HomeMy WebLinkAbout1465 CHESTNUT AVE; ; 83-14-B; PermitDECLARATIONS LENDER Z SSj1 1** It: WORKER'S COMPENSATION OWNER/BUILDER CONTRACTOR I I = n $• — ^3 empt under Sec,isonCD O 3° 0 ** S=r s^-gl'l~3%5'"a° 1« s; 2. — 5. g- aajl I fig-t S™"§3 3 II S g •|'°| »0" ? Z m=* S ° =g. fS - 2. 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EXAMINED THE COMPLETED "APPUOATION ANO PERMITCERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT ALL INFORMATION HEREONDECLARATIONS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND I FURTHER CERTIFY AND AGRISSUED: TO COMPLY WITH ALL GiTY, COUNTY ANO STATE LAWS GOVERNINVAND DQffESigYINCLUDING THE"'EE IF A PERMIT ISQ BUILDING CON-Expj£!rtf6n. Every permit issued by the Built**Ged"eshaM expire by limitation and becomeauthorized by sucft permit is not comrnencecpermit, or if the building or work author)abandoned at any time after the work is coning Official under thenull and void. It the1 within 180 days fromted by such permitrirrteftced for a Deriodprovisions oi'thisbuilding or workthe date of suchs suspended orof 180 davs. , _* AN OSHA PERMIT5«0"DE£PANDDESTRUCTURES OVEIIS REQUIRED FOR EXCAVATKDNSTOVEMOUTION OR CONSTRUCTION OF» 3 STORIES IN HEIGHT9 TOTAL ELECTRICAL\ *•—""-- •, —\O* x°TOTAL FEES PAYABLE1 ^-~ ^ «x ^> v \TEMP OCCUPANCY (30 DAYS)5 ,<^it ^x<5 <r— ^ — ^ X o m33 O0 •• 3 >; ^> c: ^s ~> K L *—1 A j TEMP POLE 200 AMPS\ •) •& i ^< --— _ • ^;. REMODELVAL'TER PER CIRCUIT1 Tlmm <vs *> (Uoo °COf\J oCJI CD -D 10 -n X \ X ^ -^ CO S"CO 0 COcp COro IV) C3CJi CO EXIST BLDG EA AMP/SWT/8KRo. Co, oro CD \y> m o 5T §COrororo O01 CO -D X -o X "*x ^STORAGE TANKS ^oOJ c7T 1 °COroro §CO NEW CONST EAAMP/SWT/BKR y/V)jfl-\COLLECTORSCOo Xoo -nmm o 33 O-H O -ELECTRICAL PERMIT- ISSUE ,-> §SOLAR -cococm BRIDGE FEEPUBLIC FACi —— (ES FEE 32-00-00-8923| ' .TOTAL PLUMBINGp^TOTAL MECHANICALA FIRE SPRINKLERS 01-00-00-8227v»STRONG MOTION 80-92-33-0519£_ Z~, ^ m in 0o-n O N (INSIDE)C/3 O £3D CO § O doIN3roen \ S WATER SOFTNERRELOCATION OF EA FURNACE/HEATERoroi —m osm 33 C/3 EACH VACUUM BREAKERMECH EXHAUST - HOOD/DUCTS> oCD 1 —m 0 m O 9o 900ro EACH INSTAl.., ALTER, REPAIR WATER PIPE :f<m Z-H Tl Z CO Z (7)r-m 0 o— ( f \MECHANi — o 8 cp COroro s.\ 0 \ •«•EACH GAS SYSTEM 5 OR MOREl < -> sm i — -n REPLACEJl V mi—m i CO i — o 8 Ocp oo cT «.-EACH GAS SYSTEM 1 TO 4 OUTLETSji BOILER/COMPRESSOR 315 HPTOTAL PLUMBING 01-00-00-82221 1 —EACH WATER HEATE'R AND/OR VENTJ' '"'f'BOILER/COMPRESSOR UP TO 3 HP• 1 — O mO 0 oCD 0O CO s~ *-^l 5 m -O X f—o zen m m r" & o m 33 00"ooCD CD — t S -am=0 T 01-00-00-8221$EACH FIXTURE TRAP jA INSTALL FURN. DUCTS UP TO 100.000 BTUBUILDING PERMT 01-00-00-8220?-f \ oH PLUMBING PERMIT - ISSUE\^o •MECHANICAL PERMIT - ISSUE\SUMMARY/ACCOUNT NUMBER-*. , /CENSUS TRACTO T) O Cyim •o Om 3)m 01 C-«^. z -jVi GRADING PERMIT ISYD N DMCmo REDEVELOPMENTAREAYD Nt^S.OH 0nn 0 0 a S ^AJ "• -< 71 a -° zn •nr D mrm wH Fi ^ «^_ m^~ Dc C 0\ 1 ft i •**DESIGNER'S ADDRESS1 s ' .'. i. ' ??BI? 99j is 5 9 g •Not Valid Unless Machine Certified| DESCRIPTION OF WORK * ' \s I BLOCK</!ASSESSOR PARCEL NO. j1DESIGNERLICENSE #STANDARD PLAN #m III ^X^N ^*i * 1 §CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESS '<2V</G*&4#fir/*I LICENSE NO.TIr Z a •8 CV)m oODm ^ ^OWNER'S PHONEh""-, 0 Z h " i-CONTRACTORS PHONE t-Z29-3?>3N m rtr VftfjA r t Sc fi DATE O<= APPLICATIONBUSINESS LICENSE #^SN^-^i \_- 1 4^ z . 2 \ OBm ) go m 31 LSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT APIm, Carlsbad, California 92008-1989 (619) 438-5525PLICATION & PEFH m 00 i •orriz O go 3D O TJ TJ -1 O 33 r- z•nO 39 1 Oz H Z CO mo 33 zo Dm 0 31 oz CO White — Inspector Green — (1) Finance (2) Data Process, Yellow — Assessor Pink — Applicant Gold — Temporary Filei-IP OT~- TO. CERT OF OCCUPANCY ISSUEDV rrO >r oC c - oZC/l ••*.BUILDING\ 5s , - -- . / O '/"%sj r ' ^l v v '• - f .... « r C3) 2 r r JN ** 9 »n ^C> *5> » •*! ^ V > ft v .- -ELECTRICALr\ •^' ^ f J y"JUD OIIC rilNALPLUMBINGOv^f»A /w ASr?v^^N^ . )J ^ J -• rr 1 §1 ^ 1 Is. i 1" T g —rr. ,°° '5 3 . 5O rn •s \': \ i '• % r- 1r- ^^ 0 O il • r-r- ji•^ 33Ot)TO iS• 3 '•: 14 t: '»'•u I »*r \VENTILATING SYSTEMS* ;.- . *°. - i f •" '""', j. I ^ /'.' j \f )HEAT — AIR COND. — SOLAR-<CO Hrn2CO t i ! "/ ^ i .. ', .-' •* j o Tl 33m Tl TJ z ^ ^ ^^k\^/ « * - ';•*- -r ,*> "* s ' « nfD J< CJr t 1 «• tiB, *kn ^C> Z 5> ^ _, — . «.,G. F. 1. - SMOKE DETECTO3) .-• j*1" ' A"*1 *''BONDING*"ELECTRIC SERVICE/'- *" • J " /, .>' f ROUGH ELECTRIC$"*• ^ : FiWw&.CS*• •~TT ,* li" ' / •I* .7 • ' - •ELECTRIC UNDERGROUNDc i f * 1" n3i 3I 3-4 1 < r 3 • fr. t'> t * H1V i 3 » c m ,£; o 33 0 >I- - '-;V * "1' •>'"''' /• •i' '-•••• / O C/) Hm mCO 6 SSONSTUB AND SHOWER PAN« ,PLUMBING TOP OUT>-^-\ 3? ^ ^ykt^ CO -DmO ^/IASONR''»«_,'..} ' "-X s' . • v .» T3 C/l- m I r! 33 33 Z >n z - D Z 03 18 13D Zn N/ ^b% S1 ^\$ \ ^ >X*• OD Is? "COH ENGTH"'PLUMBINGt*» •» \ & "N ~n iri D Z "O • T ' • </ •-" _^ "INTERIOR LATH & DRYWALIi^ O "D00 o H m m-t zm co OZmO -EXTERIOR LATH INSULATIONPRESTRESCONCRETrn comO FRAME^ ^Iw H\/Vs STRUCTUIOVER 200Cjj"D >C/) 1 — ~ 0 ozo 3Jm— im FLOOR & CEILING SUB FRAISHFATMIMH^m PRIOR TOFOUNDATI0 Z zCOTJ ' " "] ^* f:i' f, *' ""; () i* . -1 X x <.."' •' ', \-s O 2 Hm 033 33 2 -\ CO0 CO o 0 s/IPLIANCm MASONRYZ CO PECTK3z ; o133m m00 m -nD _ ^ Z T^T) ^°0— i>° CO o m -• ;' 33 TJ Z Tl ^X3-j Tl /) Tl Tl V 4] ^{i\ i im j _ 3Dm D CO mOj»r~—Z T3mO—1 OZCO zCOT3m 0 0 3 CO ZoHm CO n *5> H 5 ^~ 00c r-a z f \i^^r*k\ u*»iR9vJlPS \ -n mr—O ~7 JSPECTI/-i *"'Z Xrri o 33 D INSPECTION TYPE$ —1m zCO•fl-ECTCRr ,." •* -C City of Carlsbad >i 1200 ELM, CARLSBAD, CA 92008 • TEL. (714) 438-5525 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPT Owner MailingAddress City Zip Tel Contractor Address City Zip State Lie. S. Classif. Tel. City Lie. No. COMPLETE FOR PLAN CHECK ONLY LEGAL DESCRIPTION MAP ASSESSORS PARCEL NO - -Z.Z. DESCRIPTION OF WORK _!? PLAN ID NO.c? ' 3* DESIGNER ADDRESS PHONE Signature of Applicant..Date 1 1 / tf / it MISCELLANEOUS FEE RECEIPT n n n n n n n n n n n D- D- D_ n n_ n_ a n_ n. n- t, * PLAN CHECK FEE_ VALUATION DEMOLITION HOUSE MOVING PARKS AND RECREATION FEE. PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE_ SCHOOL FEE - DISTRICT, Carlsbad Encinitas San Diego. San Marcos. TOTAL FEE •WARNING: PLAN CHECK FEES. WHERE NO ACTION IS TAKEN BY THE APPLICANT IN 180 DAYS AND NO BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED, FEE ARE FORFEITED TO THE CITY. COMMENTS: White — Applicant Yellow — File Pink — (1) Finance (2) Data Process Gold — Assessor INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET! BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING ADDRESS: A.P.N: A * * A * A- -A A A A A -A A A A ft AT* A * ft £"% A A A * * ft'STS.* A * A :£"& •!;*?;*£*** A ft A A A ft * gTggTft * A A * -k -k * X ft ft A *.*_&. PLANNING DEPARTMENT ZONE: jj J SCHOOL FEES: SAN DIEGUITO ENCINITAS CARLSBAD -^ /!/ A UNITS REQ'D: _ SAN MARCOS PROVIDED: COVERAGE ALLOWED: PACKING SPACES REQ'D: _. PROVIDED: PROVIDED: HEIGHT REQ'D: FRONT SETBACK ALLOWED: PROVIDED: SIDE SETBACK REAR SETBACK PROVIDED: INTRUSIONS: RE-DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL REQ'D: LANDSCAPE § IRRIGATION PLAN COMMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: OK TO ISSUE:DATE:OK TO FINAL:DATE: * * A * ftJt X -A- ft * A A A A A A *.* * A A A A A A -A * fr £• J; A A A A * * A A A -A A- A A A -A *"*"%* JeVa: *£ j: A A -A A * A * A ft.* A -A * A' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT R.0.W: IMPROVEMENTS: PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE:t DRIVEWAY LOCATION (S) :_ GRADING PERMIT: EASEMENTS: SEWER CONNECTION: DRAINAGE: 1 3AL DESCRIPTION: DITIONAL COMMENTS: *CHECK IF ENGINEERING INSPECTION REQ'D. ON FINAL: OK TO ISSUE: DATE: PWI: OK TO FINAL: DATE: ' ^ * IF THIS ITEM IS NOT CHECKED, BUILDING DEPARTMENT WILL MAKE FINAL INSPECTION. I I APPLXCAEOL-CDJ II CITY COPY I| PLAN CHECKER COPY Citp of Cartebao JURISDICTION:DATE /• PROJECT ADDRESS! TO: PLAN CORRECTION SHEET SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX DWELLINGS Plan Check No. Date plans received by jurisdiction^7y •} •£TX7/ // SJ IDate plans received by plan checker /"*£•/ '/ aO/ Date initial plan check completed 3j?>/>("$ by 3//7 "TfJVlf?. ' 'FOREWORD: PLEASE READ Plan check is limited to technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the handicapped. The plan check is based on regulations enforced by the Building Inspection Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinances enforced by the Planning Department, Engineering Department or other departments. The items circled below need clarification, modification or change. All circled items have to be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 303 (c), 1979 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. PLANS Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new sets of prints, and any original plan sets that may have been returned to you by the jurisdiction, to: To facilitate rechecking, please identify, next to each circled item, the sheet of the plans upon which each correction on this sheet has been made and return this check sheet with the revised plans. Indicate on plans the name of the legal owner a'nd name of person responsible for the preparation of the plans. Sec. 302(b) Submit fully dimensioned plot plan drawn to scale showing location size, and use of all existing and proposed structures on the lot. Identify property lines and show lot dimensions and all easements. Show location of all cut-or fill slopes and approximate finish floor elevations for all structures and show elevations at all corners. Sec. 302(b)7. Indicate distance from center-line of street or alley to property line and distance from curb to property line. Sec. 302(b)7 Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed by a California State licensed engineer or architect. (California Business and Professions Code) B. FIRE PROTECTION Walls closer than 3 feet to property lines shall be one-hour fire-rated construction, have no openings, and shall have 30 inch parapets when the building floor area exceeds 1,000 square feet on any floor. (Table 5-A Sec. 1709(a) Projections, including eaves, may not extend more than 12 inches into the 3 foot setback from the property