HomeMy WebLinkAbout1446 FLAME TREE LN; ; 83-115; PermitII) :r 0 ~ a: .i: ..... u w C IE I[ 8 a: w C .... 5 • ir w z 3: 0 0 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions ot Chapter 9 !commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Codfl. and my license is in lull fo,ce and effect LIC No I hereriy allirm t'i3t I a~ exe.r.ot tr::im thaa Cortrac-to··s. Licerse La'II' fG.· ~·;-e !Q!iow n·; ·easO"" :Sec 7031 J B~s!ness a.":C Prc-iess.Jns C::oc:e: Ar:,.:;\:, o-cou'"l'.i w~i~h re· quire:; a: pe:111 '. '.c ·:onst•u,:t. 21ter :,r~ro··.-"e jomc is~ 8r re~.::.· 2.,., :c ~-:t;,IE :::;·::~ ~:::; .'.:; .,;:;.,:,~:c J s:.1q ..... ·~s '.~8 a_: ~-I : . .arit r::-:r ~uch 1v '.1e ci sta·eme"t t"1t he 1~ 1:,~e,:f:::: to lhe 1Jt tre C,rrr2ic1G;:; _ 1-:-e ,-. ~e 9 'I-'; lh Set; :i:-i r::,::,c, oi lli',•5,::.~ a;'::i~ r:e~.';,211\.~ Cc-rje ,:•tn?.':SE:x- emJ" ::iere'·:::,:•· on~ '.he bas's fJr :rie 2.1 e-~ed ex,..,,::J·,.o-, ;,~~-;~\~~ ~~;12;,1~,:,;~3r.1j,:.~ ~~i~~)ri~,;~f~:~~; th~?!r;. Cree dc!!_.:rs 1::SSC!Y I_ as owne~ vt ~'.le ::rn:ierry. Dr ~·i e,c o:,ee~ 'fi1!!": . .,.,·i::ges. ::is their sale corn::iensat1(Y1_ will do '.he work a1::: the 5'.ruc· tLJ'e IS '1:JI irtendeG Jr of1e~eC for salE '.Sec. /'.)4-: 5,,.Sin·fiS and P:o1essions Co-de. The Coniracor"s. License Law c,oes not apo1y '.c 2.n owner of p:aper~·r who 'Oui.ds ::ir imp:oves thereon and who aoes SIJCfl work :'i~se;f o· througt', llis own employees. ;:iroviaed that such i"lprnvemen'.s .;ire 1ot ir,tend- ed c:-r o!fe•·ed tor sa1e. ,f. however_ t~e build iliQ ar I mprDve· mer! 1s sold w1th1r1 one year of completion. the ow·rnr-b•Ji:de· will ha\Je the tiu~de11 of proving that r,,e cM no1 b~ilC o· im- prove ~Gr the purpose al saieJ _! I,. as owner ot the property. am exclusiLJely contrar..t1ng with l1cer.sed contr2.c\ors to construct t~e project (Sec 7044. Bu 51ness ar.d P~ofess.1on s Code. The Contractor· s License law does not .apply to an owner at pro,perty who, builds or i;n-prnves lhEJrEJon. and who cowact":-for each projects with a contractorrs\ l1cel'lse pursuanl to th€ Contractor's License Law I ~·! As a r.orneowner I am impro\ling my tiome. and the lol:ow- mg cond 1tiMS e~Js.t· l 1. The work: is beir.g aerlormed prio-r to -sate 2 I ,have l1v~'1 ,n my home for lwel,..e mnnths prior to campfet1on of this wark I have flat cl.aimed th 1s e"!l:emptio-n {1 urin.g the la.st three years I 1 am e)(,empt under Sec ------. 8 & p C far this reason z 0 ;:: C VJ z w Q. :l 0 (,) II) a: w " Ii'. 0 3: I L D I hereby aU ~rm tllat I ha.-e <1 cert1t 1ca1,e of consenl to self-insure or a cen1f1c.at€ ol Workers· Compe-nsat1on Insurance. 01 a ::end100 COP\I tllereoj iSe<:: 380'.J. Labor Cod• I POLICY NO COt,!PANV D Copy 1s filed with H"le c:rty D Cert1h,ed copy 1s hereby tuin1-s.hed CERTIFICATl OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS· COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This -sec1,on need not be cornplete-d ii the ~errr-,t 1s !m one tiunG'red dalla's. ($1001 or less\ 0 l cen:,ty tnat 1n the oertormance ot th.? work tor wh1c'1 this pem'l1t 1s issued. I stia1r not empioy ~ny persor, 1n any mariner sa as tc become subJer:i 10 the Workers· Comperi~t1ori La.rw-s. ol Caldorr,1a NOTICE TO APPLICANT If. c1,lte• rna~1r:;i tr11s Cer11 f1cate ol E:cempt1of'\_ '{OL.J sriouid Decome sub1ecT i,, the Workers· Compensat;on pro;ws10r.s of lhe Labor Code. you must fort"1;t,1fh ConiPI)' w1~'1 suer provisions or 1h1s permit snail be Oeer,e(I ,e ... nked 0 t herebr oilllf1rm ,hal It.ere 1s a coristfut:l:on ;ending agency tor ihe perlorrr1.ancr. o' rne wo!".t tor wt'l1c'h this permit 1s 1SsL1ed 1Sec 3097. c,,..,1 C:.001n Lenders Name ___________ _ Lender·! Address ----------- USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO Fill IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS. CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 AV. ST. DATE OF APPLICATION RO. CONTRACTOR :; . i {._) /J '3: /;:_, CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS DESIGNER BUSINESS LICENSE # CONTRACTORS PHONE ~ LICENSE NO. LICENSE # DESIGNER'S PHONE PERMIT NUMBER PLAN: LO. it BLOG USE CODE STANDARD PLAN A: SUILDING SQ. FOOT"'-GE {'1.