HomeMy WebLinkAbout1400 LAS FLORES DR; ; 75-684; Permit0 ~ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION tt• City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 --7 Permit No. Applicant to complete numben•d spaces only. Phone 729-1181 JOB ,1,00R £55 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER TA ACT Qsct. ATTAC>H'.O SH[Cf) MAIL ADDfll:£55 3 PMON£ LICENSC NO. 4 COMPENSATION INS. CARRIER 6 1c 8 Class of work: 0 ALTERATION 0 REPAIR 0 MOVE 0 REMOVE 9 Describe work: 10 Change of use from Change of use to ✓ 11 Valuation of work: $ \ ! .:, PLAN CHECK FEE$ 1-S_P_E_C_I_A_L_C_O_N_D_I_T_I_O_N_S_: __________________ --1 Type of Const. 1--------------------------------1 s,ze of Bldg. (Total) Sq. F~ ? NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN120DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE ~~~¥{-si{S~}ig~ A~~ 0l~i.;R t1i'~ii~l~gfA~,..~1,~t-?~t;t-!i'ci',,?. !GNAT .. o, OWN[,. If' OWNEllt 8 ILDt" DATE) No. of Dwelling Units Special Approvals PLANNING DEPT. HEALTH DEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specify) ENGINEERING DEPT. WATER DEPT. Occupancy Group No. of Stories u se zone PERMIT FEE s MICRO FIL.M FEE ,:,0 f Fire Sprinklers Required OYes O No OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES No. Covered Required Sq. Ft. Received No. Open Not Required WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK-M.O. CASH 3 s.!.. INSPECTOR I INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY A,17.,,~~~zz a/~:2c-✓-/A ,.,,,,,, _, p#"7-<--r ' -J'o D , V &"-/,; j} -->f1 ~ -J / FINAL ~~/2< ~,:Ir£-~/~-/n I I USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC 6-3-75 Footings and Steel. O.K. E. Plude 6 -IL-J..5_ F o o t i o g.s.. p QJ.U..acL E • P 1 u d.e.... __ _ 6-10-7 5 O.K. footing_and steel for outrigger wall and yorch. E . Plude 7 =-1 -7 5 Shear ~aneJ.J.ng__: 0. lC _E . P 1 u cle 7-9-75 Roof Sheathing: O.K. E. Plude 7-25-74 1. Firewa ll south e nd outside O.K. to cover . 2. Frame main Chapel O.K. E. Plude 7-25-75 Elec conduit main Chapel O.K. E. Plude 8-7-75 Completed frame: O.K. E. P lude 8-26-75 Drywall and Lath: O.K. E. Plude -.. 5!.c MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION _, / City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Permit No,_ --------Phone 729-1181 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. J08 AODlt tas ,_, ,, ..... , I .... ,,. ,;, I -, ... -. I LOT NO.-',,,.;. --'-\ I . '~ rOLll-I TRACT LEGAL O•n ATTACHED sHEETI 1 DUCR, OWNt.Pl MAIL AODfU.SS ~·· PHONt 2 (,, 1J I,., II t _c...,-L.,, Jl( J\ 1 A udl H i'J -, L. -,"-U _ I I .. I c•-c-7.2..<1 .... o~~ I CONT .. ACT011t -= J .. . ' , MA.11.. Aoo,u.:ss I I ",,.., .....,. Po40NE -LICENSE NO, 3 /) I( ., ,,_. A -- ARCHl,-l.CT 0111 Ot:SIGNEII MAIL AOOPIES5 PHONE LICENSE NO. 4 --1 I -/11.. .... ,.t.? ,I.-,. -r_n .... ..t--n 11A,, .... ENGINE.~" ·---" .. _,, MAIL A&OltE.~t' • PHONE LICI.N.51 NO, 5 t:"f" f ,ff'n1,-h l'2~,,,,.. /{} ___ • I - LUn:>[.lt -I ----MAIL-A01lRl:SlS IIIIIANCH 6 USE OP' aVILOING 7 /fl _,.,. t -• V ; -- 8 Class of work: -0-~EW 0 ADDITION 0 Al TE RATION 0 REPAIR . 9 Describe work: Type of Fuel: Oil D Nat. Gas D LPG. 0 PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. Type of Equipment Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Refrigeration Units-H .P. Ea. Boilers -H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A .C. Units -Tonnage Ea. Forced Air Systems B.T.U. M Ea. JV>PLICA TION ACCEPTED BY PL.ANS CHECKED av APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY ·-· Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. ~ rfJ ~ ~ Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M IL,-, -:, _ _,.,,,... Wall HeaterrB.T .U . M , NOTICE Unit Heaters-B.T.U. M THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-Evaporative Coolers TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF Clothes Dryers CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM-Ventilation Fan MENCED. Range Hood I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. Air Handling Unit-C.F.M. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED I ncineratDr HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. - SIGNATUftt. 0,. CONTflACTOIII Olllt AUTHOIIIII.£0 AGENT (DATE) , , . . 1 rt PERMIT ' } .· /1,., -A· I' .A-• ..,_ L J. ,-. ' I TOTAL FEE !11.IC.N.A.TI 111r.'i"· ow~ .... -It .. OWNCIII autLDIIII:) (OATZI WHEN PROPERLY VALtDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. INSPECTOR • ••15..CO 0 :Ii z l'l lJ ,- ..... Fee $ s s CASH <.. 0 m ► 0 0 lJ 111 .. .. .... :z 0 .:.. D O .,. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 -Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Phone 729-1181 Permit No. c..-) - Joa AODIIII tS.S /.';/ __ . It A.<. . --Ir t,-LJ LOT NO. . -'I aLk 7 1 T•AtT ,~ LEGAL l QstE ATTACHCD .SHECTJ 1 out•. 0WN£111l MAIL AODflll[.SS ZIP iJJIIONt 2 ' ,r e .. .i ,,,, n l1i '"7 • 1 , . ; l "7/' l_/_ l 1 '/-~z j· -. '/-<.J 2 -~ ,I . COl't1'flA'C'T$tt -~ I .. JA1l A6D'11Css . • , I PHbNt LICENSt NO, STATE CITY 3 / ·~ ... AIIICHIT~£_ ~11t•-r/cS1Gl.tt1111 ·• MAIL AODIIIIE.SS PHONE LICEN.St. NO, 4 4-1 ,.. -~ ,.,_ i l ,1 , , fP 14<1 J. ,o rr-.;.,_. -. - ENGIN££ft . .. -MAIL AODIIIIESS PHONt LICCN.S[ NO, 5 ' -', lrt., J ~ -~ , I Al,.,~ .... -.. .1 .,,_ -- I. -I , . COMPENS'ATION INS CARRIER . . MAIL AotJ,-:N ' I • '\ -. ··r • ,, .#-. -IUIIANCH 6 _,:->-. .__' _j~ ' US£ o►•u1j.0tNG ,, l . 7 1. I - 8 Class of work: .,Q_ NEW 0 ADDITION □ALTERATION 0 REPAIR 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES No. Each Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ISSUANCE OF EACH PERMIT ,Ai\, I~ NEW CONSTRUCTION, FOR EACH APPLICATION ACCEPTEO BY PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUAN!=E BY AMPERES OF MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE OR BREAKER '• £,,'.:. I• ;, /. '' VY DATE';;{:/'_ . ~-NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG. FOR EA. AMPERE OF lr~C:REASE NOTICE IN MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-OR BREAKER TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYl> AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COIi.~ REMODEL, ALTERATION, NO CHANGE MENCED. IN SERVICE, FOR EA. AMPERE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS INCREASE APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCE~ GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT TEMP. SERVICE UP TO AND INCLUD· PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATC OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING ING 200 AMP. CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. TEMP. SERVICE OVER 200 AMP. PER 100 Al8NATu•c 0,. CONTIIIACTON O,t AUTHOIIIIZ&O AGENT CDATll , vl) ·f"I,.. ,, .,,, L "~.., Jl D , ilh..-JI. • ,,,,,, ,0 . _,. -.i/_ s" PERMIT FEE t ~--fl -• d:W&T or "W'-'•111 1, •wHUI autLOI" "~ -(DA T~ ,,.,.~ !0.U.,...WHEN-PAOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN c.-.ecl< VALIDATION ,, I CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR t7 ••~1.CO PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD CALIFORNIA ' Permit No. 7 5_ .. 