line. Sec. 1710 and Sec. 504(b) Projections, including eaves,shall be one- hour fire-resistive construction, heavy timber or of non-combustible material if they project into the 3' setback area from the property line. Sec. 1710 Show location of permanently wired smoke detector. Sec. 1210 C. ROOM SIZES. LIGHT, VENTILATIONS AND GLAZING One room must contain a minimum of 150 square feet of superficial floor area. Sec. 1207(b) 1*. Habitable rooms, other than kitchens, shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor area. Sec. 1207(b) Window area must be at least 1/10 of the area and a minimum of 10 square feet ec. 1207(a). Appears to be deficient Openable window area must be 1/20 of the-, floor area and a minimum of 5 square feetA. bathrooms, laundry rooms and similar ^ ioms. Minimum is 1.5 sq.ft. JSec. 1205 (a)/ half of all required window areia must be openable in T>t»v»iAJCt "t-iuiAO /• Provide mechanical ventilation capable of providing five air changes per hour in bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms if required windows are not provided. Sec. 1205(a) No habitable room, other than a kitchen, shall be less than 7'0" in any dimension. Sec. 1207(c) Show that ceiling height for habitable rooms is a minimum of 7'6". Sec. 1207(a) X x x Show ceiling height for laundry rooms, hallways, corridors, and bathrooms is a minimum of 7'0". Sec. 1207(a) Provide 30" clear width for water closet compartments and 24" clearance in front of-water closet. Sec. 1711(b) No cooking room shall be used for sleeping purposes, unless complying as an efficiency living unit. Sec. 1208 Specify safety glazing for glazing in hazardous locations such as glass doors, glazing adjacent to such doors and glazing adjacent to walking surfaces. Sec. 5406 Glazing in shower and tub enclosures (including windows) shall be tempered, laminated or approved plastic. Sec. 1711 (f)(g) Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door for emergency exit. Sill height shall not exceed 44" above the floor. The window must have an openable area of at least 5.7 square feet with the minimum openable width 20" and the minimum openable height 24". Sec. 1204 Eaves and cornices may not project into a required yard more than 2 inches for each foot of yard width if required windows open into the yard. Sec. 1206(d) A mezzanine is an intermediate floor and may not have a floor area exceeding 33 1/3 percent of the total floor area in the room below, and the mezzanine floor must have a clear height of 7 feet, above and below,and must have 65% of the long side open to the room be1ow. The loft you show does not comply as a mezzanine floor and is, by Building Code definition, a story D. EXITS, STAIRWAYS, AND RAILINGS £&. Floors above the second story shall have not less than 2 exits. Sec. 3302(a) Required exit doorways shall be not less than 36" in width and not less than 6'-8" in height, and shall be capable of opening at least 90 degrees. Sec. 3303(e) Provide 36" high protective railing for porches, balconies, and open sides of landings. Maximum opening between railings shall be less than 9". Sec. 1716 Show how guardrail connection details are adequate to support 20 pounds per lineal foot at a right angle to the top rail. Table 23-B Provide stairway and landing details. Sec. 3305(b) & (c) a. Maximum rise 8" and minimum run is 9". b. Minimum head room is 6'-6". c. Minimum width is 30". Handrails shall satisfy the following: a. Provide handrail for stairways over 30" high when serving a single dwelling. Title 24, Sec. T25-22(b) b. Handrail shall be 30" to 34" above the nosing of treads. Sec. 3305(j) c. Handrail projecting from a wall shall have a space not less than 1 1/2" between the wall and the handrail. The hand grip portion of handrail shall be not less than 1 1/4" nor more than 2" in cross-sectional dimension. Sec. 3305(j) (see attached) Every stairway landing shall have a dimension, measured in the direction of travel, at least equal to the stairway width. Sec. 3305(g) A door may open over a stairway landing provided the door, in any position, does not reduce the clear area of the landing, in the direction of stairway travel, to less than one-half the required width of the stairway. Sec. 3305(g) A door may open inward at the top step of a stairway provided the top step is not more than 7 1/2" lower than the floor level. Sec. 3303(i)2 Provide details of winding stairway. a. Minimum tread is 6 inches at any point and minimum 9 inches at a point 12 inches from the side of the stairway. b. Maximum rise is 9 inches. c. Minimum width is 30 inches. Sec. 3305(d) (see attached) Provide spiral stairway details: a. Minimum run is 7 1/2 inches at a point from where the tread is the narrowest. b. Maximum rise is 9 1/2 inches. c. Minimum headroom is 6 feet 6 inches. Sec. 3305(f) (see attached) Spiral stairways may not be used for required exits when the area served is greater than 400 sq. ft. Sec. 330S(f) Spiral stairways must have a clear walking space of 26 inches between the column and handrail. Sec. 3305(f) Provide I.C.B.O. Reasearch Report and Number for metal stairway, or submit plans and calculations and approved fabricator registered with the Building Department or note that the stairway fabrication shall be done under special inspection per the approved fabrication plans. Sec. 306(a)4B and Sec. 306(f) In buildings over 2 stories in height, provide 3/4 hour fire-rated assemblies for all openings in the exterior wall below or within 10 feet horizontally of an exterior stair- way. An exit balcony with 2 separated stairways is exempt. Sec. 3305 Exterior stairways shall not project into the 3 foot setback from the property lines. Sec. 3305(n) X The walls and soffits of the enclosed usable space under interior stairs shall be protected on the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction. Sec. 3305(m) Minimum construction specifications shall be made a part of the approved plans. (See attached) 1X54 E. ROOFING 7<). Specify roof pitch. p.. Roof pitch is not adequate for roof type specified. Specify minimum pitch of Specify roof material and application. Specify I.C.B.O. approval number for roof materials not covered in UBC. 74. Specify roof slope for drainage or design to support accumulated water. Sec. 3207(a) 7-5. Show roof drains and overflows. Sec. 3207(a) 7/j8/. Provide skylight details to show compliance with Sections 3401 and 5207 or provide ICBO ^approval number. Provide plastic roof panel details to show compliance with Section 5206 or provide ICBO number. j'a. Show attic ventilation. Minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area or 1/300 of attice area if at least 50% of the required vent is at least 3 feet above ceiling joists. Sec. 3205(c) H. MASONRY ice's Provide fireplace construction details or note construction to be per attached fireplace standard drawing. Sec. 3707 Show veneer support and connections comply with Sec. 3002, 4,5,6, and Sec. 2516(a) regarding ties and #9 wire in horizontal joints or note construction to be per attached sheets 30-1 or 30-2. Show height and construction details of all masonry walls. Chapter 24 9. Note that cleanout openings shall be"provided at the bottom of all cells to be grout filled over 4' in a single pour. Cleanout shall be sealed before grouting, after inspection. Sec. 2415 Show floor and roof connections to masonry walls. Connection shall resist 200 pounds per lineal foot or the actual design load, whichever is greater. Sec. 2310 Provide material specifications for mortar, grout, masonry and reinforcing steel. •Sec. 2403 Show how masonry house walls retaining earth are to be waterproofed. Provide detail. Note that special inspection of the masonry will be required for fz. Show 1 3/8" solid core self-closing door for openings between garage and dwelling. - Sec. 503(d) Garages are not permitted to open into a room used for sleeping purposes. Sec. 1104 Openings between carport and residence require self-closing doors and stationary windows. Sec. 1214 Show garage framing section, size of header over garage opening, lateral cross bracing at plate line and method of bracing garage front. Chapter 23 NOTE: Minimum plywood diaphragm ratio is 3 1/2 to 1 or 2'8". Table 24-1 Doors between dwellings and attached garages may swing in either direction provided the difference in floor elevation between the dwelling and garage does not exceed 7 1/2 inches and provided the door is not used as the primary means of egress from the building. If the difference in floor elevation exceeds 7 1/2 inches, or if the door is used as the primary means of egress from the building, additional steps or landing must be provided in accordance with stairway requirements, and the door must not swing over the depressed level. (see 3303(i)2 and 3305 (g). Provide 18" raised platforms for any FAU, water heater, or any other device which may generate a flame or spark. Note that continuous fire wall protection shall be installed behind raised platform(s) prior to framing platform. H. FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS Note on plans that"A soils engineer shall evaluate any unanticipated uncompacted fill or expansive soil or other soil problems disclosed during construction". Sec.306(a)12. Submit soils classification determination by a licensed engineer or architect based on observation, tests, borings, or excavations, and containing comments on the degree of expansiveness, compressibility and bearing value. Sec. 2905 Note on the plan the soils classification, whether or not the soil is expansive, and note the allowable bearing value. Sec. 2905 The foundation plan does not comply with the soil report recommendation for this project Provide notes on the foundation plan listing the soils report recommendations for foundations. slab and building pad preparation. C~&~*——~Q iXC"^Note on the foundation"pljjp that "Prior \w. yt. G. GARAGE AND CARPORTS .Garage requires one-hour fire protection on the garage side of walls and ceilings common to the dwelling. Table 5-B Sec.503(b) .All elements supporting floor above garage to have one-hour fire-resistive protection on the garage side. Sec. 503. Beams and posts, not within the wall or ceiling con- struction, must comply with UBC, Table 43-A, or be minimum 6" dimension beam and minimum 8" by 8" post. to the Contractor requesting a Building Department foundation inspection, the Is engineer shall advise the Building Official in writing that: 1. the building pad was prepared in accor- dance with the soils report: 2. the utility trenches have been properly backfilled and compacted, and: 3. the foundation excavations, forming and reinforcement comply with the soils report and approved plan." Provide spread footings for concentrated loads designed for 1,000 PSF soil bearing or per bearing value as determined by an engineer or architect. Chapter 29 Show height of all foundation walls. Chapter 23 Show height of retained earth on all foundation walls. Chapter 23 Show distance of foundation to edge of cut or fill slopes and show steepness and heights of cuja/and fills. Chapter 29 that wood shall be 6" above 2417(c) 7. 