--0 /l-rr"~-_ 4r'~-~.C .... -. ____ J ---1----F-,_P ___ F_L_R_E_L,.E·v"". -----,.--N"!!o-....,i""'"o·c·c-G_P_..,. __ ED•lJ---1! 1/rf G~itftl9 'it1.'61r'P 1 '1 hihl CENSUS TRACi GP LAND USE PLUMBING PERMIT - !:ACH FIXTURE TRAP EACH BUILDING SEWER EACH WATER HEATER ANO:OR VENT EACH GAS SYSTEM I TO 4 OUTLETS I----+----·--· --------- , EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE +· ··----·-· I EACH INSTA~. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE f---+--------------··-------·-+--· EACH VACUUM BREAKER ---+----------·-- WATER SOFTNER ---+------. - --------- : FACH ROOF ORA.I, I ~51DE1 GRADING ~ERMIT ISSUED REDEVELOPME=NT AREA MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE INSTALL FURN DUCTS UPTO 100.000 BTU STORIES TYPE CONST ------+---_,_ OVER 100,000 BTU BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP SOILERiCOMPRESSOR 3-15 HP . -~--. --------- METAL F1REPLACE j -· ·--- VENT FAN SINGLE DUCT MECH EXHAUST H000'0UCT$ ------- RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE,HEATER ---TOTM MECHANICAL OCCLOAO FIRESPR ,o r.O Not Valid Unless Machine Certified SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER BUILDING PERMIT 01 00·00·8220 ·----·· SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00-8221 -. ------------ PLAN CHECK 01-00 00 8806 TOTAL PLUMBING 01 ·00-00-8222 ELECTRICAL 01 00-00-8223 MECHANICAL 01-00-00-8224 MOBILEHOME 01-00-00-8225 -------- MOBILEHOME PARK INSP SOLAR _ . __ Q_1-_00 00-8226 STRONG MOTION 80-92-33-0519 f!RE SPRINKLERS 01 ·00-00-8227 r-- ~~~--=T=O=T=A=L-~~-L-~MB I NG _ _ ___ 3J... ~ __ ~~-~ -~-_ ~=" ---==-'====r===""#e==-II--- QT_Y __ ! ELECTRICAL PERMIT ~-IS~~E __ -f 0_~ l9T~--___ S~LA~ ·_ 1::3~~E --~-NE~-~ AMP SWT__EJKR 1-vL '5--J -z..-It_ ~LLtCTCR'i ------_ --- 1 PH 3 PH ~ sroRAGE TANKS ·-EX 1ST BLDG E~~~__l'__~_f BK R_ --. ----=:_ 1 _ _ .J -~-~Ct< ~TOP4l'E ----_;,~, -~-p~----· 3 PH l --t-DLJMP t-~r.1__0_[J_E_L_AL_TER P~~~IR_[UIT _ __ ---f _ PLA', CYtCK Fct -+-T_E_Mf'_l'O_L~ 200-":_MPS_ _ __ 4--- ! OVER 200 AMPS 1 ·-+-TEMP OCCUPANCY ,30 DAYS) t : _ _ - __ _J___ -y - - TnTAL ELECTRICAL \---- __j__=---- -I --t-~· -·---r-·~---1 . - PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE BRIDGE FEE 3CH0!11 FEE -OISTR ICT Carlsbad Encinitas s_an_Die~ito 32-00-00-8923 80-92-21-0519 80·92-22-0519 80-92-23-0519 San Marcos 80-92-24-0519 afZ_J~~~~,r · .. ~,___./. ,.._v TOTAL FEES PAYABLE * AN OSHA PERMIT IS REQUIREO FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER ·5' O" DEEP N«> D£M0uTJ0N OR CONSTRUCTION OF STRI.ICTURbi OVER 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT <lJ LL 2:-<!l 0 0. E <lJ I- C <ti 0 0. ~,,t I ~ 0 <fl <fl <lJ <fl <fl <;t I :l= 0 <lJ >- ~ 0 ti <lJ n <fl i:: INSPECTION TYPE BUILDING FOUNDATION GUNITE OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING FRAME EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION DATE INSPECTOR ~I N~T~E~R~l~O~R~L~A'...'_T.'.:.'.H~&~D~R--'----Y~~~NA'....:'..:::.L::..L ____ -!r---t-· ------ --------~_':__U_M_B_I N~G~-----+---+---- _.::S~E~W~'E~R'....:A~~N_L:'._:DB~L-!__/C'::::0~---------1,-~=;;t-~- PLUMBING UNDERGROUND FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS I "'"'c.s,c,"Ess~i')----- ! C;O~C=i~-rE ~1-Er-Js1-z.