HomeMy WebLinkAbout1505 GRADY PL; ; 73-2669; Permit. : • :• ., - BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION"., Perm- :' - City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008,' it No. ". Applicant to' complètenumbere spaces only. Phone 729-1181- .. .. . .IOB ADDRESS 0 10 Omi 12ac CA . Z CO 1 DESCR: LEGAL LOT NO. .. .. " BLI TRACT . Car .cb4 ct 735 :-' . (EI ATTACHE D SHE ET( .ZI . 0 OWNER . . . MAIL ADDRESS - ZIP - PHONE 2 O P 3b1nt vmulolv VUt' CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. ObUw G Po!- 1050 ci*n -#17 Owjoad.C1 7294260 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE 4 .. LICENSE NO. ENGINEER . MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. riu 3Lth :2~wftft ct'c3t •cobc4 CA ?8981 -- 1I7 . LENDER ' MAIL ADDRESS . BRANCH 6 ()CW=jft L= AM øioXj03jVZ.AV0 00M=146 CA USE OF BUILDING 7 D311tz 2àbzzth . - 8 Class of work:' XLI NEW LI ADDITION DAL-TERATION LI REPAIR El MOVE LI REMOVE : 9 Describe work 10 Change of use from Change of use to. 11 Valuation of wórk:$ - - PLAN CHECK FEE PERMITFEE/'2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Type of 4- . Const. Occupancy .q •%" , Group J- J Division •'W - - . - - -. - Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. F/f4 / No. of Stories / Max. .0cc. Load - . - - Fire Zone Use Zone _, Fire Sprinklers, Required Dyes ID No APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: / . , - PLANS C4CJED BY:, -. - . APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY: a/. / A 3 . Dieing Units/ OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: covered)4I11) Uncovered - NOTICE - Special Approvals —Required1 Received Not Required ZONING .SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- HEALTH DEPT FIRE DEPT. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF SOIL REPORT CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED.- . OTHER (Specify) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS - TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREINOR' NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO-GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL'-LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE/OF CONSTRUCTION. /Ov f/cfJ -. - 'SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT r p IDATE) SIGNATURE OF OWNER (IF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT .0 PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. - CASH , PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH - INSPECTOR __•/ -'-- - - - INSPECTION RECORD - • DATE - REMARKS • INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK _________ ' -- - -. - TRENCH • __________ _________________________________________ * REINFORCING t FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING - ( CONCRETE SLAB T - FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL 7 . EXT._LATHING ... MASONRY • - • FINAL 7-7'1 a. IC51 - - - - USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES FOLLOW-UP, ETC • f 1O-16-73 Footings for dk 'O .K. 4' deep- P Ma1- 11-7-73 Shthig All Q - K- good stapel Hg. T. Mate S - - -• - • • -' -- • S • - - -. - a -7 - S , - MECHANICAL. PERMIT APPLICATION r Permit No -_ _3cgC1tY of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only., ' , Phone -1181. S - . ,. - - •. . - JOB ADDRESS , - S ' rn LOT NO. / TRACT ET) -7235 (DSEE ATTACHED SHEDESCR OWNER MAIL ADDRESS ' . ZIP '- S ._PHONE -. - 2 G4y 14w1 19D Part I), Cer1obid .92OC8 .7 3t.995_, CONTRACTO ...""jT ' MAIL ADDRESS i r PHONE CENSE NO. ARCIIT'TECT OR DESIGNER MA L ADDRESS PHONE , LICENSE NO. F E Brian smith 26 stto S - ENGINEER . MAIL ADDRESS 5 :- - S •..,,, PHONE .5 ' - LICENSE NO , -- . ,_ - ,_ ...., LENDER . MAIL ADDRESS - - BRANCH 6- Clocanoido Federal S.& L 810 Maslow Am Oini6e USE OF BUILDING Re* Srg1 ocon*y , -. S 8 Class of work: " NEW U ADDITION 'DALTERATION DREPAIR .. '' -.-- - --T• ': ' 9 Describe work: Type of FI.iel: Oil D - Nat. Gas D. LPG. 'D PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: . . No. Type of Equipment -. . Fee' Air Cond. Units—H.P. Ea. . - -' $ Refrigeration Units—H.P. Ea. V Boilers—H.P. Ea.. .... ,V V . . Gas Fired A.C. Units—Tonnage Ea. Forced Air Systems— B.T.tJ. -t&JUM.Ea. V5 _42C APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY: Gravity Systems—B.T.U. . M Eat-. -' Floor U M Wall Heaters, V NOTICE V THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF .120 . DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY ,TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 41— ' - Unit Heaters—B.T.U.._M Evaporative Coolers , V V Clothes Dryers . - - Ventilation Fan .. V V ,•j MENCED. , Range Hood AirHandli_Unit—' _'C_F_M S_. - Incinerator . V - - - - - V V - - - PERMIT ' $ ER) _)DATE) TOTALFEE $ f WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE).THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CK. - M.O. 'CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR SIGNATURE OF OWNERI F-OWNER BUILD 'PLAN CHECK VALIDATION - -,.- - INSPECTION REPORTS. DATE ITEM - REMARKS INSPECTOR USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. ka - . 4 A. - I • -. .4 - Y - — PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION ?Permit No 73 -7tI ity of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Applicant to complete numbered spaces only JOB ADDRESS 'o 1505 Grady Place, Carlsbad, Cahforum Z III LEGAL LOT NO, BLK 1DESCR. . TRACT (1JSEE ATTACHED SHEET) . • 0 Ill - OWNER . . MAIL ADDRESS . 2 Grady Place Joint Venture 1510 Grady ZIP PHONE ?lace Carlsbad, California In CONTRACTOR Lj t,3 ,.'