placement of surfacing. Masonry walls should have designed cracks provided at 12' to 30' intervals during construction to minimize random shrinkage cracks. All bedding materials Additives may be necessary for workability. equivalent such as hardwood flooring, marble, Revised 04/01/92 TEL. (619) 743-8808 FAX (619) 743-7466 Some settlement of compacted fill is considered normal and should be anticipated. In our opinion, the total and/or differential settlement expected for the proposed structures is considered to be within tolerable limits, however, unexpected saturation of the fill soils can lead to excessive differential settlement. Therefore, it is .important to provide proper surface drainage and prevent excessive subsurface water intrusion from sources such as over-irrigation, inadequate drainage, or leakage of subsurface utility pipes. ENGINEERING SOILS TESTING SURVEYING I 1300 Buena Vista Blk Residence Carlsbad Climate Zone #7 Lloyd & Associates Title 24 Energy Calculations Compliance Method - CALPAS 4 January 8, 1991 Haynal and Company 425 N. Date, Suite A Escondido, CA 92025 (619) 743-5408 ,/ (619) 295-9225 Contractor's License #467907 Plan Check No. yA* %?/ CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE CITY OF CARLSBAD DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING SERVICES DIVISION 2075 LAS PALMAS DR., CARLSBAD, CA 92009 (619) 438-1161 This form shall be used to determine the amount of school fees for a project and to verify that the project applicant has complied with the school fee requirements. permits fof the projects shall be issued until the certification is signed by the appropriate school district and returned to the City of Carlsbad Building Department. No building SCHOOL DISTRICT: Carlsbad Unified 801 Pine Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92009 (434-0610) San Marcos Unified ,1290 West SanMarcDs Elud. San Marcos, CA 92024 (744-4776) Encinitas Union San Dieguito Union High School 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd. . 71 0 Encinitas Boulevard Endnitas, CA- 92024 (619) sqr-~soa Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491 1 Project Applicant: 4AAl2-a~ APN: [s -&9- 7a Project Address : /=s /3 uckA ~4/>7P W#Y RES I DENT I AL : SQ. FT. of living area a$//& number of dwelling units SQ. FT. of covered area SQ. FT. of garage area 6 b B COMME RC I A L/ I N DUST RI A L : SQC Prepared by Date FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the School District) I/ Applicant has complied with fee requirement under Government Code 53080 Project is subject to an existing fee agreement Project is exempt from Government Code 53080 Final Map ap roval and construction started before September 1, 1986. (other schoo P fees paid) Other Residential Fee Levied: $3 ?%\ 0 q b based on 2, 4 la.. sq. ft. @ &. SK CommIlndust Fee Levied:$ based on sq. ft. @ Titlh Date CommIlndust Fee Levied:$ based on sq. ft. @ I AB 2926 and SB 201 fees are capped at $1.58 per square foot for residential. AB 2926 is capped at .26C per square foot for cornmercial/industrial. i i L s ,m BUILDING PERMIT PCR No: PCR92052 08/24/92 08:15 Project No: A9100149 Page 1 of 1 Development No: Job Address: 1385 BUENA VISTA WY Suite: Permit Type: PLAN CHECK REVISION 8487 08/24/92 Oooi 01 02 Parcel No: Lot#: . c-9R)TT 146.00 Valuation: 6,408 Construction Type: VN Occupancy Group: R3/M Reference#: 92-495 e's Status: ISSUED Description: ADD 72 SF TO OFFICE Applied: 08/10/92 Apr/Issue: 08/24/92 Validated By: KZH Appl/Ownr : PARIZEAN, PAUL 619-434-4994 P.O. BOX 822 ENCIN Adju Tot Fe Plan ----- Fees R -------- Fees : stments: a1 Fees: e descri Check R - - - - - - - ption .evisi .oo .oo 146.00 Ext fee Qata 146.00 i BUILDING 0 FOUNDATION 17 APPROVED PLANS SHALL BE ON JOB SITE SHEATHING 0 FRAME. .. . 0 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING 0 UNDERGROUND WATER 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 U MISCELLANEOUS 0 PLENUM AND DUCTS 0 CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS 0 SOLAR 0 GRADING 0 POOL 0 PATIO 0 SIGN 0 OTHER a COMBUSTION AIR . RAFTERS AND JOISTB...............NU. 2 RIDGES...........................NO. 2 t.iEXI)ERS AND POSTS. .............. .NO. 1 BEAMS, ........................... SELECT STHUCTURAI.. HIPS fiND VALL..EYS.. .............. .NO. 1 i3LI.II ... AMS .. S1llPL.E.: SPAN. ........... 24F .. V4 DF/DF C::ANTIL..EVER.. .......... .24F - VU DF/DF ST~.~~............................~~NST~UCT~N SC) X 1. -- RLI-C1WABl-E BEAR I N13 1500 P9F PER CINI FORM B1J LLD T NG CODE F7E'T'rrS I N I NG WALI.,.S 30 PSF EQU I Vf4LENT FLU 11) PRESSURE FCllJNDAT 1 ClN WALLS 56 F'SF EBU I VAI..ENT Fl-IJ ID FRESSLJRE M RSDF.4 Fi Y -. f 'ro = 1500 PSI NO SPECIfiL INSPECTION MORTAR TYPE S MANN I NO 'ENG I NEER 1 NG 41892 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO, STE. E TEMECIJLA , CA. 92390 BLlS: (714) 676-1844 FAX: (714) 6Y4--hC)26 i 3 L C?"." LaA !?S ROOF DL RClOFING TILE......................... 10.0 PSF FELT................................... 1.0 PSF PLYWOnD................................ 1.5 F'SF 2x WAFIERS.. ........................ 2.0 FSF . MISC.:..................~."......... I 0.5 PSF -----------...- 1--- 15.0 PSF LOAD TO RAFTER . .( 2X JOIQT.....L...............r......... 1 . (3 FSF INSULATION............................ 1.0 PSF EL..ECIRICAL AND MECHANICAL. .......... 0.5 PSF EiYPSLJM.. ............................ 2.5 PSF -.------------.--.-L 20.0 PSF TOTAL. ROCIF ROOF LIVE LOAD = 20 PSF FOR 3/12 FITCH OF LESS 5= 16 PSF FOR 4/12 PITCH TO 8/12 GYPSIJM BUTI-4 SIDES. .................. 5.0 PSF 2x s-rims.. .......................... 1 . 0 PSF MISi:...I..'............................. 1.0 PSF ,-..---------------- 7.0 FSF INTERIOR WfiLL.. F'Li.0 R STIJCCN. ............................. 12.0 PSF 2x STUI')S.. .......................... l..O PSF I NSlJI.,AT 1 ON. .......................... 1.0 PSF GYPSUM"............."................ 2.5 PSF MXSC.......... ...................... 0.5 PSF I-----------------. 17.0 PSF EXTER I CIR WALL. FLC30RING.. .......................... 1.0 PSF ,PL..YWOOD. .................. 7'. .. I'. .... 1.5 PSF 2X JC')IST.m....... ................... 2.5 PSF ELECTRICAL. AND MECHA~XCAL. .......... 0. 5 PSF 1.0 PSF INSULfiTION..................'......... GYPSUM: ........... .................. 2.5 PSF MIX.; ............r.................. 1.0 PSF I. ---------I------- 10m.0 PSF TYPICAL FLOOR TILED WEA WITH MORTAR.............. 12.0 PSF' * I---------------- 22.0 PSF APPLICABLE -TILED AREA . 3 FLOOR 82168.5 a ,657348... . .6092971 12122.09 SUM OF WxHx = 1078863 SUM OF Wx = 106963.5 Z;UM OF % = 1 .................................................................. -----------1-------1_______I____________-------------- 2.281591 , . ... .'.. .. , -. .. . .. . .. ub+ __--- I A , ....' - .. .* .. . .. i r, .. . . .i .. .. , .. I , , I -- 3 I A I 0 ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE A AT SECOND FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 4732.425 1 BASED ON FOLLOWING: ~.--------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=I TRIB AREA (XI PSF (4-1 OTHER LEVELS 4732.43 607.50 7.79 0 -00) -. - - - - - - - ---------- ---------- ---L------”..- c U FORCE = ( 2943.75 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING:’ PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 i I TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 2943.75 112.50 30.00 0.00 ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 3 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 33.2 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 142.5429 SHEAR UPLIFT - OEAD = TOTAL RATIO i-1OLOOOWN PANEL# W li LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK ------- ------- -------- --------------------______I_ ---I-- -------- e - 1.0 14.0 8.0 1140.3 2352.0 -1211.7 0.6 2.0 6.0 8.0 1140.3 1008.0 132.3 1.3 3.0 13.2 8.0 1140.3 2217.6 -1077.3 0.6 - (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. *3 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL >* >* >* ....................... INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- *d *? SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS ....................... ............................. -6 , .