-=::-N-r6·· L. ::orscRETC I F•fc'D WELDl·'IG . i i ~IGH S":~E:r-.JCi~.~-4 ~Ol TS -~---- --------------------~---- =--!NSPECTOR:S~_9;:_-c:T~E~S=======-a=a====-=a==""===~ ---·---·--------------- -----------------· --------------. __ -. ---·--< ----------------------'-'--! I -----------------------N s p . --~------I PLUMBING TOP OUT TUB AND ~HOWER PAN GAS TEST Type of Constructlon, _ __,.iLL.......1.=::-___________ _ E C T __ _ ------'-------~ PIL ~·s CAISSON~ ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY POWER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC __ +Jl""._L-U!iL--f"""lrf------:---· _____ _ ELECTRIC SERVICE ~------------ BONDING i ~-----G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR I . . MECHANICAL r.------~-~.:::.::....::..::=-:.=------t-~;..---h-:;,--~ ! DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING ..,__ __ _ HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS •. ·· L - VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAVE BEEN-APPROVED. JOB SITE FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ; I ! [ i ! t 1----·---I 'II'··-.-GAS ''\ . .. , ..... BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS .. CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED Person to Contact -----":::......:;;.~-...i::..;;;;,i::::=::11-.....__ __ ph, No. I -+----+-- I I I i i .. L 0 N R E Q u E s T -------------------------------~-. -~ -. -~ .· -i",~-· ~-----·· .. --···---------------- ------------------------------------~ I -------------------·------l 1-------------------·-·---------------------------------'----I ~--------------------------------------------- 1----------------------·---~---------! L------------------------------···------________ '.-'-.- ~-------------------------. -·--------~------=-~ r- ----L------__ _j_~--- City of Carlsbaa 1200 ELM , CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL. (714) 438-552.v Job Address Lie. No. COMPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY LEGAL DESCRIPTIO ASSESSORS PARCEL NO d?--/.2.. DESCRIPTION OF WO PLAN ID NO. PHONE CONTACT PERSON / ,..,..- MISCELLANEOUS .,. RECEIPT D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 4 7 ... ~, C,.l 4 I • PLAN CHECK FEE VALUATION DEMOLITION HOUSE MOVING PARKS AND RECREATION FEE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE SCHOOL FEE -DISTRICT Carlsbad Encinitas San Diego San Marcos TOTAL FEE $ •WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED, FEE ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY. White -Applicant Yellow -File Pink -(1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold -Assessor APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 438-5541 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING ADDRESS OWNER MAILING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS NEW BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION REMARKS: L, //'1 EXISTING BUILDING - LATERAL LOCATION ST. LATERAL NO, _______ INSTALLATION DATE ______ __. ISSUED BY ------------='---------- DATE ISSUED------------------ VALIDATION I LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V . 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @.,..·.__ ___ FT. _________ _ OVER10'V. @ FT. _________ _ STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 10') _________ _ OVER 30' H. ___ @, ____ FT. _________ _ OVER 10' V. @ FT,---------- TOTALCONSTRUCTIONCOST---------- SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) _________ _ TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE _________ _ LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO.-------------- FRONTAGE ____ COST PER FT. ___ TOTAL __ _ OTHER-------------------~ I CONNECTION FEE I NO. UNITS, ___ COST PER UNIT ____ TOTAL---- PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS ___ COST PER UNIT TOTAL --- I' • (.) TOTAL CHARGES (LATERAL ETC.) _________ _ WHITE: Engineering GREEN: Finance YELLOW: Sanitation PINK: Building GOLDENROD: Permitter • ,I APPLICANT COPY CITY PLAN CHECKER COPY F,.e, ·. ,.,,,orCTION, .... ~ i'!IO.JECT ADDRESS: Se;:. t,1,e3;Y,)€ TO: tf#t,,JC/JI{.) L PLAN CORRF;CTION ~ r· Hr r,tans rO?ccivcd by jur isdictio11_,_~o;..:.;:..~;,;.; tin• t•l•n• reca1vod by plan chacker..:a..a..i.=...;...:.....;:;.~u-L---~~~~t:_:.~~~~...,~~---...... --- 0. •• , •• tia l pl•• ch"k -•' •• .. 1!J;l--•v ..:!!JP 1---+!:?.!.'-'.l'-'t.:.,_...£.::::!::::C..~::-~~ra~:c..:::~z:s.~---I f"'RE\~C"RD1 PLEASE READ rl•a check is limited to technical requirement• c~nta1ned in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and atate laws regulating energy conserv•tion, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check 1s based on .!egulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or othor departments. The items circled below need clarification, ~odification or change. All circled items have tc be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec, JOl (c), 1979 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law, To facilitate rechecking, please identify, ne~t to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. ,1/ /7l"O;i) e . .. J' •.. -· -y ' -................................ , .. --.. -~~--.. ·-. Jurisdiction ~#?12~ VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE c Bldg, Dept, C Esgil PLAN CHECK NO. 83 -/I!::>-/ t.lL/(.p F.t..lhtf G /~ . .,,.) laMe BUILDING ADDRESS _/_ij._;.l/-1,L .. 1 .. ¥.;..:l.,:::3;;;......;~~~rd-&='2.='l.:..;!9:.:;.~~?--Y..:.:le;..:C~LL;;=-,;---- APPLICANT/CONTACT e~ See/L PHONE No. ______ _ BUILDING OCCUPANCY ,/2;-.3 a..,p/e~ DESIGNER PHONE ~ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION e;' ,2.23 ~ CONTRACTOR PHONE ~ \/. ii) "' - BUILDING PORTION BUILDING AREA 2/r.1Abv .,. ·~ /..1LJ1rJa /IP 4P1 w ~~:: '-1-4'-I- /d~?~ 0 ..3:;i.9 .;;, /4,1 IV . _s /<,¥9 5Pa L.Je11nq /:::J.q~ /'.-iu,~~ 33~ 'UJ2J, I Pa·9ta c::l/0 • 45?,.-7 , n J.,,j~A c:. /bl.~t' (I Res. Baths (over 3) Res. Fireplaces ( 0 "'2.er Air Conditionin£ · · Commercial Residential Res. or Comm. Fire S"Drinklers Total Value \\ . ... VALUATION VALUE ~ 'C' ~ MULTIPLIER .I I(: J tll . _, -... (i !.-Y7~ 77503)~ il ~\\- ~ ~ ,aoo !5:321 ~~In ~ ) 'I !,-V ~ . /'-1-~0 ~\~ ft C ) /. ':,'"V ctl.'17:::t., - " I~ 1.,/,7 ~ 6:,{;) c;,30 1'.'-1. ... \ ~ t'i? J:J ~ 6_';£,£/ 1 ~ <SI .. ~ ( ~ ~ 4~ ~ /~ @ 2,200 @ 1,760 @ 2.80 ca 2.40 @ 1. 50 Adjustment for State Mandated Handicapped Access Regulations 9¥5 ~~ ... ......... 0 tf..3SJ \9 l) \~ Building Permit Fee $ ___________ X l.065_= _ ___t_ Plan Check F ee___,$'--------------X ~l-~06 ___ 5-__ = ___ -"""'$ ______ _ COMMENTS.·-----------------------~--------------------------~ 8/4/82 CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT. ~PP ROVED DISAPPROVED PAGE 1 OF . "'L----_ 1 2 7 5 E L M AV E N U E , CARL S BA D , CA, 9 2 0 0 8 (714} 438-5521 PLAN CHECK REPORT f2' 85 IPCA/ct;~ PLAN CHECK # ffJ-//5' OTHER REF# ----- PROJECT Sut>nN /tvrER/~~ /11.s.s/oµADDRESS ARCHITECT ____________ ADDRESS --------PHONE------ OWNER ADDRESS --------PHONE------ OCCUPANCY _____ CONST. TOTAL SQ. FT. ------STORIES D SPRINKLERED D TENANT IMP. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, ;L 6. 9. 