. MAIL ADDRESS '75 7 3L3R7o LICENSE NO- - .. Oi1e'y Parier 1050 Chinquapin " Cablabad California ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS 4 ' PHONE 'LICENSE NO. ENGINEER . . MAIL ADDRESS 5.' PHONE - LICENSE NO. LENDER . ' MAIL ADDRESS - 6 Oceanside Federal Savings & IAan -,. BRANCH Oceanside, California USE OF BUILDING 1. ReMdenc& ,. . ., ' 8. -Class of work: NEW' ' II ADDITION 0 ALTERATION - 0 REPAIR Describe work: PERMIT FEES No. Type of Fixture or Item - Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS: ' . WATER CLOSET (TOILET)' BATHTUB - LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) 7 . SHOWER .1 KITCHEN SINK & DISP. . .....' DISHWASHER APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: PLANS CHECKED BY: ' APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE-BY: LAUNDRY TRAY - CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMESNULL ANDVOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYSOR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. - ' . . . URINAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR—SINK . LOO R RAIN D - - - - SLOP SINK I .--- GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS (J . - __• ALL PROVISIONS OF-LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT WASTE INTERCEPTOR - VACUUM BREAKERS - LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM - SEWER '- CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK & PIT 73 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (DATE) - - PERMIT $ TOTAL FEE $ - SIGNATURE OF OWNER (IF OWNER BUILDER) • - (DATE) .WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT M.O;• CASH - PERMIT VALIDATION CK. INSPECTOR - M.O. ,-- CASH h--.-, .- PLAN CHECK VALIDATION -. CK. - - -- r • 0% • . 0 •••• INSPECTION REPORTS DATE ITEM - REMARKS - INSPECTOR 9-14-73 Rough No leaks all O.K. - T. Mata 10-1-73 H Sewer O.k. • E. Plude : 10-25-73 Top out O.K. .• -.- - . Mata * *- :: USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP,•ETC. •. • • 11-21-7.3 I have asked for retest.ön gas line, theyare all down, also ga - lines need strapping. .T.:Mata •* 0 0• • *0! 0 • -•- - - I •• 0 • • * 0 •• •-$ - -. • b - • - - •• - •-. - • .• • • •. •.• • • * • -- .•' * -• * •• - - •1 - • -• • - • '0 • .' - H, * •- I -•_•-•••;t • E1ECT115-?;,CAL FRMT APPUCATON CD Permit --.City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ZL Applicar, t to complete numbered spaces only. - Phone 729-1181 ::. 7-568 ADDRESS ' . . . . :' • 5,. ' LEGAL FLOi NO. - SLI - - -. TRACT - - -. S . (ESEE ATTACHED SHEET) . -- DE5CB. OWNER . . . . - . 'MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE - - 2 C jr ' , ( q7( ?'_p Ut MAL,A'DÔP.E'Z' 1')4OIE - LICENSE 140. . 3 .,-, .. •-:..r r•VI. •.—.Ec5:./ RCHrTCT OTOZSICNER 'MAIL ADDRESS ' PH0RE CC EYC:' '- 4 :., - •-.,.-.-- . . , -.-- -.. . 0 . . . 5.. ' -..•... - ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS - PHONE LICENSE NO. LENDER ., MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH 6 .,• •- UDE OF BUILDING . I- 0• ' "S .5. . 8 Class cl-work çLNEW U AUDITION 0 ALTERATION 0 REPAIR 9 Describe work-:- S . PERMIT FEES No. Each Fee I __________ S S S 0 - 0••,'S ..... S .. .,. - SPECIAL CONDITIONS: . . ' • _S S . ISSUANCE OF EACH PERMIT S S — NEW CONSTRUCTION. 'FOR EACH AMPERES OF MAiN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE OR BREAKER . APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: PLA.'45 CHECKED BY: APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY: S NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG. FOR EA. AMPERE OF INCREASE - S NOTICE IN MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE : THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- OR BREAKER S TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION Oct WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED.FOR-A-''-- . PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- REMODEL, ALTERATION, NO CHANGE MENCED. . S IN SERVICE, FOR EA. AMPERE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS INCREASE -- S S APPLICATION-AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS - TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE TEMP. SERVICE UP TO AND INCLIJD PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING ING 200 AMP. CONSTRUCTION O THE PERFORMANCE or CONSTRUCTION. S S ' TEMP. SERVICE OVER 200 'AMP..' '. 5 PER 100 S(G?{ATURE OF CON-TRACOROR AUTHORIZED AGENT ' (OATS) S , •, S . - MINIMUM PERMIT FEE . S •, S I SIGNATURE OP OWNER (IF OWNER BUILDER) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS 15 YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION c. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION çêR. INSPECTOR APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM CITY OF CA - RLSBAD" ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT N? SE 1149 BUILDING DEPT - 729-1181 EXT. 35 .- ISSUED BY 1. tV \ ir I C. FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN DATE ISSUED BUILDING .." . -. ADDRESS ,I(7' 7).f VALIDATION .• _—i .• OWNER I O'lK Or PAL MAILING -IA ADDRESS S, 4d ctATER'L CBARGE COMPUTATION CONTRACTOR /1'j('' J/j•. CONTRACTOR'S . J" e7) ç (,, / tit-)I tJ ADDRESS NEW BUILDING I Y EXISTING BUILDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION - 5.i'e of L,i 2.4 Pc' REMARKS: LINE COST DATA iSy 5j3,,vH)i: E ASSESSMENT DIST. NO. FRONTAGE COST PER FT --TOTAL -- OTHER LATERAL TOTAL '- PUMP STATION FEES . NO. UNITS _______COST PER UNIT TOTAL ST.1 TOTAL CHARGES (LATERAL ETC.) LATERAL NO INSTALLATION DATE STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30', V. 101 OVER 30' H._@-FT. - OVER 10'V.-@-FT. - STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30', V. 101 - OVER 30' H. ______ ' FT._' OVER 10'-V.-@-* FT. _- TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) TOTAL LATERALCHARGE INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMA.]ION SHEET 'UILDING DEPARTMENT ------ - ;UILDING ADDRESS A 4AKIC EIVED 'ANNING DEPARTMENT LOTSIZE LOT WIDTH _—ZONE _____________ IJNITS PROVIDE _•ALLOWED_PRKG. SPACES PROVIDED_REQ. 0. OF C OVERAGE _ALLOWED_Lc&\ BLDG. HEIGHT 2\L— ALLOWED~ ONT SETBACK_ SIDE YARD_ - REAR YARD_ INTRUSIONS_________ ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LANDSCAPE PLAN_______________ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ISSUE _ 'OCCUPANCY ZZ DATE_________ '-& -- EN GINEERING DEPARTMENT ' A.O.W. 0ULLiE-64C V L.ALiIOA/ex. INDUSTRIAL WASTE_,t/J4 / IPAOVEMENTS_c /E SEWER CONNECTION_ 25O -5-74 &, DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS_ O --Z7 - ' GRADING. PERMIT- - EASEMENTS DRAINAGE DRAINAGE''Vd4-IJ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ADDITIONAL COMMENTS /crCOA P 1 /1V4, Z27f SSUE PERMIT ' DATE _7 . /- OCCUPANCY_FV' DATE_ .