HomeMy WebLinkAbout145 CHESTNUT AVE; ; 78-3995; PermitMODEL ;NO._ BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PhOHG 729-1181 . JOB ADDR ESS 'jf #* i/ . ^^ £?* $ & r"'"8*' {^"*' .^V"™1 rf >- -,- •£ -**"** ^5. •aW***'J^ ^aF * 'f_ jS-*; f««- "^ ;/ Jfl:/ /Lr _r J& Ir LOTNO. BLK TRACT 1 DESCR. OWNER • MAIL ADDRESS 2 DAI///} C St-HLS.GGL m3ttf&Sr,W,£ CONTRACTOR , MAILADDRESS 3 J«% £?&£•& ^c/r-* "^ ^-^ .*, ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER ' MAIL ADDRESS ENGINEER MAILADDRESS 5 COMPENSATION INS. CARRIER MAIL^ADORESS O . ,**!* Tl J^1" U/5 E OF B U 1 lip 1 Kl G. ^ \ •yj^?\- X O UL.0"*^^^^ ' -rfij**"* j*. JH^ tf* *^w* \rf^ 8 Class of work: ^fJEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION 9 Describe work; ££/0*9/V /"VS -^) '••*?$ 1* - C ,'''•' 10 Change of use from - Change of use to 6?(J! „ / _ " "' 11 Valuation of work: $ f\t *h M ' //•/^ / / / (P' LX SPECIAL CONDITIONS: . ,* ' / i'' „ , ; / ; APPLICATION ACCEPTE-P BY. PLANS^HEBKED BY • -' ^ ' APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY OAT. /}if*k ^ ' "" M£ ' ? X^2/ NOTICE ? ; i ' SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- - ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECTALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT tDATE) - £te^J£ jfjfhrvtft #-/¥-7f&*>'•'•*•' " ;;*«*, *"- -,- ^rfs~ jff { ifaf&jp' y f •* 7 * & SI5NATUHE OF OWNER (If OWNER BU 1 LDER) W~ V#"~ •**•+** (DATE) ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER BOOK PAGE PAR. ZIP PHONE PHONE . .STATE L!C. NO. CITY LIC. .NO. i PHON E LICENSENO. PHONE LICENSE NO. BRANCH n- NO. RDRMS C> MO. RATHS fe D REPAIR DMOVE D REMOVE A IIW A,|f^^ ( f^fil^^^^-••:,^^^ f V / ./ -*-•* ~*. jf\ *~- •*? •+f f£f fr>~~i '-" i •' ' '•'<«*" PLAN CHECK FEE S . / f {/ ,,—ff" ..PERMIT FEE $ ^. > f- ' / ViS»r V ^ -'J^* MICRO FIL-M"'FEE 'jPit, ^Occupancy (, i ' '• .-Group ^ 1 Size of Bldg. ^y * jNo. of Max. ^. ' (Totaling. Ft. •* ^.//^^/Stories N Occ. Load..- _' . , i-y- f - Fire/ Use • Fire Sprinklers Zone _^p Zone !>X_ -•= ./*~ Required [^Yes DNO ' OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: , '\No. of "•% , . v. Dwelling Units ^ No^^ ^ pt_ |o°^ . ^ Special Approvals Required Received Not Required PLANNING DEPT. - ' . • / . HEALTH DEPT. ' • / • ' FIRE DEPT. ' . 5; SOIL REPORT \ OTHER (Specify) ' " V -. T- ENGINEERING DEPT. * /'.•/""-.'- WATER DEPT. (. . - .......... ,. , ,, '• ;tf ,:* • WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED UN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.0:,-v CASH' TOTAL FEES S / '-'-'' t U '-' .XTu'^i• • • "^ J» r : ^5 <- jf:Li " INSPECTOR PLUMBING PERMIT APPUGATIpN City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 - Applicant to complete numbered spaces only.Phone 729-1181 Permit No. JOB ADDR ESS - LEGAL 1 DESCR. LOT NO. OWN ER2 /»/fc"/0£. rc^e BLK MAI L Get '<?^ CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT OH DESIGNER 4 ENGINEER 5 * COMPENSATION fNS. CA^fRL_ER MAIL MAI L MAIL MAIL TRACT ADDRESS f jtftf $ f /TjC 21P " ''' PHONE '"'" ADDRESS PHONE STATE LIC. NO. CITY LIC. NO. ADDRESS PHONE . LICENSE NO. ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. ADDRESS BRANCH USE OF BUI L. DING /I 8 Class of work: D NEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR 9 Describe work: • L.; SPECIAL CONDITIONS: APPLICATION ACCEPTED BYr -i 10d* 7~'° PLANS CHECKED BY •?f APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY. DATE NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABA PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER MENCED. • 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE READ AND E APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GC TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHET HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERN PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE O PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LA\CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF C f. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR Q« AUTHORISED AGENT 5IGNATU IE OF OWNER U F OWKj^l? &tril|D'ER j WHEN PROPERLY OR CONSTRUC- 20 DAYS, OR IF MDONED FOR AWORK IS COM- AND CORRECT. )VERNING THIS HER SPECIFIED /IIT DOES NOT R CANCEL THE N REGULATINGONSTRUCTION. (DATE) Q~~~lC'lf VI (DATE) PERMIT FEES No.y fa ^fa~3_3 ,3 -JK1^ ) • "^ -2•> Type of Fixture or Item WATER CLOSET (TOILET) BATHTUB LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHER — LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER ! WATER HEATER URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR— SINK OR DRAIN SLOP SINK ' GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 1 SEWER NUMBER CI FANDIITS CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK & PIT ROOF DRAINS . ... ... - .,.•,. ISSUANCE. FEE . . $ TOTAL FEES . .. .$ Fee $/3^ (0 /as1 ik 6 G o- &\ (* *c t Tf /. 6'L CO <-'UCD C/Q • l?\ ' /!/> UL L GC '(TTS . Ll 't&'L ?4C J <2t? / £A_ VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL PERIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 9200S5 -•>--•.'•'> - Applicant toicomplete numbered spaces only.Phone 729-1181 Permit No.. JOB ADDRESS .. LEGAL ' I DESCR. 1SEE ATTACHED SHEET) MAIL ADDRESS CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRES STATE LIC. NO.CITY- LIC. NO. ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS LICENSE NO. 'ENGINEER 5 MAIL ADDRESS .'.LICENSE .NO/ : '•. ." : • ..— COMP'ENS-ATfON 'MAIL-ADDRESS''• ' USE OF BUILDING 8, Class of work:ork: £lNE!NEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR 9 Describe work: •V SPECIAL CONDITIONS: PERMIT FEES SWIMMING.POOL WIRING, NO INCREASE IN SERVICE No. Each Fee APPLICATION ACCEPTED .0 "5/* ' -iT TEDB^r 70 - PL'ANS CHECKED BY:APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY NEW CONSTRUCTION,. FOR EACH AMPERES OF MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE OR BREAKER ^ NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECoRiES NULL AND VOID f'F WORK OR CONSTRUC TIONrfAUTHORIZIEDJS kOT^COiyiMENCED WITHIN 120 DA YS.OR'HF-,' -7 NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG. FOR EA. AMPERE OF INCREASE IN MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, i'FUSE OR BREAKER ... , .-, . ABANDONED FQFR-A7 PERIOD OF 120 'DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM MENCED. , . •'?,, . ; - ' '." I HEREBY CERTIFY:HTHAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AN&CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER'.SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE; GRANTING OF A PERMIT 'DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY.OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. -... . REMODEL, ALTERATION/NO' CHANGE' IN SERVICE, .FOR EA. AMPERE OF INCREASE TEMP. SERVICE UP TO AND INCLUD- ING 200 AMP. TEMP. SERVICE OVER 200 AMP. PER 100 (DATE) ISSUANCE FEE SIGNATURE OF OWNER (IF OWNER BUILDEB:TOTAL FEES WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH INSPECTOR MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 : Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PrlORC 7 29-1181 ^ • Tt Permit JOB ADDR ESS .,_ /f 5" cl.rx.1 ts\s' LOT NO. BLK TRACT LEGAL 1 DESCR. OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ZIP . PHONE 2 (>(,,// -ffV^I /#-?? vt/">7*W'/- C-^'-fr 7>"i-3V*J- CONTRACTOR " . MAIL ADDRESS PHONE , STATE LIC. NO. CITY LIC. NO. 3i;*v. </ JtU-^1 /£?^ v,'i7to»^f+l' CiK-W 7i"^-3V^r ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 4 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 .^ENUFR* MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH 6 t-V>. t y) v r . ../ t_ <• '• .— «i( ,;vA— ^., . USE OF BUILDING |j 7 . . ' V 8 Class of work:- ^ NEW D ADDITION D ALTERATION D REPAIR 9 Describe work: . SPECIAL CONDITIONS: t r-/- •••!' <'L-i..