HomeMy WebLinkAbout1550 OAK AVE; ; CB030460; PermitI '• City of Carlsbad . . 1635 Faraday Av Carlsbad, CA 92008 07-29-2004 . Residential Permit Permit No: CB030460 ' Building Inspection Request Line (760) 602-2725 : Job Address: 1550 OAK AV CBAD . Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: SFD Status: ISSUED . Parcel No: Lot #: 0 Applied: 02/18/2003 Valuation: $442,436.00 Construction Type: -,VN , - Entered By: AMA Occupancy Group: Reference #: Plan Approved: 02/23/2004 # Dwelling Units: . 1 , - Structure Type: SFD Issued: 02/23/2004 - Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 5 . Inspect Area: PD Project Title: MSK HOMES-4867 SF761 SF GAR, Orig PC#: 2 DECKS=440 SF - Plan Check#: - l 41 Applicant: . Owner: MSK MANAGEMENT, INC. • "' - 2141 PALOMAR AIRPORT RD CARLSBAD, CA 92009 . . 619-929-0799 Building Permit / 7, $1,603.00 Meter Size AddI Building Permit Fee 7 $0.00 AddIRecl. Water Con. Fee' , $0.00 Plan Check , \$1,041.95 Meter Fee c.J \ $190.00 Add'I Plan Ch eck Fee / $120.002 SDCWAFee'". - ,7'\ \ $1,206.00 - PlanCheckDiscount I \ / $o.O0-"',, CFDPaybff Fee N _\O) \ $0.00 . Strong Motion Fee / < / $44.24 ' /iPF '\ \\, $8,052.34 Park in Lieu Fee / . $0.00 ' ' OFF, (CFD Fund) -' $7,432.92 Park Fee / - / k—. $0.0O. License Tax -,,i \ -, ) $0.00 LFM Fee I.-. ' N$0.00— -- License Tax(CFI5Eund) \ c $0.00 Bridge Fee '-' -... 7- ek$0.00'Trafficimj5'act Fee"" \ I../ $460.60 Other Bridge Fee ; $0.00' ."Trafficlrnpact(CFDFund)r) (1T ' $519.40 BTD #2 Fee I ( $0.00 Sidewalk Fe( y'j.. $0.00 BTD #3 Fee I . o.00\,' 'eLUMBING TOTAL> $238.00 Renewal Fee $0.00 ''" ELECTRICAL TOTALç j i $110.00 Addl Renewal Fee $0.00 MECHANlCAL-'TOTA? $91.50 . Other Building Fee , R" \Master Housing lmp'act Fe1. e )J. j ( $0.00 Pot. Water Con. Fee' \, \$5,400.00 Housing lnLiéi Fe!// ' $4,515.00 ' ,' . Meter Size \ D1 -I'\ Housing Credit Fee ' $000 .P Add'l Pot. Water Con. Fee \ $1,348.00 Draine Fee' / $0.00 Recl. Water Con Fee \ $0.00 ,Sewer Fee / / $927 00 / $35,299.95 I fl Total Fees: $35,299.95 '\Totaiày/nens TDate: $31 ,593.95\ 'alnce Di'e: $3,706.00 . \ / . .' . " 7653 07/29/04 0002 01 02 " CGF" "3?06'4 . .' .- / / / FINA AP ROV . lnsPector( Date: O - — Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. ' ; 1 You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your right to protest the specified fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection tees and capacity - .. . changes nor planning zoning grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project. NOR DOES IT APPLY to any,(,, fees/exactions of which you have previously _been given a NOTICE similar tothis,orastowhichthestatuteof limitations has Previously _otherwise expired!t_. . . '• • ft _.'•) -'. ',iJWbCFIjJStil VI . COTAC Ji m Name' , APlLl CAr Name E1 ',, .,... . la 'FQR'OFFICEUSE ONLY, PERMItAPPLICATION PLAN CHECK NO 3b gb CITY OF CARLSBAD BUILDINGDEPARTMENT EST VAL 1635 Faraday Ave., Catisbad, 'CA 92008: . P!ar k. QPoslt, •,,, :. •' Validated By________________________ 09 ____ Date____________ 1 PROJ CT., -1 2 /550 k Address.(includeldg/Suite #) ..' ' . .-.-..-- j... .. Business Name-(at this address)..''- S rnq I. fni I he,vii e Legal DLription '' ' ' " ' Lof No. Subdivision Name/Number '', ' -, Unit No. If . Phase No. . - ' "Total # of units ' 4 Assessor's ParcI # Exiting Use .. Proposed Use .SrnnI.a III,re.~fAPAfi . .. ...Jrz .. .c itul oeur urns , . if OT Dd rcorns. A'tsbad Ca wAdBOA,'-i346'q5 'l3 City'"'''"" State/Zip .' "Telephone # ' "Fax # City' : '. St.t Zip ' . ' Telephone # .j. . I5ga04I<.FWe . -' 92oo 43466 5 '. :Name , '. J ,. Address , . , City State 'Zip Telephone #' '. 1f - (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Professions Code: Any 'City orCounty which requires a permit-to coiistruct alter,' improvedemolishor repair any structure, 'prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is. licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor s License Law .[Chapter I 9 commending with Section 7000 of Division' 3 of' the' Business, and' Professions Codel or that heisexempt'therefrom; and the' basis"for the alleged" 'Te emption. Any violation,of Section 703151 by any applicant for a permii subects the appli nit a civil p nalty of, 'not' I fve hund ' Ua a 1s poie # &rop isqa oV4Kve c q 0 Name Ad ess , City State/Zip , Telephone# State License # License Class B ,f 14 I C City Business License # / c S7 LI '7 Des St igner Name Ui&inqQr Address IqLq cAmh'o 0€ eCty Poway 3o6s WORKERSJcOMPENSATION " Workers' Compensation Declaration: I hereby affirm under. penalty of perjury one of .,the following declarations: 0 I have and will maintain a certificate of consent .to self insure for workers compensation as provided by Section 3700 of the Labor Code for the performance of/he work for which this permit is issued I have and will maintain workers compensation as required by Section 3700 6f the Labor Code for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued My worker s compensation insurance carrier and policy number are flnsurance Company T'$.+ iajvid . . 'Policy No. _I 7 Ia.. L4L1a ''o3. . . Expiration Date___1:' I (THIS SECTION NEED NOT BE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS [$1`00'1 OR LESS) 0 ' CERTIFICATE.OF,EXEMPTION:j,certify,that,in the performance of the wdrkfor.which thispern,it I? issued; sha11 not emplày any peisàn.inany manner to become subject to the Workers Compensation Laws of California , .. WARNING Failure to secure workers uompensation coverage is unlawful and shall subjeEt en employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to one hundred thousand doll s ( 1'OO 000)tin u nto the Cost of compensation damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor codes interes;,ad attorney s fees SlGNATU'RE__'' Jl/rf ' ' h , ' DATE 2-'/''". ' WRER1AW I hereby affirm t I am exemp from t Contractor s License Law for the following reason 0 I as owner of the property or my employees with wages as their sole compensation will do the work and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor s License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and who does such work himself or through his own employees provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If however the building or Improvement IS sold within one year of completion the owner builder will have the burdeini of proving that he dud not build or improve for the purpose of sale) 0 I as owner of the property am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec 7044 Business and Professions Code The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon and contracts for such projects with contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's License Law) 0 I am exempt under Section Business and Professions Code for this reason 1 I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the proposed property improvement 0 YES DNO 2 I (have / have not) signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work .3.' I-have contracted with the:folloving"person'(firm) to provide' the proposed construction (include name/ address./ phone, number '/'contracto/s license number): 4 I plan to provide portions of the work but I have hired the following person to coordinate supervise and provide the major work (include name / address / phone number / contractors license number( 5. 'l.will provide some of the work, but Ihave contracted (hired(,the following4persons to provide The work indicated (include na'me] address/ phone num6er /type' ofvork):' , PROPERTY OWNER SlGNATURE': DATETIE ' ' Is the applicant or future building occupant required to submit a business plan acutely hazardous materials registration form or risk management and prevention program under Sections 25505 25533 or-25 634 r 25534 of the Presley Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act? 0 YES 0 NO Is the applicant or future building occupant required to obtain ,.'a permit from the air pollution cotnroI district or air quality managenent distruct?nrDvrYES 0 NO Is the facility to be constructed within 1 000 feet of the outer boundary of a school site? 0 YES 0 NO IF ANY OF THE ANSWERS ARE YES A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT BE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT. 8 CONSTRUCTIO,Lr4pINGAGENCY - I hereby affirm that there usa construction]ending agenc\ for the p rforrnnce of the work for P ch this permit is issued (Sec 3097(i( Civil Code) LENDER'S NAME . ' ' ' ': - .', . LENDER S ADDRESS AMAm J9. RAPP CERTIFICATION , * : I certify that I have read the application and state that the above unloiniation is corr.ct1and that the information on the plans is accurate I agree to comply with all City ordinances, and State' laws reIatin to building cohstructior. I her, by authbriza rreprese'niatiies"of the Cit' of Càrlst'ad to enter upon the above mentioned pEoperty, for inspection purposes. I,ALSO AGREE TO SAVE. INDEMNIFY 'AND KEEP HARMLESS THE _CITY OF CARLSBAD' GAINST ALL LIABILITIES, - JUDGMENTS. COSTS AND E)PENSES WHCH.MAY IN ANYWAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAIp CITY IN.çO,NSEQUENCE Q FTHE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT. . OSHA An OSHA permit is required for excavations over 5'0" deep and demolition or construction of structures over 3 stories in height EXPIRATION Every permit issued by the building Official under the provisions of this Code shall xpire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is com m edenc for a period of 180 days (Section 10644 Unifom Building Code) APPLICANT S SIGNATURE f DATE ...-..'.'' I.,....... WHITE: File Y, ELLOW: Applicant PINK: Finance , ' ' City of Carlsbad Bldg Inspection Request For: 10/05/2004 1, Permit# CB030460 Inspector Assignment: PD Title: MSK HOMES-4867 SF,761 SF GAR, Description: 2 DECKS=440 SF - Type: RESDNTL Sub Type: 'SFD Phone: 7608fi)5263 Job Address: 1550 OAK AV Suite: Lot 0 . Location: Inspector: APPLICANT MSK MANAGEMENT, INC. 0 Owner: Remarks: Total Time: - - Requested By: JIM Entered By: ROBIN CD Description. Act Comment ' 19 Final Structural I 29 Final Plumbing .39 Final Electrical 49 Final Mechanical •. Associated PCRs/CVs , Inspection History Date Description Act Insp comments 09/27/2004 89 Final combo . CO PD 09/08/2004 39 Final Electrical AP PD EMR 07/02/2004 22 Sewer/Water Service AP. PS SEWER 07/01/2004 22 Sewer/Water Service CA PD 06/24/2004 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test AP PY 0 06/22/2004 17 Interior Lath/Drywall . NR PY SCRAP OUTHOUSE 06/22/2004 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall CO PY SEAL AROUND ELECT BOX . 0 06/22/2004 23 Gas/Test/Repairs NR PY 06/15/2004 16 Insulation . . AP - PD 06/15/20.04 84 Rough Combo AP PD. 06/03/2004 84 Rough Combo CO PD . 06/02/2004 84 Rough Combo . CA PD 05/20/2004 13 Shear Panels/HDs - AP PD OK TO WRAP - 05/07/2004 15 Roof/Reroof AP PD . . 03/22/2004 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers AP PD 03/05/2004 21 Underground/Under Floor AP PD . 0 Inspection. List Permit#: CB030460 Type: RESDNTL SFD MSK HOMES-4867 SF,761 SF GAR, 2 DECKS=440 SF Date inspection Item Inspector Act Comments 10/05/2004 89 Final Combo * PD . 10/05/2004 89 Final Combo ' ' RI 09/27/2004 89 Final Combo - RI 09/27/2004 89 Final Combo : - PD. . CO 09/08/2004 39 Final Electrical PD - AP - EMR 07/02/2004 22 Sewer/Water Service PS AP SEWER 07/01/2004 22 Sewer/Water Service PD CA. 06/24/2004 82 Drywall/Ext Lath/Gas Test , PY ' AP 06/22/2004 17 Interior Lath/Drywall , 'PY, , NR. SCRAP OUT HOUSE 06/22/2004 18 Exterior Lath/Drywall .PY '.• CO ' SEAL AROUND ELECT BOX 06/22/2004 23 Gas/Test/Repairs . . PY ' NR 06/15/2004 16 Insulation * •- PD - AP 06/15/2004 84 Rough Combo . - - PD ' - AP .' . . . . . . 06/03/2004 84 . Rough Combo • - ' PD CO - . •• . 06/0212004 84 Rough Combo PD ' 'CA ' •. 05/20/2004 13 Shear Panels/HD's ' PD ' AP OK TO WRAP 05/07/2004 15 Roof/Reroof ' , PD AP 03/22/2004 11 Ftg/Foundation/Piers PD - AP - - . 03/05/2004 21 Underground/Under Floor PD AP - • • '. -L . . ' - . • * ' • •• -- . ' . ( •.- -• .' '-: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 - . - - t • '. • - • - . Page, 1 of 1 • - 4 City of Carlsbad Final Building Inspection Dept: Building Ehgineeriñg Planning CMWD St Lite Fi Plan Check #: Permit #: CB030460 Project Name: MSK HOMES-4867 SF761 SF GAR, 2 DEcKS=440 SF RECEt\'Et SEP27 2004 -- OTVOFCARL INEEktc o: Permit Type: RESDNTL Sub Type:, SFD, Address: 1550 OAK AV Lot: 0 - Contact Person: JIM Phone: 7608452623 Sewer 01st: Water Dist: Inspected Date By: ,29-.-(,f s Inspected: -Z V Approved: 'Disapproved: Inspected * Date - By Inspected Approved Disapproved Inspected Date By: Inspected Approved: Disapproved: Comments: - - Ag . o6 /o 4'fri'-'L NORTH COUNTY COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC / Post Office' ox 3 ft(iz 02002, Escondido, CA 92OO SOIL TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES / (760) 480 1116 (2 FIELD DENSITY TESTS ASTM D2922 Job 1c42_ OAL eq vE 1,0VIS4 Job me. 42 owe 42i4± Sh..+ I of— —y Machine No. Hours . By Information To: mugs Ii -i ---iiii----- — — iititii:I -- IH LERhII14Ai 11111UM11 . LLIIL1rnJ Ir IuIru1t- ___ &Z{flhi4Hii i•uivauiusimumu•usiiuusu 0. Film "I mEr"Commmm APPROVED BY EsGil Corporation In artnersfiip witfi Government for cBuitding Safety DATE: 5/30/03 U APP CANT U is. JURISDICTION: City, of Carlsbad U EVIEWER UFILE PLAN CHECK NO.: 03-460 rev - SET: I PROJECT ADDRESS:,3050 Highland Dr. PROJECT NAME: SFD for Mask Development Group Plan A. The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The Slans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have ignificantdeficiencie's identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Corporation',until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicnt contact person. The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent to; • .• Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed. El Esgil Corporation staff dud advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted: Telephone Date contacted: (by: ) -. Fax Mail Telephone Fax In Person • • REMARKS: 1. All sheets of theplan shall .Jnéd by thqçerson for their preparation. 2. City to approve the special inspection-prograr rIng plan shall be reviewed by the soil engineer. (see page 7 of the repo?t)4. No PCI4# was provided. • . By: David Yao - , Enclosures: original approved plan Esgil Corporation 11 GA -El MB El EJ I] PC • 5/22 . - trnsmtl.dot - - - 4 •- - • - 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (858) 560-1468 • Fax (858) 560-1576 I - - -. - - • - p • - --k -. F--' f 4 4 City of Carlsbad 03-460 rev 5/30103 /ALUATIONAND PLAN CHECK FEE - JURISDICTION City of Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO 03-460 rev ) - PREPARED BY DavidYao DATE 5/30/03 BUILDING ADDRESS 3050 Highland Dr. * BUILDINGOCCLJPANCY: . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: . Air Conditioning: * Fire Sprinklers TOTAL VALUE - Jurisdiction Code - cb By Ordinance -. •• Bldg. Permit Fee byOrdiriance 1W I I Plan Check Fee by Ordinance .. Type of Review: L Complete Review Structural Only El Other - - . Li Repetitive Fee • - 1 t 1 Repeats • Hourly - - - 11 Hour * Esgil Plan Review Fee. * Based on hourly rate Comments - Sheet of 1 macvalue.doc ;•- -. - .- - -- - • - •- - .1 (. - 4 • . -. - -• 04111 EsGil Corporation In(Partnership with government for (B ui(ding Safety - DATE: 4/3/03 ,. ' '. :; '' '' U ICANT * JURIS. JURISDICTION: City of Carlsbad' S U PLAN REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECK NO 03-460 SET II PRC)'JECT ADDRESS: 3050 Highland Dr. PROJECT NAME: SFD for .MSK Development Group Plan .A LII The plans transmitted herewith have been correèted 'where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on the enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck. - ' The check list transmitted herewith is for your information. The plans'are being held at Esgil Corporation until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. The applicant's copy of the cheäk list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person. , LI The applicant's copy of the check list has been sent'to: ' Esgil 'Corporation staff did not'advise the applicant that the.plan check ha been completed. Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been ompleted; Person contacted Telephone # Date contacted: (by: , ) . ' ' . Fax #: Mail Telephone Fax In Person ' REMARKS 1 All sheets of the plan shall be signed by the person responsible for their preparation. 2. All the structural sheets of the plan shall be signed by the eñgineer.(Mr. Servin). 3 City to approve the special inspe?ction program 4 The site and grading plan shall be reviewed by the soil engineer (see page 7 ofhe report) By 1 David Yao Enclosures Esgil Corporation El GA [1 MB El EJ [1 PC 3/27 trnsmtl dot 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 • San Diego California 92123 • (§58)'560-1468 • Fax (88) 560-1576 EsGul Corporation In PartnersFlzp with Government for(Building Safety DATE: March 3, 2003 0 APPLICANT - JU JURISDICTION: Carlsbad Pt REVIEWER U FILE PLAN CHECK NO 03-460 SET I PROJECT ADDRESS 3050 Highland Dr. PROJECT NAME SFD for MSK Development Group The plans transmitted herewith have been corrected where necessary and substantially comply with the jurisdiction's building codes El The plans transmitted herewith will substantially comply with the Jurisdiction's building codes when minor deficiencies identified below are resolved and checked by building department staff. The plans transmitted herewith have significant deficiencies identified on thd enclosed check list and should be corrected and resubmitted for a complete recheck ' The check list tra nsm itted herewith is for your information. The plans are being held at Esgil Cor:poration until corrected plans are submitted for recheck. LI The applicant's copy of the check list is enclosed for the jurisdiction to forward to the applicant contact person The applicant s copy of the check list has been sent to Jim Kamphuis 1542 Oak Ave Carlsbad, CA 92008 Esgil Corporation staff did not advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Esgil Corporation staff did advise the applicant that the plan check has been completed Person contacted Jim Kamphuis Telephone # 760-434-6645 Date contacted 3 / LI I2 (by - ) Fax #:'760-434-156815 Mail .--Telephone Fax-' in Person LII REMARKS By Bill Elizarraras Enclosures Esgil Corporation LI GA LI MB LI EJ [] PC 2/19/03 trnsmtldot 9320 Chesapeake Drive Suite 208 • San Diego, California 92123 • (858) 560-'1468 • Fax (858) 5604 576 Carlsbad 03-460 March 3, 2003 ; PLAN REVIEW CORRECTION LIST SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS AND DUPLEXES PLAN CHECK NO 03-460 JURISDICTION Carlsbad PROJECT ADDRESS 3050 Highland Dr. FLOOR AREA 4867 sq ft Dwelling STORIES 2 761 sq.ft. Garage- 440 sq ft Deck HEIGHT 26' REMARKS DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY DATE PLANS RECEIVED BY JURISDICTION :. .. ESGIL CORPORATION: 2/19/03 DATE INITIAL PLAN REVIEW PLAN REVIEWER:.Bill Elizarraras COMPLETED: March 3, 2003 . FOREWORD (PLEASE READ) This plan review is limited to the technical requirements contained in the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, National Electrical Code and state laws - regulating energy conservation, noise attenuation and access for the disabled. This plan review is based on regulations enforced by the Building Department. You may have other corrections based on laws and ordinance by the Planning Department, Engineering Department, Fire Department or other departments •Clearance.from those departments may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit Present California law mandates that residential construction comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which adopts the following model codes 1997 UBC, 2000 UPC, 2000 UMC and 1999 NEC (all effective. 11/1/02). The above regulations apply to residential construction, regardless of the code editions adopted by ordinance The following items listed need clarification, modification or change. All items must be satisfied before the plans will be in conformance with.the cited codes and regulations. Per Sec 106.4.3, 1997 Uniform Building Code, the approval of the plans does not permit the violation of any. state, county or city law. To speed up the recheck process, please note on this Iist(or a copy) where each correction item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet.nümber, specification section, etc. Be sure to enclose the marked up list when you submit the revised plans.., - - 'S • •• .-• • • • - Carlsbad 037460 - . March 3, 2003 • PLANS 1. Please make all corrections on the original tracings and submit two new V V V complete sets, of prints, to: V • V . Esgil Corporation, 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, V , California 92123, (858) 560-1468. V V V 2 Plans, specifications and calculations shall be signed and sealedby the :V, V •, V Califbrnià state licensed engineer or. architect responsible for their preparation, V for plans deviating,.from conventional wood frame construction. Specify expiration date of license (California Business and Professions Code) 3. Provide a statement on the Title Sheet of the'.plans stating that this project shall'. comply with the 2001 edition of the California Building Code (Title 24), which . adopts the 1997 UBC, 2000 VUMC, 2000 UPC and the 1999 NEC: 4. . - On'theover sheet of the plans, specify any items requiring special inspection, in V V V a format similarto that shown below. Section 106.3:2. V ' . : • REQUIRED SPECIAL INSPECTIONS In addition to the.reguiar inspections, the following checked items will also require ' V Special Inspection in accordance with Sec 1701 of the Uniform Building Code ITEM REQUIRED? REMARKS FIELD WELDING.,. • PER UBC, - @ MOMENT FRAME V , 5. When special inspection is reuired, the architect or enginerof record shall V S V prepare an inspection program which shall be submitted to the building official V for approval prior to issuance of the building permit Please review Section 06.35. Please complete the attached form FIRE PROTECTION V ' • V . •' V . , • I S V 6. Show locations of permanently wired smoke detectors with battery backup: ' V a) Centrally located in corridor or area giving access to bedroom room #5 GENERAL RESIDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS -: • ___________________________ V 7. Sleeping rooms shall have a window or exterior door for emergency escape. Sill V V height shall not exceed 44" VaboveVthe floor. Windows must have an openable area of at least 5.7 square-feet with the minimum openable width 20" and the V minimum openable height 24".. The emergency door or window shall be .. openable from the inside' to:provide a full, clear opening without the'use of • V '• ' separate tools. Section 310.4. @ Bedrooms ,#2.& 3.. , V V V V ' V V • V - •'V V ' V ' ' • ' V r Carlsbad 03-460. . March 3,2003 .; ROOFING Show the required ventilation for attics (or enclosed rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters). The minimum vent area is 1/150 of attic area (or 11300.of attic area if at least 50% of the required vent is at least 3 feet above eave vents or cornice vents). Show area required and area provided. Section 1505.3. Balconies and decks exposed to the weather and sealed underneath shall be sloped a minimum of 14 inchperfootfordrainage. Section 1402.3. 10 Specify deck finish and ICBO number if applicable -• FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS . 11. Provide .a copy of the project soil report prepared by a California licensed .......architect or civil engineer. The report shall include foundation design recommendations based on the engineer's findings and shall comply with UBC Section 1804. • .: .•• . . . . . - .12 Investigate thepotential for seismically induced soil liquefaction and soil instability in Seismic Zones 3 and 4. Thisdoes not applyto detached, single-", story dwellings. Section 1804.5 . . . 13. Provide a letter from the soils engineer confirming that the foundation plan, . .. -.grading plan and specifications have been reviewed and that it has been - determined that the recommendations in the soils report are properly incorporated into the construction documents (when required by.the soilreport). . FRAMING . . 14 Specify truss identification numbers on the plans 15. Show on the plans all structural requirements developed in the structural calculations. Section 106.3.3. See Grid Line #5 & 7 for missing hold .downs. . 16. Show location of attic access with minimum size of 22"x30" Section 1505.1. MECHANICAL (UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE) - 17. Show the location, type and size (BTUs) Of all heating and cooling appliances or systems... •. - :., - -. . . . - . . - 18. . Specify-on the pins the. following information forthe fireplace(s), per Section 106.3.3: • .•• . .. . . . . . - ICBO approval number, or equal. (The provided number is wrong). Show height of chimney aboverobf per I.C.B.O. approval or UBC Table 31-B - •- ... .• ..- -. •- . • - . Carlsbad 03-460 March 3, 2003 - ELECTRICAL (NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE) .19. Note on the plans that receptacle outlet locations will comply with NEC Art. 210-52(a). -. 20. Per NEC Art. 210-11(c)3, note on the plans that bathroom circuiting shall be either: . . A 20 ampere circuit dedicated to each bathroom, or At least one 20 ampere circuit supplying only bathroom receptacle outlets. 21. All bedroom branch circuits now require arc fault protection. Note clearly on the plans that "Bedroom branch circuits will be arc fault circuit protected." NEC Art. 210-12(b). . . ... . PLUMBING (UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE) '. 22. Note on the plans that "Combustion air for fuel burning water heaters will be provided in accordance with UPC • Section 507 and Table 5-1". * • ENERGY CONSERVATION 23. Provide fluorescent general lighting (40 lumens per watt minimum) in kitchen(s), and bathrooms (containing tub or shower). 24. . Note on the plans: "The manufactured windows shall have a label attached = . certified by the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) and showing compliance with the energy calculations." . . . CITY REQUIREMENTS. 25. All new residential buiIdings, including additions, require a soils report. An update letter is required if the report is more than 3 years old. Ifa room addition is less than 1000 sq. ft. in area and only one story, then a soils report is not required. Under this condition, Esgil staff should advise, the City (upon final transmittal) to place, their "soils notice". stamp on the plans. 26. - New residential units must be pre-plumbed for future solar water heating. Note "two, roof jacks must be installed" where the water, heater is in the one story garage and directly below the most south facing roof (CityOrdinance No. 8093). 