HomeMy WebLinkAbout1530 CHESTNUT AVE; ; CB030246; Permit5'3-2S-2)3 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: . Occupancy Group: # Dwelling Units: Bedrooms: Project Title: Applicant: CLIFT LAPERRUQE P 0 BOX 84 LAJOLLACA 92038 1-858459-1559 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Residential Permit Permit No: CB030246 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2/25 1530 CHESTNUT AV CBAD RESDNTL 2051307600 $240,916.00 0 0 Sub Type: Lot #: . Construction Type: Reference #: Structure Type: Bathrooms: RAD 0 NEW EKMAN RES/ADD 1314 SF& REMODL 1018 SF ( ADD 2 BR, ENLARGE FR&LR) Status: . Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: . Inspect Area: Orig PC#: Plan Check*: ISSUED 01/23/2003 CB 03/20/2003 03/20/2003 Owner: EKMAN DAVID&CRYSTAL 1530 CHESTNUT AVE ,, CARLSBAD CA 92008 Building Permit. . Add'l Building Permit Fee Plan Check Add'l Plan Check Fee / Plan Check Discount , Strong Motion Fee My Park in Lieu Fee <%• 7 Park Fee •:•••?'-.'• LFMFee ;// / Bridge Fee ?;/ Other Bridge Fee '•","•. ' BTD#2Fee I^'X' BTD #3 Fee ?v- , .- Renewal Fee " * Add'l Renewal Fee •> Other Building Fee \v Pot. Water Con. Fee Meter Size Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee Reel. Water Con. Fee $980.84; /$0.00 $637.55 $120.00, $0.00 $24.09 $0.00 s $0.00 :$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00, $o;oo ' , :$Q\00! $0.00 , $0.00 ; $q.o6; $6.00 $0.00 Meter Size Add'l Reel. Water Con. Fee Meter Fee SDCWAFee CFD Payoff Fee PFF (CFD Fund) License Tax , License tax (CFD Fund) Traffic Impact Fee .Traffic Impact (CFD Fund) Sidewalk Fee "PLUMBJNG TOTAL ELECTRICAL TOTAL MECHANICAL TOTAL Housing Impact Fee Housing InLieu Fee Housing Credit Fee Master Drainage Fee ,;:Sewer Fee Additional Fees TOTAL PERMIT FEES $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 • $0.00 $104.00 $45.00 $59,00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,970.48 Total Fees: $1,970.48 Total Payments To Date: , , $435.34 Balance Due: $1,535.14 '""*'\:-"-'^-^i^^^~ 083603/20/03000201 02 CGP- 1535=14 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: *$Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. . You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitations has previously otherwise expired. r.APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 1. PROJECT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO.£Bfl3> Cfe^(O EST. VAL. Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By Date _/±2 •5484 01/23/03 002 01 02 Address (include Bldg/Suite #)Business Name (at this address)435^-34 Legal Description Lot No.Subdivision Name/Number Unit No.Phase No.Total # of units Assessor's Parcel #Existing Use Proposed Use # of Bedrooms I S* Description of Work 2. CONTACT PERSON (if fferent from applicant) Address Contractor Q Agent for Contractor D Owner Name 3, APPLICANT Name 4. PROPERTY OWNER Address City State/Zip Telephone ttNamef 5. CONTRACTOR - COMPANY NAME (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code] or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars [$500]). Name State License #Ct <^" / L^^ ^ Address License Class — . City State/Zip I ty fi City Business License # Telephone # LA, J-n Designer Name Address City State/Zip Telephone State License # _ 6. WORKERS' COMPENSATION ; Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: S\ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. n I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company ^"TfkTfc. ~VL)OP _ Policy No. I ^?£>7 fc£& _ Expiration Date ^ "Q \ -Q ^? (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) l~l CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars^CTOwOOO), in addition to the^cosfp^ compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURE \Jj( I/^JL*^ (/(/ (j^^Jj^7 _ DATE / " / T—g? ^ 7, OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION /^ ^LaI hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License/Law for the following reason: O I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). D I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). l~l I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. Q YES fJ]NO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): '_ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work): PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE MflSECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? l~1 YES f"l NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? l~| YES f~l NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? l~l YES l~| NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 8. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY i I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS 9. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenped/flr a n£rij?d qfj!8^4ays (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). /rAPPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE//O^V:: File YELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance c City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 03/24/2004 Permit* CB030246 Title: EKMAN RES/ ADD 1314 SF& REMODL Description: 1018 SF (ADD 2 BR, ENLARGE FR&LR) Inspector Assignment: PS Subtype: RAD 1530 CHESTNUT AV Lot 0 Type: RESDNTL Job Address: Suite: Location: APPLICANT CLIFT LAPERRUQE Owner: EKMAN DAVID&CRYSTAL Remarks: Phone: 6198083008 Inspector: Total Time:Requested By: CAVIN CRAIG Entered By: CHRISTIN CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Act ..Comment Associated PCRs/CVs PCR03110 ISSUED EKMAN RES-DELETE FOOTING FOR; FUTURE 2ND STORY ADDITION Inspection History Comments SEE NOTICE WITH CERT ROLL TO MONDAY BY GARVIN FRONT BATH & W/H CLOSET ON BATH #3 ONLY NEED PLAN REVISED SEE NOTICE ATTACHED BY CRAIG NEED NEW TRUSS CALCS & STRAPS ON EXT 4FT-OIN LAP TOP Date 03/23/2004 11/06/2003 11/06/2003 11/06/2003 10/30/2003 10/28/2003 10/27/2003 10/24/2003 10/23/2003 10/01/2003 09/26/2003 09/24/2003 09/23/2003 09/18/2003 09/17/2003 09/10/2003 Description 89 17 18 23 16 84 84 84 84 17 84 84 84 15 15 83 Final Combo Interior Lath/Drywall Exterior Lath/Drywall Gas/Test/Repairs Insulation Rough Combo Rough Combo Rough Combo Rough Combo Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Combo Rough Combo Rough Combo Roof/Reroof Roof/Reroof Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear Act CO AP AP AP AP AP CA CA CA PA PA CO CA AP NS CO Insp PK PS PS PS PS PS PD PS PS PS PS PS PS PS. PS PS v City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 03/23/2004 Permit* CB030246 Title: EKMAN RES/ ADD 1314 SF& REMODL Description: 1018 SF ( ADD 2 BR, ENLARGE FR&LR) Inspector Assignment: PS Sub Type: RAD 1530 CHESTNUT AV Lot 0 Type: RESDNTL Job Address: Suite: Location: APPLICANT CLIFT LAPERRUQE Owner: EKMAN DAVID&CRYSTAL Remarks: Phone: 619808: Inspector: '{(fr— Total Time:Requested By: CAVIN Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description 19 Final Structural 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical Act Comment Associated PCRs/CVs PCR03110 ISSUED Inspection History Date 1 1/06/2003 11/06/2003 1 1/06/2003 10/30/2003 10/28/2003 10/27/2003 10/24/2003 10/23/2003 10/01/2003 09/26/2003 09/24/2003 09/23/2003 09/18/2003 09/17/2003 09/10/2003 Description 17 18 23 16 84 84 84 84 17 84 84 84 15 15 83 Interior Lath/Drywall Exterior Lath/Drywall Gas/Test/Repairs Insulation Rough Combo Rough Combo Rough Combo Rough Combo Interior Lath/Drywall Rough Combo Rough Combo Rough Combo Roof/Reroof Roof/Reroof Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear Act A§ AP; AP AP AP CA CA CA PA PA CO CA . AP NS CO Insp PS PS PS PS PS PD PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS EKMAN RES-DELETE FOOTING FOR; FUTURE 2ND STORY ADDITIONi •*(?"" Comments WITH CERT ROLL TO MONDAY BY GARVIN ,, FRONT BATH & W/H CLOSET ON BATH #3 ONLY NEED PLAN REVISED SEE NOTICE ATTACHED BY CRAIG NEED NEW TRUSS CALCS & STRAPS ON EXT 4FT-OIN LAP TOP PLATES CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT " DATE NOTICE LOCATION PERMIT NO. (760)602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE (3"J A isi JJ<^4 -l^f•• J- / •• (W««&\ — £L4^&*- ~P FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? FOR FURTHEpniSlFORMA-BlON, CONTACT YES PHONE BUILDING INSPECWR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 10/28/2003 Permit* CB030246 Title: EKMAN RES/ADD 1314 SF& REMODL Description: 1018 SF (ADD 2 BR, ENLARGE FR&LR) Inspector Assignment: PS Sub Type: RAD 1530 CHESTNUT AV Lot 0 Type: RESDNTL Job Address: Suite: Location: APPLICANT CLIFT LAPERRUQE Owner: EKMAN DAVID&CRYSTAL Remarks: reset from Monday Phone: 6198083008 Inspector: Total Time:Requested By: CAVIN Entered By: CHRISTINE CD. Description 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric ' 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers Ac;Comment Associated PCRs/CVs PCR03110 ISSUED EKMAN RES-DELETE FOOTING FOR; FUTURE 2ND STORY ADDITION • Inspection History Description Act Insp 84 Rough Combo • . CA PS 84 Rough Combo CA PS PA PS PA PS CO PS CA PS AP PS NS PS CO PS Date 10/24/2003 10/23/2003 10/01/2003 09/26/2003 09/24/2003 09/23/2003 09/18/2003 09/17/2003 09/10/2003 09/10/2003 07/01/2003 06/30/2003 06/20/2003 06/20/2003 06/20/2003 17 Interior Lath/Drywall 84 Rough Combo 84 Rough Combo 84 Rough Combo 15 Roof/Reroof 15 Roof/Reroof 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear Comments ROLL TO MONDAY BY GARVIN FRONT BATH & W/H CLOSET ON BATH #3 ONLY NEED PLAN REVISED SEE NOTICE ATTACHED BY CRAIG 84 Rough Combo WC PS 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP JE 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers CA JE 21 Underground/Under Floor AP JE 29 Final Plumbing AP JE 39 Final Electrical AP JE NEED NEW TRUSS CALCS & STRAPS ON EXT 4FT-OIN LAP TOP PLATES 1106-J4 - CONCRETE CONTRACTOR SEWER GAS TEST TEMP. - RELEASE NEW SUB PANEL - RELEASE PLEASE City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 09/24/2003 Permit* CB030246 Title: EKMAN RES/ADD 1314 SF& REMODL Description: 1018 SF ( ADD 2 BR, ENLARGE FR&LR) 1530 CHESTNUT AV Lot 0 Type:RESDNTL Sub Type: RAD Job Address: Suite: Location: APPLICANT CLIFT LAPERRUQE Owner: EKMAN DAVID&CRYSTAL Remarks: Inspector Assignment: PS Phone: 6198083008 Inspector: Total Time:Requested By: NA Entered By: CHRISTINE CD Description Act Comment 14 Frame/Steel/Bolting/Welding 24 Rough/Topout 34 Rough Electric 44 Rough/Ducts/Dampers Associated PCRs/CVs PCR03110 ISSUED EKMAN RES-DELETE FOOTING FOR; FUTURE 2ND STORY ADDITION Inspection History Comments BY CRAIG NEED NEW TRUSS CALCS & STRAPS ON EXT 4FT-OIN LAP TOP PLATES , 1106-J4 - CONCRETE CONTRACTOR SEWER GAS TEST TEMP. - RELEASE NEW SUB PANEL - RELEASE PLEASE Date 09/23/2003 09/18/2003 09/17/2003 09/10/2003 09/10/2003 07/01/2003 06/30/2003 06/20/2003 06/20/2003 06/20/2003 Description 84 Rough Combo 15 Roof/Reroof 15 Roof/Reroof 83 Roof Sheathing/Ext Shear 84 Rough Combo 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 1 1 Ftg/Foundation/Piers 21 Underground/Under Floor 29 Final Plumbing 39 Final Electrical ' Act CA AP NS CO we AP CA AP AP AP Insp PS PS PS PS PS JE JE JE JE JE CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE LOCATION i J> ""/& PERMIT NO. *"^O <Z-^^ NOTICE (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE TIME 4-cf- CrfON CALL (7607^0^-2725. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? ION, CONTACT. YES PHONE CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ® CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT DATE NOTICE LOCATION PERMIT NO. (760) 602-2700 1635 FARADAY AVENUE TIME FOR INSPECTION CALL (760) 602-2725. RE-INSPECTION FEE DUE? ^MATION, CONTACT YES PHONE BUILDING INSPECTOR CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER ® EsGil Corporation In fartners/iip witfi government for <SuiCding Safety DATE: February 26, 20O3 a AgjgLICANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 030246 SET: II PROJECT ADDRESS: 1530 Chestnut Ave PROJECT NAME: SFD Addition & Remodel for David Ekman XI The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. I | The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant'that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation • . D GA D MB D EJ D PC . 2/18/03 ' tmsmU.