HomeMy WebLinkAbout1561 JEANNE PL; ; CB994012; PermitJ15f r-+-City of Carlsbad 10/26/1999 ~ Plumbing Permit Permit No:CB994012 Building Inspection Request Line (760) 438-3101 Job Address: Permit Type: Parcel No: Reference #: Project Title: Applicant: A&J FOSTER, INC. STE B 1561 JEANNE PL CBAD PLUM 2071303900 Lot#: 0 Construction Type: NEW REPLACE WATER HEATER 13706 HWY 8 BUS EL CAJON CA 92021 619-390-4477 Status: Applied: Entered By: Plan Approved: Issued: Inspect Area: ISSUED 10/26/1999 RMA 10/26/1999 10/26/1999 Total Fees: $0.00 *; ,. ' . :•rice Due: $27.00 Plumbing Issue Fee Fixture or Trap Building Sewer Roof Drain Install/Repair Water Line Water Heater and/or Vent Gas Piping System Vacuum Breaker Other Plumbing Fees Master Drainage Fee Sewer Fee TOTAL PERMIT FEES Inspector: .. ~ .. ~ " ~ATE li-:3:S-00 SIGM11IIE...i.c .. >-~0;;:;; .. __ _ FINAL APPROVAL Date: Clearance: NOTICE: Please take NOTICE that approval of your project includes the "Imposition" of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions hereafter collectively referred to as "fees/exactions." You have 90 days from the date this permit was issued to protest imposition of these fees/exactions. If you protest them, you must follow the protest procedures set forth in Government Code Section 66020(a), and file the protest and any other required information with the City Manager for processing in accordance with Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.32.030. Failure to timely follow that procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul their imposition. You are hereby FURTHER NOTIFIED that your r~ht to protest the specttied fees/exactions DOES NOT APPLY to water and sewer connection fees and capactiy changes, nor planning, zoning, grading or other similar application processing or service fees in connection with this project NOR DOES IT APPLY to any fees/exactions of which vou have oreviouslv been aiven a NOTICE similar to this or as to which the statute of limitations has oreviouslv otherwise exoired. CITY OF CARLSBAD 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92009 (760) 438-1161 r-' PERMIT AP~LI • ~•Tl.(/ '\;R ~ 1N FOR OFFICE USE ONLY f CITY OF CARLS f o BU!UDfN5 AfmRTMENT PLAN CHECK NO. qq l/0! J_ EST. VAL. _________ _ I 2075 Las Palmas Dr., Carlsbad CA 92009 Plan Ck. Deposit ------.l't7t----- Validated B~'?PIO! Ii /Ca;[_ Date ~r-f 4 (619} 438-1161 Addreu Clnclude Bldg/Suite II Bualnea, Neme lat ~ addt..,I Legal DuetlptJon uit No. Subdlvlalon Name/Number SFR · Unit No. Phu, No . Total I ol unil1 Aue11or'1 Parcel I Exlatlng U1■ Propo11d Un D11criptlon or Work sa. FT. lof StOIIH I of Bedrooms I of Bathrooms WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT- ~~rr:~-r:~o.N:11fill.1fi(iii~U~~f~li Name AddrHa City State/ZJp Telephone , Fu , ~=cjtj~~~~~~~~tt!Mfi~T-~"~li'§~·391f;'.:4J,i77 Name Addt1u City Stata/ZJp T elephont , ~i~mP.'f.ffi~~~"™"M1flr'NiW.S~~~~~1~~-- Wetze1, 0. 1 561 J e anne P · Name Addf1u City Stat1/Zlp T el1phone I 1 , • tl.-" • .'l•l,,• \•"1~J'l,1':'\~~ I ('..'•'•,'!~, I '• ,,_.._-,,,~11.,.,\ ,' ••,,: l1f '•' f• .:,,. 14 :••t',\ ... 