27. Note "two 3/4" copper pipes must be installed to the most convenient future solar panel location when the water heater is not in a one story garage and is not directly below the most south facing roof. (City Ordinance No. 8093). 28. All piping for present or future -solar water heating must be insulated when in areas - that are not heated or cooled by mechanical means (City Policy). . Carlsbad 03-460. : .• March 3, 2003 . '• S 29. The following note should be given with each correction list: Please make all corrections on the original tracings, as requested in the correction list. Submit three sets of plans for commercial/industrial projects (two sets of plans for residentialprojOcts).For expeditious processing, corrected sets - . can'be submitted in one of two ways: 1. Deliver all corrected sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of Carlsbad Building Department, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92008, (760) 602-2700. The City will route the plans to EsGil Corporation and the Carlsbad Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. 2. Bring. one corrected set of plans and calculations/reports to EsGil Corporation, S 9320 Chesape'ake'Drive, Suite 208, SanDiego, CA 92123,.(858) 560-1468. Deliver all remaining sets of plans and calculations/reports directly to the City of - Carlsbad Building Department. for routing to their Planning, Engineering and Fire Departments. To speed up the review-process, noteon this list (or a copy) where each. cOrrection item has been addressed, i.e., plan sheet; note or detail, number, calculation* page, etc.' 'Please indicate here if any changes have been made to the plans that are not a result of corrections from this list. If there are other changes, please briefly-describe them and where theV are located inthe plans. : .. . -' • • Have changes been made to the plans not resulting from this correction list? - Please indicate: • '• •- S • • S S S - -' S '• S * . •' • •.' S -. Yes L3 eNo U The jurisdiction has contracted with Esgil Corporation iocated at 9320 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 208, San Diego, California 92123; telephone number of 858/560-1468, t0 - perform the plan review for your project. If you have any questions regarding these plan review items, please contact BillElizarraras at Esgil Corporation. Thank you. .•. . S 5. - -. _4_• S • - S - ••- - . 5- .• - - - .. , S •• -• S. , • : • • - . •- S - . S -. .• 5 - • S• •• - S '' •,• • • f'1._1I fV20 Af March 3, 2003 V VALUATION AND PLAN CHECK FEE JURISDICTION: Carlsbad PLAN CHECK NO.: 03-460 PREPARED BY: Bill Elizarraras V DATE: March 3, 2003 BUILDING ADDRESS: 3050 Highland Dr. .. V ,BUILDING OCCUPANCY: R3/U1 :TYPE O CONSTRUCTION: VN L BUILDING PORTION. -- AREA (Sq. Ft.) Valuation . Multiplier - - Reg. Mod. VALUE ($) Dwelling 4867 - Per City Value V 442,436 Garage _- V 761 Dock's -V V 440 V V V AirConditioning V V V V Fire Sprinklers _ TOTAL VALUE - V VV V V 442,436 - ,.- -,.-, ., - .-;.• .t . . 4 .. . ''.. BUILDINGsPLANCHECK CHECKLIST... .1 I DATE 3/3 /63 PcANCHECKNO CB3O/O BUILDING ADDFESS 3c75-O PROJECT DESCRIPTION • çu ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER - TEST VALUE: ..,. . ..,. . - r ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL DENIAL ) 'ft . Thejitem you have submitted for review has been t, . .5.•. . . ease 'se th attached report of deficiencies approved The approval is based on plans r marked wit Make necessary corrections to plans information and/or specifications provided in your or speci cati s for compliance with applicable submittal; therefore any changes to those items after ' codes ard standards. Submit corrected plans and/Pr;'' - this 'date / including field modifications must be ' specifications to this office for review reviewed by this office to insure continued conformance with applicable codes Please review carefully all comments attached as failure to comply with instructions in this report can result in ,, •,. suspension of permit to build Dt A Right of Way permit is rquired prior to construction of the following improvements Date : B Date - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY . . ENGINEERING AUTHORIZATION TO ISSUE BUILDING PERMIT: By Dete ( AbII NTS ---- ENGINEERING DEPT CONTACT PERSON Dedication Application Name JOANNE JUCHNIEWICZ . .-- ... -. Dedication, Checklist . .,, Improvement Application '-, Address 1635 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008 Improvement Checklist .4 ' Phoe (760) W212776:1,' Future ImprovementAgreement ' - CFD INFORMATION - - . ,'T , - :,, ,, ',, v ;. .• ,.,,..,4 -• Grading Permit Application Parcel Map No:, Grading Submittal Checklist Lots ,••., 'l** / Right of Way Permit Application ' 'Recordation - Right-of-Way Permit Submittal Checklist Carlsbad Tract t = . and Information Sheet .-•, , _-'--''•- .., SewerFee Information Sheet. 4, 4 . . . • , ,, - - ' - . A4 , I 44 - ..; 1, .4 1' H SWORD\DOCSSCHKI.ST5BuI1ing Planthedc cklst Form (Gene4c) doc' r " ,. Rev. 7114100 I •t • I .4 'c • ' ' ' - - .' - BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST - SITE P -N. a weU/scic cciç 1ST 2ND RD Q QU E El 1. Provid a fully dimensioned site plan drawn to scale. Show: - . A. North Arrow * ' - - F. - Right-of-Way Width & Adjacent tres B. Existing &Proposed Structures G. Driveway widths - : C. Existin9$freet Improvements - ft Existing or proposed ewer lateraId.,,(C - - D. Prop fty Lines - I. - Existing or proposed water service - . - E.. E ements - . J. Existing or proposed irrigation service i:i El . Show on site plan: - -, .• - - Drainage Patterns. •- - . . - . - - - - . 1. Building pad surface drainage:must maintain a minimum slope of one - :- - - - percent towards an adjoining street or an approved drainage, course. - - -' - 2. ADD THE FOLLOWING NOTE: "Finish grade will provide a minimum positive- - - - - drainage of 2% toswale 5' away from building." - - -. ., • - /De Existing &Proposed Slopes and Topography location, alignment of existing or proposed sewer and water seTvice erves the project. Each unit requiresaseparate service, however, welling units and apartment complexes are an exception. nd water laterals should not-be located within proposed driveways, per- El El tttIe she ess . • . B. Assessor's Parcel Number . ' • - - Legal Description • * '. •. • -- For commercial/industrial buildings and tenant, improvement, projects,' include: total' buildihg square footage with the square footage for each 'different use, . existing sewer permits showing square footage' of different uses (manufacturing, • 'warehouse, office, etc.) previously approved. - - -' - - - EXISTING PERMIT NUMBER., , - DESCRIPTION ' - . ,', * _, H:\WORD\DOC\CHKtS1BngPIanthedcCktstFonn(Gener1c)doc 2 - - .- - ' .. - •- - ' - Rev. 7/14/00 BUlLDING PLANCHECK CHECKUST 1ST 2ND 3rd DU /RET'IONARY APPROVAL COMPLIANCE a. Project does n comply with the followin9 Engineerir)g Conditions of app Project No._ U LI LI 4b- All k'on c-,Qp (\Jb- I D /s a compliance. ate: MI OCni IIDCRACKITQ * U LI /for Dedication for all street Rights-of-Way adjacent to the building site and any storm drain or utility easements on the building site is required for all new buildings and remodels with a value at or exceeding $15,000, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section. 18.40.030. , Dedication required as follows:,, Dedication required. Please have a registered Civil Engineer or Land Surveyor prepare the appropriate legal description together with an 8 /2" x 11" plat map - and submit with a title report. All easement documents must be approved and signed by owner(s) prior to issuance of Building Permit. Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the dedication process. Submit the completed application form with the required checklist items and fees to the Engineering Department in person. Applications will not be accept by mail or fax. Dedication completed by: Date: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS O 0 0 6a. All needed public improvements upon and adjacent to tiie building site must be constructed at time of -building construction whenever the value of the construction exceeds $75,000, pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40.040. • - Public improvements required as follows: • - Attached please find an application form and submittal checklist for the public improvement requirements. A registered Civil Engineer must prepare the - appropriate improvement plans and submit them together with the requirements onthe attached checklist to the Engineering Department through a separate plan check process. The completed application form and the requirements on the H:WORDXDOH=CHKLSTU3Ui1dir19 Planc$*ed* CkIsI Form (RIDDLE - HARVEY 7-12.00).doc - 3 - Rev. 12t26/96 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST. 2 ND ' 3 R 0 checklist must be submitted in person.,Applications by mail or fax are not - accepted. Improvement plans must be approved, appropriate securities posted and fees paid prior to issuance of building permit Improvement Plans signed by Date LI LI " LI 6b. Construction of the pUblic improvements may be deferred pursuant to Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 18.40. Please submit a recent property. title- report or current grant deed on the property and processing fee of $310 so we may prepare the necessary Future Improvement Agreement. This. agreement must be signed, notarized and approved by the City prior to issuance of .'a Building permit Future public improvements required as follows LI LI 6c Enclosed please find you Future Improvement Agreement Please return agreement signed and notarized to the Engineering Department 'Future Improvement Agreement, completed by . Date LI LI LI 6d No Public Improvements required SPECIAL NOTE Damaged or defective improvements found adjacent to building site must be repaired to the satisfaction of the City Inspector prior to occupancy. GRADING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The conditions that Jnvoke the need for a grading permit are found in Section 11 06 030 of the Municipal Code LI LI 7a. 'adequate information available on Site Plan to make a determination on grading requirements. Include accurate grading quantities (cut, fill import, export). 7b. Grading Permit required. A separate grading plan prepared by a registered Civil Engineer jnust be 'submitted together with the completed application form attacheji{ NOTE: The Grading Permit must b6 issued 'and rough grading appral obtained prior to issuance of a Building Permit. r LI' . Grading Inspector sign off by: Date: . LI '0 /7c. Graded Pad Certification required. (Note: Pad certification may be required even J if a grading permit is not required) H:/WORD\OOCS\CHKLSTBoilding Plancheck CkIsI Form (Generic 7-14-00).doc ' '. - . , . . Rae. 7/14/00 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD : . •0 - - U U U 7d .No Grading Permit required. . 7e. If grading is not required, write "No Grading" on plot plan. MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT is required to d work in City Right-of-Way and/or /\ private work adjacent to the public Right-of-Way. Types of work inclUde, but are not limited to: street improvements, tree trimming, driveway construction, .tying into public storm drain, sewer and water utilities. - Right-of-Way permit required for: fl INDUSTRIAL WASTE PERMIT If your facility is located .in the City of Carlsbad I sewer service area, you need to contact the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, located at 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008. District personnel can - provide forms and assistance, and will check to see if your business enterprise is on the EWA Exempt List. You may telephone (760) 438-2722, extension7153; for assist e. . . In strial Waste permit accepted by: ate: U El. NPDES PERMIT Complies with the City's requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The applicant shall provide best • - - management practices to reduce surface pollutants to an acceptable level prior to discharge to sensitive areas. --Plans for such improvements shall be approved by }tI'e City, Engineer, prior to issuance of grading or building permit, whichever occurs firs. ,. . ;'Requi'redfeesareattached El El . No fees required WATER METER REVIEW 0 • U 21" 12a. Domestic (potable) Use . Ensure that the meter . proposed by the owner/developer is not oversized.. t Oversized meters are inaccurate during low-flow conditions. If it is oversized, for • the life of the meter, the City will not accurately bill the owner for the water used. . All single family dwelling. units received "standard" 1" service with 5/8" service. H:\WORD\DOCS\CHKLSTBuildkigPIanthedCktstForm (Genedc).doc 5 ., . Rev. 7/14100 BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1ST 2ND 3RD 'If owner/developer proposes a size othef than the "standard", then bwner/developer must provide potable water demand calculations, which include total fixture countsand maximum water demand in gallons . . per minute (gpm). A typical fixture count and water demand worksheet is attached. Once the, gpm is provided, .check against the "meter sizing schedule" to verify the anticipated meter size for the unit. . .. . "' ' Maximum service and meter size is a 2" service with a 2" meter. If a developer is 'proposing a meter greater than .2", suggest the installation of multiple 2" services as needed to provide the anticipated demand. (manifolds are considered' on case by case basis to limit - multiple trenching into the street). . . D 12b. . Irrigation Use (where recycled water is not available) All irrigation meters must be sized via irrigation calculations (in gpm) prior to apprdval. The developer must provide these calculations. Please follow - , these guidelines: -. 1. If the project is a newer de'vehpment '(newer than 1998), check the recent improvement -plans and observe if the new irrigation, service is reflected on the improvement sheets. If so; at the water meter station, the demand in gpm may be listed there. Irrigation services are' listed with a circled UIfl and potable water is typically a circled "W". The irrigation service should look like:-, STA 1+00 Install 2" service and • 1.5: meter, (estimated 100 gpm) 2. If .the improvement plans do not list, the irrigation 'meter and the . service/meter will be installed via another instrument such as the building - plans or grading plans (wl a right of way permit of course), then the applicant must provide irrigation calculations for estimated worst-case irriation demand '(largest zone with the farthest reach). Typically, Larry Black has already reviewed this if landscape plans have been prepared, but the applicant must provide the calculations to you for your use. Once you have received a good example of irrigation calculations, keep a set for your reference. In general the calculations will include: • • / .• ' . . . • ' . . ' - • - Hydraulic grade line - - ' • • Elevation at point of connectibri (POC) '- Pressure at POC in poundg persquare inch (PSI) Worse case zone (largst, farthest away frbm valve - •. • Total Sprinkler, heads listed (with gpm use per head) , Include a 10% residual pressure at point of connection • • 3; In general, all, major sloped areas' of.a sUbdivision/project :are to be - - irrigated via separate irrigation meters (unless the project is only SFD with no HOA) As long as the project is located within the City recycled water . , . '' H:1WORD\DOCSCI-(KLS1\Buildin9 Plancheck Cklst Form (Generlc).doc 6 ' • . . - Rev. 7/14100 I .-• - ' - -. . . BUILDING PLANCHECK CHECKLIST 1S1 2ND 3R0 service boundary, the City intends on switching these irrigation - services/meters to.a new recycled water line in the future. D E E 12c Irrigation Use (where recycled water is available) Recyledater meters are sized the same as the irrigation meter above.. If a' project fronts a street with recycled water, then they should be connecting to this line to irrigate slOpes within the development. For subdivisions, this should have been identified, and implemented on the improvement plans. Installing recycled water meters is a benefit for the applicant since they are exempt from payingthe San DiegoCounty Water Capacity fees. However, if, they front a street which the recycled water is there, but is not live (sometimes they are charged-with potable wate'r until recycled water is available), then the applicant must pay the San Diego Water Capacity Charge. If within three years, the recycled water line is charged with recycled water by CMWD, then the applicant can apply for a refund to the San Diego County Water Authority (SDCWA) for a refund. 0 * However, let the applicant know that we cannot guaràhtee the refUnd, and they must deal with the SDCWA for this. - - - •0 •0 . • -. LI 0 0 13 Additional Comments 0 - • Vs • - - * - • • -. _••'4 .• • -• - • I - I 4- -. - - 4- - - -*•- - 0 • 0 0 - L• • - - 0- • 0 • J - •0 * ••- 04; -- • •• 0 - 0 • • .•* -, •0 • 0 -- .0•; 0 ., - 0 - H IWORO\DOCS\CHKLSTlau0d ng PlOntheck Ckls* Form (Generic) dec 7 Rev. 7/14/00 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. FEE CALCULATIONWORKSHEET 0imate based on unconfirmed information from applicant. -. - G" Calculation based on building plancheck plan submittal Address: 3v5o kL Bldg. Permit No._O3"(f2v Prepared by:______________ ate: Checked by: Date: EDU CALCULATIONS: List types and square footages for all uses. : Types of Use S"P.- Sq. Ft./Units: - EDU's: :. Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Units:___. . . .-EDU's: ADT CALCULATIONS: List types and 'square footages for all uses. - - Types of Use: Sq. Ft./Unit: ADT's: Types of Use: . . .- Sq. Ft./Units: ADT's: FEES REQUIRED: WITHIN CFD 0 YES (no bridge & thoroughfare fee in District #1 reduced Traffic Impact Fee) G1 /rPARK-IN-LIEU FEE . PARK AREA &#: FEE/UNIT: X NO. UNITS Q'TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE . . . ADTs/UNITS I x FEE/ADT ci!-j?O K3BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE FEE (DIST. #1 DIST. #2 ____ -DIST. #3 ADT's/UNITS: X FEE/ADT: 0&--FACILITIES MANAGEMENT FEE - ZONE:' - - UNIT/SQ.FT.: . - X -FEE/SQ.FT./UNIT:_______ 4 SEWER FEE-. EDU's: ( - X FEE/EDU:( . 4 Os- )EF1T ,j 40 AREA: EDU's: . - X- FEE/EDU:_______ ____________ J¼'SEWER LATERAL ($2,500) : . - - - =_____________ 7. DRAINAGE FEES PLDA - : . •HIGH - /LOW ,,.- • . . / ACRES: . ' X FEE/AC: 8.OTABLEWATERFEES UNITS CODE CONNECTION FEE METER FEE - SDCWA FEE IRRIGATION -ii*-/ 27L/ __ OL WU -• / p - •Q ' . .'.-. . . ,'ç-' : -. . ' • ' - - -. 10f2 -' - F:FEE CALCULATION WORKSHEET.dOC : - Rev. 7/14100 El :02/20/2004 10:17 FAX •17604384178 CITY OF CARLSBAD CITY OF CARLSBAD GRADING INSPECTION CHECKLIST FOR PARTIAL SITE-RELEASE. PROJECT INSPECTOR_J24-'/J 7.475: DATE:_O't' PROJECTID-'?J - /3 GRADlNGPERMIT No.?o"f' LOTS REQUESTED FOR RELEASE: N/A = NOT APPLICABLE .4= COMPLETE 0= INCOMPLETE OR UNACCEPTABLE 1st 'I 2nd. '€_i UI Site access to requested lotS adequate and logically grouped. Site erosion control measures adequate. Overall site adequate for health, safety and welfare of Public. Letter from OwnerlDev. requesting partial release of specific tote, pads or bldg. s- 8w X 110 site plan (attachment) showing. requested tots submitted. Compaction report from soils engineersubmitted. (If soils report has been submitted with a previous partial release, a letter from soils engineer raferencing the soils -report and identifying specific lots for. release lots shall accompany subsequent partial releases). 7. EOW certification of work done with finish pad elevatiOns of specific lots to be released. Letter must state lot (s) Is g'aded to withil, a tenth (.1) of the approved grading plan. B Geologic engineers letter If unusual geologic 'r subsurface ndIt1onselst : •: Fully functional tire hydrants within 500 feet of building combusfibles and an all weather roads access to site is required. : t "Pertial release of grading for the above stated lots Is approved for the purpose of building permit Issuance. Issuance of building permits is still subject to all normal City requirements required pursuant to. the building permit process. :: •: : : Partial release of. the site Is denied for the followIng reasons: : I Manager H;\LWRARYNG\WPDATAiN6PCFO1MS'PAP.TSfltS1O4 Datd- ;t— z/zo/c Date: FPOM KSS EEPNO PHO%E NO 19 2G 5564 Mar. 24 24 12 I7PM P2 ic$ ENGINEERING bldgforms-certTxc Jn-01-064os Mr David Dates o So /3ô 661- 'City of CarUlmd Engineering InepeetonsDepartineiie I 1200 Catisbad Village I)rh e ( Carlsb4, CA 92008 n.e: 1542 Oak Ave. MS-02-13 ThJLding forms certification -Parecls 1, & 2 Dear Mr Dates On 3f23/2004 under my direction, the locations and e1evation5 of the forms for portions ofthe building were verified by field survey (see attached plat) The tops of the lbrrps for the house on Parcel 1 have a mean elevation of 17689 Existing top nf fomi etions vary +7i02 from This ellevalioa The approved Oradng Plan shows a Pad elevaz,on 0117620 t have been informed that thebuikiing qection is 8", fronrwbch a ?tan Ibmi elevatgi of 17687 is derived The tops of the fonnsfor The tiouse'on Parcel 2 hwve a mean elevation of 117 2 Existing'top of form elevations vary +1-0 O3 1mm tius elevation The approved Grading Plan slows a Pad elevation of117,10, I have been informed that the bu11d1ng section is 8", from which a Plan form elevation of 17777 is derived. We hereby certify that the forms elevation (as noted above) conforms to the approved grading plan (4'- 0 10) We hereby certtf that The forms 1tioi in respect to building setbacks conforms to the Smtc1y, 7801 Mission Center Court, Suite 100 San Dio California 92108 Phone (619)2965565 Fax (619)2965564 h it Cr'. L. H - / I - 7 I A lb _ A tn PARCEL.-1 PARCEL 2 0 16" PAD 1762O 73 PAD 1771O 161-1-jr r ~77 Y / _ Cl AW 11 I 13 PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUILDING PLAN CHECK REVIEW CHECKLIST Plan Check No CBOf Address 3()5O 1-4 c (n 1 r t'l 19 r c 4 PlannerChris Sexton Phohe (760) 60.4'624 ' APN: .cc Type of Project & Use: - Net Project Density:._DU/AC . t) i Zoning General Plan: r _L_I i_i Facilities Management Zone:.__________ CFD (in/out) #_Date of participation Remaining net dev acres (For non-residential development Type of land used created by this Circle One permit: ) - .. . . Legend Item Complete Item Incomplete - Needs your action 0 0 EnvironmntaI Review Required:*-- YES NO TYPE DATE F_COM PLETION Corppliance with conditions 01 approval? If not, state conditions which require action. Conditions of Approval: Discretionary Action Required: YES \,' NO ____TYPE M APP NO DATE 3 ______ PROJECTNOMS_-/ _: I OTHER RELATED CASES:". Compliance with conditions or approval? If not, state conditions which require action Coditions of Approvl /VPPII_CLyUj_tc_ fl'uvuOt Y/UdLL,LLLv)t) I2'tJ 0 Coastal Zone Assess Project site located in Coastal Zone? YES____ NO CA Coastal Commission Authority'? YES____ NO____ If California Coastal Commission Authority Contact them at'- 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Suite 103, San Diego CA 92108-4402, (619) 767-2370 Determine status (Coastal Permit Required or Exempt) Coastal Permit Determination Form already completed'? YES_ NO____ If NO, complete Coastal Permit Detemination Form now. Coastal Permit Determination Log # Follow-Up Actions Stamp Building Plans as "Exempt" or "Coastal Permit Required" (at minimum Floor Plans) Complete Coastal Permit Determination Log as/eeded Inclusionary Housing Fee required YES .( NO D 0 -'(Effective date of lncIusionary Housing Ordinance — May 21, 1993) vINN - Data Entry Completed? YES — NO - (AIP/Ds, Activity Maintenance, enter CB#, toolbar, Screens, Housing Fees, Construct Housing YIN, Enter Fee, UPDATE!). Site Plan H \ADM1N\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst Rev 9/01 Provide a fully dimensional site plan drawn to scale. ShoW: North arrow, property lins, easements,existing andproposed structures, streets, existing Street improvements, right-of-way width, dimensional' setbacks and existing topographical lines* (including, all side and rear yard c..slopes). V ; . Provide legal description of property and assessor's parôel number; '• -_: .• . 'V Policy. 44 - Neighborhood Architectural Design Guidelines 1 Applicability YESt"' NO l' 2 Project complies YES \../" NO________ V * Zoning: "E 0 1. Setbacks: . V Front: '.• V Require dJ(Y Showric'O' • - Interior Side Required / ,l Shown 1 Street Side: Required Shown Rear: Requiredi'I. L/) Shown ) 'V V Top of slope:. Required 'V Shown E~1J 0 2 'Accessory structure setbacks \[. V Front: '•' Required'. VSh own, V V VV(:\ • V V V Interior Side: Required - —"'Shown V - Street Side: Required A. i -- .' Shown k.j _- V V V - Rear:V ... . Required V Shown • V V Structure separation: Required- • Shown_-"__V V V 0 3. 'Lot Coverage:, V Requird"< 211010 i' Shown V V •.• : )V. '16 0 4 Height - Required A3O V Shown / V 0 V -.5. ,Parking: V Spaces Required Shown V V V • V (breakdown by uses for commercial and industrial projects required) V V V V V V Residential Guest Spaces Required._ Shown * V • V V V V V V AditionàI Comments ______TL/tOV.?LL V V V V JjJ. V V V V V VV . V V V •V* III/J4VV: V - V OK TO ISSUE AND ENTEREDVAPPROVAL INTO COMPUTER V • V . VV . V 4V H\ADMIN\COUNTER\BldgPlnchkRevChklst DATEçE) V Rev 9101 V V * VVV*V V ,j1ar24 04 09:31a Nick Serviri (760) 931-1892 p.1 Fax Trans mission Servm Engineering— Phone (760)931-1792 2362 '1rio Vida Roble, Ste. F Fax: <6O)91-1892 Carlsbad; Ca 92009 EMaii nservin@earthllnk net To 4.j jty Subject OAY Ai. 7o-M2-so Date 374- From: CVL L17LZ S Pages: Z (including cover sheet) Mai 24 04 09:32.a Nick Servin (780) 931-1892 p.2 G.WoodWorks COMPANY PROJECT FB-13 '26t' Feb. 11, 2004 12:32:33.f Design Cheek Calculation Sheet LOADS: (lbs, psf, orpif) *TjtWjd •t.t.7 MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Jbs) and REARING LENGTHS fin): [0ead - 675. . Live 1500 27 earing: Timber..zoRD.flr-t., No. 1, 6x1 2u £eMWe,gtt-of 1:02plfautomata*y'inc4dedntoads; Lateral support: Top full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION Vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: stress=psi, and in, ) [_Criterion aialysis Value jDesign Va).ue lAna1ysis/esion fv 81 = 45 J Fv = 85 TFv/v = 0.53 Bending'(l-) th 807 Fb' - 1350 - 0.60 Litre Ee5t"i 0.23 - L/881 0.53 L/36-0 0.41 Total efln 0.34 = L/526 I 1.00 L/180 0.34 ADDITIONAL DATA FACTORS: E' CO CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr. LC# 'b= 1350 1.00 1.00 1.00 .1.000 1.00 1.000 1;00 1.00 2 = 5 100 1.3 1.00' IC-H 1.000) 2 Fcp= 625 . 1.00 1.00 F = TA rn1. n I 0U i 00 2 Sending(+) LCI 2 Dl-L, M -' 8151 lbs-ft '*C 2 -= C+L. 4.' 217-5, -v.'