^ ~"7(,< -H *U 4,H-C * F- APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY : NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120DAYS.OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM-MENCED. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT- 1 HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (DATE) SIGNATURE OF OWNER (IF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) Type of Fuel: Oil D Nat.. Gas D LPG. D^ PERMIT FEES No. ^V v3 *// ...& v^ Type of Equipment Air Cond. Units— H. P. Ea. Refrigeration Units— H. P. Ea. Boilers-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnage Ea. Forced Air Systems-B.T.U. ,"C>.£€ <») M Ea. Gravity Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces— B.T.U. M Wall Heaters.- B.T.U. M Unit He&ters-B.T.U. ' M Evaporative Coolers Clothes Dryers Ventilation Fan Range Hood Air Handling Unit- C.F.M. Incinerator //\s. '(**-[ i*", r*L.*-.i<J'&, f.^^. f ISSUANCE FEE $ '-.'•'•' '•' ': .TOTAL, FEES' ; $ Fee $ /a ^_i<: /, /(j ..3 ' -"ir^ 6 a •fO "O s?5 a) :^ f.f! WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT " PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK.M.O.CASH INSPECTOR REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME:. llMSPPPjnR PERMIT NO. nWIMFR DATF- X?js**3^ & / • «» y i^^ \ JF f -*"«^ >^ i j j ^,.«==~- /L**S/ / ^^^x^^ •=^5' AnnDCcc / 4f \ / JtfA*? ^L ^. ^^ x»=^ . — ^- r BUILDING [H FOUNDATION CD REINFORCING STEEL CH MASONRY [Zl GROUT -GUNITE EH FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CH SHEATHING CU FRAME CH EXTERIOR LATH E] INSULATION ; .n/MTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL ^ \^/ FINAL ^X*> & ^^ ELECTRICAL / CH TEMPORARY SERVICE LH ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND [H ROUGH ELECTRIC CH POOL BONDING CH ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT D G.F.I. O.SMOKE DETECTOR O FINAL PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CH UNDERGROUND WATER CH ROUGH PLUMBING C] TOP OUT PLUMBING a SEWER AND PL/CO CH TUB OR SHOWER PAN a GAS TEST CH WATER HEATER a FINAL / MISCELLANEOUS CU PLENUM AND DUCTS CH COMBUSTION AIR CH PATIO a SIGN CH GRADING CU DRIVEWAY d CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CH REFER PIPING D FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION:DMONDAY a A.M. a P.M. DTUESDAY D WEDNESDAY DTHURSDAY D FRIDAY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. REQUESTED BY_.PHONE NO.. PERSON TAKING REPORT. REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME:_//•' INSPECTOR.PERMIT NO.. OWNER. ADDRESS- BUILDING CD FOUNDATION CD REINFORCING STEEL CD MASONRY CD GROUT-GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CD SHEATHING f< CD FRAME ' '.' . CD EXTERIOR LATH CD INSULATION CD INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL CD FINAL ELECTRICAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE CD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CD ROUGH ELECTRIC CD POOL BONDING CD ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT CD G.F.I. CD SMOKE DETECTOR CD FINAL PLUMBING CU UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND WATER d ROUGH PLUMBING d TOP OUT PLUMBING CU SEWER AND PL/CO [Zl TUB OR SHOWER PAN CD GAS TEST CU WATER HEATER CU FINAL MISCELLANEOUS O PLENUM AND DUCTS [Z! COMBUSTION AIR CU PATIO CU SIGN CU GRADING CU DRIVEWAY CD CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CD REFER PIPING CD FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION:DMONDAY DA.M. 0 P.M. D TUESDAY D WEDNESDAY D FRIDAY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. REQUESTED BY..PHONE NO.. PERSON TAKING REPORT. 7 REQUEST FOR JNSPECTION INSPECTOR f C7*^-*-l _^ PERMIT NO.. OWNER TIME: .DATE:.^-^•7? ADDRESS. ( BUILDING EU EU REINFORCINC EU MASONRY EU GROUT-GUNITE EU FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME EU SHEATHING EU FRAME EU EXTERIOR LATH EU INSULATION EU INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL &) FINAL ELECTRICAL EU TEMPORARY SERVICE EU ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND EU ROUGH ELECTRIC EU POOL BONDING [13 ELECTRIC SERVICE EU CEILING HEAT EU G.F.I. EU SMOKE DETECTOR EU FINAL PLUMBING EZ1 UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CZ) UNDERGROUND WATER EH ROUGH PLUMBING EU TOP OUT PLUMBING EH SEWER AND PL/CO EU TUB OR SHOWER PAN EZI GAS TEST O WATER HEATER EU FINAL MISCELLANEOUS EU PLENUM AND DUCTS EU COMBUSTION AIR EU PATIO EU SIGN EU GRADING EU DRIVEWAY EU CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS EU REFER PIPING EU FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: D MONDAY DA.M. DP.M. WEDNESDAY D THURSDAY D FRIDAY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PERSON TAKING REPORT REQUESTED BY "7 ^-^> ^JsUf TO DPI, r- 7 P- 7 Doefa ./)D fr:£_ o *# J4 1 Signed Date .Signed Radifprm 4S 465 Poly Pok (50 Mlsl 4P465 SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 WITH CARBONS INTACT. PART 3 Will BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. REQUEST FOR, INSPECTION —yIN£PECTO,R OWNER. ADDRESS PERMIT NO.. TIME:. .DATE:. s^t^i BUILDING CD FOUNDATION CD REINFORCING STEEL CD MASONRY CD GROUT -GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CD SHEATHING CD FRAME CD EXTERIOR LATH CD INSULATION CD INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL CD FINAL ELECTRICAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE CD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CD ROUGH ELECTRIC CD POOL BONDING CD ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT CD G.F.I. CD SMOKE DETECTOR CD FINAL PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CH UNDERGROUND WATER CD ROUGH PLUMBING CD TOP OUT PLUMBING CD SEWER AND PL/CO CD TUB OR SHOWER PAN CD GAS TEST CD WATER HEATER CD FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CD PLENUM AND DUCTS CD COMBUSTION AIR CD PATIO CD SIGN CD GRADING CD DRIVEWAY CD CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CD REFER PIPING CD FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: D MONDAY D TUESDAY D WEDNESDAY D THURSDAY B-KM. DP.M. /* RIDAY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIO REQUESTED BY_.PHONE NO. PERSON TAKING REPO 7? RiiJiST_FOR INSPECTION S$) — L^t__v-^/||\J$PEnTnfi C-' / pERr OWNER V i/IIT NO. TIME: DATE: £• ~£> — / / AnpRFSS ' /ri.u £~>%£-r? >j£y>T*t<^<r BUILDING CD FOUNDATION CD REINFORCING STEEL CD MASONRY CD GROUT -GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CD SHEATHING CD FRAME CD EXTERIOR LATH CD INSULATION ,[T] INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL )§. FINAL ELECTRICAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE CD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CD ROUGH ELECTRIC CD POOL BONDING CD ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT CD G.F.I. CD SMOKE DETECTOR CD FINAL ( * PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND WATER CD ROUGH PLUMBING CD TOP OUT PLUMBING CD SEWER AND PL/CO CD TUB OR SHOWER PAN CD GAS TEST CD WATER HEATER CD FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CD PLENUM AND DUCTS CD COMBUSTION AIR CD PATIO CD SIGN CD GRADING CD DRIVEWAY CD CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CD REFER PIPING CD FINAL / A• n A i\/i / READY FOR INSPECTION: ^MONDAY ^TUESDAY D WEDNESDAY D THURSDAY D FRIDAY DA.M. DP.M. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. REQUESTED BY_.PHONE NO.. PERSON TAKING REPORT. To X Dote p~ > 7 C Pa Ci r Signed fjT t?nj*T£>cT~ $ tf fc tf/^JZ, -fr "i L/t /? A^f £-jL, v^ Redifprm 4S 465 Poly Pak 150 sets I 4P465 SEND P**15 ' AND PART 3 WILL ND 3 WITIJ/ARBONS INTAO. BE RETURNED WITH REPLY..„ _„-«>•!;;*«., -^_. REQUEST FOR INSPECTION INSPECTOR OWNER_ TIME:_ DATE:.