HomeMy WebLinkAbout1510 MAGNOLIA AVE; ; 77-5256; Permit"MODEL NO BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Ano/icant to como/ete numbered soaces on/V. Phone 729-1181 Permit No. 7 JOB ADDRESS 'ASSESSOR'S IPARCEL NUfjB-ELR LEGAL / ic J BLK TRACT IEJsEE ATTACHED SHEETI BOOK PAGE PAR. I DESCR. - .LhI?k OWNER MAIL ADDRESS / ZIP PHONE 24:/ //i -.y 1j. :if"f 1 31 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PHONE STAT,E LIC. NO. CITY LIC. NO. i/'oI..36/ /3 3 '- ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS / PHONE LICENSE NO. 4,iIA'w #. Au4 ENGINEERS MAIL AiORE5S PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 ".4 N - BRA JdCH COMPENSATION INS. CARRI MAI (/ f L ADRESS 6 4A) (,',..., . 7P7 -=-q.-j USE OF BUILDING i k 1r NO. BORMS_4 NO. BATH [-A- 8 8 Class of work: ANEW LI ADDITION LI ALTERATION LI REPAIR LI MOVE LI REMOVE . 9 Describe work: 0.j LIZd..,h.p / 10 Change of use from Change of use to 11 Valuation of work: $ .: / ! PLAN CHECK FEE $ PERMIT FEE $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Type of Const._LZ ,' Occ upancy Group / .1' MICRO FILM FEE _ Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. No. of Stories Max. DEC. Load Fire Zone Use I I Zone / Fire Sprinklers Required LIves LIt APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY LABS CHECKED BY IAPPROVED #OR ISNCE BY OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: DATE OAT No. of Dwelling Units t Sq. Ft. 4/ Open NOTICE gered 15ZI Special Approvals Required Received Not Required PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- HEALTH DEPT. FIRE DEPT. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR IF SOIL REPORT CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- OTHER (Specify) MENCED. ENGINEERING DEPT. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. WATER DEPT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. siGj4i'tIE OF CONTRACTORR AU T)eRIzEO AGENT (DATE) SIGNATURE OF OWNER (IF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH . .__a. TOTAL FEES$ INSPECTOR .' . INSPECTION RECORD V V DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: V SETBACK V V V V TRENCH REINFORCING V V V FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING V V CONCRETE SLAB V FRAMING V INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY V FINAL V V USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. REQUESTQR INSPECTION INSPECTO1 I PERMIT -OWNER ADD ILDING TIME:_P.v71 DATE: I I ELECTRICAL I El FOUNDATION El REINFORCING STEEL El MASONRY El GROUT - GUNITE El FLOOR AND CEILING FRAME El SHEATHING - El FRAME El EXTERIOR LATH El INSULATION El INTERIOR LATH OR DRYWALL FINAL I PLUMBING 1 El UNDERGROUND PLUMBING El UNDERGROUND WATER El ROUGH PLUMBING El TOP OUT PLUMBING El SEWER AND PL/CO El TUB OR SHOWER PAN El GAS TEST El WATER HEATER El FINAL READY FOR INSPECTION: 0 MONDAY 0 TUESDAY A.M. P.M. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS____________ / El TEMPORARY SERVICE El ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND El ROUGH ELECTRIC El POOL BONDING El ELECTRIC SERVICE El CEILING HEAT El G.F.I. El SMOKE DETECTOR El FINAL I MISCELLANEOUS I El PLENUM AND DUCTS El COMBUSTION AIR El PATIO El SIGN El GRADING El DRIVEWAY El CONDITIONED AIR SYSTEMS El REFER PIPING El FINAL EDNESDAY DTHURSDAY 0 FRIDAY REQUESTED BY "'- ------ -_PHONE NO. PERSON TAKING REPORT ±1 T ñ) (qA7,Z c,oThc/'e !?lV Ok All J 7Tj /1-f f?r S/ .4J,oTei2 EA,I ,Ve4c4Q :efF,77,c 2/2AP7F't & 1?INc Of7 DUPLICATE Signed V,c' 74A T. fiji Ol, .-c Date Signed R.dif,rm 4S 465 SEND PARTS I AND 3 WITH CARBONS INTACT. Poly Pak (30 .ti( 0465 PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY. Ml . - .. - . •. ' .' • - • . ' . .,. .•. PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 .. Applicant to comp!ete numbered spaces only. Phone 729-1181 ' Permit No. • *7 ... )r__)/#')/:l JOB ADDRESS LEGAL DESCR 1. OT NO. L I I TRACT I S VY MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE CONTRACTOR SS PHONE STATE Ll;,~ CITY NO. ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS 4 PHONE LICENSE NO. ENGINEER - MAIL ADDRESS 5 PHONE LICENSE NO. COMPENSATION INS. CARRIER MAIL óDRESA 6 BRANCH USE OF BUILDING 7 -. S 8 Class ofwork: 'NEW DADDITION C3 ALTERATION LJREPAIR 9 Describe work: PERMIT FEES No. Type of Fixture or Item '. Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS: WATER CLOSET (TOILET) S BATHTUB J LAVATORY (WASH BASIN) SHOWER - KITCHEN SINK & DISP. DISHWASHER APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY j 1 PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY. DATE LAUNDRY TRAY 7 CLOTHES WASHER J WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTI N OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. URINAL - - DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR—SINK OR DRAIN - - SLOP SINK / GAS SYSTEMS NO. OUTLETS / ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS - - LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEWER NUMBER CLEAN OUTS ....4 .s CESSPOOL SEPTIC TANK & PIT ROOF DRAINS cGNATURE OF CO ACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (DATE) . ISSUANCE FEE $ 7 TOTAL FEES $_ILDERI TSIGNATURE _OP_ OWNER _(IF _OWNER _RU (DATE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS4S YOUR PERMIT I PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. • CASH - . - . t. . • ..