7_0 7 Applicant to complete numberecf, spaces only. JOB AODA Efi/ .,• ,,,,# ___ ,, ,,, .;,:_.c. r/~ t ~~ . ~1 co 7-' - LOT NO, Im I T•Ac T LEGAL I 1 ocsc•. OWNER L IJ..8 ~ L.Q,I({; .J MAIL AODltCSS Zl P PHONC 2 Cl./ OT7/./F MJ. t (r ) _j IJ( //I 1,././1 /~ / I,, 912.oo .P / I. 7-t .') I , COM TIit AC TOR MAIL Aoo•css ~t.n /\IV PHOH~ LICENSE NO. STATE CITY 3 f-1 /.J V / 1-1. /Vl.:AL Co. Iii /~·'/S.,;£7 Oft /__ L ·"'} p, ) (:::, ,_I; · 10 _p~(o - ARCHITECT Olli Olt51CN£.Pt MAIL ADDRESS Pt,iOHC LICENSE NO. 4 CNGIH££R M AIL ADDAtSS P"40Nt LICEHSE NO, 5 COMPENSATION (NS. CARRI ER MAIL ADD(lltESS IIIIAMCH 6 . /1/ tJ /_ A-✓1 Al i'l--,, ,,,. r,/. '-II b t..l £LI/✓, /JJ,F L IJ ,, VBL' -l 'l.CJ -USE Of'""'IUILDING . 7 CqoL, '~ ~ / 8 Class of work: ,,('.] NEW 0 AD DITION 0 ALTER ATION 0 REPAIR q Describe work: Ro Cl& ,1 J I=-I/,// .I L/ uL (;. t="n/l (" LJ ll.1~ .r ~/ " PERM IT FEES ,, No. Type of Fixture or Item Fee ~ s7 -SPECIAL CON DITI ONS: WATER CLOSET (TOILET) BATHTUB #'-LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) 7 t;-o ... SHOWER / KITCHEN SINK & DISP I ~o /I DISHWASHER APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY PLANS CHECKEO BY &" FOR ISSUANCE BY LAUNDRY TRAY t.;r '3o-~ -CLOTHES WASHER ~ 2 WATER HEATER ~ 00 N OTI CE / URINAL / ~ C. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC· / DRINKING FOUNTAIN / ~(' TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF L FLOOR SINK OR DRAIN _5 oO CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM-SLOP SINK MENCED. / GASSYSTEMS:NO.OUTLETS ~ / ') u I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS - APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. / WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. I 150 ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED WASTE INTERCEPTOR HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE VACUUM BREAKERS PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM / SEWER '!;'" 100 1J..1-... _, ,?,//'~__/ s-2 '1-)F CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK & PIT ROOF DRAINS .,1GHATU"l or CONTfU,C)IO" O,t AUTtf0RlltD At.GI.MT (OAT£) l V / PERMIT $ 7 1.5''- TOTAL FEE sr// Jr,,u SIGNATUfll:[. OP' OWN[JII II' 0WNlll': IUIL0[R) IOATl) - WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM REMARKS INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. 5-30-75 Underground 0 .K. E . Plude Waste only . Will install floor drains primer befire slab is pour ed . E . Plude 6-24-75 Top out 0.K. E. Plude Gas test 0 .K. also . E ude 8 -12-75 Sewer line and property line cleanout 0 .K. E. Plude 9-16-75 T.& P . Valves to have pitch away from valve accessabl e panel to drip valves for floor drains, boxes on c l ean o uts. E. Plude 10-6-75 Gas test-O.K. Line from church to house for meter relocation. E.Pluc APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 729-1181 EXT. 35 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS l r. NEW BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: LATERAL LOCATION ST. LATERAL NO, _______ INSTALLATION DATE--------11 18 BUILDING DEPT. ISSUED BY ---=------""-''-'-'---------- DATE ISSUED------"'-'----'=~.,_-=---------- VALIDATION LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ ,@,,.·'-----FT. _________ _ OVER 10' V. @ FT. _________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @,,__ ___ FT, _________ _ OVER 10' V . @ FT, _________ _ TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) _________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE---------- LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO.-------------- FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT. ___ TOTAL __ _ OTHER ___________________ _ CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS _ ___:._COST PER UNIT---TOTAL--2~- PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT ____ TOTAL--- TOTAL CHARGES ( LATERAL ETC.) ____ J....:....;_...,,_l__.a._,st)""'-"''--- (,9,"1.IHNANCB i.~O. 80 58 -1 ~ ---·-------- i\.DOPTir,JG 1 9 7?, U.B.C. PLAN CHECK LI.ST HAI(L:: ALL CO RRECTIONS CIRCLED m~LO~v ON PL.l'NS IN I NK & FLAG FOR IDENTIFICATION . Ot,·nc1.1 ------··-------~--P).z:·l Check No. C:.i.ty -----------------·-- St~te ____ _ /,1•chltec t Total Allcwable, Pl'.!0r A~ea &sis !'or ~:crc.3.se ---o~cup~nt !/.J2d ____________ _ :,an CJ-.l'.!_C_lcc_r __ .~ ---19'!$Un iform DuilcUni Code Sei smic Zc.n., Ho. ,.'5' ------------ ·cmn::ll.L CO::'•E'!!TS : __ Y_ Handicapped Fa ci.li tics r equ:Lrea {s ee ~%ca sheet) 1•13:,,, 1/1 r1 Henl tl1. Departme n t c1pprova·1 r e(1Uired. r,,. th& 2.bsenC!e o f t~S<=S spc,cifitd c.n 1·1~ol:' pl2.ns f~r all ~r~2s, the occupant l oad has licen b:i-.:.>.-.:d c;,n cnn ?Cl' ·-~-!>qi.:ar o .f e!::t. f ~r the unic.e::-,tified are:as. 'l'he \'alidity of th1a sb-:J''l1cl be e,o'i!i':!.rr;.ed t o yo,ir sati~faction. ____ ALL_sJ....gn.s_r..r~.a perm~ . -~, --~.Lfy-;-JJnits by Le1·t.c..r.......a!=-~\J nmbe r, ( for Ad.d:r:e.s..ses) ·Provi de an Index Sheet . Table of Contents to include Square foot age of each of the following: Land , l and coverag e , each unit ,~-i~ ar ea, Balconies and Patios, 1 ~ garages . ~e-oP-0£ units._and bedrooms in each . Also number of parking spaces . HON'STRUC'tFHAL cc1~s~1-rs: Gro·,:ct:1 c-J !,vat i c:'.15 r:lcr··::ld be fhct.m at ccrn~r-s of t he b~ild.!ng 2nd at changes in g:'o:i::.d -.:olJ:?pe . 'I·:rn e -:-o~.d E;J.evat 1c::.s r::l'.?'l:ld b e t aken at t he l ~;res t point bet1;een th~ c:,;tcr1(",I'·w.1.:?.J. .=::::d ::i :p::ii r,t 5 f e ~t Pv.t <'r at t!-le property l ine, if cl()S~l'. 1','h~re _.t-~~-ext c::·i11r' i;;:i).}_ i s pcralle1 t o and .rith::.n 5 feet c-f a public sidew2.l k, a llt'y; Gl' o~:l"-!' pllbl'.'.c ;..•ay, t ~se r,:-e,,.:id el<.,vatJons steulct be the elevatlon of the public 1:ay, ';'.l-:e m.'X'.~e:r <if sto:-ic:; in this lm.tlding c annot b e deter.cincd until ·this data :ls f·arnlshcd. The lJascr.v.mt (colJ.ar ) :l.s cons i ::!c1•ed th~ .first st oI"'.f, See "s tory" in Section 420. The bniJ.dh:.;; ,u•ca 1n~l1J.~:es l'.!c~z .. n inr,s a:,d balconies, except for• private ha l cc111i es or P"rtl<'-ns tlH,reof projt'.C:t1n5 bey c,nd the at\S:,.umt cxt er1~•l' W<'.11 line . The tt;tll.l tJ.oQr ;.r e.a i z lh~1•;,._:'.. to t i:.;~.s:,:,s f.'!?~t inc.J.u.~,i.'!S i l:'lCl'~-'1.3611 of __P.er.-; C•Jl.t f:<,!' J;;-0~:r 1(.jl i:1-··1-~--z,, n ~ }{<), ) , p !lrcc,nt f~-:, -----· -f'i'lc••; yarc.f.., :i 0G p!rct.:.lt !rr r,t\1 t1:i l-'ll :ry cc,r,ciltio.1 and t r1;,H~;g7cto1.:-.b J.1:r.g) f()t' t<p:.'1::-,1:}.~Jr.f.\. Sr.::ti{1r.5 505 an:i 506. U1!obstl'\.\~t!.d yal'CS of _____ t'u,t ~:hn,11 b 6 ~.1::lta1ne,d ,,:n _______ _ sides ot t he b~ilding f t~ a:.'e~ ~~~f4Ses. s~~ticn 506. (a ) (b) (c ) E-:terd \"(•rt;l.u.;•.l'.'.y f!.•or:. t~;-~• !in•::10;.thn t o :~ point 30 jnches abcve the r•o<>f c..:r.~e:p t u,.·:1.,:,:.• the f t 11,,·,r.:.ng C¢n<l1 l;ic,ns : · , l ) It t :1-:o l'oof i n of ;,.t l ".13:$\: t.u~-hn1.-:-1.'lrc-1•otsi i::tivo Ct•ns trv.cti cn , 2 ) If for a t 4o-ho~r ~r e~ s~paration wall, the roof for 5 fcot on ca':)h ::.i ce: of t he l-la:i..l 1c; ,:,'t c,;,,o-h1v.r f1re-r·os1.~t1.ve, cons truc tion. Total wid th of all opcn!~~s limited t o 25 percent or thu wa ll l cneth in U1 c stv!'Y tm.dcr co:.,:;1c.:cr,.tion. All open1 r.,_.-;s p;.·<•tecttd with !l re a.ssc.:·cbHeu having a !'11•e-r es1stivc l'nt1ng of c,no-a11d-onc-!u lf (~h1•cc ) houi.-s . (d ) Dt,cts tlwo1:.