//-38-?f FOUT [Zl REINFORCING~STEEL CD MASONRY CD GROUT-GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CU SHEATHING CH FRAME ^EXTERIOR LATH . n INSULATION ' IOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE EH ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND EH ROUGH ELECTRIC EH POOL BONDING [U ELECTRIC SERVICE EH CEILING HEAT O G.F.I. EH SMOKE DETECTOR O FINAL PLUMBING EH UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CH UNDERGROUND WATER EH ROUGH PLUMBING EH TOP OUT PLUMBING EH SEWER AND PL/CO EH TUB OR SHOWER PAN EH GAS TEST EH WATER HEATER EH FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CD PLENUM AND DUCTS EH COMBUSTION AIR EH PATIO a SIGN a GRADING CD DRIVEWAY CH CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CH REFER PIPING Q FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: D MONDAY D TUESDAY a WEDNESDAY D A.M. D P.M. MrnuRSDAY FRIDAYVF SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS REQUESTED BY..PHONE NO.. PERSON TAKING REPORT. REQUEST FORNSPECTION INSPECTOR OWNER_ CU E] MASONRY CU GROUT-GUNITE CU FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CU SHEATHING '.CU FRAME CU EXTERIOR LATH , /ZMNSULATION CU INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL CU FINAL CJ TEMPORARY SERVICE - CU ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CU ROUGH ELECTRIC ' CU POOL BONDING CU ELECTRIC SERVICE CU CEILING HEAT D G.F.I. O SMOKE DETECTOR CU FINAL PLUMBING CU UNDERGROUND PLUMBING [Zl UNDERGROUND WATER CU ROUGH PLUMBING CU TOP OUT PLUMBING CU SEWER AND PL/CO CU TUB OR SHOWER PAN CU GAS TEST CU WATER HEATER CU FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION:...g:MONO4Y D TUESDAY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS MISCELLANEOUS CU PLENUM AND DUCTS CU COMBUSTION AIR CU PATIO CU SIGN CU GRADING CU DRIVEWAY CU CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CU REFER PIPING CU FINAL ^WEDNESDAY /n/HHURSDAY D FRIDAY/ \ y ^X /\ REQUESTED BY_ PERSON TAKING RFPORT / /o " REQUEST FOR INSPECTION 7^>t^7INSPECTOR.PERMIT NO._ TIME: .DATE: /"BUILDING "^ CD FOuWjATTOfiH "^ CD REINFORCING STEEL CD MASONRY CD GROUT -GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CD SHEATHING ^[FRAME CD EXTERIOR LATH / V / jXUJMSULATION fA*"^ ^ CD INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL CD FINAL PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND PLUMBING Ell UNDERGROUND WATER CD ROUGH PLUMBING CD TOP OUT PLUMBING CD SEWER AND PL/CO CD TUB OR SHOWER PAN CD GAS TEST CD WATER HEATER CD FINAL ^•^ 1 : ELECTRICAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE CD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CD ROUGH ELECTRIC CD POOL BONDING CD ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT CD G.F.I. CD SMOKE DETECTOR CD FINAL /"" ~ ^~^\ (^MISCELLANEOUS ) x>~_^ ^_^--^ ^VLENUM~AND DUCTS CZl COMBUSTION AIR CD PATIO CD SIGN CD GRADING CD DRIVEWAY CD CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CD REFER PIPING HD FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: D MONDAY D TUESDAY D WEDNESDAY D A.M. DP.M. THURSDAY D FRIDAY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.u. REQUESTED BY..PHONE NO.. PERSON TAKING REPORT./ REQUEST FOR INSPECTION 7^x^ TIME:. INSPECTOR OWNER PERMIT NO...DATE:•A?" / / .x UILDING CD FOUNDATION—-*T CD REINFORCING^STEEL CD MASONRY CD GROUT-GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME ^LSHEATHING CD FRAME CD EXTERIOR LATH CD INSULATION CD INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL CD FINAL PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND WATER CD/ROUGH PLUMBING IS-TOP OUT PLUMBING CD SEWER AND PL/CO O TUB OR SHOWER PAN CD GAS TEST CD WATER HEATER CD FINAL ELECTRICAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE . CD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CD ROUGH ELECTRIC CD POOL BONDING CD ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT CD G.F.I. ' • ' ' . CD SMOKE DETECTOR CD FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CD PLENUM AND DUCTS CD COMBUSTION AIR CD PATIO CD SIGN CD GRADING CD DRIVEWAY CD CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CD REFER PIPING CD FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: D MONDAY D TUESDAY D WEDNESDAY ^(THURSDAY D FRIDAY JVI. ' "DP.M. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. .XT /}S REQUESTED BY__PHOIME NO.. PERSON TAKING REPORT. REQUEST FOR INSPECTION TIME:. INSPECTOR- OWNER PERMIT NO._.DATE:. ADDRESS- BUILDING LH FOUNDATION C] REINFORCING STEEL C] MASONRY C] GROUT-GUNITE CH FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME E] SHEATHING CH FRAME CD EXTERIOR LATH HD INSULATION n INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL CH FINAL ELECTRICAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE CH ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CD ROUGH ELECTRIC [H POOL BONDING O ELECTRIC SERVICE C] CEILING HEAT O G.F.I. C3 SMQKE DETECTOR n JINALI PLUMBING LH UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CH UNDERGROUND WATER CH ROUGH PLUMBING CH TOP OUT PLUMBING E] SEWER AND PL/CO [H TUB OR SHOWER PAN O GAS TEST n WATER HEATER n FINAL / MISCELLANEOUS PLENUM AND DUCTS COMBUSTION AIR PATIO SIGN GRADING DRIVEWAY CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS REFER PIPING FINAL D FRIDAYREADY FOR INSPECTION: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS PERSON TAKING REPORT 'c?r/. REQUEST EOR INSPECTION TIME: INSPECTOR- OWNER PERMIT NO._.DATE: ADDRESS- c<BUUaDJJ\lG ^-EOUNDATION CH REINFORCING STEEL O MASONRY CH GROUT-GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME [H SHEATHING P FRAME D EXTERIOR LATH CU INSULATION O INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL a FINAL ELECTRICAL C] TEMPORARY SERVICE CH ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CH ROUGH ELECTRIC [H POOL BONDING CD ELECTRIC SERVICE CZ1 CEILING HEAT D G.F.I. C3 SMOKE DETECTOR CD FINAL PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND PLUMBING D UNDERGROUND WATER CD ROUGH PLUMBING CH TOP OUT PLUMBING CH SEWER AND PL/CO CH TUB OR SHOWER PAN CH GAS TEST CH WATER HEATER CD FINAL MISCELLANEOUS D PLENUM AND DUCTS CD COMBUSTION AIR LH PATIO CH SIGN EH GRADING CH DRIVEWAY LH CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CH REFER PIPING CH FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: D.MONDAY D TUESDAY wEDNESDAY D THURSDAY D FRIDAYAw DP.M. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. REQUESTED BY_.PHONE NO.. PERSON TAKING REPORT.7 d REQUEST FOR INSPECTION "lliMv TIME: INSPECTOR OWNER ADDRESS PERMIT MO.DATE:jlz2^1i BUILDING CD FOUNDATION ED REINFORCING STEEL ED MASONRY ED GROUT-GUNITE ED FLOOR A1MD CELLING FRAME ED SHEATHING CD FRAME CD EXTERIOR LATH CD INSULATION ED INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL ED FINAL ELECTRICAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE CD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CD ROUGH ELECTRIC ' ED POOL BONDING ED ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT CD G.F.I. , CD SMOKE DETECTOR CD FINAL • PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND PLUMBING CH UNDERGROUND WATER a ROUGH PLUMBING OUT PLUMBING AND CH TUB OR SHOWER PAN iZD GAS TEST ED WATER HEATER 0 FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CD PLENUM AND DUCTS CH COMBUSTION AIR ED PATIO CD SIGN ED GRADING ED DRIVEWAY CD CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS ED REFER PIPING CD FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION:MONDAY D A.M. LPJVL D TUESDAY D WEDNESDAY D THURSDAY/ SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. REQUESTED BY_ PERSON ^mk NO lNG REPORT. ft REQUEST FOR INSPECTION INSPECTOR OWNER BUILDING CD FOUNDATION CD REINFORCING STEEL CD MASONRY CD GROUT-GUNITE CD FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME CD SHEATHING CD FRAME CD EXTERIOR LATH CD INSULATION CD INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL CD FINAL ELECTRICAL CD TEMPORARY SERVICE CD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND CD ROUGH ELECTRIC CD POOL BONDING CD ELECTRIC SERVICE CD CEILING HEAT a G.F.I. CD SMOKE DETECTOR CD FINAL LUMBING ) >£5(jLiNDERGROUND PLUMBING CD UNDERGROUND WATER CH ROUGH PLUMBING CD TOP OUT PLUMBING CD SEWER AND PL/CO CD TUB OR SHOWER PAN CD GAS TEST CD WATER HEATER CD FINAL MISCELLANEOUS CD PLENUM AND DUCTS CD COMBUSTION AIR CD PATIO CD SIGN CD GRADING CD DRIVEWAY CD CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS CD REFER PIPING CD FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: D MONDAY D TUESDAY D WEDNESDAY D THURSDAY KKFRIDAY DP.M. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. *, // 7 REQUESTED BY_NO.. PERSON TAKING REPORT r 'J 0 INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET RECEIVED SUILDING DEPARTMENT , BUILDING ADDRESS: DATE: APR 14 1978 /y- C.CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Departmpnt ANNING DEPARTMENT {?LOT SIZE £c>0<? p LOT WIDTH_ UMjrS ALLOWED fH(X l"t( " UNITS PROVIDED PARKING SPACES REQUIRED % COVERAGE ALLOWED /U <U if" * 6£>7o BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED FRONT SETBACK: ALLOWED PROVIDED INTRUSIONS LANDSCAPE & PROVIDED PROVIDED PROVIDED / U K> > T" SIDE SETBACK:REAR SETBACK: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: TO ISSUE:OK TO.FINAL NINEERING DEPARTMENT \INDUSTRIAL WASTE SEWER CONNECTION M flft^i DRIVEWAY IMPROVEMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OK TO ISSUE; D$ft DATE FIRE DEPARTMENT' SPRINKLING SYSTEM F/IRE'' ALARMS FIRE PROTECTION EQUIP.^ EXITS 'FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS OK TO FINALG.GO«&~t/;L«4 DATE ^.- 2 g- S MET DATE JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING 712 EUGENE ROAD PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 .(TELEPHONE (714)323-4573 .,' f*-- MEMORANDUM TO: RICHARD S. OSBURN, Director of Building & Housing FROM: JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Planning Director DATE: June'14, 1978 Thank you for your information, however, I think you should handle the matter as you deem appropriate. If they wish to appeal your decision I will be happy to discuss the matter further. RECEIVED JUN141978 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department M EMORANDUM to >Ai\. 'vch^- TO: SEWER COMMITTEE . .. DATE: JUNE 8th, 1978 FROM: BUILDING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: REQUEST TO MODIFY APPROVED PROJECT •In reply to your memorandum of June 6th regarding the subject matter, I would be led to believe someone is testing us to see how much we know about this energy conservation matter, or it is pure ignorance on their part. First of all, there are no requirements to insulate foundations or floors in this area as the climate is too mild, therefor, to give credit for foundation in- sulation, is kind of foolhardy. Secondly, if they do not want the glazing area, reduce the area to conform to the maximum and comply with the energy requirements. If this is not what they want, then the alternative is to install the double glazing. Sorry, but that is the way I see it. They may want to argue the point that by law they are entitled to the trade off, but by the real meaning of the energy regula- tions, they are not entitled. RICHARD S. OSBURN DIRECTOR OF BUILDING AND HOUSING RSO/gl •S-c Dave Schlegel — Chestnut project Energy and water saving methods employed in project* Water saving toilets Faucets-kitchen sink Airator restrictors Lavatory sink airator restrictors Showers^Thermostatic mixing valves Showers-flow restrictor Delex 2102 Delex 2522 Moentrol 3100 Omni A 710 Hot water pipes will be insulated, also recirculating system will be employed. Dishwather-Cycle adjust Electro Spark stove Waste King Oss?7? Roper 136?Z Space heating G12 D2-55 Solar back up space heading system Hot water system & space heating Lennox L3H WI-2 Solarmate domestic hot water system The heating system was designed by Ronald Stillman of Stillman Heating & Air Conditioning co. in Leucadia. His signature and # are on the points sheet. Water and energy saving devices were chosen and designed into-building by Mel Helit, a plumbing contractor in Oceans id e"^£^ '^^^^r— Although no provision was made on the form, the landscaping has also been designed for low water usage. A drip system will be utilized along withh low water requiremitHb plants, clumping gazanias, yuccas, etc. Exhibit F 10-18-77 Rev; 11-15-77 RATING SYSTEM QUESTIONNAIRE.....—_» . ..- ^. -_,—, for RESIDENTIAL LAND USE Please answer the :tol.lowing qugjstioiis. A^Qitional pages showing i.n support of the points indicated may be attached. ence I.1' Points will be given for certain \vater saving devices listed below. Please check the devices if any which will be incorporated into the .project. (To 'receive points for any fixture as listed below, all such fixtures in the structure shall be so equipped wherever approp- riate) . Faucets ' - Kitchen sink aerator (flow restrictors) Lavatory sink aerator (flow restrictors) Quick heat lavatory faucet Showers Thermostatic mixing valve Flow control head or in-line restrictor Mot Water Pipes Insulation Recirculating (convection or forced) Appliances Cycle adjust dishwasher (built-in) 3% 5% & X 15%" POINTS 0 1 2 3 . 7 8 Conwents or Explanation WATER REDUCTION 0s 10 15 .:-••'..< 20 25 •"•"-•30 -• 35 40 45 '50 - 4% - 9% - 14% - 19% - 24% - 29% - 34% - 39% - 44% - . 49% r'ta.r> 1 o 2.Points will be given based on the following methods t:o conserve energy. Please check the devices if any which will be incorporated into the project. (To receive points for any fixture as listed below, all such fixtures in the structure shall be so equipped wherever annropriatej . Pilot Lights (for furnaces and stoves) Electro-spark Windows icrrnonane Jpolar HeatinjL TfoTlvater augment Building heating POINTS ENERGY CONSERVATION No energy conservation consic .1-51 . 6 - 10% 11 - &!^/j!'J^drM&J^^ 3.Does the project incorporate facilities to reduce sewer effluent by sig- nificant amounts? (Circle appropriate' points that you believe your pro ject should be allotted) . No reduction Up to 2% 4% -'- '•••"6% :. 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% Over 18% Comments or Explanation 0 1 2 4 5 & 7 8 Does the project rer 'e or rehabilitate-older lapidated structures within the community of a non-historic nature?* .' - .Land Vacant . - Rehabilitation . . 5 - Removal of non-historic dilapidated structure *Structure is defined as any main building on a lot Does the proposed project participate in a capital project listed on the City Council's approved Capital Improvement Program? POINTS ...''• . No - 5 -Parti ally completes a. capital project ,'10 - Completes a capital project » . Comments or.Explanation 6. Will the project require less than 50;^ of the sewer capabi is available in its land use type? 0 - 50% and.over • 1 - 40% - 49.99^ - 30« - 39:9°fi - 20% - 29^99% - 10% - 19.99C< _ 5^ - 9.99^ 6 - 2% - 4/99^ ' 7 - 0 - 1.99S5-' - Comments or Explanation 0 1° -3- TIE BREAKING RATING POINT SYSTEM In case of a tie in any land use category, the follov/ing points may he applied as a-tie breaker: 1. Di stance to Parks and Recreat ion Points 0 1 2 3 4 % mil e + 3/8 to 1/2 mile 1/4 to 3/8 mile jn i 1 e to 1/8 miT Distance to public transportation system Points .01 2 3 4 Fire Response Time Points ' 0 .1 2 3 4 h mile + 3/8 to 1/2 mile 1/4 to 3/8 mile ' e 7. •No access Over 6 minutes 5 to 6 minutes 4 to 5 minutes 3 to 4 minutes 2 to 3 minutes 1 to 2 minutes 0 to 1 minutes C Comments m, fcs-'V 0 If :fc£ >5 JOHN H> .HACKER & ASSOCIATES CIVIL E-NGINEERINO, . 