1t\l••~•' ••··••• .. ~ ••,~.,rt,Jf (Sec. 703\.5 Bu1ln111 end Prof11alona Code: Any City or County which 11qulr11 a pwmlt to conatruct. alter, Improve, demolish or reptlr eny atructure, prior to Its Issuance, elao requires the 1ppllc1nt for such p11mlt to 1111 • algnad at1t1m1nt that hi II Uc:an11d purauant to the provlaions of the Contractor'• Ucenn Law (Chapter 9, commending with Section 7000 of Dlvlalon 3 of the Busln111 1nd Prof111k>na Cod•I or that ht 11 ,x,mpt therefrom, and the basis for the alleged u,mptlon. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by •'!Y •l!Plicant!.o!. t p,1.rnili.AJJIIJ1ct1 the 1ppllc:Jnt tcu.c:bl8"n1lty of ~more~{')~ h~"el!~ ~~9~U4'PJT7 A & J FOSTER PLUMBING J..3 /0b-B HWY ts BU::5. . t;L lA.J1 • Nam, Addr111 City State/Zip 120035-Jephono I Sute Ucena, I _6_3_0_l_2_0 __ '----C-36 UctnH !;1111 ________ _ City Bualnau UcenH I ______ _ Duigner N1m1 St•t• Ucena, I __ N_/_A _____ _ Addreu City State/Zlp Telephone ;8~·ii",W.0.AKERS~~coMPEN84.'tldk.:aiN~~ {f&lll[~~D~miilUQf.lffr:!~W~i ii~'Ylt--; ·~:~/jf:l~,• -~: , . Wo,kera' Compenutlon Declaration: I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following .d1daratlon1: O t have ,nd wlll maintain• c1rtllicata of consent to eelf-lnaura IOI woikara' companaatlon II provided by Section 3700 of th• Labor Code, to, tha per(o,manca of th• work for which 1h11 permit la l11ued, XO I hava and wlU melntaln woikera' comp,nsatlon, 11 raqulrad by Section 3700 of'tha Labor Code, for tha performance of tha work tor which this permit Is l11ued. My workar'a compensation lnsuranc:, c111ler end pollcv mimtier 111: N2007-56-51 CONI'I NUOUS 1Nur1nc:1 Company F~ INSURANCE · Policy No.____________ E.xplratlon Date ______ _ mus SECTION NEED NOT IE COMPLETED IF THE PERMIT IS FOR ONE HUNDRED 0OUAAS 1noo1 OR LUSI 0 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION: I certify that In th• performanca of the work for which 1h11 permit la l11utd, I ahall not employ any parson In ony manner so u to become sub(ect to th• Workera' Comp1n11tlon Lawa of California. · • la unlawful, end 1hall 1ubJ1ct an employar to criminal panalllu and clvll llnu ur, to one hundrad :l.::!'.~~~-;:amag1111 provided for In Section 3708 of the Lab(¥ codt, lnterut and attornay'a ho. DAT I heraby alllrm that I am 1xampt lrom the Contr 0 I, 11 ownar of tha proper1y or my employHa wllh w1g11 11 their 101• compen11tlon, will do the work end the structure Is not inlonded o, offered for 1111 (Sec. 7044, Bu1inu1 and ProfHaiona Code: The Contractor', Ucenaa Law doaa not 1pply to an owner of property who builds or Improves thereon, and who dou such work hlmsetl or through his own employaH, provided that euc:h lmprovamenta are not lntanded or offered fo, ul1. II, however, the building or improvement 11 sold within on• vnr of completion, the owner•bullder will hive the bu,den of proving that he did not build or Improve for th• purpo11 of n lel. 0 I, 11 owner of the proparty, •m axclualv1tv contracting with Uc1naad contrectore to conatruct'th• proJact (Sec, 7044, Bu1ln1u and Prof anion, Codi: Tht Contractor'• Ucen11 Law do11 not epply to ■n owner of propany who bulldt or lmprov11 thereon, and contracts for auch pro(1c11 with contr■ctor(1l llc,nsed pur1u1nt to the Contractoi'a Uc•na• Law). · 0 I am exempt under Section ______ Bu1ln111 and Prof111lon1 Codt for thla ruaon: 1. t peraonally plan to provide th• major labor and matartala for construction of tha propond property Improvement. D YES ONO 2. I (hive / have notl algned an application for a bulldlng permit for the propoHd work: 3. I h1v1 contracted with the followlng person (flrml