HomeMy WebLinkAbout146 Juniper Ave; ; 85-127; Permit~ .• (\ ~ [ ~ a: >--~ ,,, z 0 -' " a: ::l u .. C u a: .. 0 ~ 5 .. ii: .. z 3 0 z 0 ~ z .. ~ ,. 0 u "' a: r!~ Ct ~ D I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7(X)()) of Division 3 of the Business and Profeas!ons Code, and my license is 1n lull tor~and effectL . C :} ' Lil No $? 341 r_ as\ '· , I hereby a1f,rrn that I arr exempt from ihe Con"ac tors L,cense Law tor the follow·ng reason ,:sec 7031 5 BJs1ness and Proless,ons Code ~ry city or ~ounty wn,c~ re au,res a permd to construct. alter ,mprove derno,1sh. or repair any structure pr,or to ,ts issuance also requires '.he ao- pl,cant tor such oerrr,t :o file a s,qoed statement lhal he 1> 1censed PLlrsuant to the prov,sIons of the contrac1or s License Law :cna~ter g commenetng wIlh Sec:,or 7000 of □,v,s,on 3 011"e Business and Proless1ons Codei or That ,s e,-e'Tlpt lherel·om and the basis for the allegea exernp1,on A1y v1ola11on ol Sect·on 7031 5 by an apol1cant lor a permit s1,b 1ects the app11cam 10 a civil penally ol not more than five hun Cred dollars (S500! I. as owner of i~e oroperly, or rny employees w11h waoes as Their sole compensation 1<111 do the work. and the str~c ture 1s not intended or olfered to, sale !Sec 7044 Bus1neos and Proless1ons Gode The Contractor's llce~se Law doos not apply 10 an owner 01 property who builds or improves !hereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees. provided that such improvements are not intend- ed or otfered ror sale I!, however. the building or improve men\ 1s sold w1thm one year of complet,on, the owner-builder will have the burden ol proving that he d,d not build or im- prove for the purpose ol saleJ as owner □' the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors m construct the pr□1ect 1sec 7044, Business and Profess•ons Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or ,m proves thereon, and who contracts lor each pro1ects w,th a contrac:or(sl l1cerse pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) As a homeowner! am 1mprov1ng my home. and the lollow 1ng cond1t1ons exist I The work is he1ng pP.r!ormed prior to sal~ 2 I have lived m my home for lwelve mo~ths prior to completion o1 this work I have not claimed this exemp'<on during lhe las: three years !or ;h~~ r~:~~it unde, Sec -----~ B & PC D I hereby a!11rm ttiat I tia,e a ceri1t1cate ,:,1, Dnsert to self insure or a cerr,l,ca\e of Workers Compensation lnsuranCt" o, a cert,t,e(l c O~) thert"o' !Sec 380CJ. Labo< Code! POLICY NO COMPANY 0 Copy ,s hied w,1h lhe c,ty, CERTIFICATl OF EhMPTION FROM WORKERS COMPENSATION !NSURA,..CE (Th,s sect,o" need not be compleleC" ,1 thP ;,e·r-1,1 . ,5 •or one hundred dollar~ :$1001 ur ess Vi cer1,1y !hat ,n the per'orrnance •J' the ,..0.-1< •·,r ~h th,s pem,,1 ,s ,ssueo. I shall no1 Pmpl"' an, person ,n any manner so as to t,ecomp sub!€', ·, lhe Worl<ers Compensat10" L.a-,,s ::,t Ca,,to'~'d NOTICE TO APPLICANT If a1te, mak,n;i ''"5 Cer1, licate ot E,empt,or, you should t><ccorne sutJ1en ' lhe Worl<ers Compensat,o'l prov,s•ons of •h<> Latx,r Code you mus! •orir.