• .5. ....... - - - . - INSPECTOR .- - . . j'r•. -..- v. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 n Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Phone 729-1181 Permit No. JOB ADDRESS LEGAL LOT NO. BILK FACT . (OSCE ATTACHED SHEET) OWNER -. MAIL ADDRESS ZIP PHONE C. Bubm 713 E Tiate Way, de California 920( 433UI451 CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. STATE CITY 3 CwUbO nwtrU 1826 1olia Ave., Cr18ba&, Celiforia 729-1695 269746 3156O ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS - PHONE LICENSE NO. 4 ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. 5 COMPENSATION INS. CARRIER MAIL ADDRESS BRANCH 6 . . no ciellm rm. . USE OF BUILDING 1fiingle Pnnilv Thv111n , 8 Class of work: M NEW 0 ADDITION El ALTERATION El REPAIR 9 Describe work'glc.1 idrins PERMIT FEES ISSUANCE OF EACH PERMIT No. Each Fee SPECIAL CONDITIONS: lflfl 25fl - NEW CONSTRUCTION, FOR EACH AMPERES OF MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE OR -BREAKER APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: PLANS CHECKED BY: APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY: DATE NEW SERVICE ON EXISTING BLDG. FOR EA. AMPERE OF INCREASE NOTICE IN MAIN SERVICE, SWITCH, FUSE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- OR BREAKER TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF - CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COW,- MENCED. . REMODEL, ALTERATION, NO CHANGE IN SERVICE, FOR EA. AMPERE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READND EXAMINED THIS INCREASE APPLICATION AND KNOWTHE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANOORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS - TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING TEMP. SERVICE UP TO AND INCLUD- ING 200 AMP. CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. TEMP. SERVICE OVER 200 AMP. PER 100 5I'GNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR Al THONIZED AGENT C A El PERMIT FEE 27 SIGNATURE or OWNER (IF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR - - ' . S . MECHANICAL PERMIT. APPLIC ON s**7 City of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 - Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Phone 729-1181 Permit No. .JOB ADDRESS 1510 1gr1ia St. LEGAL 1 DESCm. LOT NO. BLK TRACT . EJEE ATTACHED SHEET) OWNER MAIL ADDRESS 2 Mr. Earl 11eri cVo aithiers th1frtt4d, ZIP PHONE i. 513 VIsta my coamtsift CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PHONE STATE LIC. NO. P. o. a 1256 o'' 757-2720 174405 CITY LIC. NO. 12721 ARCHITECT OR DESIGNER MAIL ADDRESS 4 PHONE LICENSE NO. ENGINEER MAIL ADDRESS 5 PHONE LICENSE NO. LENDER MAIL ADDRESS 6 SOUtt II&k Vista Way, Vista BRANCH USE OF BUILDING 7sintia1 8 Class ofwork: IJEW LI ADDITION El ALTERATION El REPAIR 9 Describe work: Ita3i ced air httng Type of Fuel: Oil El Nat. Gas El LPG. El PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. Type of Equipment Fee Air Cond. Units—H.P. Ea. $ Refrigeration Units—H.P. Ea. Boilers—H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units—Tonnage Ea. Forced Air Systems—B.T.U. 130 Ea. APPLICATION AG EPTED BYJ / k f ' PLANS CHECKED BY APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY. Gravity Systems—B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces—B.T.U. M Wall Heater—B.T.U. M L NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS,OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. Unit Heters—B.T.U. M - . Evaporative Coolers Clothes Dryers - - - - .Ventilation Fan MENCED. Range Hood - - Air Handling Unit— - C.F.M. Incinerator - - - - - SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT (DATE) ISSUANCE FEE $ TOTAL FEES $ ... - SIGNATURE OF OWNER (IF OWNER BUILDER) (DATE) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT 11 PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cs. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION CK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR INSULATION CERTIFICATION This is to certify that insulation has been installed in conformance with the current energy regulations, California Administrative Code, Title 25, State of California, in te building located at: / SITE ADDRESS f,'O 7//m, i/. /c/)6€'/ EXTERIOR WALLS .162~1 16 I Manufacture,ef.,o 00 Thickness/Type__ R-Value// CEILINGS Batts: Manufactur Thickness/Type R_Value/7 Blown: Manufa$4u1r944.,-5Z,_/ñ/ Thickness/Type. R-Value/ Cr/4c( P. Wt./Bag Sq. Ft. Covered R-Value_____ FLOORS Manufacturer Thickness/Type R-Value_____ SLAB ON GRADE Manufacturer Thickness/Type P-Value_____ Width of Insulation Inches FOUNDATION WALLS Manufacturer Thickness/Type R-Value_____ GENERAL CONTRACTOR LICENSE #_____________ BY - TITLE DA-TE ABC INSULATON LICENSE # 325251 C2 B T I T L D A TE7/?? APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONNECT TO CITY SEWER SYSTEM CITY OF CARLSBAD SE BUILDING P ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DEPT. 729-1181 EXT. 35 FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN ISSUED BY DATE ISSUED 1-1-17 BUILDING ADDRESS VALIDATION OWNER / MAILING - ADDRESS LATERAL CHARGE COMPUTATION CONTRACTOR STANDARD 4" (Max. H. 30, V. 10') OVER 30H. ______ _______ FT.