131 that surface water will drain and show drainage pattern Sec. 2905(f) in per Table TABLE NO. 29-A-FOUNDATIONS FOR STUD BEARING WALLS—MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS NUMBEROF STORIES 1 2 3 THICKNESS OF FOUNDATION WALL(Inches) CONCRETE 6 8 10 UNIT MASONRY 6 8 10 WIDTHOF FOOTING (Inches) 12 15 18 THICKNESSOF FOOTING(Inches) 6 7 8 DEPTH OF FOUNDATION BELOW NATURAL SURFACE OF GROUND GRADE (Inches) 12 18 24 y* X Note cross bridging or blocking. Floor joists and rafters more than 12" in depth and spanning more than 8 feet shall be supported laterally by bridging at intervals not exceeding 8 feet. Sec. 2506(g) Show blocking at ends and at supports of floor joists, and for rafters at exterior walls. Sec. 2506(g) Show solid blocking at ridge line and at exterior walls on trussed roofs. Sec. 2506(g) Show double joists. Floor joists shall be doubled under bearing partitions running parallel with the joists. Sec. 2518(d) 5 Show rafter ties. Rafter ties shall be spaced not more than 4 feet on center where rafters and ceiling joists are not parallel. Sec. 2S18(h) Show rafter purlin braces to be not less than 45 degrees to the horizontal. Sec. 2518<h) Show 1/2" minimum clearance between top plate of interior partitions and bottom chord of trusses. (To ensure loading will be as designed.) Show double top plate with minimum 48" lap splice. Sec. 2518(g)4 170. Show nailing will be in compliance with Table 25-P. 135. I. .VOTES: Where unusual condition* or frost conditions are found, footings and foundations shall be as required in Section 2907 (a). The ground under the Boor may be excavated to the elevation of thrtop of the footing. Show foundation sills to be pressure treated, or equal. Sec. 2517(c) 3. Show foundation bolt size and spacing. Sec. 2907(e) Specify size, ICBO number and manufacturer of power driven pins. Show edge and end distance and spacing. Sec. 306(f) Show size, imbedment and location of hold down anchors on foundation plan. Sec. 2312(f) Note on plan that hold down anchors must be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. Sec. 2312(f) Show adequate footings under all shear walls. Sec. 2311(e) Show stepped footings for slopes steeper than 1:10. Sec. 2907(c) Show minimum 18" clearance from grade to bottom of floor joists and minimum 12" clearance to bottom of girders. Sec. 2517 Show pier size, spacing and depth into undisturbed soil. Table 29-A Show minimum under floor access of 18"x Sec. 2517 Show minimum under floor ventilation equal to 1 1/2 sq. ft. for each 25 lineal feet ' of exterior foundation with openings as close to corners as practicable to provide cross ventilation on at least two approximate ly opposite sides. Sec. 2517 FRAMING ye. LW. X- Provide fire stops between stories, between top story and roof space, at ceilings and floor levels in interior and exterior walls, in mansard roof or eyebrow so no concealed or furred space is greater than 10' horizontally or vertically, between stair stringers at top and bottom and between studs along and in line with stair run adjoining stud walls and partitions, at perimeter of sliding door pockets, between chimney and wood frame using metal or incombustibles for the fire stop and at other places that could afford passage of flame. Sec. 2Sl7(f) Show stud size and spacing. Maximum allow- able stud heights: 2"x4"@ 16" is 14'; 3"x4"S2"x6"@ 16"o.c. is 20'. Sec. 2518(g)2 Note an A.I.T.C. Certificate of Compliance for glued laminated wood members shall be given to the Building Inspector prior to erection. Sec. 306(f) Detail all post to beam and post to footing :onnections. Sec. 2517(c) 4 Specify nail size and spacing for all shear walls, floor and roof diaphragms. Indicate required blocking. Maintain maximum diaphragm dimension ratios. (Tables I,J,K). Show 3"x4" or 2"x6" studs in first story of three story building. Sec. 2518(f) TfpwSde truss details and truss calculations.- Provide roofframing plan.SecTTOTl Provide framing sections through LOT. ' Show all joists, rafters, beams, and posts 2" to 4" thick to be No. 2 Grade Douglas Fir-Larch or better. All posts and beams 5° and thicker shall be No. 1 Grade Douglas Fir-Larch or better. (Table 25-A-l) Show wall bracing. Every exterior wood stud wall and main -cross partition shall be braced at each end and at least every 25 feet of length with 1x4 diagonal let-in brace or equivalent. Sec. 2518(g)5 Section 302(a) 7 Specify all header sizes for opening over 4' wide. Sec. 2518(g) 7 Provide calculations for ection 302(a) 7 In areas subject to water splash and in exterior locations, wood columns and posts shall be supported by piers projecting at least 2" above the finished grade and shall bear on a metal base plate or treated wood unless the columns or posts are foun- dation grade redwood or cedar. Sec. 2517(c)4 \VS. ^ j42. S X \fn-•r X Show location of attic access with minimun size 22" x 30". Sec. 3205 . Show draft separation for attic areas in excess of 3,000 sq.ft. Sec. 3205 . Show draft separation, for space between dropoed ceilings and floor above in excess of V.OOO sq.ft. Sec. 2517 . Specify plywood grade and panel indenti- fication index. Table 25-J . When roof pitch is less than 3:12, design ridge as a beam. Sec. 2518 (h) Wood shear walls shall not be used to resist horizontal forces contributed by masonry in buildings over one story in height. Sec. 2S16(b) Gypsum lath and plaster, gypsum sheathing board and gypsum wallboard shall not be used in vertical diaphragms to resist forces imposed by masonry or concrete construction. Table 47-1 If cripple wall studs are less than 14", framing shall be solid blocking. Sec.2518(g) Cripple wall studs exceeding 4 feet in height shall be 3 inch by 4 inch or 2 inches by 6 inches when supporting 2 stories? ec. 2518(g)6 Show plywood sheathing over exposed eaves, or other weather exposed areas, is exterior grade. Sec. 2517(g) 3 Show a weep screed at the foundation plate line on all exterior stud walls to be stuccoed. Sec. 4706(e) Provide an approved waterproof building paper under wood siding. Sec. 1701(a) Specify an approved flashing for exterior openings and parapet walls. Sec. 3208 Show corridor width to be minimum 36". Sec. 3304(b) Specify truss layout for 30" x 30" attic access. Ridges, hips, and valleys shall be at least one size larger than supported rafters. Sec. 2518(h) 3 Provide metal straps across ridge beam and rafters. Show access to the attic or under floor furnace to be minimum 30 inches by 30 inches. Sec. 708 & 709 UMC 2O9>. Note that passageway to the attic furnace / shall be unobstructed and have continuous solid flooring not less than 24 inches wide. Sec 708 UMC 2>U. Show permanent electrical outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switch for the attic furnace. Sec. 708 UMC Show details to comply with Section ^09 for furnace under the floor. Section 708 for attic furnace, or Section 710 for roof or outside furnace. Note on plan, gas vents and non-combustible piping passing through three floors or less shall be effectively draft stopped t each floor or ceiling. UBC Sec. 1706(a)6 'ELECTRICAL (National Electrical Code) wiring shall comply with the National Electrical Note on the plan the amperage of electrical service. the electrical installation is more 200 amperes, show panel location provide a single line diagram and load calculations including: yA. Wiring method employed. Sizes of all conductors, switches, circuit breakers, fuses, and conduits. Approximate length of service feeders. Provide plot plan showing services, all panel locations, circuit arrangement and load distribution on panel busses. Provide typical panel schedule(s). flings require minimum 100 amp service. tion of all electrical receptacles. ttrical receptacle locations and/or spacing is not adequate in 2X\ A-^ o J. MECHANICAL All heating, ventilating, and cooling systems and appliances shall comply with the Uniform Mechanical Code. Show the size, location and type of all heating and cooling appliances or systems. Show source of combustion air for furnace will comply with Chaper 6, U.M.C. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintain- ing a room temperature of 70° F. at 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms. Show basis for compliance. UBC Sec. 1211 Show minimum 30" deep unobstructed working space in front of furnace. Note on plans,clearances to be per manufac- turers listing. Sec. 704 UMC Furnace shall not be installed under any stairway. Sec. 704 UMC Furnace shall not be installed in any bedroom, bathroom, closet, or in confined space with access only through such room, unless specified as direct vent appliance, enclosed furnace or electric heating appliance. Sec. 704 UMC 7. Show ICBO approval for prefab fireplace and provide approved installation instructions at job site. At least one receptacle shall be installed outdoors, in basements and attached garages, other than laundry outlets. Art. 210-25(b) Show minimum dwellinr lighting (NEC Art. 210-26(1) and iiFI'S in garage, baths and Outdoors. NEC Art. 210-8(a). Note "UFER" grouxd to be provided (NEC). Art. 250-81 L. PLUMBING (Uniform Plumbing Code) All plumbing shall comply with the Uniform Plumbing Code. 2QZ\ < . 2t4. 