= '19V lb-s Detiection: LC# 2= D+L EI=1115.29e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Oeflndad) * Defln_Live. . . .)ead l-=iv.e =$iç ,Wjn.d Jpooc C=.rnotio) (M.1 LCs are listed in the Analysis output) -DESIGN NOTES: . . Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4Al. Load } Type Distribition Magnitude I..ocatin (t eatte.n 1- 13tar End Start End Load? 1. J n d ea Full Area 15 (5.0O)f No 2 Live Full Area 40 5.00)t No 4 / 4 - Structural Caktilations - ..............- 1?or . ? •.... .. ,, - Project 4 . MSK Development Group Oak Avenue Project 0S39 ' 4—z*2O.&k*vnUe — 4 - Carlsbad, CA 92064 ..- 4 'c/o - ./. .4 -.. . .. .. ...•'--. .-. - Ma k Burginger f Valle Verde Ranch Studio 12944 Cammo Del Valle ,•_.* .. ' '.-8_ '-' - ..- .... — Poway, CA 92064 - 9 ;;_-*• -- , : -'858-613-0656'" , --- ,. Nick Ser'in A1pha& Omega Developments ... - -.-.. 2382 Camino Vida Roble, Suite F 44.' • Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 931-1792, FAX (760) 931-1892, FAX2 (603) 484-7917 - I- • . • -. : . — t I 44? 19. 1171 : : E t - - '- 11 Exp. 813W )*JJ J. Nick Servin RCE 33,538, EXPIRES 6/30/2006 - .. — 4• . - -- -_,- - . ..- ... -. I Engineer does not take any responsibility for construction or control of th job Engieer's responsibility is solely limited to the design of the structural members included herein Any changes to design, structural members or configuration shall void calculations Supervision may be contracted for assurance of proper construction 4.. . . . ;- -c •-.-. - - :7 4: " 4. - - . . . . .- -_. -.•- .,. .-, ., . 4 -,.. - . -.' ...- . - - - '- :' . . 44 4 1• : -. 4 ' -,_ • , - - e- .' ,j• :•'-•-- - . •. - , . -- --1 -. - , . - - 4. - . . .4 P •, - - 4,4 - •, -t• 4.V ., - ..:. , -1 . . --- , •-- , No DESCRIPTION SHEETS 1 Engineering Assumptions i 2 Framing Calculations. Fl - F3 S 3 Footing Calculations, Pads P1 - 4 Lateral Calculations, Wind & Seismic Li - 5 Shear Wall Schedule & Miscellaneous details ENGINEERING :ASSUMMTIONS LOAPS: - ROOF: .. DEAD LOADS: TILE - •• 12.0 PSF ' FRAMING 3.0P5F PRYWALL 2.0 PSE INSULATION 0.5 PSF ' . .• MISCELLANEOUS '1.0 PSF .•. - PLTh/OOP 1.5P5F TOTAL:. 20.0 PSF LIVE LOAPS: -5 S • . S SLOPE <4:12 •. 20.01`5F ' SLOPE 4:12 ' 1e.osF . .• FLOOR: S DEAD LOAPS: FRAMING ' 5.0 PS.F • PLYWOOD • 3.0 PSF ' ' • • ' CARPET/PAP - 2.0 PSE • - • ' CEILING - 3.0 PSF MISCELLANEOUS ° 2.0 PSF - ' • •. TOTAL: • S 15.0 PSF . ' S • S LIVE LOAPS: FLOOR '' - 40.q PSF •• •. - • - - - PECK '. 60.0 PSF 0ILS INVESTIGATION 13Y. • - ' S • S NONE AVAILALE, ASSUME 1000 1751750I12'-EAING PRESSURE FRAMING: • - - • S : S .Fv. P51 FE',-- •• si., 2X, 4X FRAMING PFL #2 MIN U.N.O. 95 • &75, 1,600,000 6x AND LARGER PFL #1 MIN U.N.O. 85 1,350 1,600,000 PARALLAMS 20E w5 290 - 2,900 T 2,00,000 4 - No. 937 811E SEDTLER Engineers Computation Pad - - • E • fl • ..•. \ 'I.," o•••• Z M : COMPANY PROJECT J WoodWorks® SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 9, 2003 08:30:46 RB-i Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS (lbs psf, or pit) Load Type Distribution Magnitude . Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (6.00) No 2 Dead Full Area 16 (6.00) No *Tributary Width (ft) . MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): . -. •-' Dead 895 . . 895 Live . . Total 895 Bearing: - 1.0 - 1.0 Length . . Lumber-soft, D.FirL, No.2, 4x10" Self Weight of 7.69 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC - ..- SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) . Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear - . . fv @d = 33 Fv' = 85 fv/Fv' = 0.39 Bending(+) fb= 430 Fb' = 972 fb/Fb' = 0.44 Live Defl'n negligible Total Defl'n 0.08 = <L/999 0.53 = L/180 0.16 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM - Ct . CL. CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.20 1.000 1.00 1.00 1 Fv' = 95 0.90 1.00 1.00 (CM = 1.000) 1 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 Bending(+) : LC# 1 = D only, N = 1790 lbs-ft Shear • : LC# 1 = 0 only, V = 895, V@d = 722 lbs Deflection: LC4( 1 = D only EI= 369.34e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow , W=wind Iimpact C"-construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) . . - - • - DESIGN NOTES Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shalt be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. + (-. ••- COMPANY •PROJECT Q),W-qodW'qrks'. SOFIWARF Jan. 9, 2003 08:37:49 R13.2 Design Check Calculation Sheet ,. LOADS: (.Ibs, psf, or plf) . . :. Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Loaa? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (6.00) No 2 Dead . Full Area . 16 (6.00) .NO *Tributary Width (ft) .' . . MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): . .....f•. ' ...: . 0. 16 Dead 1826 . - 1826 Live . . •t -. . Total 1826 - . -. 1826 Bearing: . Length .1.0 . . . 1.0 PSL, 2.OE, 2900Fb, 3-1/2x111/4 . . - Self Weight of 12.3 plf automatically included in loads; - * .... Load combinations: lCBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (Ibs, Ibs-ft, or in). Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design . .. . . - . Shear V @d = 1612 yr = 6733 V/yr = 0.24 . . - ...... Bending(+) M = 7306 Mr,= 16173 M/Mr = '0.45 Live Defl'n negligible . Total Defl'n 0.61 = L/315 1.07 = L/180 0.57 . ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM ' Ct CL •CF CV Cfu Cr 'ILC# . . . Fb'+= 2900' 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.01 1.000 1.00 1.00 . 1 Fv = 285 0.90 1.00 1.00 (CM = 1.000) 1 ' Fcp= 750 1.00 1.00 E' 2.0 million 1.00 1.00 . . . Bending(+) : LC# 1 = D only, M = 7306 lbs-ft 1 Shear . : LC# 1 = D only, V = 1826, V@d =.1612 lbs Deflection: LC# 1 = D only EI= 830.57e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + DefinLive. (D=dead L=live S--'snow W=wjnd I=impact C=construction) (All LCs are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. COMPANY PROJECT jJ Woo-dworks .® SOFIWARE FOR WOOD OESCN -. Jan. 9, 2003 14:43:05 R13-3 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pif) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location (ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (6.00) No 2 Live Full Area 16 (6.00) No - *Tributary Width (ft) 0' 6 Dead 388 : 388 Live 288 288 Total 676 .. - 676 Bearing: Length 1.0 1.0 Lumber'-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x12" Self Weight of 9.35 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: lCBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=osi. and in Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 18 Fv = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.19 Bending(+) fb = 165 Fb' = 990 fb/Fb = 0.17 Live Defl'n 0.00 = <L/999 0.20 = L/360 0.02 Total Defln 0.01 = <L/999 0.40 = L/180- 0.03 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00, 1.00 1.000 1:10 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 95 1.00 11.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp= 625 1.00 1.00 - = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 1014 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 676; V@d = 465 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 664.44e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + DeflnLive. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC'S are listed in the Analysis output) . . DESIGN NOTES:-- Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. F4 COMPANY PROJECT jJ WoodWorks® SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESION Jan. 9, 2003 14:45:47 RB-4 Design Check Calculation Sheet: LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pif) . Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Point 1500 1.00 No 2 Live Point 1200 1.00 No 3 Dead Point 388 1.00 No 4 Live Point 288 1.00 'No MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ihsl and REARING LENGTHS 1in! - -- '----,-----.-:- ---------.---- -.. 0' 6' Dead Live Total 1597 1240 2837 - . .4 . * - 1 . 338 248 586 Bearing: Length 1.1 1.0 PSL, 2.OE, 2900Fb, 3-1!2x7-114" - Self Weight of 7.93 plf automatically included in loads; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: ( Ibs, Ibs-ft, or in) Criterion Analysis' Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 2832 Vr = 4821 V/yr = 0.59 Bending(+) M = 2813 Mr = 7836 M/Mr = 0.36 Live Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.20 = L/360 0.13 Total Defl'n 0.07,= L/968 0.40 L/180 0.19 ADDITIONAL DATA: ' FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.06 1.000 1.00 1.00 Fv' = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00 - (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp= 750 1.00 1.00- E' = 2.0 million 1.00 1.00 . 2 Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 2813 lbs-ft Shear . : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2837, V@d = 2832 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 2-22.30e06 lb-in2 . Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L--live S=snow, W=wind I=impãct C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. COMPANY PROJECT J WoodWork s SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 13, 2003 11:03:17 RB-5 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS:*(lbs psf, or pif) Load Type. Distribution Magnitude Location[ft)' Pattern - . Start End. Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (18.00) No, 2 Live Full Area 15 (18.00) . ' No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) r '- I 01 .. S ... .. .6', I Dead 1103 5 5•_ . S 5 • . 1103 Live 810 , . 810 Total ' 1913 1913 Bearing: Length 1.0 . . . . 1.0 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 010" Self Weight of 7.69 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion Analysis Value Design Value .''Analysis/Des ign Shear fv-9d = 66 ,. Fv' = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.69 Bending(+) fb = 690 Fb' = 1080 fb/Fb' = 0.64 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.20 = L/360 0.11 Total Defl'n 0.06 = <L/999 . . 0.40 = L/180 0.16 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL. CF CJ Cfu Cr LC# Fb'4= 900 1.00 .1.00,- 1.00 1.000 1.20 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 ,Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 ' (CH .1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 ' 1.00 . 1.00 E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 . 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 D+L, H =' 2870 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1913, V@d = 1422 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 369.34e06 lb-in2 TotalDeflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Deflh Live. ' (D=dead L=live S=snow W--wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) .5 DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. . ' COMPANY PROJECT WoodWorks' 0 S - SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN = Jan. 13, 2003 14:49:18 R13-6 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS (Ibs,psf,orplf) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start - End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (5.75) No 2 Live Full Area 15 (5.75) No *Tributary Width-(ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARINGLENGTHS (in): 0' Dead 368 . Live 259 Total 627 . - 627 Bearing: - 1.0 1.0 Length Lumber-soft, D Fir-L, No 2, 4x10' Self Weight of 7.69 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC . .. SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion - Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 22 Fv' = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.23 Bending(+) fb = 226 Fb = 1080 fb/Fb' = 0.21 Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.20 = L/360 0.03 Total Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.40= L/180 .. 0.05 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 . 1.00. 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.20 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00. 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00- E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 . 2, Bending(+) : LCI( 2 D+L, M = 940 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 627, V@d 466 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 369.34e06 lb-jn2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Deflndeaci) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 0 6' 368 259 COMPANY PROJECT %VoódVVorks®• . . . SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 13, 2003 14:49:03 . R13-7 Design Check Calculation Sheet - LOADS:. (Ibs, psf, or pit) Load Type Distribution Magnitude . Location [ft] Pattern V V Start End . Start End Load? V.. 1 ... . V -Dead Point . 388 . 5.00 . No 2 Live Point 288 5.00 MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): 0. Dead 272 V . 208 Live 168 120 Total 440 ' : 328 Bearing: . . . Length 1.0 . . 1.0 V V Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x10' . . . Self Weight of 7.69 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design . Shear fv @d = 20 Fv = 95 -fv/Fv' = 0.21 Bending (+) . fb = 506 Fb' = 1080 fb/Fb' = 0.47 ........................... V Live Defln 0.05 = <L/999 0.40 = L/360 Total Defl'n 0.16 = L/927 0.80 = L/180 0.19 V ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.20 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 - Fcp=. 625 1.00 1.00 . . - V V. = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 V .2 Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, M = 2106 lbs-ft V Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V= 440, V@d = 435 lbs Deflection: LCI( 2 = D+L EI= 369.34e06 lb-in2 V Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live- S=snow W=wind I=impact C=constructjon) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) . DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. V V Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. V V V V V COMPANY PROJECT jJ WoodWorks® SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DFSICN V Jn. 13, 2003 15:31:14 R13-8 - , Design Check Calculation Sheet V LOADS (lbs psf, or pit) Load Type*. Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (5.00) No 2 Live Full Area 16 (5.00) V V No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): I 0 . V V 14 I Dead 765 V V V 765 Live 560 V 560 Total 1325 - V VV 1325 Bearing: 1.0 . 1.0 Length Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x12" V V Self Weight of 9.35 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC 'V V SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) V Criterion Analysis Value Design Value ' Analysis/Design 5 Shear V fv @d 44 V Fv = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.46 V Bending(+) fb= 754 . Fb'.= 990 fb/Fb' = 0.76 V !- V Live Defl'n 0.10 = <L/999 0.47 = L/360 ' 0.22 V V V V Total Defl'n 0.32 = L/529 0.93 = L/180 0.34 V V V V ADDITIONAL DATA: V V FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu 'Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.10 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 . (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 V 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, M = 4639 lbS-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1325, V@d = 1148. lbs V V Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 664.44e06 16-in2 V V V V V Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. V V V V (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) V (All LCs are listed in the Analysis output) V DESIGN NOTES: V V V Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. V Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS V Clause 4.4.1. V V V COMPANY PROJECT WoodWorks.:... SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN - Jan. 14, 2003 14:33:44 RB-9 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pif) . Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Star€ End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (3.00) No 2 Live Full Area 16 (3.00) No 3 Dead Point 765 . 4.75 -No 4 Live Point 560 4.75 No LIVULOLY WJ.UL.11 tLI) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): 0' . Dead 712 Live 508 . . . . . - Total 1220 1220 Bearing: Length 1.0 - . .,, . 1.0 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x12" - Self Weight of 9.35 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC .. ..................... SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 42 Fv = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.45 fb/Fb' = . 0.73 . Bending(+) fb = 727 Fb' = 990 . 0.12 : Live Defl'n 0.04 = <L/999 0.32 = L/360 Total Defl'n 0.12 = L/940 0.63 = L/180 0.19 ADDITIONAL DATA: . FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.10 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH =1.000) Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 2, - E 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 - - . Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D-4-L, - M = 4471 lbs-ft 2 - Shear : LC# 2 D+L, V = 1220, V@d = 1110 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 664.44e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead Llive S=snow W=wind I=impâct C=construction) - -- - . (All LCs are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 9-6" - 712 508 - COMPANY PROJECT- woodwo'r'ks SOFIWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 14, 2003 15:06:17 RB-b Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pif) .- Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area -60) To-(T * . No 2 Live Full Area 16 (4.00) No 3 Dead Point 712 4.50 No 4 Live Point 508 4.50 No *Tributary Width (ft) : .: .....: MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): 01 Dead 1448 1073 Live 996 . I 728 Total 2443 .5 5. 1801 Bearing: 1.0 - . .5 . 1.0 Length PSL,2.OE, 2900Fb, 5-1I4x9-1I4 Self Weight of 15.18 plf automatically included in loads; . Load combinations: lCBO-UBC . . . •0 0 - . SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: ( Ibs, Ibs-ft,.or in) . . 2 ......... Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 2321 Vr = 9227 V/Vr = 0.25 Bending(i-) M =. 101 Mr = 18623 M/Mr 0.55 Live Defl'n 0.39 = L/584 0.63 L/360 0.62 Total Defln 1.24 L/183 1.27 = L/180 0.98 ADDITIONAL DATA: . S..-. FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr .LCII Fb'+= 2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000, -1.03 1.000 1.00 1.00. 2 Fv = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CM =1.000) 2 Fcp'= 750 1.00 1.00 E' = 2.0 million 1.00 1.00 - . 2 - Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, M = 10199 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2443, V@d = 2321 lbs - Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 692.52e06 lb-in2 - Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + DeflnLivé. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind 1=impact C=construction) .. - (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) S DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. . SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. 1-- - - COMPANY PROJECT' WoodWorks,. 1:. - SOFYWAR(FOR WOOD DESIGN - - Jan. 14, 2003 16:00:26 RB-il .Design Check Calculation Sheet - LOADS: (lbs., psf, or pif)--p- Load Type Distribution Magnitude 1. Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? '.- 1 Dead Full Area 20 . (8.50> No 2 Live Full Area 16 (8.50) . No *Tributary Width (ft) .- ..... - ..,. MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): . 0 Dead 1076 -. Live 816 -. . - 816 Total 1892 . . . -1892 Searing: 1.0 . - - . -. •- . 1.0 Length Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x12" . - Self Weight of 9.35 plf automatically included in loads; .... Lateral support Top= full Bottom= at supports Load combinations ICBO UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997 (stresspsi, and in) .. . -. Criterion ___:Analysii Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 61 Fv' = 95 . fv/Fv' = 0.64 Bending(+) fb = 923 Fb = 990 -fb/Fb = 0.93 Live Defl'n 0.10 = <L/999 0.40 = L/360- 0.24 Total Defl'n 0.28 = L/506 0.80 = L/180 - 0.36 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'-i-= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.10 1.000 1.00- 1.00 2 Fv1 = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp= 625 . 1.00 1.00 - - - = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 - Sending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, N = 5676 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1892, V@d.=-1596 lbs - Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 664.44e06 lb-1n2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. - (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind Iimpact C=construction) - (All LC's are listed-in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. - Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. COMPANY PROJECT JWoodWdr'kse - .- SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN 0 Jan 142003 160315 RB12 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS (lbs psf, or pit) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ftj Pattern" Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead. Point 1076 7.50 No 2 Live Point .816 . . 7.50 No MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) 0 ic Dead 614 0 - - . . 614 Live . 408 t• . . .. 408 Total 1022 * - 0• - . 1022 Bearing: 1.0 * - . 1.0 Length PSL, 2 OE, 2900Fb, 3-1/2x9-114" Self Weight of 10 12 plf automatically included in loads Load combinations ICBO UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (lbs. lbs-ft. or in Criterion Analysis Value - Design Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 1014 . Vr = -6151 V/Vr = 0.16 Bending(+) M = 7380 Mr -12416 M/Mr = 0.59 Live. Defin 0.21 = L/838 0.50 =- L/360 0.43 Total Defln '0.68 = L/265 1.00 = L/180 0.68 ADDITIONAL DATA FACTORS: F CD CM C€ CL CF CV Cful Cr .LC# Fb'+= 2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.03 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 ' S Fv = .285 r.00 .1.00. LOO - (CH = 1:000). 2 .Fcp= 750 1.00 1.00 -- E = 2.0 million 1.010 1.00 2 Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L M = 7380 lbs-ft Shear : LC#2 = D+L, V = 1022, V@d =11014 lbs Deflection': LC# 2 = D+L -EI= 461.68e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) .+ Defln Live. (D=dead. L=live S--snow W=-wind I=impact 'C=construction) " - (All LCs are liste&in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. 0 SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. COMPANY PROJECT J WoodWorks SOFTWAREFOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 14, 2003 16:05:46 RB-13 Design Check Calculation Sheet -. LOADS: (lbs, psf, or plf) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location '[ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Point 1076 . 3.25 lNo 2 Live Point 1 816 3.25 No MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): ... - 0' Dead 563 i 563 Live 408 - .408 Total 971 .. 971 Bearing: .. . . - Length 1.0 . : 1.0 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x10" Self Weight of 7.69 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=osi. and in Criterion Analysis Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 45 v' =95 fv/Fv' = 0.47 Bending(+) fb = ValJeDoeign 749 b' = 1080 fb/Fb' = 0.69 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/9 22 = L/360 0.10 Total Defl'n 0.07 = <L/9 43 = L/180 0.15 ADDITIONAL DATA: . FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00, 1.00 1.000 1.20 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 -. Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CM = 1.000) Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 . - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 • 2 Bending(+) : LCII 2 = D+L, M = 3115 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 971, V@d = 965 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 369.34e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defin Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: . Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 44.1. COMPANY • PROJECT J Wood Works® - . SOFIWAREFOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 14, 2003 16:08:06 RB-14 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (ibs, psf, or pit) . Load Type . Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (5.00) , No 2 Live Full Area 15 (5.00)1 No *Tributary Width (ft) . MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): - 12 I Dead 646 -.- 646 Live 450 . . - - - 450 Total 1096 . ; 1096 Bearing: Length 1.0 .- - - ..' 1.0 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x10" Self Weight of 7.69 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: ( stress=psi, and in)- - Criterion - Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv Qd = -fb = 44 Fv' = Fb = 95 fv/Fv ' 0.47 -fb/Fb' = '0.73 Bending(+) . 0.09 = 791 0.40 = 1080. Live Defl'n 0.30 = <L/999 0.80 = L/360 . 0.24 Total Defl'n L/481 L/180 . 0.37 ADDITIONAL DATA: S S FACTORS: F CD . CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr -LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.2-0-1.000 1.00 i;oo 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 . 2- Fcp= 625 ' ' E = 1:6 million 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 . . 2. ' Bending(+) : LC# 2 = Shear : -LC# 2 = D+L, M - 3288 lbs-ft D+L, V = 1096,' V@d = 955 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = Total Deflection = D+L EI= 369.34e06.lb-in2 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. - (D=dead L=live S=snow . W=wind I=impact C=construction) . (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: - . 0• - . . 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. - - . . • 2: SawnIumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1 ••',,_.•_.;•; COMPANY .' PROJECT WoodWorks. .' SOFTW4RF FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 14, 2003 16:13:15 RB-15 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS (lbs psf, or plf) j Load Type Distribution Magnitude Start End Location [ft] Start End Pattrn Load' . 1 2 Dead Live Full Area Full Area 20 (19.00) 15 (19.00) Nc Nd *Tributary Width (ft) I MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): . .. .1 01 4'.. Dead 772 4 . . 772 Live 570 . . . . . 570 Total 1342 . . j . 1342 Bearing: . Length 1.0 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x8" . Self Weight of 6.03 plf automatically included in load; -. Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC I SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) -. - Criterion Analysis Value Design . Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 55 Fv' = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.58 Bending(+) fb = 525 Fb' = 1170 fb/Fb' = 0.45 Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.13 = L/360 0.07 Total Defl'n 0.03=<L/999j.27= L/180 0.10 • ADDITIONAL DATA: . . ., FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr Lc# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00. 