- / AFIRE DEPARTMENT - INKLING SYSTEM PROTECTION EQUIPMENT FIRE ALARMS____________________ FS' . FIRE- 'HYDRANTS ' , LOCATION___________________________ 'ADDITIONAL COMMENTS - LSUE PERMIT - WATER DEPARTMENT CMWD_________ 'ACiDITIQNAiNCOMMEJi DATE Atk _________ L CARLSBADL •'I UPANC DATE__________ L I'. NHAIN_________ SAN MARCOS_________ Iss ml SEN4'O PLANNIN1 SENT TO ENG. DEPT, ATE ri--i-i •r,iIr -rr% 131 rr rOT - 1317 ORDINANCE iO 8058 -1- PLEASE RETURN WITH ORIGINAL PLANS . ADOPT IN.1970,1 U.B.C. PLAN CHECK LIST MAKE ALL CORRECTIONS CIRCLED BELOW ON PLANS IN INK & FLAG FOR -. - IDENTIFICATION. Owner /V/A€5 /7,41Z4r 12... . Plan Check No. - City 4TZL$ 9417 .h9sI CØkQ(MfA/ State . Address Architect (dcsiner).'t/_. . Type of Construction Engineer . - S Occupancy Classification Total Allowable Fleer Area . Fire Zone No. Stories__________ - -. - Basis for Increase . . . . S. • -• . Floor Area: - . . Occupant Load _________________________ • .. . ___________________________________. Valuation . . . 1970 Uniform Building Code - Plan Checker Seismic Zone No. . . •. OE!EflAL C0TTS: _____ Handicapped Facilities required (see attached sheet) 0 -- . : Health Pepartrnent.approvai required. In the absene of uses specified on fleor plans fer all areas, the occupant lead . has been based on cnoper , ____ sçuarc feet fr the unidentified areas. The validity of this should be coei1red to your satisfaction. AL i DPrTWH- . . . • . •0 NONSTRUCTURAL CCM?!EN-TS: • . . . . . Gre 1. elevations should be shcwn at corners of the building and at changes in grod'..E1ooe. The g'oand,ele:vat1osshd be taken at the lewest point between the cxtrri.crwall and a point 5 feet out or at the property line, if closer. Wheze the e'te:1r .all is rarallej. to and within 5 feet of a public sidewalk, alley, or other public way, the greud elevations shculd be the elevation of the .. •0• •.• public way. The nnber of stories in this building cannot be deternined until this data is tarnished. . . The basraent (cellar) is considered the first story. See "story" In Section 420. The building area ineldes mezzanines and balconies, except for private balconies or prtins thereof projecting beyond the adjacent exterir wall line. - The totl floor area ltvitei to 0 !cutrij f5t inc1udng Increase-s of psrcent for 1otien in No. 3, percent fir -foot yards, percent fr-r itistry cortditioa and t.ripl1ubli.g) for prInllez-s. Sections 505 and 506. Unobstructed ya:,ds of feet 5h4u1d bei-r=Intaine& on sides of the building Tor area purses. Section 506. -hour area separation walls should cem;ly with Section 505 (c). (a) Extend vcrt12lly from the fd-udtIen to a point 30 inches above the . roof except w the fallowing conditions: . . 0 1) If the roof is of at last tw-hour fire-resistive construction. 2) If for a tr hour area separation wall, the roof for 5 feet on • each side of the wall is of one-hour fire-resistive construction. • (b) Total width of all openings limited to 25 percent or the wall length. in the story under consideration. • (c), All openingsp:-otected with fire asaccblIes having a fire-resistive • rating of. one-and-one-hilt (three) hour-s. (d) Ducts through area separation walls should be avoided. If allowed, tire danpr3 on each side cr the wall are required. Section 43.7014, • U.B.C. Standards. No through penetrations with'elec. ,plmbci., etc. allowed Area separations xieed not extrnd to thc: outer edges of hor1tont21 projecting elements such as hlc-onIei (zt oyerhaps) (canopies) (rrqu.ecs) (archi- • teatural prject.i(1.is) If tbi wall at the tern.tnatlon of the sepa- - • ration wail and the prting eleotcr.t.% above are of net less than one-hour • rIi-c.-res1st.1-e cr,nttrect:ion Ifor a width C(jLl to the depth of the projecting 5 0 elements with oponiigs In this width pr'otceted with thx-cc.-fourthc-houz' fire- - -: • • resistive aiibl1.cs. - Se'tion 5 (c)-2. - Show on Floor Plans. - . - . - .. ......_.,. .. .:-..i.. -...-, -...,. - -2- -- Area separation walls at oi'ts of a building )aving different heights.- - . -(a) may extend only 3.0 inhs above the lower root level provided the . exterior wall above i$.ot one-hour firè-rezistiveconstruct.ion to 'a - - height of 10 feet above the lower roof with-openings protected -with 5 three-fourths-hour -fire-resistive áeeemb-lies.., - . . •. ., -, (b) may terminate at the lower root provided the root is ofot least one- - . tour fire-resistive.contructio.n rth.ut .openings for a width of 10 - feet measured from the wall. Section 505-,.(c)-4- A .r-fiie-res1stive occupaney.separatiàn in confornancewith Table No. 5-B and Section 503 is res.aired between the following: S - Horizontal oacupancy separations should be spp.orted with a structural system - having equivalent fire-r6&istive protetion. Section 503 (b). Vertical occupancy separation-s -shc'1d extend through .underfloor and attic - - are-as, including areas where fire-resistiveceilings are specified. .- _______ The building is limited to stories-(- -- S feet in . height) as a Type - structure. Section507nd Table No. 5-D.c - 0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION . -. - . . . .S • . Mezzanines should comply with the definition set forth in Section 414. - - :-.•• (a) . The floor area cannot exceed one-third the floor area of the room in •-• - -• which it is located. The policy of the term "total floor area in S . . . - that room" is as follows: The-mezzanine must be open to-the áreá below except for handrails. r . . . 2) No roos directly baby the mezzanine floor are allowed except - . . . for bathrooms, entry areas and closets. Kitchens having each . . -.. cow on wall at leapt 50 percent open to the area are allowed. . .