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 4 San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 4 Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In tPartnersnip with government for 'Building Safety DATE: February 3, 2003 a APPLICANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 030246 SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1530 Chestnut Ave PROJECT NAME: SFD Addition & Remodel for David Ekman The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. X] The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. XI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Clift Laperruque Box 84, La Jolla, CA 92038 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Clift Laperruque (V/-H) Telephone #: 858/459-1559 Date contacted: ^(3/03 (by: (e^ ) Fax #: Fax In Person REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 1/24/03 trnsmtLdot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 * Fax (858) 560-1576 Cal-lsbad O3O246 February 3, 20O3 PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO.: O30246 JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS: 153O Chestnut Ave FLOOR AREA: Addition - 1,365 SF Remodel-1,018 SF REMARKS: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION: DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW COMPLETED: February 3, 2003 STORIES: 1 HEIGHT: DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY ESGIL CORPORATION: 1/24/03 PLAN REVIEWER: Abe Doliente FOREWORD (PLEASE READ): This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments. Clearance from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes: 1997 UBC, 2000 UPC, 2000 UMC and 1999 NEC (all effective 11/1/02). The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance. The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec. 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e.. plan sheet number, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked UP list when you submit the revised plans. Carlsbad 030246 February 3, 2OO3 Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit two sets of plans for residential projects. For expeditious processing, corrected sets can be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. NOTE: Plans that are submitted directly to EsGil Corporation only will not be reviewed by the City Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments until review by EsGil Corporation is complete. • PLANS 1. Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed and sealed by the California state licensed engineer or architect responsible for their preparation, for plans deviating from conventional wood frame construction. Specify expiration date of license. (California Business and Professions Code). 2. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the plans stating that this project shall comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the 1997 UBC, 2000 UMC, 2000 UPC and the 1999 NEC. • GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS 3. Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door for emergency escape. Sill height shall not exceed 44" above the floor. Windows must have an openable area of at least 5.7 square feet with the minimum openable width 20" and the minimum openable height 24". The emergency door or window shall be openable from the inside to provide a full, clear opening without the use of separate tools. Section 310.4. Recheck bedrooms 2, 4 and 5. 4. Window area must be at least 1 /10 of the floor area and a minimum of 10 square feet per Section 1203.3. Recheck bedroom 4. 5. Openable window area in habitable rooms must be 1/20 of the floor area and a minimum of 5 square feet. In bathrooms and water closet compartments, 1/20 of area is required and minimum is 1.5 sq. ft. Section 1203.3. Carlsbad O30246 February 3, 2003 6. Glazing in the following locations should be of safety glazing material in accordance with Section 2406.4 (see exceptions): a) Fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. French doors must comply. b) Fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface. • ROOFING 7. Specify roof material and application. Chapter 15. 8. Specify on the plans the following information for the roof materials, per Section 106.3.3: for the tile roof if used. a) Manufacturer's name. b) Product name/number. c) ICBO approval number, or equal. • FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS 9. The following anchor bolt requirements shall apply in Seismic Zones 3 and 4, per Section 1806.6.1: Revise detail B on sheet 3 of the plans to comply. a) The minimum nominal anchor bolt diameter shall be 5/8-inch (for Seismic Zone 4 only). Note: This will require a minimum distance from the ends of sill plates to be 4-3/8" (and a maximum of 12"). b) Plate washers (minimum size of 2" x 2" x 3/16") shall be used on each anchor bolt. 10. Show minimum underfloor access of 18" x 24". Section 2306.3. 11. Show minimum underfloor ventilation equal to 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of underfloor area. Openings shall be as close to corners as practical and shall provide cross ventilation on at least two approximately opposite sides. Section 2306.7. • FRAMING 12. Per UBC Section 2321.4, provide the following note on the plans if trusses are used: "Each truss shall be legibly branded, marked or otherwise have permanently affixed thereto the following information located within 2 feet of the center of the span on the face of the bottom chord: a) Identity of the company manufacturing the truss. b) The design load. c) The spacing of the trusses." Carlsbad O30246 February 3, 2003 13. Specify all header sizes for openings over 4' wide. Section 2320.11.6. 14. Show a total of 23 ft shear wall type 1 at line C and a total of 27 ft of wall type 1 at line D as called out in the structural calculations. Refer to sheet 2 of the plans. 15. Calculations call for ridge beam, RB-1, RB-2, RB-3 and H-1. Please show all of these on the plans. They should be cross referenced with the calculations. • ELECTRICAL (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) 16. Show on the plan the amperage of the electrical service, the location of the service panel and the location of any sub-panels. If service is over 200 amps, submit single line diagram, panel schedule and load calculations. 17. Note on the plans that receptacle outlet locations will comply with NEC Art. 210-52(a). 18. For a single-family dwelling unit (and for each unit of a duplex), show that at least one receptacle outlet accessible at grade level will be installed outdoors at the front and back of the dwelling. NEC Art. 210-52 (e). This receptacle must be GFCI protected. 