203^ Show water heater size, type and location on plans. Show method of providing combustion air to fuel burning water heater. Sec. 1307 Fuel combustion water heater shall not be installed in bath or bedroom or in a closet opening into bath or bedroom. Sec. 1309 Provide adequate barrier to protect water- heater from vehicle damage. Sec. 1310 Show T and P valve on water heater and show route of discharge line to exterior Sec. 1007(e) Provide dryer vent to outside. UMC Sec. 1903 Note on the plan that hose bibbs and lawn sprinkler systems shall have approved backflow prevention devices. Sec. 1003 244. Shower stall shall accomodate a 30"circle S and have a minimum floor area of 900 sq.in. UPC 909(d) 236. 237. 238./ / 239. 240. •, 242. ' ; 2"4 3 . NOISE INSOLATION (DUPLEXES) Show details of duplex common (party) walls and floor/ceiling assemblies to achieve a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating in walls of 50 decibles and an Impact Insulation Class (IIC) rating on floor/ ceiling of 50 decibles. Title 25 Show how penetration of assemblies for piping, electrical devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits, or heating ventilating, or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined, or insulated to maintain required sound transmission rating. Title 25 Provide insulation in walls and ceiling to achieve STC of 50 between garage and living area if garage use is not controlled by resident Title 25. ENERGY CONSERVATION 27^. All additions to existing residential / buildings must comply with Title 24 ' energy regulations. Additions exceeding 30% of the existing building requires the existing and addition to have R-19 ceiling -insulation if the existing ceiling area is accessible for insulation installation (T20-140KO . Specify the insulation R values for walls, roof and ceiling. (R-ll for walls: R-19 for ceilings, or provide details and analysis for alternate design. T20-1403 Table A & 2B. Specify the gross floor area or heated portions of the dwelling, and the area of glazed openings on the plan. (T20-1430) Provide an analysis justifying increasing the single glazed area beyond 16% of the gross floor area. Show method to reduce heat loss to that which would occur with basic glazing. (T20-1402,def.) Provide energy analysis to show that the bonnet capacity of the gas central furnace does not exceed the building design heat loss by more than 30%. (Exceptions: 48,000 BTU Hr. output furnace. See also California Efficiency Adjustment.) T24-1404 Note on plan that all tranverse ducts, plenums, and fitting joints of HVAC system shall be sealed with pressure sensitive tape or mastic to prevent air loss. T20-1404 Note on plan that insulation of ducts shall conform to UMC Section 1005. (T20-1404) "4. Outdoor pools with fossil fuel heaters require pool covers as well as other energy saving devices such as time clocks, etc. T20-1406 MISCELLANEOUS Show a minimum 2" air space and flashing between planter and building walls. Sec. 2517(e) Specify material to be used under the shower tile. Sec. 1707(a) Specify lath and plaster to comply with Chapter 47, UBC. 30Y^ o 3/4" copper pipes must be installed rom water heater location to convenient location of future solar panels (City Ord.) ovide sleeves (roof jacks) in roof for .uture 3/4" copper pipes to convenient iation of future solar panels (City Ord.) fote that solar water piping is to be insulated in areas that are not heated or cooled. (City Ord.) See attachment for roofing requirements. X NOTE; The plans were reviewed based on the information shown on the plans. If the plans are in error, or changed during construction, the permittee shall contact the Building Department for review and prior approval before proceeding with the work: D Building plans are substantially correct and complete. By:_ 27JK /. /• Note on plan that all doors and windows to the exterior or to unconditioned areas shall be fully weather striped per ANSI Standard. (T20-1403). Note on plan that back draft dampers are required on all fan systems exhausting air from the building. T20-1403 Electrical resistance space heating shall not be used unless: a. 60s of heating/cooling is supplied by a nondepletable source. b. supplements a heat pump system. c. less-than 10% of total heating system. d. life cycle cost analysis justifies. T20-1404 Note on plan that all heating and cooling equipment efficiencies shall conform to Title 20-Chapter 2, Subchapter 4, Article 4. (75% for forced air furnaces). Note on plan that no natural gas, central heating plant may be installed without an Intermittent Ignition Device. T20-1405 Electric resistance water heating is not permitted unless verfied as cost effective by a life cycle cost analysis. T20-1406 -MJate: j£] luild \>.<K_/and c /Y "/ By: ^/ Dat Iuilding plans would be substantially correct complete if minor corrections are made counter. [~1 Building plans require major corrections and complete plan recheck, by plan check engineer, is required. By: Date: If you have any questions regarding this plan check, please call at . Me would also be pleased to meet with you, at no charge, if additional assistance is needed. DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES D Assistant City Manager (714) 438-5596 D Building Department (714) 438-5525 D Engineering Department (714) 438-5541 D Housing & Redevelopment Department (714)438-5611 D Planning Department (714)438-5591 Cttp af Carfefcafci 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 RESIDENTIAL VALUATION CHART EFF: 7/1/82 SFD LIVING AREA j x 47.00 70,- ATTACHED UNITS-3 OR MORE GARAGE AREA COVERED PORCH X 40.00 _X 12.00 X 4.50 COVERED PATIO X 4.50 BALCONIES/STAIRS X 7.50 EACH BATHROOM OVER 3 X 2200.00 EACH FIREPLACE OVER 2 X 1760.00 RETAINING WALLS X 9. 00 POOLS X 19.00 SPAS 4000.00 AIR CONDITIONING X 2.40 MOBILE OR MODULAR ON S.F. LOT(35 OF BLDG . PER FT) X TOTAL VALUATION PLAN CHECK FEE ( 65% OF BUILDING PERMIT FEE) t,' CARVER Engineering 174 Village Green Road Encinitas, CA 92024 (619)753-6198 Sheet No. / of Job No. 3 P, M . 4 fe.)^ r V Y/& CARVER Engineering Sheet No. 2 of Job No. 83-^3 x ^-' // *ff 2 / 2 y y CARVER Engineering Sheet No. 3 of Job No. k#k^ Mr £VTK^ •'*/?&/$- 2^^£'4' <-* CARVER Engineering Sheet No. 4~ of 4- Job No. £3.0? e ten- exT- to ' '5T SAN DIEGUITO SOILS, INC. .9,DS 7173 4407 MANCHESTER AVE., SUITE 107 • ENCINITAS, CA 92024 May 13, 1983 (619)753-8997 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Mr. Carter, Building Inspection Dept. REPORT OF FOUNDATION EXCAVATION INSPECTION PARCELS 1, 2, and 3, PARCEL MAP NO. 11391. Gentlemen: At the request of Mr. Thomas D. Elliott we have observed the removal of uncompacted fill and colluvium at the subject site, and observed and tested the fills placed on the property earlier this month. Our final report of May 11, 1983 indicates that the grading was done in accordance with the recommendations made by Geocon, Incorporated in their Soil Investigation report dated September 21, 1981, and that the tests indicate that the fills have been compacted to 90 percent or more of the maximum laboratory density. In addition we have inspected the footing'excavations for the 3 residences and it is our opinion that the excavations have been made in conformance with the plans for the project with respect to depth and width. Groundwater was encountered by Geocon at a depth of approximately 9 feet below the previously existing ground surface. We don't believe that the presence of water at that depth will adversely affect the performance of the foundations for these residences. The soil within 3 feet of rough grade has been inspected and tested and is determined to be non-expansive. Therefore it is our opinion that no special precautions are necessary to compensate for the expansive characteristics of the finish grade soils. SDS 7173 May 13, 1983 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, SAN DIEGUITO SOILS, INC., By fr-JW /X. Bill K. Bramble, RCE 8102 BKB/js cc: (2) Thomas D. Elliott 2445 Garfield St. Carlsbad, CA 92008 SAN DIEGUITO SOILS, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS SAN DIEGUITO SOILS, INC. 4407 MANCHESTER AVE., SUITE 107 ENCINITAS, CA 92024 (714) 753-8997 SDS 7173 May 11, 1983 . Thomas D. Elliott 2445 Garfield Street Carlsbad, California 92008 FINAL REPORT OF ENGINEERING OBSERVATION OF GRADING AND TESTING OF COMPACTED FILL, PARCELS 1, 2, AND 3, PARCEL MAP NO. 11391. Dear Mr. Elliott: In accordance with your request, we have provided observatibn and testing services in conjunction with the grading of the subject site. SCOPE OF WORK Our services included: 1) Periodic engineering observation.of the grading operation. 2) Periodic observation of the excavation and removal of colluvium and uncompacted fill in the areas noted in the Soil Investigation report by Geocon, Incorporated, dated September 21, 1981. 