• . The-dear-height above and below shall be at least 7 feet. Roof coverings sho_.ld be fire retardant Section 1602 (b), 1603 (a) or 1704 Details or specifications- ccmrlying with Section 3203 (e) are required. - Fixed partitions should conform with Section 1705 (a).. Details-are required. - . . Folding partitions should comply with Section 1705 (b). . Building paper should be applied to exterior walls as specified in Section 1707 W. Enclosures for floor openings shculd comply with Table No. 17-A and Section - 1706. Details should clearly indicate this. . •.. . .- . S Minimum No. 9 gauge wire, or the equivalent Is required for horizontal - reinforcement in anchored veneer In Seismic Zone No. 3.. Section 30.104 (a) of U.B.C. Standards. Ties should be anchored to this reinforcement.. Exterior veneer more than 20 feet 1n--height attached to wood framing -is nat allowed unless provisions for differential movement are approved by you. Section 3003. (b). Anchored veneer over 20 feet in height should be supported with noncombustible, corrosion-resistant ledgers at a maximum of 12 feet on center above the 20-foot . . . . . .... - height. Section 3006 (b). . -. -- Show Planter Box Details as per-Sec. 2517 (c) —Rooms in which rubbish (linen) chutes terminate should be -separated from the . remainder of the buI'1d1r With a one-hour occupancy. separation. Section - •' . - . 1706 (c). Note special treatment of chute for shaft protection as It enters ••., the rubbish room. . _______ - 0penhrgs into rubbish and linen chutes should not be located in required exit corridors or stairways. Section 0C. - Nonabsorbent finish and backing for.t011ct- room floors, walls of'toilet. - compartments, and walls around urinals should conform with Seatlon 1711 (a). . Exterior walls of Type III buildings should be noncombUstlble construction Section 2001. •• . . -. 0 -. A property line should be assumed between- court walls to determine wall and - - -,--. -. opening protection. Section 504 (c). Also see definition of court. Section 04. - Exterior (court), walls within - - feet of property lines should be-of - - -hour. construction. Section 03 (a). . Fire-reslstive rating of exterior walls-should be maintained through attic - areas. Section 4304(c). Openings In exterior (court) walls within ______ feet of property lines - - should be potcctcd with threofourths_houjTIre assemblies. (Section - 03 (b). Usable space under the first floor except In Group I (J) Occupancies should be enclosed as required In Section 1703. . Fire-rIsti'o construction for structural elements In the-exterior walls - hou1d Cofl1)1V jti 1-10ot11o1;e Nc. 1 of Table No. 17-A and Section - See Section 1702 for cJz'rlfJcat.io. .9 Wood members may support loads from masonry or concrete only .ner the cortdi- tions specified in Section 2516 (a). , Structural calculations should be submitted to justify the adequacy of the structural system in resisting seismic and wind loads, and supporting dead and. live loads. This includes foundations.. _______ Justifying calculations and details should be provided for Theroof should be designed for uplift wind pressures with due consideration for lateral support of compression flanges of flexural members. Floor load should consider a 20-pound per square foot partition load. Section • • 230 (b). : _______ Marquees should be designed for a 60-pound per square foot live load. Table No., .23-A. Garages for the storage of private pleasure cars should be designed for a minimum 2000-pound wheel load. Section 2302 (b). 2x laminated beams should be spiked together as specified in Table No. 25-0-Section 2518 (c). ________ Live load signs are required. Section 2309. See _______ Glued-laminated ).umber suld be fabricated in accordance with U.B.C. • S Standard No. 25-10. A certificate of inspection should be submitted to th - Building Department. Allowable stress in glued-lamthated members over 12 inches in depth should •' consider a depth reoct1on factor. Section 2511 (d)-6 Ba:dial. stresses in curved glued-laminated members should be within allowable - values. Section 2511 (d)-. Radial tension stresses ale limited to 15 pounds per square inch. If the radial tension exceeds this allowable, mechanical fasteners should be used to esist the entire stress. Wood studs are limited to 14 feet In height for 2 x 4 and 3 x 4's and to 20 feet for 2 x 6 1s. 'Section 2518 (f)-2. Exterior walls and bearing partitions below the second story in three-story • buildings should be 3 x 4 or 2 x 6 studs. Section 2518 (f)-l. Bolted connections exposed to the weather are limited to 75 percent of the allowable load under urotected conditions. Section 25.1711 (c), Uniform Building Code Standards. Spacing of bolts should comply with Section 25 1713, Uniform Building Code Standards.' Imported bolts do not comply with code requirements. Anchorage of.contrete and masonry walls should comply with Section 2313. Designs which rely on cross grain tension of wood members are not acceptable since the Code has no allowable value. A positive means of connection such as joist anchors or clip angles 5h3u1d be provided. Exterior nonbearing walls should comply with Section 2314 (k)-5. Note that connections for seismic purposes shculd be based on a "Cr" factor of two. Table No. 23-I. Plywood grades should conform with Table No. 25-B. • Justification is required that sufficient slope or camber is available to assure adequate roof drainage after long time deflections. In lieu of this, roofs must be designed for possible pending of water. Section 2305 (f). Details on stressing method and hardware along with justifying data are re- - quired on prestressed concrete work. This data should be submitted and approved prior to. ordering of material. Note that all tendons should comply . with Section 4303 (0-3, for fire-resistive purposes. . . Welding data or details for steel decking used as a diaphragm should be pro- vided. Information should comply with a specific ICB0 research recommendation or test data submitted in compliance with Section 106. Details should -be provided on roof (floor) diaphragm connections that