19. Per NEC Art. 210-11(c)3, note on the plans that bathroom circuiting shall be either: a) A 20 ampere circuit dedicated to each bathroom, or b) At least one 20 ampere circuit supplying only bathroom receptacle outlets. 20. All bedroom branch circuits now require arc fault protection. Note clearly on the plans that "Bedroom branch circuits will be arc fault circuit protected." NEC Art. 210-12(b). • PLUMBING (UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) 21. In Seismic Zones 3 and 4, show that water heater is adequately braced to resist seismic forces. Provide two straps (one strap at top 1/3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 of the tank). UPC, Section 510.5 22. Provide a note on the plans: In showers and tub-shower combinations, control valves must be pressure balanced or thermostatic mixing valves. UPC Section 420.0. 23. New water closets and associated flushometer valves, if any, shall use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush and shall meet performance standards established by the American National Standards Institute Standard A112.19.2. H & S Code, Section 17921.3(b). Carlsbad 030246 February 3, 20O3 • ENERGY CONSERVATION 24. The regulations require a properly completed and properly signed Form CF-1R to be either imprinted on the plans, taped to the plans or "sticky backed" on the plans, to allow the building inspector to readily compare the actual construction with the requirements of the approved energy design. 25. Provide fluorescent general lighting (40 lumens per watt minimum) in kitchen(s) and bathrooms (containing a tub or shower). • MISCELLANEOUS 26. To speed up the review process, note on this list (or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet, note or detail number, calculation page, etc. 27. Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly describe them and where they are located in the plans. • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? Please indicate: Yes Q No a 28. The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation located at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, to perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact Abe Doliente at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. Carlsbad O3O246 February 3, 2003 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PREPARED BY: Abe Doliente BUILDING ADDRESS: 153O Chestnut Ave PLAN CHECK NO.: O30246 DATE: February 3, 2003 BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING II AREA PORTION ( Sq. Ft.) SFD Addition Remodel Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code 1362 1018 cb RIHn Pormir Ffto h\/ OrHinanrA ^ Valuation Multiplier 98.00 28.00 By Ordinance Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) 133,476 28,504 161,980 $737.52 Plan Check Fee by Ordinance Type of Review: D Repetitive Fee Repeats Complete Review D Other [—i Hourly Structural Only Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee $479.39 $413.01 Comments: Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST DATE: BUILDING/ADDRESS: PLANCHECK NO.: CB PROJECT DESCRIPTION: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER:I*3Q "EST. VALUE:. £3Q ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The, item you have submitted for review has been approved. The approval is based on plans, information and/or specifications provided in your submittal; therefore any changes to these items after this date, including field modifications, must be reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes. Please review carefully all comments attached, as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in suspension of permit to build. A Right-of-Way permit is required prior to construction of the following improvements: DENIAL Please see^ the- attached report of deficiencies marked with^Make necessary corrections to plans or specifications for compliance with applicable codes and standards. Submit corrected plans and/or specifications to this office for review. Date: Date: Date:By: By: FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT: Date: ATTACHMENTS tlcation Application Dedication Checklist Improvement Application Improvement Checklist Future Improvement Agreement Grading Permit Application Grading Submittal Checklist Right-of-Way Permit Application Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist and Information Sheet Sewer Fee Information Sheet ENGINEERING DEPT. CONTACT PERSON Name: JOANNE JUCHNIEWICZ City of Carlsbad Address: 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Phone: (760) 602-2775 __ CFD INFORMATION Parcel Map No: Lots: Recordation: Carlsbad Tract: A-4 H:\WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\Bullding Plancheck Cklst Form (Generic).doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST ITE PLAN 1. Provide a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: C.I 5V—tsft^cnA A. North Arrow B. Existing & Proposed Structures Existing Street Improvements D. Property Lines E. Easements 2. Show on site plan: F. Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent Streets (Qs Driveway widths H. Existing or proposed sewer lateral I. Existing or proposed water service J. Existing or proposed irrigation service /*> B. rainage Patterns Building pad surface drainage must maintain a minimum slope of one percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage course. 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive drainage of 2% to swale 5' away from building." Existing & Proposed Slopes and Topography C. Size, type, location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water service (s) that serves the project. Each unit requires a separate service, however, second dwelling units and apartment complexes are an exception. D. Sewer and water laterals should not be located within proposed driveways, per standards. 