<sh arr,:i. scp,.i:·ati.:,;, w·.1.1:,.r. t;bo1.'1ld be avoitl~d. If: al.1r,we:d , f i !'c t~am.1~r-~ c,:i Ce.ch ::iidc cf l-liCi ;;,1.ll .u:•IJ: re:q'JJ 1·cd . Sc,c t ic,11 113 . '/011, u.n.c. ~La~~~~1,. No throuqh pene trations wi th e lec. ,plmbq ., etc . all owed Aro,< :s1:p~r·:>tlc,11:: ·rn~d t •l)t c.xt,r.n~\ I;-:;. t l,t, 01.:i r,• edec!i or l:orJ"z,;,ntal ppc,Jc.ct,ne cll•rl<:l>t.s :S\.':::1 :1•; b:ilconJe!l (r•-.~,:· <Wc•;-1.ar,r~) {::,n:-,n;,1(.3 ) (111r-c;uc(l!l ) (;u·chl.·- Lc~tt•-1.•;.l p~·0,i~c t.1<, l'>/ 1f tt,~ u :~n·1,;:-~•:d) rd, t he tc::-n•t~.::l.l on of l.lio r;epa- 1•ot1c:11 l'.,JJ. and t.!,r. ;.1r-r.,fo~t,1i,;,, d .~.Nr.t-,~ ;:h•~v c :ir·e c,f r,,;t )c l,'1 l.ha n c•11c-l1ou1• f j.)'fl• l'(•!-.\!;\,l ,,.,, C•>.1:,1) t·.c tlc:n !(,r-;, 111rlt.h C<J•. i<1 l-o I-Ii i! dq,t )\ o r I.lie, pro Juel, t1 ,p: <·l,:t.,r:nl-: Hil.ll r,;.~•,h .:,;:. Jn -t,'-,_1:, 1'1,lt:h )'1r-,:,•,,:,'\rd wtt.h t.h rc:r-f ou1·Lhr.-l11;,t\r fh•"- l'C':\in\,lvo a:.~,(mi.,.l l o ,, ~;(h'\,t0n '.:,·,~ (,)j-~'.. Show o n F]oor Plans. r -2- Arca SEparaticn ~,alls 2t pd::its of a btI-11ding hning di!'f6r cnt heights ._ (a ) m.1.y ·e:,;twd only 30 inch~:; abvve the lower Mot level pi·ovi dcd the exte1'io1• wall :i.t 1)ve l s ot ozi.<.'-h,:,·-.:.:;:, !1:.-t'.-re.siiitive ccnstruction to a hc 1p:ht of 1c, f e~t alio·;,rc 1.h'!: l•;;ur r<,,,t: w1tt1 opcnir,ss pl'otectcd uith thre.e-!'01:..vt:hs-ho\.i.r 1'1re-rcsis ti•: e a.~eembli es . {b) »ay tc~~lnate at the l ower roof provided the roof is of at least ono - r '>Ul' f'il•e-r-e.si stivc, c•m!>tI"!Ction v.it~1vu t openings fr:,r -. uidth of 10 feot 111~asured fr-om t h~ W?.11. Section 505 ( c )-!J-, A ,-:----,.,---b.!-1.'.1' !il•c-resi s tive occi,p;m~y scpara.t ion l.n con!'orm:i.nce with 'J•a·ble No . !>_-D and Se:c tion 503 l & 1•e:;tui?-.ed b(ltwe:en the following : Horizi>n·:;21 o~c i:pancy s ep?.!'<'.ti,,~!l sh,:i,zl d be c;-i.~pp~rted with a stru.ctu.ral system l~vin.g cq•.1,i"?alEcnt fircuN&1st1v ~ prctection. Secti on 503 {b). V€1rt1cal occupancy t:epa!'.>.t1c,ns shC'.lld extend thrc-vgh u.nderfloor and attic areas, inc luding ar6as wh;,re 1'ire-r ee1&ti,:e ceilings are speci fied, The build1r.g i s 11roitecl. t:o _____ stories <~--.~-~----f eet 1n height) as a Type st:r?\.',(:tv.re. Section ';/>'{ and T.>.ble Ho. 5-D. TYPE OF COJ/S'l'HUCTI0N Mezzanines 1;hould compl y Hi th the definition set for-th in Section 1~l.1~. (a ) The fJ oox-aree>. ca~not exe eed ,;,;-ie.,third th-::i floor area of the room in which it 1s l o~ated. The policy-of the t erm "total .floor area 1n that roo!'\11 is «s follo,rs : l) The D1ezzani.ne i:m&t be open to the ar ea below except for h andra ils . 2 ) No ro?!l\S di::-e~t,.y l:>-c:l o·-" the l'l'.ez:;;a.""!ine f l oor ?.re allowed except f or bathrooros , e:zitr~-2.re:.> . .s and closeti::, Kitchens havir:g e.'.ch conur.on wall a~ least 50 percent open to the area are a llo11ed. (b) The clc,2.r height above and b elow shall be at hast 7 feet, Roof cover j ~gs shoi,ld be fire l'et ard:rnt. Section 1602 (b), 1603 (i ) or 1701}. Details ~r speci!'icc>.tions cc.,rnp lyir..g with S~ction 320) (e ) are r equhed. Fixed partitions should conform with Section 1705 (a). Details ·are required. Fol dir_z part1tions st.culd co~ply wHh Section 1705 (b }. Building paper should ba applied tt> exterior walls as specified 1n Secti on 1707 (a ). Encl os~es for floor openings Sh9V.l d eo;v;p l y with Tab l e No. 17-A and Section 1706. Details should clearly 1~dicate this. M1nirnuru No, 9 gauge wire Cll' the e~.i.1,·«J.cnt is .:.-equired .for horizontal reinforcement i n anehorcd veneer in Seis~ic Zone Uo. 3, Section 30,10~ (a ) of 1J. D. C. Sta!'l.c:\2.rcls. 'l'ies sno·~,ld tie an:::hored to this r e inforc cir.ent. Exterior ver.oer mo~e than 20 feet i n he!,sht z.tt:a.ch~d t o wood f1•aming i s not allowed tmless p:r-0·11.siom; f:;r differenti al l",-ovement a re app1•oved by you, Section 3001 (b ). Anchored v,:nc,er ove2' 2J feet in height should b e ~·.:ppoi•ted with noncombustible, corrc•sion-resisl..ant l edg•;l'S at a maxi:JlUI!! of 12 feet on center abo\"e the 20-foot height. Section 3006 (b}, Show P l ant e r Box De t a ils as per Sec. 251 7 (c ) ------Roo!l!S j_n which r'.:lbb1sh (lin-::n ) cr,utes t cr-n:ina tc s~ould be separated from the l'cn1a inder o f the bv.i l d ir":': with a onc•hom• occupa ncy separation. Section 1706 (c }. Note special t rcatr.r.s!1t of chute for shaft protection as it ent ers the l'Ubbish roc:n, Openings i nt-o 1•u.bbis h and linen chutes shoul d not b -, l ocated in r equired exit corridors or stairwe.ys. Soc tion i:'00):, / ) 0 6 ( c) Nonabsorbent finish snd backi ng for toilet room floors, walls or·to!let compartments, and wa lls around ur inal s should conform with s~6tlon l'/ll (a). Exterior walls of 'l'ype III buildings should be noncombU:;°t 1ble construc tion, Section· 2001. A property l ine should ~c assumed between court walls t o determine wall and opening protection, Secti on 501J (c ). Also· see definition of court. Section !JOI~, Hxtcr1or (court ) ualln within rect of property lines :should be of ____ -hour constr.uct!on, :;ec.,.t~i-o_n __ -_-_-_-_-_03 (n }. F1rc-ro31s tivo r ating of ex\:6r1or w.1.ll:s should bo maintainod_ t hrough attic nl'c.i.s , Section 11301~ (c ), . \ Ope111ng:i in o~tcrior (coUL•t) wa lls within . ......,.,,__ ___ foot of p roperty l ines s hould bo pr.otcctcd 111th threo-fo1.11'th.1-hotll' ll.ro i\S:scn1bl1os , ([:cction ___ 03 (b), Usabl o 6pncc under tho fl.r~t f'lo,,l' cxc6pt in Group I (J ) Occup~nc 1oa r1ho\lld be 011cJ c:,cd ;i:; l'cquir11d in f,ec tlon l'/03, J.'J1•c-rc,r;l :;{'.Jvo c un1J l,1•uctl on fc,1• nl1•1.,c lUl"aJ c l e11c·nlf.l j n the 01.t(:l'J or wnl l:i :,hr,111 ,: ~ (>l••PJ:r 111 l !, !!("'>tile!,., J;r., J of 'J'.1hlc 11<,. l'/· /I ;•1vl :1(.CLJ011 [j(•t. :.t•CL111\ 1°/\'1 f,;• t.l,1L1 .1, .. 111l'H. 7. -3- ~c,;:ibus \,ihlc 1-1;,.Lcrj 1ls fri.11'.Ld int,o a J'.':!.1•c-r~s1r.ti vP. 11a ll :.:bouJ d • hav e ono-ll ~lf t h•~ 1•equlred t.!1ic~:,:u;s ;u, end prot,ect1on. Scctii:in 10 (11~ (b ). Eji;:ht-1nch concrete block i:;;:lls ::-ho·.:i.1c1 be £:N·v.ted so)ll! t.n qua lify ;:,,s r. f<'Ur- hoUl' f i re-rc:;i ::;t:ive assembly. It~~ No, 30 , '£abl e No . 113 -H, includinc: l'~~t,l'l.9tc:i 2 :rnd ~(, Parapet wall s not Jess than 1709. _____ inches in h 61ght aro requ i red, Section and similar nrchitect u1•11l p 1•o j ~ct:!.on u ehoulc\ c ol!lpl y uith -,&t.,_.,_,,,,. C. 2 t Showor sta ll \1alls s hould l>e f·:tnishetl 111 th a l12.rd, n onab:-,01•bent ::-urface to a l101ght of 6 fc~t . Section 1711 (b). Fiber g l as~ or other prefabr1catcd finisbo& shuuJ d be, c over ed by a rese.arc:h recc-mmcndat:\~1\ or coaplcto Just1fy1r.s da t a under Section 106 sheuld be subwitted. Duora and panels of shower and ba thtub enc losuro should comply with Section , J l 1'(11 (c t o e ). Proj ections b cyo~d tho exter i o r wall should conform 1ri th tha l east restrictive of ·t ho following : (u ) (b) A point c,ne,-thir d tho clistance t,9 t ho property line from an e,xt crior wall. Section 504 (b). A point one-third the, distance fr(>m n.n aS3\uncd v ertical pl a ne l ~catcd \-!h ero f1i:e-rcsist1vc prc-tcc tion 1Jf c-penings is !'irst required due to location of property. Section 504 (b). Envelope ceil:tr:._c;s sho'..)ld satisfy t~d f 9l lo~in,..~ con;iit.1ona. Secticm 4303 (b}-6. (a) :'"lculd not be us~d to prevl.::1e fir~ p1·ot:ection for bea:i,1 a nd girders supporti11& more t han (l:nc !'le!;!'