indicate how the shears arc -transferred to vertical shear-resisting elements. . Connec- tions should be Justified with structural calculations for compliance with allowable values. Straight sheathed decking should be justified for diaphragm action since it is not covered under Section 2514. Justification should be based on the discus- sion or transverse sheathing, Fao 4-126 or the Timber Contru.ctioflMa,flUal Issued by the American Institute of Timber Constrution. • • Nailing for gypsum board (lath, sheathing board) used structurally on shear walls should be specified and comply with Table No. 47-I. Shear walls utilizing gypsum board (lath, sheathing board) cannot be usod to S • resist loads imposed by masonry or concrete wallr;. • Footnote 1, Table No. 47-I. -10- _______ The Code h2s no prr'vizions f r tc' shear walls tnlesz It cerrpUcs with a.spec1fIc ICO re;earch recommendation. Jet-in' braces should' be justified onthobasis Of end nailing and,ang1c. of Installation sincoVVtho Code has no' prVoviions for al1owab1e values Railings should be deigncd'tow1th3tar.d a 20-pound per. feet VhrIZofltal V ' - force. Section 2304. . CeIiIn Joists should be designed for tot... load of not less 'than '10 pounds . per5cLuare -foot. Section 2304. Interior partitions should be justified ztrv.cturally for strength and do- .. V , 'flection criteria set forth in Section 2312 -'should ce.nply with a specific ICB0 i'esoiI recormndatIcn or justifying test ciat should be 'submitted, in V -compliance-with Section 106. V •. V V V V V V -Wood members entering masonry or concrete .should comply wlthSection 2.517.(c)-5. . Plans should indicate that, foundations extendbolotf the frost line. V _______ • Lap splicing of No. 14 and No. 18 rebars Is not al1owed. Section 2608 ()• V ' V ' Wood -design criteria should be based on Industry standards published In V , -October, 1970. Wood is no longer 1gradedunder criteriaSet forth in the Code... V Reference is made to'Research Recoamendat ions 2569aid 2180. !tITC laminating specifications-should be usedforglue-I2m construction since . V V industry no longer uses the criteria set forthin Vt)iC Code. 'Rererence is made to Research Recomimtendation 2519. Nailing for plywoodV diaphragms (shear walls) should be 'indicated VOfl plans. V V Data should agree with calculations. V See V Structural specificatinS should be on plans.. iThis.inclUdeS concrete, riasonry, ,. 'mortmr, grout, lumber, plywood, reinforcing bars, structural steel, steel V V V decking, etc. V Ninimum reinforcement should be provided for masonry walls to comply with . V V , :Section 2418 (j)-3. V V V V Minimum reinforcement should be provided for reinforced concrete walls,to V comDly with Section 262"2(d .1971 fati,onal Electric Code - rd. V ''.Proijde single line drawing and calèu1ations.'or 200 AMP service or iarger. V (2Show Ra.nel 1oca"tn and size. in each unit'. w,t VM1V horizontal feeders to be in an approved raceway. V V Our duplex recept deS maximum on ea6h appliance circuit Ground Fault In'terup_ter--fe—q7Eu~l-,red,on' all exterior receptaclet,. 1970 V , niforr Mechanical Code -. ll805" 7'Show' size and lain of F.A.U., venting,combination air return air, ducts and registers . . V . F4U c2 V cc V Show dryer vent to outside air. T 00 5 C? V V V Mechanical Show l2O y Volt Rece tans requi.red.acie within 25 feet'-Of equipment forVervid ing ;. 1970 Uniform Plumbing Code CO~rd#8057 ec 509 Show temperature and pressure relief valvTe and . V discharge-tine on water-heater. Indicate height of waterheater platform Landscape and irrigation plans required .- Ord.`. 19060, Sec. V2 J..V_44 200 ' Provide sizing calculations for 'water & gas piping. V ' Micro 'Film Copy of as-built plans required. V Fee Required. ' V ' All Apartments & Condomi11ium...ui'ldings Must, Have' Fire Retard V V ant Roof. App6als Board Decision No. III. EP 6 197' M Z ADY PLACE NSPCTON ° TESTING • RESEARCH ° DEVELOPMENT 6280 Riverdale St. San Diego, California 92120° Phone-28 0-4321 ALL REPORTS ARE OUBt4ITTEO AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS. CONCLUSIONS. OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM IS RESERVED PENDING OUR WRITTEN.APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. ' August 30, 1973 Mr. Oakley P Cre r SCT 312250 1050 Chinquapin Avenue Report No. 2 Carlsbad, California 92008 SUBJECT:. Report of In-Place Density Tests, Proposed Five Lot Residential - Subdivision, :Grady Place Near Park Drive, Carlsbad, California. Dear Sir In accordance with your request, this report has been .prepared to es- tablish the degree of compaction of the prepared natural ground and compacted fill as tested by the Southern California Testing Laboratory, Inc from August 14 through August 20, 1973 Prior to grading operations, the site was cleared of grass and debris. Adequate keys were then made in the proposed fill area in order to establish a good' base for supporting the proposed compactea fills. The: fill, taken from cuts made on the site, was the' placed in six (6) to eight (8) inch lifts and compacted by means of a sheepsfoot roller ,and heavy construction equipment Field density tests were performed in accordance with A S T M D-1556- 64. Moisture content was determined for each density sample. The results and-location-of the tests are given on the attached figures. .5 . • . . c... A representative sample of the tested material was obtained for lab-- oratory tests RECEIVED P14 1973 CITY OF CARLSBAD Building Department - - SCT 312250 - August 30, 1973 Page 2 Laboratory compaction tests to determine maximum dry density and op- timum moisture were performed in accordance with A S T M Test Method D-1557-70, Method A; The results of the laboratory compaction test are given on the attached Figure No. -2. Since the building pad contains both cut and fill, .and since cut and ¼ - - 'fill'-soils tend tocompress.different1y, resulting in foundation distress, we recommend reinforcement of foundations on the transition between cut and fill. Two No. 4 bars in the