1.00 1.000 1.30 1.000 1.00 1.00 (2 Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 312 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 ., . .1- E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 . . Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, M = 1342 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1342, V@d = 937 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 177.83e06 lb-1n2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LCs are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS tlause 4.4.1. © WoodWorks® COMPANY PROJECT SOFTWARE FOR W000 DESIGN Jan. 15, 2003 10:10:44 RB-16 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pif) Load Type Distribution . Magnitude Location (ft) Pattern Start End Start . End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (15.00) No 2 Live Full Area 1 16 (15.00) - No - 3 Dead Point 1500 1.00 No 4 Live Point 1200 1.00 No *Tributary Width (ft) ' MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): 0' Dead 1464 964 Live 1160 .760 Total 2624 . . 1724 Bearing: - Length 1.2 ., . . . . . 1.0 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x12" Self Weight of 9.35 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports: Load combinations: lCBO-UBC SECTION vs DESIGN CODE NDS 1997 (stresspsi and in) Criterion Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear @d = 80 Fv' =95 fv/Fv = 0.85 Bending(+)fb tAn8lysis = 382 Fb' 990 fb/Fb' = 0.39 Live Defl'n00 =<L/9990.10 = L/360 0.02 Total Defl'n01 = <L/999 0.20 = L/180 . 0.03 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.10 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 FV' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000). 2 Fcp= 625 - 1.00 1.00 = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 . . 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, N = 2349 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2624, V@d = 2109 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 664.44e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) 4 Defln Live. - (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=cnstruction) (All LC'S are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: . . . 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. . 2 Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. COMPANY PROJECT 1J WoodWorks® SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 9, 2003 08:47:49 .F13-1 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pif) . . . . *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): Load Type .'Distribution Magnitude Start End Location [f €] Start. End Pattern Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (10.00) No 2 Live Full Area 16 (10.00P No 3 Dead Full Area 12 (10.00) .No 4 Dead Full Area 15 (1.00P No 5 Live Full Area 40 '(1.00P, No inn 21' 1. I 0' Dead 3759 - -, .3759 Live 2100 . Total 5859 . . 5859 Bearing: Length 1.5 1.5 PSL, 2.OE, 2900Fb, 5-114x14"- Self Weight of 22.97 plf automatically included in loads; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: ( Ibs, lbs-ft or in) Criterion' Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 5208 Vr = 13965 V/Vr = 0.37 Bending(+) . M .= 30758 Mr = 40743 M/Mr = 0.75 Live Defl'n 0.36 = L/691 0.70 = •L/360- 0.52 Total Defl'n 1.34 = L/187 1.40 = L/180 . 0.96 ADDITIONAL DATA FACTORS: F CD CM Ct . CL CF CV Cfu •. Cr LC# Fb+= 2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000, 0.98' 1.000 1:00 1.00 2 Fv, = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00 '- (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 750 1.00 1.00 = 2.0 million 1.00 .1.00 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 D+L, H = 30758 lbs-ft Shear . : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 5859, V@d = 5208 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=2401.00e06 lb-in2 . Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow ,W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LCs are listed in the Analysis output) - DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. . = COMPANY PROJECT J WoodWorks® soFrWAR(FOR WOOD DESIGN - - Jan. 9 2003 09:00:18 FB-2 Design check Calculation Sheet LOADS (lbs psf, or pit) Load Type Distribution ' Magnitude Location (ft] Pattern - Start End Start End 1 Dead Full Area 15 (17.50) No 2 LiVe. Full Area 40 (17.50) No *Tributary Width (-ft).:- MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (In) Dead 1250 :. 1250 Live 3150 . -: . 3150 Total 4400 - . 4400 Bearing: $ 1.7 1.7 Length PSL, 2 OE, 2900Fb, 3-112x14' Self Weight of 15.31 plf automatically included in loads; Load combinations ICBO UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-f 997: ( Ibs ibs-ft, or in) Criterion Analysis Value IDesiqn Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 3259 Vr = 9310 V/yr = 0.35 Bending(+). - M= 9900 Mr = 27162 M/Mr = 0.36 Live- Defl'n 1 0.06 = <L/999 0.30 = L/360 022 Total Defl'n 0.10 = <L/999 0.60 L/180 0.17 ADDITIONAL DATA: . . FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL - . CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 2900 1.00 1.00. .1.00 1.000 0.98 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH 1.000) 2 Fcp= 750 100 100 - E' = 2.0 million 100 1.00 - . 2 - Bending(+) LC# 2 = D+L N = 9900 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = -D+L,-V = 4400, V@d = 3259 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1600.67e06 1b-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact . C=construction) . -• . = (All LC 's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriat for your application. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. .4 . - COMPANY PROJECT .WoodWorks® SOFTWAR( FOR WOOD DESIGN - Jan. 9, 2003 09:23:02 F13-3 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (ibs, psf, or pif) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location (ft] Pattern Start End Start End. Load? 1 Dead Point 1250 1.00 NO 2 Live Point 3150 1.00 -No MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) 0' - - - - - 3'-6" I Dead 911 - - - 375 Live Total 3161 . 2250 900 Bearing: . - - ........1275 Length L2 . . . . - - 1.0 PSL, 2 OE, 2900Fb, 3-112x9-114 Self Weight of 10 12 plf automatically included in loads Load combinations ICBO UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: ( Ibs, ibs-ft, or in) Criterion Analysis Value IDesign Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 3153 yr = 6151 V/yr .= 0.51 Bending(+) M = 3154- Mr = 12416 - . N/Mr = 0.25 Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.12 = L/360 . 0.07 Total Defl'n . 0.01 = <L/999 0.23 = L/180 0.06 ADDITIONAL DATA FACTORS: 'F - - CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr - LC# I - Fb.'+= 2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000- 1.03 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00. . (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 750 1.00 1.00 - .- - - - - E' 2.0 million 1.00 1.00 . . - Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L, 'M = 3154 lbs-ft -. Shear : LC# 2 D+L, V = 3161, V@d = 3153 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 461.68e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1 50(Defln dead) + Defln Live (D=dëad L=ljve S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) . (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary desigh only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. COMPANY PROJECT IjJ WoodWorks® SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 15, 2003 09:3035 FB-4 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pif) Load Type Distribution , Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (8.0.0) No 2 Live Full Area 40 (8.00) No 3 Dead Point 1464 2.50 No 4 Live Point 1160 2.50 No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): -I 0' Dead 1055 -055 Live 1380 .1380 Total 2435 . 2435 Bearing: Length 1.1 . 1.1 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x12" Self Weight of 9.35 plf automatically included in loads; . . . -. Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion Analysis Value - Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 77 Fv' -= 95 fv/Fv' = 0.8]. Bending(+) fb = 761 Fb' = 990 fb/Fb' = 0.77. Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/999 0.17 = L/360 0.09 Total Defl'n 0.03 = <L/999 0.33 = L/180 0.10 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct - CL CF . CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.10 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 . 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, M = 4684 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2435, V@d = 2014 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 664.44e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. . (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: -- Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. COMPANY PROJECT GwoodWorks.® SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 9, 2003 09:37:34 - 1713-5 - : Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pit) Load I Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (12.00) No 2 Live Full Area 40 (12.00)1 No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): - 0' Dead - 977 Live 2400 - 2 Total 3377 . - -. 3377 Bearing: 1.3 1.3 Length * . PSL, 2.OE, 2900Fb, 3-1!2x14" Self Weight of 15.31 plf automatically included in loads; - .... Load combinations: ICBO-UBC - . - - SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (Ibs, Ibs-ft, or in) - - - Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 2589 - Vr = 9310 V/Vr = 0.28 - Bending(+) M = 8441 - Mr = 27162 M/Mr = 0.31 Live Defl'n 0.07 = <L/999 0.33 = L/360 0.20 Total Defl'n 0.11 = <L/999 0.67 = L/180 0.16 ADDITIONAL DATA: ' * FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL , CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 0.98. 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00 * (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 750 1.00 1.00 - E' = 2.0 million 1.00 1.00 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, M = 8441 lbs-ft - - - Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V =-3377, V@d = 2589 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1600.67e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) ' (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DES!GNNOTES: - Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. - U 10' ;400l- 977 COMPANY PROJECT WO odWorks® SOFIWARFFOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 9, 2003 09:50:24 FB-6 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (ibs, psf, or pit) . Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (8.00) No 2 Live Full Area 40 (8.00) - ' No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): Dead 1015 . . . 1015 Live 2400 - 2400 Total 3415 3415 Bearing: - . Length 1.3 1 1.3 PSL, 2.OE, 2900Fb, 3-112x14" - Self Weight of 15.31 plf automatically included in loads; - Load combinations: ICBO-UBC . . . SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: ( ibs, ibs-ft, or in) Criterion ' Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 2884 - Vr = 9310 : V/yr = 0.31 Bending(+) M = 12806 Mr = 27162 M/Mr = 0.47 Live Defl'n 0.23 = L/790 0.50 = L/360 0.46 Total Defl'n 0.37 = L/483 1.00 = L/180 0.37 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr .LC# Fb'+= 2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 0.98 1.000 1.00 1.00 2. Fv' = 285 1.00 1.00 . 1.00 (CM =,1.000) 2 Fcp'= 750 1.00 1.00 E = 2.0 million 1.00 1.00 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2'= D+L, M = 12806 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 3415, V@d = 2884 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1600.67e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) ,.+ Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. V V COMPANY PROJECT Woo'dWor*kso., - SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN V Jan. 9, 2003 09:55:11 F13-7 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (ibs, psf,'or pit) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location (ftj Pattern V Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 - (9.75) No 2 Live Full Area 40 (9.75) V No *Tributary Width (ft) V : MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) VO' V ---I - Dead 404 VSV V V . S 404 Live 975 --V V V 975 Total 1379 : - . . - V V 1379 Bearing: 1.0 V 1.0 Length P.SL, 2.OE, 2900Fb, 3-112x14" - - Self Weight of 1531 plf automatically included in loads; •V• . V Load combinations: ICBO-UBC V V V V SECTION vs DESIGN CODE NDS 1997 (lbs lbs ft or in) Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 735 Vr = V 9310 V/Vr = 0.08 Bending(+) M = 1724 ..Mr = 27162 N/Mr = 0.06 Live Defln 0.00 = <L/999 0.17 = L/360 0.02 Total Defln 0.01 = <L/999 0.33 = L/180 0.02 ADDITIONAL DATA:, V FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL- CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 0.98 1.000 1.00 • 1.00 2 Fv' = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp= 750 1.00 1.00 2.0 million. 1.00 1.00 ,. 2 V Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, H = 1724 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V =1379, V@d = 735 lbs , Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1600.67e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC 's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. V SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact • your local SCL manufacturer. COMPANY PROJECT J WoodWorks'.® .4. SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN - . . Jan. 9, 2003 10:05:57 FB-8 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (ibs, psf, or pit) ' Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 20 (9.00) VNo 2 Live Full Area 16 (9.00) No 3 Dead Full Area 12 (10.00) No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in):' 0. - Dead 918 - 918 Live 432 .-. . - 432 Total 1350 . . . 1350 Bearing: - 1.0 . . 1.0 Length Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x8" Self Weight of 6.03 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top's full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC. SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion - Analysis Value IDesign Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 64. Fv' = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.67 Bending(+) fb = 793 Fb' = 1170 - fb/Fb' = 0.68 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.20 = L/360 0.12 Total Defl'n 0.10 = L/728 0.40 = L/180 0.25 ADDITIONAL DATA:- : FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV. Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.30 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 , Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 '(CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 . . 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, M = 2025 lbs-ft . Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1350, V@d = 1078 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 1-77.83e06 lb-in2-, Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + DefinLive. .-- (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=coñstruction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) - DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. ..1. -t . COMPANY PROJECT j WoodWorks® SOF7WARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 9,2003 10:11:35 F13-9 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pf) Load I Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start IEnd Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (10.00) No 2 Live Full Area 40 (10.00) No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): 0' Dead 637 Live 1600 . . Total 2237 2237 Bearing: Length 1.0 . - . 1.0 Lumber-soft, D Fir-L, No 2, 4x12" Self Weight of 9.35 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: lCBO-UBC - SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 65 .Fv' = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.69 Bending(+) fb = 727 •Fb' = 990 fb/Fb' = 0.73 Live Defl'n 0.06 = <L/999 0.27 =. L/360 0.21 Total Defl'n 0.09 _= <L/999 0.53 = L/180 0.17 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.10 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - - E' = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 . 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, M = 4475 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2237, V@d = 1713 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 664.44e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. - (D=dead, L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construátion) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: . Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 8' I 637 1600 COMPANY PROJECT 1J Wood Works® SOFIWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN - * Jan. 9, 2003 10:18:26 FB-10 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pif) - -: Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (8.75) NO 2 Live Full Area 40 (8.75)1 No 3 Dead Full Area 20 (19.00) , No 4 Live Full Area 16 (19.00) No _*Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) 0' 4, Dead 1038 .. 1038 Live 1308 - 1308 Total 2346 . 2346 Bearing: * 1.1 - Length Lumber-soft, D Fir-L, No 2, 4x10 Self Weight of 7.69 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion Analysis Value esign Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 67 Fv' = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.70 Bending(+) fb = 564 10.27 Fb' = 1080 fb/Fb = 0.52 Live Defl'n 0.01 = <L/9990.13 = L/360 0.08 Total Defl'n 0.02.= <L/999 = L/180 - 0.08 ADDITIONAL DATA: . . FACTORS: F. CM Ct CL. - CF CV. Cfu Cr CD LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 .1.000 41.20 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 - Fcp= 625 1.00 1.00 - E' .= 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 . 2 Bending(+) LC# 2 .= D+L M = 2346 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, '/ = 2346, V@d = 1442 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 369.34e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind Iimpact C=construction) (All LC s are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES . Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS- Clause 4.4.1. COMPANY PROJECT flJ WoodWorks'.' SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 9, 2003 12:21:02 FB-11 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pit) . Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (8.75) No 2 Live Full Area 40 (8.75)1 NO 3 Dead Full Area 20 (19.00)1 NO 4 Live Full Area 16 (19.00) No "frioutary wiotn rt) - MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) 0' Dead 1038 1038 Live 1308 ' 1308 Total 2346 ' 2346 Bearing: Length 1.1 1.1 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x10" Self Weight of 7.69 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stresspsi, and in) Value Design Value Analysis/Dsign Shear @d = 67 Fv' = 95 CriterionjAnalysis = 564 fv/Fv' = 0.70 Bending(+)fb Fb fb/Fb' = 0.52 Live 1080 Defin.01 = <L/999 0.13 L/360 Defl'n.02 = <L/999 0.08 Total 0.27 = L/180 0.08 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.20 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv = 95. 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) - 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 . 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, H = 2346 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2346, V@d = 1442 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 369.34e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. '• - (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) : DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NOS Clause 4.4.1. COMPANY PROJECT J Woo W rks .: SOFIWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 9, 2003 12:59:06 F13-12 S Design Check Calculation Sheet; . LOADS: (ibs, psf, or pit) Load Type. Distribution Magnitude ,Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Lod? 1 Dead Full Area . 15 (7.00) (No 2 Live -'Full ,:Area 40 (7.00) ,No 3 Dead Full Area 12 (10.00) ;No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): . . -0' . ,, '• . . I 4' Dead 459, . ', . . 45 Live 560 . . . 560 Total. 1019 .. - . . 1019 Bearing: Length 1.0 . . . 1.0 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x6" . . . . ., . Self Weight of 4.57 plf automatically included in loads; . ., . Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: lCBO-UBC . SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 61 Fv' = 95 fv/Fv.' = .0.64 Bending(+) fb = 693 , Fb' = 1170 fb/Fb' = 0.59 Live Defl'n 0.02 = <L/999 0.13 L/360 . '' 0.16 Total Defl'n 0.05 = <L/999 0.27.= L/180 0.17 ADDITIONAL DATA: . . .. . . . . . FACTORS: F . CD . CM . Ct' CL CF, CV Cfu Cr Fb'+= 900 . 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 .1.30' 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 ' Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00 . 1.00 . -. . (CH = 1.000) 5 2 . Fcp'= 625 . 1.00 1.00 E' = 1.6 million .1.00 1.00 5 5 5 5 . 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, M = 1019 lbs-ft Shear : LC4( 2 = D+L, V = 1019, V@d = 786 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 7764e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln..Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact . C=construction) S (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. - S 2.SawnlumberbendingmembersshallbelaterallysupportedaccordingtotheprovisionsofNDSClause4.4.1. a - •5 _5 5 *_--S.S S . 4 COMPANY - PROJECT jJ WoodWorks® SflFflVaRF FOR WOOD OF.c,CN . t Jan. 9, 2003 14:52:51 F13-13 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pif) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft]. Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (5.00) No 2 Live Full Area 40 (5.00) . No ir.Luurary wiutn rt MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): , S 0' Dead 638 . 638 Live 1500 1500 Total 2138 . . 2138 - Bearing: . . . 1.0 -. . . . . 1.0 Length PSL, 2.OE, 2900Fb, 3-112x9-114" Self Weight of 10.12 plf automatically included in loads; Load combinations: lCBO-UBC . ..,. - SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (Ibs, Ibs-ft, or in) Criterion Analysis Value IDesign Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 1919 yr = 6151 V/Vr = 0.31 Bending(+) M,= 8019 Mr = 12416 M/Mr = 0.65 Live Defl'n 0.49 = L/364 0.50,= L/360 0.99 Total Defl'n 0.81 = L/222 1.00 = L/180 0.81 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F 'CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 2900 , 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000.' 1.03 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 750 1.00 1.00 - E' = 2.0 million 1.00 1.00 2 Bending(+): LC# 2 =. D+L, M-= 8019 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 2138, V@d = 1919 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI= 461.68e06 lb-in2 . Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. . (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. - COMPANY . PROJECT J WoodWorks® SOFIWAREFOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 9, 2003 14:55:41 FB-14 - - Design Check Calculation Sheet •' LOADS: (lbs, psf, or plf) : Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft]. Pattern i. Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (11.75) No 2 Live Full Area 40 (11.75) No 3 Dead Point 1597 3.00 No 4 Live Point 1240 3.00 No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) I 0' I' Dead 1466 .. .. 1343 Live 2195 2100 Total 3661 ' . . 3443 Bearing: Length 1.4 1.3 PSL, 2 OE, 2900Fb, 3-112x9-114 Self Weight of 10.12 plf automatically included in loads; ' .. .. Load combinations: ICBO-UBC . . SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997:( Ibs, Ibs-ft, or in) Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear V @d = 3155 yr = 6151 V/yr = 0.51 Bending(+) M = 8029 'Mr =- 12416 M/Mr = 0.65 Live Defl'n 0.07 =.<L/999 0.22 = L/360 0.31 Total Defln 0.14 = L/547 0:43 = L/180 .- 0.33 ADDITIONAL DATA: - FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL • CF CV Cfu . Cr LC# Fb'+= 2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.03 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 750 1.00 1.00 = 2.0 million 1.00 1.00 2 Bending(+): LC# 2 = D+L-, N = 8029 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 3661; V@d = 3155 lbs ' Deflection: LCI( 2 = D+L EI= 461.68e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1 50(Defln dead) + Defln Live (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) .. ,.' (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) . DESIGN NOTES: ., 1. Please verify that th&default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. -2. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact yourlocal SCL manufacturer. . 0'. . COMPANY PROJECT J WoodWorks® SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 9, 2003 14:58:20 F13-15 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS (lbs pst or pit) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft]. at.tern Start End Start End'. Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 .(4.50) No 2 Live Full Area 40 (4.50) No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) Dead 461 461 Live 1080 . 1080 Total 1541 . . . , 1541 Bearing: 1.0 - . 1.0 Length Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 4x12". Self Weight of 9.35 plf automatically included in loads; , Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: ICBO-UBC ...... SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS71997: (stress=psi, and in) . . Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 50 Fv' = 95 fv/Fv' = 0.52 Bending(+) fb = 751 Fb = 990 fb/Fb' = 0.76 Live Défl'n 0.13 = <L/999 0.40 =, L/360 0.32 Total Defl'n 0.21 = L/694 0:80 = L/180 . 0.26 ADDITIONAL DATA FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu . Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.10 1.000. .1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 95 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CM = 1.000) , 2 Fcp'= 625 1.00, 1.00 E = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, M = 4623 lbs-ft . Shear LC# 2 = D+L V 1541 V@d = 1300 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = .D+L --EI= 664.44e06 lb-.in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. . . (D=dead L=live ,S=snow - - - W=wind I=impactt. C=construction) (All LC 's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: . . . . . Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1-. - COMPANY . PROJECT,,- Wood.Wbrkso..; -. - SOFIWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 15, 2003 10:13:53 FB-16 . Design Check Calculation Sheet • LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pit) Load Type Distribution' Magnitude Làcation (ft) Pattern -Start End .. Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (8.00) NO 2 Live Full Area 40 (8.00) - No 3 Dead Point 7807- 1.50 No 4 . Live Point 6246 -. 