HomeMy WebLinkAbout1446 FLAME TREE LN; ; 83-128; PermitII) z 0 ~ a: j irl 0 C I[ 0 (,) C .., 0 ... 3 ~ .., z ~ z 0 ~ II) z .., ~ :::E 0 (,) II) ix: .., ¥: a: 0 ~ 0 I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Profeaalona Code, and my license Is In full force and effect. Lie No-------Class ------ I hereby aflinn that I am exempt lrom \he Contrac- tor's License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which re- quires a penn,t to construct, alter. Improve. demolish, or repair any structure. prior to. its Issuance also requires the ap· pticant for such pennil to Irle a s,gned statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 commenci~ with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professrons Code) or that Is ex· empt therefrom and the bas,s lor the alleged exemption. Any Yiofat,on of Section 703t .5 by an appricant for a pennlt sub· jects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than live hun· dred dollars ($500). t/ , as owner of the property. or my employees with wages ~elr SOie compensation, wtn do the work, and the struc-ture ,snot intended or ottered tor sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himsett or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intend· ed or offered fo, sale. If. hoWever, the buiiding or improve- ment is sold within one year of com 011 owne~er will have the burden ol proving that he d" ui[d or Im· prove for the purpose of sale). _ . . D I, as owner of the property, am exclusive COOt~ting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec:',r044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or im- proves lhereon, and who contracts tor each projects with a contractor(s) license pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). D As a homeowner I am improving my home, and the follow· ing conditions exist: 1. The work is being performed prior to sale. 2. I have lived in my home for twelve months 3. rr:: ;:;1P~~1i:t !~i: ::;ptlon durtng the last three years. D lamexempt under Sec. . B&P.C. for this reason ____________ _ CJ I hereby affirm that I have a cert1f1ca;te of consent to self-insure, or a cert1f1cate of Workers· Compensation Insurance, or a certified CoPY thereof (Sec. 3800. Labor Code) POLICY NO ----------- COMPANY 0 Copy 1s filed w,th the city 0 Certified CoPY 1s hereby furnished CERTIFICAT~ OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS" COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not t>e completed ,r the perm,t ,s tor one hundred CX>llars 1$100) or less) 0 I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit 1s issued. I shall not employ any person ,n any manner so as to beeome sub1ect 10 the Workers· Compensation Laws of Catitom,a NOTICE TO APPLICANT 11. alter makin;i this Cer11 t1cale of Exemption, you should become sub1ec1 I'.> the Wottters' Compensation prov1s1ons ot the Labor Code. you must forthwith comply with such prm,1s1ons or ttus permit shall be deemed revoked il O I hereby aftum that there 1s a construction ler A:S,ng aoency tor I ne performance of I he work for wtucti th•s permit 1s issued (Sec 3097. C1v1I Code) Lenoe,s Name•~----------- Lender's Address ----------- USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRE~S HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT 1200 Elm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525 JOB ADDRESS /t/' ¥£..1'24~ --7 /RE,~ /4/v'FE OWNER"S NAME c---~ L"ut)~ # ....L-A/7.J'x;. /OA!~ / J.5> s ·""" I\ I (~x ·C ,8A_ .0 1 OWNER'S_".HONE ,;/3;1 3db tJ ·~r7fl!'.·'.· ...... ·.··.·;Tl·ION'" . IIUSfNEl8LICENiE• VALUATION ~ r~ --. _.:.:.::...:. ,,:.,o, ~ CONTRACTOR ,--~ -....~ -L . , / _ _'_ OWNER'S MAILING AODRESS . 'r---l J{Ol? r ~J(Jrr.; /,e.13"/;: LOT 1 BLOCK 1 SUBDIVISION ~NF_ I ASS. ESSOR PARCEL NO. ,5( J;;)-o .t..ta -;J... 3 CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS 7 d>.1'1,,,-i"/ ~ DESIGNER DESCRIPTION OF WORK DESIGNER'S AODRESS UCEN8ENO. LICENSE# OUIGN£11'SJ'HONa.-I L-~~~~~~~~~~~~. {,o ~ ~-.--_J, 'I. 'UV ~--IJ..1~ j "' ""mv I I s,~,s I oeo o, I "" l "TO c.. \°f\< ~C. l S, vO NO - CENSUS TRACT GP LAND USE PARKING SPACE RES UNITS GRADING ~ERMIT ISSUED TYPE CONST occ LOAD I FIRE SPR PLAN t.D. # STANDARD PLAN # PERMIT NUMBER ~3-,~ BLOG USE COOE lZ-e"f",\}J BUILDlNG SQ. FOOTAGE \ -u:,c> ql YO ND I REDEVELOPMENT AREA vO NO vO NO Nor Valid Unm Machin~ <Arrififtl n1111 nu.,,.. rv-n1a1T SlflN PFRMIT EACH GAS SYSTEM I TO 4 OUTLETS I I I BOILER/COMPRESSOR 3-15 HP TOTAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MORE I I I METAL FIREPLACE EACH INSTAl .. ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE VENT FAN SINGLE OUCT MOBILEHOME MOBILEHOME PARK INSP I I EACH VACUUM BREAKER I ~ I MECH EXHAUST -HOOO/OUCTS RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATER WATER SOFTNER ~ EACH ROOF ORAIN (INSIDE) SOLAR TOTJ;L MECHANICAL STRONG MOTION TOTAL PLUMBING I FIRE SPRINKLERS QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT -ISSUE ::r-QTY. I SOLAR -ISSUE PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE BRIDGE FEE NEW CONST EA AMP/SWT/BKR COLLECTORS SCHOOL FEE · DISTRICT I PH 3 PH -:; STORAGE TANKS cartsbad EXIST BLOG EA-AMP/SWT/BKR -I II !ROCK STORAGE Encinitas I PH 3 PH I II I PUMP San Oieguito ~"" IJ ... r,.n.-~ REMODEL/ALTER PERCIRCUIT -1 II I PLANCHECK t'EE I I .>011 mo1wo TEMP PO LE 200 AMPS - OVER 200 AMPS u 1-uu-uu-11au 01-00-00-8221 01-00-00-8806 01-00-00-8222 01-00-00-8223 01-00-00-8224 01-00-00-8225 01-00-00-8;!26 80-92-33-0519 .~O 01-00-00-8227 32·00-00-8923 80-92-21-0519 80-92-22-0519 80-92-23-0519 80-92-24-0519 TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 OAYSI ··-----~--t--..'.....-----ll-----+-------------------+-----------------------------t----------~ • TOTAL SOLAR TOTAL FEES PAYABLE l i4'3V l TOTAL ELECTRICAL -~ >-> .- I HAVE CAREFUU 'f ~INED THE COMPLETED "APPLICATION AND PERMIT" AND DO HEREBY ExpiraliOn. Every permit illutd IIJU.BulcllnaOlllalllfuncNrltlepnJlliliclnaoilflil -- .!!? u::: >, ~ 0 a. E <I) I- I u 0 CJ i: <II ~ a. a. ~ I .><: C a: 0 rn rn <I) rn rn ~ I 3: .2 a> >- rn rn <I) 0 0 a: <II <ii 0 §: <I) 0 C <II C u::: :::. C <I) ~ C, 0 0 <I) a. rn C CERTIFY UNDElil PENAL TY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code lhllll expire llr limitellon eiiid lleccMlle Ml ilichllfd. If.Ille IMNna of;liloill • j Jlllo.a,a, ~.fo,I EXCAVATIONS 0V£R DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE ANO CORRECT ANO I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS authonzad by auch permit IS nol-tmdWilllln 1IO .. lram ... ci.itohucll -~ . . GIIClONSTRUCTION OF ISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY, COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON-~,t the bu~-" aulborlmd bf Midi pennil ii or · S8IIQIIEII .. HllGHT 2 STRUCTION, WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND at 1lffle ... -81 8 1 C KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST. ALL LIABILITIES JUDGMENTS COSTS AND ~T. Uf!E'~ CONTAACTOR O APPROVED BY . DATE ~ l EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY iN CONSEQUENCE OF THE : '-' · · -· ·'-' • ~ z4 GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. ,,., ~ · -•1 Jf'I ~0 ' ~ t: ' L~ . > . •• ... I c;) • 7 INSPECTION TYPE DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING . ~,,,,A; ~ ~~ FOUNDATION REINFORCED STEEL 4'1~~ l'~ ~ MASONRY ' GUNITE OR GROUT FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME SHEATHING FRAME EXTERIOR LATH lNSULATION INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL PLUMBING --9.o'f\3 SEWER ANO BL/CO PLUMBING UNDERGROUND A~,P(!, ~ PLUMBING TOP OUT IIJ - TUB AND ~HOWER PAN GAS TEST ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY POWER ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND ROUGH ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SERVICE BONDING G. F. I. -SMOKE DETECTOR MECHANICAL DUCT & PLEM., REF. PIPING HEAT -AIR COND. -SOLAR SYSTEMS VENTILATING SYSTEMS CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE JTEMS ABOVE HA VE BEEN APPROVED. JOB SITE FINAL • PLUMBING II ,1 V ELECTRICAL I I fj J MECHANICAL f I ,., I 11,,.I' GAS '!" '"Y" y •I BUILDING SPECIAL CONDITIONS CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED . . .. ... --· • ~~-\ ~1$ FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS INSPECTOR'S NOTES INSPECTION REQ IF INSPECTOR'S DATE CHECKED APPROVAL SOILS COMPLIANCE PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSP STRUCTURAL CONCRETE OVER 2000 PSI PRES TRESSED CONCRETE --POST TENSIONED CONCRETE FIELD WELDING HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS SPECIAL MASONRY I PILES CAISSONS -· -~. - ------- --· ------· -----·