top and 'two No. .4 bars in the,bottom of the footings, extending ten feet either side of the 5*5 • transition linii will providecnough reinforcement to reduce the prob- : ability of undue distress. - ¼ Basedoii field observations and the density test results, it is the opinion of Southern California Testing Laboratory, inc that the grading was performed substantially in accordance with the recommendations contained in our SoilInvestigation Report dated June 14, 1973 Nt If you 'have any questions after reviewing our report, please do not hesitate to contact this office - _*5S*S• 'This to be of service is sincerely appreciated 'S Respectfully submitted, r ' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA.TESTING LAB., INC 00 DAP/mw -, . -_ * Thomas V. Lanqp , Y.K. C. E ¼ Enc cc Submittd - '- - . (l) SCTL, Escondido S • - A -, • s •. -• - Teit No. Location - ' Depth of Fill (Feet) Moisture . (t) DrUnit Weight - (lbs ./cu.ft.) Soil Type Relative Compaction. (Percent) Date Of Test.. 1. See Plot Plan NG. ' 11.1 119.0 1 90.7 ' 8/14/73 2 See Plot Plan NG 10.5 119.3 1 91.0 8/14/73 3 See Plot Plan ' +3 12.4 - 122.O 1 93.0. 8/14/73 4 See Plot Plan +2' 11.1 125.2 1 . 95.5 8/14/73 5 See Plot Plan +3' 13.0 118.5 1 90.5 8/14/73 6 See Plot Plan +5' 11.1 123.2 1 94.0 8/15/73 7 See Plot Plan +4' 11.7 125.3 1 95.7 8/15/73 8 See Plot Plan +7' 11.1 124.5 1 95.0 8/15/73 9 See Plot Plan +7' . 12.4 122.0 1 93,0 8/16/73 10 See Plot Plan :9' 11.7 125.7 1 96.0 8/16/73 11 See Plot Plan FG 7.5 119.0 1 91.0 8/20/73 12 See Plot Plan FG 9.9 123.5 . 1 94.5 8/20/73- 13 . See Plot Plan FG 7.5 121.0. 1 92.5 8/20/73 .14 See Plot Plan FG 8.1 121.0 ' 1 92.5 8/20/73 SOUTHERN CAUFORIA TESING LABIORATORY Field Density Tests Report SCT 312250 Figure No -2 LABORATORY STANDARD Soil Type . - Optimum Moisture Maximum Dry Density . (Percent) . (lbs./cu. ft.) . • 10.2 ' • 131.0 ' Reddish BrownSilty Sand . . . . 0 . 0•• SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORAT O R Y I N C O R P D R A T E D 6200 RIVR0ALE ST. SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 TELE 200-4321 • P.O. BOX 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF.92120 73-030 ,NIGHWAV Ill PALM DESERT, CALIF. 92260 • T E L E 346-1078 678 ENTERPRISE ST. ESCONDIDO, CALIF. 92025 • T E L E 4June 14, 1973 Mr. Oakley Parker 1050 Chinquapin Avenue - SCT 312250 Carlsbad, California 92008 . - Report No. 1 Attention: Mike Straub . SUBJECT: Soil Investigation--for Proposed Five Lot Residential Subdivision, Grady Place Near Park Drive, Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: 0 In-accordance with your request, welhave peformed an investiga t i o n --of the soil conditions at the subject site. We aretransmitting. - herewith a.report-of this investigation. The analysisof our findings. is intended to provide the -required information to design the foundation and grading plans for the proposed development. •0 • . 0 .0. • In general we found the site to ..be suitable for develOpment, to . - :If- you have any questions after reviewing -our.report, please d6 :flot.hesitate to contact this office. _• . . . .-'This-'opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated Respectfully submitted, SOUTtIERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LB , INC CHC:jle - - '- . Charles H.. Christian,, R. C. E. • cc: . (5) Submitted • - - -- - .. . • • (1) SCTL, Escondido ( H Pa INSPECTION • TESTING • RESEARCH e DEVELOPMENT 6280 Riverdale'St. ° Sail Diego, California 92120 ° Phone 280-4321 ALL REPORTS ARE SUBMITTED AS THE CONFIDENTIAL PROPERTY OF CLIENTS. AUTHORIZATION FOR PUBLICATION OF OUR REPORTS. CONCLUSIONS. OR EXTRACTS FROM OR REGARDING THEM II RESERVED FENDING OUR WRITTEN APPROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS, THE PUBLIC AND OURSELVES. REPORT OF SOIL INVESTIGATION PROPOSED FIVE LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION GRADY PLACE OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE 'This-report presents the results of our soil investigation for .the pro- posed five lot residential subdivision, Grady Place near Park Boulevard - -in City o'f'Càrlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California. A brief legal description of'the site is Lot 24 of Park Manor Unit No. :1, 'as Lper MapNo. '6242. It Js 'our under''t'an'd±ng that one 'or two 'story ,'residentia-1 structures are glarined for the site. ' ,It is further understood that maximum cuts in the order of 13 'feet and:': fills in the order of 8 feet are anticipated The site configuration : and test trench .locationsare'shown on PlateNo. 1 of this report. This soil investigation was undertaken to a) Determine the physical properties of the prevailing soils including their supporting capacities and settlement charac- teristics -. b) Provide design information regarding site preparation and foundations SCT 312250 , June 14, 1973 Page Two 2 FINDINGS 2.1 Site and Soil Conditions The natural drainage on the site is primarily in the southerly direction with elevations varying over a range of approximately 30 feet A house presently 'exists on Lot No. 4. All other lots are free of man made struc- tures and/or vegetation Loose fill, consisting of concrete sand, was noted in the area of Trench No.' 3.. This fill is approximately 2 feet in depth and will be removed by the proposed site grading In. general, the prevailing foundation soils were found to consist of moderately to ie11 cemented terrace deposit sandstones. - - 3 RECOMMENDATIONS 3 1 Foundations 3 11 General Conventional spread footings founded in nonexpansive soil are recommended for the support of the proposed structure Conventional spread footings ..sh'ould be founded a' minimum of 12. inches below the ádjacént 'finish grade,.have'a minimum width of 12 inches and may be designed for. : a an 1lowable soil bearing pressure of 2.0 kips per square foot TAdiacent footings founded at different bearing levels should be so located that ,the slope .from bearing-.ivel to bearing level is flatter than one. horizontal to one vertical .,.'3.12-Expansive Characteristics The prevailing foundation soils were : found to be nondetrimentally expansive and will not require special con- : sideration and/or design 1 -.