__________________ CONTRACTOR'S OVER 10' V. _____ ______ FT. ADDRESS -- STANDARD 6" (Max. H. 30, V. 10) - OVER 30 H. ______ _______ FT. NEW BUILDING EXISTING BUILDING OVER 10'V.-@- FT.____________________ LEGAL DESCRIPTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST SERVICE CHARGE (REPAVING ETC.) TOTAL LATERAL CHARGE____________________ REMARKS: LATERAL LOCATION LATERAL NO. INSTALLATION CIA LINE COST DATA ASSESSMENT DIST. NO. FRONTAGE -COST PER FT.-TOTAL - OTHER CONNECTION FEE NO. UNITS COST PER UNIT-TOTAL - PUMP STATION FEES NO. UNITS -COST PER UNIT-TOTAL - TOTAL CHARGES (LATERAL ETC.) IUILDING DEPARTMENT INTERDEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION SHEET RECEIVED DATE: JAN 20 1977 IUILDING ADDRESS: 'LANNIMG DEPARTMENT 17k1 I. Oçjz 1 I 0T SIZE LOT WIDTH 7Z _ UNITS PROVIDED / ALLOWED I PR KG. SPACES PROVIDED _ REQ. ______ _ALLOWED % OF COVERAGE BLDG. HEIGHT _ —ALLOWED __________ (I/ REAR YARD RONT SETBACK YARD INTRUSIONS________ NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REQ'TS. 1 I') 'DITIONAL COMM LANDSCAPE PLAN A) /.irPr-f fl JE PERM iA%_DATE ______ OCCUPANCY _DATE 'I ( .dINEERINGDEPARTMENT R.O.W._INDUSTRIAL WASTE IMPROVEMENTS _ i!x4c4c/SEWER CONNECTION ~ [,1IVEWAY LOCATIONS2t_/9 J GRADING PERMIT/'' EASEMENTS_DRAINAGE -_c _ 791 All T LEGAL DESCRIPTION_( Lo .-IL) () ADDITIONAL COMMENTS_Pe-EL- Rkp S Z ' See ,&c/ avj c ISSUE PERMIT fl DATE OCCUPANCY tJ44" (7f(DATE 6/'-2 FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLING SYSTEM FIRE PROTECTION EQUIPMENT IRE ALARMS_____________________ EXITS FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATI 0 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ISSUE PERMIT _DATE _OCCUPANCY _DATE__________ C M W D OLIVENHAIN SAN MARCOS_________ ADD 1110 ISSUE OCCUPANCY SENT TO PLANNING SENT TO ENG. DEPT FTIIRNJPfl Tr) tI r)r. o -riiorucr -rr DI rr' ro-r 54• Property Develo'pme'nt By Registered Civil Engineer JOHN E. VERNON 2860 Calmar Drive Escondido, Calif. 92025 (714) 745-8882 13U1LD.±RS UNLI'iIT.D FOIJN) ON 33OIL5 aL.LJRT Ti- U rtt',y bh!It 1 I-c lvtl mollo.r.l'rMltp t cm Mipri,tn Ave . In %hc Cty or C'r1sbac1, CA. The s ii is silty snnd of goofl quality and is not detri'mtally exr)cnsvo. Trees, roots nd vget'b1c nytter is wc1, t he t layer of soil wcis rernired to rtrm materil nd rep1'cod. with compacted fill. Fill mnterial was olnced as shown on the itt ched sketch nd w.s comp oted to nt least 90% of m ximui lry d.cnslty rr 'STM D156 nd D1557(1netc A). No UflU: LI Li. C ()(1(l it Cr15 were nc (Ufl tereCi, which w cui d PLed jude bull-ding,on the lots as grdrci. —'John E. VERNON RCE 21121 Surveys - Tentative and Parcel Maps - Percolation Tests - Soil Tests and Reports Grading Plans - Improvement Plans - Engineering Calculations 4T Z 3 9 J 2 f f . F... . . ' -.•• .• Certification UI' FILL Cnuipctftm for Grading Work Authorised by . >,Grading Permit Issued by the Department of tIlER 0 Project hjoatlon 4'c'. /-LQ...... Nwuu of Perm I i't't• . - __________________ Grading Permit No. ,. This report Uoxin for a "minor' grading prbject is -to be completed and signed by the Registered Civil Engineer (or Architect) who has been designated on the Grading Plan and Permit as the Engineer who-will furnish the compaction report for work authorized by 'a grading permit issued by the Dept. of Land Use and Environmental Regulation. The intent of the format is to provide information to the Department of L.U.E.R. as to grading compliance with the apprqved Grading Plan anti Permit. Where the questions below refer to location, configuration or quantity of cut and/or fill areas, it is understood that your response will not normally be based on an actual land sur"ey or detailed earthwork quantity calculations. It should be noted, however, that the Department is particularly concerned where there are possible infractions with respect to oversteepened slopes, encroachments of required setbacks, unconipacted lulls placed, or'where the quantity of fill placed differs substantially from that authorized. The Department of L'.U.E.R. requires that all fills authorized by a Grading Permit be compacted to a ' minimum of 90; of maximum density with the exception that not more than 12' of itncompacted and untested Iii l R IMV be tlisperaetl ,ver, the land parcel.. The nentl I:, compact all. II U.s that are beyond the present Limits of the present proposed construction is Co Insure that future proposed construction of room additions or swimming portia or similar structures will. not require that uncoinpacted fills be removed or recompactwd, 'r that extensive foundation work be installed. Compaction reports wi Li. not he accepted unless this forts is completed anti signed by the registered person. A. C0MPAT1I1ILI1Y WITH GRADING PLAN AND PERMIT S 1. Was the compacted fill placed . only in the approximate locations designated on the grading Yes No plan as areas to be filled? * .AJa 4Di.4' . S. Did the quantity of flU material placed approximately