3) Periodic observation of the general preparation of areas to receive fill. 4) Taking field density tests in the placed and compacted fill. 5) Performing laboratory tests oh representative samples of the materials used for fill. SDS 7173 May 11, 1983 Page 2 SUMMARY OF GENERAL EARTHWORK AND TESTING Site preparation, compaction, and testing were done between May 3 and May 10, 1983. It is our opinion, based on our observation and testing, that the work performed during that period was in general conformance with the recommendations made by Geocon, Incorporated Soil Investigation and Geologic Reconnaissance report dated September 21, 1981. Fill was placed, compacted and tested on three parcels and driveway as shown on attached site plan. The grading operation essentially consisted of the preparation of the area to receive fill, including excavation of loose fill, colluvium, and surficial soils, scarifying and compacting surfaces to receive fill, and making cuts and fills to design grades. As the site grading progressed, compaction procedures were observed and field density tests were made to evaluate the -- relative compaction of the fill in place. Field observations and field density test results indicate that the fills have been compacted to 90 percent or more of the maximum laboratory density. ' • • . • For reference, the approximate location of field density tests and the limits of compacted fill have been recorded on the attached site plan. The results of field density tests, expressed as a percentage of the maximum laboratory density, are given on the attached forms. Laboratory tests to evaluate moisture-density relationships, maximum dry density and optimum moisture content and swell characteristics were performed on representative samples of the materials used for fill. The results of the laboratory tests are attached. Compactions tests shown as finish grade (FG) tests correspond to the elevations shown on the grading plan, prepared by Patrick O'Day, SDS 7173 ,May 11, 1983 Page 3 Oceanside, California, except that the upper pad on parcel 3 was lowered from 107.6 to approximately 102.6. Elevations and locations given in this report are based on field surveys established by others. SUMMARY OF FINISH GRADE SOIL CONDITIONS Laboratory tests and inspection indicates that soils within 3 feet of rough grade are of low expansive potential. RECOMMENDATIONS Foundation recommendations for this site were made by Geocon, Incorporated in their report dated September 21, 1981. Slopes Newly constructed fill slopes are approximately 2 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) and approximately 4 feet maximum in height. Newly constructed fill slopes were backrolled with a sheepsfoot compactor, and trimmed with a slope blade. We recommend that structures that will not tolerate differential settlements (such as foundations, swimming pools, concrete decks, walls, etc.) not be located within 5 feet of the top of the slope. Footings located closer than 5 feet from the top of a slope should be extended in depth until, the outer bottom edge of the footing is 5 feet horizontally from the outside face of the slope. Exterior Slabs Exterior slabs should be not less than 4 inches in thickness. Walks or slabs 5 feet or less in width need not be reinforced. Those exceeding 5 feet in width should be reinforced with 6" x 6" 10/10 welded wire mesh positioned at the center of the slab cross-section. Weakened plane joints consisting of grooves 1/8" to 1/4" wide and 1 1/4" deep should be provided for all exterior slabs as recommended in the figure below. SDS 7173 May 11, 1983 Page 4 p — vj>\o' Additional Fill and Utility Trenches This report discusses the fill placed under our observation and during the dates specified herein. We recommend that any additional fill placed after these dates, as well as the back- fill in utility trenches located within 5 feet of a building and greater than 12 inches deep, or in any trench 5 feet or more from a building and in excess of 5 feet in depth be compacted under the observation of this office and tested to assure compaction to not less than 90 percent of the maximum laboratory density. This office should be contacted at, least 24 hours prior to the backfilling operations. Drainage We recommend that positive measures be taken to properly finish grade these parcels after the structures and other improvements are in place, so that drainage waters from the parcels and adjacent properties are directed off the parcels and away from building foundations, floor slabs, and top of slopes. Even with these provisions, experience has shown that a shallow or surface ground water condition can and may develop in areas where no such condition existed prior to development; this is particularly true in developments where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration results from landscape irrigation. SDS 7173 May 11, 1983 Page 5 LIMITATIONS The inspections of fill foundation preparation, types of materials, and soil placement and compaction made during the period of our services on the subject site, were in accordance with local acceptable standards at this time. The conclusions or opinions drawn from the tests and site inspections apply to our work with respect to grading, and represent conditions at the date of our final inspection. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to this site by others, or by uncontrolled action of water, or by failure of others to properly repair damage caused by uncon- trolled action of water. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact, us. Sincerely, SAN DIEGUITO SOILS, INC., BY BILL K. BRAMBLE, RCE 8102 BKB/LC/tlk SAN DIEGUITO SOILS, INC, CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS CHESTNUT AVE.NUE. g ±106' EXISTING 15' ESM'T PROPERTY L.INE STREET. NO STR.UCTUR.E.S IN THIS AR.EA. E.XISTINQ TR.E.E.' L.E.CSE.N1D :. TE.ST ION FILL SLOPE (.2:0 CUT St-OPE (2-- O THOMAS El_U»OTT ST. CARLS t3ACs , CA. SAN DieGurro SQ^S, IMC. MANCMESTER. AVE, PCU, t, 2. ^ 3 OF PARCEL. MAP I13PI CITY QF CA.R.LSQAO eNClNtT^S1 CA. 92O2-4 SDS 71-73 PLATE. NO. i * - • 85 , P-. 1 z !M ( O W ' M < P^* fJTj O pel ^gg CO " x~\ 6"^- V_X WZ M M HH 7j f+ W Pj Oo rJ W MP-l co H o0. EH H CO PS W 0 0.O H -J X-N — ^ ^ Q— * &*+. $ gH H w2 /> MH H §0C_> ^i ./:z z jJ OH Q M CO ^ E"1 Wfc W O M H O O rH fe O H WCO H W <HO H co O W Z H LO -^J* ^D ro CN CN) o^ c^ o^ tH CM CN en t^ en H rH rH rH CN CM rH H H ^* oo oo 00 rH OO rH H rH O O O en iH oo oo en en , CM OO OO rH Q) O M " ~ (0 PH oo ; oo 00 CO X. vx s•>r in X^ X^ m in .rH CN 00 en en CM CM m oo en en en CM H CN ^r en r- CM T CM CN iH CN H rH rH vo m m rH rH <* H rH H O O 0 to S r^en en en 0 O<o m W >i W 1 (Tj 1 Q) £ Q) t3 Q) rO 1 > 1 H rH H 3 M 3 U Q U oo CO vo Xm ^i" in vo CO H " S3; . '. ;. -;H i . o o *» oo oo in en o o ** o inoom'*OrHoin^'^i< en en en en en en en . en en en en rHrHCNCNrHCNCNCNiHr-frH CO VD O CNCn HrH COCvj OVO oor>cnvocNcnrHcovooocN HOrHCMHH. CMHHH.HV-l.rH H HrH iH rH rH rHrH rH tr> o oo vocn r^cn ^r cooo oo Hen en ^ro r^ CM en r— co en H H rH H m o o m o o m o o o vo co -5T m vo vo co r~ in t~~ en coen en en en en en en en en en en >|OOrHrHOOiHCNrHiHrHOO £ rH Q) (U > 0 •H i-JE £ S £ Z £ S Et M (0 Q P-l OO OO 00 CO CO CO \= = = = = \= = = \o• . r«- en H X XXm m in r^ oo en o H CM oo «a< m vo t-» rH rH rH H rH iH H rH s s. ' ""jj* ^3 CO VOen en CN rH O CO oo ^* CM iH rH rH CM r> CO CO vo VD en oen o r-| CM rH E E '= ' = & en rH rH oo CN EHCO rija Aco eu 4J C O n in 0 01 Pj Q 'H toS^" *-»?S ^-i< w CO <CQ J ro to «#> H ^- §* aSD E-"S 25- H OB U CMH ro *y. & O1 1 DESGRIPT]•H 0in/-»Wj 0-p1 'Oc(C CQ >1 4J H -Hto §O >1t1 — 1 4JX!tn -H H W C ange-browTlc(0to XI O M(«Q CD -X >is-i (did HQ 0 ^ wH fm O ^CO E-" CN APPENDIX A LABORATORY TESTS The materials observed during construction were evaluated with respect to expansive potential, dry density, moisture content, and compaction characteristics. 1) Maximum dry density tests were performed on represen- tative samples returned to the laboratory. The purpose of these tests was to provide a>basis of comparison for compacted fill conditions to County Grading Ordinance Standards. The results of the tests performed in accordance with A.S.T.M. Test Method D-1557-78, are as follows: Sample Number 1 2 Maximum Dry Density (pcf) 119.7 131.7 Optimum Moisture (%•) , 12.4 9.3 2) Expansion Potential The Expansion Potential of representative recompacted samples of s oil was determined by allowing the samples to swell against a surcharge of 150 psf when brought into contact with water. The results of the tests are as follows: Sample Location Typical finish grade material Sample Initial Conditions Compacted to 90% of MDD Saturated Moisture (%) 20.0 % Swell 0.0% County or ban uiego - ^ommuniiy services Agency Department of Land Use and Environmenal Regulation I SO Chesapeake Drive 837 Williamston Street 200 -LEut Main m Dieao.CA 92123 - Vista. CA 92083 El Cajon, CA 92020 bS-5920 (Zenith 7-0888) 726-7920 (Zenith 7-2001 ) 579-4511 (Zenith 7-1398) \ rrojanc .Location T VIPATJ-IC >\- /Vve. _ Ka«m of Hrmittoo O'.k/ r>T C^vU^aA _ Grading Nrait No. Thi» report form for • "minor" grading project la to be completed and signed by the Registered Civil Engineer (or Architect) who has t*«n designated on ttv« trading PI»n and Permit a* the Engineer who will furniah the compaction report for worfc authorized by a grading permit laaued by the Dept. of Land U»» and EavirowcMtal Regulation. The iAtaat of the format la to provide information to the Department of L.U.E.R. a* to grading compiiaAce «lft> ttie approved Grading Plan and Permit. Where the quaatlona below refer to location, configuration <tr quantity of cut and/or fill areas, it la understood that your ntepoiibe will not normally be baaed on an actual land aurvey or detailed earthwork quantity calculation* . It should be noted, however, that the Department la particularly couerpad where there are possible infractlona with reepect to over re •« parted slopes, enoroacaitmnta of required ••tbacfca, uncompacUid fllla placed, or where the quantity of fill placed d iff era substantially from that «uthprize<l. The Department of L.U.E.R. requires that all fills authorized by a Grading Permit be compacted to a mlnlmo* of 'JOX of suLxUuo uenaity with the <!ju:dptlon that nut nore than 12" of unoompactad anrt uoteated f ilia May be <iiapar«eil over tlie land parcel. The iteod to compact all I'llla that are l>eyond the prea«nt Uaita of the preHeut propoeed conatructlun la to insure that future propoe^tl conutructlon of roua adilitluna or awiming poo la or similar structures will not require that uncoapactud fill* be reaovutl or reconpactutl, or that extensive foundation work be Compaction reports will not be accepted unlaau thia font in completed aad signed by the registered pmraoa. A. COMPATIBILITY WITH GRADING PUN AKD PEKHIT 1. was the coBpactad till placed only in the approximate locations designated on the grading ye* _X._, No _ plan aa areas to b« t'illoJ? "^ ~~~~' 2. Wd the quantity of fill material placed Approximately conform to the grading plan? Yea X No 'i. DL>«« en« v6^ or I'lLL or tli« top oi cut appear to eikiruoclt wiciiJn tlio ^ruscriUed setback (l.S1 tor fill; 3.0' for cuts)? Yea _ Ko X 4. '•are the finished fill dlupet etcuper than 2 horixoicul to 1 vertical? Yea No x 5. It the fill material wan obtained by cuts on the site, were the cuts made in the proper location and to ttie proper siopa approximately aa shown on the approvad gradl.