- _________________ _______________ ___________________________________________________ - I 1 10i 4- I SCT 312250. . June 14, 1973 Page Three .;3.13Settlemënt Characteristics: Anticipated total and7or differential settlement may be considered negligible provided the recommendations pre- sented in this report are followed. 3.2 Slope Stability The cut and fill slopes constructed from native on-site materials will 'be stable with relation to deep-seated failures if constructed at or . 'flatter than 1.5 horizontal units, to 1 vertical unit for slopes up to 28 feet in height. .. •:... 3.3 Earth Retaining Structures Active and passive soil pressures for the design of earth retaining struc- tures will .be furnished by this office upon request if necessary for de- sign purposes.. - • 4 EARTHWORK Earthwork and-grading contemplated for site preparation should be accom- plished in accordance with the attached Recommended Grading Specifications and Special Provisions Structural backfill should be compacted to a ::minimum relative compaction of 90percent-as determined by A.S.T.M. 1557- - ;T66T,MethodA. , • ' . 5 FIELD EXPLORATIONS Three subsurface explorations were made at the locations indicated on the attached Plate No 1 on June 6, 1973 These explorations consisted of trenches dug by means of a backhoe The explorations were conducted under the observation of our engineering geology personnel -r - ' - -- - --- - - -..- - SCT 312250 June 14, 1973 Page Four The explorations were carefully logged when made. These logs are presented on-the following Plate Nos. 2 and 3. The soils are described in accordance with the Unified ,Soils Classification System-as illustrated on the attached simplified.chart. In addition, a verbal textural description, the wet - color, the apparent moisture, and the density or' consistency are given on the logs. Soil densities for granular soils are given as either very loose, loose, medium dense, dense or very dense. The consistency of. silts 'or days are given as either very soft, soft, medium stiff', stiff, very stiff or hard. Disturbed and undisturbed samples of typical and representative soils were obtained'andréturned to the laboratory for testing. .,,. '6. LABORATORY TESTING ' :Laboratorytestswereperformed in accordance with generally accepted American Society for Testing and Materials' (A.S.T.M.) test methods or. -suggested procedures. Representative' samples were tested ,for their .nat- ural densities and'rnoisture contents. The results of these. tests are -presented on the trench logs. In addition; the maximum density and the angles of internal friction 'and. cohesion were determined for typical and representative samples The results of the tests are presented on Plate No 4 of this report I '1 LI TRENCH NUMBER 1 CLASS. DESCRIPTION Y - SW/ Reddish-Brown, Humid, Dense..to 2 11 SM Very Dense, SLIGHTLY SILTY, - WELL GRADED-SAND - 117.7 M.. 5.8 - -.----,-.----- - TRENCH NUMBER 3 CLASS DESCRIPTION . - Y M SW Gray-Brown, Dry, Loose, WELL GRADED SAND (Fill) . . SW,' Reddish-Brown, Humid, Dense to SM Very Dense, SLIGHTLY SILTY, WELL . 4 J.. . GRADED SAND 1153 47 8t 10111 1 .• 114.4 . - 4.7 - . - FOR LEGEND SEE PLATE NO 3 • . ...... • ••0• SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - . 5 Lot Residential Subdivision:.. TESTING LABORATORY, INC; Grady Place ••: C.. Carlsbad, California 6280 RIVERDALE STREET + , • SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 • • • •• • BY MRF DATE 6/6/73 • - TRENCH . • LOG. - • , • • • JOB NO. 312250 PLATE NO. -3 • .• .• •.• •• . • -4 --- * ••- - -••- -••-- .-••- - - - -, •------•-- - - - c -• SAMPLE DESCRIPTION S Angle of internal friction( ) Cohesion intercept (psf) Ti @ 3 - 4 Remolded .to 90% 32 150 Ti @:9 -10 Remolded to Natural 32 150 MAXIMUM DENSITY & OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT ASTM METHOD SAMPLE DESCRIPT ION, . Maximum Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture Cont( */o) Ti @ 3 - .4' . 130.2 9.8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING . . .. LABORATORY,. INC. Lot Residential Subdivision S Grady Place . . 6280 RIVERDALE STREET S . . 4 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92120 Carlsbad, California S S 714-283-6134 TEST RESULTS BY MRF DATE' 6/6/73' 5 JOB NO. 312250, Plate No. 4,, ......... -- APIENDIX A, PAGE 1 JOB NO 312250 DATE 6/14/7 RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS - GENERAL PROVISIONS GENERAL INTENT The intent of these specifications is to establishprocedures for clearing, compacting natural ground,. preparing areas to be filled and placing and com- pacting fill soil to the lines and grades shown on the accepted plans.' .The 'recommendations contained in the preliminary, soil investigation report and/or the attached' special provisions are a 'part of the recommended grading speci- fications and shall 'supersede the provisions contained hereinafter in the case of conflict.' INSPECTIONANDTESTING: : A qualified soil engineer shall be employed to inspect and test the. earthwork .in accordance with these specifications. ' It will be 'necessary that .the soil 'engineer or his representative provide adequate inspection so that he may certify that the work was or was not accomplished as specified.