1.50 No *Tributary Width (ft) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): . Dead 4106 4106 . -- 4106 Live 3603 . . . 3603 Total 7709 . . . . 7709 Bearing: . . ..- . ,. . Length 2.9 . . . . 2.9 PSL, 2.OE, 2900Fb, 3-1/2x14"- Self Weight of 15.31 pIt automatically included in loads; .- .. Load combinations: ICBO-UBC . . . . SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: ( ibs, Ibs-ft, or in) Criterion Analysis Value IDesiqn Value Analysis/Design .-. . -. Shear V@d = 7191 Vr = 9310 V/Vr = 0.77 I Bending(+) M = 11052 Mr = 27162 M/Mr = 0.41 . Live Defl'n I 0.00= <L/999 0.10 = 1/360 0.04 LTotal Defl'n 0.01,= <L/999. 0.20 = L/180 0.06 - ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu . Cr LCIt Fb'+= .2900 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 0.98 1.000 1.00 1.00 2- Fv' = 285 1.00 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 2 Fcp'= 750 . 1.00 1.00 E' 2.0mi11ion 1.00 1.00 . . . 2 Bending(+) : LC# 2 = D+L, N = 11052 lbs-ft . . -• . .. . Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V= 7686, V@d = 7191 lbs . . . Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1600.67e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = l.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead- L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. SCL-BEAMS (Structural Composite Lumber): the attached SCL selection is for preliminary design only. For final member design contact your local SCL manufacturer. - . - 4i FJ 1 TJ-Beam(TM)6.O5 Serial Number: '14" TJI®/Pro(TM)-250 @ 16" o/c user. 1 1/8/2003 3:26:44 PM Pagel Engine Version: 112 THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED ME 206 - - Product Diagram is Conceptual. - LOADS: : •,,, • Analysis is for aJoist Member. Primary Load Group - Residential - Living Areas (psf): 40.0 Liveat 100% duration, 15.0 Dead ' •. SUPPORTS: . . . . Input Bearing' Vertical Reactions (Ibs) Detail Other Width Length Live/Dead/Uplift/Total . . -• 1 Stud wall 3.50' 2.25" 547 / 205/0 / 752 . A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4" 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board® 2 Stud wall 3.50" 2.25" 547 /265/0/752 . A3: Rim Board 1 Ply 1 1/4" 0.8E TJ-Strand Rim Board® - -See TJ SPECIFIER'S / BUILDERS GUIDE for detail(s): A3: Rim Board DESIGN CONTROLS:' . .' ' .\ ' •. Maximum Design Control Control - Location Shear (Ibs) 736 -730 1710 .- Passed (43%). Rt. end Span 1 under Floor loading . Vertical Reaction (Ibs) 736. 736 1170 . Passed (63%) Bearing 2 under Floor loading Moment (Ft-Lbs) 3697 3697 '5418 Passed (68%) MID Span 1 under Floor loading Live Load Defl (in) 0.378 0.502 'Passed (U637) MID Span 1 under Floor loading Total Load Defl (in) 0.520 1.004 Passed (L/463) MID Span 1 under Floor loading TJPro . 36, 30 Passed Span'l -Deflection Criteria: STAN DARD(LL:L1480,TL:L/240). - -Allowable moment was increased for repetitive member usage. . -Deflection analysis is based on composite action with single layer of 19/32", 5/8" Panels (20" Span Ráting)'GLUED & NAILED wood decking. -Bracing(Lu): All compression edges (top and bottom) must be braced at2' 8" 0/c unless detailed otherwise. Proper attachment and positioning of lateral bracing is required to achieve member stability. TJ-Pro RATING SYSTEM -The TJ-Pro Rating System value provides additional floor performance information and is based on a GLUED & NAILED 19/32", 5/8' Panels (20" Span Rating) decking. The controlling span is supported by walls. Additional considerations forthis rating include: Ceiling - None. A structural analysis of the deck has not been performed by the program. Comparison Value: 1.62 ADDITIONAL NOTES: -IMPORTANT! The analysis presented is output from software developed by Trus'Joist (TJ). TJ warrants the sizing of its products by this software will be accomplished in accordance with TJ product design criteria and codeaccepted design values. The specific product application, input design loads, and stated dimensions have been provided by the software user. This output has not been reviewed by a TJ Associate. -Not all products are readily available. Ch'eck with your supplier or TJ technical representative for product availability. -THIS ANALYSIS FOR TRUS JOIST PRODUCTS ONLY!' PRODUCT SUBSTITUTION VOIDS THIS ANALYSIS. -Allowable Stress Design methodology was used for,Building Code UBC analyzing the TJ Distribution product listed above. PROJECT INFORMATION: - . . ' • • OPERATOR INFORMATION: .' • Oak Avenue • - - - ' . • , • . - • - . - . .. - Copyright © 2002 by Trus Joist, a -Weyerhaeuser Business - , - ' - * Til® and Ti-Beam® are registered trademarks of Trus Joist. e-i Joist-, Pro' and TJ-Pro are trademarks of Trus Joist. - - - - - '- - - 414 . FJ-1 AVA BA"i TJ-Beam(TM)6.O5SeraINr ' 14" TJI®/Pro(TM)250 @16" 0/C ' ",\ -. 1 1/8/2003 3:26:45 PM Page 2 Engine Version: 1.5. 12. THIS PRODUCT MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE SET DESIGN CONTROLS FOR THE APPLICATION AND LOADS LISTED Load Group: Primary Load Group 20 1.00" Max. Vertical Reaction Total (lbs) 752 .. 752 . Max. Vertical Reaction Live (lbs) 547 547 . . . .. - Selected Bearing Length (in) 2.25(W) . 2.25(W) Max. Unbraced Length (in) Loading on all spans, LDF = 1.00., Dead + Floor . Design Shear (lbs) 730. '-730 ::• '-: =-.. Max Shear (lbs) ' 736 -736 ' Member Reaction (lbs) 736 ' 736 Support Reaction (lbs) 752 752 Moment (Ft-Lbs) 3697 Live Deflection (in) 0.378 - Total Deflection (in) 0520 Loading on all spans, LDF = 0.90, , Dead Only ' Design Shear (lbs) " 199. -199. Max Shear (lbs) - 201 , -201 Member Reaction (lbs) 201 201 Support Reaction (lbs) 205 ' 205 Moment (Ft-Lbs) " , 1008 PROJECT INFORMATION: . - OPERATOR INFORMATION: Oak Avenue . ' .. Copyright © 2002 by Trus Joist, a Weyerhaeuser Business TJIQ and TJ-Beare5 are registered trademarks of Trus Joist.- e-1 Joist', Pro and TJ-Pro' are trademarks of Trus Joist. ' \fl'-A,TflflCflk - COMPANY PROJECT jJ Wood Works® SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 8, 2003 16:00:30 FJ-2 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (lbs. psf, or pit) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1' Dead Full Area . 15 (16.0)1 No 2 Dead Full Area 40 (16.0) No *Tributary Width (in) . MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): I 0' Dead 444 . + .444 Live +. . Total 444 +. +. 4'44 Bearing: Length 1.0 . . . 1.0 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 2x12" Spaced at 16' c/c; Self Weight of 4.01 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Repetitive factor: applied where permitted(refer to online help); Load combinations: ICBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) ADDITIONAL DATA FACTORS: F CD CM Ct 'CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# 900 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.15 1 Fv' = 95 0.90 1.00 1.00 (CM = 1.000) 1 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - E = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 1 Bending(+) : LC# 1 = 0 only, M = 1277 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 1 = D only, V = 444, V@d = 372 lbs Deflection: LC# 1 = D only EI= 284.76e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + DefinLive. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LCs are listed in the Analysis output) - DESIGN NOTES: - Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. - Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 33 Fv' = 85 fv/Fv = 0.39 Bending(+) fb = 484 Fb = 931 fb/Fb' = 0.52 Live Defl'n negligible Total Defl'n 0.16 = L/861 0.77 = L/180 0.21 COMPANY PROJECT QI Wood Wo r k s® SOF7WARE FOR WOOD DESIGN Jan. 14, 2003 16:22:33 FJ-3 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS (lbs psf, or pif) Load Type Distribution .' Magnitude -Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Full Area 15 (16.0) No 2 Dead Full Area 40 . (16.0) No *Tributary Width (in) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in) Dead 348 - . 348 Live Total 348 . 348 Bearing: - - Length 1.0 . 1.0 Lumber-soft, D.Fir-L, No.2, 2x12" Spaced at 16" c/c; Self Weight of 4.01 plf automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Repetitive factor: applied where permitted(refer to online help); Load combinations: iCBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) . . . Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Ana1ysis/Desin Shear fv @d = 24 Fv' = 85 fv/Fv' = 0.29 Bending(+) fb = 297 Fb = 931 fb/Fb' = 0.32 Live Dëfl'n negligible LTotal Defi'n 0.06 = <L/999 0.60 = L/180 0.10 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: -F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.15 ,. . 1 Fv' = 95 0.90 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 1 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 - = 1.6-million 1.00 1.00 1 Bending(+): LC# 1 = D only, M = .782 lbs-ft * Shear : LC# 1 = D only, V = 348, V@d = 275 lbs - Deflection: LC# 1 = 0 only EI= 284.76e06 lb-in2 - - - Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defin Live. . (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. COMPANY PROJECT Q),WoodWorks' SOFTWARE FOR WOOD DESIGN - Jan. 16, 2003 11:02:53 C-i Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (lbs. psf, or pif) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Start End Location [ft] Start End Pattern Load? 1 Wind Partial Area 19 (16.0) 20.00 21.00 No 2 Wind Partial Area 19 (16.0) 15.00 20.00 N 3 Wind Partial Area 17 (16.0) 0.00 15.00 No 4 Dead Axial 380 (Eccentricity = 0.0 in 5 1Live Axial 304 (Eccen ricity = 0.0 in wlucn J.n) MAXIMUM REACTIONS (lbs):, 0. Dead - - Live 245 . 252 Total 245 - 252 Lumber Stud, D.Fir-L, No.2, 2x8" Spaced at 16" c/c; Self Weight of 2.58 plf automatically included in loads; Pinned base; Loadface = width(b); Ke x Lb: 1.00 x 0.00= 0.00 [ft]; Ke x Ld: 1.00 x 21.00= 21.00 [ft]; Lateral support: top = Lb, bottom Lb; Repetitive factor: applied where permitted(refer to online help); Load combinations: ICBO-UBC # WARNING: Member length exceeds typical stock length of 18.0 [ft] SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) Criterion Analysis Value Design Value 'Analysis/Design Shear fv @d = 33 Fv' = 152 fv/Fv' = 0.22 Bending(+) fb =1180 Fb' =-1987 fb/Fb' = 0.59 Axial . fc = 68 Fc' = 372 fc/Fc' = 0.18 Axial Bearing fg = 68 Fg' = 2020 fg/Fg' = 0.03 Combined (axial compression + side load bending) Eq.3.9-3 = 0.67. Live Defl'n 1.35 = L/186 11.40 = L/180 0.96 Total Defl'n 1.35 = L/186 1 1.40 = L/180 1 0.96 ADDITIONAL DATA: FACTORS: F CD CM Ct CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 900 1.60 - 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.20 1.000 1.00 1.15 4 Fv' = 95 1:60 1.00 1.00 (CH = 1.000) 4 Fcp'= 625 1.00 1.00 , • - Fc' = 1350 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.05 (Cp = 0.262) 2 Fc' = 1350 1.60 --combined comp. + bending-- (Cp = 0.169) • 4 = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00' 4 Fg' = 2020 1.00 1.00 - Bending(+) : LC# 4 = D+W, M = 1292 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 4 = D+W, V = 252, V@d = 238 lbs Deflection: LC# 4 = D+W EI= 76.21e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. Axial : LC# 2 = D+L, P = 738 lbs Combined : LC# 4 = D+W, CD= 1.60 (1 - fc/FcE) = 0.90 (D=dead Llive S=snow W=wind 'I=impact C=construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) - DESIGN NOTES: - - 1. Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Height 0'-i5' .15'-20' 20'-25'- :.25'-30t_J30'-40 -40'..60'.- C, 106 113 119 123 131 143 P(psf) 174 185 195 202 215 234 Upper Roof Diaphragm Top plate height= 21'-0" - Force to diaphragm= (20. Z PFy 1' S' 4- IC1 . +I x'X77cZ5)/i' =7 - Lower Roof Diaphragm S S. Top plate height= 10'70" Force to . diaphragm= - ç34PLF f /7 42Fx 1017 ='to PLF Seismic Design Analysis General Design Information V=2 5CJ W Soil Profile Type Sd Seismic Zone Factor Z= 04 Occupancy Category:I=10 .. . . Light Framed Structural Panels R= 5 5 Near Source Factor N. 1 0 Seismic Coefficient Ca 0 44(1 0)= 044 V=(2.5)(0.44)(1.0) W= 020W 55 — - -. Divide by 1.4 for ASD . - .... Assume p=1.0 V ( 0.20W )(1.0/1-.4)= 0.143W' . Seismic Weight: Roof: . Area= 3*- O 7 ZZ - . Weight -b(' 3Z2ã Fz .. ..... Wall Weight= /Z('F iO/Z z(57'fr 3O'i-54') IC44o# Total Weight= 04zt 1C!440 * . S C) . Floor: Area= 7 ' 4S _77 35_ Z Weight= fPx 73SF. Z—. Wall Weight= .12. x to x Z Total Weight= O4-+ c4c ?o&>S Total Building Weight= - V= (0 .i4)1 Qq . . \ \\ No. 937 811 E EER®. Engees Computation Pad .: LH - -c S ((S S '-,• 5.. . ... S - I . S I * S -I. . . -_-,55 5 -----.1 ---r------- --- SI7IEEffLER® Engeers Computation Pad Overturning Analysis . Project: Oak Avenue Project Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 ,. Wall: #1 Wall Line I Loading Wall Shear FwIND= 2414 lb VWIND= 101 plf FSEISMIC= 3009 lb . VSEISMIC 125 plf DL Trib. Width= 12.0 ft r - DL= 20.0 psf Wall Input Panel HIW Ratio Wall Line Length= 24.0 ft 0.42 <=2 (Zone 4) Wall Length= 24.0 ft . <=3.5 (Zone 3) Height= 10.0 ft . Wall Weight= 12.0 psf . . .-y • Uplift From Wall Above . P(Wind)= 0 lbs . I di . • P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #1 d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft . . P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #2 . d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft . . P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #3 d= '0.0 ft . - dl= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs . Wall #4 d= 0.0 ft di= 0.oft - Overturning . . -• Wind . .. Resisting Net OTM Holdown • 0 OTM Mom Force ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 24,140 69,120 -44,980 -1,914 • 'I. • Seismic 0 . Resisting Net OTM . Holdown. . OTM Mom Force ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs . 30,090 93,312 -63,222 0 • -2,690 . . . Shear Holdown . . Wall . 0 Mark Type Bolt Capacity 1 None . . N/A . . 0 Overturning Analysis . Project: Oak AvenueProject Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 Wall: #2 Wall Line I . Loading . Wall Shear FwIND= 3604 lb VWIND= 133 plf FSEISMIC 4454 lb VSEISMIC 165 plf - --1 DL Trib. Width= 9.0 ft . DL= 15.0.psf -. Wall Input . •• Panel H!W Ratio . •• Wall Line Length= 27.0 ft 1.67 <2 (Zone 4) .. . Wall Length= 6.0 ft . . <=3.5 - (Zone 3) 7 Height= 10.0 ft . Wall Weight= 12.0 psf .. P Uplift From Wall Above P(Wind)= 0 lbs : . • - •l ..-... P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #1' • • 0.oft . . .• .4 d = 0.0ft, . . . P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= -0 lbs Wall #2 . .- d= 0.0 ft * dl= 0.0ft,-- P(Wind)= 0 lbs ,. * P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #3 - -- d= 0.0ft . . dl= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 lbs • - . P(Seismic)= 0 Abs Wall #4 d= 0.oft' .. . . - - dl= 0.0 ft , . Overturning Wind . Resisting. Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom Force ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 8,009 3,060 4,949 900 -- _____________________________________________________________________________ Seismic . • . - - . S Resisting Net OTM Holdown . OTM Mom Force - • ft-lbs - - ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs - S 9,898 4,131 5,767 1,049 . - S • - - Shear Holdown -• • - . Wall • Mark - Type •. Bolt Capacity - S 1 HTTI6 5/8' 3,480 - • - . . S • S • - -, 5 . . • Overturning Analysis ' Project: Oak Avenue Project :.. - j... Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 Wall: #3 . Wall Line I Loading Wall Shear FWIND= 3604 lb vwIND= .133 plf . . S . FSEISMIC= 4454 lb . VSEISMIC 165 plf . . . . DL Trib. Width= 0.7 ft . . . DL= 15.0 psf S. ... Wall Input Panel HM Ratio . ., .• Wall Line Length= 27.0 ft 1.18 <=2 _(Zone 4) . . ..; . Wall Length= 8.5 ft . .<=3.5 (Zone 3) . Height= 10.0 ft . . . . . . . Wall Weight= 12.0 psf Uplift From Wall Above P(Wind)= 0 -. lbs I di P(Seismic)= . 0 lbs Wall #1 A= 0.0 ft p.4 dl= 0.0 ft . . .. . .. . . . . . $ P(Wind)= 0 . lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs . Wall #2 d= . 0.0 ft . . di= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 . lbs . . . P(Seismic)=. 0 lbs ' Wall #3 . . d= 0.0 ft . dl= 0.0 ft . • . . . i . P(Wind)= 0 lbs • . . . . .5 P(Seismic)= 0 lbs . . Wall #4 . . . d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft . - Overturning . . . . S .. Wind . . Resisting Net OTM Holdown . - - . . . F OTM Mom . Force . .. S . . ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs . . 11,346 3,132 . 8,214 1,027 •2 . 5 Seismic Resisting Net OTM . Holdown OTM - Mom . Force S . ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs . . -• . . . 14,022 4,228 9,794 1,224 . . . . . S • Shear Holdown . . Wall • S . S Mark Type Bolt - . Capacity 1 HTTI6 5/8" 3,480 . . . S. Overturning Analysis - - Project: Oak AvenuePôject V •. V Location: Carlsbad, Ca: 92ö64- V Wall: #4 Wall Line I Loading V Wall Shear FWIND 3604 lb VWIND= 133 plf FSEISMIC= 4454 lb vsosmic= 165 pIt V DL Trib. Width= 1.0 ft . '- DL= 20.0 psf - V Wall Input V V V Panel H!W Ratio V V V V V Wall Line Length= 27.0 ft 0.80 <=2 (Zone 4) V * Wall Length= 12.5 ft V <3.5 (Zone 3) V V Height= 10.0 ft Wall Weight= 12.0psf V VVV V V VV VVVVV V , V Uplift From Wall Above V V V P(Wind)= 0 lbs V V V V - di * V P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #1 V r ,, V V d= 0.0 ft V • 54,VV : dl= 0.Oft V V V, V V V V P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #2 V V V *V VV V V V d= 0.0 ft V V V V di= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 . lbs V • V V V P(Seismic)= V 0 V• lbs Wall #3 V d= 0.0 ft V di= V 0.0ft V V V V V V V• V V P(Wind)= 0 V lbs V V V P(Seismic)= 0 lbs V Wall #4 V V • V ... d= 0.0 ft V V V di=. . 0.0 ft V V V • - V V V V V Overturning V V S V• V V V V V Wind VV VV •V V VV V 1 V Resisting Net OTM Holdown V V OTM Mom • Force V V V ft-lbs V ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs V V V •V V V 16,685 7,292 9,394 V 783 - Seismic V V Resisting Net OTM Holdown V V V V V V • V OTM Mom . . Force V ft-lbs ft-lbs V ft-lbs Lbs 20,620 9,844 V 10,777 898 V : • V V Shear * Holdown Wall V V V V V V • V V Mark V V V Type Bolt • Capacity V •. V V •V V • • V. V 1 HTTI6 5/8" V V 3,480 V V V V V V V V V •V• 0 V V • V V V • V • V V VV V. V. LVV(ZV Overturning Analysis Project: Oak Avenue Project . . Location: ,. Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 .' . . . Wall #1 Wall Line '3 Loading 0 Wall Shear FWND= 5396 lb VW1ND= 284 plf . . .... . FSEISM!C= . 6726 lb . VSEISMIC= 354 plf . DL Trib. Width= 3.0 ft .. . : . DL= 20.0 psf Wall Input - . . Panel H Ratio . . . Wall Line Length 19.0 ft . 0.53 <=2 (Zone 4) Wall Length= 19.0 ft. <3.5 (Zone 3) . 0 Height= 10.0 ft ., . Wall Weight= 12.0 psf 0 . P . . .. :. - .. 0 - -.. . Uplift From Wall Above . 0 . .. P(Wind)= .0 lbs 00 P(Seismic)= 0 . lbs •, Wall #1 d= 0.0 ft . . di= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 lbs.' .. P(Seismic)= 0 . lbs Wall #2 . . . . . d= 0.0 ft . . . di= 0.o ft , P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs . Wall #3 d= 0.0 ft .. . . . ' di= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= . 0 lbs . Wall #4 d= 0.0 ft 0 0 0 5 .- dl= 0.0 ft . 0 1 Overturning 0 Wind 0 • . Resisting Net OTM Holdown . . OTM . Mom . Force 0 ft lbs - ft-lbs ft-lbs . Lbs 0 0 0 53,960 21,660 32,300 1,746 Seismic . . . . Resisting Net OTM Holdown . ' ., ... OTM Mom . . Force . 0 ft-lbs . ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs • 0 . 0, - 67,260 29,241 38,019 2,055 . 0 - •0 • - Shear . Holdown , , . 0• 0 0 Wall 0 0 Mark . Type Bolt Capacity O 4 CMSTI6 N/A 4,690 O , H1116 5/8" 3,480 Overturning Analysis . Project: Oak Avenue Project . .. Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 Wall: #2 Wall Line 3 . . Loading Wall Shear. . S FwIND= 8056 lb VWIND= 895 plf .. . . FSEISMIC= 9410 lb VSEISMIC= 1046 plf DL Trib.,Width= 9.0 ft DL= 15.0 psf . Wall Input . Panel H!W Ratio Wall Line Length= 9.0 ft - 1.11 <=2 Zone 4) s Wall Length= 9.0 ft . <=3.5 (Zone Height= 10.0 ft . Wall Weight= 8.0 psf P, . d 1 Uplift From Wall Above di .'. Y .. . . S... .P(Wind)= 0 lbs. _...—.. P(Seismic)= : 0 lbs Wall #1 A= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft . S5 P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . ... P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #2 - d= 0.0 ft. : dl= 0.0 ft . . . P(Wind)=. 0 . lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs S Wall #3 . •1 .d= 0.0-ft . . dl= 0.0 ft - .. •55 P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . P(Seismic)= . 0 lbs . Wall #4 d=. 0.0 ft • . . . dl= 0.0 ft Overturning h Wind. - .. . ..., Resisting Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom Force . 0 ft-lbs . ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 0 80,560 5,805 — 74,755 8,795 .. . . .. Seismic Resisting Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom Force . ft-lbs ft-lbs . ft-lbs Lbs 94,100 7,837. 86,263 10,149 Shear Holdown -Wall Mark Type Bolt 0 Capacity B . . HDI4A 1" 11,080 — 0 .5 1 0 Overturning Analysis Project: Oak Avenue Project Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 . Wall: #1 Wall . Line 5 = Loading Wall Shear FWIND= 5538 lb . vwlNo= . . .. 316 plf 3*4,çf ) - •'Z, PLF FSEISMIC= 5400 lb . vsisic= . 309 plf 0•0 DL Trib. Width= 15.0 ft . . . DL= 20.0 psf . Wall Input Panel HIW Ratio Wall Line Length= 17.5 ft 1.20 <=2 . . .•:. • .(Zone 4), Wall Length= 17.5 ft . <=3.5 (Zone Height= 21.0 ft .. . . Wall Weight= 12.0 psf . . . .. P 5. d i Uplift From Wall Above P(Wind)= 0 lbs . I di P(Seismic)= . 0 lbs Wall #1 d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0ft . . P(Wind)= 0 lbs ,.T P(Seismic)= 0 lbs . Wall #2 . d= 0.0 ft . . .., 0.0 ft . . . P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . . . . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #3 . ... . S d= 00 ft dl= 0.0 ft . 4. P(Wind)= 0 lbs . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #4 d= 0.0 ft . S dl= 0.0 ft 1• Overturning Wind . 1 ...... Resisting Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom . Force ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 116,298 56,350 59,948 3,526 . 00 j Seismic Resisting Net OTM Holdown S OTM Mom Force ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs . . . . 113,400 76,073. 37,328 . 2,196 Shear Holdown Wall . S Mark Type Bolt Capacity S N/A . S S Overturning Analysis Project: Oak Avenue Project V : Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 V Wall: - #2 Wall Line 5 V V V Loading V , Wall Shear V • V V FWIND= 1044 lb V V V \'WIND= V 31 plf V V V V FsEIsMIc= 803 lb - : VSEISMIC= 24 plf V DL Trib. Width= 0.0 ft. • , V. V V V V DL= 20.0 psf Wall Input V Panel HIW Ratio V 'Wall Line Length= 34.0 ft ,. V 0.57 <=E2 - (Zone 4) Wall Length= 17.5 ft V V V V V V <3.5 (Zone 3) V Height= 10:0 ft ' V . - V• VV V V V Wall Weight= 0.0 psf V V •V V - :. . V ."f".d i- V Uplift From Wall Above V V VV •V V 4'_V.-V:'1-'. . V'V• V P(Wind) 0 lbs V VV V V V V V V V V VV V V V V P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #1 V d= 0.0 ft V •V V V _*J1'V dii. 0.0 ft V• •• V - V V P(Wind)= V ô V lbs V V P(Seismic)= V V 0 lbs - V Wall V V V V V d 0.0 ft -' dl= 0.0 ft V V V V P(Wind)= 0 . lbs V I V V V V V V V V P(Seismic)= lbs VV Wall #3 V V V d= 0.0 ft V •V V V - V dl= 0.0 ft P(Wind)=' V 0 VV lbs V V - P(Seismic)= .0 V lbs Wall #4 V d= 0.0 ft' dl= 0.0 ft . V V •' V - V.. Overturning _ Wind V • V V • • Resisting Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom -, • - Force V. ft-lbs V ft-lbs ft-lbs _Lbs ' - V • V - V S 5374 _V _____-5,374 -. _316 +3526 Seismic Resisting Net OTM - Holdown V V V * OTM Mom V Force ft-lbs ft-lbs _ft-lbs .Lbs V V V V V 4,133_•0 _4,133 __243 _. +2196. V * • V V Shear Holdown V • - . V Wall V • . V V - Mark V V Type Bolt V Capacity V • V - - , V 5 _.HTT22 V 5/8" _5,250 - V •V V V V • V V •V - V VV •V V V V V: 4/ Overturning Analysis , . •. . 00•0.•, Project: Oak Avenue Project Location: . Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 Wall: #3 Wall Line 5 1- Loading Wall Shear . .: FWIND= 8268 lb- vwlND 243 pIt FsElsMic= 7449 lb . VSEISMIC= 219 plf . 0 DL Trib. Width= 0.7 ft 0• ...:. . DL= 15.0psf . . Wall Input Panel HIW Ratio .• Wall Line Length= 340 ft . 1.54 <=2 (Zone 4) Wall Length= 6.5 ft . •. •. <=3.5 (Zone 3) 1 Height= 10.0 ft Wall Weight= 12.0 psf . . . P ,0 0 '1" d Uplift From W all Above zIi-t. 0 P(Wind)= 0 lbs . 0 ch ,0 ' P(Seismic)= 0 lbs ' Wall #1 d= 0.0 ft •• . , . dl= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 lbs . 0 /TNT . L P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #2 d= 0.0 ft 0 0 . dl= 0.0 ft O P(Vyind)= 0 . lbs 0• 0 P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall.#3 0 0 d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft 0 P(Wind)= 0 0 lbs '• - 1 O • ' P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #4 0 000 0 d.-.0.0ft dl= 0.0ft . .. - •' . . * 0 Overturning 0 • 0 - 0 O Wind - 00000 • • Resisting Net OTM Holdown • - 0 - • 0 • 0 OTM Mom Force, 0 • 0 • * 0 ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs • 0 0 0 0 • • 15,806 1,832 * 13,975 • 2,329 Seismic * 0 Resisting Net OTM Holdown - - 0 O O 0 •. OTM Morn Force 0 • . 0 ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs • Lbs 0 , 0 • 0 0 - 14,241 2,473. .11,768 1,961. 0 • • 0 - •••' 0 Shear - Holdown 0 • 0 • - 0 Wall Mark • Type Bolt . Capacity 0 • 0 2 HTTI6 - 5/8" 3,480 0 - 0 • 0 - • 0 0 • 0 LI7 Overturning Analysis Project: Oak Avenue Project - Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 . Wall: #4 Wall Line .... 'Loading Wall Shear, FWIND= 8268 lb VVVIND= 243 plf FSEISMIC= 7449 lb VSEISMIC= 219 plf . . . - DL Trib. Width 10.5 ft DL= 15.0 psf Wall Input . Panel H!W Ratio . Wall Line Length= 34.0 ft 0.69 <=2 . (Zone 4). Wall Length= 14.5 ft (Zone 3) Height= 10.0 ft Wall Weight= 12.0 psf .. ,.. . Uplift From Wall Above P(Wind)= 0 1bs.T-- P(Seismic)= 0 lbs- - Wall #1 d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0ft . . . . ' . P(Wind)= 0 lbs . - . ,1N . . P(Seismic)=. . 0 lbs . , Wall #2 d= 0.0 ft d1= 0.0ff , , * . .. . • P(Wind) 0 ' lbs . . P(Seismic) = . 0 lbs . Wall #3 d= 0.0ft.- .' .• . 3 , di= 0.0ft,. . . . ..• . . P(Wind)= 0 lbs ' ' * . - P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #4 d= 0.0 ft , -• . ' di= 0.0 ft Overturning . . . . * .' .,. . -• . . ' . . * Wind * -, . ' ..• ,, .- ' Resisting Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom Force - - .•, . .. ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 35261 19,448 15,812 1,129 Seismic Resisting Net OTM Holdown • . - OTM Mom "-' Force ft-lbs •- ft-lbs. • ft-lbs '. Lbs 31,768 26,255 - 5,513 394 Shear Holdown . . . - - • . Wall Mark Type ' Bolt Capacity • -• . •. . - 2 • HTTI6 5/8' 3,480 .' . • -. . Overturning Analysis Project: Oak Avenue Project Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 , Wall: #1 Wall Line 7 Loading Wall Shear . FwIND= 2556 lb VWIND= 160 plf FSEISMIC= 1683 lb VSEISMIC= 105 pItt - DL Trib. Widtli= 5.0 ft DL= 20.0 psf .. . Wall Input-- Panel H!W Ratio . Wall Line Length= 16.0 ft 1.43 <=2 (Zone 4) . '- * Wall Length= 7.0 ft -. <=3.5 (Zone 3) - * Height= 10.0ft- . Wall Weight= 12.0 psf P . .