conform to the grading plan?. Dues the Loe of liii or the top of cut appear to encroacI within the prescribed setback (1.5' for fill; 3.0' for cuts)? Were the finished fill slopes steeper tian 2 horizontal to I vertical'? S. If the fill material was obtained by cuts oil the site, were the cuts made in the proper location and to the proper slope approximately as shown on the approved grading plan? .j.. 6. Were iro:: ditches constructed approximately as sh't 'on the grading plan? B. WCAT ION AND M(OIJNT Of CON t'ACTION 'rESTS .1.. Have you attached ii sketch aml data show-hig the lucat:1 oii and relative ohivati on for all compactist tests? Was a compaction test mail,: sr that there is at least one test in each 2' thick lens of compacted material? As indicated by inspections, observations and compaction test results, .F8s the fill, excluding the top 1.0'. cospactoil to at: least 90 of itaxtintan dry density C. QUALM OF FILL COMPACTION OPERATION I. Was the area to receive 14 1'. properly prepared in Cerise of 'rush removal, benching, wetting, removal, of noncqmpaâod' liii or debris and related items? 2.Does the fill contairtietrimentally expansive soil, within 3' of finish grade? 3. Have you attached a copy of your curve showing the relationship between optimum moisture content and maximum density? 4. Were any boulders or other oversize (over 12") particles placed in the fill? S. If your auwer to (4) above is yes, is any portion of this fill not suitable for support of structures? 6. Were thcre any areas on the site that appeared to have existing fills that were not re compacted during the operation that is basis for this report? Rev. 31475 0 3l Pon l73 • 0 • 0 • Yea Yes - No ' Yes - No Yes Yes No N't - Yea No - Yea .E' No - Yes kNo Yea • P.'-. Yes'No Yea No Yes No Yes No D. STATISTICAL DATA I. Dates the grading work was perLorined: 2. Dates yourrapresentative was on site and number :ç hours on site for each date, and name of represenative: Did a Registered Engineer visitthe site during or subsequent to the. completion of the grading operation? - . . . Yes jio - Did you perform any. testing services on this project prior to ascertaining that a valid grading pe±mit had been issued for the wbrk? . Yea No AS-BUILT DATA S If the flhl'placemént was not in accordanc wi the approved grading plan, did you notify the permittee o obtain approval for dev - io from t plan before proceeding with . additional, fill placement? . / : ' Yes No If the approved grading. plan does no re t th a al location, depth and typ&of 'fill, have you submitted for review and a proval an as-built plan? . . Yes No - CERTIFICATION — certify, under penalty of perjury, thatIthe. information provided in this certification' - e best of my knowledge and belief. . . . Date Sl t gne natec g1steredEir or Architect LJ 21121 rrl . Registration or Cerificati'u Number_Ipe~gr . S S Address Telephone Number . S B. .1.. 4 2. '- P Ze2c--~7,7 7fT ifEflO97 TESTED.8V I ir Sb44/4 44 74e ehñ1E 4e94 z: 6.71 all, zr a9d9 7, - - ,ete, 7 Ndp or , • c o 5tC4 k4 TE9 X4 Me*': é drj?I £Zy 1A/ • ____ ia % _____ p e s • • hi L22. 4 fr II?P4 Esr a74: ;m; • d' : ______ PEL 4 ri,'c CaNd e r/42 ! L ] IIZ477/'f CO?'T/oiY 7fT gEflO19r Pa le - 06 44 S1?iVO V7z elzve r: i,,, h1 ,/ / I.Ireal i;'?' t / 0 ve / Ii 5tC4 j4 rEP '7I Ir/9i 17,y I&A# ia F'4'6 % /5& - LIZ -io 9.g.7 Lr71t6 /ef /O( oo3B af a Zn - 4 L'7 rWA 71itP . F-. I v: •.(f i•• Zn. E1tc4 s ro• m'pz : . ___ '1 .• £4c £?/ A." •• ____ , . % /p •. ______ /40 7Lrr ,fE/'o,9r 7ESTEI2SV ,iAl2t4 ,4'! Pa 5D412/aP t' eh7E 194 74 Ile ' mJ'7' a9 , -75e - '1"4€/d / el a, 'e 4, rEP y44?,I2z e: I,s dr,9I,1 I— Mf'I77/'f ca ,49C7'cv3' 7'T rE/'O9 r TtSTEZ78r' Aa le flac-/ O1-4 5M/D 14O o.036 F LI? go cX2 E isi Al z, 4e q/ Ii'; 'alaee dry ar#; , Z4'P4r sr a'rA: Opi ,'J I,øf4l ,? dry 12 4 /7EL 4 ni/K 4?', e rio ,7E, ,9/c'j; ji,1 ccu-test SoiI L\3oR\toPy 1flCopopt€O Rp SOILS ENGINEERING FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 1510-20-30 MAGNOLIA AVENUE, CARlSBAD, CALIFORNIA JOB #F-3932-77 January 26, 1977 Builders Unlimited, Inc. 513 Vista Way Oceanside, CA 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 accu-test Soil tatoatopy IncopopteO #F-3932-77 POP- January 26, 1977 Builders Unlimited, Inc. 513 Vista Way. Oceanside, CA FIt4: Accu-Test Soil Laboratory, Inc. SUBJECT: Preliminary Soil Analysis and Engineering Feasibility Study for Proposed Residential Development, .1510-20-30 Magnolia Avenue, Carlsbad, CA. INTRODUCTION Introductory Statement' This investigation was undertaken for • Builders Unlimited, Inc. in order to determine the characteristics of the soils affecting the gross stability of the property, and to present our opinion on the suitability of the property and the engineering feasibility pertinent to the proposed residential developnent of Carlsbad, CA. Principals Planner: Soils Engineer: Builders Unlimited, Inc. 513 Vista Way Oceanside, CA Accu-Test Soil Laboratory, Inc. 1824 East Ball Road Anaheim, CA 92805 11 / 1824 EAST. BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115. accu-test Soil L\BoPatoPy 1flCOPpOPat€0 #F-3932--77 -.2- Acreage: Number of Lots: Type of Development: Adjoining