712 EUGENE ROAD . PALM'SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 TELEPHONE (714)323-4573 ENERGY STUDY TRI-PLEX APARTMENT CHESTNUT AVENUE CARLSBDAD OWNER DAVID E. SCHLEGEL JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING 712 EUGENE ROAD PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 TELEPHONE (714) 323-4573 THE- FIRM OF JOHN H. HACKER AND ASSOCIATES SPECIAL- IZES IN TOTAL ENERGY CONCEPTS. THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE BASED ON STUDIES MADE BY THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY, STUDIES BY THIS COMPANY AND TWO OPERATING SOLAR SYSTEMS, DESIGNED AND INSTALLED BY JOHN H. HACKER AND ASSOCIATES AT 41900 THORTON AVENUE AND 4195O THORTON AVENUE IN HEMET. ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ARE APPLIED TO EACH ITEM TO DETERMINE ITS POTENTIAL ENERGY SAVINGS WITH RESPECT TO INITIAL COST, SALVAGE VALUE AND YEARLY DEPRECIATION, ADDING YEARLY INTEREST OF 1O% WITH COSTS SPREAD OVER A 10-YEAR PERIOD. JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING v " 712 EUGENE ROAD' " PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262; TELEPHONE (714) 323-4573 ' ROOF CONSTANTS. (Exposed Beam) Air Film Resistance Inside Air 1" x 8" T&G 2" Foam Insulation 1" x 4" strips & medium shakes Outside Air Resistance @ 15 mph R Value ' Roof area 25 x 18 cx 17.624 x 3O = 3O difference in inside and outside temperature 0.61, 0.50 15.384 0.87 0.17 17.624 766 BTU/hr. (Shed. Roof ) Air Film Resistance Inside Air 1/2" Gyp 2" Air Space 6" Insulation 1/2" plywood ; Built-up roof Outside Air Resistance <§ 15 mph. R Value . •• ..''.' : . ' i o Roof area 25 x 57 x 22.1O x 30 = 0.61 O.45 l.OO 19. OO 0.59 O.28 0.17 22.1O 1934 BTU/hr. WALL CONSTANTS. , Air Film Resistance 1/2" Gyp 31/2" insulation 5/8" stucco Air Film Resistance ; R Value 25 + ,75 + 25 + 75 + 21 + 21 + 75 + 75 x 8 x 12.33 x 3O 7630 BTU/hr. JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING 712 EUGENE ROAD ".--. PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 TELEPHONE (714)323-4573 FLOOR SLAB 21 x 75 x 1/9.OO X; 30° = 5,250 BTU (With 3" Barrier).-. . - *-.-. ... • • . 21 x 75 x 4.50 x 30° = . 2,625 BTU Overhang 4 x 75 x 22.1O.'x 3O° = 4O7 BTU GLASS (See Item 9 Conservation Features) Area= 594 sp. ft. x 37.5 = 22,275 BTU THERMAL GLASS 594 x 16.5 ..=.-.. 9,801 BTU DOORS 1 5 x 100 x 30 = 150 BTU (Gain) Kitchen = +1,500 BTU (Gain) People (4) = +1,6OO BTU TOTAL. .LOSSES/HR. With Regular Glass . . = 35,312 BTU With Insulate Slab = 32,687 BTU With Thermal Glass . = 20,213 BTU ; WATER HEATING COSTS/YEAR $60.OO/faraily x 3 = $180.00 FROM ENERGY DESIGN MANUAL (STATE OF CALIFORNIA) CARLSBDAD DEGREE DAYS 2092 rain. 38° max 81° 2092 i 30° x 24 = 1674 Electric heat=.0085/1000 BTU ! .. Gas heat -..OO14/1OOO BTU JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES : CIVIL ENGINEERING , •'•'.•• : 712.EUGENE ROAD --.-i'y'- - PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 . : TELEPHONE (714)323-4573 CHEATING COSTS ',. ;. . 7 > • 1674 x 35,312 = 59,112,288 '- 1000 x .0014 = 1674 x 32,687 = 54,718,038 - 1OOO x .OO14 = 1674 x 20,213 =33,836,562 - 1000 x .0014= '-'.','"• ' • . . V INSTALL SOLAR UNIT/ PROVIDES Water heating 3O% efficiency saving- SPACEHEATING '• " saving- Adjusted cost/w solar unit (regular pane) = (slab insulation) - ; , .. .',.-. (thermal pane) • = $82.75 year $76i61 year $47.37 year $54.OO/year 32.OO/year 5O.75/year 44.61/year 15.37/year Recommendation: Cost Factors/Return 1. Solar Unit . $86.OO/$2000 2. Insulate Slab 3. Install thermal pane $29.24/3000 .043 (acceptable rate) .049 (acceptable rate) .O097 (not practical) It: is the recommendation of this office that a solar unit -as outlined in the following plan be installed, the slab be insulated, that items #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #7, and #8 from the attached conservation feature list be incorporated into;the construction of the apartment. Due to the mild climate in Carlsbdad thermal pane windows are not recommended. -^ RCE 14614 May 12, 1978 JOHN H. HACKER & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING. 712 EUGENE ROAD PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 (714)323-4573 '. / '\\ s~sj ''__i\.••/•'• "» ..—- /fflDUCT BLOWER & DUCT FILTER SERIES —friz AN AIL-PURPOSE CABINET BLOWER WITH AN UNUSUALLY COMPACT OPTIONAL , 1 FILTER SECTION ; : <T rv, t , tf%. \\- i-U* — _ "~~~ ~ —__ MAY BE INSTALLED FOR VERTICAL , t / l^&~ Specify ball bearings on Model 8]8A when it is to be installed in other than horizontal position AIR FLOW The economy solufion fo air moving jobs. When you, want to move air — econom- ically— the Brundage Duct Blower Filter offers two important advantages. It pro- vides the quality, precision, and low cost available through mass-production. And, it gives your work a finished appearance along with the reliable performance of a carefully engineered unit. Compact in size, these Blower Filter Units are highly efficient and the special filter design spells easy maintenance. Sim- ply slide drawer-type filter rack out. Vac- uum or brush the permanent filter. It's done in minutes. Where oilrlike film is present, the filter can be washed in plain.soap and water. ' / DUCT BLOWER /UfU/ A m/C)i& 853A 21 81 OA ?2ft 81 3A 27 8J5A 331$ S1SA 42 B 15H 18 20 23 28 34 c 23 23 .24% 2714 32 43 D E T 7% SJ/I6 14J4 )05/i« ll'Mt 1714 H3/8 131/! 17J^ 13Mt 1554 21 15% 18H 22% 18% 22 V, 37 34 G 954 11JJ 13H IBVg W/i 383/« H JVis 15/16 I'/lf IMe 2M 2J4 J K L M 114 3/« 1614 13M 154 1 1914 16'/« 1H 1 20% 1814 154 1 2514 ?114 154 1 30'/i( 24'Me 25/i6 1 SS'Me 30'Ms UNiiy -225'F809 F810 f'813 F815 FS18 /niter' SizeSq. In. ~) 385 656 719 1150 1880 2880 oucr A 18 21 22/4 27 3314 42 FILTER B N )53/i , 15% 18 Ifijfi 20 2014 23 24% 28 30J4 34 38H f 1314 15H 1/^4 20H 2454 30J4 DUCT BLOWER & DUCT FILTER Out. WS.P. V,~ S.P.UNIT NO. -C.F.M. Vel. RPM BHP RPM BHP H'-S.P. V,~S.P. RPM BHP RPM BHP tt'S.P. y«"S.P. 1-S.P. W S.P. IV," S.P. RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP RPM BHP 1Y," S.P. 2" S.P. RPM BHP RPM BHP 808AqJUim QQQAOUiJrv 810A 313A rmr n815A ^ v n«in ik81 8 A 400500 600 700 800900 1000 600700800 900 1000 1100 1200 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 2000 2400 2800 3200 •3600 4000 4400 3200 3600 4000 4400 4800 5200 5600 6000 6400 800 539 1000 600 1200 666 1400 719 1600 783 1800 879 2000 970 714 463 833 489 952 502 1069 550 1190 588 1308 623 1428 659 771 384 964 416 1157 452 1350 497 1542 539 1735 589 . 1928 631 834 337 972 357 1111 392 1250 417 1389 437 1528 461 1667 494 1806 528 1945 549 993 321 1192 357 1391 394 1589 416 1788 457 1987 501 2185 549 1092 262 1229 282 1365 302 1502 321 1638 340 1775 361 1911 381 2048 404 2184 425 .025 .038 .057 085 .131 .206 .240 .033 .044 .058 .074 .094 .118 .147 .038 .059 .090 .135 .200 .289 .375 - .064 .087 .116 .155 .202 .261 .337 .430 .536 .126 .193 .275 .354 .513 .681 ,883 j .207 .269 .342 .420 .520 .630 .810 .970 1.200 683 729 783 Ml8/1974 1021 604 622641 668 695 723754 508 528550 585 621 661 705 436 447 467 487 507 542 577 595617 408 430 458 455 523559 [Cl9i 322 336 348 365 385 406421 443 462 .046 .061 .078 .105 .140 .186 .247 .054 .075 .084 .104 .128 ..154 .185 .062 .088 .121 •:164 .221 .296 .395 .106 .132 .164 .202 .250 .307 .378 -.464 .558 .187 .261 .356 .426 .621_;._795i.oii .286 :354:433 .547 .670 .778 .952 1.102 1.270 799 850. 885 937 997 1058 1125 720 734 752769 795 818.845 618 624 640 666 696 732- 771 530 532 540 555 576 . 576 617 646 685 477 498519 533573 ,603 . 640 364 384396 408 425 439 458 478 495 .075 915 .087 938 .108 980 132 1076 .169 1078 .213 1136 .269 1195 .100 824 .109 833 .120 846 .134 862 .161 881 .191 904 .226 927 .085 729 .118 716 .153 723 :203 741 .262 765 .335 796 .427 830 .154 610 .184 610 .219 614 .262 622 .312 633 .370 653 .440 674 .520 695 .619 714 .245 533 .334 557 .437 576 .536 588 .725 621 .. .914 ! 650 1.136 678 .379 410 .456 418 .545. 