10. APPROVAL OF PLANS IS PREDICATED ON CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ANDlOR MAKING THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Provide one copy of the floor plan(s), site plan, and sheets~------- Storage, dispensing or use of any flanmable or combustible liquids, flammable liquids, flammable gases and hazardous chemicals shall comply with Uniform Fi re Code and --~-~-~-~--~-~---------------~-----Building ( s) not approved for high piled combustible stock, Storage in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks and 6 feet for tires, plastics and some flammable liquids. If high stock piling is to be done, comply with Uniform Fire Code, Article 81. Medical gas system(s) shall comply with N.F.P.A. Standard 56F. Fire extinguishers shall be provided based upon the following criteria: a) 1-2A rated ABC extinguisher for each sq. ft. or portion thereof --b) maximum travel distance to an extinguisher of feet c} other=----~--------------------------- Fire sprinkler system(s) per 11,F,P 7 St ad cl C1;f.;; 5 fv.,.,/.rul shall be prov'ided to protect 1t' ) ~ />'1c-/. f.,, ;6::tt (, .. ?::z .sk./. Dry chemical extinguishing system(s) shall be installed per N.F.P.A. Standard 96 to protect cooking equipment and exhaust system. Plans of 5.,.,~ k u.--- ' system(s) shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to installation of system(s). Show on site plan locations of all nearby proposed or existing hydrants within 200 feet. Hydrant(s) shall be provided'and located ~~~~------~--~--~------~ Show location(s) on site plan. Fire Flow: gpm for hours from --~--~---' ~~-hydrants. 11. Access for fire apparatus is not adequate. Provide------~-----~-------- 12. shall be of hour construction ~----~-,-----------~-~--~--~ ------hour assemblies. --- sheeds). Date Report Attach to Plans -. CARLSBAD FIRE DEPARTMENT PAGE 2 OF '""-\.---PLAN CHECK REPORT PLAN CHECK # ,?3-//S- 14. Drapes and other decorative materials shall be flame retardant. Certification thereof shall be provided. Exits, exit lights, fire alarm stations, hose cabinets and extinguisher locations shall not be concealed by decorative material. __ 15. Interior finish shall conform with Title regu l at ions. California Administrative Code 16. __ 17, 18. --.. __ 19. 20. 21. 22. __ 23. 24. 25. 26. Fireplaces and other appliances employing open flames shall have metallic guards. Loose chairs exceeding 299 shall be bonded together in groups of 3 or more. Storage and janitor closets shall be of one-hour construction with all openings protected with 3/4 hour self closing and latching assemblies. An approved fire alarm or two-way communication system shall be provided per Title 24, California Administrative Code. An occupant capacity sign, with minimum one inch letters and numbers, shall be posted near main exit ( square feet per person). Exit doors shall be openable from the inside without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort. A "THIS DOOR MUST REMAIN UNLOCKED WHENEVER THE PUBLIC IS PRESENT" sign, with minimum one inch letters, shall be provided adjacent to main exit door~~~ "EXIT" signs shall be in block letters minimum 6 inches high. Luminance on face of sign shall be 50 lux. "EXIT" signs shall be electrically illuminated and energized from separate circuits. Show on electrical plan(s). One of the above circuits shall be part of the emergency lighting system. An 11 EXIT11 sign shall be posted over exit door and directional signs located ~---~--~--------'-------~ Show locations on floor plan(s). __ 27. App0roved panic hardware shall be provided on exit doors---------- Show on door schedule. 28. · Corridor shall be of one-hour construction with door open- ings protected with 20 minute self closing and latching assemblies. 29, An additional exit door shall be provided in ~~--~--~---------.---,-'Per Uniform Building Code, Chapter 33, _x._30. <lfJ >)J!r/~J.~r 5Cy5f_.__, /H>.;z~ J~a.d ~ 0;/~ El N_ 7H' d,<A, j.,1_ 7 'Date ..