3. Include on title sheet: A. Site address B. Assessor's Parcel Number C. Legal Description ; For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant improvement projects, include: total building square footage with the square footage for each different use, existing sewer permits showing square footage of different uses (manufacturing, warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER DESCRIPTION H:\WORDCiOCS\CHKLS-nBulldiiig Plancheck Cklst Form (GenerteJ.doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 2ND 3rd DISCRETIONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE D D 4a. Project does not comply with the following Engineering Conditions of approval for Project No. ' Q n D 4b. All conditions are in compliance. Date: DEDICATION REQUIREMENTS D 5. Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and for remodels with a value at or exceeding $15.000. pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.030. Dedication required as follows: . Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 Yz" x 11" plat map and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by: Date: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS CH d 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to the building site must be constructed at time of building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $75.000. pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. Public improvements required as follows:,_ __^__ Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements on the attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the H:\WORD\OOCS\CHKLST\BuikJinfl Plancheck Cklst Form (RIDDLE - HARVEY 7-12-00).doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST D D Q checklist must be submitted in person. Applications by mail or fax are not accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit. Improvement Plans signed by:Date: 6b. Construction of the public improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property title report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $310 so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of a Building permit. Future public improvements required as follows 6c. ••Enclosed- please find your Future Improvement Agreement. agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department. Future Improvement Agreement completed by: Date: - Please return 6d. No Public Improvements required. SPECIAL NOTE: Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS ^' The conditions that invoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section '...." 11. 06.030 of the Municipal Code. r~| [~l |~| 7a. Inadequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). Q [U CH 7b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer must be submitted together with the completed application form attached. NOTE: The Grading Permit must be issued and rough grading approval obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. Grading Inspector sign off by:Date: 7c. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even if a grading permit is not required.) H:\WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\Building Plancheck Cklsl Form (Generic 7-14-OOI.doc D D D D BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 7d .No Grading Permit required. 7e. If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS 8. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to do work in City Right-of-Way and/or private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work include, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. Right-of-Way permit required for: ^^_ r-D n D D . D 9. INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located in the City of Carlsbad sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. District personnel can provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List. You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension 7153, for assistance. Industrial Waste permit accepted by: Date: 10. NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. Plans for such improvements shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs first. 11. QRefjuired fees are attached QTrMo fees required WATER METER REVIEW n D 12a. Domestic (potable) Use Ensure that the meter proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized. Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions. If it is oversized, for the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used. • All single family dwelling units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service. H:\WORD\DOCS\CHKLST\BuMing Planche* CMst Form (Generic).doc 1ST •>ND oRD D D 12b. BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST • If owner/developer proposes a size other than the "standard", then owner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture counts and maximum water demand in gallons per minute (gpm). A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached. Once the gpm is provided, check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit. • Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter. • If a developer is proposing a meter greater than 2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand, (manifolds are considered on case by case basis to limit multiple trenching into the street). Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to approval. The developer must provide these calculations. Please follow these guidelines: 1. If the project is a newer development (newer than 1998), check the recent improvement plans and observe if the new irrigation service is reflected on the improvement sheets. If so, at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there. Irrigation services are listed with a circled "I", and potable water is typically a circled "W". The irrigation service should look like: STA 1+00 Install 2" service and 2. 1.5: meter (estimated 100 gpm) If the improvement plans do not list the irrigation meter and the service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building plans or grading plans (w/ a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irrigation demand (largest zone with the farthest reach). Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference. In general the calculations will include: • Hydraulic grade line • Elevation at point of connection (POC) • Pressure at POC in pounds per square inch (PSI) • Worse case zone (largest, farthest away from valve • Total Sprinkler heads listed (with gpm use per head) • Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection 3. In general, all major sloped areas of a subdivision/project are to be irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA). As long as the project is located within the City recycled water H:\WORDOOCS\CHKLST\Building Plancheck Cklst For™ (Generic).doc BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1 ST 2ND 3RD service boundary, the City intends on switching these irrigation services/meters to a new recycled water line in the future. Q Q 12c. Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) V 1. Recycled water meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above. 2. If a project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slopes within the development. For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans. Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from paying the San Diego County Water Capacity fees. However, if they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged with potable water until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund. However, let the applicant know that we cannot guarantee the refund, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this. D D D 13. Additional Comments: H:\WORDVDOCS\CHKLST\Bulldin9 Plancheck Cklsl Font! (GenetfcWoc DD PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No. CB Address (536 'ng-f A\te Planner Chris Sexton Phone (760) 602-4624 Type of Project & Use: Zoning: £M General Plan: £ CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation: Net Project Density:_DU/AC Facilities Management Zone: {_ Remaining net dev acres:_ Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: ; ; ) Legend: ^ Item Complete Q Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO v TYPE; DATE OF COMPLETION: Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAL/RESO. NO. PROJECT NO. YES NO U/TYPE DATE_ OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: G Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES NO. CA Coastal Commission Authority? YES NO If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402; (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): .' • Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: _ _ NO Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempf or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. L"H Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21,1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES.NO. (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 1. Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and'rear yard slopes}., ; "' . 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural pesign Guidelines 1. Applicability: YES ODD DDD E'DD ra^nn 2. Project complies YES Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope: 2. Accessory structure setb Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Structure separation: 3. Lot Coverage: NO Required <30' Required LJ Required " Required 1 3 > Required lacks: Required Required Required f. J / Required '"" /&\ Required / Required ^0 Shown jOO' Shown (n ' Shown Shown ^^ ]J5>CI Shown s Shown /^ Shown x Shown ~\ s^ Shown ^ / . Shown 's^—f~\ Shown ^'VD/O 4. Height:Required <^5C Shown 5. Parking: Spaces Required oL Shown _ _ (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown D CD O Additional Comments. OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 City of Carlsbad Building Department CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. Jhe City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name: Building Permit Plan Check Number: Project Address: A.P.N. : Project Applicant (Owner Name(s): Project Description:1.3'H.o S. £/). BUILDING TYPE: Residential:Number of New Dwelling Units Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit: Square Feet of Living Area in SOU Residential Additions: Net Square Feet New Area Commercial/Industrial: City Certification of applicant's information: Square Feet Floor Area SCHOOL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad Unified School.District 801 PineAve. Carlsbad CA 92009 (729-9291) San Marcos Unified School District 215MataWay San Marcos, CA 92069 (290-2649) Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4300) San Dieguito Union High School District 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/ developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalf of tfiipOwner. Signature:Date: I SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) 1635 Faraday Avenue • Carlsbad, GA92OO8-7314 • (760) 602-27OO • FAX (76O) 602-856O_ THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER zzrt+b/u*^ .len Freeman Assistant SuperintendedRlisinoae Qe>IVICG8 Carisbsd Unified School District 801 Pine Avenue aorna . Rcuicpfl A/17/fin 06-05-2003 City of Carlsbad 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 Plan Check Revision Permit No: PCR03110 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Valuation: Reference #: Project Title: 1530 CHESTNUT AV CBAD PCR 2051307600 Lot#: $0.00 Construction Type: EKMAN RES-DELETE FOOTING FOR FUTURE 2ND-STORY ADDITION 0 NEW Applicant: EKMAN DAVID&CRYSTAL 1530 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 Status: ISSUED Applied: 06/03/2003 : Entered By: RMA Plan Approved: 06/05/2003 Issued: 06/05/2003 Inspect Area: Owner: ~: EKMAN DAVID&CRYSTAL 1530 CHESTNUT AVE CARLSBAD CA 92008 :6704 06/05/03 120-00 Plan Check Revision Fee Additional Fees $120.00 $0.00 Total Fees: $120.00 Total Payments To Date:$0.00 Balance Due:$120.00 Inspector: FINAL APPROVAL Date: __ , :Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. . . ' You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capacity changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any , fees/exactions of which you have previously been given a NOTICE similar to this, or as to which the statute of limitationshas oreviouslv otherwise expired. PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDING DEPARTMENT '1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008 : PROJECT INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PLAN CHECK NO. EST. VAL./ ffp Plan Ck. Deposit Validated By Date Address (include Bldg/Suite #)Business Name (at this address) Legal Description Lot No.Subdivision Name/Number Unit No.Phase No.Total # of units Assessor's Parcel #Existing Use Proposed Use SO. FT.