430 .646 448 .802 467 .945 482 1.110 495 1.278 507 1.488 525 .105 1021 .123 1030 .138 1066.175 1109. .204 1156 .247 1208 .303 1253 .165 918 .166 924 .168 935 .185 946 .201 963 .246 982 .303 1004 .114 821 .147 796 .192 800 .244 816 .307 835 .383 859 .475 888 .209 683 .239 682 .280 682 .326 686 .379 694 .442 706 .512 723 .596 744 .692 767 .313 592 .406 604 . .524 629 .633 640 .824 ..669 1.026 692 1.261 721 .479 463 .562 464 .662 467 .771 478 .899 493 1.061 512 1.274 528 1.478 536 1.670 556 .132 1119 .157 1122 .176 1142 .201 1186 .246 1232 .283 1276 .341 1334 .210 1002 .250 1008 .261 1017 .275 1024 .284 1040 .325 1056 .346 1076 .133 897 .175 891 .228 871 .286 882 .354 897 .434 919 .529 945 .272 749 .333 748 .343 747 .388 748 .475 753 .517 761 .594 773 .678 789 .776 811 .391 656 .476 651 .609 674 .735 687 .931 T?14 1.136 736 1.383 760 .598 507 .674 508 .779 503 .897 512 1.032 523 1.187 551 1.368 560 1.540 565 1.825 588 .201 1286 .203 1292 .217 1296 .242 1320 .286 1368 .333 1410 .382 1454 .280 1149 .291 1157 .311 1164 .321 1170 .332 1179 .336 1192 .366 1208 .169 1028 .204 1037 ,263 1019 .328 1004 .401 1014 .486 1031 .586 1050 .338 866 .372 865 .413 863 .464 862 .527 863 .596 865 .676 873 .765 882 .858 1.895.. .482 766 .561 751 .686 . 752 ,829 • 764 " 1.043 798 1.255 816 1.505 837 .751 592 .805 594 .903 ' 597 1.100 601 1.170 603 1.335 606 1.515 608 1.711 '•' 622 1.946 ; 645 .245 .277 .306 .340 .373 .417 :478 .423 .424 .425 .430 .440 .472 .495 .245 .268 .331 .410 .497 .592 .702 .460 .522 .565 .621 .685 .763 .851 .947 '1.056, .677 .761 .875 1.015 1.268 1.504 1.773 1 072 1.170 1.200 1.388 1.482 1.637 1.833 2.054 2.346 1429 1445 1445 1454 1486 1530 1574 1280 1288 1298 1301 1307 1316 1329 1142 1158 1157 1132 1125 1136 1151 964 969 967 966 954 _965 i"957 : 972 . 931. . 855 855 837 839 868890 909 668660658655 650 _651659 669 695 .333 1548 .366 1577 .401 1583 .440 1587 .478 1599 .521 1639 .588 1675 .568 1394 .569 1404 .569 1415 .570 1421 .571 1427 .602 1434 .630 1442 .338 1243 .358 1260 .401 1270 .490 1261 .591 1230 .702 1230 .820 1248 .637 1049 .682 1060 .737 1061 .799 1059 .865 r 1057 .942 i .1056 1.036 1057 1.142 1059 L 1.258. .1065., .879 r933 i" .990 ' 938 1.095 929 1248 918 1.462 927 1.785 955 2,041 977 1.680 740 1.601 735 1.580 730 1.680 ' 725' 1820 ' ?20 1.958 ' 718 2.168 720 2.398 725 2.655 732 .425 .450 .499 .550 .594 .640 .694 .754 .761 .769 .772 .779 .787 .799 .440 .457 .486 .570 .683 .807 .941 .880 .905 .930 ;995t.ieoJ1.146} 1,330} 1.346) T.093] 1.226* 1.348; 1.504.=. 1.699] 1.967* 2.319J - 1830 792 1.960 1.900 f 793" 2.140" 1.988 ' 795 2.200 2.070 799 2.410 2.180 ' 806 2.589 2.410 808 2.712 2.S80 810 2:.940 2.821 814 2.187 3.030 820 3.430' f 852 2.350 '850 2.660. 847 2.890 842 3.010! 834 3.120, 835 3.210 840 3.590 844 3.780 ~ 848 ' 3.82J . Tables computed from tests conducted in strict accordance with Standard Test Code. Values ate guaranteed for standard conditions—Air 70° F. and 29.92" barometric pressure. Horsepower a Brake Horsepower (BHP)—can be directly applied in motor selection. , • . .. Standard'motors supplied with this product are split phase motors with moderate starting torque. They are designed for continuous duty within HP ratings for operation in ambient temperatures, not to exceed 104°F (40°C). Where application conditions exceed this ambient temperature limit, consult our Engineering Department Standard units'are funished with bearings for operation in ambient temperatures of 30° to 104CF. Where temperatures of —20°F. to + 104^. are encountered, or for performance points lying in the shaded portions of performance tables, specify ball bearings. Ball bearings should also be specified for Model 818A when it is to be installed in any position other than horizontal. , : USE ;1" S.P. FOR PRESSURE DROP THRU CLEAN FILTER. ABOVE PERFORMANCE DATA DOES NOT INCLUDE FILTER PRESSURE LOSS. " ' 3SZSS5M THE BRUNDAGE COMPANY 436 W. WILLARD STREET. PHONE (616) 349-6681 KALAMAZOO, MICH. 49006 2,OOO sq. ft. house Conservation Feature additional cost: A If installed during construction B (existing house) installation by owner Estimated Cost Comment '. Annual Savings Gas i. 2. 3. 4. 5. .&i.' 7. 8. 9. 10. ii; 12. 13- * Increase insulation on sxipply and return air ducts to 1". Install heating thermostat •with automatic night set back. 1OO ' Water limiting device on shower outlet (3 gal./roin) 5 min. showers Range exhaust hood -with . positive automatic damper Tight-fitting damper in fireplace (use heat-a- lator or Majestic fire box in new.^Gonst}) Glass doors on existing fireplace . Install humidifier in heating system 5_n areas of low humidity Pilotless gas range and furnace Double-Insulated water- • heater . (Install insulation blanket) on existing. Double Pane Windows Double Insulation Walls and Ceiling • 6" wall R-19 12" ceiling R^38 Insulate Slab 3" barrier on edges Attic Fan Solar Unit Space heating Swimming pool • $35.00 75.OO 4O.OO 55.OO 1O.OO 25.00 85'. OO 2OO.OO ' 1OO.OO 200.00 1OO.OO 20 . 00 ' 1200.00 1OOO.OO 125. OO 100. OO * 475O.OO A B A B - ,A,B A fi A B A,B A &TB A A A 'A A . $5.OO / year 10. OO/ year cooling 1O.50 / year " • i 6.45 / year 3.78 / year 3.3O / year 17.85 / year 17.85 / year 8.4O / year 15.75 / year 11. 1O / year 7.O6 / year 35.OO / year \ 4.93 / year 2O.OO / year 5. 32 / year 10. OQ / year 242. OO / year gas water heating cooling heating cooling heating cooling ^Includes 16 x 22 enclosed patio ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONSERVATION FEATURES ESTIMATED NATURAL GAS SAVINGS Conservation Feature Increase insulation on supply and return air ducts to a mini- v mum of one inch or equivalent. (Maximum . "U" value of .22) Estimated Potential Annual Savings For Heating The following gas savings were, found when using^one inch or equivalent when compared to one-half inch duct insulation. 1. 12" duct - Savings are 0.77 T.U./Ft/Yr 2. 10" duct - Savings are 0.66 T.U./Ft/Yr 3. 8" duct - Savings are 0.55 T.U./Ft/Yr 4. 6" duct - Savings are 0.40 T.U./Ft/Yr ;' . .EXAMPLE; . . - . . ^ Assume: 1. 10' of 12" duct — 7.7 T.U. ; 2. 10' of 10" duct — 6.6 T.U. ' 3. 20' of 8" duct -11.0 T.U. 4. 20' of 6" duct - 8.0 T.U. TOTAL:60' of air duct -33.3 T.U. Estimated annual thermal units saved - 33.3 Estimated cost savings for 33.3 T.U. saved at an average of 15* per therm = $5.00/yr. Source; ; , RA 74-55 (Company Study). Webelieve the estimated savings indicated herein, represent a reasonable prediction for the conditions used in this study. Be- cause individual lifestyles and usage patterns differ, actual customer savings may vary frbm those stated above. . .. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONSERVATION FEATURES ESTIMATED NATURAL GAS SAVINGS Conservation Feature - •Install heating thermostat with automatic or semi-automatic night set-back capability. Estimated Potential Annual Savings for Heating Based on weather conditions as they have been in recent years in Southern California, proper use of the night set-back feature on the heating thermostat would result in approximately 1% for each degree of set-back up to 10 degrees. . EXAMPLE; . . . . . 10 degrees set-back nightly = 70 T.U./Yr. estimated gas savings Estimated cost savings for 70 T.U. saved at an average of 15* per therm .=. $10.50/yr. Source: • 1' Gas and Mechanical, Laboratories, Inc., 12/74 2) Honeywell's Computer Studies, 6/74. . . We believe the estimated savings indicated herein, represent a reasonable prediction for the conditions used in this study. Be- cause individual lifestyles.and usage patterns differ, actual . customer savings may vary from those stated above. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONSERVATION FEATURES ESTIMATED NATURAL GAS SAVINGS Conservation Feature a Install water limiting device on all shower outlets designed to reduce water flow to a maximum of three gallons per minute. Estimated Potential Annual Savings For Water Heating . Assumptions; . 