-. Uplift From Wall Above . . P(Wind)= 0 lbs - . d1 P(Seismic)= 0 lbs - . Wall #1 r / • d= 0.0 ft . . N' di= 0.0 ft .•: P(Wind)= 0 . lbs ,T P(Seismic)= 0 lbs :- Wall 92 d= '0.0 ft . d= 0.0 ft . - .. .. P(Wind)= - 0 lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #3 * P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . . . P(Seismic)= 0 •• lbs Wall #4 d= 0.0 ft . . * di=. 0.0 ft Overturning. Wind - . . . ... Resisting Net OTM Holdown . OTM Mom • Farce ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs . . •-.• 11,183 3,593. 7,589 .1,168 - *•• Seismic • * . * • • Resisting Net OTM HoldoWn . OTM Mom • - * - Force ft-lbs ft-lb ft-lbs Lbs * . • . • 7,363 4,851 2,512 386 • -: • •.....• • Shear Holdown • . * Wall . .. Mark . Type Bolt . Capacity .. * 1 • CST-6 N/A 1,650 Overturning Analysis . . Project: Oak Avenue Project Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 Wall: #2 Wall Line , Loading Wall Shear . FwIND 2556 lb , VWIND= 160 plf FsEIsMIc= 1683 lb . - VSEISMIC= 105 pif . '• DL Trib. Width= 5.0 ft - - DL= 20.0 psi. Wall Input • Panel HIW'Ratio Wall Line Length= 16.0 ft 1.11 <=2 (Zone 4) . Wall Length= 9.0 ft <=3.5 (Zone 3) Height= 10.0 ft - 'Wall Weight= 12.0 psf . . Uplift From Wall Above P(Wind)= 0 lbs di * P(Seisrnic)= 0 lbs Wall #1 . '>r d= 0.0 ft -'. . p.4 dl=, 0.0 ft . . . .. . P(Wind)= 0 lbs . '• P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #2 . -- - d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft " • - P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs - Wall #3 d= 0.0 ft - -. di= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 lbs : - . - .• P(Seismlc)= 0 lbs Wall #4 d= 0.0 ft dl=. 0.0 ft Overturning Wind Resisting Net OTM Holdown - OTM Mom Force ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 14,378 5,940 8,438 993 . - . • Seismic - - - - Resisting Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom . Force • -. ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 9,467 8,019 1,448 170 - . - •., : Shear . Holdown Wall • Mark Type Bolt Capacity. - - • - 1 CSI6 N/A .1,650 ' • •. : -: '' Overturning Analysis Project: Oak Avenue Project - - Location: . Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 . . Wall: #3 Wall Line 7 - Loading Wall Shear -FwIND= 3816 lb . vwINo= 170 pif FSEISK41C= 2493 lb VSEISMIC= 111 pIt S DL Trib. Width= 0.7 ft . - S. • DL= 15.0 psf . Wall Input Panel H!W Ratio• Wall Line Length= 22.5 ft 2.00 <=2 (Zone 4)' T. Wall Length= 5.0 ft . <=3.5 (Zone 3) •, ,. . - Height=- 10.0 ft •• - . . . -. . . Wall Weight= 12.0 psf . . . . . . Uplift From Wall Above . . . P(Wind)= 993 lbs : .. di P(Seismic)= 170 lbs Wall #1 d= 5.0 ft - . . P4'. dl= 0.0 ft _5 .. •I P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #2 d= 0.0 ft, 5 :di= 0.0 ft • . t P(Wind)= 0 lbs . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #3 dl= d 0 P(Wind)= •. 0 . . lbs . •• - P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #4 Overturning • - . S - .. • Wind . . .. - Resisting Net OTM Holdown • - S -. -. - OTM • Mom Force • ' ft-lbs . ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs - 13,445 1,084 12,361 2,747 5 .S T • Seismic • 5 . - Resisting Net OTM Holdown . OTM Mom Force • 5 . ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs • . . S . 6,390 1,463 4,927 1,095 . . .. . Shear Holdown • . - Wall Mark Type Bolt . Capacity , S 1 HTTI6 5/8" • 3,480 • - ..: • Overturning Analysis . . - -• .. - Project: Oak Avenue Project * Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 Wall: #4 Wall - Line 7 Loading : Wall Shear . . FwIND= 3816 lb . VWIND 170 pIt .. -. FSE[smic= 2493 lb VSEISMIC= All plf DL Trib. Width= 0.7 ft . DL= 15.0 psf Wall Input . Panel H!W Ratio ...4.. Wall Line Length= 22.5 ft - 0.83 <=2. (Zone 4) : Wall Length= 12.0 ft . <=3.5 (Zone 3)1 Height= 10.0 ft . . Wall Weight= 12.0 psf . , 'D'..d Uplift From Wall Above 1' P(Wind)= 1168W lbs . I di P(Seismic)= 386 lbs Wall #1 ' .. d= 7.0 ft di= 0.0 ft •- P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #2 d= 0.0 ft .- . . di= 0.0 ft .• •. . __________ P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= • 0 - lbs Wall #3 • d= 0.0 ft . di= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #4 ••. d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft - Overturning . . . • - Wind . . -.• - F • Resisting Net OTM. Holdown . . - • OTM Morn . Force . . . . ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs - 28,528 - 6,242 22,286 1,938 • Seismic • • - Resisting Net OTM- Holdown - OTM Mom -. Force . ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs • . • -• 15,998 8,427 7,571 658 Shear Holdown • - - Wall .• . . Mark Type. Bolt • Capacity . •. - 1 HTTI6 5/8" 3,480 -_ - * L-22 Overturning Analysis . ... Project: . Oak Avenue Project Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 . . Wall: #1 Wall Line B Loading Wall Shear .. FWIND= 5112 lb vwirio= 487 pIt . . FSEISMIC= 5238 lb . vsEIsMpc 499 plf' . DL Trib.Width= . 15.0 ft DL= 20.0 psf Wall Input Panel H!W Ratio Wall Line Length= 10.5 ft . 1.54 <=2 (Zone 4) Wall Length= - 6.5 ft . <=3.5 (Zone 3); . -. Height= 10.0 ft . ' . . , . . . •. . •... Wall Weight= 12.0 psf . • . Uplift From Wall Above P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . I di P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #1 4, :' ' , . . . .• ,. . P(Wind)= 0 lbs ,T P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #2 . . . d= 0.0 ft ..di=0.0ft .. . ..•. . . • P(Wind)= .0 lbs . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #3 . d0.oft * di= 0.0 ft •. , ' P(Wind)= 0 lbs ' . . •. . . P(Seismic)= . 0 lbs Wall #4 . * d= 0.0 ft di= 0.0 ft . Overturning • •, . . . ••- Wind . . . . . . .• r Resisting Net OTM - Holdown, • OTM Morn • Force . . •. . • • , ft-lbs • ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs' • • . . • • - 31,646 5,915 251731 4,288 • . • •:. Seismic Resisting Net OTM Holdown ' . - • , OTM Mom Force • . . , ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs •' . . .32,426 • 7,985 24,440 41073 . •• • :. • Shear Holdown .. * . . Wall Mark Type Bolt Capacity 6 CMSTI6 N/A • 4,690 - •• . • :, L-Z_ Overturning Analysis . Project: Oak Avenue Project Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 . . . . . Wall: #2 Wall Line B Loading Wall Shear FWIND 6582 lb , VWIN D": 0 549 plf - FSEISmic= 6458 lb VSEISMIc. 538 plf DL Trib. Width= 8.0 ft . DL= 15.0psf Wall Input PanelHIW Ratio Wall Line Length= 12.0 ft 1.25 <=2 (Zone 4)1 . * Wall Length= 8:0 ft . <=3.5 (Zone 3) - Height= 10.0 ft Wall Weight= 12.0 psf.. P Uplift From Wall Above I" P(Wind)= 4288 lbs . .' . I di . P(Seismic)= 4073 lbs Wall #1 d= 6.5 ft . . . dl= 0.0 ft 0 P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs - Wall #2 . . d=. 0.0 ft dl=' 0.0 ft P(Wid)= 0 . lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #3 . d= 0.0 ft . di= . 0.0 ft . . P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #4 . * • 0 d= 0.0 ft 0 di=. 0.0 ft' . - .•. . . - 0 Overturning Wind 0 . - • Resisting Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom - Force •• ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs • Lbs 71,752 5,120 66,6T2-8,894,... - Seismic 0 • . . - • Resisting • Net OTM Holdown . OTM Mom . Force - ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs - - 0 - • 69,528 6,912 62,616 8,349 Shear Holdown '• : • . Wall Mark Type Bolt • - Capacity • • 0 - 0 6 HDIOA 7/8" - 9,540 . 0 • Overturning Analysis . V Project: Oak Avenue Project Location: •• Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 . V Wall: #1 . Wall . Line C • V V - V Loading Wall Shear - FWIND= 1190 lb - . VWiND= 43 plf FSEISMIC 1190 lb 'VSEISMIC= 43 plf- • . . DL Trib. Width= 9.0 ft . . . . . V ' V • V DL= 20.0 psf , .. •• V • V . Wall Input V Panel HIW Ratio V Wall Line Length= 27.5 ft • V • 0.87 <=2 .(Zone 4) V • . Wall Length= 11.5 ft . V. .' <=3.5 (Zone 3) Height 10.0 ft ... .. -... . . V • V Wall Weight= .8.0 psf V . V P V V Uplift From Wall Above V V : . •. J/ . . P(Wind)= 0 . • lbs . V V •V . di P(Seismic)= 0 lbs V . Wall #1 d= 0.0 ft dl=, 0.0 ft P(Wind)= . 0 P(Seismic)= 0 'lbs • Wall #2 V V V .-d= 0.0 ft . V V V di= 'O.OfU V • . V 'P(Wind)= 0 lbs V V V V P(Seismic)= . 0 lbs . Wall #3 • • V V * d= 0.0 ft V . •. . V P(Wind)= 0 lbs ' • V V V V. • P(Seismic)= 0 lbs . Wall #4 V 0.0 ft V dl= 0.0 ft V • V. V Overturning V V • V * Wind. V Resisting Net OTM i Holdown OTM . Mom ' . V Force . . •: V V . . ft-lbs • ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs • V V 4,976 11,462 -6,485 -590 V V V V Seismic V V • V V Resisting Net OTM . Holdown OTM • Mom. • Force •. V . V ft-lbs ft-lbs . ft-lbs Lbs 4,976 15,473 -10,497 -954 •. V V Shear Holdown V V . • . . . V , • •'. I V Wall Mark Type Bolt Capacity V 1 . None. N/A V V V Overturning Analysis Project: - Oak Avenue Project Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064. . . Wall: #1 - Wall - Line D Loading : Wall Shear . FWIND= 1750 lb VWIND= 80 plf - FSEISMIC= 1750 lb' VSESMC= 80plf, . DL Trib. Width= 10.0 ft : DL= 15.0 psf -. . •' . . Wall Input - . . . Panel HIW Ratio . . . Wall Line Length= 22.0 ft '- . 0.83 <=2 (Zone 4) ... . Wall Length= 12.0 ft . <=3.5 (Zone 3) 1 Height= 10.0 ft - ..• Wall Weight=-8.0psf . P d Uplift From Wall Above. P(Wind)=. 0 lbs -. .. . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs . Wall #1 . . -. d= 0.0.ft . . P4, - dl= 01.0 ft . .. . P(Wind)= 0 . lbs P(Seismic)= . 0 lbs . . Wall #2 . . d= 0.0ft di= A.0 ft 'P(Wind)= 0 lbs . . . . . . P(Seismic)= •. 0 lbs Wall #3 .. . . . . • d= 0.0 ft . P(Wind)= 0 - lbs . P(Seismic)= 0 1b5 Wall #4 d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft . Overturning . ........ . . Wind :. • . Resisting Net OTM.,,• Holdown., . - OTM Mom . - . Force . ft-lbs - ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 9,545 11,040 -1,495 -130 Seismic . Resisting Net OTM Holdown OTM - Mom . Force ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 9,545 14,904 -5,359 .. -466 -- Shear Holdown --, . . • - . Wall • - . - Mark :- Type Bolt Capacity 1 None N/A - . . . • . . j • Overturning Analysis Project: Oak Avenue Project. Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 Wall: ' #1 . • Wall Line F = . Loading . - , Wall Shear . FwIND= 6816 lb . , . VWJND 802 plf 1 . FSEISMiC= 6426 lb VSEISMIC= 756 pIt . DL Trib. Width= 1.0 ft . . .. DL= 20.0 psf . . . . Wall Input ' Panel HlWRatio .. , Wall Line Length= 8.5 ft 1.18 <=2, - (Zone 4), '- Wall Length= 8.5 ft . <=3.5 (Zone 3) , Height= 10.0 ft . .., . . . Wall Weight= 8.0 psf . , . :. P Uplift From Wall Above '• , . F' ':1 P(Wind)= 0 lbs J. P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall #1 . . .'• . 'I' 0.0 ft , . , P4/ di. 0.0 ft . • , . P(Wind)=. 0 lbs , .. • ,T P(Seismic)=' 0 lbs Wall #2 d= 0.0 ft di=, 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs . Wall #3 d= 0.0ft'. . .. . 'L. di= 0.0 ft -, .. . . . . .• •. P(Wind) 0 lbs, P(Seismic)= 0 lbs. '. Wall #4 V d= 0.0 ft di= 0.0 ft Overturning -: ' . .. . , • Wind . Resisting , Net OTM Holdown OTM ' Mom Force. ft-lbs ft-lbs • ft-lbs Lbs - 68,160 2,408 65,752 . . 8,219 . i• , - . Seismic • . . . Resisting Net OTM Holdown. . . • OTM Mom Force - ft-lbs ft-lbs . ft-lbs - Lbs 64,260 3,251 - 61,009' 7,626 • - . Shear .. Holdown .. - . V Wall V , 4 Mark Type Bolt • - Capacity . • ,. 8 -CMSTI2 N/A 9,640 , • . . • - L'Z; Overturning Analysis Project: . Oak Avenue Project . Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 . . . Wall: #2 Wall . Line F . . Loading . Wall Shear .•.• FWIND= 8986 lb V vwlNo= 399 plf FsEIsMIc=. 8326 lb .. VSEISMIC=. 370 pIt . DL Trib. Width= 10.0 ft . . . . DL= 15.0 psf - Wall Input V . Panel H!W Ratio '. . ..• .. .:. . Wall Line Length= 22.5 ft 0.63 <=2 (Zone 4) . Wall Length= 16.0 ft . V <3.5 (Zone 3): V VHeight-- 10.0 ft Wall Weight= 8.0 psf V .• V P .• V 'V Uplift From Wall Above . V V . . 1"d V V V .-'hT± . P(Wind)= 8219 lbs I di. V VVV V P(Seismic)= 7626 lbs Wall #1 . V• d= 16.6 ft - , V p.4, V V V V dl= 8.0 ft V .V. -. . V V P(Wind)= 0 . lbs .. V V . V • P(Seismic)= 0 lbs . Wall #2 . d= 0.0 ft V V V V V V V V V V . dl= 0.10 ft P(Wind)=' 0 . lbs V P(Seismic)= 0 - lbs V Wall #3 V V d= 0.0 ft -dl= 0.0 ft . V PV(Wind.)= 0 lbs P(Seismic)= V . 0 lbs - • Wall #4 • ., . V d= 0.0 ft V V dl= 0.0 ft V Overturning V V • . • V • V Wind V V V V V V V Resisting Net OTM Holdown V OTM . • . Mom - Force V V V • ft-lbs V ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs V V V • • 129,652 19,627 -110,026 7,098 • . - •- V Seismic : V V V' Resisting Net OTM Holdown V V V OTM . Mom V Force V • ftlbsV - V ft-lbs ft-lbs. Lbs V. . 120,215 . 26,496 93,719 6,046 . Shear V Holdown. • V - V . V Wall •• V V V V Mark Type Bolt Capacity 8 RD-8K— 7/8" 7,460 V V.... - .- . Overturning Analysis Project: Oak Avenue Project .• Location: Carlsbad Ca. 92064 .. . Wall:. #1 Wall Line G . . Loading . ' Wall Shear FwIND= 34081b vwINo 310 plf , FSEISMIC= 23761b . VSEISMIC=, 216 pIt DLTrib. Width= 2.0 ft DL= 20.0 pf Will Input Panel HIW Ratio V Wall Line Length= 11.0 ft ' . 1.82 <=2 -(Zone 4) Wall Length= 5.5 ft <=3.5 (Zone 3) .' . Height= . 10.0 ft Wall Weight= 12.0 psf . . . d Uplift From Wall Above V. . P(Wind)= 0 lbs . '- P(Seismic)= 0 - lbs . Wall #1 d= 0.0ft dl='- 0.0 ft . . . . . .P(Wind)= . '0 , lbs P(Seismic)= 0 lbs .. Wall #2 d= 0.0 ft ... - di= 0.0 ft V , ' P(Wind)= 0 , lbs P(Seismic)= 0. lbs Wall #3 d=--,0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 . lbs . P(Seismic)= 0 lbs ... Wall #4 V V d= 0.0 ft . dl= 0.0 ft Overturning . V • . Wind Resisting Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom ' Force .' .• ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs •-' . . . 17,040 • 1,613 15,427 3,085 V - • . ., Seismic V - V • , ' •.: • Resisting Net OTM , Holdown • •, , V V V OTM V Mom • . • Force '. • V V V ft-lbs • ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs .. •. • . . . 11,880 2,178 . 9,702 1,940- Shear HoldownV .. • . . V V Wall . • V ..• V Mark • . Type Bolt V Capacity V V V V • CMST16 • N/A 4,690 • . . V V V V V V. V • • Overturning Analysis ' Project: Oak Avenue Project . Location: Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 ' Wall: #2 Wall .' Line G ' Loading . Wall Shear . FwIND= 5088 lb VWIND=. 636 pIt FSEIsMIC= 321,6 lb - . VSEISMC 402 pIt . - DL Trib. Width= 6.0 ft DL= 15.0 psf Wall Input ' • 'Panel H!W Ratio • Wall Line Length= 8.0 ft ' . 1.25 <=2 (Zone 4) Wall Length= 8.0 ft •: <=3.5(Zone 3) , ' Height= 10.0 ft Wall Weight= 12.0 psf , ' ' 1? Uplift From Wall Above •• •. 'I' P(Wind)= 3085 lbs P(Seismic)= ,1940 lbs Wall #1 d= 1.5 ft.. dl= 0.0 ft: P(Wind)= 0 lbs .' ' ' - P(Seismic)= 0 '. lbs Wall #2 d= 0.0 ft , .•• , '-V, 'dir 0.0 ft •• _________ P(Wind)= 0 lbs . V P(Seismic)= 0 lbs Wall 03 . d= 0.0 ft dl= 0.0 ft P(Wind)= 0 lbs •• P(Seismic)= 0 ' lbs Wall #4 d 0.0 ft . dir 0.0 ft •. •- Overturning Wind ' •' Resisting - Net OTM .- Holdown 'OTM Mom . Force ft-lbs • ft-lbs ft-lbs Lbs 55,508 4,480 51,028 6,804 Seismic • • Resisting • Net OTM Holdown OTM Mom •' Force ft-lbs ft-lbs ft-lbs. Lbs 35,070 6,048 29,022 3,870 Shear 'Holdown : Wall , • Mark Type '.. * Bolt '' Capacity V -. • • V 6 • HD8A • 7/8' 7,460' SIXIED11..ER® Engineers Computation Pad ER® Engees Computation Pad cv 'L t ® No.937811E Sr/1EDTLER Engineer's Computation Pad • - -- Superpsition (Gravity, Loads .+ Lateral Loads) Beam axial © c-d = 0 lbs. -' Beam shear c-d 0 lbs. -• For Beam c-d Design Beam max. moment @ c-d - 0 lbs.-ft. Column axial @ c-b & d-e 0 lbs. • Column shear @ c-b & d-e . = 0 lbs. • For Column -b & d-e Design Column moment @ c-b &d-e = 0 lbs.-ft. Beam axial @ b-e 1,278 lbs. . • Beam shear © b-e . 1,573 lbs. For Beam b-e Design •. • Beam max. moment © b-e = 10,224 lbs.ft. Column axial @ b-a & e-f = 1,573 lbs.- • Column shear @ b-a & e-f = 1,278 lbs. For Column b-a & e-f Design Column moment @ b-a & e-f = 10,224 lbs.-ft. . • • - - ®FI1FTFI D No. 937 811E " Engineers Computation Pad VIE .7 6 NN IQ : . tv N . - £ .i - - L•._ Vj -431 . C.' - -.- . 0 '-., IN . ' + \-;- '- \' 1 I' Ui c> r - nk STXIEDTLER® Engineers Computation Pad c- - r\X V Is H T 2riirm co® o. 937 811E Engineers Computation Pad Ilk w IN FJS 'I Ol 12 -' 4. \ • - •'. N .-i. U\ \ 1 'S $ & r Is S1X1EDTLER® Engineers Computation Pad 2EFII® No. 937811E " T71 ""' rT " D " Engineers Computation Pad 937 811 E SI1EDTLER®Engineees Computation Pad 1i: Footing Calculations Project: Oak Avenue Project, Carlsbad, Ca. 92064 •V V V V:. V Address V V Phone Date 01/15/03 Allowable Soil Pressure: 1,000 psf - VV Pad No. Description Loads Total Pad Pad Reinforcing Req V P - # of Loading Depth Lengths #4 bars ea/way .. Items Lbs Lbs Inches '- Inches 3" clearanc V 1 G-1 3,780 1 •. V V V V VV. V 1 -3,780 . 15 V 23 3 V V 2 . G-1 3,780 VV VVVVVVr•VVV 2 FB-8V 1,350 . V .2 V V •V 2 5,130 15 V27 3 V V - G-2 3,420 3 V ..• . V 3 . V . 3,420 15 V 22 V 3' V V 4 G-4 12,587' 4 RB-5 1,913 V V 4 4 V 14500 15 . 46 . 6 5 FB-16 7,709 5 .5 VV V V 5 V - 7,709 . 15 33 4 6 FB-16 :7,709 . V . - V 6 V FB-1 V 5,859 . V 6 6 . . 13,568 15. 44 6 V V 7 ' FB-1 ' 5,859 7 FB-1 5,859 7 FB-2 4,400 7 16,118 15 48 6 . . 8 FBi 5,859 V V V V V V 8 8 V 5,859 V 15 V 29 4 . V 9 FB-3 3,161 9 V V VV V V. 9 V 3,161 V 15 21 3 V V V 10 RB-6 .627 V V V ,V •, V V 10 RB-7 328 . V V V V V V V 10 . FB-15 - 1,541 V 10 V 2,496 V 15 . 19 . 2- 11 , .FB-5 3,377 11 V V 11 - - 3,377 15 22 3 V V • ' V . , FOOTING SCHEDULE Pad' Ftg Ftg Reinforcing Required No Depth Length #4 bars ea/way . . . . P- # Inches Inches 3' clearance I . ' 15 .. 23 . . . ' 2 15 27 3 '- 3 15 '22 3 .4 .' 15' 46 6'" ' . .. 5. 15' 33 4' •' ', ' 6.15 44 6 .15 48 6. . 8 15 '29 4'. .. '.; ' ' . '• 9 . ' 15. ' 21 3 10 is . 19., ' 2' 11 , 15.. 22' 3 .. .', . . '•" .."'': Footing Calculations Project Oak Avenue Project, Carlsbad, Ca 92064 Address V V .,• :V. . Phone ......, V . Date 01115/03 Allowable Soil Pressure: 1,000 psf Pad No Description Loads Total Pad Pad Reinforcing Req P - # of Loading Depth; ..,Lengths #4 bars ea/way Items Lbs Lbs Inches -. Inches 3" clearance . V 1. FB-5' . 3,377 1 FB-5 V 3,377 V V V V V V V 1 6,754 15 31 4 2 FB-6 3,415 2 2 VVVV V V •V V 2 V 3,415 V 15 22 3' V V V V •V V V 3 FB-14 V 3,661. V V V V V V V V.. VVV• V V .'. - 3 V. V V 'V V VV V V V V 3 V V 3,661, 15 23 3 4 V ••V V V V V VVV 4 V•V V V' V V V V V V V. V V V 4 V V • V • V 0.-O- V 5 . V V V V V V 5 5 V . - I V V V V •V .V V V 5 - . 0•- 0 0. VV VVV 6 V V •• V VVV V . 6 V V V V V 6 6 V 0 0 0 V V 7. V V ;V V VV • VVVV V V 7 V V V V: V V V..V V V . o V, V 0 0 V 8 - . V V V • V 8 8 V V V V ••V V 8 V V 0. 0 .0 V • V ... 9 V . V•. V V V 9 V •V• :-. 9 •V V 0 0. V V 10 V V V • V V V V V 10. V V V ••V V . ... V .V .10, • V VV V VV V V 10 . V 0 0 0 •V V .. V V V V 11'. V * V V V • V 11 0 . '0 , 0 V, •. * FOOTING SCHEDULE Pad Ftg Ftg Reinforcing Required No. Depth Length #4 bars ea/way P- # Inches Inches 3" clearance . ..: ... .. .. 1 15 31 4 2 15 22 3 •. 3 .15 23 3 4 15 0 0 5 15 0 0 . 6 15 0 0 : 7 '15 0 0 8 15 0 0. . •. ,..' -: 9 t5. 0 0 10 .15r 0. 0 11 .IS 0 0 - . .. . '. .......- .;.. - ..........- .. FOOTING SCHEDULE Pad Ftg Ftg Reinforcing Required No. Depth . Length # 4 bars ea/way P- # Inches Inches 3" clearance 1 15 24 3 2 18 •30 4 . . 3 18 36 5 4 18 48 6 0 5 18 '0 0. 6 18 • 0 0 . 7 . 18 0 0 '8 18 0 0 0 9 18 0 0 . 10 ' 18 0 0 11 18 0 0 • . . . • . 0 0, 5I7IEDTLER® EnneerS Computation Pad OsrAEDTLER No. 937811 E Engineer4s Computation Pad 4 1! I "•. 0 F ( CO ç . . . .. ':" • '. 2 a • O. \\ c 1 4 - \_f*' • f - J - cfl 1 (3 (3 • •• •; I :O! ' •., • Il I I I Nj • HEAR WALL SCHEDULE--SINGLE SIDED SHEATHING MATERIAL BOUNDARYNAIUNG ANCHOR BOLTS SOLE PLATE NAILING BLOCK/SILL ALLOWABLE SHEAR SHEAR WALL MARK oc imhooc inches oc inchesoc 1 3/80 SID 8d@6 48 16d@6 24 220 - 2 3/80 SIT) 8d@6 36 '16d@6 ' ..20.. 260 3 3irsm 8d@4 33 16d®5 16 320 4 3/8"SID 8d@4 24 LS@IS'oc ' 14 380 5 3/8* SIT) 8d@3 22 LS@18'oc 12 450 6 3/8' SID 8d@2 16 LS@12'oc • 8 640 7 3/8' STRUCTURAL I Sd @2 , 14 IS @10' oc 6 730: * 8 3/81 STRUCTURAL I 10d@2 12 IS® 8'oc 6 Sb NOTES: ' øx 1' lAG SCREW A FIELD NAILING (FN) TO BE AT 12' oc, MINIMUM B A35 INDICATES 'SIMPSON' A35 OR A35F FRAMING ANCHOR, OR EQUIVALENT C ALL BOLTS, STRAPS AND HOLDOWN ANCHORS SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO POURING OF CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSPECTION D FOR SHEARWALLS 4' THRU 8' USE 3x STUDS, PLATES & PLYWOOD BLOCKING w/ STAGGERED NAILS TO AVOID WOOD SPLiTTING E COMPOSITE PARTICLE BOARD PANELS MAY BE SUBS'ITIUFEDGRADE 2MW F PROVIDE 2'x2'x3/16" PLATE WASHERS AT EACH BOLT. EMBED BOLTS A MINIMUM OF? INTO CONCRETE G THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWO BOLTS PER PLATE WITH ONE BOLT LOCATED NOT MORE THAN 12' OR LESS THAN SEVEN BOLT.. DIAMETERS FROM THE END. SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE--DOUBLE SIDED SHEATHING MATERIAL BOUNDARY NAILING ANCHOR BOLTS SOLE PLATE LAG BLOCK/8ILL ALLOWABLE SHEAR SHEAR WALL MARK PLY OR OSB (BN) 3/4'x 14' SCREWS (SN) 1/2øx7" HGA10 I inches oc inches oc inches oc inches oc A 3/8'STRIJCTI 10d@4 18 8 12 1020 B 3/8"STDRUCTI i@3 14 6 10 1330 C 3/84 STRUCTl 8d@2 13 : 6 . 9 , 1460 D 3/8'sTRucrl 1@2 11 6 8 1740 NOTES: A FIELD NAILING ON TO BE AT 12' oc, MINIMUM B HGA10 INDICATES 'SIMPSON' HGA10 FRAMING TIE C ALL BOLTS, STRAPS AND HOLDOWN ANCHORS SHALL BE SET PRIOR TO POURING OF CONCRETE OR FOUNDATION INSPECTION,: D ALL FRAMING TO BE 3x6 MEMBERS E COMPOSITE PARTICLE BOARD PANELS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED GRADE 2MW F PROVIDE 2071673/16' PLATE WASHERS AT EACH BOLT. EMBED BOLTS A MINIMUM OF 7' INTO CONCRETE G THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF TWO BOLTS PER PLATE WITH ONE BOLT LOCATED NOT MORE THAN 12' OR LESS THAN SEVEN BOLT DIAMETERS FROM THE END. CL E.R.T.0 TRUSS CER11FIED INSPECTION ICBO AA-513 ® IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITh UBC 25-17 PREFABRICATED ,'.-, War-ning, UFTINGTRUSSES N. . (Post at Job Site) -. - AVTLING BEGINNING THE EREC11ON PROCESS OI - U (END WALL BRACING) Failure to follow these instructions may result in - serious injury, loss of life, or property damage.. . MA C EIMRCGI MACGSA MAXIMUM LATERAL BENDING - .' . . AN.*hGGNCG .GVE*GbR EWESRMC C' LU. USSER WHICHABE ERECTED ONE ATIME SHALL BEHELDSAFE POS no WIThTSEERECflONEOUIPMENTUNT1LSUC TIMEASALLNECESSAOVBRAC 0 AS BEEN ST LED. STACKING MATERIAI.S DO tACT PROcEED NTIS S181.CKCGISCLETIISI I.RPTSAIJ. BSRtIAGS SECURElY AIIM P OPERSTIN PLACE NEVER STACK BNATRRIAVSOM ORABEGUATELY RI ORB OS BRACEDTITUSSES NEVER STACK MATEFCAI.S SEAR PEAS = SIRN MAG8.1A RB EM$ VWGA$By NEVER STACK MATERIALS OS C •.. CLTRIII5VEREBYSUSSCV a a C.ASISIRBC' SINK. .E~=CAO E1•IURIS ThIN..NM,N - SIAN ASCQ.M0..EN,. EINKINKI AKIN- SIARIA NIt .INIR R18.A.0 C INACEOUCTESIEB OF BRACING MATERIAL. 00 - =5 CN*SINK 0 RE•IN0 IN. NREma_ 1 RSIRTIRT S0A 11110CC, AlE SISIGUEA GO I.RSOAINE NO CNN 0 Al BNSN SI PM rANK I . ERECTION TOLERANCE -. NISIl=RERlAyMI.TI RYKTMSTRBNIN9RRURMAK0.CI.1TIAPMIoNOyN-y.MA,, -N.P U •. - COLLA BE OF THE STRUCTURE. ACCONINTII OCCUR AT EST IS A SUBSTANTIAL LOSS OF TIME AND lj . -+ - - - — DU DESIGN OR ITTUSSESAS POSSIBLE ARNMANNCIIN.SNM,fl!.UIAGC UNLOADING . A NSIRUR.ARRBCN OYUSOOOSC PP REOCCUR VUROR - S EON-IN C' SANSOeSNKSN PNWUKI5 CN% GAG.. ANEMIC RGA.AAMTGIISIO. CURIAE AVOID LATERAL BENDING . . -- . . I CORRECTION OF ERRORS I - ,.- NNIY.CNCSIGII*ltQ.1A.t " 11110151 bI4 çI1NSCIK)AITMPR.0O CVIII by CCI., GEMAVW NU5AOTNNIIOCSNWIWNAST - -. '-- BRACING REQUIREMENTS FOR 3 PLANES OF ROOF PMG.MACREVSEURC'ACREARBONCCUP' - My SOINSSOII 05015115105,30N SIOUSI OtTO ISOCIliSRI ARTY Sun 11501110CC 0O 110515504 lAsS K - NNMISR ---I . I—__" SORGOGE II El ANCNMCM GE MAC ,M,EIC'SPNR N, 051 fl15A051C UMAR COON-ANISE 5 050, CC(I,CIJCT NOd .11CC ,OIRKAEII, .10001 ToblySIg 0,0 SUN. TINICI.000IIIITI CCCI! 1010aM - . WM*M5AG01KN50 PS.RGCNKNNNNLIAIOACO. - SN-EllA UI. ICOKIl Old 00510000055.1 SCAlE 5033 000IIIOCS,Sl RIIARINGISICISO p4CIfl&100NIIUIY,G. - RENSIINSR0IW3SI,NAC'SSIlil01IN,lNIRM,.OSlE.RNAR5ICSGMSI50VNGC'pC58EMA . - MY 111001 NEINECCI *1001 ITOIlINS O-05000519 018153. NUNS SN 00CC-Rd by TIC 101CC IlIW5IIN0CCIT loll, ft SIGP.NEY33O.C503,GNC,CSSNACAC.55CUNS CAM, R.TCCSSRBUIN MAMS. - IIC'CdEYSSIRSI EsEElISICEd P Cu33C,L5C. S.f.10 NOPISSIC by P0 111153 IIWL0ASCC, IA 50CC.. 113000.1 GISYT ESUTIMIOd. 000 NEVERHANDLETRUSSESFIAT - . - . . 0005 - - - NCAOBIESNPNTREUA. OE -_.~-ZA-INNI- A ERECTION BRACING SI ., TEMPORARY ERECTION BRACING =15-NNIC:== TICS 150K. PAETOCEACC MASINAOC TO 0511 04 000 RBdldAUN - - RI?pl*S,bElSTOlAISlINCClb01GS 110133 NO.151CC SAFELY 111.1.5. SIN CU.CEIOIEC 0111001111!. TyING. IECCIT0IINCAGIi000 IC? 01.01110 URUd , - . - . - . I 5 - URKINNY,CSMO,030C.ASNCMA, IYI300,00IflAI,IIUCTIIIIRCCI30CIIRRCCC0IIRCC0CCI,ACJTOISCUSCAIEEISCOTOIITISSNOCAIIU*II10U0 - - . - , ClybulmIflLCICRI000IC.IUISEIITOUROSJCOIIIUOIORAOCO.b.ERESCnINdEOIYN,00AIANIURISSu33CCM - I - . - SICOIIIIOV buIlding dsACfle?. build.?. CI SCUllER COIIIRCICE. Thu.. In! Wood TISOC CCGIICII RI C.IlI0lIC. - . C' -NAA=• .I:stilIC - NOGUNMOIT CICCCOIC,.0 NICE ISMEUECIAAIYIC' OAIICOOCS 111.510 ClOY? IllS ARC. NCEOCCIAIIC'IEINYUE 001 lICE - PIOCER UP MT TOE TOP 0110505 El . . -- - - A - IECUEITIRflONOOyO And lOICETlaISIn coInINIfl,d SCINIn by building AONIOIIOT 0001 RIRCIIUTIWIIIIICIOI K - - - I,PERMANENT TRUSS BRACING -R jB SITE STORAGE W U.J ' #%. ' T?SPG.YAENRNGBBGMCO.IKIUONOASUGPNIAURKP*AG.GI50 IlK. 100105 511. . - y5GN==NN__0___N_N_. 0TctA3dEOlIRPCRGP.TICSITa(R,ANt.tiAlS10,w.U3CCl5IaAthCCySEEpR1lO3nAl00N=qWR0lCd , ,WNnNONO,501150 PNOTIMACNNOONAKIuSP.El00SSC.ACC3bre000.0Al - RSOTT00000SUSIJNK.NICASGMA000NN005 . SVEMUAR090SSISORICIION..O1 Cl. bIAS.., PEtrol ITASSNU In NO7 *07 IC Identify Cl! IlI000lIbVoE - . SSN0rNalA0wlP5011NC0IKYWAINEt3RC0lGAPOG10lO•CCI*RtO. 03MA5SI0C,Eh50ICU01 OONOTCSC SI000TBLOCASIO - - I0CCSCE&OCIIRICSNEVG,CCIORSR.CUIO. I NSCANSTDRIZENG THE IINIT - -. . - - . - G.AECt*MAA 50100 P0040 BIOSVIOSALT5055ES - I -. . - - -- SPECIAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS BE CUBBIES OPRIORIT 50 NOT STORCE ON USCOECA 0.100,0 - f'J7 11 ILS - - J_J S AK OtgP 155051515. GAIl NO NUK SIN ç. TOYASICRION. 4OdnGbS11RMy.AAINVCIIC., NFYAI 0055,0 P - . 0 SMNGAN.l.NC - NKINIOCdEGUIWOIEIOPIINYKUISUREPOROGSAISUCO,3TSSISNCUIE50SANNEOIOISCSYEIEUCIASIO API 0140000!. BRACING SE010REUENTSUSiNG - ME SAME PBINCIPtESAPPLYSk I - 10.WRET,NNN 0oo15N A OOCRCN MACCCSNMANE.KI:10150000,CACC PEGNOI C.ONCGNE.CORPGG.BE.BICNSS UI 4.05055105 5SMIU•00ING USORACEOIRCSSES 00 GABLE EBBS LYING FLAT Y0ISSREN,EG0.GENlCol __ PVl!A RECCGO0550ASIURAK 11111111111 1111 '. . . I 11111111111111111111111111 IllIllIlIllIll III LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 381- .00 ANSI/TPI SINGLE MEMBER FORCES W4WRGD - LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 T 1- 597 -561 N 1= -400 N 5= 767 SIZE SPECIE GRADE PANEL(S) ' SPACED 240 O.C. ' 'F 2- 827 616 N 2 -1979 N 6= -573 TOP CHORDS: 'F 3- 95 -6 33= 1049 W .3• 553 W'7 '476 2x 6 DE #2 1- 6 LOADING . 