-,,,th romp1y ,..,th Su·-r prov,s•0'1S or th,s pe,m,t shall be '.JeemeC ,,,,.,..,,, ![ 0 I hereby affirm that the<e s d ,,r,~1,u, i,,,,. ,eno,ng acenc,-•o· ,.,,, .ien,,,.,,d "-" ,,1 '"e wo'' ' wn,c'1 lh•S perm,t -~ ,~sued ,&,c )097 '·" Code tenders Name ___________ _ Lenders AOdress __________ _ USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY & PRESS HARD APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN SHADED AREA AND DECLARATIONS CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION & PERMIT .. . . 1200 Elm. Carlsbad. California 92008·1989 (619) 438·5525 JOB ADDRESS AV. ST.RO. NEAREST CROSS ST. I ~~o; ;;~·c;;: BUSl~SE# VALUATION PERMIT NUMBER /dt fv.v,/c-/ ✓-I~" • .- LOT -~ I suao1yrs10N ... -I ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. CONTRACTOR coNfRACTORS PHONE II ZONE /;I 7 n• ' .· /11.tJtiCi /i,,,~&'1. "':-~ '7-:,<'; ·MI, I owi,:·s N7f'/ /7c / I t;tJ JwN;:;; ;o; CONTRACTOR"S ADO RESS LICENSE NO. PLAN I.□.# BLDG USE CODE Sro~ w~1.~. Ct+,urz.-c,N/1 c:;, :1.r1s~, OWNER'S li1A1LING ADDRESS /~•.:? t!l/llt.t •. N'-J:11(. V,:f.,...,,. /'.-1 ,;c_ OESJGNEA LICENSE# STANDARD PLAN# BUILDING SQ FOOTAGE DESCRIPTION OF WORK , ,_,.,,,_,,_✓, c~s /.,':;,e,, ',.J c,4.--..:::-.,..,-DESIGNER·s ADDRESS DESIGNER'S PHONE I ,ve../ -e,r.c,e -~wc:.-1-resr:G~b_:.,H e , FLRELEV NO OCC GP EDU I /2 ..S•i" -,,,,,.<-STORIES : ~; · ·mere;<, YO ,c 1 crnsus TRAC, I ,;, cAND use l ,ARK"G s,Acc RCS uNCTS I GRADING eERMc. ,ssurn l REDEV!:LOPME1'iT TYPE OCC LOAD FIRESPP AREA CONST I ID ~ D ,c ,□ YO ~[J Nor Valld Unless Machine Certified I I QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT -ISSUE :1$-QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT -ISSUE 3-SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER I I EACH ~IXTURE TRAP , 'INSTALL FURN lJUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTU BUILDING PERMIT 01-00-00-8220 ---- I EACH BUILDING SEWER I OVER 100.000 BTU SIGN PERMIT 01-00-00·822i ,--------------------------' -L, ----------L---- f ___ EACH ~",ATER HEATER ANO OR VENT ' BOILER.COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP PLAN CHECK 01·00-00·8806 -·--------- ., - I EACHGASSYS1l:M!_T04OLlll_ETS _ _. ~--L q:..,_ BOILER COMPRESSOR 3 1S HP TOTAL PLUMBING 01-00-00-8222 /d< ::--- -t -------------------------- I , EACHGASSYSH.M_JORM~RE.7~.J•/~~·iJ ,!t_ ' META'. FIRlPLAC!'" ELECTRICAL 01-00-00-8223 ' .. ---------· ----· ------- EACH INS TA~ ALTER REPAIR WATEf{ PIPE VENT ~AN SINGLE DUCT ___ ::__ MECHANICAL 01-00-00-8224 1---------I -------. --------- I EACH VACUUM BREAKER I MECH EXHAUST HOOD DUCTS MOBILEHOME 01 ·00-00-8225 I WATER SOFTNER RELOCATION OF EA FURNACE HEATER MOBILEHOME PARK lr~SP ----· ' u,.[y R(J:A r:,R,\1fj 1 'J~ [,~, . 1! S01,AB_ __ 01 ·00·00---8.226 ------ I -I · !i TOT,i'.;,L MECHANICAL ,_ - STRONG MIJTION 80·92·33·0519 ----- ' lOTAl PIU~lel~\., I /;{;t:1~!1 FIRE SPR'1Ni<LERS 01-00-00-8227 ' :1 PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE __ 3?-09-00·~~3:J_ 1 QTY. ELECTRICAL PERMIT· ISSUE 5-11 QTY. SOLAR -ISSUE ' --~------ BRIDGE FEE ' I -----· ' NEW CONST 1:.A AMP S1\'l lJKH CIJ,Ltc-n:is SCHOOL FEE· DISTRICT ---··------~ ·----- I I I PH ·; Pf-I :i I SiQRti.r:E T,'iJ,KS Carlsbad 80-92-21 0519 I ----- EXIST 8lLJG EA AMP SWT 8KR I PC,CK STORA(;[= Encinitas 80-92-22-0519 I --------- I I PH 1, PH Pl_~'JD Sano~ 80-92-23-0519 ---~ . ------ I REr>,1QLJfl ALl!:R PrR CIRCUIT Pi AJ, [fll:.CY ~E:.~ San Marcos 80-92-24-0519 -L ------------------- ' TEMP POii:. 