. (b) Columns s hot!Jd be 1ndi-v 1d·i!ally fire pr otected. (c) D'l.\C t and olltht ope:nir,...gs a:-e lim1 t ed to 100 squ1J.rc inc hen in each 100 sq,.'2.rc f est of c eilil'lg a!•e:;,. and should be protected with o>.pproved fire d all'.pers. (d) E1e~t:•1cal. outlet Loxes s!'umld be of s teel and not greater than 16 square 1nch~s in area. G~'l)S\.\111 b oard Ol' p2as t .-;ir ce:11:1.r:e,s in cc,nj::..~~ti gn llith fh•e-i•esistive assemblies r,houJ.d be o\!:;,pol't~cl at int!:!"il.;::i..Z z.qt e,:c ecdi ng 16 inchf;S. Items 22 through 27, T.:tble No. 1.J3-C , Wood Trusses do n ot Comply. Fire-;:-esi!!tive l.ightv.ej i:.;!',t co:n(:r'et e !'111 on wood de cks at weather-exposed locatic":s .reQ.1.21l'0 gr<>:J.t fr densj t y a:1d f'ti.•er.e,t-h t,h<i.n for 1nte:r1<:>r conditionn . Conforrr_~!1ce with ,•e:;;ear:::h recom,-,??r,da tion c ::-.nd1 t -ion& i s r eguired or Jus t1fying data should be submitted t:nder Section 106. Unl ess spccifieaJ.J..y a llowed by a :rasearch r econi:-,,onda tlon or subst ::mtiat ed with t.est data u...rider Sect ion 105, spec1;J.1 covi;ri:·,g s !'or cl.eeks , ba lconies , pa.t1os, otc. • e ann,.,t r0pJ.aco any p:;.r t ,,r a f i re-rcs1s t1vo assembly in reference to )?ootnote No. 14, Ta ble l!o . 43-C, Attention js d irect ed to F1re~res1st1',•c sys t cr,.:,:; i m.rohvjn_g W(!od tr-J.sscs s hould cc:.nply with app.licabla r esearch rece>:nmr:nid::,t:1or.s. Coiwer-tion;;.J. !"ire-,rcsi st:l.vc s ystems u s i ng wood Joi sts are not appJ j c abl e . Hc t c;.-c:!~e 1s llJ,;!.dc t;o :S.te::u 10, Part II, Research Recommend ation }b . l vJ:J ; ont,•f.,')'.\!' Ct>ilins cc::1.1::tri.:.ct :l.on, r .1rt II, Re search Hccor:1~1endatj_on No . 13 52 ; or :rte:~ C4, Part Ir, ReSGc>-rch Hecom!l!cnda t ion No. 1602. l!oto t hat a ll invol ve d0Ublo gypcv.'ll Loard \11th 1.•esilient channe l s b etween. Wood stripping or su5pcnded Wo<,d systems for gypst.~'ll bo:n•d cc1li~s should be not less t han 2-ine;h nominal l;hickness, Scct lon 4701} (b), (Section 11703 (b) 1'01• wall s trlpping.) Fina l part 1. tion layo-:.~ts and details should b e sull:r.1 ttcd prior to installati on to Jus tify co~r,;lic.nce with occupancy, fire-r esistlvo, strv.ctural and exit r oq\'.11:cmcnts. J'c.st1fy1ng t e s t data i n conforl¾tncc with Section 106 01• an ICB0 rcoearch recommendation is r equired fo-., --------·----------,------- D-3 Occup;,.nc fos should bo of c-no-hour firc-rcoi s th'o con$truot1on if located in. u har.cr,1ent 01• abovo the ffrs t s t o1.•y. S<J-::t:!.011 '/02 (b). n-2 O:,cup.unc1,~c.; uHh an O1~ctt.,nnt J.<:acl ot l C,'.)"() or 11,oro 11h -,-..ild bo in •rypos I, I '£ Ol' r r r ,:,r.o-h,:,in• l,t.,lldj1~.<;;. 'fhD ('/.;cl~l.Jly Y'Of)r,• Gh1Jt1ld no t \Jo in a bar;cmcnt 1f H contains t.hl:; lii f:h occ1.:v:int, l u:.d, Section '{O:!. (h), Thtl rn.11n <,nt.ra1~ce r1b0u ld f1•ont: dlroct l y t1::ion 01• t11.vo Q l O-!'<iot wJ<1.e 11cco1:n t o .1 )lUl>Uc 11.iy .-it; :t1Jar.t, ;:(J f cnt, Jn Hlr1t::1. f;<.;c l,J N1 '/03 , ., Orbt'.D C Group D Group F \ -4-..t A ~~!t-t•.t)~~ ~irc• .. r.1:r, s.._,!vf ".'(; :!t.'l_;or-c y ~~r :..:.."'t'.';i':'n is :·1::-:_· .. ,!re~ t,~tt1e~n t ho "- b:111(,r or cc.n t ral h ~.:it111g pl'd,~ . .1:,d r;;,z: r0s t <:.f: t he b.:,1lcJ.1ng, Sect i on 708. E.JCi;c:•1ol."' c;>~,:11:,;~.;; !'<•:• r0c:.:-,s c:1J::Ri ,1Jr.,3 :;r. b.,.• J,1~:,. or ~e-;it rz.J. h~a t i ng p l ant st.<luld be pr c,t e::Lu: .:itn t hrc .. •,•·!'n.~~·-th.,;-:-i-:.·,n• f j 1•f:••rc•s i ::-.t,1 ·1-~ assc-nblies t!'a t a ro f1xtcJ., ~.';.~::~ut ic , fl::' .,cl.!'••:.:l,:,zi ng i f }t .. ~:..te.d hel ow cpeni ngs in a.no t.her .r,t c :!y or-1f.' J.~,;., thai 1::, ;:-:;~"!; t'J.'<:-J\. c-'!;h-er cc-.<'r5 cir tdrnl.~ws i n t he s;,,:ue, buildL~g . 8cc t i r;:·1 708. An apprc·vect , c r.-m,pi c1.1:'):1.sly .l'.al'ke1, 01\tsid~ gas ~!-:.u t off v~l ve i s requi red. Sccl;ion 708. nu1 l dj n~.s t>P.t'.S1ng G Ucc\•.pa::1c 1es sho".ll d be ,;,f tina-h':''Ut' .f1r.c~rosj.s ti v o con- s t ~tw tion t h.~•o~.gh o· .. ~t. S,;;::t io;i 80~ { •. ) .>.n~ •.rab).a He,. 5-~. Uso cf r c,<1:,,,.s sl-:-:.uld be c).a::-1f1e=. Ni,te t h,;..t r :w:ns h .;•.ri ,ng i.n occup2n t l oad of :w.01•e t han 10::> ;;.:1d r oCJJ-.:; t:.s ed fc,l' !:i ndc•rg.i.::.-t E:!1, f irs t or sec-0nd g r ade cannot be l ocated abo·,o t !1•J fir.:;t 1.;t ory above gr-acie exee p·:; 1n Type I cc,nst ruc t i on. Sec t'-on 8v2 {b ), J. cine-ho".lr f ire-1•r,sil',t ivc separ2.ti on 1s r e~uiNid be tween l abo1•ator1.es, shops , stora.ee 1'{":•:ns. Tt,ese a z·.eas st.~-:::.ld also be sepal'a t cd frolil othe1• cl:rnsroor.1s . Secti on 8J 2 (b). One r e~1.lired e:r.it shol!l d !'r.:int d:!.r-ect1y tl!)?n or have, a 20-foot ulde nccess t o a pubHc v.:i.y at l e:ast 2"" c ct 111 width. Seztion 803 (2.). Sanitary f a cilities sho~ld be pre,· ded in a ocorclance with Section 805. Li g bt and ventil at ion sho~.ld. cc.i:ply v. s~ct1on 805, A cn<!-h?U.!' tirc-1•csL1tiv e occ.:.pan:)y ~~p2.r ::>,t ~, i s ri::.quired be twoen the boiler or cc.nt ral hcatl,1s; pl.i.nt and t~e 1•est or t b, ~~;,_g. Section 808. An app1•oved, cc.ns p i-cu~usly ti.9.rlrnd , o~ts ide gas Sr.:'l.\., f valve i s r e quired. Section 808. Open p lan ed~c;,.tional b•J.11d11'.gi; 1.).'!ld.eir Scctir,n 810 s h~u.ld c , l(_lY with other · e.ppl ica bJ.e r.ect:1or.s, '1'!11s in.::::l mies s peci al req· .. \iri.-~<.nts f or 1'1re sprinklers in Sectien 3317 {a). D-1 0cc •p:1.ncies shouJ.d b e o r 'Iy pe I c,r IX con r.tl"C.cti cn U.'ll css c~mplying w'ith the Exe eptic,n i n Sectian"S,02 {~). D-2 {3 ) Occt,panc i cl!.. ~!1.::uld be of enc~ho:,u, fire-r esi s tive constr ue ti"n t h~c~h on t . '!abl e No. 5°C. Light 2.nd ve:nt il~_t i on sr.oul cf CQJ:",::,ly with Sectie:n 905. A oneph:iu.r fj r ~-resl s t i •,rc l)Cc..:.r,,a!'.cy S{Jpar;,.tion 1 s r equi r ed bet ween t he boiler or C6r,lral heatir,g pl;mt 2.nd t r,t. rest Cf'!: t h'! builcUng . Sect ion 908. F..xterj 01• c-pcnl r-,s:s f {•l' :•c-~:ms C(rn.t ai T,i ng a b<1i!er c.r c e:nt r a l h eating pl a n t shou ld b e p:•0 ttc ~1:.c! \.'1th t ~r e cQ::'·1:--i.r ;;r,~s-r•<•~=-t h•e-N\Sisti\:c as s c!'!.bl i es that ai•e f ixed, 2.·i;.to;;,;;171t fo , c,r s e l 1'~c 1osh ~ 11' le,c.ated bel ~w CIP"'ni n,g s i n :mother s t or'y or j_f l e-es t l'.;,.n 10 !'eet f:•9:i.i c tb~l!' door•s e r wi 1'le.cHl.:i i n the same building. Secth-n 908. An app~oved , conspj_e11N1sly l'.l:3.r ~ed , c,v.t s i de g:1.s shutoff ,•alvc i s requ ired. Sc,ction 908. ln order to :illow the a dded s t or y he i ght and/or omi ssion of area sepa- ration wa l is in the p3rk1~g ar eas, tho followi ng conditions set f orth in Secti on 1102 {b) Ghoa ld be o bs erved . (a ) Th e pa rki ng l evel i s of Ty~e I co~s tr~ction. (b ) There is a t h~ce Mhour no~comb~s tibl e oc c~pancy sep~r a tion bet we en t he p arking a r ea ~.nd t h e occupanc y 2.bo\'o. · (c ) Structural support f or t he t hre e-hou r floor Rhoul d h ave equiva l e nt f ire-resistive p~ot c,ct i on . Eight-i nch conc r c t 6 block wa l ls , wh ere u s ed \.!.lld!).r t-.h15 condition, ta\~st; con,p ly With •r able No. 43-B or hav e all colls grouted . Sect ion 503 (d ). (d ) Enc l os~rcs f or flo0r openings s houl d be <1f t wo-ho12r cons t ruc tion. Op enings in t he ~nclosure wal l s ~hould be pr ot~ct ed wi t h l a be l ed one-:inc\--one-hllf-lv<,u ;,• l'ir~J a ll~embli os or approved fire d ampers, . . \ The pro"7i;;,fons of :-s·ecti on 1102 ... (b ) are app11cabie t o ~r ea and ~tor y limi-t a tions onl y . , . \ '· (a ) Rxitinz roqu1remont s of Ch:1ptcr 33 a re based on t ho tota l n umber of s t or ies in the bu1ld1ng . (b ) We t and dry standpi pes arc Pequired i n f our-stopy bu i l dings . Sec tions 380~ and )803, Mo t or vehicle ser vice at ations eh~uld bo o f n oncombua tibl o or ono-hour .firo-rosi:;tjve cous t r 11.