'F 4- '-1477 1702 N 4= -311 N 8- -311 BOT'F(34 CHORDS: , LL( 16.0)+DL( 14.0) CM TOP CHORD 30.0 PSF 'F 5- -2149 2213 2x 4 OF #2 1, 2, 4, 5 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 3* ' 'F 6- -2357 ' , TOTAL LOAD - 40.0 PSF -* ' 2x 4 DE #1&B'rR 3 WEBS: ' ' *5 PSF REDUCTION ,TAKEN ON ' ' LEFT = 44 RIGHT = 1058 2x.4 DEN #3 1- 8 ' 'TC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 120C, CON. BOTTOM CHORD, AXIAL STRESS ONLY. -. ' INT. - '1808 8 8'- 6.0 BC CONIC LL4DL°' 250.0 LBS 8 199 - .0 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <-120C, CON. BEARING AREA REQUIRED (SQ.-IN) IN) ..: ' JOINT 1 .07 DEl. .11 HF / .10 SPY , JOINT 7 .1.69 DF / 2.61 HE / .2.49 5FF JOINT 8 '2.89 DF / 4.46 HF / 4.25 SPY ,. NOTE:Truss not 'symmetrical Orientation as shown. 19-00-00 ". , : i.-- ' ' ••19-00700 .', ' • 12 " ' ' ' , -5x6 ' ', '- 12 , ,C " 400L 60° 'Z3400 C-7x9 I(S) 501, Th I 7 co C-3x7 C-25x43 :26( C-25x43 C-2.5x4.3 . . ' J. ,j.:' '* •XP,/31•07j*)J 0-0000 ' . ' 18-00-00 29-06-00 'ZN 8-06-00 ' PROVIDE FULL BEARING. 38-00-00, Scale: 3/16 . ' . ' . This design prepared from computer input by Escondido Truss / Randy 'JOB NAME: BORGINGER WAthtGS: ' ¼ . General Notes. unless othersise noted: ' Design conforms to UBC- 97 AnVer: 1.09 (1L) -w ' ' • FILE NO.: 6 - Ruder! Oan.raJ Nsf.. and Warnings; balD,, conalniciten of biaau. I. Design to support toads as shown. - Builder and aradlon ccntTad should ba adviand 01.11 Gsn.ral Not., and 2. pesign assumes the to and bottom chords to be laterally braced at WarnIngs baler. consiluuloe COaiThSfl*L --be 3 onon4al1Z-Oc.resgctreeIbri ! '3/18/2003 Installed WharfDIM utrad whom shown + + :or I ennW1iI. An . DATE: e. Cp*usuzuuws no fUpeindbUlty to, bfsdng. 6. rail DES. BY: such tgn sssunboadng supports shown. Stdm or wedge if 2. No load should be appll.i to any ._....4 wad aftm all b.sdng and ary. ' fl.yaa,,cofl,pfst., an at no lies shout. any toads o,.atar than dulg,t : placed so Sisir center 5. Coinpubus has no control over and anoani.s no mDonat.11tty for the ' s. Q 13.45017 MA15JFACTUIOfe. , CD,5Wth3Y3TOsi - - f.bdcatlon. o, of componant,. '10.; For basic deslan values of the ConNutrus Plate. Indicated by the prefix T. mts assign to furnished subjscl to ow umnanew on Dii.. designs sat faith C, see 1.CB.O. R.R. 4211. - Th Si. Truss pie. Insiltuts Bncfag Woed Tn,asa.. HiDer., copy of If. e Cpo-puti.jp Nl Secttoq Plate Is Indicated by the prefix CN the . designator (in) indicates logs. nntenal is All M . whleh wiltS. barnishsd byConsiutna, upon rsquaat. tse. others are go. 10-00-00 This design prepared from computer input by Escondido Truss / Rand: unless otherwise noted: Design conforms to.IJBC-97 AnVer: 1.09(1L)-W pporl loads as atloom. ns the top and bottorn thcss to be laterally braced at I at 17 rid n eesulred where shown. + truss is the resgonslbtiity of the respective contractor. mos trusses are to be One non-troryoslve eraironmont. cril = at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If ampuTrus Inc. placed so their center a wfthialnt Cent tines, to size of plato In Indies uMoscr.anan .cannNa .CtaooJT8tJO5T003 theConçuvus Plate. Indicated by the prefix rus Net Section Plate Is Indicated by the prefix CN the 18) IndIcates 18 ga. nuateilal Is used. PJI others are ga LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS 30- 0- 0 MONO NIP SETBACK 8- 0- 0 FROM END WALL ANSIITPI 2 MEMBER FORCES W4WRGD LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 + F 1- -6702 B 1- 6358 N 1- 978 N 5- -2000 SIZE SPECIE GRADE PANEL(S) F 2- -6298 B 2- 8290 N 2- -2144 w 6- 1818 TOP CHORDS: LOADING F 3- -8262 B 3- 7876 N 3" -48 I! 7 -5450 2x 6 DY #2 1-5 F 4= -6182 a 4 4900 N 4. 448 N 8" 7426 BOTTOM CHORDS: TC ONlY LL 32.0).+DL( 28.0)- 60.0 PLY 0' .0" TO 9' .0" TEAT F 5= 0 2x 4 DY #2 1-4 . TCDNIF LL( 80.0)+DL( 70.0)- 150.0 PLY 8' .0" TO 30' .0" VENT WEBS: BC ONlY LL( .0)+DL( 25.0)- 25.0 PLY 0' .0" TO 30' .0" VENT LEFT - 2448 RIGHT 2642 2x4 DFN 03 1-8 TC CONC LL( 298.7)+DL( 261.3)- 560.0 LBS 0 8' .0" TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC, vow. BEARING AREA REQUIRED (S Q. IN BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC ( 2 ) complete trusses required. JOINT 1 3.92 DY / 6.05 HF / 5.76 SPY I I I Join together with 3"x.131 DIA GUN nails staggered at JOINT 10 4.23 DY / 6.52 BF / 6.21 SPF NOTE: I3 BRACING AOCFOR ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED. 120 oc throughout top chords, 12w cc throughout bottom chords, EXP. 1W 8-00-00 12 C-5.50.7 $ C-3x4.3 22-00-00 C-5x5.1(S) 1.50" C-3x9.4 FN C-1.5x3.4 00 C-3x9.4 - C-2.5x6 20-00-00 30-00-00 Scale: 1/P JOB BAKE: BURGINGER - WAI84tNOS: Oei Rand all General Notes and Wlmtngi before conatnndlon olbtrsasa. 1. FILE NO.: 1 Suader add studIer contractor should be advised of all OlnitOl NOW and 2. MmIngs befus Construction coransoces. - 3. laS ounyrsulon nob bracing 000th. lnatallSd whuri tho.n.. 5 ton, ,.$launa d.rnsnta such ast.nWomry and psnnansr* bracing. DATE: 3i1820O3 m00t be designed and proeldsd by designer of comptota structure. Conipubus anomno no responallellibr for such bracing. 6. DES. BY: No load should be applied to any Component UJOJI aft.r all bracing and dsp.r at, cosopIer., and at no tinne, should any loads Greater thin dsaisn loads be applied to any conipOnsnt . 1145012 EQ. °. Con.utna has nocoenulovsrandauutiJssno,eaeorty for the - fobdcallen. handling. ,hlptnsltt and InstallatIon ofeihiuta. ló 7. This ds0tn Is lumtohsd subiSotto the Ufl4t*tton, on bras dastOns ant Io.Th by the Truss Ph.. Inateuts lnBradng Wood TOtal... HMO, a copy 01 11. whIch all] be ?uonloh.d by Coniputnia upon ,squsat 111111111111111 111111111111111111(11111(1111111 11111 liii (ill Fi SpECIFiCAIONS 38- 0- 0 HIP SETBACK 6- 0- 0 FR4 END WALl, ABSI/TPI 3 om4BER FORCES W4WRGD LOAD DURATION INCREASE 1.25 + 1- -7491 B 1- 7107 N 1- 1638 N 5-' -1278 E GRADE PANEL(S) P 2- -6966 B 2- •13620 N 2- -6819 N 6- 1038 P CHORDS: LOADING ' P 3- -14469 B 3- 15681 N 3- 1038 N 7- -6019 #2 1- 6 P 4- -14469 B 4- 13620 N 4-- -1278 W 8- .638 BOTTOM CHORDS: TC UNIF LL( 32.0)+DL( 28.0)- 60.0 PLF 0' .01 TO 6' 0: VERT P 5- -6966 B 5- 7107 2x 6 Db #2 1- 5 'TC.UNXF LL( 64.0)+DL( 56.0)- 120.0 PLF 6' .0' P032' . VERT P 6- -7491 - WEBS: TC UNIF LL( 32.0)+DL( 28.0)- 60.0 PLF 32' .0' TO 38' .0' VERT 2z 4 DEN #3 1- 8 BC UNIF LL( O)+DL( 20.0)- 20.0 PLF 0' 0' TO 38' 0 VENT LEO? - 2601 RIGHT - 2601 PC LATERAL SUPPORT <- I2CC, UON PC CONC LL( 160 0)+DL( 140.0)- 300.0 LBS 8 461 0" BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12'OC, UON. PC CONC LL( 160.0)+DL( 140.0)- 300.0 LBS 8 32' ON BEARING AREA REQUIRED- (SQ. IN) - JOINT 1 4.16 OF / 6.42 HF / 6.12 SPF NOTE: 113-BRACING AT 24' O.C. FOR - r-r,-i complete trusses required. JOINT 7 4.16 DF / 6.42-BF / 6.12 SOF 4 ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED UJJ top A GUN nails staggered at COND. 2 1931.00 LBS DRAG LOAD MYM 12' oc throughout bottom chords, - - .-. 12' oc throughout webs. . * 6-00-00 26700-00 6-00-00 12 C-5x6(S) 4 001 C-5 5x7 C-3x9 4 1 50 C-3x9 4 C-5 5x7 7 12 / 00 JLt - - C-3x6 C-30'.7 C-2 5x4 3 C-5x6(S) C-2 5x4 3 C-307 7 C-3x6 20-00-00 18-00-00 38-00-00 Scale: 3/16' JOB BRiNE: BURGINGER - -- - - This design prepared from computer input by Escondido Truss / Randy WARNINGS: - Genamlhiot.a. unless otherwfsenoted: Design conforms to UBC-97 AnVer: 1.09(1L)-W 1. Raid all General Notan and Wamtng. bats,. construction ottNw$. 1. DesIgn to ejonoll loads an sitmen. - 2. Bulldao and srscdan contractor .flould be adviand Stan Genital Ndtaa and 2. DIgn assunles the top and balloon chords to be laterally braced at FILE NO.: 5 eat. wece - o.c. erat IZ-O stIvely. - - . a. iza conmviun vi, aging nuce . wenanswm viwen 3, lad dglnor I da. AD Lateral force mIsMa I rft such as temporary and perowierd bracing. 1 rculred where shown #+ DATE: 3/18/2 003 - : +can e us a nnten - - Ca,,rpufrua uamwa no renpo ralbllbyfo, such bracing. . 6. Design asstznOsll bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge It C T - • 5. No load ,lsoidd be applied to any coesoonant wdli altar all braclno and aeopsaary. DES. BY: us Inc. and at no tins .i,ouat in laSats' than design k placed so they center - - - - ,alv. , . 51b1UIY for th. - . I. atatsJPCen•eOI,. CoodvJTue5Y3T8at W•• 14 -. fabricatIOn. handling, ahipinint and b,afilintloit OOlepCiIsidL IÔ. For baslcalm valuee of the Coniputtus Plate Indicated by the tieflx - - 7. This jul50 to tu,nl*t,ad aebjul to Us tutajuonu onmti$dsslgna .5* forth • see F.C.S.O. R.R.42 1. - by the True* Pbaa IndlitutS Ie'51aC1t5 Wood Truaasa. ieeei. a copy of It. The Corrputzs Net Secti on Plate Is Ind1ted by 11w prefix CW the wIdth be fondih.d by Canipuifla upon luqassi, designator (Is) Indloates 18 pa. nuterlal is uses. Mothers are 0 pa 111111 Iii 1111 I 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 1111111111111 III LUMBER SPECIFICETIOMS 38- 0- 0 HIP SETBACK 8- 0- 0 FROM END WALL ANSI/F?! 3 MEMBER FORCES WIWEGO WAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 + F 1- 5919 B 1- -5445 w 1= -5640 W 6= -1560 SIZE SPECIE GRADE PANEL(S) . F 2- -4017 B 2- -5445 W-2- 9519 W 7- -113. TOP CHORDS: LOADING P 3= -3867 B 3- 8559 N 3- -18 W 8= 369 2x 6 OF #2 1- 7 T 4= -9369 8 4= 10716 N 4- -5031 N 9= -3177 BOTTOM CHORDS: IC ONlY LL( 32.0)+DL( 28.0)- 60.0 PLY Or .0" TO 8' .0" VERT F 5- -10566 8 5= 10335 W 5= 1278 W10= 1335 2x 4 DY #2 1- 6 PC. CHIP LL( 80.0)+DL( 70.0)." 150.0 PLY 8' .0" TO 30' .0 VERT T 6= -7371 B 6- 7455 WEBS: TC ONlY LL( 32.0)+DL( 28.0)- 60.0 PLF 30' .0" TO 38' .0" PERT T 7= -7857 2z 4 DEN *3 1, 3-10 BC CHIP LL( .0)+DL( 25.0)- 25.0 PLY 0' .0" TO 38' .0" VERT 2x4 DFN #1-2 2 214 TC CONC LL( 298.7)+DL( 261.3)- 560.0 LBS S 8' .0" LEFT -2214 RIGHT 8 PC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC, CON. PC CONC LL( 298.7)+DL( 261.3)- 560.0 LEIS 8 30' .o" INT. 5730 8 2.- 7.0 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"01C, UON. ( 3 ) complete trusses required. BEARING AREA REQUIRED (SQ. IN) NOTE" 1X3 BRACING AT 24" 0 C FOR . Join together with 3"x.131 DIR GUN nails staggered at JOINT 1 3.54 DY / 5.46 HF / 5.21 SPY ALL FLTtT.TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED. P 120 oc throughout top chords, JOINT 8 4.50 DY / 6.95 HF / 6.62 sPF 12 oc throughout bottom chords, JOINT 9 9.17 DY / 14.15 HF / 13.48 SPY 12" cc throughout webs. r 8-00-00 22-00-00 8-00-00 . . 1. 1' 12 - C-5x6 (S) . 12 4.00L C-5. 5x6 p- C-3x6 . 1.50" - C-3x4.3 C-5.5x7.7"zZj4 - / 1C-2.5x6.. . C-2.5x4.3 - C-UM(S) C-3x4.3 C-2.5x7.7 / C-1.5x3.4 . C-2.5x4.3 .jI'iz OfQy, Anchor to resist C-5x11.9 uplift shown. J. 20-00-00 18-00-00 : 2-07-00 35-05-00 . . . .OF PROVIDE FULL BEARING. 38-00-00 . Scale: 3/16" JOB NAME: BURGINGER This design prepared from computer input by Escondido . Truss / Randy WAltNQ5: . OenfNotes, unless otherwise noted: Design conforms to UBC-97 AnVer: 1.09 (1L) -W 1. R.ad all G.n11 NoOs$ and WI,01n5, bela.. coulfuelon altluSeSL I. Design to support toads as shown. - 2. sunder and indian conandor should be adnlaad of an G.nrnsl NOOse and 2. go assumes the top and bottom to be laterally braced at FILE NO.: 3 2. rstn, 5.1 ii rrWrovalonw:lluelan =':;weaIl.dwhe .hnon wf,ere ShownCo + + lition of W. the Mblk aspectivip contractor. DATE: 3/18/2003 am for Ition, of use. Cooputna asa.m.a no ranponaibifltp 101 seth bracing. 6. tgn esai.sCVII bearing at all supports shown. Shim or wedge if 13MpuTpuEj I - 5. No load Should be appliadto any co.nponssd untIl alter elbnclAg and ecgeaary. $ DES. BY Am OW at too should say load. 9=Wf than dillOn bads be applied to arty- smeaL - : ?tb snd placed so their center 5. Ceinpusu. ha. no tral seer and aesema. no reaponthisly forth.'Odcat.In Innoties. . -4 11T NoSSACflRIO .ean4we .JThR SYSMSMS . .. 1145014 on, hoid0fl5 aldpm.nt and ln*thflallon ofcoelpunanla. ID For ew b of the tjj P'te indicated by the prefix 7 Thin dsef., I. iumtd..d .abject to the 5ridta01o0. on (Tu.edadwta aol to,tIt . •C". see LCB.O. RR 4211. . by the Truss Plate Inatlut, ln*Bf*CW4 Wood Tress.., H1BOi, a copy of II. The CoirWutrus Net SectIon Plate Is Indicated by the prefix 'CN whldi will be banIshed byCompsauua upon rs.*ue designator (1W indicates Is ge rTelenal Is uaeo. All others are 111111111111111 I 1111111111 11111 1111111111111111111111111111 LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS TRUSS SPAN 381- .00' ANSI/TPI SINGLE NUMBER FORCES W4WRGD - LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 V 1- 537 5 1- -503 w 1- -395. N 6- 11 SIZE SPECIE GRADE PANEL(S) SPACED 24.0" O.C. V 2- 872 •B 2- -75 11-2- -1563 N 7- -499 TOP CHORDS: . . T 3= -717 B 3= 705 11 3- 965 11 8- 292 2z 6 DF *2 1- 7 - WADING T 4- -1259 B 4= 1655 11 4= -517 W 9= -261 BOTTOM CHORDS: LL( 16.0)+DL( 14.0) ON TOP CHORD - 30.0 PSP V 5- -1309 B 5.. 2018 w 5- 665 I 2z 4 Dl' *2 1- 5 DL ON BOTTOM CHORD - 10.0 P5F V 6- -1915 . WEBS: TOTAL LOAD - 40.0 P' V 7= -2154 2s 4 DIN *3 1- 9 *5 PSF REDUCTION THREE ON , . . BOTTOM CHORD, AXIAL STRESS ONLY.. LEFT - 24 GHT 963 . RI, EC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12'Oc, DON. . . .- . INT. - £01.3 8'- BC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 12"OC, DON. 0 NOTE: 113 BRACING AT 24" O.C. FOR $ . BEARINGAREA REQUIRED. (SQ. IN) ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED. . .. JOINT 1 .04 OF / .06. HP I .06 SPY JOINT 8 1.54 OF / 2.38 HF / 2.27 SPY JOINT 9 2.68 OF / 4.13 HF / 3.94 SPF V V . V COED. 2: 3600.00 LBS DRAG LOAD. V V NOTE:Truss not symmetrical V V •• V Orientation as shown. 16-00-00 V 6-00-00 V 16-00-00 V V S . • V V 12 CN18-9x13.6 :. C-5.5x6 • 12 C-30 . V V V _ CiYA LU No 4 XR 18-00-00 14 .10-00-00 8-06-00 29-06-00 PROVIDE FULL BEARING. 38-OD-00 Scale: 3/16' V V V JOB NAME: BURGINGER V This design prepared from computer input by Escondido TEUSB / Randy WAWC1S: General Notu. unless otherwise noted: Design. conforms to UBC- 97 AnVer: 1.09 (1L) -w - 1. R.adsfl General Motu" Werntngs beta,, coflaludlon of trues... 1. DesIgn to support loads as V Sunder and elation c000itor should be adnued avaIl Oan.rat Notes and 2. gn asauftels the tp and bottom chords to be laterally braced at FILE NO.: 4 WarnIngs star, conualon conunenss.. 0'o.c. and at 1r4 be. resneotluety. adns,, • s4 Irat te.au,çd where thowfl bra ad 1.3 c1...n,.b bracing nab be lnstolt,d stmwn,. gglrtoral Is Me 9p - DATE; 3/18/2003 V V e con"clor. A111 1 'force restallng elenents such an ternporary and Permanent brackeg, : stlusses uh a nwmnL Coniputru, auras.s no enpoaatbltly for such bracing. 8. DesIgn MI beatIng Shim at aft supports dnown. or wedge If rynri Tr 5. Na load should be aesuad to any component urnS star all Salle and ecçssary. • Il I)J 'us - / • DES. BY: • FL vaass.nsr,conipl.ss. andionoton, should any tends gwat,, than design k to b als sJ?0adnd placed so theircenter loads be appoed to any component.-SEQ~. 1145015 5. COraputors has no control oral end aasun,s no rotytortli. g. Na*dACrlt4E;cG V UrnVLHO VER5YS1eVto V tabtIcgt1on handltn, shipment and Installation cdco,eon.rta. • 10. Fo, baste dadice valu of (lie Corrput,us Plate Indicoted by the prefix 7. TIlls dasI5n Is furnIshed an$act to Ills IluWlallona on Vu.. 0.115*5 501 forth C ,see 1.C..O. R. 4211. by Ills Truss FIst. InstItute biaradng Wood lieu... 55184?.. Copy 01 11. The CorvtitrUS Net Seotlon Plate l Indicated by thep •l4 the V designs M( IndIcates 18 Is Ad 0 iulildi *500. furnished by Campulnrs upon ,,opest. (18) ga. nrnto,tal used. others are go. LUMBER SPECIFICATIONS 39- 6- 0 GIRDER TRUSS SUPPORTING 19- 0- 0 AMSI/TPI 3 MEMBER FORCES W4WRGD LOAD DURATION INCREASE - 1.25 + T 1- -1791 B 1- 1689 W 1- -240 W 8= 5241 SIZE SPECIE GRADE PANEL(S) T 2- -1656 B 2- -237 N 2= 2682 N 9= -111 TOP CHORDS: , LOADING V 3= 1161 B 3.. -2274 W 3- -1581 W10. -2874 2x 6 DY 41 1- 9 V 4- 4068 B 4= -3030 N 4= 3057 Nll= 2991 BOTTOM CHORDS: TC UNIF LL( 32.0)+DL( 28.0)- 60.0 PLY 0' .0" TO 39' 6.0" TEAT V 5- 486 B 5- 3054 N 5- -2898 w12= -1695 2x 8 DY #1 1- 8 BC UNIF LL( 134.1)+DL( 171.5)- 305.6 PLY 0' .0" TO 39' 6.0" VERT T 6- -498 B 6= 2337 N 6= -6132 w13- 2568 2x 4 DIN #3 1-14 r141-, ( ) complete trusses required. * V 7. -3348 B 7= 4257 N 7 891 W14 -156 Join together with 3x.131 DIA GUN nails staggered at T 8 6213 B 8 5982 - TC LATERAL SUPPORT <= 1210C DON. l4-1-i 12 oc throughout top chords, V 9= -6348 BC LATERAL SUPPORT <- 12"OC, DON. ' oc throughout bottom chords, . cc throughout webs. LEFT - 1788 RIGHT = 3354 NOTE: 1X3 BRACING AT 24" D.C. FOR stagger splices on adjacent members. • INT. -. 9300 8 161- 6.0" ALL FLAT TOP CHORD AREAS NOT SHEATHED BEARING AREA REQUIRED (SO. IN) JOINT 1 2.86 DY / 4.41 HF I 4.21 SPY JOINT 10 5.37 DY 1- 8.28 HF / 7.89 SPY JOINT 13 14.88 DY / 2297 HF / 11.88. SPY COND. 2: 3700.00 LBS DRAG LOAD. + Laterally brace to roof diaphragm - + 2z4 web brace required. • 18-00-00 3-06-00 . 18-00-00 12 C-12x14 5 C-5 5x9 4 12 4 00 4. 00 C75.5 . X7 7 _5.50.7... C-5.50.7 C-5 5x7 7 C-2 5x6 \\ C-2 5x6 -*// \\ /1: \\!J \\ 7/ \\ // C-5x14'.5 I ,FESS/QA, tAf.I 'tUI.f I..IA.5 %.- X1. IAI.I I.JJLt..2 ••f/ / C-30.7 4"TYP / C-7x9 4(S) I fitu I - •j. IIcc £' .'JSO6 iJ 19-09-00 I 19-09-00 ... oi/ 16-06-00 23-00-00 )' Scale: 3/16" PROVIDE FULL BEARING. 390600 . .\.11 •- JOB NAME: BURGINGER This design prepared from computer input by • WAGS: - General Notes. unless otherwise noted: Design conforms to UBC -97 AnVer: 1 .09 (ii) -w 1 Road SM Genital Ned.. and Wantlngi bdeta ccez*zusi,on ottnme.. 1. Pdslon to support loads as shown. - 2. BallS., and erection contractor should be advised of IS General Ham and 2. pesln assumes the top and bottom shords to be laterally braced at 3, loS cornprovelon web bractno Mustbe I dsliodwhsm .00.,., 3. 2xe ln'pad oridgi or steqal otuon r red where ghovoi + + FILE NO.: 2 beftal m oommsncoa Z.9 o.c. 8qd at 12.0 p.c. respecpwly. - DATE: 3/18/2003 must be designed and proWded by designer of compide structure. na ler"d a I of at all supports shown. Shim or wedge If //\1C13MPJTr-us Inc. r-,,/ COmptallue aawtm.* no responsibility to, such bracIng. 6. )eslgn get. S. No load should be applied to any co,nponinl witS eltirafi bracIng and necessary. DES. BY: I raamomn as. co,nglets and at no un., should lay leads areater than indan 1. anwnes adeQuate drnape s 0prcalded. load. be applIed to any component 8. tea I be located on b trussnclde, and placed so their center SE" 1145013 S. ComputruocossltcIOv.ran oreapateteIyforths g - - MJTERS,STwth ah bduka enng.elenstauation :. .=. 16.b uthe Corrputrus Plate. Indicated by the prefix by the Trues Plate bueilut. lnaradng Wood Tmuee. HlBS1 a copy Of Ii. The Conutrys Net Sectlosl Plate Is Indicated by tite prefix pj* which will be furnished by coniputnsa ..qi..i. designator (Is) indicates 1593. materIal Is useO. Mothers are O Ga. I 1111111 I 111111 -, '... Cam u urm,Inc Manufacturing . Engineering • Computer Systems FRAMING DETAILS WIERE HIP TERMINATION POINT DOES NOT MEET WITH COMMON TRUSS COMMON TRUSS —i I RIDGE OMMONTRUSSI( i SHAPED BLOCK CROSS BLOCK HIP RAFTER AA - #2 - HIP GIRDER TRUSS— - EXTENDED END END JACK BOTTOM . CHORDS - • . SETBACK FROM END L AS SPECIFIED ON ENGINEERING I L EXTENDED COMMON"I TOP tCHORD _ #2 #3 44 TRUSS SETBACK FROM END WALL AS SPECIFIED ON ENGINEERING - - 24 Vertical at - -:-- 1+4•0 o c typical .--i- HIP TRUSS No. 290W See Enginsereing for D tails EXP. 3131103 opc 1x LATERAL BRACING AS SECTION A-A --M . —:1 EXTENDED TOP CHORD SECTION 94 ~HIP RAFTER -_ III"I' III liii /puTrus.1c.. Manufacturing Engineering • Computer Systems GENERAL NOTES. unless otherwise noted: 1 Design to support loads as shown. A) 2x4 Post attached to each truss panel point and over head pUtlin 2 Design assumes the top and bottom chords to be with 2-18d nails. :=braced at 2'-O o.c. and at 12'-( o.c. respedive Y. B) 2x4 No.1 Hem-Fir or No 2 Doug. Fir purlin at 4'0 o.c. 3 impact bridging or lateral bracing, recoin- C) 2x4 No.1 Hem-Fir or No.2 Doug. Fir stiffener attach to post with 3 - 4 mended where shown + +. i InstallatIon of truss is the responsibility of the re- 16d nails. spective contractor. 0) Hip Truss No.1 setback from end wall as noted on truss design 5 Design assumes trusses are to be used in a non - corrosive environment, and are for dry condition E) Extended end jack top chord (typical). 6 Design assumes full bearing at all supports shown F Common truss ' Shim or wedge If necessary. - 7 Design assumes adequate drainage is provided. G) Hip Corner Rafter. ' 8 Plates shall be located on both faces of truss, and - - placed so their center lines coincide with joint H) 1x3 Continuous lateral bracing, center lines. 9 Digits indicate size of plate in inches. J) Extended bottom chord. 10 For basic design values of the CompuTrus Plate, -. indicated by the prefix C. see IC 8.0. R.R. 4211 11 The ConipuTrus Net Section Plate is indicated by .q . the prefix..... the designator (18) indicates 18ga. YJ SectionY - . . Section Setback Hip Truss at 24 o.c. (Typical) IIIIIMIIIIIOI .. puTrus,nc. F g Engineering . Computer Systems END VERTICAL MAY BE OMITTED IF TOP CHORD IS ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED. - C-1x2.6 SEE CHART 20 Or 2x6 C-2.5x2.6 C-i x2 .6 SEE CHART FOR MAX SPANS AND LUMBER GRADES NOTE: CONNECTOR PLATES SIZED FOR HANDLING ONLY AND MAY BE REPLACED WITH EQUAL FASTENER. DEFLECTION CRITERIA (MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE) SLOPE < 4:12 = L/240 LIVE LOAD SLOPE > 4:12 = L1180 LIVE LOAD IF DL >= .511 (ALL SLOPES) = 11180 TOTAL LOAD CEILING JOIST = 11240 LIVE LOAD RAFTER SPAN CHARTS - 1998 LOAD DURATION INCREASE = 1.25 SPACING = 24 O.C. RAFTER SLOPE C4I12 RAFTER SLOPE 4l12 C.JST TCLL (PSF) 20 20 20 16 16 16 '10 TCDL (PSF) 8 15 20 7 14 19 '5 TOTAL(PSF) 28 35 40 23 30 35 15 SIZE GRADE SPECIE - 2x4 SS OF 8-3" 7-6" 7'-2" 9-9" 7'-1 11" 7-6" 101-5" 2x4 #1&BTR OF 8'-l" 7-5" 7-1" 9'-7" 7-9" 7-5" 10-2" 2x4 #1 OF 7-11" 7-3" 6'-1 l" 9'-5" 7-7" 7-3" 10-0" 2x4 #2 OF 7-9" 7-1" 6'-9" 9-1" 7-6" 7-1" 9-10" 2x4 CONST OF 7-2" 6'-5" 6-0" 7'-11" 6'-1 I' 6'-5" 9'.7- 20 STUD OF 6-2" 5-6" 5-2" 6'-10" 60" 5'-6" 8--6- 2X4 STAND OF 5'-4" 4-9" 4'-5" 5'-11" 5-2" 4'-9" T-4- 2X4 SS HF 7'-9" 7'-l" 6-9" 9'-3" 7'-6' 7'-11" 9-10" 2x4 #1&DTR HF 7-7" 6-11" 6'-8" 91-0" 7'-4" V-1 1" 9--7- 2X4 #1 HF 7'-7" 6'-1 1" 6'-8" 9'-0" 7-4" 6'-11" 9'-7- 2X4 #2 HF 7-3" 6-7" 6-4" 8'-7" 7-0" 6'-7" 2x4 CONST HF 7-1" 6-4" 51-11" 7-10" 6'-10" 6-4" 9--2- 20 STUD HF 6-2" 5-6" 5-2" 6'-10" 6-0" 5-6" 8'-6- 2X4 STAND HF 5-4" 4-9" 4'-5" .5'-1 11" 5-2" 4-9" 7'-4" 20 2400F MSR 8-4" 7-6" 7-4" 941" 8-1" 7-8" 10-7" 2x4 2100F MSR 8-1" 1 7-5" 7-1" 91-7" 7-9" 7'-5" 10'-2" 2x4 1950F MSR 7-11" 7-3" 6'-1 l" 9'-5" 7'-7" 7'-3" 10-0" 2x4 1800F MSR 7-9" 7-1" 6-9" 9-3" 7-6" 7'-1" 9'-10" 2x4 1650F MSR 7-7" 6-111" 6'-8" 91-0" 7-4" 6-11" 9--7- 21C4 1450F MSR 7-3" 6-7" 6'-4". 8'-7" 7'-0" 6-7" 9--2- 2x6 SS OF 12-l1" 11'-I0° 11'-4" 15-4" 12'-5" 11-10" 16--4- 2X6 #1&BTR OF 12-9" 11-7" 11'-l" 15-1" 12-3" 11-7" 16-0" 2x6 #1 OF 12'-6" 11'-5" 10'40" 14'-3" 12'-0" 11'-5" 15--9- 2x6 #2 - OF 12'-l" 10'-10" 101-1" 13-4" 1l'-8" 10'-l0" 15-5" 2x6 STUD OF 9-4" 8-4" 7-9" 10-3" 9-0" 8-4" 12'-9" 2x6 SS HF 12-3" 11'-2" 10-8" 14-6" 11 "-91 11'-2 15'-5" 2x6 #1&BTR HF 12'-0" 10-11" 10-5" 14'-2" 11'-6" 10-11" 15-1" 2x6 #1 HF 12-0" 10'-ii" 10'-5" 13'-11" 11-6" 10-11" 15-1" 2x6 #2 HF 11-5" 10-5" 10-0" 13-2" 11-0" 10'-5" 14--5- 2X6 STUD HF 9'4" 84" 7'-9" 10-3" 91-0" 8'-4" 1290 2x6 2400F MSR 13-2" 12'-0" 111-6" 15-8" 12'-8" 12-0" 16'-7" 2x6 2100F MSR 12'-9" 11-7" 11'-i" 151-1" 12-3" 11'-7" 16'-0" 2x6 1950F MSR 12-6" 11-5" 10'-i1" 14'-10" 12'-0" 11'-5" 15-9" 2x6 1800F MSR 12-3" 11-2" - 10'-8" 14'-6" 11-9" 11 *-2' 15-5" 2x6 1650F MSR 12'-0" 101-11" 10'-5" 14'-2" 11-6" 10'-11" 15--l- 2X6 1450F MSR 11'-5" 10'-5" 101-0" 13'-6" 11-0" 10-5" 14'-5" H1I1l 11111 1ff . :. iIIIII 11111 1110 111h111111llhI 1111 III * DETAIL FOR CONVENTIONALLY FRAMED VALLEY FILL Corn j u- us, Iii c. . - VALLEY JACKS - SPACED 24 o.c. CLEAR SPAN NOT TO EXCEED 8-0. FOR SIZE AND GRADE SEE END JACK CHART OR RAFTER SPAN TABLE UNDER APPROPRIATE C.S.I. LOADING. Manufacturing Engineering Computer Systems . - - VALLEY PADS - 1x6 OR 2 - 2x4's. - JACK POSTS - 2x4's TO BE PLACED UNDER VALLEY JACKS AT NO MORE THAN 8-0 o.c. AND NAILED TO JACK PURLINS. . - . JACK PURLINS - 2x4x4'4r SPANNING OVER THREE TRUSSES UNDERNEATH AND PARALLEL TO VALLEY JACKS TO WHICH THE JACK POST SUPPORTS ARE NAILED. RIDGE BOARD - MINIMUM 2x6 NO. 2 HEM-FIR. - - . - RIDGE POST - 2x4's TO BE PLACED UNDER RIDGE BOARD AT NO MORE THAN ' o.c. AND - 5-0 - NAILED TO RIDGE PURLIN. . - RIDGE PURLIN - 2x4 WHOSE LENGTH IS 1/2 THE VALLEY WIDTH AT THE POINT.. - A INDICATED BY A RIDGE POST. . Valley Jacks - .. RIDGE BOARD at 24"oc,. - NAILING PER U.B.C. 1997 TRUSS AT 2 -Ridge END WALL, GABLE R TRUSS GIRDER Jack Post Jack Purfin Ridge Board SECTION A-A Valley Pad - - . - Jack Purlin Note: Attach ridgeljack purlins to posts with 3-16d nails. - . - - . - Ridge Purlin . . . Jack Purlin - IL/ II 1\18 Jack Purlin ii - -II- ADDITIONAL DATA: . . . FACTORS: F CD CM Ct . CL CF CV Cfu Cr LC# Fb'+= 1350 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 2 Fv' = 85 1.00 1.00 1.00 . (CH= 1.000) . 2 Fcp= 625 1.00 1.00 = 1.6 million 1.00 1.00 2 Bending(+): LC# 2 =D+L, M= 7518 lbs-ft Shear : LC# 2 = D+L, V = 1059, V@d = 1044 lbs Deflection: LC# 2 = D+L EI=1115.29e06 lb-in2 Total Deflection = 1.50(Defln dead) + Defln Live. (D=dead L=live S=snow W=wind I=impact C--construction) (All LC's are listed in the Analysis output) DESIGN NOTES: Please verify that the default deflection limits are appropriate for your application. Sawn lumber bending members shall be laterally supported according to the provisions of NDS Clause 4.4.1. 'F '- COMPANY PROJECT WoodWorks® - SOFTWARE lOP W000 OLSCS Mar. 11, 2004 12:22:19 RB-12 Design Check Calculation Sheet LOADS: (Ibs, psf, or pit) Load Type Distribution Magnitude Location [ft] Pattern Start End Start End Load? 1 Dead Point 1076 7.50 No 2 Live Point 616 7.50 No MAXIMUM REACTIONS (Ibs) and BEARING LENGTHS (in): 0' Dead 651 Live 408 Total 1059 '. . 1059 Bearing: Length 1.0 . 