#of Stories ONTACT PERSON (if different from applicant) # of Bedrooms # of Bathrooms Name Address I. , APPLICANT D Contractor Q Agent for Contractor Q Owner U U A City jam for Owner State/Zip Telephone #Fax* y, Name ^PROPERTY OWNER (VVA (Z- & (A Address City V^/U/iO State/Zip Telephone tt Name'Address City State/Zip Telephone # 5V <' CONTRACTOR;-COMPANY NAME : (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any City or County which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish or repair any structure, prior to its (issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law [Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he is exempt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars |$500]). Name State License if Address License Class City State/Zip City Business License # Telephone # Designer Name Address - City State/Zip Telephone State License tt _ 6. WORKERS' COMPENSATION Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: Q I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure for workers' compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. 0 I have and will maintain workers' compensation, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My worker's compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Insurance Company _ _ _ Policy No. _ : _ Expiration Date _ . _ (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$100] OR LESS) n CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. WARNING: Failure to secure workers' compensation coverage is unlawful, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor code, interest and attorney's fees. SIGNATURED _ _ 2 _ __ DATE _ 7, OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: l~) I, as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale). 0 i, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law). |~l I am exempt under Section ___ _ Business and Professions Code for this reason: 1 . I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement. l~1 YES (~lNO 2. I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number): _ _______ __ 5. I will provide some of the work, but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to provide the work indicated (include name / address / phone number / type of work): _ _ _ _ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE DATE COMPLETE THIS SECTION FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMITS ONLY Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan, acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505, 25533 or 25534 of the Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? fj YES O NO YES NOIs the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain a permit from the air pollution control district or air quality management district? f~l Is the facility to be constructed within 1,000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? O YES Q NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 8, ,; CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097(i) Civil Code). LENDER'S NAME LENDER'S ADDRESS 9. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION I certify that I have read the application and state that the above information is correct and that the information on the plans is accurate. I agree to comply with all City ordinances and State laws relating to building construction. I hereby authorize representatives of the City of Carlsbad to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AGAINST ALL LIABILITIES, JUDGMENTS, COSTS AND EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. OSHA: An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height. EXPIRATION: Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180'days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time alter the work is comrjp^ncejffjSr a^eiioo/of/180 days (Section 106.4.4 Uniform Building Code). ,, WHITE: File YlZVLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE f f/ ' Es'Gil Corporation In (Partnership with government for QuiCiCing Safety DATE: June 4, 2003 OAEELJCA JURISDICTION: Carlsbad a PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 030246 (PCR031 10) SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1530 Chestnut Ave PROJECT NAME: SFD for David Eckman [X] The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. Lj The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: Lj Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Clift Laperruque Telephone #: 459/1559 Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: Revision No. 2 eliminated requirements for proposed second floor addition. Applicant to carry approved set of plans to the city. By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 6/3/03 . tmsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 * San Diego, California 92123 * (858)560-1468 + Fax (858) 560-1576 EsGil Corporation In <Partnersnip witH government for (BuMing Safety DATE: March 12, 2003 a AERUCANT JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Q PLAN REVIEWER a FILE PLAN CHECK NO.: O30246 REV SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS: 1530 Chestnut Ave PROJECT NAME: SFD Addition & Remodel for David Ekman E>\] The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes. The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. D The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to: X3 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. Person contacted: Telephone #: Date contacted: (by: ) Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person REMARKS: By: Abe Doliente Enclosures: Esgil Corporation D GA D MB D EJ D PC 3/4/03 trnsmtl.dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 + San Diego, California 92123 + (858)560-1468 4 Fax (858) 560-1576 Carlsbad O3O246 REV March 12, 2OO3 VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: O3O246 REV PREPARED BY: Abe Doliente DATE: March 12, 2003 BUILDING ADDRESS: 1530 Chestnut Ave BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R-3/U-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N BUILDING PORTION Air Conditioning Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE Jurisdiction Code AREA ( Sq. Ft.) cb Valuation Multiplier By Ordinance Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Bldg. Permit Fee by Ordinance Plan Check Fee by Ordinance $120.00 Type of Review: D Repetitive Fee Repeats D Complete