~tion. Section 1102 (l>). ll cavy timber r oofn for ono--stor y s e rvi ce staticn ! arc also al low~d . Fl oorR of s torage ear~gos shoul d be entir~ly pr otec t ed nga inut u~turatifln. Sect i on 1102 {b ), St.or :ip;e !\Pear. j n oxc c 111.1 <,{· )000 CQl.'.~.r c, !'cot i n conneotion \.J i th wh,:iJ.onnl t1 or l'<•t:•1) :1;..l c.fi :•li<·u l r\ hc·, :''.Jl'.i.1':>,Lr.cl f rom t ho pv.li) J<; nn:'l.~ l,.v o. on••~lHlur f Jr-c-•r c :,1r.!.1vr. e,r-,·:p,,·,i-:y r;, 11,•r:•I t, •1. }.'Ir, -•,J•r·tr,lr.l r.: :; n.,y l,o H'l<•(I t.o Jnr:rr.:1:;,• ti-., 1•1·(..: ,.,. li-1 ~"" \.l11 r q,?1,,llon·, _.,, f'<\, J ,,1t11 Jn :1,,ctl,,11 )JO? (h). --.- Orbu,2 J EXITS: ,ir;ht. :>.nd vcntil;;.tfon :;h(l'.'l d c or.pJy irHh S•.l\t:hin 1105. ~!t'cll:rnica l ventila- ion 1 s r c:cp.\1:nd in e:2.r:ig!.:; o-.cc.edi~g )C,C':O s·q\:~re tect. vent ila tion at or ne;,.r !'10 01• lt1vol i s required by Section 1105. hc,\.U" !'irf-.-I•~sl :;tivc occ1,1p,mcy scp~r at:I oll. 1s r ccp1,i r c-d bet11een a boiler • c f>ntr.i.l h~:;i Ll.ng pl ant and t,hc 1•c,s t; c,f the building. Section 1108. /1n II Occup. cy wn•e th:m t i,.•~ ~.t {'ri ts i n r.c:!e ht or h:w 1ng rnoro th,rn 3000 :;qu,1.1•0 fee, l; -i. b-:.·ve the firs t !'1 -:-c,r ~~1,;,ul d. he of c:1c-hou r f il'e-re:;ir:; ti ve c onst 1·nction 'thro'.:.£;h~-ut . S(.Ct:l.on 13◊2 (h). The> fc, D :m :l ng l'(lo1·1s r-h()t:J.d h,•.'l'c window ,1.rc:.>.'..: ;;,.s specified in Section 1305 (a ) (1405 (..\)), c.,,1(. .. !Jalf.' r,f wh1l'h ii openal>lc.. Mech::1.n i c~.l vcnt:~J atfr.e; ~ystcr.1 :Ir. h~,th:; sh('U)d p :•nviclo .th c :..:l.r chanBeS 1,<:r hour direct l y t◊ the outs i de . Section 1305 (a ). Section 140!, {a ). Fan cap.~4 t y &hould be spdc1f1e~. W.1 ndo\{:; f!•om · _____ ---,-.,..,,,.---,---should not be considct•cd as"l 'm:f1i::r\i z:i,!; :·cQ\.-:'l r u l light o?· y(',ntila ~iQ:, s i nce th<-Y d o riot open t:o a yard , ct•\.'::'t, or st:•eet in accorct,mce with Sectii:,n 1305 (a). Section 11105 (a ). Courts l,ou.nd cd 0 ::1 fCUl' sides ~!1th w;i.lls should be at 1eas.t 10 f eet i n l c-.r.c. t h . Por Co\1.i:<t:s 1nol'e than h :c, s tor 1cs 1.n height , the r equired 1r1dth shc-ulc\ ue ir1crc~:;cd by l i'oo:; 21:d the rcQu irc.d length by· 2 fac,t fol' each additir,nal s t o1'y . Section ).)06 (c }. Habitable rooms in cellars are not 2llowed . See "habitable room" defini- tion in Section 409. !h~ 1nte~t i s t~ pr ohibit such r ooms to be formed with retaining walls. i-oon does not have, the lili nim\11i1 coil:1.ng height HC;Ui1•ed in Section 13D-'i7 °aT, Section l~0.6 (a ). f loor area of room should have a minimu~ superficial sq.1aro f eet , Section 1307 (b). Section 1406 (b). Efficiency dwelling v.nits should compl y with Sectic>n 1308. A one-ho\.ir fil'e••resist:l.'/e o:::cupar:cy se_paro.tion is required between a boil er room or central heating plant and the reGt of the building. SGction 131.2. Evory d~:cl11ng v.nit and gv.'!st room should have conifr.rt heati11ti facilities as specified in Section 1311. (Section 1409) J Occupancies are l:!m1ted to 10~0 (3000) square feet 1n floor area and one stor y in hei ght, Section 1502. Er.haust ventilation openings in a sar2.ge ~.re requil•ed by Section 1501.j.. Garages should not open directly :!.nto a room us ed fr;r sleeping pm•pc;ses. Sect.ion 1501.j.. An approved non:)ombu.i.tible mat e:::-ial is reo.1.,ircd for garage floo1• surfaces. Sec t1on 1501i. Conforming exits aro required from the areas bel ow an specified in Soction 3302 (a ). F:XHs r.hou.ld h::wo a m1.n1i:;u.m s er :tr~tfor1 Clf one-fj fth the perimeter of the rooi:t or :we:a served, SC'c l-1 on 3)02 (c ). Note tlwt "r,crir1cter11 is a l ong tho outer bot•.nda ry c;,f t ho 1·001,1 or arc?. r.€r ·;cd. Por• ir1•cr,1,,J.ar shaped buildings 01• bu1ld- in(!s 111th ~nnC1r c<;,u•t s , l t b;:s beon \:h:, prJljcy to use tho pcri,:e tcr of a c11uare 1~~sc area is B~~~l to t,h2t c;,f th~ actual buildir~ to dcter~lnc the required minitium scpa1•at1on of <:x its, c,n tbiG basi:; tho djstancc betwi-.en exits should be at least _____ feet. ~ l\n occupant l oad r1gn 1s rcquire-d in t.hc -------------,---- Section 3301 (j). t,:o pol.r,t in the buU ding :;hould be ~;ore th:in 150 (200) feet f rom an cxt or1or exit, hor-17:onta) exit , cnc los-:d statrway , or exit pa:isneeway , lll CUSUl'cd in tho di1'cc tion of travel. Scc U on )302 (cl ). J\xit doorG 1,hould :.wing in th-:i d1.rcction of cg1•css, Section 3303 (b ), Jiouh)o ac t !n? d nor:1 n 1•0 not-:illo1Jcrl Wh(.l"C fl orvJng a tril;utnry occupnnt loar.1 o f 1\0 J (' t.h11, JC,C,, .St'•t,1nn 3305 (\,), -G- Exit doorr. should be 0pc11able fl'o~1 tl:e i nside without ihc use r,f a key~ speci a l k.t101del'tc , or fffort. S-:.ction 33(13 (c ). lio t.c a l so tha t s u r f'.1cc rr.owitcd flus h o;• Sc!rl'ac e bo).l;s a;;e pr-0h1bllc.d .. /lutoma\;jc fJ.us h bolts arc allowed oi1 p a1r5 of do~rs r r01 id~d t he door with the flu s h bolt hBs no knobs or our-face ~ounLctl hardware and the ~nla tching of any leaf requ 11·es only a bi11glc operati on. Exi t cioors sMould be a minJ.1:r1m !dze, of 31-0 11 ;: 61-811 ·w1 th a ·min:l.muiu · dool' swing of 90 6 .:-g:•ces. Section 3303 (d ). The net dimens lon (clcnr 11ldth) nt doorways should be u r.cci in determining exit w1dths rqu fretl by Section 3302 (b). Sei::tion 3303 (d ). In conr.lderatfon of· door thic~~rJc:<;se:c;, panic l11rdware, doo1• r.wing , etc ., thi:i 1•equired exit widths h ave not been fUl'llished, Sec door __ · _________________ _ A floor 01• l anding not rnorc tl':',tn i inches below the threshold i s r equired on eacll side of an c.xit d oor. Section 3303 (h ). (I Occupancies excepted.) Doors shot\ld not projcc t more t han 7 j nches i nto the r equired co1•ridor width when fully .opened or ~or e then one-half into the required corridor width when jn any pos ition. Section 3301~ (d ). Revolv1ng (sliding} (overhE:ad ) doors arc not permitted as exit doors . Section 3303 (f }. Ex it doors shoul d provide i w,;edjat e accer.s to an approved me.ans of egress, Sectic.n 3303 (g ). E>:Hing through ani::-ther roo:ii does not comply unless t he room colilplics ~i.; an accessory area in compliance with Section 3302 {c ) •. A 12.nding or fl.001• that is l evel . or not tr,orc than / inches lower tha n the t hreshold i s 1•cqt~ircd on each side of an c;xit doo1•. Section 3304 (h). Supplementary dc•ors for egres s purposes should also comply with all provisions of Chapter 33, Section 3303 (j ). · Corridors s i10uld l:ave a rn1nirnU.lll widt h of 41i inc hes. Section 3301~ (b ). Corridors s erving nonambulatory persons should have an 8-foot minil'!\UJn widt h. Section 3318 (c ). Dead end corridors are l imited to 20 feet. Section 3304 (f ). Wal.ls o.nd ceilings Section 3304 {g ). d et ermine h qu this deta ils. of cor1•ido1•s should b e of one-hour fire-resistive construction, An archli.ect\.1.