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER... ... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 ........................................................................... 3 ******************~*~**************xxx*x*x************x~******x*x*x****** LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 8 AT SECOND FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 4732.425 I BASED ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=I TRI8 AREA (XI PSF (+) OTHER LEVELS -------- ------+--- ---------- ------------ 4732.43 4' 607.20 7.79 0.00 WIND FORCE = ( 2943.75 1 BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 2943 I75 112.50 30.00 0.00 I ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 2 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 20.1 .............................................. I MAX UNIT SHEAR = 235.444 i 1.0 7.8 8.0 1883.6 2.0 12.3 8.0 1883.6 1310.4 573.2 l.,O 2066.4 -182.8 0.7 - (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. *3 * * **!7 * * ............................. .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 ***************************************************X********************** i ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 1 AT SECOND FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 21913.3 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: --------------------________________I___-----~---------------~-- TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) PSF .(+I OTHER LEVELS 2103.30 270.00 7.79 0.00 -------- ----I----- ---------- ---3-------- WIND FORCE = ( 1766.25 ) BASED ON FOLLOWINQ: ! PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE x TRIB REA TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 -840 HGT FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA 1766.25 67.50 18.00 ----------- ---------- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS - - + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS I FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS ------------- 0.00 2 13.5 SHEAR UPLIFT - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOWN PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK --_---- ----I-- ............................ ------ -------- 1.0 6.5 8.0 1246.4 1092.0 154.4 1.2 - 2.0 7.0 8.0 1246.4 1176.0 70.4 1.1 - (MARKS,. SEE SCHEDULES) t*****X*******tX************* *; 3 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL >* INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- * SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS ....................... > *- ....................... *tl >* -------------I--------- ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 *************Y************************************************************ PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER.. .... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 .......................................................................... 3 ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 2 AT SECOND FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 5608.8 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: --------------------I___________________------------------------ TOTAL " DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) TRIB AREA (X) PSF (+) OTHER LEVELS 5608.80 720.00 7.79 0.00 P -------- --I------- ------_--- v ------------ WIND FORCE = 4886 1 BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM 9 FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 4886.00 180.00 56.00 0.00 I NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 3 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 17.2 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 326.093 .............................................. Sti EAR UPLIFT - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDOOWN PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK ------- ------- -------- ............................ ------ --...----- 1.0 7.0 8.0 2608.7 896.0 1712.7 ~SI '"ST46 2.0 3.6 8.0 2608.7 460.8 2147.9 2.2 3.0 6.6 8.0 2608.7 844.8 1763.9 1.2 L .. NOTE: NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATI0,IS 3.5 TO 1 PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO ,G '2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER... ... DGU** DATE....1-3-91 .......................................................................... TOTAL DIAPHqCIGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (&'I TRIB AREA (X) PSF (+) OTHER LEVELS 3505.50 450.00 7.79 .15 0.00 -------- ---------- ------_--- ---------I-- WIND FORCE = 2943.75 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 -. 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 2943.75 112.50 30.00 0.00 -----I----- --------I- ---------- --------I---- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED ,= 2 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 12.4 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 282.7016 ---------.------------------------------------- (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. EXTERIOR SHEARWALL = 4 1' >* ....................... INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- X* x*******************x******** NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 .......................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 **********************************************x*x************************* ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE A AT FIRST FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = 6636.22 > BASED ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=I TRIB ?REA (X) PSF (+) OTHER LEVELS , -------- ----I...---- ---------- ------------ 6636.22 835.00 2.28 4742.42 WIND FORCE = ( 5532 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD ', FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE x TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 5532.00 127.50 0.00 2943.75 ----_------ ----I----- ---------- ------------L NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 4 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS ,= 40.7 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 163.0521 ------------------_--.------------------------- SHEAR UPLIFT~ - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOWN PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK 1.0 23.0 8.0 1304.4 5014.0 -3709.6 0.3 4 2.0 8.0 8.0 1304.4 1744.0 -439.6 1.0 - 3.0 2.4 8.0 1304.4 523.2 781.2 3.3 - 4.0 7.3 8.0 1304.4 1591.4 -287.0 1.1 - ------- ------- ----....--- ............................ ------ -------- (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. "4 SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS *'7 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL > *. >* >* I---------------------- INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- * - ....................... ....................... ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 ............................................................................ PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ..,... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 .......................................................................... r' ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE B AT FIRST FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = (' 7110.46 1 BASED,ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ WIND FORCE = ( 6912.4 1 BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 6912.40 195.50 0.00 2943.75 ----------- ---------- ---------- ------------- NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED ,= 3 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 21.3 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 333.8244 --------------------____I_______________------ i 3.1 ynPAHO 3.0 4.0 8.0 2670.6 872.0 1798.6 2.0 vqpuI) L 1.0 2.6 8.0 2670.6 566.8 2103.8 2.0 14.7 8.0 2670.6 3204.6 -534.0 0.5 (MARKS. SEE SCHEDULES) ******X**t******************X ** 4 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL >* INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- * ....................... SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS * >* '0 ....................... ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 ***********************************~***************X*~*********X********** PROJECT. .... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE....l-3-91 ****************************************************************X********* WIND FORCE = ( 1380.4 BASED ON FOLLOWING: ' PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM ' FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 1380.40 68.00 0.00 0.00 I NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 1 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 22.6 MAX UNIT SHEAR = 61.07964 (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) I ************x*******t***t*XXt >* >* >* '*3 SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS *';7 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- *' e ....................... ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 **********************~****~X******~*******xx**************~********x****~ PROJECT ..... 8UENA VISTA** ENGINEER. ..... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 ***~****~******~******~*~~*****X***~**********************************~**~ ......................................................................... LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 2 AT FIRST FLOOR SEISMIC FORCE = ( 8332 BASED ON FOLLOWING: ................................................................ TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=) THIB AREA (X) PSF .(+I OTHER LEVELS 8322.00 1190.00 2.28 5608.80 WIND FORCE = ( 10488.8 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA f FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS ! TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS ---------- ---------- ------------- 10488 I 80 276.00 0.00 ~ 4886.00 3 NUMBER OF SHEARWALL PANELS SELECTED = 4 TOTAL LINEAR FEET USED IN CALCS = 25.7 Sti EAR UPLIFT - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOWN PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK _------ -..,----- ............................ ------ 1.0 7.6 8.0 3265.0 1352.8 1912.2 1.1 3.0 7.6 8.0 3265.0 1352.8 1912.2 4.0 3.0 8.0 3265.0 534.0 2731.0 2.7. 2.0 7.5 8.0 3265.0 1335.0 1930.0 1.1 rnQA+W ()ilARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. EXTERIOR SHEARWALL *rr >* >* ....................... *& INTERIOR SHEARWALL ----- SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS --_-----------------_I_ >* *s ....................... ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX H/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 .......................................................................... PRQJECT.....BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 *************************************************************************X ****‘****~**u***********************,************************************** LATERAL ANALYSIS ALONG LINE 3 AT ,FIRST FLOOR _-_--------_--__----_l__________l_______------------------------ SEISMIC FORCE = ( 5261.1 1 BASED ON FOLLOWING: TOTAL DIAPHRAGM UNIT FORCE FORCE FROM FORCE (=I THIB AREA (X) PSF (+I OTHER LEVELS 5261.10 770.00 2.28 3505. SO -------- ------I--- ---------- ------------ t WIND FORCE =’( 5968.45 ) BASED ON FOLLOWING: PROJECTED AREA METHOD FORCE 0 - 20 FT HGT = 20.3 *- FORCE 20 - 40 FT HGT = 22 TOTAL FORCE = WIND PRESSURE X TRIB AREA + FORCE FROM OTHER LEVELS TOTAL 0 - 20 HGT 20 - 40 HGT FORCE FROM FORCE TRIB AREA TRIB AREA OTHER LEVELS 5960.45 149.00 0.00 2943.75 SHEAR UPLIFT - DEAD = TOTAL RATIO HOLDDOWN PANEL# W H LOAD UPLIFT H/W MARK 1.0 9.7 8.0 2231.2 2114.6 116.6 0.8 e 2.0 3.2 8.0 2231.2 697.6 1533.6 2.5 ’ 3.0 5.0 8.0 2231.2 1090.0 1141.2 1.6 ------- ------- --------- ............................ -------- 4.0 3.5 8.0 2231.2 763.0 1468.2 2.3 YhPAttP (MARKS, SEE SCHEDULES) ............................. *4 EXTERIOR SHEARWALL >* -------------------I--- ............................. NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS WITH H/W RATIO > 2 TO 1 TO BE BLOCKED NOTE: PLYWOOD WALLS MAX ti/W RATIO IS 3.5 TO 1 ........................................................................... PROJECT ..... BUENA VISTA** ENGINEER ...... DGU** DATE .... 1-3-91 *****************************************************************u*******~ I’ - -~ 860 718 STUOOO Noell OA OR UNBLOCKED PER ICBO NO.16 QA 91-16 O.C. 8 O.C.€N(LFN FRAMIMO bS2 8/8 PLY 804 0.C EN BLOCKEO I2 o.c.FN ' 411-18 O.C. Q f RAMlNO 7212 8/0 PLY 6d-L O.C*+l) BLOCKD STAQOER EN 811-16 O.C. '* I2 O.C* FN FRAHINO e70 I/O PLY 80-0 0.c.w BLOCKED , STAOOER EN Sx -16 O.C. 19 O.C. FN FRAMINQ , 9 I 60 I/2 GYP 66- 7 0. c , UNBWCK€O I , : @ -1 EN 8 FN S?II-l6 O.C. FRAMINQ I : 62 l/2 OYP 60- 4 0.C. UNBLOCKED I 01 EN e FN . Pr-&o.c. : 7b If2GYP 6d-40.C. BLOCKEO -A I @I EN 8 FN 2II*16O*C. . FRAMINO I Q. L I I05 '1/2 GYP* 5d-4 0.C. UNBLOCKED . I EN 8 FN 91- 16 0. C A FRAMINQ I/2 GYP, 5d-4 O.C. BLOCKED EN e FN oX-16 0.C. FRAMINO IC .. .. ... .. ? ... -. , . _. . .. . .. .. r .* . .. .. .- 'I.. ... . ., .. I SHEAR WALL CONNECTION SCHEDULE ' 165 112 DIA A.9. I66 - 8 O.C. 164 - e O.C. 48 O.C. Zm PLATE 9s BLOCKINO . @ f* Or MUDSILL 118 DIA A.9. 166 - 7 0.0. I66 - 7 O.C. 42 0.t. Or PLATE 9s BWCKIW 9a MuoslU 908 110 PIA A.8. 166 0 6 0. C. 16d - 6 O.C. 86 O.C. 2r PLATE PI BLOCKIN0 Lx MUSILL I a 1 ~__ ~ I 110 DIA A.B. I60 - 6 O.C. 16d 6 0.C. a2 O.C. Or PLATE PI BLOCKIN0 OK MUDSILL E4 0.C. , Lr PLATE @ ' .& MUDSlLL a DLOCMINQ . -- -. 468 I12 DIA A.B. 166 - e.6 0.C.C ASSF - 12 O.C. 16 O.C. Z8 PLATE 28 )'RAMIN0 . 28 MUDSILL - 4ORA3bF-IL 0. CJ I 698 I12 OIA A.B. Bd - 00.C.s AS5F- 8 O.C. I I2 O.C. OK PLATE PsFRAMW 1' 21 MUDSILL (OR AlSP-8 0.c.) .. ... .. .I. ... - - ~- -. 988. 5f8 DIA A. 8.. ASbF - 8 0.C. ASSF - 6 O.C. 16 0.C. PLATE b FRAMINO @ .. 411 MUDSILL i i .. i I to 618 OIA A.9. AtSF - 8 0. C. AUF- 6 O.C. I2 0. c. BOTH SIDES BOTH SIDES 4# MUDSILL fr FRAMINO 4 BLOCKINO .. .., .. 1860 ' 814 MA A.B. hBF- 80.0. ASIF- 6 O.C. ' I2 0. c. BOTH SIDES BOTH SIOES . +$ MUDSILL 4xBLWKINO 4x BLOCKINO ... .. ... . .' BEAM DESIGN HIP DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1300 Fv = : 85 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 19 LOADING TRIANGULAR LOAD AT RQ, W = 0 PLF, R2 = ------------------_______I______________------------- I L. .) --------- 43b PLF BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1374.333 R2 =,I 2748.667 BEAM SPAN = 19 MAX SHEAR = 2748.667 .. MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 11 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 10050.53 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 38.80471 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 74.21927 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 279.4864 ......................................... *** USE 6 X 10 *** ...................... I *** A = 50.875 *** Sx = 78.4323 *** I = 362.7494 **********a****?************************** ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-3-91 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ************l*************************************************** 2 ........................................................ *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ........................................................ TYPICAL FLOOR JOISTS AT 16 OC MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: CONCENTRATED LOAD = 0 DEAD LOAD = 10 LIVE LOAD = 40 THUS W = 66.66667 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL f LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X l.’;Pp Fv = 95 ........................................................ , THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: ..* MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(12XW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (~.~XWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (5X1728XWXLE04)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION USING 2 X 12 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ............................ ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 23.94734 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 23.94734 WITH Ar = 91521686 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir, L = 21.94734 WITH Ir = 167.9038 ...................................... * MAXIMUM,SPAN (FT) = 21.94734 * Sx = 31.64 * A = 16.875 ...................................... * I = 177.97 , .; ........................................................ *** PROGRQM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ........................................................ TYPICAL ROOF RAFTERS AT 16 OC MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 20 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 48 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X OL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv = 95 ............................................ I II; THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASE0 ON BENDING STRESS, L = sQT((,8XsxXFbXLDF)/(12XW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED At- = (~.SXWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (5X1728XWXLEO4)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION USING 2 X 8 MEMBER OF-L N0.2 ---------_--------__________I___________--------------- ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 18.18739 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON At-, L = 18.18739 WITH Ar = 5.263041 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir, L = 17.18739 WITH Ir = 46.5914 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 17.18739 * .......................... ........................................................ ........................................................ *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS I *** TYPICAL ROOF RAFTERS AT 24 OC MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 20 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 72 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv = 95 THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((t3XSxXFbXLDF)/(12XW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (~.~XWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (5X1728XWXLE04)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION --------------------_1____________3___1_---- 4 i: IJSING 2 X 8 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 14.84994 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 14.84994 WITH Ar = 6.376901 ALLOWABLE 1- BASED ON It-, L = 14.84994 WITH Ir = 45.07559 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 14.84994 * .......................... * Sx = 13.14 * A = 10.875 * I = 47.635 ...................................... USING 2 X 6 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 11.26612 WITH Sx = SXr ALL.OWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 11.26612 WITH Ar = 4.81996 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir, L = 11.26612 WITH Ir = 19.68292 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 11.26612 * Sx = 7.563 * A = €3.25 * I = 20.797 ...................................... * .......................... ........................................................ ........................................................ TYPICAL CEILING JOIST AT 16 OC MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 15 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 41.33334 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv = 95 THE FORMoLA 'USED (UN?L=ORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(12XW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (1.5XWXL-2D)/.(2XLDFXFv) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (5X1728XWXLEO4)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION USING 2 X 8 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 **:'PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** _-------------------_______I____________---- ....................................................... ............................ ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 19.59931 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 19.59931 WITH At- = 4.900649 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir, L = 17.59931 WITH It- = 45.21237 ...................................... ' * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 17.59931 * .......................... * Sx = 13.14 * A = 10.875 * I = 47.635 ...................................... USING 2 X 6 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 i ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 14.86929 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 14.86929 WITH At- = 3.707632 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir, L = 12.86929 WITH Ir = 17.67803 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 12.86929 * Sx = 7.563 * A = 8.25 * I = 20.797 ...................................... I' 'I LIVE LOAD = 14 DEAD LOAD = 15 MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON BENDING STRESS SXr = 21.39 IS L = 13.39034 FT MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON SHEAR AREA fir = 13.44617 IS L = 13.39034 FT MAXIMUM SPAN' BASED Oh DEFLECTION Ir = 66.20348 IS L = 13.39034 FT ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 13.39034 * sx = 21.39 * A = 13.875 * I = 98.932 ...................................... * .......................... ................................................................. USING 4 X 10 MEMBER DF-L NO.1 CALCULATION FOR MAX SPAN FOR HIP OR VALLEY APPLICATION WITH Fb = 1500 X 1.25. Fv = 95, Em = 1,800,,000 -.---------I----_----______I_____________------------------------- WITH TRIANGULAR LOADING ! I 3. LIVE LOAD = 14 DEAD LOAD = 15 ' MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON BENDING STRESS SXr = 49.911 IS L = 17.76043 FT MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON SHEAR AREA ' At- = 24.92601 IS L = 17.76043 FT MAXIMUM SPAN BASED ON DEFLECTION Ir = 204.8935 IS L = 17.74043 FT ******************~*~************XX*** * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 17.76043 * --------------------__I___ * fix = 49.911 * A = 32.375 * I = 230.84 ...................................... LOADING TRIANGULAR LOAD AT R1, W = 0 PLF, R2 = 412 PLF --------- BEAM REACTIdNS R1 = ''1304.667 R2 = 2609.333 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 2609.333 MOMENT = 9541.054 AREA REQ'D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 36.83765 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 265.3188 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 11 FEET FROM Rl. $0.45701 1800000 19 ......................................... *** USE 6 X 10 *** ---,,--L,---,,,------- *** A = 50.875 I *** Sx = 78.4323 *** I = 362.7494 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-99 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ ..................................................... BEAM DESIGN H4 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEnM SPAN = 15 ..................................................... LOADING TRIANGULAR LOAD AT R1, W = 0 PLF, R2 = 215 PLF BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 537.5 R2 = 1075 BEAM SPAN = 15 MAX SHEAR = 1075 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8.6875 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 3103.212 AREA REQ'D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 13.57895 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/fLDF*Fb) = 19.86055 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 68.12748 --------- 1800000 **********************x****************** *** USE 4 X 10 *** ...................... *** A = 32.375 *** Sx = 49.91146 *** I = 230.8405 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-99 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ I .......................................................... *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ........................................................ TYPICAL ROOF RAFTERS AT 24 OC MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 15 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 62 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv = 95 THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(12XW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (~.~XWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED fr = (5X1728XWXLE04)/(384XEmXL/240~ L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNLNG CONDITION USING 2 X 8 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ............................................ f i" ....................................................... ------------------I--------- ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 16.00277 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 16.00277 WITH Ar = 5.942643 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir, L = 15.00277 WITH Ir = 42.01225 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 15.00277 * Sx = 13.14 * A = 10.875 * I = 47.635 ...................................... _-_-___-___-I-------_________________I__------------------------- USING 2 X 6 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ............................ ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 12.14072 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar. L = 12.14072 WITH Ar = 4.493 ALLOWABLE L RASED ON It-, L = 11.14072 WITH Ir = 17.2029 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 11.14072 * sx = 7.563 * A = 8:25 * 7: = 20.797 ...................................... * .......................... ,* i**.****i************************%*********************** *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ........................................................ TYPICAL ROOF RAFTERS AT 16 OC MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: DEAD LOAD = 15 LIVE LOAD = 16 THUS W = 41.33334 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL + LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.25 Fv .= 95 THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((SXSxXFbXLDF)/(12XW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED At- = (~.SXWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (SX1728XWXLE04)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION # 6 USING 2 X 8 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 19.59931 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 19.59931 WITH Ar = 4.900649 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON It-. L = 17.59931 WITH Ir = 45.21237 ............................ ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 17.59931 * .......................... * Sx = 13.14 * A = 10.875 * I = 47.635 ...................................... ................................................................. USING 2 X 6 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ............................ ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx. L = 14.86929 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ar, L = 14.86929 WITH Ar = 3.707632 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir. L = 12.86929 WITH Ir = 17.67803 ..................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 12.86929 * .......................... * Sx = "7.563 * A =, 8.25 * I z 20.797 ****************%********************* ..................................................... BEAM DESIGN RH1 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 IJSING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 5 ..................................................... LOADING A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 540 AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 270 R2 = 270 BEAM SPAN = 5 MAX SHEAR = 270 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 675 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 3.410526 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/CLDF*Fb) = 4.32 ......................................... *** ...................... * *** USE 4 X 12 *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 ., *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................. ................................................................ , PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-94 ** ENGINEER .... DGU BEAM DESIGN RH2 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = E 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 6 --------------------__________________^_------------- LOADING --------- I UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 310 BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 930 R2 = 930 BEAM SPAN = 6 MAX SHEAR = 930 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 3 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 1395 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/CLDF*Fv) = 8.728948 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D,= 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 8.928001 ., t ......................................... *** USE 4 X 10 *** --------_I------------ *** A = 32.375 *** Sx = 49.91146 *** I = 230.84Q5 ........................................... 8. ? ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-99 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ................................................................ -. _. ._- - .. - - -~ - LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 200 BEAM REACTIdNS R1 = 400 R2 = 400 BEAM SPAN = 4 MAX SHEAR = 400 MOMENT = 400 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 3.526316 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 2.56 8 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2 FEET FROM Rl ......................................... *** USE 4 x $.bo *** -------I-------------- *** A = 25.375 *** Sx = 30.66146 I *** I = 111.1478 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... ‘1-9-9e ** ENGINEER .... DGU ................................................................ BEAM DESIGN RH4 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 FV = : 95 rLDF = 1.25 E = 1600000 -_--_-_--_-^-----_--___I________________------------- ..................................................... USING DRESSED LUMBER 9 FOR A BEAM SPAN = 4 LOADING ---...----- UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = ‘150 BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 300 R2 = 300 BEAM SPAN = 4 MAX SHEAR = 300 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 300 AREA REQ’D z l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 2.921053 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 1.92 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 6 *** ...................... *** A = 19.25 *** Sx = 17.64583 *** I = 48.52605 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-94 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ................................................................ ... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.02813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... --------------------________I___________----------------------- ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ~******X**t**~~X*Y~~~Y~~~~~******x*X~xx*~~x~~~~~~~~~~*xx*~~~~~ BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 375 R2 = 375 BEAM SPAN = 5 MAX SHEAR = 375 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2.5 FEET FROM @l MOMENT = 468.75 AREA REQ'D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 3.592105 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 3 , .......................................... *** USE 4 Xr 8,ub *** ...................... *** A = 25.375 *** Sx = 30.66146 *** I = 111.1478 .......................................... USING DRESSED LUMBER , FOR A BEAM SPAN = 6 LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 150 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 450 R2 = 450 BEAM SPL,~ = 1 MAX SHEAR = 450 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 3 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 675 AREA REQ'D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 4.223685 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 4:32 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 10 *** ...................... *** A = 32.375 3- -.,,I,' ____ - ----__ ............................................................... **************************************x******x*x******x********* PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE. ... 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ************%*************************************************** BEAM DESIGN RW7 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95! LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM,SPAN = 6 7------------ ........................................ LOADING --------- A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 2800 AT 3 FEET FROM R1 BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1400 R2 = 1400 8EAM SPAN = 4 MAX SHEAR = 1400 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 3 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 4200 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 17.68421 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 26.88 I ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** --------I------------- *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 **************************xxx**x********** ............................................................... *********************************xxx**************************** PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ********************************************x****************x** BEAM DESIGN RH8 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER .. FOR A BEAM SPAN = 3 LOADING A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 1200 AT 2 FEET FROM R1 ----------.------------------------------------------- ...................................................... --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 400 R2 = 800 BEAM SPAN = 3 MAX SWEAR = 800 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 800 AREA REQ’O = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 10.10526 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 5.12 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... _____-_-------------_________________I__----------------------- *********************************************X****************** PROJECT.. . . RlJENA VTSTA ** DnTF 7-9-96 ** FNGTVFlrP hrl I -------------.---------------------------------------- I. BEA’M DEiIlGN RH9 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 12 ..................................................... LOADING A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 600 AT 6 FEET FROM R1 BEAM REACTIONS R1 = ’ 300 R2 = 300 BEAM SPAN = 12 MAX SHEAR = 300 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 6 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 1800 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 3.789474 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 11.52 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 I *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... SUENA VISTA ** DATE.. .. 1-9-91 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ................................................................ LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 403 -------I- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 2216.5 R2 = 2216.5 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 2216.5 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 5.5 FEET.FROM R1 MOMENT = 6095.375 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 23.22553 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 39.0104 E = 1800000 I ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ---------------I------ *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-91 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ................................................................ 3’ LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER CPLF) = 100 A POINT LOAD (LBS) =$ 1500 AT 8 FEET FROM R1 ’ BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1550 R2 = 1550 BEAM SPAN = 16 MAX SHEAR = 1550 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8 FEET FROM’krl MOMENT = 9200 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) =- 18.39474 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 58.88 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 192 --------- , ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... 1 ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-91 ** ENGINEER .... DGU ................................................................ LOADING --------- UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = ZOO BEAM REACTIONS H1 = 800 R2 = 800‘ BEAM SPAN = 8 MAX SHEAR = 800 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 4 FEET FROM R1, AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 8.157895 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = lZ*M/(LDF*Fb,) = 10.24 MOMENT = 1600 ! ......................................... *** USE 4 I X 10 *** A = 32.375 *** Sx = 49.91146 *** I = 230.8405 .......................................... *** ...................... -_------_-_-----_---__________________I_----------------------- ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-91 ** ENGINEER .,..DGU ................................................................ 33 DESIGN PARAMETERS. Fb = 2400 Fv = : 165 LDF = 1 E = 1800000 USING GLULAM FOR A BEAM SPAN = li$ LOADING --------- f.* ** UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER IPLF) = 520 A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 1550 AT 6 FEET FROM R1 BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 5713.333 R2 = 5196.667 BEAM SPAN = 18 MAX SHEAR = 5713.333 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8.0625 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 25965.86 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 47.21212 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 129.8293 ’ INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL f LL) = 719.28 ......................................... *** USE 6.75 :X 12 . *** ------I--------------- *** A = 81 *** Sx = 162 *** I = 972, *** MIN CAMBER = -666 4 .......................................... 1 ................................................................ PROJECT. . . . BlJENA VISTA ** DATE. . I . 1-9~2.?.* *ENGINEER . . . . dgU ......................................... ...................... REAM DESIGN FB2 1 ..................................................... -----------------------------,------------------------ DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1300 Fv = : 85 ‘LDF = 1 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 11 LOADING lJNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 520 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 2860 R2 = 2860 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 2860 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 5.5 FEET FROM R1 ’ MOMENT = 7865 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 41.86765 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 72.6 E = 1800000 11 ......................................... *** USE 6 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 61.875 *** Sx = 116.0156 *** I = 652.5879 ************Y***********X***************** *************************~************************~*~*xxxx~~*~~~ PROJECT .... EjUtNA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER .... dgu t******t~Ys*~*Y,~********************~****************** LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 275 ----- I--- ...* , BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1512.5 R2 = 1512.5 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 1512.5 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 5.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 4159.375 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/ILDF*Fv) = 19.81086 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 33.275 1800000 11 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... *** ...................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-94 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ BEAM DESI’GN FBM4 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 12 --------------------___I________________------------- ..................................................... I. LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 300 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1800 R2 = 1800 BEAM SPAN = 12 MAX SHEAR = 1800 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 6 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 5400 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/CLDF*Fv) = 23.98026 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/CLDF*Fb) = 43.2 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-9b .** ENGINEER .... dQu ,I,,,,,, I ..................................................... BEAM DESIGN FBMS DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1 E = 1800000 lJSING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 14 LOADING --------- ,I, 8 -- (JNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 300 ..................................................... BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 2100 R2 = 2100 BEAM SPAN = 14 MAX SHEAR = 2100 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 7 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 7350 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 28.71711 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/CLDF*Fb) = 58.8 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 154.35 I ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = ’ 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** r = 415.2832 .......................................... ................................................................ PROJECT. ... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-94 ** ENGINEER ..., dgu ................................................................ SEAM DESIGN FBM6 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 16 ..................................................... LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 85 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 680 R2 = 680 BEAM SPAN = 16 MAX SHEAR = 680 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 2720 AREA REQ’D = L.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 9.478619 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LOf*Fb) = 21.76 INERTIA REQUTHED (1/2 DL + LL) = 65.28 ......................................... *** ...................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82Ej13 *** I = 415.’2832 .......................................... !’ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER .... dgu *******LC~~*~*4C*~************~~*************~~**~*,~************ "., LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 350 i.*C --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 875 R2 = 875 BEAM SPAN = 5 MAX SHEAR = 875 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 1093.75 AREA REQ'D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 8.634869 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 8.75 I ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... !' ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE: ... 1-9-99 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 350 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 525 R2 = 525 BEAM SPAN = 3 MAX SHEAR = 525 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 1.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 393.75 AREA REQ'D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 4.950658 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 3.15 ......................................... *** USE 4 X $.g1f) *** ...................... *** A = 25.375 *** Sx = 30.66146 *** I = 111.1478 .......................................... ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-9q ** ENGINEER .... dgu * ,* 1 LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 600 BEAM REACTIONS R1 2 ’2400 R2 = 2400 BEAM SPAN = 8 MAX SHEAR = 2400 MOMENT = 4800 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 29.01316 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 38.4 --------- MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 4 FEET FROM R1-8- I ......................................... *** A = 39.375 *** USE 4 X 12 *** ----------L,------,,,, *** Sx = 7j.82813 I *** I = 4‘15.2832 .......................................... ---------_---------I_________I__________----------------------- ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... ‘1-9-9@ ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ BEAM DESIGN FBMlO DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1 E = 1800000 USING DRESSED LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 5 , ..................................................... LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 300 A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 1800 AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1650 R2 = 1650 BEAM SPAN = 5 MAX SHEAR = 1650 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 2.5 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 3187.5 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 21.61184 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LOF*Fb) = 25.5 ......................................... *** USE 4 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 39.375 *** Sx = 73.82813 *** I = 415.2832 .......................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-96 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 66 A POINT LOAD ILBS) =@ 1050 AT 12 FEET FROM Rl BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 790.5 R2 = 1315.5 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 1315.5 <.- MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 12 FEET FROM‘R1 MOMENT = 4734 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 17.69824 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 34.95877 INERTIA REQUIRED 11/2 DL f LL) = 605.184 --------- 4 E = 1800000 16 .......................................... *** USE 6 X 12 *** ...................... *** A = 61.875 *** Sx = 116.0156 *** I = 652.5879 .......................................... I ---------------------------------------------------------------- ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-99 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ BEAM DESIGN F8M12 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = 1800000 USING ROUGH SAWN LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 16 ..................................................... ..................................................... LOADING UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 66 A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 800 AT 8 FEET FROM R1 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 928 R2 = 928 BEAM SPAN = 16 MAX SHEAR = 928 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 8 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 5312 AREA REQ’D = l.S*V/(LDF*Fv) = 10.92316 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 6.9968 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 DL f LL) = 112.128 3 *************************x*************** *** USE 3 X 11.5 *** ...................... *** Sx = 66.125 *** I = 380.2188 .......................................... *** A = 34.5 ............................................................... ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-9Q ** ENGINEER .... dg!~ ................................................................ 39 LOADING lJNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 66 A POINT LOAD (LBS) =p 1400 AT 12 FEET FROM R1 BEAM REACTIONS Rl = 1017.5 R2 = 1537.5 BEAM SPAN = 17.5 MAX SHEAR = 1537.5 ll.i MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 12 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 7458 AREA REQ'D = l.S*V/ILDF*Fv) = 10.70182 SECTION MODULUS REQ'D = 12*M/ILDF*Fb) = 29.832 INERTIA REQUIRED (1/2 OL f LL) = 982.1054 ......................................... *** USE 8.75 X 12 *** I--------------------- *** A = 105 *** sx = 210 *** I = 1260 *** MIN CAMBER = .6820176 .......................................... I ................................................................ PROJECT.,.. BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-94 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 USING ROUGH SAWN LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 16 LOADING ------_-- UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) = 66 1 A POINT LOAD ILBS) =if 1100 AT 2 FEET F~OM RI BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 1490.5 R2 = 665.5 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 1490.5 ’..> MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 5.9375 ‘FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 33.55.215 AREA REQ’O 2 1.5*V/ILDF*Fv) = 18.02842 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = 12*M/(LDF*Fb) = 21.47338 TNERTIA REQlJTRED (1/2 DL + LL) = 67.584 a , E = 1800000 16 ......................................... *** USE 3 X 11.5 *** ...................... *** A = 34.5 *** Sx = 66.125 *** I = 380.2188 .......................................... 1 \ --------------------____I_______________----------------------- ................................................................ PROJECT .... BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-90 ** ENGINEER .... dgu ................................................................ ..................................................... BEAM DESIGN FE3M15 DESIGN PARAMETERS, Fb = 1500 Fv = : 95 LDF = 1.25 E = USING ROUGH SAWN LUMBER FOR A BEAM SPAN = 11 ..................................................... LOAD IN G UNIFORM LOAD ON MEMBER (PLF) =” 66 A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 300 AT 4 FEET FROM R1 A POINT LOAD (LBS) = 300 AT 6 FEET FROM R1 --------- BEAM REACTIONS R1 = 690.2727 R2 = 635.7273 BEAM SPAN = MAX SHEAR = 690.2727 MAXIMUM MOMENT OCCURS AT 5.9375 FEET FROM R1 MOMENT = 2353.865 AREA REQ’D = 1.5*V/(LDF*Fv) = 7.920287 SECTION MODULUS REQ’D = lZ*M/(LDF*Fb) = 15.06474 1800000 11 .......................................... *** USE 3 X 11.5 *** ...................... *** A = 34.5 *** Sx = 66.125 *** I = 380.2188 .......................................... ................................................................ PROJECT.. .. BUENA VISTA ** DATE .... 1-9-96 ** ENGINEER .... dgu *************x*tt*tx***tt***x*x*~t**~**~~t***~x*x~xt************ ... ....... ....... .... .. ......... .. u/ .... I. . I .. .. . ._ I. ..... '.,.,. .......... ,. . , ,., . , .,: . ............ .. ......... ._ : ..... ... ........................................................ *** PROGRAM WOOD STRUCTURE ANALYSIS *** ........................................................ TYPICAL FLOOR JOISTS AT 16 OC MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN ........................................................ GIVEN THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: CONCENTRATED LOAD = 0 DEAD LOAD = 10 LIVE LOAD = 40 THUS W = 66.66667 FOR INERTIA CALCULATION .5 X DL f LL IS USED FOR W Fb x LDF = 1450 X 1.00 Fv = 95 THE FORMULA USED (UNIFORM LOADING) ARE: MAX L BASED ON BENDING STRESS, L = SQT((8XSxXFbXLDF)/(12XW)) SHEAR AREA IS CHECKED Ar = (~.SXWXL-~D)/(~XLDFXFV) INERTIA IS ALSO CHECKED Ir = (5X1728XWXLEO4)/(384XEmXL/240) L IS ADJUSTED FOR GOVERNING CONDITION I --------------------_______I____________--------------- USING 2 X 12 MEMBER DF-L N0.2 ............................ ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Sx, L = 23.94734 WITH Sx = SXr ALLOWABLE L BASED ON At-, L = 23.94734 WITH Ar = 9.521686 ALLOWABLE L BASED ON Ir. L = 21.94734 WITH Ir = 167.9038 ...................................... * MAXIMUM SPAN (FT) = 21.94734 * .......................... * Sx = 31.64 * A = 16.875 * I = 177.97 ...................................... .. -. - .. - .. ... ..... .. . .' ... .. .. ..... ... ... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I' t .. .,. , , . . . .. . .. . (4 ROOF WEIGHT = 310 WALL WEIGHT = 136 TOTAL DL + LL = 446 ......................... FOOTING WIDTH REQUIRFD = 446 /( 1500 - 150 ) = .3303704 FT CODE REQUIRED MINIMUM: WIDTH DEPTH THICKNESS !' ------- ------- --------- ,* 12 12 6 ............................ *** USE UBC MINIMUM CRITERIA *** WITH #4 T&B MINIMUM ............................ ................................................................. ALLOWABLE POINT LOAD ON FOOTING I REBAR 3 INCHES FROM BOTTOM 1#4 T&B) THEREFOR D = 9 LOAD SUPPORTED BY 4X MINIMUM ALLOWABLE LOAD = 2418.75 lbs ............................................................... FOOTING DESIGN - CONTINUOUS ALLOWABLE SOIL BEARING = 1500 PSP ............................... ........................................................... .............................................. ROOF WEIGHT = 310 WALL WEIGHT = 136 FLOOR WEIGHT = 400 TOTAL DL + LL = 846 --------_--------I------- FOOTING WIDTH REQUIRED = 846 /( 1500 - 225 ) = -6635294 FT . CODE REQUIRED MINIMUM: WIDTH DEPTH THICKNESS ------- ------- -------,..-- 15 18 8 ............................ *** USE UBC MINIMUM CRITERIA *** WITH #4 T&B MINIMUM ............................ ................................................................. ALLOWABLE POINT LOAD ON FOOTING REBAR 3 INCHES FROM BOTTOM (#4 T&B) THEREFOR D = 15 LOAD SUPPORTED BY 4X MINIMUM ALLOWABLE LOAD = 4449.219 lbs ................................................................ f ' -.------------------------------ 8 TRIAL SIZE = 1.5 X 1.5 X 1 FEET SOIL PRESSURE = 1150 PUNCHING SHEAR STRESS = 5.588735 < ALLOWABLE = 152.0526 WIDE BEAM SHEAR STRESS = 0 < ALLOWABLE = 76.02631 USE REINFORCING = 4$>901961E-03 SQ IN/FT I .................................... *** USE PAD,FOOTING = 1.5 X 1.5 *** X 12 INCHES THICK *** WITH #4 AT 12 INCHES OC ..................................... I TRIAL SIZE = 2.25 X 2.25 X 1 FEET SOIL PRESSURE = 1285.803 PUNCHING SHEAR STRESS = 17.70572 < ALLOWABLE = 152.0526 WIDE BEAM SHEAR STRESS = 2.410075 < ALLOWABLE = 76.02631 USE REINFORCING = 2.227064E-02 SQ IN/FT .................................... *** USE PAD FOOTING = 2.25 X 2.25 *** X 12 INCHES THICK *** WITH #4 AT 12 INCHES OC ..................................... **********X*****************************************************~ PAD FOOTING F3 TOTAL DL+LL = 8350 FACTORED LOAD = 13360 ............................................................. .......................... TRIAL SIZE = 2.5 X 2.5 X 1 FEET SOIL PRESSURE = 1486 PUNCHING SHEAR STRESS = 26.46744 < ALLdWABLE = 152.0526 WIDE BEAM SHEAR STRESS = 4.381173 < ALLOWABLE = 76.02631 USE REINFORCING = 3.565577E-02 S,Q IN/FT ~Xt*~tft***f***t~~ftfX*****Xtttftft* *** 'USE PAD FOOTING = 2.5 X 2.5 *** X 12 INCHES THICK *** WITH #4 AT 12 INCHES OC ..................................... ................................................................. -. .I c I1 ' . PAGE 47OF47 PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41890 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. E TEMECULA, CA 92390 PHONE (714) 676-1844 PAGE / OF 2 PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41890 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. B TEMECULA, CA 92390 PHONE (714) 676-1844 PAGE 2 OF .. PROJECT ENGR DATE MANNING ENGINEERING 41890 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE SO., STE. B TEMECULA, CA 92390 PHONE (714) 676-1844