the Site: Existing Condition of Site: Sewage Disposal: Access to Development: Approximately 1.5 Acres 3 Lots Residential N' ly---Niirsery S' ly---Residential E'ly--Vacant, school, Magnolia Ave. W ly--Greerthouses Fruit trees and old greenhouse, old shed on corner Municipal Magnolia Avenue PHYSICXRMHIC SETrING Average natural slope: Vegetation: Infiltration: Erosion Hazard: Drainage: 4:1 Grasses, weeds, fruit trees Moderate Low Northerly 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 \ccu-test Soil LmotOy IncopoteO -3- #F-3932-77 UNDERLYING EARTH MATERIALS The soils on the site consist of a formation of light reddish- brown fine to medium sands, slightly moist and dense to a depth of approximately eight feet, underlain by dark reddish-brown fine to medium clayey sands, slightly moist and dense, to the end of our boring at a maximum depth of 18 feet. No groundwater was encountered. A more detailed description of the earth materials is depicted on the Log of Boring Sheets. I EXPANSION CHARACTERISTICS Buildings on adjoining properties, streets, walks and curbs show slight., evidence of expansive soil. Shrinkage in the earth materials was slightly observed, indicating the nature of the surface soils as low expansive. The results of loaded swell tests performed on remolded samples of typical on-site material indicate the soils as low expansive. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Site Preparations. A. All heavy vegetation and debris in the building, pavement or fill areas should be removed to avoid organic decay, and the cavities created brought to grade with properly canpacted material. Any obstructions that are revealed during grading operations, along with the above . mentioned obstructions, should be removed and the cavity, created brought to grade with compacted material. These materials should be legally disposed of off the site before new construction is initiated. 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO. AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORN ('A 92805 (714) 635-2295 ' CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 \ccu-,test Soft LM3oP\topV lncopoteO #F-3932-77 -4- Soil, cofluvium, alluvium, or rock materials determined by the Soils Engineer as being unsuitable for placement in compacted fills shall be removed and wasted from the site. Any material incorporated as a part of a compacted fill must be approved by the Soils Engineer. Compacted Fills A. Any material ipported or excavated on .the property may be utilized in the fill, provided each material has been determined to be suitable by the Soils. Engineer. Roots, tree branches, and other matter missed during clearing shall be removed from the fill as directed- by the Soils Engineer. B. Imported soil for fill shall be clean, nonexpansivé, granular material approved by the Soils Engineer or his representative. Prior to placing fill, the ground surface to receive fill shall be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, watered or aerated to near optimum moisture content and recanpacted to 90% of the maximum dry density obtained by test method ASIN Des: D155770, Method A (see Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture Determination Sheet)..' Material used in the compacting process shall be evenly spread, watered, processed, and compacted in thin lifts not to exceed 8 inches in thickness to obtain a uniformly dense layer. The fill shall,be placed and compacted on a horizontal plane unless otherwise approved by the Soils Engineer. Each layer shall be compacted to 90% of 'the maximum density obtained by ASTM Des:' D-1557-70, Method A (five layers). If the moisture content. or relative density varies from that required by the Soils Engineer, the 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 accu-test Soft L\BoPtoPy IncopopteO #F-3932-77 --5- contractor will rework the fill until it is approved by the Soils Engineer. Grading Control All cleanout, processed ground to receive fill, key excavations, sublrains, and rock disposal must be inspected and 'approved by the Soils Engineer prior to placing any fill. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to notify the Soils Engineer when such areas are ready for inspection. Inspection of the fill placement shall be provided by the Soils Engineer during the process of grading. Drainage - An adequate drainage system should be designed to carry all the water away from the building area.' Utility Trenches No problems are anticipated in the excavation of the utility trenches, which shall be backfilled with 'clean and approved granular non-expansive soils. These soils shall be brought up in level six inches lifts after properly bedded in the utility and compacted to 90% ,of the maximum dry density and tested. 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 accu-test Soil L\I3oItoPy IncopopateO Olt- #F-3932-77 -6- SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Bearing Capacity It has been established by using a safety factor of. three that footings may be designed having a bearing value of 2.1 kips per square foot for the total of dead loads and frequently applied live loads. Maximum Settlement 0.3" Lateral Load Design (Natural Soil) Active Case 36.p.s.f. Passive Case 300 p.s.f. *y be increased by 33 1/3% for seismic and wind loads 0 Coefficient of Friction .35 Settlement of Underlying (Natural Soil) . 