~on t_hr_o_ygll. t h e ~.rtdor is n ec!l,ssary to is a.ccoinpJ.ishcd •. ,.1see .. ~.he encl osed sheet of<· 1•·econmcnded Rxterioi• exit b alconj cs cannot project into an area where protected openings arc required. OR D i/\JAN(E ~10 5~.S S,.c:=c. I <._R) Inte::-ior openl.n,3s int o corridc,:-:-s sh:-1,ld b e protected as set t'orth in Section 3301} (h ). 'I'wenty~i,1,,,.!te rating for door asse~blics requires complia!'lco wtt!1 a specific r e.sc.-.rch r ecomr.'!)"'ldation or 2. labeled fire as::;c1I1b1y. '!'hr, latter would result in a Li5-minute, rating since it is /) _ the 1ni11imu.m presc,ntly l a bel ed. ;:...e...t · ..1 ..A-f~ :' 1q_'i J c:i.µ Stairway __________ should hwc a miniir,!:-..,1 wi dth of ______ inches . Trim and h~ndrail::; should not project EOre tha n )-::"l7~ inches into the re~t~ired wic.th. Section 3305 (b ). niscrs ~n ~t~ir~ .. ys should not exceed 7 -1/2 inches and run s should not be l ess th2.n 10 lnc~1es. Section 3>05 ( c ). · · Landinr,s on stairways should ha.ve a dimension 1.n the direction of travel E!Cl,Ua l to the widt:1 ot tho stairway but n eed not exceed 4 feet, Section 3305 (f ). }3'.lsement portion of stairway;; sho~\l d h.:1.ve an approved barrier where continuous to upper floors in an exit enclosure, Sec tion 3305 (g ). Vortical dis t a nces between sta irm•.y landings are l ir.11tcd to 12 feet, Section 3305 (h). Jlandrc1.ii's s hould be plac:c:d not lcr,s t han 30 inches nor more than 3~ inches above the t1•ead, Sec tion 3305 (1), 'l'wo ha ndrails are required where stairways exceed 4-l~ inchez i n w'idth. (No ha ndrails if lcsz t han four ri:;crs,) Guardrail& for stairs, bal conies, and l andi~gs should ca11f0rm with Sec- t ion J.714-. Note that tt2:xhm.ll1 elc.arancc be t\.lccn intermediate r ails io 9 inches ;,,.11d rail heieht should bG 42 i r.ches. Openines in exterior wa lls wlthin 10 feet of e.xtorior stairways should be protected Hith self-closing three-f ourths -hour f1.re-re.s intlve nssemblies . Section )305 (k). Encl osed usable space unde1' interio1• stairwa ys should be protected on the enclosed sid·~ ns r equired for ·c,ne-hou.r fire-resistive coni;truction. Section 3305 (1 ). Noncombustible exterior stair s aro required, Section 3305 (n ), Ex terlot' stairs s~1')\lld not pro,1e.c t into an nrea (yards or courto) where \/all opcn1ng1; 1nust bo protected. Sect'fon 330~ (111 ). All l'Pquil'cd 1nte1'1or stain1ay:. 11hich <,xtcnd to t:hc top floor in uny build1ni:; fot~r or !101·c stol'ier. ln he ight shall h:ive provided at tho highont pojn\; of t:he st,;t11• ::ihaft nn n.pp:•ovcd hatch apcnablc t.o t he c,:terlor not lees th:,n 16 H \u:u ·c fret in ;,1•e;,, with a ru1n1l11Ulll dir,1c11 sion of. 2 fent , Section 3305 (1). One i;1:atrw,w r.\v,t\Jcl r:xt<'n<I to t.ho Poof, !lncUon 3305 (u ), It luur.;t bo in n r:n•ol•CJll'O t)t' rn<.:.l,,:-,ur,: lll l,1•.\1tJJ1·g:; ovc:1• 7:i r cu(, abc,v·c, tho lllr,:lw::I,; gl'nO f',, ~:t'C (,\Ml j_\t)') {I,). Six-fcot 6-jucli nlnir.~:1,it ,-,l,;;rirc-:-r.l c )t'«1•::>.11oc for stair",J;;ys should be indicated •on p),ms. ~cct.J.t,11 }3'.)5 (,:-), 1;ote th:i.t thl.::i 1s f rom u pl:i.nc t ans;ent t o t he s 1.a11,1.ay tread 11:-isi:1i:p . n2.r,1j) r;J.opes should not exc eccl ,,nc foot :1n J -Jt:J... f eet, '. I Sectian 3306(c )(d). ~ Su:rf,1cc or r ,1,cp::; i,hould be r ouehcmc,rl <•r of n nonslip 1,1atorial , Scct i ,m 3306 (f ), St a1r1!ays should be encl osed :J.\; speeii'16d in Secti on 3308, (a ) One (t wo ) ~hour f i r c••rcei:;t.\vo ~ial l s aro r equil•cd, (b ) Onl y exit doo.rs nro nllo:u.d t o op on h,t.o exit enclosure s, (c ) Dor,n, sl:culd b':! l ?be:i.cd c"'.1e ( :>l".~-a:1d--one-h-a:t!')-:,ot\I' fire a ssembl:tes wit li :>.cldjtjon:i.l re:pJJl'-,1,1Ent o.f' irr.n::ir:.,.l.m 1t50'Jp, t c11tp~r a ture ris e a bove nmbi cnt a ftol' 30 11.:i nutc:; of fh'o te:-t . (d ) Exit cncl os1.ircs should i r:c lu.de a corrido1• on t h<, g r o1.-.nd f loor extending t o the, c;:ctcr ior. 1-'1 l'C-!'e!>l!:t i v e c onr; i'l'U~ t ion 1;houJ.d bo as r cqu il•ccl f or t he• o:r.H c::i~ ).o!.:wM , J.nch~ciir.r, prot:ec ted open.i nss . Onl y cx.1 t doors ar c v ermitted to opE.n :l.nto l-!~e corridor•. (o ) An o.pprovcd b~.rrier :l.s rcquil'ed at t he grou.nd f l oor t o p revent p eop l e from acc:i.dently cont:i,1;.,.lng to the l o11e1.• l evel. (f ) Usabl e s pace is not 2.1lowed under t he stairs. One c.;;:i t frc,m t he bu llding s.hi:-v.1t1. be a sr.10!.:eproof enc l osure comp l ying with Sc,cUon 3309. Openings into 0xit cot,.r t s l ~~s t~!an 10 f.'ce:t Hids s hould be protected with l abeled 1i5 •. r,,j_m,:te !'i re assemb~.ics. Sect.fon 3'.HO {d ). Alco nee 11 ex i t cotu't11 definition in Si::c tion 3311 (c ). Openi ngs i:.01•e t han 10 f eet abc;ve t he com•t f l oor a re exempted, No open lngs other t han 1•eq1,,1rcd The pass2.r,e;1;,.ys s r.ould be of ex i ts a rc per mitted in exit passag eways. Secti on 3311 (~). Openings sr..~u l d lJe hour fire asscrubl i c5. -hou1, f irc -1'csir;tivo c snst r ~1ction, protect ed wi th l abeled three-fourt hs - ExH s1g11s shop.l d _bcr pr~ided i n. ~l)"formancc with Sect i on / P.1-l RT V. e>F o f{O,ftt>'S!:,- Q.-4 (9(...A ~ r t) 'f T .-v ~ I l /,isle (cross a :l s l e ) 1n auditol':IU-:!! shoul d have a m1ni1m.1..'ll w:l.dth of _______ • Scc t :l.on 3313 {b). Soct:l.on 3313 {G), {A __ ,.1''!1"an11..,.1.,.c-hardwc1.re is l.'cquir~d on exit doors serving Gr oup R occupanci es hav 1ng L7 an occupant load of norc than lC~. Sec tfon 3)16 (a ). In lieu of th:l.s, doo1•s shou1d have no l oc~:s or l a t ches. ~la i.n and side exit.s in ccnforll\..:mc c with Section 3315 a r o req\1ir ed f ot' B-2 (l) Occ1.1.pa.ncies. Sect i on 33).6 (a ). Ev'e..l'Y room 1n a C-1 Occupancy ~hall be· provided v1th exit :l.ng c ompl ying wHh Seel:-; on 3317 (a.). 'l'hj s r q u.i r es fire-spr i nkl ers v.nl ess the s pecific r equire- ments re followed . of Gro~p C-1 Occupancie i shuul d have a wi dth r equired by Section feet. but ne t less than 6 f(:et , 8ect1on 3317 (b ). Each floor a'lJ vc c,r belo\./ the grc,u.nd floor l ev·el of Gronp C Occupancies should have no :i.ess t .-an t 1<0 exit stall's. Se ~t1on 3317 (c ), Ex:!.t stair s sen ig an occupant J.n.ad of reo.;.•e l han 100 in a C Oc<rnpancy s hould hav e a mini 1'l.u.m .£:1(< r-!~q_th of 5 feet. Se:ct:ton 3317 (c ). Ex1 t doox•s cannot be r,,ore t h,rn 2 feet nr,r r Nier t ha n t he 1'equ1red cc,rr i dor Width in GrOVj.! C Oen.' '.nv1.es. Scct:io11 3}l 7 {d ). Exi t do o1'6. 3 317 (d ), tho·~1r ect 1on of egress , Section Rooms o f Group C Occi·.pandcR 1..scd by pupils and l oc ated below grade should h2.vc one exit l eading di1•ec t l Y' to tho ex.t.crfor o.f tho b-.iilcU.ng. Scctj.on 3317 (e). Pank har dware 1:; r equired on exit dool'S 1".ervlng rooms containing 111orc than 100 c;ccupants arid in cor1•i dor:'I of Ch c p C Occ,!panc 1cs. Section 3317 (1.'), · Evc,ry r ooin i n a Grcup D Oc ctlpar,cy shou mcan3 of ogr e s s . Section 3318 (a ), t o at l eas t t wo l cgnl Doo1•s from bedr 0oms :rnd wa r d s of Gr oup D 0cc ,pJnc j.es and a l l exit c,pcning s where nonnmbulnt;or:r p:iti~nt:. ;;.r~ hou:;ect :.houl ha ve n minbiu.m c l ear wjc\th ot l{lj. 1ncllc:;, )Jo 1,r o j cctions in t his width nrc · llowecl. Sect1 on;5)18 {b ), l'v.nie ha r dw".rc 1~ requ ired on exit doors scr-dng mo in )) Occupanci es \l .. nlr . .5s there i s r.r, l at ch or l ocl~. t h~n f ifty occupant s tion 3310 (f). Every s leeping room hel c.