l!) provide the propo11d conatructlon Uncluda name / add1111 / phone number I con111cto11 llcenn number): 4. f plan to provide ponlona of the work, but I hava hired th• following paraon to coordinate, 1up11vl11 end provide th• major work !include n,me / address / phone number/ contractore licanae number): ____________________________________________ _ 5. I wllt provide aome of th• work, but I have contracted lhiradl th• following peraons to provide the work (ndlcat1d (include name / address / phone number / tvPt of workl: ______________________________________________________ _ PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ______________ ,--_________ DATE _________ _ ~CO~li!S1'$ECT.IONHJ1'.lloll-&'~..E11~'1b~,w.t.,i.urtl'N~WQ;WM:&R'iiAAPM ~i~:;.f,J;ljJ.~:;~iUl~~~1:,~tt,:.1 la the 1ppllc1nt or future building occupant raqul11d to ,ubmlt • bualneu pl1n, 1cut1ly ha11rdou1 matarlala raglstratlon form or rl1k management and prevention p,ogram under Sectlona 26605, 25633 OI 25534 of the P11al1y•T1Mar Huardoua Subatence Account Act7 0 YES O NO Is the applicant or futura building occupant 11qul11d to obtain a permit from the air pollution control dlatrlct or air quality management district I O YES O NO Is the faclUtv to bt conatNtted within 1,000 fut of the outer boundary of I achool 1ltel O YES O NO IF ~y 01' THE ~SWERS AR£ YES, A FINAL CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MAY NOT IE ISSUED UNLESS THE APPLICANT HAS MET OR IS MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICU ANO THE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DlaTRICT. a.:A1 CO,NSTRUCTION LENDING 1AGENC'(,'.l,)~.,'lf16'llRM~~~~ifi'irF,£'-.'ti11i;;v~1.~·::•:; . . J ' • I hereby elfirm that th••• 11 • con1tructlon landing agency, for th• performance of the work for which thla permit la luu,d (Sec. 309711) Civil Code>. LENDER'S NAME______________ LENDER'S ADDRESS _______________________ _ :9:, '. .Al'l'\.ICAN,:;camFICA.TI6ti,.'l.i--J·~~Iwf.~~~-~-~.r...Nlif?~~·~ifiiflJ:ffll~1,i/i:;\.n;<t,.;"\.; ::;,, ~. I certify that I hava rnd Iha appllc:atlon and 11111 thll the 1bov1 lnlormatlon la correct end that tha Information on th• plans Is accurate. I 1g11e to comply w,th all Citv ordinanc11 and Stat• law1 relating to building conatruction. I haraby authorlu 1apr11entatlvea ol th• City of Carl1b1d to enter upon the ebove mentioned property for inspection purpo111. I ALSO AGREE TO SAVE, INDEMNIFY AND KEEP .HARMLESS THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AG/\INST ALL LIABILITIES. JUDGMENTS, COSTS ANO EXPENSES WHICH MAY IN ANY WAY ACCRUE AGAINST SAID CITY IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE GRANTING OF THIS PERMIT· OSHA: An OSHA permlt la raqulrad IOI 1xc1v1tlona ovar 5'0" dup and d1molltlon or conatructlon of atruCIWH over 3 atorln In height. EXPIRATION: Every permit l11ued by th• Bulfdlng 0lflclal under the provl■lons of thla Cod• shall e11pl11 by limitation and become null and void if _o,_e budding o• work authoriud by aucll parmlt I, not comm1ncad within 386 daya from th• date ol 1uch permit or II the building or work authorlu d by such pormrt 1s suspended or abandoned at ,ny time after th• work,. comm,nc,d tor I erlod O ·' d•;-(Section \08.4.4 Uniform Bulldin;,.~oEdeb er 2 6 199!1' APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE _7 L:;;n~~~~~--11~F,n:,,6,,='""'-------- PINK: Finance