0.2" Shrinkage . 14% Expansion of (Natural Soil), . Low (21-50) 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92.805 (714) 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 CCU-test Soil LBoPtoPy lncopopateO #F-3932-77 -6A- Foundation Desin Please refer to Table II Case II. Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture Determinations SOIL: Fine to medium sands, trace of clay with 117.5 pounds per cubic foot maximum density at 10.6% optimum moisture content. Density acquired through compaction method ASTh Des: D-1557--70, Method Al'(five layers, 25 blows per layer with a 10 pound hammer, 18 inch drop, four inch diameter, 1/30 cubic foot mold). 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 17141 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 accu-test Soft €nine€pinq ConsuLtants #F-3932-77 -7- TABLE II C - Minimum Requirements of Expansive Soils SOIL GARAGE TOUNDATIONS SLAB ON GRADE A MOISTURE SLAB S CONTROL TREATMENT - E einf°rcing Thicknesses Reinforcing None 4" Concrete _____ • Conven- None Required Conventional < F ____ Required 2" Sand tional Construction 6 mu Plastic = sheet 4" Sand '1) = None Same as above 6x6-10/10 Presaturate to Presaturation not II Required Wire Mesh 25% above opti- required. Plastic n-. to 2x2' mum moisture -vapor'barrier not content 8' below required. Provide 144 Bar Same as above 6x6-10/10 Slab Subgrade. positive separatiol Ln o Top & Wire Mesh at slab to footing Bottom joint & fill with 1/4" bituminous joint filler. 0 - - - l-44 Bar 4" Concrete 6x6-10/10 Presaturate to Same as Above Top & 2" Sand Wire Mesh 25% above opti- Bottom 10 mil Plastic mum moisure sheet content 12" below 0 4" Sand Slab Subgrade > o = Ln E-1 244 Bars Same as above 6x6-10/10 Presaturate to Same as Above • Top & Wire Mesh 25% above opti- Bottom mum moisture content 16" .,-• & below Slab Sub- IV 0 grade = bOoZ 'H 0 — 0 - V — CRITICALLY EXPANSIVE - 12% and over. • — Special design for individual circumstances by soil engineer - 1824 E. BALL RD. 0 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 •. (714) 635-2297 9 PERRIS (714) 657-4022 0 RIVERSIDE (714) 682-7782 accu-test Soil LBOP\tOPy IncoppoateO #F-3932-77 414- LPABOIATORY TESTS Soils were classified visually, texturally and by mechanical analysis. Visual classification was performed according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Moisture determinations were performed on every sample lot, and unit weight determinations were performed on every undisturbed sample lot. Results of density and moisture contents, along with soil classifications, are shown on the Logs of Borings attached. The. laboratory tests results, which have been performed on all the samples of the borings, are considered to be representative of the soils under- lying the site. Direct shear tests were performed on selected undisturbed samples in order to determine the shear strength of the soils. These tests were performed at increased moisture contents and at various surcharge pressures in order to simulate adverse field conditions. The yield point values determined from the shear tests are presented on the attached Direct Shear Test Data. Confined Consolidated Tests were performed on undisturbed samples in order to establish the compressibility of the soil. Water was added at an axial load of 1300 pounds per square foot in order to simulate the effect of moisture on the compressibility. The maximum load applied was .5200 pounds per square foot. Compressibility within the zone of significant stress of all soils was.investigated and the results were considered in our engineering judgements. Graphic plots of the Load Consolidation Tests are included in this report. 1824 EAST BALL ROAD . LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714)635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 ccu-test Soil L\BoPtoPy 1ncoppoteO : #F-3932-77 -9-. Expansive soil conditions were evaluated on the site. Representative samples of the soils near pad grade were recovered for classification and expansion testing. Expansion tests were performed on remolded samples in accordance to the A.S.C.E. Expansion Index Test Method and as referenced in the 1973 Uniform Building Code. In order to determine the maximum .density of the soil, which established the compaction required during grading and backfilling, maximum density tests were performed on representative samples of the upper soils. The compaction method used was ASTh Des: D-1557-70, Method A, (five layers, 25 blows per layer, ten pound hammer, 18 inch drop, four inch diameter, 1/30 cubic foot mold). 