1. Average temperature of supply water is 65°F. 2.•-'• Average temperature of shower water is 95*F. 3. Flow rate of average shower without limiting device is 6 gallons per minute. 4. Average of two showers per day for 365 days. 5. Costs of water is approximately 25.8C per 100F^« 6. Costs of gas is 15C per therm,, Conclusions;__. ^ Natural $ 1. 2.5 Gal Per Min Gal of Water Savings Gas Savings Total Limi t i ng D e v i c e ___S_ay§d in Water Savings In Gas Savings 5 min showers 12,775 $ 4.41 50 TU $ 7.50 $ 11.91 7.5 min showers 19,163 6?61 75 TU 11.25 17.86 10 min showers 25,550 8.81 99 TU 14.85 23.66 '-'.'-• $ Natural $ 3 Gal Per Min Gal of Water Savings Gas Savings Total - Limiting Device Sjaved __ ___ jLll_ ^jL?£. §5J^J:r!2j:L ^L-^3^. Savings 5 min showers 10 ,-^50 $3.78 43 TU $6.45 $10.23 7.5 min showers 16,425 5.66 64 Til 9.60 15.2$ 10 min showers, 21,900 7.55 86 TU 12.90 20.45 S_o_urc_e EC-75-6 (Company Study) We believe the estimated savings indicated herein, represent a reasonable prediction for the conditions used in this study. Because individual lifestyles and usage patterns differ, actual customer savings may vary from those stated above. . . ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONSERVATION FEATURES ESTIMATED NATURAL GAS SAVINGS Conservation Feature__....._ . . - i •Install range exhaust hood with positive automatic damper. Estimated Potential Annual Savings For Heating Assumption's; ~ , 1. Vent diameter is 7 inches 2. Vent length (vertical) is 7 feet 3. Design temperatures: outdoors - 36*F; indoors - 72*F 4. 95% factor used in consumption estimate 5. Outside wind conditions or vent caps not considered 6. Infiltration increased by volume of air lost up the vent Conclusions; Based on these assumptions, the range exhaust hood with automatic damper when compared to a hood without a damper/ could save an estimated 22 therm units of gas per year. Estimated cost savings for 22 thermal units saved at an average of 15 C per therm ' '= $3.30/yr. Source: •• ' RA-74-56 (Company Study) - We believe the estimated savings indicated herein, represent a reasonable prediction for the conditions used in this study. Be- cause individual lifestyles and usage patterns differ, actual customer savings may vary from those stated above. . CONSERVATION FEATURES ESTIMATED NATURAL GAS .SAVINGS Conservation Feature^ Install tight-fitting damper in fireplace. Estimated Potential Annual Savings For Heating ' : Assumptions; 1. Vent diameter is 15 inches 2. Vent length (vertical) is 10 feet 3. Design temperatures: outdoors - 36°F; indoors - 12°F 4. 95% factor used in consumption estimate 5. Outside wind condition not considered 6. Infiltration increased by volume of air lost up the.vent Conclusions; 1. Based, on these assumptions and compared to a fireplace without a damper, or one not used, the yearly gas heating savings, if damper properly used, .could be as much as ' 119 thermal units.. 2. Because hot air rises and cold air falls, closing the damper would probably have little or no effect on the cooling load. Estimated cost savings for 119 T. U. saved at an average of 15C per therm = $17.85/yr. Source^ Gas Engineer's Handbook We believe the estimated savings indicated herein, represent a . .reasonable prediction for the conditions used in this study. Be- cause individual lifestyles and usage patterns differ, actual cus- tomer savings may vary from those stated above. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONSERVATION FEATURES - ESTIMATED NATURAL GAS SAVINGS Conservation Feature ilnstall humidifier in heating system in areas of low humidity. Estimated.Potential Annual Sav-ings For Heating Facts; •; 1. When, the rela'tive humidity is increased from 20% to 60%, equal heating comfort can be achieved with the air temperature reduced 3 degrees. 2. Energy savings in fuel of 8% may be achieved when the thermostat is operated 3 degrees lower than normal. Conclusions; Based on these facts, the humidifier, properly used, could save an estimated 56 therma1 un it s of natural gas per year. Estimated cost savings for 56 T.U. saved at an average of 15* per them = $8.40/yr. Source *•'* Hornebuilding Business, Article by Leslie Hart, Assoc. Editor, March, 1974. ^' Gas and Mechanical Laboratories, Inc., December, 1974. We believe the estimated savings indicated herein, represent a reasonable prediction for the conditions used in this study. Be- cause individual lifestyles and usage patterns differ, actual customer.savings may vary from those stated above. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONSERVATION FEATURES ESTIMATED NATURAL GAS SAVINGS Conservation Feature Iu When gas equipment is specified, install newly developed ap- pliances with higher energy conservation efficiencies. Estimated Potential Annual Savings EXAMPLES: .'••••. •• • • \ • '• • . . . • ' ; 1. Cooking Pilotless gas range (ignition occurs only when needed) Estimated gas savings - 35 T.U./yr Estimated cost savings for 35 T.U. saved at an average of 15C per , thernal unit = $5.25/yr. 2. Heating . Pilotless gas furnace (ignition occurs only when needed). Estimated cost savings for 70 T.U. saved at an average of 15£ per thermal unit = $10.50/yr. Source; • RA 75-36 (Company Study) "~ We believe the estimated savings indicated herein, represent a reasonable prediction for the conditions used in this study. Because individual lifestyles and usage patterns differ, actual customer savings may vary from those stated above. ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICES CONSERVATION FEATURES ESTIMATED NATURAL GAS SAVINGS CONSERVATION FEATURES ' : ' When gas water heating is specified, install newly developed water heaters with improved service efficiencies which provide comparable amounts of hot water with less gas consumption. NOTE: Service efficiency is an industry-accepted unit of measure- r ment for overall fuel-consumption efficiency in water heating and combines recovery efficiency with standby efficiency. To qualify as an E.M.S. feature, water heaters must have a ser- vice efficiency of 58% or greater. Estimated Potential Annual Savings For Water Heating ASSUMPTIONS: . 1. Typical builder model water heater has approximately a 49% service efficiency. (70% recovery - 7% standby) 2. An. improved water heater has a minimum service efficiency of 58%. (75.2% recovery - 4.3% standby) 3. A 9% improvement of the service efficiency on water heater with typical usage would reduce gas consumption 1?% to 20%. . 'EXAMPLE; . . 40 gallon water heater serving 95 gallons of hot water daily, with service, efficiency of 49%, will use 472 T.U.' natural gas per year. 40 gallon water heater - serving 95 gallons of hot water daily, with service efficiency of 58%, will use 398 T.U. natural gas per year. . -.-•,. CONCLUSIONS: . . : Under the conditions in this example, annual natural gas savings .could be 74 therms. . .-"...' . Estimated cost savings for 74 T.U. at an . average ,of 15t. per therm = $11.10 per year SOURCES . ' . RA 76-2 (Company Study) Technical Data Bulletin (MFTR) Natural Bureau of Standards We believe the estimated savings indicated herein,.represent' a rea- sonable prediction for the conditions used in'this study. -Because individual lifestyles and usage patterns differ, actual customer* savings may vary from those stated above. . , . . #1976-8 CONSERVATION FEATURES /: ESTIMATED NATURAL GAS SAVING'S • 9.Conservation Feature'" ,When windows are specified, install double pane windows. Estimated Potential Annual Savings ' '•- ; - — • - •...