-^ plan? Yea X Ho 6. Were brow ditches constructed approximately aa uhu>/n on the jjrndinj! plan? Yea X No B. WATIOK AKD A.SOUHT Or OOHPACTION TESTS " 1. Have you attached d sketch an I Jata allowing the.-U»:atl AI anil re.lati^e uliivatlon for all compAofi»n tuuca? Yea X No 2. W*« a compaction test mad..- so that thero is ar luaot one test in each '2' thicJ: Idne of ceapacted iut<iriol? . > ya, V" Jjo 3. .V« indicated by Infections, obde^'atlons and compactimi todt results, wan the fill, ' ' **cludin< the top L.O', ciw>p*<:ted to at lu*»t 90X ol; waxliBua dry ditn«ity? ' Y«4 ^ Mo 0. t|IIALITY OF Firx COM PACT I OH OPERATION iv ' 1. Wa» the area to receive rt.ll properly prnpar«i1 in Conns ,»t' I. ruth rco^val, benching, wetting removal of" noikccwpactod fill or d«L>rla *n>l r»latuii itMnui? •/ y^, X Ko 2. Do«e the fill contain «iotrii»ent«liy expaiidiv/e soiJ. within 3' of finish xrad«? V'*e • J{5 !X 3. Kawt Tou.att&<:h«:d A copy or" your curve showing the ruLotloimhip betwawi optiaiua amliicure ' content and ««rlmiii density? yM UO \y 4. W«r«i any boulder* or other overalze (over 1'J" ) particles pUcud In th« fill? Yea V^ No 5. If your an»w«r to (4) abov« i« y-B, it any portion or" this l:il_l not suitable tor aupport af structures? Ye- 6. W*r« thi.Te any xreaa on the lite tliar Jppuarbil to have exiatiiij; fills that wero not re- cumi^ctud duri/m the operation that l« Uaaia J.<r Uii« rupurt? Y«e Mo X lUv. I147S - LUHR »73 B. STATISTICAL DATA . . 1. Datea th« g»ding work waa performed: MTW 3 — M^y \O / 1983 - ; - „ : ........ '• y * . ' • * . I . -•• your »pr»»«ntativ« waa on tit* and nuatxif of bourn on sit* for each data, and MM of r*pr*a«atative: -3-&3 L-C 2.5 _ fi- t-r. ftO ,^-9-A^ IP Did a iUgiit*red Eji^in**r vi»it ttwi «it« duritm or subaaquant: to the coupltttioQ «f tlt« 4, Ctd you perform any t««ting services on thie project prior to »»cert»inin^ that a valid pexmit had be«o i»«u*d for the work? • :2tM _ Mo E. AS-^UIU IATA 1. If ttxe fill pl*ce»eat we* not la accordaoc« with the approved grading plan, did you notify live permittee to obtain approval for deviation fitM the plan before proceeding with additional fill pUcewant? . V»» _ Ho JJA 'i. If the approved grading plan doea not reflect the actual location, depth and type of fill, have you aubadttad for review and approval an aa-built plan? Y«* ___ Ho NA CDtTITICATION r • ' ' I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury, that the Information provided in thig certification ia crurf to the beat of ay knowledge and belief. Siunature '^^ _ ' ^ ^^' "' ^ Pate 5(To be signed and dated by a Registered Engineer or Architect} . ReglrtTrtlon or Certificatim'*' NuuLer 44Q7 Mar.c-ie,er- A^e- ) 5>4g. IO7 , Fy->_c'ir^UaA , CA Telephone Number "757>-ft997 _ -< SOIL INVESTIGATION AND GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE for P.3.P. PROPERTY Carlsbad, California For P.3.P. ENTERPRISES Oceanside, California By GEOCON, INCORPORATED San Diego, California September, 1981 GEOCON ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS • CONSULTANTS IN THE APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES File No. D-2579-T01 September 21, 1981 P.3.P. Enterprises 315 North Clementine Street Oceanside, California 92054 Attention: Mr. Pat O'Day Subject: P.J.P. Property Chestnut Avenue Carlsbad, California SOIL INVESTIGATION AND GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have performed a soil investigation and geologic reconnaissance for the subject project. We submit herewith the report of our investigation. The accompanying report presents the findings of our investigation and includes our conclusions and recommen- dations based on those findings. If you have any questions regarding the report or if we may be of further service, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, GEOCON, INCORPORATED Michael; W. Hart Michael S. Chapin CEG 706 Staff Geologist MSC:TVL:lm copies: (4) addressee 9530 DOWDY DRIVE • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92126 • PHONE (714) 695-2880 File No. D-2579-TO1 September 21, 1981 SOIL INVESTIGATION AND GEOLOGIC RECONNAISSANCE Purpose and Scope The purpose of this soil investigation and geologic reconnaissance was to observe and sample the prevailing soil conditions at the site, to evaluate possible geologic hazards to the site and to provide recommendations for foundation design and other geotechnical aspects of site development. The investigation was performed on July 15, 1981 and consisted of a site reconnaissance :by our staff geologist and the drilling of three small- diameter exploratory borings. In addition, available geologic literature was reviewed to evaluate the presence of previously mapped geologic hazards such a faults or ancient landslides which may exist in the vicinity of the site. Laboratory tests were performed on soil samples from the site to determine various physical properties of the soil types encountered. The conclusions and recommenations presented herein are based on engineering analysis of the results of our field investigation and laboratory tests. Site and Project Description The 1.1 acre, L-shaped site is located on the south side of Chestnut Avenue, east of Highland Drive in Carlsbad, California. The southern end -1- GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TO1 September 21, 1981 of the site slopes gently down to the east, while the northern portion of the site has been filled to a relatively flat-lying configuration. An elevation differential of approximately 18 feet exists between the highest point of the site, which is located near the southwest property corner, and the lowest portion of the site, along the east property line. Vegetation consists of moderate to light growths of native weeds and grasses and scattered trees. Based on the "Grading Plan, Parcels 1, 2 and 3 of P.M. 11391" prepared by O'Day Consultants and dated June 15, 1981, the site will be graded to level building pads with proposed 2:1 and 3:1 cut and fill slopes less than 10 feet high. It is our understanding that each of the three parcels will receive a wood-frame single-family residence and that foundation loads will be rela- tively light. Field Investigation The field portion of the investigation was performed on July 15, 1981 and consisted of a site reconnaissance by our staff geologist and the drilling of three six-inch-diameter borings, 10 to 11 feet in depth. -2- GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TOi: September 21, 1981 '.-• The borings were drilled by means of a truck-mounted rotary drill rig equipped with six-inch-diameter cohtinous flight auger. As drilling pro- ceeded, relatively undisturbed soil samples were obtained at various depths by driving a three-inch O.D. split-tube sampler into the undisturbed soil mass with blows from a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The sampler was internally equipped with one-inch-high by two and three-eighths-inch- diameter brass sampler rings to facilitate sample removal and testing. Dis- turbed bulk samples were also obtained. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on the attached Site Plan, Figure 1. Logs of the test borings are presented on Figures 2 and 3 of Appendix A. The logs depict the depth and description of the various soil types encountered and include the depths at which samples were obtained. Laboratory Tests Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with generally accepted test methods of the American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM) and other suggested procedures. Selected relatively undisturbed drive samples were tested for their in-place dry density, moisture content, shear strength and expansive potential. -3- GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-T01 September 21, 1981 CHESTNUT AVENUE APPROX. SETBACK LINE FUTURE PROPERTY LINE FOR STREET LEGEND Oof. UNCOMPACTED FILL OC COLLUVIUM Of. .MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF TEST BORING NO STRUCTURES IN CROSS-HATCHED AREA UNLESS COLLUVIUM (Oc) REMOVED AND RECOHPACTED TO DEPTH OF FIVE FEET BELOW EXISTINGGROUND ELEVATION SITE PLAN- AND LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS P.J.P. PROPERTY Carlsbad, California FIGURE GEOCON, INCORPORATED PAGE GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TO1 September 21, 198 r The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of a disturbed bulk sample were determined in accordance with ASTM D1557-70, Method A. The results of our laboratory tests are summarized in tabular form in Appendix A. Moisture-density results are also presented on the Logs of Test Borings. Soil and Geologic Conditions Four general soil types were encountered in our borings: uncompacted fill, topsoils, colluvium and Quaternary Marine Terrace Deposits. Each of the soil types encountered is discussed below. Uncompacted Fill. A significant amount of uncompacted, end- dumped fill is present over the northern portion of the site (see Figure 1). The depth of fill encountered in Boring 3 was approximately four feet, however, the fill depth probably increases toward the eastern portion of the fill which was inaccessible to our drill rig. We estimate fill depths to be on the order of six to eight feet in that area. The fill material is charac- terized by loose, silty and clayey sands with scattered asphalt and concrete chunks. It will be necessary to remove and recompact the existing fill soils during grading operations. -5- GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TO1 September 21, 1981 Topsoil. The majority of the site is overlain by a one- to two-foot- thick layer of topsoil which consists of medium loose to loose silty sands. Recompaction of the topsoils will be necessary in areas to be graded. Colluvium. Loose colluvial material consisting of very moist, silty sand was encountered in Boring 2 to a depth of approximately seven feet. The approximate areal extent of the colluvium is delineated on Figure 1. Some removal and recompaction of the colluvial material will be necessary if fill is to be placed in the affected area. Marine Terrace Deposits. The Terrace Deposits encountered in our borings are characterized by dense, silty and clayey sand. A layer of sandy clay was encountered at a depth of approximately nine and one-half feet in Boring 2, however, we do not expect the clay to present a significant hazard to site development since it is well below the elevation of anti- cipated grading operations. Geologic Hazards No active faults or ancient landslides are known to exist at or in the imme- diate vicinity of the site and none were encountered in the course of our investigation. The nearest known active faults are the Elsinore Fault and -6- GEOCON INCORPORATED ;«-. • File No. D-2579-TO1 /^September 21, 1981 the San Jacinto Fault which lie approximately 23 and ^6 miles, respec- tively, to the northeast. In addition, the mapped offshore trace of the potentially active Rose Canyon Fault Zone (Map No. 1, California Division of Mines and Geology) lies approximately five miles southwest of the site. It is our opinion that the site could be subjected to moderate to severe ground shaking in the event of a major earthquake along any of the above mentioned faults, however, the seismic risk at the site is not significantly greater than that of the immediately surrounding developments. Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in Boring 2 near the southeast corner of the property and at a depth of approximately nine and one-half feet below the existing ground surface. We do'not anticipate the groundwater to present a significant hazard to the site due to its depth below expected development elevations. Although no groundwater was encountered at higher elevations of the site, it is possible that some seepage may occur in cut slopes along the western side of the property. If seepage is encountered during grading, we should be notified so that corrective measures can be determined and implemented at that time. GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-T01 September 21, 1981 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General •1. It is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed residential development provided the recommendations of this report are carefully followed. 2. It will be necessary to remove and recompact all existing fill at the site during grading operations. In addition, removal and recompacted of some of the loose colluvial soils near the southeast portion of the site will like- wise be necessary. Grading 3. All grading should be performed in accordance with the Grading Ordinance of the City of Carlsbad and the "Recommended Grading Specifi- cations" presented in Appendix B. Where the recommendations of this section of the report conflict with those of Appendix B, this section of the report takes precedence. *. Site preparation should begin with the removal and exportation of all debris and vegetation designated for removal. -8- GEOCON I N C O R P O R A.T E D File No. Dr2579-TOl September 21, 1981 5.. All existing fill should be removed until firm natural soils are exposed. A representative of this office should observe the overexcavated area to verify that the required depth has been attained. In addition, the area of loose colluvium delineated on Figure 1 should be overexcavated to a depth of at least two feet below the existing ground surface in areas where no structures are planned. Wherever structures will be constructed, the colluvium should be removed to a depth of at least five feet below the existing ground surface for a distance of 10 feet beyond the perimeter of the proposed structure. It is our understanding that a cul-de-sac will be constructed as part of a new public street at the southeast corner of the site. The proposed cul-de-sac extends onto the subject property (see Figure 1) and is underlain by colluvium. The colluvial soils underlying the proposed cul-de-sac should be removed to a depth of two feet prior to the placement of new fill. After the loose materials have been removed, the bottom -of the excavations should be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, moisture conditioned to near optimum moisture content and recompacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. T 6. Loose topsoils ! present in areas to be filled should be removed and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. -9- GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TO1 September 21, 1981 7. Foundations founded partially on cut and partially in fill soils are not recommended due to the tendency of cut and fill soils to compress or consolidate differently. Where such a condition occurs, it is recommended that the cut portion of the building area be undercut a depth of at least one foot below the bottom of proposed footings and replaced with properly compacted, nondetrimentally expansive fill soils. 8. All fill and backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of maxi- mum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Procedure D1557-70, Method A or C. Foundations 9. For one- or two-story residential structures, conventional spread foot- ings are recommended. Such footings should be at least 12 inches wide and should extend at least 12 inches below lowest adjacent pad grade into dense formational soils or properly compacted fill. Excavations for the founda- tions should be observed by a representative of this office prior to the placement of concrete forms and reinforcing steel. -10- GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TOI September 21, 1981 10.-, We recommend minimum footing reinforcement to consist of two continuous No. * steel reinforcing bars placed horizontally in the footings, one near the top and one near the bottom. This recommendation is based on soil support characteristics and is not intended to be in lieu of steel necessary for. structural considerations. 11. The allowable bearing capacity for foundations constructed as recom- mended above is 2,000 psf. This value is for dead plus live loads and may be increased by one-third when considering transient loads due to wind or seismic forces. 12. The above foundation recommendations assume that potentially expan- sive soils will not be present within 2.5 feet of finished pad grade. Concrete Slabs-on-Grade 13. Concrete slabs-on-grade should be underlain by dense, natural soils or properly compacted fill. Slabs should have a minimum nominal thickness of four inches and should be underlain by two inches of clean sand. Where moisture sensitive floor coverings are anticipated, a visqueen moisture barrier should be provided. -11- GEOCON I N C O R P O R_A Tf E D File No. D-2579-TO1 September 21, 1981 ' 14. Slab reinforcement should consist of 6x6-10/10 welded wire mesh throughout. Care should be taken during the placement of concrete slabs to ensure that the mesh is not forced to the bottom of the slab. Slope Stability 15. Cut and fill slopes constructed of onsite materials should be stable with respect to deep-seated failure to heights of at least 15 feet if con- structed at slope ratios of two horizontal to one vertical, or flatter. Our analysis is based on a factor of safety of 1.5 under static conditions. Drainage 16. Adequate site drainage provisions are imperative. Under no circum- stances should water be allowed to pond adjacent to footings. The site should be fine-graded such that irrigation excess and storm runoff drain away from structures and into swales or other controlled drainages. 17. If ground water seeps are exposed during grading, the project soil engi- neer or engineering geologist should be notified so that appropriate mea- sures may be provided. -12- GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TO1 September 21, 1981 , LIMITATIONlAND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS 1. The recommendations of this report pertain only to the site investigated and are based upon the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the borings. If any variations or undesirable condi- tions are encountered during construction, or if the proposed construction will differ from that planned at the present time, Geocon, Incorporated should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be given. 2. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and engineer for the project and incorporated into the plans, and that the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcon- tractors carry out such recommendations in the field. 3. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate - standards may 'occur, whether they result from legislation of the broad- , . .13- , „ ' , :,,. ;>.:; GEOCON ..l.K C. O. R P O R A T B. D ./File No. D-2579-TO1 ;.> September 21, 1981 ening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invali- dated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-T01 September 21, 1981 , „ - ' ' TABLE I Summary of In-PI ace. Moisture-Density and 'Direct Shear-' Test Results Sample No.. 1-1 1-2 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 Sample No. Depth ft. 2 5 . 3 7 10 5 Surnnarv Depth ft. .':•-: , '"" -,." :' ;:.'-.-' ; •"•'-'- -••'- ';;/•' ,,-:>; .• -'-'.. -... '- - 'Angle" of ,'•: Dry ^-:; Moisture - ;; >: Unit: / Shear Density" :;.-*' Content :,; .Cohesion "Resistance pcf •••"•' 70 psf Degrees 117.1 116.9 103.0 117.8 109.3 121.2 . 4.9 •—.••" 8.7 660 . 35 7.5 10.3 17.5 -- — 6.9 -- TABLE II of Laboratory Compaction Test Results A.S.T.M . D1557-70 Max. Dry Optimum Density Moisture Description pcf 7» dry wt. 3-2 6-10 Red-brown, Clayey SAND 130.0 9.6 Sample No. 3-1 TABLE III Summary of Laboratory Expansion Test Results Description Red-brown, Clayey SAND Depth ft. Moisture Content Before Test 6.9 After Test 11.9 Expansion (+) ; or Dry , Settlement(-) Density1 Surcharge pcf "L psf 121.2 +1.1 150 -A-l GEOCON INCORPORATED l f r* File No. D-2579-T01 September'21,1981 DCPTH IN 0 . 4. , 6. • 8- •10- . 0. • 4- • 6- - 8- •10- •12- S£ 1-2 1-3MWBMHMVi 2-1 2-3 itftf A LOCATION Of SAMPLE ••I.T.I- W-: i'$ ':1*f::j:i;i.'- •:r.!-r.: :ir'l-:l:' -."i-ij.Vip rr 8" 50/ 9" 12 50/ 10" .''• ... v .-•" ' • . ' DESCRIPTION .. :'•' ';.'..'" BORING NO . 