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 02805 (714) 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 accu-test Soil L\l3oPatoPy IncoppopatcO #F-3932-77 01111112 FIELD. EXPLORATIONS Boring Procedures Our investigation included a site inspection and the drilling. of three exploratory borings to a maximum depth of 18 feet. All were drilled using a truck-nounted, . continuous flight, six inch power auger. This investigation was initiated on January 25, 1977. Sampling Soils 'encountered were continuously logged by our Geologist. Undisturbed ring samples. were obtained by split spoon sampler and transported to our laboratory in moisture sealed containers to ensure environmental conditions for controlled, laboratory analyses. Undisturbed ring samples were acquired for shear, consolidation, expansion, and density testing. Disturbed bulk samples which are beneficial in establishing characteristics of typical material when used as compacted fill, were also obtained. Standard Penetration Test A bulk sample was also acquired through the Standard Penetration Test which is made by' dropping a hammer weighing 140 pounds onto the standard drill rod from a height of 30 inches in free fall. The N (number of blows) necessary to produce a penetration of one foot is regarded as the penetration resistance which assists in computing the bearing value. 1824 EAST BALL ROAD , LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 ccutest Soil L\BoR\toRy IncoQpoP\teO #F-3932-77 CONCLUSION ,It It is our opinion that the subject site is considered stable and suited for the proposed residential development. It is our opinion, providing the recommendations presented in this report are incorporated in the design and construction of the proposed project, that a satisfactory residential development can be constructed on the property investigated. Our laboratory tests on .the samples of the materials, encountered confirm the adequacy of the soils to support construction of the proposed structure on the site. Our services consist of professional opinions and recorrmendations made in accordance with generally accepted soil, geologic, and foundation engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other, warranties either expressed or implied. Unanticipated soil conditions are camoñly encountered and cannot be fully determined by taking soil samples or performing test borings, and frequently require that additional expenditures be made to attain a properly constructed project. We are responsible for the conclusions and opinions contained in this report based on the data relating only to the specific project and location discussed ,erein. In 'the 'event conclusions or recommendations based on these data are made by others, such conclusions or recommendations are not our responsibility unless we. have been given an opportunity to review and concur in such conclusions or recommendations in writing. 1824 EAST BALL ROAD , LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 , CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 accu-test SOIL. L\130p\topv IflCOPpOR1t€ In the event that any changes in the design or location of the buildings as outlined in this report are planned, our conclusions and recommendations shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and our conclusions rrKxlifi1 or approved in writing by us. The analyses and recarmerdations suhmitted in this report are based upon the data from the exploratory borings perfornd at the locations indicated on the site plan. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between these borings. The nature and extent of variations between, the borings may not became evident until the course of construction. If variations then appear, it will be necessary for a re-evaluation of our reamrdations to be made after performing on-site observations during the construction period and noting the nature of any variations. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us. We will be happy to extend our services to solve any soils or foundation problems that may develop during design or construction of your project. Respectfully submitted, ACCU-TEST SOIL L?\BORAWRY, INC. 7N - Presiden 0. Presid 1824 'EAST BALL ROAD ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422-4115 Rnr Rnri) \ccu-test Soil L\BoP\toPy inCoPpop.teO -1 Ald" #F-3932-77 -13- xPLDPYffO,Y J02InJ ThCL Z PIPCEL3 H I r' I POOL I SID1flXJ-L L 2iLt-/21cZ - - - - - 10A,ErE'L 9 I AsiDEar 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 • CALL TOLL FREE (800) 427-4115 \ccu-test SoiL L\BOPtoPy IncopopteO ,#F-3932-77 . ' -14- job Number, Date LOG OF BORING. #1 6 E >. ' - CC 2 6 c ' o E . 2 . . (/) .E U 0 Undisturbed Ring Sample Disturbed Bulk Sample . • Standard Penetration Sample 'DESCRIPTION 115.6 110.2 99.7 5.1 8.3 9.1 9.4 26 39 41 e) • 25 - 5— .' • Sp Light reddish-brown fine to medium sands, moist and moderately dense, trace of clay. - .. 7/ 4•sc Dark reddish-brown fine to medium clayey ' , sands, moist and dense. - - - . / / Dark reddish-brown fine to medium sandy clays, moist and very dense. No groundwater was encountered. m.'-_- 20- - 1824 E. BALL RD. . ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2295 accu-test Soil LM3oiz xtoizy IflcoQpopMeO All #F-3932-77 -15-- Job Number Date #2 LOG OF BORING • o E - 0 o E LI E . . LL o 0 E (I) e Undisturbed Ring Sample Disturbed Bulk.Sample v Standard. Penetration Sample DESCRIPTION 116.1 116.5 112.3 3.3 4.1 3.9 5.4 31 44 0 • 10 20 25 . Sp Light reddish-brown fine to medium sands, slightly moist and irodefrately dense. - - 5- .9 -/ -7 -4 _,(< Dark reddish-brown fine to rredium clayey ' sands, slightly moist and dense. E.O..B. , No groundwater was • encountered. - ' - - 1824 E. BALL RD. • ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2295 accu-test Soil Loitoy 1ncopopteO #F-3932-77 -16- Job Number______________________________________________________ Date LOG OF BORING #3 > >c 0 o -J • C) - 2 8 • r-' co o E >. Ln ci P - VY c - C) 0 u Ln 2 E (5> G Undisturbed Ring Sample Disturbed Bulk Sample Standard Penetration Sample DESCRIPTION 114.8 111.7 10.1 9.7 24 29 9.4 • 20 25 . SP Light reddish-brown fine to medixnii sands, very moist and moderately dense. - - 5— - Sc Dark reddish-brown fine to n-edium clayey sands, slightly moist and dense. E. 0. B. No groundwater was encountered. '10 - - - - 1824 E. BALL RD. . ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 • (714) 635-2295 #F-3932-77 —17— GROUP MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICAL NAMES GW Well graded grovels grovel -sand mixtures CLEAN Oo little or no fines. GRAVELS (Little or no fines ) ' GP Poorly graded grovels or grovel-sand mixtures, GRAVELS little or no tines. o x:x x (More than 50% of coarse fraction is LARGER than the GM Silty gravels grovel sand- Silt mixtures No. 4 sieve Size) GRAVELS WITH FINES COARSE (Appreciable amt. of fines) GC Clayey grovels, grovel -sand -clay mixtures. GRAINED SOILS (More than 50% of :.:...: SW Well graded sands gravelly sands, little or material is LARGER . no fines. than No. 200 sieve CLEAN SANDS size) (Little or no fines) SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands , little SANDS or no fines.. (More than 50% of coarse fraction is SMALLER than the SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures. No. 4 sieve size) SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amt. of fines) SC Clayey sands, sand-cloy mixtures. Inorganic silts and very tine sands, rock flour, IVIL silty or clayey tine sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity. SILTS AND CLAYS Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity. (Liquid limit LESS than 50) C L gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty Clays, lean clays. IT LL OL Organic silts and organic silly clays at low FINE GRAINED plasticity SOILS (More than 50% of ' MH Inorganic silts • micaceous or diatomaceous material is SMALLER . fine sandy or silly soils, elastic silts. than No. 200 sieve size) SILTS AND CLAYS (Liquid limit GREATER than 50) CH Inorganic Clays of high plasticity, fat clays. OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt Peat and other highly organic soils. BOUNDARY CLASSIFICATIONS: Soils possessing characteristics of two groups ore designated by combinations of group symbols. PARTICLE SIZE LIMITS SILT OR CLAY SAND GRAVEL COBBLES I BOULDERS Fi,.E x(oiux COAPSt rivE COARSE NO. 200 NO.40 NO.10 NO.4 in. . 3w. IIZxiJ U.S. 5TANDAR 0 SIEVE SIZE. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Refeerice I The Unified Soil Classification System. Corps & I Engineers, U S Army Technical Memorandum No 3357, . Vol I, March, 1953. (Revised Apr,l, 960) \c.LI-tEst Soil 1\I3oPXt.oP\' I,icopoptI accu-test Soil LBoatopy Incoppopateo #F-3932-77 : CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0 03 0 4 0 5 0$ 0.7 0.8 0.9 L 1. 5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Boring 1 I Water dded S Depth 31 - - - • I . • 2 REBOUND (ID (ID 0 z 1.4 0 El 0 0 S S Boring 2 1 De Ith 6' ------.._------------ - --- __ ___ O 5 Water 7 idded ----_-------c • S 4 5 __-- 6 ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ • 5 Indicates percent consolidation. at field moisture Indicates percent consolidation after saturation 1824 E. BALL RD. 0 ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 0 (714) 635-2297 • PERRIS (714) 657-4022 RIVERSIDE (714) 6827782 accu-test Soil €ncIneepinQ Consultants #F-3932-77 -19-- SHEAR STRENGTH in Pounds per Square Foot 3000 2500 2003 1500 1000 500 0 0 C=55 35 degrees 500 1000 i.SOO 2000 0 Tests at field moisture content Tests at increased moisture content DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 2500 3D) 1824 EAST BALL ROAD LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS. ANAF- IEIM. CA 9280S 1714) 635-2295 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422.4115 ccu-test Soil L\BoRtoPy lflcoQpoPateO #F-3932-77 ' -20- EXPANSION INDEX 'TEST RESULTS B. H. Sample Expansion Potential No. Depth Index Value Expansion 1 3feet 34 ' Low 2 , 6feet 48 Low Expansive soil conditions were evaluated for the subject lot. Representative samples were recovered near pad grade for class if ication and expansion testing. Expansion tests were performed in accordance with Uniform Building Code Standard No. 29-2. Based on reccmnendations of the Los Angeles Section ASCE Soil Committee. Criteria 'for :Evaluation; Table No. 29-C Expansion 'Index Potential Expansion 0-20 Very Low 21-50 Low 51-90 Medium 91-130 ' High Above 130 ' Very High 1824 EAST BALL ROAD ' LOS ANGELES-RIVERSIDE-SAN DIEGO AREAS ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 92805 (714) 635-2295 ' CALL TOLL FREE (800) 422.4115