-w the 1 ot\rth !'loor ohould have one ~on:,.bl o w j ndow or ex terior ~oor cc.nf orM1nc t 0 Sectjon 130~ (1404 ) for cLerg~ cy exit or vescuc, Thie iccl uder, mc~zani nes. FJ,OOH, ROOF CONS'l'HUC'l'IOH, cov1;nrnG , SKYT,YG ll'i'S , nooF S'l'Jlt'C'l'1,'TlES Vcntillg j 3 i.•cq_,JJ 1·•e<I tor cl ev-P.t oi.• s},3,f t 11 cxtc.ncU ng ruoro t h an two ato1'i oo . Secti on l'/'06 (d ). 'f•ho l ~r e;t-1• ~f 3··1/?. }l<,rcc:nt of t ho c;}l~,tt; a r ea or 3 oquaro f cot p er e l c•,ntor r-hc,ul cl Lo ll;~~v 1c!od. The, r.;)aco botwn,,11 h'oc,cl floor c on!.l trt•ct;j o11 r,nrl n 1,usponcled c c,jlin,r. he J ow 1;llould ho d1v.lll,·cl Into a1'1•;1.i nc,l, eT.cccl1.lng )(100 !lqu01t'(\ foot.. /icotl on ~~l'((()), c ' V ·" ·. ~~, (~· Attics o:: c -~::-i!bw:;tible :.•:-tcr!.21 sh-:i~:ld be di·:!.decl 1?1!:o arcJ.s r.ot c:r.ceed'l~ 3-CJC0 (~0~0 ) i;~·,,_:uc feet . Sectjoa 3205 (b ). Hoof ctr.1lr:i.3e ::;ho~.l d b e COi'.dt:cted '\l!ldcr the public s idewall:, Section 3207(c}. 0vcrfl<i\./ drains h,wing \-.I~~ ::.1ne size ,!S r or;:,f clro.1ni; .-:>.nd on i ndependent drain l jnes aN: r,~u1N.J . In lie~ or this, ovc;.-,flo!--i ;;cupp,::r s tlwec t11~:,s t he i;izt• of rcof drain:; ::t,ould b:: installed in pa rapet; walls .. Ovc,:•flo;; system should h ave i 1i1 e ts loc;,tcd 2 inc:hes above the J.0 11 points of the r;iof. S-:iction 3207 (c ). The az.r,rcr;.:i.t.c are:-l of p-'.)nthouscs and othe1• roof stl--t1cturas cannot exceed 33-l/3 percent of the supporting roof area. Section 3601 (b). · Concrete f loor slabs on grade should n~t be less than 3-1/2 inches thick. SC:ctfon 2629. FXHE EXTIUGUISl-!Il:G SYSTi'.:HS An approved :mtcm:stic fll'e-extir~u j,shir,g systet'\ is rr.quircd in the Se:c ti0n 3802. 'r-l'l l.s inc l •J.dcs blir.d sp:2.c cs enc :i.o_s_e--:d-H-:-h-o'l'ly- Ol' partly liy co!>:!l:i·c1stible con~t1",,.ction . U.B.C. Standard No. 38,138 (:c}. Dry standp1pes arc reqv.ired i.n buildl.ngs fo•J.r or rr.ore stories in height. Secti on 3803 {b ). \-let standpipes ara required as specified in Section 380IL Combination standpipes a::-e required in b'..lildines exceeding 150 feet in he1eht. Scctlon 3805. 'rhoy rr.2.y be substituted for \./ct and dry standpipes, Fire-c:i:tinguj ::;hine syste:11 plans should be sub~1tted to you to dcter;n1ne compliance with applic.>.ble bullding, plw~bir-6, and fire codes._ Chimneys sh?-..i.ld comp ly with Section 3702. fireplaces and_ b a rb e cu es shou l d comp i y wi t h F ir ea l a rm system as per Tit l e 24 of Chapte r Sect i on 3704. 13, Sec t i on 8 Flnl SH WORK The interior wall .:>.nd ccilinz finishes sh-:,uJ.d b o i;pecified and colilply with Tablo Ho. 42-B and Section 4203 , Gypsu::\ wallboard (interi.n• lath cmd plaster) cannot be i nstalled on weather- exposed surfaces. See Section 424 for definition. Glass and g1r,z1ne should con.ply With Chapter 54, Typo a nd thickness or gl:u;s should be specified. Glass and glaz:l.ng in hazardcus loc3. ticns shc"t:.ld coniply uith Section ,5406. Skyli&hts should coDply llith Chapter 3!.J.. Plastic s}::ylight:i :i.1•a allowed only w1der the conditions specified in SectiQn 5205, RaP..ges should ha•re a ve:-tical clea.r .:;.ncc of 30 inches above tho cooking top t o unprotected combustible ~t~ri al. 'l'his can be t<edu::ed t<> 24 inches if tho C◊r.ib\.lstiblc r.iaterial js prot!;Ctcd v.ith nin1'.l:Q':1 1/4-inch :;,.s b~stos nUlboard, }lo. 28 gat1.Sc sheet metal 01• a in-,tal v1:ntil2.tiri_g hood. Section 1901 (a ) - Uniform Hcch an1cal Code. STRUCTURAL COMMENTS: ·-~ ---~ _ _/ Soils Report-Required~ --- Special inspection in conformanc~ with Section 3.05 is r equired fo1• the followi1,z worl;:: (a ) Structural concrete where tho desi gn is based on an ultima t e compres- s ive stl'f:n,gth in e;,;ccss of 2000 p ounds per squ::i.rc inch. (b ) All welding exc!<pt where done in the shop of an npproved f abri cator. (c ) -(d) In_s t all a tio!1 of M.gh r, t2•ength bolts. Prestressing work, Soil classification-in confo1•.:!a.ncc with Table No. 29-C and -~~---...,...,,. p ounds _per :,cg,a:i:-c foot soil be:1r1ng value used in dc:.ji:;n should l>e specified on plans. Va lue 1s subJ2ct to your approval. Section 290~. The foui\<.lat1on i n•;cst;ip.tion t•cport m~nt1oned in plans \;as not incl\!c.l.ed in data fol'Wardcct to us . It shou ld be cuhn1Ltcd f or review. I Aoccptance of l,ho found:1tlo11 1nvcst1r;aU.on report iG reco=cndcd contingent on corr.plianco 111th l ocal 01•dl.11ances. All 1na:Jonry or collcr ctc clcr;1cnt:-; 1•csi:..t1ng so1:an1c forces r.houltl qualify a::: reinforced <,J 1;rr11ants . Soction 23111 (l<)-3, Concrete !!heat• walls should cor.i~1 ly wHh t:e~tions ?.63?. nncl 2617 (j). )'rcc:ist coMrctc wa ll pant!l!I :ti'<! J.lmttcd to an h/t; rat Jo of 36 (?.~) • .'icctj on ::G~~ ( e) • 1316. -- ---- -9- Wood Mcinhc1•1, M.1y GUpport loads fr~!Tl ~,a::;onry or concrete only vn:.c1• tho condi- i1ons specified in ~tc t1on 2516 (a). f.t.1•\,.c tu.ral ca Jcn)at1on:; ::h0·..1.ld be nv.b1-:Htcd to justify the adcquccy or tho structural i:y:::tcm i n r csi:;t11:;~ ::cj:;mic and \t1nd load:., and support111g dead and l ive l oads. Th i ~; inc ludes foundation::;. Justtty1np: enleul at1.on6 anti dot.i:i.lr. !ihould be provldcd for ·---------------------------- Tllo roof ~l,01:.ld be dcs1r;nccl f or uplift w1n:l pressures 111th due considerac1on for laterc>.l support of eo:;iprc:.s1on flanges of flexural members. llloor l oad shoulcl cons 1de1• a 20-pound p e1• zqua l'e foe,(; pa1•t1t1on load. Section 2302 (b ), M?l'C!Uee~ should be des :lgncd f or n 60--potmd per squa t•e foot l:lve l oad, Tablo }lo, 23-11, Garages for the storage of private pleasure cars i:;hould be designed for a minimum 2000-pi,und 11hecl load. Section 2302 (b). 2x l amlnated be,;.mz sh ould be spiked togethc,1• as specH 1ed in Ta ble No , 25-0. Secti on 2518 (c ), Liv e load sign:; arc required. Section 2309, See ------------- 0lued--l amin~1.fcl Jt'.'.11°:lc!' sl:.:··-•.ld be f'r.r:.'l.u.1.tf.d in :>.cccrd,;,r.cc 11:lth U.B.C. Standard No. ?.5-10. A cer>ti!'ic:?.t,e of 1ns pcct1on ~u-J:d be sub1111tted to the · . Building Department. .-1 s Allowable s tr•css 1n r;lt\cd-·13.T.ina ted rr.c-:i1l>c-rs o,rer 12 inches in depth should cons ider a depth r rd~ction fac tor. S~c~jon 2511 (d)-~. Radi a l ~tresses l n c:~ved glu~d-l2mtnated membcr5 should b e within allowable V?.lucs. Si:ction 2511 (d)-4. Radhl t en s ion str·esses arc limi ted to 15 pounds per square inch. :r the radial tension exceeds this allowable , mecha nical f ast eners sho~ld be U!ed to resist the entire st~ess. Hood stud~ are 11r.11Led to 14 f eet 1n heig ht for 2 x 4 and 3 x 4 1s and to 20 f eet for 2 x 61s . Section 2518 (f )-2. Exterior walls and cc-a1.•lng partitions belcw tr,e second s tory in t.hrce-story hn1ld1ngs sl:.ould be: .3 x 4 or ?. x 6 ~L1..~ds . Section 2518 (f)-1. . Bolted ('.onnectionc c,:posed to th~ ~rr:>.ther are 1·1m1tcd to 75 pc1•cent of t he allo,rnb).c load \.mder pr·otectod condH!ons. Section 25.1711 (c), Uniform Du1ld1ng Code Standards. · Spacing of Lo.lts should c o~1ply with Sec tion 25. 