1.0 - Timber-soft, D.Fir-L, No. 1, 6x12" Self Weight of 15.02 pIt automatically included in loads; Lateral support: Top= full, Bottom= at supports; Load combinations: lCBO-UBC SECTION vs. DESIGN CODE NDS-1997: (stress=psi, and in) •=1 Criterion Analysis Value Design Value Analysis/Design Shear fv @d 25 Fv 85 . fv/Fv' = 0.29 Bending(+). fb = 744 Fb' = 1350 fb/Fb' = 0.55 Live Defl'n 0.09 = <L/999 0.50 = L/360 0.18 Total Defin 0.29 = L/625 1.00 = L/180 0.29 408 15' 1 651 No. 937 811E SIIEDTLER Engineer's Computation Pad .t TI tIA tt 7-1 I 'ft I lii .' S. 4 __- 'I I ' I NORTH COUNTY COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. March 11, 2003 Project No. CE6426 MSK Development Group 1542 Oak Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Subject: Update Letter, Grading Plan and Foundation Plan Review Proposed Single Family Dwellings Parcels 1, 2 and 3 of Map No. 9040 Oak Avenue and Highland Drive Carlsbad, California (City of Carlsbad- #03-460), Reference: 1.) "Preliminary Soils Investigation" prepared by North County Compaction Engineering, Inc. dated September 13, 2001 Grading Plan prepared byK &S Engineering dated March 5, 2003 Foundation Plan prepared by Nick Seiv n., RCE #33,538 dated February 6, 2003 Gentlemen: Per the city's request, we have reviewed the above referenced project plans and soils reports prepared for the subject project. - -. Our review revealed that the project grading plans and foundation plans were prepared in substantial conformance with the recommendations presented in our Preliminary Soils report (Reference No. 1). Therefore, we recommend plans be submitted to the City of Carlsbad as scheduled. In addition to our plan review, the recommendations presented in our Preliminary -Soils Investigation (Reference No. 1) should be considered valid to date. Therefore we are updating the report herein. P.O. 50X 302002 E5CON0II70, CA 92030 (70) 460-111 FAX (70) 741-58 H •1 •- - NORTH COUNTY COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. September 13, 2001 roi TM. 6426 MSK Development Group 550 Laguna Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: Preliminary Soils Investigation Proposed Four (4) Lot Residential Subdivision Corner of Oak Avenue and Highland Drive Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: In response to your request, we have performed a Preliminary Soils Investigation for the subject project. The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the suitability of the site for the proposed development and make recommendations with regard to site grading and foundation design. Briefly, our investigation revealed favorable soil conditions and in our opinion, the site is suitable for the proposed development, provided recommendations set forth in the attached report are adhered to. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, North County /f 19 COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. 7 G GE 13. rn uJ 9/30/05 Ronald K. Adams DakRRI2Q President Registered Ci figjn9j Geotechnical Engi 3 RKA:paj cc: (4) submitted / P.O. 15OX,302002 E5CON000, CA 92030 (760)480-1116 FAX (760)741-6565 Page 4 —P-urDose-and-ScoDe 1 I 2,) Location and Description of Site ' 1 3.) Field Investigation 1 4) Soil Conditions 2 5.) Laboratory Soil Testing 2 6.) Recommendations and Conclusions i 3 A) Grading 3 B.) Foundations 4 C.) Slopes 5 D) Retaining Walls 5 Estimated Paving Sections 6: Seismic Design Considerations 7 Review of Grading Plan 7 7) Uncertainty and Limitations 7 APPENDIX Appendix A Exploration Legend & Unified Soil Classification Chart Plate No One Test Pit Location Plan Plate No. Two thru Five Exploration Logs Plate No Six Tabulation of Test Results Appendix B Recommended Grading Specifications r NORTH COUNTY 'Is COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. Project No CE-6426 Page 1 1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of the investigation was to determine if the site is suitable for the proposed residential subdivision The scope of the investigation was to Determine the physical properties and engineering characteristics of the surface and subsurface soils. Provide design information with regard to grading, site preparation, and foundation design of the proposed structure(s) 2 LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF SITE The site is located at 1542 Oak Avenue in the City of Carlsbad, California The 195 foot X 245 foot rectangular shaped property is bordered by single family dwellings to the northeast and northwest, Oak Avenue to the southeast and Highland Drive to the southwest. Site topography consists of a predominantly flat lot sloping gently downhill to the west. An off- site cut slope descends from the northeast property line to the backyard areas of the housing tract below. The slope was constructed to maximum heights of 30 feet at inclinations of 2:1 horizontal to vertical units. Portions of the slope have been retained. The slope is planted and provided with an irrigation system. Visual inspection of the slope revealed no apparent signs of surficial or deep seated failure; The southeast quadrant of the site (Parcel No. 4) is presently occupied with two single family, dwellings. The dwellings are heavily landscaped with shrubs, planters, fences, concrete walkways and driveways. Very large pine trees align the southwest and southeast property lines. As a result, a thick mat of pine needles covers Parcel No.'s 2, 3 and a portion of Parcel No. 1. The remaining portion of Parcel No 1 is occupied by an avocado grove 3. FIELD INVESTIGATION The field investigation was performed on August 27, 2001 and included an inspection of the site and the excavation of four exploratory trenches, with a backhoe to depths of 9 feet. Location of test pits are shown on the attached Plate No. One, entitled "Test Pit Location Plan". NORTH COUNTY COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. rroJci. INV. UtLV As excavation proceeded, representative bulk samples were collected. In place natural densities and moisture contents were determined at different depths in the excavations and are included on Plate No.'s Two through Five Subsequent to .obtaining soil samples, our exploratory excavations were backfihled. 4. SOIL CONDITIONS Loose surficial soils (silty-sands) consisting of plowed ground were found to be 2Y2 feet, 3 feet, 11/2 feet and 2 feet in depth in Test Pit No.'s One through Four, respectively. Underlying native soils to depths explored were comprised of medium dense silty-sandstone of the Coastal Terrace Formation On-site soils were found to have an expansion index of less then 20 and are classified as being "very low" in expansion potential. Groundwater was not encountered at the time of our investigation, nor did caving of exploratory trenches occur. In addition, due to the dense nature of the underlying sandstone formation at the site, it is our opinion, soil liquefaction is unlikely to occur in the event grading is performed in accordance with the recommendations set forth in this report. 5 LABORATORY SOIL TESTING All laboratory test were performed on typical soils in accordance with accepted test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Tests conducted include Optimum Moisture & Maximum Density (ASTM D-1557) Direct Shear (Remold) (ASTM D-3080) Q. Sieve Analysis (ASTM D-421) Field Density & Moisture (ASTM D-1556) Expansion Potential (FHA Standard) Test results are tabulated on the attached Plate No.'s Two through Six entitled "Exploration Log" and "Tabulation of Test Results". NORTH COUNTY ENGINEERING, INC. Page 6. RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS General It is our understanding, the proposed dwellings will consist of wood frame construction utilizing slab on grade foundations In our opinion, the site is suitable for the proposed residential subdivision. Recommendations presented in this report should be incorporated into the planning, design and construction phases of the subject project 6A Grading General It is our understanding, cut/fill earthwork construction will be performed to create level building pads to accommodate the proposed single family dwellings All grading should be performed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance and the Recommendations/Specifications presented in this report Subsequent to site demolition, loose surficial soils (plowed ground), as indicated on the attached Plate No's Two through Five, should be undercut or removed to firm native ground and recompacted in accordance with the attached Appendix 'B' entitled "Recommended Grading Specification". Firm native ground may be determined as undisturbed soil having an insitu density of greater than ninety percent (90%) of maximum dry density. We should be contacted to document firm native ground is exposed and properly prepared prior to filling. In addition, subsequent to demolition of existing dwellings, shallow landscape fills/compressible top soils should be removed to firm native ground and recompacted. Prior to constructing fill slopes, shear keys should be excavated a minimum of 2 feet into firm native ground, inclined back into slope, and have a minimum width of 45 feet. We should be contacted to document keyways were properly constructed prior to placing fill. Natural terrain steeper than an inclination of 5:1 (horizontal to vertical units), should be benched (stair-stepped) to provide a stable bedding for subsequent fill. Sizing of benches should be determined by the Soils Engineer or his representative during grading. All fill soils generated from earthwork construction should be placed in conformance with the attached Appendix 'B' entitled, "Recommended Grading Specifications" COUNTY COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. Proj iN Pag4___. If imported soils are required, they should be non-expansive (less than 2% swell) and granular by nature, having strength parameters equal to or greater than the prevailing on-site soils. We should be contacted to inspect an/or test imported soils prior to hauling then on-site to assure they will be suitable for the proposed construction. Particles of asphalt and concrete debris, having a diameter of greater than 6 inches, will not be suitable fill material and should be separated from fines during grading and hauled off-site. If encountered, leach lines and/or pipes should be removed. Concrete pipes may be crushed in place. Trench lines should be recompacted in accordance with Appendix 'B'. It is highly probable the proposed structure will be traversed by a transition from cut to fill. Therefore, to reduce structural damage occurring from foundations bearing on two different soil types, the following measure should be employed: It is recommended the cut side of the transitional areas be removed to a depth of 1 foot below the bottom of the deepest proposed footing and brought back to grade with properly compacted fill. This will allow the proposed structure to bear entirely on a compacted fill mat, thus reducing the probability of differential settlement. The removal area should extend under and a minimum of 5 feet beyond the proposed dwelling. 61B. Foundations General On-site soils are comprised of sandy materials with above average strength parameters possessing very low expansion potential. Therefore, conventional foundations may be utilized, provided the aforementioned Grading Recommendations are adhered to. For One-StOry Construction: Continuous footing having a minimum width of 12 inches and founded a minimum depth of 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade will have an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2000 pounds per square foot. For Two-Story Construction: Continuous footings should have a minimum width of 15 inches and be founded a minimum depth of 18 inches below lowest adjacent grade. Isolated square footings having 'a diameter of 18 inches and founded a minimum depth of 18 inches below lowest adjacent grade will have an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2000 pounds per square foot All continuous footings are to be reinforced with one #4 bar top and bottom. Steel should be positioned 3 inches above bottom of footing and 3 inches below top of footing. Interior slabs should be a minimum of 4 inches thick and reinforced with #3 bars on 18 uich centers, both ways at mid-point of slab thickness. Slab underlayment should consist of 4 inches of washed concrete sand with a visqueen moisture barrier installed at mid-point of sand (2 inches sand, visqueen, 2 inches sand). Sand should be tested in accordance with ASTM D-2419 to insure a minimum sand equivalent of 30 Foundation set-backs from top of slopes should be a minimum of 8 feet. If this cannot b achieved, footings near or on adjacent slopes should be founded at a depth such that the horizontal distance from the bottom outside edge of footing to the face of the slope is a minimum of 8 feet. Prior to pouring of concrete, North County COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC should be contacted to inspect foundation recommendations for compliance to those set forth. 6C Slopes Cut and compacted fill sloies constructed to maximum heights of 15 feet with maximum slope ratios of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical units) will be stable with relation to deep seated failure, provided they are properly maintained. During grading, positive drainage away from top of slopes should be provided. Subsequent to completion of grading, slopes should be planted as soon as possible with light groundcover indigenous to the area Our slope stability analysis was performed utilizing "Taylor's Charts" for cut and compacted fill slopes and a safety factor of 1.5. 6D Retaining Walls For static conditions, the prevailing soils will have an allowable equivalent passive fluid pressure of 336 psf, increasing 336 psf per foot in depth. Allowable pressures assume walls are backflhled with a non-expansive sand a distance behind the wall equivalent to two-thirds the retained height COMPACTIUN ENGINEERING, INC. Allowable active pressures may be assumed to be equivalent to the pressure of a fluid weighing 35 pcf for unrestrained walls. These values assume a vertical, smooth wall, and a level, drained backfill. Should these conditions not be met, we should be contacted for new values. Allowable active pressures for restrained walls may be assumed to be equivalent to the pressure of a fluid we 35 pcf, plus an additional uniform lateral pressure of 8H. H=height of retained soils above top of wall footing in vertical feet. Allowable active pressures for retaining walls with 2:1 inclinations of sloping surcharge may be assumed to be equivalent to a pressure of fluid weighing 50 pcf. The coefficient of friction of concrete to soil may be assumed to be .40 for resistance to horizontal movement. 6E. Estimated Paving Section Structural section for asphaltic paving for the proposed driveways and parking area are based on an estimated R-Value of 30. The following section is provided for bid purposes only. Actual sections should be determined subsequent to completion of grading operations. Assumed Traffic Index =4 5 (Light Vehicular Parking) 3 inches of asphaltic paving on 4 inches of select base coarse on 6 inches of recompacted native subgrade. All materials and construction for asphaltic paving and base should conform to the Standard Specifications of the State of California Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Transportation, Sections 39 and 26, respectively. Class II base material should have a minimum R-Value of 78 and a sand equivalent of 30. All materials should be compacted to a minimum of ninety-five percent (95%) Rigid Concrete Paving 5 inches of concrete reinforced with #3 bars on 18 inch center, both ways, on 6 inches of recompacted native subgrade soils. - NORTH COUNTY S 3I COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. rruJcc. INV. .i-utu S Page S All concrete should have a minimum compressive strength of 3250 psi. All subgrade soils should be compacted to a minimum of ninety-five percent (95%). 5 6F. Seismic Design Considerations (Soil Parameters) " S Soil Profile = SD (Table 16-J of the 1997 Uniform Building Code) Type 'B' Fault (Rose Canyon) C.) Distance =7 kiri (California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology [maps], in conjunction with Tables 16-S and 16-T of the 1997 Uniform Building Code) 6G Review of Grading Plan Approved site and grading plans were not available at the time Of our investigation. Therefore, upon their completion, we should review them to assure compliance with the recommendations presented in this report. 7 UNCERTAINTY AND LIMITATIONS Surface and subsurface soils are assumed to be uniform. Therefore, should soils encountered during construction differ from those presented in this report, we should be contacted to provide their engineering properties. 5, - It is the responsibility of the owner and contractor to carry out recommendations set forth in this report During our investigation of the subject site, evidence of faulting was riot encountered. Subsequent to review of available geologic literature, we feel any faulting in the vicinity of the site may be classified as inactive. However, it should be noted that San Diego County is located in' a high seismic area with regard to earthquake. Earthquake proof projects are economically unfeasible. Therefore, damage as a result of earthquake is probable and we assume no liability. We assume the on-site safety of our personnel only. We cannot assume liability of personnel other than Our own. It is the responsibility of the owner and contractor to insure construction operations are conducted in a safe manner and in conformance with regulations governed by CAL-OSHA and/or local agencies S. NORTH COUNTY COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. NORTH COUNTY COMPACTION . ENGINEERING, INC. EXPLORATION LEGEND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART SOIL DESCRIPTION GROUP SYMBOL TYPICAL NAMES I COARSE GRAINED More than half of material is 1UM than - No 200 sieve size GRAVELS CLEAN GRAVELS GW Well graded gravels, gravel-sand More than half of coarse fraction mixtures little or no fines is larger than No. 4 sieve size, but smaller than 3". GP Poorly graded gravels, gravel sand - mixtures, little or no fines. GRAVELS WITH FINES GM Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel- (Appreciable amount of fines) sand-silt mixtures GC Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel-sand, clay mixtures. SANDS CLEAN SANDS ' SW. Well graded sand, gravely sands, More than half of coarse fraction . little or no fines. is smaller than No 4 sieve size. . SP Poorly graded sands, gravely sands, little or no fines SANDS WITH FINES SM Silty sands, poorly graded sand and (appreciable amount of fines) silt mixtures Sc Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures II. FINE GRAINED: More than half of material is smaller than No.200 ., . . .. sieve size. SILTS AND CLAYS ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey- silt-sand mixtures with slight - . '- . plasticity. Liquid Limit CL Inorganic clays of low to medium . leis than 50 plasticity, gravely clays, lean clays. OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity. SILTS AND CLAYS • MJI Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous find sandy or silty soils elastic silts Liquid Limit . CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, greater than 50 - fat clays. OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Peat and other highly organic soils US - Undisturbed driven ring sample or tube sample CK - Undisturbed chunk sample BG - Bulk sample V -,Water level at time of excavation or as indicated APPENDIX 'A' NORTH COUNTY COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. SOIL TESTING & INSPECTION SERVICES I ^^A lrl^kl DI A II ...- PROPOSED FOUR LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION OAK AVENUE and HIGHLAND DRIVE - CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA .00/ 0 / APPROX. SCALE 501 'ROJECT NO. CE-6426 PLATE NO. ONE Depth (Feet) Sample Type Dry Density (pci) Moisture Content (%) Passing #200 Sieve Sample Depth Soil Classi- fication Description & Remarks - SM Brown, Dry, Loose, Silty-Sand 1- (Plowed Ground) (Remove and Recompact) 2- Yellow Brown, Dry Medium Dense, 3- CK 112.1 3.7 3' Silty-Sandstone (Firm Native) 4- 5- 6- 7- ---------- - - Bottom of Test Pit --------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NO CE-6426 PLATE NO TWO Depth (Feet) Sample Type Dry Density (pcf) Moisture Content (%) Passing p200 Sieve Sample Depth Soil Classi fication Description & Remarks - SM Brown, Dry, Loose, Silty-Sand 1- BG 194 it (Plowed Ground) (Remove and Recompact) 2- 3- -----. ---------------------- SM Yellow Red, Humid, Medium Dense Silty-Sandstone 4- (Firm Native) CK 1107 50 5' * (Increase Density with Depth) 7 - -- - 8- S -------- - Bottom of Test Pit PROJECT NO CE-6426 PLATE NO__TUREE NORTH COUNTY ' COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. EXPLORATION LOG PROJECT NAME: HIGHLAND DR. & OAK AVE. DATE LOGGED: 08/27/01 ELEVATION: EXISTINGGRADE TEST PIT NO. THREE Depth (Feet) Sample Type ______ Dry Density (pcf) Moisture Content (%) Passing #200 Sieve Sample Depth Soil Classi- fication Description & Remarks SM Brown, Dry, Loose, Silty-Sand (Plowed Ground) (Remove and Recompact) SM Orange Brown, Humid, Dense, Silty-Sandstone BK 120.3 4.7 3 (Firm Native) CK 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- PROJECT NO. CE-6426 PLATE NO. _FOUR EXPLORATION LOG PROJECT NAME HIGHLAND DR & OAK AVE DATE LOGGED 08/27/01 .- ELEVATION: EXISTING GRADE TEST PIT NO. _FOUR Depth Sample Dry Moisture Passing Sample Soil Description & Remarks (Feet) .Iype_ Density. Content #200 Jçpth Classi (pci) (%) Sieve fication SM Brown Dry, Loose, Silty-Sand (Plowed Ground) 1- (Remove and Recompact) 2- --------- - SM Orange Brown, Dry, Medium Dense, Silty-Sandstone 3- -' (Firm Native) 4- (Slightly Cemented) 5- (Becomes Yellow-Red at 6 Feet) - 8- .-- - ---- - ------------------ ------------- ------- Bottom of Test Pit 9- --------------- ------- -------- NORTH COUNTY .. COMPACTION . . . ENGINEERING, INC. V TABULATION OF TEST RESULTS V OPTIMUM MOISTURE/MAXIMUM DENSITY V SOIL DESCRIPTION TYPE MAX DRY DENSITY OPT; MOISTURE V (LB. CU. FT (% DRY WT)., V BrGwn.Silty-Sand_V ._P2@J..L- 'Wi V 115 V V. V Orange Brown Silty-Sand P3 @ 3' 1320 .' ,. 09.6 V V V V V V EXPANSION POTENTIAL SAMPLE NO. V P2 @ 1' )3 () 3 V. V • V CONDITION V Remold 90%.. Remold 90% . V V INITIAL MOISTURE (%) 10.6 '9.2 AIR DRY MOISTURE (%) V V V 2.61 37 FINAL MOISTURE (%) V V •• V 16.3 14.0. . V DRY DENSITY (PCF). 107.6 ., 118.8 V V LOAD,(PSF) V V 150 150.. V V SWELL (%) . . . 1.6 V V ' 1.2 • • * EXPANSION INDEX. • .• 16 V' V 12 .. V V V V . . V • 4V V DIRECT SHEAR . V V V • SAMPLE NO. . P2 Q It 3 3'- CONDITION . Remold 90% Remold 90% ANGLE INTERNAL FRICTION . 31 . 32 V V V. COHESION INTERCEPT (PCF) ,160 V 130 V . PROJECT NO. CE-6426 V . . PLATE NO. SIX V V V ---NORTh-COUNTY - S COMPACTION .' ENGINEERING, INC. RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS (General Provisions) 1 INTENT The intent of these specifications is to ro'ide procedures in accordance with current standard practices regarding clearing, compacting natural ground, preparing areas to receive fill, and Iacin.g-and-coni.pactigf_fi1LsoiltotheJinesgrades,an&siopesdeJixieated on the project plans. Recommendations set forth in the attached "Preliminary Soils Investigation" report or special provisions are a part of the "Recommended Grading Specifications" and shall supercede the provisions contained hereinafter in case of conflict 2 INSPECTION & TESTING A qualified Soils Engineer shall be employed to inspect and test the earthwork in accordance with these specification and the accepted plans.,It will be necessary that the Soils Engineer or his representative be allowed to provide adequate inspection. so that he may certify that the work was or was not accomplished as specified or indicated. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to assist the Soils Engineer and to keep him appraised of work schedules, changes, new information and dates, and new unforeseen soils conditions so that he may make these certifications If substandard conditions (questionable soils, adverse weather, poor moisture control, inadequate compaction, etc.) Are encountered, the Soils Engineer will be empowered to either stop construction until conditions are remedied or recommend rejection of the work. Soil tests used to determine the degree of compaction will be performed in accordance with the following American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) test methods *Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Content (ASTM D-1557-78) * Density of Soil In-Place (ASTM D- 1556 or ASTM D-2922 & 3017) 3 MATERIALS Those soils used as fill will have a minimum of forty percent (40%) passing a #4 sieve They will be free of vegetable matter or other deleterious substances and contain no rock over 6 inches in size Should unsuitable material be encountered, the Soils Engineer will be contacted to provide recommendations 4 S - . - -r - - - - t - APPENDIX 'B' •' • p. ', NOR-T-H COUNTY COMPACTION ENGINEERING, INC. 4.' PLACING AND SPREADING OF FILL The selected fill matenal shall be placed in layers which when compacted will not exceed 6 .'inchesin,thickness. , Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thorpughly blade mixed duiing the spreading to insure uniformity of material in each layer. . When moisture content of the fill matérial is below that recommended by the Soils Engineer, water shall then be added until the moisture content is as specified to assure thorough bonding during the compacting process. .. ,, ' - • . When the moisture content of the fill materials i above that recommended by the Soils Engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. . . . 5. COMPACTION After each layer has been placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughl' compacted to -not less than ninety percent (90%) relative compaction. Compaction shall be by sheepsfoot rollers multiple-wheel pneumatic, tired rollers or. other types of rollers. Rolling shall be accomplished 'while the,fill material is at the specified moisture content. Rolling each layer shall be continuous over it's entire area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained. .' The fill operation shall be continued in 6 inch compacted layers, or as specified above, until the 'fill has been brought to the finished slopes and wades shown on the project plans. 6 WALL BACKFILL' '• .•- • Backfill soils should consist of non-expaiisive sand, Compaction should be achieved with light hand-held pneumatic tampers to avoid over compaction and hence cause structural damage. Wall backfill should be compacted to a minimum of ninety percent (90%) of maximum density 7. -• TRENCH BACKFILL •. .'' ., .• All trench backfill located within structural areas should be compacted to minimum of ninety percent (90%) of maximum density. : . . • APPENDIX 'B' \ / CB030460 1550 OAK AV CBAD - MSK HOMES-4867 SF761 SF CAR, 2 0ECK5440 SF RESDNTL SFD -- ----- -- Lot#: MSKMANAGEMhNIlN -.-- - r- 1- )/bt, 7Ut44 PhiJ Ce- 4 /Ø24 ,1f/V 77 ' £I/V /7 ) nLL/i) a r 'Zw— PLANNING ENGINEERING FIRE APPR/FORM HEALTH DEPT OTHER SEWER DISTR An BLDG GRADING LETTER FROM __ / /: • APPLICANT APPLICANT --.PLAN CORR /AA • I ENGCORR SCHOOLFORM -3 I - • I • - I - CFD FORM I - rc-crOMCTF S 0 - S T5c5 • - : - • - • 00 Tj 0. oO&TL2s VC ••, • -• 5 /Po • S S S 6(A o