- It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the soil engineer and to 'keep him appraised of work schedules, changes and new information and data ;SO 'that he mâr make 'these certifications. :.:If, in the opinion of the soil -engineer., substandard conditions are eçicount- '"ered, such as questionablesoil, "poor moisture control, inadequate compaction, :. adverse weather, etc., he -will be empowered to either stop 'construction until the conditions are remedied or corrected or recommend rejection of the work - Soil tests used to determine the degree of compaction will be performed in -accordance with the following American Society for Testing and Materials test methods Maximum Density and Optimum Moisture Content - A.S.T.M. D-1557-70. Density of Soil In-Place - A S T M D-1556-6' 4 -- -a-- -' -- - ---- -----,--------- -,---- APPENDIX, A, PAGE 2 JOB NO._312250 DATE 6/14/73 IPREPARATION OF AREAS TO RECEIVE FILL: All 'vegetation,brush and debris shall be removed, piled and burned or other- wise disposed of. After clearing, the natural ground shall be scarified to a depth of 6",'-brought to the proper moisture content, compacted and tested for the minimum density specified in the special provisions or the recommendatiOns contained in the preliminary soil investigation report. :'en the slope of the natural ground receiving fill exceeds 20% (.5 horizontal to 1 vertical),, the original ground shall be stepped or benched. Benches shall be cut to a' firm competent soil, condition. The lower bench shall be at least 10, feet wide and all other benches at least 6 feet wide. The horizontal pr- tlon of each bench shall be'compacted prior to receiving fill as specified hereinbefore for compacted natural ground. Ground slopes flatter than 20% shall be benched when considered necessary by the, soil engineer. FILLMATERIAL: Materials 'placed in the.flll' shall be approved by the soil engineer and shall - be free, of vegetable matter and other deleterious substances. Granular soil'. :shall contain' sufficient fine material to fill the 'voids. The definition and ' -. ' disposition of overs'ized rocks, expansive and/or detrimental -soils are .ëovered - 1n-the special provisions. Expansive soils, ;soils of poor gradation or "strngth characteristics may be' thoroughly mixed with. other, -soils to provide satisfactory fill material, but only with the explicit consent of the soil engineer. PLACING AND COMPACTION _OFFILL Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive filf in layers not to exceed 6 inches in-compacted thickness Each layer shall have a uniform moisture content in the range that will allow the compaction effort - ANDtX A, PACE 3 JOB NO., 312250 DATE' 6/14/7-3- ...t.6 be efficiently applied to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Each layer shall be Uniformly compacted to a minimum specified density with àdéuã.tély 81 ted equipment, either specifically designed for soil cOrriäct.iOn Or Of Proven reliability. The minimum degree of compaction tO be Adhieved is 8pecified in either the special provisions or the re- :OOtnmendations contained in the preliminary soil investigation report. :-Field tests al-id iftSpections to check the degree of compaction of the fill be tàkén by the Oil engineer or his representative. The location and ieiehOy'Of the têts shall be at the ioil engineer's discretion. In zêhèil, the dehity tests will be made at an Interval not exceeding 2 feet, ifl vértbàl rise arid/or 500eubic yards of embankment; LMASON LIMITS: :ill 9h&11 hOt be plaC ed during unfavorable weather conditions. When work ihteuted by heavy rain, filling operations shall not be resumed until 'hêOe fOitUreboPteht and 'density of the fill has been achieved. Dam- àe 'eu1tIhg fOiti weather shall be repaired before acceptance of work. UNFORESEEN CONDITIONS: . ' .• . . ' z- 'the event that conditions are encountered 'during the site preparation ãnd eohtruótiori that were not, encountered during the preliminary sbll in-. etIgatioh, SOuthern California Testing Laboratory, Inc. assumes no respon- bI1itY fOr cOnditions encOuntered which differ from those conditions found. ànd described in the preliminary soil Investigation report 7- - "7 1 .7 7. RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL PROVISIONS The minimum degree of compaction to be obtained in compacting natural ground and in the compacted fill shall be 90 percent. Detrimentally expansive soils is defined as soil which will swell more than 3 percent against a pressure of 150 pounds per square foot from a condition of 90 percent density and optimum moisture content to saturation. Oversized fill material is defined as rocks or lumps over six inches in diameter. At least 40 percent of the fill soil shall pa.s through a No. 4 U.S. Standard Sieve. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION' GROUP SYMBOL TYPICAL NAMES. 1. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. GRAVELS , CLEAN GRAVELS ' GW ' Well graded gravels, 'gravel- More than half of ... ,. sand mixtures, little or no coarse fraction is ' ', ' ' , fines. : larger than-No. 4 GP, Poorly graded gravels, gravel sieve size but ' ' ' sand mixtures,,little or.no, smaller than 3'. ' , ' fines. GRAVELS WITH FINES GM, Silty gravels, poorly graded' (Appreciable amount gravel-sand-silt mixtures of fines) . GC' Clayey gravels, poorly ' ' graded gravel-sand, clay. mixtures. ' ,• SANDS CLEAN SANDS ' ' 'SW ' ' Well graded sand, gravelly More than -half of ' ' sands, little or no fines. coarse fraction is • ' ' ' SP ' Poorly graded sands,gravelly smaller than No. 4. ' ' . ' ' sands, little or no fines. 'sieve size. ' SANDS WITH FINES' , SM Silty sands, poorly graded (Appreciable amount, sand and silt mixtures.. .of fines) , Sc , 'Clayey sands,. poorly graded - sand ,and clay mixtures. 11. FINE GRAINED, More than half ofmateria1 is smaller ' ' ' . '.'' ' " ' than.No. 200 siéve"size. ,, •SILTS AND CLAYS . , ML.' Inorganic silts and very' fine, sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plast- icity Liquid Limit CL ' Inorganic clays of low to 'less than 50 , medium'plasticity,gravelly clays, sandy clays,silty clays, lean clays OL' Organic silts an'organic ' ": • '. ' • . , • "silty clays of low plasticity SILTS AND CLAYS NH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts Liquid Limit CH Inorganic clays of high ' ' :greater than 50 • ' - ' ' plasticity, fat clays. OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. 1 - HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat and other highly organic soils SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TESTING LABORATORY