1713 , Uniform Building Code Sta11dal'ds,' I mported bolts do not comp l y 1vith cod e r eq uire ni e n ts . Anc hor-age of <:oncl'cte ;:ind ro3.sonr:,, wa J.ls should c omply with Soet1on ?.313, Desi gns which rely on cross grain t ension of wood members arc not acceptable liinc c the Code has no ~.J.1011<'.bl<:1 1t·ah•.r.. t. positive means of connection r.uch as Jo18t anchors or clip angl er. should be ~rovided. Exteri or 11onbca1,ing ,!alls s houl d comply \.11th Section 2314 (ld-5, Note that connect1ons fC>l' r.cicm1c purposes sliot•,ld be· ba!:ed ◊n a 11Cp" factol' of two. '1'a b) e No. 23-r. Plywood cradcs should con forin with 'fable No. 25-D, Ju:;ttricc.t ic,n 1s rcCtuired tha t !mf!icient slop~ oI' camber is av::iUablc to .,_85111,0 ad1::Q.t;.atc r oof drainage ~ft1:1' l?ng time deflections . In lieu of this, roofs must be. desi1,ned for pos~ible p and1ng of water, Soction 2305 (f ). tans on gtr-c~sing method and h:1.!'d;.:a;,e alo!.g Hith j ustifying data are re- ~:ir~d on prestresscd conc~~tc work . This data should be submitted and q v<'d prior to order:lnr., cf· m:i.tei.•1~1 . l/oto t hat all t c,ndons should comply !~~~oSc,ct,Jon 1~303 (c)-3, fc,r f"ire-rii,istivc purposer;, 1/eldins dat a or de'.,,.1ls f or steel Geclt:lng u1;ed as a diaphrap;m Gho\>,).cl "" ..,.._.0 _ vidcd, Info1•1-iation ~h-:-v~.d com;,).y wl '.,h a spc.cific reno l'(lsc.arch recommendation or test data ~ubm1ttcd in complia~co with s~ct1on 106. t 1)s ~hciu.l<l be provided on root (floo:-) di::-.pln.•;gr.1 connoct1om; that ~iw a the she:wi: are: t r,,n~f cr r c.c.\ to y,,rt1.cal r,h:iar-1•c:i1s t-1ne clement s . tions cho'.lld uc jus t.ifictl uith st rt\oh\ral c::.lcul:lt1on:i for compl1anco allowa~l e vnlucs. 1ndlcat.o Connec- w1th --Str:ilr,ht shci\Lhod cl!:'~lr.lng r;hould he j\!!\t.1f1d. f o1• diaphragm ac tion sinc e H 16 )lot, c~vcrc.d uridc:-t' S'!c t;l '>ll 2514. J\:.~. i,i!'1ea t ion ::;hould bo b:.u1 c.tl on the d1r;cu~- r.it>n t,f t 1.•,11<,•nrr-~ ~h~.\lth1ng, 1·.::.go ii .. 126 of tlie _'.!'.~1-~~r Con:;tr11.ctJon M::>.nu:i.l i i:;1,ucd by ~lie /.r.1e:rl c,•,11 Xn:stilt\Le t,f 'l'lmb,1• Cor:strl'.•~Uon. -- )}:dJln['. f <l' r,yp:1uin ho·n•d (l a th, 1,h!.1.tll1nr, hoard) use.ct •,tr·11ctt1.1•ally on s hear 11aJJ.a r.:Jic,tld lie 1,p~l}jfjc:d and com:;i)y 11Hh Table !lo. 11'{~1. Shc:ar 1wllr1 \\t1ll~1:,r; f.YPW~l lio:i.r<l (l:i.t;h, oli-,ath111e l,01rd ) c:umot hi> U.'l(lcl t o i•csir.t. J.O:\d:, J111pc,:·c,tl hy ua:.;(,111•y or cc,n.:i rd,o ~1al11i , lloo,no(,o ), T;11Jlo llo . 11'/-I. ' I -10- 'l'ho C.:"ld,:; h;., <; n'> pr-:-v :I:; l ou:; !'ur r-tw:c,;, f.ht ?.l' 1.rc>.) l s t:nlc,~:; 1 t c ('r..p J.i ~:; H H:h a sp~c1flc ICbO :·ci:N•.l'ch l'CCOJ~~ltr,dt.t1Nl. J,ct-1n braces .1houlcl I.le Justj Cicd . on tho b;n1s or cnr:l t,aillni; a!1d .:n~lt of 1.r,:;•;:1llnt1on r:1nco the Code li.i.G no provih:l ons tor nllowable v~lu~s. Rall~ncn should be dc~1sncd to ~1tl~tand ~ 20-pound por foot horizontal force.. SEction 2301L Coil:ll![~ j c,1r;t.; should be dr_l'll.gnc.c\ roi• 1,vtal lo; d or not l o:i.s thirn 10 ))OUlldS per squ.:re foot. Section 2304. lntor:l 01• pnl'tH i (Jns slio\J.ld l>e Jus tifi cd & t n 1.c turally for atrcngth c.n<1 do- fl6c tion criteria set forth :ln Section 2312 (b), should co13ply 111th a npcc if ic lClJO resor:;/cfi"rccor.,m!!.nd.•. t l c,n c,r Jus t:1!yi11g test clat~ should bo submitted in cc,,~pl1ancc w.tth s~ct1on 106. 1/ood r,1eubc.N o:.,itc,rini:; r~a:i onry or cc,ncrcte should ccmply with Section 2517 (c ) ~5. Lap spl:l.c1ng of ?lo . :t4 a11d Uo. 18 rcbar s is not v.1lo11cd, Section 2608 (c). Wo fid dr.r;jr,n criteria i;h(IUld be b:.>.~ecl on indm,try st~11clardr; publii;hod in Oc to!>or, 1970. Wood 1:;; no J o:i5c1• gr;,.dcd under cri tcr•ia set for th in the Code. Rcf6ronca 1s ~ndc to Rcsc~rc h REcoa~~ndations 2569 ~id 2180. . AI'J?C );:,_r,,j1i~ting specifications should .be used for e;luc-l2m cons truction since iudus ti·y no J.o:i.gcl' use:;; the cri t er l .. s ct forth in the Cc.de. Ro fercnc o is r.1;,.de t o Hese:ll'ch H<'comwm tiation c5l9, llaH1ng fen' plywood cU aphragr.1s (I.hear w<1.lls ) should be indic,,tcd on pl:i.ns. Data t;hc,uld agree with calcul~.t1ons . S6e _______________ _ St rue tural :;;p ee ifica tioas should be on pl ans. This includes t!Ol\c1•cto, masonry, mortal', grot\t, J.wob er , ply1:ood, r c inforcin(; bars, strt'.ctura l steel, steel dccl:ing, ctr.. · J-11nilJ\Ulll r oinforcement ~hould be p1•ov-ided for masonry walls to cornpl y with Sect 1011 ~1118 ( J) ··3 . M1n1mt.1.m rc,inforr.ement shov.ld bo provid6d for reinfo1•cod concrete \lt>.lls t o coruply l!ith Section ?.622 (d ). 1971 "ational El ectric Code -Ord . #806,-. . . . c-::.2 ---~ Provi de single l i 11 e drawing and ca l cu l ati ons .for 200 AMP service or r.,arger. ~- Show panel l oca t ion and s ize . in each. nn±L. A~l f eed~ shall be insta lled un~erground , outside the building ~1:has ~~proved by the {',dm, Authority. (Intent is to house P.omex in ___ Four rd°upl el~~ceifac~~~cw~i~im~0 ~nm~t12:~0 ~p~1li~h ~~s circuit. · _ Ground Fault Interupter r equired on all exterior receptaclep 197_.fUniff.lrrn Mechan ical_Code -Ord. #8055. • /_· .. /,c,2 Sho1·1 si z~ and l action of F./\.U., venti ng , comb vs tion air. return a1r , du cts and r cgistPrs. Sho1•1 drye r ven t t o outside ai r . v,i"1<!,, SE<!,, /903 Show 120 Vo lt Receotacl .-h ' Mechanical pjans r equire-a . e wit 1.n 25 1 197:(SUniform Plumbing Code -Ord. #805;f. f eet of ·equipmen t for ¥ervicing $ec . 509. / S~ow temperature and pressure rcli ei va l ve and d1schargc line on water heater. Indica te height of 1•:ater heater pl atform. Landscape and i rrigat i on pl ans r equired.-Ord . 69060 , Sec . 2..L....4 4 .200 • ~rovid~ sizing c alculations for water & ga~ piping . icro Film Copy of as-built plans r equire d. Fee Required. All Apartme n~s & Condominium ~uildings Must Hav p· Retardant Roof Appe 1 B -d . . . e i re . • a s oar Dec1._s1.on No . I II . PRov,o~ t' rl?llr/C!H7r All Walls conta_i ning piping larger tha n 2 " and Plumbing · walls with back-to-back fixture s shall b e 6" minimum. ~ Indi c ate h ow r equired structural and fire -resistive integrity will be maintained . Where penetrations will b e made f or electrical , mech anical, plumbin g a nd communications condu its , p ipes and simila r systems . INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET PLANNING DEPARTMENT LOT SIZE ,----- UNITS PROVIDED -LLOWED y . a.--. V '.2\-40 fO % OF COVERAGE-U·'t-ALLOWED ____ _ FRONT SETBACKOk SIDE YARD, ... ~-···~· --- '. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REO'TS .... M; _______ _ ISSUE PERMIT . # DATEJl-al--,s'° FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLING SYSTEM __________________________ _ FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT 4&-, ~ FIRE ALARMS ________ _ I EXITS ____ __,. __________________________ _ FIRE HrDRANTS 0.-MdZ'!:Yle LOCATION,_..;~"-"--""d.,.....,_..;;..;;'--------- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS-=•=--G,,..eerv,..,.-'< ;...;;.___;_c:f.u-...---'---'/lJ-"-AA-,;..::__~_;;__ ___ ?_~..;:' -'fr=\~-)~------ 1·· WfER DEPARTMENT ,. . -OMW D ___ _ ADDITION . . ~SSUE PERMIT ______ OCCUPANCY _____ _ \NT TO PLANNI /TURNED TO BLDG. SENT TO ENG. DEPT. _____ _ RETURNED TO BLDG. DEPT.