Review D Other r-n Hourly Structural Only Hour* Esgil Plan Review Fee * Based on hourly rate Comments: Revision to original set of approved plans. $96.00 Sheet 1 of 1 macvalue.doc D RG,D Plan Check No Planner Chris Sexton APN: PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Address li '' Phone (760) 602-4624 Type of Project & Use:. ZoningHT** General Plan.J CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation:. Net Project Density:,DU/AC Facilities Management Zone: f Remaining net dev acres:_ Circle One (For non-residential development: Type of land used created by this permit: . ) i Legend: ^ Item Complete Q Item Incomplete - Needs your action Environmental Review Required: YES NO W^TYPE -DATE OF COMPLETION: ^__^4 Compliance with conditions of approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: APPROVAL/RESO. NO. •<•< • PROJECT NO. YES DATE NO TYPE OTHER RELATED CASES: Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: d-tin Coastal Zone Assessment/Compliance Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES_ CA Coastal Commission Authority?1' YES_ NO. NO If California Coastal Commission Authority: Contact them at - 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402; (619)767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt): ; Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed? YES NO If NO, complete Coastal Permit Determination'Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log #: ' Follow-Up Actions: 1) Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans). 2) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as needed. Inclusionary Housing Fee required: YES NO. (Effective date of Inclusionary Housing Ordinance - May 21', 1993.) Data Entry Completed? YES NO (A/P/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing Y/N, Enter Fee, UPDATE!) Site Plan: H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 D 1- Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. Show: North arrow, property lines, easements, existing and proposed structures, streets, existing street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional setbacks and existing topographical lines (including all side and rearyard slopes).' '••" ' ' •• !r •'" <• .u f .. ^ * '$ f* O 2. Provide legal description of property and assessor's parcel number. ODD nnin si0 Policy 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines ^. Applicability: YES NO i^" 2. Project complies YES NO Zoning: 1. Setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Top of slope: Required Required Required Required Required 2. Accessory structure setbacks: Front: Interior Side: Street Side: Rear: Structure separation: 3. Lot Coverage: 4. Height: Required Required Required Required Required IQ* Required Required <50' Shown. Shown Shown. Shown' Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown Shown <3o' Spaces Required.Shown.5. Parking: (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) Residential Guest Spaces Required Shown Additional Com w^f /-?/. / A/?2AS /) IM/fflff .11 f/A\J(SS/\J (s /I"ft. OK TO ISSUE AND ENTERED APPROVAL INTO COMPUTER Z H:\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 City of Carlsbad Building Department CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PAYMENT OF SCHOOL FEES OR OTHER MITIGATION This form must be completed by the City, the applicant, and the appropriate school districts and returned to the City prior to issuing a building permit. The City will not issue any building permit without a completed school fee form. Project Name: Building Permit Plan Check Number- Project Address: A.P.N.: Project Applicant (Owner Name(s): 7 hi //D /£ST V ur Project Description: RtfiDC^M BUILDING TYPE: Residential:Number of New Dwelling Units Square Feet of Living Area in New Dwelling Second Dwelling Unit: Square Feet of Living Area in SOU qbiare Feet Floor Area Residential Additions: Net Square Feet New Area •"n Commercial/Industrial: City Certification of applicant's information: JQQL DISTRICTS WITHIN THE/CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad Unified School District 801 PineAve. Carlsbad CA 92009 (729-9291) San Marcos Unified School District 215Mata Way San Marcos, CA 92069 (290-2649) Encinitas Union School District 101 South Rancho Santa Fe Rd Encinitas, CA 92024 (944-4300) San Dieguito Union High School District 710 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024 (753-6491) Certification of Applicant/Owners. The person executing this declaration ("Owner") certifies under penalty of perjury that (1) the information provided above is correct and true to the best of the Owner's knowledge, and that the Owner will file an amended certification of payment and pay the additional fee if Owner requests an increase in the number of dwelling units or square footage after the building permit is issued or if the initial determination of units or square footage is found to be incorrect, and that (2) the Owner is the owner/ developer of the above described project(s), or that the person executing this declaration is authorized to sign on behalfflf the Owner. Signature:Date: SCHOOL DISTRICT SCWOOL FEE CERTIFICATION (To be completed by the school district(s)) 1635 Faraday Avenue RewiceH 4/1 7/nn Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314 • (76O) 602-27OO • FAX (76O) 602-856O *'. • THIS FORM INDICATES THAT THE SCHOOL DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PROJECT HAVE BEEN OR WILL BE SATISFIED. SCHOOL DISTRICT: The undersigned, being duly authorized by the applicable School District, certifies that the developer, builder, or owner has satisfied the obligation for school facilities. This is to certify that the applicant listed on page 1 has paid all amounts or completed other applicable school mitigation determined by the School District. The City may issue building permits for this project. SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIAL TITLE NAME OF SCHOOL DISTRICT DATE PHONE NUMBER XV6^ . .. i Freeman Assistant Superintendent—Business Sorvicea -Carlsbad Unified ScnoofuistriQt 801 Pine Avenue OartshaA California 920Qg RouicpH d/17/nn TI m "o§* 5i§-ismmmmO;o oaen> Tl CO§81OQ<si -C: s H O 3D -ITJ Tj O CO m TJi^§p „ -QOoS in §oo o o 2 m ^ 5 r- g O•"*** ™n p c« 2 m Tl O 33 S w > rn