-;•;. • • 4 1. Window Constants (§ 30 difference in tempeture. Air Film Resistance =• O.61 , : ,-./ Window Pane 3/16" thick = O.02 (l'.O.B.T.U. /h/Fa/ft/f/thick) '': ' > Air Film Resistance = . O.17 , ; Outside = o.so Loss= 37.5 B.T.U. / hour/ per square foot. Thermal Glass Air Film Q=hi (75-50) BTO; u iA^f/12 = ;015 U=64 BTU/h/sq. ft./ F° with air film Thermal Glass= 0.80 Window Pane = .02 Air Space = j^. OO - R= 1.82 Thermal Glass Loss=16. 5 BTU Hr/Sq. .f*. Saving=21. BTU hr/sq ft ;" 10% House=2OO x 21=4200 BTU/hr.,x 12=50, 400/day: Safeing-H7.06 per year ; 10.•Double Insulation Walls Ceiling^ 12" Ceiling (with 6") '=2643 -_,.„„../. 2000 x 1/41.7 X 30° = -1438 .= 12QS BTU/hr' ^>" Walls (with 4")3658 -1931 = 1727 IU 2932 BTU/hr. 2932 x 12 x 100 = $4.93 saving per year Insulate Slab 3" /Barrier Around Edges Without Barrier= 6,667 3,167 3167 x .12 x 1OO= $5.32 Saving per year Memorandum Date: June 6, 1978 To: Sewer Committee Via City Manager From: Bud Plender, Assistant Planning Director Subject: Request to Modify Approved Project - Second Addition -' Sewer Allocation. Mr. David Schlegel who was a successful applicant of application MO09 of the second edition sewer allocation has requested a modification to his original plans. Originally his plans called for doubled paned windows for insulation. He would like to change that requirement to insulated foundation. He feels that there will be more energy saving and the cost will be lower. His plans are presently being checked by the Building Department and therefore are on a time hold. A copy of this request was sent to Dick Osburn who will investigate to determine if the proposal gives equivalent energy savings. Even if the proposal is determined to be equivalent, the Sewer Committee must still make the policy decision if such changes will be permitted. Bud Plender Assistant Planning Director BP/ar '.'.'. ' ' JUN -81978; CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department Memorandum Date: June 6, 1978 To: Sewer Committee via City Manager From: Bud Plender, Assistant Planning Director Subject: Request to Modify Approved Project - Second Addition ~ Sewer Allocation. Mr. David Schlegel who was a successful applicant of application M009 of the second edition sewer allocation has requested a modification to his original plans. Originally his plans called for doubled paned windows for insulation. He would like to change that requirement to insulated foundation. He feels that there will be more energy saving and the cost will be lower. His plans are presently being checked by the Building Department and therefore are on a time hold. A copy of this request was sent to Dick Osburn who will investigate to determine if the proposal gives equivalent energy savings. Even if the proposal is determined to be equivalent, the Sewer Committee must still make the policy decision if such changes will be permitted. Bud Plender Assistant Planning Director BP/ar RECEIVED JUN 71978 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Cttp of Cartefcafc RESIDENTIAL VALUATION CHART TELEPHONE: (714)729-1181 Living Area ^7^7 Garage Area (unlined) (lined) 4-£~^. . . • • • • .... ... — -f Shake Roof Tile Roof Covered Porch Covered Patios "x^/'V^ Balconies Bath. Plumb. Fix., over 6 /^—t Each Fireplace . Each F.A.U. ' Air Conditioning Total Valuation Building Permit Fee ............ Plan Check Fee (50% of building Total Fees X X X X X X X X X X X x • permit $ 27.00 = 7.50 =.. 8.50 = .75 = .90 = 3.00 = 3.00 = 3.00 = 320.00 = 800.00 = 800.00 = 2.25 = :..''• ' ' .'; -' -'' fee) $ /y, £X3 $ $ ^,£V^ $ $ • " . • $ <?^£ $ $ . $ 35^^ $ . • . $ //V^ <r $ .$ %?y%y..$ : =- ••'.''...$..$ . • TOTAL VALUATION FEE- $1.00 to $500.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 u $2.001.00 to $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $5.00 $5.00 for the first $500.00 plus $1.00 for each additional $100.00 or frac- tion thereof, to and including $2,000. $20.00 for the first $2,000.00. plus $4.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00 $112.00 for the first $25,000.00 plus $3.00 for each additional $1,000.00 . ". ... or fraction thereof,'to and including • $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $187.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $2.00 for each additional $1,000.00 "•— . or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to$500,000.00 $287.00 for the first $100,000.00 plus '.'..;' $1.50 for each additional $1,000.00' or fraction thereof, to and including.';;_"•_ ;_•••_ $500,000.00 . (c) Expiration of Plan Check. Applications for which no permit is issued within 1.80 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation and plans submitted for checking may thereafter be returned to the applicant or destroyed by the Building Official. The Kiifflding Official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180days upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have prevented action from being taken. In order to renew action on an application after expiration, the ap- plicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan-check fee. (d) ReinspeUion Fee. The fee for each reinspection shall be SI 0.00. r-». r£R:^HLEGEL, Robert" Jtfm & 1 Edna Mae SCHLEGEL, David Edgar & Sandra Jean First American Title Insurance Company 411 IVY STREET • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92101 • 238-1776 . . February 1, 1977 NORTH COUNTY ESCROW ; 914 North Highway 101 Leucadia, California 92024 ATTN: SHARON FRIEDMAN Your No. 0777-2 Our Order No. 747000-8 Form of Policy Coverage Requested:CLTA BINDER In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, this Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the dote hereof, a Policy of Title Insurance in the form specified \ " above, describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may "j • be sustained by recison of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not I 'excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said policy form. "1R . ' ' J^ This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solely for the purpose of.facilitating".ther'issuance H of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitjne'n^ shouldJje^reMjested. Dated as of January 27, 1977 at 7:30 a.m. ANITA A. MULLETT/jeb TITLE OFFICER Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: PHILIP SAENZ, an unmarried man The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: FEE ' ' , At the Jate hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form would be as follows: SEE PAGE WO . ' . • LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' , Lot 19 in Block "C" of PALISADES, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1747, filed in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, February 5, 1923. -•& TO: ' . ../ ' ; - -./ • • - ' • . •' ;" 1. The recital contained on the Map of said land which agrees to allow the crossarms of poles or similar structures placed along the right of way of certain highways to hang over the abutting land. An easement within the Southeasterly 6 feet for either or both pole lines, .underground conduits and incidental purposes in favor of San Diego Gas and Electric Company by instrument recorded July 10, 1923 in Book 961, page 3 of Deeds. Reference is made to said instrument for further particulars. The effect of documents, proceedings, liens, decrees or other matters which do not specifically describe said land, but which may affect the title or impose liens or encumbrances thereon. The name search necessary to ascertain the existence of such matters has not been completed and will require a statement of information fron: PHILLIP SAENZ AND ROBERT D. THOMAS in order to complete this report. 19.76-77 TAX INFORMATION: CODE AREA: 09000 PARCEL NO.: 204-141-04 1ST INSTALLMENT: $236..41 PAID 2ND INSTALLMENT: $236.41 PAID LAND VALUE: $4,500.00 IMPROVEMENTS: $-0- EXEMPT: $-0- jeb 2/1/77