200 AMPS . ' -----1----- I [)Vf.R )[J[J A'v1PS . ' LICENSE TAX 01-00-00-8162 --------- I TEMP UC[UPANCY :rn lJAYS1 -+ MFF 80-92•57-0519 -·----- I . -, ____ ---·---------------- ' . I CREDIT DEPOSIT 1---------t I ill AL [LfLTflli:Al ' i --' T,~1TA.l sr:,1 AR ' TOTAL FEES PAYABLE / o(_ 0::,. I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED ··APPLICATION AND PERMIT' AND DO HEREBY EKp1rat1on. Every permit issued by the Butldmg Ofltc1al under the prov1smns of this * AN OSHA PERtllll:T IS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATIONS OVER I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREON INCLUDING THE Code shall 8Kptre by hm1talmn and become nuU and 11O,d !I the burld,ng or work 5· O" DEEP ANO DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION OF DECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGREE IF A PERMIT IS author12e<l by such permit 1s not commenced within 180 days from the date ot such STRUCTl.~-~S OVER 3 STORtES IN HEIGHT I ~~'::~nC:O 1~1 t:~11 ~~~i~e~;h:~~r:~tii~~:teJ~~~ :8~7!d1~tsr~da~d or_ I ISSUED· TO COMPLY WITH ALL CITY. COUNlY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNING BUILDING CON· STRUCTION. WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREtN OR NOl. t ALSO AGREE TO SAVE INDEMNIFY AND APPUCANTS S>GNAa ,._ OWNER□ CONTRACTOR~ APPROVED BY 10-~t/r~ I KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS. COSTS ANO .l?L L u ;f I EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE .L. ~ BY PHONE 0 r,cl\~ITIM"'-ni:: Tl-110::: Pi:cAMIT ... , -6: _ LA» _(' w u: ~ ~ 0 0. E w ,- D 0 CJ C ro 0 0. 0. <C I ~ C a. 0 m m w m m <C ~ 2 w ,_ ,;; m w 0 0 0: ro "' 0 ~ w 0 C ro C \L :::. C w ~ CJ 0 u w 0. " C ~ re ~ TYPE I DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING I FOUNDATION I REINFORCED STEEL I MASONRY I GUNITE OR GROUT I FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAME I SHEATHING □ ROOF □ SHEAR FRAME I EXTEfllOR LATH I INSULATION I INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALL I I PLUMBING I SEWER AND BUCO DIPUCO I UNDERGROUND □ WASTE C WATER TOP OUT □ WASTE □ W,._TER TUB AND SHOWER PAN I GAS TEST I □ WATER HEATER □ SOLAR WAtER I • ELECTRICAL I '· □ ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND □ LJFFER ROUGH ELECTRIC I D ELECTRIC SERVICE □ TEMPORARY □ BONDING □ POOL I . I MECHANICAL I . □ DUCT & PLEM., □ REF. PIPING, ... . . HEAT -AIR COND. SYSTEMS I VENTILATING SYSTEMS I ,, -, .. ' . I .. . . CALL FOR FINAL INSPECTION WHEN ALL APPROPRIATE ITEMS ABOVE HAV.ti_ BEEN APPROVED FINAL I PLUMBING ·. ' .. I ,. \ . ·. ELECTRICAL I A . L,Jl( / MECHANICAL I J I Ur ~/4/i?t, GAS I . \J./ //✓/U . ... ., BUILDING I SPECIAL CONDITIONS I I \ ~ .\ FIELD INSPECTION RECORD REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS l,\JSPECTION Sl1 !L5 COMPI_.AN-:: E PRIOR -o ~OuNDi'-1 f-ON INS;·, REO IF INSPECTORS CHECKED APPROVAL_ -__ ._. -"--~---'=' DATE I srRuCT,JR~CC.-~cREH: -7'-------+ UVER 2DC0 P:-;1 PRE':iTPES'.:E~--- CONC:RET t: Pos~ 1·~r7N_cc~c-.1c"s"o"c.cc~:---+-----f-_l------+---- coNCRETC FIE'. D WELD1'\JG ri1•,;H Sl-qE'\J'.::iH-' r -------------f--------- f-lOc -s :or--EC1A~ ,\1A.S')NPY --- ! Pl __ ~S CAl:~S-_)I\,:::· I----------- f-----------+---~------+-----! 1-~---_____ : ---r--+-----, 1, ~ ---------t----·-+------t------, --c----+------+-· -- -----+--------------- ., -----+-------t----- --t-------t-----1 ., INSPECTOR'S NOTES -~ !,,_, ---------------g5-f.:>-7 ..