1 TOPSOIL \ Medium loose, dry, brown, Silty \ SAND ^ "V — becomes orange-brown \ . MARINE .TERRACE DEPOSITS ^ Medium dense, humid, orange- \ brown, Silty medium SAND \ — becomes moist, slightly Clayey 1 — becomes very dense '/ — not recovered BORING TERMINATED AT 10.0 FEET BORING NO. 2 TOPSOIL/ COLLUVIUM "\ Medium loose, humid, dark brown, \ Silty medium SAND i — becomes moist /MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS J Medium dense, very moist, dark ^ orange-brown, Silty, medium to \ coarse SAND>~~ becomes wet -e-?~ Water Table _ Very stiff, saturated, orange- A brown, Sandy CLAY BORING TERMINATED AT 11.0 FEET IH-PL.ACE OCNSITr 117.1 116.9 NO RK( 103.0 117.8 109.3 MOISTUfC CONTENT % dry wt 4.9 8.7 :OVF,RY 7.5 10.3 17.5 ;' Figure; 2, Log of .Test Borings 1 and 2"•' • !"V- - r ' .-'-• •.-.'.' • " • ' '•-• ''. '••''- ' v '• - •--. ",-;'•• GBOCOST INCORPORATED File NoV D-2579.-T01 September 21, 1981 DEPTH IH fW£T . 0 • . 2- • • 4 . 6- , m • 8- • SAUPLE HuuaeR 3-1 3-2 ioe a iOCATION Of StMPLC '.\ \'\ : 'ri'i.1 . l hi -•1 i'| • .' i.-i • -1 1 •! '. t ;J1 I/ "•"• I- I J ' " / / I . . ' ' /•• '. PfK/rot.*, ftvoma Btowvff 50/ 7" Of SCRtPTION BORING NO. 3 •; FILL Loose, humid, orange-brown1, Silty SAND with debris TOPSOILn* j • _. i 't-jii. \ rieuium jLuose, moi&c, udiK utowii, Silty SAND MARINE TERRACE DEPOSITS Dense, moist, red-brown, Clayey SAND BORING TERMINATED AT 10 . 0 FEET .m-f oar oetts/rr At.'. 121.2 BULK nee: uoismte CONTENT % erf *t ... 6.9 SAMPLE Figure 3, Log of Test Boring-/3 A-3 GEOCX)N INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TO1 September 21, 1981 RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS for: •;:;-. :•:••':; !;:; •>" •" "' . •' ,;;>'•:' ." " P.3.P. PROPERTY Carlsbad, California 1. General Description 1.1 These specifications have been prepared for grading and site development of the P.J.P. Property located on Chestnut Avenue in Carlsbad, California. Geocon, Incorporated, hereinafter described as the soil engineer, should be consulted prior to any site work connected with site development to ensure compliance with these specifications. These specifications shall only be used in conjunction with the soil report of which they are a part. 1.2 This item consists of clearing and grubbing, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, spreading, compaction and control of the fill, and any subsidiary work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas to conform with the lines, grades and slopes as shown on the accepted plans. 1.3 The soil engineer will test and observe all grading operations. In the event that any unusual conditions not covered by the special provisions are encountered during the grading operations, the soil engineer should be contacted for further information. 2. Tests The standard test used to define maximum density of the fill soil will be the ASTM Test Procedure D1557-78,Method A or C. All densities will be expressed as a relative compaction in terms of the maximum density obtained in the laboratory by the foregoing standard procedure., 3. Clearing, Grubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Filled 3.1 Any trees not utilized in landscaping, structures, weeds, and other rubbish shall be removed, piled, or otherwise disposed of so as to leave the areas that have been disturbed with a neat and finished appearance, free from unsightly debris. B-l GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TO1 /September; 21, 1981 3.2 Septic tanks, if encountered, and debris must be removed from the site prior to any building, grading or fill operations. Septic tanks, including all connecting drain fields and other lines, should be totally removed and the resulting depressions properly backfilled and compacted. 3.3 Water wells on the site should be capped according to the require- ments of the San Diego County Health Department. The strength of the cap should be at least equal to the adjacent soil. The final elevation of the top of the well casing should be at least three feet below adjacent grade prior to grading of fill operations. 3.4 Buried tanks, if encountered, should be removed and the resulting depressions properly backfilled and compacted. 3.5 Vegetable matter and soil designated as unsuitable by the soil engineer should be removed under the direction of .the soil engineer. The then exposed surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least eight inches and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. 3.6 The original ground upon which the fill is to be placed should be plowed or scarified deeply, and where the slope ratio of the original ground is steeper than 6.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical, the bank should be stepped or benched. At the toes of the major fills and on the sideslope fills, the base key should be, as described elsewhere in this report, at least 10 feet in width, cut at least three feet into the undisturbed or native soil, and sloped back into the hillside at a gradient of not less than two percent. Subsequent keys should be cut into the hillside as the fill is brought up the slope. The construction of subsequent keying operations should be determined by the soil engineer during grading operations. In general, the depth of the initial bench key, as well as subsequent keys, should be such that topsoils are removed and keying occurs within the underlying formational soils. Ground slopes which are flatter than 6 to 1 should be benched when considered necessary by the soil engineer. 3.7 After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed, or scarified, it should be disced or bjaded until it is uniform and free from large clods; brought to the proper moisture content by adding water or aerating; and compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 90 percent. B-2 GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TO1 J ' " ' September 21, 1981 ' r J " c " > * ifc *• Materials , 4.1 Native soil, free of organic material and undesirable deleterious material, may be used as fill. Native soil which is expansive should not be placed on the top two feet of building pads without the approval of the soil engineer. 4.2 The materials for fill should be approved by the soil engineer before commencement of grading operations. Any imported material must be approved for use before being brought to the site. The materials used should be free from vegetable matter and other deleterious material, and be nonexpansive. Expansive soil is defined as soil which expands more than three percent when saturated at 90 percent relative compaction and optimum, moisture content under a surcharge of 150 psf. 5. Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Material 5.1 Fill material should be placed in layers which, when compacted, would permit adequate bonding and compaction. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly blade mixed during the spreading to provide uniformity of materials in each layer. 5.2 When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified by the soil engineer, water should be added until the moisture content is as specified. When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the soil engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. 5.3 After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it should be thoroughly compacted to a relative compaction of not less than 90 percent. 5.4 When fill material includes rock, no rocks should be allowed to "nest", and all voids should be filled and properly compacted. No rocks larger than six inches in diameter should be permitted in the fill except as specified under Section 6.1 "Disposal of Over- sized Rock". 5.5 Compaction should be by sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other types of acceptable compacting rollers. Rollers should be of such design that they will be able to compact the fill to the specified moisture content range. Rolling of each layer should be continuous over its entire area and until the required density has been achieved. B-3 GEOCON INCORPORATED File No. D-2579-TO1 September 21, 1981 5.6 -Field density tests shall be made by the soil engineer. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth ! °* several inches. Density tests should be taken in compacted material below the disturbed surface. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill, or portion thereof, is below the required 90 percent relative compaction, the particular layer, or portion thereof, should be reworked until the required relative compaction has been obtained. 5.7 The fill operation shall be continued in compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. 5.8 Fill slopes should be compacted by 'means of sheepsfoot rollers, "track walking", or other suitable equipment. Compaction operations should be continued until the slopes are properly com- pacted (i.e., field density tests indicate a relative compaction of at least 90 percent at a horizontal distance of two feet from the slope face). 5.9 Earthmoving and working operations should be controlled to prevent water from running into excavated areas. Any water should be promptly removed and the site kept dry. 6. Disposal of Oversized Rock 6.1 Oversized rock should be either exported from the site, used for landscaping purposes, or placed in designated fill areas described in this report or as approved by the soil engineer and/or appro- priate governing agency. 6.2 Oversized rock should not exceed four feet in greatest dimen- sion, should be placed in lifts not exceeding four feet in thickness, and should be placed in a manner that will not produce "nesting" of the rock. The voids between the rocks should be completely filled with fine granular material. 7. Engineering Observation Field observations by the soil engineer should be made during the fill and compaction operations so that he can express his opinion regarding the conformance of the grading with the accepted specifications. GEOCON INCOBPOR AT B D ' 1 •I File No. D-2579-TOI September 21, 1981 8. Seasonal Limits No fill material should be placed, spread, or rolled while it is at an unsuitably high moisture content, nor during unfavorable weather conditions. When the work is interrupted by heavy rain, fill operations should not be resumed until field tests by the soil engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of fill are as previously specified. GEOCCN